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classes are now uppercase and in their own files. lowercase classes are deprecated. Interfaces are now actual interfaces that should be implemented instead of creating and returning an ai Object every time
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558 lines
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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Widget base class
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel
import {et2_IAligned, et2_IDetachedDOM} from "./et2_core_interfaces";
import {et2_DOMWidget} from './et2_core_DOMWidget';
import {ClassWithAttributes} from "./et2_core_inheritance";
import {et2_register_widget, et2_widget, WidgetConfig} from "./et2_core_widget";
import {et2_no_init} from "./et2_core_common";
// fixing circular dependencies by only importing type
import type {et2_inputWidget} from "./et2_core_inputWidget";
import {egwIsMobile} from "../egw_action/egw_action_common";
* Class which manages the DOM node itself. The simpleWidget class is derrived
* from et2_DOMWidget and implements the getDOMNode function. A setDOMNode
* function is provided, which attatches the given node to the DOM if possible.
* @augments et2_DOMWidget
export class et2_baseWidget extends et2_DOMWidget implements et2_IAligned
static readonly _attributes: any = {
"statustext": {
"name": "Tooltip",
"type": "string",
"description": "Tooltip which is shown for this element",
"translate": true
"statustext_html": {
"name": "Tooltip is html",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Flag to allow html content in tooltip",
"default": false
"align": {
"name": "Align",
"type": "string",
"default": "left",
"description": "Position of this element in the parent hbox"
"onclick": {
"name": "onclick",
"type": "js",
"default": et2_no_init,
"description": "JS code which is executed when the element is clicked."
align: string = 'left';
node: HTMLElement = null;
statustext: string = '';
private _messageDiv: JQuery = null;
protected _tooltipElem: JQuery = null;
onclick: any;
* Constructor
constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object)
// Call the inherited constructor
super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_baseWidget._attributes, _child || {}));
this.node = null;
this._messageDiv = null;
* The setMessage function can be used to attach a small message box to the
* widget. This is e.g. used to display validation errors or success messages
* @param _text is the text which should be displayed as a message
* @param _type is an css class which is attached to the message box.
* Currently available are "hint", "success" and "validation_error", defaults
* to "hint"
* @param _floating if true, the object will be in one row with the element,
* defaults to true
* @param _prepend if set, the message is displayed behind the widget node
* instead of before. Defaults to false.
showMessage(_text, _type?, _floating?, _prepend?)
// Preset the parameters
if (typeof _type == "undefined")
_type = "hint";
if (typeof _floating == "undefined")
_floating = true;
if (typeof _prepend == "undefined")
_prepend = false;
var surr = this.getSurroundings();
// Remove the message div from the surroundings before creating a new
// one
this.hideMessage(false, true);
// Create the message div and add it to the "surroundings" manager
this._messageDiv = jQuery(document.createElement("div"))
.addClass(_floating ? "floating" : "")
.text(_text.valueOf() + "");
// Decide whether to prepend or append the div
if (_prepend)
* The hideMessage function can be used to hide a previously shown message.
* @param _fade if true, the message div will fade out, otherwise the message
* div is removed immediately. Defaults to true.
* @param _noUpdate is used internally to prevent an update of the surroundings
* manager.
hideMessage(_fade? : boolean, _noUpdate? : boolean)
if (typeof _fade == "undefined")
_fade = true;
if (typeof _noUpdate == "undefined")
_noUpdate = false;
// Remove the message from the surroundings manager and remove the
// reference to it
if (this._messageDiv != null)
var surr = this.getSurroundings();
var self = this;
var messageDiv = this._messageDiv;
self._messageDiv = null;
var _done = function() {
// Update the surroundings manager
if (!_noUpdate)
// Either fade out or directly call the function which removes the div
if (_fade)
messageDiv.fadeOut("fast", _done);
// Detach this node from the tooltip node
if (this._tooltipElem)
this._tooltipElem = null;
// Remove the binding to the click handler
if (this.node)
return super.detachFromDOM();
let ret = super.attachToDOM();
// Add the binding for the click handler
if (this.node)
jQuery(this.node).bind("click.et2_baseWidget", this, function(e) {
return e.data.click.call(e.data, e, this);
if (typeof this.onclick == 'function') jQuery(this.node).addClass('et2_clickable');
// Update the statustext
return ret;
if (_node != this.node)
// Deatch the old node from the DOM
// Set the new DOM-Node
this.node = _node;
// Attatch the DOM-Node to the tree
return this.attachToDOM();
return false;
getDOMNode(_sender?: et2_widget)
return this.node;
return this.getDOMNode(this);
* Click handler calling custom handler set via onclick attribute to this.onclick
* @param _ev
* @returns
if(typeof this.onclick == 'function')
// Make sure function gets a reference to the widget, splice it in as 2. argument if not
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) args.splice(1, 0, this);
return this.onclick.apply(this, args);
return true;
// Tooltip should not be shown in mobile view
if (egwIsMobile()) return;
// Don't execute the code below, if no tooltip will be attached/detached
if (_value == "" && !this._tooltipElem)
this.statustext = _value;
//Get the domnode the tooltip should be attached to
var elem = jQuery(this.getTooltipElement());
if (elem)
// Make readable by screenreader
//If a tooltip is already attached to the element, remove it first
if (this._tooltipElem)
this._tooltipElem = null;
if (_value && _value != '')
this.egw().tooltipBind(elem, _value, this.options.statustext_html);
this._tooltipElem = elem;
this.align = _value;
return this.align;
* Simple container object
* There is no tag to put this in a template. By convention we only make one of these per etemplate,
* and it's the top level object.
export class et2_container extends et2_baseWidget
* Constructor
constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object)
// Call the inherited constructor
super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_container._attributes, _child || {}));
* The destroy function destroys all children of the widget, removes itself
* from the parents children list.
* Overriden to not try to remove self from parent, as that's not possible.
// Call the destructor of all children
for (var i = this._children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Free the array managers if they belong to this widget
for (var key in this._mgrs)
if (this._mgrs[key] && this._mgrs[key].owner == this)
* Searches for a DOM widget by id in the tree, descending into the child levels.
* @param _id is the id you're searching for
getDOMWidgetById(_id) : et2_DOMWidget | null
let widget = this.getWidgetById(_id);
if(widget && (widget instanceof HTMLElement || widget.instanceOf(et2_DOMWidget)))
return <et2_DOMWidget>widget;
return null
* Searches for a Value widget by id in the tree, descending into the child levels.
* @param _id is the id you're searching for
getInputWidgetById(_id) : et2_inputWidget | null
let widget = <any>this.getWidgetById(_id);
// instead of checking widget to be instance of valueWidget (which would create a circular dependency)
// we check for the interface/methods of valueWidget
if(widget && typeof widget.get_value === 'function' && typeof widget.set_value === 'function')
return <et2_inputWidget>widget;
return null
* Set the value for a child widget, specified by the given ID
* @param id string The ID you're searching for
* @param value Value for the widget
* @return Returns the result of widget's set_value(), though this is usually undefined
* @throws Error If the widget cannot be found or it does not have a set_value() function
setValueById(id: string, value): any
let widget = this.getWidgetById(id);
if(!widget) throw 'Could not find widget ' + id;
// Don't care about what class it is, just that it has the function
// @ts-ignore
if(typeof widget.set_value !== 'function')
throw 'Widget ' + id + ' does not have a set_value() function';
// @ts-ignore
return widget.set_value(value);
* Get the current value of a child widget, specified by the given ID
* This is the current value of the widget, which may be different from the original value given in content
* @param id string The ID you're searching for
* @throws Error If the widget cannot be found or it does not have a set_value() function
getValueById(id: string)
let widget = this.getWidgetById(id);
if(!widget) throw 'Could not find widget ' + id;
// Don't care about what class it is, just that it has the function
// @ts-ignore
if(typeof widget.get_value !== 'function' && typeof widget.value == "undefined")
throw 'Widget ' + id + ' does not have a get_value() function';
// @ts-ignore
return typeof widget.get_value == "function" ? widget.get_value() : widget.value;
* Set the value for a child widget, specified by the given ID
* @param id string The ID you're searching for
* @throws Error If the widget cannot be found or it does not have a set_value() function
setDisabledById(id: string, value : boolean)
let widget = this.getWidgetById(id);
if(!widget) throw 'Could not find widget ' + id;
// Don't care about what class it is, just that it has the function
// @ts-ignore
if(typeof widget.set_disabled !== 'function')
throw 'Widget ' + id + ' does not have a set_disabled() function';
// @ts-ignore
return widget.set_disabled(value);
// Register widget for attributes, but not for any xml tags
et2_register_widget(et2_container, []);
* Container object for not-yet supported widgets
* @augments et2_baseWidget
export class et2_placeholder extends et2_baseWidget implements et2_IDetachedDOM
* he attrNodes object will hold the DOM nodes which represent the
* values of this object
attrNodes: {};
visible: boolean = false;
placeDiv: JQuery;
* Constructor
constructor(_parent, _attrs? : WidgetConfig, _child? : object)
// Call the inherited constructor
super(_parent, _attrs, ClassWithAttributes.extendAttributes(et2_placeholder._attributes, _child || {}));
this.attrNodes = {};
// Create the placeholder div
this.placeDiv = jQuery(document.createElement("span"))
var headerNode = jQuery(document.createElement("span"))
.text(this.getType() || "")
var attrsCntr = jQuery(document.createElement("span"))
headerNode.click(this, function(e) {
e.data.visible = !e.data.visible;
if (e.data.visible)
for (var key in this.options)
if (typeof this.options[key] != "undefined")
if (typeof this.attrNodes[key] == "undefined")
this.attrNodes[key] = jQuery(document.createElement("span"))
this.attrNodes[key].text(key + "=" + this.options[key]);
return [this.placeDiv[0]];
setDetachedAttributes(_nodes, _values)
this.placeDiv = jQuery(_nodes[0]);
// Register widget, but no tags
et2_register_widget(et2_placeholder, ['placeholder', 'placeholder_ro']);