add to address book felamimail en Add to address book
add to addressbook felamimail en add to addressbook
adding file to message. please wait! felamimail en Adding file to message. Please wait!
additional info felamimail en Additional info
address book felamimail en Address Book
address book search felamimail en Address Book Search
after message body felamimail en After message body
all address books felamimail en All address books
all folders felamimail en All Folders
all of felamimail en all of
allow images from external sources in html emails felamimail en Allow images from external sources in HTML emails
allways a new window felamimail en allways a new window
always show html emails felamimail en Always show HTML emails
and felamimail en and
any of felamimail en any of
any status felamimail en any status
anyone felamimail en anyone
as a subfolder of felamimail en as a subfolder of
attachments felamimail en Attachments
authentication required felamimail en authentication required
auto refresh folder list felamimail en Auto refresh folder list
back to folder felamimail en Back to folder
bad login name or password. felamimail en Bad login name or password.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s felamimail en Bad or malformed request. Server Responded: %s
bad request: %s felamimail en Bad request: %s
based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background colors in the message list. this helps to easily distinguish who the messages are from, especially for mailing lists. felamimail en Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the messages are from, especially for mailing lists.
bcc felamimail en BCC
before headers felamimail en Before headers
between headers and message body felamimail en Between headers and message body
can't connect to inbox!! felamimail en can't connect to INBOX!!
cc felamimail en CC
change folder felamimail en Change folder
check message against next rule also felamimail en check message against next rule also
checkbox felamimail en Checkbox
clear search felamimail en clear search
click here to log back in. felamimail en Click here to log back in.
click here to return to %1 felamimail en Click here to return to %1
close all felamimail en close all
close this page felamimail en close this page
close window felamimail en Close window
color felamimail en Color
compose felamimail en Compose
compress folder felamimail en Compress folder
condition felamimail en condition
configuration felamimail en Configuration
connection dropped by imap server. felamimail en Connection dropped by IMAP server.
contains felamimail en contains
could not complete request. reason given: %s felamimail en Could not complete request. Reason Given: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. felamimail en Could not open secure connection to the IMAP server. %s : %s.
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. felamimail en CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 requires the Auth_SASL package to be installed.
create felamimail en Create
create folder felamimail en Create Folder
create sent felamimail en Create Sent
create subfolder felamimail en Create subfolder
create trash felamimail en Create Trash
created folder successfully! felamimail en Created folder successfully!
dark blue felamimail en Dark Blue
dark cyan felamimail en Dark Cyan
dark gray felamimail en Dark Gray
dark green felamimail en Dark Green
dark magenta felamimail en Dark Magenta
dark yellow felamimail en Dark Yellow
date(newest first) felamimail en Date (newest first)
date(oldest first) felamimail en Date (oldest first)
forward to address felamimail en forward to address
forwarding felamimail en Forwarding
found felamimail en Found
fri felamimail en Fri
from felamimail en From
from(a->z) felamimail en From (A->Z)
from(z->a) felamimail en From (Z->A)
full name felamimail en Full Name
greater than felamimail en greater than
have a look at <a href="" target="_new"></a> to learn more about squirrelmail.<br> felamimail en Have a look at <a href="" target="_new"></a> to learn more about Squirrelmail.<br>
header lines felamimail en Header Lines
hide header felamimail en hide header
hostname / address felamimail en hostname / address
html felamimail en HTML
icons and text felamimail en Icons and text
icons only felamimail en Icons only
identifying name felamimail en Identifying name
identity felamimail en identity
if felamimail en IF
if from contains felamimail en if from contains
if mail header felamimail en if mail header
if message size felamimail en if message size
if subject contains felamimail en if subject contains
if to contains felamimail en if to contains
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. felamimail en If using SSL or TLS, you must have the PHP openssl extension loaded.
illegal folder name. please select a different name. felamimail en Illegal folder name. Please select a different name.
imap felamimail en IMAP
imap server felamimail en IMAP Server
imap server address felamimail en IMAP Server Address
imap server closed the connection. felamimail en IMAP server closed the connection.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s felamimail en IMAP Server closed the connection. Server Responded: %s
imap server password felamimail en imap server password
imap server type felamimail en IMAP Server type
imap server username felamimail en imap server username
imaps authentication felamimail en IMAPS Authentication
imaps encryption only felamimail en IMAPS Encryption only
in felamimail en in
inbox felamimail en INBOX
incoming mail server(imap) felamimail en incoming mail server(IMAP)
index order felamimail en Index Order
info felamimail en Info
invalid user name or password felamimail en Invalid user name or password
javascript felamimail en JavaScript
jumping to end felamimail en jumping to end
jumping to start felamimail en jumping to start
keep a copy of the message in your inbox felamimail en keep a copy of the message in your inbox
keep local copy of email felamimail en keep local copy of email
kilobytes felamimail en kilobytes
language felamimail en Language
last name felamimail en Last name
left felamimail en Left
less felamimail en less
less than felamimail en less than
light gray felamimail en Light Gray
list all felamimail en List all
loading felamimail en loading
location of buttons when composing felamimail en Location of buttons when composing
mail server login type admin en Mail server login type
the connection to the imap server failed!! felamimail en The connection to the IMAP Server failed!!
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. felamimail en The IMAP server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. Please contact your system administrator.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. felamimail en The mimeparser can not parse this message.
then felamimail en THEN
this folder is empty felamimail en THIS FOLDER IS EMPTY
this php has no imap support compiled in!! felamimail en This PHP has no IMAP support compiled in!!
thu felamimail en Thu
to felamimail en To
to mail sent to felamimail en to mail sent to
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. felamimail en To use a TLS connection, you must be running a version of PHP 5.1.0 or higher.
translation preferences felamimail en Translation Preferences
translation server felamimail en Translation server
trash fold felamimail en Trash Fold
trash folder felamimail en Trash Folder
tue felamimail en Tue
type felamimail en type
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. felamimail en Unexpected response from server to AUTHENTICATE command.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. felamimail en Unexpected response from server to Digest-MD5 response.
unexpected response from server to login command. felamimail en Unexpected response from server to LOGIN command.
unflagged felamimail en unflagged
unknown err felamimail en Unknown err
unknown error felamimail en Unknown error
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s felamimail en Unknown IMAP response from the server. Server Responded: %s
unknown sender felamimail en Unknown Sender
unknown user or password incorrect. felamimail en Unknown user or password incorrect.
unread common en Unread
unseen felamimail en Unseen
unselect all felamimail en Unselect All
unsubscribe felamimail en Unsubscribe
unsubscribed felamimail en Unsubscribed
unsubscribed successfully! felamimail en Unsubscribed successfully!
up felamimail en up
updating message status felamimail en updating message status
updating view felamimail en updating view
use <a href="%1">emailadmin</a> to create profiles felamimail en use <a href="%1">EmailAdmin</a> to create profiles
use a signature felamimail en Use a signature
use a signature? felamimail en Use a signature?
use addresses felamimail en Use Addresses
use custom settings felamimail en Use Custom Settings
use regular expressions felamimail en use regular expressions
use smtp auth admin en Use SMTP auth
users can define their own emailaccounts admin en Users can define their own emailaccounts