2011-04-12 08:13:06 +02:00
< ? php
* InfoLog - Storage object
* @ link http :// www . egroupware . org
* @ author Ralf Becker < RalfBecker - AT - outdoor - training . de >
* @ package infolog
* @ copyright ( c ) 2003 - 9 by Ralf Becker < RalfBecker - AT - outdoor - training . de >
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - license . php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @ version $Id $
* storage object / db - layer for InfoLog
* all values passed to this class are run either through intval or addslashes to prevent query - insertion
* and for pgSql 7.3 compatibility
class infolog_so
* Instance of the db class
* @ var egw_db
var $db ;
* Grants from other users
* @ var array
var $grants ;
* Internal data array
* @ var array
var $data = array ( );
* Current user ( account_id )
* @ var int
var $user ;
* Infolog table - name
* @ var string
var $info_table = 'egw_infolog' ;
* Infolog custom fileds table - name
* @ var string
var $extra_table = 'egw_infolog_extra' ;
* Offset between server - and user - time in h
* @ var int
var $tz_offset ;
* Constructor
* @ param array $grants = array ()
* @ return soinfolog
function __construct ( $grants = array () )
$this -> db = clone ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> db );
$this -> db -> set_app ( 'infolog' );
$this -> grants = $grants ;
$this -> user = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$this -> tz_offset = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz_offset' ];
* Check if user is responsible for an entry : he or one of his memberships is in responsible
* @ param array $info infolog entry as array
* @ return boolean
function is_responsible ( $info )
static $user_and_memberships ;
if ( is_null ( $user_and_memberships ))
$user_and_memberships = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> memberships ( $this -> user , true );
$user_and_memberships [] = $this -> user ;
return $info [ 'info_responsible' ] && array_intersect (( array ) $info [ 'info_responsible' ], $user_and_memberships );
* checks if user has the $required_rights to access $info_id ( private access is handled too )
* @ param array | int $info data or info_id of InfoLog entry
* @ param int $required_rights EGW_ACL_xyz anded together
* @ param boolean $implicit_edit = false responsible has only implicit read and add rigths , unless this is set to true
* @ return boolean True if access is granted else False
function check_access ( $info , $required_rights , $implicit_edit = false )
if ( is_array ( $info ))
elseif (( int ) $info != $this -> data [ 'info_id' ]) // already loaded?
// dont change our own internal data,
$backup_data = $this -> data ;
$info = $this -> read ( $info );
$this -> data = $backup_data ;
$info = $this -> data ;
if ( ! $info )
return False ;
$owner = $info [ 'info_owner' ];
$access_ok = $owner == $this -> user || // user has all rights
// ACL only on public entrys || $owner granted _PRIVATE
( !! ( $this -> grants [ $owner ] & $required_rights ) ||
2011-06-26 15:22:33 +02:00
$this -> is_responsible ( $info ) && // implicite rights for responsible user(s) and his memberships
( $required_rights == EGW_ACL_READ || $required_rights == EGW_ACL_ADD || $implicit_edit && $required_rights == EGW_ACL_EDIT )) &&
( $info [ 'info_access' ] == 'public' || !! ( $this -> grants [ $this -> user ] & EGW_ACL_PRIVATE ));
2011-04-12 08:13:06 +02:00
//echo "<p align=right>check_access(info_id=$info_id,requited=$required_rights,implicit_edit=$implicit_edit) owner=$owner, responsible=(".implode(',',$info['info_responsible'])."): access".($access_ok?"Ok":"Denied")."</p>\n";
return $access_ok ;
* Filter for a given responsible user : info_responsible either contains a the user or one of his memberships
* @ param int | array $users one or more account_ids
* @ return string
* @ todo make the responsible a second table and that filter a join with the responsible table
function responsible_filter ( $users )
if ( ! $users ) return '0' ;
$responsible = array ();
foreach (( array ) $users as $user )
$responsible = array_merge ( $responsible ,( array )
( $user > 0 ? $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> memberships ( $user , true ) :
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> members ( $user , true )));
$responsible [] = $user ;
if ( is_array ( $users ))
$responsible = array_unique ( $responsible );
foreach ( $responsible as $key => $uid )
$responsible [ $key ] = $this -> db -> concat ( " ',' " , 'info_responsible' , " ',' " ) . " LIKE '%, $uid ,%' " ;
//echo "<p align=right>responsible_filter($user) = ".'('.implode(' OR ',$responsible).')'."</p>\n";
return '(' . implode ( ' OR ' , $responsible ) . ')' ;
* generate sql to be AND ' ed into a query to ensure ACL is respected ( incl . _PRIVATE )
* @ param string $filter : none | all - list all entrys user have rights to see < br >
* private | own - list only his personal entrys ( incl . those he is responsible for !!! ),
* responsible | my = entries the user is responsible for
* delegated = entries the user delegated to someone else
* @ return string the necesary sql
function aclFilter ( $filter = False )
preg_match ( '/(my|responsible|delegated|own|privat|private|all|none|user)([0-9,-]*)/' , $filter_was = $filter , $vars );
$filter = $vars [ 1 ];
$f_user = $vars [ 2 ];
if ( isset ( $this -> acl_filter [ $filter . $f_user ]))
return $this -> acl_filter [ $filter . $f_user ]; // used cached filter if found
if ( $f_user && strpos ( $f_user , ',' ) !== false )
$f_user = explode ( ',' , $f_user );
$filtermethod = " (info_owner= $this->user " ; // user has all rights
if ( $filter == 'my' || $filter == 'responsible' )
$filtermethod .= " AND info_responsible='0' " ;
if ( $filter == 'delegated' )
$filtermethod .= " AND info_responsible<>'0') " ;
if ( is_array ( $this -> grants ))
foreach ( $this -> grants as $user => $grant )
// echo "<p>grants: user=$user, grant=$grant</p>";
if ( $grant & ( EGW_ACL_READ | EGW_ACL_EDIT ))
$public_user_list [] = $user ;
if ( $grant & EGW_ACL_PRIVATE )
$private_user_list [] = $user ;
if ( count ( $private_user_list ))
$has_private_access = $this -> db -> expression ( $this -> info_table , array ( 'info_owner' => $private_user_list ));
$public_access = $this -> db -> expression ( $this -> info_table , array ( 'info_owner' => $public_user_list ));
// implicit read-rights for responsible user
$filtermethod .= " OR ( " . $this -> responsible_filter ( $this -> user ) . ')' ;
// private: own entries plus the one user is responsible for
if ( $filter == 'private' || $filter == 'privat' || $filter == 'own' )
$filtermethod .= " OR ( " . $this -> responsible_filter ( $this -> user ) .
( $filter == 'own' && count ( $public_user_list ) ? // offer's should show up in own, eg. startpage, but need read-access
" OR info_status = 'offer' AND $public_access " : '' ) . " ) " .
" AND (info_access='public' " . ( $has_private_access ? " OR $has_private_access " : '' ) . ')' ;
elseif ( $filter != 'my' && $filter != 'responsible' ) // none --> all entrys user has rights to see
if ( $has_private_access )
$filtermethod .= " OR $has_private_access " ;
if ( count ( $public_user_list ))
$filtermethod .= " OR (info_access='public' AND $public_access ) " ;
$filtermethod .= ') ' ;
if ( $filter == 'user' && $f_user )
$filtermethod .= $this -> db -> expression ( $this -> info_table , ' AND (' , array (
'info_owner' => $f_user ,
), " AND info_responsible='0' OR " , $this -> responsible_filter ( $f_user ), ')' );
//echo "<p>aclFilter(filter='$filter_was',user='$user') = '$filtermethod', privat_user_list=".print_r($privat_user_list,True).", public_user_list=".print_r($public_user_list,True)."</p>\n";
return $this -> acl_filter [ $filter . $f_user ] = $filtermethod ; // cache the filter
* generate sql to filter based on the status of the log - entry
* @ param string $filter done = done or billed , open = not ( done , billed , cancelled or deleted ), offer = offer
* @ param boolean $prefix_and = true if true prefix the fileter with ' AND '
* @ return string the necesary sql
function statusFilter ( $filter = '' , $prefix_and = true )
preg_match ( '/(done|open|offer|deleted)/' , $filter , $vars );
$filter = $vars [ 1 ];
switch ( $filter )
case 'done' : $filter = " info_status IN ('done','billed','cancelled') " ; break ;
case 'open' : $filter = " NOT (info_status IN ('done','billed','cancelled','deleted','template','nonactive','archive')) " ; break ;
case 'offer' : $filter = " info_status = 'offer' " ; break ;
case 'deleted' : $filter = " info_status = 'deleted' " ; break ;
default : $filter = " NOT (info_status IN ('deleted','template','nonactive','archive')) " ; break ;
return ( $prefix_and ? ' AND ' : '' ) . $filter ;
* generate sql to filter based on the start - and enddate of the log - entry
* @ param string $filter upcoming = startdate is in the future
* today : startdate < tomorrow
* overdue : enddate < tomorrow
* date : today <= startdate && startdate < tomorrow
* enddate : today <= enddate && enddate < tomorrow
* limitYYYY / MM / DD not older or open
* @ return string the necesary sql
function dateFilter ( $filter = '' )
preg_match ( '/(upcoming|today|overdue|date|enddate)([-\\/.0-9]*)/' , $filter , $vars );
$filter = $vars [ 1 ];
if ( isset ( $vars [ 2 ]) && ! empty ( $vars [ 2 ]) && ( $date = preg_split ( '/[-\\/.]/' , $vars [ 2 ])))
$today = mktime ( - $this -> tz_offset , 0 , 0 , intval ( $date [ 1 ]), intval ( $date [ 2 ]), intval ( $date [ 0 ]));
$tomorrow = mktime ( - $this -> tz_offset , 0 , 0 , intval ( $date [ 1 ]), intval ( $date [ 2 ]) + 1 , intval ( $date [ 0 ]));
$now = getdate ( time () - 60 * 60 * $this -> tz_offset );
$tomorrow = mktime ( - $this -> tz_offset , 0 , 0 , $now [ 'mon' ], $now [ 'mday' ] + 1 , $now [ 'year' ]);
switch ( $filter )
case 'upcoming' :
return " AND info_startdate >= $tomorrow " ;
case 'today' :
return " AND info_startdate < $tomorrow " ;
case 'overdue' :
return " AND (info_enddate != 0 AND info_enddate < $tomorrow ) " ;
case 'date' :
if ( ! $today || ! $tomorrow )
return '' ;
return " AND ( $today <= info_startdate AND info_startdate < $tomorrow ) " ;
case 'enddate' :
if ( ! $today || ! $tomorrow )
return '' ;
return " AND ( $today <= info_enddate AND info_enddate < $tomorrow ) " ;
case 'limit' :
return " AND (info_modified >= $today OR NOT (info_status IN ('done','billed','cancelled'))) " ;
return '' ;
* initialise the internal $this -> data to be empty
* only non - empty values got initialised
function init ()
$this -> data = array (
'info_owner' => $this -> user ,
'info_priority' => 1 ,
'info_responsible' => array (),
* read InfoLog entry $info_id
* some cacheing is done to prevent multiple reads of the same entry
* @ param int | string $info_id id or uid of entry
* @ return array | boolean the entry as array or False on error ( eg . entry not found )
function read ( $info_id ) // did _not_ ensure ACL
if ( isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'syncml' ][ 'minimum_uid_length' ]))
$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'syncml' ][ 'minimum_uid_length' ];
$minimum_uid_length = 8 ;
//echo "<p>read($info_id) ".function_backtrace()."</p>\n";
if ( ! $info_id || ! $this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , '*' ,
$this -> db -> expression ( $this -> info_table , array ( 'info_id' => $info_id ), ' OR ' , array ( 'info_uid' => $info_id )), __LINE__ , __FILE__ ) ||
! (( $this -> data = $this -> db -> row ( true ))))
$this -> init ( );
return False ;
if ( ! $this -> data [ 'info_uid' ] || strlen ( $this -> data [ 'info_uid' ]) < $minimum_uid_length ) {
// entry without uid --> create one based on our info_id and save it
$this -> data [ 'info_uid' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> generate_uid ( 'infolog' , $info_id );
$this -> db -> update ( $this -> info_table ,
array ( 'info_uid' => $this -> data [ 'info_uid' ]),
array ( 'info_id' => $this -> data [ 'info_id' ]), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( ! is_array ( $this -> data [ 'info_responsible' ]))
$this -> data [ 'info_responsible' ] = $this -> data [ 'info_responsible' ] ? explode ( ',' , $this -> data [ 'info_responsible' ]) : array ();
$this -> db -> select ( $this -> extra_table , 'info_extra_name,info_extra_value' , array ( 'info_id' => $this -> data [ 'info_id' ]), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
while ( $this -> db -> next_record ())
$this -> data [ '#' . $this -> db -> f ( 0 )] = $this -> db -> f ( 1 );
return $this -> data ;
* Read the status of the given infolog - ids
* @ param array $ids array with id ' s
* @ return array with id => status pairs
function get_status ( $ids )
$this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'info_id,info_type,info_status,info_percent' , array ( 'info_id' => $ids ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
while (( $info = $this -> db -> row ( true )))
switch ( $info [ 'info_type' ] . '-' . $info [ 'info_status' ])
case 'phone-not-started' :
$status = 'call' ;
break ;
case 'phone-ongoing' :
$status = 'will-call' ;
break ;
default :
$status = $info [ 'info_status' ] == 'ongoing' ? $info [ 'info_percent' ] . '%' : $info [ 'info_status' ];
$stati [ $info [ 'info_id' ]] = $status ;
return $stati ;
* delete InfoLog entry $info_id AND the links to it
* @ param int $info_id id of log - entry
* @ param boolean $delete_children delete the children , if not set there parent - id to $new_parent
* @ param int $new_parent new parent - id to set for subs
function delete ( $info_id , $delete_children = True , $new_parent = 0 ) // did _not_ ensure ACL
//echo "<p>soinfolog::delete($info_id,'$delete_children',$new_parent)</p>\n";
if (( int ) $info_id <= 0 )
return ;
$this -> db -> delete ( $this -> info_table , array ( 'info_id' => $info_id ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$this -> db -> delete ( $this -> extra_table , array ( 'info_id' => $info_id ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
egw_link :: unlink ( 0 , 'infolog' , $info_id );
egw_index :: delete ( 'infolog' , $info_id );
if ( $this -> data [ 'info_id' ] == $info_id )
$this -> init ( );
// delete children, if they are owned by the user
if ( $delete_children )
$db2 = clone ( $this -> db ); // we need an extra result-set
$db2 -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'info_id' , array (
'info_id_parent' => $info_id ,
'info_owner' => $this -> user ,
), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
while ( $db2 -> next_record ())
$this -> delete ( $db2 -> f ( 0 ), $delete_children );
// set parent_id to $new_parent or 0 for all not deleted children
$this -> db -> update ( $this -> info_table , array ( 'info_id_parent' => $new_parent ), array ( 'info_id_parent' => $info_id ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
* Return array with children of $info_id as info_id => info_owner pairs
* @ param int $info_id
* @ return array with info_id => info_owner pairs
function get_children ( $info_id )
$this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'info_id,info_owner' , array (
'info_id_parent' => $info_id ,
), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$children = array ();
while (( $row = $this -> db -> row ( true )))
$children [ $row [ 'info_id' ]] = $row [ 'info_owner' ];
return $children ;
* changes or deletes entries with a spezified owner ( for hook_delete_account )
* @ param array $args hook arguments
* @ param int $args [ 'account_id' ] account to delete
* @ param int $args [ 'new_owner' ] = 0 new owner
function change_delete_owner ( array $args ) // new_owner=0 means delete
if ( ! ( int ) $args [ 'new_owner' ])
foreach ( $this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'info_id' , array ( 'info_owner' => $args [ 'account_id' ]), __LINE__ , __FILE__ , false , '' , 'infolog' ) as $row )
$this -> delete ( $row [ 'info_id' ], False );
$this -> db -> update ( $this -> info_table , array ( 'info_owner' => $args [ 'new_owner' ]), array ( 'info_owner' => $args [ 'account_id' ]), __LINE__ , __FILE__ , 'infolog' );
foreach ( $this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'info_id,info_responsible' ,
$this -> db -> concat ( " ',' " , 'info_responsible' , " ',' " ) . ' LIKE ' . $this -> db -> quote ( '%,' . ( int ) $args [ 'account_id' ] . ',%' ),
__LINE__ , __FILE__ , false , '' , 'infolog' ) as $row )
$new_responsible = explode ( ',' , $row [ 'info_responsible' ]);
unset ( $new_responsible [ array_search ( $args [ 'account_id' ], $new_responsible )]);
if (( int ) $args [ 'new_owner' ]) $new_responsible [] = ( int ) $args [ 'new_owner' ];
$new_responsible = implode ( ',' , $new_responsible );
$this -> db -> update ( $this -> info_table , array (
'info_responsible' => $new_responsible ,
), array ( 'info_id' => $row [ 'info_id' ]), __LINE__ , __FILE__ , 'infolog' );
* writes the given $values to InfoLog , a new entry gets created if info_id is not set or 0
* @ param array $values with the data of the log - entry
* @ param int $check_modified = 0 old modification date to check before update ( include in WHERE )
* @ return int | boolean info_id , false on error or 0 if the entry has been updated in the meantime
function write ( $values , $check_modified = 0 ) // did _not_ ensure ACL
if ( isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'syncml' ][ 'minimum_uid_length' ]))
$minimum_uid_length = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'syncml' ][ 'minimum_uid_length' ];
$minimum_uid_length = 8 ;
//echo "soinfolog::write(,$check_modified) values="; _debug_array($values);
$info_id = ( int ) $values [ 'info_id' ];
if ( array_key_exists ( 'info_responsible' , $values )) // isset($values['info_responsible']) returns false for NULL!
$values [ 'info_responsible' ] = $values [ 'info_responsible' ] ? implode ( ',' , $values [ 'info_responsible' ]) : '0' ;
$table_def = $this -> db -> get_table_definitions ( 'infolog' , $this -> info_table );
$to_write = array ();
foreach ( $values as $key => $val )
if ( $key != 'info_id' && isset ( $table_def [ 'fd' ][ $key ]))
$to_write [ $key ] = $this -> data [ $key ] = $val ; // update internal data
// writing no price as SQL NULL (required by postgres)
if ( $to_write [ 'info_price' ] === '' ) $to_write [ 'info_price' ] = NULL ;
if (( $this -> data [ 'info_id' ] = $info_id ))
$where = array ( 'info_id' => $info_id );
if ( $check_modified ) $where [ 'info_datemodified' ] = $check_modified ;
if ( ! $this -> db -> update ( $this -> info_table , $to_write , $where , __LINE__ , __FILE__ ))
//error_log("### soinfolog::write(".print_r($to_write,true).") where=".print_r($where,true)." returning false");
return false ; // Error
if ( $check_modified && $this -> db -> affected_rows () < 1 )
//error_log("### soinfolog::write(".print_r($to_write,true).") where=".print_r($where,true)." returning 0 (nothing updated, eg. condition not met)");
return 0 ; // someone else updated the modtime or deleted the entry
if ( ! isset ( $to_write [ 'info_id_parent' ])) $to_write [ 'info_id_parent' ] = 0 ; // must not be null
$this -> db -> insert ( $this -> info_table , $to_write , false , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$info_id = $this -> data [ 'info_id' ] = $this -> db -> get_last_insert_id ( $this -> info_table , 'info_id' );
if ( ! $this -> data [ 'info_uid' ] || strlen ( $this -> data [ 'info_uid' ]) < $minimum_uid_length ) {
// entry without uid --> create one based on our info_id and save it
$this -> data [ 'info_uid' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> generate_uid ( 'infolog' , $info_id );
$this -> db -> update ( $this -> info_table ,
array ( 'info_uid' => $this -> data [ 'info_uid' ]),
array ( 'info_id' => $info_id ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
//echo "<p>soinfolog.write values= "; _debug_array($values);
// write customfields now
$to_delete = array ();
foreach ( $values as $key => $val )
if ( $key [ 0 ] != '#' )
continue ; // no customfield
$this -> data [ $key ] = $val ; // update internal data
if ( $val )
$this -> db -> insert ( $this -> extra_table , array (
'info_extra_value' => $val
), array (
'info_id' => $info_id ,
'info_extra_name' => substr ( $key , 1 ),
), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$to_delete [] = substr ( $key , 1 );
if ( $to_delete )
$this -> db -> delete ( $this -> extra_table , array (
'info_id' => $info_id ,
'info_extra_name' => $to_delete ,
), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
// echo "<p>soinfolog.write this->data= "; _debug_array($this->data);
//error_log("### soinfolog::write(".print_r($to_write,true).") where=".print_r($where,true)." returning id=".$this->data['info_id']);
// update the index
egw_index :: save ( 'infolog' , $this -> data [ 'info_id' ], $this -> data [ 'info_owner' ], $this -> data , $this -> data [ 'info_cat' ],
array ( 'info_uid' , 'info_type' , 'info_status' , 'info_confirm' , 'info_access' ));
return $this -> data [ 'info_id' ];
* count the sub - entries of $info_id
* This is done now be search too ( in key info_anz_subs ), if DB can use sub - queries
* @ param int | array $info_id id ( s ) of log - entry
* @ return int | array the number of sub - entries or indexed by info_id , if array as param given
function anzSubs ( $info_id )
if ( ! is_array ( $info_id ) || ! $info_id )
if (( int ) $info_id <= 0 ) return 0 ;
$counts = array ();
foreach ( $this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'info_id_parent,COUNT(*) AS info_anz_subs' , array ( 'info_id_parent' => $info_id ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ ,
false , 'GROUP BY info_id_parent' , 'infolog' ) as $row )
$counts [ $row [ 'info_id_parent' ]] = ( int ) $row [ 'info_anz_subs' ];
//echo '<p>'.__METHOD__."($info_id) = ".array2string($counts)."</p>\n";
return is_array ( $info_id ) ? $counts : ( int ) array_pop ( $counts );
* searches InfoLog for a certain pattern in $query
* @ param string $query [ order ] column - name to sort after
* @ param string $query [ sort ] sort - order DESC or ASC
* @ param string $query [ filter ] string with combination of acl - , date - and status - filters , eg . 'own-open-today' or ''
* @ param int $query [ cat_id ] category to use or 0 or unset
* @ param string $query [ search ] pattern to search , search is done in info_from , info_subject and info_des
* @ param string $query [ action ] / $query [ action_id ] if only entries linked to a specified app / entry show be used
* @ param int & $query [ start ], & $query [ total ] nextmatch - parameters will be used and set if query returns less entries
* @ param array $query [ col_filter ] array with column - name - data pairs , data == '' means no filter ( ! )
* @ param boolean $query [ subs ] return subs or not , if unset the user preference is used
* @ param int $query [ num_rows ] number of rows to return if $query [ start ] is set , default is to use the value from the general prefs
* @ param string | array $query [ cols ] = null what to query , if set the recordset / iterator get ' s returned
* @ param string $query [ append ] = null get ' s appended to sql query , eg . for GROUP BY
* @ return array | iterator with id ' s as key of the matching log - entries or recordset / iterator if cols is set
function search ( & $query )
//echo "<p>soinfolog.search(".print_r($query,True).")</p>\n";
$action2app = array (
'addr' => 'addressbook' ,
'proj' => 'projects' ,
'event' => 'calendar'
$action = isset ( $action2app [ $query [ 'action' ]]) ? $action2app [ $query [ 'action' ]] : $query [ 'action' ];
if ( $action != '' )
$links = solink :: get_links ( $action == 'sp' ? 'infolog' : $action , explode ( ',' , $query [ 'action_id' ]), 'infolog' );
if ( count ( $links ))
$links = call_user_func_array ( 'array_merge' , $links ); // flatten the array
$link_extra = ( $action == 'sp' ? 'OR' : 'AND' ) . " main.info_id IN ( " . implode ( ',' , $links ) . ')' ;
$sortbycf = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $query [ 'order' ]) && ( preg_match ( '/^[a-z_0-9, ]+$/i' , $query [ 'order' ]) || stripos ( $query [ 'order' ], '#' ) !== FALSE ) &&
( empty ( $query [ 'sort' ]) || preg_match ( '/^(DESC|ASC)$/i' , $query [ 'sort' ])))
$order = array ();
foreach ( explode ( ',' , $query [ 'order' ]) as $val )
$val = trim ( $val );
if ( $val [ 0 ] == '#' )
$sortbycf = substr ( $val , 1 );
$val = " cfsortcrit " ;
static $table_def ;
if ( is_null ( $table_def )) $table_def = $this -> db -> get_table_definitions ( 'infolog' , $this -> info_table );
if ( substr ( $val , 0 , 5 ) != 'info_' && isset ( $table_def [ 'fd' ][ 'info_' . $val ])) $val = 'info_' . $val ;
if ( $val == 'info_des' && $this -> db -> capabilities [ 'order_on_text' ] !== true )
if ( ! $this -> db -> capabilities [ 'order_on_text' ]) continue ;
$val = sprintf ( $this -> db -> capabilities [ 'order_on_text' ], $val );
$order [] = $val ;
$ordermethod = 'ORDER BY ' . implode ( ',' , $order ) . ' ' . $query [ 'sort' ];
$ordermethod = 'ORDER BY info_datemodified DESC' ; // newest first
$acl_filter = $filtermethod = $this -> aclFilter ( $query [ 'filter' ]);
if ( ! $query [ 'col_filter' ][ 'info_status' ]) $filtermethod .= $this -> statusFilter ( $query [ 'filter' ]);
$filtermethod .= $this -> dateFilter ( $query [ 'filter' ]);
$cfcolfilter = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $query [ 'col_filter' ]))
foreach ( $query [ 'col_filter' ] as $col => $data )
if ( is_int ( $col ))
$filtermethod .= ' AND ' . $data ;
continue ;
if ( substr ( $col , 0 , 5 ) != 'info_' && substr ( $col , 0 , 1 ) != '#' ) $col = 'info_' . $col ;
if ( ! empty ( $data ) && preg_match ( '/^[a-z_0-9]+$/i' , $col ))
switch ( $col )
case 'info_responsible' :
$data = ( int ) $data ;
if ( ! $data ) continue ;
$filtermethod .= ' AND (' . $this -> responsible_filter ( $data ) . " OR info_responsible='0' AND " .
$this -> db -> expression ( $this -> info_table , array (
'info_owner' => $data > 0 ? $data : $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> members ( $data , true )
)) . ')' ;
break ;
case 'info_id' : // info_id itself is ambigous
$filtermethod .= ' AND ' . $this -> db -> expression ( $this -> info_table , 'main.' , array ( 'info_id' => $data ));
break ;
default :
$filtermethod .= ' AND ' . $this -> db -> expression ( $this -> info_table , array ( $col => $data ));
break ;
if ( $col [ 0 ] == '#' && $query [ 'custom_fields' ] && $data )
$filtermethod .= " AND main.info_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT info_id FROM $this->extra_table WHERE " ;
$custom_fields = config :: get_customfields ( 'infolog' );
if ( $custom_fields [ substr ( $col , 1 )][ 'type' ] == 'select' && $custom_fields [ substr ( $col , 1 )][ 'rows' ] > 1 )
// Multi-select - any entry with the filter value selected matches
$filtermethod .= $this -> db -> expression ( $this -> extra_table , array (
'info_extra_name' => substr ( $col , 1 ),
" CONCAT(',',info_extra_value,',') LIKE '%, $data ,%' "
)) . ')' ;
$filtermethod .= $this -> db -> expression ( $this -> extra_table , array (
'info_extra_name' => substr ( $col , 1 ),
'info_extra_value' => $data ,
)) . ')' ;
$cfcolfilter ++ ;
//echo "<p>filtermethod='$filtermethod'</p>";
if (( int ) $query [ 'cat_id' ])
//$filtermethod .= ' AND info_cat='.intval($query['cat_id']).' ';
$cats = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> categories -> return_all_children (( int ) $query [ 'cat_id' ]);
$filtermethod .= ' AND info_cat' . ( count ( $cats ) > 1 ? ' IN (' . implode ( ',' , $cats ) . ') ' : '=' . ( int ) $query [ 'cat_id' ]);
$join = $distinct = '' ;
if ( $query [ 'query' ]) $query [ 'search' ] = $query [ 'query' ]; // allow both names
if ( $query [ 'search' ]) // we search in _from, _subject, _des and _extra_value for $query
/* new code join the index
if ( ctype_digit ( $query [ 'search' ])) // search by ticket-number (numbers get never indexed!)
$sql_query = 'AND info_id=' . ( int ) $query [ 'search' ];
$join = egw_index :: sql_join_ids_by_keyword ( $query [ 'search' ], 'infolog' , 'info_id' );
/* new code with info_id IN ( subquery ) --> way to slow
$sql_query .= 'AND info_id IN (' .
egw_index :: sql_ids_by_keyword ( explode ( ' ' , $query [ 'search' ]), egw_index :: MATCH_CONTAINS , 'infolog' ) .
// add search string itself, if it is numeric, to allow to search for a info_id/ticket number
ctype_digit ( $query [ 'search' ] ? ' UNION (SELECT ' . $this -> db -> quote ( $query [ 'search' ]) . ')' : '' ) . ')' ;
/* old code searching the table direct */
$pattern = ' ' . $this -> db -> capabilities [ egw_db :: CAPABILITY_CASE_INSENSITIV_LIKE ] . ' ' . $this -> db -> quote ( '%' . $query [ 'search' ] . '%' );
$columns = array ( 'info_from' , 'info_addr' , 'info_location' , 'info_subject' , 'info_extra_value' );
// at the moment MaxDB 7.5 cant cast nor search text columns, it's suppost to change in 7.6
if ( $this -> db -> capabilities [ 'like_on_text' ]) $columns [] = 'info_des' ;
$sql_query = 'AND (' . ( is_numeric ( $query [ 'search' ]) ? 'main.info_id=' . ( int ) $query [ 'search' ] . ' OR ' : '' ) .
implode ( $pattern . ' OR ' , $columns ) . $pattern . ') ' ;
$join = ( $cfcolfilter > 0 ? '' : 'LEFT' ) . " JOIN $this->extra_table ON main.info_id= $this->extra_table .info_id " ;
// mssql and others cant use DISTICT if text columns (info_des) are involved
$distinct = $this -> db -> capabilities [ 'distinct_on_text' ] ? 'DISTINCT' : '' ;
$pid = 'AND info_id_parent=' . ( $action == 'sp' ? $query [ 'action_id' ] : 0 );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'infolog' ][ 'listNoSubs' ] &&
$action != 'sp' || isset ( $query [ 'subs' ]) && $query [ 'subs' ])
$pid = '' ;
$ids = array ( );
if ( $action == '' || $action == 'sp' || count ( $links ))
$sql_query = " FROM $this->info_table main $join WHERE ( $filtermethod $pid $sql_query ) $link_extra " ;
#error_log("infolog.so.search:\n" . print_r($sql_query, true));
if ( $this -> db -> Type == 'mysql' && $this -> db -> ServerInfo [ 'version' ] >= 4.0 )
$mysql_calc_rows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' ;
unset ( $query [ 'total' ]);
$query [ 'total' ] = $this -> db -> query ( $sql = " SELECT $distinct main.info_id " . $sql_query , __LINE__ , __FILE__ ) -> NumRows ();
$info_customfield = '' ;
if ( $sortbycf != '' )
$info_customfield = " , (SELECT DISTINCT info_extra_value FROM $this->extra_table sub2 where sub2.info_id=main.info_id AND info_extra_name= " . $this -> db -> quote ( $sortbycf ) . " ) AS cfsortcrit " ;
//echo "SELECT $distinct main.* $info_customfield $sql_query $ordermethod"."<br>";
if ( isset ( $query [ 'start' ]) && isset ( $query [ 'total' ]) && $query [ 'start' ] > $query [ 'total' ])
$query [ 'start' ] = 0 ;
$cols = isset ( $query [ 'cols' ]) ? $query [ 'cols' ] : 'main.*' ;
if ( is_array ( $cols )) $cols = implode ( ',' , $cols );
$rs = $this -> db -> query ( $sql = 'SELECT ' . $mysql_calc_rows . ' ' . $distinct . ' ' . $cols . ' ' . $info_customfield . ' ' . $sql_query . $query [ 'append' ] . ' ' . $ordermethod , __LINE__ , __FILE__ ,
( int ) $query [ 'start' ], isset ( $query [ 'start' ]) ? ( int ) $query [ 'num_rows' ] : - 1 , false , egw_db :: FETCH_ASSOC );
//echo "<p>db::query('$sql',,,".(int)$query['start'].','.(isset($query['start']) ? (int) $query['num_rows'] : -1).")</p>\n";
if ( $mysql_calc_rows )
$query [ 'total' ] = $this -> db -> Link_ID -> GetOne ( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' );
// check if start is behind total --> loop to set start=0
while ( isset ( $query [ 'start' ]) && $query [ 'start' ] > $query [ 'total' ]);
if ( isset ( $query [ 'cols' ]))
return $rs ;
foreach ( $rs as $info )
$info [ 'info_responsible' ] = $info [ 'info_responsible' ] ? explode ( ',' , $info [ 'info_responsible' ]) : array ();
$ids [ $info [ 'info_id' ]] = $info ;
// if no specific custom field is selected, show/query all custom fields
if ( $ids && ( $query [ 'custom_fields' ] || $query [ 'csv_export' ]))
$where = array ( 'info_id' => array_keys ( $ids ));
if ( ! ( $query [ 'csv_export' ] || strchr ( $query [ 'selectcols' ], '#' ) === false ))
$where [ 'info_extra_name' ] = array ();
foreach ( explode ( ',' , $query [ 'selectcols' ]) as $col )
if ( $col [ 0 ] == '#' ) $where [ 'info_extra_name' ][] = substr ( $col , 1 );
foreach ( $this -> db -> select ( $this -> extra_table , '*' , $where , __LINE__ , __FILE__ ) as $row )
$ids [ $row [ 'info_id' ]][ '#' . $row [ 'info_extra_name' ]] = $row [ 'info_extra_value' ];
$query [ 'start' ] = $query [ 'total' ] = 0 ;
return $ids ;
* Query infolog for users with open entries , either own or responsible , with start or end within 4 days
* This functions tries to minimize the users really checked with the complete filters , as creating a
* user enviroment and running the specific check costs ...
* @ return array with acount_id ' s groups get resolved to there memebers
function users_with_open_entries ()
$users = array ();
$this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'DISTINCT info_owner' , array (
str_replace ( ' AND ' , '' , $this -> statusFilter ( 'open' )),
'(ABS(info_startdate-' . time () . ')<' . ( 4 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) . ' OR ' . // start_day within 4 days
'ABS(info_enddate-' . time () . ')<' . ( 4 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) . ')' , // end_day within 4 days
), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
while ( $this -> db -> next_record ())
$users [] = $this -> db -> f ( 0 );
$this -> db -> select ( $this -> info_table , 'DISTINCT info_responsible' , $this -> statusFilter ( 'open' , false ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
while ( $this -> db -> next_record ())
foreach ( explode ( ',' , $this -> db -> f ( 0 )) as $responsible )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $responsible ) == 'g' )
$responsible = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> members ( $responsible , true );
if ( $responsible )
foreach ( is_array ( $responsible ) ? $responsible : array ( $responsible ) as $user )
if ( $user && ! in_array ( $user , $users )) $users [] = $user ;
return $users ;