2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
< ? php
/************************************************************************** \
* eGroupWare - account administration *
* http :// www . egroupware . org *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ **************************************************************************/
/* $Id$ */
class uiaccounts
//(regis) maybe some of them should be deleted?
var $public_functions = array (
'list_groups' => True ,
'list_users' => True ,
'add_group' => True ,
'add_user' => True ,
'delete_group' => True ,
'delete_user' => True ,
'edit_user' => True ,
'edit_user_hook' => True ,
'edit_group' => True ,
'view_user' => True ,
'edit_group_hook' => True ,
'edit_view_user_hook' => True ,
'group_manager' => True ,
'set_group_managers' => True
var $bo ;
var $nextmatchs ;
var $apps_with_acl = array (
'todo' => True ,
'calendar' => True ,
'projects' => True ,
'infolog' => True ,
'filemanager' => array (
'menuaction' => 'filemanager.filemanager_ui.file' ,
'path' => '/home/$account_lid' ,
'tabs' => 'eacl' ,
'popup' => '495x400' ,
'tts' => True ,
'bookmarks' => True ,
'img' => True ,
'phpbrain' => True ,
'projectmanager' => True ,
'timesheet' => True
function uiaccounts ()
$this -> bo =& CreateObject ( 'admin.boaccounts' );
$this -> nextmatchs =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.nextmatchs' );
@ set_time_limit ( 300 );
/* Moved from bo class */
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) // deal with magic_quotes_gpc On
$_POST = $this -> array_stripslashes ( $_POST );
foreach ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> hooks -> process ( 'group_acl' , '' , true ) as $app => $data )
if ( $data ) $this -> apps_with_acl [ $app ] = $data ;
function row_action ( $action , $type , $account_id )
return '<a href="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , Array (
'menuaction' => 'admin.uiaccounts.' . $action . '_' . $type ,
'account_id' => $account_id
)) . '"> ' . lang ( $action ) . ' </a>' ;
function list_groups ()
$query_types = array (
'all' => 'all fields' ,
'lid' => 'LoginID' ,
'start' => 'start with' ,
'exact' => 'exact'
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 1 , 'admin' ))
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/admin/index.php' ));
$GLOBALS [ 'cd' ] = ( $_GET [ 'cd' ] ? $_GET [ 'cd' ] : 0 );
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'query' ]))
// limit query to limit characters
$GLOBALS [ 'query' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'query' ];
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'start' ]))
$start = ( int ) $_POST [ 'start' ];
$start = 0 ;
switch ( $_REQUEST [ 'order' ])
case 'account_lid' :
$order = $_REQUEST [ 'order' ];
break ;
default :
$order = 'account_lid' ;
break ;
switch ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort' ])
case 'ASC' :
case 'DESC' :
$sort = $_REQUEST [ 'sort' ];
break ;
default :
$sort = 'ASC' ;
break ;
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'app_header' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ][ 'admin' ][ 'title' ] . ' - ' .
lang ( 'User groups' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$p =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$p -> set_file (
array (
'groups' => 'groups.tpl'
$p -> set_block ( 'groups' , 'list' , 'list' );
$p -> set_block ( 'groups' , 'row' , 'row' );
$p -> set_block ( 'groups' , 'row_empty' , 'row_empty' );
$p -> set_block ( 'list' , 'letter_search' , 'letter_search_cells' );
$search_param = array (
'type' => 'groups' ,
'start' => $start ,
'sort' => $sort ,
'order' => $order ,
'query_type' => $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ]
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 2 , 'admin' ))
$search_param [ 'query' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'query' ];
$account_info = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> search ( $search_param );
$total = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> total ;
$link_data = array (
'menuaction' => 'admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' ,
//'group_id' => $_REQUEST['group_id'],
'query_type' => $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ],
'query' => $GLOBALS [ 'query' ],
$var = Array (
'left_next_matchs' => $this -> nextmatchs -> left ( '/index.php' , $start , $total , $link_data ),
'right_next_matchs' => $this -> nextmatchs -> right ( '/index.php' , $start , $total , $link_data ),
'lang_groups' => lang ( '%1 - %2 of %3 user groups' , $start + 1 , $start + count ( $account_info ), $total ),
'sort_name' => $this -> nextmatchs -> show_sort_order ( $sort , 'account_lid' , $order , '/index.php' , lang ( 'name' ), $link_data ),
'header_edit' => lang ( 'Edit' ),
'header_delete' => lang ( 'Delete' ),
'lang_search' => lang ( 'search' ) // KL 20061128 Text fr den Suchbutton hinzugefeugt
$p -> set_var ( $var );
if ( ! count ( $account_info ) || ! $total )
$p -> set_var ( 'message' , lang ( 'No matches found' ));
$p -> parse ( 'rows' , 'row_empty' , True );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 8 , 'admin' ))
$can_view = True ;
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 16 , 'admin' ))
$can_edit = True ;
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 32 , 'admin' ))
$can_delete = True ;
foreach ( $account_info as $account )
$var = Array (
'class' => $this -> nextmatchs -> alternate_row_color ( '' , True ),
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
'group_name' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $account [ 'account_lid' ]),
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
'delete_link' => $this -> row_action ( 'delete' , 'group' , $account [ 'account_id' ])
$p -> set_var ( $var );
if ( $can_edit )
$p -> set_var ( 'edit_link' , $this -> row_action ( 'edit' , 'group' , $account [ 'account_id' ]));
$p -> set_var ( 'edit_link' , ' ' );
if ( $can_delete )
$p -> set_var ( 'delete_link' , $this -> row_action ( 'delete' , 'group' , $account [ 'account_id' ]));
$p -> set_var ( 'delete_link' , ' ' );
$p -> fp ( 'rows' , 'row' , True );
$link_data += array (
'order' => $order ,
'sort' => $sort
$p -> set_var ( array (
'query' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $GLOBALS [ 'query' ]),
'query_type' => is_array ( $query_types ) ? html :: select ( 'query_type' , $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ], $query_types ) : '' ,
//'lang_group' => lang('group'),
//'group' => $uiaccountsel->selection('group_id','admin_uiaccount_listusers_group_id',$_REQUEST['group_id'],'groups',0,False,'','this.form.submit();',lang('all')),
'accounts_url' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $link_data ),
$letters = lang ( 'alphabet' );
$letters = explode ( ',' , substr ( $letters , - 1 ) != '*' ? $letters : 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z' );
$link_data [ 'query_type' ] = 'start' ;
foreach ( $letters as $letter )
$link_data [ 'query' ] = $letter ;
$p -> set_var ( array (
'letter' => $letter ,
'link' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $link_data ),
'class' => $GLOBALS [ 'query' ] == $letter && $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ] == 'start' ? 'letter_box_active' : 'letter_box' ,
$p -> fp ( 'letter_search_cells' , 'letter_search' , True );
unset ( $link_data [ 'query' ]);
unset ( $link_data [ 'query_type' ]);
$p -> set_var ( array (
'letter' => lang ( 'all' ),
'link' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $link_data ),
'class' => $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ] != 'start' || ! in_array ( $GLOBALS [ 'query' ], $letters ) ? 'letter_box_active' : 'letter_box' ,
$p -> fp ( 'letter_search_cells' , 'letter_search' , True );
$var = Array (
'new_action' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.add_group' ),
'search_action' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' )
$p -> set_var ( $var );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 4 , 'admin' ))
$p -> set_var ( 'input_add' , '<input type="submit" value="' . lang ( 'Add' ) . '">' );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 2 , 'admin' ))
$p -> set_var ( 'input_search' , lang ( 'Search' ) . ' <input name="query" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes ( $GLOBALS [ 'query' ])) . '">' );
$p -> pfp ( 'out' , 'list' );
function list_users ( $param_cd = '' )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 1 , 'admin' ))
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect_link ( '/admin/index.php' );
if ( $param_cd )
$cd = $param_cd ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'query' ]))
$GLOBALS [ 'query' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'query' ];
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'start' ]))
$start = ( int ) $_REQUEST [ 'start' ];
$start = 0 ;
switch ( $_REQUEST [ 'order' ])
case 'account_lastname' :
case 'account_firstname' :
case 'account_lid' :
case 'account_email' :
$order = $_REQUEST [ 'order' ];
break ;
default :
$order = 'account_lid' ;
break ;
switch ( $_REQUEST [ 'sort' ])
case 'ASC' :
case 'DESC' :
$sort = $_REQUEST [ 'sort' ];
break ;
default :
$sort = 'ASC' ;
break ;
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'app_header' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ][ 'admin' ][ 'title' ] . ' - ' .
lang ( 'User accounts' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$p =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$p -> set_file (
Array (
'list' => 'accounts.tpl'
$p -> set_block ( 'list' , 'row' , 'rows' );
$p -> set_block ( 'list' , 'row_empty' , 'no_rows' );
$p -> set_block ( 'list' , 'letter_search' , 'letter_search_cells' );
$search_param = array (
'type' => ( int ) $_REQUEST [ 'group_id' ] ? $_REQUEST [ 'group_id' ] : 'accounts' ,
'start' => $start ,
'sort' => $sort ,
'order' => $order ,
'query_type' => $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ],
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 2 , 'admin' ))
$search_param [ 'query' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'query' ];
$account_info = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> search ( $search_param );
$total = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> total ;
$link_data = array (
'menuaction' => 'admin.uiaccounts.list_users' ,
'group_id' => $_REQUEST [ 'group_id' ],
'query_type' => $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ],
'query' => $GLOBALS [ 'query' ],
$uiaccountsel =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.uiaccountsel' );
$p -> set_var ( array (
'left_next_matchs' => $this -> nextmatchs -> left ( '/index.php' , $start , $total , $link_data ),
'lang_showing' => ( $_REQUEST [ 'group_id' ] ? $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> grab_owner_name ( $_REQUEST [ 'group_id' ]) . ': ' : '' ) .
( $GLOBALS [ 'query' ] ? lang ( " Search %1 '%2' " , lang ( $uiaccountsel -> query_types [ $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ]]),
html :: htmlspecialchars ( $GLOBALS [ 'query' ])) . ': ' : '' )
. $this -> nextmatchs -> show_hits ( $total , $start ),
'right_next_matchs' => $this -> nextmatchs -> right ( '/index.php' , $start , $total , $link_data ),
'lang_loginid' => $this -> nextmatchs -> show_sort_order ( $sort , 'account_lid' , $order , '/index.php' , lang ( 'LoginID' ), $link_data ),
'lang_lastname' => $this -> nextmatchs -> show_sort_order ( $sort , 'account_lastname' , $order , '/index.php' , lang ( 'last name' ), $link_data ),
'lang_firstname' => $this -> nextmatchs -> show_sort_order ( $sort , 'account_firstname' , $order , '/index.php' , lang ( 'first name' ), $link_data ),
'lang_email' => $this -> nextmatchs -> show_sort_order ( $sort , 'account_email' , $order , '/index.php' , lang ( 'email' ), $link_data ),
'lang_account_active' => lang ( 'Account active' ) . " <br> " . lang ( 'Created' ) . " <br> " . lang ( 'Modified' ),
'lang_edit' => lang ( 'edit' ),
'lang_delete' => lang ( 'delete' ),
'lang_view' => lang ( 'view' ),
'lang_search' => lang ( 'search' )
$link_data += array (
'order' => $order ,
'sort' => $sort ,
$p -> set_var ( array (
'query' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $GLOBALS [ 'query' ]),
'query_type' => is_array ( $uiaccountsel -> query_types ) ? html :: select ( 'query_type' , $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ], $uiaccountsel -> query_types ) : '' ,
'lang_group' => lang ( 'group' ),
'group' => $uiaccountsel -> selection ( 'group_id' , 'admin_uiaccount_listusers_group_id' , $_REQUEST [ 'group_id' ], 'groups' , 0 , False , '' , 'this.form.submit();' , lang ( 'all' )),
'accounts_url' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $link_data ),
$letters = lang ( 'alphabet' );
$letters = explode ( ',' , substr ( $letters , - 1 ) != '*' ? $letters : 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z' );
$link_data [ 'query_type' ] = 'start' ;
foreach ( $letters as $letter )
$link_data [ 'query' ] = $letter ;
$p -> set_var ( array (
'letter' => $letter ,
'link' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $link_data ),
'class' => $GLOBALS [ 'query' ] == $letter && $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ] == 'start' ? 'letter_box_active' : 'letter_box' ,
$p -> fp ( 'letter_search_cells' , 'letter_search' , True );
unset ( $link_data [ 'query' ]);
unset ( $link_data [ 'query_type' ]);
$p -> set_var ( array (
'letter' => lang ( 'all' ),
'link' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $link_data ),
'class' => $_REQUEST [ 'query_type' ] != 'start' || ! in_array ( $GLOBALS [ 'query' ], $letters ) ? 'letter_box_active' : 'letter_box' ,
$p -> fp ( 'letter_search_cells' , 'letter_search' , True );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 4 , 'admin' ))
$p -> set_var ( 'new_action' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.add_user' ));
$p -> set_var ( 'input_add' , '<input type="submit" value="' . lang ( 'Add' ) . '">' );
if ( ! count ( $account_info ) || ! $total )
$p -> set_var ( 'message' , lang ( 'No matches found' ));
$p -> parse ( 'rows' , 'row_empty' , True );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 8 , 'admin' ))
$can_view = True ;
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 16 , 'admin' ))
$can_edit = True ;
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 32 , 'admin' ))
$can_delete = True ;
foreach ( $account_info as $account )
$p -> set_var ( 'class' , $this -> nextmatchs -> alternate_row_color ( '' , True ));
if ( $account [ 'account_status' ] == 'A' )
$account [ 'account_status' ] = lang ( 'Enabled' );
$account [ 'account_status' ] = '<font color="red">' . lang ( 'Disabled' ) . '</font>' ;
if ( isset ( $account [ 'account_created' ]))
$account [ 'account_status' ] .= '<br>' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $account [ 'account_created' ], $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ]);
if ( isset ( $account [ 'account_modified' ]))
$account [ 'account_status' ] .= '<br>' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $account [ 'account_modified' ], $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ]);
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
$p -> set_var ( array (
'account_id' => $account [ 'account_id' ],
'account_lid' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $account [ 'account_lid' ]),
'account_firstname' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $account [ 'account_firstname' ]),
'account_lastname' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $account [ 'account_lastname' ]),
'account_email' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $account [ 'account_email' ]),
2014-02-05 14:31:14 +01:00
'account_status' => $account [ 'account_status' ],
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
if ( $can_edit )
$p -> set_var ( 'row_edit' , $this -> row_action ( 'edit' , 'user' , $account [ 'account_id' ]));
$p -> set_var ( 'row_edit' , ' ' );
if ( $can_delete )
$p -> set_var ( 'row_delete' ,( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'userid' ] != $account [ 'account_lid' ] ? $this -> row_action ( 'delete' , 'user' , $account [ 'account_id' ]) : ' ' ));
$p -> set_var ( 'row_delete' , ' ' );
if ( $can_view )
$p -> set_var ( 'row_view' , $this -> row_action ( 'view' , 'user' , $account [ 'account_id' ]));
$p -> set_var ( 'row_view' , ' ' );
$p -> parse ( 'rows' , 'row' , True );
} // End else
$p -> pfp ( 'out' , 'list' );
function add_group ()
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 4 , 'admin' ))
$this -> list_groups ();
return False ;
if ( $_POST [ 'edit' ])
$group_permissions = ( $_POST [ 'account_apps' ] ? $_POST [ 'account_apps' ] : Array ());
$account_apps = Array ();
foreach ( $group_permissions as $key => $value )
if ( $value )
$account_apps [ $key ] = True ;
@ reset ( $account_apps );
$group_info = Array (
'account_id' => ( $_POST [ 'account_id' ] ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'account_id' ] : 0 ),
'account_name' => ( $_POST [ 'account_name' ] ? $_POST [ 'account_name' ] : '' ),
'account_user' => $_POST [ 'account_user' ],
'account_apps' => $account_apps ,
'account_email' => $_POST [ 'account_email' ]
$errors = $this -> bo -> add_group ( $group_info );
if ( is_array ( $errors ))
$this -> create_edit_group ( $group_info , $errors );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' ));
$group_info = Array (
'account_id' => $_GET [ 'account_id' ],
'account_name' => '' ,
'account_user' => Array (),
'account_apps' => Array ()
$this -> create_edit_group ( $group_info );
function add_user ()
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 4 , 'admin' ))
$this -> list_users ();
return ;
if ( $_POST [ 'submit' ])
if ( ! ( $email = $_POST [ 'account_email' ]))
$email = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> email_address ( $_POST [ 'account_firstname' ], $_POST [ 'account_lastname' ], $_POST [ 'account_lid' ]);
$userData = array (
'account_type' => 'u' ,
'account_lid' => $_POST [ 'account_lid' ],
'account_firstname' => $_POST [ 'account_firstname' ],
'account_lastname' => $_POST [ 'account_lastname' ],
'account_passwd' => $_POST [ 'account_passwd' ],
'status' => ( $_POST [ 'account_status' ] ? 'A' : '' ),
'account_status' => ( $_POST [ 'account_status' ] ? 'A' : '' ),
'old_loginid' => ( $_GET [ 'old_loginid' ] ? rawurldecode ( $_GET [ 'old_loginid' ]) : '' ),
'account_id' => ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ] ? $_GET [ 'account_id' ] : 0 ),
'account_primary_group' => $_POST [ 'account_primary_group' ],
'account_passwd_2' => $_POST [ 'account_passwd_2' ],
'account_groups' => $_POST [ 'account_groups' ],
'anonymous' => $_POST [ 'anonymous' ],
'changepassword' => $_POST [ 'changepassword' ],
'account_permissions' => $_POST [ 'account_permissions' ],
'homedirectory' => $_POST [ 'homedirectory' ],
'loginshell' => $_POST [ 'loginshell' ],
'account_expires_never' => $_POST [ 'never_expires' ],
'account_email' => $email
/* 'file_space' => $_POST['account_file_space_number'] . "-" . $_POST['account_file_space_type'] */
/* when does the account expire */
if ( $_POST [ 'expires' ] !== '' && ! $_POST [ 'never_expires' ])
$jscal =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.jscalendar' , False );
$userData += $jscal -> input2date ( $_POST [ 'expires' ], False , 'account_expires_day' , 'account_expires_month' , 'account_expires_year' );
$errors = $this -> bo -> add_user ( $userData );
if ( is_array ( $errors ))
$this -> create_edit_user ( 0 , $userData , $errors );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_users' ));
$this -> create_edit_user ( 0 );
function delete_group ()
if ( $_POST [ 'no' ] || $_POST [ 'yes' ] || !@ isset ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]) || !@ $_GET [ 'account_id' ] || $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 32 , 'admin' ))
if ( $_POST [ 'yes' ])
$this -> bo -> delete_group ( $_POST [ 'account_id' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' ));
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$p =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$p -> set_file (
Array (
'body' => 'delete_common.tpl' ,
'message_row' => 'message_row.tpl' ,
'form_button' => 'form_button_script.tpl'
$p -> set_var ( 'message_display' , lang ( 'Are you sure you want to delete this group ?' ));
$p -> parse ( 'messages' , 'message_row' );
if (( $old_group_list = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> memberships (( int ) $_GET [ 'account_id' ], true )))
$group_name = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
$p -> set_var ( 'message_display' , '<br>' );
$p -> parse ( 'messages' , 'message_row' , True );
$user_list = '' ;
while ( list (, $id ) = each ( $old_group_list ))
$user_list .= '<a href="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' ,
Array (
'menuaction' => 'admin.uiaccounts.edit_user' ,
'account_id' => $id
) . '">' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> grab_owner_name ( $id ) . '</a><br>' ;
$p -> set_var ( 'message_display' , $user_list );
$p -> parse ( 'messages' , 'message_row' , True );
$p -> set_var ( 'message_display' , lang ( " Sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 " , $group_name )
. '.<br>' . lang ( 'They must be removed before you can continue' ) . '.<br>' . lang ( 'Remove all users from this group' ) . '?' );
$p -> parse ( 'messages' , 'message_row' , True );
$var = Array (
'form_action' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.delete_group' ),
'hidden_vars' => '<input type="hidden" name="account_id" value="' . $_GET [ 'account_id' ] . '">' ,
'yes' => lang ( 'Yes' ),
'no' => lang ( 'No' )
$p -> set_var ( $var );
$p -> parse ( 'yes' , 'form_button' );
$var = Array (
'submit_button' => lang ( 'Submit' ),
'action_url_button' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' ),
'action_text_button' => ' ' . lang ( 'No' ),
'action_confirm_button' => '' ,
'action_extra_field' => ''
$p -> set_var ( $var );
$p -> parse ( 'no' , 'form_button' );
$p -> pparse ( 'phpgw_body' , 'body' );
function delete_user ()
2014-05-01 09:07:08 +02:00
// for POST (not GET or cli call via setup_cmd_admin) validate CSRF token
if ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST' )
egw_csrf :: validate ( $_POST [ 'csrf_token' ], __METHOD__ );
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 32 , 'admin' ) || $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ] == $_GET [ 'account_id' ] ||
$_POST [ 'cancel' ])
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_users' ));
if ( $_POST [ 'delete_account' ])
$this -> bo -> delete_user ( $_POST [ 'account_id' ], $_POST [ 'new_owner' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_users' ));
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$t =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$t -> set_file (
Array (
'form' => 'delete_account.tpl'
$var = Array (
'form_action' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.delete_user' ),
2014-05-01 09:07:08 +02:00
'account_id' => $_GET [ 'account_id' ],
'hidden_vars' => html :: input_hidden ( 'csrf_token' , egw_csrf :: token ( __METHOD__ )),
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
// the account can have special chars/white spaces, if it is a ldap dn
$account_id = rawurlencode ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
$var [ 'lang_new_owner' ] = lang ( 'Who would you like to transfer ALL records owned by the deleted user to?' );
$accountsel = new uiaccountsel ();
$var [ 'new_owner_select' ] = $accountsel -> selection ( 'new_owner' , 'new_owner' , array ( '' ), 'accounts' , 0 , $account_id , 'size="15"' , '' , lang ( 'Delete all records' ));
$var [ 'cancel' ] = lang ( 'cancel' );
$var [ 'delete' ] = lang ( 'delete' );
$t -> set_var ( $var );
$t -> pparse ( 'out' , 'form' );
// (regis) why only for users, it works with groups as well so I add it
// I use it on the workflow app to add monitoring rights for some users
// and we could have history of connexions for members groups.
function edit_group_hook () // (regis) why only for users, it works with groups as well so I add it
if ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ] && // can't set it on add
! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 64 , 'admin' )) // no rights to set ACL-rights
$GLOBALS [ 'menuData' ][] = array (
'description' => 'ACL Rights' ,
'url' => '/index.php' ,
'extradata' => 'menuaction=admin.uiaclmanager.list_apps'
function edit_group ( $cd = '' , $account_id = '' )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 16 , 'admin' ))
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' ));
if ( $_POST [ 'edit' ])
$group_permissions = ( $_POST [ 'account_apps' ] ? $_POST [ 'account_apps' ] : Array ());
$account_apps = Array ();
foreach ( $group_permissions as $key => $value )
if ( $value )
$account_apps [ $key ] = True ;
@ reset ( $account_apps );
$group_info = Array (
'account_id' => ( $_POST [ 'account_id' ] ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'account_id' ] : 0 ),
'account_name' => ( $_POST [ 'account_name' ] ? $_POST [ 'account_name' ] : '' ),
'account_user' => $_POST [ 'account_user' ],
'account_apps' => $account_apps ,
'account_email' => $_POST [ 'account_email' ]
$errors = $this -> bo -> edit_group ( $group_info );
if ( is_array ( $errors ))
$this -> create_edit_group ( $group_info , $errors );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' ));
$cdid = $cd ;
settype ( $cd , 'integer' );
$cd = ( $_GET [ 'cd' ] ? $_GET [ 'cd' ] : ( int ) $cdid );
$accountid = $account_id ;
settype ( $account_id , 'integer' );
$account_id = ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ] ? $_GET [ 'account_id' ] : ( int ) $accountid );
// todo
// not needed if i use the same file for new groups too
if ( ! $account_id )
$this -> list_groups ();
$group_info = Array (
'account_id' => ( int ) $_GET [ 'account_id' ],
'account_name' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]),
'account_user' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> members ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]),
'account_apps' => $this -> bo -> load_group_apps ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ])
$this -> create_edit_group ( $group_info );
function edit_view_user_hook ()
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'current_sessions_access' , 1 , 'admin' )) // no rights to view
$GLOBALS [ 'menuData' ][] = array (
'description' => 'Login History' ,
'url' => '/index.php' ,
'extradata' => 'menuaction=admin.admin_accesslog.index'
// not sure if this realy belongs here, or only in edit_user
if ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ] && // can't set it on add
! $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 64 , 'admin' )) // no rights to set ACL-rights
$GLOBALS [ 'menuData' ][] = array (
'description' => 'ACL Rights' ,
'url' => '/index.php' ,
'extradata' => 'menuaction=admin.uiaclmanager.list_apps'
// NDEE210804
// added for different way of handling ldap entries inside account manager
// we show this only, if accounts are stored in ldap
/* just doublicated EMailAdmin functionality
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'account_repository' ] == " ldap " )
$GLOBALS [ 'menuData' ][] = array (
'description' => 'LDAP-MGR' ,
'url' => '/index.php' ,
'extradata' => 'menuaction=admin.uildap_mgr.editUserData'
function edit_user ( $cd = '' , $account_id = '' )
2014-05-01 09:07:08 +02:00
// for POST (not GET or cli call via setup_cmd_admin) validate CSRF token
if ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST' && $_POST )
egw_csrf :: validate ( $_POST [ 'csrf_token' ], __METHOD__ );
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 16 , 'admin' ))
$this -> list_users ();
return False ;
if ( $_POST [ 'submit' ])
if ( ! ( $email = $_POST [ 'account_email' ]))
$email = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> email_address ( $_POST [ 'account_firstname' ], $_POST [ 'account_lastname' ], $_POST [ 'account_lid' ]);
$userData = array (
'account_lid' => $_POST [ 'account_lid' ],
'account_firstname' => $_POST [ 'account_firstname' ],
'account_lastname' => $_POST [ 'account_lastname' ],
'account_passwd' => $_POST [ 'account_passwd' ],
'account_status' => ( $_POST [ 'account_status' ] ? 'A' : '' ),
'old_loginid' => ( $_GET [ 'old_loginid' ] ? rawurldecode ( $_GET [ 'old_loginid' ]) : '' ),
'account_id' => ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ] ? $_GET [ 'account_id' ] : 0 ),
'account_passwd_2' => $_POST [ 'account_passwd_2' ],
'account_groups' => $_POST [ 'account_groups' ],
'account_primary_group' => $_POST [ 'account_primary_group' ],
'anonymous' => $_POST [ 'anonymous' ],
'changepassword' => $_POST [ 'changepassword' ],
'account_permissions' => $_POST [ 'account_permissions' ],
'homedirectory' => $_POST [ 'homedirectory' ],
'loginshell' => $_POST [ 'loginshell' ],
'account_expires_never' => $_POST [ 'never_expires' ],
'account_email' => $email ,
/* 'file_space' => $_POST['account_file_space_number'] . "-" . $_POST['account_file_space_type'] */
if ( $userData [ 'account_primary_group' ] && ( ! isset ( $userData [ 'account_groups' ]) || ! in_array ( $userData [ 'account_primary_group' ], $userData [ 'account_groups' ])))
$userData [ 'account_groups' ][] = ( int ) $userData [ 'account_primary_group' ];
if ( $_POST [ 'expires' ] !== '' && ! $_POST [ 'never_expires' ])
$jscal =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.jscalendar' , False );
$userData += $jscal -> input2date ( $_POST [ 'expires' ], False , 'account_expires_day' , 'account_expires_month' , 'account_expires_year' );
$errors = $this -> bo -> edit_user ( $userData );
if ( !@ is_array ( $errors ))
// check if would create a menu
// if we do, we can't return to the users list, because
// there are also some other plugins
if ( ! ExecMethod ( 'admin.uimenuclass.createHTMLCode' , 'edit_user' ))
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect_link ( '/index.php' , array ( // without redirect changes happen only in the next page-view!
'menuaction' => 'admin.uiaccounts.list_users'
if ( $userData [ 'account_id' ] == $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ])
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect_link ( '/index.php' , array ( // without redirect changes happen only in the next page-view!
'menuaction' => 'admin.uiaccounts.edit_user' ,
'account_id' => $_GET [ 'account_id' ]
$this -> create_edit_user ( $userData [ 'account_id' ]);
$this -> create_edit_user ( $userData [ 'account_id' ], $userData , $errors );
$cdid = $cd ;
settype ( $cd , 'integer' );
$cd = ( $_GET [ 'cd' ] ? $_GET [ 'cd' ] : ( int ) $cdid );
$accountid = $account_id ;
settype ( $account_id , 'integer' );
$account_id = ( int )( $_GET [ 'account_id' ] ? $_GET [ 'account_id' ] : $accountid );
// todo
// not needed if i use the same file for new users too
if ( ! $account_id )
$this -> list_users ();
return False ;
$this -> create_edit_user ( $account_id );
function view_user ()
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'account_access' , 8 , 'admin' ) || ! $_GET [ 'account_id' ])
$this -> list_users ();
return False ;
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$t =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$t -> set_unknowns ( 'remove' );
$t -> set_file (
Array (
'account' => 'account_form.tpl'
$t -> set_block ( 'account' , 'form' , 'form' );
$t -> set_block ( 'account' , 'form_logininfo' );
$t -> set_block ( 'account' , 'link_row' );
$var = Array (
'tr_color1' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'row_on' ],
'tr_color2' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'row_off' ],
'lang_action' => lang ( 'View user account' ),
'lang_loginid' => lang ( 'LoginID' ),
'lang_account_active' => lang ( 'Account active' ),
'lang_lastname' => lang ( 'Last Name' ),
'lang_groups' => lang ( 'Groups' ),
'lang_anonymous' => lang ( 'Anonymous user (not shown in list sessions)' ),
'lang_changepassword' => lang ( 'Can change password' ),
'lang_firstname' => lang ( 'First Name' ),
'lang_lastlogin' => lang ( 'Last login' ),
'lang_lastloginfrom' => lang ( 'Last login from' ),
'lang_expires' => lang ( 'Expires' ),
'lang_app' => lang ( 'application' ),
'lang_acl' => lang ( 'enabled' ),
$t -> parse ( 'password_fields' , 'form_logininfo' , True );
$account =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' ,( int ) $_GET [ 'account_id' ], 'u' );
$userData = $account -> read_repository ();
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
$var [ 'account_lid' ] = html :: htmlspecialchars ( $userData [ 'account_lid' ]);
$var [ 'account_firstname' ] = html :: htmlspecialchars ( $userData [ 'firstname' ]);
$var [ 'account_lastname' ] = html :: htmlspecialchars ( $userData [ 'lastname' ]);
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
$acl =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.acl' ,( int ) $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
$var [ 'anonymous' ] = $acl -> check ( 'anonymous' , 1 , 'phpgwapi' ) ? ' X' : ' ' ;
$var [ 'changepassword' ] = ! $acl -> check ( 'nopasswordchange' , 1 , 'preferences' ) ? ' X' : ' ' ;
unset ( $acl );
if ( $userData [ 'status' ])
$var [ 'account_status' ] = lang ( 'Enabled' );
$var [ 'account_status' ] = '<b>' . lang ( 'Disabled' ) . '</b>' ;
if ( isset ( $userData [ 'account_created' ])) $var [ 'account_status' ] .= '<br>' . lang ( 'Created' ) . ': ' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $userData [ 'account_created' ]);
if ( isset ( $userData [ 'account_modified' ])) $var [ 'account_status' ] .= '<br>' . lang ( 'Modified' ) . ': ' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $userData [ 'account_modified' ]);
// Last login time
if ( $userData [ 'lastlogin' ])
$var [ 'account_lastlogin' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $userData [ 'lastlogin' ]);
$var [ 'account_lastlogin' ] = lang ( 'Never' );
// Last login IP
if ( $userData [ 'lastloginfrom' ])
$var [ 'account_lastloginfrom' ] = $userData [ 'lastloginfrom' ];
$var [ 'account_lastloginfrom' ] = lang ( 'Never' );
// Account expires
if ( $userData [ 'expires' ] != - 1 )
$var [ 'input_expires' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $userData [ 'expires' ]);
$var [ 'input_expires' ] = lang ( 'Never' );
// Find out which groups they are members of
$usergroups = $account -> membership (( int ) $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
if ( !@ is_array ( $usergroups ))
$var [ 'groups_select' ] = lang ( 'None' );
while ( list (, $group ) = each ( $usergroups ))
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
$group_names [] = html :: htmlspecialchars ( $group [ 'account_name' ]);
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
$var [ 'groups_select' ] = implode ( ', ' , $group_names );
$account_lastlogin = $userData [ 'account_lastlogin' ];
$account_lastloginfrom = $userData [ 'account_lastloginfrom' ];
$account_status = $userData [ 'account_status' ];
// create list of available app
$i = 0 ;
$availableApps = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ];
foreach ( $availableApps as $app => $data )
if ( ! $data [ 'enabled' ] || ! $data [ 'status' ] || $data [ 'status' ] == 3 )
unset ( $availableApps [ $app ]); // do NOT show disabled apps, or our API (status = 3)
uasort ( $availableApps , create_function ( '$a,$b' , 'return strcasecmp($a["title"],$b["title"]);' ));
foreach ( $availableApps as $app => $data )
$perm_display [] = array (
'appName' => $app ,
'title' => $data [ 'title' ],
// create apps output
$apps =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.applications' ,( int ) $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
$db_perms = $apps -> read_account_specific ();
@ reset ( $db_perms );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $perm_display ); $i ++ )
if ( $perm_display [ $i ][ 'title' ])
$part1 = sprintf ( " <td>%s</td><td>%s</td> " , $perm_display [ $i ][ 'title' ],( $_userData [ 'account_permissions' ][ $perm_display [ $i ][ 'appName' ]] || $db_perms [ $perm_display [ $i ][ 'appName' ]] ? ' X' : ' ' ));
$i ++ ;
if ( $perm_display [ $i ][ 'title' ])
$part2 = sprintf ( " <td>%s</td><td>%s</td> " , $perm_display [ $i ][ 'title' ],( $_userData [ 'account_permissions' ][ $perm_display [ $i ][ 'appName' ]] || $db_perms [ $perm_display [ $i ][ 'appName' ]] ? ' X' : ' ' ));
$part2 = '<td colspan="2"> </td>' ;
$appRightsOutput .= sprintf ( " <tr class= \" %s \" > $part1 $part2 </tr> \n " , $this -> nextmatchs -> alternate_row_color ( '' , true ));
$var [ 'permissions_list' ] = $appRightsOutput ;
// create the menu on the left, if needed
// $menuClass =& CreateObject('admin.uimenuclass');
// This is now using ExecMethod()
$var [ 'rows' ] = ExecMethod ( 'admin.uimenuclass.createHTMLCode' , 'view_user' );
$t -> set_var ( $var );
$t -> pfp ( 'out' , 'form' );
function group_manager ( $cd = '' , $account_id = '' )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 16 , 'admin' ))
$this -> list_groups ();
return False ;
$cdid = $cd ;
settype ( $cd , 'integer' );
$cd = ( $_GET [ 'cd' ] ? $_GET [ 'cd' ] : ( int ) $cdid );
$accountid = $account_id ;
settype ( $account_id , 'integer' );
$account_id = ( int )( $_GET [ 'account_id' ] ? $_GET [ 'account_id' ] : $accountid );
// todo
// not needed if i use the same file for new groups too
if ( ! $account_id )
$this -> list_groups ();
$group_info = Array (
'account_id' => ( int ) $_GET [ 'account_id' ],
'account_name' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]),
'account_user' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> member ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]),
'account_managers' => $this -> bo -> load_group_managers ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ])
$this -> edit_group_managers ( $group_info );
function create_edit_group ( $group_info , $_errors = '' )
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$p =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$p -> set_file ( Array ( 'edit' => 'group_form.tpl' ));
$p -> set_block ( 'edit' , 'select' );
$p -> set_block ( 'edit' , 'popwin' );
//fix from Maanus 280105
$accounts =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' , $group_info [ 'account_id' ], 'g' );
$p -> set_var ( 'accounts' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> uiaccountsel -> selection ( 'account_user[]' , 'admin_uiaccounts_user' , $group_info [ 'account_user' ], 'accounts' , min ( 3 + count ( $group_info [ 'account_user' ]), 10 ), false , 'style="width: 300px;"' ));
$var = Array (
'form_action' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.' . ( $group_info [ 'account_id' ] ? 'edit' : 'add' ) . '_group' ),
'hidden_vars' => '<input type="hidden" name="account_id" value="' . $group_info [ 'account_id' ] . '">' ,
'lang_group_name' => lang ( 'group name' ),
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
'group_name_value' => html :: htmlspecialchars ( $group_info [ 'account_name' ]),
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
'lang_include_user' => lang ( 'Select users for inclusion' ),
'error' => ( ! $_errors ? '' : '<center>' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> error_list ( $_errors ) . '</center>' ),
'lang_permissions' => lang ( 'Permissions this group has' )
$p -> set_var ( $var );
$group_repository = $accounts -> read_repository ();
if ( ! $group_repository [ 'file_space' ])
$group_repository [ 'file_space' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'vfs_default_account_size_number' ] . " - " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'vfs_default_account_size_type' ];
$file_space_array = explode ( '-' , $group_repository [ 'file_space' ]);
$account_file_space_types = array ( 'gb' , 'mb' , 'kb' , 'b' );
while ( list ( $num , $type ) = each ( $account_file_space_types ))
$account_file_space_select .= '<option value="' . $type . '"' . ( $type == $file_space_array [ 1 ] ? ' selected' : '' ) . '>' . strtoupper ( $type ) . '</option>' . " \n " ;
$p -> set_var ( 'lang_file_space' , lang ( 'File space' ));
$p -> set_var ( 'account_file_space' , '<input type=text name="account_file_space_number" value="' . trim ( $file_space_array [ 0 ]) . '" size="7">' );
$p -> set_var ( 'account_file_space_select' , '<select name="account_file_space_type">' . " \n " . $account_file_space_select . '</select>' . " \n " );
if ( $group_repository [ 'mailAllowed' ])
$p -> set_var ( array (
'lang_email' => lang ( 'Email' ),
'email' => html :: input ( 'account_email' , $group_repository [ 'account_email' ], '' , ' style="width: 100%;"' ),
$availableApps = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ];
foreach ( $availableApps as $app => $data )
2011-03-30 10:00:14 +02:00
if ( ! $data [ 'enabled' ] || ! $data [ 'status' ] || $data [ 'status' ] == 3 || $app == 'home' )
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
unset ( $availableApps [ $app ]); // do NOT show disabled apps, or our API (status = 3)
uasort ( $availableApps , create_function ( '$a,$b' , 'return strcasecmp($a["title"],$b["title"]);' ));
foreach ( $availableApps as $app => $data )
$perm_display [] = Array (
$app ,
$data [ 'title' ]
unset ( $app ); unset ( $data );
$perm_html = '<td width="35%">' . lang ( 'Application' ) . '</td><td width="15%">' . lang ( 'enabled' ) . ' / ' . lang ( 'ACL' ) . '</td>' ;
$perm_html = '<tr class="th">' .
$perm_html . $perm_html . " </tr> \n " ;
$tr_color = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'row_off' ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $perm_display ); $i ++ )
$app = $perm_display [ $i ][ 0 ];
if ( ! ( $i & 1 ))
$tr_class = $this -> nextmatchs -> alternate_row_color ( '' , True );
$perm_html .= '<tr class="' . $tr_class . '">' ;
$acl_action = self :: _acl_action ( $app , $group_info [ 'account_id' ], $group_info [ 'account_name' ], $options );
$perm_html .= '<td>' . $perm_display [ $i ][ 1 ] . '</td>'
. '<td><input type="checkbox" name="account_apps['
. $perm_display [ $i ][ 0 ] . ']" value="True"' . ( $group_info [ 'account_apps' ][ $app ] ? ' checked' : '' ) . '> '
. ( $acl_action ? '<a href="' . $acl_action . '"' . $options
. '><img src="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> image ( 'phpgwapi' , 'edit' ) . '" border="0" hspace="3" align="absmiddle" title="'
. lang ( 'Grant Access' ) . ': ' . lang ( " edit group ACL's " ) . '"></a>' : ' ' ) . '</td>' . ( $i & 1 ? '</tr>' : '' ) . " \n " ;
if ( $i & 1 )
$perm_html .= '<td colspan="4"> </td></tr>' ;
$var = Array (
'permissions_list' => $perm_html ,
'lang_submit_button' => lang ( 'submit changes' )
$p -> set_var ( $var );
// create the menu on the left, if needed
$p -> set_var ( 'rows' , ExecMethod ( 'admin.uimenuclass.createHTMLCode' , 'group_manager' ));
$p -> set_var ( 'select' , '' );
$p -> set_var ( 'popwin' , '' );
$p -> pfp ( 'out' , 'edit' );
private function _acl_action ( $app , $account_id , $account_lid , & $options )
$options = '' ;
if ( ! ( $acl_action = $this -> apps_with_acl [ $app ]) || ! $account_id )
return false ;
if ( $acl_action === true )
$acl_action = array (
'menuaction' => 'preferences.uiaclprefs.index' ,
'acl_app' => '$app' ,
'owner' => '$account_id' ,
$replacements = array (
'$app' => $app ,
'$account_id' => $account_id ,
'$account_lid' => $account_lid ,
foreach ( $acl_action as $name => & $value )
$value = str_replace ( array_keys ( $replacements ), array_values ( $replacements ), $value );
if ( $acl_action [ 'popup' ])
list ( $w , $h ) = explode ( 'x' , $acl_action [ 'popup' ]);
$options = ' onclick="window.open(this,this.target,\'width=' . ( int ) $w . ',height=' . ( int ) $h . ',location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes\'); return false;"' ;
unset ( $acl_action [ 'popup' ]);
return $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $acl_action );
function create_edit_user ( $_account_id , $_userData = '' , $_errors = '' )
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'include_xajax' ] = true ;
$jscal =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.jscalendar' );
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$t =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$t -> set_unknowns ( 'remove' );
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_extra_attributes' ] && ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'account_repository' ] == 'ldap' ))
$t -> set_file ( array ( 'account' => 'account_form_ldap.tpl' ));
$t -> set_file ( array ( 'account' => 'account_form.tpl' ));
$t -> set_block ( 'account' , 'form' , 'form' );
$t -> set_block ( 'account' , 'form_passwordinfo' , 'form_passwordinfo' );
$t -> set_block ( 'account' , 'form_buttons_' , 'form_buttons_' );
$t -> set_block ( 'account' , 'link_row' , 'link_row' );
$theme = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'theme' ];
$t -> set_var ( 'icon_create_edit' , '<img src="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ] . '/admin/templates/' . $theme . '/images/useradm.gif">' );
//print_debug('Type : '.gettype($_userData).'<br>_userData(size) = "'.$_userData.'"('.strlen($_userData).')');
if ( is_array ( $_userData ))
$userData = Array ();
$userData = $_userData ;
// $userData['firstname'] = $userData['account_firstname'];
// $userData['lastname'] = $userData['account_lastname'];
@ reset ( $userData [ 'account_groups' ]);
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = @ each ( $userData [ 'account_groups' ]))
$userGroups [ $key ][ 'account_id' ] = $value ;
$account =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' );
$allGroups = $account -> get_list ( 'groups' );
elseif ( is_string ( $_userData ) && $_userData == '' )
if ( $_account_id )
$account =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' ,( int ) $_account_id , 'u' );
$userData = $account -> read_repository ();
$userGroups = $account -> membership ( $_account_id );
$acl =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.acl' , $_account_id );
$acl -> read_repository ();
$userData [ 'anonymous' ] = $acl -> check ( 'anonymous' , 1 , 'phpgwapi' );
$userData [ 'changepassword' ] = ! $acl -> check ( 'nopasswordchange' , 1 , 'preferences' );
unset ( $acl );
$account =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' );
$userData = Array ();
$userData [ 'status' ] = 'A' ;
$userGroups = Array ();
$userData [ 'anonymous' ] = False ;
$userData [ 'changepassword' ] = True ;
$allGroups = $account -> get_list ( 'groups' );
$page_params [ 'menuaction' ] = 'admin.uiaccounts.' . ( $_account_id ? 'edit' : 'add' ) . '_user' ;
if ( $_account_id )
$page_params [ 'account_id' ] = $_account_id ;
$page_params [ 'old_loginid' ] = rawurlencode ( $userData [ 'account_lid' ]);
$var = Array (
'form_action' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $page_params ),
'error_messages' => ( ! $_errors ? '' : '<center>' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> error_list ( $_errors ) . '</center>' ),
'th_bg' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'th_bg' ],
'tr_color1' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'row_on' ],
'tr_color2' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'row_off' ],
'lang_action' => ( $_account_id ? lang ( 'Edit user account' ) : lang ( 'Add new account' )),
'lang_loginid' => lang ( 'LoginID' ),
'lang_account_active' => lang ( 'Account active' ),
'lang_email' => lang ( 'email' ),
'lang_password' => lang ( 'Password' ),
'lang_reenter_password' => lang ( 'Re-Enter Password' ),
'lang_lastname' => lang ( 'Last Name' ),
'lang_groups' => lang ( 'Groups' ),
'lang_primary_group' => lang ( 'primary Group' ),
'lang_expires' => lang ( 'Expires' ),
'lang_firstname' => lang ( 'First Name' ),
'lang_anonymous' => lang ( 'Anonymous User (not shown in list sessions)' ),
'lang_changepassword' => lang ( 'Can change password' ),
'lang_button' => ( $_account_id ? lang ( 'Save' ) : lang ( 'Add' )),
'lang_passwds_unequal' => lang ( 'The two passwords are not the same' ),
/* 'lang_file_space' => lang('File Space') */
$t -> set_var ( $var );
$t -> parse ( 'form_buttons' , 'form_buttons_' , True );
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_extra_attributes' ])
$lang_homedir = lang ( 'home directory' );
$lang_shell = lang ( 'login shell' );
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
$homedirectory = '<input name="homedirectory" id="homedirectory" value="' .
html :: htmlspecialchars ( $_account_id ? $userData [ 'homedirectory' ] : $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_account_home' ] . $account_lid ) . '">' ;
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
$loginshell = '<input name="loginshell" value="'
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
. html :: htmlspecialchars ( $_account_id ? $userData [ 'loginshell' ] : $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_account_shell' ])
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
. '">' ;
$lang_homedir = '' ;
$lang_shell = '' ;
$homedirectory = '' ;
$loginshell = '' ;
$account_file_space = '' ;
if ( ! $userData [ 'file_space' ])
$userData [ 'file_space' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'vfs_default_account_size_number' ] . " - " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'vfs_default_account_size_type' ];
$file_space_array = explode ( '-' , $userData [ 'file_space' ]);
$account_file_space_number = $file_space_array [ 0 ];
$account_file_space_type = $file_space_array [ 1 ];
$account_file_space_type_selected [ $account_file_space_type ] = ' selected' ;
$account_file_space = '<input type=text name="account_file_space_number" value="' . trim ( $account_file_space_number ) . '" size="7">' ;
$account_file_space_select = '<select name="account_file_space_type">' ;
$account_file_space_types = array ( 'gb' , 'mb' , 'kb' , 'b' );
while ( list ( $num , $type ) = each ( $account_file_space_types ))
$account_file_space_select .= '<option value="' . $type . '"' . $account_file_space_type_selected [ $type ] . '>' . strtoupper ( $type ) . '</option>' ;
$account_file_space_select .= '</select>' ;
$var = Array (
'lang_file_space' => 'File space' ,
'account_file_space' => $account_file_space ,
'account_file_space_select' => $account_file_space_select
$t -> set_var ( $var );
$accountPrefix = '' ;
if ( isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'account_prefix' ]))
$accountPrefix = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'account_prefix' ];
if ( preg_match ( " /^ $accountPrefix (.*)/i " , $userData [ 'account_lid' ], $matches ))
$userData [ 'account_lid' ] = $matches [ 1 ];
$var = Array (
'input_expires' => $jscal -> input ( 'expires' , $userData [ 'expires' ] < 0 ? '' : ( $userData [ 'expires' ] ? $userData [ 'expires' ] : time () + ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ))),
'lang_never' => lang ( 'Never' ),
'account_lid' => $accountPrefix . '<input id="account" onchange="check_account_email(this.id);" name="account_lid" maxlength="64" value="' . $userData [ 'account_lid' ] . '">' ,
'lang_homedir' => $lang_homedir ,
'lang_shell' => $lang_shell ,
'homedirectory' => $homedirectory ,
'loginshell' => $loginshell ,
'anonymous' => '<input type="checkbox" name="anonymous" value="1"' . ( $userData [ 'anonymous' ] ? ' checked' : '' ) . '>' ,
'changepassword' => '<input type="checkbox" name="changepassword" value="1"' . ( $userData [ 'changepassword' ] ? ' checked' : '' ) . '>' ,
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
'account_status' => '<input type="checkbox" name="account_status" value="A"' . ( $userData [ 'account_status' ] ? ' checked' : '' ) . '>' ,
'account_firstname' => '<input id="firstname" onchange="check_account_email(this.id);" name="account_firstname" maxlength="50" value="' .
html :: htmlspecialchars ( $userData [ 'account_firstname' ]) . '">' ,
'account_lastname' => '<input id="lastname" onchange="check_account_email(this.id);" name="account_lastname" maxlength="50" value="' .
html :: htmlspecialchars ( $userData [ 'account_lastname' ]) . '">' ,
'account_email' => '<input id="email" onchange="email_set=0; check_account_email(this.id);" name="account_email" size="32" maxlength="100" value="' .
html :: htmlspecialchars ( $userData [ 'account_email' ]) . '">' ,
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
'account_passwd' => $userData [ 'account_passwd' ],
'account_passwd_2' => $userData [ 'account_passwd_2' ],
'account_file_space' => $account_file_space ,
2014-05-01 09:07:08 +02:00
'account_id' => ( int ) $userData [ 'account_id' ],
'hidden_vars' => html :: input_hidden ( 'csrf_token' , egw_csrf :: token ( __CLASS__ . '::edit_user' )),
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
if ( isset ( $userData [ 'account_created' ])) $var [ 'account_status' ] .= '<br>' . lang ( 'Created' ) . ': ' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $userData [ 'account_created' ]);
if ( isset ( $userData [ 'account_modified' ])) $var [ 'account_status' ] .= '<br>' . lang ( 'Modified' ) . ': ' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $userData [ 'account_modified' ]);
if ( $userData [ 'expires' ] == - 1 )
$var [ 'never_expires' ] = '<input type="checkbox" name="never_expires" value="True" checked>' ;
$var [ 'never_expires' ] = '<input type="checkbox" name="never_expires" value="True">' ;
$t -> set_var ( $var );
$t -> parse ( 'password_fields' , 'form_passwordinfo' , True );
// set primary group to default, if there is no primary group set; this may fail, if no group "Default" exists
if ( ! $userData [ 'account_primary_group' ])
$userData [ 'account_primary_group' ] = @ $userGroups [ 0 ][ 'account_id' ] ? @ $userGroups [ 0 ][ 'account_id' ] : $account -> name2id ( 'Default' );
// prepare the allGroups array for use with the checkbox-multiselect use
$allGroupsBuff = array ();
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $allGroups ))
$allGroupsBuff [ strtolower ( $value [ 'account_lid' ])] = $value ;
// sort alphabetical
ksort ( $allGroupsBuff );
$allGroupsSorted = array ();
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $allGroupsBuff ))
$allGroupsSorted [ $value [ 'account_id' ]] = $value [ 'account_lid' ];
$primary_group_select .= '<option value="' . $value [ 'account_id' ] . '"' ;
if ( $value [ 'account_id' ] == $userData [ 'account_primary_group' ])
$primary_group_select .= ' selected="1"' ;
2014-02-04 10:13:51 +01:00
$primary_group_select .= '>' . html :: htmlspecialchars ( $value [ 'account_lid' ]) . '</option>' . " \n " ;
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
//prepare the userGroups Array for use with the checkbox-multiselect use -> selarray
$selarray = array ();
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $userGroups ))
array_push ( $selarray , $value [ 'account_id' ]);
$t -> set_var ( 'groups_select' , '<div id="groupselector">' . html :: checkbox_multiselect ( 'account_groups[]' , $selarray , $allGroupsSorted , true , '' , min ( 3 + count ( $allGroupsSorted ), 10 ), ' style="width: 300px; text-align:left" ' ) . '</div>' );
/* create list of available apps */
$apps =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.applications' , $_account_id );
$db_perms = $apps -> read_account_specific ();
$availableApps = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ];
foreach ( $availableApps as $app => $data )
2011-03-30 10:00:14 +02:00
if ( ! $data [ 'enabled' ] || ! $data [ 'status' ] || $data [ 'status' ] == 3 || $app == 'home' )
2010-09-15 21:19:53 +02:00
unset ( $availableApps [ $app ]); // do NOT show disabled apps, or our API (status = 3)
uasort ( $availableApps , create_function ( '$a,$b' , 'return strcasecmp($a["title"],$b["title"]);' ));
$appRightsOutput = '' ;
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $availableApps as $app => $data )
$checked = ( @ $userData [ 'account_permissions' ][ $app ] || @ $db_perms [ $app ]) && $_account_id ? ' checked="1"' : '' ;
$acl_action = self :: _acl_action ( $app , $_account_id , $userData [ 'account_lid' ], $options );
$part [ $i & 1 ] = sprintf ( '<td>%s</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="account_permissions[%s]" value="True"%s>' ,
$data [ 'title' ], $app , $checked ) .
( $acl_action ? '<a href="' . $acl_action . '"' . $options
. '><img src="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> image ( 'phpgwapi' , 'edit' ) . '" border="0" hspace="3" align="absmiddle" title="'
. lang ( 'Grant Access' ) . '"></a>' : ' ' ) . '</td>' ;
if ( $i & 1 )
$appRightsOutput .= sprintf ( '<tr class="%s">%s%s</tr>' , $this -> nextmatchs -> alternate_row_color ( '' , true ), $part [ 0 ], $part [ 1 ]);
++ $i ;
if ( $i & 1 )
$part [ 1 ] = '<td colspan="3"> </td>' ;
$appRightsOutput .= sprintf ( '<tr class="%s">%s%s</tr>' , $this -> nextmatchs -> alternate_row_color ( '' , true ), $part [ 0 ], $part [ 1 ]);
$var = Array (
// KL 20061211 groups_select is already set
//=> '<div id="groupselector">' .
//"\n".$groups_select. '</div>' . "\n",
=> ' < select
name = " account_primary_group " > '."\n".$primary_group_select.' </
select > ' . " \n " ,
'permissions_list' => $appRightsOutput ,
'lang_app' => lang ( 'application' ),
'lang_acl' => lang ( 'enabled' ) . ' / ' . lang ( 'ACL' ),
$var = Array (
=> '<select name="account_groups[]" multiple>' . " \n " . $groups_select . '</select>' . " \n " ,
=> '<select name="account_primary_group">' . " \n " . $primary_group_select . '</select>' . " \n " ,
=> $appRightsOutput ,
'lang_app' => lang ( 'application' ),
'lang_acl' => lang ( 'enabled' ) . ' / ' . lang ( 'ACL' ),
$t -> set_var ( $var );
// create the menu on the left, if needed
// $menuClass =& CreateObject('admin.uimenuclass');
// This is now using ExecMethod()
$GLOBALS [ 'account_id' ] = $_account_id ;
$t -> set_var ( 'rows' , ExecMethod ( 'admin.uimenuclass.createHTMLCode' , 'edit_user' ));
echo $t -> fp ( 'out' , 'form' );
function ajax_check_account_email ( $first , $last , $account_lid , $account_id , $email , $id )
$response = new xajaxResponse ();
if ( ! $email )
$response -> addAssign ( 'email' , 'value' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> email_address ( $first , $last , $account_lid ));
$id_account_lid = ( int ) $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> name2id ( $account_lid );
if ( $id == 'account' && $id_account_lid && $id_account_lid != ( int ) $account_id )
$response -> addScript ( " alert(' " . addslashes ( lang ( 'That loginid has already been taken' ) . ': ' . $account_lid ) . " '); document.getElementById('account').value=' " .
( $account_id ? $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $account_id ) : '' ) . " '; document.getElementById('account').focus(); " );
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_extra_attributes' ] &&
( $home = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_account_home' ]) && $home != '/dev/null' )
$response -> addAssign ( 'homedirectory' , 'value' , $home . '/' . $account_lid );
return $response -> getXML ();
function edit_group_managers ( $group_info , $_errors = '' )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 16 , 'admin' ))
$this -> list_groups ();
return False ;
$accounts =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' , $group_info [ 'account_id' ], 'u' );
$account_list = $accounts -> member ( $group_info [ 'account_id' ]);
$user_list = '' ;
while ( list ( $key , $entry ) = each ( $account_list ))
$user_list .= '<option value="' . $entry [ 'account_id' ] . '"'
. $group_info [ 'account_managers' ][( int ) $entry [ 'account_id' ]] . '>'
. $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> grab_owner_name ( $entry [ 'account_id' ])
. '</option>' . " \n " ;
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'openwindow' , 'admin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
$t =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$t -> set_unknowns ( 'remove' );
$t -> set_file (
Array (
'manager' => 'group_manager.tpl'
$t -> set_block ( 'manager' , 'form' , 'form' );
$t -> set_block ( 'manager' , 'link_row' , 'link_row' );
$var [ 'th_bg' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'theme' ][ 'th_bg' ];
$var [ 'lang_group' ] = lang ( 'Group' );
$var [ 'group_name' ] = $group_info [ 'account_name' ];
$var [ 'tr_color1' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'theme' ][ 'row_on' ];
$var [ 'form_action' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.set_group_managers' );
$var [ 'hidden' ] = '<input type="hidden" name="account_id" value="' . $group_info [ 'account_id' ] . '">' ;
$var [ 'lang_select_managers' ] = lang ( 'Select Group Managers' );
$var [ 'group_members' ] = '<select name="managers[]" size="' . ( count ( $account_list ) < 5 ? count ( $account_list ) : 5 ) . '" multiple>' . $user_list . '</select>' ;
$var [ 'form_buttons' ] = '<tr align="center"><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . lang ( 'Submit' ) . '"> '
. '<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="' . lang ( 'Cancel' ) . '"><td></tr>' ;
$t -> set_var ( $var );
// create the menu on the left, if needed
$t -> set_var ( 'rows' , ExecMethod ( 'admin.uimenuclass.createHTMLCode' , 'edit_group' ));
$t -> pfp ( 'out' , 'form' );
function set_group_managers ()
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> acl -> check ( 'group_access' , 16 , 'admin' ) || $_POST [ 'cancel' ])
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect_link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
elseif ( $_POST [ 'submit' ])
$acl =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.acl' ,( int ) $_POST [ 'account_id' ]);
$users = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> member ( $_POST [ 'account_id' ]);
@ reset ( $users );
while ( $managers && list ( $key , $user ) = each ( $users ))
$acl -> add_repository ( 'phpgw_group' ,( int ) $_POST [ 'account_id' ], $user [ 'account_id' ], 1 );
$managers = $_POST [ 'managers' ];
@ reset ( $managers );
while ( $managers && list ( $key , $manager ) = each ( $managers ))
$acl -> add_repository ( 'phpgw_group' ,( int ) $_POST [ 'account_id' ], $manager ,( 1 + EGW_ACL_GROUP_MANAGERS ));
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=admin.uiaccounts.list_groups' ));
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
* applies stripslashes recursively on each element of an array
* @ param array & $var
* @ return array
function array_stripslashes ( $var )
if ( ! is_array ( $var ))
return stripslashes ( $var );
foreach ( $var as $key => $val )
$var [ $key ] = is_array ( $val ) ? $this -> array_stripslashes ( $val ) : stripslashes ( $val );
return $var ;