mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 17:41:27 +01:00
21498 lines
858 KiB
21498 lines
858 KiB
This is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT.
Copyright (C) 2010-2015 KO GmbH <copyright@kogmbh.com>
The code in this file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL)
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The code in this file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with WebODF. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
As additional permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7, you
may distribute UNMODIFIED VERSIONS OF THIS file without the copy of the GNU AGPL normally
required by section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL
through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source.
As a special exception to the AGPL, any HTML file which merely makes function
calls to this code, and for that purpose includes it in unmodified form by reference or in-line shall be
deemed a separate work for copyright law purposes. In addition, the copyright
holders of this code give you permission to combine this code with free
software libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL. You may copy and
distribute such a system following the terms of the GNU AGPL for this code
and the LGPL for the libraries. If you modify this code, you may extend this
exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to do so.
If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
This license applies to this entire compilation.
@source: http://www.webodf.org/
@source: https://github.com/kogmbh/WebODF/
var webodf_version = "0.5.9";
function Runtime() {
Runtime.prototype.getVariable = function(name) {
Runtime.prototype.toJson = function(anything) {
Runtime.prototype.fromJson = function(jsonstr) {
Runtime.prototype.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
Runtime.prototype.byteArrayToString = function(bytearray, encoding) {
Runtime.prototype.read = function(path, offset, length, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.readFile = function(path, encoding, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.readFileSync = function(path, encoding) {
Runtime.prototype.loadXML = function(path, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.writeFile = function(path, data, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.deleteFile = function(path, callback) {
Runtime.prototype.log = function(msgOrCategory, msg) {
Runtime.prototype.setTimeout = function(callback, milliseconds) {
Runtime.prototype.clearTimeout = function(timeoutID) {
Runtime.prototype.libraryPaths = function() {
Runtime.prototype.currentDirectory = function() {
Runtime.prototype.setCurrentDirectory = function(dir) {
Runtime.prototype.type = function() {
Runtime.prototype.getDOMImplementation = function() {
Runtime.prototype.parseXML = function(xml) {
Runtime.prototype.exit = function(exitCode) {
Runtime.prototype.getWindow = function() {
Runtime.prototype.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
Runtime.prototype.cancelAnimationFrame = function(requestId) {
Runtime.prototype.assert = function(condition, message) {
var IS_COMPILED_CODE = true;
Runtime.byteArrayToString = function(bytearray, encoding) {
function byteArrayToString(bytearray) {
var s = "", i, l = bytearray.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
s += String.fromCharCode(bytearray[i] & 255);
return s;
function utf8ByteArrayToString(bytearray) {
var s = "", startPos, i, l = bytearray.length, chars = [], c0, c1, c2, c3, codepoint;
if (l >= 3 && bytearray[0] === 239 && bytearray[1] === 187 && bytearray[2] === 191) {
startPos = 3;
} else {
startPos = 0;
for (i = startPos;i < l;i += 1) {
c0 = bytearray[i];
if (c0 < 128) {
} else {
i += 1;
c1 = bytearray[i];
if (c0 >= 194 && c0 < 224) {
chars.push((c0 & 31) << 6 | c1 & 63);
} else {
i += 1;
c2 = bytearray[i];
if (c0 >= 224 && c0 < 240) {
chars.push((c0 & 15) << 12 | (c1 & 63) << 6 | c2 & 63);
} else {
i += 1;
c3 = bytearray[i];
if (c0 >= 240 && c0 < 245) {
codepoint = (c0 & 7) << 18 | (c1 & 63) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63;
codepoint -= 65536;
chars.push((codepoint >> 10) + 55296, (codepoint & 1023) + 56320);
if (chars.length >= 1E3) {
s += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, chars);
chars.length = 0;
return s + String.fromCharCode.apply(null, chars);
var result;
if (encoding === "utf8") {
result = utf8ByteArrayToString(bytearray);
} else {
if (encoding !== "binary") {
this.log("Unsupported encoding: " + encoding);
result = byteArrayToString(bytearray);
return result;
Runtime.getVariable = function(name) {
try {
return eval(name);
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
Runtime.toJson = function(anything) {
return JSON.stringify(anything);
Runtime.fromJson = function(jsonstr) {
return JSON.parse(jsonstr);
Runtime.getFunctionName = function getFunctionName(f) {
var m;
if (f.name === undefined) {
m = (new RegExp("function\\s+(\\w+)")).exec(f);
return m && m[1];
return f.name;
Runtime.assert = function(condition, message) {
if (!condition) {
this.log("alert", "ASSERTION FAILED:\n" + message);
throw new Error(message);
function BrowserRuntime() {
var self = this;
function getUtf8LengthForString(string) {
var l = string.length, i, n, j = 0;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
n = string.charCodeAt(i);
j += 1 + (n > 128) + (n > 2048);
if (n > 55040 && n < 57344) {
j += 1;
i += 1;
return j;
function utf8ByteArrayFromString(string, length, addBOM) {
var l = string.length, bytearray, i, n, j;
bytearray = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(length));
if (addBOM) {
bytearray[0] = 239;
bytearray[1] = 187;
bytearray[2] = 191;
j = 3;
} else {
j = 0;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
n = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (n < 128) {
bytearray[j] = n;
j += 1;
} else {
if (n < 2048) {
bytearray[j] = 192 | n >>> 6;
bytearray[j + 1] = 128 | n & 63;
j += 2;
} else {
if (n <= 55040 || n >= 57344) {
bytearray[j] = 224 | n >>> 12 & 15;
bytearray[j + 1] = 128 | n >>> 6 & 63;
bytearray[j + 2] = 128 | n & 63;
j += 3;
} else {
i += 1;
n = (n - 55296 << 10 | string.charCodeAt(i) - 56320) + 65536;
bytearray[j] = 240 | n >>> 18 & 7;
bytearray[j + 1] = 128 | n >>> 12 & 63;
bytearray[j + 2] = 128 | n >>> 6 & 63;
bytearray[j + 3] = 128 | n & 63;
j += 4;
return bytearray;
function utf8ByteArrayFromXHRString(string, wishLength) {
var addBOM = false, length = getUtf8LengthForString(string);
if (typeof wishLength === "number") {
if (wishLength !== length && wishLength !== length + 3) {
return undefined;
addBOM = length + 3 === wishLength;
length = wishLength;
return utf8ByteArrayFromString(string, length, addBOM);
function byteArrayFromString(string) {
var l = string.length, a = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(l)), i;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = string.charCodeAt(i) & 255;
return a;
this.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
var result;
if (encoding === "utf8") {
result = utf8ByteArrayFromString(string, getUtf8LengthForString(string), false);
} else {
if (encoding !== "binary") {
self.log("unknown encoding: " + encoding);
result = byteArrayFromString(string);
return result;
this.byteArrayToString = Runtime.byteArrayToString;
this.getVariable = Runtime.getVariable;
this.fromJson = Runtime.fromJson;
this.toJson = Runtime.toJson;
function log(msgOrCategory, msg) {
var category;
if (msg !== undefined) {
category = msgOrCategory;
} else {
msg = msgOrCategory;
if (self.enableAlerts && category === "alert") {
function arrayToUint8Array(buffer) {
var l = buffer.length, i, a = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(l));
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = buffer[i];
return a;
function stringToBinaryWorkaround(xhr) {
var cl, data;
cl = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Length");
if (cl) {
cl = parseInt(cl, 10);
if (cl && cl !== xhr.responseText.length) {
data = utf8ByteArrayFromXHRString(xhr.responseText, cl);
if (data === undefined) {
data = byteArrayFromString(xhr.responseText);
return data;
function handleXHRResult(path, encoding, xhr) {
var r, d, a, data;
if (xhr.status === 0 && !xhr.responseText) {
r = {err:"File " + path + " is empty.", data:null};
} else {
if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
if (xhr.response && typeof xhr.response !== "string") {
if (encoding === "binary") {
d = xhr.response;
data = new Uint8Array(d);
} else {
data = String(xhr.response);
} else {
if (encoding === "binary") {
if (xhr.responseBody !== null && String(typeof VBArray) !== "undefined") {
a = (new VBArray(xhr.responseBody)).toArray();
data = arrayToUint8Array(a);
} else {
data = stringToBinaryWorkaround(xhr);
} else {
data = xhr.responseText;
r = {err:null, data:data};
} else {
r = {err:xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText, data:null};
return r;
function createXHR(path, encoding, async) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.open("GET", path, async);
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
if (encoding !== "binary") {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=" + encoding);
} else {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
return xhr;
function readFile(path, encoding, callback) {
var xhr = createXHR(path, encoding, true);
function handleResult() {
var r;
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
r = handleXHRResult(path, encoding, xhr);
callback(r.err, r.data);
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleResult;
try {
} catch (e) {
callback(e.message, null);
function read(path, offset, length, callback) {
readFile(path, "binary", function(err, result) {
var r = null;
if (result) {
if (typeof result === "string") {
throw "This should not happen.";
r = result.subarray(offset, offset + length);
callback(err, r);
function readFileSync(path, encoding) {
var xhr = createXHR(path, encoding, false), r;
try {
r = handleXHRResult(path, encoding, xhr);
if (r.err) {
throw r.err;
if (r.data === null) {
throw "No data read from " + path + ".";
} catch (e) {
throw e;
return r.data;
function writeFile(path, data, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, d;
function handleResult() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 0 && !xhr.responseText) {
callback("File " + path + " is empty.");
} else {
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 0) {
} else {
callback("Status " + String(xhr.status) + ": " + xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText);
xhr.open("PUT", path, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleResult;
if (data.buffer && !xhr.sendAsBinary) {
d = data.buffer;
} else {
d = self.byteArrayToString(data, "binary");
try {
if (xhr.sendAsBinary) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
self.log("HUH? " + e + " " + data);
function deleteFile(path, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
xhr.open("DELETE", path, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status < 200 && xhr.status >= 300) {
} else {
function loadXML(path, callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
function handleResult() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 0 && !xhr.responseText) {
callback("File " + path + " is empty.", null);
} else {
if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
callback(null, xhr.responseXML);
} else {
callback(xhr.responseText, null);
xhr.open("GET", path, true);
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleResult;
try {
} catch (e) {
callback(e.message, null);
this.readFile = readFile;
this.read = read;
this.readFileSync = readFileSync;
this.writeFile = writeFile;
this.deleteFile = deleteFile;
this.loadXML = loadXML;
this.log = log;
this.enableAlerts = true;
this.assert = Runtime.assert;
this.setTimeout = function(f, msec) {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, msec);
this.clearTimeout = function(timeoutID) {
this.libraryPaths = function() {
return ["lib"];
this.setCurrentDirectory = function() {
this.currentDirectory = function() {
return "";
this.type = function() {
return "BrowserRuntime";
this.getDOMImplementation = function() {
return window.document.implementation;
this.parseXML = function(xml) {
var parser = new DOMParser;
return parser.parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");
this.exit = function(exitCode) {
log("Calling exit with code " + String(exitCode) + ", but exit() is not implemented.");
this.getWindow = function() {
return window;
this.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
var rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame, requestId = 0;
if (rAF) {
requestId = rAF(callback);
} else {
return setTimeout(callback, 15);
return requestId;
this.cancelAnimationFrame = function(requestId) {
var cAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame;
if (cAF) {
} else {
function NodeJSRuntime() {
var self = this, fs = webodfModule.require("fs"), pathmod = webodfModule.require("path"), currentDirectory = "", parser, domImplementation;
function bufferToUint8Array(buffer) {
var l = buffer.length, i, a = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(l));
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = buffer[i];
return a;
this.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
var buf = new Buffer(string, encoding), i, l = buf.length, a = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(l));
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = buf[i];
return a;
this.byteArrayToString = Runtime.byteArrayToString;
this.getVariable = Runtime.getVariable;
this.fromJson = Runtime.fromJson;
this.toJson = Runtime.toJson;
function readFile(path, encoding, callback) {
function convert(err, data) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, null);
if (!data) {
return callback("No data for " + path + ".", null);
var d;
if (typeof data === "string") {
d = data;
return callback(err, d);
d = data;
callback(err, bufferToUint8Array(d));
path = pathmod.resolve(currentDirectory, path);
if (encoding !== "binary") {
fs.readFile(path, encoding, convert);
} else {
fs.readFile(path, null, convert);
this.readFile = readFile;
function loadXML(path, callback) {
readFile(path, "utf-8", function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, null);
if (!data) {
return callback("No data for " + path + ".", null);
var d = data;
callback(null, self.parseXML(d));
this.loadXML = loadXML;
this.writeFile = function(path, data, callback) {
var buf = new Buffer(data);
path = pathmod.resolve(currentDirectory, path);
fs.writeFile(path, buf, "binary", function(err) {
callback(err || null);
this.deleteFile = function(path, callback) {
path = pathmod.resolve(currentDirectory, path);
fs.unlink(path, callback);
this.read = function(path, offset, length, callback) {
path = pathmod.resolve(currentDirectory, path);
fs.open(path, "r+", 666, function(err, fd) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
var buffer = new Buffer(length);
fs.read(fd, buffer, 0, length, offset, function(err) {
callback(err, bufferToUint8Array(buffer));
this.readFileSync = function(path, encoding) {
var s, enc = encoding === "binary" ? null : encoding, r = fs.readFileSync(path, enc);
if (r === null) {
throw "File " + path + " could not be read.";
if (encoding === "binary") {
s = r;
s = bufferToUint8Array(s);
} else {
s = r;
return s;
function log(msgOrCategory, msg) {
var category;
if (msg !== undefined) {
category = msgOrCategory;
} else {
msg = msgOrCategory;
if (category === "alert") {
process.stderr.write("\n!!!!! ALERT !!!!!" + "\n");
process.stderr.write(msg + "\n");
if (category === "alert") {
process.stderr.write("!!!!! ALERT !!!!!" + "\n");
this.log = log;
this.assert = Runtime.assert;
this.setTimeout = function(f, msec) {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, msec);
this.clearTimeout = function(timeoutID) {
this.libraryPaths = function() {
return [__dirname];
this.setCurrentDirectory = function(dir) {
currentDirectory = dir;
this.currentDirectory = function() {
return currentDirectory;
this.type = function() {
return "NodeJSRuntime";
this.getDOMImplementation = function() {
return domImplementation;
this.parseXML = function(xml) {
return parser.parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");
this.exit = process.exit;
this.getWindow = function() {
return null;
this.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
return setTimeout(callback, 15);
this.cancelAnimationFrame = function(requestId) {
function init() {
var DOMParser = webodfModule.require("xmldom").DOMParser;
parser = new DOMParser;
domImplementation = self.parseXML("<a/>").implementation;
function RhinoRuntime() {
var self = this, Packages = {}, dom = Packages.javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(), builder, entityresolver, currentDirectory = "";
entityresolver = Packages.org.xml.sax.EntityResolver({resolveEntity:function(publicId, systemId) {
var file;
function open(path) {
var reader = new Packages.java.io.FileReader(path), source = new Packages.org.xml.sax.InputSource(reader);
return source;
file = systemId;
return open(file);
builder = dom.newDocumentBuilder();
this.byteArrayFromString = function(string, encoding) {
var i, l = string.length, a = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(l));
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = string.charCodeAt(i) & 255;
return a;
this.byteArrayToString = Runtime.byteArrayToString;
this.getVariable = Runtime.getVariable;
this.fromJson = Runtime.fromJson;
this.toJson = Runtime.toJson;
function loadXML(path, callback) {
var file = new Packages.java.io.File(path), xmlDocument = null;
try {
xmlDocument = builder.parse(file);
} catch (err) {
return callback(err, null);
callback(null, xmlDocument);
function runtimeReadFile(path, encoding, callback) {
if (currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path;
var file = new Packages.java.io.File(path), data, rhinoencoding = encoding === "binary" ? "latin1" : encoding;
if (!file.isFile()) {
callback(path + " is not a file.", null);
} else {
data = readFile(path, rhinoencoding);
if (data && encoding === "binary") {
data = self.byteArrayFromString(data, "binary");
callback(null, data);
function runtimeReadFileSync(path, encoding) {
var file = new Packages.java.io.File(path);
if (!file.isFile()) {
return null;
if (encoding === "binary") {
encoding = "latin1";
return readFile(path, encoding);
this.loadXML = loadXML;
this.readFile = runtimeReadFile;
this.writeFile = function(path, data, callback) {
if (currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path;
var out = new Packages.java.io.FileOutputStream(path), i, l = data.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
this.deleteFile = function(path, callback) {
if (currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path;
var file = new Packages.java.io.File(path), otherPath = path + Math.random(), other = new Packages.java.io.File(otherPath);
if (file.rename(other)) {
} else {
callback("Could not delete " + path);
this.read = function(path, offset, length, callback) {
if (currentDirectory) {
path = currentDirectory + "/" + path;
var data = runtimeReadFileSync(path, "binary");
if (data) {
callback(null, this.byteArrayFromString(data.substring(offset, offset + length), "binary"));
} else {
callback("Cannot read " + path, null);
this.readFileSync = function(path, encoding) {
if (!encoding) {
return "";
var s = readFile(path, encoding);
if (s === null) {
throw "File could not be read.";
return s;
function log(msgOrCategory, msg) {
var category;
if (msg !== undefined) {
category = msgOrCategory;
} else {
msg = msgOrCategory;
if (category === "alert") {
print("\n!!!!! ALERT !!!!!");
if (category === "alert") {
print("!!!!! ALERT !!!!!");
this.log = log;
this.assert = Runtime.assert;
this.setTimeout = function(f) {
return 0;
this.clearTimeout = function() {
this.libraryPaths = function() {
return ["lib"];
this.setCurrentDirectory = function(dir) {
currentDirectory = dir;
this.currentDirectory = function() {
return currentDirectory;
this.type = function() {
return "RhinoRuntime";
this.getDOMImplementation = function() {
return builder.getDOMImplementation();
this.parseXML = function(xml) {
var reader = new Packages.java.io.StringReader(xml), source = new Packages.org.xml.sax.InputSource(reader);
return builder.parse(source);
this.exit = quit;
this.getWindow = function() {
return null;
this.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
return 0;
this.cancelAnimationFrame = function() {
Runtime.create = function create() {
var result;
if (String(typeof window) !== "undefined") {
result = new BrowserRuntime;
} else {
if (String(typeof require) !== "undefined") {
result = new NodeJSRuntime;
} else {
result = new RhinoRuntime;
return result;
var runtime = Runtime.create();
var core = {};
var gui = {};
var xmldom = {};
var odf = {};
var ops = {};
var webodf = {};
(function() {
function getWebODFVersion() {
var version = String(typeof webodf_version) !== "undefined" ? webodf_version : "From Source";
return version;
webodf.Version = getWebODFVersion();
(function() {
function loadDependenciesFromManifest(dir, dependencies, expectFail) {
var path = dir + "/manifest.json", content, list, manifest, m;
runtime.log("Loading manifest: " + path);
try {
content = runtime.readFileSync(path, "utf-8");
} catch (e) {
if (expectFail) {
runtime.log("No loadable manifest found.");
} else {
throw e;
list = JSON.parse(content);
manifest = list;
for (m in manifest) {
if (manifest.hasOwnProperty(m)) {
dependencies[m] = {dir:dir, deps:manifest[m]};
function loadDependenciesFromManifests() {
var dependencies = [], paths = runtime.libraryPaths(), i;
if (runtime.currentDirectory() && paths.indexOf(runtime.currentDirectory()) === -1) {
loadDependenciesFromManifest(runtime.currentDirectory(), dependencies, true);
for (i = 0;i < paths.length;i += 1) {
loadDependenciesFromManifest(paths[i], dependencies);
return dependencies;
function getPath(dir, className) {
return dir + "/" + className.replace(".", "/") + ".js";
function getLoadList(classNames, dependencies, isDefined) {
var loadList = [], stack = {}, visited = {};
function visit(n) {
if (visited[n] || isDefined(n)) {
if (stack[n]) {
throw "Circular dependency detected for " + n + ".";
stack[n] = true;
if (!dependencies[n]) {
throw "Missing dependency information for class " + n + ".";
var d = dependencies[n], deps = d.deps, i, l = deps.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
stack[n] = false;
visited[n] = true;
loadList.push(getPath(d.dir, n));
return loadList;
function addContent(path, content) {
content += "\n//# sourceURL=" + path;
return content;
function loadFiles(paths) {
var i, content;
for (i = 0;i < paths.length;i += 1) {
content = runtime.readFileSync(paths[i], "utf-8");
content = addContent(paths[i], content);
function loadFilesInBrowser(paths, callback) {
var e = document.currentScript || document.documentElement.lastChild, df = document.createDocumentFragment(), script, i;
for (i = 0;i < paths.length;i += 1) {
script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.charset = "utf-8";
script.async = false;
script.setAttribute("src", paths[i]);
if (callback) {
script.onload = callback;
e.parentNode.insertBefore(df, e);
var dependencies, packages = {core:core, gui:gui, xmldom:xmldom, odf:odf, ops:ops};
function isDefined(classname) {
var parts = classname.split("."), i, p = packages, l = parts.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
if (!p.hasOwnProperty(parts[i])) {
return false;
p = p[parts[i]];
return true;
runtime.loadClasses = function(classnames, callback) {
if (IS_COMPILED_CODE || classnames.length === 0) {
return callback && callback();
dependencies = dependencies || loadDependenciesFromManifests();
classnames = getLoadList(classnames, dependencies, isDefined);
if (classnames.length === 0) {
return callback && callback();
if (runtime.type() === "BrowserRuntime" && callback) {
loadFilesInBrowser(classnames, callback);
} else {
if (callback) {
runtime.loadClass = function(classname, callback) {
runtime.loadClasses([classname], callback);
(function() {
var translator = function(string) {
return string;
function tr(original) {
var result = translator(original);
if (!result || String(typeof result) !== "string") {
return original;
return result;
runtime.getTranslator = function() {
return translator;
runtime.setTranslator = function(translatorFunction) {
translator = translatorFunction;
runtime.tr = tr;
(function(args) {
if (args) {
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args);
} else {
args = [];
function run(argv) {
if (!argv.length) {
var script = argv[0];
runtime.readFile(script, "utf8", function(err, code) {
var path = "", pathEndIndex = script.lastIndexOf("/"), codestring = code;
if (pathEndIndex !== -1) {
path = script.substring(0, pathEndIndex);
} else {
path = ".";
function inner_run() {
var script, path, args, argv, result;
result = eval(codestring);
if (result) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (codestring === null) {
runtime.log("No code found for " + script);
} else {
inner_run.apply(null, argv);
if (runtime.type() === "NodeJSRuntime") {
} else {
if (runtime.type() === "RhinoRuntime") {
} else {
})(String(typeof arguments) !== "undefined" && arguments);
(function() {
function createASyncSingleton() {
function forEach(items, f, callback) {
var i, l = items.length, itemsDone = 0;
function end(err) {
if (itemsDone !== l) {
if (err) {
itemsDone = l;
} else {
itemsDone += 1;
if (itemsDone === l) {
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
f(items[i], end);
function destroyAll(items, callback) {
function destroy(itemIndex, err) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (itemIndex < items.length) {
items[itemIndex](function(err) {
destroy(itemIndex + 1, err);
} else {
destroy(0, undefined);
return {forEach:forEach, destroyAll:destroyAll};
core.Async = createASyncSingleton();
function makeBase64() {
function makeB64tab(bin) {
var t = {}, i, l;
for (i = 0, l = bin.length;i < l;i += 1) {
t[bin.charAt(i)] = i;
return t;
var b64chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", b64tab = makeB64tab(b64chars), convertUTF16StringToBase64, convertBase64ToUTF16String, window = runtime.getWindow(), btoa, atob;
function stringToArray(s) {
var i, l = s.length, a = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(l));
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 255;
return a;
function convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(bin) {
var n, b64 = "", i, l = bin.length - 2;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 3) {
n = bin[i] << 16 | bin[i + 1] << 8 | bin[i + 2];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 18];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 12 & 63];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 6 & 63];
b64 += b64chars[n & 63];
if (i === l + 1) {
n = bin[i] << 4;
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 6];
b64 += b64chars[n & 63];
b64 += "==";
} else {
if (i === l) {
n = bin[i] << 10 | bin[i + 1] << 2;
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 12];
b64 += b64chars[n >>> 6 & 63];
b64 += b64chars[n & 63];
b64 += "=";
return b64;
function convertBase64ToUTF8Array(b64) {
b64 = b64.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+\/]+/g, "");
var l = b64.length, bin = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(3 * l)), padlen = b64.length % 4, o = 0, i, n, a = [0, 0, 2, 1];
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 4) {
n = (b64tab[b64.charAt(i)] || 0) << 18 | (b64tab[b64.charAt(i + 1)] || 0) << 12 | (b64tab[b64.charAt(i + 2)] || 0) << 6 | (b64tab[b64.charAt(i + 3)] || 0);
bin[o] = n >> 16;
bin[o + 1] = n >> 8 & 255;
bin[o + 2] = n & 255;
o += 3;
l = 3 * l - a[padlen];
return bin.subarray(0, l);
function convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(uni) {
var i, n, l = uni.length, o = 0, bin = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(3 * l));
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
n = uni[i];
if (n < 128) {
bin[o++] = n;
} else {
if (n < 2048) {
bin[o++] = 192 | n >>> 6;
bin[o++] = 128 | n & 63;
} else {
bin[o++] = 224 | n >>> 12 & 15;
bin[o++] = 128 | n >>> 6 & 63;
bin[o++] = 128 | n & 63;
return bin.subarray(0, o);
function convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array(bin) {
var i, c0, c1, c2, l = bin.length, uni = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(l)), o = 0;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
c0 = bin[i];
if (c0 < 128) {
uni[o++] = c0;
} else {
i += 1;
c1 = bin[i];
if (c0 < 224) {
uni[o++] = (c0 & 31) << 6 | c1 & 63;
} else {
i += 1;
c2 = bin[i];
uni[o++] = (c0 & 15) << 12 | (c1 & 63) << 6 | c2 & 63;
return uni.subarray(0, o);
function convertUTF8StringToBase64(bin) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(stringToArray(bin));
function convertBase64ToUTF8String(b64) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, convertBase64ToUTF8Array(b64));
function convertUTF8StringToUTF16Array(bin) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array(stringToArray(bin));
function convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String(bin) {
var b = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array(bin), r = "", i = 0, chunksize = 45E3;
while (i < b.length) {
r += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, b.subarray(i, i + chunksize));
i += chunksize;
return r;
function convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(bin, i, end) {
var c0, c1, c2, j, str = "";
for (j = i;j < end;j += 1) {
c0 = bin.charCodeAt(j) & 255;
if (c0 < 128) {
str += String.fromCharCode(c0);
} else {
j += 1;
c1 = bin.charCodeAt(j) & 255;
if (c0 < 224) {
str += String.fromCharCode((c0 & 31) << 6 | c1 & 63);
} else {
j += 1;
c2 = bin.charCodeAt(j) & 255;
str += String.fromCharCode((c0 & 15) << 12 | (c1 & 63) << 6 | c2 & 63);
return str;
function convertUTF8StringToUTF16String(bin, callback) {
var partsize = 1E5, str = "", pos = 0;
if (bin.length < partsize) {
callback(convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(bin, 0, bin.length), true);
if (typeof bin !== "string") {
bin = bin.slice();
function f() {
var end = pos + partsize;
if (end > bin.length) {
end = bin.length;
str += convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(bin, pos, end);
pos = end;
end = pos === bin.length;
if (callback(str, end) && !end) {
runtime.setTimeout(f, 0);
function convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array(uni) {
return convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(stringToArray(uni));
function convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8String(uni) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(uni));
function convertUTF16StringToUTF8String(uni) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array(stringToArray(uni)));
if (window && window.btoa) {
btoa = window.btoa;
convertUTF16StringToBase64 = function(uni) {
return btoa(convertUTF16StringToUTF8String(uni));
} else {
btoa = convertUTF8StringToBase64;
convertUTF16StringToBase64 = function(uni) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array(uni));
if (window && window.atob) {
atob = window.atob;
convertBase64ToUTF16String = function(b64) {
var b = atob(b64);
return convertUTF8StringToUTF16String_internal(b, 0, b.length);
} else {
atob = convertBase64ToUTF8String;
convertBase64ToUTF16String = function(b64) {
return convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String(convertBase64ToUTF8Array(b64));
core.Base64 = function Base64() {
this.convertUTF8ArrayToBase64 = convertUTF8ArrayToBase64;
this.convertByteArrayToBase64 = convertUTF8ArrayToBase64;
this.convertBase64ToUTF8Array = convertBase64ToUTF8Array;
this.convertBase64ToByteArray = convertBase64ToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array = convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16ArrayToByteArray = convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array;
this.convertByteArrayToUTF16Array = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16Array;
this.convertUTF8StringToBase64 = convertUTF8StringToBase64;
this.convertBase64ToUTF8String = convertBase64ToUTF8String;
this.convertUTF8StringToUTF16Array = convertUTF8StringToUTF16Array;
this.convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String;
this.convertByteArrayToUTF16String = convertUTF8ArrayToUTF16String;
this.convertUTF8StringToUTF16String = convertUTF8StringToUTF16String;
this.convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array = convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16StringToByteArray = convertUTF16StringToUTF8Array;
this.convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8String = convertUTF16ArrayToUTF8String;
this.convertUTF16StringToUTF8String = convertUTF16StringToUTF8String;
this.convertUTF16StringToBase64 = convertUTF16StringToBase64;
this.convertBase64ToUTF16String = convertBase64ToUTF16String;
this.fromBase64 = convertBase64ToUTF8String;
this.toBase64 = convertUTF8StringToBase64;
this.atob = atob;
this.btoa = btoa;
this.utob = convertUTF16StringToUTF8String;
this.btou = convertUTF8StringToUTF16String;
this.encode = convertUTF16StringToBase64;
this.encodeURI = function(u) {
return convertUTF16StringToBase64(u).replace(/[+\/]/g, function(m0) {
return m0 === "+" ? "-" : "_";
}).replace(/\\=+$/, "");
this.decode = function(a) {
return convertBase64ToUTF16String(a.replace(/[\-_]/g, function(m0) {
return m0 === "-" ? "+" : "/";
return this;
return core.Base64;
core.Base64 = makeBase64();
core.CSSUnits = function CSSUnits() {
var self = this, sizemap = {"in":1, "cm":2.54, "mm":25.4, "pt":72, "pc":12, "px":96};
this.convert = function(value, oldUnit, newUnit) {
return value * sizemap[newUnit] / sizemap[oldUnit];
this.convertMeasure = function(measure, newUnit) {
var value, oldUnit, newMeasure;
if (measure && newUnit) {
value = parseFloat(measure);
oldUnit = measure.replace(value.toString(), "");
newMeasure = self.convert(value, oldUnit, newUnit);
return newMeasure;
this.getUnits = function(measure) {
return measure.substr(measure.length - 2, measure.length);
(function() {
var browserQuirks;
function getBrowserQuirks() {
var range, directBoundingRect, rangeBoundingRect, testContainer, testElement, detectedQuirks, window, document, docElement, body, docOverflow, bodyOverflow, bodyHeight, bodyScroll;
if (browserQuirks === undefined) {
window = runtime.getWindow();
document = window && window.document;
docElement = document.documentElement;
body = document.body;
browserQuirks = {rangeBCRIgnoresElementBCR:false, unscaledRangeClientRects:false, elementBCRIgnoresBodyScroll:false};
if (document) {
testContainer = document.createElement("div");
testContainer.style.position = "absolute";
testContainer.style.left = "-99999px";
testContainer.style.transform = "scale(2)";
testContainer.style["-webkit-transform"] = "scale(2)";
testElement = document.createElement("div");
range = document.createRange();
browserQuirks.rangeBCRIgnoresElementBCR = range.getClientRects().length === 0;
testElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Rect transform test"));
directBoundingRect = testElement.getBoundingClientRect();
rangeBoundingRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
browserQuirks.unscaledRangeClientRects = Math.abs(directBoundingRect.height - rangeBoundingRect.height) > 2;
testContainer.style.transform = "";
testContainer.style["-webkit-transform"] = "";
docOverflow = docElement.style.overflow;
bodyOverflow = body.style.overflow;
bodyHeight = body.style.height;
bodyScroll = body.scrollTop;
docElement.style.overflow = "visible";
body.style.overflow = "visible";
body.style.height = "200%";
body.scrollTop = body.scrollHeight;
browserQuirks.elementBCRIgnoresBodyScroll = range.getBoundingClientRect().top !== testElement.getBoundingClientRect().top;
body.scrollTop = bodyScroll;
body.style.height = bodyHeight;
body.style.overflow = bodyOverflow;
docElement.style.overflow = docOverflow;
detectedQuirks = Object.keys(browserQuirks).map(function(quirk) {
return quirk + ":" + String(browserQuirks[quirk]);
}).join(", ");
runtime.log("Detected browser quirks - " + detectedQuirks);
return browserQuirks;
function getDirectChild(parent, ns, name) {
var node = parent ? parent.firstElementChild : null;
while (node) {
if (node.localName === name && node.namespaceURI === ns) {
return node;
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return null;
core.DomUtilsImpl = function DomUtilsImpl() {
var sharedRange = null;
function getSharedRange(doc) {
var range;
if (sharedRange) {
range = sharedRange;
} else {
sharedRange = range = doc.createRange();
return range;
function findStablePoint(container, offset) {
var c = container;
if (offset < c.childNodes.length) {
c = c.childNodes.item(offset);
offset = 0;
while (c.firstChild) {
c = c.firstChild;
} else {
while (c.lastChild) {
c = c.lastChild;
offset = c.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? c.textContent.length : c.childNodes.length;
return {container:c, offset:offset};
function getPositionInContainingNode(node, container) {
var offset = 0, n;
while (node.parentNode !== container) {
runtime.assert(node.parentNode !== null, "parent is null");
node = node.parentNode;
n = container.firstChild;
while (n !== node) {
offset += 1;
n = n.nextSibling;
return offset;
function splitBoundaries(range) {
var modifiedNodes = [], originalEndContainer, resetToContainerLength, end, splitStart, node, text, offset;
if (range.startContainer.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || range.endContainer.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
originalEndContainer = range.endContainer;
resetToContainerLength = range.endContainer.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE ? range.endOffset === range.endContainer.childNodes.length : false;
end = findStablePoint(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
if (end.container === originalEndContainer) {
originalEndContainer = null;
range.setEnd(end.container, end.offset);
node = range.endContainer;
if (range.endOffset !== 0 && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
text = node;
if (range.endOffset !== text.length) {
node = range.startContainer;
if (range.startOffset !== 0 && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
text = node;
if (range.startOffset !== text.length) {
splitStart = text.splitText(range.startOffset);
range.setStart(splitStart, 0);
if (originalEndContainer !== null) {
node = range.endContainer;
while (node.parentNode && node.parentNode !== originalEndContainer) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (resetToContainerLength) {
offset = originalEndContainer.childNodes.length;
} else {
offset = getPositionInContainingNode(node, originalEndContainer);
range.setEnd(originalEndContainer, offset);
return modifiedNodes;
this.splitBoundaries = splitBoundaries;
function containsRange(container, insideRange) {
return container.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, insideRange) <= 0 && container.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, insideRange) >= 0;
this.containsRange = containsRange;
function rangesIntersect(range1, range2) {
return range1.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_START, range2) <= 0 && range1.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, range2) >= 0;
this.rangesIntersect = rangesIntersect;
function rangeIntersection(range1, range2) {
var newRange;
if (rangesIntersect(range1, range2)) {
newRange = range1.cloneRange();
if (range1.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, range2) === -1) {
newRange.setStart(range2.startContainer, range2.startOffset);
if (range1.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, range2) === 1) {
newRange.setEnd(range2.endContainer, range2.endOffset);
return newRange;
this.rangeIntersection = rangeIntersection;
function maximumOffset(node) {
return node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
function moveToNonRejectedNode(walker, root, nodeFilter) {
var node = walker.currentNode;
if (node !== root) {
node = node.parentNode;
while (node && node !== root) {
if (nodeFilter(node) === NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT) {
walker.currentNode = node;
node = node.parentNode;
return walker.currentNode;
function getNodesInRange(range, nodeFilter, whatToShow) {
var document = range.startContainer.ownerDocument, elements = [], rangeRoot = range.commonAncestorContainer, root = rangeRoot.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? rangeRoot.parentNode : rangeRoot, treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, nodeFilter, false), currentNode, lastNodeInRange, endNodeCompareFlags, comparePositionResult;
if (range.endContainer.childNodes[range.endOffset - 1]) {
lastNodeInRange = range.endContainer.childNodes[range.endOffset - 1];
} else {
lastNodeInRange = range.endContainer;
if (range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset]) {
currentNode = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset];
treeWalker.currentNode = currentNode;
} else {
if (range.startOffset === maximumOffset(range.startContainer)) {
currentNode = range.startContainer;
treeWalker.currentNode = currentNode;
currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
} else {
currentNode = range.startContainer;
treeWalker.currentNode = currentNode;
if (currentNode) {
currentNode = moveToNonRejectedNode(treeWalker, root, nodeFilter);
switch(nodeFilter(currentNode)) {
case NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT:
currentNode = treeWalker.nextSibling();
while (!currentNode && treeWalker.parentNode()) {
currentNode = treeWalker.nextSibling();
case NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP:
currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
while (currentNode) {
comparePositionResult = lastNodeInRange.compareDocumentPosition(currentNode);
if (comparePositionResult !== 0 && (comparePositionResult & endNodeCompareFlags) === 0) {
currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
return elements;
this.getNodesInRange = getNodesInRange;
function mergeTextNodes(node, nextNode) {
var mergedNode = null, text, nextText;
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
text = node;
if (text.length === 0) {
if (nextNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
mergedNode = nextNode;
} else {
if (nextNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
nextText = nextNode;
mergedNode = node;
return mergedNode;
function normalizeTextNodes(node) {
if (node && node.nextSibling) {
node = mergeTextNodes(node, node.nextSibling);
if (node && node.previousSibling) {
mergeTextNodes(node.previousSibling, node);
this.normalizeTextNodes = normalizeTextNodes;
function rangeContainsNode(limits, node) {
var range = node.ownerDocument.createRange(), nodeRange = node.ownerDocument.createRange(), result;
range.setStart(limits.startContainer, limits.startOffset);
range.setEnd(limits.endContainer, limits.endOffset);
result = containsRange(range, nodeRange);
return result;
this.rangeContainsNode = rangeContainsNode;
function mergeIntoParent(targetNode) {
var parent = targetNode.parentNode;
while (targetNode.firstChild) {
parent.insertBefore(targetNode.firstChild, targetNode);
return parent;
this.mergeIntoParent = mergeIntoParent;
function removeUnwantedNodes(targetNode, nodeFilter) {
var parent = targetNode.parentNode, node = targetNode.firstChild, filterResult = nodeFilter(targetNode), next;
if (filterResult === NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP) {
return parent;
while (node) {
next = node.nextSibling;
removeUnwantedNodes(node, nodeFilter);
node = next;
if (parent && filterResult === NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT) {
return parent;
this.removeUnwantedNodes = removeUnwantedNodes;
this.removeAllChildNodes = function(node) {
while (node.firstChild) {
function getElementsByTagNameNS(node, namespace, tagName) {
var e = [], list, i, l;
list = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace, tagName);
e.length = l = list.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
e[i] = list.item(i);
return e;
this.getElementsByTagNameNS = getElementsByTagNameNS;
function getElementsByTagName(node, tagName) {
var e = [], list, i, l;
list = node.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
e.length = l = list.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
e[i] = list.item(i);
return e;
this.getElementsByTagName = getElementsByTagName;
function containsNode(parent, descendant) {
return parent === descendant || parent.contains(descendant);
this.containsNode = containsNode;
function containsNodeForBrokenWebKit(parent, descendant) {
return parent === descendant || Boolean(parent.compareDocumentPosition(descendant) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY);
function comparePoints(c1, o1, c2, o2) {
if (c1 === c2) {
return o2 - o1;
var comparison = c1.compareDocumentPosition(c2);
if (comparison === 2) {
comparison = -1;
} else {
if (comparison === 4) {
comparison = 1;
} else {
if (comparison === 10) {
o1 = getPositionInContainingNode(c1, c2);
comparison = o1 < o2 ? 1 : -1;
} else {
o2 = getPositionInContainingNode(c2, c1);
comparison = o2 < o1 ? -1 : 1;
return comparison;
this.comparePoints = comparePoints;
function adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(inputNumber, zoomLevel) {
if (getBrowserQuirks().unscaledRangeClientRects) {
return inputNumber;
return inputNumber / zoomLevel;
this.adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel = adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel;
this.translateRect = function(child, parent, zoomLevel) {
return {top:adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(child.top - parent.top, zoomLevel), left:adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(child.left - parent.left, zoomLevel), bottom:adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(child.bottom - parent.top, zoomLevel), right:adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(child.right - parent.left, zoomLevel), width:adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(child.width, zoomLevel), height:adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(child.height, zoomLevel)};
function getBoundingClientRect(node) {
var doc = node.ownerDocument, quirks = getBrowserQuirks(), range, element, rect, body = doc.body;
if (quirks.unscaledRangeClientRects === false || quirks.rangeBCRIgnoresElementBCR) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
element = node;
rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
if (quirks.elementBCRIgnoresBodyScroll) {
return {left:rect.left + body.scrollLeft, right:rect.right + body.scrollLeft, top:rect.top + body.scrollTop, bottom:rect.bottom + body.scrollTop, width:rect.width, height:rect.height};
return rect;
range = getSharedRange(doc);
return range.getBoundingClientRect();
this.getBoundingClientRect = getBoundingClientRect;
function mapKeyValObjOntoNode(node, properties, nsResolver) {
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function(key) {
var parts = key.split(":"), prefix = parts[0], localName = parts[1], ns = nsResolver(prefix), value = properties[key], element;
if (ns) {
element = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, localName)[0];
if (!element) {
element = node.ownerDocument.createElementNS(ns, key);
element.textContent = value;
} else {
runtime.log("Key ignored: " + key);
this.mapKeyValObjOntoNode = mapKeyValObjOntoNode;
function removeKeyElementsFromNode(node, propertyNames, nsResolver) {
propertyNames.forEach(function(propertyName) {
var parts = propertyName.split(":"), prefix = parts[0], localName = parts[1], ns = nsResolver(prefix), element;
if (ns) {
element = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, localName)[0];
if (element) {
} else {
runtime.log("Element for " + propertyName + " not found.");
} else {
runtime.log("Property Name ignored: " + propertyName);
this.removeKeyElementsFromNode = removeKeyElementsFromNode;
function getKeyValRepresentationOfNode(node, prefixResolver) {
var properties = {}, currentSibling = node.firstElementChild, prefix;
while (currentSibling) {
prefix = prefixResolver(currentSibling.namespaceURI);
if (prefix) {
properties[prefix + ":" + currentSibling.localName] = currentSibling.textContent;
currentSibling = currentSibling.nextElementSibling;
return properties;
this.getKeyValRepresentationOfNode = getKeyValRepresentationOfNode;
function mapObjOntoNode(node, properties, nsResolver) {
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function(key) {
var parts = key.split(":"), prefix = parts[0], localName = parts[1], ns = nsResolver(prefix), value = properties[key], valueType = typeof value, element;
if (valueType === "object") {
if (Object.keys(value).length) {
if (ns) {
element = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, localName)[0] || node.ownerDocument.createElementNS(ns, key);
} else {
element = node.getElementsByTagName(localName)[0] || node.ownerDocument.createElement(key);
mapObjOntoNode(element, value, nsResolver);
} else {
if (ns) {
runtime.assert(valueType === "number" || valueType === "string", "attempting to map unsupported type '" + valueType + "' (key: " + key + ")");
node.setAttributeNS(ns, key, String(value));
this.mapObjOntoNode = mapObjOntoNode;
function cloneEvent(event) {
var e = Object.create(null);
Object.keys(event.constructor.prototype).forEach(function(x) {
e[x] = event[x];
e.prototype = event.constructor.prototype;
return e;
this.cloneEvent = cloneEvent;
this.getDirectChild = getDirectChild;
function init(self) {
var appVersion, webKitOrSafari, ie, window = runtime.getWindow();
if (window === null) {
appVersion = window.navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();
webKitOrSafari = appVersion.indexOf("chrome") === -1 && (appVersion.indexOf("applewebkit") !== -1 || appVersion.indexOf("safari") !== -1);
ie = appVersion.indexOf("msie") !== -1 || appVersion.indexOf("trident") !== -1;
if (webKitOrSafari || ie) {
self.containsNode = containsNodeForBrokenWebKit;
core.DomUtils = new core.DomUtilsImpl;
core.Cursor = function Cursor(document, memberId) {
var cursorns = "urn:webodf:names:cursor", cursorNode = document.createElementNS(cursorns, "cursor"), anchorNode = document.createElementNS(cursorns, "anchor"), forwardSelection, recentlyModifiedNodes = [], selectedRange = document.createRange(), isCollapsed, domUtils = core.DomUtils;
function putIntoTextNode(node, container, offset) {
runtime.assert(Boolean(container), "putCursorIntoTextNode: invalid container");
var parent = container.parentNode;
runtime.assert(Boolean(parent), "putCursorIntoTextNode: container without parent");
runtime.assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= container.length, "putCursorIntoTextNode: offset is out of bounds");
if (offset === 0) {
parent.insertBefore(node, container);
} else {
if (offset === container.length) {
parent.insertBefore(node, container.nextSibling);
} else {
parent.insertBefore(node, container.nextSibling);
function removeNode(node) {
if (node.parentNode) {
function putNode(node, container, offset) {
if (container.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
putIntoTextNode(node, container, offset);
} else {
if (container.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
container.insertBefore(node, container.childNodes.item(offset));
function getStartNode() {
return forwardSelection ? anchorNode : cursorNode;
function getEndNode() {
return forwardSelection ? cursorNode : anchorNode;
this.getNode = function() {
return cursorNode;
this.getAnchorNode = function() {
return anchorNode.parentNode ? anchorNode : cursorNode;
this.getSelectedRange = function() {
if (isCollapsed) {
} else {
return selectedRange;
this.setSelectedRange = function(range, isForwardSelection) {
if (selectedRange && selectedRange !== range) {
selectedRange = range;
forwardSelection = isForwardSelection !== false;
isCollapsed = range.collapsed;
if (range.collapsed) {
putNode(cursorNode, range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
} else {
putNode(getEndNode(), range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
putNode(getStartNode(), range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
recentlyModifiedNodes.length = 0;
this.hasForwardSelection = function() {
return forwardSelection;
this.remove = function() {
recentlyModifiedNodes.length = 0;
function init() {
cursorNode.setAttributeNS(cursorns, "memberId", memberId);
anchorNode.setAttributeNS(cursorns, "memberId", memberId);
core.Destroyable = function Destroyable() {
core.Destroyable.prototype.destroy = function(callback) {
core.EventSource = function() {
core.EventSource.prototype.subscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
core.EventSource.prototype.unsubscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
core.EventNotifier = function EventNotifier(eventIds) {
var eventListener = {};
this.emit = function(eventId, args) {
var i, subscribers;
runtime.assert(eventListener.hasOwnProperty(eventId), 'unknown event fired "' + eventId + '"');
subscribers = eventListener[eventId];
for (i = 0;i < subscribers.length;i += 1) {
this.subscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
runtime.assert(eventListener.hasOwnProperty(eventId), 'tried to subscribe to unknown event "' + eventId + '"');
this.unsubscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
var cbIndex;
runtime.assert(eventListener.hasOwnProperty(eventId), 'tried to unsubscribe from unknown event "' + eventId + '"');
cbIndex = eventListener[eventId].indexOf(cb);
runtime.assert(cbIndex !== -1, 'tried to unsubscribe unknown callback from event "' + eventId + '"');
if (cbIndex !== -1) {
eventListener[eventId].splice(cbIndex, 1);
function register(eventId) {
runtime.assert(!eventListener.hasOwnProperty(eventId), 'Duplicated event ids: "' + eventId + '" registered more than once.');
eventListener[eventId] = [];
this.register = register;
function init() {
if (eventIds) {
core.ScheduledTask = function ScheduledTask(fn, scheduleTask, cancelTask) {
var timeoutId, scheduled = false, args = [], destroyed = false;
function cancel() {
if (scheduled) {
scheduled = false;
function execute() {
fn.apply(undefined, args);
args = null;
this.trigger = function() {
runtime.assert(destroyed === false, "Can't trigger destroyed ScheduledTask instance");
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if (!scheduled) {
scheduled = true;
timeoutId = scheduleTask(execute);
this.triggerImmediate = function() {
runtime.assert(destroyed === false, "Can't trigger destroyed ScheduledTask instance");
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
this.processRequests = function() {
if (scheduled) {
this.cancel = cancel;
this.restart = function() {
runtime.assert(destroyed === false, "Can't trigger destroyed ScheduledTask instance");
scheduled = true;
timeoutId = scheduleTask(execute);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
destroyed = true;
(function() {
var redrawTasks;
function RedrawTasks() {
var callbacks = {};
this.requestRedrawTask = function(callback) {
var id = runtime.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
delete callbacks[id];
callbacks[id] = callback;
return id;
this.performRedraw = function() {
Object.keys(callbacks).forEach(function(id) {
runtime.cancelAnimationFrame(parseInt(id, 10));
callbacks = {};
this.cancelRedrawTask = function(id) {
delete callbacks[id];
core.Task = {};
core.Task.processTasks = function() {
core.Task.createRedrawTask = function(callback) {
return new core.ScheduledTask(callback, redrawTasks.requestRedrawTask, redrawTasks.cancelRedrawTask);
core.Task.createTimeoutTask = function(callback, delay) {
return new core.ScheduledTask(callback, function(callback) {
return runtime.setTimeout(callback, delay);
}, runtime.clearTimeout);
function init() {
redrawTasks = new RedrawTasks;
core.EventSubscriptions = function() {
var subscriptions = [], frameEventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier, frameSubscriptions = {}, nextFrameEventId = 0;
function addSubscription(eventSource, eventid, callback) {
eventSource.subscribe(eventid, callback);
subscriptions.push({eventSource:eventSource, eventid:eventid, callback:callback});
this.addSubscription = addSubscription;
this.addFrameSubscription = function(eventSource, eventid, callback) {
var frameSubscription, frameEventId, eventFrameSubscriptions, i;
if (!frameSubscriptions.hasOwnProperty(eventid)) {
frameSubscriptions[eventid] = [];
eventFrameSubscriptions = frameSubscriptions[eventid];
for (i = 0;i < eventFrameSubscriptions.length;i += 1) {
if (eventFrameSubscriptions[i].eventSource === eventSource) {
frameSubscription = eventFrameSubscriptions[i];
if (!frameSubscription) {
frameEventId = "s" + nextFrameEventId;
nextFrameEventId += 1;
frameSubscription = {frameEventId:frameEventId, eventSource:eventSource, task:core.Task.createRedrawTask(function() {
frameEventNotifier.emit(frameEventId, undefined);
addSubscription(eventSource, eventid, frameSubscription.task.trigger);
frameEventNotifier.subscribe(frameSubscription.frameEventId, callback);
function unsubscribeAll() {
var cleanup = [];
subscriptions.forEach(function(subscription) {
subscription.eventSource.unsubscribe(subscription.eventid, subscription.callback);
subscriptions.length = 0;
Object.keys(frameSubscriptions).forEach(function(eventId) {
frameSubscriptions[eventId].forEach(function(subscriber) {
delete frameSubscriptions[eventId];
core.Async.destroyAll(cleanup, function() {
frameEventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier;
this.unsubscribeAll = unsubscribeAll;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
core.LazyProperty = function(valueLoader) {
var cachedValue, valueLoaded = false;
this.value = function() {
if (!valueLoaded) {
cachedValue = valueLoader();
valueLoaded = true;
return cachedValue;
this.reset = function() {
valueLoaded = false;
core.LoopWatchDog = function LoopWatchDog(timeout, maxChecks) {
var startTime = Date.now(), checks = 0;
function check() {
var t;
if (timeout) {
t = Date.now();
if (t - startTime > timeout) {
runtime.log("alert", "watchdog timeout");
throw "timeout!";
if (maxChecks > 0) {
checks += 1;
if (checks > maxChecks) {
runtime.log("alert", "watchdog loop overflow");
throw "loop overflow";
this.check = check;
core.NodeFilterChain = function(filters) {
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
var i;
for (i = 0;i < filters.length;i += 1) {
if (filters[i].acceptNode(node) === FILTER_REJECT) {
core.PositionIterator = function PositionIterator(root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntityReferences) {
var self = this, walker, currentPos, nodeFilter, TEXT_NODE = Node.TEXT_NODE, ELEMENT_NODE = Node.ELEMENT_NODE, FILTER_ACCEPT = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, FILTER_REJECT = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
function EmptyTextNodeFilter() {
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
var text = node;
if (!node || node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && text.length === 0) {
function FilteredEmptyTextNodeFilter(filter) {
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
var text = node;
if (!node || node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && text.length === 0) {
return filter.acceptNode(node);
this.nextPosition = function() {
var currentNode = walker.currentNode, nodeType = currentNode.nodeType, text = currentNode;
if (currentNode === root) {
return false;
if (currentPos === 0 && nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (walker.firstChild() === null) {
currentPos = 1;
} else {
if (nodeType === TEXT_NODE && currentPos + 1 < text.length) {
currentPos += 1;
} else {
if (walker.nextSibling() !== null) {
currentPos = 0;
} else {
if (walker.parentNode()) {
currentPos = 1;
} else {
return false;
return true;
function setAtEnd() {
var text = walker.currentNode, type = text.nodeType;
if (type === TEXT_NODE) {
currentPos = text.length - 1;
} else {
currentPos = type === ELEMENT_NODE ? 1 : 0;
function previousNode() {
if (walker.previousSibling() === null) {
if (!walker.parentNode() || walker.currentNode === root) {
return false;
currentPos = 0;
} else {
return true;
this.previousPosition = function() {
var moved = true, currentNode = walker.currentNode;
if (currentPos === 0) {
moved = previousNode();
} else {
if (currentNode.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
currentPos -= 1;
} else {
if (walker.lastChild() !== null) {
} else {
if (currentNode === root) {
moved = false;
} else {
currentPos = 0;
return moved;
this.previousNode = previousNode;
this.container = function() {
var n = walker.currentNode, t = n.nodeType;
if (currentPos === 0 && t !== TEXT_NODE) {
n = n.parentNode;
return n;
this.rightNode = function() {
var n = walker.currentNode, text = n, nodeType = n.nodeType;
if (nodeType === TEXT_NODE && currentPos === text.length) {
n = n.nextSibling;
while (n && nodeFilter(n) !== FILTER_ACCEPT) {
n = n.nextSibling;
} else {
if (nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && currentPos === 1) {
n = null;
return n;
this.leftNode = function() {
var n = walker.currentNode;
if (currentPos === 0) {
n = n.previousSibling;
while (n && nodeFilter(n) !== FILTER_ACCEPT) {
n = n.previousSibling;
} else {
if (n.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
n = n.lastChild;
while (n && nodeFilter(n) !== FILTER_ACCEPT) {
n = n.previousSibling;
return n;
this.getCurrentNode = function() {
var n = walker.currentNode;
return n;
this.unfilteredDomOffset = function() {
if (walker.currentNode.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
return currentPos;
var c = 0, n = walker.currentNode;
if (currentPos === 1) {
n = n.lastChild;
} else {
n = n.previousSibling;
while (n) {
c += 1;
n = n.previousSibling;
return c;
this.getPreviousSibling = function() {
var currentNode = walker.currentNode, sibling = walker.previousSibling();
walker.currentNode = currentNode;
return sibling;
this.getNextSibling = function() {
var currentNode = walker.currentNode, sibling = walker.nextSibling();
walker.currentNode = currentNode;
return sibling;
function moveToAcceptedNode() {
var node = walker.currentNode, filterResult, moveResult;
filterResult = nodeFilter(node);
if (node !== root) {
node = node.parentNode;
while (node && node !== root) {
if (nodeFilter(node) === FILTER_REJECT) {
walker.currentNode = node;
filterResult = FILTER_REJECT;
node = node.parentNode;
if (filterResult === FILTER_REJECT) {
currentPos = walker.currentNode.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ? node.length : 1;
moveResult = self.nextPosition();
} else {
if (filterResult === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
moveResult = true;
} else {
moveResult = self.nextPosition();
if (moveResult) {
runtime.assert(nodeFilter(walker.currentNode) === FILTER_ACCEPT, "moveToAcceptedNode did not result in walker being on an accepted node");
return moveResult;
this.setPositionBeforeElement = function(element) {
runtime.assert(Boolean(element), "setPositionBeforeElement called without element");
walker.currentNode = element;
currentPos = 0;
return moveToAcceptedNode();
this.setUnfilteredPosition = function(container, offset) {
var text;
runtime.assert(Boolean(container), "PositionIterator.setUnfilteredPosition called without container");
walker.currentNode = container;
if (container.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
currentPos = offset;
text = container;
runtime.assert(offset <= text.length, "Error in setPosition: " + offset + " > " + text.length);
runtime.assert(offset >= 0, "Error in setPosition: " + offset + " < 0");
if (offset === text.length) {
if (walker.nextSibling()) {
currentPos = 0;
} else {
if (walker.parentNode()) {
currentPos = 1;
} else {
runtime.assert(false, "Error in setUnfilteredPosition: position not valid.");
} else {
if (offset < container.childNodes.length) {
walker.currentNode = container.childNodes.item(offset);
currentPos = 0;
} else {
currentPos = 1;
return moveToAcceptedNode();
this.moveToEnd = function() {
walker.currentNode = root;
currentPos = 1;
this.moveToEndOfNode = function(node) {
var text;
if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
text = node;
self.setUnfilteredPosition(text, text.length);
} else {
walker.currentNode = node;
currentPos = 1;
this.isBeforeNode = function() {
return currentPos === 0;
this.getNodeFilter = function() {
return nodeFilter;
function init() {
var f;
if (filter) {
f = new FilteredEmptyTextNodeFilter(filter);
} else {
f = new EmptyTextNodeFilter;
nodeFilter = f.acceptNode;
nodeFilter.acceptNode = nodeFilter;
whatToShow = whatToShow || NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL;
runtime.assert(root.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE, "Internet Explorer doesn't allow tree walker roots to be text nodes");
walker = root.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker(root, whatToShow, nodeFilter, expandEntityReferences);
currentPos = 0;
if (walker.firstChild() === null) {
currentPos = 1;
core.PositionFilter = function PositionFilter() {
core.PositionFilter.FilterResult = {FILTER_ACCEPT:1, FILTER_REJECT:2, FILTER_SKIP:3};
core.PositionFilter.prototype.acceptPosition = function(point) {
core.PositionFilterChain = function PositionFilterChain() {
var filterChain = [], FILTER_ACCEPT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_ACCEPT, FILTER_REJECT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_REJECT;
this.acceptPosition = function(iterator) {
var i;
for (i = 0;i < filterChain.length;i += 1) {
if (filterChain[i].acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_REJECT) {
this.addFilter = function(filterInstance) {
core.StepDirection = {PREVIOUS:1, NEXT:2};
core.StepIterator = function StepIterator(filter, iterator) {
var FILTER_ACCEPT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_ACCEPT, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT, cachedContainer, cachedOffset, cachedFilterResult;
function resetCache() {
cachedContainer = null;
cachedOffset = undefined;
cachedFilterResult = undefined;
function isStep() {
if (cachedFilterResult === undefined) {
cachedFilterResult = filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT;
return cachedFilterResult;
this.isStep = isStep;
function setPosition(newContainer, newOffset) {
return iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(newContainer, newOffset);
this.setPosition = setPosition;
function container() {
if (!cachedContainer) {
cachedContainer = iterator.container();
return cachedContainer;
this.container = container;
function offset() {
if (cachedOffset === undefined) {
cachedOffset = iterator.unfilteredDomOffset();
return cachedOffset;
this.offset = offset;
function nextStep() {
while (iterator.nextPosition()) {
if (isStep()) {
return true;
return false;
this.nextStep = nextStep;
function previousStep() {
while (iterator.previousPosition()) {
if (isStep()) {
return true;
return false;
this.previousStep = previousStep;
this.advanceStep = function(direction) {
return direction === NEXT ? nextStep() : previousStep();
this.roundToClosestStep = function() {
var currentContainer, currentOffset, isAtStep = isStep();
if (!isAtStep) {
currentContainer = container();
currentOffset = offset();
isAtStep = previousStep();
if (!isAtStep) {
setPosition(currentContainer, currentOffset);
isAtStep = nextStep();
return isAtStep;
this.roundToPreviousStep = function() {
var isAtStep = isStep();
if (!isAtStep) {
isAtStep = previousStep();
return isAtStep;
this.roundToNextStep = function() {
var isAtStep = isStep();
if (!isAtStep) {
isAtStep = nextStep();
return isAtStep;
this.leftNode = function() {
return iterator.leftNode();
this.snapshot = function() {
return new core.StepIterator.StepSnapshot(container(), offset());
this.restore = function(snapshot) {
setPosition(snapshot.container, snapshot.offset);
core.StepIterator.StepSnapshot = function(container, offset) {
this.container = container;
this.offset = offset;
core.Utils = function Utils() {
function hashString(value) {
var hash = 0, i, l;
for (i = 0, l = value.length;i < l;i += 1) {
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + value.charCodeAt(i);
hash |= 0;
return hash;
this.hashString = hashString;
var mergeObjects;
function mergeItems(destination, source) {
if (source && Array.isArray(source)) {
destination = destination || [];
if (!Array.isArray(destination)) {
throw "Destination is not an array.";
destination = destination.concat(source.map(function(obj) {
return mergeItems(null, obj);
} else {
if (source && typeof source === "object") {
destination = destination || {};
if (typeof destination !== "object") {
throw "Destination is not an object.";
Object.keys(source).forEach(function(p) {
destination[p] = mergeItems(destination[p], source[p]);
} else {
destination = source;
return destination;
mergeObjects = function(destination, source) {
Object.keys(source).forEach(function(p) {
destination[p] = mergeItems(destination[p], source[p]);
return destination;
this.mergeObjects = mergeObjects;
core.Zip = function Zip(url, entriesReadCallback) {
var self = this, zip, base64 = new core.Base64;
function load(filename, callback) {
var entry = zip.file(filename);
if (entry) {
callback(null, entry.asUint8Array());
} else {
callback(filename + " not found.", null);
function loadAsString(filename, callback) {
load(filename, function(err, data) {
if (err || data === null) {
return callback(err, null);
var d = runtime.byteArrayToString(data, "utf8");
callback(null, d);
function loadContentXmlAsFragments(filename, handler) {
loadAsString(filename, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return handler.rootElementReady(err);
handler.rootElementReady(null, data, true);
function loadAsDataURL(filename, mimetype, callback) {
load(filename, function(err, data) {
if (err || !data) {
return callback(err, null);
var p = data, chunksize = 45E3, i = 0, dataurl;
if (!mimetype) {
if (p[1] === 80 && p[2] === 78 && p[3] === 71) {
mimetype = "image/png";
} else {
if (p[0] === 255 && p[1] === 216 && p[2] === 255) {
mimetype = "image/jpeg";
} else {
if (p[0] === 71 && p[1] === 73 && p[2] === 70) {
mimetype = "image/gif";
} else {
mimetype = "";
dataurl = "data:" + mimetype + ";base64,";
while (i < data.length) {
dataurl += base64.convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(p.subarray(i, Math.min(i + chunksize, p.length)));
i += chunksize;
callback(null, dataurl);
function loadAsDOM(filename, callback) {
loadAsString(filename, function(err, xmldata) {
if (err || xmldata === null) {
callback(err, null);
var parser = new DOMParser, dom = parser.parseFromString(xmldata, "text/xml");
callback(null, dom);
function save(filename, data, compressed, date) {
zip.file(filename, data, {date:date, compression:compressed ? "DEFLATE" : "STORE"});
function remove(filename) {
var exists = zip.file(filename) !== null;
return exists;
function createByteArray(successCallback, errorCallback) {
try {
successCallback(zip.generate({type:"uint8array", compression:"STORE"}));
} catch (e) {
function writeAs(newurl, callback) {
createByteArray(function(data) {
runtime.writeFile(newurl, data, callback);
}, callback);
function write(callback) {
writeAs(url, callback);
this.load = load;
this.save = save;
this.remove = remove;
this.write = write;
this.writeAs = writeAs;
this.createByteArray = createByteArray;
this.loadContentXmlAsFragments = loadContentXmlAsFragments;
this.loadAsString = loadAsString;
this.loadAsDOM = loadAsDOM;
this.loadAsDataURL = loadAsDataURL;
this.getEntries = function() {
return Object.keys(zip.files).map(function(filename) {
var e = zip.files[filename];
return {filename:filename, date:e.date};
zip = new externs.JSZip;
if (entriesReadCallback === null) {
runtime.readFile(url, "binary", function(err, result) {
if (typeof result === "string") {
err = "file was read as a string. Should be Uint8Array.";
if (err || !result || result.length === 0) {
entriesReadCallback("File '" + url + "' cannot be read. Err: " + (err || "[none]"), self);
} else {
try {
zip.load(result, {checkCRC32:false});
entriesReadCallback(null, self);
} catch (e) {
entriesReadCallback(e.message, self);
core.SimpleClientRect = null;
gui.CommonConstraints = {EDIT:{ANNOTATIONS:{ONLY_DELETE_OWN:"onlyDeleteOwn"}, REVIEW_MODE:"reviewMode"}};
gui.SessionConstraints = function SessionConstraints() {
var constraints = {}, constraintNotifier = new core.EventNotifier;
function registerConstraint(constraint) {
if (!constraints.hasOwnProperty(constraint)) {
constraints[constraint] = false;
this.registerConstraint = registerConstraint;
this.subscribe = function(constraint, callback) {
constraintNotifier.subscribe(constraint, callback);
this.unsubscribe = function(constraint, callback) {
constraintNotifier.unsubscribe(constraint, callback);
this.setState = function(constraint, enabled) {
runtime.assert(constraints.hasOwnProperty(constraint) === true, "No such constraint");
if (constraints[constraint] !== enabled) {
constraints[constraint] = enabled;
constraintNotifier.emit(constraint, enabled);
this.getState = function(constraint) {
runtime.assert(constraints.hasOwnProperty(constraint) === true, "No such constraint");
return constraints[constraint];
gui.BlacklistNamespaceNodeFilter = function(excludedNamespaces) {
var excludedNamespacesObj = {}, FILTER_REJECT = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT, FILTER_ACCEPT = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
if (!node || excludedNamespacesObj.hasOwnProperty(node.namespaceURI)) {
function init() {
excludedNamespaces.forEach(function(ns) {
excludedNamespacesObj[ns] = true;
odf.Namespaces = {namespaceMap:{config:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0", db:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:database:1.0", dc:"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", dr3d:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0", draw:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0", chart:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0", fo:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0", form:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0", math:"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML",
meta:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0", number:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0", office:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0", presentation:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0", style:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0", svg:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0", table:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0", text:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", xforms:"http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms",
xlink:"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xml:"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"}, prefixMap:{}, configns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0", dbns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:database:1.0", dcns:"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/", dr3dns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0", drawns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0", chartns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0", fons:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0",
formns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0", mathns:"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", metans:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0", numberns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0", officens:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0", presentationns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0", stylens:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0", svgns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0", tablens:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0",
textns:"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", xformsns:"http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms", xlinkns:"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xmlns:"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"};
(function() {
var map = odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap, pmap = odf.Namespaces.prefixMap, prefix;
for (prefix in map) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
pmap[map[prefix]] = prefix;
odf.Namespaces.forEachPrefix = function forEachPrefix(cb) {
var ns = odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap, prefix;
for (prefix in ns) {
if (ns.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
cb(prefix, ns[prefix]);
odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI = function lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) {
var r = null;
if (odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap.hasOwnProperty(prefix)) {
r = odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap[prefix];
return r;
odf.Namespaces.lookupPrefix = function lookupPrefix(namespaceURI) {
var map = odf.Namespaces.prefixMap;
return map.hasOwnProperty(namespaceURI) ? map[namespaceURI] : null;
odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI.lookupNamespaceURI = odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI;
(function() {
odf.OdfSchemaImpl = function() {
var TEXT = "text", FIELD = "field", OBJECT = "object", STYLE = "style", DEPRECATED = "deprecated", UNKNOWN = "uncategorized", containers = [["config:config-item", UNKNOWN], ["form:item", OBJECT], ["form:option", UNKNOWN], ["math:math", FIELD], ["meta:user-defined", UNKNOWN], ["number:currency-symbol", UNKNOWN], ["number:embedded-text", UNKNOWN], ["number:text", UNKNOWN], ["presentation:date-time-decl", UNKNOWN], ["presentation:footer-decl", UNKNOWN], ["presentation:header-decl", UNKNOWN], ["svg:desc",
TEXT], ["svg:title", TEXT], ["table:desc", UNKNOWN], ["table:title", UNKNOWN], ["text:a", TEXT], ["text:author-initials", FIELD], ["text:author-name", FIELD], ["text:bibliography-mark", FIELD], ["text:bookmark-ref", FIELD], ["text:chapter", FIELD], ["text:character-count", FIELD], ["text:conditional-text", FIELD], ["text:creation-date", FIELD], ["text:creation-time", FIELD], ["text:creator", FIELD], ["text:database-display", FIELD], ["text:database-name", FIELD], ["text:database-row-number",
FIELD], ["text:date", FIELD], ["text:dde-connection", FIELD], ["text:description", FIELD], ["text:editing-cycles", FIELD], ["text:editing-duration", FIELD], ["text:execute-macro", UNKNOWN], ["text:expression", UNKNOWN], ["text:file-name", FIELD], ["text:h", TEXT], ["text:hidden-paragraph", TEXT], ["text:hidden-text", TEXT], ["text:image-count", FIELD], ["text:index-entry-span", UNKNOWN], ["text:index-title-template", UNKNOWN], ["text:initial-creator", FIELD], ["text:keywords", FIELD], ["text:linenumbering-separator",
STYLE], ["text:measure", UNKNOWN], ["text:meta", UNKNOWN], ["text:meta-field", UNKNOWN], ["text:modification-date", FIELD], ["text:modification-time", FIELD], ["text:note-citation", FIELD], ["text:note-continuation-notice-backward", STYLE], ["text:note-continuation-notice-forward", STYLE], ["text:note-ref", FIELD], ["text:object-count", FIELD], ["text:p", TEXT], ["text:page-continuation", UNKNOWN], ["text:page-count", FIELD], ["text:page-number", FIELD], ["text:page-variable-get", FIELD], ["text:page-variable-set",
FIELD], ["text:paragraph-count", FIELD], ["text:placeholder", FIELD], ["text:print-date", FIELD], ["text:print-time", FIELD], ["text:printed-by", FIELD], ["text:reference-ref", FIELD], ["text:ruby-base", TEXT], ["text:ruby-text", TEXT], ["text:script", TEXT], ["text:sender-city", FIELD], ["text:sender-company", FIELD], ["text:sender-country", FIELD], ["text:sender-email", FIELD], ["text:sender-fax", FIELD], ["text:sender-firstname", FIELD], ["text:sender-initials", FIELD], ["text:sender-lastname",
FIELD], ["text:sender-phone-private", FIELD], ["text:sender-phone-work", FIELD], ["text:sender-position", FIELD], ["text:sender-postal-code", FIELD], ["text:sender-state-or-province", FIELD], ["text:sender-street", FIELD], ["text:sender-title", FIELD], ["text:sequence", UNKNOWN], ["text:sequence-ref", UNKNOWN], ["text:sheet-name", UNKNOWN], ["text:span", TEXT], ["text:subject", FIELD], ["text:table-count", FIELD], ["text:table-formula", DEPRECATED], ["text:template-name", UNKNOWN], ["text:text-input",
FIELD], ["text:time", FIELD], ["text:title", FIELD], ["text:user-defined", FIELD], ["text:user-field-get", FIELD], ["text:user-field-input", FIELD], ["text:variable-get", FIELD], ["text:variable-input", FIELD], ["text:variable-set", FIELD], ["text:word-count", FIELD], ["xforms:model", UNKNOWN]], cache = {};
this.isTextContainer = function(namespaceURI, localName) {
return cache[namespaceURI + ":" + localName] === TEXT;
this.isField = function(namespaceURI, localName) {
return cache[namespaceURI + ":" + localName] === FIELD;
this.getFields = function() {
return containers.filter(function(containerInfo) {
return containerInfo[1] === FIELD;
}).map(function(containerInfo) {
return containerInfo[0];
function init() {
containers.forEach(function(containerInfo) {
var name = containerInfo[0], type = containerInfo[1], nameParts = name.split(":"), prefix = nameParts[0], localName = nameParts[1], namespaceURI = odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
if (namespaceURI) {
cache[namespaceURI + ":" + localName] = type;
} else {
runtime.log("DEBUG: OdfSchema - unknown prefix '" + prefix + "'");
odf.OdfSchema = new odf.OdfSchemaImpl;
odf.OdfUtilsImpl = function OdfUtilsImpl() {
var textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, drawns = odf.Namespaces.drawns, xlinkns = odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, domUtils = core.DomUtils, odfNodeNamespaceMap = [odf.Namespaces.dbns, odf.Namespaces.dcns, odf.Namespaces.dr3dns, odf.Namespaces.drawns, odf.Namespaces.chartns, odf.Namespaces.formns, odf.Namespaces.numberns, odf.Namespaces.officens, odf.Namespaces.presentationns, odf.Namespaces.stylens, odf.Namespaces.svgns, odf.Namespaces.tablens, odf.Namespaces.textns], odfSchema = odf.OdfSchema;
function isImage(e) {
var name = e && e.localName;
return name === "image" && e.namespaceURI === drawns;
this.isImage = isImage;
function isCharacterFrame(e) {
return e !== null && e.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && e.localName === "frame" && e.namespaceURI === drawns && e.getAttributeNS(textns, "anchor-type") === "as-char";
this.isCharacterFrame = isCharacterFrame;
function isAnnotation(e) {
var name = e && e.localName;
return name === "annotation" && e.namespaceURI === odf.Namespaces.officens;
function isAnnotationWrapper(e) {
var name = e && e.localName;
return name === "div" && e.className === "annotationWrapper";
function isInlineRoot(e) {
return isAnnotation(e) || isAnnotationWrapper(e);
this.isInlineRoot = isInlineRoot;
this.isTextSpan = function(e) {
var name = e && e.localName;
return name === "span" && e.namespaceURI === textns;
function isHyperlink(node) {
var name = node && node.localName;
return name === "a" && node.namespaceURI === textns;
this.isHyperlink = isHyperlink;
this.getHyperlinkTarget = function(element) {
return element.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href") || "";
function isParagraph(e) {
var name = e && e.localName;
return (name === "p" || name === "h") && e.namespaceURI === textns;
this.isParagraph = isParagraph;
function getParagraphElement(node, offset) {
if (node && offset !== undefined && !isParagraph(node) && node.childNodes.item(offset)) {
node = node.childNodes.item(offset);
while (node && !isParagraph(node)) {
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
this.getParagraphElement = getParagraphElement;
function getParentAnnotation(node, container) {
while (node && node !== container) {
if (node.namespaceURI === odf.Namespaces.officens && node.localName === "annotation") {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
this.getParentAnnotation = getParentAnnotation;
this.isWithinAnnotation = function(node, container) {
return Boolean(getParentAnnotation(node, container));
this.getAnnotationCreator = function(annotationElement) {
var creatorElement = annotationElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(odf.Namespaces.dcns, "creator")[0];
return creatorElement.textContent;
this.isListItem = function(e) {
var name = e && e.localName;
return name === "list-item" && e.namespaceURI === textns;
this.isLineBreak = function(e) {
var name = e && e.localName;
return name === "line-break" && e.namespaceURI === textns;
function isODFWhitespace(text) {
return /^[ \t\r\n]+$/.test(text);
this.isODFWhitespace = isODFWhitespace;
function isGroupingElement(n) {
if (n === null || n.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return false;
var e = n, localName = e.localName;
return odfSchema.isTextContainer(e.namespaceURI, localName) || localName === "span" && e.className === "webodf-annotationHighlight";
this.isGroupingElement = isGroupingElement;
function isFieldElement(n) {
if (n === null || n.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return false;
var e = n, localName = e.localName;
return odfSchema.isField(e.namespaceURI, localName);
this.isFieldElement = isFieldElement;
function isCharacterElement(e) {
var n = e && e.localName, ns, r = false;
if (n) {
ns = e.namespaceURI;
if (ns === textns) {
r = n === "s" || n === "tab" || n === "line-break";
return r;
this.isCharacterElement = isCharacterElement;
function isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(e) {
return isCharacterElement(e) || isFieldElement(e) || isCharacterFrame(e) || isInlineRoot(e);
this.isAnchoredAsCharacterElement = isAnchoredAsCharacterElement;
function isSpaceElement(e) {
var n = e && e.localName, ns, r = false;
if (n) {
ns = e.namespaceURI;
if (ns === textns) {
r = n === "s";
return r;
this.isSpaceElement = isSpaceElement;
function isODFNode(node) {
return odfNodeNamespaceMap.indexOf(node.namespaceURI) !== -1;
this.isODFNode = isODFNode;
function hasNoODFContent(node) {
var childNode;
if (isCharacterElement(node) || isFieldElement(node)) {
return false;
if (isGroupingElement(node.parentNode) && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return node.textContent.length === 0;
childNode = node.firstChild;
while (childNode) {
if (isODFNode(childNode) || !hasNoODFContent(childNode)) {
return false;
childNode = childNode.nextSibling;
return true;
this.hasNoODFContent = hasNoODFContent;
function firstChild(node) {
while (node.firstChild !== null && isGroupingElement(node)) {
node = node.firstChild;
return node;
this.firstChild = firstChild;
function lastChild(node) {
while (node.lastChild !== null && isGroupingElement(node)) {
node = node.lastChild;
return node;
this.lastChild = lastChild;
function previousNode(node) {
while (!isParagraph(node) && node.previousSibling === null) {
node = node.parentNode;
return isParagraph(node) ? null : lastChild(node.previousSibling);
this.previousNode = previousNode;
function nextNode(node) {
while (!isParagraph(node) && node.nextSibling === null) {
node = node.parentNode;
return isParagraph(node) ? null : firstChild(node.nextSibling);
this.nextNode = nextNode;
function scanLeftForNonSpace(node) {
var r = false, text;
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
text = node;
if (text.length === 0) {
node = previousNode(text);
} else {
return !isODFWhitespace(text.data.substr(text.length - 1, 1));
} else {
if (isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(node)) {
r = isSpaceElement(node) === false;
node = null;
} else {
node = previousNode(node);
return r;
this.scanLeftForNonSpace = scanLeftForNonSpace;
function lookLeftForCharacter(node) {
var text, r = 0, tl = 0;
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
tl = node.length;
if (tl > 0) {
text = node.data;
if (!isODFWhitespace(text.substr(tl - 1, 1))) {
r = 1;
} else {
if (tl === 1) {
r = scanLeftForNonSpace(previousNode(node)) ? 2 : 0;
} else {
r = isODFWhitespace(text.substr(tl - 2, 1)) ? 0 : 2;
} else {
if (isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(node)) {
r = 1;
return r;
this.lookLeftForCharacter = lookLeftForCharacter;
function lookRightForCharacter(node) {
var r = false, l = 0;
if (node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
l = node.length;
if (l > 0) {
r = !isODFWhitespace(node.data.substr(0, 1));
} else {
if (isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(node)) {
r = true;
return r;
this.lookRightForCharacter = lookRightForCharacter;
function scanLeftForAnyCharacter(node) {
var r = false, l;
node = node && lastChild(node);
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
l = node.length;
} else {
l = 0;
if (l > 0 && !isODFWhitespace(node.data)) {
r = true;
if (isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(node)) {
r = true;
node = previousNode(node);
return r;
this.scanLeftForAnyCharacter = scanLeftForAnyCharacter;
function scanRightForAnyCharacter(node) {
var r = false, l;
node = node && firstChild(node);
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
l = node.length;
} else {
l = 0;
if (l > 0 && !isODFWhitespace(node.data)) {
r = true;
if (isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(node)) {
r = true;
node = nextNode(node);
return r;
this.scanRightForAnyCharacter = scanRightForAnyCharacter;
function isTrailingWhitespace(textnode, offset) {
if (!isODFWhitespace(textnode.data.substr(offset))) {
return false;
return !scanRightForAnyCharacter(nextNode(textnode));
this.isTrailingWhitespace = isTrailingWhitespace;
function isSignificantWhitespace(textNode, offset) {
var text = textNode.data, result;
if (!isODFWhitespace(text[offset])) {
return false;
if (isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(textNode.parentNode)) {
return false;
if (offset > 0) {
if (!isODFWhitespace(text[offset - 1])) {
result = true;
} else {
if (scanLeftForNonSpace(previousNode(textNode))) {
result = true;
if (result === true) {
return isTrailingWhitespace(textNode, offset) ? false : true;
return false;
this.isSignificantWhitespace = isSignificantWhitespace;
this.isDowngradableSpaceElement = function(node) {
if (isSpaceElement(node)) {
return scanLeftForNonSpace(previousNode(node)) && scanRightForAnyCharacter(nextNode(node));
return false;
function parseLength(length) {
var re = /(-?[0-9]*[0-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px)|(%))/, m = re.exec(length);
if (!m) {
return null;
return {value:parseFloat(m[1]), unit:m[3]};
this.parseLength = parseLength;
function parsePositiveLength(length) {
var result = parseLength(length);
if (result && (result.value <= 0 || result.unit === "%")) {
return null;
return result;
function parseNonNegativeLength(length) {
var result = parseLength(length);
if (result && (result.value < 0 || result.unit === "%")) {
return null;
return result;
this.parseNonNegativeLength = parseNonNegativeLength;
function parsePercentage(length) {
var result = parseLength(length);
if (result && result.unit !== "%") {
return null;
return result;
function parseFoFontSize(fontSize) {
return parsePositiveLength(fontSize) || parsePercentage(fontSize);
this.parseFoFontSize = parseFoFontSize;
function parseFoLineHeight(lineHeight) {
return parseNonNegativeLength(lineHeight) || parsePercentage(lineHeight);
this.parseFoLineHeight = parseFoLineHeight;
function isTextContentContainingNode(node) {
switch(node.namespaceURI) {
case odf.Namespaces.drawns:
case odf.Namespaces.svgns:
case odf.Namespaces.dr3dns:
return false;
case odf.Namespaces.textns:
switch(node.localName) {
case "note-body":
case "ruby-text":
return false;
case odf.Namespaces.officens:
switch(node.localName) {
case "annotation":
case "binary-data":
case "event-listeners":
return false;
switch(node.localName) {
case "cursor":
case "editinfo":
return false;
return true;
this.isTextContentContainingNode = isTextContentContainingNode;
function isSignificantTextContent(textNode) {
return Boolean(getParagraphElement(textNode) && (!isODFWhitespace(textNode.textContent) || isSignificantWhitespace(textNode, 0)));
function removePartiallyContainedNodes(range, nodes) {
while (nodes.length > 0 && !domUtils.rangeContainsNode(range, nodes[0])) {
while (nodes.length > 0 && !domUtils.rangeContainsNode(range, nodes[nodes.length - 1])) {
function getTextNodes(range, includePartial) {
var textNodes;
function nodeFilter(node) {
var result = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
if (isSignificantTextContent(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
} else {
if (isTextContentContainingNode(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return result;
textNodes = domUtils.getNodesInRange(range, nodeFilter, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
if (!includePartial) {
removePartiallyContainedNodes(range, textNodes);
return textNodes;
this.getTextNodes = getTextNodes;
function getTextElements(range, includePartial, includeInsignificantWhitespace) {
var elements;
function nodeFilter(node) {
var result = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
if (isCharacterElement(node.parentNode) || isFieldElement(node.parentNode) || isInlineRoot(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
} else {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
if (includeInsignificantWhitespace || isSignificantTextContent(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
} else {
if (isAnchoredAsCharacterElement(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
} else {
if (isTextContentContainingNode(node) || isGroupingElement(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return result;
elements = domUtils.getNodesInRange(range, nodeFilter, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
if (!includePartial) {
removePartiallyContainedNodes(range, elements);
return elements;
this.getTextElements = getTextElements;
function prependParentContainers(startContainer, elements, filter) {
var container = startContainer;
while (container) {
if (filter(container)) {
if (elements[0] !== container) {
if (isInlineRoot(container)) {
container = container.parentNode;
this.getParagraphElements = function(range) {
var elements;
function nodeFilter(node) {
var result = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
if (isParagraph(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
} else {
if (isTextContentContainingNode(node) || isGroupingElement(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return result;
elements = domUtils.getNodesInRange(range, nodeFilter, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
prependParentContainers(range.startContainer, elements, isParagraph);
return elements;
this.getImageElements = function(range) {
var elements;
function nodeFilter(node) {
var result = NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
if (isImage(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return result;
elements = domUtils.getNodesInRange(range, nodeFilter, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT);
prependParentContainers(range.startContainer, elements, isImage);
return elements;
function getRightNode(container, offset) {
var node = container;
if (offset < node.childNodes.length - 1) {
node = node.childNodes[offset + 1];
} else {
while (!node.nextSibling) {
node = node.parentNode;
node = node.nextSibling;
while (node.firstChild) {
node = node.firstChild;
return node;
this.getHyperlinkElements = function(range) {
var links = [], newRange = range.cloneRange(), node, textNodes;
if (range.collapsed && range.endContainer.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
node = getRightNode(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
newRange.setEnd(node, 1);
textNodes = getTextElements(newRange, true, false);
textNodes.forEach(function(node) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
while (!isParagraph(parent)) {
if (isHyperlink(parent) && links.indexOf(parent) === -1) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
return links;
this.getNormalizedFontFamilyName = function(fontFamilyName) {
if (!/^(["'])(?:.|[\n\r])*?\1$/.test(fontFamilyName)) {
fontFamilyName = fontFamilyName.replace(/^[ \t\r\n\f]*((?:.|[\n\r])*?)[ \t\r\n\f]*$/, "$1");
if (/[ \t\r\n\f]/.test(fontFamilyName)) {
fontFamilyName = "'" + fontFamilyName.replace(/[ \t\r\n\f]+/g, " ") + "'";
return fontFamilyName;
odf.OdfUtils = new odf.OdfUtilsImpl;
gui.OdfTextBodyNodeFilter = function() {
var odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, TEXT_NODE = Node.TEXT_NODE, FILTER_REJECT = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT, FILTER_ACCEPT = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns;
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
if (!odfUtils.isGroupingElement(node.parentNode)) {
} else {
if (node.namespaceURI === textns && node.localName === "tracked-changes") {
xmldom.LSSerializerFilter = function LSSerializerFilter() {
xmldom.LSSerializerFilter.prototype.acceptNode = function(node) {
odf.OdfNodeFilter = function OdfNodeFilter() {
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
var result;
if (node.namespaceURI === "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
} else {
if (node.namespaceURI && node.namespaceURI.match(/^urn:webodf:/)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
} else {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return result;
xmldom.XPathIterator = function XPathIterator() {
xmldom.XPathIterator.prototype.next = function() {
xmldom.XPathIterator.prototype.reset = function() {
function createXPathSingleton() {
var createXPathPathIterator, parsePredicates;
function isSmallestPositive(a, b, c) {
return a !== -1 && (a < b || b === -1) && (a < c || c === -1);
function parseXPathStep(xpath, pos, end, steps) {
var location = "", predicates = [], brapos = xpath.indexOf("[", pos), slapos = xpath.indexOf("/", pos), eqpos = xpath.indexOf("=", pos);
if (isSmallestPositive(slapos, brapos, eqpos)) {
location = xpath.substring(pos, slapos);
pos = slapos + 1;
} else {
if (isSmallestPositive(brapos, slapos, eqpos)) {
location = xpath.substring(pos, brapos);
pos = parsePredicates(xpath, brapos, predicates);
} else {
if (isSmallestPositive(eqpos, slapos, brapos)) {
location = xpath.substring(pos, eqpos);
pos = eqpos;
} else {
location = xpath.substring(pos, end);
pos = end;
steps.push({location:location, predicates:predicates});
return pos;
function parseXPath(xpath) {
var steps = [], p = 0, end = xpath.length, value;
while (p < end) {
p = parseXPathStep(xpath, p, end, steps);
if (p < end && xpath[p] === "=") {
value = xpath.substring(p + 1, end);
if (value.length > 2 && (value[0] === "'" || value[0] === '"')) {
value = value.slice(1, value.length - 1);
} else {
try {
value = parseInt(value, 10);
} catch (ignore) {
p = end;
return {steps:steps, value:value};
parsePredicates = function parsePredicates(xpath, start, predicates) {
var pos = start, l = xpath.length, depth = 0;
while (pos < l) {
if (xpath[pos] === "]") {
depth -= 1;
if (depth <= 0) {
predicates.push(parseXPath(xpath.substring(start, pos)));
} else {
if (xpath[pos] === "[") {
if (depth <= 0) {
start = pos + 1;
depth += 1;
pos += 1;
return pos;
function XPathNodeIterator() {
var node = null, done = false;
this.setNode = function setNode(n) {
node = n;
this.reset = function() {
done = false;
this.next = function next() {
var val = done ? null : node;
done = true;
return val;
function AttributeIterator(it, namespace, localName) {
this.reset = function reset() {
this.next = function next() {
var node = it.next();
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
node = node.getAttributeNodeNS(namespace, localName);
if (node) {
return node;
node = it.next();
return node;
function AllChildElementIterator(it, recurse) {
var root = it.next(), node = null;
this.reset = function reset() {
root = it.next();
node = null;
this.next = function next() {
while (root) {
if (node) {
if (recurse && node.firstChild) {
node = node.firstChild;
} else {
while (!node.nextSibling && node !== root) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node === root) {
root = it.next();
} else {
node = node.nextSibling;
} else {
do {
node = root.firstChild;
if (!node) {
root = it.next();
} while (root && !node);
if (node && node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return node;
return null;
function ConditionIterator(it, condition) {
this.reset = function reset() {
this.next = function next() {
var n = it.next();
while (n && !condition(n)) {
n = it.next();
return n;
function createNodenameFilter(it, name, namespaceResolver) {
var s = name.split(":", 2), namespace = namespaceResolver(s[0]), localName = s[1];
return new ConditionIterator(it, function(node) {
return node.localName === localName && node.namespaceURI === namespace;
function createPredicateFilteredIterator(it, p, namespaceResolver) {
var nit = new XPathNodeIterator, pit = createXPathPathIterator(nit, p, namespaceResolver), value = p.value;
if (value === undefined) {
return new ConditionIterator(it, function(node) {
return pit.next() !== null;
return new ConditionIterator(it, function(node) {
var n = pit.next();
return n ? n.nodeValue === value : false;
function item(p, i) {
return p[i];
createXPathPathIterator = function createXPathPathIterator(it, xpath, namespaceResolver) {
var i, j, step, location, s, p, ns;
for (i = 0;i < xpath.steps.length;i += 1) {
step = xpath.steps[i];
location = step.location;
if (location === "") {
it = new AllChildElementIterator(it, false);
} else {
if (location[0] === "@") {
s = location.substr(1).split(":", 2);
ns = namespaceResolver(s[0]);
if (!ns) {
throw "No namespace associated with the prefix " + s[0];
it = new AttributeIterator(it, ns, s[1]);
} else {
if (location !== ".") {
it = new AllChildElementIterator(it, false);
if (location.indexOf(":") !== -1) {
it = createNodenameFilter(it, location, namespaceResolver);
for (j = 0;j < step.predicates.length;j += 1) {
p = item(step.predicates, j);
it = createPredicateFilteredIterator(it, p, namespaceResolver);
return it;
function fallback(node, xpath, namespaceResolver) {
var it = new XPathNodeIterator, i, nodelist, parsedXPath;
parsedXPath = parseXPath(xpath);
it = createXPathPathIterator(it, parsedXPath, namespaceResolver);
nodelist = [];
i = it.next();
while (i) {
i = it.next();
return nodelist;
function getODFElementsWithXPath(node, xpath, namespaceResolver) {
var doc = node.ownerDocument, nodes, elements = [], n = null;
if (!doc || typeof doc.evaluate !== "function") {
elements = fallback(node, xpath, namespaceResolver);
} else {
nodes = doc.evaluate(xpath, node, namespaceResolver, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
n = nodes.iterateNext();
while (n !== null) {
if (n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
n = nodes.iterateNext();
return elements;
return {getODFElementsWithXPath:getODFElementsWithXPath};
xmldom.XPath = createXPathSingleton();
odf.StyleInfo = function StyleInfo() {
var chartns = odf.Namespaces.chartns, dbns = odf.Namespaces.dbns, dr3dns = odf.Namespaces.dr3dns, drawns = odf.Namespaces.drawns, formns = odf.Namespaces.formns, numberns = odf.Namespaces.numberns, officens = odf.Namespaces.officens, presentationns = odf.Namespaces.presentationns, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, tablens = odf.Namespaces.tablens, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, nsprefixes = {"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0":"chart:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:database:1.0":"db:",
"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0":"dr3d:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0":"draw:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0":"fo:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0":"form:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0":"number:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0":"office:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0":"presentation:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0":"style:",
"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0":"svg:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0":"table:", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0":"chart:", "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace":"xml:"}, elementstyles = {"text":[{ens:stylens, en:"tab-stop", ans:stylens, a:"leader-text-style"}, {ens:stylens, en:"drop-cap", ans:stylens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"notes-configuration", ans:textns, a:"citation-body-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"notes-configuration",
ans:textns, a:"citation-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"a", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"alphabetical-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"linenumbering-configuration", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"list-level-style-number", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"ruby-text", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"span", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"a", ans:textns, a:"visited-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"text-properties",
ans:stylens, a:"text-line-through-text-style"}, {ens:textns, en:"alphabetical-index-source", ans:textns, a:"main-entry-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-bibliography", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-chapter", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-link-end", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-link-start", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-page-number", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns,
en:"index-entry-span", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-tab-stop", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-entry-text", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-title-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"list-level-style-bullet", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"outline-level-style", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}], "paragraph":[{ens:drawns, en:"caption", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"circle", ans:drawns,
a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"connector", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"control", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"custom-shape", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"ellipse", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"frame", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"line", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"measure", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"path", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"},
{ens:drawns, en:"polygon", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polyline", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"rect", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"regular-polygon", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:officens, en:"annotation", ans:drawns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:formns, en:"column", ans:formns, a:"text-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"next-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"body", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"},
{ens:tablens, en:"even-columns", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"even-rows", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"first-column", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"first-row", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"last-column", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"last-row", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"odd-columns", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"},
{ens:tablens, en:"odd-rows", ans:tablens, a:"paragraph-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"notes-configuration", ans:textns, a:"default-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"alphabetical-index-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"bibliography-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"h", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"illustration-index-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-source-style", ans:textns, a:"style-name"},
{ens:textns, en:"object-index-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"p", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-index-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-of-content-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-index-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-index-entry-template", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"page-layout-properties", ans:stylens, a:"register-truth-ref-style-name"}],
"chart":[{ens:chartns, en:"axis", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"chart", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"data-label", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"data-point", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"equation", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"error-indicator", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"floor", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"footer", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"grid",
ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"legend", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"mean-value", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"plot-area", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"regression-curve", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"series", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"stock-gain-marker", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"stock-loss-marker", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"stock-range-line",
ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"subtitle", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"title", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:chartns, en:"wall", ans:chartns, a:"style-name"}], "section":[{ens:textns, en:"alphabetical-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"bibliography", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"illustration-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"index-title", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"object-index",
ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"section", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-of-content", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-index", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}], "ruby":[{ens:textns, en:"ruby", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}], "table":[{ens:dbns, en:"query", ans:dbns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dbns, en:"table-representation", ans:dbns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"background", ans:tablens,
a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"table", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}], "table-column":[{ens:dbns, en:"column", ans:dbns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"table-column", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}], "table-row":[{ens:dbns, en:"query", ans:dbns, a:"default-row-style-name"}, {ens:dbns, en:"table-representation", ans:dbns, a:"default-row-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"table-row", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}], "table-cell":[{ens:dbns, en:"column", ans:dbns, a:"default-cell-style-name"}, {ens:tablens,
en:"table-column", ans:tablens, a:"default-cell-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"table-row", ans:tablens, a:"default-cell-style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"body", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"covered-table-cell", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"even-columns", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"covered-table-cell", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"even-columns", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"even-rows", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"},
{ens:tablens, en:"first-column", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"first-row", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"last-column", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"last-row", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"odd-columns", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"odd-rows", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}, {ens:tablens, en:"table-cell", ans:tablens, a:"style-name"}], "graphic":[{ens:dr3dns, en:"cube", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns,
en:"extrude", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"rotate", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"scene", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"sphere", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"caption", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"circle", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"connector", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"control", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"custom-shape", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns,
en:"ellipse", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"frame", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"g", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"line", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"measure", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"page-thumbnail", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"path", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polygon", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polyline", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"rect",
ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"regular-polygon", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:officens, en:"annotation", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}], "presentation":[{ens:dr3dns, en:"cube", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"extrude", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"rotate", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"scene", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:dr3dns, en:"sphere", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"caption",
ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"circle", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"connector", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"control", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"custom-shape", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"ellipse", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"frame", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"g", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"line",
ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"measure", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"page-thumbnail", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"path", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polygon", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"polyline", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"rect", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:drawns, en:"regular-polygon", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:officens,
en:"annotation", ans:presentationns, a:"style-name"}], "drawing-page":[{ens:drawns, en:"page", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:presentationns, en:"notes", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"handout-master", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"master-page", ans:drawns, a:"style-name"}], "list-style":[{ens:textns, en:"list", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"numbered-paragraph", ans:textns, a:"style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"list-item", ans:textns, a:"style-override"},
{ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"list-style-name"}], "data":[{ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"style", ans:stylens, a:"percentage-data-style-name"}, {ens:presentationns, en:"date-time-decl", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"creation-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"creation-time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"database-display", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns,
en:"date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"editing-duration", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"expression", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"meta-field", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"modification-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"modification-time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"print-date", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"print-time", ans:stylens,
a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"table-formula", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"time", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-defined", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-field-get", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"user-field-input", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"variable-get", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns, en:"variable-input", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}, {ens:textns,
en:"variable-set", ans:stylens, a:"data-style-name"}], "page-layout":[{ens:presentationns, en:"notes", ans:stylens, a:"page-layout-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"handout-master", ans:stylens, a:"page-layout-name"}, {ens:stylens, en:"master-page", ans:stylens, a:"page-layout-name"}]}, elements, xpath = xmldom.XPath;
function hasDerivedStyles(odfbody, nsResolver, styleElement) {
var nodes, xp, styleName = styleElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name"), styleFamily = styleElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family");
xp = '//style:*[@style:parent-style-name="' + styleName + '"][@style:family="' + styleFamily + '"]';
nodes = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(odfbody, xp, nsResolver);
if (nodes.length) {
return true;
return false;
function prefixUsedStyleNames(element, prefix) {
var i, stylename, a, e, ns, elname, elns, localName, length = 0;
elname = elements[element.localName];
if (elname) {
elns = elname[element.namespaceURI];
if (elns) {
length = elns.length;
for (i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
a = elns[i];
ns = a.ns;
localName = a.localname;
stylename = element.getAttributeNS(ns, localName);
if (stylename) {
element.setAttributeNS(ns, nsprefixes[ns] + localName, prefix + stylename);
e = element.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
prefixUsedStyleNames(e, prefix);
e = e.nextElementSibling;
function prefixStyleName(styleElement, prefix) {
var stylename = styleElement.getAttributeNS(drawns, "name"), ns;
if (stylename) {
ns = drawns;
} else {
stylename = styleElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (stylename) {
ns = stylens;
if (ns) {
styleElement.setAttributeNS(ns, nsprefixes[ns] + "name", prefix + stylename);
function prefixStyleNames(styleElementsRoot, prefix, styleUsingElementsRoot) {
var s;
if (styleElementsRoot) {
s = styleElementsRoot.firstChild;
while (s) {
if (s.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
prefixStyleName(s, prefix);
s = s.nextSibling;
prefixUsedStyleNames(styleElementsRoot, prefix);
if (styleUsingElementsRoot) {
prefixUsedStyleNames(styleUsingElementsRoot, prefix);
function removeRegExpFromUsedStyleNames(element, regExp) {
var i, stylename, e, elname, elns, a, ns, localName, length = 0;
elname = elements[element.localName];
if (elname) {
elns = elname[element.namespaceURI];
if (elns) {
length = elns.length;
for (i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
a = elns[i];
ns = a.ns;
localName = a.localname;
stylename = element.getAttributeNS(ns, localName);
if (stylename) {
stylename = stylename.replace(regExp, "");
element.setAttributeNS(ns, nsprefixes[ns] + localName, stylename);
e = element.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
removeRegExpFromUsedStyleNames(e, regExp);
e = e.nextElementSibling;
function removeRegExpFromStyleName(styleElement, regExp) {
var stylename = styleElement.getAttributeNS(drawns, "name"), ns;
if (stylename) {
ns = drawns;
} else {
stylename = styleElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (stylename) {
ns = stylens;
if (ns) {
stylename = stylename.replace(regExp, "");
styleElement.setAttributeNS(ns, nsprefixes[ns] + "name", stylename);
function removePrefixFromStyleNames(styleElementsRoot, prefix, styleUsingElementsRoot) {
var s, regExp = new RegExp("^" + prefix);
if (styleElementsRoot) {
s = styleElementsRoot.firstChild;
while (s) {
if (s.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
removeRegExpFromStyleName(s, regExp);
s = s.nextSibling;
removeRegExpFromUsedStyleNames(styleElementsRoot, regExp);
if (styleUsingElementsRoot) {
removeRegExpFromUsedStyleNames(styleUsingElementsRoot, regExp);
function determineStylesForNode(element, usedStyles) {
var i, stylename, elname, elns, a, ns, localName, keyname, length = 0, map;
elname = elements[element.localName];
if (elname) {
elns = elname[element.namespaceURI];
if (elns) {
length = elns.length;
for (i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
a = elns[i];
ns = a.ns;
localName = a.localname;
stylename = element.getAttributeNS(ns, localName);
if (stylename) {
usedStyles = usedStyles || {};
keyname = a.keyname;
if (usedStyles.hasOwnProperty(keyname)) {
usedStyles[keyname][stylename] = 1;
} else {
map = {};
map[stylename] = 1;
usedStyles[keyname] = map;
return usedStyles;
function determineUsedStyles(styleUsingElementsRoot, usedStyles) {
var i, e;
determineStylesForNode(styleUsingElementsRoot, usedStyles);
i = styleUsingElementsRoot.firstChild;
while (i) {
if (i.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
e = i;
determineUsedStyles(e, usedStyles);
i = i.nextSibling;
function StyleDefinition(key, name, family) {
this.key = key;
this.name = name;
this.family = family;
this.requires = {};
function getStyleDefinition(stylename, stylefamily, knownStyles) {
var styleKey = stylename + '"' + stylefamily, styleDefinition = knownStyles[styleKey];
if (!styleDefinition) {
styleDefinition = knownStyles[styleKey] = new StyleDefinition(styleKey, stylename, stylefamily);
return styleDefinition;
function determineDependentStyles(element, styleScope, knownStyles) {
var i, stylename, elname, elns, a, ns, localName, e, referencedStyleFamily, referencedStyleDef, length = 0, newScopeName = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name"), newScopeFamily = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family");
if (newScopeName && newScopeFamily) {
styleScope = getStyleDefinition(newScopeName, newScopeFamily, knownStyles);
if (styleScope) {
elname = elements[element.localName];
if (elname) {
elns = elname[element.namespaceURI];
if (elns) {
length = elns.length;
for (i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
a = elns[i];
ns = a.ns;
localName = a.localname;
stylename = element.getAttributeNS(ns, localName);
if (stylename) {
referencedStyleFamily = a.keyname;
referencedStyleDef = getStyleDefinition(stylename, referencedStyleFamily, knownStyles);
styleScope.requires[referencedStyleDef.key] = referencedStyleDef;
e = element.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
determineDependentStyles(e, styleScope, knownStyles);
e = e.nextElementSibling;
return knownStyles;
function inverse() {
var i, l, keyname, list, item, e = {}, map, array, en, ens;
for (keyname in elementstyles) {
if (elementstyles.hasOwnProperty(keyname)) {
list = elementstyles[keyname];
l = list.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
item = list[i];
en = item.en;
ens = item.ens;
if (e.hasOwnProperty(en)) {
map = e[en];
} else {
e[en] = map = {};
if (map.hasOwnProperty(ens)) {
array = map[ens];
} else {
map[ens] = array = [];
array.push({ns:item.ans, localname:item.a, keyname:keyname});
return e;
function mergeRequiredStyles(styleDependency, usedStyles) {
var family = usedStyles[styleDependency.family];
if (!family) {
family = usedStyles[styleDependency.family] = {};
family[styleDependency.name] = 1;
Object.keys(styleDependency.requires).forEach(function(requiredStyleKey) {
mergeRequiredStyles(styleDependency.requires[requiredStyleKey], usedStyles);
function mergeUsedAutomaticStyles(automaticStylesRoot, usedStyles) {
var automaticStyles = determineDependentStyles(automaticStylesRoot, null, {});
Object.keys(automaticStyles).forEach(function(styleKey) {
var automaticStyleDefinition = automaticStyles[styleKey], usedFamily = usedStyles[automaticStyleDefinition.family];
if (usedFamily && usedFamily.hasOwnProperty(automaticStyleDefinition.name)) {
mergeRequiredStyles(automaticStyleDefinition, usedStyles);
function collectUsedFontFaces(usedFontFaceDeclMap, styleElement) {
var localNames = ["font-name", "font-name-asian", "font-name-complex"], e, currentElement;
function collectByAttribute(localName) {
var fontFaceName = currentElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, localName);
if (fontFaceName) {
usedFontFaceDeclMap[fontFaceName] = true;
e = styleElement && styleElement.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
currentElement = e;
collectUsedFontFaces(usedFontFaceDeclMap, currentElement);
e = e.nextElementSibling;
this.collectUsedFontFaces = collectUsedFontFaces;
function changeFontFaceNames(styleElement, fontFaceNameChangeMap) {
var localNames = ["font-name", "font-name-asian", "font-name-complex"], e, currentElement;
function changeFontFaceNameByAttribute(localName) {
var fontFaceName = currentElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, localName);
if (fontFaceName && fontFaceNameChangeMap.hasOwnProperty(fontFaceName)) {
currentElement.setAttributeNS(stylens, "style:" + localName, fontFaceNameChangeMap[fontFaceName]);
e = styleElement && styleElement.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
currentElement = e;
changeFontFaceNames(currentElement, fontFaceNameChangeMap);
e = e.nextElementSibling;
this.changeFontFaceNames = changeFontFaceNames;
this.UsedStyleList = function(styleUsingElementsRoot, automaticStylesRoot) {
var usedStyles = {};
this.uses = function(element) {
var localName = element.localName, name = element.getAttributeNS(drawns, "name") || element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name"), keyName, map;
if (localName === "style") {
keyName = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family");
} else {
if (element.namespaceURI === numberns) {
keyName = "data";
} else {
keyName = localName;
map = usedStyles[keyName];
return map ? map[name] > 0 : false;
determineUsedStyles(styleUsingElementsRoot, usedStyles);
if (automaticStylesRoot) {
mergeUsedAutomaticStyles(automaticStylesRoot, usedStyles);
function getStyleName(family, element) {
var stylename, i, map = elements[element.localName];
if (map) {
map = map[element.namespaceURI];
if (map) {
for (i = 0;i < map.length;i += 1) {
if (map[i].keyname === family) {
map = map[i];
if (element.hasAttributeNS(map.ns, map.localname)) {
stylename = element.getAttributeNS(map.ns, map.localname);
return stylename;
this.getStyleName = getStyleName;
this.hasDerivedStyles = hasDerivedStyles;
this.prefixStyleNames = prefixStyleNames;
this.removePrefixFromStyleNames = removePrefixFromStyleNames;
this.determineStylesForNode = determineStylesForNode;
elements = inverse();
if (typeof Object.create !== "function") {
Object["create"] = function(o) {
var F = function() {
F.prototype = o;
return new F;
xmldom.LSSerializer = function LSSerializer() {
var self = this;
function Namespaces(nsmap) {
function invertMap(map) {
var m = {}, i;
for (i in map) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
m[map[i]] = i;
return m;
var current = nsmap || {}, currentrev = invertMap(nsmap), levels = [current], levelsrev = [currentrev], level = 0;
this.push = function() {
level += 1;
current = levels[level] = Object.create(current);
currentrev = levelsrev[level] = Object.create(currentrev);
this.pop = function() {
level -= 1;
current = levels[level];
currentrev = levelsrev[level];
this.getLocalNamespaceDefinitions = function() {
return currentrev;
this.getQName = function(node) {
var ns = node.namespaceURI, i = 0, p;
if (!ns) {
return node.localName;
p = currentrev[ns];
if (p) {
return p + ":" + node.localName;
do {
if (p || !node.prefix) {
p = "ns" + i;
i += 1;
} else {
p = node.prefix;
if (current[p] === ns) {
if (!current[p]) {
current[p] = ns;
currentrev[ns] = p;
p = null;
} while (p === null);
return p + ":" + node.localName;
function escapeContent(value) {
return value.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/"/g, """);
function serializeAttribute(qname, attr) {
var escapedValue = typeof attr.value === "string" ? escapeContent(attr.value) : attr.value, s = qname + '="' + escapedValue + '"';
return s;
function startElement(ns, qname, element) {
var s = "", atts = element.attributes, length, i, attr, attstr = "", accept, prefix, nsmap;
s += "<" + qname;
length = atts.length;
for (i = 0;i < length;i += 1) {
attr = atts.item(i);
if (attr.namespaceURI !== "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/") {
accept = self.filter ? self.filter.acceptNode(attr) : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
if (accept === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) {
attstr += " " + serializeAttribute(ns.getQName(attr), attr);
nsmap = ns.getLocalNamespaceDefinitions();
for (i in nsmap) {
if (nsmap.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
prefix = nsmap[i];
if (!prefix) {
s += ' xmlns="' + i + '"';
} else {
if (prefix !== "xmlns") {
s += " xmlns:" + nsmap[i] + '="' + i + '"';
s += attstr + ">";
return s;
function serializeNode(ns, node) {
var s = "", accept = self.filter ? self.filter.acceptNode(node) : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, child, qname;
if (accept === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT && node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
qname = ns.getQName(node);
s += startElement(ns, qname, node);
if (accept === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT || accept === NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP) {
child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
s += serializeNode(ns, child);
child = child.nextSibling;
if (node.nodeValue) {
s += escapeContent(node.nodeValue);
if (qname) {
s += "</" + qname + ">";
return s;
this.filter = null;
this.writeToString = function(node, nsmap) {
if (!node) {
return "";
var ns = new Namespaces(nsmap);
return serializeNode(ns, node);
(function() {
var styleInfo = new odf.StyleInfo, domUtils = core.DomUtils, officens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0", manifestns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0", webodfns = "urn:webodf:names:scope", stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, nodeorder = ["meta", "settings", "scripts", "font-face-decls", "styles", "automatic-styles", "master-styles", "body"], automaticStylePrefix = Date.now() + "_webodf_", base64 = new core.Base64, documentStylesScope = "document-styles", documentContentScope =
function getNodePosition(child) {
var i, l = nodeorder.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
if (child.namespaceURI === officens && child.localName === nodeorder[i]) {
return i;
return -1;
function OdfStylesFilter(styleUsingElementsRoot, automaticStyles) {
var usedStyleList = new styleInfo.UsedStyleList(styleUsingElementsRoot, automaticStyles), odfNodeFilter = new odf.OdfNodeFilter;
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
var result = odfNodeFilter.acceptNode(node);
if (result === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT && node.parentNode === automaticStyles && node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (usedStyleList.uses(node)) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
} else {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
return result;
function OdfContentFilter(styleUsingElementsRoot, automaticStyles) {
var odfStylesFilter = new OdfStylesFilter(styleUsingElementsRoot, automaticStyles);
this.acceptNode = function(node) {
var result = odfStylesFilter.acceptNode(node);
if (result === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.namespaceURI === odf.Namespaces.textns && (node.parentNode.localName === "s" || node.parentNode.localName === "tab")) {
result = NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
return result;
function setChild(node, child) {
if (!child) {
var childpos = getNodePosition(child), pos, c = node.firstChild;
if (childpos === -1) {
while (c) {
pos = getNodePosition(c);
if (pos !== -1 && pos > childpos) {
c = c.nextSibling;
node.insertBefore(child, c);
odf.ODFElement = function ODFElement() {
odf.ODFDocumentElement = function ODFDocumentElement() {
odf.ODFDocumentElement.prototype = new odf.ODFElement;
odf.ODFDocumentElement.prototype.constructor = odf.ODFDocumentElement;
odf.ODFDocumentElement.prototype.fontFaceDecls = null;
odf.ODFDocumentElement.prototype.manifest = null;
odf.ODFDocumentElement.prototype.settings = null;
odf.ODFDocumentElement.namespaceURI = officens;
odf.ODFDocumentElement.localName = "document";
odf.AnnotationElement = function AnnotationElement() {
odf.OdfPart = function OdfPart(name, mimetype, container, zip) {
var self = this;
this.size = 0;
this.type = null;
this.name = name;
this.container = container;
this.url = null;
this.mimetype = mimetype;
this.document = null;
this.onstatereadychange = null;
this.EMPTY = 0;
this.LOADING = 1;
this.DONE = 2;
this.state = this.EMPTY;
this.data = "";
this.load = function() {
if (zip === null) {
this.mimetype = mimetype;
zip.loadAsDataURL(name, mimetype, function(err, url) {
if (err) {
self.url = url;
if (self.onchange) {
if (self.onstatereadychange) {
odf.OdfPart.prototype.load = function() {
odf.OdfPart.prototype.getUrl = function() {
if (this.data) {
return "data:;base64," + base64.toBase64(this.data);
return null;
odf.OdfContainer = function OdfContainer(urlOrType, onstatereadychange) {
var self = this, zip, partMimetypes = {}, contentElement, url = "";
this.onstatereadychange = onstatereadychange;
this.onchange = null;
this.state = null;
function removeProcessingInstructions(element) {
var n = element.firstChild, next, e;
while (n) {
next = n.nextSibling;
if (n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
e = n;
} else {
if (n.nodeType === Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
n = next;
function linkAnnotationStartAndEndElements(rootElement) {
var document = rootElement.ownerDocument, annotationStarts = {}, n, name, annotationStart, nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator(rootElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, false);
n = nodeIterator.nextNode();
while (n) {
if (n.namespaceURI === officens) {
if (n.localName === "annotation") {
name = n.getAttributeNS(officens, "name");
if (name) {
if (annotationStarts.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
runtime.log("Warning: annotation name used more than once with <office:annotation/>: '" + name + "'");
} else {
annotationStarts[name] = n;
} else {
if (n.localName === "annotation-end") {
name = n.getAttributeNS(officens, "name");
if (name) {
if (annotationStarts.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
annotationStart = annotationStarts[name];
if (!annotationStart.annotationEndElement) {
annotationStart.annotationEndElement = n;
} else {
runtime.log("Warning: annotation name used more than once with <office:annotation-end/>: '" + name + "'");
} else {
runtime.log("Warning: annotation end without an annotation start, name: '" + name + "'");
} else {
runtime.log("Warning: annotation end without a name found");
n = nodeIterator.nextNode();
function setAutomaticStylesScope(stylesRootElement, scope) {
var n = stylesRootElement && stylesRootElement.firstChild;
while (n) {
if (n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
n.setAttributeNS(webodfns, "scope", scope);
n = n.nextSibling;
function getEnsuredMetaElement() {
var root = self.rootElement, meta = root.meta;
if (!meta) {
root.meta = meta = document.createElementNS(officens, "meta");
setChild(root, meta);
return meta;
function getMetadata(metadataNs, metadataLocalName) {
var node = self.rootElement.meta, textNode;
node = node && node.firstChild;
while (node && (node.namespaceURI !== metadataNs || node.localName !== metadataLocalName)) {
node = node.nextSibling;
node = node && node.firstChild;
while (node && node.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) {
node = node.nextSibling;
if (node) {
textNode = node;
return textNode.data;
return null;
this.getMetadata = getMetadata;
function unusedKey(key, map1, map2) {
var i = 0, postFixedKey;
key = key.replace(/\d+$/, "");
postFixedKey = key;
while (map1.hasOwnProperty(postFixedKey) || map2.hasOwnProperty(postFixedKey)) {
i += 1;
postFixedKey = key + i;
return postFixedKey;
function mapByFontFaceName(fontFaceDecls) {
var fn, result = {}, fontname;
fn = fontFaceDecls.firstChild;
while (fn) {
if (fn.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && fn.namespaceURI === stylens && fn.localName === "font-face") {
fontname = fn.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
result[fontname] = fn;
fn = fn.nextSibling;
return result;
function mergeFontFaceDecls(targetFontFaceDeclsRootElement, sourceFontFaceDeclsRootElement) {
var e, s, fontFaceName, newFontFaceName, targetFontFaceDeclsMap, sourceFontFaceDeclsMap, fontFaceNameChangeMap = {};
targetFontFaceDeclsMap = mapByFontFaceName(targetFontFaceDeclsRootElement);
sourceFontFaceDeclsMap = mapByFontFaceName(sourceFontFaceDeclsRootElement);
e = sourceFontFaceDeclsRootElement.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
s = e.nextElementSibling;
if (e.namespaceURI === stylens && e.localName === "font-face") {
fontFaceName = e.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (targetFontFaceDeclsMap.hasOwnProperty(fontFaceName)) {
if (!e.isEqualNode(targetFontFaceDeclsMap[fontFaceName])) {
newFontFaceName = unusedKey(fontFaceName, targetFontFaceDeclsMap, sourceFontFaceDeclsMap);
e.setAttributeNS(stylens, "style:name", newFontFaceName);
targetFontFaceDeclsMap[newFontFaceName] = e;
delete sourceFontFaceDeclsMap[fontFaceName];
fontFaceNameChangeMap[fontFaceName] = newFontFaceName;
} else {
targetFontFaceDeclsMap[fontFaceName] = e;
delete sourceFontFaceDeclsMap[fontFaceName];
e = s;
return fontFaceNameChangeMap;
function cloneStylesInScope(stylesRootElement, scope) {
var copy = null, e, s, scopeAttrValue;
if (stylesRootElement) {
copy = stylesRootElement.cloneNode(true);
e = copy.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
s = e.nextElementSibling;
scopeAttrValue = e.getAttributeNS(webodfns, "scope");
if (scopeAttrValue && scopeAttrValue !== scope) {
e = s;
return copy;
function cloneFontFaceDeclsUsedInStyles(fontFaceDeclsRootElement, stylesRootElementList) {
var e, nextSibling, fontFaceName, copy = null, usedFontFaceDeclMap = {};
if (fontFaceDeclsRootElement) {
stylesRootElementList.forEach(function(stylesRootElement) {
styleInfo.collectUsedFontFaces(usedFontFaceDeclMap, stylesRootElement);
copy = fontFaceDeclsRootElement.cloneNode(true);
e = copy.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
nextSibling = e.nextElementSibling;
fontFaceName = e.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (!usedFontFaceDeclMap[fontFaceName]) {
e = nextSibling;
return copy;
function importRootNode(xmldoc) {
var doc = self.rootElement.ownerDocument, node;
if (xmldoc) {
try {
node = doc.importNode(xmldoc.documentElement, true);
} catch (ignore) {
return node;
function setState(state) {
self.state = state;
if (self.onchange) {
if (self.onstatereadychange) {
function setRootElement(root) {
contentElement = null;
self.rootElement = root;
root.fontFaceDecls = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "font-face-decls");
root.styles = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "styles");
root.automaticStyles = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "automatic-styles");
root.masterStyles = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "master-styles");
root.body = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "body");
root.meta = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "meta");
root.settings = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "settings");
root.scripts = domUtils.getDirectChild(root, officens, "scripts");
function handleFlatXml(xmldoc) {
var root = importRootNode(xmldoc);
if (!root || root.localName !== "document" || root.namespaceURI !== officens) {
function handleStylesXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root = self.rootElement, n;
if (!node || node.localName !== "document-styles" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root.fontFaceDecls = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "font-face-decls");
setChild(root, root.fontFaceDecls);
n = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "styles");
root.styles = n || xmldoc.createElementNS(officens, "styles");
setChild(root, root.styles);
n = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "automatic-styles");
root.automaticStyles = n || xmldoc.createElementNS(officens, "automatic-styles");
setAutomaticStylesScope(root.automaticStyles, documentStylesScope);
setChild(root, root.automaticStyles);
node = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "master-styles");
root.masterStyles = node || xmldoc.createElementNS(officens, "master-styles");
setChild(root, root.masterStyles);
styleInfo.prefixStyleNames(root.automaticStyles, automaticStylePrefix, root.masterStyles);
function handleContentXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root, automaticStyles, fontFaceDecls, fontFaceNameChangeMap, c;
if (!node || node.localName !== "document-content" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root = self.rootElement;
fontFaceDecls = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "font-face-decls");
if (root.fontFaceDecls && fontFaceDecls) {
fontFaceNameChangeMap = mergeFontFaceDecls(root.fontFaceDecls, fontFaceDecls);
} else {
if (fontFaceDecls) {
root.fontFaceDecls = fontFaceDecls;
setChild(root, fontFaceDecls);
automaticStyles = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "automatic-styles");
setAutomaticStylesScope(automaticStyles, documentContentScope);
if (fontFaceNameChangeMap) {
styleInfo.changeFontFaceNames(automaticStyles, fontFaceNameChangeMap);
if (root.automaticStyles && automaticStyles) {
c = automaticStyles.firstChild;
while (c) {
c = automaticStyles.firstChild;
} else {
if (automaticStyles) {
root.automaticStyles = automaticStyles;
setChild(root, automaticStyles);
node = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "body");
if (node === null) {
throw "<office:body/> tag is mising.";
root.body = node;
setChild(root, root.body);
function handleMetaXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root;
if (!node || node.localName !== "document-meta" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root = self.rootElement;
root.meta = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "meta");
setChild(root, root.meta);
function handleSettingsXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root;
if (!node || node.localName !== "document-settings" || node.namespaceURI !== officens) {
root = self.rootElement;
root.settings = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, officens, "settings");
setChild(root, root.settings);
function handleManifestXml(xmldoc) {
var node = importRootNode(xmldoc), root, e;
if (!node || node.localName !== "manifest" || node.namespaceURI !== manifestns) {
root = self.rootElement;
root.manifest = node;
e = root.manifest.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
if (e.localName === "file-entry" && e.namespaceURI === manifestns) {
partMimetypes[e.getAttributeNS(manifestns, "full-path")] = e.getAttributeNS(manifestns, "media-type");
e = e.nextElementSibling;
function removeElements(xmldoc, localName, allowedNamespaces) {
var elements = domUtils.getElementsByTagName(xmldoc, localName), element, i;
for (i = 0;i < elements.length;i += 1) {
element = elements[i];
if (!allowedNamespaces.hasOwnProperty(element.namespaceURI)) {
function removeDangerousElements(xmldoc) {
removeElements(xmldoc, "script", {"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0":true, "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0":true, "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0":true, "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0":true, "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0":true});
removeElements(xmldoc, "style", {"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0":true, "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0":true, "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0":true});
function removeDangerousAttributes(element) {
var e = element.firstElementChild, as = [], i, n, a, atts = element.attributes, l = atts.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
a = atts.item(i);
n = a.localName.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase();
if (a.namespaceURI === null && n === "on") {
l = as.length;
for (i = 0;i < l;i += 1) {
while (e) {
e = e.nextElementSibling;
function loadNextComponent(remainingComponents) {
var component = remainingComponents.shift();
if (component) {
zip.loadAsDOM(component.path, function(err, xmldoc) {
if (xmldoc) {
if (self.state === OdfContainer.INVALID) {
if (err) {
runtime.log("ERROR: Unable to load " + component.path + " - " + err);
} else {
runtime.log("ERROR: Unable to load " + component.path);
if (err) {
runtime.log("DEBUG: Unable to load " + component.path + " - " + err);
} else {
function loadComponents() {
var componentOrder = [{path:"styles.xml", handler:handleStylesXml}, {path:"content.xml", handler:handleContentXml}, {path:"meta.xml", handler:handleMetaXml}, {path:"settings.xml", handler:handleSettingsXml}, {path:"META-INF/manifest.xml", handler:handleManifestXml}];
function createDocumentElement(name) {
var s = "";
function defineNamespace(prefix, ns) {
s += " xmlns:" + prefix + '="' + ns + '"';
return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><office:' + name + " " + s + ' office:version="1.2">';
function serializeMetaXml() {
var serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, s = createDocumentElement("document-meta");
serializer.filter = new odf.OdfNodeFilter;
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.meta, odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap);
s += "</office:document-meta>";
return s;
function createManifestEntry(fullPath, mediaType) {
var element = document.createElementNS(manifestns, "manifest:file-entry");
element.setAttributeNS(manifestns, "manifest:full-path", fullPath);
element.setAttributeNS(manifestns, "manifest:media-type", mediaType);
return element;
function serializeManifestXml() {
var header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n', xml = '<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="' + manifestns + '" manifest:version="1.2"></manifest:manifest>', manifest = runtime.parseXML(xml), manifestRoot = manifest.documentElement, serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, fullPath;
for (fullPath in partMimetypes) {
if (partMimetypes.hasOwnProperty(fullPath)) {
manifestRoot.appendChild(createManifestEntry(fullPath, partMimetypes[fullPath]));
serializer.filter = new odf.OdfNodeFilter;
return header + serializer.writeToString(manifest, odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap);
function serializeSettingsXml() {
var serializer, s = "";
if (self.rootElement.settings && self.rootElement.settings.firstElementChild) {
serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer;
s = createDocumentElement("document-settings");
serializer.filter = new odf.OdfNodeFilter;
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.settings, odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap);
s += "</office:document-settings>";
return s;
function serializeStylesXml() {
var fontFaceDecls, automaticStyles, masterStyles, nsmap = odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap, serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, s = createDocumentElement("document-styles");
automaticStyles = cloneStylesInScope(self.rootElement.automaticStyles, documentStylesScope);
masterStyles = self.rootElement.masterStyles.cloneNode(true);
fontFaceDecls = cloneFontFaceDeclsUsedInStyles(self.rootElement.fontFaceDecls, [masterStyles, self.rootElement.styles, automaticStyles]);
styleInfo.removePrefixFromStyleNames(automaticStyles, automaticStylePrefix, masterStyles);
serializer.filter = new OdfStylesFilter(masterStyles, automaticStyles);
s += serializer.writeToString(fontFaceDecls, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.styles, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(automaticStyles, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(masterStyles, nsmap);
s += "</office:document-styles>";
return s;
function serializeContentXml() {
var fontFaceDecls, automaticStyles, nsmap = odf.Namespaces.namespaceMap, serializer = new xmldom.LSSerializer, s = createDocumentElement("document-content");
automaticStyles = cloneStylesInScope(self.rootElement.automaticStyles, documentContentScope);
fontFaceDecls = cloneFontFaceDeclsUsedInStyles(self.rootElement.fontFaceDecls, [automaticStyles]);
serializer.filter = new OdfContentFilter(self.rootElement.body, automaticStyles);
s += serializer.writeToString(fontFaceDecls, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(automaticStyles, nsmap);
s += serializer.writeToString(self.rootElement.body, nsmap);
s += "</office:document-content>";
return s;
function createElement(type) {
var original = document.createElementNS(type.namespaceURI, type.localName), method, iface = new type.Type;
for (method in iface) {
if (iface.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
original[method] = iface[method];
return original;
function loadFromXML(url, callback) {
function handler(err, dom) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (!dom) {
callback("No DOM was loaded.");
} else {
runtime.loadXML(url, handler);
this.setRootElement = setRootElement;
this.getContentElement = function() {
var body;
if (!contentElement) {
body = self.rootElement.body;
contentElement = domUtils.getDirectChild(body, officens, "text") || domUtils.getDirectChild(body, officens, "presentation") || domUtils.getDirectChild(body, officens, "spreadsheet");
if (!contentElement) {
throw "Could not find content element in <office:body/>.";
return contentElement;
this.getDocumentType = function() {
var content = self.getContentElement();
return content && content.localName;
this.isTemplate = function() {
var docMimetype = partMimetypes["/"];
return docMimetype.substr(-9) === "-template";
this.setIsTemplate = function(isTemplate) {
var docMimetype = partMimetypes["/"], oldIsTemplate = docMimetype.substr(-9) === "-template", data;
if (isTemplate === oldIsTemplate) {
if (isTemplate) {
docMimetype = docMimetype + "-template";
} else {
docMimetype = docMimetype.substr(0, docMimetype.length - 9);
partMimetypes["/"] = docMimetype;
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(docMimetype, "utf8");
zip.save("mimetype", data, false, new Date);
this.getPart = function(partname) {
return new odf.OdfPart(partname, partMimetypes[partname], self, zip);
this.getPartData = function(url, callback) {
zip.load(url, callback);
function setMetadata(setProperties, removedPropertyNames) {
var metaElement = getEnsuredMetaElement();
if (setProperties) {
domUtils.mapKeyValObjOntoNode(metaElement, setProperties, odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
if (removedPropertyNames) {
domUtils.removeKeyElementsFromNode(metaElement, removedPropertyNames, odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
this.setMetadata = setMetadata;
this.incrementEditingCycles = function() {
var currentValueString = getMetadata(odf.Namespaces.metans, "editing-cycles"), currentCycles = currentValueString ? parseInt(currentValueString, 10) : 0;
if (isNaN(currentCycles)) {
currentCycles = 0;
setMetadata({"meta:editing-cycles":currentCycles + 1}, null);
return currentCycles + 1;
function updateMetadataForSaving() {
var generatorString, window = runtime.getWindow();
generatorString = "WebODF/" + webodf.Version;
if (window) {
generatorString = generatorString + " " + window.navigator.userAgent;
setMetadata({"meta:generator":generatorString}, null);
function createEmptyDocument(type, isTemplate) {
var emptyzip = new core.Zip("", null), mimetype = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument." + type + (isTemplate === true ? "-template" : ""), data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(mimetype, "utf8"), root = self.rootElement, content = document.createElementNS(officens, type);
emptyzip.save("mimetype", data, false, new Date);
function addToplevelElement(memberName, realLocalName) {
var element;
if (!realLocalName) {
realLocalName = memberName;
element = document.createElementNS(officens, realLocalName);
root[memberName] = element;
addToplevelElement("fontFaceDecls", "font-face-decls");
addToplevelElement("automaticStyles", "automatic-styles");
addToplevelElement("masterStyles", "master-styles");
partMimetypes["/"] = mimetype;
partMimetypes["settings.xml"] = "text/xml";
partMimetypes["meta.xml"] = "text/xml";
partMimetypes["styles.xml"] = "text/xml";
partMimetypes["content.xml"] = "text/xml";
return emptyzip;
function fillZip() {
var data, date = new Date, settings;
settings = serializeSettingsXml();
if (settings) {
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(settings, "utf8");
zip.save("settings.xml", data, true, date);
} else {
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeMetaXml(), "utf8");
zip.save("meta.xml", data, true, date);
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeStylesXml(), "utf8");
zip.save("styles.xml", data, true, date);
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeContentXml(), "utf8");
zip.save("content.xml", data, true, date);
data = runtime.byteArrayFromString(serializeManifestXml(), "utf8");
zip.save("META-INF/manifest.xml", data, true, date);
function createByteArray(successCallback, errorCallback) {
zip.createByteArray(successCallback, errorCallback);
this.createByteArray = createByteArray;
function saveAs(newurl, callback) {
zip.writeAs(newurl, function(err) {
this.saveAs = saveAs;
this.save = function(callback) {
saveAs(url, callback);
this.getUrl = function() {
return url;
this.setBlob = function(filename, mimetype, content) {
var data = base64.convertBase64ToByteArray(content), date = new Date;
zip.save(filename, data, false, date);
if (partMimetypes.hasOwnProperty(filename)) {
runtime.log(filename + " has been overwritten.");
partMimetypes[filename] = mimetype;
this.removeBlob = function(filename) {
var foundAndRemoved = zip.remove(filename);
runtime.assert(foundAndRemoved, "file is not found: " + filename);
delete partMimetypes[filename];
this.state = OdfContainer.LOADING;
this.rootElement = createElement({Type:odf.ODFDocumentElement, namespaceURI:odf.ODFDocumentElement.namespaceURI, localName:odf.ODFDocumentElement.localName});
if (urlOrType === odf.OdfContainer.DocumentType.TEXT) {
zip = createEmptyDocument("text");
} else {
if (urlOrType === odf.OdfContainer.DocumentType.TEXT_TEMPLATE) {
zip = createEmptyDocument("text", true);
} else {
if (urlOrType === odf.OdfContainer.DocumentType.PRESENTATION) {
zip = createEmptyDocument("presentation");
} else {
if (urlOrType === odf.OdfContainer.DocumentType.PRESENTATION_TEMPLATE) {
zip = createEmptyDocument("presentation", true);
} else {
if (urlOrType === odf.OdfContainer.DocumentType.SPREADSHEET) {
zip = createEmptyDocument("spreadsheet");
} else {
if (urlOrType === odf.OdfContainer.DocumentType.SPREADSHEET_TEMPLATE) {
zip = createEmptyDocument("spreadsheet", true);
} else {
url = urlOrType;
zip = new core.Zip(url, function(err, zipobject) {
zip = zipobject;
if (err) {
loadFromXML(url, function(xmlerr) {
if (err) {
zip.error = err + "\n" + xmlerr;
} else {
odf.OdfContainer.EMPTY = 0;
odf.OdfContainer.LOADING = 1;
odf.OdfContainer.DONE = 2;
odf.OdfContainer.INVALID = 3;
odf.OdfContainer.SAVING = 4;
odf.OdfContainer.MODIFIED = 5;
odf.OdfContainer.getContainer = function(url) {
return new odf.OdfContainer(url, null);
gui.AnnotatableCanvas = function AnnotatableCanvas() {
gui.AnnotatableCanvas.prototype.refreshSize = function() {
gui.AnnotatableCanvas.prototype.getZoomLevel = function() {
gui.AnnotatableCanvas.prototype.getSizer = function() {
gui.AnnotationViewManager = function AnnotationViewManager(canvas, odfFragment, annotationsPane, showAnnotationRemoveButton) {
var annotations = [], doc = odfFragment.ownerDocument, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, CONNECTOR_MARGIN = 30, NOTE_MARGIN = 20, window = runtime.getWindow(), htmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
runtime.assert(Boolean(window), "Expected to be run in an environment which has a global window, like a browser.");
function wrapAnnotation(annotation) {
var annotationWrapper = doc.createElement("div"), annotationNote = doc.createElement("div"), connectorHorizontal = doc.createElement("div"), connectorAngular = doc.createElement("div"), removeButton;
annotationWrapper.className = "annotationWrapper";
annotationWrapper.setAttribute("creator", odfUtils.getAnnotationCreator(annotation));
annotation.parentNode.insertBefore(annotationWrapper, annotation);
annotationNote.className = "annotationNote";
if (showAnnotationRemoveButton) {
removeButton = doc.createElement("div");
removeButton.className = "annotationRemoveButton";
connectorHorizontal.className = "annotationConnector horizontal";
connectorAngular.className = "annotationConnector angular";
function unwrapAnnotation(annotation) {
var annotationWrapper = annotation.parentNode.parentNode;
if (annotationWrapper.localName === "div") {
annotationWrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(annotation, annotationWrapper);
function isNodeWithinAnnotationHighlight(node, annotationName) {
var iteratingNode = node.parentNode;
while (!(iteratingNode.namespaceURI === odf.Namespaces.officens && iteratingNode.localName === "body")) {
if (iteratingNode.namespaceURI === htmlns && iteratingNode.className === "webodf-annotationHighlight" && iteratingNode.getAttribute("annotation") === annotationName) {
return true;
iteratingNode = iteratingNode.parentNode;
return false;
function highlightAnnotation(annotation) {
var annotationEnd = annotation.annotationEndElement, range = doc.createRange(), annotationName = annotation.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.officens, "name"), textNodes;
if (annotationEnd) {
range.setStart(annotation, annotation.childNodes.length);
range.setEnd(annotationEnd, 0);
textNodes = odfUtils.getTextNodes(range, false);
textNodes.forEach(function(n) {
if (!isNodeWithinAnnotationHighlight(n, annotationName)) {
var container = doc.createElement("span");
container.className = "webodf-annotationHighlight";
container.setAttribute("annotation", annotationName);
n.parentNode.replaceChild(container, n);
function unhighlightAnnotation(annotation) {
var annotationName = annotation.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.officens, "name"), highlightSpans = doc.querySelectorAll('span.webodf-annotationHighlight[annotation="' + annotationName + '"]'), i, container;
for (i = 0;i < highlightSpans.length;i += 1) {
container = highlightSpans.item(i);
while (container.firstChild) {
container.parentNode.insertBefore(container.firstChild, container);
function lineDistance(point1, point2) {
var xs = 0, ys = 0;
xs = point2.x - point1.x;
xs = xs * xs;
ys = point2.y - point1.y;
ys = ys * ys;
return Math.sqrt(xs + ys);
function renderAnnotation(annotation) {
var annotationNote = annotation.parentNode, connectorHorizontal = annotationNote.nextElementSibling, connectorAngular = connectorHorizontal.nextElementSibling, annotationWrapper = annotationNote.parentNode, connectorAngle = 0, previousAnnotation = annotations[annotations.indexOf(annotation) - 1], previousRect, zoomLevel = canvas.getZoomLevel();
annotationNote.style.left = (annotationsPane.getBoundingClientRect().left - annotationWrapper.getBoundingClientRect().left) / zoomLevel + "px";
annotationNote.style.width = annotationsPane.getBoundingClientRect().width / zoomLevel + "px";
connectorHorizontal.style.width = parseFloat(annotationNote.style.left) - CONNECTOR_MARGIN + "px";
if (previousAnnotation) {
previousRect = previousAnnotation.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
if ((annotationWrapper.getBoundingClientRect().top - previousRect.bottom) / zoomLevel <= NOTE_MARGIN) {
annotationNote.style.top = Math.abs(annotationWrapper.getBoundingClientRect().top - previousRect.bottom) / zoomLevel + NOTE_MARGIN + "px";
} else {
annotationNote.style.top = "0px";
} else {
annotationNote.style.top = "0px";
connectorAngular.style.left = connectorHorizontal.getBoundingClientRect().width / zoomLevel + "px";
connectorAngular.style.width = lineDistance({x:connectorAngular.getBoundingClientRect().left / zoomLevel, y:connectorAngular.getBoundingClientRect().top / zoomLevel}, {x:annotationNote.getBoundingClientRect().left / zoomLevel, y:annotationNote.getBoundingClientRect().top / zoomLevel}) + "px";
connectorAngle = Math.asin((annotationNote.getBoundingClientRect().top - connectorAngular.getBoundingClientRect().top) / (zoomLevel * parseFloat(connectorAngular.style.width)));
connectorAngular.style.transform = "rotate(" + connectorAngle + "rad)";
connectorAngular.style.MozTransform = "rotate(" + connectorAngle + "rad)";
connectorAngular.style.WebkitTransform = "rotate(" + connectorAngle + "rad)";
connectorAngular.style.msTransform = "rotate(" + connectorAngle + "rad)";
function showAnnotationsPane(show) {
var sizer = canvas.getSizer();
if (show) {
annotationsPane.style.display = "inline-block";
sizer.style.paddingRight = window.getComputedStyle(annotationsPane).width;
} else {
annotationsPane.style.display = "none";
sizer.style.paddingRight = 0;
function sortAnnotations() {
annotations.sort(function(a, b) {
if ((a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) !== 0) {
return -1;
return 1;
function rerenderAnnotations() {
var i;
for (i = 0;i < annotations.length;i += 1) {
this.rerenderAnnotations = rerenderAnnotations;
function rehighlightAnnotations() {
annotations.forEach(function(annotation) {
this.rehighlightAnnotations = rehighlightAnnotations;
function getMinimumHeightForAnnotationPane() {
if (annotationsPane.style.display !== "none" && annotations.length > 0) {
return (annotations[annotations.length - 1].parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - annotationsPane.getBoundingClientRect().top) / canvas.getZoomLevel() + "px";
return null;
this.getMinimumHeightForAnnotationPane = getMinimumHeightForAnnotationPane;
function addAnnotations(annotationElements) {
if (annotationElements.length === 0) {
annotationElements.forEach(function(annotation) {
if (annotation.annotationEndElement) {
this.addAnnotations = addAnnotations;
function forgetAnnotation(annotation) {
var index = annotations.indexOf(annotation);
if (index !== -1) {
annotations.splice(index, 1);
if (annotations.length === 0) {
this.forgetAnnotation = forgetAnnotation;
function forgetAnnotations() {
while (annotations.length) {
this.forgetAnnotations = forgetAnnotations;
gui.Viewport = function Viewport() {
gui.Viewport.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(clientRect, alignWithTop) {
gui.SingleScrollViewport = function(scrollPane) {
function shrinkClientRectByMargin(clientRect, margin) {
return {left:clientRect.left + margin.left, top:clientRect.top + margin.top, right:clientRect.right - margin.right, bottom:clientRect.bottom - margin.bottom};
function height(clientRect) {
return clientRect.bottom - clientRect.top;
function width(clientRect) {
return clientRect.right - clientRect.left;
this.scrollIntoView = function(clientRect, alignWithTop) {
var verticalScrollbarHeight = scrollPane.offsetHeight - scrollPane.clientHeight, horizontalScrollbarWidth = scrollPane.offsetWidth - scrollPane.clientWidth, nonNullClientRect, scrollPaneRect = scrollPane.getBoundingClientRect(), paneRect;
if (!clientRect || !scrollPaneRect) {
nonNullClientRect = clientRect;
paneRect = shrinkClientRectByMargin(scrollPaneRect, {top:VIEW_PADDING_PX, bottom:verticalScrollbarHeight + VIEW_PADDING_PX, left:VIEW_PADDING_PX, right:horizontalScrollbarWidth + VIEW_PADDING_PX});
if (alignWithTop || nonNullClientRect.top < paneRect.top) {
scrollPane.scrollTop -= paneRect.top - nonNullClientRect.top;
} else {
if (nonNullClientRect.top > paneRect.bottom || nonNullClientRect.bottom > paneRect.bottom) {
if (height(nonNullClientRect) <= height(paneRect)) {
scrollPane.scrollTop += nonNullClientRect.bottom - paneRect.bottom;
} else {
scrollPane.scrollTop += nonNullClientRect.top - paneRect.top;
if (nonNullClientRect.left < paneRect.left) {
scrollPane.scrollLeft -= paneRect.left - nonNullClientRect.left;
} else {
if (nonNullClientRect.right > paneRect.right) {
if (width(nonNullClientRect) <= width(paneRect)) {
scrollPane.scrollLeft += nonNullClientRect.right - paneRect.right;
} else {
scrollPane.scrollLeft -= paneRect.left - nonNullClientRect.left;
(function() {
var xpath = xmldom.XPath, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, base64 = new core.Base64;
function getEmbeddedFontDeclarations(fontFaceDecls) {
var decls = {}, fonts, i, font, name, uris, href, family;
if (!fontFaceDecls) {
return decls;
fonts = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(fontFaceDecls, "style:font-face[svg:font-face-src]", odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
for (i = 0;i < fonts.length;i += 1) {
font = fonts[i];
name = font.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.stylens, "name");
family = odfUtils.getNormalizedFontFamilyName(font.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.svgns, "font-family"));
uris = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(font, "svg:font-face-src/svg:font-face-uri", odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
if (uris.length > 0) {
href = uris[0].getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, "href");
decls[name] = {href:href, family:family};
return decls;
function addFontToCSS(name, font, fontdata, stylesheet) {
var cssFamily = font.family || name, rule = "@font-face { font-family: " + cssFamily + "; src: " + "url(data:application/x-font-ttf;charset=binary;base64," + base64.convertUTF8ArrayToBase64(fontdata) + ') format("truetype"); }';
try {
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length);
} catch (e) {
runtime.log("Problem inserting rule in CSS: " + runtime.toJson(e) + "\nRule: " + rule);
function loadFontIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, odfContainer, pos, stylesheet, callback) {
var name, i = 0, n;
for (n in embeddedFontDeclarations) {
if (embeddedFontDeclarations.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
if (i === pos) {
name = n;
i += 1;
if (!name) {
if (callback) {
odfContainer.getPartData(embeddedFontDeclarations[name].href, function(err, fontdata) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (!fontdata) {
runtime.log("missing font data for " + embeddedFontDeclarations[name].href);
} else {
addFontToCSS(name, embeddedFontDeclarations[name], fontdata, stylesheet);
loadFontIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, odfContainer, pos + 1, stylesheet, callback);
function loadFontsIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, odfContainer, stylesheet) {
loadFontIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, odfContainer, 0, stylesheet);
odf.FontLoader = function FontLoader() {
this.loadFonts = function(odfContainer, stylesheet) {
var embeddedFontDeclarations, fontFaceDecls = odfContainer.rootElement.fontFaceDecls;
while (stylesheet.cssRules.length) {
stylesheet.deleteRule(stylesheet.cssRules.length - 1);
if (fontFaceDecls) {
embeddedFontDeclarations = getEmbeddedFontDeclarations(fontFaceDecls);
loadFontsIntoCSS(embeddedFontDeclarations, odfContainer, stylesheet);
odf.Formatting = function Formatting() {
var odfContainer, styleInfo = new odf.StyleInfo, svgns = odf.Namespaces.svgns, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, numberns = odf.Namespaces.numberns, fons = odf.Namespaces.fons, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils, utils = new core.Utils, cssUnits = new core.CSSUnits, builtInDefaultStyleAttributesByFamily = {"paragraph":{"style:paragraph-properties":{"fo:text-align":"left"}}}, defaultPageFormatSettings = {width:"21.001cm", height:"29.7cm", margin:"2cm",
function getSystemDefaultStyleAttributes(styleFamily) {
var result, builtInDefaultStyleAttributes = builtInDefaultStyleAttributesByFamily[styleFamily];
if (builtInDefaultStyleAttributes) {
result = utils.mergeObjects({}, builtInDefaultStyleAttributes);
} else {
result = {};
return result;
this.getSystemDefaultStyleAttributes = getSystemDefaultStyleAttributes;
this.setOdfContainer = function(odfcontainer) {
odfContainer = odfcontainer;
function getFontMap() {
var fontFaceDecls = odfContainer.rootElement.fontFaceDecls, fontFaceDeclsMap = {}, node, name, family;
node = fontFaceDecls && fontFaceDecls.firstElementChild;
while (node) {
name = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (name) {
family = node.getAttributeNS(svgns, "font-family");
if (family || node.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "font-face-uri").length > 0) {
fontFaceDeclsMap[name] = family;
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return fontFaceDeclsMap;
this.getFontMap = getFontMap;
this.getAvailableParagraphStyles = function() {
var node = odfContainer.rootElement.styles, p_family, p_name, p_displayName, paragraphStyles = [];
node = node && node.firstElementChild;
while (node) {
if (node.localName === "style" && node.namespaceURI === stylens) {
p_family = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family");
if (p_family === "paragraph") {
p_name = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
p_displayName = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "display-name") || p_name;
if (p_name && p_displayName) {
paragraphStyles.push({name:p_name, displayName:p_displayName});
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return paragraphStyles;
this.isStyleUsed = function(styleElement) {
var hasDerivedStyles, isUsed, root = odfContainer.rootElement;
hasDerivedStyles = styleInfo.hasDerivedStyles(root, odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI, styleElement);
isUsed = (new styleInfo.UsedStyleList(root.styles)).uses(styleElement) || (new styleInfo.UsedStyleList(root.automaticStyles)).uses(styleElement) || (new styleInfo.UsedStyleList(root.body)).uses(styleElement);
return hasDerivedStyles || isUsed;
function getDefaultStyleElement(family) {
var node = odfContainer.rootElement.styles.firstElementChild;
while (node) {
if (node.namespaceURI === stylens && node.localName === "default-style" && node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family") === family) {
return node;
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return null;
this.getDefaultStyleElement = getDefaultStyleElement;
function getStyleElement(styleName, family, styleElements) {
var node, nodeStyleName, styleListElement, i;
styleElements = styleElements || [odfContainer.rootElement.automaticStyles, odfContainer.rootElement.styles];
for (i = 0;i < styleElements.length;i += 1) {
styleListElement = styleElements[i];
node = styleListElement.firstElementChild;
while (node) {
nodeStyleName = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (node.namespaceURI === stylens && node.localName === "style" && node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family") === family && nodeStyleName === styleName) {
return node;
if (family === "list-style" && node.namespaceURI === textns && node.localName === "list-style" && nodeStyleName === styleName) {
return node;
if (family === "data" && node.namespaceURI === numberns && nodeStyleName === styleName) {
return node;
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return null;
this.getStyleElement = getStyleElement;
function getStyleAttributes(styleNode) {
var i, a, map, ai, propertiesMap = {}, propertiesNode = styleNode.firstElementChild;
while (propertiesNode) {
if (propertiesNode.namespaceURI === stylens) {
map = propertiesMap[propertiesNode.nodeName] = {};
a = propertiesNode.attributes;
for (i = 0;i < a.length;i += 1) {
ai = a.item(i);
map[ai.name] = ai.value;
propertiesNode = propertiesNode.nextElementSibling;
a = styleNode.attributes;
for (i = 0;i < a.length;i += 1) {
ai = a.item(i);
propertiesMap[ai.name] = ai.value;
return propertiesMap;
this.getStyleAttributes = getStyleAttributes;
function getInheritedStyleAttributes(styleNode, includeSystemDefault) {
var styleListElement = odfContainer.rootElement.styles, parentStyleName, propertiesMap, inheritedPropertiesMap = {}, styleFamily = styleNode.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family"), node = styleNode;
while (node) {
propertiesMap = getStyleAttributes(node);
inheritedPropertiesMap = utils.mergeObjects(propertiesMap, inheritedPropertiesMap);
parentStyleName = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "parent-style-name");
if (parentStyleName) {
node = getStyleElement(parentStyleName, styleFamily, [styleListElement]);
} else {
node = null;
node = getDefaultStyleElement(styleFamily);
if (node) {
propertiesMap = getStyleAttributes(node);
inheritedPropertiesMap = utils.mergeObjects(propertiesMap, inheritedPropertiesMap);
if (includeSystemDefault !== false) {
propertiesMap = getSystemDefaultStyleAttributes(styleFamily);
inheritedPropertiesMap = utils.mergeObjects(propertiesMap, inheritedPropertiesMap);
return inheritedPropertiesMap;
this.getInheritedStyleAttributes = getInheritedStyleAttributes;
this.getFirstCommonParentStyleNameOrSelf = function(styleName) {
var automaticStyleElementList = odfContainer.rootElement.automaticStyles, styleElementList = odfContainer.rootElement.styles, styleElement;
styleElement = getStyleElement(styleName, "paragraph", [automaticStyleElementList]);
if (styleElement) {
styleName = styleElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "parent-style-name");
if (!styleName) {
return null;
styleElement = getStyleElement(styleName, "paragraph", [styleElementList]);
if (!styleElement) {
return null;
return styleName;
this.hasParagraphStyle = function(styleName) {
return Boolean(getStyleElement(styleName, "paragraph"));
function buildStyleChain(node, collectedChains) {
var parent = node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.parentNode : node, nodeStyles, appliedStyles = [], chainKey = "", foundContainer = false;
while (parent && !odfUtils.isInlineRoot(parent) && parent.parentNode !== odfContainer.rootElement) {
if (!foundContainer && odfUtils.isGroupingElement(parent)) {
foundContainer = true;
nodeStyles = styleInfo.determineStylesForNode(parent);
if (nodeStyles) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
function chainStyles(usedStyleMap) {
Object.keys(usedStyleMap).forEach(function(styleFamily) {
Object.keys(usedStyleMap[styleFamily]).forEach(function(styleName) {
chainKey += "|" + styleFamily + ":" + styleName + "|";
if (foundContainer) {
if (collectedChains) {
collectedChains[chainKey] = appliedStyles;
return foundContainer ? appliedStyles : undefined;
function isCommonStyleElement(styleNode) {
return styleNode.parentNode === odfContainer.rootElement.styles;
function calculateAppliedStyle(styleChain) {
var mergedChildStyle = {orderedStyles:[], styleProperties:{}};
styleChain.forEach(function(elementStyleSet) {
Object.keys(elementStyleSet).forEach(function(styleFamily) {
var styleName = Object.keys(elementStyleSet[styleFamily])[0], styleSummary = {name:styleName, family:styleFamily, displayName:undefined, isCommonStyle:false}, styleElement, parentStyle;
styleElement = getStyleElement(styleName, styleFamily);
if (styleElement) {
parentStyle = getInheritedStyleAttributes(styleElement);
mergedChildStyle.styleProperties = utils.mergeObjects(parentStyle, mergedChildStyle.styleProperties);
styleSummary.displayName = styleElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "display-name") || undefined;
styleSummary.isCommonStyle = isCommonStyleElement(styleElement);
} else {
runtime.log("No style element found for '" + styleName + "' of family '" + styleFamily + "'");
return mergedChildStyle;
function getAppliedStyles(nodes, calculatedStylesCache) {
var styleChains = {}, styles = [];
if (!calculatedStylesCache) {
calculatedStylesCache = {};
nodes.forEach(function(n) {
buildStyleChain(n, styleChains);
Object.keys(styleChains).forEach(function(key) {
if (!calculatedStylesCache[key]) {
calculatedStylesCache[key] = calculateAppliedStyle(styleChains[key]);
return styles;
this.getAppliedStyles = getAppliedStyles;
this.getAppliedStylesForElement = function(node, calculatedStylesCache) {
return getAppliedStyles([node], calculatedStylesCache)[0];
this.updateStyle = function(styleNode, properties) {
var fontName, fontFaceNode, textProperties;
domUtils.mapObjOntoNode(styleNode, properties, odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
textProperties = properties["style:text-properties"];
fontName = textProperties && textProperties["style:font-name"];
if (fontName && !getFontMap().hasOwnProperty(fontName)) {
fontFaceNode = styleNode.ownerDocument.createElementNS(stylens, "style:font-face");
fontFaceNode.setAttributeNS(stylens, "style:name", fontName);
fontFaceNode.setAttributeNS(svgns, "svg:font-family", fontName);
this.createDerivedStyleObject = function(parentStyleName, family, overrides) {
var originalStyleElement = getStyleElement(parentStyleName, family), newStyleObject;
runtime.assert(Boolean(originalStyleElement), "No style element found for '" + parentStyleName + "' of family '" + family + "'");
if (isCommonStyleElement(originalStyleElement)) {
newStyleObject = {"style:parent-style-name":parentStyleName};
} else {
newStyleObject = getStyleAttributes(originalStyleElement);
newStyleObject["style:family"] = family;
utils.mergeObjects(newStyleObject, overrides);
return newStyleObject;
this.getDefaultTabStopDistance = function() {
var defaultParagraph = getDefaultStyleElement("paragraph"), paragraphProperties = defaultParagraph && defaultParagraph.firstElementChild, tabStopDistance;
while (paragraphProperties) {
if (paragraphProperties.namespaceURI === stylens && paragraphProperties.localName === "paragraph-properties") {
tabStopDistance = paragraphProperties.getAttributeNS(stylens, "tab-stop-distance");
paragraphProperties = paragraphProperties.nextElementSibling;
if (!tabStopDistance) {
tabStopDistance = "1.25cm";
return odfUtils.parseNonNegativeLength(tabStopDistance);
function getMasterPageElement(pageName) {
var node = odfContainer.rootElement.masterStyles.firstElementChild;
while (node) {
if (node.namespaceURI === stylens && node.localName === "master-page" && node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name") === pageName) {
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return node;
this.getMasterPageElement = getMasterPageElement;
function getPageLayoutStyleElement(styleName, styleFamily) {
var masterPageName, layoutName, pageLayoutElements, node, i, styleElement = getStyleElement(styleName, styleFamily);
runtime.assert(styleFamily === "paragraph" || styleFamily === "table", "styleFamily must be either paragraph or table");
if (styleElement) {
masterPageName = styleElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "master-page-name");
if (masterPageName) {
node = getMasterPageElement(masterPageName);
if (!node) {
runtime.log("WARN: No master page definition found for " + masterPageName);
if (!node) {
node = getMasterPageElement("Standard");
if (!node) {
node = odfContainer.rootElement.masterStyles.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "master-page")[0];
if (!node) {
runtime.log("WARN: Document has no master pages defined");
if (node) {
layoutName = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "page-layout-name");
pageLayoutElements = odfContainer.rootElement.automaticStyles.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "page-layout");
for (i = 0;i < pageLayoutElements.length;i += 1) {
node = pageLayoutElements.item(i);
if (node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name") === layoutName) {
return node;
return null;
function lengthInPx(length, defaultValue) {
var measure;
if (length) {
measure = cssUnits.convertMeasure(length, "px");
if (measure === undefined && defaultValue) {
measure = cssUnits.convertMeasure(defaultValue, "px");
return measure;
this.getContentSize = function(styleName, styleFamily) {
var pageLayoutElement, props, defaultOrientedPageWidth, defaultOrientedPageHeight, pageWidth, pageHeight, margin, marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom, padding, paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom;
pageLayoutElement = getPageLayoutStyleElement(styleName, styleFamily);
if (!pageLayoutElement) {
pageLayoutElement = domUtils.getDirectChild(odfContainer.rootElement.styles, stylens, "default-page-layout");
props = domUtils.getDirectChild(pageLayoutElement, stylens, "page-layout-properties");
if (props) {
if (props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "print-orientation") === "landscape") {
defaultOrientedPageWidth = defaultPageFormatSettings.height;
defaultOrientedPageHeight = defaultPageFormatSettings.width;
} else {
defaultOrientedPageWidth = defaultPageFormatSettings.width;
defaultOrientedPageHeight = defaultPageFormatSettings.height;
pageWidth = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "page-width"), defaultOrientedPageWidth);
pageHeight = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "page-height"), defaultOrientedPageHeight);
margin = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "margin"));
if (margin === undefined) {
marginLeft = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "margin-left"), defaultPageFormatSettings.margin);
marginRight = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "margin-right"), defaultPageFormatSettings.margin);
marginTop = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "margin-top"), defaultPageFormatSettings.margin);
marginBottom = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "margin-bottom"), defaultPageFormatSettings.margin);
} else {
marginLeft = marginRight = marginTop = marginBottom = margin;
padding = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "padding"));
if (padding === undefined) {
paddingLeft = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "padding-left"), defaultPageFormatSettings.padding);
paddingRight = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "padding-right"), defaultPageFormatSettings.padding);
paddingTop = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "padding-top"), defaultPageFormatSettings.padding);
paddingBottom = lengthInPx(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "padding-bottom"), defaultPageFormatSettings.padding);
} else {
paddingLeft = paddingRight = paddingTop = paddingBottom = padding;
} else {
pageWidth = lengthInPx(defaultPageFormatSettings.width);
pageHeight = lengthInPx(defaultPageFormatSettings.height);
margin = lengthInPx(defaultPageFormatSettings.margin);
marginLeft = marginRight = marginTop = marginBottom = margin;
padding = lengthInPx(defaultPageFormatSettings.padding);
paddingLeft = paddingRight = paddingTop = paddingBottom = padding;
return {width:pageWidth - marginLeft - marginRight - paddingLeft - paddingRight, height:pageHeight - marginTop - marginBottom - paddingTop - paddingBottom};
(function() {
var stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, familyNamespacePrefixes = {"graphic":"draw", "drawing-page":"draw", "paragraph":"text", "presentation":"presentation", "ruby":"text", "section":"text", "table":"table", "table-cell":"table", "table-column":"table", "table-row":"table", "text":"text", "list":"text", "page":"office"};
odf.StyleTreeNode = function StyleTreeNode(element) {
this.derivedStyles = {};
this.element = element;
odf.StyleTree = function StyleTree(styles, autoStyles) {
var tree = {};
function getStyleMap(stylesNode) {
var node, name, family, style, styleMap = {};
if (!stylesNode) {
return styleMap;
node = stylesNode.firstElementChild;
while (node) {
if (node.namespaceURI === stylens && (node.localName === "style" || node.localName === "default-style")) {
family = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family");
} else {
if (node.namespaceURI === textns && node.localName === "list-style") {
family = "list";
} else {
if (node.namespaceURI === stylens && (node.localName === "page-layout" || node.localName === "default-page-layout")) {
family = "page";
} else {
family = undefined;
if (family) {
name = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (!name) {
name = "";
if (styleMap.hasOwnProperty(family)) {
style = styleMap[family];
} else {
styleMap[family] = style = {};
style[name] = node;
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return styleMap;
function findStyleTreeNode(stylesTree, name) {
if (stylesTree.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return stylesTree[name];
var style = null, styleNames = Object.keys(stylesTree), i;
for (i = 0;i < styleNames.length;i += 1) {
style = findStyleTreeNode(stylesTree[styleNames[i]].derivedStyles, name);
if (style) {
return style;
function createStyleTreeNode(styleName, stylesMap, stylesTree) {
var style, parentname, parentstyle;
if (!stylesMap.hasOwnProperty(styleName)) {
return null;
style = new odf.StyleTreeNode(stylesMap[styleName]);
parentname = style.element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "parent-style-name");
parentstyle = null;
if (parentname) {
parentstyle = findStyleTreeNode(stylesTree, parentname) || createStyleTreeNode(parentname, stylesMap, stylesTree);
if (parentstyle) {
parentstyle.derivedStyles[styleName] = style;
} else {
stylesTree[styleName] = style;
delete stylesMap[styleName];
return style;
function addStyleMapToStyleTree(stylesMap, stylesTree) {
if (stylesMap) {
Object.keys(stylesMap).forEach(function(styleName) {
createStyleTreeNode(styleName, stylesMap, stylesTree);
this.getStyleTree = function() {
return tree;
function init() {
var subTree, styleNodes, autoStyleNodes;
styleNodes = getStyleMap(styles);
autoStyleNodes = getStyleMap(autoStyles);
Object.keys(familyNamespacePrefixes).forEach(function(family) {
subTree = tree[family] = {};
addStyleMapToStyleTree(styleNodes[family], subTree);
addStyleMapToStyleTree(autoStyleNodes[family], subTree);
(function() {
var fons = odf.Namespaces.fons, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, xmlns = odf.Namespaces.xmlns, helperns = "urn:webodf:names:helper", listCounterIdSuffix = "webodf-listLevel", stylemap = {1:"decimal", "a":"lower-latin", "A":"upper-latin", "i":"lower-roman", "I":"upper-roman"};
function appendRule(styleSheet, rule) {
try {
styleSheet.insertRule(rule, styleSheet.cssRules.length);
} catch (e) {
runtime.log("cannot load rule: " + rule + " - " + e);
function ParseState(contentRules, continuedCounterIdStack) {
this.listCounterCount = 0;
this.contentRules = contentRules;
this.counterIdStack = [];
this.continuedCounterIdStack = continuedCounterIdStack;
function UniqueListCounter(styleSheet) {
var customListIdIndex = 0, globalCounterResetRule = "", counterIdStacks = {};
function getCounterIdStack(list) {
var counterId, stack = [];
if (list) {
counterId = list.getAttributeNS(helperns, "counter-id");
stack = counterIdStacks[counterId].slice(0);
return stack;
function createCssRulesForList(topLevelListId, listElement, listLevel, parseState) {
var newListSelectorId, newListCounterId, newRule, contentRule, i;
parseState.listCounterCount += 1;
newListSelectorId = topLevelListId + "-level" + listLevel + "-" + parseState.listCounterCount;
listElement.setAttributeNS(helperns, "counter-id", newListSelectorId);
newListCounterId = parseState.continuedCounterIdStack.shift();
if (!newListCounterId) {
newListCounterId = newListSelectorId;
globalCounterResetRule += newListSelectorId + " 1 ";
newRule = 'text|list[webodfhelper|counter-id="' + newListSelectorId + '"]';
newRule += " > text|list-item:first-child > :not(text|list):first-child:before";
newRule += "{";
newRule += "counter-increment: " + newListCounterId + " 0;";
newRule += "}";
appendRule(styleSheet, newRule);
while (parseState.counterIdStack.length >= listLevel) {
contentRule = parseState.contentRules[listLevel.toString()] || "";
for (i = 1;i <= listLevel;i += 1) {
contentRule = contentRule.replace(i + listCounterIdSuffix, parseState.counterIdStack[i - 1]);
newRule = 'text|list[webodfhelper|counter-id="' + newListSelectorId + '"]';
newRule += " > text|list-item > :not(text|list):first-child:before";
newRule += "{";
newRule += contentRule;
newRule += "counter-increment: " + newListCounterId + ";";
newRule += "}";
appendRule(styleSheet, newRule);
function iterateOverChildListElements(topLevelListId, element, listLevel, parseState) {
var isListElement = element.namespaceURI === textns && element.localName === "list", isListItemElement = element.namespaceURI === textns && element.localName === "list-item", childElement;
if (!isListElement && !isListItemElement) {
parseState.continuedCounterIdStack = [];
if (isListElement) {
listLevel += 1;
createCssRulesForList(topLevelListId, element, listLevel, parseState);
childElement = element.firstElementChild;
while (childElement) {
iterateOverChildListElements(topLevelListId, childElement, listLevel, parseState);
childElement = childElement.nextElementSibling;
this.createCounterRules = function(contentRules, list, continuedList) {
var listId = list.getAttributeNS(xmlns, "id"), currentParseState = new ParseState(contentRules, getCounterIdStack(continuedList));
if (!listId) {
customListIdIndex += 1;
listId = "X" + customListIdIndex;
} else {
listId = "Y" + listId;
iterateOverChildListElements(listId, list, 0, currentParseState);
counterIdStacks[listId + "-level1-1"] = currentParseState.counterIdStack;
this.initialiseCreatedCounters = function() {
var newRule;
newRule = "office|document";
newRule += "{";
newRule += "counter-reset: " + globalCounterResetRule + ";";
newRule += "}";
appendRule(styleSheet, newRule);
odf.ListStyleToCss = function ListStyleToCss() {
var cssUnits = new core.CSSUnits, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
function convertToPxValue(value) {
var parsedLength = odfUtils.parseLength(value);
if (!parsedLength) {
runtime.log("Could not parse value '" + value + "'.");
return 0;
return cssUnits.convert(parsedLength.value, parsedLength.unit, "px");
function escapeCSSString(value) {
return value.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, '\\"');
function isMatchingListStyle(list, matchingStyleName) {
var styleName;
if (list) {
styleName = list.getAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
return styleName === matchingStyleName;
function getNumberRule(node) {
var style = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "num-format"), suffix = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "num-suffix") || "", prefix = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "num-prefix") || "", content = "", textLevel = node.getAttributeNS(textns, "level"), displayLevels = node.getAttributeNS(textns, "display-levels");
if (prefix) {
content += '"' + escapeCSSString(prefix) + '"\n';
if (stylemap.hasOwnProperty(style)) {
textLevel = textLevel ? parseInt(textLevel, 10) : 1;
displayLevels = displayLevels ? parseInt(displayLevels, 10) : 1;
while (displayLevels > 0) {
content += " counter(" + (textLevel - displayLevels + 1) + listCounterIdSuffix + "," + stylemap[style] + ")";
if (displayLevels > 1) {
content += '"."';
displayLevels -= 1;
} else {
if (style) {
content += ' "' + style + '"';
} else {
content += ' ""';
return "content:" + content + ' "' + escapeCSSString(suffix) + '"';
function getImageRule() {
return "content: none";
function getBulletRule(node) {
var bulletChar = node.getAttributeNS(textns, "bullet-char");
return 'content: "' + escapeCSSString(bulletChar) + '"';
function getContentRule(node) {
var contentRule = "", listLevelProps, listLevelPositionSpaceMode, listLevelLabelAlign, followedBy;
if (node.localName === "list-level-style-number") {
contentRule = getNumberRule(node);
} else {
if (node.localName === "list-level-style-image") {
contentRule = getImageRule();
} else {
if (node.localName === "list-level-style-bullet") {
contentRule = getBulletRule(node);
listLevelProps = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "list-level-properties")[0];
if (listLevelProps) {
listLevelPositionSpaceMode = listLevelProps.getAttributeNS(textns, "list-level-position-and-space-mode");
if (listLevelPositionSpaceMode === "label-alignment") {
listLevelLabelAlign = listLevelProps.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "list-level-label-alignment")[0];
if (listLevelLabelAlign) {
followedBy = listLevelLabelAlign.getAttributeNS(textns, "label-followed-by");
if (followedBy === "space") {
contentRule += ' "\\a0"';
return "\n" + contentRule + ";\n";
function getAllContentRules(listStyleNode) {
var childNode = listStyleNode.firstElementChild, level, rules = {};
while (childNode) {
level = childNode.getAttributeNS(textns, "level");
level = level && parseInt(level, 10);
rules[level] = getContentRule(childNode);
childNode = childNode.nextElementSibling;
return rules;
function addListStyleRule(styleSheet, name, node) {
var selector = 'text|list[text|style-name="' + name + '"]', level = node.getAttributeNS(textns, "level"), selectorLevel, listItemRule, listLevelProps, listLevelPositionSpaceMode, listLevelLabelAlign, listIndent, textAlign, bulletWidth, labelDistance, bulletIndent, followedBy, leftOffset;
listLevelProps = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "list-level-properties")[0];
listLevelPositionSpaceMode = listLevelProps && listLevelProps.getAttributeNS(textns, "list-level-position-and-space-mode");
listLevelLabelAlign = listLevelProps && listLevelProps.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "list-level-label-alignment")[0];
level = level && parseInt(level, 10);
selectorLevel = level;
while (selectorLevel > 1) {
selector += " > text|list-item > text|list";
selectorLevel -= 1;
textAlign = listLevelProps && listLevelProps.getAttributeNS(fons, "text-align") || "left";
switch(textAlign) {
case "end":
textAlign = "right";
case "start":
textAlign = "left";
if (listLevelPositionSpaceMode === "label-alignment") {
listIndent = listLevelLabelAlign && listLevelLabelAlign.getAttributeNS(fons, "margin-left") || "0px";
bulletIndent = listLevelLabelAlign && listLevelLabelAlign.getAttributeNS(fons, "text-indent") || "0px";
followedBy = listLevelLabelAlign && listLevelLabelAlign.getAttributeNS(textns, "label-followed-by");
leftOffset = convertToPxValue(listIndent);
} else {
listIndent = listLevelProps && listLevelProps.getAttributeNS(textns, "space-before") || "0px";
bulletWidth = listLevelProps && listLevelProps.getAttributeNS(textns, "min-label-width") || "0px";
labelDistance = listLevelProps && listLevelProps.getAttributeNS(textns, "min-label-distance") || "0px";
leftOffset = convertToPxValue(listIndent) + convertToPxValue(bulletWidth);
listItemRule = selector + " > text|list-item";
listItemRule += "{";
listItemRule += "margin-left: " + leftOffset + "px;";
listItemRule += "}";
appendRule(styleSheet, listItemRule);
listItemRule = selector + " > text|list-item > text|list";
listItemRule += "{";
listItemRule += "margin-left: " + -leftOffset + "px;";
listItemRule += "}";
appendRule(styleSheet, listItemRule);
listItemRule = selector + " > text|list-item > :not(text|list):first-child:before";
listItemRule += "{";
listItemRule += "text-align: " + textAlign + ";";
listItemRule += "display: inline-block;";
if (listLevelPositionSpaceMode === "label-alignment") {
listItemRule += "margin-left: " + bulletIndent + ";";
if (followedBy === "listtab") {
listItemRule += "padding-right: 0.2cm;";
} else {
listItemRule += "min-width: " + bulletWidth + ";";
listItemRule += "margin-left: " + (parseFloat(bulletWidth) === 0 ? "" : "-") + bulletWidth + ";";
listItemRule += "padding-right: " + labelDistance + ";";
listItemRule += "}";
appendRule(styleSheet, listItemRule);
function addRule(styleSheet, name, node) {
var n = node.firstElementChild;
while (n) {
if (n.namespaceURI === textns) {
addListStyleRule(styleSheet, name, n);
n = n.nextElementSibling;
function applyContentBasedStyles(styleSheet, odfBody, listStyles) {
var lists = odfBody.getElementsByTagNameNS(textns, "list"), listCounter = new UniqueListCounter(styleSheet), list, previousList, continueNumbering, continueListXmlId, xmlId, styleName, contentRules, listsWithXmlId = {}, i;
for (i = 0;i < lists.length;i += 1) {
list = lists.item(i);
styleName = list.getAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
if (styleName) {
continueNumbering = list.getAttributeNS(textns, "continue-numbering");
continueListXmlId = list.getAttributeNS(textns, "continue-list");
xmlId = list.getAttributeNS(xmlns, "id");
if (xmlId) {
listsWithXmlId[xmlId] = list;
contentRules = getAllContentRules(listStyles[styleName].element);
if (continueNumbering && !continueListXmlId && isMatchingListStyle(previousList, styleName)) {
listCounter.createCounterRules(contentRules, list, previousList);
} else {
if (continueListXmlId && isMatchingListStyle(listsWithXmlId[continueListXmlId], styleName)) {
listCounter.createCounterRules(contentRules, list, listsWithXmlId[continueListXmlId]);
} else {
listCounter.createCounterRules(contentRules, list);
previousList = list;
this.applyListStyles = function(styleSheet, styleTree, odfBody) {
var styleFamilyTree, node;
styleFamilyTree = styleTree["list"];
if (styleFamilyTree) {
Object.keys(styleFamilyTree).forEach(function(styleName) {
node = styleFamilyTree[styleName];
addRule(styleSheet, styleName, node.element);
applyContentBasedStyles(styleSheet, odfBody, styleFamilyTree);
odf.LazyStyleProperties = function(parent, getters) {
var data = {};
this.value = function(name) {
var v;
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
v = data[name];
} else {
v = getters[name]();
if (v === undefined && parent) {
v = parent.value(name);
data[name] = v;
return v;
this.reset = function(p) {
parent = p;
data = {};
odf.StyleParseUtils = function() {
var stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens;
function splitLength(length) {
var re = /(-?[0-9]*[0-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))/, m = re.exec(length);
if (!m) {
return null;
return {value:parseFloat(m[1]), unit:m[3]};
function parseLength(val) {
var n, length, unit;
length = splitLength(val);
unit = length && length.unit;
if (unit === "px") {
n = length.value;
} else {
if (unit === "cm") {
n = length.value / 2.54 * 96;
} else {
if (unit === "mm") {
n = length.value / 25.4 * 96;
} else {
if (unit === "in") {
n = length.value * 96;
} else {
if (unit === "pt") {
n = length.value / .75;
} else {
if (unit === "pc") {
n = length.value * 16;
return n;
this.parseLength = parseLength;
function parsePercent(value) {
var v;
if (value) {
v = parseFloat(value.substr(0, value.indexOf("%")));
if (isNaN(v)) {
v = undefined;
return v;
function parsePositiveLengthOrPercent(value, name, parent) {
var v = parsePercent(value), parentValue;
if (v !== undefined) {
if (parent) {
parentValue = parent.value(name);
if (parentValue === undefined) {
v = undefined;
} else {
v *= parentValue / 100;
} else {
v = parseLength(value);
return v;
this.parsePositiveLengthOrPercent = parsePositiveLengthOrPercent;
function getPropertiesElement(name, styleElement, previousPropertyElement) {
var e = previousPropertyElement ? previousPropertyElement.nextElementSibling : styleElement.firstElementChild;
while (e !== null && (e.localName !== name || e.namespaceURI !== stylens)) {
e = e.nextElementSibling;
return e;
this.getPropertiesElement = getPropertiesElement;
function parseAttributeList(text) {
if (text) {
text = text.replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/g, "$1");
return text && text.length > 0 ? text.split(/\s+/) : [];
this.parseAttributeList = parseAttributeList;
odf.Style2CSS = function Style2CSS() {
var drawns = odf.Namespaces.drawns, fons = odf.Namespaces.fons, officens = odf.Namespaces.officens, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, svgns = odf.Namespaces.svgns, tablens = odf.Namespaces.tablens, xlinkns = odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, presentationns = odf.Namespaces.presentationns, webodfhelperns = "urn:webodf:names:helper", domUtils = core.DomUtils, styleParseUtils = new odf.StyleParseUtils, familynamespaceprefixes = {"graphic":"draw", "drawing-page":"draw", "paragraph":"text", "presentation":"presentation",
"ruby":"text", "section":"text", "table":"table", "table-cell":"table", "table-column":"table", "table-row":"table", "text":"text", "list":"text", "page":"office"}, familytagnames = {"graphic":["circle", "connected", "control", "custom-shape", "ellipse", "frame", "g", "line", "measure", "page", "page-thumbnail", "path", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "regular-polygon"], "paragraph":["alphabetical-index-entry-template", "h", "illustration-index-entry-template", "index-source-style", "object-index-entry-template",
"p", "table-index-entry-template", "table-of-content-entry-template", "user-index-entry-template"], "presentation":["caption", "circle", "connector", "control", "custom-shape", "ellipse", "frame", "g", "line", "measure", "page-thumbnail", "path", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "regular-polygon"], "drawing-page":["caption", "circle", "connector", "control", "page", "custom-shape", "ellipse", "frame", "g", "line", "measure", "page-thumbnail", "path", "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "regular-polygon"],
"ruby":["ruby", "ruby-text"], "section":["alphabetical-index", "bibliography", "illustration-index", "index-title", "object-index", "section", "table-of-content", "table-index", "user-index"], "table":["background", "table"], "table-cell":["body", "covered-table-cell", "even-columns", "even-rows", "first-column", "first-row", "last-column", "last-row", "odd-columns", "odd-rows", "table-cell"], "table-column":["table-column"], "table-row":["table-row"], "text":["a", "index-entry-chapter", "index-entry-link-end",
"index-entry-link-start", "index-entry-page-number", "index-entry-span", "index-entry-tab-stop", "index-entry-text", "index-title-template", "linenumbering-configuration", "list-level-style-number", "list-level-style-bullet", "outline-level-style", "span"], "list":["list-item"]}, textPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "color", "color"], [fons, "background-color", "background-color"], [fons, "font-weight", "font-weight"], [fons, "font-style", "font-style"]], bgImageSimpleMapping = [[stylens, "repeat",
"background-repeat"]], paragraphPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "background-color", "background-color"], [fons, "text-align", "text-align"], [fons, "text-indent", "text-indent"], [fons, "padding", "padding"], [fons, "padding-left", "padding-left"], [fons, "padding-right", "padding-right"], [fons, "padding-top", "padding-top"], [fons, "padding-bottom", "padding-bottom"], [fons, "border-left", "border-left"], [fons, "border-right", "border-right"], [fons, "border-top", "border-top"], [fons, "border-bottom",
"border-bottom"], [fons, "margin", "margin"], [fons, "margin-left", "margin-left"], [fons, "margin-right", "margin-right"], [fons, "margin-top", "margin-top"], [fons, "margin-bottom", "margin-bottom"], [fons, "border", "border"]], graphicPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "background-color", "background-color"], [fons, "min-height", "min-height"], [drawns, "stroke", "border"], [svgns, "stroke-color", "border-color"], [svgns, "stroke-width", "border-width"], [fons, "border", "border"], [fons, "border-left",
"border-left"], [fons, "border-right", "border-right"], [fons, "border-top", "border-top"], [fons, "border-bottom", "border-bottom"]], tablecellPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "background-color", "background-color"], [fons, "border-left", "border-left"], [fons, "border-right", "border-right"], [fons, "border-top", "border-top"], [fons, "border-bottom", "border-bottom"], [fons, "border", "border"]], tablecolumnPropertySimpleMapping = [[stylens, "column-width", "width"]], tablerowPropertySimpleMapping =
[[stylens, "row-height", "height"], [fons, "keep-together", null]], tablePropertySimpleMapping = [[stylens, "width", "width"], [fons, "margin-left", "margin-left"], [fons, "margin-right", "margin-right"], [fons, "margin-top", "margin-top"], [fons, "margin-bottom", "margin-bottom"]], pageContentPropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "background-color", "background-color"], [fons, "padding", "padding"], [fons, "padding-left", "padding-left"], [fons, "padding-right", "padding-right"], [fons, "padding-top",
"padding-top"], [fons, "padding-bottom", "padding-bottom"], [fons, "border", "border"], [fons, "border-left", "border-left"], [fons, "border-right", "border-right"], [fons, "border-top", "border-top"], [fons, "border-bottom", "border-bottom"], [fons, "margin", "margin"], [fons, "margin-left", "margin-left"], [fons, "margin-right", "margin-right"], [fons, "margin-top", "margin-top"], [fons, "margin-bottom", "margin-bottom"]], pageSizePropertySimpleMapping = [[fons, "page-width", "width"], [fons,
"page-height", "height"]], borderPropertyMap = {"border":true, "border-left":true, "border-right":true, "border-top":true, "border-bottom":true, "stroke-width":true}, marginPropertyMap = {"margin":true, "margin-left":true, "margin-right":true, "margin-top":true, "margin-bottom":true}, fontFaceDeclsMap = {}, utils = odf.OdfUtils, documentType, odfRoot, defaultFontSize, xpath = xmldom.XPath, cssUnits = new core.CSSUnits;
function createSelector(family, name) {
var prefix = familynamespaceprefixes[family], namepart, selector;
if (prefix === undefined) {
return null;
if (name) {
namepart = "[" + prefix + '|style-name="' + name + '"]';
} else {
namepart = "";
if (prefix === "presentation") {
prefix = "draw";
if (name) {
namepart = '[presentation|style-name="' + name + '"]';
} else {
namepart = "";
selector = prefix + "|" + familytagnames[family].join(namepart + "," + prefix + "|") + namepart;
return selector;
function getSelectors(family, name, node) {
var selectors = [], ss, derivedStyles = node.derivedStyles, n;
ss = createSelector(family, name);
if (ss !== null) {
for (n in derivedStyles) {
if (derivedStyles.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
ss = getSelectors(family, n, derivedStyles[n]);
selectors = selectors.concat(ss);
return selectors;
function fixBorderWidth(value) {
var index = value.indexOf(" "), width, theRestOfBorderAttributes;
if (index !== -1) {
width = value.substring(0, index);
theRestOfBorderAttributes = value.substring(index);
} else {
width = value;
theRestOfBorderAttributes = "";
width = utils.parseLength(width);
if (width && width.unit === "pt" && width.value < .75) {
value = "0.75pt" + theRestOfBorderAttributes;
return value;
function getParentStyleNode(styleNode) {
var parentStyleName = "", parentStyleFamily = "", parentStyleNode = null, xp;
if (styleNode.localName === "default-style") {
return null;
parentStyleName = styleNode.getAttributeNS(stylens, "parent-style-name");
parentStyleFamily = styleNode.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family");
if (parentStyleName) {
xp = "//style:*[@style:name='" + parentStyleName + "'][@style:family='" + parentStyleFamily + "']";
} else {
xp = "//style:default-style[@style:family='" + parentStyleFamily + "']";
parentStyleNode = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(odfRoot, xp, odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI)[0];
return parentStyleNode;
function fixMargin(props, namespace, name, value) {
var length = utils.parseLength(value), multiplier, parentStyle, parentLength, result, properties;
if (!length || length.unit !== "%") {
return value;
multiplier = length.value / 100;
parentStyle = getParentStyleNode(props.parentNode);
result = "0";
while (parentStyle) {
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(parentStyle, stylens, "paragraph-properties");
if (properties) {
parentLength = utils.parseLength(properties.getAttributeNS(namespace, name));
if (parentLength) {
if (parentLength.unit !== "%") {
result = parentLength.value * multiplier + parentLength.unit;
multiplier *= parentLength.value / 100;
parentStyle = getParentStyleNode(parentStyle);
return result;
function applySimpleMapping(props, mapping) {
var rule = "", i, r, value;
for (i = 0;i < mapping.length;i += 1) {
r = mapping[i];
value = props.getAttributeNS(r[0], r[1]);
if (value) {
value = value.trim();
if (borderPropertyMap.hasOwnProperty(r[1])) {
value = fixBorderWidth(value);
} else {
if (marginPropertyMap.hasOwnProperty(r[1])) {
value = fixMargin(props, r[0], r[1], value);
if (r[2]) {
rule += r[2] + ":" + value + ";";
return rule;
function getFontSize(styleNode) {
var props = domUtils.getDirectChild(styleNode, stylens, "text-properties");
if (props) {
return utils.parseFoFontSize(props.getAttributeNS(fons, "font-size"));
return null;
function parseTextPosition(position) {
var parts = styleParseUtils.parseAttributeList(position);
return {verticalTextPosition:parts[0], fontHeight:parts[1]};
function getTextProperties(props) {
var rule = "", fontName, fontSize, value, textDecorationLine = "", textDecorationStyle = "", textPosition, fontSizeRule = "", sizeMultiplier = 1, textFamilyStyleNode;
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, textPropertySimpleMapping);
value = props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "text-underline-style");
if (value === "solid") {
textDecorationLine += " underline";
value = props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "text-line-through-style");
if (value === "solid") {
textDecorationLine += " line-through";
if (textDecorationLine.length) {
rule += "text-decoration:" + textDecorationLine + ";\n";
rule += "text-decoration-line:" + textDecorationLine + ";\n";
rule += "-moz-text-decoration-line:" + textDecorationLine + ";\n";
value = props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "text-line-through-type");
switch(value) {
case "double":
textDecorationStyle += " double";
case "single":
textDecorationStyle += " single";
if (textDecorationStyle) {
rule += "text-decoration-style:" + textDecorationStyle + ";\n";
rule += "-moz-text-decoration-style:" + textDecorationStyle + ";\n";
fontName = props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "font-name") || props.getAttributeNS(fons, "font-family");
if (fontName) {
value = fontFaceDeclsMap[fontName];
rule += "font-family: " + (value || fontName) + ";";
value = props.getAttributeNS(stylens, "text-position");
if (value) {
textPosition = parseTextPosition(value);
rule += "vertical-align: " + textPosition.verticalTextPosition + "\n; ";
if (textPosition.fontHeight) {
sizeMultiplier = parseFloat(textPosition.fontHeight) / 100;
if (props.hasAttributeNS(fons, "font-size") || sizeMultiplier !== 1) {
textFamilyStyleNode = props.parentNode;
while (textFamilyStyleNode) {
fontSize = getFontSize(textFamilyStyleNode);
if (fontSize) {
if (fontSize.unit !== "%") {
fontSizeRule = "font-size: " + fontSize.value * sizeMultiplier + fontSize.unit + ";";
sizeMultiplier *= fontSize.value / 100;
textFamilyStyleNode = getParentStyleNode(textFamilyStyleNode);
if (!fontSizeRule) {
fontSizeRule = "font-size: " + parseFloat(defaultFontSize) * sizeMultiplier + cssUnits.getUnits(defaultFontSize) + ";";
rule += fontSizeRule;
return rule;
function getParagraphProperties(props) {
var rule = "", bgimage, url, lineHeight;
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, paragraphPropertySimpleMapping);
bgimage = domUtils.getDirectChild(props, stylens, "background-image");
if (bgimage) {
url = bgimage.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
if (url) {
rule += "background-image: url('odfkit:" + url + "');";
rule += applySimpleMapping(bgimage, bgImageSimpleMapping);
lineHeight = props.getAttributeNS(fons, "line-height");
if (lineHeight && lineHeight !== "normal") {
lineHeight = utils.parseFoLineHeight(lineHeight);
if (lineHeight.unit !== "%") {
rule += "line-height: " + lineHeight.value + lineHeight.unit + ";";
} else {
rule += "line-height: " + lineHeight.value / 100 + ";";
return rule;
function matchToRgb(m, r, g, b) {
return r + r + g + g + b + b;
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var result, shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i;
hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, matchToRgb);
result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? {r:parseInt(result[1], 16), g:parseInt(result[2], 16), b:parseInt(result[3], 16)} : null;
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n));
function getGraphicProperties(props) {
var rule = "", alpha, bgcolor, fill;
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, graphicPropertySimpleMapping);
alpha = props.getAttributeNS(drawns, "opacity");
fill = props.getAttributeNS(drawns, "fill");
bgcolor = props.getAttributeNS(drawns, "fill-color");
if (fill === "solid" || fill === "hatch") {
if (bgcolor && bgcolor !== "none") {
alpha = isNumber(alpha) ? parseFloat(alpha) / 100 : 1;
bgcolor = hexToRgb(bgcolor);
if (bgcolor) {
rule += "background-color: rgba(" + bgcolor.r + "," + bgcolor.g + "," + bgcolor.b + "," + alpha + ");";
} else {
rule += "background: none;";
} else {
if (fill === "none") {
rule += "background: none;";
return rule;
function getDrawingPageProperties(props) {
var rule = "";
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, graphicPropertySimpleMapping);
if (props.getAttributeNS(presentationns, "background-visible") === "true") {
rule += "background: none;";
return rule;
function getTableCellProperties(props) {
var rule = "";
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, tablecellPropertySimpleMapping);
return rule;
function getTableRowProperties(props) {
var rule = "";
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, tablerowPropertySimpleMapping);
return rule;
function getTableColumnProperties(props) {
var rule = "";
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, tablecolumnPropertySimpleMapping);
return rule;
function getTableProperties(props) {
var rule = "", borderModel;
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, tablePropertySimpleMapping);
borderModel = props.getAttributeNS(tablens, "border-model");
if (borderModel === "collapsing") {
rule += "border-collapse:collapse;";
} else {
if (borderModel === "separating") {
rule += "border-collapse:separate;";
return rule;
function getDerivedStyleNames(styleName, node) {
var styleNames = [styleName], derivedStyles = node.derivedStyles;
Object.keys(derivedStyles).forEach(function(styleName) {
var dsn = getDerivedStyleNames(styleName, derivedStyles[styleName]);
styleNames = styleNames.concat(dsn);
return styleNames;
function addDrawPageFrameDisplayRules(sheet, styleName, properties, node) {
var frameClasses = ["page-number", "date-time", "header", "footer"], styleNames = getDerivedStyleNames(styleName, node), visibleFrameClasses = [], invisibleFrameClasses = [];
function insertFrameVisibilityRule(controlledFrameClasses, visibility) {
var selectors = [], rule;
controlledFrameClasses.forEach(function(frameClass) {
styleNames.forEach(function(styleName) {
selectors.push('draw|page[webodfhelper|page-style-name="' + styleName + '"] draw|frame[presentation|class="' + frameClass + '"]');
if (selectors.length > 0) {
rule = selectors.join(",") + "{visibility:" + visibility + ";}";
sheet.insertRule(rule, sheet.cssRules.length);
frameClasses.forEach(function(frameClass) {
var displayValue;
displayValue = properties.getAttributeNS(presentationns, "display-" + frameClass);
if (displayValue === "true") {
} else {
if (displayValue === "false") {
insertFrameVisibilityRule(visibleFrameClasses, "visible");
insertFrameVisibilityRule(invisibleFrameClasses, "hidden");
function addStyleRule(sheet, family, name, node) {
var selectors = getSelectors(family, name, node), selector = selectors.join(","), rule = "", properties;
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "text-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getTextProperties(properties);
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "paragraph-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getParagraphProperties(properties);
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "graphic-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getGraphicProperties(properties);
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "drawing-page-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getDrawingPageProperties(properties);
addDrawPageFrameDisplayRules(sheet, name, properties, node);
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "table-cell-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getTableCellProperties(properties);
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "table-row-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getTableRowProperties(properties);
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "table-column-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getTableColumnProperties(properties);
properties = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.element, stylens, "table-properties");
if (properties) {
rule += getTableProperties(properties);
if (rule.length === 0) {
rule = selector + "{" + rule + "}";
sheet.insertRule(rule, sheet.cssRules.length);
function addPageStyleRules(sheet, node) {
var rule = "", imageProps, url, contentLayoutRule = "", pageSizeRule = "", props = domUtils.getDirectChild(node, stylens, "page-layout-properties"), stylename, masterStyles, e, masterStyleName;
if (!props) {
stylename = node.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
rule += applySimpleMapping(props, pageContentPropertySimpleMapping);
imageProps = domUtils.getDirectChild(props, stylens, "background-image");
if (imageProps) {
url = imageProps.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
if (url) {
rule += "background-image: url('odfkit:" + url + "');";
rule += applySimpleMapping(imageProps, bgImageSimpleMapping);
if (documentType === "presentation") {
masterStyles = domUtils.getDirectChild(node.parentNode.parentNode, officens, "master-styles");
e = masterStyles && masterStyles.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
if (e.namespaceURI === stylens && e.localName === "master-page" && e.getAttributeNS(stylens, "page-layout-name") === stylename) {
masterStyleName = e.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
contentLayoutRule = 'draw|page[draw|master-page-name="' + masterStyleName + '"] {' + rule + "}";
pageSizeRule = 'office|body, draw|page[draw|master-page-name="' + masterStyleName + '"] {' + applySimpleMapping(props, pageSizePropertySimpleMapping) + " }";
sheet.insertRule(contentLayoutRule, sheet.cssRules.length);
sheet.insertRule(pageSizeRule, sheet.cssRules.length);
e = e.nextElementSibling;
} else {
if (documentType === "text") {
contentLayoutRule = "office|text {" + rule + "}";
rule = "";
pageSizeRule = "office|body {" + "width: " + props.getAttributeNS(fons, "page-width") + ";" + "}";
sheet.insertRule(contentLayoutRule, sheet.cssRules.length);
sheet.insertRule(pageSizeRule, sheet.cssRules.length);
function addRule(sheet, family, name, node) {
if (family === "page") {
addPageStyleRules(sheet, node.element);
} else {
addStyleRule(sheet, family, name, node);
function addRules(sheet, family, name, node) {
addRule(sheet, family, name, node);
var n;
for (n in node.derivedStyles) {
if (node.derivedStyles.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
addRules(sheet, family, n, node.derivedStyles[n]);
this.style2css = function(doctype, rootNode, stylesheet, fontFaceMap, styleTree) {
var tree, rule, name, family;
function insertCSSNamespace(prefix, ns) {
rule = "@namespace " + prefix + " url(" + ns + ");";
try {
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length);
} catch (ignore) {
odfRoot = rootNode;
while (stylesheet.cssRules.length) {
stylesheet.deleteRule(stylesheet.cssRules.length - 1);
insertCSSNamespace("webodfhelper", webodfhelperns);
fontFaceDeclsMap = fontFaceMap;
documentType = doctype;
defaultFontSize = runtime.getWindow().getComputedStyle(document.body, null).getPropertyValue("font-size") || "12pt";
for (family in familynamespaceprefixes) {
if (familynamespaceprefixes.hasOwnProperty(family)) {
tree = styleTree[family];
for (name in tree) {
if (tree.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
addRules(stylesheet, family, name, tree[name]);
(function() {
function Point(x, y) {
var self = this;
this.getDistance = function(point) {
var xOffset = self.x - point.x, yOffset = self.y - point.y;
return Math.sqrt(xOffset * xOffset + yOffset * yOffset);
this.getCenter = function(point) {
return new Point((self.x + point.x) / 2, (self.y + point.y) / 2);
function init() {
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
gui.ZoomHelper = function() {
var zoomableElement, panPoint, previousPanPoint, firstPinchDistance, zoom, previousZoom, maxZoom = 4, offsetParent, parentElement, events = new core.EventNotifier([gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged]), gestures = {NONE:0, SCROLL:1, PINCH:2}, currentGesture = gestures.NONE, requiresCustomScrollBars = runtime.getWindow().hasOwnProperty("ontouchstart"), parentOverflow = "";
function applyCSSTransform(x, y, scale, is3D) {
var transformCommand;
if (is3D) {
transformCommand = "translate3d(" + x + "px, " + y + "px, 0) scale3d(" + scale + ", " + scale + ", 1)";
} else {
transformCommand = "translate(" + x + "px, " + y + "px) scale(" + scale + ")";
zoomableElement.style.WebkitTransform = transformCommand;
zoomableElement.style.MozTransform = transformCommand;
zoomableElement.style.msTransform = transformCommand;
zoomableElement.style.OTransform = transformCommand;
zoomableElement.style.transform = transformCommand;
function applyTransform(is3D) {
if (is3D) {
applyCSSTransform(-panPoint.x, -panPoint.y, zoom, true);
} else {
applyCSSTransform(0, 0, zoom, true);
applyCSSTransform(0, 0, zoom, false);
function applyFastTransform() {
function applyDetailedTransform() {
function enableScrollBars(enable) {
if (!offsetParent || !requiresCustomScrollBars) {
var initialOverflow = offsetParent.style.overflow, enabled = offsetParent.classList.contains("webodf-customScrollbars");
if (enable && enabled || !enable && !enabled) {
if (enable) {
offsetParent.style.overflow = "hidden";
runtime.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
offsetParent.style.overflow = initialOverflow;
} else {
function removeScroll() {
applyCSSTransform(-panPoint.x, -panPoint.y, zoom, true);
offsetParent.scrollLeft = 0;
offsetParent.scrollTop = 0;
parentOverflow = parentElement.style.overflow;
parentElement.style.overflow = "visible";
function restoreScroll() {
applyCSSTransform(0, 0, zoom, true);
offsetParent.scrollLeft = panPoint.x;
offsetParent.scrollTop = panPoint.y;
parentElement.style.overflow = parentOverflow || "";
function getPoint(touch) {
return new Point(touch.pageX - zoomableElement.offsetLeft, touch.pageY - zoomableElement.offsetTop);
function sanitizePointForPan(point) {
return new Point(Math.min(Math.max(point.x, zoomableElement.offsetLeft), (zoomableElement.offsetLeft + zoomableElement.offsetWidth) * zoom - offsetParent.clientWidth), Math.min(Math.max(point.y, zoomableElement.offsetTop), (zoomableElement.offsetTop + zoomableElement.offsetHeight) * zoom - offsetParent.clientHeight));
function processPan(point) {
if (previousPanPoint) {
panPoint.x -= point.x - previousPanPoint.x;
panPoint.y -= point.y - previousPanPoint.y;
panPoint = sanitizePointForPan(panPoint);
previousPanPoint = point;
function processZoom(zoomPoint, incrementalZoom) {
var originalZoom = zoom, actuallyIncrementedZoom, minZoom = Math.min(maxZoom, zoomableElement.offsetParent.clientWidth / zoomableElement.offsetWidth);
zoom = previousZoom * incrementalZoom;
zoom = Math.min(Math.max(zoom, minZoom), maxZoom);
actuallyIncrementedZoom = zoom / originalZoom;
panPoint.x += (actuallyIncrementedZoom - 1) * (zoomPoint.x + panPoint.x);
panPoint.y += (actuallyIncrementedZoom - 1) * (zoomPoint.y + panPoint.y);
function processPinch(point1, point2) {
var zoomPoint = point1.getCenter(point2), pinchDistance = point1.getDistance(point2), incrementalZoom = pinchDistance / firstPinchDistance;
processZoom(zoomPoint, incrementalZoom);
function prepareGesture(event) {
var fingers = event.touches.length, point1 = fingers > 0 ? getPoint(event.touches[0]) : null, point2 = fingers > 1 ? getPoint(event.touches[1]) : null;
if (point1 && point2) {
firstPinchDistance = point1.getDistance(point2);
previousZoom = zoom;
previousPanPoint = point1.getCenter(point2);
currentGesture = gestures.PINCH;
} else {
if (point1) {
previousPanPoint = point1;
currentGesture = gestures.SCROLL;
function processGesture(event) {
var fingers = event.touches.length, point1 = fingers > 0 ? getPoint(event.touches[0]) : null, point2 = fingers > 1 ? getPoint(event.touches[1]) : null;
if (point1 && point2) {
if (currentGesture === gestures.SCROLL) {
currentGesture = gestures.PINCH;
firstPinchDistance = point1.getDistance(point2);
processPinch(point1, point2);
} else {
if (point1) {
if (currentGesture === gestures.PINCH) {
currentGesture = gestures.SCROLL;
function sanitizeGesture() {
if (currentGesture === gestures.PINCH) {
events.emit(gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, zoom);
currentGesture = gestures.NONE;
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
events.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
events.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
this.getZoomLevel = function() {
return zoom;
this.setZoomLevel = function(zoomLevel) {
if (zoomableElement) {
zoom = zoomLevel;
events.emit(gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, zoom);
function registerGestureListeners() {
if (offsetParent) {
offsetParent.addEventListener("touchstart", prepareGesture, false);
offsetParent.addEventListener("touchmove", processGesture, false);
offsetParent.addEventListener("touchend", sanitizeGesture, false);
function unregisterGestureListeners() {
if (offsetParent) {
offsetParent.removeEventListener("touchstart", prepareGesture, false);
offsetParent.removeEventListener("touchmove", processGesture, false);
offsetParent.removeEventListener("touchend", sanitizeGesture, false);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
this.setZoomableElement = function(element) {
zoomableElement = element;
offsetParent = zoomableElement.offsetParent;
parentElement = zoomableElement.parentNode;
function init() {
zoom = 1;
previousZoom = 1;
panPoint = new Point(0, 0);
gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged = "zoomChanged";
ops.Canvas = function Canvas() {
ops.Canvas.prototype.getZoomLevel = function() {
ops.Canvas.prototype.getElement = function() {
ops.Canvas.prototype.getSizer = function() {
ops.Canvas.prototype.getZoomHelper = function() {
(function() {
function LoadingQueue() {
var queue = [], taskRunning = false;
function run(task) {
taskRunning = true;
runtime.setTimeout(function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
runtime.log(String(e) + "\n" + e.stack);
taskRunning = false;
if (queue.length > 0) {
}, 10);
this.clearQueue = function() {
queue.length = 0;
this.addToQueue = function(loadingTask) {
if (queue.length === 0 && !taskRunning) {
return run(loadingTask);
function PageSwitcher(css) {
var sheet = css.sheet, position = 1;
function updateCSS() {
while (sheet.cssRules.length > 0) {
sheet.insertRule("#shadowContent draw|page {display:none;}", 0);
sheet.insertRule("office|presentation draw|page {display:none;}", 1);
sheet.insertRule("#shadowContent draw|page:nth-of-type(" + position + ") {display:block;}", 2);
sheet.insertRule("office|presentation draw|page:nth-of-type(" + position + ") {display:block;}", 3);
this.showFirstPage = function() {
position = 1;
this.showNextPage = function() {
position += 1;
this.showPreviousPage = function() {
if (position > 1) {
position -= 1;
this.showPage = function(n) {
if (n > 0) {
position = n;
this.css = css;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
function listenEvent(eventTarget, eventType, eventHandler) {
if (eventTarget.addEventListener) {
eventTarget.addEventListener(eventType, eventHandler, false);
} else {
if (eventTarget.attachEvent) {
eventType = "on" + eventType;
eventTarget.attachEvent(eventType, eventHandler);
} else {
eventTarget["on" + eventType] = eventHandler;
var drawns = odf.Namespaces.drawns, fons = odf.Namespaces.fons, officens = odf.Namespaces.officens, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, svgns = odf.Namespaces.svgns, tablens = odf.Namespaces.tablens, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, xlinkns = odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, presentationns = odf.Namespaces.presentationns, webodfhelperns = "urn:webodf:names:helper", xpath = xmldom.XPath, domUtils = core.DomUtils;
function clearCSSStyleSheet(style) {
var stylesheet = style.sheet, cssRules = stylesheet.cssRules;
while (cssRules.length) {
stylesheet.deleteRule(cssRules.length - 1);
function handleStyles(odfcontainer, formatting, stylesxmlcss) {
var style2css = new odf.Style2CSS, list2css = new odf.ListStyleToCss, styleSheet = stylesxmlcss.sheet, styleTree = (new odf.StyleTree(odfcontainer.rootElement.styles, odfcontainer.rootElement.automaticStyles)).getStyleTree();
style2css.style2css(odfcontainer.getDocumentType(), odfcontainer.rootElement, styleSheet, formatting.getFontMap(), styleTree);
list2css.applyListStyles(styleSheet, styleTree, odfcontainer.rootElement.body);
function handleFonts(odfContainer, fontcss) {
var fontLoader = new odf.FontLoader;
fontLoader.loadFonts(odfContainer, fontcss.sheet);
function dropTemplateDrawFrames(clonedNode) {
var i, element, presentationClass, clonedDrawFrameElements = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(clonedNode, drawns, "frame");
for (i = 0;i < clonedDrawFrameElements.length;i += 1) {
element = clonedDrawFrameElements[i];
presentationClass = element.getAttributeNS(presentationns, "class");
if (presentationClass && !/^(date-time|footer|header|page-number)$/.test(presentationClass)) {
function getHeaderFooter(odfContainer, frame, headerFooterId) {
var headerFooter = null, i, declElements = odfContainer.rootElement.body.getElementsByTagNameNS(presentationns, headerFooterId + "-decl"), headerFooterName = frame.getAttributeNS(presentationns, "use-" + headerFooterId + "-name"), element;
if (headerFooterName && declElements.length > 0) {
for (i = 0;i < declElements.length;i += 1) {
element = declElements[i];
if (element.getAttributeNS(presentationns, "name") === headerFooterName) {
headerFooter = element.textContent;
return headerFooter;
function setContainerValue(rootElement, ns, localName, value) {
var i, containerList, document = rootElement.ownerDocument, e;
containerList = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(rootElement, ns, localName);
for (i = 0;i < containerList.length;i += 1) {
if (value) {
e = containerList[i];
function setDrawElementPosition(styleid, frame, stylesheet) {
frame.setAttributeNS(webodfhelperns, "styleid", styleid);
var rule, anchor = frame.getAttributeNS(textns, "anchor-type"), x = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "x"), y = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "y"), width = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "width"), height = frame.getAttributeNS(svgns, "height"), minheight = frame.getAttributeNS(fons, "min-height"), minwidth = frame.getAttributeNS(fons, "min-width");
if (anchor === "as-char") {
rule = "display: inline-block;";
} else {
if (anchor || x || y) {
rule = "position: absolute;";
} else {
if (width || height || minheight || minwidth) {
rule = "display: block;";
if (x) {
rule += "left: " + x + ";";
if (y) {
rule += "top: " + y + ";";
if (width) {
rule += "width: " + width + ";";
if (height) {
rule += "height: " + height + ";";
if (minheight) {
rule += "min-height: " + minheight + ";";
if (minwidth) {
rule += "min-width: " + minwidth + ";";
if (rule) {
rule = "draw|" + frame.localName + '[webodfhelper|styleid="' + styleid + '"] {' + rule + "}";
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length);
function getUrlFromBinaryDataElement(image) {
var node = image.firstChild;
while (node) {
if (node.namespaceURI === officens && node.localName === "binary-data") {
return "data:image/png;base64," + node.textContent.replace(/[\r\n\s]/g, "");
node = node.nextSibling;
return "";
function setImage(id, container, image, stylesheet) {
image.setAttributeNS(webodfhelperns, "styleid", id);
var url = image.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href"), part;
function callback(url) {
var rule;
if (url) {
rule = "background-image: url(" + url + ");";
rule = 'draw|image[webodfhelper|styleid="' + id + '"] {' + rule + "}";
stylesheet.insertRule(rule, stylesheet.cssRules.length);
function onchange(p) {
if (url) {
try {
part = container.getPart(url);
part.onchange = onchange;
} catch (e) {
runtime.log("slight problem: " + String(e));
} else {
url = getUrlFromBinaryDataElement(image);
function formatParagraphAnchors(odfbody) {
var n, i, nodes = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(odfbody, ".//*[*[@text:anchor-type='paragraph']]", odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
for (i = 0;i < nodes.length;i += 1) {
n = nodes[i];
if (n.setAttributeNS) {
n.setAttributeNS(webodfhelperns, "containsparagraphanchor", true);
function modifyTables(odffragment, documentns) {
var i, tableCells, node;
function modifyTableCell(node) {
if (node.hasAttributeNS(tablens, "number-columns-spanned")) {
node.setAttributeNS(documentns, "colspan", node.getAttributeNS(tablens, "number-columns-spanned"));
if (node.hasAttributeNS(tablens, "number-rows-spanned")) {
node.setAttributeNS(documentns, "rowspan", node.getAttributeNS(tablens, "number-rows-spanned"));
tableCells = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(odffragment, tablens, "table-cell");
for (i = 0;i < tableCells.length;i += 1) {
node = tableCells[i];
function modifyLineBreakElements(odffragment) {
var document = odffragment.ownerDocument, lineBreakElements = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(odffragment, textns, "line-break");
lineBreakElements.forEach(function(lineBreak) {
if (!lineBreak.hasChildNodes()) {
function expandSpaceElements(odffragment) {
var spaces, doc = odffragment.ownerDocument;
function expandSpaceElement(space) {
var j, count;
space.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(" "));
count = parseInt(space.getAttributeNS(textns, "c"), 10);
if (count > 1) {
space.removeAttributeNS(textns, "c");
for (j = 1;j < count;j += 1) {
space.parentNode.insertBefore(space.cloneNode(true), space);
spaces = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(odffragment, textns, "s");
function expandTabElements(odffragment) {
var tabs;
tabs = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(odffragment, textns, "tab");
tabs.forEach(function(tab) {
tab.textContent = "\t";
function modifyDrawElements(odfbody, stylesheet) {
var node, drawElements = [], i;
node = odfbody.firstElementChild;
while (node && node !== odfbody) {
if (node.namespaceURI === drawns) {
drawElements[drawElements.length] = node;
if (node.firstElementChild) {
node = node.firstElementChild;
} else {
while (node && node !== odfbody && !node.nextElementSibling) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node && node.nextElementSibling) {
node = node.nextElementSibling;
for (i = 0;i < drawElements.length;i += 1) {
node = drawElements[i];
setDrawElementPosition("frame" + String(i), node, stylesheet);
function cloneMasterPages(formatting, odfContainer, shadowContent, odfbody, stylesheet) {
var masterPageName, masterPageElement, styleId, clonedPageElement, clonedElement, clonedDrawElements, pageNumber = 0, i, element, elementToClone, document = odfContainer.rootElement.ownerDocument;
element = odfbody.firstElementChild;
if (!(element && element.namespaceURI === officens && (element.localName === "presentation" || element.localName === "drawing"))) {
element = element.firstElementChild;
while (element) {
masterPageName = element.getAttributeNS(drawns, "master-page-name");
masterPageElement = masterPageName ? formatting.getMasterPageElement(masterPageName) : null;
if (masterPageElement) {
styleId = element.getAttributeNS(webodfhelperns, "styleid");
clonedPageElement = document.createElementNS(drawns, "draw:page");
elementToClone = masterPageElement.firstElementChild;
i = 0;
while (elementToClone) {
if (elementToClone.getAttributeNS(presentationns, "placeholder") !== "true") {
clonedElement = elementToClone.cloneNode(true);
elementToClone = elementToClone.nextElementSibling;
i += 1;
clonedDrawElements = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(clonedPageElement, drawns, "*");
for (i = 0;i < clonedDrawElements.length;i += 1) {
setDrawElementPosition(styleId + "_" + i, clonedDrawElements[i], stylesheet);
pageNumber = String(shadowContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(drawns, "page").length);
setContainerValue(clonedPageElement, textns, "page-number", pageNumber);
setContainerValue(clonedPageElement, presentationns, "header", getHeaderFooter(odfContainer, element, "header"));
setContainerValue(clonedPageElement, presentationns, "footer", getHeaderFooter(odfContainer, element, "footer"));
setDrawElementPosition(styleId, clonedPageElement, stylesheet);
clonedPageElement.setAttributeNS(webodfhelperns, "page-style-name", element.getAttributeNS(drawns, "style-name"));
clonedPageElement.setAttributeNS(drawns, "draw:master-page-name", masterPageElement.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name"));
element = element.nextElementSibling;
function setVideo(container, plugin) {
var video, source, url, doc = plugin.ownerDocument, part;
url = plugin.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
function callback(url, mimetype) {
var ns = doc.documentElement.namespaceURI;
if (mimetype.substr(0, 6) === "video/") {
video = doc.createElementNS(ns, "video");
video.setAttribute("controls", "controls");
source = doc.createElementNS(ns, "source");
if (url) {
source.setAttribute("src", url);
source.setAttribute("type", mimetype);
} else {
plugin.innerHtml = "Unrecognised Plugin";
function onchange(p) {
callback(p.url, p.mimetype);
if (url) {
try {
part = container.getPart(url);
part.onchange = onchange;
} catch (e) {
runtime.log("slight problem: " + String(e));
} else {
runtime.log("using MP4 data fallback");
url = getUrlFromBinaryDataElement(plugin);
callback(url, "video/mp4");
function findWebODFStyleSheet(head) {
var style = head.firstElementChild;
while (style && !(style.localName === "style" && style.hasAttribute("webodfcss"))) {
style = style.nextElementSibling;
return style;
function addWebODFStyleSheet(document) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], css, style, href, count = document.styleSheets.length;
style = findWebODFStyleSheet(head);
if (style) {
count = parseInt(style.getAttribute("webodfcss"), 10);
style.setAttribute("webodfcss", count + 1);
return style;
if (String(typeof webodf_css) === "string") {
css = webodf_css;
} else {
href = "webodf.css";
if (runtime.currentDirectory) {
href = runtime.currentDirectory();
if (href.length > 0 && href.substr(-1) !== "/") {
href += "/";
href += "../webodf.css";
css = runtime.readFileSync(href, "utf-8");
style = document.createElementNS(head.namespaceURI, "style");
style.setAttribute("media", "screen, print, handheld, projection");
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
style.setAttribute("webodfcss", "1");
return style;
function removeWebODFStyleSheet(webodfcss) {
var count = parseInt(webodfcss.getAttribute("webodfcss"), 10);
if (count === 1) {
} else {
webodfcss.setAttribute("count", count - 1);
function addStyleSheet(document) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], style = document.createElementNS(head.namespaceURI, "style"), text = "";
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
style.setAttribute("media", "screen, print, handheld, projection");
odf.Namespaces.forEachPrefix(function(prefix, ns) {
text += "@namespace " + prefix + " url(" + ns + ");\n";
text += "@namespace webodfhelper url(" + webodfhelperns + ");\n";
return style;
odf.OdfCanvas = function OdfCanvas(element, viewport) {
runtime.assert(element !== null && element !== undefined, "odf.OdfCanvas constructor needs DOM element");
runtime.assert(element.ownerDocument !== null && element.ownerDocument !== undefined, "odf.OdfCanvas constructor needs DOM");
var self = this, doc = element.ownerDocument, odfcontainer, formatting = new odf.Formatting, pageSwitcher, sizer = null, annotationsPane = null, allowAnnotations = false, showAnnotationRemoveButton = false, annotationViewManager = null, webodfcss, fontcss, stylesxmlcss, positioncss, shadowContent, eventHandlers = {}, waitingForDoneTimeoutId, redrawContainerTask, shouldRefreshCss = false, shouldRerenderAnnotations = false, loadingQueue = new LoadingQueue, zoomHelper = new gui.ZoomHelper, canvasViewport =
viewport || new gui.SingleScrollViewport(element.parentNode);
function loadImages(container, odffragment, stylesheet) {
var i, images, node;
function loadImage(name, container, node, stylesheet) {
loadingQueue.addToQueue(function() {
setImage(name, container, node, stylesheet);
images = odffragment.getElementsByTagNameNS(drawns, "image");
for (i = 0;i < images.length;i += 1) {
node = images.item(i);
loadImage("image" + String(i), container, node, stylesheet);
function loadVideos(container, odffragment) {
var i, plugins, node;
function loadVideo(container, node) {
loadingQueue.addToQueue(function() {
setVideo(container, node);
plugins = odffragment.getElementsByTagNameNS(drawns, "plugin");
for (i = 0;i < plugins.length;i += 1) {
node = plugins.item(i);
loadVideo(container, node);
function addEventListener(eventType, eventHandler) {
var handlers;
if (eventHandlers.hasOwnProperty(eventType)) {
handlers = eventHandlers[eventType];
} else {
handlers = eventHandlers[eventType] = [];
if (eventHandler && handlers.indexOf(eventHandler) === -1) {
function fireEvent(eventType, args) {
if (!eventHandlers.hasOwnProperty(eventType)) {
var handlers = eventHandlers[eventType], i;
for (i = 0;i < handlers.length;i += 1) {
handlers[i].apply(null, args);
function fixContainerSize() {
var minHeight, odfdoc = sizer.firstChild, zoomLevel = zoomHelper.getZoomLevel();
if (!odfdoc) {
sizer.style.WebkitTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";
sizer.style.MozTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";
sizer.style.msTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";
sizer.style.OTransformOrigin = "0% 0%";
sizer.style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%";
if (annotationViewManager) {
minHeight = annotationViewManager.getMinimumHeightForAnnotationPane();
if (minHeight) {
sizer.style.minHeight = minHeight;
} else {
element.style.width = Math.round(zoomLevel * sizer.offsetWidth) + "px";
element.style.height = Math.round(zoomLevel * sizer.offsetHeight) + "px";
element.style.display = "inline-block";
function redrawContainer() {
if (shouldRefreshCss) {
handleStyles(odfcontainer, formatting, stylesxmlcss);
shouldRefreshCss = false;
if (shouldRerenderAnnotations) {
if (annotationViewManager) {
shouldRerenderAnnotations = false;
function handleContent(container, odfnode) {
var css = positioncss.sheet;
sizer = doc.createElementNS(element.namespaceURI, "div");
sizer.style.display = "inline-block";
sizer.style.background = "white";
sizer.style.setProperty("float", "left", "important");
annotationsPane = doc.createElementNS(element.namespaceURI, "div");
annotationsPane.id = "annotationsPane";
shadowContent = doc.createElementNS(element.namespaceURI, "div");
shadowContent.id = "shadowContent";
shadowContent.style.position = "absolute";
shadowContent.style.top = 0;
shadowContent.style.left = 0;
modifyDrawElements(odfnode.body, css);
cloneMasterPages(formatting, container, shadowContent, odfnode.body, css);
modifyTables(odfnode.body, element.namespaceURI);
loadImages(container, odfnode.body, css);
loadVideos(container, odfnode.body);
sizer.insertBefore(shadowContent, sizer.firstChild);
function handleAnnotations(odfnode) {
var annotationNodes;
if (allowAnnotations) {
if (!annotationsPane.parentNode) {
if (annotationViewManager) {
annotationViewManager = new gui.AnnotationViewManager(self, odfnode.body, annotationsPane, showAnnotationRemoveButton);
annotationNodes = domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(odfnode.body, officens, "annotation");
} else {
if (annotationsPane.parentNode) {
function refreshOdf(suppressEvent) {
function callback() {
element.style.display = "inline-block";
var odfnode = odfcontainer.rootElement;
element.ownerDocument.importNode(odfnode, true);
handleFonts(odfcontainer, fontcss);
handleStyles(odfcontainer, formatting, stylesxmlcss);
handleContent(odfcontainer, odfnode);
if (!suppressEvent) {
loadingQueue.addToQueue(function() {
fireEvent("statereadychange", [odfcontainer]);
if (odfcontainer.state === odf.OdfContainer.DONE) {
} else {
runtime.log("WARNING: refreshOdf called but ODF was not DONE.");
waitingForDoneTimeoutId = runtime.setTimeout(function later_cb() {
if (odfcontainer.state === odf.OdfContainer.DONE) {
} else {
runtime.log("will be back later...");
waitingForDoneTimeoutId = runtime.setTimeout(later_cb, 500);
}, 100);
this.refreshCSS = function() {
shouldRefreshCss = true;
this.refreshSize = function() {
this.odfContainer = function() {
return odfcontainer;
this.setOdfContainer = function(container, suppressEvent) {
odfcontainer = container;
refreshOdf(suppressEvent === true);
function load(url) {
element.appendChild(element.ownerDocument.createTextNode(runtime.tr("Loading") + url + "..."));
odfcontainer = new odf.OdfContainer(url, function(container) {
odfcontainer = container;
this["load"] = load;
this.load = load;
this.save = function(callback) {
this.addListener = function(eventName, handler) {
switch(eventName) {
case "click":
listenEvent(element, eventName, handler);
addEventListener(eventName, handler);
this.getFormatting = function() {
return formatting;
this.getAnnotationViewManager = function() {
return annotationViewManager;
this.refreshAnnotations = function() {
this.rerenderAnnotations = function() {
if (annotationViewManager) {
shouldRerenderAnnotations = true;
this.getSizer = function() {
return sizer;
this.enableAnnotations = function(allow, showRemoveButton) {
if (allow !== allowAnnotations) {
allowAnnotations = allow;
showAnnotationRemoveButton = showRemoveButton;
if (odfcontainer) {
this.addAnnotation = function(annotation) {
if (annotationViewManager) {
this.forgetAnnotation = function(annotation) {
if (annotationViewManager) {
this.getZoomHelper = function() {
return zoomHelper;
this.setZoomLevel = function(zoom) {
this.getZoomLevel = function() {
return zoomHelper.getZoomLevel();
this.fitToContainingElement = function(width, height) {
var zoomLevel = zoomHelper.getZoomLevel(), realWidth = element.offsetWidth / zoomLevel, realHeight = element.offsetHeight / zoomLevel, zoom;
zoom = width / realWidth;
if (height / realHeight < zoom) {
zoom = height / realHeight;
this.fitToWidth = function(width) {
var realWidth = element.offsetWidth / zoomHelper.getZoomLevel();
zoomHelper.setZoomLevel(width / realWidth);
this.fitSmart = function(width, height) {
var realWidth, realHeight, newScale, zoomLevel = zoomHelper.getZoomLevel();
realWidth = element.offsetWidth / zoomLevel;
realHeight = element.offsetHeight / zoomLevel;
newScale = width / realWidth;
if (height !== undefined) {
if (height / realHeight < newScale) {
newScale = height / realHeight;
zoomHelper.setZoomLevel(Math.min(1, newScale));
this.fitToHeight = function(height) {
var realHeight = element.offsetHeight / zoomHelper.getZoomLevel();
zoomHelper.setZoomLevel(height / realHeight);
this.showFirstPage = function() {
this.showNextPage = function() {
this.showPreviousPage = function() {
this.showPage = function(n) {
this.getElement = function() {
return element;
this.getViewport = function() {
return canvasViewport;
this.addCssForFrameWithImage = function(frame) {
var frameName = frame.getAttributeNS(drawns, "name"), fc = frame.firstElementChild;
setDrawElementPosition(frameName, frame, positioncss.sheet);
if (fc) {
setImage(frameName + "img", odfcontainer, fc, positioncss.sheet);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], cleanup = [pageSwitcher.destroy, redrawContainerTask.destroy];
if (annotationsPane && annotationsPane.parentNode) {
zoomHelper.destroy(function() {
if (sizer) {
sizer = null;
core.Async.destroyAll(cleanup, callback);
function init() {
webodfcss = addWebODFStyleSheet(doc);
pageSwitcher = new PageSwitcher(addStyleSheet(doc));
fontcss = addStyleSheet(doc);
stylesxmlcss = addStyleSheet(doc);
positioncss = addStyleSheet(doc);
redrawContainerTask = core.Task.createRedrawTask(redrawContainer);
zoomHelper.subscribe(gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, fixContainerSize);
odf.StepUtils = function StepUtils() {
function getContentBounds(stepIterator) {
var container = stepIterator.container(), offset, contentBounds;
runtime.assert(stepIterator.isStep(), "Step iterator must be on a step");
if (container.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && stepIterator.offset() > 0) {
offset = stepIterator.offset();
} else {
container = stepIterator.leftNode();
if (container && container.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
offset = container.length;
if (container) {
if (container.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
runtime.assert(offset > 0, "Empty text node found");
contentBounds = {container:container, startOffset:offset - 1, endOffset:offset};
} else {
contentBounds = {container:container, startOffset:0, endOffset:container.childNodes.length};
return contentBounds;
this.getContentBounds = getContentBounds;
ops.MemberProperties = function() {
ops.Member = function Member(memberId, properties) {
var props = new ops.MemberProperties;
function getMemberId() {
return memberId;
function getProperties() {
return props;
function setProperties(newProperties) {
Object.keys(newProperties).forEach(function(key) {
props[key] = newProperties[key];
function removeProperties(removedProperties) {
Object.keys(removedProperties).forEach(function(key) {
if (key !== "fullName" && key !== "color" && key !== "imageUrl" && props.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete props[key];
this.getMemberId = getMemberId;
this.getProperties = getProperties;
this.setProperties = setProperties;
this.removeProperties = removeProperties;
function init() {
runtime.assert(Boolean(memberId), "No memberId was supplied!");
if (!properties.fullName) {
properties.fullName = runtime.tr("Unknown Author");
if (!properties.color) {
properties.color = "black";
if (!properties.imageUrl) {
properties.imageUrl = "avatar-joe.png";
props = properties;
ops.Document = function Document() {
ops.Document.prototype.getMemberIds = function() {
ops.Document.prototype.removeCursor = function(memberid) {
ops.Document.prototype.getDocumentElement = function() {
ops.Document.prototype.getRootNode = function() {
ops.Document.prototype.getDOMDocument = function() {
ops.Document.prototype.cloneDocumentElement = function() {
ops.Document.prototype.setDocumentElement = function(element) {
ops.Document.prototype.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
ops.Document.prototype.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
ops.Document.prototype.getCanvas = function() {
ops.Document.prototype.createRootFilter = function(inputMemberId) {
ops.Document.prototype.createPositionIterator = function(rootNode) {
ops.Document.prototype.hasCursor = function(memberid) {
ops.Document.signalCursorAdded = "cursor/added";
ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved = "cursor/removed";
ops.Document.signalCursorMoved = "cursor/moved";
ops.Document.signalMemberAdded = "member/added";
ops.Document.signalMemberUpdated = "member/updated";
ops.Document.signalMemberRemoved = "member/removed";
ops.OdtCursor = function OdtCursor(memberId, document) {
var self = this, validSelectionTypes = {}, selectionType, cursor, events = new core.EventNotifier([ops.OdtCursor.signalCursorUpdated]);
this.removeFromDocument = function() {
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
events.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
events.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
this.getMemberId = function() {
return memberId;
this.getNode = function() {
return cursor.getNode();
this.getAnchorNode = function() {
return cursor.getAnchorNode();
this.getSelectedRange = function() {
return cursor.getSelectedRange();
this.setSelectedRange = function(range, isForwardSelection) {
cursor.setSelectedRange(range, isForwardSelection);
events.emit(ops.OdtCursor.signalCursorUpdated, self);
this.hasForwardSelection = function() {
return cursor.hasForwardSelection();
this.getDocument = function() {
return document;
this.getSelectionType = function() {
return selectionType;
this.setSelectionType = function(value) {
if (validSelectionTypes.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
selectionType = value;
} else {
runtime.log("Invalid selection type: " + value);
this.resetSelectionType = function() {
function init() {
cursor = new core.Cursor(document.getDOMDocument(), memberId);
validSelectionTypes[ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection] = true;
validSelectionTypes[ops.OdtCursor.RegionSelection] = true;
ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection = "Range";
ops.OdtCursor.RegionSelection = "Region";
ops.OdtCursor.signalCursorUpdated = "cursorUpdated";
(function() {
var nextNodeId = 0;
ops.StepsCache = function StepsCache(rootElement, bucketSize, restoreBookmarkPosition) {
var coordinatens = "urn:webodf:names:steps", stepToDomPoint = {}, nodeToBookmark = {}, domUtils = core.DomUtils, basePoint, lastUndamagedCacheStep, DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING, DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING;
function NodeBookmark(nodeId, bookmarkNode) {
var self = this;
this.nodeId = nodeId;
this.steps = -1;
this.node = bookmarkNode;
this.nextBookmark = null;
this.previousBookmark = null;
this.setIteratorPosition = function(iterator) {
restoreBookmarkPosition(self.steps, iterator);
function RootBookmark(nodeId, steps, rootNode) {
var self = this;
this.nodeId = nodeId;
this.steps = steps;
this.node = rootNode;
this.nextBookmark = null;
this.previousBookmark = null;
this.setIteratorPosition = function(iterator) {
iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(rootNode, 0);
restoreBookmarkPosition(self.steps, iterator);
function inspectBookmarks(bookmark1, bookmark2) {
var parts = "[" + bookmark1.nodeId;
if (bookmark2) {
parts += " => " + bookmark2.nodeId;
return parts + "]";
function isUndamagedBookmark(bookmark) {
return lastUndamagedCacheStep === undefined || bookmark === basePoint || bookmark.steps <= lastUndamagedCacheStep;
function verifyCache() {
if (ops.StepsCache.ENABLE_CACHE_VERIFICATION !== true) {
var bookmark = basePoint, previousBookmark, nextBookmark, documentPosition, loopCheck = new core.LoopWatchDog(0, 1E5), stepToDomPointNodeIds = {};
while (bookmark) {
previousBookmark = bookmark.previousBookmark;
if (previousBookmark) {
runtime.assert(previousBookmark.nextBookmark === bookmark, "Broken bookmark link to previous @" + inspectBookmarks(previousBookmark, bookmark));
} else {
runtime.assert(bookmark === basePoint, "Broken bookmark link @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark));
runtime.assert(isUndamagedBookmark(basePoint), "Base point is damaged @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark));
nextBookmark = bookmark.nextBookmark;
if (nextBookmark) {
runtime.assert(nextBookmark.previousBookmark === bookmark, "Broken bookmark link to next @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark, nextBookmark));
if (isUndamagedBookmark(bookmark)) {
runtime.assert(domUtils.containsNode(rootElement, bookmark.node), "Disconnected node is being reported as undamaged @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark));
if (previousBookmark) {
documentPosition = bookmark.node.compareDocumentPosition(previousBookmark.node);
runtime.assert(documentPosition === 0 || (documentPosition & DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) !== 0, "Bookmark order with previous does not reflect DOM order @" + inspectBookmarks(previousBookmark, bookmark));
if (nextBookmark) {
if (domUtils.containsNode(rootElement, nextBookmark.node)) {
documentPosition = bookmark.node.compareDocumentPosition(nextBookmark.node);
runtime.assert(documentPosition === 0 || (documentPosition & DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) !== 0, "Bookmark order with next does not reflect DOM order @" + inspectBookmarks(bookmark, nextBookmark));
bookmark = bookmark.nextBookmark;
Object.keys(stepToDomPoint).forEach(function(step) {
var domPointBookmark = stepToDomPoint[step];
if (lastUndamagedCacheStep === undefined || step <= lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
runtime.assert(domPointBookmark.steps <= step, "Bookmark step of " + domPointBookmark.steps + " exceeds cached step lookup for " + step + " @" + inspectBookmarks(domPointBookmark));
runtime.assert(stepToDomPointNodeIds.hasOwnProperty(domPointBookmark.nodeId) === false, "Bookmark " + inspectBookmarks(domPointBookmark) + " appears twice in cached step lookup at steps " + stepToDomPointNodeIds[domPointBookmark.nodeId] + " and " + step);
stepToDomPointNodeIds[domPointBookmark.nodeId] = step;
function getBucket(steps) {
return Math.floor(steps / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
function getDestinationBucket(steps) {
return Math.ceil(steps / bucketSize) * bucketSize;
function clearNodeId(node) {
node.removeAttributeNS(coordinatens, "nodeId");
function getNodeId(node) {
var id = "";
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
id = node.getAttributeNS(coordinatens, "nodeId") || "";
return id;
function setNodeId(node) {
var nodeId = nextNodeId.toString();
node.setAttributeNS(coordinatens, "nodeId", nodeId);
nextNodeId += 1;
return nodeId;
function isValidBookmarkForNode(node, bookmark) {
return bookmark.node === node;
function getNodeBookmark(node) {
var nodeId = getNodeId(node) || setNodeId(node), existingBookmark;
existingBookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId];
if (!existingBookmark) {
existingBookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId] = new NodeBookmark(nodeId, node);
} else {
if (!isValidBookmarkForNode(node, existingBookmark)) {
runtime.log("Cloned node detected. Creating new bookmark");
nodeId = setNodeId(node);
existingBookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId] = new NodeBookmark(nodeId, node);
return existingBookmark;
function getClosestBookmark(steps) {
var cacheBucket, cachePoint, loopGuard = new core.LoopWatchDog(0, 1E4);
if (lastUndamagedCacheStep !== undefined && steps > lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
steps = lastUndamagedCacheStep;
cacheBucket = getBucket(steps);
while (!cachePoint && cacheBucket >= 0) {
cachePoint = stepToDomPoint[cacheBucket];
cacheBucket -= bucketSize;
cachePoint = cachePoint || basePoint;
while (cachePoint.nextBookmark && cachePoint.nextBookmark.steps <= steps) {
cachePoint = cachePoint.nextBookmark;
runtime.assert(steps === -1 || cachePoint.steps <= steps, "Bookmark @" + inspectBookmarks(cachePoint) + " at step " + cachePoint.steps + " exceeds requested step of " + steps);
return cachePoint;
function getUndamagedBookmark(bookmark) {
if (lastUndamagedCacheStep !== undefined && bookmark.steps > lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
bookmark = getClosestBookmark(lastUndamagedCacheStep);
return bookmark;
function removeBookmark(currentBookmark) {
if (currentBookmark.previousBookmark) {
currentBookmark.previousBookmark.nextBookmark = currentBookmark.nextBookmark;
if (currentBookmark.nextBookmark) {
currentBookmark.nextBookmark.previousBookmark = currentBookmark.previousBookmark;
function isAlreadyInOrder(previousBookmark, newBookmark) {
return previousBookmark === newBookmark || previousBookmark.nextBookmark === newBookmark;
function insertBookmark(previousBookmark, newBookmark) {
var nextBookmark;
if (!isAlreadyInOrder(previousBookmark, newBookmark)) {
if (previousBookmark.steps === newBookmark.steps) {
while ((newBookmark.node.compareDocumentPosition(previousBookmark.node) & DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) !== 0 && previousBookmark !== basePoint) {
previousBookmark = previousBookmark.previousBookmark;
if (!isAlreadyInOrder(previousBookmark, newBookmark)) {
nextBookmark = previousBookmark.nextBookmark;
newBookmark.nextBookmark = previousBookmark.nextBookmark;
newBookmark.previousBookmark = previousBookmark;
previousBookmark.nextBookmark = newBookmark;
if (nextBookmark) {
nextBookmark.previousBookmark = newBookmark;
function repairCacheUpToStep(currentIteratorStep) {
var damagedBookmark, undamagedBookmark, nextBookmark, stepsBucket;
if (lastUndamagedCacheStep !== undefined && lastUndamagedCacheStep < currentIteratorStep) {
undamagedBookmark = getClosestBookmark(lastUndamagedCacheStep);
damagedBookmark = undamagedBookmark.nextBookmark;
while (damagedBookmark && damagedBookmark.steps <= currentIteratorStep) {
nextBookmark = damagedBookmark.nextBookmark;
stepsBucket = getDestinationBucket(damagedBookmark.steps);
if (stepToDomPoint[stepsBucket] === damagedBookmark) {
delete stepToDomPoint[stepsBucket];
if (!domUtils.containsNode(rootElement, damagedBookmark.node)) {
delete nodeToBookmark[damagedBookmark.nodeId];
} else {
damagedBookmark.steps = currentIteratorStep + 1;
damagedBookmark = nextBookmark;
lastUndamagedCacheStep = currentIteratorStep;
} else {
undamagedBookmark = getClosestBookmark(currentIteratorStep);
return undamagedBookmark;
this.updateBookmark = function(steps, node) {
var previousCacheBucket, newCacheBucket = getDestinationBucket(steps), existingCachePoint, bookmark, closestPriorBookmark;
closestPriorBookmark = repairCacheUpToStep(steps);
bookmark = getNodeBookmark(node);
if (bookmark.steps !== steps) {
previousCacheBucket = getDestinationBucket(bookmark.steps);
if (previousCacheBucket !== newCacheBucket && stepToDomPoint[previousCacheBucket] === bookmark) {
delete stepToDomPoint[previousCacheBucket];
bookmark.steps = steps;
insertBookmark(closestPriorBookmark, bookmark);
existingCachePoint = stepToDomPoint[newCacheBucket];
if (!existingCachePoint || bookmark.steps > existingCachePoint.steps) {
stepToDomPoint[newCacheBucket] = bookmark;
this.setToClosestStep = function(steps, iterator) {
var cachePoint;
cachePoint = getClosestBookmark(steps);
return cachePoint.steps;
function findBookmarkedAncestor(node) {
var currentNode = node, nodeId, bookmark = null;
while (!bookmark && currentNode && currentNode !== rootElement) {
nodeId = getNodeId(currentNode);
if (nodeId) {
bookmark = nodeToBookmark[nodeId];
if (bookmark && !isValidBookmarkForNode(currentNode, bookmark)) {
runtime.log("Cloned node detected. Creating new bookmark");
bookmark = null;
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
return bookmark;
this.setToClosestDomPoint = function(node, offset, iterator) {
var bookmark, b, key;
if (node === rootElement && offset === 0) {
bookmark = basePoint;
} else {
if (node === rootElement && offset === rootElement.childNodes.length) {
bookmark = basePoint;
for (key in stepToDomPoint) {
if (stepToDomPoint.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
b = stepToDomPoint[key];
if (b.steps > bookmark.steps) {
bookmark = b;
} else {
bookmark = findBookmarkedAncestor(node.childNodes.item(offset) || node);
if (!bookmark) {
iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(node, offset);
while (!bookmark && iterator.previousNode()) {
bookmark = findBookmarkedAncestor(iterator.getCurrentNode());
bookmark = getUndamagedBookmark(bookmark || basePoint);
return bookmark.steps;
this.damageCacheAfterStep = function(inflectionStep) {
if (inflectionStep < 0) {
inflectionStep = -1;
if (lastUndamagedCacheStep === undefined) {
lastUndamagedCacheStep = inflectionStep;
} else {
if (inflectionStep < lastUndamagedCacheStep) {
lastUndamagedCacheStep = inflectionStep;
function init() {
var rootElementId = getNodeId(rootElement) || setNodeId(rootElement);
basePoint = new RootBookmark(rootElementId, 0, rootElement);
ops.StepsCache.Bookmark = function Bookmark() {
ops.StepsCache.Bookmark.prototype.setIteratorPosition = function(iterator) {
(function() {
ops.OdtStepsTranslator = function OdtStepsTranslator(rootNode, iterator, filter, bucketSize) {
var stepsCache, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils, FILTER_ACCEPT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_ACCEPT, PREVIOUS = core.StepDirection.PREVIOUS, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT;
function updateCache(steps, iterator, isStep) {
var node = iterator.getCurrentNode();
if (iterator.isBeforeNode() && odfUtils.isParagraph(node)) {
if (!isStep) {
steps += 1;
stepsCache.updateBookmark(steps, node);
function roundUpToStep(steps, iterator) {
do {
if (filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
updateCache(steps, iterator, true);
updateCache(steps - 1, iterator, false);
} while (iterator.nextPosition());
this.convertStepsToDomPoint = function(steps) {
var stepsFromRoot, isStep;
if (isNaN(steps)) {
throw new TypeError("Requested steps is not numeric (" + steps + ")");
if (steps < 0) {
throw new RangeError("Requested steps is negative (" + steps + ")");
stepsFromRoot = stepsCache.setToClosestStep(steps, iterator);
while (stepsFromRoot < steps && iterator.nextPosition()) {
isStep = filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT;
if (isStep) {
stepsFromRoot += 1;
updateCache(stepsFromRoot, iterator, isStep);
if (stepsFromRoot !== steps) {
throw new RangeError("Requested steps (" + steps + ") exceeds available steps (" + stepsFromRoot + ")");
return {node:iterator.container(), offset:iterator.unfilteredDomOffset()};
function roundToPreferredStep(iterator, roundDirection) {
if (!roundDirection || filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
return true;
while (iterator.previousPosition()) {
if (filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
if (roundDirection(PREVIOUS, iterator.container(), iterator.unfilteredDomOffset())) {
return true;
while (iterator.nextPosition()) {
if (filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
if (roundDirection(NEXT, iterator.container(), iterator.unfilteredDomOffset())) {
return true;
return false;
this.convertDomPointToSteps = function(node, offset, roundDirection) {
var stepsFromRoot, beforeRoot, destinationNode, destinationOffset, rounding = 0, isStep;
if (!domUtils.containsNode(rootNode, node)) {
beforeRoot = domUtils.comparePoints(rootNode, 0, node, offset) < 0;
node = rootNode;
offset = beforeRoot ? 0 : rootNode.childNodes.length;
iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(node, offset);
if (!roundToPreferredStep(iterator, roundDirection)) {
iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(node, offset);
destinationNode = iterator.container();
destinationOffset = iterator.unfilteredDomOffset();
stepsFromRoot = stepsCache.setToClosestDomPoint(destinationNode, destinationOffset, iterator);
if (domUtils.comparePoints(iterator.container(), iterator.unfilteredDomOffset(), destinationNode, destinationOffset) < 0) {
return stepsFromRoot > 0 ? stepsFromRoot - 1 : stepsFromRoot;
while (!(iterator.container() === destinationNode && iterator.unfilteredDomOffset() === destinationOffset) && iterator.nextPosition()) {
isStep = filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT;
if (isStep) {
stepsFromRoot += 1;
updateCache(stepsFromRoot, iterator, isStep);
return stepsFromRoot + rounding;
this.prime = function() {
var stepsFromRoot, isStep;
stepsFromRoot = stepsCache.setToClosestStep(0, iterator);
while (iterator.nextPosition()) {
isStep = filter.acceptPosition(iterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT;
if (isStep) {
stepsFromRoot += 1;
updateCache(stepsFromRoot, iterator, isStep);
this.handleStepsInserted = function(eventArgs) {
this.handleStepsRemoved = function(eventArgs) {
stepsCache.damageCacheAfterStep(eventArgs.position - 1);
function init() {
stepsCache = new ops.StepsCache(rootNode, bucketSize, roundUpToStep);
ops.Operation = function Operation() {
ops.Operation.prototype.init = function(data) {
ops.Operation.prototype.execute = function(document) {
ops.Operation.prototype.spec = function() {
ops.TextPositionFilter = function TextPositionFilter() {
var odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, ELEMENT_NODE = Node.ELEMENT_NODE, TEXT_NODE = Node.TEXT_NODE, FILTER_ACCEPT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_ACCEPT, FILTER_REJECT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_REJECT;
function previousSibling(node, nodeFilter) {
while (node && nodeFilter(node) !== FILTER_ACCEPT) {
node = node.previousSibling;
return node;
function checkLeftRight(container, leftNode, rightNode, nodeFilter) {
var r, firstPos, rightOfChar;
if (leftNode) {
if (odfUtils.isInlineRoot(leftNode) && odfUtils.isGroupingElement(rightNode)) {
r = odfUtils.lookLeftForCharacter(leftNode);
if (r === 1) {
if (r === 2 && (odfUtils.scanRightForAnyCharacter(rightNode) || odfUtils.scanRightForAnyCharacter(odfUtils.nextNode(container)))) {
} else {
if (odfUtils.isGroupingElement(container) && odfUtils.isInlineRoot(previousSibling(container.previousSibling, nodeFilter))) {
firstPos = leftNode === null && odfUtils.isParagraph(container);
rightOfChar = odfUtils.lookRightForCharacter(rightNode);
if (firstPos) {
if (rightOfChar) {
return odfUtils.scanRightForAnyCharacter(rightNode) ? FILTER_REJECT : FILTER_ACCEPT;
if (!rightOfChar) {
leftNode = leftNode || odfUtils.previousNode(container);
return odfUtils.scanLeftForAnyCharacter(leftNode) ? FILTER_REJECT : FILTER_ACCEPT;
this.acceptPosition = function(iterator) {
var container = iterator.container(), nodeType = container.nodeType, offset, text, leftChar, rightChar, leftNode, rightNode, r;
if (nodeType !== ELEMENT_NODE && nodeType !== TEXT_NODE) {
if (nodeType === TEXT_NODE) {
offset = iterator.unfilteredDomOffset();
text = container.data;
runtime.assert(offset !== text.length, "Unexpected offset.");
if (offset > 0) {
leftChar = text[offset - 1];
if (!odfUtils.isODFWhitespace(leftChar)) {
if (offset > 1) {
leftChar = text[offset - 2];
if (!odfUtils.isODFWhitespace(leftChar)) {
} else {
if (!odfUtils.isODFWhitespace(text.substr(0, offset))) {
} else {
leftNode = odfUtils.previousNode(container);
if (odfUtils.scanLeftForNonSpace(leftNode)) {
if (r === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
return odfUtils.isTrailingWhitespace(container, offset) ? FILTER_REJECT : FILTER_ACCEPT;
rightChar = text[offset];
if (odfUtils.isODFWhitespace(rightChar)) {
return odfUtils.scanLeftForAnyCharacter(odfUtils.previousNode(container)) ? FILTER_REJECT : FILTER_ACCEPT;
leftNode = iterator.leftNode();
rightNode = container;
container = container.parentNode;
r = checkLeftRight(container, leftNode, rightNode, iterator.getNodeFilter());
} else {
if (!odfUtils.isGroupingElement(container)) {
} else {
leftNode = iterator.leftNode();
rightNode = iterator.rightNode();
r = checkLeftRight(container, leftNode, rightNode, iterator.getNodeFilter());
return r;
function RootFilter(anchor, cursors, getRoot) {
var FILTER_ACCEPT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_ACCEPT, FILTER_REJECT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_REJECT;
this.acceptPosition = function(iterator) {
var node = iterator.container(), anchorNode;
if (typeof anchor === "string") {
anchorNode = cursors[anchor].getNode();
} else {
anchorNode = anchor;
if (getRoot(node) === getRoot(anchorNode)) {
ops.OdtDocument = function OdtDocument(odfCanvas) {
var self = this, stepUtils, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils, cursors = {}, members = {}, eventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier([ops.Document.signalMemberAdded, ops.Document.signalMemberUpdated, ops.Document.signalMemberRemoved, ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphStyleModified, ops.OdtDocument.signalCommonStyleCreated, ops.OdtDocument.signalCommonStyleDeleted,
ops.OdtDocument.signalTableAdded, ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationStart, ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchStart, ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, ops.OdtDocument.signalUndoStackChanged, ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved, ops.OdtDocument.signalMetadataUpdated, ops.OdtDocument.signalAnnotationAdded]), NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT, filter, stepsTranslator, lastEditingOp, unsupportedMetadataRemoved = false, SHOW_ALL =
NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, blacklistedNodes = new gui.BlacklistNamespaceNodeFilter(["urn:webodf:names:cursor", "urn:webodf:names:editinfo"]), odfTextBodyFilter = new gui.OdfTextBodyNodeFilter, defaultNodeFilter = new core.NodeFilterChain([blacklistedNodes, odfTextBodyFilter]);
function createPositionIterator(rootNode) {
return new core.PositionIterator(rootNode, SHOW_ALL, defaultNodeFilter, false);
this.createPositionIterator = createPositionIterator;
function getRootNode() {
var element = odfCanvas.odfContainer().getContentElement(), localName = element && element.localName;
runtime.assert(localName === "text", "Unsupported content element type '" + localName + "' for OdtDocument");
return element;
this.getDocumentElement = function() {
return odfCanvas.odfContainer().rootElement;
this.cloneDocumentElement = function() {
var rootElement = self.getDocumentElement(), annotationViewManager = odfCanvas.getAnnotationViewManager(), initialDoc;
if (annotationViewManager) {
initialDoc = rootElement.cloneNode(true);
return initialDoc;
this.setDocumentElement = function(documentElement) {
var odfContainer = odfCanvas.odfContainer(), rootNode;
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, stepsTranslator.handleStepsInserted);
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved, stepsTranslator.handleStepsRemoved);
odfCanvas.setOdfContainer(odfContainer, true);
rootNode = getRootNode();
stepsTranslator = new ops.OdtStepsTranslator(rootNode, createPositionIterator(rootNode), filter, 500);
eventNotifier.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, stepsTranslator.handleStepsInserted);
eventNotifier.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved, stepsTranslator.handleStepsRemoved);
function getDOMDocument() {
return self.getDocumentElement().ownerDocument;
this.getDOMDocument = getDOMDocument;
function isRoot(node) {
if (node.namespaceURI === odf.Namespaces.officens && node.localName === "text" || node.namespaceURI === odf.Namespaces.officens && node.localName === "annotation") {
return true;
return false;
function getRoot(node) {
while (node && !isRoot(node)) {
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
this.getRootElement = getRoot;
function createStepIterator(container, offset, filters, subTree) {
var positionIterator = createPositionIterator(subTree), filterOrChain, stepIterator;
if (filters.length === 1) {
filterOrChain = filters[0];
} else {
filterOrChain = new core.PositionFilterChain;
stepIterator = new core.StepIterator(filterOrChain, positionIterator);
stepIterator.setPosition(container, offset);
return stepIterator;
this.createStepIterator = createStepIterator;
function getIteratorAtPosition(position) {
var iterator = createPositionIterator(getRootNode()), point = stepsTranslator.convertStepsToDomPoint(position);
iterator.setUnfilteredPosition(point.node, point.offset);
return iterator;
this.getIteratorAtPosition = getIteratorAtPosition;
this.convertCursorStepToDomPoint = function(step) {
return stepsTranslator.convertStepsToDomPoint(step);
function roundUp(step) {
return step === NEXT;
this.convertDomPointToCursorStep = function(node, offset, roundDirection) {
var roundingFunc;
if (roundDirection === NEXT) {
roundingFunc = roundUp;
return stepsTranslator.convertDomPointToSteps(node, offset, roundingFunc);
this.convertDomToCursorRange = function(selection) {
var point1, point2;
point1 = stepsTranslator.convertDomPointToSteps(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset);
if (selection.anchorNode === selection.focusNode && selection.anchorOffset === selection.focusOffset) {
point2 = point1;
} else {
point2 = stepsTranslator.convertDomPointToSteps(selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset);
return {position:point1, length:point2 - point1};
this.convertCursorToDomRange = function(position, length) {
var range = getDOMDocument().createRange(), point1, point2;
point1 = stepsTranslator.convertStepsToDomPoint(position);
if (length) {
point2 = stepsTranslator.convertStepsToDomPoint(position + length);
if (length > 0) {
range.setStart(point1.node, point1.offset);
range.setEnd(point2.node, point2.offset);
} else {
range.setStart(point2.node, point2.offset);
range.setEnd(point1.node, point1.offset);
} else {
range.setStart(point1.node, point1.offset);
return range;
function getTextNodeAtStep(steps, memberid) {
var iterator = getIteratorAtPosition(steps), node = iterator.container(), lastTextNode, nodeOffset = 0, cursorNode = null, text;
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
lastTextNode = node;
nodeOffset = iterator.unfilteredDomOffset();
if (lastTextNode.length > 0) {
if (nodeOffset > 0) {
lastTextNode = lastTextNode.splitText(nodeOffset);
lastTextNode.parentNode.insertBefore(getDOMDocument().createTextNode(""), lastTextNode);
lastTextNode = lastTextNode.previousSibling;
nodeOffset = 0;
} else {
lastTextNode = getDOMDocument().createTextNode("");
nodeOffset = 0;
node.insertBefore(lastTextNode, iterator.rightNode());
if (memberid) {
if (cursors[memberid] && self.getCursorPosition(memberid) === steps) {
cursorNode = cursors[memberid].getNode();
while (cursorNode.nextSibling && cursorNode.nextSibling.localName === "cursor") {
cursorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(cursorNode.nextSibling, cursorNode);
if (lastTextNode.length > 0 && lastTextNode.nextSibling !== cursorNode) {
lastTextNode = getDOMDocument().createTextNode("");
nodeOffset = 0;
cursorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(lastTextNode, cursorNode);
} else {
while (lastTextNode.nextSibling && lastTextNode.nextSibling.localName === "cursor") {
lastTextNode.parentNode.insertBefore(lastTextNode.nextSibling, lastTextNode);
while (lastTextNode.previousSibling && lastTextNode.previousSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
text = lastTextNode.previousSibling;
nodeOffset = text.length;
lastTextNode = text;
while (lastTextNode.nextSibling && lastTextNode.nextSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
text = lastTextNode.nextSibling;
return {textNode:lastTextNode, offset:nodeOffset};
function handleOperationExecuted(op) {
var opspec = op.spec(), memberId = opspec.memberid, date = (new Date(opspec.timestamp)).toISOString(), odfContainer = odfCanvas.odfContainer(), changedMetadata, fullName;
if (op.isEdit) {
fullName = self.getMember(memberId).getProperties().fullName;
odfContainer.setMetadata({"dc:creator":fullName, "dc:date":date}, null);
changedMetadata = {setProperties:{"dc:creator":fullName, "dc:date":date}, removedProperties:[]};
if (!lastEditingOp) {
changedMetadata.setProperties["meta:editing-cycles"] = odfContainer.incrementEditingCycles();
if (!unsupportedMetadataRemoved) {
odfContainer.setMetadata(null, ["meta:editing-duration", "meta:document-statistic"]);
lastEditingOp = op;
self.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalMetadataUpdated, changedMetadata);
function upgradeWhitespaceToElement(textNode, offset) {
runtime.assert(textNode.data[offset] === " ", "upgradeWhitespaceToElement: textNode.data[offset] should be a literal space");
var space = textNode.ownerDocument.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "text:s"), container = textNode.parentNode, adjacentNode = textNode;
space.appendChild(textNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "));
if (textNode.length === 1) {
container.replaceChild(space, textNode);
} else {
textNode.deleteData(offset, 1);
if (offset > 0) {
if (offset < textNode.length) {
adjacentNode = textNode.nextSibling;
container.insertBefore(space, adjacentNode);
return space;
function upgradeWhitespacesAtPosition(step) {
var positionIterator = getIteratorAtPosition(step), stepIterator = new core.StepIterator(filter, positionIterator), contentBounds, container, offset, stepsToUpgrade = 2;
runtime.assert(stepIterator.isStep(), "positionIterator is not at a step (requested step: " + step + ")");
do {
contentBounds = stepUtils.getContentBounds(stepIterator);
if (contentBounds) {
container = contentBounds.container;
offset = contentBounds.startOffset;
if (container.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && odfUtils.isSignificantWhitespace(container, offset)) {
container = upgradeWhitespaceToElement(container, offset);
stepIterator.setPosition(container, container.childNodes.length);
stepsToUpgrade -= 1;
} while (stepsToUpgrade > 0 && stepIterator.nextStep());
this.upgradeWhitespacesAtPosition = upgradeWhitespacesAtPosition;
function maxOffset(node) {
return node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
function downgradeWhitespaces(stepIterator) {
var contentBounds, container, modifiedNodes = [], lastChild, stepsToUpgrade = 2;
runtime.assert(stepIterator.isStep(), "positionIterator is not at a step");
do {
contentBounds = stepUtils.getContentBounds(stepIterator);
if (contentBounds) {
container = contentBounds.container;
if (odfUtils.isDowngradableSpaceElement(container)) {
lastChild = container.lastChild;
while (container.firstChild) {
container.parentNode.insertBefore(container.firstChild, container);
stepIterator.setPosition(lastChild, maxOffset(lastChild));
stepsToUpgrade -= 1;
} while (stepsToUpgrade > 0 && stepIterator.nextStep());
this.downgradeWhitespaces = downgradeWhitespaces;
this.downgradeWhitespacesAtPosition = function(step) {
var positionIterator = getIteratorAtPosition(step), stepIterator = new core.StepIterator(filter, positionIterator);
this.getTextNodeAtStep = getTextNodeAtStep;
function paragraphOrRoot(container, offset, root) {
var node = container.childNodes.item(offset) || container, paragraph = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(node);
if (paragraph && domUtils.containsNode(root, paragraph)) {
return paragraph;
return root;
this.fixCursorPositions = function() {
Object.keys(cursors).forEach(function(memberId) {
var cursor = cursors[memberId], root = getRoot(cursor.getNode()), rootFilter = self.createRootFilter(root), subTree, startPoint, endPoint, selectedRange, cursorMoved = false;
selectedRange = cursor.getSelectedRange();
subTree = paragraphOrRoot(selectedRange.startContainer, selectedRange.startOffset, root);
startPoint = createStepIterator(selectedRange.startContainer, selectedRange.startOffset, [filter, rootFilter], subTree);
if (!selectedRange.collapsed) {
subTree = paragraphOrRoot(selectedRange.endContainer, selectedRange.endOffset, root);
endPoint = createStepIterator(selectedRange.endContainer, selectedRange.endOffset, [filter, rootFilter], subTree);
} else {
endPoint = startPoint;
if (!startPoint.isStep() || !endPoint.isStep()) {
cursorMoved = true;
runtime.assert(startPoint.roundToClosestStep(), "No walkable step found for cursor owned by " + memberId);
selectedRange.setStart(startPoint.container(), startPoint.offset());
runtime.assert(endPoint.roundToClosestStep(), "No walkable step found for cursor owned by " + memberId);
selectedRange.setEnd(endPoint.container(), endPoint.offset());
} else {
if (startPoint.container() === endPoint.container() && startPoint.offset() === endPoint.offset()) {
if (!selectedRange.collapsed || cursor.getAnchorNode() !== cursor.getNode()) {
cursorMoved = true;
selectedRange.setStart(startPoint.container(), startPoint.offset());
if (cursorMoved) {
cursor.setSelectedRange(selectedRange, cursor.hasForwardSelection());
self.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
this.getCursorPosition = function(memberid) {
var cursor = cursors[memberid];
return cursor ? stepsTranslator.convertDomPointToSteps(cursor.getNode(), 0) : 0;
this.getCursorSelection = function(memberid) {
var cursor = cursors[memberid], focusPosition = 0, anchorPosition = 0;
if (cursor) {
focusPosition = stepsTranslator.convertDomPointToSteps(cursor.getNode(), 0);
anchorPosition = stepsTranslator.convertDomPointToSteps(cursor.getAnchorNode(), 0);
return {position:anchorPosition, length:focusPosition - anchorPosition};
this.getPositionFilter = function() {
return filter;
this.getOdfCanvas = function() {
return odfCanvas;
this.getCanvas = function() {
return odfCanvas;
this.getRootNode = getRootNode;
this.addMember = function(member) {
runtime.assert(members[member.getMemberId()] === undefined, "This member already exists");
members[member.getMemberId()] = member;
this.getMember = function(memberId) {
return members.hasOwnProperty(memberId) ? members[memberId] : null;
this.removeMember = function(memberId) {
delete members[memberId];
this.getCursor = function(memberid) {
return cursors[memberid];
this.hasCursor = function(memberid) {
return cursors.hasOwnProperty(memberid);
this.getMemberIds = function() {
return Object.keys(members);
this.addCursor = function(cursor) {
runtime.assert(Boolean(cursor), "OdtDocument::addCursor without cursor");
var memberid = cursor.getMemberId(), initialSelection = self.convertCursorToDomRange(0, 0);
runtime.assert(typeof memberid === "string", "OdtDocument::addCursor has cursor without memberid");
runtime.assert(!cursors[memberid], "OdtDocument::addCursor is adding a duplicate cursor with memberid " + memberid);
cursor.setSelectedRange(initialSelection, true);
cursors[memberid] = cursor;
this.removeCursor = function(memberid) {
var cursor = cursors[memberid];
if (cursor) {
delete cursors[memberid];
self.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, memberid);
return true;
return false;
this.moveCursor = function(memberid, position, length, selectionType) {
var cursor = cursors[memberid], selectionRange = self.convertCursorToDomRange(position, length);
if (cursor) {
cursor.setSelectedRange(selectionRange, length >= 0);
cursor.setSelectionType(selectionType || ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection);
this.getFormatting = function() {
return odfCanvas.getFormatting();
this.emit = function(eventid, args) {
eventNotifier.emit(eventid, args);
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
this.createRootFilter = function(inputMemberId) {
return new RootFilter(inputMemberId, cursors, getRoot);
this.close = function(callback) {
this.destroy = function(callback) {
function init() {
var rootNode = getRootNode();
filter = new ops.TextPositionFilter;
stepUtils = new odf.StepUtils;
stepsTranslator = new ops.OdtStepsTranslator(rootNode, createPositionIterator(rootNode), filter, 500);
eventNotifier.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, stepsTranslator.handleStepsInserted);
eventNotifier.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved, stepsTranslator.handleStepsRemoved);
eventNotifier.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, handleOperationExecuted);
eventNotifier.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, core.Task.processTasks);
ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged = "paragraph/changed";
ops.OdtDocument.signalTableAdded = "table/added";
ops.OdtDocument.signalCommonStyleCreated = "style/created";
ops.OdtDocument.signalCommonStyleDeleted = "style/deleted";
ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphStyleModified = "paragraphstyle/modified";
ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationStart = "operation/start";
ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd = "operation/end";
ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchStart = "router/batchstart";
ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd = "router/batchend";
ops.OdtDocument.signalUndoStackChanged = "undo/changed";
ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted = "steps/inserted";
ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved = "steps/removed";
ops.OdtDocument.signalMetadataUpdated = "metadata/updated";
ops.OdtDocument.signalAnnotationAdded = "annotation/added";
ops.OpAddAnnotation = function OpAddAnnotation() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, length, name, doc;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = parseInt(data.timestamp, 10);
position = parseInt(data.position, 10);
length = data.length !== undefined ? parseInt(data.length, 10) || 0 : undefined;
name = data.name;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function createAnnotationNode(odtDocument, date) {
var annotationNode, creatorNode, dateNode, listNode, listItemNode, paragraphNode;
annotationNode = doc.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.officens, "office:annotation");
annotationNode.setAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.officens, "office:name", name);
creatorNode = doc.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.dcns, "dc:creator");
creatorNode.setAttributeNS("urn:webodf:names:editinfo", "editinfo:memberid", memberid);
creatorNode.textContent = odtDocument.getMember(memberid).getProperties().fullName;
dateNode = doc.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.dcns, "dc:date");
listNode = doc.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "text:list");
listItemNode = doc.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "text:list-item");
paragraphNode = doc.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "text:p");
return annotationNode;
function createAnnotationEnd() {
var annotationEnd;
annotationEnd = doc.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.officens, "office:annotation-end");
annotationEnd.setAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.officens, "office:name", name);
return annotationEnd;
function insertNodeAtPosition(odtDocument, node, insertPosition) {
var previousNode, parentNode, domPosition = odtDocument.getTextNodeAtStep(insertPosition, memberid);
if (domPosition) {
previousNode = domPosition.textNode;
parentNode = previousNode.parentNode;
if (domPosition.offset !== previousNode.length) {
parentNode.insertBefore(node, previousNode.nextSibling);
if (previousNode.length === 0) {
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, annotation, annotationEnd, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid), selectedRange, paragraphElement;
doc = odtDocument.getDOMDocument();
annotation = createAnnotationNode(odtDocument, new Date(timestamp));
if (length !== undefined) {
annotationEnd = createAnnotationEnd();
annotation.annotationEndElement = annotationEnd;
insertNodeAtPosition(odtDocument, annotationEnd, position + length);
insertNodeAtPosition(odtDocument, annotation, position);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, {position:position});
if (cursor) {
selectedRange = doc.createRange();
paragraphElement = annotation.getElementsByTagNameNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "p")[0];
cursor.setSelectedRange(selectedRange, false);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalAnnotationAdded, {memberId:memberid, annotation:annotation});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"AddAnnotation", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, length:length, name:name};
ops.OpAddCursor = function OpAddCursor() {
var memberid, timestamp;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
this.isEdit = false;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid);
if (cursor) {
return false;
cursor = new ops.OdtCursor(memberid, odtDocument);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, cursor);
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"AddCursor", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp};
ops.OpAddMember = function OpAddMember() {
var memberid, timestamp, setProperties;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = parseInt(data.timestamp, 10);
setProperties = data.setProperties;
this.isEdit = false;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, member;
if (odtDocument.getMember(memberid)) {
return false;
member = new ops.Member(memberid, setProperties);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalMemberAdded, member);
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"AddMember", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, setProperties:setProperties};
ops.OpAddStyle = function OpAddStyle() {
var memberid, timestamp, styleName, styleFamily, isAutomaticStyle, setProperties, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
styleName = data.styleName;
styleFamily = data.styleFamily;
isAutomaticStyle = data.isAutomaticStyle === "true" || data.isAutomaticStyle === true;
setProperties = data.setProperties;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, odfContainer = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().odfContainer(), formatting = odtDocument.getFormatting(), dom = odtDocument.getDOMDocument(), styleNode = dom.createElementNS(stylens, "style:style");
if (!styleNode) {
return false;
if (setProperties) {
formatting.updateStyle(styleNode, setProperties);
styleNode.setAttributeNS(stylens, "style:family", styleFamily);
styleNode.setAttributeNS(stylens, "style:name", styleName);
if (isAutomaticStyle) {
} else {
if (!isAutomaticStyle) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalCommonStyleCreated, {name:styleName, family:styleFamily});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"AddStyle", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, styleName:styleName, styleFamily:styleFamily, isAutomaticStyle:isAutomaticStyle, setProperties:setProperties};
odf.ObjectNameGenerator = function ObjectNameGenerator(odfContainer, memberId) {
var stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, drawns = odf.Namespaces.drawns, xlinkns = odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, utils = new core.Utils, memberIdHash = utils.hashString(memberId), styleNameGenerator = null, frameNameGenerator = null, imageNameGenerator = null, existingFrameNames = {}, existingImageNames = {};
function NameGenerator(prefix, findExistingNames) {
var reportedNames = {};
this.generateName = function() {
var existingNames = findExistingNames(), startIndex = 0, name;
do {
name = prefix + startIndex;
startIndex += 1;
} while (reportedNames[name] || existingNames[name]);
reportedNames[name] = true;
return name;
function getAllStyleNames() {
var styleElements = [odfContainer.rootElement.automaticStyles, odfContainer.rootElement.styles], styleNames = {};
function getStyleNames(styleListElement) {
var e = styleListElement.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
if (e.namespaceURI === stylens && e.localName === "style") {
styleNames[e.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name")] = true;
e = e.nextElementSibling;
return styleNames;
this.generateStyleName = function() {
if (styleNameGenerator === null) {
styleNameGenerator = new NameGenerator("auto" + memberIdHash + "_", function() {
return getAllStyleNames();
return styleNameGenerator.generateName();
this.generateFrameName = function() {
var i, nodes, node;
if (frameNameGenerator === null) {
nodes = odfContainer.rootElement.body.getElementsByTagNameNS(drawns, "frame");
for (i = 0;i < nodes.length;i += 1) {
node = nodes.item(i);
existingFrameNames[node.getAttributeNS(drawns, "name")] = true;
frameNameGenerator = new NameGenerator("fr" + memberIdHash + "_", function() {
return existingFrameNames;
return frameNameGenerator.generateName();
this.generateImageName = function() {
var i, path, nodes, node;
if (imageNameGenerator === null) {
nodes = odfContainer.rootElement.body.getElementsByTagNameNS(drawns, "image");
for (i = 0;i < nodes.length;i += 1) {
node = nodes.item(i);
path = node.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
path = path.substring("Pictures/".length, path.lastIndexOf("."));
existingImageNames[path] = true;
imageNameGenerator = new NameGenerator("img" + memberIdHash + "_", function() {
return existingImageNames;
return imageNameGenerator.generateName();
odf.TextStyleApplicator = function TextStyleApplicator(objectNameGenerator, formatting, automaticStyles) {
var domUtils = core.DomUtils, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, textProperties = "style:text-properties", webodfns = "urn:webodf:names:scope";
function StyleLookup(info) {
var cachedAppliedStyles = {};
function compare(expected, actual) {
if (typeof expected === "object" && typeof actual === "object") {
return Object.keys(expected).every(function(key) {
return compare(expected[key], actual[key]);
return expected === actual;
this.isStyleApplied = function(textNode) {
var appliedStyle = formatting.getAppliedStylesForElement(textNode, cachedAppliedStyles).styleProperties;
return compare(info, appliedStyle);
function StyleManager(info) {
var createdStyles = {};
function createDirectFormat(existingStyleName, document) {
var derivedStyleInfo, derivedStyleNode;
derivedStyleInfo = existingStyleName ? formatting.createDerivedStyleObject(existingStyleName, "text", info) : info;
derivedStyleNode = document.createElementNS(stylens, "style:style");
formatting.updateStyle(derivedStyleNode, derivedStyleInfo);
derivedStyleNode.setAttributeNS(stylens, "style:name", objectNameGenerator.generateStyleName());
derivedStyleNode.setAttributeNS(stylens, "style:family", "text");
derivedStyleNode.setAttributeNS(webodfns, "scope", "document-content");
return derivedStyleNode;
function getDirectStyle(existingStyleName, document) {
existingStyleName = existingStyleName || "";
if (!createdStyles.hasOwnProperty(existingStyleName)) {
createdStyles[existingStyleName] = createDirectFormat(existingStyleName, document);
return createdStyles[existingStyleName].getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
this.applyStyleToContainer = function(container) {
var name = getDirectStyle(container.getAttributeNS(textns, "style-name"), container.ownerDocument);
container.setAttributeNS(textns, "text:style-name", name);
function isTextSpan(node) {
return node.localName === "span" && node.namespaceURI === textns;
function moveToNewSpan(startNode, range) {
var document = startNode.ownerDocument, originalContainer = startNode.parentNode, styledContainer, trailingContainer, moveTrailing, node, nextNode, loopGuard = new core.LoopWatchDog(1E4), styledNodes = [];
node = startNode.nextSibling;
while (node && domUtils.rangeContainsNode(range, node)) {
node = node.nextSibling;
if (!isTextSpan(originalContainer)) {
styledContainer = document.createElementNS(textns, "text:span");
originalContainer.insertBefore(styledContainer, startNode);
moveTrailing = false;
} else {
if (startNode.previousSibling && !domUtils.rangeContainsNode(range, originalContainer.firstChild)) {
styledContainer = originalContainer.cloneNode(false);
originalContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(styledContainer, originalContainer.nextSibling);
moveTrailing = true;
} else {
styledContainer = originalContainer;
moveTrailing = true;
styledNodes.forEach(function(n) {
if (n.parentNode !== styledContainer) {
if (node && moveTrailing) {
trailingContainer = styledContainer.cloneNode(false);
styledContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(trailingContainer, styledContainer.nextSibling);
while (node) {
nextNode = node.nextSibling;
node = nextNode;
return styledContainer;
this.applyStyle = function(textNodes, range, info) {
var textPropsOnly = {}, isStyled, container, styleCache, styleLookup;
runtime.assert(info && info.hasOwnProperty(textProperties), "applyStyle without any text properties");
textPropsOnly[textProperties] = info[textProperties];
styleCache = new StyleManager(textPropsOnly);
styleLookup = new StyleLookup(textPropsOnly);
function apply(n) {
isStyled = styleLookup.isStyleApplied(n);
if (isStyled === false) {
container = moveToNewSpan(n, range);
ops.OpApplyDirectStyling = function OpApplyDirectStyling() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, length, setProperties, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = parseInt(data.position, 10);
length = parseInt(data.length, 10);
setProperties = data.setProperties;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function applyStyle(odtDocument, range, info) {
var odfCanvas = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas(), odfContainer = odfCanvas.odfContainer(), nextTextNodes = domUtils.splitBoundaries(range), textNodes = odfUtils.getTextNodes(range, false), textStyles;
textStyles = new odf.TextStyleApplicator(new odf.ObjectNameGenerator(odfContainer, memberid), odtDocument.getFormatting(), odfContainer.rootElement.automaticStyles);
textStyles.applyStyle(textNodes, range, info);
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, range = odtDocument.convertCursorToDomRange(position, length), impactedParagraphs = odfUtils.getParagraphElements(range);
applyStyle(odtDocument, range, setProperties);
impactedParagraphs.forEach(function(n) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:n, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"ApplyDirectStyling", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, length:length, setProperties:setProperties};
ops.OpApplyHyperlink = function OpApplyHyperlink() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, length, hyperlink, domUtils = core.DomUtils, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
length = data.length;
hyperlink = data.hyperlink;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function createHyperlink(document, hyperlink) {
var node = document.createElementNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "text:a");
node.setAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, "xlink:type", "simple");
node.setAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, "xlink:href", hyperlink);
return node;
function isPartOfLink(node) {
while (node) {
if (odfUtils.isHyperlink(node)) {
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, ownerDocument = odtDocument.getDOMDocument(), range = odtDocument.convertCursorToDomRange(position, length), boundaryNodes = domUtils.splitBoundaries(range), modifiedParagraphs = [], textNodes = odfUtils.getTextNodes(range, false);
if (textNodes.length === 0) {
return false;
textNodes.forEach(function(node) {
var linkNode, paragraph = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(node);
runtime.assert(isPartOfLink(node) === false, "The given range should not contain any link.");
linkNode = createHyperlink(ownerDocument, hyperlink);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(linkNode, node);
if (modifiedParagraphs.indexOf(paragraph) === -1) {
modifiedParagraphs.forEach(function(paragraph) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:paragraph, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"ApplyHyperlink", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, length:length, hyperlink:hyperlink};
ops.OpInsertImage = function OpInsertImage() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, filename, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameStyleName, frameName, drawns = odf.Namespaces.drawns, svgns = odf.Namespaces.svgns, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, xlinkns = odf.Namespaces.xlinkns, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
filename = data.filename;
frameWidth = data.frameWidth;
frameHeight = data.frameHeight;
frameStyleName = data.frameStyleName;
frameName = data.frameName;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function createFrameElement(document) {
var imageNode = document.createElementNS(drawns, "draw:image"), frameNode = document.createElementNS(drawns, "draw:frame");
imageNode.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "xlink:href", filename);
imageNode.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "xlink:type", "simple");
imageNode.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "xlink:show", "embed");
imageNode.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "xlink:actuate", "onLoad");
frameNode.setAttributeNS(drawns, "draw:style-name", frameStyleName);
frameNode.setAttributeNS(drawns, "draw:name", frameName);
frameNode.setAttributeNS(textns, "text:anchor-type", "as-char");
frameNode.setAttributeNS(svgns, "svg:width", frameWidth);
frameNode.setAttributeNS(svgns, "svg:height", frameHeight);
return frameNode;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, odfCanvas = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas(), domPosition = odtDocument.getTextNodeAtStep(position, memberid), textNode, refNode, paragraphElement, frameElement;
if (!domPosition) {
return false;
textNode = domPosition.textNode;
paragraphElement = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(textNode);
refNode = domPosition.offset !== textNode.length ? textNode.splitText(domPosition.offset) : textNode.nextSibling;
frameElement = createFrameElement(odtDocument.getDOMDocument());
textNode.parentNode.insertBefore(frameElement, refNode);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, {position:position});
if (textNode.length === 0) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:paragraphElement, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"InsertImage", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, filename:filename, position:position, frameWidth:frameWidth, frameHeight:frameHeight, frameStyleName:frameStyleName, frameName:frameName};
ops.OpInsertTable = function OpInsertTable() {
var memberid, timestamp, initialRows, initialColumns, position, tableName, tableStyleName, tableColumnStyleName, tableCellStyleMatrix, tablens = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0", textns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
initialRows = data.initialRows;
initialColumns = data.initialColumns;
tableName = data.tableName;
tableStyleName = data.tableStyleName;
tableColumnStyleName = data.tableColumnStyleName;
tableCellStyleMatrix = data.tableCellStyleMatrix;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function getCellStyleName(row, column) {
var rowStyles;
if (tableCellStyleMatrix.length === 1) {
rowStyles = tableCellStyleMatrix[0];
} else {
if (tableCellStyleMatrix.length === 3) {
switch(row) {
case 0:
rowStyles = tableCellStyleMatrix[0];
case initialRows - 1:
rowStyles = tableCellStyleMatrix[2];
rowStyles = tableCellStyleMatrix[1];
} else {
rowStyles = tableCellStyleMatrix[row];
if (rowStyles.length === 1) {
return rowStyles[0];
if (rowStyles.length === 3) {
switch(column) {
case 0:
return rowStyles[0];
case initialColumns - 1:
return rowStyles[2];
return rowStyles[1];
return rowStyles[column];
function createTableNode(document) {
var tableNode = document.createElementNS(tablens, "table:table"), columns = document.createElementNS(tablens, "table:table-column"), row, cell, paragraph, rowCounter, columnCounter, cellStyleName;
if (tableStyleName) {
tableNode.setAttributeNS(tablens, "table:style-name", tableStyleName);
if (tableName) {
tableNode.setAttributeNS(tablens, "table:name", tableName);
columns.setAttributeNS(tablens, "table:number-columns-repeated", initialColumns);
if (tableColumnStyleName) {
columns.setAttributeNS(tablens, "table:style-name", tableColumnStyleName);
for (rowCounter = 0;rowCounter < initialRows;rowCounter += 1) {
row = document.createElementNS(tablens, "table:table-row");
for (columnCounter = 0;columnCounter < initialColumns;columnCounter += 1) {
cell = document.createElementNS(tablens, "table:table-cell");
cellStyleName = getCellStyleName(rowCounter, columnCounter);
if (cellStyleName) {
cell.setAttributeNS(tablens, "table:style-name", cellStyleName);
paragraph = document.createElementNS(textns, "text:p");
return tableNode;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, domPosition = odtDocument.getTextNodeAtStep(position), rootNode = odtDocument.getRootNode(), previousSibling, tableNode;
if (domPosition) {
tableNode = createTableNode(odtDocument.getDOMDocument());
previousSibling = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(domPosition.textNode);
rootNode.insertBefore(tableNode, previousSibling.nextSibling);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, {position:position});
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalTableAdded, {tableElement:tableNode, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
return false;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"InsertTable", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, initialRows:initialRows, initialColumns:initialColumns, tableName:tableName, tableStyleName:tableStyleName, tableColumnStyleName:tableColumnStyleName, tableCellStyleMatrix:tableCellStyleMatrix};
ops.OpInsertText = function OpInsertText() {
var tab = "\t", memberid, timestamp, position, moveCursor, text, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
text = data.text;
moveCursor = data.moveCursor === "true" || data.moveCursor === true;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function triggerLayoutInWebkit(textNode) {
var parent = textNode.parentNode, next = textNode.nextSibling;
parent.insertBefore(textNode, next);
function isNonTabWhiteSpace(character) {
return character !== tab && odfUtils.isODFWhitespace(character);
function requiresSpaceElement(text, index) {
return isNonTabWhiteSpace(text[index]) && (index === 0 || index === text.length - 1 || isNonTabWhiteSpace(text[index - 1]));
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, domPosition, previousNode, parentElement, nextNode = null, ownerDocument = odtDocument.getDOMDocument(), paragraphElement, textns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", toInsertIndex = 0, spaceElement, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid), i;
function insertTextNode(toInsertText) {
parentElement.insertBefore(ownerDocument.createTextNode(toInsertText), nextNode);
domPosition = odtDocument.getTextNodeAtStep(position);
if (domPosition) {
previousNode = domPosition.textNode;
nextNode = previousNode.nextSibling;
parentElement = previousNode.parentNode;
paragraphElement = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(previousNode);
for (i = 0;i < text.length;i += 1) {
if (text[i] === tab || requiresSpaceElement(text, i)) {
if (toInsertIndex === 0) {
if (domPosition.offset !== previousNode.length) {
nextNode = previousNode.splitText(domPosition.offset);
if (0 < i) {
previousNode.appendData(text.substring(0, i));
} else {
if (toInsertIndex < i) {
insertTextNode(text.substring(toInsertIndex, i));
toInsertIndex = i + 1;
if (text[i] === tab) {
spaceElement = ownerDocument.createElementNS(textns, "text:tab");
} else {
if (text[i] !== " ") {
runtime.log("WARN: InsertText operation contains non-tab, non-space whitespace character (character code " + text.charCodeAt(i) + ")");
spaceElement = ownerDocument.createElementNS(textns, "text:s");
spaceElement.appendChild(ownerDocument.createTextNode(" "));
parentElement.insertBefore(spaceElement, nextNode);
if (toInsertIndex === 0) {
previousNode.insertData(domPosition.offset, text);
} else {
if (toInsertIndex < text.length) {
if (previousNode.length === 0) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, {position:position});
if (cursor && moveCursor) {
odtDocument.moveCursor(memberid, position + text.length, 0);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
odtDocument.downgradeWhitespacesAtPosition(position + text.length);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:paragraphElement, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
return false;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"InsertText", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, text:text, moveCursor:moveCursor};
odf.CollapsingRules = function CollapsingRules(rootNode) {
var odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils;
function filterOdfNodesToRemove(node) {
var isToRemove = odfUtils.isODFNode(node) || node.localName === "br" && odfUtils.isLineBreak(node.parentNode) || node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && odfUtils.isODFNode(node.parentNode);
return isToRemove ? NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
function isCollapsibleContainer(node) {
return !odfUtils.isParagraph(node) && node !== rootNode && odfUtils.hasNoODFContent(node);
function mergeChildrenIntoParent(targetNode) {
var parent;
if (targetNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
parent = targetNode.parentNode;
} else {
parent = domUtils.removeUnwantedNodes(targetNode, filterOdfNodesToRemove);
if (parent && isCollapsibleContainer(parent)) {
return mergeChildrenIntoParent(parent);
return parent;
this.mergeChildrenIntoParent = mergeChildrenIntoParent;
ops.OpMergeParagraph = function OpMergeParagraph() {
var memberid, timestamp, moveCursor, paragraphStyleName, sourceStartPosition, destinationStartPosition, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
moveCursor = data.moveCursor;
paragraphStyleName = data.paragraphStyleName;
sourceStartPosition = parseInt(data.sourceStartPosition, 10);
destinationStartPosition = parseInt(data.destinationStartPosition, 10);
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function filterEmptyGroupingElementToRemove(element) {
if (odf.OdfUtils.isInlineRoot(element)) {
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return odfUtils.isGroupingElement(element) && odfUtils.hasNoODFContent(element) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
function mergeParagraphs(destination, source) {
var child;
child = source.firstChild;
while (child) {
if (child.localName === "editinfo") {
} else {
domUtils.removeUnwantedNodes(child, filterEmptyGroupingElementToRemove);
child = source.firstChild;
function isInsignificantWhitespace(node) {
var textNode, badNodeDescription;
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
textNode = node;
if (textNode.length === 0) {
runtime.log("WARN: Empty text node found during merge operation");
return true;
if (odfUtils.isODFWhitespace(textNode.data) && odfUtils.isSignificantWhitespace(textNode, 0) === false) {
return true;
badNodeDescription = "#text";
} else {
badNodeDescription = (node.prefix ? node.prefix + ":" : "") + node.localName;
runtime.log("WARN: Unexpected text element found near paragraph boundary [" + badNodeDescription + "]");
return false;
function removeTextNodes(range) {
var emptyTextNodes;
if (range.collapsed) {
emptyTextNodes = odfUtils.getTextElements(range, false, true).filter(isInsignificantWhitespace);
emptyTextNodes.forEach(function(node) {
function trimLeadingInsignificantWhitespace(stepIterator, paragraphElement) {
var range = paragraphElement.ownerDocument.createRange();
stepIterator.setPosition(paragraphElement, 0);
range.setStart(paragraphElement, 0);
range.setEnd(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
function trimTrailingInsignificantWhitespace(stepIterator, paragraphElement) {
var range = paragraphElement.ownerDocument.createRange();
stepIterator.setPosition(paragraphElement, paragraphElement.childNodes.length);
range.setStart(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
range.setEnd(paragraphElement, paragraphElement.childNodes.length);
function getParagraphAtStep(odtDocument, steps, stepIterator) {
var domPoint = odtDocument.convertCursorStepToDomPoint(steps), paragraph = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(domPoint.node, domPoint.offset);
runtime.assert(Boolean(paragraph), "Paragraph not found at step " + steps);
if (stepIterator) {
stepIterator.setPosition(domPoint.node, domPoint.offset);
return paragraph;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, sourceParagraph, destinationParagraph, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid), rootNode = odtDocument.getRootNode(), collapseRules = new odf.CollapsingRules(rootNode), stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(rootNode, 0, [odtDocument.getPositionFilter()], rootNode), downgradeOffset;
runtime.assert(destinationStartPosition < sourceStartPosition, "Destination paragraph (" + destinationStartPosition + ") must be " + "before source paragraph (" + sourceStartPosition + ")");
destinationParagraph = getParagraphAtStep(odtDocument, destinationStartPosition);
sourceParagraph = getParagraphAtStep(odtDocument, sourceStartPosition, stepIterator);
runtime.assert(domUtils.containsNode(destinationParagraph, stepIterator.container()), "Destination paragraph must be adjacent to the source paragraph");
trimTrailingInsignificantWhitespace(stepIterator, destinationParagraph);
downgradeOffset = destinationParagraph.childNodes.length;
trimLeadingInsignificantWhitespace(stepIterator, sourceParagraph);
mergeParagraphs(destinationParagraph, sourceParagraph);
runtime.assert(sourceParagraph.childNodes.length === 0, "Source paragraph should be empty before it is removed");
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved, {position:sourceStartPosition - 1});
stepIterator.setPosition(destinationParagraph, downgradeOffset);
if (!stepIterator.previousStep()) {
if (paragraphStyleName) {
destinationParagraph.setAttributeNS(textns, "text:style-name", paragraphStyleName);
} else {
destinationParagraph.removeAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
if (cursor && moveCursor) {
odtDocument.moveCursor(memberid, sourceStartPosition - 1, 0);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:destinationParagraph, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"MergeParagraph", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, moveCursor:moveCursor, paragraphStyleName:paragraphStyleName, sourceStartPosition:sourceStartPosition, destinationStartPosition:destinationStartPosition};
ops.OpMoveCursor = function OpMoveCursor() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, length, selectionType;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
length = data.length || 0;
selectionType = data.selectionType || ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection;
this.isEdit = false;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid), selectedRange;
if (!cursor) {
return false;
selectedRange = odtDocument.convertCursorToDomRange(position, length);
cursor.setSelectedRange(selectedRange, length >= 0);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"MoveCursor", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, length:length, selectionType:selectionType};
ops.OpRemoveAnnotation = function OpRemoveAnnotation() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, length, domUtils = core.DomUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = parseInt(data.position, 10);
length = parseInt(data.length, 10);
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, iterator = odtDocument.getIteratorAtPosition(position), container = iterator.container(), annotationNode, annotationEnd;
while (!(container.namespaceURI === odf.Namespaces.officens && container.localName === "annotation")) {
container = container.parentNode;
if (container === null) {
return false;
annotationNode = container;
annotationEnd = annotationNode.annotationEndElement;
function insert(node) {
annotationNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, annotationNode);
domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(annotationNode, "urn:webodf:names:cursor", "cursor").forEach(insert);
domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(annotationNode, "urn:webodf:names:cursor", "anchor").forEach(insert);
if (annotationEnd) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved, {position:position > 0 ? position - 1 : position});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"RemoveAnnotation", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, length:length};
ops.OpRemoveBlob = function OpRemoveBlob() {
var memberid, timestamp, filename;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
filename = data.filename;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document;
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"RemoveBlob", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, filename:filename};
ops.OpRemoveCursor = function OpRemoveCursor() {
var memberid, timestamp;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
this.isEdit = false;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document;
if (!odtDocument.removeCursor(memberid)) {
return false;
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"RemoveCursor", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp};
ops.OpRemoveHyperlink = function OpRemoveHyperlink() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, length, domUtils = core.DomUtils, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
length = data.length;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, range = odtDocument.convertCursorToDomRange(position, length), links = odfUtils.getHyperlinkElements(range), node;
runtime.assert(links.length === 1, "The given range should only contain a single link.");
node = domUtils.mergeIntoParent(links[0]);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:odfUtils.getParagraphElement(node), memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"RemoveHyperlink", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, length:length};
ops.OpRemoveMember = function OpRemoveMember() {
var memberid, timestamp;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = parseInt(data.timestamp, 10);
this.isEdit = false;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document;
if (!odtDocument.getMember(memberid)) {
return false;
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalMemberRemoved, memberid);
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"RemoveMember", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp};
ops.OpRemoveStyle = function OpRemoveStyle() {
var memberid, timestamp, styleName, styleFamily;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
styleName = data.styleName;
styleFamily = data.styleFamily;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, styleNode = odtDocument.getFormatting().getStyleElement(styleName, styleFamily);
if (!styleNode) {
return false;
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalCommonStyleDeleted, {name:styleName, family:styleFamily});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"RemoveStyle", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, styleName:styleName, styleFamily:styleFamily};
ops.OpRemoveText = function OpRemoveText() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, length, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
runtime.assert(data.length >= 0, "OpRemoveText only supports positive lengths");
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = parseInt(data.position, 10);
length = parseInt(data.length, 10);
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, range, textNodes, paragraph, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid), collapseRules = new odf.CollapsingRules(odtDocument.getRootNode());
odtDocument.upgradeWhitespacesAtPosition(position + length);
range = odtDocument.convertCursorToDomRange(position, length);
textNodes = odfUtils.getTextElements(range, false, true);
paragraph = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
runtime.assert(paragraph !== undefined, "Attempting to remove text outside a paragraph element");
textNodes.forEach(function(element) {
if (element.parentNode) {
runtime.assert(domUtils.containsNode(paragraph, element), "RemoveText only supports removing elements within the same paragraph");
} else {
runtime.log("WARN: text element has already been removed from it's container");
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsRemoved, {position:position});
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:paragraph, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
if (cursor) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"RemoveText", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, length:length};
ops.OpSetBlob = function OpSetBlob() {
var memberid, timestamp, filename, mimetype, content;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
filename = data.filename;
mimetype = data.mimetype;
content = data.content;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document;
odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().odfContainer().setBlob(filename, mimetype, content);
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"SetBlob", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, filename:filename, mimetype:mimetype, content:content};
ops.OpSetParagraphStyle = function OpSetParagraphStyle() {
var memberid, timestamp, position, styleName, textns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0", odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
styleName = data.styleName;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
function isFirstStep(odtDocument, paragraphNode, iterator) {
var filters = [odtDocument.getPositionFilter()], container = iterator.container(), offset = iterator.unfilteredDomOffset(), stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(container, offset, filters, paragraphNode);
return stepIterator.previousStep() === false;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, iterator, paragraphNode;
iterator = odtDocument.getIteratorAtPosition(position);
paragraphNode = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(iterator.container());
if (paragraphNode) {
runtime.assert(isFirstStep(odtDocument, paragraphNode, iterator), "SetParagraphStyle position should be the first position in the paragraph");
if (styleName) {
paragraphNode.setAttributeNS(textns, "text:style-name", styleName);
} else {
paragraphNode.removeAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:paragraphNode, timeStamp:timestamp, memberId:memberid});
return true;
return false;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"SetParagraphStyle", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, styleName:styleName};
ops.OpSplitParagraph = function OpSplitParagraph() {
var memberid, timestamp, sourceParagraphPosition, position, moveCursor, paragraphStyleName, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
position = data.position;
sourceParagraphPosition = data.sourceParagraphPosition;
paragraphStyleName = data.paragraphStyleName;
moveCursor = data.moveCursor === "true" || data.moveCursor === true;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, domPosition, paragraphNode, targetNode, node, splitNode, splitChildNode, keptChildNode, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(memberid);
domPosition = odtDocument.getTextNodeAtStep(position);
if (!domPosition) {
return false;
paragraphNode = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(domPosition.textNode);
if (!paragraphNode) {
return false;
if (odfUtils.isListItem(paragraphNode.parentNode)) {
targetNode = paragraphNode.parentNode;
} else {
targetNode = paragraphNode;
if (domPosition.offset === 0) {
keptChildNode = domPosition.textNode.previousSibling;
splitChildNode = null;
} else {
keptChildNode = domPosition.textNode;
if (domPosition.offset >= domPosition.textNode.length) {
splitChildNode = null;
} else {
splitChildNode = domPosition.textNode.splitText(domPosition.offset);
node = domPosition.textNode;
while (node !== targetNode) {
node = node.parentNode;
splitNode = node.cloneNode(false);
if (splitChildNode) {
if (keptChildNode) {
while (keptChildNode && keptChildNode.nextSibling) {
} else {
while (node.firstChild) {
node.parentNode.insertBefore(splitNode, node.nextSibling);
keptChildNode = node;
splitChildNode = splitNode;
if (odfUtils.isListItem(splitChildNode)) {
splitChildNode = splitChildNode.childNodes.item(0);
if (paragraphStyleName) {
splitChildNode.setAttributeNS(textns, "text:style-name", paragraphStyleName);
} else {
splitChildNode.removeAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
if (domPosition.textNode.length === 0) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalStepsInserted, {position:position});
if (cursor && moveCursor) {
odtDocument.moveCursor(memberid, position + 1, 0);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, cursor);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:paragraphNode, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, {paragraphElement:splitChildNode, memberId:memberid, timeStamp:timestamp});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"SplitParagraph", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, position:position, sourceParagraphPosition:sourceParagraphPosition, paragraphStyleName:paragraphStyleName, moveCursor:moveCursor};
ops.OpUpdateMember = function OpUpdateMember() {
var memberid, timestamp, setProperties, removedProperties;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = parseInt(data.timestamp, 10);
setProperties = data.setProperties;
removedProperties = data.removedProperties;
this.isEdit = false;
this.group = undefined;
function updateCreators(doc) {
var xpath = xmldom.XPath, xp = "//dc:creator[@editinfo:memberid='" + memberid + "']", creators = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(doc.getRootNode(), xp, function(prefix) {
if (prefix === "editinfo") {
return "urn:webodf:names:editinfo";
return odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI(prefix);
}), i;
for (i = 0;i < creators.length;i += 1) {
creators[i].textContent = setProperties.fullName;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, member = odtDocument.getMember(memberid);
if (!member) {
return false;
if (removedProperties) {
if (setProperties) {
if (setProperties.fullName) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalMemberUpdated, member);
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"UpdateMember", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, setProperties:setProperties, removedProperties:removedProperties};
ops.OpUpdateMetadata = function OpUpdateMetadata() {
var memberid, timestamp, setProperties, removedProperties;
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = parseInt(data.timestamp, 10);
setProperties = data.setProperties;
removedProperties = data.removedProperties;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, odfContainer = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().odfContainer(), removedPropertiesArray = null;
if (removedProperties) {
removedPropertiesArray = removedProperties.attributes.split(",");
odfContainer.setMetadata(setProperties, removedPropertiesArray);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalMetadataUpdated, {setProperties:setProperties !== null ? setProperties : {}, removedProperties:removedPropertiesArray !== null ? removedPropertiesArray : []});
return true;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"UpdateMetadata", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, setProperties:setProperties, removedProperties:removedProperties};
ops.OpUpdateParagraphStyle = function OpUpdateParagraphStyle() {
var memberid, timestamp, styleName, setProperties, removedProperties, paragraphPropertiesName = "style:paragraph-properties", textPropertiesName = "style:text-properties", stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens;
function removedAttributesFromStyleNode(node, removedAttributeNames) {
var i, attributeNameParts, attributeNameList = removedAttributeNames ? removedAttributeNames.split(",") : [];
for (i = 0;i < attributeNameList.length;i += 1) {
attributeNameParts = attributeNameList[i].split(":");
node.removeAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI(attributeNameParts[0]), attributeNameParts[1]);
this.init = function(data) {
memberid = data.memberid;
timestamp = data.timestamp;
styleName = data.styleName;
setProperties = data.setProperties;
removedProperties = data.removedProperties;
this.isEdit = true;
this.group = undefined;
this.execute = function(document) {
var odtDocument = document, formatting = odtDocument.getFormatting(), styleNode, object, paragraphPropertiesNode, textPropertiesNode;
if (styleName !== "") {
styleNode = formatting.getStyleElement(styleName, "paragraph");
} else {
styleNode = formatting.getDefaultStyleElement("paragraph");
if (styleNode) {
paragraphPropertiesNode = styleNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "paragraph-properties").item(0);
textPropertiesNode = styleNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(stylens, "text-properties").item(0);
if (setProperties) {
formatting.updateStyle(styleNode, setProperties);
if (removedProperties) {
object = removedProperties[paragraphPropertiesName];
if (paragraphPropertiesNode && object) {
removedAttributesFromStyleNode(paragraphPropertiesNode, object.attributes);
if (paragraphPropertiesNode.attributes.length === 0) {
object = removedProperties[textPropertiesName];
if (textPropertiesNode && object) {
removedAttributesFromStyleNode(textPropertiesNode, object.attributes);
if (textPropertiesNode.attributes.length === 0) {
removedAttributesFromStyleNode(styleNode, removedProperties.attributes);
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphStyleModified, styleName);
return true;
return false;
this.spec = function() {
return {optype:"UpdateParagraphStyle", memberid:memberid, timestamp:timestamp, styleName:styleName, setProperties:setProperties, removedProperties:removedProperties};
ops.OperationFactory = function OperationFactory() {
var specs;
function construct(Constructor) {
return function(spec) {
return new Constructor;
this.register = function(specName, specConstructor) {
specs[specName] = specConstructor;
this.create = function(spec) {
var op = null, constructor = specs[spec.optype];
if (constructor) {
op = constructor(spec);
return op;
function init() {
specs = {AddMember:construct(ops.OpAddMember), UpdateMember:construct(ops.OpUpdateMember), RemoveMember:construct(ops.OpRemoveMember), AddCursor:construct(ops.OpAddCursor), ApplyDirectStyling:construct(ops.OpApplyDirectStyling), SetBlob:construct(ops.OpSetBlob), RemoveBlob:construct(ops.OpRemoveBlob), InsertImage:construct(ops.OpInsertImage), InsertTable:construct(ops.OpInsertTable), InsertText:construct(ops.OpInsertText), RemoveText:construct(ops.OpRemoveText), MergeParagraph:construct(ops.OpMergeParagraph),
SplitParagraph:construct(ops.OpSplitParagraph), SetParagraphStyle:construct(ops.OpSetParagraphStyle), UpdateParagraphStyle:construct(ops.OpUpdateParagraphStyle), AddStyle:construct(ops.OpAddStyle), RemoveStyle:construct(ops.OpRemoveStyle), MoveCursor:construct(ops.OpMoveCursor), RemoveCursor:construct(ops.OpRemoveCursor), AddAnnotation:construct(ops.OpAddAnnotation), RemoveAnnotation:construct(ops.OpRemoveAnnotation), UpdateMetadata:construct(ops.OpUpdateMetadata), ApplyHyperlink:construct(ops.OpApplyHyperlink),
ops.OperationRouter = function OperationRouter() {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.setOperationFactory = function(f) {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.setPlaybackFunction = function(playback_func) {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.push = function(operations) {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.close = function(callback) {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.subscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.unsubscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.hasLocalUnsyncedOps = function() {
ops.OperationRouter.prototype.hasSessionHostConnection = function() {
ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchStart = "router/batchstart";
ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchEnd = "router/batchend";
ops.TrivialOperationRouter = function TrivialOperationRouter() {
var events = new core.EventNotifier([ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchStart, ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchEnd]), operationFactory, playbackFunction, groupIdentifier = 0;
this.setOperationFactory = function(f) {
operationFactory = f;
this.setPlaybackFunction = function(playback_func) {
playbackFunction = playback_func;
this.push = function(operations) {
groupIdentifier += 1;
events.emit(ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchStart, {});
operations.forEach(function(op) {
var timedOp, opspec = op.spec();
opspec.timestamp = Date.now();
timedOp = operationFactory.create(opspec);
timedOp.group = "g" + groupIdentifier;
events.emit(ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchEnd, {});
this.close = function(cb) {
this.subscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
events.subscribe(eventId, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventId, cb) {
events.unsubscribe(eventId, cb);
this.hasLocalUnsyncedOps = function() {
return false;
this.hasSessionHostConnection = function() {
return true;
ops.Session = function Session(odfCanvas) {
var self = this, operationFactory = new ops.OperationFactory, odtDocument = new ops.OdtDocument(odfCanvas), operationRouter = null;
function forwardBatchStart(args) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchStart, args);
function forwardBatchEnd(args) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, args);
this.setOperationFactory = function(opFactory) {
operationFactory = opFactory;
if (operationRouter) {
this.setOperationRouter = function(opRouter) {
if (operationRouter) {
operationRouter.unsubscribe(ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchStart, forwardBatchStart);
operationRouter.unsubscribe(ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchEnd, forwardBatchEnd);
operationRouter = opRouter;
operationRouter.subscribe(ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchStart, forwardBatchStart);
operationRouter.subscribe(ops.OperationRouter.signalProcessingBatchEnd, forwardBatchEnd);
opRouter.setPlaybackFunction(function(op) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationStart, op);
if (op.execute(odtDocument)) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, op);
return true;
return false;
this.getOperationFactory = function() {
return operationFactory;
this.getOdtDocument = function() {
return odtDocument;
this.enqueue = function(ops) {
this.close = function(callback) {
operationRouter.close(function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {
this.destroy = function(callback) {
function init() {
self.setOperationRouter(new ops.TrivialOperationRouter);
gui.AnnotationController = function AnnotationController(session, sessionConstraints, inputMemberId) {
var odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), isAnnotatable = false, eventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier([gui.AnnotationController.annotatableChanged]), odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT;
function updatedCachedValues() {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), cursorNode = cursor && cursor.getNode(), newIsAnnotatable = false;
if (cursorNode) {
newIsAnnotatable = !odfUtils.isWithinAnnotation(cursorNode, odtDocument.getRootNode());
if (newIsAnnotatable !== isAnnotatable) {
isAnnotatable = newIsAnnotatable;
eventNotifier.emit(gui.AnnotationController.annotatableChanged, isAnnotatable);
function onCursorAdded(cursor) {
if (cursor.getMemberId() === inputMemberId) {
function onCursorRemoved(memberId) {
if (memberId === inputMemberId) {
function onCursorMoved(cursor) {
if (cursor.getMemberId() === inputMemberId) {
this.isAnnotatable = function() {
return isAnnotatable;
this.addAnnotation = function() {
var op = new ops.OpAddAnnotation, selection = odtDocument.getCursorSelection(inputMemberId), length = selection.length, position = selection.position;
if (!isAnnotatable) {
if (length === 0) {
length = undefined;
} else {
position = length >= 0 ? position : position + length;
length = Math.abs(length);
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:position, length:length, name:inputMemberId + Date.now()});
this.removeAnnotation = function(annotationNode) {
var startStep, endStep, op, moveCursor, currentUserName = odtDocument.getMember(inputMemberId).getProperties().fullName;
if (sessionConstraints.getState(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.ANNOTATIONS.ONLY_DELETE_OWN) === true) {
if (currentUserName !== odfUtils.getAnnotationCreator(annotationNode)) {
startStep = odtDocument.convertDomPointToCursorStep(annotationNode, 0, NEXT);
endStep = odtDocument.convertDomPointToCursorStep(annotationNode, annotationNode.childNodes.length);
op = new ops.OpRemoveAnnotation;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:startStep, length:endStep - startStep});
moveCursor = new ops.OpMoveCursor;
moveCursor.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:startStep > 0 ? startStep - 1 : startStep, length:0});
session.enqueue([op, moveCursor]);
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, onCursorAdded);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, onCursorRemoved);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorMoved);
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, onCursorAdded);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, onCursorRemoved);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorMoved);
gui.AnnotationController.annotatableChanged = "annotatable/changed";
gui.Avatar = function Avatar(parentElement, avatarInitiallyVisible) {
var self = this, handle, image, pendingImageUrl, displayShown = "block", displayHidden = "none";
this.setColor = function(color) {
image.style.borderColor = color;
this.setImageUrl = function(url) {
if (self.isVisible()) {
image.src = url;
} else {
pendingImageUrl = url;
this.isVisible = function() {
return handle.style.display === displayShown;
this.show = function() {
if (pendingImageUrl) {
image.src = pendingImageUrl;
pendingImageUrl = undefined;
handle.style.display = displayShown;
this.hide = function() {
handle.style.display = displayHidden;
this.markAsFocussed = function(isFocussed) {
if (isFocussed) {
} else {
this.destroy = function(callback) {
function init() {
var document = parentElement.ownerDocument;
handle = document.createElement("div");
image = document.createElement("img");
handle.style.display = avatarInitiallyVisible ? displayShown : displayHidden;
handle.className = "handle";
gui.StepInfo = function() {
gui.StepInfo.VisualDirection = {LEFT_TO_RIGHT:0, RIGHT_TO_LEFT:1};
gui.StepInfo.prototype.container = function() {
gui.StepInfo.prototype.offset = function() {
gui.VisualStepScanner = function() {
gui.VisualStepScanner.prototype.process = function(stepInfo, previousRect, nextRect) {
gui.GuiStepUtils = function GuiStepUtils() {
var odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, stepUtils = new odf.StepUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT, LEFT_TO_RIGHT = gui.StepInfo.VisualDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, RIGHT_TO_LEFT = gui.StepInfo.VisualDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
function getContentRect(stepIterator) {
var bounds = stepUtils.getContentBounds(stepIterator), range, rect = null;
if (bounds) {
if (bounds.container.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
range = bounds.container.ownerDocument.createRange();
range.setStart(bounds.container, bounds.startOffset);
range.setEnd(bounds.container, bounds.endOffset);
rect = range.getClientRects().length > 0 ? range.getBoundingClientRect() : null;
if (rect && bounds.container.data.substring(bounds.startOffset, bounds.endOffset) === " " && rect.width <= 1) {
rect = null;
} else {
if (odfUtils.isCharacterElement(bounds.container) || odfUtils.isCharacterFrame(bounds.container)) {
rect = domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(bounds.container);
return rect;
this.getContentRect = getContentRect;
function moveToFilteredStep(stepIterator, direction, scanners) {
var isForward = direction === NEXT, leftRect, rightRect, previousRect, nextRect, destinationToken, initialToken = stepIterator.snapshot(), wasTerminated = false, stepInfo;
function process(terminated, scanner) {
if (scanner.process(stepInfo, previousRect, nextRect)) {
terminated = true;
if (!destinationToken && scanner.token) {
destinationToken = scanner.token;
return terminated;
do {
leftRect = getContentRect(stepIterator);
stepInfo = {token:stepIterator.snapshot(), container:stepIterator.container, offset:stepIterator.offset, direction:direction, visualDirection:direction === NEXT ? LEFT_TO_RIGHT : RIGHT_TO_LEFT};
if (stepIterator.nextStep()) {
rightRect = getContentRect(stepIterator);
} else {
rightRect = null;
if (isForward) {
previousRect = leftRect;
nextRect = rightRect;
} else {
previousRect = rightRect;
nextRect = leftRect;
wasTerminated = scanners.reduce(process, false);
} while (!wasTerminated && stepIterator.advanceStep(direction));
if (!wasTerminated) {
scanners.forEach(function(scanner) {
if (!destinationToken && scanner.token) {
destinationToken = scanner.token;
stepIterator.restore(destinationToken || initialToken);
return Boolean(destinationToken);
this.moveToFilteredStep = moveToFilteredStep;
gui.Caret = function Caret(cursor, viewport, avatarInitiallyVisible, blinkOnRangeSelect) {
var cursorns = "urn:webodf:names:cursor", MIN_OVERLAY_HEIGHT_PX = 8, BLINK_PERIOD_MS = 500, caretOverlay, caretElement, avatar, overlayElement, caretSizer, caretSizerRange, canvas = cursor.getDocument().getCanvas(), domUtils = core.DomUtils, guiStepUtils = new gui.GuiStepUtils, stepIterator, redrawTask, blinkTask, shouldResetBlink = false, shouldCheckCaretVisibility = false, shouldUpdateCaretSize = false, state = {isFocused:false, isShown:true, visibility:"hidden"}, lastState = {isFocused:!state.isFocused,
isShown:!state.isShown, visibility:"hidden"};
function blinkCaret() {
caretElement.style.opacity = caretElement.style.opacity === "0" ? "1" : "0";
function getCaretSizeFromCursor() {
return caretSizerRange.getBoundingClientRect();
function getSelectionRect() {
var node = cursor.getNode(), caretRectangle, nextRectangle, selectionRectangle, rootRect = domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(canvas.getSizer()), useLeftEdge = false, width = 0;
node.removeAttributeNS(cursorns, "caret-sizer-active");
if (node.getClientRects().length > 0) {
selectionRectangle = getCaretSizeFromCursor();
width = selectionRectangle.left - domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(node).left;
useLeftEdge = true;
} else {
stepIterator.setPosition(node, 0);
selectionRectangle = guiStepUtils.getContentRect(stepIterator);
if (!selectionRectangle && stepIterator.nextStep()) {
nextRectangle = guiStepUtils.getContentRect(stepIterator);
if (nextRectangle) {
selectionRectangle = nextRectangle;
useLeftEdge = true;
if (!selectionRectangle) {
node.setAttributeNS(cursorns, "caret-sizer-active", "true");
selectionRectangle = getCaretSizeFromCursor();
useLeftEdge = true;
if (!selectionRectangle) {
runtime.log("WARN: No suitable client rectangle found for visual caret for " + cursor.getMemberId());
while (node) {
if (node.getClientRects().length > 0) {
selectionRectangle = domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(node);
useLeftEdge = true;
node = node.parentNode;
selectionRectangle = domUtils.translateRect(selectionRectangle, rootRect, canvas.getZoomLevel());
caretRectangle = {top:selectionRectangle.top, height:selectionRectangle.height, right:useLeftEdge ? selectionRectangle.left : selectionRectangle.right, width:domUtils.adaptRangeDifferenceToZoomLevel(width, canvas.getZoomLevel())};
return caretRectangle;
function updateOverlayHeightAndPosition() {
var selectionRect = getSelectionRect(), cursorStyle;
if (selectionRect.height < MIN_OVERLAY_HEIGHT_PX) {
selectionRect = {top:selectionRect.top - (MIN_OVERLAY_HEIGHT_PX - selectionRect.height) / 2, height:MIN_OVERLAY_HEIGHT_PX, right:selectionRect.right};
caretOverlay.style.height = selectionRect.height + "px";
caretOverlay.style.top = selectionRect.top + "px";
caretOverlay.style.left = selectionRect.right - selectionRect.width + "px";
caretOverlay.style.width = selectionRect.width ? selectionRect.width + "px" : "";
if (overlayElement) {
cursorStyle = runtime.getWindow().getComputedStyle(cursor.getNode(), null);
if (cursorStyle.font) {
overlayElement.style.font = cursorStyle.font;
} else {
overlayElement.style.fontStyle = cursorStyle.fontStyle;
overlayElement.style.fontVariant = cursorStyle.fontVariant;
overlayElement.style.fontWeight = cursorStyle.fontWeight;
overlayElement.style.fontSize = cursorStyle.fontSize;
overlayElement.style.lineHeight = cursorStyle.lineHeight;
overlayElement.style.fontFamily = cursorStyle.fontFamily;
function hasStateChanged(property) {
return lastState[property] !== state[property];
function saveState() {
Object.keys(state).forEach(function(key) {
lastState[key] = state[key];
function updateCaret() {
if (state.isShown === false || cursor.getSelectionType() !== ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection || !blinkOnRangeSelect && !cursor.getSelectedRange().collapsed) {
state.visibility = "hidden";
caretElement.style.visibility = "hidden";
} else {
state.visibility = "visible";
caretElement.style.visibility = "visible";
if (state.isFocused === false) {
caretElement.style.opacity = "1";
} else {
if (shouldResetBlink || hasStateChanged("visibility")) {
caretElement.style.opacity = "1";
if (shouldUpdateCaretSize || shouldCheckCaretVisibility) {
if (state.isShown && shouldCheckCaretVisibility) {
if (hasStateChanged("isFocused")) {
shouldResetBlink = false;
shouldCheckCaretVisibility = false;
shouldUpdateCaretSize = false;
this.handleUpdate = function() {
shouldUpdateCaretSize = true;
this.refreshCursorBlinking = function() {
shouldResetBlink = true;
this.setFocus = function() {
state.isFocused = true;
this.removeFocus = function() {
state.isFocused = false;
this.show = function() {
state.isShown = true;
this.hide = function() {
state.isShown = false;
this.setAvatarImageUrl = function(url) {
this.setColor = function(newColor) {
caretElement.style.borderColor = newColor;
this.getCursor = function() {
return cursor;
this.getFocusElement = function() {
return caretElement;
this.toggleHandleVisibility = function() {
if (avatar.isVisible()) {
} else {
this.showHandle = function() {
this.hideHandle = function() {
this.setOverlayElement = function(element) {
overlayElement = element;
shouldUpdateCaretSize = true;
this.ensureVisible = function() {
shouldCheckCaretVisibility = true;
this.getBoundingClientRect = function() {
return domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(caretOverlay);
function destroy(callback) {
this.destroy = function(callback) {
var cleanup = [redrawTask.destroy, blinkTask.destroy, avatar.destroy, destroy];
core.Async.destroyAll(cleanup, callback);
function init() {
var odtDocument = cursor.getDocument(), positionFilters = [odtDocument.createRootFilter(cursor.getMemberId()), odtDocument.getPositionFilter()], dom = odtDocument.getDOMDocument(), editinfons = "urn:webodf:names:editinfo";
caretSizerRange = dom.createRange();
caretSizer = dom.createElement("span");
caretSizer.className = "webodf-caretSizer";
caretSizer.textContent = "|";
caretOverlay = dom.createElement("div");
caretOverlay.setAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid", cursor.getMemberId());
caretOverlay.className = "webodf-caretOverlay";
caretElement = dom.createElement("div");
caretElement.className = "caret";
avatar = new gui.Avatar(caretOverlay, avatarInitiallyVisible);
stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(cursor.getNode(), 0, positionFilters, odtDocument.getRootNode());
redrawTask = core.Task.createRedrawTask(updateCaret);
blinkTask = core.Task.createTimeoutTask(blinkCaret, BLINK_PERIOD_MS);
odf.TextSerializer = function TextSerializer() {
var self = this, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
function serializeNode(node) {
var s = "", accept = self.filter ? self.filter.acceptNode(node) : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, nodeType = node.nodeType, child;
if ((accept === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT || accept === NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP) && odfUtils.isTextContentContainingNode(node)) {
child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
s += serializeNode(child);
child = child.nextSibling;
if (accept === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) {
if (nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && odfUtils.isParagraph(node)) {
s += "\n";
} else {
if (nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.textContent) {
s += node.textContent;
return s;
this.filter = null;
this.writeToString = function(node) {
var plainText;
if (!node) {
return "";
plainText = serializeNode(node);
if (plainText[plainText.length - 1] === "\n") {
plainText = plainText.substr(0, plainText.length - 1);
return plainText;
gui.MimeDataExporter = function MimeDataExporter() {
var textSerializer;
this.exportRangeToDataTransfer = function(dataTransfer, range) {
var document = range.startContainer.ownerDocument, serializedFragment, fragmentContainer;
fragmentContainer = document.createElement("span");
serializedFragment = textSerializer.writeToString(fragmentContainer);
try {
dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", serializedFragment);
} catch (e) {
dataTransfer.setData("Text", serializedFragment);
function init() {
textSerializer = new odf.TextSerializer;
textSerializer.filter = new odf.OdfNodeFilter;
gui.Clipboard = function Clipboard(mimeDataExporter) {
this.setDataFromRange = function(e, range) {
var result, clipboard = e.clipboardData, window = runtime.getWindow();
if (!clipboard && window) {
clipboard = window.clipboardData;
if (clipboard) {
result = true;
mimeDataExporter.exportRangeToDataTransfer(clipboard, range);
} else {
result = false;
return result;
gui.SessionContext = function(session, inputMemberId) {
var odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.isLocalCursorWithinOwnAnnotation = function() {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), cursorNode, currentUserName, parentAnnotation;
if (!cursor) {
return false;
cursorNode = cursor && cursor.getNode();
currentUserName = odtDocument.getMember(inputMemberId).getProperties().fullName;
parentAnnotation = odfUtils.getParentAnnotation(cursorNode, odtDocument.getRootNode());
if (parentAnnotation && odfUtils.getAnnotationCreator(parentAnnotation) === currentUserName) {
return true;
return false;
gui.StyleSummary = function StyleSummary(styles) {
var propertyValues = {};
function getPropertyValues(section, propertyName) {
var cacheKey = section + "|" + propertyName, values;
if (!propertyValues.hasOwnProperty(cacheKey)) {
values = [];
styles.forEach(function(style) {
var styleSection = style.styleProperties[section], value = styleSection && styleSection[propertyName];
if (values.indexOf(value) === -1) {
propertyValues[cacheKey] = values;
return propertyValues[cacheKey];
this.getPropertyValues = getPropertyValues;
function lazilyLoaded(section, propertyName, acceptedPropertyValues) {
return function() {
var existingPropertyValues = getPropertyValues(section, propertyName);
return acceptedPropertyValues.length >= existingPropertyValues.length && existingPropertyValues.every(function(v) {
return acceptedPropertyValues.indexOf(v) !== -1;
function getCommonValue(section, propertyName) {
var values = getPropertyValues(section, propertyName);
return values.length === 1 ? values[0] : undefined;
this.getCommonValue = getCommonValue;
this.isBold = lazilyLoaded("style:text-properties", "fo:font-weight", ["bold"]);
this.isItalic = lazilyLoaded("style:text-properties", "fo:font-style", ["italic"]);
this.hasUnderline = lazilyLoaded("style:text-properties", "style:text-underline-style", ["solid"]);
this.hasStrikeThrough = lazilyLoaded("style:text-properties", "style:text-line-through-style", ["solid"]);
this.fontSize = function() {
var stringFontSize = getCommonValue("style:text-properties", "fo:font-size");
return stringFontSize && parseFloat(stringFontSize);
this.fontName = function() {
return getCommonValue("style:text-properties", "style:font-name");
this.isAlignedLeft = lazilyLoaded("style:paragraph-properties", "fo:text-align", ["left", "start"]);
this.isAlignedCenter = lazilyLoaded("style:paragraph-properties", "fo:text-align", ["center"]);
this.isAlignedRight = lazilyLoaded("style:paragraph-properties", "fo:text-align", ["right", "end"]);
this.isAlignedJustified = lazilyLoaded("style:paragraph-properties", "fo:text-align", ["justify"]);
this.text = {isBold:this.isBold, isItalic:this.isItalic, hasUnderline:this.hasUnderline, hasStrikeThrough:this.hasStrikeThrough, fontSize:this.fontSize, fontName:this.fontName};
this.paragraph = {isAlignedLeft:this.isAlignedLeft, isAlignedCenter:this.isAlignedCenter, isAlignedRight:this.isAlignedRight, isAlignedJustified:this.isAlignedJustified};
gui.DirectFormattingController = function DirectFormattingController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId, objectNameGenerator, directTextStylingEnabled, directParagraphStylingEnabled) {
var self = this, odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), utils = new core.Utils, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, eventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier([gui.DirectFormattingController.enabledChanged, gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged]), textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT, directCursorStyleProperties = null, lastSignalledSelectionInfo, selectionInfoCache;
function getCachedStyleSummary() {
return selectionInfoCache.value().styleSummary;
function getCachedEnabledFeatures() {
return selectionInfoCache.value().enabledFeatures;
this.enabledFeatures = getCachedEnabledFeatures;
function getNodes(range) {
var container, nodes;
if (range.collapsed) {
container = range.startContainer;
if (container.hasChildNodes() && range.startOffset < container.childNodes.length) {
container = container.childNodes.item(range.startOffset);
nodes = [container];
} else {
nodes = odfUtils.getTextElements(range, true, false);
return nodes;
function getSelectionInfo() {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), range = cursor && cursor.getSelectedRange(), nodes = [], selectionStyles = [], selectionContainsText = true, enabledFeatures = {directTextStyling:true, directParagraphStyling:true};
if (range) {
nodes = getNodes(range);
if (nodes.length === 0) {
nodes = [range.startContainer, range.endContainer];
selectionContainsText = false;
selectionStyles = odtDocument.getFormatting().getAppliedStyles(nodes);
if (selectionStyles[0] !== undefined && directCursorStyleProperties) {
selectionStyles[0].styleProperties = utils.mergeObjects(selectionStyles[0].styleProperties, directCursorStyleProperties);
if (sessionConstraints.getState(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE) === true) {
enabledFeatures.directTextStyling = enabledFeatures.directParagraphStyling = sessionContext.isLocalCursorWithinOwnAnnotation();
if (enabledFeatures.directTextStyling) {
enabledFeatures.directTextStyling = selectionContainsText && cursor !== undefined && cursor.getSelectionType() === ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection;
return {enabledFeatures:enabledFeatures, appliedStyles:selectionStyles, styleSummary:new gui.StyleSummary(selectionStyles)};
function createDiff(oldSummary, newSummary) {
var diffMap = {};
Object.keys(oldSummary).forEach(function(funcName) {
var oldValue = oldSummary[funcName](), newValue = newSummary[funcName]();
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
diffMap[funcName] = newValue;
return diffMap;
function emitSelectionChanges() {
var textStyleDiff, paragraphStyleDiff, lastStyleSummary = lastSignalledSelectionInfo.styleSummary, newSelectionInfo = selectionInfoCache.value(), newSelectionStylesSummary = newSelectionInfo.styleSummary, lastEnabledFeatures = lastSignalledSelectionInfo.enabledFeatures, newEnabledFeatures = newSelectionInfo.enabledFeatures, enabledFeaturesChanged;
textStyleDiff = createDiff(lastStyleSummary.text, newSelectionStylesSummary.text);
paragraphStyleDiff = createDiff(lastStyleSummary.paragraph, newSelectionStylesSummary.paragraph);
enabledFeaturesChanged = !(newEnabledFeatures.directTextStyling === lastEnabledFeatures.directTextStyling && newEnabledFeatures.directParagraphStyling === lastEnabledFeatures.directParagraphStyling);
lastSignalledSelectionInfo = newSelectionInfo;
if (enabledFeaturesChanged) {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.DirectFormattingController.enabledChanged, newEnabledFeatures);
if (Object.keys(textStyleDiff).length > 0) {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged, textStyleDiff);
if (Object.keys(paragraphStyleDiff).length > 0) {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged, paragraphStyleDiff);
function forceSelectionInfoRefresh() {
function onCursorEvent(cursorOrId) {
var cursorMemberId = typeof cursorOrId === "string" ? cursorOrId : cursorOrId.getMemberId();
if (cursorMemberId === inputMemberId) {
function onParagraphStyleModified() {
function onParagraphChanged(args) {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), p = args.paragraphElement;
if (cursor && odfUtils.getParagraphElement(cursor.getNode()) === p) {
function toggle(predicate, toggleMethod) {
return true;
function formatTextSelection(textProperties) {
if (!getCachedEnabledFeatures().directTextStyling) {
var selection = odtDocument.getCursorSelection(inputMemberId), op, properties = {"style:text-properties":textProperties};
if (selection.length !== 0) {
op = new ops.OpApplyDirectStyling;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:selection.position, length:selection.length, setProperties:properties});
} else {
directCursorStyleProperties = utils.mergeObjects(directCursorStyleProperties || {}, properties);
this.formatTextSelection = formatTextSelection;
function applyTextPropertyToSelection(propertyName, propertyValue) {
var textProperties = {};
textProperties[propertyName] = propertyValue;
this.createCursorStyleOp = function(position, length, useCachedStyle) {
var styleOp = null, appliedStyles, properties = directCursorStyleProperties;
if (useCachedStyle) {
appliedStyles = selectionInfoCache.value().appliedStyles[0];
properties = appliedStyles && appliedStyles.styleProperties;
if (properties && properties["style:text-properties"]) {
styleOp = new ops.OpApplyDirectStyling;
styleOp.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:position, length:length, setProperties:{"style:text-properties":properties["style:text-properties"]}});
directCursorStyleProperties = null;
return styleOp;
function clearCursorStyle(op) {
var spec = op.spec();
if (directCursorStyleProperties && spec.memberid === inputMemberId) {
if (spec.optype !== "SplitParagraph") {
directCursorStyleProperties = null;
function setBold(checked) {
var value = checked ? "bold" : "normal";
applyTextPropertyToSelection("fo:font-weight", value);
this.setBold = setBold;
function setItalic(checked) {
var value = checked ? "italic" : "normal";
applyTextPropertyToSelection("fo:font-style", value);
this.setItalic = setItalic;
function setHasUnderline(checked) {
var value = checked ? "solid" : "none";
applyTextPropertyToSelection("style:text-underline-style", value);
this.setHasUnderline = setHasUnderline;
function setHasStrikethrough(checked) {
var value = checked ? "solid" : "none";
applyTextPropertyToSelection("style:text-line-through-style", value);
this.setHasStrikethrough = setHasStrikethrough;
function setFontSize(value) {
applyTextPropertyToSelection("fo:font-size", value + "pt");
this.setFontSize = setFontSize;
function setFontName(value) {
applyTextPropertyToSelection("style:font-name", value);
this.setFontName = setFontName;
this.getAppliedStyles = function() {
return selectionInfoCache.value().appliedStyles;
this.toggleBold = toggle.bind(self, function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isBold();
}, setBold);
this.toggleItalic = toggle.bind(self, function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isItalic();
}, setItalic);
this.toggleUnderline = toggle.bind(self, function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().hasUnderline();
}, setHasUnderline);
this.toggleStrikethrough = toggle.bind(self, function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().hasStrikeThrough();
}, setHasStrikethrough);
this.isBold = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isBold();
this.isItalic = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isItalic();
this.hasUnderline = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().hasUnderline();
this.hasStrikeThrough = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().hasStrikeThrough();
this.fontSize = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().fontSize();
this.fontName = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().fontName();
this.isAlignedLeft = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isAlignedLeft();
this.isAlignedCenter = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isAlignedCenter();
this.isAlignedRight = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isAlignedRight();
this.isAlignedJustified = function() {
return getCachedStyleSummary().isAlignedJustified();
function getOwnProperty(obj, key) {
return obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ? obj[key] : undefined;
function applyParagraphDirectStyling(applyDirectStyling) {
if (!getCachedEnabledFeatures().directParagraphStyling) {
var range = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getSelectedRange(), paragraphs = odfUtils.getParagraphElements(range), formatting = odtDocument.getFormatting(), operations = [], derivedStyleNames = {}, defaultStyleName;
paragraphs.forEach(function(paragraph) {
var paragraphStartPoint = odtDocument.convertDomPointToCursorStep(paragraph, 0, NEXT), paragraphStyleName = paragraph.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "style-name"), newParagraphStyleName, opAddStyle, opSetParagraphStyle, paragraphProperties;
if (paragraphStyleName) {
newParagraphStyleName = getOwnProperty(derivedStyleNames, paragraphStyleName);
} else {
newParagraphStyleName = defaultStyleName;
if (!newParagraphStyleName) {
newParagraphStyleName = objectNameGenerator.generateStyleName();
if (paragraphStyleName) {
derivedStyleNames[paragraphStyleName] = newParagraphStyleName;
paragraphProperties = formatting.createDerivedStyleObject(paragraphStyleName, "paragraph", {});
} else {
defaultStyleName = newParagraphStyleName;
paragraphProperties = {};
paragraphProperties = applyDirectStyling(paragraphProperties);
opAddStyle = new ops.OpAddStyle;
opAddStyle.init({memberid:inputMemberId, styleName:newParagraphStyleName.toString(), styleFamily:"paragraph", isAutomaticStyle:true, setProperties:paragraphProperties});
opSetParagraphStyle = new ops.OpSetParagraphStyle;
opSetParagraphStyle.init({memberid:inputMemberId, styleName:newParagraphStyleName.toString(), position:paragraphStartPoint});
function applySimpleParagraphDirectStyling(styleOverrides) {
applyParagraphDirectStyling(function(paragraphStyle) {
return utils.mergeObjects(paragraphStyle, styleOverrides);
function alignParagraph(alignment) {
this.alignParagraphLeft = function() {
return true;
this.alignParagraphCenter = function() {
return true;
this.alignParagraphRight = function() {
return true;
this.alignParagraphJustified = function() {
return true;
function modifyParagraphIndent(direction, paragraphStyle) {
var tabStopDistance = odtDocument.getFormatting().getDefaultTabStopDistance(), paragraphProperties = paragraphStyle["style:paragraph-properties"], indentValue, indent, newIndent;
if (paragraphProperties) {
indentValue = paragraphProperties["fo:margin-left"];
indent = odfUtils.parseLength(indentValue);
if (indent && indent.unit === tabStopDistance.unit) {
newIndent = indent.value + direction * tabStopDistance.value + indent.unit;
} else {
newIndent = direction * tabStopDistance.value + tabStopDistance.unit;
return utils.mergeObjects(paragraphStyle, {"style:paragraph-properties":{"fo:margin-left":newIndent}});
this.indent = function() {
applyParagraphDirectStyling(modifyParagraphIndent.bind(null, 1));
return true;
this.outdent = function() {
applyParagraphDirectStyling(modifyParagraphIndent.bind(null, -1));
return true;
function isSelectionAtTheEndOfLastParagraph(range, paragraphNode) {
var stepIterator, filters = [odtDocument.getPositionFilter(), odtDocument.createRootFilter(inputMemberId)];
stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(range.endContainer, range.endOffset, filters, paragraphNode);
return stepIterator.nextStep() === false;
function isTextStyleDifferentFromFirstParagraph(range, paragraphNode) {
var textNodes = getNodes(range), selectedNodes = textNodes.length === 0 ? [range.startContainer] : textNodes, appliedTextStyles = odtDocument.getFormatting().getAppliedStyles(selectedNodes), textStyle = appliedTextStyles.length > 0 ? appliedTextStyles[0].styleProperties : undefined, paragraphStyle = odtDocument.getFormatting().getAppliedStylesForElement(paragraphNode).styleProperties;
if (!textStyle || textStyle["style:family"] !== "text" || !textStyle["style:text-properties"]) {
return false;
if (!paragraphStyle || !paragraphStyle["style:text-properties"]) {
return true;
textStyle = textStyle["style:text-properties"];
paragraphStyle = paragraphStyle["style:text-properties"];
return !Object.keys(textStyle).every(function(key) {
return textStyle[key] === paragraphStyle[key];
this.createParagraphStyleOps = function(position) {
if (!getCachedEnabledFeatures().directParagraphStyling) {
return [];
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), range = cursor.getSelectedRange(), operations = [], op, startNode, endNode, paragraphNode, appliedStyles, properties, parentStyleName, styleName;
if (cursor.hasForwardSelection()) {
startNode = cursor.getAnchorNode();
endNode = cursor.getNode();
} else {
startNode = cursor.getNode();
endNode = cursor.getAnchorNode();
paragraphNode = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(endNode);
runtime.assert(Boolean(paragraphNode), "DirectFormattingController: Cursor outside paragraph");
if (!isSelectionAtTheEndOfLastParagraph(range, paragraphNode)) {
return operations;
if (endNode !== startNode) {
paragraphNode = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(startNode);
if (!directCursorStyleProperties && !isTextStyleDifferentFromFirstParagraph(range, paragraphNode)) {
return operations;
appliedStyles = selectionInfoCache.value().appliedStyles[0];
properties = appliedStyles && appliedStyles.styleProperties;
if (!properties) {
return operations;
parentStyleName = paragraphNode.getAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
if (parentStyleName) {
properties = {"style:text-properties":properties["style:text-properties"]};
properties = odtDocument.getFormatting().createDerivedStyleObject(parentStyleName, "paragraph", properties);
styleName = objectNameGenerator.generateStyleName();
op = new ops.OpAddStyle;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, styleName:styleName, styleFamily:"paragraph", isAutomaticStyle:true, setProperties:properties});
op = new ops.OpSetParagraphStyle;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, styleName:styleName, position:position});
return operations;
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, onCursorEvent);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, onCursorEvent);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphStyleModified, onParagraphStyleModified);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, onParagraphChanged);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, clearCursorStyle);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, emitSelectionChanges);
sessionConstraints.unsubscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, forceSelectionInfoRefresh);
function emptyFunction() {
function emptyBoolFunction() {
return false;
function emptyFalseReturningFunction() {
return false;
function getCachedSelectionInfo() {
return selectionInfoCache.value();
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, onCursorEvent);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, onCursorEvent);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphStyleModified, onParagraphStyleModified);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, onParagraphChanged);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, clearCursorStyle);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, emitSelectionChanges);
sessionConstraints.subscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, forceSelectionInfoRefresh);
selectionInfoCache = new core.LazyProperty(getSelectionInfo);
lastSignalledSelectionInfo = getCachedSelectionInfo();
if (!directTextStylingEnabled) {
self.formatTextSelection = emptyFunction;
self.setBold = emptyFunction;
self.setItalic = emptyFunction;
self.setHasUnderline = emptyFunction;
self.setHasStrikethrough = emptyFunction;
self.setFontSize = emptyFunction;
self.setFontName = emptyFunction;
self.toggleBold = emptyFalseReturningFunction;
self.toggleItalic = emptyFalseReturningFunction;
self.toggleUnderline = emptyFalseReturningFunction;
self.toggleStrikethrough = emptyFalseReturningFunction;
if (!directParagraphStylingEnabled) {
self.alignParagraphCenter = emptyBoolFunction;
self.alignParagraphJustified = emptyBoolFunction;
self.alignParagraphLeft = emptyBoolFunction;
self.alignParagraphRight = emptyBoolFunction;
self.createParagraphStyleOps = function() {
return [];
self.indent = emptyBoolFunction;
self.outdent = emptyBoolFunction;
gui.DirectFormattingController.enabledChanged = "enabled/changed";
gui.DirectFormattingController.textStylingChanged = "textStyling/changed";
gui.DirectFormattingController.paragraphStylingChanged = "paragraphStyling/changed";
gui.DirectFormattingController.SelectionInfo = function() {
gui.KeyboardHandler = function KeyboardHandler() {
var modifier = gui.KeyboardHandler.Modifier, defaultBinding = null, bindings = {};
function getModifiers(e) {
var modifiers = modifier.None;
if (e.metaKey) {
modifiers |= modifier.Meta;
if (e.ctrlKey) {
modifiers |= modifier.Ctrl;
if (e.altKey) {
modifiers |= modifier.Alt;
if (e.shiftKey) {
modifiers |= modifier.Shift;
return modifiers;
function getKeyCombo(keyCode, modifiers) {
if (!modifiers) {
modifiers = modifier.None;
switch(keyCode) {
case gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode.LeftMeta:
case gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode.RightMeta:
case gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode.MetaInMozilla:
modifiers |= modifier.Meta;
case gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode.Ctrl:
modifiers |= modifier.Ctrl;
case gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode.Alt:
modifiers |= modifier.Alt;
case gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode.Shift:
modifiers |= modifier.Shift;
return keyCode + ":" + modifiers;
this.setDefault = function(callback) {
defaultBinding = callback;
this.bind = function(keyCode, modifiers, callback, overwrite) {
var keyCombo = getKeyCombo(keyCode, modifiers);
runtime.assert(overwrite || bindings.hasOwnProperty(keyCombo) === false, "tried to overwrite the callback handler of key combo: " + keyCombo);
bindings[keyCombo] = callback;
this.unbind = function(keyCode, modifiers) {
var keyCombo = getKeyCombo(keyCode, modifiers);
delete bindings[keyCombo];
this.reset = function() {
defaultBinding = null;
bindings = {};
this.handleEvent = function(e) {
var keyCombo = getKeyCombo(e.keyCode, getModifiers(e)), callback = bindings[keyCombo], handled = false;
if (callback) {
handled = callback();
} else {
if (defaultBinding !== null) {
handled = defaultBinding(e);
if (handled) {
if (e.preventDefault) {
} else {
e.returnValue = false;
gui.KeyboardHandler.Modifier = {None:0, Meta:1, Ctrl:2, Alt:4, CtrlAlt:6, Shift:8, MetaShift:9, CtrlShift:10, AltShift:12};
gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode = {Backspace:8, Tab:9, Clear:12, Enter:13, Shift:16, Ctrl:17, Alt:18, End:35, Home:36, Left:37, Up:38, Right:39, Down:40, Delete:46, A:65, B:66, C:67, D:68, E:69, F:70, G:71, H:72, I:73, J:74, K:75, L:76, M:77, N:78, O:79, P:80, Q:81, R:82, S:83, T:84, U:85, V:86, W:87, X:88, Y:89, Z:90, LeftMeta:91, RightMeta:93, MetaInMozilla:224};
gui.HyperlinkClickHandler = function HyperlinkClickHandler(getContainer, keyDownHandler, keyUpHandler) {
var inactiveLinksCssClass = "webodf-inactiveLinks", modifier = gui.KeyboardHandler.Modifier, keyCode = gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode, xpath = xmldom.XPath, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, window = runtime.getWindow(), activeModifier = modifier.None, activeKeyBindings = [];
runtime.assert(window !== null, "Expected to be run in an environment which has a global window, like a browser.");
function getHyperlinkElement(node) {
while (node !== null) {
if (odfUtils.isHyperlink(node)) {
return node;
if (odfUtils.isParagraph(node)) {
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
this.handleClick = function(e) {
var target = e.target || e.srcElement, pressedModifier, linkElement, url, rootNode, bookmarks;
if (e.ctrlKey) {
pressedModifier = modifier.Ctrl;
} else {
if (e.metaKey) {
pressedModifier = modifier.Meta;
if (activeModifier !== modifier.None && activeModifier !== pressedModifier) {
linkElement = getHyperlinkElement(target);
if (!linkElement) {
url = odfUtils.getHyperlinkTarget(linkElement);
if (url === "") {
if (url[0] === "#") {
url = url.substring(1);
rootNode = getContainer();
bookmarks = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(rootNode, "//text:bookmark-start[@text:name='" + url + "']", odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
if (bookmarks.length === 0) {
bookmarks = xpath.getODFElementsWithXPath(rootNode, "//text:bookmark[@text:name='" + url + "']", odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI);
if (bookmarks.length > 0) {
} else {
if (/^\s*(javascript|data):/.test(url)) {
runtime.log("WARN:", "potentially malicious URL ignored");
} else {
if (e.preventDefault) {
} else {
e.returnValue = false;
function showPointerCursor() {
var container = getContainer();
runtime.assert(Boolean(container.classList), "Document container has no classList element");
function showTextCursor() {
var container = getContainer();
runtime.assert(Boolean(container.classList), "Document container has no classList element");
function cleanupEventBindings() {
window.removeEventListener("focus", showTextCursor, false);
activeKeyBindings.forEach(function(boundShortcut) {
keyDownHandler.unbind(boundShortcut.keyCode, boundShortcut.modifier);
keyUpHandler.unbind(boundShortcut.keyCode, boundShortcut.modifier);
activeKeyBindings.length = 0;
function bindEvents(modifierKey) {
if (modifierKey !== modifier.None) {
window.addEventListener("focus", showTextCursor, false);
switch(modifierKey) {
case modifier.Ctrl:
activeKeyBindings.push({keyCode:keyCode.Ctrl, modifier:modifier.None});
case modifier.Meta:
activeKeyBindings.push({keyCode:keyCode.LeftMeta, modifier:modifier.None});
activeKeyBindings.push({keyCode:keyCode.RightMeta, modifier:modifier.None});
activeKeyBindings.push({keyCode:keyCode.MetaInMozilla, modifier:modifier.None});
activeKeyBindings.forEach(function(boundShortcut) {
keyDownHandler.bind(boundShortcut.keyCode, boundShortcut.modifier, showPointerCursor);
keyUpHandler.bind(boundShortcut.keyCode, boundShortcut.modifier, showTextCursor);
this.setModifier = function(value) {
if (activeModifier === value) {
runtime.assert(value === modifier.None || value === modifier.Ctrl || value === modifier.Meta, "Unsupported KeyboardHandler.Modifier value: " + value);
activeModifier = value;
if (activeModifier !== modifier.None) {
} else {
this.getModifier = function() {
return activeModifier;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
gui.EventManager = function EventManager(odtDocument) {
var window = runtime.getWindow(), bindToDirectHandler = {"beforecut":true, "beforepaste":true, "longpress":true, "drag":true, "dragstop":true}, bindToWindow = {"mousedown":true, "mouseup":true, "focus":true}, compoundEvents = {}, eventDelegates = {}, eventTrap, canvasElement = odtDocument.getCanvas().getElement(), eventManager = this, longPressTimers = {}, LONGPRESS_DURATION = 400;
function EventDelegate(eventName) {
var self = this, recentEvents = [], subscribers = new core.EventNotifier([eventName]);
function listenEvent(eventTarget, eventType, eventHandler) {
var onVariant, bound = false;
onVariant = "on" + eventType;
if (eventTarget.attachEvent) {
eventTarget.attachEvent(onVariant, eventHandler);
bound = true;
if (!bound && eventTarget.addEventListener) {
eventTarget.addEventListener(eventType, eventHandler, false);
bound = true;
if ((!bound || bindToDirectHandler[eventType]) && eventTarget.hasOwnProperty(onVariant)) {
eventTarget[onVariant] = eventHandler;
function removeEvent(eventTarget, eventType, eventHandler) {
var onVariant = "on" + eventType;
if (eventTarget.detachEvent) {
eventTarget.detachEvent(onVariant, eventHandler);
if (eventTarget.removeEventListener) {
eventTarget.removeEventListener(eventType, eventHandler, false);
if (eventTarget[onVariant] === eventHandler) {
eventTarget[onVariant] = null;
function handleEvent(e) {
if (recentEvents.indexOf(e) === -1) {
if (self.filters.every(function(filter) {
return filter(e);
})) {
try {
subscribers.emit(eventName, e);
} catch (err) {
runtime.log("Error occurred while processing " + eventName + ":\n" + err.message + "\n" + err.stack);
runtime.setTimeout(function() {
recentEvents.splice(recentEvents.indexOf(e), 1);
}, 0);
this.filters = [];
this.subscribe = function(cb) {
subscribers.subscribe(eventName, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(cb) {
subscribers.unsubscribe(eventName, cb);
this.destroy = function() {
removeEvent(window, eventName, handleEvent);
removeEvent(eventTrap, eventName, handleEvent);
removeEvent(canvasElement, eventName, handleEvent);
function init() {
if (bindToWindow[eventName]) {
listenEvent(window, eventName, handleEvent);
listenEvent(eventTrap, eventName, handleEvent);
listenEvent(canvasElement, eventName, handleEvent);
function CompoundEvent(eventName, dependencies, eventProxy) {
var cachedState = {}, subscribers = new core.EventNotifier([eventName]);
function subscribedProxy(event) {
eventProxy(event, cachedState, function(compoundEventInstance) {
compoundEventInstance.type = eventName;
subscribers.emit(eventName, compoundEventInstance);
this.subscribe = function(cb) {
subscribers.subscribe(eventName, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(cb) {
subscribers.unsubscribe(eventName, cb);
this.destroy = function() {
dependencies.forEach(function(eventName) {
eventManager.unsubscribe(eventName, subscribedProxy);
function init() {
dependencies.forEach(function(eventName) {
eventManager.subscribe(eventName, subscribedProxy);
function clearTimeout(timer) {
delete longPressTimers[timer];
function setTimeout(fn, duration) {
var timer = runtime.setTimeout(function() {
}, duration);
longPressTimers[timer] = true;
return timer;
function getTarget(e) {
return e.target || e.srcElement || null;
function emitLongPressEvent(event, cachedState, callback) {
var touchEvent = event, fingers = touchEvent.touches.length, touch = touchEvent.touches[0], timer = cachedState.timer;
if (event.type === "touchmove" || event.type === "touchend") {
if (timer) {
} else {
if (event.type === "touchstart") {
if (fingers !== 1) {
} else {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
callback({clientX:touch.clientX, clientY:touch.clientY, pageX:touch.pageX, pageY:touch.pageY, target:getTarget(event), detail:1});
cachedState.timer = timer;
function emitDragEvent(event, cachedState, callback) {
var touchEvent = event, fingers = touchEvent.touches.length, touch = touchEvent.touches[0], target = getTarget(event), cachedTarget = cachedState.target;
if (fingers !== 1 || event.type === "touchend") {
cachedTarget = null;
} else {
if (event.type === "touchstart" && target.getAttribute("class") === "webodf-draggable") {
cachedTarget = target;
} else {
if (event.type === "touchmove" && cachedTarget) {
callback({clientX:touch.clientX, clientY:touch.clientY, pageX:touch.pageX, pageY:touch.pageY, target:cachedTarget, detail:1});
cachedState.target = cachedTarget;
function emitDragStopEvent(event, cachedState, callback) {
var touchEvent = event, target = getTarget(event), touch, dragging = cachedState.dragging;
if (event.type === "drag") {
dragging = true;
} else {
if (event.type === "touchend" && dragging) {
dragging = false;
touch = touchEvent.changedTouches[0];
callback({clientX:touch.clientX, clientY:touch.clientY, pageX:touch.pageX, pageY:touch.pageY, target:target, detail:1});
cachedState.dragging = dragging;
function declareTouchEnabled() {
eventManager.unsubscribe("touchstart", declareTouchEnabled);
function WindowScrollState(window) {
var x = window.scrollX, y = window.scrollY;
this.restore = function() {
if (window.scrollX !== x || window.scrollY !== y) {
window.scrollTo(x, y);
function ElementScrollState(element) {
var top = element.scrollTop, left = element.scrollLeft;
this.restore = function() {
if (element.scrollTop !== top || element.scrollLeft !== left) {
element.scrollTop = top;
element.scrollLeft = left;
function getDelegateForEvent(eventName, shouldCreate) {
var delegate = eventDelegates[eventName] || compoundEvents[eventName] || null;
if (!delegate && shouldCreate) {
delegate = eventDelegates[eventName] = new EventDelegate(eventName);
return delegate;
this.addFilter = function(eventName, filter) {
var delegate = getDelegateForEvent(eventName, true);
this.removeFilter = function(eventName, filter) {
var delegate = getDelegateForEvent(eventName, true), index = delegate.filters.indexOf(filter);
if (index !== -1) {
delegate.filters.splice(index, 1);
function subscribe(eventName, handler) {
var delegate = getDelegateForEvent(eventName, true);
this.subscribe = subscribe;
function unsubscribe(eventName, handler) {
var delegate = getDelegateForEvent(eventName, false);
if (delegate) {
this.unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
function hasFocus() {
return odtDocument.getDOMDocument().activeElement === eventTrap;
this.hasFocus = hasFocus;
function disableTrapSelection() {
if (hasFocus()) {
eventTrap.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
function enableTrapSelection() {
function findScrollableParents(element) {
var scrollParents = [];
while (element) {
if (element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth || element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight) {
scrollParents.push(new ElementScrollState(element));
element = element.parentNode;
scrollParents.push(new WindowScrollState(window));
return scrollParents;
function focus() {
var scrollParents;
if (!hasFocus()) {
scrollParents = findScrollableParents(eventTrap);
scrollParents.forEach(function(scrollParent) {
this.focus = focus;
this.getEventTrap = function() {
return eventTrap;
this.setEditing = function(editable) {
var hadFocus = hasFocus();
if (hadFocus) {
if (editable) {
} else {
eventTrap.setAttribute("readOnly", "true");
if (hadFocus) {
this.destroy = function(callback) {
unsubscribe("touchstart", declareTouchEnabled);
Object.keys(longPressTimers).forEach(function(timer) {
clearTimeout(parseInt(timer, 10));
longPressTimers.length = 0;
Object.keys(compoundEvents).forEach(function(compoundEventName) {
compoundEvents = {};
unsubscribe("mousedown", disableTrapSelection);
unsubscribe("mouseup", enableTrapSelection);
unsubscribe("contextmenu", enableTrapSelection);
Object.keys(eventDelegates).forEach(function(eventName) {
eventDelegates = {};
function init() {
var sizerElement = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().getSizer(), doc = sizerElement.ownerDocument;
runtime.assert(Boolean(window), "EventManager requires a window object to operate correctly");
eventTrap = doc.createElement("textarea");
eventTrap.id = "eventTrap";
eventTrap.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
eventTrap.setAttribute("readOnly", "true");
eventTrap.setAttribute("rows", "1");
subscribe("mousedown", disableTrapSelection);
subscribe("mouseup", enableTrapSelection);
subscribe("contextmenu", enableTrapSelection);
compoundEvents.longpress = new CompoundEvent("longpress", ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"], emitLongPressEvent);
compoundEvents.drag = new CompoundEvent("drag", ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend"], emitDragEvent);
compoundEvents.dragstop = new CompoundEvent("dragstop", ["drag", "touchend"], emitDragStopEvent);
subscribe("touchstart", declareTouchEnabled);
gui.IOSSafariSupport = function(eventManager) {
var window = runtime.getWindow(), eventTrap = eventManager.getEventTrap();
function suppressFocusScrollIfKeyboardOpen() {
if (window.innerHeight !== window.outerHeight) {
eventTrap.style.display = "none";
runtime.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
eventTrap.style.display = "block";
this.destroy = function(callback) {
eventManager.unsubscribe("focus", suppressFocusScrollIfKeyboardOpen);
eventTrap.style.WebkitTransform = "";
function init() {
eventManager.subscribe("focus", suppressFocusScrollIfKeyboardOpen);
eventTrap.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off");
eventTrap.style.WebkitTransform = "translateX(-10000px)";
gui.HyperlinkController = function HyperlinkController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId) {
var odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), eventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier([gui.HyperlinkController.enabledChanged]), isEnabled = false;
function updateEnabledState() {
var newIsEnabled = true;
if (sessionConstraints.getState(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE) === true) {
newIsEnabled = sessionContext.isLocalCursorWithinOwnAnnotation();
if (newIsEnabled !== isEnabled) {
isEnabled = newIsEnabled;
eventNotifier.emit(gui.HyperlinkController.enabledChanged, isEnabled);
function onCursorEvent(cursor) {
if (cursor.getMemberId() === inputMemberId) {
this.isEnabled = function() {
return isEnabled;
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
function addHyperlink(hyperlink, insertionText) {
if (!isEnabled) {
var selection = odtDocument.getCursorSelection(inputMemberId), op = new ops.OpApplyHyperlink, operations = [];
if (selection.length === 0 || insertionText) {
insertionText = insertionText || hyperlink;
op = new ops.OpInsertText;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:selection.position, text:insertionText});
selection.length = insertionText.length;
op = new ops.OpApplyHyperlink;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:selection.position, length:selection.length, hyperlink:hyperlink});
this.addHyperlink = addHyperlink;
function removeHyperlinks() {
if (!isEnabled) {
var iterator = odtDocument.createPositionIterator(odtDocument.getRootNode()), selectedRange = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getSelectedRange(), links = odfUtils.getHyperlinkElements(selectedRange), removeEntireLink = selectedRange.collapsed && links.length === 1, domRange = odtDocument.getDOMDocument().createRange(), operations = [], cursorRange, firstLink, lastLink, offset, op;
if (links.length === 0) {
links.forEach(function(link) {
cursorRange = odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange({anchorNode:domRange.startContainer, anchorOffset:domRange.startOffset, focusNode:domRange.endContainer, focusOffset:domRange.endOffset});
op = new ops.OpRemoveHyperlink;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:cursorRange.position, length:cursorRange.length});
if (!removeEntireLink) {
firstLink = links[0];
if (selectedRange.comparePoint(firstLink, 0) === -1) {
domRange.setStart(firstLink, 0);
domRange.setEnd(selectedRange.startContainer, selectedRange.startOffset);
cursorRange = odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange({anchorNode:domRange.startContainer, anchorOffset:domRange.startOffset, focusNode:domRange.endContainer, focusOffset:domRange.endOffset});
if (cursorRange.length > 0) {
op = new ops.OpApplyHyperlink;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:cursorRange.position, length:cursorRange.length, hyperlink:odfUtils.getHyperlinkTarget(firstLink)});
lastLink = links[links.length - 1];
offset = iterator.unfilteredDomOffset();
if (selectedRange.comparePoint(lastLink, offset) === 1) {
domRange.setStart(selectedRange.endContainer, selectedRange.endOffset);
domRange.setEnd(lastLink, offset);
cursorRange = odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange({anchorNode:domRange.startContainer, anchorOffset:domRange.startOffset, focusNode:domRange.endContainer, focusOffset:domRange.endOffset});
if (cursorRange.length > 0) {
op = new ops.OpApplyHyperlink;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:cursorRange.position, length:cursorRange.length, hyperlink:odfUtils.getHyperlinkTarget(lastLink)});
this.removeHyperlinks = removeHyperlinks;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.unsubscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.subscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
gui.HyperlinkController.enabledChanged = "enabled/changed";
gui.ImageController = function ImageController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId, objectNameGenerator) {
var fileExtensionByMimetype = {"image/gif":".gif", "image/jpeg":".jpg", "image/png":".png"}, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, formatting = odtDocument.getFormatting(), eventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier([gui.HyperlinkController.enabledChanged]), isEnabled = false;
function updateEnabledState() {
var newIsEnabled = true;
if (sessionConstraints.getState(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE) === true) {
newIsEnabled = sessionContext.isLocalCursorWithinOwnAnnotation();
if (newIsEnabled !== isEnabled) {
isEnabled = newIsEnabled;
eventNotifier.emit(gui.ImageController.enabledChanged, isEnabled);
function onCursorEvent(cursor) {
if (cursor.getMemberId() === inputMemberId) {
this.isEnabled = function() {
return isEnabled;
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
function createAddGraphicsStyleOp(name) {
var op = new ops.OpAddStyle;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, styleName:name, styleFamily:"graphic", isAutomaticStyle:false, setProperties:{"style:graphic-properties":{"text:anchor-type":"paragraph", "svg:x":"0cm", "svg:y":"0cm", "style:wrap":"dynamic", "style:number-wrapped-paragraphs":"no-limit", "style:wrap-contour":"false", "style:vertical-pos":"top", "style:vertical-rel":"paragraph", "style:horizontal-pos":"center", "style:horizontal-rel":"paragraph"}}});
return op;
function createAddFrameStyleOp(styleName, parentStyleName) {
var op = new ops.OpAddStyle;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, styleName:styleName, styleFamily:"graphic", isAutomaticStyle:true, setProperties:{"style:parent-style-name":parentStyleName, "style:graphic-properties":{"style:vertical-pos":"top", "style:vertical-rel":"baseline", "style:horizontal-pos":"center", "style:horizontal-rel":"paragraph", "fo:background-color":"transparent", "style:background-transparency":"100%", "style:shadow":"none", "style:mirror":"none", "fo:clip":"rect(0cm, 0cm, 0cm, 0cm)", "draw:luminance":"0%",
"draw:contrast":"0%", "draw:red":"0%", "draw:green":"0%", "draw:blue":"0%", "draw:gamma":"100%", "draw:color-inversion":"false", "draw:image-opacity":"100%", "draw:color-mode":"standard"}}});
return op;
function getFileExtension(mimetype) {
mimetype = mimetype.toLowerCase();
return fileExtensionByMimetype.hasOwnProperty(mimetype) ? fileExtensionByMimetype[mimetype] : null;
function insertImageInternal(mimetype, content, widthMeasure, heightMeasure) {
var graphicsStyleName = "Graphics", stylesElement = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().odfContainer().rootElement.styles, fileExtension = getFileExtension(mimetype), fileName, graphicsStyleElement, frameStyleName, op, operations = [];
runtime.assert(fileExtension !== null, "Image type is not supported: " + mimetype);
fileName = "Pictures/" + objectNameGenerator.generateImageName() + fileExtension;
op = new ops.OpSetBlob;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, filename:fileName, mimetype:mimetype, content:content});
graphicsStyleElement = formatting.getStyleElement(graphicsStyleName, "graphic", [stylesElement]);
if (!graphicsStyleElement) {
op = createAddGraphicsStyleOp(graphicsStyleName);
frameStyleName = objectNameGenerator.generateStyleName();
op = createAddFrameStyleOp(frameStyleName, graphicsStyleName);
op = new ops.OpInsertImage;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:odtDocument.getCursorPosition(inputMemberId), filename:fileName, frameWidth:widthMeasure, frameHeight:heightMeasure, frameStyleName:frameStyleName, frameName:objectNameGenerator.generateFrameName()});
function scaleToAvailableContentSize(originalSize, pageContentSize) {
var widthRatio = 1, heightRatio = 1, ratio;
if (originalSize.width > pageContentSize.width) {
widthRatio = pageContentSize.width / originalSize.width;
if (originalSize.height > pageContentSize.height) {
heightRatio = pageContentSize.height / originalSize.height;
ratio = Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio);
return {width:originalSize.width * ratio, height:originalSize.height * ratio};
this.insertImage = function(mimetype, content, widthInPx, heightInPx) {
if (!isEnabled) {
var paragraphElement, styleName, pageContentSize, imageSize, cssUnits = new core.CSSUnits;
runtime.assert(widthInPx > 0 && heightInPx > 0, "Both width and height of the image should be greater than 0px.");
imageSize = {width:widthInPx, height:heightInPx};
paragraphElement = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getNode());
styleName = paragraphElement.getAttributeNS(textns, "style-name");
if (styleName) {
pageContentSize = formatting.getContentSize(styleName, "paragraph");
imageSize = scaleToAvailableContentSize(imageSize, pageContentSize);
insertImageInternal(mimetype, content, cssUnits.convert(imageSize.width, "px", "cm") + "cm", cssUnits.convert(imageSize.height, "px", "cm") + "cm");
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.unsubscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.subscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
gui.ImageController.enabledChanged = "enabled/changed";
gui.ImageSelector = function ImageSelector(odfCanvas) {
var svgns = odf.Namespaces.svgns, imageSelectorId = "imageSelector", selectorBorderWidth = 1, squareClassNames = ["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomRight", "bottomLeft", "topMiddle", "rightMiddle", "bottomMiddle", "leftMiddle"], document = odfCanvas.getElement().ownerDocument, hasSelection = false;
function createSelectorElement() {
var sizerElement = odfCanvas.getSizer(), selectorElement = document.createElement("div");
selectorElement.id = "imageSelector";
selectorElement.style.borderWidth = selectorBorderWidth + "px";
function createDiv(className) {
var squareElement = document.createElement("div");
squareElement.className = className;
return selectorElement;
function getPosition(element, referenceElement) {
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(), refRect = referenceElement.getBoundingClientRect(), zoomLevel = odfCanvas.getZoomLevel();
return {left:(rect.left - refRect.left) / zoomLevel - selectorBorderWidth, top:(rect.top - refRect.top) / zoomLevel - selectorBorderWidth};
this.select = function(frameElement) {
var selectorElement = document.getElementById(imageSelectorId), position;
if (!selectorElement) {
selectorElement = createSelectorElement();
hasSelection = true;
position = getPosition(frameElement, selectorElement.parentNode);
selectorElement.style.display = "block";
selectorElement.style.left = position.left + "px";
selectorElement.style.top = position.top + "px";
selectorElement.style.width = frameElement.getAttributeNS(svgns, "width");
selectorElement.style.height = frameElement.getAttributeNS(svgns, "height");
this.clearSelection = function() {
var selectorElement;
if (hasSelection) {
selectorElement = document.getElementById(imageSelectorId);
if (selectorElement) {
selectorElement.style.display = "none";
hasSelection = false;
this.isSelectorElement = function(node) {
var selectorElement = document.getElementById(imageSelectorId);
if (!selectorElement) {
return false;
return node === selectorElement || node.parentNode === selectorElement;
(function() {
function DetectSafariCompositionError(eventManager) {
var lastCompositionValue, suppressedKeyPress = false;
function suppressIncorrectKeyPress(e) {
suppressedKeyPress = e.which && String.fromCharCode(e.which) === lastCompositionValue;
lastCompositionValue = undefined;
return suppressedKeyPress === false;
function clearSuppression() {
suppressedKeyPress = false;
function trapComposedValue(e) {
lastCompositionValue = e.data;
suppressedKeyPress = false;
function init() {
eventManager.subscribe("textInput", clearSuppression);
eventManager.subscribe("compositionend", trapComposedValue);
eventManager.addFilter("keypress", suppressIncorrectKeyPress);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
eventManager.unsubscribe("textInput", clearSuppression);
eventManager.unsubscribe("compositionend", trapComposedValue);
eventManager.removeFilter("keypress", suppressIncorrectKeyPress);
gui.InputMethodEditor = function InputMethodEditor(inputMemberId, eventManager) {
var cursorns = "urn:webodf:names:cursor", localCursor = null, eventTrap = eventManager.getEventTrap(), doc = eventTrap.ownerDocument, compositionElement, processUpdates, pendingEvent = false, pendingData = "", events = new core.EventNotifier([gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionStart, gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionEnd]), lastCompositionData, textSerializer, filters = [], cleanup, processingFocusEvent = false;
this.subscribe = events.subscribe;
this.unsubscribe = events.unsubscribe;
function setCursorComposing(state) {
if (localCursor) {
if (state) {
localCursor.getNode().setAttributeNS(cursorns, "composing", "true");
} else {
localCursor.getNode().removeAttributeNS(cursorns, "composing");
compositionElement.textContent = "";
function flushEvent() {
if (pendingEvent) {
pendingEvent = false;
events.emit(gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionEnd, {data:pendingData});
pendingData = "";
function addCompositionData(data) {
pendingEvent = true;
pendingData += data;
function synchronizeWindowSelection() {
if (processingFocusEvent) {
processingFocusEvent = true;
if (localCursor && localCursor.getSelectedRange().collapsed) {
eventTrap.value = "";
} else {
eventTrap.value = textSerializer.writeToString(localCursor.getSelectedRange().cloneContents());
eventTrap.setSelectionRange(0, eventTrap.value.length);
processingFocusEvent = false;
function handleCursorUpdated() {
if (eventManager.hasFocus()) {
function compositionStart() {
lastCompositionData = undefined;
if (!pendingEvent) {
events.emit(gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionStart, {data:""});
function compositionEnd(e) {
lastCompositionData = e.data;
function textInput(e) {
if (e.data !== lastCompositionData) {
lastCompositionData = undefined;
function synchronizeCompositionText() {
compositionElement.textContent = eventTrap.value;
this.registerCursor = function(cursor) {
if (cursor.getMemberId() === inputMemberId) {
localCursor = cursor;
cursor.subscribe(ops.OdtCursor.signalCursorUpdated, handleCursorUpdated);
eventManager.subscribe("input", synchronizeCompositionText);
eventManager.subscribe("compositionupdate", synchronizeCompositionText);
this.removeCursor = function(memberid) {
if (localCursor && memberid === inputMemberId) {
localCursor.unsubscribe(ops.OdtCursor.signalCursorUpdated, handleCursorUpdated);
eventManager.unsubscribe("input", synchronizeCompositionText);
eventManager.unsubscribe("compositionupdate", synchronizeCompositionText);
localCursor = null;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
eventManager.unsubscribe("compositionstart", compositionStart);
eventManager.unsubscribe("compositionend", compositionEnd);
eventManager.unsubscribe("textInput", textInput);
eventManager.unsubscribe("keypress", flushEvent);
eventManager.unsubscribe("focus", synchronizeWindowSelection);
core.Async.destroyAll(cleanup, callback);
function init() {
textSerializer = new odf.TextSerializer;
textSerializer.filter = new odf.OdfNodeFilter;
eventManager.subscribe("compositionstart", compositionStart);
eventManager.subscribe("compositionend", compositionEnd);
eventManager.subscribe("textInput", textInput);
eventManager.subscribe("keypress", flushEvent);
eventManager.subscribe("focus", synchronizeWindowSelection);
filters.push(new DetectSafariCompositionError(eventManager));
function getDestroy(filter) {
return filter.destroy;
cleanup = filters.map(getDestroy);
compositionElement = doc.createElement("span");
compositionElement.setAttribute("id", "composer");
processUpdates = core.Task.createTimeoutTask(synchronizeWindowSelection, 1);
gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionStart = "input/compositionstart";
gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionEnd = "input/compositionend";
gui.MetadataController = function MetadataController(session, inputMemberId) {
var odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), eventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier([gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged]), readonlyProperties = ["dc:creator", "dc:date", "meta:editing-cycles", "meta:editing-duration", "meta:document-statistic"];
function onMetadataUpdated(changes) {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged, changes);
function isWriteableMetadata(property) {
var isWriteable = readonlyProperties.indexOf(property) === -1;
if (!isWriteable) {
runtime.log("Setting " + property + " is restricted.");
return isWriteable;
this.setMetadata = function(setProperties, removedProperties) {
var filteredSetProperties = {}, filteredRemovedProperties = "", op;
if (setProperties) {
Object.keys(setProperties).filter(isWriteableMetadata).forEach(function(property) {
filteredSetProperties[property] = setProperties[property];
if (removedProperties) {
filteredRemovedProperties = removedProperties.filter(isWriteableMetadata).join(",");
if (filteredRemovedProperties.length > 0 || Object.keys(filteredSetProperties).length > 0) {
op = new ops.OpUpdateMetadata;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, setProperties:filteredSetProperties, removedProperties:filteredRemovedProperties.length > 0 ? {attributes:filteredRemovedProperties} : null});
this.getMetadata = function(property) {
var namespaceUri, parts;
runtime.assert(typeof property === "string", "Property must be a string");
parts = property.split(":");
runtime.assert(parts.length === 2, "Property must be a namespace-prefixed string");
namespaceUri = odf.Namespaces.lookupNamespaceURI(parts[0]);
runtime.assert(Boolean(namespaceUri), "Prefix must be for an ODF namespace.");
return odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().odfContainer().getMetadata(namespaceUri, parts[1]);
this.subscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.subscribe(eventid, cb);
this.unsubscribe = function(eventid, cb) {
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(eventid, cb);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalMetadataUpdated, onMetadataUpdated);
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalMetadataUpdated, onMetadataUpdated);
gui.MetadataController.signalMetadataChanged = "metadata/changed";
gui.PasteController = function PasteController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId) {
var odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), isEnabled = false, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
function updateEnabledState() {
if (sessionConstraints.getState(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE) === true) {
isEnabled = sessionContext.isLocalCursorWithinOwnAnnotation();
} else {
isEnabled = true;
function onCursorEvent(cursor) {
if (cursor.getMemberId() === inputMemberId) {
this.isEnabled = function() {
return isEnabled;
this.paste = function(data) {
if (!isEnabled) {
var originalCursorPosition = odtDocument.getCursorPosition(inputMemberId), cursorNode = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getNode(), originalParagraph = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(cursorNode), paragraphStyle = originalParagraph.getAttributeNS(textns, "style-name") || "", cursorPosition = originalCursorPosition, operations = [], currentParagraphStartPosition = odtDocument.convertDomPointToCursorStep(originalParagraph, 0, NEXT), paragraphs;
paragraphs = data.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
paragraphs.forEach(function(text) {
var insertTextOp = new ops.OpInsertText, splitParagraphOp = new ops.OpSplitParagraph;
insertTextOp.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:cursorPosition, text:text, moveCursor:true});
cursorPosition += text.length;
splitParagraphOp.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:cursorPosition, paragraphStyleName:paragraphStyle, sourceParagraphPosition:currentParagraphStartPosition, moveCursor:true});
cursorPosition += 1;
currentParagraphStartPosition = cursorPosition;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.unsubscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.subscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
gui.ClosestXOffsetScanner = function(offset) {
var self = this, closestDiff, LEFT_TO_RIGHT = gui.StepInfo.VisualDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
this.token = undefined;
function isFurtherFromOffset(edgeOffset) {
if (edgeOffset !== null && closestDiff !== undefined) {
return Math.abs(edgeOffset - offset) > closestDiff;
return false;
function updateDiffIfSmaller(edge) {
if (edge !== null && isFurtherFromOffset(edge) === false) {
closestDiff = Math.abs(edge - offset);
this.process = function(stepInfo, previousRect, nextRect) {
var edge1, edge2;
if (stepInfo.visualDirection === LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
edge1 = previousRect && previousRect.right;
edge2 = nextRect && nextRect.left;
} else {
edge1 = previousRect && previousRect.left;
edge2 = nextRect && nextRect.right;
if (isFurtherFromOffset(edge1) || isFurtherFromOffset(edge2)) {
return true;
if (previousRect || nextRect) {
self.token = stepInfo.token;
return false;
gui.LineBoundaryScanner = function() {
var self = this, lineRect = null, MIN_OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = .4;
function verticalOverlapPercent(rect1, rect2) {
var rect1Height = rect1.bottom - rect1.top, rect2Height = rect2.bottom - rect2.top, minRectHeight = Math.min(rect1Height, rect2Height), intersectTop = Math.max(rect1.top, rect2.top), intersectBottom = Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom), overlapHeight = intersectBottom - intersectTop;
return minRectHeight > 0 ? overlapHeight / minRectHeight : 0;
function isLineBoundary(nextRect) {
if (lineRect) {
return verticalOverlapPercent(lineRect, nextRect) <= MIN_OVERLAP_THRESHOLD;
return false;
function combineRects(rect1, rect2) {
return {left:Math.min(rect1.left, rect2.left), right:Math.max(rect1.right, rect2.right), top:Math.min(rect1.top, rect2.top), bottom:Math.min(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom)};
function growRect(originalRect, newRect) {
if (originalRect && newRect) {
return combineRects(originalRect, newRect);
return originalRect || newRect;
this.token = undefined;
this.process = function(stepInfo, previousRect, nextRect) {
var isOverLineBoundary = nextRect && isLineBoundary(nextRect);
if (previousRect && (!nextRect || isOverLineBoundary)) {
self.token = stepInfo.token;
if (isOverLineBoundary) {
return true;
lineRect = growRect(lineRect, previousRect);
return false;
gui.ParagraphBoundaryScanner = function() {
var self = this, isInitialised = false, lastParagraph, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils;
this.token = undefined;
this.process = function(stepInfo) {
var currentParagraph = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(stepInfo.container());
if (!isInitialised) {
lastParagraph = currentParagraph;
isInitialised = true;
if (lastParagraph !== currentParagraph) {
return true;
self.token = stepInfo.token;
return false;
odf.WordBoundaryFilter = function WordBoundaryFilter(odtDocument, includeWhitespace) {
var TEXT_NODE = Node.TEXT_NODE, ELEMENT_NODE = Node.ELEMENT_NODE, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, punctuation = /[!-#%-*,-\/:-;?-@\[-\]_{}\u00a1\u00ab\u00b7\u00bb\u00bf;\u00b7\u055a-\u055f\u0589-\u058a\u05be\u05c0\u05c3\u05c6\u05f3-\u05f4\u0609-\u060a\u060c-\u060d\u061b\u061e-\u061f\u066a-\u066d\u06d4\u0700-\u070d\u07f7-\u07f9\u0964-\u0965\u0970\u0df4\u0e4f\u0e5a-\u0e5b\u0f04-\u0f12\u0f3a-\u0f3d\u0f85\u0fd0-\u0fd4\u104a-\u104f\u10fb\u1361-\u1368\u166d-\u166e\u169b-\u169c\u16eb-\u16ed\u1735-\u1736\u17d4-\u17d6\u17d8-\u17da\u1800-\u180a\u1944-\u1945\u19de-\u19df\u1a1e-\u1a1f\u1b5a-\u1b60\u1c3b-\u1c3f\u1c7e-\u1c7f\u2000-\u206e\u207d-\u207e\u208d-\u208e\u3008-\u3009\u2768-\u2775\u27c5-\u27c6\u27e6-\u27ef\u2983-\u2998\u29d8-\u29db\u29fc-\u29fd\u2cf9-\u2cfc\u2cfe-\u2cff\u2e00-\u2e7e\u3000-\u303f\u30a0\u30fb\ua60d-\ua60f\ua673\ua67e\ua874-\ua877\ua8ce-\ua8cf\ua92e-\ua92f\ua95f\uaa5c-\uaa5f\ufd3e-\ufd3f\ufe10-\ufe19\ufe30-\ufe52\ufe54-\ufe61\ufe63\ufe68\ufe6a-\ufe6b\uff01-\uff03\uff05-\uff0a\uff0c-\uff0f\uff1a-\uff1b\uff1f-\uff20\uff3b-\uff3d\uff3f\uff5b\uff5d\uff5f-\uff65]|\ud800[\udd00-\udd01\udf9f\udfd0]|\ud802[\udd1f\udd3f\ude50-\ude58]|\ud809[\udc00-\udc7e]/,
spacing = /\s/, FILTER_ACCEPT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_ACCEPT, FILTER_REJECT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_REJECT, TRAILING = odf.WordBoundaryFilter.IncludeWhitespace.TRAILING, LEADING = odf.WordBoundaryFilter.IncludeWhitespace.LEADING, NeighborType = {NO_NEIGHBOUR:0, SPACE_CHAR:1, PUNCTUATION_CHAR:2, WORD_CHAR:3, OTHER:4};
function findHigherNeighborNode(node, direction, nodeFilter) {
var neighboringNode = null, rootNode = odtDocument.getRootNode(), unfilteredCandidate;
while (node !== rootNode && node !== null && neighboringNode === null) {
unfilteredCandidate = direction < 0 ? node.previousSibling : node.nextSibling;
if (nodeFilter(unfilteredCandidate) === NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT) {
neighboringNode = unfilteredCandidate;
node = node.parentNode;
return neighboringNode;
function typeOfNeighbor(node, getOffset) {
var neighboringChar;
if (node === null) {
return NeighborType.NO_NEIGHBOUR;
if (odfUtils.isCharacterElement(node)) {
return NeighborType.SPACE_CHAR;
if (node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE || odfUtils.isTextSpan(node) || odfUtils.isHyperlink(node)) {
neighboringChar = node.textContent.charAt(getOffset());
if (spacing.test(neighboringChar)) {
return NeighborType.SPACE_CHAR;
if (punctuation.test(neighboringChar)) {
return NeighborType.PUNCTUATION_CHAR;
return NeighborType.WORD_CHAR;
return NeighborType.OTHER;
this.acceptPosition = function(iterator) {
var container = iterator.container(), leftNode = iterator.leftNode(), rightNode = iterator.rightNode(), getRightCharOffset = iterator.unfilteredDomOffset, getLeftCharOffset = function() {
return iterator.unfilteredDomOffset() - 1;
}, leftNeighborType, rightNeighborType;
if (container.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (rightNode === null) {
rightNode = findHigherNeighborNode(container, 1, iterator.getNodeFilter());
if (leftNode === null) {
leftNode = findHigherNeighborNode(container, -1, iterator.getNodeFilter());
if (container !== rightNode) {
getRightCharOffset = function() {
return 0;
if (container !== leftNode && leftNode !== null) {
getLeftCharOffset = function() {
return leftNode.textContent.length - 1;
leftNeighborType = typeOfNeighbor(leftNode, getLeftCharOffset);
rightNeighborType = typeOfNeighbor(rightNode, getRightCharOffset);
if (leftNeighborType === NeighborType.WORD_CHAR && rightNeighborType === NeighborType.WORD_CHAR || leftNeighborType === NeighborType.PUNCTUATION_CHAR && rightNeighborType === NeighborType.PUNCTUATION_CHAR || includeWhitespace === TRAILING && leftNeighborType !== NeighborType.NO_NEIGHBOUR && rightNeighborType === NeighborType.SPACE_CHAR || includeWhitespace === LEADING && leftNeighborType === NeighborType.SPACE_CHAR && rightNeighborType !== NeighborType.NO_NEIGHBOUR) {
odf.WordBoundaryFilter.IncludeWhitespace = {None:0, TRAILING:1, LEADING:2};
gui.SelectionController = function SelectionController(session, inputMemberId) {
var odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), domUtils = core.DomUtils, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, baseFilter = odtDocument.getPositionFilter(), guiStepUtils = new gui.GuiStepUtils, rootFilter = odtDocument.createRootFilter(inputMemberId), caretXPositionLocator = null, lastXPosition, resetLastXPositionTask, TRAILING_SPACE = odf.WordBoundaryFilter.IncludeWhitespace.TRAILING, LEADING_SPACE = odf.WordBoundaryFilter.IncludeWhitespace.LEADING, PREVIOUS = core.StepDirection.PREVIOUS, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT,
function resetLastXPosition(op) {
var opspec = op.spec();
if (op.isEdit || opspec.memberid === inputMemberId) {
lastXPosition = undefined;
function createKeyboardStepIterator() {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), node = cursor.getNode();
return odtDocument.createStepIterator(node, 0, [baseFilter, rootFilter], odtDocument.getRootElement(node));
function createWordBoundaryStepIterator(node, offset, includeWhitespace) {
var wordBoundaryFilter = new odf.WordBoundaryFilter(odtDocument, includeWhitespace), nodeRoot = odtDocument.getRootElement(node) || odtDocument.getRootNode(), nodeRootFilter = odtDocument.createRootFilter(nodeRoot);
return odtDocument.createStepIterator(node, offset, [baseFilter, nodeRootFilter, wordBoundaryFilter], nodeRoot);
function selectionToRange(selection) {
var hasForwardSelection = domUtils.comparePoints(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset, selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset) >= 0, range = selection.focusNode.ownerDocument.createRange();
if (hasForwardSelection) {
range.setStart(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset);
range.setEnd(selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset);
} else {
range.setStart(selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset);
range.setEnd(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset);
return {range:range, hasForwardSelection:hasForwardSelection};
this.selectionToRange = selectionToRange;
function rangeToSelection(range, hasForwardSelection) {
if (hasForwardSelection) {
return {anchorNode:range.startContainer, anchorOffset:range.startOffset, focusNode:range.endContainer, focusOffset:range.endOffset};
return {anchorNode:range.endContainer, anchorOffset:range.endOffset, focusNode:range.startContainer, focusOffset:range.startOffset};
this.rangeToSelection = rangeToSelection;
function createOpMoveCursor(position, length, selectionType) {
var op = new ops.OpMoveCursor;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:position, length:length || 0, selectionType:selectionType});
return op;
function moveCursorFocusPoint(focusNode, focusOffset, extend) {
var cursor, newSelection, newCursorSelection;
cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId);
newSelection = rangeToSelection(cursor.getSelectedRange(), cursor.hasForwardSelection());
newSelection.focusNode = focusNode;
newSelection.focusOffset = focusOffset;
if (!extend) {
newSelection.anchorNode = newSelection.focusNode;
newSelection.anchorOffset = newSelection.focusOffset;
newCursorSelection = odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange(newSelection);
session.enqueue([createOpMoveCursor(newCursorSelection.position, newCursorSelection.length)]);
function selectImage(frameNode) {
var frameRoot = odtDocument.getRootElement(frameNode), frameRootFilter = odtDocument.createRootFilter(frameRoot), stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(frameNode, 0, [frameRootFilter, odtDocument.getPositionFilter()], frameRoot), anchorNode, anchorOffset, newSelection, op;
if (!stepIterator.roundToPreviousStep()) {
runtime.assert(false, "No walkable position before frame");
anchorNode = stepIterator.container();
anchorOffset = stepIterator.offset();
stepIterator.setPosition(frameNode, frameNode.childNodes.length);
if (!stepIterator.roundToNextStep()) {
runtime.assert(false, "No walkable position after frame");
newSelection = odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange({anchorNode:anchorNode, anchorOffset:anchorOffset, focusNode:stepIterator.container(), focusOffset:stepIterator.offset()});
op = createOpMoveCursor(newSelection.position, newSelection.length, ops.OdtCursor.RegionSelection);
this.selectImage = selectImage;
function expandToWordBoundaries(range) {
var stepIterator;
stepIterator = createWordBoundaryStepIterator(range.startContainer, range.startOffset, TRAILING_SPACE);
if (stepIterator.roundToPreviousStep()) {
range.setStart(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
stepIterator = createWordBoundaryStepIterator(range.endContainer, range.endOffset, LEADING_SPACE);
if (stepIterator.roundToNextStep()) {
range.setEnd(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
this.expandToWordBoundaries = expandToWordBoundaries;
function expandToParagraphBoundaries(range) {
var paragraphs = odfUtils.getParagraphElements(range), startParagraph = paragraphs[0], endParagraph = paragraphs[paragraphs.length - 1];
if (startParagraph) {
range.setStart(startParagraph, 0);
if (endParagraph) {
if (odfUtils.isParagraph(range.endContainer) && range.endOffset === 0) {
} else {
range.setEnd(endParagraph, endParagraph.childNodes.length);
this.expandToParagraphBoundaries = expandToParagraphBoundaries;
function roundToClosestStep(root, filters, range, modifyStart) {
var stepIterator, node, offset;
if (modifyStart) {
node = range.startContainer;
offset = range.startOffset;
} else {
node = range.endContainer;
offset = range.endOffset;
if (!domUtils.containsNode(root, node)) {
if (domUtils.comparePoints(root, 0, node, offset) < 0) {
offset = 0;
} else {
offset = root.childNodes.length;
node = root;
stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(node, offset, filters, odfUtils.getParagraphElement(node) || root);
if (!stepIterator.roundToClosestStep()) {
runtime.assert(false, "No step found in requested range");
if (modifyStart) {
range.setStart(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
} else {
range.setEnd(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
function selectRange(range, hasForwardSelection, clickCount) {
var canvasElement = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().getElement(), validSelection, startInsideCanvas, endInsideCanvas, existingSelection, newSelection, anchorRoot, filters = [baseFilter], op;
startInsideCanvas = domUtils.containsNode(canvasElement, range.startContainer);
endInsideCanvas = domUtils.containsNode(canvasElement, range.endContainer);
if (!startInsideCanvas && !endInsideCanvas) {
if (startInsideCanvas && endInsideCanvas) {
if (clickCount === 2) {
} else {
if (clickCount >= 3) {
if (hasForwardSelection) {
anchorRoot = odtDocument.getRootElement(range.startContainer);
} else {
anchorRoot = odtDocument.getRootElement(range.endContainer);
if (!anchorRoot) {
anchorRoot = odtDocument.getRootNode();
roundToClosestStep(anchorRoot, filters, range, true);
roundToClosestStep(anchorRoot, filters, range, false);
validSelection = rangeToSelection(range, hasForwardSelection);
newSelection = odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange(validSelection);
existingSelection = odtDocument.getCursorSelection(inputMemberId);
if (newSelection.position !== existingSelection.position || newSelection.length !== existingSelection.length) {
op = createOpMoveCursor(newSelection.position, newSelection.length, ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection);
this.selectRange = selectRange;
function moveCursor(direction, extend) {
var stepIterator = createKeyboardStepIterator();
if (stepIterator.advanceStep(direction)) {
moveCursorFocusPoint(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset(), extend);
function moveCursorToLeft() {
moveCursor(PREVIOUS, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorToLeft = moveCursorToLeft;
function moveCursorToRight() {
moveCursor(NEXT, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorToRight = moveCursorToRight;
function extendSelectionToLeft() {
moveCursor(PREVIOUS, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToLeft = extendSelectionToLeft;
function extendSelectionToRight() {
moveCursor(NEXT, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToRight = extendSelectionToRight;
this.setCaretXPositionLocator = function(locator) {
caretXPositionLocator = locator;
function moveCursorByLine(direction, extend) {
var stepIterator, currentX = lastXPosition, stepScanners = [new gui.LineBoundaryScanner, new gui.ParagraphBoundaryScanner];
if (currentX === undefined && caretXPositionLocator) {
currentX = caretXPositionLocator();
if (isNaN(currentX)) {
stepIterator = createKeyboardStepIterator();
if (!guiStepUtils.moveToFilteredStep(stepIterator, direction, stepScanners)) {
if (!stepIterator.advanceStep(direction)) {
stepScanners = [new gui.ClosestXOffsetScanner(currentX), new gui.LineBoundaryScanner, new gui.ParagraphBoundaryScanner];
if (guiStepUtils.moveToFilteredStep(stepIterator, direction, stepScanners)) {
moveCursorFocusPoint(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset(), extend);
lastXPosition = currentX;
function moveCursorUp() {
moveCursorByLine(PREVIOUS, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorUp = moveCursorUp;
function moveCursorDown() {
moveCursorByLine(NEXT, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorDown = moveCursorDown;
function extendSelectionUp() {
moveCursorByLine(PREVIOUS, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionUp = extendSelectionUp;
function extendSelectionDown() {
moveCursorByLine(NEXT, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionDown = extendSelectionDown;
function moveCursorToLineBoundary(direction, extend) {
var stepIterator = createKeyboardStepIterator(), stepScanners = [new gui.LineBoundaryScanner, new gui.ParagraphBoundaryScanner];
if (guiStepUtils.moveToFilteredStep(stepIterator, direction, stepScanners)) {
moveCursorFocusPoint(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset(), extend);
function moveCursorByWord(direction, extend) {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), newSelection = rangeToSelection(cursor.getSelectedRange(), cursor.hasForwardSelection()), stepIterator = createWordBoundaryStepIterator(newSelection.focusNode, newSelection.focusOffset, TRAILING_SPACE);
if (stepIterator.advanceStep(direction)) {
moveCursorFocusPoint(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset(), extend);
function moveCursorBeforeWord() {
moveCursorByWord(PREVIOUS, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorBeforeWord = moveCursorBeforeWord;
function moveCursorPastWord() {
moveCursorByWord(NEXT, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorPastWord = moveCursorPastWord;
function extendSelectionBeforeWord() {
moveCursorByWord(PREVIOUS, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionBeforeWord = extendSelectionBeforeWord;
function extendSelectionPastWord() {
moveCursorByWord(NEXT, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionPastWord = extendSelectionPastWord;
function moveCursorToLineStart() {
moveCursorToLineBoundary(PREVIOUS, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorToLineStart = moveCursorToLineStart;
function moveCursorToLineEnd() {
moveCursorToLineBoundary(NEXT, false);
return true;
this.moveCursorToLineEnd = moveCursorToLineEnd;
function extendSelectionToLineStart() {
moveCursorToLineBoundary(PREVIOUS, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToLineStart = extendSelectionToLineStart;
function extendSelectionToLineEnd() {
moveCursorToLineBoundary(NEXT, true);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToLineEnd = extendSelectionToLineEnd;
function adjustSelectionByNode(direction, extend, getContainmentNode) {
var validStepFound = false, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), containmentNode, selection = rangeToSelection(cursor.getSelectedRange(), cursor.hasForwardSelection()), rootElement = odtDocument.getRootElement(selection.focusNode), stepIterator;
runtime.assert(Boolean(rootElement), "SelectionController: Cursor outside root");
stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset, [baseFilter, rootFilter], rootElement);
if (!stepIterator.advanceStep(direction)) {
containmentNode = getContainmentNode(stepIterator.container());
if (!containmentNode) {
if (direction === PREVIOUS) {
stepIterator.setPosition(containmentNode, 0);
validStepFound = stepIterator.roundToNextStep();
} else {
stepIterator.setPosition(containmentNode, containmentNode.childNodes.length);
validStepFound = stepIterator.roundToPreviousStep();
if (validStepFound) {
moveCursorFocusPoint(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset(), extend);
this.extendSelectionToParagraphStart = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(PREVIOUS, true, odfUtils.getParagraphElement);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToParagraphEnd = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(NEXT, true, odfUtils.getParagraphElement);
return true;
this.moveCursorToParagraphStart = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(PREVIOUS, false, odfUtils.getParagraphElement);
return true;
this.moveCursorToParagraphEnd = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(NEXT, false, odfUtils.getParagraphElement);
return true;
this.moveCursorToDocumentStart = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(PREVIOUS, false, odtDocument.getRootElement);
return true;
this.moveCursorToDocumentEnd = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(NEXT, false, odtDocument.getRootElement);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToDocumentStart = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(PREVIOUS, true, odtDocument.getRootElement);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToDocumentEnd = function() {
adjustSelectionByNode(NEXT, true, odtDocument.getRootElement);
return true;
function extendSelectionToEntireDocument() {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), rootElement = odtDocument.getRootElement(cursor.getNode()), anchorNode, anchorOffset, stepIterator, newCursorSelection;
runtime.assert(Boolean(rootElement), "SelectionController: Cursor outside root");
stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(rootElement, 0, [baseFilter, rootFilter], rootElement);
anchorNode = stepIterator.container();
anchorOffset = stepIterator.offset();
stepIterator.setPosition(rootElement, rootElement.childNodes.length);
newCursorSelection = odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange({anchorNode:anchorNode, anchorOffset:anchorOffset, focusNode:stepIterator.container(), focusOffset:stepIterator.offset()});
session.enqueue([createOpMoveCursor(newCursorSelection.position, newCursorSelection.length)]);
return true;
this.extendSelectionToEntireDocument = extendSelectionToEntireDocument;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationStart, resetLastXPosition);
core.Async.destroyAll([resetLastXPositionTask.destroy], callback);
function init() {
resetLastXPositionTask = core.Task.createTimeoutTask(function() {
lastXPosition = undefined;
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationStart, resetLastXPosition);
gui.TextController = function TextController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId, directStyleOp, paragraphStyleOps) {
var odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils, BACKWARD = false, FORWARD = true, isEnabled = false, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, NEXT = core.StepDirection.NEXT;
function updateEnabledState() {
if (sessionConstraints.getState(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE) === true) {
isEnabled = sessionContext.isLocalCursorWithinOwnAnnotation();
} else {
isEnabled = true;
function onCursorEvent(cursor) {
if (cursor.getMemberId() === inputMemberId) {
this.isEnabled = function() {
return isEnabled;
function domToCursorRange(range, subTree, withRootFilter) {
var filters = [odtDocument.getPositionFilter()], startStep, endStep, stepIterator;
if (withRootFilter) {
stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(range.startContainer, range.startOffset, filters, subTree);
if (!stepIterator.roundToClosestStep()) {
runtime.assert(false, "No walkable step found in paragraph element at range start");
startStep = odtDocument.convertDomPointToCursorStep(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
if (range.collapsed) {
endStep = startStep;
} else {
stepIterator.setPosition(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
if (!stepIterator.roundToClosestStep()) {
runtime.assert(false, "No walkable step found in paragraph element at range end");
endStep = odtDocument.convertDomPointToCursorStep(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
return {position:startStep, length:endStep - startStep};
function createRemoveSelectionOps(range) {
var firstParagraph, lastParagraph, mergedParagraphStyleName, previousParagraphStart, paragraphs = odfUtils.getParagraphElements(range), paragraphRange = range.cloneRange(), operations = [];
firstParagraph = paragraphs[0];
if (paragraphs.length > 1) {
if (odfUtils.hasNoODFContent(firstParagraph)) {
lastParagraph = paragraphs[paragraphs.length - 1];
mergedParagraphStyleName = lastParagraph.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "style-name") || "";
} else {
mergedParagraphStyleName = firstParagraph.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.textns, "style-name") || "";
paragraphs.forEach(function(paragraph, index) {
var paragraphStart, removeLimits, intersectionRange, removeOp, mergeOp;
paragraphRange.setStart(paragraph, 0);
paragraphStart = domToCursorRange(paragraphRange, paragraph, false).position;
if (index > 0) {
mergeOp = new ops.OpMergeParagraph;
mergeOp.init({memberid:inputMemberId, paragraphStyleName:mergedParagraphStyleName, destinationStartPosition:previousParagraphStart, sourceStartPosition:paragraphStart, moveCursor:index === 1});
previousParagraphStart = paragraphStart;
intersectionRange = domUtils.rangeIntersection(paragraphRange, range);
if (intersectionRange) {
removeLimits = domToCursorRange(intersectionRange, paragraph, true);
if (removeLimits.length > 0) {
removeOp = new ops.OpRemoveText;
removeOp.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:removeLimits.position, length:removeLimits.length});
return operations;
function toForwardSelection(selection) {
if (selection.length < 0) {
selection.position += selection.length;
selection.length = -selection.length;
return selection;
this.enqueueParagraphSplittingOps = function() {
if (!isEnabled) {
return false;
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), range = cursor.getSelectedRange(), selection = toForwardSelection(odtDocument.getCursorSelection(inputMemberId)), op, operations = [], styleOps, originalParagraph = odfUtils.getParagraphElement(cursor.getNode()), paragraphStyle = originalParagraph.getAttributeNS(textns, "style-name") || "";
if (selection.length > 0) {
operations = operations.concat(createRemoveSelectionOps(range));
op = new ops.OpSplitParagraph;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:selection.position, paragraphStyleName:paragraphStyle, sourceParagraphPosition:odtDocument.convertDomPointToCursorStep(originalParagraph, 0, NEXT), moveCursor:true});
if (paragraphStyleOps) {
styleOps = paragraphStyleOps(selection.position + 1);
operations = operations.concat(styleOps);
return true;
function createStepIterator(cursorNode) {
var cursorRoot = odtDocument.getRootElement(cursorNode), filters = [odtDocument.getPositionFilter(), odtDocument.createRootFilter(cursorRoot)];
return odtDocument.createStepIterator(cursorNode, 0, filters, cursorRoot);
function removeTextInDirection(isForward) {
if (!isEnabled) {
return false;
var cursorNode, range = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getSelectedRange().cloneRange(), selection = toForwardSelection(odtDocument.getCursorSelection(inputMemberId)), stepIterator;
if (selection.length === 0) {
selection = undefined;
cursorNode = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getNode();
stepIterator = createStepIterator(cursorNode);
if (stepIterator.roundToClosestStep() && (isForward ? stepIterator.nextStep() : stepIterator.previousStep())) {
selection = toForwardSelection(odtDocument.convertDomToCursorRange({anchorNode:cursorNode, anchorOffset:0, focusNode:stepIterator.container(), focusOffset:stepIterator.offset()}));
if (isForward) {
range.setStart(cursorNode, 0);
range.setEnd(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
} else {
range.setStart(stepIterator.container(), stepIterator.offset());
range.setEnd(cursorNode, 0);
if (selection) {
return selection !== undefined;
this.removeTextByBackspaceKey = function() {
return removeTextInDirection(BACKWARD);
this.removeTextByDeleteKey = function() {
return removeTextInDirection(FORWARD);
this.removeCurrentSelection = function() {
if (!isEnabled) {
return false;
var range = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getSelectedRange();
return true;
function insertText(text) {
if (!isEnabled) {
var range = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getSelectedRange(), selection = toForwardSelection(odtDocument.getCursorSelection(inputMemberId)), op, stylingOp, operations = [], useCachedStyle = false;
if (selection.length > 0) {
operations = operations.concat(createRemoveSelectionOps(range));
useCachedStyle = true;
op = new ops.OpInsertText;
op.init({memberid:inputMemberId, position:selection.position, text:text, moveCursor:true});
if (directStyleOp) {
stylingOp = directStyleOp(selection.position, text.length, useCachedStyle);
if (stylingOp) {
this.insertText = insertText;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.unsubscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorEvent);
sessionConstraints.subscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.REVIEW_MODE, updateEnabledState);
gui.UndoManager = function UndoManager() {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.subscribe = function(signal, callback) {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.unsubscribe = function(signal, callback) {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.setDocument = function(newDocument) {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.setInitialState = function() {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.initialize = function() {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.purgeInitialState = function() {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.setPlaybackFunction = function(playback_func) {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.hasUndoStates = function() {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.hasRedoStates = function() {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.moveForward = function(states) {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.moveBackward = function(states) {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.onOperationExecuted = function(op) {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.isDocumentModified = function() {
gui.UndoManager.prototype.setDocumentModified = function(modified) {
gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStackChanged = "undoStackChanged";
gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStateCreated = "undoStateCreated";
gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStateModified = "undoStateModified";
gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged = "documentModifiedChanged";
gui.SessionControllerOptions = function() {
this.directTextStylingEnabled = false;
this.directParagraphStylingEnabled = false;
this.annotationsEnabled = false;
(function() {
var FILTER_ACCEPT = core.PositionFilter.FilterResult.FILTER_ACCEPT;
gui.SessionController = function SessionController(session, inputMemberId, shadowCursor, args) {
var window = runtime.getWindow(), odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument(), sessionConstraints = new gui.SessionConstraints, sessionContext = new gui.SessionContext(session, inputMemberId), domUtils = core.DomUtils, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, mimeDataExporter = new gui.MimeDataExporter, clipboard = new gui.Clipboard(mimeDataExporter), keyDownHandler = new gui.KeyboardHandler, keyPressHandler = new gui.KeyboardHandler, keyUpHandler = new gui.KeyboardHandler, clickStartedWithinCanvas = false, objectNameGenerator =
new odf.ObjectNameGenerator(odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().odfContainer(), inputMemberId), isMouseMoved = false, mouseDownRootFilter = null, handleMouseClickTimeoutId, undoManager = null, eventManager = new gui.EventManager(odtDocument), annotationsEnabled = args.annotationsEnabled, annotationController = new gui.AnnotationController(session, sessionConstraints, inputMemberId), directFormattingController = new gui.DirectFormattingController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId,
objectNameGenerator, args.directTextStylingEnabled, args.directParagraphStylingEnabled), createCursorStyleOp = directFormattingController.createCursorStyleOp, createParagraphStyleOps = directFormattingController.createParagraphStyleOps, textController = new gui.TextController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId, createCursorStyleOp, createParagraphStyleOps), imageController = new gui.ImageController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId, objectNameGenerator),
imageSelector = new gui.ImageSelector(odtDocument.getOdfCanvas()), shadowCursorIterator = odtDocument.createPositionIterator(odtDocument.getRootNode()), drawShadowCursorTask, redrawRegionSelectionTask, pasteController = new gui.PasteController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId), inputMethodEditor = new gui.InputMethodEditor(inputMemberId, eventManager), clickCount = 0, hyperlinkClickHandler = new gui.HyperlinkClickHandler(odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().getElement, keyDownHandler,
keyUpHandler), hyperlinkController = new gui.HyperlinkController(session, sessionConstraints, sessionContext, inputMemberId), selectionController = new gui.SelectionController(session, inputMemberId), metadataController = new gui.MetadataController(session, inputMemberId), modifier = gui.KeyboardHandler.Modifier, keyCode = gui.KeyboardHandler.KeyCode, isMacOS = window.navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") !== -1, isIOS = ["iPad", "iPod", "iPhone"].indexOf(window.navigator.platform) !==
-1, iOSSafariSupport;
runtime.assert(window !== null, "Expected to be run in an environment which has a global window, like a browser.");
function getTarget(e) {
return e.target || e.srcElement || null;
function cancelEvent(event) {
if (event.preventDefault) {
} else {
event.returnValue = false;
function caretPositionFromPoint(x, y) {
var doc = odtDocument.getDOMDocument(), c, result = null;
if (doc.caretRangeFromPoint) {
c = doc.caretRangeFromPoint(x, y);
result = {container:c.startContainer, offset:c.startOffset};
} else {
if (doc.caretPositionFromPoint) {
c = doc.caretPositionFromPoint(x, y);
if (c && c.offsetNode) {
result = {container:c.offsetNode, offset:c.offset};
return result;
function redrawRegionSelection() {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), imageElement;
if (cursor && cursor.getSelectionType() === ops.OdtCursor.RegionSelection) {
imageElement = odfUtils.getImageElements(cursor.getSelectedRange())[0];
if (imageElement) {
function stringFromKeyPress(event) {
if (event.which === null || event.which === undefined) {
return String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
if (event.which !== 0 && event.charCode !== 0) {
return String.fromCharCode(event.which);
return null;
function handleCut(e) {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), selectedRange = cursor.getSelectedRange();
if (selectedRange.collapsed) {
if (clipboard.setDataFromRange(e, selectedRange)) {
} else {
runtime.log("Cut operation failed");
function handleBeforeCut() {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), selectedRange = cursor.getSelectedRange();
return selectedRange.collapsed !== false;
function handleCopy(e) {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), selectedRange = cursor.getSelectedRange();
if (selectedRange.collapsed) {
if (!clipboard.setDataFromRange(e, selectedRange)) {
runtime.log("Copy operation failed");
function handlePaste(e) {
var plainText;
if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) {
plainText = window.clipboardData.getData("Text");
} else {
if (e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData) {
plainText = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
if (plainText) {
function handleBeforePaste() {
return false;
function updateUndoStack(op) {
if (undoManager) {
function forwardUndoStackChange(e) {
odtDocument.emit(ops.OdtDocument.signalUndoStackChanged, e);
function undo() {
var hadFocusBefore;
if (undoManager) {
hadFocusBefore = eventManager.hasFocus();
if (hadFocusBefore) {
return true;
return false;
this.undo = undo;
function redo() {
var hadFocusBefore;
if (undoManager) {
hadFocusBefore = eventManager.hasFocus();
if (hadFocusBefore) {
return true;
return false;
this.redo = redo;
function extendSelectionByDrag(event) {
var position, cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), selectedRange = cursor.getSelectedRange(), newSelectionRange, handleEnd = getTarget(event).getAttribute("end");
if (selectedRange && handleEnd) {
position = caretPositionFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
if (position) {
shadowCursorIterator.setUnfilteredPosition(position.container, position.offset);
if (mouseDownRootFilter.acceptPosition(shadowCursorIterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
newSelectionRange = selectedRange.cloneRange();
if (handleEnd === "left") {
newSelectionRange.setStart(shadowCursorIterator.container(), shadowCursorIterator.unfilteredDomOffset());
} else {
newSelectionRange.setEnd(shadowCursorIterator.container(), shadowCursorIterator.unfilteredDomOffset());
shadowCursor.setSelectedRange(newSelectionRange, handleEnd === "right");
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, shadowCursor);
function updateCursorSelection() {
selectionController.selectRange(shadowCursor.getSelectedRange(), shadowCursor.hasForwardSelection(), 1);
function updateShadowCursor() {
var selection = window.getSelection(), selectionRange = selection.rangeCount > 0 && selectionController.selectionToRange(selection);
if (clickStartedWithinCanvas && selectionRange) {
isMouseMoved = true;
shadowCursorIterator.setUnfilteredPosition(selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset);
if (mouseDownRootFilter.acceptPosition(shadowCursorIterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
if (clickCount === 2) {
} else {
if (clickCount >= 3) {
shadowCursor.setSelectedRange(selectionRange.range, selectionRange.hasForwardSelection);
odtDocument.emit(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, shadowCursor);
function synchronizeWindowSelection(cursor) {
var selection = window.getSelection(), range = cursor.getSelectedRange();
if (selection.extend) {
if (cursor.hasForwardSelection()) {
selection.collapse(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
selection.extend(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
} else {
selection.collapse(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
selection.extend(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
} else {
function computeClickCount(event) {
return event.button === 0 ? event.detail : 0;
function handleMouseDown(e) {
var target = getTarget(e), cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), rootNode;
clickStartedWithinCanvas = target !== null && domUtils.containsNode(odtDocument.getOdfCanvas().getElement(), target);
if (clickStartedWithinCanvas) {
isMouseMoved = false;
rootNode = odtDocument.getRootElement(target) || odtDocument.getRootNode();
mouseDownRootFilter = odtDocument.createRootFilter(rootNode);
clickCount = computeClickCount(e);
if (cursor && e.shiftKey) {
window.getSelection().collapse(cursor.getAnchorNode(), 0);
} else {
if (clickCount > 1) {
function mutableSelection(selection) {
if (selection) {
return {anchorNode:selection.anchorNode, anchorOffset:selection.anchorOffset, focusNode:selection.focusNode, focusOffset:selection.focusOffset};
return null;
function getNextWalkablePosition(node) {
var root = odtDocument.getRootElement(node), rootFilter = odtDocument.createRootFilter(root), stepIterator = odtDocument.createStepIterator(node, 0, [rootFilter, odtDocument.getPositionFilter()], root);
stepIterator.setPosition(node, node.childNodes.length);
if (!stepIterator.roundToNextStep()) {
return null;
return {container:stepIterator.container(), offset:stepIterator.offset()};
function moveByMouseClickEvent(event) {
var selection = mutableSelection(window.getSelection()), isCollapsed = window.getSelection().isCollapsed, position, selectionRange, rect, frameNode;
if (!selection.anchorNode && !selection.focusNode) {
position = caretPositionFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
if (position) {
selection.anchorNode = position.container;
selection.anchorOffset = position.offset;
selection.focusNode = selection.anchorNode;
selection.focusOffset = selection.anchorOffset;
if (odfUtils.isImage(selection.focusNode) && selection.focusOffset === 0 && odfUtils.isCharacterFrame(selection.focusNode.parentNode)) {
frameNode = selection.focusNode.parentNode;
rect = frameNode.getBoundingClientRect();
if (event.clientX > rect.left) {
position = getNextWalkablePosition(frameNode);
if (position) {
selection.focusNode = position.container;
selection.focusOffset = position.offset;
if (isCollapsed) {
selection.anchorNode = selection.focusNode;
selection.anchorOffset = selection.focusOffset;
} else {
if (odfUtils.isImage(selection.focusNode.firstChild) && selection.focusOffset === 1 && odfUtils.isCharacterFrame(selection.focusNode)) {
position = getNextWalkablePosition(selection.focusNode);
if (position) {
selection.anchorNode = selection.focusNode = position.container;
selection.anchorOffset = selection.focusOffset = position.offset;
if (selection.anchorNode && selection.focusNode) {
selectionRange = selectionController.selectionToRange(selection);
selectionController.selectRange(selectionRange.range, selectionRange.hasForwardSelection, computeClickCount(event));
function selectWordByLongPress(event) {
var selection, position, selectionRange, container, offset;
position = caretPositionFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
if (position) {
container = position.container;
offset = position.offset;
selection = {anchorNode:container, anchorOffset:offset, focusNode:container, focusOffset:offset};
selectionRange = selectionController.selectionToRange(selection);
selectionController.selectRange(selectionRange.range, selectionRange.hasForwardSelection, 2);
function handleMouseClickEvent(event) {
var target = getTarget(event), clickEvent, range, wasCollapsed, frameNode, pos;
if (clickStartedWithinCanvas) {
if (odfUtils.isImage(target) && odfUtils.isCharacterFrame(target.parentNode) && window.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
} else {
if (imageSelector.isSelectorElement(target)) {
} else {
if (isMouseMoved) {
range = shadowCursor.getSelectedRange();
wasCollapsed = range.collapsed;
if (odfUtils.isImage(range.endContainer) && range.endOffset === 0 && odfUtils.isCharacterFrame(range.endContainer.parentNode)) {
frameNode = range.endContainer.parentNode;
pos = getNextWalkablePosition(frameNode);
if (pos) {
range.setEnd(pos.container, pos.offset);
if (wasCollapsed) {
selectionController.selectRange(range, shadowCursor.hasForwardSelection(), computeClickCount(event));
} else {
if (isIOS) {
} else {
clickEvent = domUtils.cloneEvent(event);
handleMouseClickTimeoutId = runtime.setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
clickCount = 0;
clickStartedWithinCanvas = false;
isMouseMoved = false;
function handleDragStart(e) {
var cursor = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId), selectedRange = cursor.getSelectedRange();
if (selectedRange.collapsed) {
mimeDataExporter.exportRangeToDataTransfer(e.dataTransfer, selectedRange);
function handleDragEnd() {
if (clickStartedWithinCanvas) {
clickCount = 0;
clickStartedWithinCanvas = false;
isMouseMoved = false;
function handleContextMenu(e) {
function handleMouseUp(event) {
var target = getTarget(event), annotationNode = null;
if (target.className === "annotationRemoveButton") {
runtime.assert(annotationsEnabled, "Remove buttons are displayed on annotations while annotation editing is disabled in the controller.");
annotationNode = target.parentNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(odf.Namespaces.officens, "annotation").item(0);
} else {
if (target.getAttribute("class") !== "webodf-draggable") {
function insertNonEmptyData(e) {
var input = e.data;
if (input) {
if (input.indexOf("\n") === -1) {
} else {
function returnTrue(fn) {
return function() {
return true;
function rangeSelectionOnly(fn) {
function f(e) {
var selectionType = odtDocument.getCursor(inputMemberId).getSelectionType();
if (selectionType === ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection) {
return fn(e);
return true;
return f;
function insertLocalCursor() {
runtime.assert(session.getOdtDocument().getCursor(inputMemberId) === undefined, "Inserting local cursor a second time.");
var op = new ops.OpAddCursor;
this.insertLocalCursor = insertLocalCursor;
function removeLocalCursor() {
runtime.assert(session.getOdtDocument().getCursor(inputMemberId) !== undefined, "Removing local cursor without inserting before.");
var op = new ops.OpRemoveCursor;
this.removeLocalCursor = removeLocalCursor;
this.startEditing = function() {
inputMethodEditor.subscribe(gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionStart, textController.removeCurrentSelection);
inputMethodEditor.subscribe(gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionEnd, insertNonEmptyData);
eventManager.subscribe("beforecut", handleBeforeCut);
eventManager.subscribe("cut", handleCut);
eventManager.subscribe("beforepaste", handleBeforePaste);
eventManager.subscribe("paste", handlePaste);
if (undoManager) {
hyperlinkClickHandler.setModifier(isMacOS ? modifier.Meta : modifier.Ctrl);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Backspace, modifier.None, returnTrue(textController.removeTextByBackspaceKey), true);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Delete, modifier.None, textController.removeTextByDeleteKey);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Tab, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(function() {
return true;
if (isMacOS) {
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Clear, modifier.None, textController.removeCurrentSelection);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.B, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.toggleBold));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.I, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.toggleItalic));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.U, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.toggleUnderline));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.L, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphLeft));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.E, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphCenter));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.R, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphRight));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.J, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphJustified));
if (annotationsEnabled) {
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.C, modifier.MetaShift, annotationController.addAnnotation);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Z, modifier.Meta, undo);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Z, modifier.MetaShift, redo);
} else {
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.B, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.toggleBold));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.I, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.toggleItalic));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.U, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.toggleUnderline));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.L, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphLeft));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.E, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphCenter));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.R, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphRight));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.J, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(directFormattingController.alignParagraphJustified));
if (annotationsEnabled) {
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.C, modifier.CtrlAlt, annotationController.addAnnotation);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Z, modifier.Ctrl, undo);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Z, modifier.CtrlShift, redo);
function handler(e) {
var text = stringFromKeyPress(e);
if (text && !(e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
return true;
return false;
keyPressHandler.bind(keyCode.Enter, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(textController.enqueueParagraphSplittingOps));
this.endEditing = function() {
inputMethodEditor.unsubscribe(gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionStart, textController.removeCurrentSelection);
inputMethodEditor.unsubscribe(gui.InputMethodEditor.signalCompositionEnd, insertNonEmptyData);
eventManager.unsubscribe("cut", handleCut);
eventManager.unsubscribe("beforecut", handleBeforeCut);
eventManager.unsubscribe("paste", handlePaste);
eventManager.unsubscribe("beforepaste", handleBeforePaste);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Backspace, modifier.None, function() {
return true;
}, true);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.Delete, modifier.None);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.Tab, modifier.None);
if (isMacOS) {
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.Clear, modifier.None);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.B, modifier.Meta);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.I, modifier.Meta);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.U, modifier.Meta);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.L, modifier.MetaShift);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.E, modifier.MetaShift);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.R, modifier.MetaShift);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.J, modifier.MetaShift);
if (annotationsEnabled) {
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.C, modifier.MetaShift);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.Z, modifier.Meta);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.Z, modifier.MetaShift);
} else {
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.B, modifier.Ctrl);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.I, modifier.Ctrl);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.U, modifier.Ctrl);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.L, modifier.CtrlShift);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.E, modifier.CtrlShift);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.R, modifier.CtrlShift);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.J, modifier.CtrlShift);
if (annotationsEnabled) {
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.C, modifier.CtrlAlt);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.Z, modifier.Ctrl);
keyDownHandler.unbind(keyCode.Z, modifier.CtrlShift);
keyPressHandler.unbind(keyCode.Enter, modifier.None);
this.getInputMemberId = function() {
return inputMemberId;
this.getSession = function() {
return session;
this.getSessionConstraints = function() {
return sessionConstraints;
this.setUndoManager = function(manager) {
if (undoManager) {
undoManager.unsubscribe(gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStackChanged, forwardUndoStackChange);
undoManager = manager;
if (undoManager) {
undoManager.subscribe(gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStackChanged, forwardUndoStackChange);
this.getUndoManager = function() {
return undoManager;
this.getMetadataController = function() {
return metadataController;
this.getAnnotationController = function() {
return annotationController;
this.getDirectFormattingController = function() {
return directFormattingController;
this.getHyperlinkClickHandler = function() {
return hyperlinkClickHandler;
this.getHyperlinkController = function() {
return hyperlinkController;
this.getImageController = function() {
return imageController;
this.getSelectionController = function() {
return selectionController;
this.getTextController = function() {
return textController;
this.getEventManager = function() {
return eventManager;
this.getKeyboardHandlers = function() {
return {keydown:keyDownHandler, keypress:keyPressHandler};
function destroy(callback) {
eventManager.unsubscribe("keydown", keyDownHandler.handleEvent);
eventManager.unsubscribe("keypress", keyPressHandler.handleEvent);
eventManager.unsubscribe("keyup", keyUpHandler.handleEvent);
eventManager.unsubscribe("copy", handleCopy);
eventManager.unsubscribe("mousedown", handleMouseDown);
eventManager.unsubscribe("mousemove", drawShadowCursorTask.trigger);
eventManager.unsubscribe("mouseup", handleMouseUp);
eventManager.unsubscribe("contextmenu", handleContextMenu);
eventManager.unsubscribe("dragstart", handleDragStart);
eventManager.unsubscribe("dragend", handleDragEnd);
eventManager.unsubscribe("click", hyperlinkClickHandler.handleClick);
eventManager.unsubscribe("longpress", selectWordByLongPress);
eventManager.unsubscribe("drag", extendSelectionByDrag);
eventManager.unsubscribe("dragstop", updateCursorSelection);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, redrawRegionSelectionTask.trigger);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, inputMethodEditor.registerCursor);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, inputMethodEditor.removeCursor);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, updateUndoStack);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
var destroyCallbacks = [drawShadowCursorTask.destroy, redrawRegionSelectionTask.destroy, directFormattingController.destroy, inputMethodEditor.destroy, eventManager.destroy, hyperlinkClickHandler.destroy, hyperlinkController.destroy, metadataController.destroy, selectionController.destroy, textController.destroy, destroy];
if (iOSSafariSupport) {
core.Async.destroyAll(destroyCallbacks, callback);
function init() {
drawShadowCursorTask = core.Task.createRedrawTask(updateShadowCursor);
redrawRegionSelectionTask = core.Task.createRedrawTask(redrawRegionSelection);
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToLeft));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToRight));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Up, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorUp));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Down, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorDown));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.Shift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToLeft));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.Shift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToRight));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Up, modifier.Shift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionUp));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Down, modifier.Shift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionDown));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Home, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToLineStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.End, modifier.None, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToLineEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Home, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToDocumentStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.End, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToDocumentEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Home, modifier.Shift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToLineStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.End, modifier.Shift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToLineEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Up, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToParagraphStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Down, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToParagraphEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Home, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToDocumentStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.End, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToDocumentEnd));
if (isMacOS) {
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.Alt, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorBeforeWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.Alt, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorPastWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToLineStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToLineEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Home, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToDocumentStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.End, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorToDocumentEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.AltShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionBeforeWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.AltShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionPastWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToLineStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToLineEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Up, modifier.AltShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToParagraphStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Down, modifier.AltShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToParagraphEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Up, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToDocumentStart));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Down, modifier.MetaShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToDocumentEnd));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.A, modifier.Meta, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToEntireDocument));
} else {
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorBeforeWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.moveCursorPastWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Left, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionBeforeWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.Right, modifier.CtrlShift, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionPastWord));
keyDownHandler.bind(keyCode.A, modifier.Ctrl, rangeSelectionOnly(selectionController.extendSelectionToEntireDocument));
if (isIOS) {
iOSSafariSupport = new gui.IOSSafariSupport(eventManager);
eventManager.subscribe("keydown", keyDownHandler.handleEvent);
eventManager.subscribe("keypress", keyPressHandler.handleEvent);
eventManager.subscribe("keyup", keyUpHandler.handleEvent);
eventManager.subscribe("copy", handleCopy);
eventManager.subscribe("mousedown", handleMouseDown);
eventManager.subscribe("mousemove", drawShadowCursorTask.trigger);
eventManager.subscribe("mouseup", handleMouseUp);
eventManager.subscribe("contextmenu", handleContextMenu);
eventManager.subscribe("dragstart", handleDragStart);
eventManager.subscribe("dragend", handleDragEnd);
eventManager.subscribe("click", hyperlinkClickHandler.handleClick);
eventManager.subscribe("longpress", selectWordByLongPress);
eventManager.subscribe("drag", extendSelectionByDrag);
eventManager.subscribe("dragstop", updateCursorSelection);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, redrawRegionSelectionTask.trigger);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, inputMethodEditor.registerCursor);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, inputMethodEditor.removeCursor);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalOperationEnd, updateUndoStack);
gui.CaretManager = function CaretManager(sessionController, viewport) {
var carets = {}, window = runtime.getWindow(), odtDocument = sessionController.getSession().getOdtDocument(), eventManager = sessionController.getEventManager();
function getCaret(memberId) {
return carets.hasOwnProperty(memberId) ? carets[memberId] : null;
function getLocalCaretXOffsetPx() {
var localCaret = getCaret(sessionController.getInputMemberId()), lastRect;
if (localCaret) {
lastRect = localCaret.getBoundingClientRect();
return lastRect ? lastRect.right : undefined;
function getCarets() {
return Object.keys(carets).map(function(memberid) {
return carets[memberid];
function removeCaret(memberId) {
var caret = carets[memberId];
if (caret) {
delete carets[memberId];
if (memberId === sessionController.getInputMemberId()) {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, caret.ensureVisible);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, caret.refreshCursorBlinking);
eventManager.unsubscribe("compositionupdate", caret.handleUpdate);
eventManager.unsubscribe("compositionend", caret.handleUpdate);
eventManager.unsubscribe("focus", caret.setFocus);
eventManager.unsubscribe("blur", caret.removeFocus);
window.removeEventListener("focus", caret.show, false);
window.removeEventListener("blur", caret.hide, false);
} else {
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, caret.handleUpdate);
caret.destroy(function() {
this.registerCursor = function(cursor, caretAvatarInitiallyVisible, blinkOnRangeSelect) {
var memberid = cursor.getMemberId(), caret = new gui.Caret(cursor, viewport, caretAvatarInitiallyVisible, blinkOnRangeSelect);
carets[memberid] = caret;
if (memberid === sessionController.getInputMemberId()) {
runtime.log("Starting to track input on new cursor of " + memberid);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, caret.ensureVisible);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, caret.refreshCursorBlinking);
eventManager.subscribe("compositionupdate", caret.handleUpdate);
eventManager.subscribe("compositionend", caret.handleUpdate);
eventManager.subscribe("focus", caret.setFocus);
eventManager.subscribe("blur", caret.removeFocus);
window.addEventListener("focus", caret.show, false);
window.addEventListener("blur", caret.hide, false);
} else {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalProcessingBatchEnd, caret.handleUpdate);
return caret;
this.getCaret = getCaret;
this.getCarets = getCarets;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
var caretCleanup = getCarets().map(function(caret) {
return caret.destroy;
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, removeCaret);
carets = {};
core.Async.destroyAll(caretCleanup, callback);
function init() {
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, removeCaret);
gui.EditInfoHandle = function EditInfoHandle(parentElement) {
var edits = [], handle, document = parentElement.ownerDocument, htmlns = document.documentElement.namespaceURI, editinfons = "urn:webodf:names:editinfo";
function renderEdits() {
var i, infoDiv, colorSpan, authorSpan, timeSpan;
for (i = 0;i < edits.length;i += 1) {
infoDiv = document.createElementNS(htmlns, "div");
infoDiv.className = "editInfo";
colorSpan = document.createElementNS(htmlns, "span");
colorSpan.className = "editInfoColor";
colorSpan.setAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid", edits[i].memberid);
authorSpan = document.createElementNS(htmlns, "span");
authorSpan.className = "editInfoAuthor";
authorSpan.setAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid", edits[i].memberid);
timeSpan = document.createElementNS(htmlns, "span");
timeSpan.className = "editInfoTime";
timeSpan.setAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid", edits[i].memberid);
this.setEdits = function(editArray) {
edits = editArray;
this.show = function() {
handle.style.display = "block";
this.hide = function() {
handle.style.display = "none";
this.destroy = function(callback) {
function init() {
handle = document.createElementNS(htmlns, "div");
handle.setAttribute("class", "editInfoHandle");
handle.style.display = "none";
ops.EditInfo = function EditInfo(container, odtDocument) {
var editInfoNode, editHistory = {};
function sortEdits() {
var arr = [], memberid;
for (memberid in editHistory) {
if (editHistory.hasOwnProperty(memberid)) {
arr.push({"memberid":memberid, "time":editHistory[memberid].time});
arr.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.time - b.time;
return arr;
this.getNode = function() {
return editInfoNode;
this.getOdtDocument = function() {
return odtDocument;
this.getEdits = function() {
return editHistory;
this.getSortedEdits = function() {
return sortEdits();
this.addEdit = function(memberid, timestamp) {
editHistory[memberid] = {time:timestamp};
this.clearEdits = function() {
editHistory = {};
this.destroy = function(callback) {
if (container.parentNode) {
function init() {
var editInfons = "urn:webodf:names:editinfo", dom = odtDocument.getDOMDocument();
editInfoNode = dom.createElementNS(editInfons, "editinfo");
container.insertBefore(editInfoNode, container.firstChild);
gui.EditInfoMarker = function EditInfoMarker(editInfo, initialVisibility) {
var self = this, editInfoNode, handle, marker, editinfons = "urn:webodf:names:editinfo", decayTimer0, decayTimer1, decayTimer2, decayTimeStep = 1E4;
function applyDecay(opacity, delay) {
return runtime.setTimeout(function() {
marker.style.opacity = opacity;
}, delay);
function deleteDecay(timerId) {
function setLastAuthor(memberid) {
marker.setAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid", memberid);
this.addEdit = function(memberid, timestamp) {
var age = Date.now() - timestamp;
editInfo.addEdit(memberid, timestamp);
if (age < decayTimeStep) {
decayTimer0 = applyDecay(1, 0);
decayTimer1 = applyDecay(.5, decayTimeStep - age);
decayTimer2 = applyDecay(.2, decayTimeStep * 2 - age);
} else {
if (age >= decayTimeStep && age < decayTimeStep * 2) {
decayTimer0 = applyDecay(.5, 0);
decayTimer2 = applyDecay(.2, decayTimeStep * 2 - age);
} else {
decayTimer0 = applyDecay(.2, 0);
this.getEdits = function() {
return editInfo.getEdits();
this.clearEdits = function() {
if (marker.hasAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid")) {
marker.removeAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid");
this.getEditInfo = function() {
return editInfo;
this.show = function() {
marker.style.display = "block";
this.hide = function() {
marker.style.display = "none";
this.showHandle = function() {
this.hideHandle = function() {
this.destroy = function(callback) {
handle.destroy(function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {
function init() {
var dom = editInfo.getOdtDocument().getDOMDocument(), htmlns = dom.documentElement.namespaceURI;
marker = dom.createElementNS(htmlns, "div");
marker.setAttribute("class", "editInfoMarker");
marker.onmouseover = function() {
marker.onmouseout = function() {
editInfoNode = editInfo.getNode();
handle = new gui.EditInfoHandle(editInfoNode);
if (!initialVisibility) {
gui.HyperlinkTooltipView = function HyperlinkTooltipView(odfCanvas, getActiveModifier) {
var domUtils = core.DomUtils, odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, window = runtime.getWindow(), linkSpan, textSpan, tooltipElement, offsetXPx = 15, offsetYPx = 10;
runtime.assert(window !== null, "Expected to be run in an environment which has a global window, like a browser.");
function getHyperlinkElement(node) {
while (node) {
if (odfUtils.isHyperlink(node)) {
return node;
if (odfUtils.isParagraph(node) || odfUtils.isInlineRoot(node)) {
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
function getHint() {
var modifierKey = getActiveModifier(), hint;
switch(modifierKey) {
case gui.KeyboardHandler.Modifier.Ctrl:
hint = runtime.tr("Ctrl-click to follow link");
case gui.KeyboardHandler.Modifier.Meta:
hint = runtime.tr("\u2318-click to follow link");
hint = "";
return hint;
this.showTooltip = function(e) {
var target = e.target || e.srcElement, sizerElement = odfCanvas.getSizer(), zoomLevel = odfCanvas.getZoomLevel(), referenceRect, linkElement, left, top, max;
linkElement = getHyperlinkElement(target);
if (!linkElement) {
if (!domUtils.containsNode(sizerElement, tooltipElement)) {
textSpan.textContent = getHint();
linkSpan.textContent = odfUtils.getHyperlinkTarget(linkElement);
tooltipElement.style.display = "block";
max = window.innerWidth - tooltipElement.offsetWidth - offsetXPx;
left = e.clientX > max ? max : e.clientX + offsetXPx;
max = window.innerHeight - tooltipElement.offsetHeight - offsetYPx;
top = e.clientY > max ? max : e.clientY + offsetYPx;
referenceRect = sizerElement.getBoundingClientRect();
left = (left - referenceRect.left) / zoomLevel;
top = (top - referenceRect.top) / zoomLevel;
tooltipElement.style.left = left + "px";
tooltipElement.style.top = top + "px";
this.hideTooltip = function() {
tooltipElement.style.display = "none";
this.destroy = function(callback) {
if (tooltipElement.parentNode) {
function init() {
var document = odfCanvas.getElement().ownerDocument;
linkSpan = document.createElement("span");
textSpan = document.createElement("span");
linkSpan.className = "webodf-hyperlinkTooltipLink";
textSpan.className = "webodf-hyperlinkTooltipText";
tooltipElement = document.createElement("div");
tooltipElement.className = "webodf-hyperlinkTooltip";
gui.OdfFieldView = function(odfCanvas) {
var style, document = odfCanvas.getElement().ownerDocument;
function newStyleSheet() {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0), sheet = document.createElement("style"), text = "";
sheet.type = "text/css";
sheet.media = "screen, print, handheld, projection";
odf.Namespaces.forEachPrefix(function(prefix, ns) {
text += "@namespace " + prefix + " url(" + ns + ");\n";
return sheet;
function clearCSSStyleSheet(style) {
var stylesheet = style.sheet, cssRules = stylesheet.cssRules;
while (cssRules.length) {
stylesheet.deleteRule(cssRules.length - 1);
function createRule(selectors, css) {
return selectors.join(",\n") + "\n" + css + "\n";
function generateFieldCSS() {
var cssSelectors = odf.OdfSchema.getFields().map(function(prefixedName) {
return prefixedName.replace(":", "|");
}), highlightFields = createRule(cssSelectors, "{ background-color: #D0D0D0; }"), emptyCssSelectors = cssSelectors.map(function(selector) {
return selector + ":empty::after";
}), highlightEmptyFields = createRule(emptyCssSelectors, "{ content:' '; white-space: pre; }");
return highlightFields + "\n" + highlightEmptyFields;
this.showFieldHighlight = function() {
this.hideFieldHighlight = function() {
this.destroy = function(callback) {
if (style.parentNode) {
function init() {
style = newStyleSheet();
gui.ShadowCursor = function ShadowCursor(document) {
var selectedRange = document.getDOMDocument().createRange(), forwardSelection = true;
this.removeFromDocument = function() {
this.getMemberId = function() {
return gui.ShadowCursor.ShadowCursorMemberId;
this.getSelectedRange = function() {
return selectedRange;
this.setSelectedRange = function(range, isForwardSelection) {
selectedRange = range;
forwardSelection = isForwardSelection !== false;
this.hasForwardSelection = function() {
return forwardSelection;
this.getDocument = function() {
return document;
this.getSelectionType = function() {
return ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection;
function init() {
selectedRange.setStart(document.getRootNode(), 0);
gui.ShadowCursor.ShadowCursorMemberId = "";
gui.SelectionView = function SelectionView(cursor) {
gui.SelectionView.prototype.rerender = function() {
gui.SelectionView.prototype.show = function() {
gui.SelectionView.prototype.hide = function() {
gui.SelectionView.prototype.destroy = function(callback) {
gui.SelectionViewManager = function SelectionViewManager(SelectionView) {
var selectionViews = {};
function getSelectionView(memberId) {
return selectionViews.hasOwnProperty(memberId) ? selectionViews[memberId] : null;
this.getSelectionView = getSelectionView;
function getSelectionViews() {
return Object.keys(selectionViews).map(function(memberid) {
return selectionViews[memberid];
this.getSelectionViews = getSelectionViews;
function removeSelectionView(memberId) {
if (selectionViews.hasOwnProperty(memberId)) {
selectionViews[memberId].destroy(function() {
delete selectionViews[memberId];
this.removeSelectionView = removeSelectionView;
function hideSelectionView(memberId) {
if (selectionViews.hasOwnProperty(memberId)) {
this.hideSelectionView = hideSelectionView;
function showSelectionView(memberId) {
if (selectionViews.hasOwnProperty(memberId)) {
this.showSelectionView = showSelectionView;
this.rerenderSelectionViews = function() {
Object.keys(selectionViews).forEach(function(memberId) {
this.registerCursor = function(cursor, virtualSelectionsInitiallyVisible) {
var memberId = cursor.getMemberId(), selectionView = new SelectionView(cursor);
if (virtualSelectionsInitiallyVisible) {
} else {
selectionViews[memberId] = selectionView;
return selectionView;
this.destroy = function(callback) {
var selectionViewArray = getSelectionViews();
function destroySelectionView(i, err) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (i < selectionViewArray.length) {
selectionViewArray[i].destroy(function(err) {
destroySelectionView(i + 1, err);
} else {
destroySelectionView(0, undefined);
gui.SessionViewOptions = function() {
this.editInfoMarkersInitiallyVisible = true;
this.caretAvatarsInitiallyVisible = true;
this.caretBlinksOnRangeSelect = true;
(function() {
function configOption(userValue, defaultValue) {
return userValue !== undefined ? Boolean(userValue) : defaultValue;
gui.SessionView = function SessionView(viewOptions, localMemberId, session, sessionConstraints, caretManager, selectionViewManager) {
var avatarInfoStyles, annotationConstraintStyles, editInfons = "urn:webodf:names:editinfo", editInfoMap = {}, odtDocument, odfCanvas, highlightRefreshTask, showEditInfoMarkers = configOption(viewOptions.editInfoMarkersInitiallyVisible, true), showCaretAvatars = configOption(viewOptions.caretAvatarsInitiallyVisible, true), blinkOnRangeSelect = configOption(viewOptions.caretBlinksOnRangeSelect, true);
function onAnnotationAdded(info) {
if (info.memberId === localMemberId) {
function newStyleSheet() {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0), sheet = document.createElement("style");
sheet.type = "text/css";
sheet.media = "screen, print, handheld, projection";
return sheet;
function createAvatarInfoNodeMatch(nodeName, memberId, pseudoClass) {
return nodeName + '[editinfo|memberid="' + memberId + '"]' + pseudoClass;
function getAvatarInfoStyle(nodeName, memberId, pseudoClass) {
var node = avatarInfoStyles.firstChild, nodeMatch = createAvatarInfoNodeMatch(nodeName, memberId, pseudoClass) + "{";
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.data.indexOf(nodeMatch) === 0) {
return node;
node = node.nextSibling;
return null;
function setAvatarInfoStyle(memberId, name, color) {
function setStyle(nodeName, rule, pseudoClass) {
var styleRule = createAvatarInfoNodeMatch(nodeName, memberId, pseudoClass) + rule, styleNode = getAvatarInfoStyle(nodeName, memberId, pseudoClass);
if (styleNode) {
styleNode.data = styleRule;
} else {
setStyle("div.editInfoMarker", "{ background-color: " + color + "; }", "");
setStyle("span.editInfoColor", "{ background-color: " + color + "; }", "");
setStyle("span.editInfoAuthor", '{ content: "' + name + '"; }', ":before");
setStyle("dc|creator", "{ background-color: " + color + "; }", "");
setStyle(".webodf-selectionOverlay", "{ fill: " + color + "; stroke: " + color + ";}", "");
if (memberId === localMemberId) {
setStyle(".webodf-touchEnabled .webodf-selectionOverlay", "{ display: block; }", " > .webodf-draggable");
memberId = gui.ShadowCursor.ShadowCursorMemberId;
setStyle(".webodf-selectionOverlay", "{ fill: " + color + "; stroke: " + color + ";}", "");
setStyle(".webodf-touchEnabled .webodf-selectionOverlay", "{ display: block; }", " > .webodf-draggable");
function highlightEdit(element, memberId, timestamp) {
var editInfo, editInfoMarker, id = "", editInfoNode = element.getElementsByTagNameNS(editInfons, "editinfo").item(0);
if (editInfoNode) {
id = editInfoNode.getAttributeNS(editInfons, "id");
editInfoMarker = editInfoMap[id];
} else {
id = Math.random().toString();
editInfo = new ops.EditInfo(element, session.getOdtDocument());
editInfoMarker = new gui.EditInfoMarker(editInfo, showEditInfoMarkers);
editInfoNode = element.getElementsByTagNameNS(editInfons, "editinfo").item(0);
editInfoNode.setAttributeNS(editInfons, "id", id);
editInfoMap[id] = editInfoMarker;
editInfoMarker.addEdit(memberId, new Date(timestamp));
function setEditInfoMarkerVisibility(visible) {
var editInfoMarker, keyname;
for (keyname in editInfoMap) {
if (editInfoMap.hasOwnProperty(keyname)) {
editInfoMarker = editInfoMap[keyname];
if (visible) {
} else {
function setCaretAvatarVisibility(visible) {
caretManager.getCarets().forEach(function(caret) {
if (visible) {
} else {
this.showEditInfoMarkers = function() {
if (showEditInfoMarkers) {
showEditInfoMarkers = true;
this.hideEditInfoMarkers = function() {
if (!showEditInfoMarkers) {
showEditInfoMarkers = false;
this.showCaretAvatars = function() {
if (showCaretAvatars) {
showCaretAvatars = true;
this.hideCaretAvatars = function() {
if (!showCaretAvatars) {
showCaretAvatars = false;
this.getSession = function() {
return session;
this.getCaret = function(memberid) {
return caretManager.getCaret(memberid);
function renderMemberData(member) {
var memberId = member.getMemberId(), properties = member.getProperties();
setAvatarInfoStyle(memberId, properties.fullName, properties.color);
function onCursorAdded(cursor) {
var memberId = cursor.getMemberId(), properties = session.getOdtDocument().getMember(memberId).getProperties(), caret;
caretManager.registerCursor(cursor, showCaretAvatars, blinkOnRangeSelect);
selectionViewManager.registerCursor(cursor, true);
caret = caretManager.getCaret(memberId);
if (caret) {
runtime.log("+++ View here +++ eagerly created an Caret for '" + memberId + "'! +++");
function onCursorMoved(cursor) {
var memberId = cursor.getMemberId(), localSelectionView = selectionViewManager.getSelectionView(localMemberId), shadowSelectionView = selectionViewManager.getSelectionView(gui.ShadowCursor.ShadowCursorMemberId), localCaret = caretManager.getCaret(localMemberId);
if (memberId === localMemberId) {
if (localSelectionView) {
if (localCaret) {
} else {
if (memberId === gui.ShadowCursor.ShadowCursorMemberId) {
if (localSelectionView) {
if (localCaret) {
function onCursorRemoved(memberid) {
function onParagraphChanged(info) {
highlightEdit(info.paragraphElement, info.memberId, info.timeStamp);
function refreshHighlights() {
var annotationViewManager = odfCanvas.getAnnotationViewManager();
if (annotationViewManager) {
function processConstraints() {
var localMemberName, cssString, localMember;
if (annotationConstraintStyles.hasChildNodes()) {
if (sessionConstraints.getState(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.ANNOTATIONS.ONLY_DELETE_OWN) === true) {
localMember = session.getOdtDocument().getMember(localMemberId);
if (localMember) {
localMemberName = localMember.getProperties().fullName;
cssString = ".annotationWrapper:not([creator = '" + localMemberName + "']) .annotationRemoveButton { display: none; }";
function destroy(callback) {
var editInfoArray = Object.keys(editInfoMap).map(function(keyname) {
return editInfoMap[keyname];
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberAdded, renderMemberData);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberUpdated, renderMemberData);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, onCursorAdded);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, onCursorRemoved);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, onParagraphChanged);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorMoved);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, selectionViewManager.rerenderSelectionViews);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalTableAdded, selectionViewManager.rerenderSelectionViews);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphStyleModified, selectionViewManager.rerenderSelectionViews);
sessionConstraints.unsubscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.ANNOTATIONS.ONLY_DELETE_OWN, processConstraints);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberAdded, processConstraints);
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberUpdated, processConstraints);
(function destroyEditInfo(i, err) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (i < editInfoArray.length) {
editInfoArray[i].destroy(function(err) {
destroyEditInfo(i + 1, err);
} else {
})(0, undefined);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
var cleanup = [highlightRefreshTask.destroy, destroy];
odtDocument.unsubscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalAnnotationAdded, onAnnotationAdded);
core.Async.destroyAll(cleanup, callback);
function init() {
odtDocument = session.getOdtDocument();
odfCanvas = odtDocument.getOdfCanvas();
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalAnnotationAdded, onAnnotationAdded);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberAdded, renderMemberData);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberUpdated, renderMemberData);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorAdded, onCursorAdded);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorRemoved, onCursorRemoved);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, onParagraphChanged);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, onCursorMoved);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphChanged, selectionViewManager.rerenderSelectionViews);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalTableAdded, selectionViewManager.rerenderSelectionViews);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.OdtDocument.signalParagraphStyleModified, selectionViewManager.rerenderSelectionViews);
sessionConstraints.subscribe(gui.CommonConstraints.EDIT.ANNOTATIONS.ONLY_DELETE_OWN, processConstraints);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberAdded, processConstraints);
odtDocument.subscribe(ops.Document.signalMemberUpdated, processConstraints);
avatarInfoStyles = newStyleSheet();
avatarInfoStyles.appendChild(document.createTextNode("@namespace editinfo url(urn:webodf:names:editinfo);"));
avatarInfoStyles.appendChild(document.createTextNode("@namespace dc url(http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/);"));
annotationConstraintStyles = newStyleSheet();
highlightRefreshTask = core.Task.createRedrawTask(refreshHighlights);
gui.SvgSelectionView = function SvgSelectionView(cursor) {
var document = cursor.getDocument(), documentRoot, sizer, doc = document.getDOMDocument(), svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", overlay = doc.createElementNS(svgns, "svg"), polygon = doc.createElementNS(svgns, "polygon"), handle1 = doc.createElementNS(svgns, "circle"), handle2 = doc.createElementNS(svgns, "circle"), odfUtils = odf.OdfUtils, domUtils = core.DomUtils, zoomHelper = document.getCanvas().getZoomHelper(), isVisible = true, positionIterator = cursor.getDocument().createPositionIterator(document.getRootNode()),
function addOverlay() {
var newDocumentRoot = document.getRootNode();
if (documentRoot !== newDocumentRoot) {
documentRoot = newDocumentRoot;
sizer = document.getCanvas().getSizer();
overlay.setAttribute("class", "webodf-selectionOverlay");
handle1.setAttribute("class", "webodf-draggable");
handle2.setAttribute("class", "webodf-draggable");
handle1.setAttribute("end", "left");
handle2.setAttribute("end", "right");
handle1.setAttribute("r", HANDLE_RADIUS);
handle2.setAttribute("r", HANDLE_RADIUS);
function isRangeVisible(range) {
var bcr = range.getBoundingClientRect();
return Boolean(bcr && bcr.height !== 0);
function lastVisibleRect(range, nodes) {
var nextNodeIndex = nodes.length - 1, node = nodes[nextNodeIndex], startOffset, endOffset;
if (range.endContainer === node) {
startOffset = range.endOffset;
} else {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
startOffset = node.length;
} else {
startOffset = node.childNodes.length;
endOffset = startOffset;
range.setStart(node, startOffset);
range.setEnd(node, endOffset);
while (!isRangeVisible(range)) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && startOffset > 0) {
startOffset = 0;
} else {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && startOffset > 0) {
startOffset -= 1;
} else {
if (nodes[nextNodeIndex]) {
node = nodes[nextNodeIndex];
nextNodeIndex -= 1;
startOffset = endOffset = node.length || node.childNodes.length;
} else {
return false;
range.setStart(node, startOffset);
range.setEnd(node, endOffset);
return true;
function firstVisibleRect(range, nodes) {
var nextNodeIndex = 0, node = nodes[nextNodeIndex], startOffset = range.startContainer === node ? range.startOffset : 0, endOffset = startOffset;
range.setStart(node, startOffset);
range.setEnd(node, endOffset);
while (!isRangeVisible(range)) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && endOffset < node.childNodes.length) {
endOffset = node.childNodes.length;
} else {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && endOffset < node.length) {
endOffset += 1;
} else {
if (nodes[nextNodeIndex]) {
node = nodes[nextNodeIndex];
nextNodeIndex += 1;
startOffset = endOffset = 0;
} else {
return false;
range.setStart(node, startOffset);
range.setEnd(node, endOffset);
return true;
function getExtremeRanges(range) {
var nodes = odfUtils.getTextElements(range, true, false), firstRange = range.cloneRange(), lastRange = range.cloneRange(), fillerRange = range.cloneRange();
if (!nodes.length) {
return null;
if (!firstVisibleRect(firstRange, nodes)) {
return null;
if (!lastVisibleRect(lastRange, nodes)) {
return null;
fillerRange.setStart(firstRange.startContainer, firstRange.startOffset);
fillerRange.setEnd(lastRange.endContainer, lastRange.endOffset);
return {firstRange:firstRange, lastRange:lastRange, fillerRange:fillerRange};
function getBoundingRect(rect1, rect2) {
var resultRect = {};
resultRect.top = Math.min(rect1.top, rect2.top);
resultRect.left = Math.min(rect1.left, rect2.left);
resultRect.right = Math.max(rect1.right, rect2.right);
resultRect.bottom = Math.max(rect1.bottom, rect2.bottom);
resultRect.width = resultRect.right - resultRect.left;
resultRect.height = resultRect.bottom - resultRect.top;
return resultRect;
function checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(originalRect, newRect) {
if (newRect && newRect.width > 0 && newRect.height > 0) {
if (!originalRect) {
originalRect = newRect;
} else {
originalRect = getBoundingRect(originalRect, newRect);
return originalRect;
function getFillerRect(fillerRange) {
var containerNode = fillerRange.commonAncestorContainer, firstNode = fillerRange.startContainer, lastNode = fillerRange.endContainer, firstOffset = fillerRange.startOffset, lastOffset = fillerRange.endOffset, currentNode, lastMeasuredNode, firstSibling, lastSibling, grownRect = null, currentRect, range = doc.createRange(), rootFilter, odfNodeFilter = new odf.OdfNodeFilter, treeWalker;
function acceptNode(node) {
positionIterator.setUnfilteredPosition(node, 0);
if (odfNodeFilter.acceptNode(node) === FILTER_ACCEPT && rootFilter.acceptPosition(positionIterator) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
function getRectFromNodeAfterFiltering(node) {
var rect = null;
if (acceptNode(node) === FILTER_ACCEPT) {
rect = domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(node);
return rect;
if (firstNode === containerNode || lastNode === containerNode) {
range = fillerRange.cloneRange();
grownRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
return grownRect;
firstSibling = firstNode;
while (firstSibling.parentNode !== containerNode) {
firstSibling = firstSibling.parentNode;
lastSibling = lastNode;
while (lastSibling.parentNode !== containerNode) {
lastSibling = lastSibling.parentNode;
rootFilter = document.createRootFilter(firstNode);
currentNode = firstSibling.nextSibling;
while (currentNode && currentNode !== lastSibling) {
currentRect = getRectFromNodeAfterFiltering(currentNode);
grownRect = checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(grownRect, currentRect);
currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling;
if (odfUtils.isParagraph(firstSibling)) {
grownRect = checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(grownRect, domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(firstSibling));
} else {
if (firstSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
currentNode = firstSibling;
range.setStart(currentNode, firstOffset);
range.setEnd(currentNode, currentNode === lastSibling ? lastOffset : currentNode.length);
currentRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
grownRect = checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(grownRect, currentRect);
} else {
treeWalker = doc.createTreeWalker(firstSibling, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, acceptNode, false);
currentNode = treeWalker.currentNode = firstNode;
while (currentNode && currentNode !== lastNode) {
range.setStart(currentNode, firstOffset);
range.setEnd(currentNode, currentNode.length);
currentRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
grownRect = checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(grownRect, currentRect);
lastMeasuredNode = currentNode;
firstOffset = 0;
currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode();
if (!lastMeasuredNode) {
lastMeasuredNode = firstNode;
if (odfUtils.isParagraph(lastSibling)) {
grownRect = checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(grownRect, domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(lastSibling));
} else {
if (lastSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
currentNode = lastSibling;
range.setStart(currentNode, currentNode === firstSibling ? firstOffset : 0);
range.setEnd(currentNode, lastOffset);
currentRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
grownRect = checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(grownRect, currentRect);
} else {
treeWalker = doc.createTreeWalker(lastSibling, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, acceptNode, false);
currentNode = treeWalker.currentNode = lastNode;
while (currentNode && currentNode !== lastMeasuredNode) {
range.setStart(currentNode, 0);
range.setEnd(currentNode, lastOffset);
currentRect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
grownRect = checkAndGrowOrCreateRect(grownRect, currentRect);
currentNode = treeWalker.previousNode();
if (currentNode) {
lastOffset = currentNode.length;
return grownRect;
function getCollapsedRectOfTextRange(range, useRightEdge) {
var clientRect = range.getBoundingClientRect(), collapsedRect = {};
collapsedRect.width = 0;
collapsedRect.top = clientRect.top;
collapsedRect.bottom = clientRect.bottom;
collapsedRect.height = clientRect.height;
collapsedRect.left = collapsedRect.right = useRightEdge ? clientRect.right : clientRect.left;
return collapsedRect;
function setPoints(points) {
var pointsString = "", i;
for (i = 0;i < points.length;i += 1) {
pointsString += points[i].x + "," + points[i].y + " ";
polygon.setAttribute("points", pointsString);
function repositionOverlays(selectedRange) {
var rootRect = domUtils.getBoundingClientRect(sizer), zoomLevel = zoomHelper.getZoomLevel(), extremes = getExtremeRanges(selectedRange), firstRange, lastRange, fillerRange, firstRect, fillerRect, lastRect, left, right, top, bottom;
if (extremes) {
firstRange = extremes.firstRange;
lastRange = extremes.lastRange;
fillerRange = extremes.fillerRange;
firstRect = domUtils.translateRect(getCollapsedRectOfTextRange(firstRange, false), rootRect, zoomLevel);
lastRect = domUtils.translateRect(getCollapsedRectOfTextRange(lastRange, true), rootRect, zoomLevel);
fillerRect = getFillerRect(fillerRange);
if (!fillerRect) {
fillerRect = getBoundingRect(firstRect, lastRect);
} else {
fillerRect = domUtils.translateRect(fillerRect, rootRect, zoomLevel);
left = fillerRect.left;
right = firstRect.left + Math.max(0, fillerRect.width - (firstRect.left - fillerRect.left));
top = Math.min(firstRect.top, lastRect.top);
bottom = lastRect.top + lastRect.height;
setPoints([{x:firstRect.left, y:top + firstRect.height}, {x:firstRect.left, y:top}, {x:right, y:top}, {x:right, y:bottom - lastRect.height}, {x:lastRect.right, y:bottom - lastRect.height}, {x:lastRect.right, y:bottom}, {x:left, y:bottom}, {x:left, y:top + firstRect.height}, {x:firstRect.left, y:top + firstRect.height}]);
handle1.setAttribute("cx", firstRect.left);
handle1.setAttribute("cy", top + firstRect.height / 2);
handle2.setAttribute("cx", lastRect.right);
handle2.setAttribute("cy", bottom - lastRect.height / 2);
return Boolean(extremes);
function rerender() {
var range = cursor.getSelectedRange(), shouldShow;
shouldShow = isVisible && cursor.getSelectionType() === ops.OdtCursor.RangeSelection && !range.collapsed;
if (shouldShow) {
shouldShow = repositionOverlays(range);
if (shouldShow) {
overlay.style.display = "block";
} else {
overlay.style.display = "none";
this.rerender = function() {
if (isVisible) {
this.show = function() {
isVisible = true;
this.hide = function() {
isVisible = false;
function handleCursorMove(movedCursor) {
if (isVisible && movedCursor === cursor) {
function scaleHandles(zoomLevel) {
var radius = HANDLE_RADIUS / zoomLevel;
handle1.setAttribute("r", radius);
handle2.setAttribute("r", radius);
function destroy(callback) {
cursor.getDocument().unsubscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, handleCursorMove);
zoomHelper.unsubscribe(gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, scaleHandles);
this.destroy = function(callback) {
core.Async.destroyAll([renderTask.destroy, destroy], callback);
function init() {
var editinfons = "urn:webodf:names:editinfo", memberid = cursor.getMemberId();
renderTask = core.Task.createRedrawTask(rerender);
overlay.setAttributeNS(editinfons, "editinfo:memberid", memberid);
cursor.getDocument().subscribe(ops.Document.signalCursorMoved, handleCursorMove);
zoomHelper.subscribe(gui.ZoomHelper.signalZoomChanged, scaleHandles);
gui.UndoStateRules = function UndoStateRules() {
function ReverseIterator(array, predicate) {
var index = array.length;
this.previous = function() {
for (index = index - 1;index >= 0;index -= 1) {
if (predicate(array[index])) {
return array[index];
return null;
function getOpType(op) {
return op.spec().optype;
function getOpPosition(op) {
var key = "position", spec = op.spec(), value;
if (spec.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
value = spec[key];
return value;
function isEditOperation(op) {
return op.isEdit;
this.isEditOperation = isEditOperation;
function canAggregateOperation(op) {
switch(getOpType(op)) {
case "RemoveText":
case "InsertText":
return true;
return false;
function isSameDirectionOfTravel(thisOp, lastEditOp, secondLastEditOp) {
var thisPosition = getOpPosition(thisOp), lastPosition = getOpPosition(lastEditOp), secondLastPosition = getOpPosition(secondLastEditOp), diffLastToSecondLast = lastPosition - secondLastPosition, diffThisToLast = thisPosition - lastPosition;
return diffThisToLast === diffLastToSecondLast;
function isAdjacentOperation(thisOp, lastEditOp) {
var positionDifference = getOpPosition(thisOp) - getOpPosition(lastEditOp);
return positionDifference === 0 || Math.abs(positionDifference) === 1;
function continuesOperations(thisOp, lastEditOp, secondLastEditOp) {
if (!secondLastEditOp) {
return isAdjacentOperation(thisOp, lastEditOp);
return isSameDirectionOfTravel(thisOp, lastEditOp, secondLastEditOp);
function continuesMostRecentEditOperation(thisOp, recentOperations) {
var thisOpType = getOpType(thisOp), editOpsFinder = new ReverseIterator(recentOperations, isEditOperation), lastEditOp = editOpsFinder.previous();
runtime.assert(Boolean(lastEditOp), "No edit operations found in state");
if (thisOpType === getOpType(lastEditOp)) {
return continuesOperations(thisOp, lastEditOp, editOpsFinder.previous());
return false;
function continuesMostRecentEditGroup(thisOp, recentOperations) {
var thisOpType = getOpType(thisOp), editOpsFinder = new ReverseIterator(recentOperations, isEditOperation), candidateOp = editOpsFinder.previous(), lastEditOp, secondLastEditOp = null, inspectedGroupsCount, groupId;
runtime.assert(Boolean(candidateOp), "No edit operations found in state");
groupId = candidateOp.group;
runtime.assert(groupId !== undefined, "Operation has no group");
inspectedGroupsCount = 1;
while (candidateOp && candidateOp.group === groupId) {
if (thisOpType === getOpType(candidateOp)) {
lastEditOp = candidateOp;
candidateOp = editOpsFinder.previous();
if (lastEditOp) {
candidateOp = editOpsFinder.previous();
while (candidateOp) {
if (candidateOp.group !== groupId) {
if (inspectedGroupsCount === 2) {
groupId = candidateOp.group;
inspectedGroupsCount += 1;
if (thisOpType === getOpType(candidateOp)) {
secondLastEditOp = candidateOp;
candidateOp = editOpsFinder.previous();
return continuesOperations(thisOp, lastEditOp, secondLastEditOp);
return false;
function isPartOfOperationSet(operation, recentOperations) {
var areOperationsGrouped = operation.group !== undefined, lastOperation;
if (!isEditOperation(operation)) {
return true;
if (recentOperations.length === 0) {
return true;
lastOperation = recentOperations[recentOperations.length - 1];
if (areOperationsGrouped && operation.group === lastOperation.group) {
return true;
if (canAggregateOperation(operation) && recentOperations.some(isEditOperation)) {
if (areOperationsGrouped) {
return continuesMostRecentEditGroup(operation, recentOperations);
return continuesMostRecentEditOperation(operation, recentOperations);
return false;
this.isPartOfOperationSet = isPartOfOperationSet;
(function() {
var stateIdBase = 0;
function StateId(mainId, subId) {
this.mainId = mainId !== undefined ? mainId : -1;
this.subId = subId !== undefined ? subId : -1;
function StateTransition(undoRules, initialOps, editOpsPossible) {
var nextStateId, operations, editOpsCount;
this.addOperation = function(op) {
if (undoRules.isEditOperation(op)) {
editOpsCount += 1;
this.isNextStateId = function(stateId) {
return stateId.mainId === nextStateId && stateId.subId === editOpsCount;
this.getNextStateId = function() {
return new StateId(nextStateId, editOpsCount);
this.getOperations = function() {
return operations;
function addEditOpsCount(count, op) {
return count + (undoRules.isEditOperation(op) ? 1 : 0);
function init() {
stateIdBase += 1;
nextStateId = stateIdBase;
operations = initialOps || [];
editOpsCount = initialOps && editOpsPossible ? initialOps.reduce(addEditOpsCount, 0) : 0;
gui.TrivialUndoManager = function TrivialUndoManager(defaultRules) {
var self = this, cursorns = "urn:webodf:names:cursor", domUtils = core.DomUtils, initialDoc, initialStateTransition, playFunc, document, unmodifiedStateId, currentUndoStateTransition, undoStateTransitions = [], redoStateTransitions = [], eventNotifier = new core.EventNotifier([gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStackChanged, gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStateCreated, gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStateModified, gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, gui.TrivialUndoManager.signalDocumentRootReplaced]),
undoRules = defaultRules || new gui.UndoStateRules, isExecutingOps = false;
function isModified() {
return currentUndoStateTransition.isNextStateId(unmodifiedStateId) !== true;
function executeOperations(stateTransition) {
var operations = stateTransition.getOperations();
if (operations.length > 0) {
isExecutingOps = true;
isExecutingOps = false;
function emitStackChange() {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStackChanged, {undoAvailable:self.hasUndoStates(), redoAvailable:self.hasRedoStates()});
function emitDocumentModifiedChange(oldModified) {
var newModified = isModified();
if (oldModified !== newModified) {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, newModified);
function mostRecentUndoStateTransition() {
return undoStateTransitions[undoStateTransitions.length - 1];
function completeCurrentUndoState() {
if (currentUndoStateTransition !== initialStateTransition && currentUndoStateTransition !== mostRecentUndoStateTransition()) {
function removeNode(node) {
var sibling = node.previousSibling || node.nextSibling;
function removeCursors(root) {
domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(root, cursorns, "cursor").forEach(removeNode);
domUtils.getElementsByTagNameNS(root, cursorns, "anchor").forEach(removeNode);
function values(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {
return obj[key];
function extractCursorStates(undoStateTransitions) {
var addCursor = {}, moveCursor = {}, requiredAddOps = {}, remainingAddOps, ops, stateTransition = undoStateTransitions.pop();
document.getMemberIds().forEach(function(memberid) {
requiredAddOps[memberid] = true;
remainingAddOps = Object.keys(requiredAddOps).length;
function processOp(op) {
var spec = op.spec();
if (!requiredAddOps[spec.memberid]) {
switch(spec.optype) {
case "AddCursor":
if (!addCursor[spec.memberid]) {
addCursor[spec.memberid] = op;
delete requiredAddOps[spec.memberid];
remainingAddOps -= 1;
case "MoveCursor":
if (!moveCursor[spec.memberid]) {
moveCursor[spec.memberid] = op;
while (stateTransition && remainingAddOps > 0) {
ops = stateTransition.getOperations();
stateTransition = undoStateTransitions.pop();
return new StateTransition(undoRules, values(addCursor).concat(values(moveCursor)));
this.subscribe = function(signal, callback) {
eventNotifier.subscribe(signal, callback);
this.unsubscribe = function(signal, callback) {
eventNotifier.unsubscribe(signal, callback);
this.isDocumentModified = isModified;
this.setDocumentModified = function(modified) {
if (isModified() === modified) {
if (modified) {
unmodifiedStateId = new StateId;
} else {
unmodifiedStateId = currentUndoStateTransition.getNextStateId();
eventNotifier.emit(gui.UndoManager.signalDocumentModifiedChanged, modified);
this.hasUndoStates = function() {
return undoStateTransitions.length > 0;
this.hasRedoStates = function() {
return redoStateTransitions.length > 0;
this.setDocument = function(newDocument) {
document = newDocument;
this.purgeInitialState = function() {
var oldModified = isModified();
undoStateTransitions.length = 0;
redoStateTransitions.length = 0;
currentUndoStateTransition = initialStateTransition = new StateTransition(undoRules);
unmodifiedStateId = currentUndoStateTransition.getNextStateId();
initialDoc = null;
function setInitialState() {
var oldModified = isModified();
initialDoc = document.cloneDocumentElement();
currentUndoStateTransition = initialStateTransition = extractCursorStates([initialStateTransition].concat(undoStateTransitions));
undoStateTransitions.length = 0;
redoStateTransitions.length = 0;
if (!oldModified) {
unmodifiedStateId = currentUndoStateTransition.getNextStateId();
this.setInitialState = setInitialState;
this.initialize = function() {
if (!initialDoc) {
this.setPlaybackFunction = function(playback_func) {
playFunc = playback_func;
this.onOperationExecuted = function(op) {
if (isExecutingOps) {
var oldModified = isModified();
if (undoRules.isEditOperation(op) && (currentUndoStateTransition === initialStateTransition || redoStateTransitions.length > 0) || !undoRules.isPartOfOperationSet(op, currentUndoStateTransition.getOperations())) {
redoStateTransitions.length = 0;
currentUndoStateTransition = new StateTransition(undoRules, [op], true);
eventNotifier.emit(gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStateCreated, {operations:currentUndoStateTransition.getOperations()});
} else {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.UndoManager.signalUndoStateModified, {operations:currentUndoStateTransition.getOperations()});
this.moveForward = function(states) {
var moved = 0, oldModified = isModified(), redoOperations;
while (states && redoStateTransitions.length) {
redoOperations = redoStateTransitions.pop();
states -= 1;
moved += 1;
if (moved) {
currentUndoStateTransition = mostRecentUndoStateTransition();
return moved;
this.moveBackward = function(states) {
var moved = 0, oldModified = isModified();
while (states && undoStateTransitions.length) {
states -= 1;
moved += 1;
if (moved) {
document.getMemberIds().forEach(function(memberid) {
if (document.hasCursor(memberid)) {
eventNotifier.emit(gui.TrivialUndoManager.signalDocumentRootReplaced, {});
currentUndoStateTransition = mostRecentUndoStateTransition() || initialStateTransition;
return moved;
function init() {
currentUndoStateTransition = initialStateTransition = new StateTransition(undoRules);
unmodifiedStateId = currentUndoStateTransition.getNextStateId();
gui.TrivialUndoManager.signalDocumentRootReplaced = "documentRootReplaced";
odf.GraphicProperties = function(element, styleParseUtils, parent) {
var self = this, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, svgns = odf.Namespaces.svgns, getter;
getter = {verticalPos:function() {
var v = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "vertical-pos");
return v === "" ? undefined : v;
}, verticalRel:function() {
var v = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "vertical-rel");
return v === "" ? undefined : v;
}, horizontalPos:function() {
var v = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "horizontal-pos");
return v === "" ? undefined : v;
}, horizontalRel:function() {
var v = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "horizontal-rel");
return v === "" ? undefined : v;
}, strokeWidth:function() {
var a = element.getAttributeNS(svgns, "stroke-width");
return styleParseUtils.parseLength(a);
this.verticalPos = function() {
return self.data.value("verticalPos");
this.verticalRel = function() {
return self.data.value("verticalRel");
this.horizontalPos = function() {
return self.data.value("horizontalPos");
this.horizontalRel = function() {
return self.data.value("horizontalRel");
this.strokeWidth = function() {
return self.data.value("strokeWidth");
function init() {
var p = parent === undefined ? undefined : parent.data;
self.data = new odf.LazyStyleProperties(p, getter);
odf.ComputedGraphicProperties = function() {
var g;
this.setGraphicProperties = function(graphicProperties) {
g = graphicProperties;
this.verticalPos = function() {
return g && g.verticalPos() || "from-top";
this.verticalRel = function() {
return g && g.verticalRel() || "page";
this.horizontalPos = function() {
return g && g.horizontalPos() || "from-left";
this.horizontalRel = function() {
return g && g.horizontalRel() || "page";
odf.PageLayoutProperties = function(element, styleParseUtils, parent) {
var self = this, fons = odf.Namespaces.fons, getter;
getter = {pageHeight:function() {
var a, value;
if (element) {
a = element.getAttributeNS(fons, "page-height");
value = styleParseUtils.parseLength(a);
return value;
}, pageWidth:function() {
var a, value;
if (element) {
a = element.getAttributeNS(fons, "page-width");
value = styleParseUtils.parseLength(a);
return value;
this.pageHeight = function() {
return self.data.value("pageHeight") || 1123;
this.pageWidth = function() {
return self.data.value("pageWidth") || 794;
function init() {
var p = parent === undefined ? undefined : parent.data;
self.data = new odf.LazyStyleProperties(p, getter);
odf.PageLayout = function(element, styleParseUtils, parent) {
var self = this;
function init() {
var e = null;
if (element) {
e = styleParseUtils.getPropertiesElement("page-layout-properties", element);
self.pageLayout = new odf.PageLayoutProperties(e, styleParseUtils, parent && parent.pageLayout);
odf.PageLayoutCache = function() {
odf.PageLayoutCache.prototype.getPageLayout = function(name) {
odf.PageLayoutCache.prototype.getDefaultPageLayout = function() {
odf.ParagraphProperties = function(element, styleParseUtils, parent) {
var self = this, fons = odf.Namespaces.fons, getter;
getter = {marginTop:function() {
var a = element.getAttributeNS(fons, "margin-top"), value = styleParseUtils.parsePositiveLengthOrPercent(a, "marginTop", parent && parent.data);
return value;
this.marginTop = function() {
return self.data.value("marginTop");
function init() {
var p = parent === undefined ? undefined : parent.data;
self.data = new odf.LazyStyleProperties(p, getter);
odf.ComputedParagraphProperties = function() {
var data = {}, styleChain = [];
function value(name) {
var v, i;
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
v = data[name];
} else {
for (i = 0;v === undefined && i < styleChain.length;i += 1) {
v = styleChain[i][name]();
data[name] = v;
return v;
this.setStyleChain = function setStyleChain(newStyleChain) {
styleChain = newStyleChain;
data = {};
this.marginTop = function() {
return value("marginTop") || 0;
odf.TextProperties = function(element, styleParseUtils, parent) {
var self = this, fons = odf.Namespaces.fons, getter;
getter = {fontSize:function() {
var a = element.getAttributeNS(fons, "font-size"), value = styleParseUtils.parsePositiveLengthOrPercent(a, "fontSize", parent && parent.data);
return value;
this.fontSize = function() {
return self.data.value("fontSize");
function init() {
var p = parent === undefined ? undefined : parent.data;
self.data = new odf.LazyStyleProperties(p, getter);
odf.ComputedTextProperties = function() {
var data = {}, styleChain = [];
function value(name) {
var v, i;
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
v = data[name];
} else {
for (i = 0;v === undefined && i < styleChain.length;i += 1) {
v = styleChain[i][name]();
data[name] = v;
return v;
this.setStyleChain = function setStyleChain(newStyleChain) {
styleChain = newStyleChain;
data = {};
this.fontSize = function() {
return value("fontSize") || 12;
odf.MasterPage = function(element, pageLayoutCache) {
var self = this;
function init() {
var pageLayoutName;
if (element) {
pageLayoutName = element.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.stylens, "page-layout-name");
self.pageLayout = pageLayoutCache.getPageLayout(pageLayoutName);
} else {
self.pageLayout = pageLayoutCache.getDefaultPageLayout();
odf.MasterPageCache = function() {
odf.MasterPageCache.prototype.getMasterPage = function(name) {
odf.StylePileEntry = function(element, styleParseUtils, masterPageCache, parent) {
this.masterPage = function() {
var masterPageName = element.getAttributeNS(odf.Namespaces.stylens, "master-page-name"), masterPage = null;
if (masterPageName) {
masterPage = masterPageCache.getMasterPage(masterPageName);
return masterPage;
function init(self) {
var stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, family = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family"), e = null;
if (family === "graphic" || family === "chart") {
self.graphic = parent === undefined ? undefined : parent.graphic;
e = styleParseUtils.getPropertiesElement("graphic-properties", element, e);
if (e !== null) {
self.graphic = new odf.GraphicProperties(e, styleParseUtils, self.graphic);
if (family === "paragraph" || family === "table-cell" || family === "graphic" || family === "presentation" || family === "chart") {
self.paragraph = parent === undefined ? undefined : parent.paragraph;
e = styleParseUtils.getPropertiesElement("paragraph-properties", element, e);
if (e !== null) {
self.paragraph = new odf.ParagraphProperties(e, styleParseUtils, self.paragraph);
if (family === "text" || family === "paragraph" || family === "table-cell" || family === "graphic" || family === "presentation" || family === "chart") {
self.text = parent === undefined ? undefined : parent.text;
e = styleParseUtils.getPropertiesElement("text-properties", element, e);
if (e !== null) {
self.text = new odf.TextProperties(e, styleParseUtils, self.text);
odf.StylePile = function(styleParseUtils, masterPageCache) {
var stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, commonStyles = {}, automaticStyles = {}, defaultStyle, parsedCommonStyles = {}, parsedAutomaticStyles = {}, getCommonStyle;
function parseStyle(element, visitedStyles) {
var parent, parentName, style;
if (element.hasAttributeNS(stylens, "parent-style-name")) {
parentName = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "parent-style-name");
if (visitedStyles.indexOf(parentName) === -1) {
parent = getCommonStyle(parentName, visitedStyles);
style = new odf.StylePileEntry(element, styleParseUtils, masterPageCache, parent);
return style;
getCommonStyle = function(styleName, visitedStyles) {
var style = parsedCommonStyles[styleName], element;
if (!style) {
element = commonStyles[styleName];
if (element) {
style = parseStyle(element, visitedStyles);
parsedCommonStyles[styleName] = style;
return style;
function getStyle(styleName) {
var style = parsedAutomaticStyles[styleName] || parsedCommonStyles[styleName], element, visitedStyles = [];
if (!style) {
element = automaticStyles[styleName];
if (!element) {
element = commonStyles[styleName];
if (element) {
if (element) {
style = parseStyle(element, visitedStyles);
return style;
this.getStyle = getStyle;
this.addCommonStyle = function(style) {
var name;
if (style.hasAttributeNS(stylens, "name")) {
name = style.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (!commonStyles.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
commonStyles[name] = style;
this.addAutomaticStyle = function(style) {
var name;
if (style.hasAttributeNS(stylens, "name")) {
name = style.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (!automaticStyles.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
automaticStyles[name] = style;
this.setDefaultStyle = function(style) {
if (defaultStyle === undefined) {
defaultStyle = parseStyle(style, []);
this.getDefaultStyle = function() {
return defaultStyle;
odf.ComputedGraphicStyle = function() {
this.text = new odf.ComputedTextProperties;
this.paragraph = new odf.ComputedParagraphProperties;
this.graphic = new odf.ComputedGraphicProperties;
odf.ComputedParagraphStyle = function() {
this.text = new odf.ComputedTextProperties;
this.paragraph = new odf.ComputedParagraphProperties;
odf.ComputedTextStyle = function() {
this.text = new odf.ComputedTextProperties;
odf.StyleCache = function(odfroot) {
var self = this, stylePiles, textStyleCache, paragraphStyleCache, graphicStyleCache, textStylePile, paragraphStylePile, graphicStylePile, textns = odf.Namespaces.textns, stylens = odf.Namespaces.stylens, styleInfo = new odf.StyleInfo, styleParseUtils = new odf.StyleParseUtils, masterPages, parsedMasterPages, defaultMasterPage, defaultPageLayout, pageLayouts, parsedPageLayouts;
function appendClassNames(family, ns, element, chain) {
var names = element.getAttributeNS(ns, "class-names"), stylename, i;
if (names) {
names = names.split(" ");
for (i = 0;i < names.length;i += 1) {
stylename = names[i];
if (stylename) {
function getGraphicStyleChain(element, chain) {
var stylename = styleInfo.getStyleName("graphic", element);
if (stylename !== undefined) {
return chain;
function getParagraphStyleChain(element, chain) {
var stylename = styleInfo.getStyleName("paragraph", element);
if (stylename !== undefined) {
if (element.namespaceURI === textns && (element.localName === "h" || element.localName === "p")) {
appendClassNames("paragraph", textns, element, chain);
return chain;
function createPropertiesChain(styleChain, propertiesName, defaultFamily) {
var chain = [], i, lastProperties, family, styleName, pile, style, properties;
for (i = 0;i < styleChain.length;i += 2) {
family = styleChain[i];
styleName = styleChain[i + 1];
pile = stylePiles[family];
style = pile.getStyle(styleName);
if (style !== undefined) {
properties = style[propertiesName];
if (properties !== undefined && properties !== lastProperties) {
lastProperties = properties;
pile = stylePiles[defaultFamily];
style = pile.getDefaultStyle();
if (style) {
properties = style[propertiesName];
if (properties !== undefined && properties !== lastProperties) {
return chain;
this.getComputedGraphicStyle = function(element) {
var styleChain = getGraphicStyleChain(element, []), key = styleChain.join("/"), computedStyle = graphicStyleCache[key];
runtime.assert(styleChain.length % 2 === 0, "Invalid style chain.");
if (computedStyle === undefined) {
computedStyle = new odf.ComputedGraphicStyle;
computedStyle.graphic.setGraphicProperties(createPropertiesChain(styleChain, "graphic", "graphic")[0]);
computedStyle.text.setStyleChain(createPropertiesChain(styleChain, "text", "graphic"));
computedStyle.paragraph.setStyleChain(createPropertiesChain(styleChain, "paragraph", "graphic"));
graphicStyleCache[key] = computedStyle;
return computedStyle;
this.getComputedParagraphStyle = function(element) {
var styleChain = getParagraphStyleChain(element, []), key = styleChain.join("/"), computedStyle = paragraphStyleCache[key];
runtime.assert(styleChain.length % 2 === 0, "Invalid style chain.");
if (computedStyle === undefined) {
computedStyle = new odf.ComputedParagraphStyle;
computedStyle.text.setStyleChain(createPropertiesChain(styleChain, "text", "paragraph"));
computedStyle.paragraph.setStyleChain(createPropertiesChain(styleChain, "paragraph", "paragraph"));
paragraphStyleCache[key] = computedStyle;
return computedStyle;
function getTextStyleChain(element, chain) {
var stylename = styleInfo.getStyleName("text", element), parent = element.parentNode;
if (stylename !== undefined) {
if (element.localName === "span" && element.namespaceURI === textns) {
appendClassNames("text", textns, element, chain);
if (!parent || parent === odfroot) {
return chain;
if (parent.namespaceURI === textns && (parent.localName === "p" || parent.localName === "h")) {
getParagraphStyleChain(parent, chain);
} else {
getTextStyleChain(parent, chain);
return chain;
this.getComputedTextStyle = function(element) {
var styleChain = getTextStyleChain(element, []), key = styleChain.join("/"), computedStyle = textStyleCache[key];
runtime.assert(styleChain.length % 2 === 0, "Invalid style chain.");
if (computedStyle === undefined) {
computedStyle = new odf.ComputedTextStyle;
computedStyle.text.setStyleChain(createPropertiesChain(styleChain, "text", "text"));
textStyleCache[key] = computedStyle;
return computedStyle;
function getPileFromElement(element) {
var family = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "family");
return stylePiles[family];
function addMasterPage(element) {
var name = element.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name");
if (name.length > 0 && !masterPages.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
masterPages[name] = element;
function getPageLayout(name) {
var pageLayout = parsedPageLayouts[name], e;
if (!pageLayout) {
e = pageLayouts[name];
if (e) {
pageLayout = new odf.PageLayout(e, styleParseUtils, defaultPageLayout);
parsedPageLayouts[name] = pageLayout;
} else {
pageLayout = defaultPageLayout;
return pageLayout;
this.getPageLayout = getPageLayout;
this.getDefaultPageLayout = function() {
return defaultPageLayout;
function getMasterPage(name) {
var masterPage = parsedMasterPages[name], element;
if (masterPage === undefined) {
element = masterPages[name];
if (element) {
masterPage = new odf.MasterPage(element, self);
parsedMasterPages[name] = masterPage;
} else {
masterPage = null;
return masterPage;
this.getMasterPage = getMasterPage;
this.getDefaultMasterPage = function() {
return defaultMasterPage;
function update() {
var e, pile, defaultPageLayoutElement = null, defaultMasterPageElement = null;
textStyleCache = {};
paragraphStyleCache = {};
graphicStyleCache = {};
masterPages = {};
parsedMasterPages = {};
parsedPageLayouts = {};
pageLayouts = {};
textStylePile = new odf.StylePile(styleParseUtils, self);
paragraphStylePile = new odf.StylePile(styleParseUtils, self);
graphicStylePile = new odf.StylePile(styleParseUtils, self);
stylePiles = {text:textStylePile, paragraph:paragraphStylePile, graphic:graphicStylePile};
e = odfroot.styles.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
if (e.namespaceURI === stylens) {
pile = getPileFromElement(e);
if (pile) {
if (e.localName === "style") {
} else {
if (e.localName === "default-style") {
} else {
if (e.localName === "default-page-layout") {
defaultPageLayoutElement = e;
e = e.nextElementSibling;
defaultPageLayout = new odf.PageLayout(defaultPageLayoutElement, styleParseUtils);
e = odfroot.automaticStyles.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
if (e.namespaceURI === stylens) {
pile = getPileFromElement(e);
if (pile && e.localName === "style") {
} else {
if (e.localName === "page-layout") {
pageLayouts[e.getAttributeNS(stylens, "name")] = e;
e = e.nextElementSibling;
e = odfroot.masterStyles.firstElementChild;
while (e) {
if (e.namespaceURI === stylens && e.localName === "master-page") {
defaultMasterPageElement = defaultMasterPageElement || e;
e = e.nextElementSibling;
defaultMasterPage = new odf.MasterPage(defaultMasterPageElement, self);
this.update = update;
ops.OperationTransformMatrix = function OperationTransformMatrix() {
function invertMoveCursorSpecRange(moveCursorSpec) {
moveCursorSpec.position = moveCursorSpec.position + moveCursorSpec.length;
moveCursorSpec.length *= -1;
function invertMoveCursorSpecRangeOnNegativeLength(moveCursorSpec) {
var isBackwards = moveCursorSpec.length < 0;
if (isBackwards) {
return isBackwards;
function getStyleReferencingAttributes(setProperties, styleName) {
var attributes = [];
function check(attributeName) {
if (setProperties[attributeName] === styleName) {
if (setProperties) {
["style:parent-style-name", "style:next-style-name"].forEach(check);
return attributes;
function dropStyleReferencingAttributes(setProperties, deletedStyleName) {
function del(attributeName) {
if (setProperties[attributeName] === deletedStyleName) {
delete setProperties[attributeName];
if (setProperties) {
["style:parent-style-name", "style:next-style-name"].forEach(del);
function cloneOpspec(opspec) {
var result = {};
Object.keys(opspec).forEach(function(key) {
if (typeof opspec[key] === "object") {
result[key] = cloneOpspec(opspec[key]);
} else {
result[key] = opspec[key];
return result;
function dropOverruledAndUnneededAttributes(minorSetProperties, minorRemovedProperties, majorSetProperties, majorRemovedProperties) {
var i, name, majorChanged = false, minorChanged = false, removedPropertyNames, majorRemovedPropertyNames = [];
if (majorRemovedProperties && majorRemovedProperties.attributes) {
majorRemovedPropertyNames = majorRemovedProperties.attributes.split(",");
if (minorSetProperties && (majorSetProperties || majorRemovedPropertyNames.length > 0)) {
Object.keys(minorSetProperties).forEach(function(key) {
var value = minorSetProperties[key], overrulingPropertyValue;
if (typeof value !== "object") {
if (majorSetProperties) {
overrulingPropertyValue = majorSetProperties[key];
if (overrulingPropertyValue !== undefined) {
delete minorSetProperties[key];
minorChanged = true;
if (overrulingPropertyValue === value) {
delete majorSetProperties[key];
majorChanged = true;
} else {
if (majorRemovedPropertyNames.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
delete minorSetProperties[key];
minorChanged = true;
if (minorRemovedProperties && minorRemovedProperties.attributes && (majorSetProperties || majorRemovedPropertyNames.length > 0)) {
removedPropertyNames = minorRemovedProperties.attributes.split(",");
for (i = 0;i < removedPropertyNames.length;i += 1) {
name = removedPropertyNames[i];
if (majorSetProperties && majorSetProperties[name] !== undefined || majorRemovedPropertyNames && majorRemovedPropertyNames.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
removedPropertyNames.splice(i, 1);
i -= 1;
minorChanged = true;
if (removedPropertyNames.length > 0) {
minorRemovedProperties.attributes = removedPropertyNames.join(",");
} else {
delete minorRemovedProperties.attributes;
return {majorChanged:majorChanged, minorChanged:minorChanged};
function hasProperties(properties) {
var key;
for (key in properties) {
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return true;
return false;
function hasRemovedProperties(properties) {
var key;
for (key in properties) {
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (key !== "attributes" || properties.attributes.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
function dropOverruledAndUnneededProperties(minorSet, minorRem, majorSet, majorRem, propertiesName) {
var minorSP = minorSet ? minorSet[propertiesName] : null, minorRP = minorRem ? minorRem[propertiesName] : null, majorSP = majorSet ? majorSet[propertiesName] : null, majorRP = majorRem ? majorRem[propertiesName] : null, result;
result = dropOverruledAndUnneededAttributes(minorSP, minorRP, majorSP, majorRP);
if (minorSP && !hasProperties(minorSP)) {
delete minorSet[propertiesName];
if (minorRP && !hasRemovedProperties(minorRP)) {
delete minorRem[propertiesName];
if (majorSP && !hasProperties(majorSP)) {
delete majorSet[propertiesName];
if (majorRP && !hasRemovedProperties(majorRP)) {
delete majorRem[propertiesName];
return result;
function transformAddAnnotationAddAnnotation(addAnnotationSpecA, addAnnotationSpecB, hasAPriority) {
var firstAnnotationSpec, secondAnnotationSpec;
if (addAnnotationSpecA.position < addAnnotationSpecB.position) {
firstAnnotationSpec = addAnnotationSpecA;
secondAnnotationSpec = addAnnotationSpecB;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpecB.position < addAnnotationSpecA.position) {
firstAnnotationSpec = addAnnotationSpecB;
secondAnnotationSpec = addAnnotationSpecA;
} else {
firstAnnotationSpec = hasAPriority ? addAnnotationSpecA : addAnnotationSpecB;
secondAnnotationSpec = hasAPriority ? addAnnotationSpecB : addAnnotationSpecA;
if (secondAnnotationSpec.position < firstAnnotationSpec.position + firstAnnotationSpec.length) {
firstAnnotationSpec.length += 2;
secondAnnotationSpec.position += 2;
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpecA], opSpecsB:[addAnnotationSpecB]};
function transformAddAnnotationApplyDirectStyling(addAnnotationSpec, applyDirectStylingSpec) {
if (addAnnotationSpec.position <= applyDirectStylingSpec.position) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.position += 2;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpec.position <= applyDirectStylingSpec.position + applyDirectStylingSpec.length) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.length += 2;
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpec], opSpecsB:[applyDirectStylingSpec]};
function transformAddAnnotationInsertText(addAnnotationSpec, insertTextSpec) {
if (insertTextSpec.position <= addAnnotationSpec.position) {
addAnnotationSpec.position += insertTextSpec.text.length;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpec.length !== undefined) {
if (insertTextSpec.position <= addAnnotationSpec.position + addAnnotationSpec.length) {
addAnnotationSpec.length += insertTextSpec.text.length;
insertTextSpec.position += 2;
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpec], opSpecsB:[insertTextSpec]};
function transformAddAnnotationMergeParagraph(addAnnotationSpec, mergeParagraphSpec) {
if (mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition <= addAnnotationSpec.position) {
addAnnotationSpec.position -= 1;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpec.length !== undefined) {
if (mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition <= addAnnotationSpec.position + addAnnotationSpec.length) {
addAnnotationSpec.length -= 1;
mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition += 2;
if (addAnnotationSpec.position < mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition += 2;
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpec], opSpecsB:[mergeParagraphSpec]};
function transformAddAnnotationMoveCursor(addAnnotationSpec, moveCursorSpec) {
var isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted = invertMoveCursorSpecRangeOnNegativeLength(moveCursorSpec);
if (addAnnotationSpec.position < moveCursorSpec.position) {
moveCursorSpec.position += 2;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpec.position < moveCursorSpec.position + moveCursorSpec.length) {
moveCursorSpec.length += 2;
if (isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted) {
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpec], opSpecsB:[moveCursorSpec]};
function transformAddAnnotationRemoveAnnotation(addAnnotationSpec, removeAnnotationSpec) {
if (addAnnotationSpec.position < removeAnnotationSpec.position) {
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position < addAnnotationSpec.position + addAnnotationSpec.length) {
addAnnotationSpec.length -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
removeAnnotationSpec.position += 2;
} else {
addAnnotationSpec.position -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpec], opSpecsB:[removeAnnotationSpec]};
function transformAddAnnotationRemoveText(addAnnotationSpec, removeTextSpec) {
var removeTextSpecPosition = removeTextSpec.position, removeTextSpecEnd = removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length, annotationSpecEnd, helperOpspec, addAnnotationSpecResult = [addAnnotationSpec], removeTextSpecResult = [removeTextSpec];
if (addAnnotationSpec.position <= removeTextSpec.position) {
removeTextSpec.position += 2;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpec.position < removeTextSpecEnd) {
removeTextSpec.length = addAnnotationSpec.position - removeTextSpec.position;
helperOpspec = {optype:"RemoveText", memberid:removeTextSpec.memberid, timestamp:removeTextSpec.timestamp, position:addAnnotationSpec.position + 2, length:removeTextSpecEnd - addAnnotationSpec.position};
if (removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length <= addAnnotationSpec.position) {
addAnnotationSpec.position -= removeTextSpec.length;
if (addAnnotationSpec.length !== undefined && helperOpspec) {
if (helperOpspec.length >= addAnnotationSpec.length) {
addAnnotationSpec.length = 0;
} else {
addAnnotationSpec.length -= helperOpspec.length;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpec.length !== undefined) {
annotationSpecEnd = addAnnotationSpec.position + addAnnotationSpec.length;
if (removeTextSpecEnd <= annotationSpecEnd) {
addAnnotationSpec.length -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpecPosition < annotationSpecEnd) {
addAnnotationSpec.length = removeTextSpecPosition - addAnnotationSpec.position;
return {opSpecsA:addAnnotationSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeTextSpecResult};
function transformAddAnnotationSetParagraphStyle(addAnnotationSpec, setParagraphStyleSpec) {
if (addAnnotationSpec.position < setParagraphStyleSpec.position) {
setParagraphStyleSpec.position += 2;
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpec], opSpecsB:[setParagraphStyleSpec]};
function transformAddAnnotationSplitParagraph(addAnnotationSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
if (addAnnotationSpec.position < splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition += 2;
if (splitParagraphSpec.position <= addAnnotationSpec.position) {
addAnnotationSpec.position += 1;
} else {
if (addAnnotationSpec.length !== undefined) {
if (splitParagraphSpec.position <= addAnnotationSpec.position + addAnnotationSpec.length) {
addAnnotationSpec.length += 1;
splitParagraphSpec.position += 2;
return {opSpecsA:[addAnnotationSpec], opSpecsB:[splitParagraphSpec]};
function transformAddStyleRemoveStyle(addStyleSpec, removeStyleSpec) {
var setAttributes, helperOpspec, addStyleSpecResult = [addStyleSpec], removeStyleSpecResult = [removeStyleSpec];
if (addStyleSpec.styleFamily === removeStyleSpec.styleFamily) {
setAttributes = getStyleReferencingAttributes(addStyleSpec.setProperties, removeStyleSpec.styleName);
if (setAttributes.length > 0) {
helperOpspec = {optype:"UpdateParagraphStyle", memberid:removeStyleSpec.memberid, timestamp:removeStyleSpec.timestamp, styleName:addStyleSpec.styleName, removedProperties:{attributes:setAttributes.join(",")}};
dropStyleReferencingAttributes(addStyleSpec.setProperties, removeStyleSpec.styleName);
return {opSpecsA:addStyleSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeStyleSpecResult};
function transformApplyDirectStylingApplyDirectStyling(applyDirectStylingSpecA, applyDirectStylingSpecB, hasAPriority) {
var majorSpec, minorSpec, majorSpecResult, minorSpecResult, majorSpecEnd, minorSpecEnd, dropResult, originalMajorSpec, originalMinorSpec, helperOpspecBefore, helperOpspecAfter, applyDirectStylingSpecAResult = [applyDirectStylingSpecA], applyDirectStylingSpecBResult = [applyDirectStylingSpecB];
if (!(applyDirectStylingSpecA.position + applyDirectStylingSpecA.length <= applyDirectStylingSpecB.position || applyDirectStylingSpecA.position >= applyDirectStylingSpecB.position + applyDirectStylingSpecB.length)) {
majorSpec = hasAPriority ? applyDirectStylingSpecA : applyDirectStylingSpecB;
minorSpec = hasAPriority ? applyDirectStylingSpecB : applyDirectStylingSpecA;
if (applyDirectStylingSpecA.position !== applyDirectStylingSpecB.position || applyDirectStylingSpecA.length !== applyDirectStylingSpecB.length) {
originalMajorSpec = cloneOpspec(majorSpec);
originalMinorSpec = cloneOpspec(minorSpec);
dropResult = dropOverruledAndUnneededProperties(minorSpec.setProperties, null, majorSpec.setProperties, null, "style:text-properties");
if (dropResult.majorChanged || dropResult.minorChanged) {
majorSpecResult = [];
minorSpecResult = [];
majorSpecEnd = majorSpec.position + majorSpec.length;
minorSpecEnd = minorSpec.position + minorSpec.length;
if (minorSpec.position < majorSpec.position) {
if (dropResult.minorChanged) {
helperOpspecBefore = cloneOpspec(originalMinorSpec);
helperOpspecBefore.length = majorSpec.position - minorSpec.position;
minorSpec.position = majorSpec.position;
minorSpec.length = minorSpecEnd - minorSpec.position;
} else {
if (majorSpec.position < minorSpec.position) {
if (dropResult.majorChanged) {
helperOpspecBefore = cloneOpspec(originalMajorSpec);
helperOpspecBefore.length = minorSpec.position - majorSpec.position;
majorSpec.position = minorSpec.position;
majorSpec.length = majorSpecEnd - majorSpec.position;
if (minorSpecEnd > majorSpecEnd) {
if (dropResult.minorChanged) {
helperOpspecAfter = originalMinorSpec;
helperOpspecAfter.position = majorSpecEnd;
helperOpspecAfter.length = minorSpecEnd - majorSpecEnd;
minorSpec.length = majorSpecEnd - minorSpec.position;
} else {
if (majorSpecEnd > minorSpecEnd) {
if (dropResult.majorChanged) {
helperOpspecAfter = originalMajorSpec;
helperOpspecAfter.position = minorSpecEnd;
helperOpspecAfter.length = majorSpecEnd - minorSpecEnd;
majorSpec.length = minorSpecEnd - majorSpec.position;
if (majorSpec.setProperties && hasProperties(majorSpec.setProperties)) {
if (minorSpec.setProperties && hasProperties(minorSpec.setProperties)) {
if (hasAPriority) {
applyDirectStylingSpecAResult = majorSpecResult;
applyDirectStylingSpecBResult = minorSpecResult;
} else {
applyDirectStylingSpecAResult = minorSpecResult;
applyDirectStylingSpecBResult = majorSpecResult;
return {opSpecsA:applyDirectStylingSpecAResult, opSpecsB:applyDirectStylingSpecBResult};
function transformApplyDirectStylingInsertText(applyDirectStylingSpec, insertTextSpec) {
if (insertTextSpec.position <= applyDirectStylingSpec.position) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.position += insertTextSpec.text.length;
} else {
if (insertTextSpec.position <= applyDirectStylingSpec.position + applyDirectStylingSpec.length) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.length += insertTextSpec.text.length;
return {opSpecsA:[applyDirectStylingSpec], opSpecsB:[insertTextSpec]};
function transformApplyDirectStylingMergeParagraph(applyDirectStylingSpec, mergeParagraphSpec) {
var pointA = applyDirectStylingSpec.position, pointB = applyDirectStylingSpec.position + applyDirectStylingSpec.length;
if (pointA >= mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
pointA -= 1;
if (pointB >= mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
pointB -= 1;
applyDirectStylingSpec.position = pointA;
applyDirectStylingSpec.length = pointB - pointA;
return {opSpecsA:[applyDirectStylingSpec], opSpecsB:[mergeParagraphSpec]};
function transformApplyDirectStylingRemoveAnnotation(applyDirectStylingSpec, removeAnnotationSpec) {
var pointA = applyDirectStylingSpec.position, pointB = applyDirectStylingSpec.position + applyDirectStylingSpec.length, removeAnnotationEnd = removeAnnotationSpec.position + removeAnnotationSpec.length, applyDirectStylingSpecResult = [applyDirectStylingSpec], removeAnnotationSpecResult = [removeAnnotationSpec];
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position <= pointA && pointB <= removeAnnotationEnd) {
applyDirectStylingSpecResult = [];
} else {
if (removeAnnotationEnd < pointA) {
pointA -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
if (removeAnnotationEnd < pointB) {
pointB -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
applyDirectStylingSpec.position = pointA;
applyDirectStylingSpec.length = pointB - pointA;
return {opSpecsA:applyDirectStylingSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeAnnotationSpecResult};
function transformApplyDirectStylingRemoveText(applyDirectStylingSpec, removeTextSpec) {
var applyDirectStylingSpecEnd = applyDirectStylingSpec.position + applyDirectStylingSpec.length, removeTextSpecEnd = removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length, applyDirectStylingSpecResult = [applyDirectStylingSpec], removeTextSpecResult = [removeTextSpec];
if (removeTextSpecEnd <= applyDirectStylingSpec.position) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.position -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpec.position < applyDirectStylingSpecEnd) {
if (applyDirectStylingSpec.position < removeTextSpec.position) {
if (removeTextSpecEnd < applyDirectStylingSpecEnd) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.length -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
applyDirectStylingSpec.length = removeTextSpec.position - applyDirectStylingSpec.position;
} else {
applyDirectStylingSpec.position = removeTextSpec.position;
if (removeTextSpecEnd < applyDirectStylingSpecEnd) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.length = applyDirectStylingSpecEnd - removeTextSpecEnd;
} else {
applyDirectStylingSpecResult = [];
return {opSpecsA:applyDirectStylingSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeTextSpecResult};
function transformApplyDirectStylingSplitParagraph(applyDirectStylingSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
if (splitParagraphSpec.position < applyDirectStylingSpec.position) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.position += 1;
} else {
if (splitParagraphSpec.position < applyDirectStylingSpec.position + applyDirectStylingSpec.length) {
applyDirectStylingSpec.length += 1;
return {opSpecsA:[applyDirectStylingSpec], opSpecsB:[splitParagraphSpec]};
function transformInsertTextInsertText(insertTextSpecA, insertTextSpecB, hasAPriority) {
if (insertTextSpecA.position < insertTextSpecB.position) {
insertTextSpecB.position += insertTextSpecA.text.length;
} else {
if (insertTextSpecA.position > insertTextSpecB.position) {
insertTextSpecA.position += insertTextSpecB.text.length;
} else {
if (hasAPriority) {
insertTextSpecB.position += insertTextSpecA.text.length;
} else {
insertTextSpecA.position += insertTextSpecB.text.length;
return {opSpecsA:[insertTextSpecA], opSpecsB:[insertTextSpecB]};
function transformInsertTextMergeParagraph(insertTextSpec, mergeParagraphSpec) {
if (insertTextSpec.position >= mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
insertTextSpec.position -= 1;
} else {
if (insertTextSpec.position < mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition += insertTextSpec.text.length;
if (insertTextSpec.position < mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition += insertTextSpec.text.length;
return {opSpecsA:[insertTextSpec], opSpecsB:[mergeParagraphSpec]};
function transformInsertTextMoveCursor(insertTextSpec, moveCursorSpec) {
var isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted = invertMoveCursorSpecRangeOnNegativeLength(moveCursorSpec);
if (insertTextSpec.position < moveCursorSpec.position) {
moveCursorSpec.position += insertTextSpec.text.length;
} else {
if (insertTextSpec.position < moveCursorSpec.position + moveCursorSpec.length) {
moveCursorSpec.length += insertTextSpec.text.length;
if (isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted) {
return {opSpecsA:[insertTextSpec], opSpecsB:[moveCursorSpec]};
function transformInsertTextRemoveAnnotation(insertTextSpec, removeAnnotationSpec) {
var insertTextSpecPosition = insertTextSpec.position, removeAnnotationEnd = removeAnnotationSpec.position + removeAnnotationSpec.length, insertTextSpecResult = [insertTextSpec], removeAnnotationSpecResult = [removeAnnotationSpec];
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position <= insertTextSpecPosition && insertTextSpecPosition <= removeAnnotationEnd) {
insertTextSpecResult = [];
removeAnnotationSpec.length += insertTextSpec.text.length;
} else {
if (removeAnnotationEnd < insertTextSpec.position) {
insertTextSpec.position -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
} else {
removeAnnotationSpec.position += insertTextSpec.text.length;
return {opSpecsA:insertTextSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeAnnotationSpecResult};
function transformInsertTextRemoveText(insertTextSpec, removeTextSpec) {
var helperOpspec, removeTextSpecEnd = removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length, insertTextSpecResult = [insertTextSpec], removeTextSpecResult = [removeTextSpec];
if (removeTextSpecEnd <= insertTextSpec.position) {
insertTextSpec.position -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
if (insertTextSpec.position <= removeTextSpec.position) {
removeTextSpec.position += insertTextSpec.text.length;
} else {
removeTextSpec.length = insertTextSpec.position - removeTextSpec.position;
helperOpspec = {optype:"RemoveText", memberid:removeTextSpec.memberid, timestamp:removeTextSpec.timestamp, position:insertTextSpec.position + insertTextSpec.text.length, length:removeTextSpecEnd - insertTextSpec.position};
insertTextSpec.position = removeTextSpec.position;
return {opSpecsA:insertTextSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeTextSpecResult};
function transformInsertTextSetParagraphStyle(insertTextSpec, setParagraphStyleSpec) {
if (setParagraphStyleSpec.position > insertTextSpec.position) {
setParagraphStyleSpec.position += insertTextSpec.text.length;
return {opSpecsA:[insertTextSpec], opSpecsB:[setParagraphStyleSpec]};
function transformInsertTextSplitParagraph(insertTextSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
if (insertTextSpec.position < splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition += insertTextSpec.text.length;
if (insertTextSpec.position <= splitParagraphSpec.position) {
splitParagraphSpec.position += insertTextSpec.text.length;
} else {
insertTextSpec.position += 1;
return {opSpecsA:[insertTextSpec], opSpecsB:[splitParagraphSpec]};
function transformMergeParagraphMergeParagraph(mergeParagraphSpecA, mergeParagraphSpecB, hasAPriority) {
var specsForB = [mergeParagraphSpecA], specsForA = [mergeParagraphSpecB], priorityOp, styleParagraphFixup, moveCursorA, moveCursorB;
if (mergeParagraphSpecA.destinationStartPosition === mergeParagraphSpecB.destinationStartPosition) {
specsForB = [];
specsForA = [];
if (mergeParagraphSpecA.moveCursor) {
moveCursorA = {optype:"MoveCursor", memberid:mergeParagraphSpecA.memberid, timestamp:mergeParagraphSpecA.timestamp, position:mergeParagraphSpecA.sourceStartPosition - 1};
if (mergeParagraphSpecB.moveCursor) {
moveCursorB = {optype:"MoveCursor", memberid:mergeParagraphSpecB.memberid, timestamp:mergeParagraphSpecB.timestamp, position:mergeParagraphSpecB.sourceStartPosition - 1};
priorityOp = hasAPriority ? mergeParagraphSpecA : mergeParagraphSpecB;
styleParagraphFixup = {optype:"SetParagraphStyle", memberid:priorityOp.memberid, timestamp:priorityOp.timestamp, position:priorityOp.destinationStartPosition, styleName:priorityOp.paragraphStyleName};
if (hasAPriority) {
} else {
} else {
if (mergeParagraphSpecB.sourceStartPosition === mergeParagraphSpecA.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpecA.destinationStartPosition = mergeParagraphSpecB.destinationStartPosition;
mergeParagraphSpecA.sourceStartPosition -= 1;
mergeParagraphSpecA.paragraphStyleName = mergeParagraphSpecB.paragraphStyleName;
} else {
if (mergeParagraphSpecA.sourceStartPosition === mergeParagraphSpecB.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpecB.destinationStartPosition = mergeParagraphSpecA.destinationStartPosition;
mergeParagraphSpecB.sourceStartPosition -= 1;
mergeParagraphSpecB.paragraphStyleName = mergeParagraphSpecA.paragraphStyleName;
} else {
if (mergeParagraphSpecA.destinationStartPosition < mergeParagraphSpecB.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpecB.destinationStartPosition -= 1;
mergeParagraphSpecB.sourceStartPosition -= 1;
} else {
mergeParagraphSpecA.destinationStartPosition -= 1;
mergeParagraphSpecA.sourceStartPosition -= 1;
return {opSpecsA:specsForB, opSpecsB:specsForA};
function transformMergeParagraphMoveCursor(mergeParagraphSpec, moveCursorSpec) {
var pointA = moveCursorSpec.position, pointB = moveCursorSpec.position + moveCursorSpec.length, start = Math.min(pointA, pointB), end = Math.max(pointA, pointB);
if (start >= mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
start -= 1;
if (end >= mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
end -= 1;
if (moveCursorSpec.length >= 0) {
moveCursorSpec.position = start;
moveCursorSpec.length = end - start;
} else {
moveCursorSpec.position = end;
moveCursorSpec.length = start - end;
return {opSpecsA:[mergeParagraphSpec], opSpecsB:[moveCursorSpec]};
function transformMergeParagraphRemoveAnnotation(mergeParagraphSpec, removeAnnotationSpec) {
var removeAnnotationEnd = removeAnnotationSpec.position + removeAnnotationSpec.length, mergeParagraphSpecResult = [mergeParagraphSpec], removeAnnotationSpecResult = [removeAnnotationSpec];
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position <= mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition && mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition <= removeAnnotationEnd) {
mergeParagraphSpecResult = [];
removeAnnotationSpec.length -= 1;
} else {
if (mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition < removeAnnotationSpec.position) {
removeAnnotationSpec.position -= 1;
} else {
if (removeAnnotationEnd < mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
if (removeAnnotationEnd < mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
return {opSpecsA:mergeParagraphSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeAnnotationSpecResult};
function transformMergeParagraphRemoveText(mergeParagraphSpec, removeTextSpec) {
if (removeTextSpec.position >= mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
removeTextSpec.position -= 1;
} else {
if (removeTextSpec.position < mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition -= removeTextSpec.length;
if (removeTextSpec.position < mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition -= removeTextSpec.length;
return {opSpecsA:[mergeParagraphSpec], opSpecsB:[removeTextSpec]};
function transformMergeParagraphSetParagraphStyle(mergeParagraphSpec, setParagraphStyleSpec) {
var opSpecsA = [mergeParagraphSpec], opSpecsB = [setParagraphStyleSpec];
if (setParagraphStyleSpec.position > mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
setParagraphStyleSpec.position -= 1;
} else {
if (setParagraphStyleSpec.position === mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition || setParagraphStyleSpec.position === mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
setParagraphStyleSpec.position = mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition;
mergeParagraphSpec.paragraphStyleName = setParagraphStyleSpec.styleName;
return {opSpecsA:opSpecsA, opSpecsB:opSpecsB};
function transformMergeParagraphSplitParagraph(mergeParagraphSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
var styleSplitParagraph, moveCursorOp, opSpecsA = [mergeParagraphSpec], opSpecsB = [splitParagraphSpec];
if (splitParagraphSpec.position < mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition) {
mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition += 1;
mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition += 1;
} else {
if (splitParagraphSpec.position >= mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition && splitParagraphSpec.position < mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.paragraphStyleName = mergeParagraphSpec.paragraphStyleName;
styleSplitParagraph = {optype:"SetParagraphStyle", memberid:mergeParagraphSpec.memberid, timestamp:mergeParagraphSpec.timestamp, position:mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition, styleName:mergeParagraphSpec.paragraphStyleName};
if (splitParagraphSpec.position === mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition - 1 && mergeParagraphSpec.moveCursor) {
moveCursorOp = {optype:"MoveCursor", memberid:mergeParagraphSpec.memberid, timestamp:mergeParagraphSpec.timestamp, position:splitParagraphSpec.position, length:0};
mergeParagraphSpec.destinationStartPosition = splitParagraphSpec.position + 1;
mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition += 1;
} else {
if (splitParagraphSpec.position >= mergeParagraphSpec.sourceStartPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.position -= 1;
splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition -= 1;
return {opSpecsA:opSpecsA, opSpecsB:opSpecsB};
function transformUpdateParagraphStyleUpdateParagraphStyle(updateParagraphStyleSpecA, updateParagraphStyleSpecB, hasAPriority) {
var majorSpec, minorSpec, updateParagraphStyleSpecAResult = [updateParagraphStyleSpecA], updateParagraphStyleSpecBResult = [updateParagraphStyleSpecB];
if (updateParagraphStyleSpecA.styleName === updateParagraphStyleSpecB.styleName) {
majorSpec = hasAPriority ? updateParagraphStyleSpecA : updateParagraphStyleSpecB;
minorSpec = hasAPriority ? updateParagraphStyleSpecB : updateParagraphStyleSpecA;
dropOverruledAndUnneededProperties(minorSpec.setProperties, minorSpec.removedProperties, majorSpec.setProperties, majorSpec.removedProperties, "style:paragraph-properties");
dropOverruledAndUnneededProperties(minorSpec.setProperties, minorSpec.removedProperties, majorSpec.setProperties, majorSpec.removedProperties, "style:text-properties");
dropOverruledAndUnneededAttributes(minorSpec.setProperties || null, minorSpec.removedProperties || null, majorSpec.setProperties || null, majorSpec.removedProperties || null);
if (!(majorSpec.setProperties && hasProperties(majorSpec.setProperties)) && !(majorSpec.removedProperties && hasRemovedProperties(majorSpec.removedProperties))) {
if (hasAPriority) {
updateParagraphStyleSpecAResult = [];
} else {
updateParagraphStyleSpecBResult = [];
if (!(minorSpec.setProperties && hasProperties(minorSpec.setProperties)) && !(minorSpec.removedProperties && hasRemovedProperties(minorSpec.removedProperties))) {
if (hasAPriority) {
updateParagraphStyleSpecBResult = [];
} else {
updateParagraphStyleSpecAResult = [];
return {opSpecsA:updateParagraphStyleSpecAResult, opSpecsB:updateParagraphStyleSpecBResult};
function transformUpdateMetadataUpdateMetadata(updateMetadataSpecA, updateMetadataSpecB, hasAPriority) {
var majorSpec, minorSpec, updateMetadataSpecAResult = [updateMetadataSpecA], updateMetadataSpecBResult = [updateMetadataSpecB];
majorSpec = hasAPriority ? updateMetadataSpecA : updateMetadataSpecB;
minorSpec = hasAPriority ? updateMetadataSpecB : updateMetadataSpecA;
dropOverruledAndUnneededAttributes(minorSpec.setProperties || null, minorSpec.removedProperties || null, majorSpec.setProperties || null, majorSpec.removedProperties || null);
if (!(majorSpec.setProperties && hasProperties(majorSpec.setProperties)) && !(majorSpec.removedProperties && hasRemovedProperties(majorSpec.removedProperties))) {
if (hasAPriority) {
updateMetadataSpecAResult = [];
} else {
updateMetadataSpecBResult = [];
if (!(minorSpec.setProperties && hasProperties(minorSpec.setProperties)) && !(minorSpec.removedProperties && hasRemovedProperties(minorSpec.removedProperties))) {
if (hasAPriority) {
updateMetadataSpecBResult = [];
} else {
updateMetadataSpecAResult = [];
return {opSpecsA:updateMetadataSpecAResult, opSpecsB:updateMetadataSpecBResult};
function transformSetParagraphStyleSetParagraphStyle(setParagraphStyleSpecA, setParagraphStyleSpecB, hasAPriority) {
if (setParagraphStyleSpecA.position === setParagraphStyleSpecB.position) {
if (hasAPriority) {
setParagraphStyleSpecB.styleName = setParagraphStyleSpecA.styleName;
} else {
setParagraphStyleSpecA.styleName = setParagraphStyleSpecB.styleName;
return {opSpecsA:[setParagraphStyleSpecA], opSpecsB:[setParagraphStyleSpecB]};
function transformSetParagraphStyleSplitParagraph(setParagraphStyleSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
var opSpecsA = [setParagraphStyleSpec], opSpecsB = [splitParagraphSpec], setParagraphClone;
if (setParagraphStyleSpec.position > splitParagraphSpec.position) {
setParagraphStyleSpec.position += 1;
} else {
if (setParagraphStyleSpec.position === splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.paragraphStyleName = setParagraphStyleSpec.styleName;
setParagraphClone = cloneOpspec(setParagraphStyleSpec);
setParagraphClone.position = splitParagraphSpec.position + 1;
return {opSpecsA:opSpecsA, opSpecsB:opSpecsB};
function transformSplitParagraphSplitParagraph(splitParagraphSpecA, splitParagraphSpecB, hasAPriority) {
var specABeforeB, specBBeforeA;
if (splitParagraphSpecA.position < splitParagraphSpecB.position) {
specABeforeB = true;
} else {
if (splitParagraphSpecB.position < splitParagraphSpecA.position) {
specBBeforeA = true;
} else {
if (splitParagraphSpecA.position === splitParagraphSpecB.position) {
if (hasAPriority) {
specABeforeB = true;
} else {
specBBeforeA = true;
if (specABeforeB) {
splitParagraphSpecB.position += 1;
if (splitParagraphSpecA.position < splitParagraphSpecB.sourceParagraphPosition) {
splitParagraphSpecB.sourceParagraphPosition += 1;
} else {
splitParagraphSpecB.sourceParagraphPosition = splitParagraphSpecA.position + 1;
} else {
if (specBBeforeA) {
splitParagraphSpecA.position += 1;
if (splitParagraphSpecB.position < splitParagraphSpecB.sourceParagraphPosition) {
splitParagraphSpecA.sourceParagraphPosition += 1;
} else {
splitParagraphSpecA.sourceParagraphPosition = splitParagraphSpecB.position + 1;
return {opSpecsA:[splitParagraphSpecA], opSpecsB:[splitParagraphSpecB]};
function transformMoveCursorRemoveAnnotation(moveCursorSpec, removeAnnotationSpec) {
var isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted = invertMoveCursorSpecRangeOnNegativeLength(moveCursorSpec), moveCursorSpecEnd = moveCursorSpec.position + moveCursorSpec.length, removeAnnotationEnd = removeAnnotationSpec.position + removeAnnotationSpec.length;
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position <= moveCursorSpec.position && moveCursorSpecEnd <= removeAnnotationEnd) {
moveCursorSpec.position = removeAnnotationSpec.position - 1;
moveCursorSpec.length = 0;
} else {
if (removeAnnotationEnd < moveCursorSpec.position) {
moveCursorSpec.position -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
} else {
if (removeAnnotationEnd < moveCursorSpecEnd) {
moveCursorSpec.length -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
if (isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted) {
return {opSpecsA:[moveCursorSpec], opSpecsB:[removeAnnotationSpec]};
function transformMoveCursorRemoveCursor(moveCursorSpec, removeCursorSpec) {
var isSameCursorRemoved = moveCursorSpec.memberid === removeCursorSpec.memberid;
return {opSpecsA:isSameCursorRemoved ? [] : [moveCursorSpec], opSpecsB:[removeCursorSpec]};
function transformMoveCursorRemoveText(moveCursorSpec, removeTextSpec) {
var isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted = invertMoveCursorSpecRangeOnNegativeLength(moveCursorSpec), moveCursorSpecEnd = moveCursorSpec.position + moveCursorSpec.length, removeTextSpecEnd = removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length;
if (removeTextSpecEnd <= moveCursorSpec.position) {
moveCursorSpec.position -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpec.position < moveCursorSpecEnd) {
if (moveCursorSpec.position < removeTextSpec.position) {
if (removeTextSpecEnd < moveCursorSpecEnd) {
moveCursorSpec.length -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
moveCursorSpec.length = removeTextSpec.position - moveCursorSpec.position;
} else {
moveCursorSpec.position = removeTextSpec.position;
if (removeTextSpecEnd < moveCursorSpecEnd) {
moveCursorSpec.length = moveCursorSpecEnd - removeTextSpecEnd;
} else {
moveCursorSpec.length = 0;
if (isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted) {
return {opSpecsA:[moveCursorSpec], opSpecsB:[removeTextSpec]};
function transformMoveCursorSplitParagraph(moveCursorSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
var isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted = invertMoveCursorSpecRangeOnNegativeLength(moveCursorSpec);
if (splitParagraphSpec.position < moveCursorSpec.position) {
moveCursorSpec.position += 1;
} else {
if (splitParagraphSpec.position < moveCursorSpec.position + moveCursorSpec.length) {
moveCursorSpec.length += 1;
if (isMoveCursorSpecRangeInverted) {
return {opSpecsA:[moveCursorSpec], opSpecsB:[splitParagraphSpec]};
function transformRemoveAnnotationRemoveAnnotation(removeAnnotationSpecA, removeAnnotationSpecB) {
var removeAnnotationSpecAResult = [removeAnnotationSpecA], removeAnnotationSpecBResult = [removeAnnotationSpecB];
if (removeAnnotationSpecA.position === removeAnnotationSpecB.position && removeAnnotationSpecA.length === removeAnnotationSpecB.length) {
removeAnnotationSpecAResult = [];
removeAnnotationSpecBResult = [];
} else {
if (removeAnnotationSpecA.position < removeAnnotationSpecB.position) {
removeAnnotationSpecB.position -= removeAnnotationSpecA.length + 2;
} else {
removeAnnotationSpecA.position -= removeAnnotationSpecB.length + 2;
return {opSpecsA:removeAnnotationSpecAResult, opSpecsB:removeAnnotationSpecBResult};
function transformRemoveAnnotationRemoveText(removeAnnotationSpec, removeTextSpec) {
var removeAnnotationEnd = removeAnnotationSpec.position + removeAnnotationSpec.length, removeTextSpecEnd = removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length, removeAnnotationSpecResult = [removeAnnotationSpec], removeTextSpecResult = [removeTextSpec];
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position <= removeTextSpec.position && removeTextSpecEnd <= removeAnnotationEnd) {
removeTextSpecResult = [];
removeAnnotationSpec.length -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpecEnd < removeAnnotationSpec.position) {
removeAnnotationSpec.position -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpec.position < removeAnnotationSpec.position) {
removeAnnotationSpec.position = removeTextSpec.position + 1;
removeTextSpec.length -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
} else {
removeTextSpec.position -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
return {opSpecsA:removeAnnotationSpecResult, opSpecsB:removeTextSpecResult};
function transformRemoveAnnotationSetParagraphStyle(removeAnnotationSpec, setParagraphStyleSpec) {
var setParagraphStyleSpecPosition = setParagraphStyleSpec.position, removeAnnotationEnd = removeAnnotationSpec.position + removeAnnotationSpec.length, removeAnnotationSpecResult = [removeAnnotationSpec], setParagraphStyleSpecResult = [setParagraphStyleSpec];
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position <= setParagraphStyleSpecPosition && setParagraphStyleSpecPosition <= removeAnnotationEnd) {
setParagraphStyleSpecResult = [];
} else {
if (removeAnnotationEnd < setParagraphStyleSpecPosition) {
setParagraphStyleSpec.position -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
return {opSpecsA:removeAnnotationSpecResult, opSpecsB:setParagraphStyleSpecResult};
function transformRemoveAnnotationSplitParagraph(removeAnnotationSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
var splitParagraphSpecPosition = splitParagraphSpec.position, removeAnnotationEnd = removeAnnotationSpec.position + removeAnnotationSpec.length, removeAnnotationSpecResult = [removeAnnotationSpec], splitParagraphSpecResult = [splitParagraphSpec];
if (removeAnnotationSpec.position <= splitParagraphSpecPosition && splitParagraphSpecPosition <= removeAnnotationEnd) {
splitParagraphSpecResult = [];
removeAnnotationSpec.length += 1;
} else {
if (removeAnnotationEnd < splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
if (removeAnnotationEnd < splitParagraphSpecPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.position -= removeAnnotationSpec.length + 2;
} else {
removeAnnotationSpec.position += 1;
return {opSpecsA:removeAnnotationSpecResult, opSpecsB:splitParagraphSpecResult};
function transformRemoveCursorRemoveCursor(removeCursorSpecA, removeCursorSpecB) {
var isSameMemberid = removeCursorSpecA.memberid === removeCursorSpecB.memberid;
return {opSpecsA:isSameMemberid ? [] : [removeCursorSpecA], opSpecsB:isSameMemberid ? [] : [removeCursorSpecB]};
function transformRemoveStyleRemoveStyle(removeStyleSpecA, removeStyleSpecB) {
var isSameStyle = removeStyleSpecA.styleName === removeStyleSpecB.styleName && removeStyleSpecA.styleFamily === removeStyleSpecB.styleFamily;
return {opSpecsA:isSameStyle ? [] : [removeStyleSpecA], opSpecsB:isSameStyle ? [] : [removeStyleSpecB]};
function transformRemoveStyleSetParagraphStyle(removeStyleSpec, setParagraphStyleSpec) {
var helperOpspec, removeStyleSpecResult = [removeStyleSpec], setParagraphStyleSpecResult = [setParagraphStyleSpec];
if (removeStyleSpec.styleFamily === "paragraph" && removeStyleSpec.styleName === setParagraphStyleSpec.styleName) {
helperOpspec = {optype:"SetParagraphStyle", memberid:removeStyleSpec.memberid, timestamp:removeStyleSpec.timestamp, position:setParagraphStyleSpec.position, styleName:""};
setParagraphStyleSpec.styleName = "";
return {opSpecsA:removeStyleSpecResult, opSpecsB:setParagraphStyleSpecResult};
function transformRemoveStyleUpdateParagraphStyle(removeStyleSpec, updateParagraphStyleSpec) {
var setAttributes, helperOpspec, removeStyleSpecResult = [removeStyleSpec], updateParagraphStyleSpecResult = [updateParagraphStyleSpec];
if (removeStyleSpec.styleFamily === "paragraph") {
setAttributes = getStyleReferencingAttributes(updateParagraphStyleSpec.setProperties, removeStyleSpec.styleName);
if (setAttributes.length > 0) {
helperOpspec = {optype:"UpdateParagraphStyle", memberid:removeStyleSpec.memberid, timestamp:removeStyleSpec.timestamp, styleName:updateParagraphStyleSpec.styleName, removedProperties:{attributes:setAttributes.join(",")}};
if (removeStyleSpec.styleName === updateParagraphStyleSpec.styleName) {
updateParagraphStyleSpecResult = [];
} else {
dropStyleReferencingAttributes(updateParagraphStyleSpec.setProperties, removeStyleSpec.styleName);
return {opSpecsA:removeStyleSpecResult, opSpecsB:updateParagraphStyleSpecResult};
function transformRemoveTextRemoveText(removeTextSpecA, removeTextSpecB) {
var removeTextSpecAEnd = removeTextSpecA.position + removeTextSpecA.length, removeTextSpecBEnd = removeTextSpecB.position + removeTextSpecB.length, removeTextSpecAResult = [removeTextSpecA], removeTextSpecBResult = [removeTextSpecB];
if (removeTextSpecBEnd <= removeTextSpecA.position) {
removeTextSpecA.position -= removeTextSpecB.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpecAEnd <= removeTextSpecB.position) {
removeTextSpecB.position -= removeTextSpecA.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpecB.position < removeTextSpecAEnd) {
if (removeTextSpecA.position < removeTextSpecB.position) {
if (removeTextSpecBEnd < removeTextSpecAEnd) {
removeTextSpecA.length = removeTextSpecA.length - removeTextSpecB.length;
} else {
removeTextSpecA.length = removeTextSpecB.position - removeTextSpecA.position;
if (removeTextSpecAEnd < removeTextSpecBEnd) {
removeTextSpecB.position = removeTextSpecA.position;
removeTextSpecB.length = removeTextSpecBEnd - removeTextSpecAEnd;
} else {
removeTextSpecBResult = [];
} else {
if (removeTextSpecAEnd < removeTextSpecBEnd) {
removeTextSpecB.length = removeTextSpecB.length - removeTextSpecA.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpecB.position < removeTextSpecA.position) {
removeTextSpecB.length = removeTextSpecA.position - removeTextSpecB.position;
} else {
removeTextSpecBResult = [];
if (removeTextSpecBEnd < removeTextSpecAEnd) {
removeTextSpecA.position = removeTextSpecB.position;
removeTextSpecA.length = removeTextSpecAEnd - removeTextSpecBEnd;
} else {
removeTextSpecAResult = [];
return {opSpecsA:removeTextSpecAResult, opSpecsB:removeTextSpecBResult};
function transformRemoveTextSetParagraphStyle(removeTextSpec, setParagraphStyleSpec) {
if (removeTextSpec.position < setParagraphStyleSpec.position) {
setParagraphStyleSpec.position -= removeTextSpec.length;
return {opSpecsA:[removeTextSpec], opSpecsB:[setParagraphStyleSpec]};
function transformRemoveTextSplitParagraph(removeTextSpec, splitParagraphSpec) {
var removeTextSpecEnd = removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length, helperOpspec, removeTextSpecResult = [removeTextSpec], splitParagraphSpecResult = [splitParagraphSpec];
if (splitParagraphSpec.position <= removeTextSpec.position) {
removeTextSpec.position += 1;
} else {
if (splitParagraphSpec.position < removeTextSpecEnd) {
removeTextSpec.length = splitParagraphSpec.position - removeTextSpec.position;
helperOpspec = {optype:"RemoveText", memberid:removeTextSpec.memberid, timestamp:removeTextSpec.timestamp, position:splitParagraphSpec.position + 1, length:removeTextSpecEnd - splitParagraphSpec.position};
if (removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length <= splitParagraphSpec.position) {
splitParagraphSpec.position -= removeTextSpec.length;
} else {
if (removeTextSpec.position < splitParagraphSpec.position) {
splitParagraphSpec.position = removeTextSpec.position;
if (removeTextSpec.position + removeTextSpec.length < splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition) {
splitParagraphSpec.sourceParagraphPosition -= removeTextSpec.length;
return {opSpecsA:removeTextSpecResult, opSpecsB:splitParagraphSpecResult};
function passUnchanged(opSpecA, opSpecB) {
return {opSpecsA:[opSpecA], opSpecsB:[opSpecB]};
var transformations;
transformations = {"AddAnnotation":{"AddAnnotation":transformAddAnnotationAddAnnotation, "AddCursor":passUnchanged, "AddMember":passUnchanged, "AddStyle":passUnchanged, "ApplyDirectStyling":transformAddAnnotationApplyDirectStyling, "InsertText":transformAddAnnotationInsertText, "MergeParagraph":transformAddAnnotationMergeParagraph, "MoveCursor":transformAddAnnotationMoveCursor, "RemoveAnnotation":transformAddAnnotationRemoveAnnotation, "RemoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveMember":passUnchanged,
"RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":transformAddAnnotationRemoveText, "SetParagraphStyle":transformAddAnnotationSetParagraphStyle, "SplitParagraph":transformAddAnnotationSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "AddCursor":{"AddCursor":passUnchanged, "AddMember":passUnchanged, "AddStyle":passUnchanged, "ApplyDirectStyling":passUnchanged, "InsertText":passUnchanged, "MergeParagraph":passUnchanged, "MoveCursor":passUnchanged,
"RemoveAnnotation":passUnchanged, "RemoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":passUnchanged, "SetParagraphStyle":passUnchanged, "SplitParagraph":passUnchanged, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "AddMember":{"AddStyle":passUnchanged, "ApplyDirectStyling":passUnchanged, "InsertText":passUnchanged, "MergeParagraph":passUnchanged, "MoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveAnnotation":passUnchanged,
"RemoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":passUnchanged, "SetParagraphStyle":passUnchanged, "SplitParagraph":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "AddStyle":{"AddStyle":passUnchanged, "ApplyDirectStyling":passUnchanged, "InsertText":passUnchanged, "MergeParagraph":passUnchanged, "MoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveAnnotation":passUnchanged, "RemoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":transformAddStyleRemoveStyle,
"RemoveText":passUnchanged, "SetParagraphStyle":passUnchanged, "SplitParagraph":passUnchanged, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "ApplyDirectStyling":{"ApplyDirectStyling":transformApplyDirectStylingApplyDirectStyling, "InsertText":transformApplyDirectStylingInsertText, "MergeParagraph":transformApplyDirectStylingMergeParagraph, "MoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveAnnotation":transformApplyDirectStylingRemoveAnnotation, "RemoveCursor":passUnchanged,
"RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":transformApplyDirectStylingRemoveText, "SetParagraphStyle":passUnchanged, "SplitParagraph":transformApplyDirectStylingSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "InsertText":{"InsertText":transformInsertTextInsertText, "MergeParagraph":transformInsertTextMergeParagraph, "MoveCursor":transformInsertTextMoveCursor, "RemoveAnnotation":transformInsertTextRemoveAnnotation,
"RemoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":transformInsertTextRemoveText, "SetParagraphStyle":transformInsertTextSetParagraphStyle, "SplitParagraph":transformInsertTextSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "MergeParagraph":{"MergeParagraph":transformMergeParagraphMergeParagraph, "MoveCursor":transformMergeParagraphMoveCursor, "RemoveAnnotation":transformMergeParagraphRemoveAnnotation,
"RemoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":transformMergeParagraphRemoveText, "SetParagraphStyle":transformMergeParagraphSetParagraphStyle, "SplitParagraph":transformMergeParagraphSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "MoveCursor":{"MoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveAnnotation":transformMoveCursorRemoveAnnotation, "RemoveCursor":transformMoveCursorRemoveCursor,
"RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":transformMoveCursorRemoveText, "SetParagraphStyle":passUnchanged, "SplitParagraph":transformMoveCursorSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "RemoveAnnotation":{"RemoveAnnotation":transformRemoveAnnotationRemoveAnnotation, "RemoveCursor":passUnchanged, "RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":transformRemoveAnnotationRemoveText,
"SetParagraphStyle":transformRemoveAnnotationSetParagraphStyle, "SplitParagraph":transformRemoveAnnotationSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "RemoveCursor":{"RemoveCursor":transformRemoveCursorRemoveCursor, "RemoveMember":passUnchanged, "RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":passUnchanged, "SetParagraphStyle":passUnchanged, "SplitParagraph":passUnchanged, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged,
"UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "RemoveMember":{"RemoveStyle":passUnchanged, "RemoveText":passUnchanged, "SetParagraphStyle":passUnchanged, "SplitParagraph":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "RemoveStyle":{"RemoveStyle":transformRemoveStyleRemoveStyle, "RemoveText":passUnchanged, "SetParagraphStyle":transformRemoveStyleSetParagraphStyle, "SplitParagraph":passUnchanged, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":transformRemoveStyleUpdateParagraphStyle},
"RemoveText":{"RemoveText":transformRemoveTextRemoveText, "SetParagraphStyle":transformRemoveTextSetParagraphStyle, "SplitParagraph":transformRemoveTextSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "SetParagraphStyle":{"SetParagraphStyle":transformSetParagraphStyleSetParagraphStyle, "SplitParagraph":transformSetParagraphStyleSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged},
"SplitParagraph":{"SplitParagraph":transformSplitParagraphSplitParagraph, "UpdateMember":passUnchanged, "UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "UpdateMember":{"UpdateMetadata":passUnchanged, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "UpdateMetadata":{"UpdateMetadata":transformUpdateMetadataUpdateMetadata, "UpdateParagraphStyle":passUnchanged}, "UpdateParagraphStyle":{"UpdateParagraphStyle":transformUpdateParagraphStyleUpdateParagraphStyle}};
this.passUnchanged = passUnchanged;
this.extendTransformations = function(moreTransformations) {
Object.keys(moreTransformations).forEach(function(optypeA) {
var moreTransformationsOptypeAMap = moreTransformations[optypeA], optypeAMap, isExtendingOptypeAMap = transformations.hasOwnProperty(optypeA);
runtime.log((isExtendingOptypeAMap ? "Extending" : "Adding") + " map for optypeA: " + optypeA);
if (!isExtendingOptypeAMap) {
transformations[optypeA] = {};
optypeAMap = transformations[optypeA];
Object.keys(moreTransformationsOptypeAMap).forEach(function(optypeB) {
var isOverwritingOptypeBEntry = optypeAMap.hasOwnProperty(optypeB);
runtime.assert(optypeA <= optypeB, "Wrong order:" + optypeA + ", " + optypeB);
runtime.log(" " + (isOverwritingOptypeBEntry ? "Overwriting" : "Adding") + " entry for optypeB: " + optypeB);
optypeAMap[optypeB] = moreTransformationsOptypeAMap[optypeB];
this.transformOpspecVsOpspec = function(opSpecA, opSpecB) {
var isOptypeAAlphaNumericSmaller = opSpecA.optype <= opSpecB.optype, helper, transformationFunctionMap, transformationFunction, result;
if (!isOptypeAAlphaNumericSmaller) {
helper = opSpecA;
opSpecA = opSpecB;
opSpecB = helper;
transformationFunctionMap = transformations[opSpecA.optype];
transformationFunction = transformationFunctionMap && transformationFunctionMap[opSpecB.optype];
if (transformationFunction) {
result = transformationFunction(opSpecA, opSpecB, !isOptypeAAlphaNumericSmaller);
if (!isOptypeAAlphaNumericSmaller && result !== null) {
result = {opSpecsA:result.opSpecsB, opSpecsB:result.opSpecsA};
} else {
result = null;
if (result) {
} else {
return result;
ops.OperationTransformer = function OperationTransformer() {
var operationTransformMatrix = new ops.OperationTransformMatrix;
function transformOpVsOp(opSpecA, opSpecB) {
return operationTransformMatrix.transformOpspecVsOpspec(opSpecA, opSpecB);
function transformOpListVsOp(opSpecsA, opSpecB) {
var transformResult, transformListResult, transformedOpspecsA = [], transformedOpspecsB = [];
while (opSpecsA.length > 0 && opSpecB) {
transformResult = transformOpVsOp(opSpecsA.shift(), opSpecB);
if (!transformResult) {
return null;
transformedOpspecsA = transformedOpspecsA.concat(transformResult.opSpecsA);
if (transformResult.opSpecsB.length === 0) {
transformedOpspecsA = transformedOpspecsA.concat(opSpecsA);
opSpecB = null;
while (transformResult.opSpecsB.length > 1) {
transformListResult = transformOpListVsOp(opSpecsA, transformResult.opSpecsB.shift());
if (!transformListResult) {
return null;
transformedOpspecsB = transformedOpspecsB.concat(transformListResult.opSpecsB);
opSpecsA = transformListResult.opSpecsA;
opSpecB = transformResult.opSpecsB.pop();
if (opSpecB) {
return {opSpecsA:transformedOpspecsA, opSpecsB:transformedOpspecsB};
this.getOperationTransformMatrix = function() {
return operationTransformMatrix;
this.transform = function(opSpecsA, opSpecsB) {
var transformResult, transformedOpspecsB = [];
while (opSpecsB.length > 0) {
transformResult = transformOpListVsOp(opSpecsA, opSpecsB.shift());
if (!transformResult) {
return null;
opSpecsA = transformResult.opSpecsA;
transformedOpspecsB = transformedOpspecsB.concat(transformResult.opSpecsB);
return {opSpecsA:opSpecsA, opSpecsB:transformedOpspecsB};
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JSZip - A Javascript class for generating and reading zip files
(c) 2009-2014 Stuart Knightley <stuart [at] stuartk.com>
Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See https://raw.github.com/Stuk/jszip/master/LICENSE.markdown.
JSZip uses the library pako released under the MIT license :
!function(e) {
var globalScope = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : {}, externs = globalScope.externs || (globalScope.externs = {});
externs.JSZip = e();
}(function() {
var define, module, exports;
return function e(t, n, r) {
function s(o, u) {
if (!n[o]) {
if (!t[o]) {
var a = typeof require == "function" && require;
if (!u && a) {
return a(o, !0);
if (i) {
return i(o, !0);
throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
var f = n[o] = {exports:{}};
t[o][0].call(f.exports, function(e) {
var n = t[o][1][e];
return s(n ? n : e);
}, f, f.exports, e, t, n, r);
return n[o].exports;
var i = typeof require == "function" && require;
for (var o = 0;o < r.length;o++) {
return s;
}({1:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var _keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
exports.encode = function(input, utf8) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = (chr1 & 3) << 4 | chr2 >> 4;
enc3 = (chr2 & 15) << 2 | chr3 >> 6;
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else {
if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output + _keyStr.charAt(enc1) + _keyStr.charAt(enc2) + _keyStr.charAt(enc3) + _keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output;
exports.decode = function(input, utf8) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
while (i < input.length) {
enc1 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = _keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = enc1 << 2 | enc2 >> 4;
chr2 = (enc2 & 15) << 4 | enc3 >> 2;
chr3 = (enc3 & 3) << 6 | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
return output;
}, {}], 2:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
function CompressedObject() {
this.compressedSize = 0;
this.uncompressedSize = 0;
this.crc32 = 0;
this.compressionMethod = null;
this.compressedContent = null;
CompressedObject.prototype = {getContent:function() {
return null;
}, getCompressedContent:function() {
return null;
module.exports = CompressedObject;
}, {}], 3:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
exports.STORE = {magic:"\x00\x00", compress:function(content) {
return content;
}, uncompress:function(content) {
return content;
}, compressInputType:null, uncompressInputType:null};
exports.DEFLATE = _dereq_("./flate");
}, {"./flate":8}], 4:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
var table = [0, 1996959894, 3993919788, 2567524794, 124634137, 1886057615, 3915621685, 2657392035, 249268274, 2044508324, 3772115230, 2547177864, 162941995, 2125561021, 3887607047, 2428444049, 498536548, 1789927666, 4089016648, 2227061214, 450548861, 1843258603, 4107580753, 2211677639, 325883990, 1684777152, 4251122042, 2321926636, 335633487, 1661365465, 4195302755, 2366115317, 997073096, 1281953886, 3579855332, 2724688242, 1006888145, 1258607687, 3524101629, 2768942443, 901097722, 1119000684,
3686517206, 2898065728, 853044451, 1172266101, 3705015759, 2882616665, 651767980, 1373503546, 3369554304, 3218104598, 565507253, 1454621731, 3485111705, 3099436303, 671266974, 1594198024, 3322730930, 2970347812, 795835527, 1483230225, 3244367275, 3060149565, 1994146192, 31158534, 2563907772, 4023717930, 1907459465, 112637215, 2680153253, 3904427059, 2013776290, 251722036, 2517215374, 3775830040, 2137656763, 141376813, 2439277719, 3865271297, 1802195444, 476864866, 2238001368, 4066508878, 1812370925,
453092731, 2181625025, 4111451223, 1706088902, 314042704, 2344532202, 4240017532, 1658658271, 366619977, 2362670323, 4224994405, 1303535960, 984961486, 2747007092, 3569037538, 1256170817, 1037604311, 2765210733, 3554079995, 1131014506, 879679996, 2909243462, 3663771856, 1141124467, 855842277, 2852801631, 3708648649, 1342533948, 654459306, 3188396048, 3373015174, 1466479909, 544179635, 3110523913, 3462522015, 1591671054, 702138776, 2966460450, 3352799412, 1504918807, 783551873, 3082640443, 3233442989,
3988292384, 2596254646, 62317068, 1957810842, 3939845945, 2647816111, 81470997, 1943803523, 3814918930, 2489596804, 225274430, 2053790376, 3826175755, 2466906013, 167816743, 2097651377, 4027552580, 2265490386, 503444072, 1762050814, 4150417245, 2154129355, 426522225, 1852507879, 4275313526, 2312317920, 282753626, 1742555852, 4189708143, 2394877945, 397917763, 1622183637, 3604390888, 2714866558, 953729732, 1340076626, 3518719985, 2797360999, 1068828381, 1219638859, 3624741850, 2936675148, 906185462,
1090812512, 3747672003, 2825379669, 829329135, 1181335161, 3412177804, 3160834842, 628085408, 1382605366, 3423369109, 3138078467, 570562233, 1426400815, 3317316542, 2998733608, 733239954, 1555261956, 3268935591, 3050360625, 752459403, 1541320221, 2607071920, 3965973030, 1969922972, 40735498, 2617837225, 3943577151, 1913087877, 83908371, 2512341634, 3803740692, 2075208622, 213261112, 2463272603, 3855990285, 2094854071, 198958881, 2262029012, 4057260610, 1759359992, 534414190, 2176718541, 4139329115,
1873836001, 414664567, 2282248934, 4279200368, 1711684554, 285281116, 2405801727, 4167216745, 1634467795, 376229701, 2685067896, 3608007406, 1308918612, 956543938, 2808555105, 3495958263, 1231636301, 1047427035, 2932959818, 3654703836, 1088359270, 936918E3, 2847714899, 3736837829, 1202900863, 817233897, 3183342108, 3401237130, 1404277552, 615818150, 3134207493, 3453421203, 1423857449, 601450431, 3009837614, 3294710456, 1567103746, 711928724, 3020668471, 3272380065, 1510334235, 755167117];
module.exports = function crc32(input, crc) {
if (typeof input === "undefined" || !input.length) {
return 0;
var isArray = utils.getTypeOf(input) !== "string";
if (typeof crc == "undefined") {
crc = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var b = 0;
crc = crc ^ -1;
for (var i = 0, iTop = input.length;i < iTop;i++) {
b = isArray ? input[i] : input.charCodeAt(i);
y = (crc ^ b) & 255;
x = table[y];
crc = crc >>> 8 ^ x;
return crc ^ -1;
}, {"./utils":21}], 5:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
function DataReader(data) {
this.data = null;
this.length = 0;
this.index = 0;
DataReader.prototype = {checkOffset:function(offset) {
this.checkIndex(this.index + offset);
}, checkIndex:function(newIndex) {
if (this.length < newIndex || newIndex < 0) {
throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = " + this.length + ", asked index = " + newIndex + "). Corrupted zip ?");
}, setIndex:function(newIndex) {
this.index = newIndex;
}, skip:function(n) {
this.setIndex(this.index + n);
}, byteAt:function(i) {
}, readInt:function(size) {
var result = 0, i;
for (i = this.index + size - 1;i >= this.index;i--) {
result = (result << 8) + this.byteAt(i);
this.index += size;
return result;
}, readString:function(size) {
return utils.transformTo("string", this.readData(size));
}, readData:function(size) {
}, lastIndexOfSignature:function(sig) {
}, readDate:function() {
var dostime = this.readInt(4);
return new Date((dostime >> 25 & 127) + 1980, (dostime >> 21 & 15) - 1, dostime >> 16 & 31, dostime >> 11 & 31, dostime >> 5 & 63, (dostime & 31) << 1);
module.exports = DataReader;
}, {"./utils":21}], 6:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
exports.base64 = false;
exports.binary = false;
exports.dir = false;
exports.createFolders = false;
exports.date = null;
exports.compression = null;
exports.comment = null;
}, {}], 7:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
exports.string2binary = function(str) {
return utils.string2binary(str);
exports.string2Uint8Array = function(str) {
return utils.transformTo("uint8array", str);
exports.uint8Array2String = function(array) {
return utils.transformTo("string", array);
exports.string2Blob = function(str) {
var buffer = utils.transformTo("arraybuffer", str);
return utils.arrayBuffer2Blob(buffer);
exports.arrayBuffer2Blob = function(buffer) {
return utils.arrayBuffer2Blob(buffer);
exports.transformTo = function(outputType, input) {
return utils.transformTo(outputType, input);
exports.getTypeOf = function(input) {
return utils.getTypeOf(input);
exports.checkSupport = function(type) {
return utils.checkSupport(type);
exports.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS;
exports.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS;
exports.pretty = function(str) {
return utils.pretty(str);
exports.findCompression = function(compressionMethod) {
return utils.findCompression(compressionMethod);
exports.isRegExp = function(object) {
return utils.isRegExp(object);
}, {"./utils":21}], 8:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var USE_TYPEDARRAY = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" && typeof Uint16Array !== "undefined" && typeof Uint32Array !== "undefined";
var pako = _dereq_("pako");
exports.uncompressInputType = USE_TYPEDARRAY ? "uint8array" : "array";
exports.compressInputType = USE_TYPEDARRAY ? "uint8array" : "array";
exports.magic = "\b\x00";
exports.compress = function(input) {
return pako.deflateRaw(input);
exports.uncompress = function(input) {
return pako.inflateRaw(input);
}, {"pako":24}], 9:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var base64 = _dereq_("./base64");
function JSZip(data, options) {
if (!(this instanceof JSZip)) {
return new JSZip(data, options);
this.files = {};
this.comment = null;
this.root = "";
if (data) {
this.load(data, options);
this.clone = function() {
var newObj = new JSZip;
for (var i in this) {
if (typeof this[i] !== "function") {
newObj[i] = this[i];
return newObj;
JSZip.prototype = _dereq_("./object");
JSZip.prototype.load = _dereq_("./load");
JSZip.support = _dereq_("./support");
JSZip.defaults = _dereq_("./defaults");
JSZip.utils = _dereq_("./deprecatedPublicUtils");
JSZip.base64 = {encode:function(input) {
return base64.encode(input);
}, decode:function(input) {
return base64.decode(input);
JSZip.compressions = _dereq_("./compressions");
module.exports = JSZip;
}, {"./base64":1, "./compressions":3, "./defaults":6, "./deprecatedPublicUtils":7, "./load":10, "./object":13, "./support":17}], 10:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var base64 = _dereq_("./base64");
var ZipEntries = _dereq_("./zipEntries");
module.exports = function(data, options) {
var files, zipEntries, i, input;
options = options || {};
if (options.base64) {
data = base64.decode(data);
zipEntries = new ZipEntries(data, options);
files = zipEntries.files;
for (i = 0;i < files.length;i++) {
input = files[i];
this.file(input.fileName, input.decompressed, {binary:true, optimizedBinaryString:true, date:input.date, dir:input.dir, comment:input.fileComment.length ? input.fileComment : null, createFolders:options.createFolders});
if (zipEntries.zipComment.length) {
this.comment = zipEntries.zipComment;
return this;
}, {"./base64":1, "./zipEntries":22}], 11:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
(function(Buffer) {
module.exports = function(data, encoding) {
return new Buffer(data, encoding);
module.exports.test = function(b) {
return Buffer.isBuffer(b);
}).call(this, typeof Buffer !== "undefined" ? Buffer : undefined);
}, {}], 12:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var Uint8ArrayReader = _dereq_("./uint8ArrayReader");
function NodeBufferReader(data) {
this.data = data;
this.length = this.data.length;
this.index = 0;
NodeBufferReader.prototype = new Uint8ArrayReader;
NodeBufferReader.prototype.readData = function(size) {
var result = this.data.slice(this.index, this.index + size);
this.index += size;
return result;
module.exports = NodeBufferReader;
}, {"./uint8ArrayReader":18}], 13:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var support = _dereq_("./support");
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
var crc32 = _dereq_("./crc32");
var signature = _dereq_("./signature");
var defaults = _dereq_("./defaults");
var base64 = _dereq_("./base64");
var compressions = _dereq_("./compressions");
var CompressedObject = _dereq_("./compressedObject");
var nodeBuffer = _dereq_("./nodeBuffer");
var utf8 = _dereq_("./utf8");
var StringWriter = _dereq_("./stringWriter");
var Uint8ArrayWriter = _dereq_("./uint8ArrayWriter");
var getRawData = function(file) {
if (file._data instanceof CompressedObject) {
file._data = file._data.getContent();
file.options.binary = true;
file.options.base64 = false;
if (utils.getTypeOf(file._data) === "uint8array") {
var copy = file._data;
file._data = new Uint8Array(copy.length);
if (copy.length !== 0) {
file._data.set(copy, 0);
return file._data;
var getBinaryData = function(file) {
var result = getRawData(file), type = utils.getTypeOf(result);
if (type === "string") {
if (!file.options.binary) {
if (support.nodebuffer) {
return nodeBuffer(result, "utf-8");
return file.asBinary();
return result;
var dataToString = function(asUTF8) {
var result = getRawData(this);
if (result === null || typeof result === "undefined") {
return "";
if (this.options.base64) {
result = base64.decode(result);
if (asUTF8 && this.options.binary) {
result = out.utf8decode(result);
} else {
result = utils.transformTo("string", result);
if (!asUTF8 && !this.options.binary) {
result = utils.transformTo("string", out.utf8encode(result));
return result;
var ZipObject = function(name, data, options) {
this.name = name;
this.dir = options.dir;
this.date = options.date;
this.comment = options.comment;
this._data = data;
this.options = options;
this._initialMetadata = {dir:options.dir, date:options.date};
ZipObject.prototype = {asText:function() {
return dataToString.call(this, true);
}, asBinary:function() {
return dataToString.call(this, false);
}, asNodeBuffer:function() {
var result = getBinaryData(this);
return utils.transformTo("nodebuffer", result);
}, asUint8Array:function() {
var result = getBinaryData(this);
return utils.transformTo("uint8array", result);
}, asArrayBuffer:function() {
return this.asUint8Array().buffer;
var decToHex = function(dec, bytes) {
var hex = "", i;
for (i = 0;i < bytes;i++) {
hex += String.fromCharCode(dec & 255);
dec = dec >>> 8;
return hex;
var extend = function() {
var result = {}, i, attr;
for (i = 0;i < arguments.length;i++) {
for (attr in arguments[i]) {
if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(attr) && typeof result[attr] === "undefined") {
result[attr] = arguments[i][attr];
return result;
var prepareFileAttrs = function(o) {
o = o || {};
if (o.base64 === true && (o.binary === null || o.binary === undefined)) {
o.binary = true;
o = extend(o, defaults);
o.date = o.date || new Date;
if (o.compression !== null) {
o.compression = o.compression.toUpperCase();
return o;
var fileAdd = function(name, data, o) {
var dataType = utils.getTypeOf(data), parent;
o = prepareFileAttrs(o);
if (o.createFolders && (parent = parentFolder(name))) {
folderAdd.call(this, parent, true);
if (o.dir || data === null || typeof data === "undefined") {
o.base64 = false;
o.binary = false;
data = null;
} else {
if (dataType === "string") {
if (o.binary && !o.base64) {
if (o.optimizedBinaryString !== true) {
data = utils.string2binary(data);
} else {
o.base64 = false;
o.binary = true;
if (!dataType && !(data instanceof CompressedObject)) {
throw new Error("The data of '" + name + "' is in an unsupported format !");
if (dataType === "arraybuffer") {
data = utils.transformTo("uint8array", data);
var object = new ZipObject(name, data, o);
this.files[name] = object;
return object;
var parentFolder = function(path) {
if (path.slice(-1) == "/") {
path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1);
var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/");
return lastSlash > 0 ? path.substring(0, lastSlash) : "";
var folderAdd = function(name, createFolders) {
if (name.slice(-1) != "/") {
name += "/";
createFolders = typeof createFolders !== "undefined" ? createFolders : false;
if (!this.files[name]) {
fileAdd.call(this, name, null, {dir:true, createFolders:createFolders});
return this.files[name];
var generateCompressedObjectFrom = function(file, compression) {
var result = new CompressedObject, content;
if (file._data instanceof CompressedObject) {
result.uncompressedSize = file._data.uncompressedSize;
result.crc32 = file._data.crc32;
if (result.uncompressedSize === 0 || file.dir) {
compression = compressions["STORE"];
result.compressedContent = "";
result.crc32 = 0;
} else {
if (file._data.compressionMethod === compression.magic) {
result.compressedContent = file._data.getCompressedContent();
} else {
content = file._data.getContent();
result.compressedContent = compression.compress(utils.transformTo(compression.compressInputType, content));
} else {
content = getBinaryData(file);
if (!content || content.length === 0 || file.dir) {
compression = compressions["STORE"];
content = "";
result.uncompressedSize = content.length;
result.crc32 = crc32(content);
result.compressedContent = compression.compress(utils.transformTo(compression.compressInputType, content));
result.compressedSize = result.compressedContent.length;
result.compressionMethod = compression.magic;
return result;
var generateZipParts = function(name, file, compressedObject, offset) {
var data = compressedObject.compressedContent, utfEncodedFileName = utils.transformTo("string", utf8.utf8encode(file.name)), comment = file.comment || "", utfEncodedComment = utils.transformTo("string", utf8.utf8encode(comment)), useUTF8ForFileName = utfEncodedFileName.length !== file.name.length, useUTF8ForComment = utfEncodedComment.length !== comment.length, o = file.options, dosTime, dosDate, extraFields = "", unicodePathExtraField = "", unicodeCommentExtraField = "", dir, date;
if (file._initialMetadata.dir !== file.dir) {
dir = file.dir;
} else {
dir = o.dir;
if (file._initialMetadata.date !== file.date) {
date = file.date;
} else {
date = o.date;
dosTime = date.getHours();
dosTime = dosTime << 6;
dosTime = dosTime | date.getMinutes();
dosTime = dosTime << 5;
dosTime = dosTime | date.getSeconds() / 2;
dosDate = date.getFullYear() - 1980;
dosDate = dosDate << 4;
dosDate = dosDate | date.getMonth() + 1;
dosDate = dosDate << 5;
dosDate = dosDate | date.getDate();
if (useUTF8ForFileName) {
unicodePathExtraField = decToHex(1, 1) + decToHex(crc32(utfEncodedFileName), 4) + utfEncodedFileName;
extraFields += "up" + decToHex(unicodePathExtraField.length, 2) + unicodePathExtraField;
if (useUTF8ForComment) {
unicodeCommentExtraField = decToHex(1, 1) + decToHex(this.crc32(utfEncodedComment), 4) + utfEncodedComment;
extraFields += "uc" + decToHex(unicodeCommentExtraField.length, 2) + unicodeCommentExtraField;
var header = "";
header += "\n\x00";
header += useUTF8ForFileName || useUTF8ForComment ? "\x00\b" : "\x00\x00";
header += compressedObject.compressionMethod;
header += decToHex(dosTime, 2);
header += decToHex(dosDate, 2);
header += decToHex(compressedObject.crc32, 4);
header += decToHex(compressedObject.compressedSize, 4);
header += decToHex(compressedObject.uncompressedSize, 4);
header += decToHex(utfEncodedFileName.length, 2);
header += decToHex(extraFields.length, 2);
var fileRecord = signature.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + header + utfEncodedFileName + extraFields;
var dirRecord = signature.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER + "\u0014\x00" + header + decToHex(utfEncodedComment.length, 2) + "\x00\x00" + "\x00\x00" + (dir === true ? "\u0010\x00\x00\x00" : "\x00\x00\x00\x00") + decToHex(offset, 4) + utfEncodedFileName + extraFields + utfEncodedComment;
return {fileRecord:fileRecord, dirRecord:dirRecord, compressedObject:compressedObject};
var out = {load:function(stream, options) {
throw new Error("Load method is not defined. Is the file jszip-load.js included ?");
}, filter:function(search) {
var result = [], filename, relativePath, file, fileClone;
for (filename in this.files) {
if (!this.files.hasOwnProperty(filename)) {
file = this.files[filename];
fileClone = new ZipObject(file.name, file._data, extend(file.options));
relativePath = filename.slice(this.root.length, filename.length);
if (filename.slice(0, this.root.length) === this.root && search(relativePath, fileClone)) {
return result;
}, file:function(name, data, o) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (utils.isRegExp(name)) {
var regexp = name;
return this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return !file.dir && regexp.test(relativePath);
} else {
return this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return !file.dir && relativePath === name;
})[0] || null;
} else {
name = this.root + name;
fileAdd.call(this, name, data, o);
return this;
}, folder:function(arg) {
if (!arg) {
return this;
if (utils.isRegExp(arg)) {
return this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return file.dir && arg.test(relativePath);
var name = this.root + arg;
var newFolder = folderAdd.call(this, name);
var ret = this.clone();
ret.root = newFolder.name;
return ret;
}, remove:function(name) {
name = this.root + name;
var file = this.files[name];
if (!file) {
if (name.slice(-1) != "/") {
name += "/";
file = this.files[name];
if (file && !file.dir) {
delete this.files[name];
} else {
var kids = this.filter(function(relativePath, file) {
return file.name.slice(0, name.length) === name;
for (var i = 0;i < kids.length;i++) {
delete this.files[kids[i].name];
return this;
}, generate:function(options) {
options = extend(options || {}, {base64:true, compression:"STORE", type:"base64", comment:null});
var zipData = [], localDirLength = 0, centralDirLength = 0, writer, i, utfEncodedComment = utils.transformTo("string", this.utf8encode(options.comment || this.comment || ""));
for (var name in this.files) {
if (!this.files.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var file = this.files[name];
var compressionName = file.options.compression || options.compression.toUpperCase();
var compression = compressions[compressionName];
if (!compression) {
throw new Error(compressionName + " is not a valid compression method !");
var compressedObject = generateCompressedObjectFrom.call(this, file, compression);
var zipPart = generateZipParts.call(this, name, file, compressedObject, localDirLength);
localDirLength += zipPart.fileRecord.length + compressedObject.compressedSize;
centralDirLength += zipPart.dirRecord.length;
var dirEnd = "";
dirEnd = signature.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END + "\x00\x00" + "\x00\x00" + decToHex(zipData.length, 2) + decToHex(zipData.length, 2) + decToHex(centralDirLength, 4) + decToHex(localDirLength, 4) + decToHex(utfEncodedComment.length, 2) + utfEncodedComment;
var typeName = options.type.toLowerCase();
if (typeName === "uint8array" || typeName === "arraybuffer" || typeName === "blob" || typeName === "nodebuffer") {
writer = new Uint8ArrayWriter(localDirLength + centralDirLength + dirEnd.length);
} else {
writer = new StringWriter(localDirLength + centralDirLength + dirEnd.length);
for (i = 0;i < zipData.length;i++) {
for (i = 0;i < zipData.length;i++) {
var zip = writer.finalize();
switch(options.type.toLowerCase()) {
case "uint8array":
case "arraybuffer":
case "nodebuffer":
return utils.transformTo(options.type.toLowerCase(), zip);
case "blob":
return utils.arrayBuffer2Blob(utils.transformTo("arraybuffer", zip));
case "base64":
return options.base64 ? base64.encode(zip) : zip;
return zip;
}, crc32:function(input, crc) {
return crc32(input, crc);
}, utf8encode:function(string) {
return utils.transformTo("string", utf8.utf8encode(string));
}, utf8decode:function(input) {
return utf8.utf8decode(input);
module.exports = out;
}, {"./base64":1, "./compressedObject":2, "./compressions":3, "./crc32":4, "./defaults":6, "./nodeBuffer":11, "./signature":14, "./stringWriter":16, "./support":17, "./uint8ArrayWriter":19, "./utf8":20, "./utils":21}], 14:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
exports.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK\u0003\u0004";
exports.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER = "PK\u0001\u0002";
exports.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK\u0005\u0006";
exports.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR = "PK\u0006\u0007";
exports.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END = "PK\u0006\u0006";
exports.DATA_DESCRIPTOR = "PK\u0007\b";
}, {}], 15:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var DataReader = _dereq_("./dataReader");
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
function StringReader(data, optimizedBinaryString) {
this.data = data;
if (!optimizedBinaryString) {
this.data = utils.string2binary(this.data);
this.length = this.data.length;
this.index = 0;
StringReader.prototype = new DataReader;
StringReader.prototype.byteAt = function(i) {
return this.data.charCodeAt(i);
StringReader.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(sig) {
return this.data.lastIndexOf(sig);
StringReader.prototype.readData = function(size) {
var result = this.data.slice(this.index, this.index + size);
this.index += size;
return result;
module.exports = StringReader;
}, {"./dataReader":5, "./utils":21}], 16:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
var StringWriter = function() {
this.data = [];
StringWriter.prototype = {append:function(input) {
input = utils.transformTo("string", input);
}, finalize:function() {
return this.data.join("");
module.exports = StringWriter;
}, {"./utils":21}], 17:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
(function(Buffer) {
exports.base64 = true;
exports.array = true;
exports.string = true;
exports.arraybuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined";
exports.nodebuffer = typeof Buffer !== "undefined";
exports.uint8array = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined";
if (typeof ArrayBuffer === "undefined") {
exports.blob = false;
} else {
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(0);
try {
exports.blob = (new Blob([buffer], {type:"application/zip"})).size === 0;
} catch (e) {
try {
var Builder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder;
var builder = new Builder;
exports.blob = builder.getBlob("application/zip").size === 0;
} catch (e) {
exports.blob = false;
}).call(this, typeof Buffer !== "undefined" ? Buffer : undefined);
}, {}], 18:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var DataReader = _dereq_("./dataReader");
function Uint8ArrayReader(data) {
if (data) {
this.data = data;
this.length = this.data.length;
this.index = 0;
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype = new DataReader;
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype.byteAt = function(i) {
return this.data[i];
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(sig) {
var sig0 = sig.charCodeAt(0), sig1 = sig.charCodeAt(1), sig2 = sig.charCodeAt(2), sig3 = sig.charCodeAt(3);
for (var i = this.length - 4;i >= 0;--i) {
if (this.data[i] === sig0 && this.data[i + 1] === sig1 && this.data[i + 2] === sig2 && this.data[i + 3] === sig3) {
return i;
return -1;
Uint8ArrayReader.prototype.readData = function(size) {
if (size === 0) {
return new Uint8Array(0);
var result = this.data.subarray(this.index, this.index + size);
this.index += size;
return result;
module.exports = Uint8ArrayReader;
}, {"./dataReader":5}], 19:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
var Uint8ArrayWriter = function(length) {
this.data = new Uint8Array(length);
this.index = 0;
Uint8ArrayWriter.prototype = {append:function(input) {
if (input.length !== 0) {
input = utils.transformTo("uint8array", input);
this.data.set(input, this.index);
this.index += input.length;
}, finalize:function() {
return this.data;
module.exports = Uint8ArrayWriter;
}, {"./utils":21}], 20:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
var support = _dereq_("./support");
var nodeBuffer = _dereq_("./nodeBuffer");
var _utf8len = new Array(256);
for (var i = 0;i < 256;i++) {
_utf8len[i] = i >= 252 ? 6 : i >= 248 ? 5 : i >= 240 ? 4 : i >= 224 ? 3 : i >= 192 ? 2 : 1;
_utf8len[254] = _utf8len[254] = 1;
var string2buf = function(str) {
var buf, c, c2, m_pos, i, str_len = str.length, buf_len = 0;
for (m_pos = 0;m_pos < str_len;m_pos++) {
c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);
if ((c & 64512) === 55296 && m_pos + 1 < str_len) {
c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);
if ((c2 & 64512) === 56320) {
c = 65536 + (c - 55296 << 10) + (c2 - 56320);
buf_len += c < 128 ? 1 : c < 2048 ? 2 : c < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
if (support.uint8array) {
buf = new Uint8Array(buf_len);
} else {
buf = new Array(buf_len);
for (i = 0, m_pos = 0;i < buf_len;m_pos++) {
c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);
if ((c & 64512) === 55296 && m_pos + 1 < str_len) {
c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);
if ((c2 & 64512) === 56320) {
c = 65536 + (c - 55296 << 10) + (c2 - 56320);
if (c < 128) {
buf[i++] = c;
} else {
if (c < 2048) {
buf[i++] = 192 | c >>> 6;
buf[i++] = 128 | c & 63;
} else {
if (c < 65536) {
buf[i++] = 224 | c >>> 12;
buf[i++] = 128 | c >>> 6 & 63;
buf[i++] = 128 | c & 63;
} else {
buf[i++] = 240 | c >>> 18;
buf[i++] = 128 | c >>> 12 & 63;
buf[i++] = 128 | c >>> 6 & 63;
buf[i++] = 128 | c & 63;
return buf;
var utf8border = function(buf, max) {
var pos;
max = max || buf.length;
if (max > buf.length) {
max = buf.length;
pos = max - 1;
while (pos >= 0 && (buf[pos] & 192) === 128) {
if (pos < 0) {
return max;
if (pos === 0) {
return max;
return pos + _utf8len[buf[pos]] > max ? pos : max;
var buf2string = function(buf) {
var str, i, out, c, c_len;
var len = buf.length;
var utf16buf = new Array(len * 2);
for (out = 0, i = 0;i < len;) {
c = buf[i++];
if (c < 128) {
utf16buf[out++] = c;
c_len = _utf8len[c];
if (c_len > 4) {
utf16buf[out++] = 65533;
i += c_len - 1;
c &= c_len === 2 ? 31 : c_len === 3 ? 15 : 7;
while (c_len > 1 && i < len) {
c = c << 6 | buf[i++] & 63;
if (c_len > 1) {
utf16buf[out++] = 65533;
if (c < 65536) {
utf16buf[out++] = c;
} else {
c -= 65536;
utf16buf[out++] = 55296 | c >> 10 & 1023;
utf16buf[out++] = 56320 | c & 1023;
if (utf16buf.length !== out) {
if (utf16buf.subarray) {
utf16buf = utf16buf.subarray(0, out);
} else {
utf16buf.length = out;
return utils.applyFromCharCode(utf16buf);
exports.utf8encode = function utf8encode(str) {
if (support.nodebuffer) {
return nodeBuffer(str, "utf-8");
return string2buf(str);
exports.utf8decode = function utf8decode(buf) {
if (support.nodebuffer) {
return utils.transformTo("nodebuffer", buf).toString("utf-8");
buf = utils.transformTo(support.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", buf);
var result = [], k = 0, len = buf.length, chunk = 65536;
while (k < len) {
var nextBoundary = utf8border(buf, Math.min(k + chunk, len));
if (support.uint8array) {
result.push(buf2string(buf.subarray(k, nextBoundary)));
} else {
result.push(buf2string(buf.slice(k, nextBoundary)));
k = nextBoundary;
return result.join("");
}, {"./nodeBuffer":11, "./support":17, "./utils":21}], 21:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var support = _dereq_("./support");
var compressions = _dereq_("./compressions");
var nodeBuffer = _dereq_("./nodeBuffer");
exports.string2binary = function(str) {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0;i < str.length;i++) {
result += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) & 255);
return result;
exports.arrayBuffer2Blob = function(buffer) {
try {
return new Blob([buffer], {type:"application/zip"});
} catch (e) {
try {
var Builder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder;
var builder = new Builder;
return builder.getBlob("application/zip");
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
function identity(input) {
return input;
function stringToArrayLike(str, array) {
for (var i = 0;i < str.length;++i) {
array[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 255;
return array;
function arrayLikeToString(array) {
var chunk = 65536;
var result = [], len = array.length, type = exports.getTypeOf(array), k = 0, canUseApply = true;
try {
switch(type) {
case "uint8array":
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(0));
case "nodebuffer":
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, nodeBuffer(0));
} catch (e) {
canUseApply = false;
if (!canUseApply) {
var resultStr = "";
for (var i = 0;i < array.length;i++) {
resultStr += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
return resultStr;
while (k < len && chunk > 1) {
try {
if (type === "array" || type === "nodebuffer") {
result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
} else {
result.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.subarray(k, Math.min(k + chunk, len))));
k += chunk;
} catch (e) {
chunk = Math.floor(chunk / 2);
return result.join("");
exports.applyFromCharCode = arrayLikeToString;
function arrayLikeToArrayLike(arrayFrom, arrayTo) {
for (var i = 0;i < arrayFrom.length;i++) {
arrayTo[i] = arrayFrom[i];
return arrayTo;
var transform = {};
transform["string"] = {"string":identity, "array":function(input) {
return stringToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
}, "arraybuffer":function(input) {
return transform["string"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
}, "uint8array":function(input) {
return stringToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
}, "nodebuffer":function(input) {
return stringToArrayLike(input, nodeBuffer(input.length));
transform["array"] = {"string":arrayLikeToString, "array":identity, "arraybuffer":function(input) {
return (new Uint8Array(input)).buffer;
}, "uint8array":function(input) {
return new Uint8Array(input);
}, "nodebuffer":function(input) {
return nodeBuffer(input);
transform["arraybuffer"] = {"string":function(input) {
return arrayLikeToString(new Uint8Array(input));
}, "array":function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(new Uint8Array(input), new Array(input.byteLength));
}, "arraybuffer":identity, "uint8array":function(input) {
return new Uint8Array(input);
}, "nodebuffer":function(input) {
return nodeBuffer(new Uint8Array(input));
transform["uint8array"] = {"string":arrayLikeToString, "array":function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
}, "arraybuffer":function(input) {
return input.buffer;
}, "uint8array":identity, "nodebuffer":function(input) {
return nodeBuffer(input);
transform["nodebuffer"] = {"string":arrayLikeToString, "array":function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Array(input.length));
}, "arraybuffer":function(input) {
return transform["nodebuffer"]["uint8array"](input).buffer;
}, "uint8array":function(input) {
return arrayLikeToArrayLike(input, new Uint8Array(input.length));
}, "nodebuffer":identity};
exports.transformTo = function(outputType, input) {
if (!input) {
input = "";
if (!outputType) {
return input;
var inputType = exports.getTypeOf(input);
var result = transform[inputType][outputType](input);
return result;
exports.getTypeOf = function(input) {
if (typeof input === "string") {
return "string";
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === "[object Array]") {
return "array";
if (support.nodebuffer && nodeBuffer.test(input)) {
return "nodebuffer";
if (support.uint8array && input instanceof Uint8Array) {
return "uint8array";
if (support.arraybuffer && input instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
return "arraybuffer";
exports.checkSupport = function(type) {
var supported = support[type.toLowerCase()];
if (!supported) {
throw new Error(type + " is not supported by this browser");
exports.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535;
exports.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1;
exports.pretty = function(str) {
var res = "", code, i;
for (i = 0;i < (str || "").length;i++) {
code = str.charCodeAt(i);
res += "\\x" + (code < 16 ? "0" : "") + code.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return res;
exports.findCompression = function(compressionMethod) {
for (var method in compressions) {
if (!compressions.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
if (compressions[method].magic === compressionMethod) {
return compressions[method];
return null;
exports.isRegExp = function(object) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) === "[object RegExp]";
}, {"./compressions":3, "./nodeBuffer":11, "./support":17}], 22:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var StringReader = _dereq_("./stringReader");
var NodeBufferReader = _dereq_("./nodeBufferReader");
var Uint8ArrayReader = _dereq_("./uint8ArrayReader");
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
var sig = _dereq_("./signature");
var ZipEntry = _dereq_("./zipEntry");
var support = _dereq_("./support");
var jszipProto = _dereq_("./object");
function ZipEntries(data, loadOptions) {
this.files = [];
this.loadOptions = loadOptions;
if (data) {
ZipEntries.prototype = {checkSignature:function(expectedSignature) {
var signature = this.reader.readString(4);
if (signature !== expectedSignature) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug : unexpected signature " + "(" + utils.pretty(signature) + ", expected " + utils.pretty(expectedSignature) + ")");
}, readBlockEndOfCentral:function() {
this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.zipComment = this.reader.readString(this.zipCommentLength);
this.zipComment = jszipProto.utf8decode(this.zipComment);
}, readBlockZip64EndOfCentral:function() {
this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.versionMadeBy = this.reader.readString(2);
this.versionNeeded = this.reader.readInt(2);
this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.zip64ExtensibleData = {};
var extraDataSize = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44, index = 0, extraFieldId, extraFieldLength, extraFieldValue;
while (index < extraDataSize) {
extraFieldId = this.reader.readInt(2);
extraFieldLength = this.reader.readInt(4);
extraFieldValue = this.reader.readString(extraFieldLength);
this.zip64ExtensibleData[extraFieldId] = {id:extraFieldId, length:extraFieldLength, value:extraFieldValue};
}, readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator:function() {
this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4);
this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.readInt(8);
this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4);
if (this.disksCount > 1) {
throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported");
}, readLocalFiles:function() {
var i, file;
for (i = 0;i < this.files.length;i++) {
file = this.files[i];
}, readCentralDir:function() {
var file;
while (this.reader.readString(4) === sig.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) {
file = new ZipEntry({zip64:this.zip64}, this.loadOptions);
}, readEndOfCentral:function() {
var offset = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(sig.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END);
if (offset === -1) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : can't find end of central directory");
if (this.diskNumber === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.diskWithCentralDirStart === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecords === utils.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirSize === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS || this.centralDirOffset === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.zip64 = true;
offset = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(sig.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR);
if (offset === -1) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator");
}, prepareReader:function(data) {
var type = utils.getTypeOf(data);
if (type === "string" && !support.uint8array) {
this.reader = new StringReader(data, this.loadOptions.optimizedBinaryString);
} else {
if (type === "nodebuffer") {
this.reader = new NodeBufferReader(data);
} else {
this.reader = new Uint8ArrayReader(utils.transformTo("uint8array", data));
}, load:function(data) {
module.exports = ZipEntries;
}, {"./nodeBufferReader":12, "./object":13, "./signature":14, "./stringReader":15, "./support":17, "./uint8ArrayReader":18, "./utils":21, "./zipEntry":23}], 23:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var StringReader = _dereq_("./stringReader");
var utils = _dereq_("./utils");
var CompressedObject = _dereq_("./compressedObject");
var jszipProto = _dereq_("./object");
function ZipEntry(options, loadOptions) {
this.options = options;
this.loadOptions = loadOptions;
ZipEntry.prototype = {isEncrypted:function() {
return (this.bitFlag & 1) === 1;
}, useUTF8:function() {
return (this.bitFlag & 2048) === 2048;
}, prepareCompressedContent:function(reader, from, length) {
return function() {
var previousIndex = reader.index;
var compressedFileData = reader.readData(length);
return compressedFileData;
}, prepareContent:function(reader, from, length, compression, uncompressedSize) {
return function() {
var compressedFileData = utils.transformTo(compression.uncompressInputType, this.getCompressedContent());
var uncompressedFileData = compression.uncompress(compressedFileData);
if (uncompressedFileData.length !== uncompressedSize) {
throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch");
return uncompressedFileData;
}, readLocalPart:function(reader) {
var compression, localExtraFieldsLength;
this.fileNameLength = reader.readInt(2);
localExtraFieldsLength = reader.readInt(2);
this.fileName = reader.readString(this.fileNameLength);
if (this.compressedSize == -1 || this.uncompressedSize == -1) {
throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough informations from the central directory " + "(compressedSize == -1 || uncompressedSize == -1)");
compression = utils.findCompression(this.compressionMethod);
if (compression === null) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression " + utils.pretty(this.compressionMethod) + " unknown (inner file : " + this.fileName + ")");
this.decompressed = new CompressedObject;
this.decompressed.compressedSize = this.compressedSize;
this.decompressed.uncompressedSize = this.uncompressedSize;
this.decompressed.crc32 = this.crc32;
this.decompressed.compressionMethod = this.compressionMethod;
this.decompressed.getCompressedContent = this.prepareCompressedContent(reader, reader.index, this.compressedSize, compression);
this.decompressed.getContent = this.prepareContent(reader, reader.index, this.compressedSize, compression, this.uncompressedSize);
if (this.loadOptions.checkCRC32) {
this.decompressed = utils.transformTo("string", this.decompressed.getContent());
if (jszipProto.crc32(this.decompressed) !== this.crc32) {
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch");
}, readCentralPart:function(reader) {
this.versionMadeBy = reader.readString(2);
this.versionNeeded = reader.readInt(2);
this.bitFlag = reader.readInt(2);
this.compressionMethod = reader.readString(2);
this.date = reader.readDate();
this.crc32 = reader.readInt(4);
this.compressedSize = reader.readInt(4);
this.uncompressedSize = reader.readInt(4);
this.fileNameLength = reader.readInt(2);
this.extraFieldsLength = reader.readInt(2);
this.fileCommentLength = reader.readInt(2);
this.diskNumberStart = reader.readInt(2);
this.internalFileAttributes = reader.readInt(2);
this.externalFileAttributes = reader.readInt(4);
this.localHeaderOffset = reader.readInt(4);
if (this.isEncrypted()) {
throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported");
this.fileName = reader.readString(this.fileNameLength);
this.fileComment = reader.readString(this.fileCommentLength);
this.dir = this.externalFileAttributes & 16 ? true : false;
}, parseZIP64ExtraField:function(reader) {
if (!this.extraFields[1]) {
var extraReader = new StringReader(this.extraFields[1].value);
if (this.uncompressedSize === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.uncompressedSize = extraReader.readInt(8);
if (this.compressedSize === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.compressedSize = extraReader.readInt(8);
if (this.localHeaderOffset === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.localHeaderOffset = extraReader.readInt(8);
if (this.diskNumberStart === utils.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
this.diskNumberStart = extraReader.readInt(4);
}, readExtraFields:function(reader) {
var start = reader.index, extraFieldId, extraFieldLength, extraFieldValue;
this.extraFields = this.extraFields || {};
while (reader.index < start + this.extraFieldsLength) {
extraFieldId = reader.readInt(2);
extraFieldLength = reader.readInt(2);
extraFieldValue = reader.readString(extraFieldLength);
this.extraFields[extraFieldId] = {id:extraFieldId, length:extraFieldLength, value:extraFieldValue};
}, handleUTF8:function() {
if (this.useUTF8()) {
this.fileName = jszipProto.utf8decode(this.fileName);
this.fileComment = jszipProto.utf8decode(this.fileComment);
} else {
var upath = this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath();
if (upath !== null) {
this.fileName = upath;
var ucomment = this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment();
if (ucomment !== null) {
this.fileComment = ucomment;
}, findExtraFieldUnicodePath:function() {
var upathField = this.extraFields[28789];
if (upathField) {
var extraReader = new StringReader(upathField.value);
if (extraReader.readInt(1) !== 1) {
return null;
if (jszipProto.crc32(this.fileName) !== extraReader.readInt(4)) {
return null;
return jszipProto.utf8decode(extraReader.readString(upathField.length - 5));
return null;
}, findExtraFieldUnicodeComment:function() {
var ucommentField = this.extraFields[25461];
if (ucommentField) {
var extraReader = new StringReader(ucommentField.value);
if (extraReader.readInt(1) !== 1) {
return null;
if (jszipProto.crc32(this.fileComment) !== extraReader.readInt(4)) {
return null;
return jszipProto.utf8decode(extraReader.readString(ucommentField.length - 5));
return null;
module.exports = ZipEntry;
}, {"./compressedObject":2, "./object":13, "./stringReader":15, "./utils":21}], 24:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var assign = _dereq_("./lib/utils/common").assign;
var deflate = _dereq_("./lib/deflate");
var inflate = _dereq_("./lib/inflate");
var constants = _dereq_("./lib/zlib/constants");
var pako = {};
assign(pako, deflate, inflate, constants);
module.exports = pako;
}, {"./lib/deflate":25, "./lib/inflate":26, "./lib/utils/common":27, "./lib/zlib/constants":30}], 25:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var zlib_deflate = _dereq_("./zlib/deflate.js");
var utils = _dereq_("./utils/common");
var strings = _dereq_("./utils/strings");
var msg = _dereq_("./zlib/messages");
var zstream = _dereq_("./zlib/zstream");
var Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;
var Z_FINISH = 4;
var Z_OK = 0;
var Z_STREAM_END = 1;
var Z_DEFLATED = 8;
var Deflate = function(options) {
this.options = utils.assign({level:Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, method:Z_DEFLATED, chunkSize:16384, windowBits:15, memLevel:8, strategy:Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, to:""}, options || {});
var opt = this.options;
if (opt.raw && opt.windowBits > 0) {
opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits;
} else {
if (opt.gzip && opt.windowBits > 0 && opt.windowBits < 16) {
opt.windowBits += 16;
this.err = 0;
this.msg = "";
this.ended = false;
this.chunks = [];
this.strm = new zstream;
this.strm.avail_out = 0;
var status = zlib_deflate.deflateInit2(this.strm, opt.level, opt.method, opt.windowBits, opt.memLevel, opt.strategy);
if (status !== Z_OK) {
throw new Error(msg[status]);
if (opt.header) {
zlib_deflate.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, opt.header);
Deflate.prototype.push = function(data, mode) {
var strm = this.strm;
var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize;
var status, _mode;
if (this.ended) {
return false;
_mode = mode === ~~mode ? mode : mode === true ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH;
if (typeof data === "string") {
strm.input = strings.string2buf(data);
} else {
strm.input = data;
strm.next_in = 0;
strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;
do {
if (strm.avail_out === 0) {
strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize);
strm.next_out = 0;
strm.avail_out = chunkSize;
status = zlib_deflate.deflate(strm, _mode);
if (status !== Z_STREAM_END && status !== Z_OK) {
this.ended = true;
return false;
if (strm.avail_out === 0 || strm.avail_in === 0 && _mode === Z_FINISH) {
if (this.options.to === "string") {
this.onData(strings.buf2binstring(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out)));
} else {
this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out));
} while ((strm.avail_in > 0 || strm.avail_out === 0) && status !== Z_STREAM_END);
if (_mode === Z_FINISH) {
status = zlib_deflate.deflateEnd(this.strm);
this.ended = true;
return status === Z_OK;
return true;
Deflate.prototype.onData = function(chunk) {
Deflate.prototype.onEnd = function(status) {
if (status === Z_OK) {
if (this.options.to === "string") {
this.result = this.chunks.join("");
} else {
this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks);
this.chunks = [];
this.err = status;
this.msg = this.strm.msg;
function deflate(input, options) {
var deflator = new Deflate(options);
deflator.push(input, true);
if (deflator.err) {
throw deflator.msg;
return deflator.result;
function deflateRaw(input, options) {
options = options || {};
options.raw = true;
return deflate(input, options);
function gzip(input, options) {
options = options || {};
options.gzip = true;
return deflate(input, options);
exports.Deflate = Deflate;
exports.deflate = deflate;
exports.deflateRaw = deflateRaw;
exports.gzip = gzip;
}, {"./utils/common":27, "./utils/strings":28, "./zlib/deflate.js":32, "./zlib/messages":37, "./zlib/zstream":39}], 26:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var zlib_inflate = _dereq_("./zlib/inflate.js");
var utils = _dereq_("./utils/common");
var strings = _dereq_("./utils/strings");
var c = _dereq_("./zlib/constants");
var msg = _dereq_("./zlib/messages");
var zstream = _dereq_("./zlib/zstream");
var gzheader = _dereq_("./zlib/gzheader");
var Inflate = function(options) {
this.options = utils.assign({chunkSize:16384, windowBits:0, to:""}, options || {});
var opt = this.options;
if (opt.raw && opt.windowBits >= 0 && opt.windowBits < 16) {
opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits;
if (opt.windowBits === 0) {
opt.windowBits = -15;
if (opt.windowBits >= 0 && opt.windowBits < 16 && !(options && options.windowBits)) {
opt.windowBits += 32;
if (opt.windowBits > 15 && opt.windowBits < 48) {
if ((opt.windowBits & 15) === 0) {
opt.windowBits |= 15;
this.err = 0;
this.msg = "";
this.ended = false;
this.chunks = [];
this.strm = new zstream;
this.strm.avail_out = 0;
var status = zlib_inflate.inflateInit2(this.strm, opt.windowBits);
if (status !== c.Z_OK) {
throw new Error(msg[status]);
this.header = new gzheader;
zlib_inflate.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header);
Inflate.prototype.push = function(data, mode) {
var strm = this.strm;
var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize;
var status, _mode;
var next_out_utf8, tail, utf8str;
if (this.ended) {
return false;
_mode = mode === ~~mode ? mode : mode === true ? c.Z_FINISH : c.Z_NO_FLUSH;
if (typeof data === "string") {
strm.input = strings.binstring2buf(data);
} else {
strm.input = data;
strm.next_in = 0;
strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;
do {
if (strm.avail_out === 0) {
strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize);
strm.next_out = 0;
strm.avail_out = chunkSize;
status = zlib_inflate.inflate(strm, c.Z_NO_FLUSH);
if (status !== c.Z_STREAM_END && status !== c.Z_OK) {
this.ended = true;
return false;
if (strm.next_out) {
if (strm.avail_out === 0 || status === c.Z_STREAM_END || strm.avail_in === 0 && _mode === c.Z_FINISH) {
if (this.options.to === "string") {
next_out_utf8 = strings.utf8border(strm.output, strm.next_out);
tail = strm.next_out - next_out_utf8;
utf8str = strings.buf2string(strm.output, next_out_utf8);
strm.next_out = tail;
strm.avail_out = chunkSize - tail;
if (tail) {
utils.arraySet(strm.output, strm.output, next_out_utf8, tail, 0);
} else {
this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out));
} while (strm.avail_in > 0 && status !== c.Z_STREAM_END);
if (status === c.Z_STREAM_END) {
_mode = c.Z_FINISH;
if (_mode === c.Z_FINISH) {
status = zlib_inflate.inflateEnd(this.strm);
this.ended = true;
return status === c.Z_OK;
return true;
Inflate.prototype.onData = function(chunk) {
Inflate.prototype.onEnd = function(status) {
if (status === c.Z_OK) {
if (this.options.to === "string") {
this.result = this.chunks.join("");
} else {
this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks);
this.chunks = [];
this.err = status;
this.msg = this.strm.msg;
function inflate(input, options) {
var inflator = new Inflate(options);
inflator.push(input, true);
if (inflator.err) {
throw inflator.msg;
return inflator.result;
function inflateRaw(input, options) {
options = options || {};
options.raw = true;
return inflate(input, options);
exports.Inflate = Inflate;
exports.inflate = inflate;
exports.inflateRaw = inflateRaw;
exports.ungzip = inflate;
}, {"./utils/common":27, "./utils/strings":28, "./zlib/constants":30, "./zlib/gzheader":33, "./zlib/inflate.js":35, "./zlib/messages":37, "./zlib/zstream":39}], 27:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var TYPED_OK = typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" && typeof Uint16Array !== "undefined" && typeof Int32Array !== "undefined";
exports.assign = function(obj) {
var sources = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
while (sources.length) {
var source = sources.shift();
if (!source) {
if (typeof source !== "object") {
throw new TypeError(source + "must be non-object");
for (var p in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
obj[p] = source[p];
return obj;
exports.shrinkBuf = function(buf, size) {
if (buf.length === size) {
return buf;
if (buf.subarray) {
return buf.subarray(0, size);
buf.length = size;
return buf;
var fnTyped = {arraySet:function(dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) {
if (src.subarray && dest.subarray) {
dest.set(src.subarray(src_offs, src_offs + len), dest_offs);
for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) {
dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i];
}, flattenChunks:function(chunks) {
var i, l, len, pos, chunk, result;
len = 0;
for (i = 0, l = chunks.length;i < l;i++) {
len += chunks[i].length;
result = new Uint8Array(len);
pos = 0;
for (i = 0, l = chunks.length;i < l;i++) {
chunk = chunks[i];
result.set(chunk, pos);
pos += chunk.length;
return result;
var fnUntyped = {arraySet:function(dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) {
for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) {
dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i];
}, flattenChunks:function(chunks) {
return [].concat.apply([], chunks);
exports.setTyped = function(on) {
if (on) {
exports.Buf8 = Uint8Array;
exports.Buf16 = Uint16Array;
exports.Buf32 = Int32Array;
exports.assign(exports, fnTyped);
} else {
exports.Buf8 = Array;
exports.Buf16 = Array;
exports.Buf32 = Array;
exports.assign(exports, fnUntyped);
}, {}], 28:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("./common");
var STR_APPLY_OK = true;
var STR_APPLY_UIA_OK = true;
try {
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]);
} catch (__) {
STR_APPLY_OK = false;
try {
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1));
} catch (__) {
var _utf8len = new utils.Buf8(256);
for (var i = 0;i < 256;i++) {
_utf8len[i] = i >= 252 ? 6 : i >= 248 ? 5 : i >= 240 ? 4 : i >= 224 ? 3 : i >= 192 ? 2 : 1;
_utf8len[254] = _utf8len[254] = 1;
exports.string2buf = function(str) {
var buf, c, c2, m_pos, i, str_len = str.length, buf_len = 0;
for (m_pos = 0;m_pos < str_len;m_pos++) {
c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);
if ((c & 64512) === 55296 && m_pos + 1 < str_len) {
c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);
if ((c2 & 64512) === 56320) {
c = 65536 + (c - 55296 << 10) + (c2 - 56320);
buf_len += c < 128 ? 1 : c < 2048 ? 2 : c < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
buf = new utils.Buf8(buf_len);
for (i = 0, m_pos = 0;i < buf_len;m_pos++) {
c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);
if ((c & 64512) === 55296 && m_pos + 1 < str_len) {
c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);
if ((c2 & 64512) === 56320) {
c = 65536 + (c - 55296 << 10) + (c2 - 56320);
if (c < 128) {
buf[i++] = c;
} else {
if (c < 2048) {
buf[i++] = 192 | c >>> 6;
buf[i++] = 128 | c & 63;
} else {
if (c < 65536) {
buf[i++] = 224 | c >>> 12;
buf[i++] = 128 | c >>> 6 & 63;
buf[i++] = 128 | c & 63;
} else {
buf[i++] = 240 | c >>> 18;
buf[i++] = 128 | c >>> 12 & 63;
buf[i++] = 128 | c >>> 6 & 63;
buf[i++] = 128 | c & 63;
return buf;
function buf2binstring(buf, len) {
if (len < 65537) {
if (buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_UIA_OK || !buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_OK) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, utils.shrinkBuf(buf, len));
var result = "";
for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) {
result += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]);
return result;
exports.buf2binstring = function(buf) {
return buf2binstring(buf, buf.length);
exports.binstring2buf = function(str) {
var buf = new utils.Buf8(str.length);
for (var i = 0, len = buf.length;i < len;i++) {
buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
exports.buf2string = function(buf, max) {
var i, out, c, c_len;
var len = max || buf.length;
var utf16buf = new Array(len * 2);
for (out = 0, i = 0;i < len;) {
c = buf[i++];
if (c < 128) {
utf16buf[out++] = c;
c_len = _utf8len[c];
if (c_len > 4) {
utf16buf[out++] = 65533;
i += c_len - 1;
c &= c_len === 2 ? 31 : c_len === 3 ? 15 : 7;
while (c_len > 1 && i < len) {
c = c << 6 | buf[i++] & 63;
if (c_len > 1) {
utf16buf[out++] = 65533;
if (c < 65536) {
utf16buf[out++] = c;
} else {
c -= 65536;
utf16buf[out++] = 55296 | c >> 10 & 1023;
utf16buf[out++] = 56320 | c & 1023;
return buf2binstring(utf16buf, out);
exports.utf8border = function(buf, max) {
var pos;
max = max || buf.length;
if (max > buf.length) {
max = buf.length;
pos = max - 1;
while (pos >= 0 && (buf[pos] & 192) === 128) {
if (pos < 0) {
return max;
if (pos === 0) {
return max;
return pos + _utf8len[buf[pos]] > max ? pos : max;
}, {"./common":27}], 29:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
function adler32(adler, buf, len, pos) {
var s1 = adler & 65535 | 0, s2 = adler >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, n = 0;
while (len !== 0) {
n = len > 2E3 ? 2E3 : len;
len -= n;
do {
s1 = s1 + buf[pos++] | 0;
s2 = s2 + s1 | 0;
} while (--n);
s1 %= 65521;
s2 %= 65521;
return s1 | s2 << 16 | 0;
module.exports = adler32;
}, {}], 30:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
}, {}], 31:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
function makeTable() {
var c, table = [];
for (var n = 0;n < 256;n++) {
c = n;
for (var k = 0;k < 8;k++) {
c = c & 1 ? 3988292384 ^ c >>> 1 : c >>> 1;
table[n] = c;
return table;
var crcTable = makeTable();
function crc32(crc, buf, len, pos) {
var t = crcTable, end = pos + len;
crc = crc ^ -1;
for (var i = pos;i < end;i++) {
crc = crc >>> 8 ^ t[(crc ^ buf[i]) & 255];
return crc ^ -1;
module.exports = crc32;
}, {}], 32:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("../utils/common");
var trees = _dereq_("./trees");
var adler32 = _dereq_("./adler32");
var crc32 = _dereq_("./crc32");
var msg = _dereq_("./messages");
var Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;
var Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3;
var Z_FINISH = 4;
var Z_BLOCK = 5;
var Z_OK = 0;
var Z_STREAM_END = 1;
var Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2;
var Z_DATA_ERROR = -3;
var Z_BUF_ERROR = -5;
var Z_FILTERED = 1;
var Z_RLE = 3;
var Z_FIXED = 4;
var Z_UNKNOWN = 2;
var Z_DEFLATED = 8;
var MAX_MEM_LEVEL = 9;
var MAX_WBITS = 15;
var DEF_MEM_LEVEL = 8;
var LENGTH_CODES = 29;
var LITERALS = 256;
var D_CODES = 30;
var BL_CODES = 19;
var HEAP_SIZE = 2 * L_CODES + 1;
var MAX_BITS = 15;
var MIN_MATCH = 3;
var MAX_MATCH = 258;
var PRESET_DICT = 32;
var INIT_STATE = 42;
var EXTRA_STATE = 69;
var NAME_STATE = 73;
var HCRC_STATE = 103;
var BUSY_STATE = 113;
var FINISH_STATE = 666;
var BS_NEED_MORE = 1;
var BS_BLOCK_DONE = 2;
var OS_CODE = 3;
function err(strm, errorCode) {
strm.msg = msg[errorCode];
return errorCode;
function rank(f) {
return (f << 1) - (f > 4 ? 9 : 0);
function zero(buf) {
var len = buf.length;
while (--len >= 0) {
buf[len] = 0;
function flush_pending(strm) {
var s = strm.state;
var len = s.pending;
if (len > strm.avail_out) {
len = strm.avail_out;
if (len === 0) {
utils.arraySet(strm.output, s.pending_buf, s.pending_out, len, strm.next_out);
strm.next_out += len;
s.pending_out += len;
strm.total_out += len;
strm.avail_out -= len;
s.pending -= len;
if (s.pending === 0) {
s.pending_out = 0;
function flush_block_only(s, last) {
trees._tr_flush_block(s, s.block_start >= 0 ? s.block_start : -1, s.strstart - s.block_start, last);
s.block_start = s.strstart;
function put_byte(s, b) {
s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b;
function putShortMSB(s, b) {
s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b >>> 8 & 255;
s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b & 255;
function read_buf(strm, buf, start, size) {
var len = strm.avail_in;
if (len > size) {
len = size;
if (len === 0) {
return 0;
strm.avail_in -= len;
utils.arraySet(buf, strm.input, strm.next_in, len, start);
if (strm.state.wrap === 1) {
strm.adler = adler32(strm.adler, buf, len, start);
} else {
if (strm.state.wrap === 2) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, buf, len, start);
strm.next_in += len;
strm.total_in += len;
return len;
function longest_match(s, cur_match) {
var chain_length = s.max_chain_length;
var scan = s.strstart;
var match;
var len;
var best_len = s.prev_length;
var nice_match = s.nice_match;
var limit = s.strstart > s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD ? s.strstart - (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) : 0;
var _win = s.window;
var wmask = s.w_mask;
var prev = s.prev;
var strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH;
var scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1];
var scan_end = _win[scan + best_len];
if (s.prev_length >= s.good_match) {
chain_length >>= 2;
if (nice_match > s.lookahead) {
nice_match = s.lookahead;
do {
match = cur_match;
if (_win[match + best_len] !== scan_end || _win[match + best_len - 1] !== scan_end1 || _win[match] !== _win[scan] || _win[++match] !== _win[scan + 1]) {
scan += 2;
do {
} while (_win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && scan < strend);
len = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan);
scan = strend - MAX_MATCH;
if (len > best_len) {
s.match_start = cur_match;
best_len = len;
if (len >= nice_match) {
scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1];
scan_end = _win[scan + best_len];
} while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit && --chain_length !== 0);
if (best_len <= s.lookahead) {
return best_len;
return s.lookahead;
function fill_window(s) {
var _w_size = s.w_size;
var p, n, m, more, str;
do {
more = s.window_size - s.lookahead - s.strstart;
if (s.strstart >= _w_size + (_w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) {
utils.arraySet(s.window, s.window, _w_size, _w_size, 0);
s.match_start -= _w_size;
s.strstart -= _w_size;
s.block_start -= _w_size;
n = s.hash_size;
p = n;
do {
m = s.head[--p];
s.head[p] = m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0;
} while (--n);
n = _w_size;
p = n;
do {
m = s.prev[--p];
s.prev[p] = m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0;
} while (--n);
more += _w_size;
if (s.strm.avail_in === 0) {
n = read_buf(s.strm, s.window, s.strstart + s.lookahead, more);
s.lookahead += n;
if (s.lookahead + s.insert >= MIN_MATCH) {
str = s.strstart - s.insert;
s.ins_h = s.window[str];
s.ins_h = (s.ins_h << s.hash_shift ^ s.window[str + 1]) & s.hash_mask;
while (s.insert) {
s.ins_h = (s.ins_h << s.hash_shift ^ s.window[str + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;
s.prev[str & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];
s.head[s.ins_h] = str;
if (s.lookahead + s.insert < MIN_MATCH) {
} while (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && s.strm.avail_in !== 0);
function deflate_stored(s, flush) {
var max_block_size = 65535;
if (max_block_size > s.pending_buf_size - 5) {
max_block_size = s.pending_buf_size - 5;
for (;;) {
if (s.lookahead <= 1) {
if (s.lookahead === 0 && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
if (s.lookahead === 0) {
s.strstart += s.lookahead;
s.lookahead = 0;
var max_start = s.block_start + max_block_size;
if (s.strstart === 0 || s.strstart >= max_start) {
s.lookahead = s.strstart - max_start;
s.strstart = max_start;
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
if (s.strstart - s.block_start >= s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
s.insert = 0;
if (flush === Z_FINISH) {
flush_block_only(s, true);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
if (s.strstart > s.block_start) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
return BS_NEED_MORE;
function deflate_fast(s, flush) {
var hash_head;
var bflush;
for (;;) {
if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {
if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
if (s.lookahead === 0) {
hash_head = 0;
if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {
s.ins_h = (s.ins_h << s.hash_shift ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;
hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];
s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;
if (hash_head !== 0 && s.strstart - hash_head <= s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {
s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head);
if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - s.match_start, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH);
s.lookahead -= s.match_length;
if (s.match_length <= s.max_lazy_match && s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {
do {
s.ins_h = (s.ins_h << s.hash_shift ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;
hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];
s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;
} while (--s.match_length !== 0);
} else {
s.strstart += s.match_length;
s.match_length = 0;
s.ins_h = s.window[s.strstart];
s.ins_h = (s.ins_h << s.hash_shift ^ s.window[s.strstart + 1]) & s.hash_mask;
} else {
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);
if (bflush) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
s.insert = s.strstart < MIN_MATCH - 1 ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH - 1;
if (flush === Z_FINISH) {
flush_block_only(s, true);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
if (s.last_lit) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
function deflate_slow(s, flush) {
var hash_head;
var bflush;
var max_insert;
for (;;) {
if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {
if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
if (s.lookahead === 0) {
hash_head = 0;
if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {
s.ins_h = (s.ins_h << s.hash_shift ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;
hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];
s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;
s.prev_length = s.match_length;
s.prev_match = s.match_start;
s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;
if (hash_head !== 0 && s.prev_length < s.max_lazy_match && s.strstart - hash_head <= s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {
s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head);
if (s.match_length <= 5 && (s.strategy === Z_FILTERED || s.match_length === MIN_MATCH && s.strstart - s.match_start > 4096)) {
s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;
if (s.prev_length >= MIN_MATCH && s.match_length <= s.prev_length) {
max_insert = s.strstart + s.lookahead - MIN_MATCH;
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - 1 - s.prev_match, s.prev_length - MIN_MATCH);
s.lookahead -= s.prev_length - 1;
s.prev_length -= 2;
do {
if (++s.strstart <= max_insert) {
s.ins_h = (s.ins_h << s.hash_shift ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;
hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];
s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;
} while (--s.prev_length !== 0);
s.match_available = 0;
s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;
if (bflush) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
} else {
if (s.match_available) {
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart - 1]);
if (bflush) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
} else {
s.match_available = 1;
if (s.match_available) {
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart - 1]);
s.match_available = 0;
s.insert = s.strstart < MIN_MATCH - 1 ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH - 1;
if (flush === Z_FINISH) {
flush_block_only(s, true);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
if (s.last_lit) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
function deflate_rle(s, flush) {
var bflush;
var prev;
var scan, strend;
var _win = s.window;
for (;;) {
if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH) {
if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
if (s.lookahead === 0) {
s.match_length = 0;
if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH && s.strstart > 0) {
scan = s.strstart - 1;
prev = _win[scan];
if (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan]) {
strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH;
do {
} while (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && scan < strend);
s.match_length = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan);
if (s.match_length > s.lookahead) {
s.match_length = s.lookahead;
if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 1, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH);
s.lookahead -= s.match_length;
s.strstart += s.match_length;
s.match_length = 0;
} else {
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);
if (bflush) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
s.insert = 0;
if (flush === Z_FINISH) {
flush_block_only(s, true);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
if (s.last_lit) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
function deflate_huff(s, flush) {
var bflush;
for (;;) {
if (s.lookahead === 0) {
if (s.lookahead === 0) {
if (flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
s.match_length = 0;
bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);
if (bflush) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
s.insert = 0;
if (flush === Z_FINISH) {
flush_block_only(s, true);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
if (s.last_lit) {
flush_block_only(s, false);
if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {
return BS_NEED_MORE;
var Config = function(good_length, max_lazy, nice_length, max_chain, func) {
this.good_length = good_length;
this.max_lazy = max_lazy;
this.nice_length = nice_length;
this.max_chain = max_chain;
this.func = func;
var configuration_table;
configuration_table = [new Config(0, 0, 0, 0, deflate_stored), new Config(4, 4, 8, 4, deflate_fast), new Config(4, 5, 16, 8, deflate_fast), new Config(4, 6, 32, 32, deflate_fast), new Config(4, 4, 16, 16, deflate_slow), new Config(8, 16, 32, 32, deflate_slow), new Config(8, 16, 128, 128, deflate_slow), new Config(8, 32, 128, 256, deflate_slow), new Config(32, 128, 258, 1024, deflate_slow), new Config(32, 258, 258, 4096, deflate_slow)];
function lm_init(s) {
s.window_size = 2 * s.w_size;
s.max_lazy_match = configuration_table[s.level].max_lazy;
s.good_match = configuration_table[s.level].good_length;
s.nice_match = configuration_table[s.level].nice_length;
s.max_chain_length = configuration_table[s.level].max_chain;
s.strstart = 0;
s.block_start = 0;
s.lookahead = 0;
s.insert = 0;
s.match_length = s.prev_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;
s.match_available = 0;
s.ins_h = 0;
function DeflateState() {
this.strm = null;
this.status = 0;
this.pending_buf = null;
this.pending_buf_size = 0;
this.pending_out = 0;
this.pending = 0;
this.wrap = 0;
this.gzhead = null;
this.gzindex = 0;
this.method = Z_DEFLATED;
this.last_flush = -1;
this.w_size = 0;
this.w_bits = 0;
this.w_mask = 0;
this.window = null;
this.window_size = 0;
this.prev = null;
this.head = null;
this.ins_h = 0;
this.hash_size = 0;
this.hash_bits = 0;
this.hash_mask = 0;
this.hash_shift = 0;
this.block_start = 0;
this.match_length = 0;
this.prev_match = 0;
this.match_available = 0;
this.strstart = 0;
this.match_start = 0;
this.lookahead = 0;
this.prev_length = 0;
this.max_chain_length = 0;
this.max_lazy_match = 0;
this.level = 0;
this.strategy = 0;
this.good_match = 0;
this.nice_match = 0;
this.dyn_ltree = new utils.Buf16(HEAP_SIZE * 2);
this.dyn_dtree = new utils.Buf16((2 * D_CODES + 1) * 2);
this.bl_tree = new utils.Buf16((2 * BL_CODES + 1) * 2);
this.l_desc = null;
this.d_desc = null;
this.bl_desc = null;
this.bl_count = new utils.Buf16(MAX_BITS + 1);
this.heap = new utils.Buf16(2 * L_CODES + 1);
this.heap_len = 0;
this.heap_max = 0;
this.depth = new utils.Buf16(2 * L_CODES + 1);
this.l_buf = 0;
this.lit_bufsize = 0;
this.last_lit = 0;
this.d_buf = 0;
this.opt_len = 0;
this.static_len = 0;
this.matches = 0;
this.insert = 0;
this.bi_buf = 0;
this.bi_valid = 0;
function deflateResetKeep(strm) {
var s;
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);
strm.total_in = strm.total_out = 0;
strm.data_type = Z_UNKNOWN;
s = strm.state;
s.pending = 0;
s.pending_out = 0;
if (s.wrap < 0) {
s.wrap = -s.wrap;
s.status = s.wrap ? INIT_STATE : BUSY_STATE;
strm.adler = s.wrap === 2 ? 0 : 1;
s.last_flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;
return Z_OK;
function deflateReset(strm) {
var ret = deflateResetKeep(strm);
if (ret === Z_OK) {
return ret;
function deflateSetHeader(strm, head) {
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
if (strm.state.wrap !== 2) {
strm.state.gzhead = head;
return Z_OK;
function deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) {
if (!strm) {
var wrap = 1;
if (level === Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) {
level = 6;
if (windowBits < 0) {
wrap = 0;
windowBits = -windowBits;
} else {
if (windowBits > 15) {
wrap = 2;
windowBits -= 16;
if (memLevel < 1 || memLevel > MAX_MEM_LEVEL || method !== Z_DEFLATED || windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15 || level < 0 || level > 9 || strategy < 0 || strategy > Z_FIXED) {
return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);
if (windowBits === 8) {
windowBits = 9;
var s = new DeflateState;
strm.state = s;
s.strm = strm;
s.wrap = wrap;
s.gzhead = null;
s.w_bits = windowBits;
s.w_size = 1 << s.w_bits;
s.w_mask = s.w_size - 1;
s.hash_bits = memLevel + 7;
s.hash_size = 1 << s.hash_bits;
s.hash_mask = s.hash_size - 1;
s.hash_shift = ~~((s.hash_bits + MIN_MATCH - 1) / MIN_MATCH);
s.window = new utils.Buf8(s.w_size * 2);
s.head = new utils.Buf16(s.hash_size);
s.prev = new utils.Buf16(s.w_size);
s.lit_bufsize = 1 << memLevel + 6;
s.pending_buf_size = s.lit_bufsize * 4;
s.pending_buf = new utils.Buf8(s.pending_buf_size);
s.d_buf = s.lit_bufsize >> 1;
s.l_buf = (1 + 2) * s.lit_bufsize;
s.level = level;
s.strategy = strategy;
s.method = method;
return deflateReset(strm);
function deflateInit(strm, level) {
return deflateInit2(strm, level, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
function deflate(strm, flush) {
var old_flush, s;
var beg, val;
if (!strm || !strm.state || flush > Z_BLOCK || flush < 0) {
return strm ? err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR) : Z_STREAM_ERROR;
s = strm.state;
if (!strm.output || !strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0 || s.status === FINISH_STATE && flush !== Z_FINISH) {
return err(strm, strm.avail_out === 0 ? Z_BUF_ERROR : Z_STREAM_ERROR);
s.strm = strm;
old_flush = s.last_flush;
s.last_flush = flush;
if (s.status === INIT_STATE) {
if (s.wrap === 2) {
strm.adler = 0;
put_byte(s, 31);
put_byte(s, 139);
put_byte(s, 8);
if (!s.gzhead) {
put_byte(s, 0);
put_byte(s, 0);
put_byte(s, 0);
put_byte(s, 0);
put_byte(s, 0);
put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 : s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ? 4 : 0);
put_byte(s, OS_CODE);
s.status = BUSY_STATE;
} else {
put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (s.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (!s.gzhead.extra ? 0 : 4) + (!s.gzhead.name ? 0 : 8) + (!s.gzhead.comment ? 0 : 16));
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.time & 255);
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255);
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255);
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255);
put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 : s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ? 4 : 0);
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.os & 255);
if (s.gzhead.extra && s.gzhead.extra.length) {
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra.length & 255);
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255);
if (s.gzhead.hcrc) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending, 0);
s.gzindex = 0;
s.status = EXTRA_STATE;
} else {
var header = Z_DEFLATED + (s.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8;
var level_flags = -1;
if (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2) {
level_flags = 0;
} else {
if (s.level < 6) {
level_flags = 1;
} else {
if (s.level === 6) {
level_flags = 2;
} else {
level_flags = 3;
header |= level_flags << 6;
if (s.strstart !== 0) {
header |= PRESET_DICT;
header += 31 - header % 31;
s.status = BUSY_STATE;
putShortMSB(s, header);
if (s.strstart !== 0) {
putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16);
putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 65535);
strm.adler = 1;
if (s.status === EXTRA_STATE) {
if (s.gzhead.extra) {
beg = s.pending;
while (s.gzindex < (s.gzhead.extra.length & 65535)) {
if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {
if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);
beg = s.pending;
if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {
put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra[s.gzindex] & 255);
if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);
if (s.gzindex === s.gzhead.extra.length) {
s.gzindex = 0;
s.status = NAME_STATE;
} else {
s.status = NAME_STATE;
if (s.status === NAME_STATE) {
if (s.gzhead.name) {
beg = s.pending;
do {
if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {
if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);
beg = s.pending;
if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {
val = 1;
if (s.gzindex < s.gzhead.name.length) {
val = s.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(s.gzindex++) & 255;
} else {
val = 0;
put_byte(s, val);
} while (val !== 0);
if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);
if (val === 0) {
s.gzindex = 0;
s.status = COMMENT_STATE;
} else {
s.status = COMMENT_STATE;
if (s.status === COMMENT_STATE) {
if (s.gzhead.comment) {
beg = s.pending;
do {
if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {
if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);
beg = s.pending;
if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {
val = 1;
if (s.gzindex < s.gzhead.comment.length) {
val = s.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(s.gzindex++) & 255;
} else {
val = 0;
put_byte(s, val);
} while (val !== 0);
if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {
strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);
if (val === 0) {
s.status = HCRC_STATE;
} else {
s.status = HCRC_STATE;
if (s.status === HCRC_STATE) {
if (s.gzhead.hcrc) {
if (s.pending + 2 > s.pending_buf_size) {
if (s.pending + 2 <= s.pending_buf_size) {
put_byte(s, strm.adler & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.adler >> 8 & 255);
strm.adler = 0;
s.status = BUSY_STATE;
} else {
s.status = BUSY_STATE;
if (s.pending !== 0) {
if (strm.avail_out === 0) {
s.last_flush = -1;
return Z_OK;
} else {
if (strm.avail_in === 0 && rank(flush) <= rank(old_flush) && flush !== Z_FINISH) {
return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR);
if (s.status === FINISH_STATE && strm.avail_in !== 0) {
return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR);
if (strm.avail_in !== 0 || s.lookahead !== 0 || flush !== Z_NO_FLUSH && s.status !== FINISH_STATE) {
var bstate = s.strategy === Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY ? deflate_huff(s, flush) : s.strategy === Z_RLE ? deflate_rle(s, flush) : configuration_table[s.level].func(s, flush);
if (bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED || bstate === BS_FINISH_DONE) {
s.status = FINISH_STATE;
if (bstate === BS_NEED_MORE || bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED) {
if (strm.avail_out === 0) {
s.last_flush = -1;
return Z_OK;
if (bstate === BS_BLOCK_DONE) {
if (flush === Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) {
} else {
if (flush !== Z_BLOCK) {
trees._tr_stored_block(s, 0, 0, false);
if (flush === Z_FULL_FLUSH) {
if (s.lookahead === 0) {
s.strstart = 0;
s.block_start = 0;
s.insert = 0;
if (strm.avail_out === 0) {
s.last_flush = -1;
return Z_OK;
if (flush !== Z_FINISH) {
return Z_OK;
if (s.wrap <= 0) {
return Z_STREAM_END;
if (s.wrap === 2) {
put_byte(s, strm.adler & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.adler >> 8 & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.adler >> 16 & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.adler >> 24 & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.total_in & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.total_in >> 8 & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.total_in >> 16 & 255);
put_byte(s, strm.total_in >> 24 & 255);
} else {
putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16);
putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 65535);
if (s.wrap > 0) {
s.wrap = -s.wrap;
return s.pending !== 0 ? Z_OK : Z_STREAM_END;
function deflateEnd(strm) {
var status;
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
status = strm.state.status;
if (status !== INIT_STATE && status !== EXTRA_STATE && status !== NAME_STATE && status !== COMMENT_STATE && status !== HCRC_STATE && status !== BUSY_STATE && status !== FINISH_STATE) {
return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);
strm.state = null;
return status === BUSY_STATE ? err(strm, Z_DATA_ERROR) : Z_OK;
exports.deflateInit = deflateInit;
exports.deflateInit2 = deflateInit2;
exports.deflateReset = deflateReset;
exports.deflateResetKeep = deflateResetKeep;
exports.deflateSetHeader = deflateSetHeader;
exports.deflate = deflate;
exports.deflateEnd = deflateEnd;
exports.deflateInfo = "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)";
}, {"../utils/common":27, "./adler32":29, "./crc32":31, "./messages":37, "./trees":38}], 33:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
function GZheader() {
this.text = 0;
this.time = 0;
this.xflags = 0;
this.os = 0;
this.extra = null;
this.extra_len = 0;
this.name = "";
this.comment = "";
this.hcrc = 0;
this.done = false;
module.exports = GZheader;
}, {}], 34:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var BAD = 30;
var TYPE = 12;
module.exports = function inflate_fast(strm, start) {
var state;
var _in;
var last;
var _out;
var beg;
var end;
var dmax;
var wsize;
var whave;
var wnext;
var window;
var hold;
var bits;
var lcode;
var dcode;
var lmask;
var dmask;
var here;
var op;
var len;
var dist;
var from;
var from_source;
var input, output;
state = strm.state;
_in = strm.next_in;
input = strm.input;
last = _in + (strm.avail_in - 5);
_out = strm.next_out;
output = strm.output;
beg = _out - (start - strm.avail_out);
end = _out + (strm.avail_out - 257);
dmax = state.dmax;
wsize = state.wsize;
whave = state.whave;
wnext = state.wnext;
window = state.window;
hold = state.hold;
bits = state.bits;
lcode = state.lencode;
dcode = state.distcode;
lmask = (1 << state.lenbits) - 1;
dmask = (1 << state.distbits) - 1;
top: do {
if (bits < 15) {
hold += input[_in++] << bits;
bits += 8;
hold += input[_in++] << bits;
bits += 8;
here = lcode[hold & lmask];
dolen: for (;;) {
op = here >>> 24;
hold >>>= op;
bits -= op;
op = here >>> 16 & 255;
if (op === 0) {
output[_out++] = here & 65535;
} else {
if (op & 16) {
len = here & 65535;
op &= 15;
if (op) {
if (bits < op) {
hold += input[_in++] << bits;
bits += 8;
len += hold & (1 << op) - 1;
hold >>>= op;
bits -= op;
if (bits < 15) {
hold += input[_in++] << bits;
bits += 8;
hold += input[_in++] << bits;
bits += 8;
here = dcode[hold & dmask];
dodist: for (;;) {
op = here >>> 24;
hold >>>= op;
bits -= op;
op = here >>> 16 & 255;
if (op & 16) {
dist = here & 65535;
op &= 15;
if (bits < op) {
hold += input[_in++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (bits < op) {
hold += input[_in++] << bits;
bits += 8;
dist += hold & (1 << op) - 1;
if (dist > dmax) {
strm.msg = "invalid distance too far back";
state.mode = BAD;
break top;
hold >>>= op;
bits -= op;
op = _out - beg;
if (dist > op) {
op = dist - op;
if (op > whave) {
if (state.sane) {
strm.msg = "invalid distance too far back";
state.mode = BAD;
break top;
from = 0;
from_source = window;
if (wnext === 0) {
from += wsize - op;
if (op < len) {
len -= op;
do {
output[_out++] = window[from++];
} while (--op);
from = _out - dist;
from_source = output;
} else {
if (wnext < op) {
from += wsize + wnext - op;
op -= wnext;
if (op < len) {
len -= op;
do {
output[_out++] = window[from++];
} while (--op);
from = 0;
if (wnext < len) {
op = wnext;
len -= op;
do {
output[_out++] = window[from++];
} while (--op);
from = _out - dist;
from_source = output;
} else {
from += wnext - op;
if (op < len) {
len -= op;
do {
output[_out++] = window[from++];
} while (--op);
from = _out - dist;
from_source = output;
while (len > 2) {
output[_out++] = from_source[from++];
output[_out++] = from_source[from++];
output[_out++] = from_source[from++];
len -= 3;
if (len) {
output[_out++] = from_source[from++];
if (len > 1) {
output[_out++] = from_source[from++];
} else {
from = _out - dist;
do {
output[_out++] = output[from++];
output[_out++] = output[from++];
output[_out++] = output[from++];
len -= 3;
} while (len > 2);
if (len) {
output[_out++] = output[from++];
if (len > 1) {
output[_out++] = output[from++];
} else {
if ((op & 64) === 0) {
here = dcode[(here & 65535) + (hold & (1 << op) - 1)];
continue dodist;
} else {
strm.msg = "invalid distance code";
state.mode = BAD;
break top;
} else {
if ((op & 64) === 0) {
here = lcode[(here & 65535) + (hold & (1 << op) - 1)];
continue dolen;
} else {
if (op & 32) {
state.mode = TYPE;
break top;
} else {
strm.msg = "invalid literal/length code";
state.mode = BAD;
break top;
} while (_in < last && _out < end);
len = bits >> 3;
_in -= len;
bits -= len << 3;
hold &= (1 << bits) - 1;
strm.next_in = _in;
strm.next_out = _out;
strm.avail_in = _in < last ? 5 + (last - _in) : 5 - (_in - last);
strm.avail_out = _out < end ? 257 + (end - _out) : 257 - (_out - end);
state.hold = hold;
state.bits = bits;
}, {}], 35:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("../utils/common");
var adler32 = _dereq_("./adler32");
var crc32 = _dereq_("./crc32");
var inflate_fast = _dereq_("./inffast");
var inflate_table = _dereq_("./inftrees");
var CODES = 0;
var LENS = 1;
var DISTS = 2;
var Z_FINISH = 4;
var Z_BLOCK = 5;
var Z_TREES = 6;
var Z_OK = 0;
var Z_STREAM_END = 1;
var Z_NEED_DICT = 2;
var Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2;
var Z_DATA_ERROR = -3;
var Z_MEM_ERROR = -4;
var Z_BUF_ERROR = -5;
var Z_DEFLATED = 8;
var HEAD = 1;
var FLAGS = 2;
var TIME = 3;
var OS = 4;
var EXLEN = 5;
var EXTRA = 6;
var NAME = 7;
var COMMENT = 8;
var HCRC = 9;
var DICTID = 10;
var DICT = 11;
var TYPE = 12;
var TYPEDO = 13;
var STORED = 14;
var COPY_ = 15;
var COPY = 16;
var TABLE = 17;
var LENLENS = 18;
var CODELENS = 19;
var LEN_ = 20;
var LEN = 21;
var LENEXT = 22;
var DIST = 23;
var DISTEXT = 24;
var MATCH = 25;
var LIT = 26;
var CHECK = 27;
var LENGTH = 28;
var DONE = 29;
var BAD = 30;
var MEM = 31;
var SYNC = 32;
var ENOUGH_LENS = 852;
var ENOUGH_DISTS = 592;
var MAX_WBITS = 15;
function ZSWAP32(q) {
return (q >>> 24 & 255) + (q >>> 8 & 65280) + ((q & 65280) << 8) + ((q & 255) << 24);
function InflateState() {
this.mode = 0;
this.last = false;
this.wrap = 0;
this.havedict = false;
this.flags = 0;
this.dmax = 0;
this.check = 0;
this.total = 0;
this.head = null;
this.wbits = 0;
this.wsize = 0;
this.whave = 0;
this.wnext = 0;
this.window = null;
this.hold = 0;
this.bits = 0;
this.length = 0;
this.offset = 0;
this.extra = 0;
this.lencode = null;
this.distcode = null;
this.lenbits = 0;
this.distbits = 0;
this.ncode = 0;
this.nlen = 0;
this.ndist = 0;
this.have = 0;
this.next = null;
this.lens = new utils.Buf16(320);
this.work = new utils.Buf16(288);
this.lendyn = null;
this.distdyn = null;
this.sane = 0;
this.back = 0;
this.was = 0;
function inflateResetKeep(strm) {
var state;
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
state = strm.state;
strm.total_in = strm.total_out = state.total = 0;
strm.msg = "";
if (state.wrap) {
strm.adler = state.wrap & 1;
state.mode = HEAD;
state.last = 0;
state.havedict = 0;
state.dmax = 32768;
state.head = null;
state.hold = 0;
state.bits = 0;
state.lencode = state.lendyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_LENS);
state.distcode = state.distdyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_DISTS);
state.sane = 1;
state.back = -1;
return Z_OK;
function inflateReset(strm) {
var state;
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
state = strm.state;
state.wsize = 0;
state.whave = 0;
state.wnext = 0;
return inflateResetKeep(strm);
function inflateReset2(strm, windowBits) {
var wrap;
var state;
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
state = strm.state;
if (windowBits < 0) {
wrap = 0;
windowBits = -windowBits;
} else {
wrap = (windowBits >> 4) + 1;
if (windowBits < 48) {
windowBits &= 15;
if (windowBits && (windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15)) {
if (state.window !== null && state.wbits !== windowBits) {
state.window = null;
state.wrap = wrap;
state.wbits = windowBits;
return inflateReset(strm);
function inflateInit2(strm, windowBits) {
var ret;
var state;
if (!strm) {
state = new InflateState;
strm.state = state;
state.window = null;
ret = inflateReset2(strm, windowBits);
if (ret !== Z_OK) {
strm.state = null;
return ret;
function inflateInit(strm) {
return inflateInit2(strm, DEF_WBITS);
var virgin = true;
var lenfix, distfix;
function fixedtables(state) {
if (virgin) {
var sym;
lenfix = new utils.Buf32(512);
distfix = new utils.Buf32(32);
sym = 0;
while (sym < 144) {
state.lens[sym++] = 8;
while (sym < 256) {
state.lens[sym++] = 9;
while (sym < 280) {
state.lens[sym++] = 7;
while (sym < 288) {
state.lens[sym++] = 8;
inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, 288, lenfix, 0, state.work, {bits:9});
sym = 0;
while (sym < 32) {
state.lens[sym++] = 5;
inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, 0, 32, distfix, 0, state.work, {bits:5});
virgin = false;
state.lencode = lenfix;
state.lenbits = 9;
state.distcode = distfix;
state.distbits = 5;
function updatewindow(strm, src, end, copy) {
var dist;
var state = strm.state;
if (state.window === null) {
state.wsize = 1 << state.wbits;
state.wnext = 0;
state.whave = 0;
state.window = new utils.Buf8(state.wsize);
if (copy >= state.wsize) {
utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - state.wsize, state.wsize, 0);
state.wnext = 0;
state.whave = state.wsize;
} else {
dist = state.wsize - state.wnext;
if (dist > copy) {
dist = copy;
utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - copy, dist, state.wnext);
copy -= dist;
if (copy) {
utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - copy, copy, 0);
state.wnext = copy;
state.whave = state.wsize;
} else {
state.wnext += dist;
if (state.wnext === state.wsize) {
state.wnext = 0;
if (state.whave < state.wsize) {
state.whave += dist;
return 0;
function inflate(strm, flush) {
var state;
var input, output;
var next;
var put;
var have, left;
var hold;
var bits;
var _in, _out;
var copy;
var from;
var from_source;
var here = 0;
var here_bits, here_op, here_val;
var last_bits, last_op, last_val;
var len;
var ret;
var hbuf = new utils.Buf8(4);
var opts;
var n;
var order = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15];
if (!strm || !strm.state || !strm.output || !strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0) {
state = strm.state;
if (state.mode === TYPE) {
state.mode = TYPEDO;
put = strm.next_out;
output = strm.output;
left = strm.avail_out;
next = strm.next_in;
input = strm.input;
have = strm.avail_in;
hold = state.hold;
bits = state.bits;
_in = have;
_out = left;
ret = Z_OK;
inf_leave: for (;;) {
switch(state.mode) {
case HEAD:
if (state.wrap === 0) {
state.mode = TYPEDO;
while (bits < 16) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (state.wrap & 2 && hold === 35615) {
state.check = 0;
hbuf[0] = hold & 255;
hbuf[1] = hold >>> 8 & 255;
state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = FLAGS;
state.flags = 0;
if (state.head) {
state.head.done = false;
if (!(state.wrap & 1) || (((hold & 255) << 8) + (hold >> 8)) % 31) {
strm.msg = "incorrect header check";
state.mode = BAD;
if ((hold & 15) !== Z_DEFLATED) {
strm.msg = "unknown compression method";
state.mode = BAD;
hold >>>= 4;
bits -= 4;
len = (hold & 15) + 8;
if (state.wbits === 0) {
state.wbits = len;
} else {
if (len > state.wbits) {
strm.msg = "invalid window size";
state.mode = BAD;
state.dmax = 1 << len;
strm.adler = state.check = 1;
state.mode = hold & 512 ? DICTID : TYPE;
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
case FLAGS:
while (bits < 16) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
state.flags = hold;
if ((state.flags & 255) !== Z_DEFLATED) {
strm.msg = "unknown compression method";
state.mode = BAD;
if (state.flags & 57344) {
strm.msg = "unknown header flags set";
state.mode = BAD;
if (state.head) {
state.head.text = hold >> 8 & 1;
if (state.flags & 512) {
hbuf[0] = hold & 255;
hbuf[1] = hold >>> 8 & 255;
state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = TIME;
case TIME:
while (bits < 32) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (state.head) {
state.head.time = hold;
if (state.flags & 512) {
hbuf[0] = hold & 255;
hbuf[1] = hold >>> 8 & 255;
hbuf[2] = hold >>> 16 & 255;
hbuf[3] = hold >>> 24 & 255;
state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 4, 0);
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = OS;
case OS:
while (bits < 16) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (state.head) {
state.head.xflags = hold & 255;
state.head.os = hold >> 8;
if (state.flags & 512) {
hbuf[0] = hold & 255;
hbuf[1] = hold >>> 8 & 255;
state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = EXLEN;
case EXLEN:
if (state.flags & 1024) {
while (bits < 16) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
state.length = hold;
if (state.head) {
state.head.extra_len = hold;
if (state.flags & 512) {
hbuf[0] = hold & 255;
hbuf[1] = hold >>> 8 & 255;
state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
} else {
if (state.head) {
state.head.extra = null;
state.mode = EXTRA;
case EXTRA:
if (state.flags & 1024) {
copy = state.length;
if (copy > have) {
copy = have;
if (copy) {
if (state.head) {
len = state.head.extra_len - state.length;
if (!state.head.extra) {
state.head.extra = new Array(state.head.extra_len);
utils.arraySet(state.head.extra, input, next, copy, len);
if (state.flags & 512) {
state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);
have -= copy;
next += copy;
state.length -= copy;
if (state.length) {
break inf_leave;
state.length = 0;
state.mode = NAME;
case NAME:
if (state.flags & 2048) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
copy = 0;
do {
len = input[next + copy++];
if (state.head && len && state.length < 65536) {
state.head.name += String.fromCharCode(len);
} while (len && copy < have);
if (state.flags & 512) {
state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);
have -= copy;
next += copy;
if (len) {
break inf_leave;
} else {
if (state.head) {
state.head.name = null;
state.length = 0;
state.mode = COMMENT;
if (state.flags & 4096) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
copy = 0;
do {
len = input[next + copy++];
if (state.head && len && state.length < 65536) {
state.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(len);
} while (len && copy < have);
if (state.flags & 512) {
state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);
have -= copy;
next += copy;
if (len) {
break inf_leave;
} else {
if (state.head) {
state.head.comment = null;
state.mode = HCRC;
case HCRC:
if (state.flags & 512) {
while (bits < 16) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (hold !== (state.check & 65535)) {
strm.msg = "header crc mismatch";
state.mode = BAD;
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
if (state.head) {
state.head.hcrc = state.flags >> 9 & 1;
state.head.done = true;
strm.adler = state.check = 0;
state.mode = TYPE;
case DICTID:
while (bits < 32) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
strm.adler = state.check = ZSWAP32(hold);
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = DICT;
case DICT:
if (state.havedict === 0) {
strm.next_out = put;
strm.avail_out = left;
strm.next_in = next;
strm.avail_in = have;
state.hold = hold;
state.bits = bits;
return Z_NEED_DICT;
strm.adler = state.check = 1;
state.mode = TYPE;
case TYPE:
if (flush === Z_BLOCK || flush === Z_TREES) {
break inf_leave;
case TYPEDO:
if (state.last) {
hold >>>= bits & 7;
bits -= bits & 7;
state.mode = CHECK;
while (bits < 3) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
state.last = hold & 1;
hold >>>= 1;
bits -= 1;
switch(hold & 3) {
case 0:
state.mode = STORED;
case 1:
state.mode = LEN_;
if (flush === Z_TREES) {
hold >>>= 2;
bits -= 2;
break inf_leave;
case 2:
state.mode = TABLE;
case 3:
strm.msg = "invalid block type";
state.mode = BAD;
hold >>>= 2;
bits -= 2;
case STORED:
hold >>>= bits & 7;
bits -= bits & 7;
while (bits < 32) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if ((hold & 65535) !== (hold >>> 16 ^ 65535)) {
strm.msg = "invalid stored block lengths";
state.mode = BAD;
state.length = hold & 65535;
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = COPY_;
if (flush === Z_TREES) {
break inf_leave;
case COPY_:
state.mode = COPY;
case COPY:
copy = state.length;
if (copy) {
if (copy > have) {
copy = have;
if (copy > left) {
copy = left;
if (copy === 0) {
break inf_leave;
utils.arraySet(output, input, next, copy, put);
have -= copy;
next += copy;
left -= copy;
put += copy;
state.length -= copy;
state.mode = TYPE;
case TABLE:
while (bits < 14) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
state.nlen = (hold & 31) + 257;
hold >>>= 5;
bits -= 5;
state.ndist = (hold & 31) + 1;
hold >>>= 5;
bits -= 5;
state.ncode = (hold & 15) + 4;
hold >>>= 4;
bits -= 4;
if (state.nlen > 286 || state.ndist > 30) {
strm.msg = "too many length or distance symbols";
state.mode = BAD;
state.have = 0;
state.mode = LENLENS;
while (state.have < state.ncode) {
while (bits < 3) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
state.lens[order[state.have++]] = hold & 7;
hold >>>= 3;
bits -= 3;
while (state.have < 19) {
state.lens[order[state.have++]] = 0;
state.lencode = state.lendyn;
state.lenbits = 7;
opts = {bits:state.lenbits};
ret = inflate_table(CODES, state.lens, 0, 19, state.lencode, 0, state.work, opts);
state.lenbits = opts.bits;
if (ret) {
strm.msg = "invalid code lengths set";
state.mode = BAD;
state.have = 0;
state.mode = CODELENS;
while (state.have < state.nlen + state.ndist) {
for (;;) {
here = state.lencode[hold & (1 << state.lenbits) - 1];
here_bits = here >>> 24;
here_op = here >>> 16 & 255;
here_val = here & 65535;
if (here_bits <= bits) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (here_val < 16) {
hold >>>= here_bits;
bits -= here_bits;
state.lens[state.have++] = here_val;
} else {
if (here_val === 16) {
n = here_bits + 2;
while (bits < n) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
hold >>>= here_bits;
bits -= here_bits;
if (state.have === 0) {
strm.msg = "invalid bit length repeat";
state.mode = BAD;
len = state.lens[state.have - 1];
copy = 3 + (hold & 3);
hold >>>= 2;
bits -= 2;
} else {
if (here_val === 17) {
n = here_bits + 3;
while (bits < n) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
hold >>>= here_bits;
bits -= here_bits;
len = 0;
copy = 3 + (hold & 7);
hold >>>= 3;
bits -= 3;
} else {
n = here_bits + 7;
while (bits < n) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
hold >>>= here_bits;
bits -= here_bits;
len = 0;
copy = 11 + (hold & 127);
hold >>>= 7;
bits -= 7;
if (state.have + copy > state.nlen + state.ndist) {
strm.msg = "invalid bit length repeat";
state.mode = BAD;
while (copy--) {
state.lens[state.have++] = len;
if (state.mode === BAD) {
if (state.lens[256] === 0) {
strm.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block";
state.mode = BAD;
state.lenbits = 9;
opts = {bits:state.lenbits};
ret = inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, state.nlen, state.lencode, 0, state.work, opts);
state.lenbits = opts.bits;
if (ret) {
strm.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set";
state.mode = BAD;
state.distbits = 6;
state.distcode = state.distdyn;
opts = {bits:state.distbits};
ret = inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, state.nlen, state.ndist, state.distcode, 0, state.work, opts);
state.distbits = opts.bits;
if (ret) {
strm.msg = "invalid distances set";
state.mode = BAD;
state.mode = LEN_;
if (flush === Z_TREES) {
break inf_leave;
case LEN_:
state.mode = LEN;
case LEN:
if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) {
strm.next_out = put;
strm.avail_out = left;
strm.next_in = next;
strm.avail_in = have;
state.hold = hold;
state.bits = bits;
inflate_fast(strm, _out);
put = strm.next_out;
output = strm.output;
left = strm.avail_out;
next = strm.next_in;
input = strm.input;
have = strm.avail_in;
hold = state.hold;
bits = state.bits;
if (state.mode === TYPE) {
state.back = -1;
state.back = 0;
for (;;) {
here = state.lencode[hold & (1 << state.lenbits) - 1];
here_bits = here >>> 24;
here_op = here >>> 16 & 255;
here_val = here & 65535;
if (here_bits <= bits) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (here_op && (here_op & 240) === 0) {
last_bits = here_bits;
last_op = here_op;
last_val = here_val;
for (;;) {
here = state.lencode[last_val + ((hold & (1 << last_bits + last_op) - 1) >> last_bits)];
here_bits = here >>> 24;
here_op = here >>> 16 & 255;
here_val = here & 65535;
if (last_bits + here_bits <= bits) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
hold >>>= last_bits;
bits -= last_bits;
state.back += last_bits;
hold >>>= here_bits;
bits -= here_bits;
state.back += here_bits;
state.length = here_val;
if (here_op === 0) {
state.mode = LIT;
if (here_op & 32) {
state.back = -1;
state.mode = TYPE;
if (here_op & 64) {
strm.msg = "invalid literal/length code";
state.mode = BAD;
state.extra = here_op & 15;
state.mode = LENEXT;
case LENEXT:
if (state.extra) {
n = state.extra;
while (bits < n) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
state.length += hold & (1 << state.extra) - 1;
hold >>>= state.extra;
bits -= state.extra;
state.back += state.extra;
state.was = state.length;
state.mode = DIST;
case DIST:
for (;;) {
here = state.distcode[hold & (1 << state.distbits) - 1];
here_bits = here >>> 24;
here_op = here >>> 16 & 255;
here_val = here & 65535;
if (here_bits <= bits) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if ((here_op & 240) === 0) {
last_bits = here_bits;
last_op = here_op;
last_val = here_val;
for (;;) {
here = state.distcode[last_val + ((hold & (1 << last_bits + last_op) - 1) >> last_bits)];
here_bits = here >>> 24;
here_op = here >>> 16 & 255;
here_val = here & 65535;
if (last_bits + here_bits <= bits) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
hold >>>= last_bits;
bits -= last_bits;
state.back += last_bits;
hold >>>= here_bits;
bits -= here_bits;
state.back += here_bits;
if (here_op & 64) {
strm.msg = "invalid distance code";
state.mode = BAD;
state.offset = here_val;
state.extra = here_op & 15;
state.mode = DISTEXT;
if (state.extra) {
n = state.extra;
while (bits < n) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
state.offset += hold & (1 << state.extra) - 1;
hold >>>= state.extra;
bits -= state.extra;
state.back += state.extra;
if (state.offset > state.dmax) {
strm.msg = "invalid distance too far back";
state.mode = BAD;
state.mode = MATCH;
case MATCH:
if (left === 0) {
break inf_leave;
copy = _out - left;
if (state.offset > copy) {
copy = state.offset - copy;
if (copy > state.whave) {
if (state.sane) {
strm.msg = "invalid distance too far back";
state.mode = BAD;
if (copy > state.wnext) {
copy -= state.wnext;
from = state.wsize - copy;
} else {
from = state.wnext - copy;
if (copy > state.length) {
copy = state.length;
from_source = state.window;
} else {
from_source = output;
from = put - state.offset;
copy = state.length;
if (copy > left) {
copy = left;
left -= copy;
state.length -= copy;
do {
output[put++] = from_source[from++];
} while (--copy);
if (state.length === 0) {
state.mode = LEN;
case LIT:
if (left === 0) {
break inf_leave;
output[put++] = state.length;
state.mode = LEN;
case CHECK:
if (state.wrap) {
while (bits < 32) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold |= input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
_out -= left;
strm.total_out += _out;
state.total += _out;
if (_out) {
strm.adler = state.check = state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out);
_out = left;
if ((state.flags ? hold : ZSWAP32(hold)) !== state.check) {
strm.msg = "incorrect data check";
state.mode = BAD;
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = LENGTH;
case LENGTH:
if (state.wrap && state.flags) {
while (bits < 32) {
if (have === 0) {
break inf_leave;
hold += input[next++] << bits;
bits += 8;
if (hold !== (state.total & 4294967295)) {
strm.msg = "incorrect length check";
state.mode = BAD;
hold = 0;
bits = 0;
state.mode = DONE;
case DONE:
break inf_leave;
case BAD:
break inf_leave;
case MEM:
return Z_MEM_ERROR;
case SYNC:
strm.next_out = put;
strm.avail_out = left;
strm.next_in = next;
strm.avail_in = have;
state.hold = hold;
state.bits = bits;
if (state.wsize || _out !== strm.avail_out && state.mode < BAD && (state.mode < CHECK || flush !== Z_FINISH)) {
if (updatewindow(strm, strm.output, strm.next_out, _out - strm.avail_out)) {
state.mode = MEM;
return Z_MEM_ERROR;
_in -= strm.avail_in;
_out -= strm.avail_out;
strm.total_in += _in;
strm.total_out += _out;
state.total += _out;
if (state.wrap && _out) {
strm.adler = state.check = state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out);
strm.data_type = state.bits + (state.last ? 64 : 0) + (state.mode === TYPE ? 128 : 0) + (state.mode === LEN_ || state.mode === COPY_ ? 256 : 0);
if ((_in === 0 && _out === 0 || flush === Z_FINISH) && ret === Z_OK) {
ret = Z_BUF_ERROR;
return ret;
function inflateEnd(strm) {
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
var state = strm.state;
if (state.window) {
state.window = null;
strm.state = null;
return Z_OK;
function inflateGetHeader(strm, head) {
var state;
if (!strm || !strm.state) {
state = strm.state;
if ((state.wrap & 2) === 0) {
state.head = head;
head.done = false;
return Z_OK;
exports.inflateReset = inflateReset;
exports.inflateReset2 = inflateReset2;
exports.inflateResetKeep = inflateResetKeep;
exports.inflateInit = inflateInit;
exports.inflateInit2 = inflateInit2;
exports.inflate = inflate;
exports.inflateEnd = inflateEnd;
exports.inflateGetHeader = inflateGetHeader;
exports.inflateInfo = "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)";
}, {"../utils/common":27, "./adler32":29, "./crc32":31, "./inffast":34, "./inftrees":36}], 36:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("../utils/common");
var MAXBITS = 15;
var ENOUGH_LENS = 852;
var ENOUGH_DISTS = 592;
var CODES = 0;
var LENS = 1;
var DISTS = 2;
var lbase = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0];
var lext = [16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78];
var dbase = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0];
var dext = [16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64];
module.exports = function inflate_table(type, lens, lens_index, codes, table, table_index, work, opts) {
var bits = opts.bits;
var len = 0;
var sym = 0;
var min = 0, max = 0;
var root = 0;
var curr = 0;
var drop = 0;
var left = 0;
var used = 0;
var huff = 0;
var incr;
var fill;
var low;
var mask;
var next;
var base = null;
var base_index = 0;
var end;
var count = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS + 1);
var offs = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS + 1);
var extra = null;
var extra_index = 0;
var here_bits, here_op, here_val;
for (len = 0;len <= MAXBITS;len++) {
count[len] = 0;
for (sym = 0;sym < codes;sym++) {
count[lens[lens_index + sym]]++;
root = bits;
for (max = MAXBITS;max >= 1;max--) {
if (count[max] !== 0) {
if (root > max) {
root = max;
if (max === 0) {
table[table_index++] = 1 << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0;
table[table_index++] = 1 << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0;
opts.bits = 1;
return 0;
for (min = 1;min < max;min++) {
if (count[min] !== 0) {
if (root < min) {
root = min;
left = 1;
for (len = 1;len <= MAXBITS;len++) {
left <<= 1;
left -= count[len];
if (left < 0) {
return -1;
if (left > 0 && (type === CODES || max !== 1)) {
return -1;
offs[1] = 0;
for (len = 1;len < MAXBITS;len++) {
offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len];
for (sym = 0;sym < codes;sym++) {
if (lens[lens_index + sym] !== 0) {
work[offs[lens[lens_index + sym]]++] = sym;
if (type === CODES) {
base = extra = work;
end = 19;
} else {
if (type === LENS) {
base = lbase;
base_index -= 257;
extra = lext;
extra_index -= 257;
end = 256;
} else {
base = dbase;
extra = dext;
end = -1;
huff = 0;
sym = 0;
len = min;
next = table_index;
curr = root;
drop = 0;
low = -1;
used = 1 << root;
mask = used - 1;
if (type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS || type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS) {
return 1;
var i = 0;
for (;;) {
here_bits = len - drop;
if (work[sym] < end) {
here_op = 0;
here_val = work[sym];
} else {
if (work[sym] > end) {
here_op = extra[extra_index + work[sym]];
here_val = base[base_index + work[sym]];
} else {
here_op = 32 + 64;
here_val = 0;
incr = 1 << len - drop;
fill = 1 << curr;
min = fill;
do {
fill -= incr;
table[next + (huff >> drop) + fill] = here_bits << 24 | here_op << 16 | here_val | 0;
} while (fill !== 0);
incr = 1 << len - 1;
while (huff & incr) {
incr >>= 1;
if (incr !== 0) {
huff &= incr - 1;
huff += incr;
} else {
huff = 0;
if (--count[len] === 0) {
if (len === max) {
len = lens[lens_index + work[sym]];
if (len > root && (huff & mask) !== low) {
if (drop === 0) {
drop = root;
next += min;
curr = len - drop;
left = 1 << curr;
while (curr + drop < max) {
left -= count[curr + drop];
if (left <= 0) {
left <<= 1;
used += 1 << curr;
if (type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS || type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS) {
return 1;
low = huff & mask;
table[low] = root << 24 | curr << 16 | next - table_index | 0;
if (huff !== 0) {
table[next + huff] = len - drop << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0;
opts.bits = root;
return 0;
}, {"../utils/common":27}], 37:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
module.exports = {2:"need dictionary", 1:"stream end", 0:"", "-1":"file error", "-2":"stream error", "-3":"data error", "-4":"insufficient memory", "-5":"buffer error", "-6":"incompatible version"};
}, {}], 38:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
var utils = _dereq_("../utils/common");
var Z_FIXED = 4;
var Z_BINARY = 0;
var Z_TEXT = 1;
var Z_UNKNOWN = 2;
function zero(buf) {
var len = buf.length;
while (--len >= 0) {
buf[len] = 0;
var DYN_TREES = 2;
var MIN_MATCH = 3;
var MAX_MATCH = 258;
var LENGTH_CODES = 29;
var LITERALS = 256;
var D_CODES = 30;
var BL_CODES = 19;
var HEAP_SIZE = 2 * L_CODES + 1;
var MAX_BITS = 15;
var Buf_size = 16;
var MAX_BL_BITS = 7;
var END_BLOCK = 256;
var REP_3_6 = 16;
var REPZ_3_10 = 17;
var REPZ_11_138 = 18;
var extra_lbits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0];
var extra_dbits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13];
var extra_blbits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7];
var bl_order = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15];
var DIST_CODE_LEN = 512;
var static_ltree = new Array((L_CODES + 2) * 2);
var static_dtree = new Array(D_CODES * 2);
var _dist_code = new Array(DIST_CODE_LEN);
var _length_code = new Array(MAX_MATCH - MIN_MATCH + 1);
var base_length = new Array(LENGTH_CODES);
var base_dist = new Array(D_CODES);
var StaticTreeDesc = function(static_tree, extra_bits, extra_base, elems, max_length) {
this.static_tree = static_tree;
this.extra_bits = extra_bits;
this.extra_base = extra_base;
this.elems = elems;
this.max_length = max_length;
this.has_stree = static_tree && static_tree.length;
var static_l_desc;
var static_d_desc;
var static_bl_desc;
var TreeDesc = function(dyn_tree, stat_desc) {
this.dyn_tree = dyn_tree;
this.max_code = 0;
this.stat_desc = stat_desc;
function d_code(dist) {
return dist < 256 ? _dist_code[dist] : _dist_code[256 + (dist >>> 7)];
function put_short(s, w) {
s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = w & 255;
s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = w >>> 8 & 255;
function send_bits(s, value, length) {
if (s.bi_valid > Buf_size - length) {
s.bi_buf |= value << s.bi_valid & 65535;
put_short(s, s.bi_buf);
s.bi_buf = value >> Buf_size - s.bi_valid;
s.bi_valid += length - Buf_size;
} else {
s.bi_buf |= value << s.bi_valid & 65535;
s.bi_valid += length;
function send_code(s, c, tree) {
send_bits(s, tree[c * 2], tree[c * 2 + 1]);
function bi_reverse(code, len) {
var res = 0;
do {
res |= code & 1;
code >>>= 1;
res <<= 1;
} while (--len > 0);
return res >>> 1;
function bi_flush(s) {
if (s.bi_valid === 16) {
put_short(s, s.bi_buf);
s.bi_buf = 0;
s.bi_valid = 0;
} else {
if (s.bi_valid >= 8) {
s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf & 255;
s.bi_buf >>= 8;
s.bi_valid -= 8;
function gen_bitlen(s, desc) {
var tree = desc.dyn_tree;
var max_code = desc.max_code;
var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree;
var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree;
var extra = desc.stat_desc.extra_bits;
var base = desc.stat_desc.extra_base;
var max_length = desc.stat_desc.max_length;
var h;
var n, m;
var bits;
var xbits;
var f;
var overflow = 0;
for (bits = 0;bits <= MAX_BITS;bits++) {
s.bl_count[bits] = 0;
tree[s.heap[s.heap_max] * 2 + 1] = 0;
for (h = s.heap_max + 1;h < HEAP_SIZE;h++) {
n = s.heap[h];
bits = tree[tree[n * 2 + 1] * 2 + 1] + 1;
if (bits > max_length) {
bits = max_length;
tree[n * 2 + 1] = bits;
if (n > max_code) {
xbits = 0;
if (n >= base) {
xbits = extra[n - base];
f = tree[n * 2];
s.opt_len += f * (bits + xbits);
if (has_stree) {
s.static_len += f * (stree[n * 2 + 1] + xbits);
if (overflow === 0) {
do {
bits = max_length - 1;
while (s.bl_count[bits] === 0) {
s.bl_count[bits + 1] += 2;
overflow -= 2;
} while (overflow > 0);
for (bits = max_length;bits !== 0;bits--) {
n = s.bl_count[bits];
while (n !== 0) {
m = s.heap[--h];
if (m > max_code) {
if (tree[m * 2 + 1] !== bits) {
s.opt_len += (bits - tree[m * 2 + 1]) * tree[m * 2];
tree[m * 2 + 1] = bits;
function gen_codes(tree, max_code, bl_count) {
var next_code = new Array(MAX_BITS + 1);
var code = 0;
var bits;
var n;
for (bits = 1;bits <= MAX_BITS;bits++) {
next_code[bits] = code = code + bl_count[bits - 1] << 1;
for (n = 0;n <= max_code;n++) {
var len = tree[n * 2 + 1];
if (len === 0) {
tree[n * 2] = bi_reverse(next_code[len]++, len);
function tr_static_init() {
var n;
var bits;
var length;
var code;
var dist;
var bl_count = new Array(MAX_BITS + 1);
length = 0;
for (code = 0;code < LENGTH_CODES - 1;code++) {
base_length[code] = length;
for (n = 0;n < 1 << extra_lbits[code];n++) {
_length_code[length++] = code;
_length_code[length - 1] = code;
dist = 0;
for (code = 0;code < 16;code++) {
base_dist[code] = dist;
for (n = 0;n < 1 << extra_dbits[code];n++) {
_dist_code[dist++] = code;
dist >>= 7;
for (;code < D_CODES;code++) {
base_dist[code] = dist << 7;
for (n = 0;n < 1 << extra_dbits[code] - 7;n++) {
_dist_code[256 + dist++] = code;
for (bits = 0;bits <= MAX_BITS;bits++) {
bl_count[bits] = 0;
n = 0;
while (n <= 143) {
static_ltree[n * 2 + 1] = 8;
while (n <= 255) {
static_ltree[n * 2 + 1] = 9;
while (n <= 279) {
static_ltree[n * 2 + 1] = 7;
while (n <= 287) {
static_ltree[n * 2 + 1] = 8;
gen_codes(static_ltree, L_CODES + 1, bl_count);
for (n = 0;n < D_CODES;n++) {
static_dtree[n * 2 + 1] = 5;
static_dtree[n * 2] = bi_reverse(n, 5);
static_l_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_ltree, extra_lbits, LITERALS + 1, L_CODES, MAX_BITS);
static_d_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_dtree, extra_dbits, 0, D_CODES, MAX_BITS);
static_bl_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(new Array(0), extra_blbits, 0, BL_CODES, MAX_BL_BITS);
function init_block(s) {
var n;
for (n = 0;n < L_CODES;n++) {
s.dyn_ltree[n * 2] = 0;
for (n = 0;n < D_CODES;n++) {
s.dyn_dtree[n * 2] = 0;
for (n = 0;n < BL_CODES;n++) {
s.bl_tree[n * 2] = 0;
s.dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK * 2] = 1;
s.opt_len = s.static_len = 0;
s.last_lit = s.matches = 0;
function bi_windup(s) {
if (s.bi_valid > 8) {
put_short(s, s.bi_buf);
} else {
if (s.bi_valid > 0) {
s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf;
s.bi_buf = 0;
s.bi_valid = 0;
function copy_block(s, buf, len, header) {
if (header) {
put_short(s, len);
put_short(s, ~len);
utils.arraySet(s.pending_buf, s.window, buf, len, s.pending);
s.pending += len;
function smaller(tree, n, m, depth) {
var _n2 = n * 2;
var _m2 = m * 2;
return tree[_n2] < tree[_m2] || tree[_n2] === tree[_m2] && depth[n] <= depth[m];
function pqdownheap(s, tree, k) {
var v = s.heap[k];
var j = k << 1;
while (j <= s.heap_len) {
if (j < s.heap_len && smaller(tree, s.heap[j + 1], s.heap[j], s.depth)) {
if (smaller(tree, v, s.heap[j], s.depth)) {
s.heap[k] = s.heap[j];
k = j;
j <<= 1;
s.heap[k] = v;
function compress_block(s, ltree, dtree) {
var dist;
var lc;
var lx = 0;
var code;
var extra;
if (s.last_lit !== 0) {
do {
dist = s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx * 2] << 8 | s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx * 2 + 1];
lc = s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + lx];
if (dist === 0) {
send_code(s, lc, ltree);
} else {
code = _length_code[lc];
send_code(s, code + LITERALS + 1, ltree);
extra = extra_lbits[code];
if (extra !== 0) {
lc -= base_length[code];
send_bits(s, lc, extra);
code = d_code(dist);
send_code(s, code, dtree);
extra = extra_dbits[code];
if (extra !== 0) {
dist -= base_dist[code];
send_bits(s, dist, extra);
} while (lx < s.last_lit);
send_code(s, END_BLOCK, ltree);
function build_tree(s, desc) {
var tree = desc.dyn_tree;
var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree;
var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree;
var elems = desc.stat_desc.elems;
var n, m;
var max_code = -1;
var node;
s.heap_len = 0;
s.heap_max = HEAP_SIZE;
for (n = 0;n < elems;n++) {
if (tree[n * 2] !== 0) {
s.heap[++s.heap_len] = max_code = n;
s.depth[n] = 0;
} else {
tree[n * 2 + 1] = 0;
while (s.heap_len < 2) {
node = s.heap[++s.heap_len] = max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0;
tree[node * 2] = 1;
s.depth[node] = 0;
if (has_stree) {
s.static_len -= stree[node * 2 + 1];
desc.max_code = max_code;
for (n = s.heap_len >> 1;n >= 1;n--) {
pqdownheap(s, tree, n);
node = elems;
do {
n = s.heap[1];
s.heap[1] = s.heap[s.heap_len--];
pqdownheap(s, tree, 1);
m = s.heap[1];
s.heap[--s.heap_max] = n;
s.heap[--s.heap_max] = m;
tree[node * 2] = tree[n * 2] + tree[m * 2];
s.depth[node] = (s.depth[n] >= s.depth[m] ? s.depth[n] : s.depth[m]) + 1;
tree[n * 2 + 1] = tree[m * 2 + 1] = node;
s.heap[1] = node++;
pqdownheap(s, tree, 1);
} while (s.heap_len >= 2);
s.heap[--s.heap_max] = s.heap[1];
gen_bitlen(s, desc);
gen_codes(tree, max_code, s.bl_count);
function scan_tree(s, tree, max_code) {
var n;
var prevlen = -1;
var curlen;
var nextlen = tree[0 * 2 + 1];
var count = 0;
var max_count = 7;
var min_count = 4;
if (nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3;
tree[(max_code + 1) * 2 + 1] = 65535;
for (n = 0;n <= max_code;n++) {
curlen = nextlen;
nextlen = tree[(n + 1) * 2 + 1];
if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {
} else {
if (count < min_count) {
s.bl_tree[curlen * 2] += count;
} else {
if (curlen !== 0) {
if (curlen !== prevlen) {
s.bl_tree[curlen * 2]++;
s.bl_tree[REP_3_6 * 2]++;
} else {
if (count <= 10) {
s.bl_tree[REPZ_3_10 * 2]++;
} else {
s.bl_tree[REPZ_11_138 * 2]++;
count = 0;
prevlen = curlen;
if (nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3;
} else {
if (curlen === nextlen) {
max_count = 6;
min_count = 3;
} else {
max_count = 7;
min_count = 4;
function send_tree(s, tree, max_code) {
var n;
var prevlen = -1;
var curlen;
var nextlen = tree[0 * 2 + 1];
var count = 0;
var max_count = 7;
var min_count = 4;
if (nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3;
for (n = 0;n <= max_code;n++) {
curlen = nextlen;
nextlen = tree[(n + 1) * 2 + 1];
if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {
} else {
if (count < min_count) {
do {
send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree);
} while (--count !== 0);
} else {
if (curlen !== 0) {
if (curlen !== prevlen) {
send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree);
send_code(s, REP_3_6, s.bl_tree);
send_bits(s, count - 3, 2);
} else {
if (count <= 10) {
send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s.bl_tree);
send_bits(s, count - 3, 3);
} else {
send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s.bl_tree);
send_bits(s, count - 11, 7);
count = 0;
prevlen = curlen;
if (nextlen === 0) {
max_count = 138;
min_count = 3;
} else {
if (curlen === nextlen) {
max_count = 6;
min_count = 3;
} else {
max_count = 7;
min_count = 4;
function build_bl_tree(s) {
var max_blindex;
scan_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.l_desc.max_code);
scan_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, s.d_desc.max_code);
build_tree(s, s.bl_desc);
for (max_blindex = BL_CODES - 1;max_blindex >= 3;max_blindex--) {
if (s.bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex] * 2 + 1] !== 0) {
s.opt_len += 3 * (max_blindex + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4;
return max_blindex;
function send_all_trees(s, lcodes, dcodes, blcodes) {
var rank;
send_bits(s, lcodes - 257, 5);
send_bits(s, dcodes - 1, 5);
send_bits(s, blcodes - 4, 4);
for (rank = 0;rank < blcodes;rank++) {
send_bits(s, s.bl_tree[bl_order[rank] * 2 + 1], 3);
send_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, lcodes - 1);
send_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, dcodes - 1);
function detect_data_type(s) {
var black_mask = 4093624447;
var n;
for (n = 0;n <= 31;n++, black_mask >>>= 1) {
if (black_mask & 1 && s.dyn_ltree[n * 2] !== 0) {
return Z_BINARY;
if (s.dyn_ltree[9 * 2] !== 0 || s.dyn_ltree[10 * 2] !== 0 || s.dyn_ltree[13 * 2] !== 0) {
return Z_TEXT;
for (n = 32;n < LITERALS;n++) {
if (s.dyn_ltree[n * 2] !== 0) {
return Z_TEXT;
return Z_BINARY;
var static_init_done = false;
function _tr_init(s) {
if (!static_init_done) {
static_init_done = true;
s.l_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_ltree, static_l_desc);
s.d_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_dtree, static_d_desc);
s.bl_desc = new TreeDesc(s.bl_tree, static_bl_desc);
s.bi_buf = 0;
s.bi_valid = 0;
function _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) {
send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3);
copy_block(s, buf, stored_len, true);
function _tr_align(s) {
send_bits(s, STATIC_TREES << 1, 3);
send_code(s, END_BLOCK, static_ltree);
function _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last) {
var opt_lenb, static_lenb;
var max_blindex = 0;
if (s.level > 0) {
if (s.strm.data_type === Z_UNKNOWN) {
s.strm.data_type = detect_data_type(s);
build_tree(s, s.l_desc);
build_tree(s, s.d_desc);
max_blindex = build_bl_tree(s);
opt_lenb = s.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3;
static_lenb = s.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3;
if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) {
opt_lenb = static_lenb;
} else {
opt_lenb = static_lenb = stored_len + 5;
if (stored_len + 4 <= opt_lenb && buf !== -1) {
_tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last);
} else {
if (s.strategy === Z_FIXED || static_lenb === opt_lenb) {
send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3);
compress_block(s, static_ltree, static_dtree);
} else {
send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3);
send_all_trees(s, s.l_desc.max_code + 1, s.d_desc.max_code + 1, max_blindex + 1);
compress_block(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.dyn_dtree);
if (last) {
function _tr_tally(s, dist, lc) {
s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2] = dist >>> 8 & 255;
s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2 + 1] = dist & 255;
s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + s.last_lit] = lc & 255;
if (dist === 0) {
s.dyn_ltree[lc * 2]++;
} else {
s.dyn_ltree[(_length_code[lc] + LITERALS + 1) * 2]++;
s.dyn_dtree[d_code(dist) * 2]++;
return s.last_lit === s.lit_bufsize - 1;
exports._tr_init = _tr_init;
exports._tr_stored_block = _tr_stored_block;
exports._tr_flush_block = _tr_flush_block;
exports._tr_tally = _tr_tally;
exports._tr_align = _tr_align;
}, {"../utils/common":27}], 39:[function(_dereq_, module, exports) {
function ZStream() {
this.input = null;
this.next_in = 0;
this.avail_in = 0;
this.total_in = 0;
this.output = null;
this.next_out = 0;
this.avail_out = 0;
this.total_out = 0;
this.msg = "";
this.state = null;
this.data_type = 2;
this.adler = 0;
module.exports = ZStream;
}, {}]}, {}, [9])(9);