
764 lines
25 KiB
Executable File

* EGroupware - RPM post install: automatic install or update EGroupware
* @link
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @author
* @version $Id$
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') // security precaution: forbit calling post_install as web-page
die('<h1>post_install.php must NOT be called as web-page --> exiting !!!</h1>');
$verbose = false;
$config = array(
'php' => '/usr/bin/php',
'source_dir' => '/usr/share/egroupware',
'data_dir' => '/var/lib/egroupware',
'header' => '$data_dir/', // symlinked to source_dir by rpm
'setup-cli' => '$source_dir/setup/setup-cli.php',
'domain' => 'default',
'config_user' => 'admin',
'config_passwd' => randomstring(),
'db_type' => 'mysqli',
'db_host' => 'localhost',
'db_port' => 3306,
'db_name' => 'egroupware',
'db_user' => 'egroupware',
'db_pass' => randomstring(),
'db_grant_host' => 'localhost',
'db_root' => 'root', // mysql root user/pw to create database
'db_root_pw' => '',
'backup' => '',
'admin_user' => 'sysop',
'admin_passwd'=> randomstring(),
'admin_email' => '',
'lang' => 'en', // languages for admin user and extra lang to install
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'start_db' => '/sbin/service mysqld',
'autostart_db' => '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on',
'start_webserver' => '/sbin/service httpd',
'autostart_webserver' => '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on',
'distro' => 'rh',
'account-auth' => 'sql',
'account_min_id' => '',
'ldap_suffix' => 'dc=local',
'ldap_host' => 'localhost',
'ldap_admin' => 'cn=admin,$suffix',
'ldap_admin_pw' => '',
'ldap_base' => 'o=$domain,$suffix',
'ldap_root_dn' => 'cn=admin,$base',
'ldap_root_pw' => randomstring(),
'ldap_context' => 'ou=accounts,$base',
'ldap_search_filter' => '(uid=%user)',
'ldap_group_context' => 'ou=groups,$base',
'ldap_encryption_type' => '',
'sambaadmin/sambasid'=> '', // SID for sambaadmin
'mailserver' => '',
'smtpserver' => 'localhost,25',
'smtp' => '', // see setup-cli.php --help config
'imap' => '',
'sieve' => '',
'folder' => '',
'install-update-app' => '', // install or update a single (non-default) app
'webserver_user'=> 'apache', // required to fix permissions
'php5enmod' => '',
// read language from LANG enviroment variable
if (($lang = isset($_ENV['LANG']) ? $_ENV['LANG'] : $_SERVER['LANG']))
@list($lang,$nat) = preg_split('/[_.]/',$lang);
if (in_array($lang.'-'.strtolower($nat),array('es-es','pt-br','zh-tw')))
$lang .= '-'.strtolower($nat);
$config['lang'] = $lang;
$config['source_dir'] = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
* Set distribution spezific defaults
* @param string $distro =null default autodetect
function set_distro_defaults($distro=null)
global $config;
if (is_null($distro))
$distro = file_exists('/etc/SuSE-release') ? 'suse' :
(file_exists('/etc/mandriva-release') ? 'mandriva' :
(file_exists('/etc/lsb-release') && preg_match('/^DISTRIB_ID="Univention"$/mi',
file_get_contents('/etc/lsb-release')) ? 'univention' :
(file_exists('/etc/debian_version') ? 'debian' : 'rh')));
switch (($config['distro'] = $distro))
case 'suse':
// openSUSE 12.1+ no longer uses php5
if (file_exists('/usr/bin/php5')) $config['php'] = '/usr/bin/php5';
$config['start_db'] = '/sbin/service mysql';
$config['autostart_db'] = '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysql on';
$config['start_webserver'] = '/sbin/service apache2';
$config['autostart_webserver'] = '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 apache2 on';
$config['ldap_suffix'] = 'dc=site';
$config['ldap_admin'] = $config['ldap_root_dn'] = 'cn=Administrator,$suffix';
$config['ldap_root_pw'] = '$admin_pw';
$config['ldap_base'] = '$suffix';
$config['ldap_context'] = 'ou=people,$base';
$config['ldap_group_context'] = 'ou=group,$base';
$config['webserver_user'] = 'wwwrun';
case 'debian':
// service not in Debian5, only newer Ubuntu, which complains about /etc/init.d/xx
if (file_exists('/usr/sbin/service'))
$config['start_db'] = '/usr/sbin/service mysql';
$config['start_webserver'] = '/usr/sbin/service apache2';
$config['start_db'] = '/etc/init.d/mysql';
$config['start_webserver'] = '/etc/init.d/apache2';
// enable mcrypt
if (file_exists('/usr/sbin/php5enmod'))
$config['php5enmod'] = '/usr/sbin/php5enmod';
// Ubuntu only needs "-s ALL" and Debian gives an error, because it does not support it
if (!file_exists('/etc/php5/conf.d/')) $config['php5enmod'] .= ' -s ALL';
$config['php5enmod'] .= ' mcrypt';
$config['autostart_db'] = '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d mysql defaults';
$config['autostart_webserver'] = '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d apache2 defaults';
$config['webserver_user'] = 'www-data';
case 'mandriva':
$config['ldap_suffix'] = 'dc=site';
$config['ldap_admin'] = $config['ldap_root_dn'] = 'uid=LDAP Admin,ou=System Accounts,$suffix';
$config['ldap_root_pw'] = '$admin_pw';
$config['ldap_base'] = '$suffix';
$config['ldap_context'] = 'ou=People,$base';
$config['ldap_group_context'] = 'ou=Group,$base';
case 'univention':
$config['distro'] = 'rh';
// fall through
case 'rh':
// some MySQL packages (, MariaDB, ...) use "mysql" as service name instead of RH default "mysqld"
if (file_exists('/usr/bin/systemctl')) // RHEL 7
$config['start_db'] = '/usr/bin/systemctl %s mariadb';
$config['autostart_db'] = build_cmd('start_db', 'enable');
$config['start_webserver'] = '/usr/bin/systemctl %s httpd';
$config['autostart_webserver'] = build_cmd('start_webserver', 'enable');
elseif (!file_exists('/etc/init.d/mysqld') && file_exists('/etc/init.d/mysql'))
foreach(array('start_db','autostart_db') as $name)
$config[$name] = str_replace('mysqld','mysql',$config[$name]);
// read config from command line
$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
$prog = array_shift($argv);
// check if we have EGW_POST_INSTALL set and prepend it to the command line (command line has precedence)
if (($config_set = isset($_ENV['EGW_POST_INSTALL']) ? $_ENV['EGW_POST_INSTALL'] : @$_SERVER['EGW_POST_INSTALL']))
$conf = array();
$config_set = preg_split('/[ \t]+/',trim($config_set));
$val = array_shift($config_set);
if (($quote = $val[0]) == "'" || $quote == '"') // arguments might be quoted with ' or "
while (substr($val,-1) != $quote)
if (!$config_set) throw new Exception('Invalid EGW_POST_INSTALL enviroment variable!');
$val .= ' '.array_shift($config_set);
$val = substr($val,1,-1);
$conf[] = $val;
$argv = array_merge($conf,$argv);
$auth_type_given = false;
while(($arg = array_shift($argv)))
if ($arg == '-v' || $arg == '--verbose')
$verbose = true;
elseif($arg == '-h' || $arg == '--help')
elseif($arg == '--suse')
elseif($arg == '--distro')
elseif(substr($arg,0,2) == '--' && isset($config[$name=substr($arg,2)]))
$config[$name] = array_shift($argv);
case 'auth_type':
$auth_type_given = true;
case 'account_repository': // auth-type defaults to account-repository
if (!$auth_type_given)
$config['auth_type'] = $config[$name];
usage("Unknown argument '$arg'!");
$replace = array();
foreach($config as $name => $value)
$replace['$'.$name] = $value;
if (strpos($value,'$') !== false)
$config[$name] = strtr($value,$replace);
// basic config checks
foreach(array('php','source_dir','data_dir','setup-cli') as $name)
if (!file_exists($config[$name])) bail_out(1,$config[$name].' not found!');
// fix important php.ini and conf.d/*.ini settings
$setup_cli = $config['php'].' -d memory_limit=256M '.$config['setup-cli'];
if (!file_exists($config['header']) || filesize($config['header']) < 200) // default header redirecting to setup is 147 bytes
// --> new install
$extra_config = '';
// check for localhost if database server is started and start it (permanent) if not
if ($config['db_host'] == 'localhost' && $config['start_db'])
exec(build_cmd('start_db', 'status'), $dummy, $ret);
if ($ret)
system(build_cmd('start_db', 'start'));
if (!empty($config['autostart_db'])) system($config['autostart_db']);
// create database
$setup_db = $setup_cli.' --setup-cmd-database sub_command=create_db';
foreach(array('domain','db_type','db_host','db_port','db_name','db_user','db_pass','db_root','db_root_pw','db_grant_host') as $name)
$setup_db .= ' '.escapeshellarg($name.'='.$config[$name]);
// check if ldap is required and initialise it
// we need to specify account_repository and auth_type to --install as extra config, otherwise install happens for sql!
@list($config['account_repository'],$config['auth_type'],$rest) = explode(',',$config['account-auth'],3);
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg('account_repository='.$config['account_repository']);
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg('auth_type='.(empty($config['auth_type']) ? $config['account_repository'] : $config['auth_type']));
if (empty($rest)) unset($config['account-auth']);
if ($config['account_repository'] == 'ldap' || $config['auth_type'] == 'ldap')
// set account_min_id to 1100 if not specified to NOT clash with system accounts
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg('account_min_id='.(!empty($config['account_min_id']) ? $config['account_min_id'] : 1100));
$setup_ldap = $setup_cli.' --setup-cmd-ldap sub_command='.
($config['account_repository'] == 'ldap' ? 'create_ldap' : 'test_ldap');
'domain','ldap_suffix','ldap_host','ldap_admin','ldap_admin_pw', // non-egw params: only used for create
'ldap_base','ldap_root_dn','ldap_root_pw','ldap_context','ldap_search_filter','ldap_group_context', // egw params
'ldap_encryption_type', 'sambaadmin/sambasid',
) as $name)
if (strpos($value=$config[$name],'$') !== false)
$config[$name] = $value = strtr($value,array(
'$suffix' => $config['ldap_suffix'],
'$base' => $config['ldap_base'],
'$admin_pw' => $config['ldap_admin_pw'],
$setup_ldap .= ' '.escapeshellarg($name.'='.$value);
if (!in_array($name,array('domain','ldap_suffix','ldap_admin','ldap_admin_pw')))
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg($name.'='.$value);
// enable mcrypt extension eg. for Ubuntu 14.04+
if (!empty($config['php5enmod']))
// create header
$setup_header = $setup_cli.' --create-header '.escapeshellarg($config['config_passwd'].','.$config['config_user']).
' --domain '.escapeshellarg($config['domain'].','.$config['db_name'].','.$config['db_user'].','.$config['db_pass'].
// install egroupware
$setup_install = $setup_cli.' --install '.escapeshellarg($config['domain'].','.$config['config_user'].','.$config['config_passwd'].','.$config['backup'].','.$config['charset'].','.$config['lang'])
if ($config['data_dir'] != '/var/lib/egroupware')
// set files dir different from default
$setup_config = $setup_cli.' --config '.escapeshellarg($config['domain'].','.$config['config_user'].','.$config['config_passwd']).
' --files-dir '.escapeshellarg($config['data_dir'].'/files').' --backup-dir '.escapeshellarg($config['data_dir'].'/backup');
// create mailserver config (fmail requires at least minimal config given as default, otherwise fatal error)
$setup_mailserver = $setup_cli.' --config '.escapeshellarg($config['domain'].','.$config['config_user'].','.$config['config_passwd']);
foreach(array('account-auth','smtpserver','smtp','postfix','mailserver','imap','cyrus','sieve','folder') as $name)
if (!empty($config[$name])) $setup_mailserver .= ' --'.$name.' '.escapeshellarg($config[$name]);
// create first user
$setup_admin = $setup_cli.' --admin '.escapeshellarg($config['domain'].','.$config['config_user'].','.$config['config_passwd'].','.
// check if webserver is started and start it (permanent) if not
if ($config['start_webserver'])
exec(build_cmd('start_webserver', 'status'),$dummy,$ret);
if ($ret)
system(build_cmd('start_webserver', 'start'));
if (!empty($config['autostart_webserver'])) system($config['autostart_webserver']);
system(build_cmd('start_webserver', 'reload'));
// fix egw_cache evtl. created by root, stoping webserver from accessing it
echo "\n";
echo "EGroupware successful installed\n";
echo "===============================\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Please note the following user names and passwords:\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Setup username: $config[config_user]\n";
echo " password: $config[config_passwd]\n";
echo "\n";
echo "EGroupware username: $config[admin_user]\n";
echo " password: $config[admin_passwd]\n";
echo "\n";
echo "You can log into EGroupware by pointing your browser to http://localhost/egroupware/\n";
echo "Please replace localhost with the appropriate hostname, if you connect remote.\n\n";
if (empty($config['db_root_pw']))
echo "*** Database has no root password set, please fix that immediatly: mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD\n\n";
// --> existing install --> update
// get user from header and replace password, as we dont know it
$old_password = patch_header($config['header'],$config['config_user'],$config['config_passwd']);
// register a shutdown function to put old password back in any case
// update egroupware
$setup_update = $setup_cli.' --update '.escapeshellarg('all,'.$config['config_user'].','.$config['config_passwd'].',,'.$config['install-update-app']);
$ret = run_cmd($setup_update,$output,array(4,15));
case 4: // header needs an update
$header_update = $setup_cli.' --update-header '.escapeshellarg($config['config_passwd'].','.$config['config_user']);
$ret = run_cmd($setup_update,$output,15);
if ($ret != 15) break;
// fall through
case 15: // missing configuration (eg. mailserver)
if (!$verbose) echo implode("\n",(array)$output)."\n";
case 0:
echo "\nEGroupware successful updated\n";
// fix egw_cache evtl. created by root, stoping webserver from accessing it
// restart running Apache, to force APC to update changed sources and/or Apache configuration
$output = array();
run_cmd(build_cmd('start_webserver', 'status').' && '.build_cmd('start_webserver', 'restart'), $output, true);
* Build command to execute
* @param string $cmd command or index into $config, which either incl. %s for arg or arg with be appended
* @param string $arg argument
* @return string
function build_cmd($cmd, $arg)
global $config;
if (isset($config[$cmd])) $cmd = $config[$cmd];
if (strpos($cmd, '%s')) return str_replace('%s', $arg, $cmd);
return $cmd.' '.$arg;
* Patches a given password (for header admin) into the EGroupware and returns the old one
* @param string $filename
* @param string &$user username on return(!)
* @param string $password new password
* @return string old password
function patch_header($filename,&$user,$password)
$header = file_get_contents($filename);
$umatches = $pmatches = null;
if (!preg_match('/'.preg_quote("\$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'] = '", '/')."([^']+)';/m",$header,$umatches) ||
!preg_match('/'.preg_quote("\$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] = '", '/')."([^']*)';/m",$header,$pmatches))
bail_out(99,"$filename is no regular EGroupware!");
file_put_contents($filename,preg_replace('/'.preg_quote("\$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] = '", '/')."([^']*)';/m",
"\$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] = '".$password."';",$header));
$user = $umatches[1];
return $pmatches[1];
* Runs given shell command, exists with error-code after echoing the output of the failed command (if not already running verbose)
* @param string $cmd
* @param array &$output=null $output of command
* @param int|array|true $no_bailout =null exit code(s) to NOT bail out, or true to never bail out
* @return int exit code of $cmd
function run_cmd($cmd,array &$output=null,$no_bailout=null)
global $verbose;
if ($verbose)
echo $cmd."\n";
$ret = null;
$output[] = $cmd;
if ($ret && $no_bailout !== true && !in_array($ret,(array)$no_bailout))
return $ret;
* Stop programm execution with a given exit code and optional extra message
* @param int $ret =1
* @param array|string $output line(s) to output before temination notice
function bail_out($ret=1,$output=null)
if ($output) echo implode("\n",(array)$output);
echo "\n\nInstallation failed --> exiting!\n\n";
* Return a rand string, eg. to generate passwords
* @param int $len =16
* @return string
function randomstring($len=16)
static $usedchars = array(
'>','|','[',']','}', // dont add /\,'"{ as we have problems dealing with them
$str = '';
for($i=0; $i < $len; $i++)
$str .= $usedchars[mt_rand(0,count($usedchars)-1)];
return $str;
* Give usage information and an optional error-message, before stoping program execution with exit-code 90 or 0
* @param string $error =null optional error-message
function usage($error=null)
global $prog,$config;
echo "Usage: $prog [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--distro=(suse|rh|debian)] [options, ...]\n\n";
echo "options and their defaults:\n";
foreach($config as $name => $default)
if (in_array($name, array('postfix','cyrus'))) continue; // do NOT report deprecated options
if (in_array($name,array('config_passwd','db_pass','admin_passwd','ldap_root_pw')) && strlen($config[$name]) == 16)
$default = '<16 char random string>';
echo '--'.str_pad($name,20).$default."\n";
if ($error)
echo "$error\n\n";
* fix egw_cache perms evtl. created by root, stoping webserver from accessing it
function fix_perms()
global $config;
if (file_exists('/tmp/egw_cache'))
system('/bin/chown -R '.$config['webserver_user'].' /tmp/egw_cache');
system('/bin/chmod 700 /tmp/egw_cache');
* Set Univention UCS specific defaults
* Defaults are read from ucr registry and /etc/*.secret files
* There are 4 types of Univention servers:
* - master DC: /etc/machine.secret, /etc/ldap.secret, ldap/server/type=master
* - backup DC: /etc/machine.secret, /etc/ldap.secret, /etc/ldap-backup.secret, ldap/server/type=slave (not backup!)
* - slave: /etc/machine.secret, /etc/ldap-backup.secret, ldap/server/type=slave
* - member: /etc/machine.secret, no ldap/server/type
* univention-ldapsearch works on all 4 types.
* ucr get ldap/server/(ip|port) points to local ldap (not member).
* ucr get ldap/master(/port) ldap/base points to master (on all servers)
* @todo slave and member have no /etc/ldap.secret
function set_univention_defaults()
global $config;
$config['distro'] = 'univention';
// mysql settings
$config['db_root_pw'] = _ucr_secret('mysql');
// check if ucs ldap server is configured
if (_ucr_get('ldap/server/ip'))
// ldap settings, see
$config['ldap_suffix'] = $config['ldap_base'] = _ucr_get('ldap/base');
// port is ldap allowing starttls (zertificate/CA is correctly set in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf)
$config['ldap_host'] = 'tls://'._ucr_get('ldap/master').':'._ucr_get('ldap/master/port');
$config['ldap_admin'] = $config['ldap_root'] = 'cn=admin,$suffix';
$config['ldap_admin_pw'] = $config['ldap_root_pw'] = _ucr_secret('ldap');
$config['ldap_context'] = 'cn=users,$base';
$config['ldap_group_context'] = 'cn=groups,$base';
$config['ldap_search_filter'] = '(uid=%user)';
// ldap password hash (our default blowfish_crypt seems not to work)
$config['ldap_encryption_type'] = 'sha512_crypt';
$config['account_min_id'] = 1200; // UCS use 11xx for internal users/groups
$config['account-auth'] = 'univention,ldap';
// set sambaadmin sambaSID
$config['sambaadmin/sambasid'] = exec('/usr/bin/univention-ldapsearch -x "(objectclass=sambadomain)" sambaSID|sed -n "s/sambaSID: \(.*\)/\1/p"');
// mailserver, see setup-cli.php --help config
if (($mailserver = exec('/usr/bin/univention-ldapsearch -x "(univentionAppID=mailserver_*)" univentionAppInstalledOnServer|sed -n "s/univentionAppInstalledOnServer: \(.*\)/\1/p"')) &&
// only set on host mailserver app is installed: _ucr_get('mail/cyrus/imap') == 'yes' &&
if (!is_array($domains)) $domains = explode("\n", $domains);
$domain = array_shift($domains);
// set "use auth with session credentials",tls,"not user editable","further identities"
$config['smtpserver'] = "$mailserver,465,,,yes,tls,no,yes";
$config['smtp'] = ',emailadmin_smtp_univention';
$config['mailserver'] = "$mailserver,993,$domain,email,tls";
$config['imap'] = /*'cyrus,'._ucr_secret('cyrus')*/','.',emailadmin_imap_cyrus';
// set folders so mail creates them on first login, UCS does not automatic
$config['folder'] = 'INBOX/Sent,INBOX/Trash,INBOX/Drafts,INBOX/Templates,INBOX/Spam';
// default with sieve port to 4190, as config is only available on host mailserver app is installed
if (!($sieve_port = _ucr_get('mail/cyrus/sieve/port'))) $sieve_port = 4190;
$config['sieve'] = "$mailserver,$sieve_port,starttls";
// set an email address for sysop user so mail works right away
$config['admin_email'] = '$admin_user@'.$domain;
* Get a value from Univention registry
* @param string $name
* @return string
function _ucr_get($name)
static $values=null;
if (!isset($values))
$output = $matches = null;
exec('/usr/sbin/ucr dump', $output);
foreach($output as $line)
if (preg_match("/^([^:]+): (.*)\n?$/", $line, $matches))
$values[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
return $values[$name];
* Read one Univention secret/password eg. _ucr_secret('mysql')
* @param string $name
* @return string|boolean
function _ucr_secret($name)
if (!file_exists($filename = '/etc/'.basename($name).'.secret'))
return false;
return trim(file_get_contents($filename));
* Check and evtl. fix APC(u) shared memory size (apc.shm_segments * apc.shm_size) >= 64M
* We check for < 64M to allow to use that for small installs manually, but set 128M by default.
function check_fix_php_apc_ini()
if (extension_loaded('apc'))
$shm_size = ini_get('apc.shm_size');
$shm_segments = ini_get('apc.shm_segments');
// ancent APC (3.1.3) in Debian 6/Squezze has size in MB without a unit
if (($numeric_size = is_numeric($shm_size) && $shm_size <= 1048576)) $shm_size .= 'M';
$size = _size_with_unit($shm_size) * $shm_segments;
//echo "shm_size=$shm_size, shm_segments=$shm_segments --> $size, numeric_size=$numeric_size\n";
// check if we have less then 64MB (eg. default 32M) --> set it to 128MB
if ($size < _size_with_unit('64M'))
$phpinfo = ob_get_clean();
$matches = null;
if (preg_match('#(/[a-z0-5./-]+apcu?.ini)(,| |$)#mi', $phpinfo, $matches) &&
file_exists($path = $matches[1]) && ($apc_ini = file_get_contents($path)))
$new_shm_size = 128 / $shm_segments;
if (!$numeric_size) $new_shm_size .= 'M';
if (preg_match('|^apc.shm_size\s*=\s*(\d+[KMG]?)$|m', $apc_ini))
file_put_contents($path, preg_replace('|^apc.shm_size\s*=\s*(\d+[KMG]?)$|m', 'apc.shm_size='.$new_shm_size, $apc_ini));
file_put_contents($path, $apc_ini."\napc.shm_size=$new_shm_size\n");
echo "Fix APC(u) configuration, set apc.shm_size=$new_shm_size in $path\n";
* Convert a size with unit eg. 32M to a number
* @param int $size
* @return int
function _size_with_unit($size)
switch(strtoupper(substr($size, -1)))
case 'G':
$size *= 1024;
case 'M':
$size *= 1024;
case 'K':
$size *= 1024;
return $size;