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classes are now uppercase and in their own files. lowercase classes are deprecated. Interfaces are now actual interfaces that should be implemented instead of creating and returning an ai Object every time
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982 lines
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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS DOM Widget class
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel
import {ClassWithAttributes} from './et2_core_inheritance';
import {et2_IDOMNode} from "./et2_core_interfaces";
import {et2_hasChild, et2_no_init} from "./et2_core_common";
import {et2_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget";
import {
} from '../egw_action/egw_action';
import {EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT, EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER} from '../egw_action/egw_action_constants';
import {egw} from "../jsapi/egw_global";
import {Et2Tab} from "./Layout/Et2Tabs/Et2Tab";
import {Et2TabPanel} from "./Layout/Et2Tabs/Et2TabPanel";
import {Et2Tabs} from "./Layout/Et2Tabs/Et2Tabs";
* Abstract widget class which can be inserted into the DOM. All widget classes
* deriving from this class have to care about implementing the "getDOMNode"
* function which has to return the DOM-Node.
* @augments et2_widget
export abstract class et2_DOMWidget extends et2_widget implements et2_IDOMNode
static readonly _attributes : any = {
"disabled": {
"name": "Disabled",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Defines whether this widget is visible. Not to be confused with an input widget's HTML attribute 'disabled'.",
"default": false
"width": {
"name": "Width",
"type": "dimension",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "Width of the element in pixels, percentage or 'auto'"
"height": {
"name": "Height",
"type": "dimension",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "Height of the element in pixels, percentage or 'auto'"
"class": {
"name": "CSS Class",
"type": "string",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "CSS Class which is applied to the dom element of this node"
"overflow": {
"name": "Overflow",
"type": "string",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "If set, the css-overflow attribute is set to that value"
"parent_node": {
"name": "DOM parent",
"type": "string",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "Insert into the target DOM node instead of the normal location"
"actions": {
"name": "Actions list",
"type": "any",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "List of egw actions that can be done on the widget. This includes context menu, drag and drop. TODO: Link to action documentation"
default_execute: {
name: "Default onExecute for actions",
type: "js",
default: et2_no_init,
description: "Set default onExecute javascript method for action not specifying their own"
resize_ratio: {
name: "Resize height of the widget on callback resize",
default: '',
description: "Allow Resize height of the widget based on exess height and given ratio"
data: {
name: "comma-separated name:value pairs set as data attributes on DOM node",
type: "string",
default: '',
description: 'data="mime:${row}[mime]" would generate data-mime="..." in DOM, eg. to use it in CSS on a parent'
background: {
name: "Add background image",
type: "string",
description: "Sets background image, left, right and scale on DOM",
parentNode : HTMLElement = null;
disabled : boolean = false;
protected _attachSet : any = {
"node": null,
"parent": null
protected _actionManager: any;
width: number;
height: number;
dom_id: string;
overflow: string;
* When the DOMWidget is initialized, it grabs the DOM-Node of the parent
* object (if available) and passes it to its own "createDOMNode" function
* @memberOf et2_DOMWidget
constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object)
// Call the inherited constructor
super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_DOMWidget._attributes, _child || {}));
this._surroundingsMgr = null;
abstract getDOMNode(_sender?: et2_widget): HTMLElement
* Detatches the node from the DOM and clears all references to the parent
* node or the dom node of this widget.
this.parentNode = null;
this._attachSet = {};
var app_om = egw_getObjectManager(this.egw().getAppName(), false,1);
var om = app_om.getObjectById(this.id);
if(om) om.remove();
this._actionManager = null;
if (this._surroundingsMgr)
this._surroundingsMgr = null;
* Attaches the container node of this widget to the DOM-Tree
doLoadingFinished() : boolean | Promise<any>
// Check whether the parent implements the et2_IDOMNode interface. If
// yes, grab the DOM node and create our own.
if (this.getParent() && this.getParent().implements(et2_IDOMNode))
return true;
* Detaches the widget from the DOM tree, if it had been attached to the
* DOM-Tree using the attachToDOM method.
if (this._attachSet && this._attachSet.node && this._attachSet.parent)
// Remove the current node from the parent node
try {
} catch (e) {
// Don't throw a DOM error if the node wasn't in the parent
// Reset the "attachSet"
this._attachSet = {
"node": null,
"parent": null
return true;
return false;
* Attaches the widget to the DOM tree. Fails if the widget is already
* attached to the tree or no parent node or no node for this widget is
* defined.
// Attach the DOM node of this widget (if existing) to the new parent
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node && this.parentNode &&
(!this._attachSet || this._attachSet && node != this._attachSet.node ||
this.parentNode != this._attachSet.parent))
// If the surroundings manager exists, surround the DOM-Node of this
// widget with the DOM-Nodes inside the surroundings manager.
if (this._surroundingsMgr)
node = this._surroundingsMgr.getDOMNode(node);
// Append this node at its index
var idx = this.getDOMIndex();
if(idx < 0 || idx > this.parentNode.childNodes.length - 1)
this.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.parentNode.childNodes[idx]);
// Store the currently attached nodes
this._attachSet = {
"node": node,
"parent": this.parentNode
return true;
return false;
* Inserts a child at the given index.
* @param _node is the node which should be added. It has to be an instance
* of et2_widget
* @param _idx is the position at which the element should be added.
insertChild(_node : et2_widget, _idx: number)
super.insertChild(_node, _idx);
if(_node.instanceOf && _node.instanceOf(et2_DOMWidget) && typeof _node.hasOwnProperty('parentNode') && this.getDOMNode(this))
// Not ready to be added, usually due to construction order,
// will probably try again in doLoadingFinished()
// _node is actually a Web Component
else if(_node instanceof Element)
// Warn about it. This slows down loading, as it requires a second pass (loadingFinished) to get the child
// properly added.
console.warn("Legacy widget " + this.getType() + "[#" + this.options.id + "] could not handle adding a child (" +
_node.getType() + (_node.id ? "#" + _node.id : "") + ")");
isAttached() {
return this.parentNode != null;
private _surroundingsMgr : et2_surroundingsMgr;
getSurroundings() : et2_surroundingsMgr
if (!this._surroundingsMgr)
this._surroundingsMgr = new et2_surroundingsMgr(this);
return this._surroundingsMgr;
* Get data for the tab this widget is on.
* Will return null if the widget is not on a tab or tab data containing
* - id
* - label
* - widget (top level widget)
* - contentDiv (jQuery object for the div the tab content is in)
* @returns {Object|null} Data for tab the widget is on
get_tab_info() : { id : string, label : string, widget : et2_widget, contentDiv : Et2TabPanel, flagDiv : Et2Tab } | null
var parent : et2_widget = this;
parent = parent.getParent();
while(parent !== this.getRoot() && ['tabbox', 'ET2-TABBOX'].indexOf(parent.getType()) == -1);
// No tab
if(parent === this.getRoot())
return null;
let tabbox : Et2Tabs = <Et2Tabs><unknown>parent;
// Find the tab index
for(var i = 0; i < tabbox.tabData.length; i++)
// Find the tab by DOM heritage
// @ts-ignore
if(tabbox.tabData[i].contentDiv?.contains(this.div[0] || this))
return tabbox.tabData[i];
// On a tab, but we couldn't find it by DOM nodes Maybe tab template is
// not loaded yet. Try checking IDs.
var template : et2_widget = this;
do {
template = template.getParent();
// @ts-ignore
} while (template !== tabbox && template.getType() !== 'template');
for (var i = tabbox.tabData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (template && template.id && template.id === tabbox.tabData[i].id)
return tabbox.tabData[i];
// Fallback
let fallback = <et2_DOMWidget><unknown>this.getParent();
if (typeof fallback.get_tab_info === 'function')
return fallback.get_tab_info();
return null;
* Set the parent DOM node of this element. Takes a wider variety of types
* than setParentDOMNode(), and matches the set_<attribute> naming convention.
* @param _node String|DOMNode DOM node to contain the widget, or the ID of the DOM node.
if(typeof _node == "string")
var parent = jQuery('#'+_node);
if(parent.length === 0 && window.parent)
// Could not find it, try again with wider context
// (in case there's an iframe in admin, for example)
parent = jQuery('#'+_node, window.parent.document);
if(parent.length === 0)
this.egw().debug('warn','Unable to find DOM parent node with ID "%s" for widget %o.',_node,this);
* Set the parent DOM node of this element. If another parent node is already
* set, this widget removes itself from the DOM tree
* @param _node
setParentDOMNode(_node : HTMLElement)
if (_node != this.parentNode)
// Detatch this element from the DOM tree
this.parentNode = _node;
// And attatch the element to the DOM tree
* Returns the parent node.
getParentDOMNode() : HTMLElement
return this.parentNode;
* Returns the index of this element in the DOM tree
getDOMIndex() : number
if (this.getParent())
var idx = 0;
var children = this.getParent().getChildren();
if(children && children.indexOf) return children.indexOf(this);
egw.debug('warn', 'No Array.indexOf(), falling back to looping. ');
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
if (children[i] == this)
return idx;
else if (children[i].isInTree())
return -1;
* Sets the id of the DOM-Node.
* DOM id's have dots "." replaced with dashes "-"
* @param {string} _value id to set
set_id(_value) {
this.id = _value;
this.dom_id = _value ? this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId+'_'+_value.replace(/\./g, '-') : _value;
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node)
if (_value != "")
node.setAttribute("id", this.dom_id);
set_disabled(_value) {
var node = this._surroundingsMgr != null ? this._surroundingsMgr.getDOMNode(this.getDOMNode(this)) : this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node && this.disabled != _value)
this.disabled = _value;
if (_value)
set_width(_value) {
this.width = _value;
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node)
jQuery(node).css("width", _value);
set_height(_value) {
this.height = _value;
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node)
jQuery(node).css("height", _value);
set_class(_value) {
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node)
if (this["class"])
this["class"] = _value;
set_overflow(_value) {
this.overflow = _value;
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node)
jQuery(node).css("overflow", _value);
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
if (node && _value)
var pairs = _value.split(/,/g);
for(var i=0; i < pairs.length; ++i)
var name_value = pairs[i].split(':');
jQuery(node).attr('data-'+name_value[0], name_value[1]);
var node = this.getDOMNode(this);
var values = '';
if (_value && node)
values = _value.split(',');
* Set Actions on the widget
* Each action is defined as an object:
* move: {
* type: "drop",
* acceptedTypes: "mail",
* icon: "move",
* caption: "Move to"
* onExecute: javascript:mail_move"
* }
* This will turn the widget into a drop target for "mail" drag types. When "mail" drag types are dropped,
* the global function mail_move(egwAction action, egwActionObject sender) will be called. The ID of the
* dragged "mail" will be in sender.id, some information about the sender will be in sender.context. The
* etemplate2 widget involved can typically be found in action.parent.data.widget, so your handler
* can operate in the widget context easily. The location varies depending on your action though. It
* might be action.parent.parent.data.widget
* To customise how the actions are handled for a particular widget, override _link_actions(). It handles
* the more widget-specific parts.
* @param {object} actions {ID: {attributes..}+} map of egw action information
* @see api/src/Etemplate/Widget/Nextmatch.php egw_actions() method
if(this.id == "" || typeof this.id == "undefined")
this.egw().debug("warn", "Widget should have an ID if you want actions",this);
// Initialize the action manager and add some actions to it
// Only look 1 level deep
var gam = egw_getActionManager(this.egw().appName,true,1);
if(typeof this._actionManager != "object")
if(gam.getActionById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId,1) !== null)
gam = gam.getActionById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId,1);
if(gam.getActionById(this.id,1) != null)
this._actionManager = gam.getActionById(this.id,1);
this._actionManager = gam.addAction("actionManager", this.id);
this._actionManager.updateActions(actions, this.egw().appName);
if (this.options.default_execute) this._actionManager.setDefaultExecute(this.options.default_execute);
// Put a reference to the widget into the action stuff, so we can
// easily get back to widget context from the action handler
this._actionManager.data = {widget: this};
// Link the actions to the DOM
this.options.default_execute = _default_execute;
if (this._actionManager) this._actionManager.setDefaultExecute(null, _default_execute);
* Get all action-links / id's of 1.-level actions from a given action object
* This can be overwritten to not allow all actions, by not returning them here.
* @param actions
* @returns {Array}
var action_links = [];
for(var i in actions)
var action = actions[i];
action_links.push(typeof action.id != 'undefined' ? action.id : i);
return action_links;
* Link the actions to the DOM nodes / widget bits.
* @param {object} actions {ID: {attributes..}+} map of egw action information
// Get the top level element for the tree
var objectManager = egw_getAppObjectManager(true);
var widget_object = objectManager.getObjectById(this.id);
if (widget_object == null) {
// Add a new container to the object manager which will hold the widget
// objects
widget_object = objectManager.insertObject(false, new egwActionObject(
this.id, objectManager, (new et2_action_object_impl(this)).getAOI(),
this._actionManager || objectManager.manager.getActionById(this.id) || objectManager.manager
widget_object.setAOI((new et2_action_object_impl(this, this.getDOMNode())).getAOI());
// Delete all old objects
// Go over the widget & add links - this is where we decide which actions are
// 'allowed' for this widget at this time
var action_links = this._get_action_links(actions);
* The surroundings manager class allows to append or prepend elements around
* an widget node.
export class et2_surroundingsMgr extends ClassWithAttributes
widget: et2_DOMWidget;
private _widgetContainer: any = null;
private _widgetSurroundings: any[] = [];
private _widgetPlaceholder: any = null;
private _widgetNode: HTMLElement = null;
private _ownPlaceholder: boolean = true;
private _surroundingsUpdated: boolean = false;
* Constructor
* @memberOf et2_surroundingsMgr
* @param _widget
constructor(_widget : et2_DOMWidget)
this.widget = _widget;
destroy() {
this._widgetContainer = null;
this._widgetSurroundings = null;
this._widgetPlaceholder = null;
this._widgetNode = null;
prependDOMNode(_node) {
this._surroundingsUpdated = true;
appendDOMNode(_node) {
// Append an placeholder first if none is existing yet
if (this._ownPlaceholder && this._widgetPlaceholder == null)
this._widgetPlaceholder = document.createElement("span");
// Append the given node
this._surroundingsUpdated = true;
insertDOMNode(_node) {
if (!this._ownPlaceholder || this._widgetPlaceholder == null)
// Get the index of the widget placeholder and delete it, insert the
// given node instead
var idx = this._widgetSurroundings.indexOf(this._widgetPlaceholder);
this._widgetSurroundings.splice(idx, 1, _node);
// Delete the reference to the own placeholder
this._widgetPlaceholder = null;
this._ownPlaceholder = false;
removeDOMNode(_node) {
for (var i = 0; this._widgetSurroundings && i < this._widgetSurroundings.length; i++)
if (this._widgetSurroundings[i] == _node)
this._widgetSurroundings.splice(i, 1);
this._surroundingsUpdated = true;
setWidgetPlaceholder(_node) {
if (_node != this._widgetPlaceholder)
if (_node != null && this._ownPlaceholder && this._widgetPlaceholder != null)
// Delete the current placeholder which was created by the
// widget itself
var idx = this._widgetSurroundings.indexOf(this._widgetPlaceholder);
this._widgetSurroundings.splice(idx, 1);
// Delete any reference to the own placeholder and set the
// _ownPlaceholder flag to false
this._widgetPlaceholder = null;
this._ownPlaceholder = false;
this._ownPlaceholder = (_node == null);
this._widgetPlaceholder = _node;
this._surroundingsUpdated = true;
private _rebuildContainer() {
// Return if there has been no change in the "surroundings-data"
if (!this._surroundingsUpdated)
return false;
// Build the widget container
if (this._widgetSurroundings.length > 0)
// Check whether the widgetPlaceholder is really inside the DOM-Tree
var hasPlaceholder = et2_hasChild(this._widgetSurroundings,
// If not, append another widget placeholder
if (!hasPlaceholder)
this._widgetPlaceholder = document.createElement("span");
this._ownPlaceholder = true;
// If the surroundings array only contains one element, set this one
// as the widget container
if (this._widgetSurroundings.length == 1)
if (this._widgetSurroundings[0] == this._widgetPlaceholder)
this._widgetContainer = null;
this._widgetContainer = this._widgetSurroundings[0];
// Create an outer "span" as widgetContainer
this._widgetContainer = document.createElement("span");
// Append the children inside the widgetSurroundings array to
// the widget container
for (var i = 0; i < this._widgetSurroundings.length; i++)
this._widgetContainer = null;
this._widgetPlaceholder = null;
this._surroundingsUpdated = false;
return true;
update() {
if (this._surroundingsUpdated)
var attached = this.widget ? this.widget.isAttached() : false;
// Reattach the widget - this will call the "getDOMNode" function
// and trigger the _rebuildContainer function.
if (attached && this.widget)
getDOMNode(_widgetNode) {
// Update the whole widgetContainer if this is not the first time this
// function has been called but the widget node has changed.
if (this._widgetNode != null && this._widgetNode != _widgetNode)
this._surroundingsUpdated = true;
// Copy a reference to the given node
this._widgetNode = _widgetNode;
// Build the container if it didn't exist yet.
var updated = this._rebuildContainer();
// Return the widget node itself if there are no surroundings arround
// it
if (this._widgetContainer == null)
return _widgetNode;
// Replace the widgetPlaceholder with the given widget node if the
// widgetContainer has been updated
if (updated)
if (!this._ownPlaceholder)
this._widgetPlaceholder = _widgetNode;
// Return the widget container
return this._widgetContainer;
getWidgetSurroundings() : HTMLElement []
return this._widgetSurroundings;
* The egw_action system requires an egwActionObjectInterface Interface implementation
* to tie actions to DOM nodes. This one can be used by any widget.
* The class extension is different than the widgets
* @param {et2_DOMWidget} widget
* @param {Object} node
export class et2_action_object_impl
aoi : egwActionObjectInterface;
constructor(_widget : et2_DOMWidget, _node? : HTMLElement)
var widget = _widget;
var objectNode = _node;
this.aoi = new egwActionObjectInterface();
this.aoi.getWidget = function () {
return widget;
this.aoi.doGetDOMNode = function () {
return objectNode ? objectNode : widget.getDOMNode();
// _outerCall may be used to determine, whether the state change has been
// evoked from the outside and the stateChangeCallback has to be called
// or not.
this.aoi.doSetState = function (_state, _outerCall)
// The doTiggerEvent function may be overritten by the aoi if it wants to
// support certain action implementation specific events like EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER
this.aoi.doTriggerEvent = function (_event, _data)
switch (_event) {
return this.aoi;
} |