2007-12-17 17:58:19 +00:00

517 lines
17 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet -
* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
* choice:
* - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
* - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
* - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
* Chinese Simplified language file.
var FCKLang =
// Language direction : "ltr" (left to right) or "rtl" (right to left).
Dir : "ltr",
ToolbarCollapse : "折叠工具栏",
ToolbarExpand : "展开工具栏",
// Toolbar Items and Context Menu
Save : "保存",
NewPage : "新建",
Preview : "预览",
Cut : "剪切",
Copy : "复制",
Paste : "粘贴",
PasteText : "粘贴为无格式文本",
PasteWord : "从 MS Word 粘贴",
Print : "打印",
SelectAll : "全选",
RemoveFormat : "清除格式",
InsertLinkLbl : "超链接",
InsertLink : "插入/编辑超链接",
RemoveLink : "取消超链接",
Anchor : "插入/编辑锚点链接",
AnchorDelete : "清除锚点链接",
InsertImageLbl : "图象",
InsertImage : "插入/编辑图象",
InsertFlashLbl : "Flash",
InsertFlash : "插入/编辑 Flash",
InsertTableLbl : "表格",
InsertTable : "插入/编辑表格",
InsertLineLbl : "水平线",
InsertLine : "插入水平线",
InsertSpecialCharLbl: "特殊符号",
InsertSpecialChar : "插入特殊符号",
InsertSmileyLbl : "表情符",
InsertSmiley : "插入表情图标",
About : "关于 FCKeditor",
Bold : "加粗",
Italic : "倾斜",
Underline : "下划线",
StrikeThrough : "删除线",
Subscript : "下标",
Superscript : "上标",
LeftJustify : "左对齐",
CenterJustify : "居中对齐",
RightJustify : "右对齐",
BlockJustify : "两端对齐",
DecreaseIndent : "减少缩进量",
IncreaseIndent : "增加缩进量",
Blockquote : "引用文字",
Undo : "撤消",
Redo : "重做",
NumberedListLbl : "编号列表",
NumberedList : "插入/删除编号列表",
BulletedListLbl : "项目列表",
BulletedList : "插入/删除项目列表",
ShowTableBorders : "显示表格边框",
ShowDetails : "显示详细资料",
Style : "样式",
FontFormat : "格式",
Font : "字体",
FontSize : "大小",
TextColor : "文本颜色",
BGColor : "背景颜色",
Source : "源代码",
Find : "查找",
Replace : "替换",
SpellCheck : "拼写检查",
UniversalKeyboard : "软键盘",
PageBreakLbl : "分页符",
PageBreak : "插入分页符",
Form : "表单",
Checkbox : "复选框",
RadioButton : "单选按钮",
TextField : "单行文本",
Textarea : "多行文本",
HiddenField : "隐藏域",
Button : "按钮",
SelectionField : "列表/菜单",
ImageButton : "图像域",
FitWindow : "全屏编辑",
ShowBlocks : "显示区块",
// Context Menu
EditLink : "编辑超链接",
CellCM : "单元格",
RowCM : "行",
ColumnCM : "列",
InsertRowAfter : "下插入行",
InsertRowBefore : "上插入行",
DeleteRows : "删除行",
InsertColumnAfter : "右插入列",
InsertColumnBefore : "左插入列",
DeleteColumns : "删除列",
InsertCellAfter : "右插入单元格",
InsertCellBefore : "左插入单元格",
DeleteCells : "删除单元格",
MergeCells : "合并单元格",
MergeRight : "右合并单元格",
MergeDown : "下合并单元格",
HorizontalSplitCell : "橫拆分单元格",
VerticalSplitCell : "縱拆分单元格",
TableDelete : "删除表格",
CellProperties : "单元格属性",
TableProperties : "表格属性",
ImageProperties : "图象属性",
FlashProperties : "Flash 属性",
AnchorProp : "锚点链接属性",
ButtonProp : "按钮属性",
CheckboxProp : "复选框属性",
HiddenFieldProp : "隐藏域属性",
RadioButtonProp : "单选按钮属性",
ImageButtonProp : "图像域属性",
TextFieldProp : "单行文本属性",
SelectionFieldProp : "菜单/列表属性",
TextareaProp : "多行文本属性",
FormProp : "表单属性",
FontFormats : "普通;已编排格式;地址;标题 1;标题 2;标题 3;标题 4;标题 5;标题 6;段落(DIV)",
// Alerts and Messages
ProcessingXHTML : "正在处理 XHTML请稍等...",
Done : "完成",
PasteWordConfirm : "您要粘贴的内容好像是来自 MS Word是否要清除 MS Word 格式后再粘贴?",
NotCompatiblePaste : "该命令需要 Internet Explorer 5.5 或更高版本的支持,是否按常规粘贴进行?",
UnknownToolbarItem : "未知工具栏项目 \"%1\"",
UnknownCommand : "未知命令名称 \"%1\"",
NotImplemented : "命令无法执行",
UnknownToolbarSet : "工具栏设置 \"%1\" 不存在",
NoActiveX : "浏览器安全设置限制了本编辑器的某些功能。您必须启用安全设置中的“运行 ActiveX 控件和插件”,否则将出现某些错误并缺少功能。",
BrowseServerBlocked : "无法打开资源浏览器,请确认是否启用了禁止弹出窗口。",
DialogBlocked : "无法打开对话框窗口请确认是否启用了禁止弹出窗口或网页对话框IE。",
// Dialogs
DlgBtnOK : "确定",
DlgBtnCancel : "取消",
DlgBtnClose : "关闭",
DlgBtnBrowseServer : "浏览服务器",
DlgAdvancedTag : "高级",
DlgOpOther : "<其它>",
DlgInfoTab : "信息",
DlgAlertUrl : "请插入 URL",
// General Dialogs Labels
DlgGenNotSet : "<没有设置>",
DlgGenId : "ID",
DlgGenLangDir : "语言方向",
DlgGenLangDirLtr : "从左到右 (LTR)",
DlgGenLangDirRtl : "从右到左 (RTL)",
DlgGenLangCode : "语言代码",
DlgGenAccessKey : "访问键",
DlgGenName : "名称",
DlgGenTabIndex : "Tab 键次序",
DlgGenLongDescr : "详细说明地址",
DlgGenClass : "样式类名称",
DlgGenTitle : "标题",
DlgGenContType : "内容类型",
DlgGenLinkCharset : "字符编码",
DlgGenStyle : "行内样式",
// Image Dialog
DlgImgTitle : "图象属性",
DlgImgInfoTab : "图象",
DlgImgBtnUpload : "发送到服务器上",
DlgImgURL : "源文件",
DlgImgUpload : "上传",
DlgImgAlt : "替换文本",
DlgImgWidth : "宽度",
DlgImgHeight : "高度",
DlgImgLockRatio : "锁定比例",
DlgBtnResetSize : "恢复尺寸",
DlgImgBorder : "边框大小",
DlgImgHSpace : "水平间距",
DlgImgVSpace : "垂直间距",
DlgImgAlign : "对齐方式",
DlgImgAlignLeft : "左对齐",
DlgImgAlignAbsBottom: "绝对底边",
DlgImgAlignAbsMiddle: "绝对居中",
DlgImgAlignBaseline : "基线",
DlgImgAlignBottom : "底边",
DlgImgAlignMiddle : "居中",
DlgImgAlignRight : "右对齐",
DlgImgAlignTextTop : "文本上方",
DlgImgAlignTop : "顶端",
DlgImgPreview : "预览",
DlgImgAlertUrl : "请输入图象地址",
DlgImgLinkTab : "链接",
// Flash Dialog
DlgFlashTitle : "Flash 属性",
DlgFlashChkPlay : "自动播放",
DlgFlashChkLoop : "循环",
DlgFlashChkMenu : "启用 Flash 菜单",
DlgFlashScale : "缩放",
DlgFlashScaleAll : "全部显示",
DlgFlashScaleNoBorder : "无边框",
DlgFlashScaleFit : "严格匹配",
// Link Dialog
DlgLnkWindowTitle : "超链接",
DlgLnkInfoTab : "超链接信息",
DlgLnkTargetTab : "目标",
DlgLnkType : "超链接类型",
DlgLnkTypeURL : "超链接",
DlgLnkTypeAnchor : "页内锚点链接",
DlgLnkTypeEMail : "电子邮件",
DlgLnkProto : "协议",
DlgLnkProtoOther : "<其它>",
DlgLnkURL : "地址",
DlgLnkAnchorSel : "选择一个锚点",
DlgLnkAnchorByName : "按锚点名称",
DlgLnkAnchorById : "按锚点 ID",
DlgLnkNoAnchors : "(此文档没有可用的锚点)",
DlgLnkEMail : "地址",
DlgLnkEMailSubject : "主题",
DlgLnkEMailBody : "内容",
DlgLnkUpload : "上传",
DlgLnkBtnUpload : "发送到服务器上",
DlgLnkTarget : "目标",
DlgLnkTargetFrame : "<框架>",
DlgLnkTargetPopup : "<弹出窗口>",
DlgLnkTargetBlank : "新窗口 (_blank)",
DlgLnkTargetParent : "父窗口 (_parent)",
DlgLnkTargetSelf : "本窗口 (_self)",
DlgLnkTargetTop : "整页 (_top)",
DlgLnkTargetFrameName : "目标框架名称",
DlgLnkPopWinName : "弹出窗口名称",
DlgLnkPopWinFeat : "弹出窗口属性",
DlgLnkPopResize : "调整大小",
DlgLnkPopLocation : "地址栏",
DlgLnkPopMenu : "菜单栏",
DlgLnkPopScroll : "滚动条",
DlgLnkPopStatus : "状态栏",
DlgLnkPopToolbar : "工具栏",
DlgLnkPopFullScrn : "全屏 (IE)",
DlgLnkPopDependent : "依附 (NS)",
DlgLnkPopWidth : "宽",
DlgLnkPopHeight : "高",
DlgLnkPopLeft : "左",
DlgLnkPopTop : "右",
DlnLnkMsgNoUrl : "请输入超链接地址",
DlnLnkMsgNoEMail : "请输入电子邮件地址",
DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor : "请选择一个锚点",
DlnLnkMsgInvPopName : "弹出窗口名称必须以字母开头,并且不能含有空格。",
// Color Dialog
DlgColorTitle : "选择颜色",
DlgColorBtnClear : "清除",
DlgColorHighlight : "预览",
DlgColorSelected : "选择",
// Smiley Dialog
DlgSmileyTitle : "插入表情图标",
// Special Character Dialog
DlgSpecialCharTitle : "选择特殊符号",
// Table Dialog
DlgTableTitle : "表格属性",
DlgTableRows : "行数",
DlgTableColumns : "列数",
DlgTableBorder : "边框",
DlgTableAlign : "对齐",
DlgTableAlignNotSet : "<没有设置>",
DlgTableAlignLeft : "左对齐",
DlgTableAlignCenter : "居中",
DlgTableAlignRight : "右对齐",
DlgTableWidth : "宽度",
DlgTableWidthPx : "像素",
DlgTableWidthPc : "百分比",
DlgTableHeight : "高度",
DlgTableCellSpace : "间距",
DlgTableCellPad : "边距",
DlgTableCaption : "标题",
DlgTableSummary : "摘要",
// Table Cell Dialog
DlgCellTitle : "单元格属性",
DlgCellWidth : "宽度",
DlgCellWidthPx : "像素",
DlgCellWidthPc : "百分比",
DlgCellHeight : "高度",
DlgCellWordWrap : "自动换行",
DlgCellWordWrapNotSet : "<没有设置>",
DlgCellWordWrapYes : "是",
DlgCellWordWrapNo : "否",
DlgCellHorAlign : "水平对齐",
DlgCellHorAlignNotSet : "<没有设置>",
DlgCellHorAlignLeft : "左对齐",
DlgCellHorAlignCenter : "居中",
DlgCellHorAlignRight: "右对齐",
DlgCellVerAlign : "垂直对齐",
DlgCellVerAlignNotSet : "<没有设置>",
DlgCellVerAlignTop : "顶端",
DlgCellVerAlignMiddle : "居中",
DlgCellVerAlignBottom : "底部",
DlgCellVerAlignBaseline : "基线",
DlgCellRowSpan : "纵跨行数",
DlgCellCollSpan : "横跨列数",
DlgCellBackColor : "背景颜色",
DlgCellBorderColor : "边框颜色",
DlgCellBtnSelect : "选择...",
// Find and Replace Dialog
DlgFindAndReplaceTitle : "查找和替换",
// Find Dialog
DlgFindTitle : "查找",
DlgFindFindBtn : "查找",
DlgFindNotFoundMsg : "指定文本没有找到。",
// Replace Dialog
DlgReplaceTitle : "替换",
DlgReplaceFindLbl : "查找:",
DlgReplaceReplaceLbl : "替换:",
DlgReplaceCaseChk : "区分大小写",
DlgReplaceReplaceBtn : "替换",
DlgReplaceReplAllBtn : "全部替换",
DlgReplaceWordChk : "全字匹配",
// Paste Operations / Dialog
PasteErrorCut : "您的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行剪切操作,请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl+X)来完成。",
PasteErrorCopy : "您的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行复制操作,请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl+C)来完成。",
PasteAsText : "粘贴为无格式文本",
PasteFromWord : "从 MS Word 粘贴",
DlgPasteMsg2 : "请使用键盘快捷键(<STRONG>Ctrl+V</STRONG>)把内容粘贴到下面的方框里,再按 <STRONG>确定</STRONG>。",
DlgPasteSec : "因为你的浏览器的安全设置原因,本编辑器不能直接访问你的剪贴板内容,你需要在本窗口重新粘贴一次。",
DlgPasteIgnoreFont : "忽略 Font 标签",
DlgPasteRemoveStyles : "清理 CSS 样式",
DlgPasteCleanBox : "清空上面内容",
// Color Picker
ColorAutomatic : "自动",
ColorMoreColors : "其它颜色...",
// Document Properties
DocProps : "页面属性",
// Anchor Dialog
DlgAnchorTitle : "命名锚点",
DlgAnchorName : "锚点名称",
DlgAnchorErrorName : "请输入锚点名称",
// Speller Pages Dialog
DlgSpellNotInDic : "没有在字典里",
DlgSpellChangeTo : "更改为",
DlgSpellBtnIgnore : "忽略",
DlgSpellBtnIgnoreAll : "全部忽略",
DlgSpellBtnReplace : "替换",
DlgSpellBtnReplaceAll : "全部替换",
DlgSpellBtnUndo : "撤消",
DlgSpellNoSuggestions : "- 没有建议 -",
DlgSpellProgress : "正在进行拼写检查...",
DlgSpellNoMispell : "拼写检查完成:没有发现拼写错误",
DlgSpellNoChanges : "拼写检查完成:没有更改任何单词",
DlgSpellOneChange : "拼写检查完成:更改了一个单词",
DlgSpellManyChanges : "拼写检查完成:更改了 %1 个单词",
IeSpellDownload : "拼写检查插件还没安装,你是否想现在就下载?",
// Button Dialog
DlgButtonText : "标签(值)",
DlgButtonType : "类型",
DlgButtonTypeBtn : "按钮",
DlgButtonTypeSbm : "提交",
DlgButtonTypeRst : "重设",
// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs
DlgCheckboxName : "名称",
DlgCheckboxValue : "选定值",
DlgCheckboxSelected : "已勾选",
// Form Dialog
DlgFormName : "名称",
DlgFormAction : "动作",
DlgFormMethod : "方法",
// Select Field Dialog
DlgSelectName : "名称",
DlgSelectValue : "选定",
DlgSelectSize : "高度",
DlgSelectLines : "行",
DlgSelectChkMulti : "允许多选",
DlgSelectOpAvail : "列表值",
DlgSelectOpText : "标签",
DlgSelectOpValue : "值",
DlgSelectBtnAdd : "新增",
DlgSelectBtnModify : "修改",
DlgSelectBtnUp : "上移",
DlgSelectBtnDown : "下移",
DlgSelectBtnSetValue : "设为初始化时选定",
DlgSelectBtnDelete : "删除",
// Textarea Dialog
DlgTextareaName : "名称",
DlgTextareaCols : "字符宽度",
DlgTextareaRows : "行数",
// Text Field Dialog
DlgTextName : "名称",
DlgTextValue : "初始值",
DlgTextCharWidth : "字符宽度",
DlgTextMaxChars : "最多字符数",
DlgTextType : "类型",
DlgTextTypeText : "文本",
DlgTextTypePass : "密码",
// Hidden Field Dialog
DlgHiddenName : "名称",
DlgHiddenValue : "初始值",
// Bulleted List Dialog
BulletedListProp : "项目列表属性",
NumberedListProp : "编号列表属性",
DlgLstStart : "开始序号",
DlgLstType : "列表类型",
DlgLstTypeCircle : "圆圈",
DlgLstTypeDisc : "圆点",
DlgLstTypeSquare : "方块",
DlgLstTypeNumbers : "数字 (1, 2, 3)",
DlgLstTypeLCase : "小写字母 (a, b, c)",
DlgLstTypeUCase : "大写字母 (A, B, C)",
DlgLstTypeSRoman : "小写罗马数字 (i, ii, iii)",
DlgLstTypeLRoman : "大写罗马数字 (I, II, III)",
// Document Properties Dialog
DlgDocGeneralTab : "常规",
DlgDocBackTab : "背景",
DlgDocColorsTab : "颜色和边距",
DlgDocMetaTab : "Meta 数据",
DlgDocPageTitle : "页面标题",
DlgDocLangDir : "语言方向",
DlgDocLangDirLTR : "从左到右 (LTR)",
DlgDocLangDirRTL : "从右到左 (RTL)",
DlgDocLangCode : "语言代码",
DlgDocCharSet : "字符编码",
DlgDocCharSetCE : "中欧",
DlgDocCharSetCT : "繁体中文 (Big5)",
DlgDocCharSetCR : "西里尔文",
DlgDocCharSetGR : "希腊文",
DlgDocCharSetJP : "日文",
DlgDocCharSetKR : "韩文",
DlgDocCharSetTR : "土耳其文",
DlgDocCharSetUN : "Unicode (UTF-8)",
DlgDocCharSetWE : "西欧",
DlgDocCharSetOther : "其它字符编码",
DlgDocDocType : "文档类型",
DlgDocDocTypeOther : "其它文档类型",
DlgDocIncXHTML : "包含 XHTML 声明",
DlgDocBgColor : "背景颜色",
DlgDocBgImage : "背景图像",
DlgDocBgNoScroll : "不滚动背景图像",
DlgDocCText : "文本",
DlgDocCLink : "超链接",
DlgDocCVisited : "已访问的超链接",
DlgDocCActive : "活动超链接",
DlgDocMargins : "页面边距",
DlgDocMaTop : "上",
DlgDocMaLeft : "左",
DlgDocMaRight : "右",
DlgDocMaBottom : "下",
DlgDocMeIndex : "页面索引关键字 (用半角逗号[,]分隔)",
DlgDocMeDescr : "页面说明",
DlgDocMeAuthor : "作者",
DlgDocMeCopy : "版权",
DlgDocPreview : "预览",
// Templates Dialog
Templates : "模板",
DlgTemplatesTitle : "内容模板",
DlgTemplatesSelMsg : "请选择编辑器内容模板<br>(当前内容将会被清除替换):",
DlgTemplatesLoading : "正在加载模板列表,请稍等...",
DlgTemplatesNoTpl : "(没有模板)",
DlgTemplatesReplace : "替换当前内容",
// About Dialog
DlgAboutAboutTab : "关于",
DlgAboutBrowserInfoTab : "浏览器信息",
DlgAboutLicenseTab : "许可证",
DlgAboutVersion : "版本",
DlgAboutInfo : "要获得更多信息请访问 "