
2221 lines
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Raw Normal View History

//v.3.6 build 131108
Copyright DHTMLX LTD.
You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms
To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at
* @desc: a constructor, creates a new dhtmlxMenu object, baseId defines a base object for the top menu level
* @param: baseId - id of the html element to which a menu will be attached, in case of a contextual menu - if specified, will used as a contextual zone
* @type: public
function dhtmlXMenuObject(baseId, skin) {
var main_self = this;
this.addBaseIdAsContextZone = null;
this.isDhtmlxMenuObject = true;
// skin settings = (skin != null ? skin : (typeof(dhtmlx) != "undefined" && typeof( == "string" ? : "dhx_skyblue"));
this.imagePath = "";
// iframe
this._isIE6 = false;
if (_isIE) this._isIE6 = (window.XMLHttpRequest==null?true:false);
if (baseId == null) {
this.base = document.body;
} else {
var baseObj = (typeof(baseId)=="string"?document.getElementById(baseId):baseId);
if (baseObj != null) {
this.base = baseObj;
if (! = (new Date()).valueOf();
while (this.base.childNodes.length > 0) { this.base.removeChild(this.base.childNodes[0]); }
this.base.className += " dhtmlxMenu_""_Middle dir_left";
this.base._autoSkinUpdate = true;
// preserv default oncontextmenu for future restorin in case of context menu
if (this.base.oncontextmenu) this.base._oldContextMenuHandler = this.base.oncontextmenu;
this.addBaseIdAsContextZone =;
this.base.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
this.base.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
} else {
this.base = document.body;
// this.topId = topId;
this.topId = "dhxWebMenuTopId";
if (!this.extendedModule) {
// add notify for menu
var t = function(){alert(this.i18n.dhxmenuextalert);};
var extMethods = new Array("setItemEnabled", "setItemDisabled", "isItemEnabled", "_changeItemState", "getItemText", "setItemText",
"loadFromHTML", "hideItem", "showItem", "isItemHidden", "_changeItemVisible", "setUserData", "getUserData",
"setOpenMode", "setWebModeTimeout", "enableDynamicLoading", "_updateLoaderIcon", "getItemImage", "setItemImage",
"clearItemImage", "setAutoShowMode", "setAutoHideMode", "setContextMenuHideAllMode", "getContextMenuHideAllMode",
"setVisibleArea", "setTooltip", "getTooltip", "setHotKey", "getHotKey", "setItemSelected", "setTopText", "setRTL",
"setAlign", "setHref", "clearHref", "getCircuit", "_clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon", "_checkArrowsState",
"_addUpArrow", "_addDownArrow", "_removeUpArrow", "_removeDownArrow", "_isArrowExists", "_doScrollUp", "_doScrollDown",
"_countPolygonItems", "setOverflowHeight", "_getRadioImgObj", "_setRadioState", "_radioOnClickHandler",
"getRadioChecked", "setRadioChecked", "addRadioButton", "_getCheckboxState", "_setCheckboxState", "_readLevel",
"_updateCheckboxImage", "_checkboxOnClickHandler", "setCheckboxState", "getCheckboxState", "addCheckbox", "serialize");
for (var q=0; q<extMethods.length; q++) if (!this[extMethods[q]]) this[extMethods[q]] = t;
extMethods = null;
// should be used for frameset in IE
this.fixedPosition = false;
this.menuSelected = -1;
this.menuLastClicked = -1;
this.idPrefix = "";
this.itemTagName = "item";
this.itemTextTagName = "itemtext";
this.userDataTagName = "userdata";
this.itemTipTagName = "tooltip";
this.itemHotKeyTagName = "hotkey";
this.itemHrefTagName = "href";
this.dirTopLevel = "bottom";
this.dirSubLevel = "right";
this.menuX1 = null;
this.menuX2 = null;
this.menuY1 = null;
this.menuY2 = null;
this.menuMode = "web";
this.menuTimeoutMsec = 400;
this.menuTimeoutHandler = null;
this.autoOverflow = false;
this.idPull = {};
this.itemPull = {};
this.userData = {}; = {};
this._rtl = false;
this._align = "left";
this.menuTouched = false;
this.zIndInit = 1200;
this.zInd = this.zIndInit;
this.zIndStep = 50;
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeout = true; // shows sublevel polygons from toplevel items with delay
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime = 200; // msec
// default skin
// = "Standard";
// skin-based params
this._topLevelBottomMargin = 1;
this._topLevelRightMargin = 0;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = 1;
this._arrowFFFix = (_isIE?(document.compatMode=="BackCompat"?0:-4):-4); // border fixer for FF for arrows polygons
* @desc: changes menu skin
* @param: skin - skin name
* @type: public
this.setSkin = function(skin) {
var oldSkin =; = skin;
switch ({
case "dhx_black":
case "dhx_blue":
case "dhx_skyblue":
case "dhx_web":
this._topLevelBottomMargin = 2;
this._topLevelRightMargin = 1;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = 1;
this._arrowFFFix = (_isIE?(document.compatMode=="BackCompat"?0:-4):-4);
case "dhx_web":
this._arrowFFFix = 0;
case "dhx_terrace":
this._topLevelBottomMargin = 0;
this._topLevelRightMargin = 0;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = 0;
this._arrowFFFix = (_isIE?(document.compatMode=="BackCompat"?0:-4):-4);
if (this.base._autoSkinUpdate) {
this.base.className = this.base.className.replace("dhtmlxMenu_"+oldSkin+"_Middle", "")+" dhtmlxMenu_""_Middle";
for (var a in this.idPull) {
this.idPull[a].className = String(this.idPull[a].className).replace(oldSkin,;
this.dLoad = false;
this.dLoadUrl = "";
this.dLoadSign = "?";
this.loaderIcon = false;
this.limit = 0;
this._scrollUpTM = null;
this._scrollUpTMTime = 20;
this._scrollUpTMStep = 3;
this._scrollDownTM = null;
this._scrollDownTMTime = 20;
this._scrollDownTMStep = 3;
/* context menu */
this.context = false;
this.contextZones = {};
this.contextMenuZoneId = false;
this.contextAutoShow = true; /* default open action */
this.contextAutoHide = true; /* default close action */
this.contextHideAllMode = true; /* true will hide all opened contextual menu polygons on mouseout, false - all except topleft */
this._selectedSubItems = new Array();
this._openedPolygons = new Array();
this._addSubItemToSelected = function(item, polygon) {
var t = true;
for (var q=0; q<this._selectedSubItems.length; q++) { if ((this._selectedSubItems[q][0] == item) && (this._selectedSubItems[q][1] == polygon)) { t = false; } }
if (t == true) { this._selectedSubItems.push(new Array(item, polygon)); }
return t;
this._removeSubItemFromSelected = function(item, polygon) {
var m = new Array();
var t = false;
for (var q=0; q<this._selectedSubItems.length; q++) { if ((this._selectedSubItems[q][0] == item) && (this._selectedSubItems[q][1] == polygon)) { t = true; } else { m[m.length] = this._selectedSubItems[q]; } }
if (t == true) { this._selectedSubItems = m; }
return t;
this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon = function(polygon) {
var m = new Array();
for (var q=0; q<this._selectedSubItems.length; q++) {
if (this._selectedSubItems[q][1] == polygon) {
m[m.length] = this._selectedSubItems[q][0];
m = m.concat(this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon(this._selectedSubItems[q][0]));
var t = true;
for (var w=0; w<this._openedPolygons.length; w++) { if (this._openedPolygons[w] == this._selectedSubItems[q][0]) { t = false; } }
if (t == true) { this._openedPolygons[this._openedPolygons.length] = this._selectedSubItems[q][0]; }
this._selectedSubItems[q][0] = -1;
this._selectedSubItems[q][1] = -1;
return m;
/* end */
/* define polygon's position for dinamic content rendering and shows it, added in version 0.3 */
this._hidePolygon = function(id) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_" + id] != null) {
if (typeof(this._menuEffect) != "undefined" && this._menuEffect !== false) {
} else {
// already hidden
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+id].style.display == "none") return;
this.idPull["polygon_"+id].style.display = "none";
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null) { this.idPull["arrowup_"+id].style.display = "none"; }
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null) { this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id].style.display = "none"; }
this._updateItemComplexState(id, true, false);
// hide ie6 cover
if (this._isIE6) { if (this.idPull["polygon_"+id+"_ie6cover"] != null) { this.idPull["polygon_"+id+"_ie6cover"].style.display = "none"; } }
// call event
id = String(id).replace(this.idPrefix, "");
if (id == this.topId) id = null;
this.callEvent("onHide", [id]);
// corners
if (id != null && == "dhx_terrace" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
this._improveTerraceButton(this.idPrefix+id, true);
this._showPolygon = function(id, openType) {
var itemCount = this._countVisiblePolygonItems(id);
if (itemCount == 0) return;
var pId = "polygon_"+id;
if ((this.idPull[pId] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {
if (this.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && this.menuMode == "web" && !this.context) {
if (!this.idPull[id]._mouseOver && openType == this.dirTopLevel) return;
// detect visible area
if (!this.fixedPosition) this._autoDetectVisibleArea();
// show arrows
var arrUpH = 0;
var arrDownH = 0;
var arrowUp = null;
var arrowDown = null;
// show polygon
this.idPull[pId].style.visibility = "hidden";
this.idPull[pId].style.left = "0px";
this.idPull[pId] = "0px";
this.idPull[pId].style.display = "";
this.idPull[pId].style.zIndex = this.zInd;
if (this.autoOverflow) {
if (this.idPull[pId].firstChild.offsetHeight > this.menuY1+this.menuY2) {
var t0 = Math.floor((this.menuY2-this.menuY1-35)/24);
this.limit = t0;
} else {
this.limit = 0;
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null) this._removeUpArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null) this._removeDownArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
if (this.limit > 0 && this.limit < itemCount) {
// add overflow arrows if they not exists
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] == null) this._addUpArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] == null) this._addDownArrow(String(id).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
// configure up arrow
arrowUp = this.idPull["arrowup_"+id]; = "hidden"; = ""; = this.zInd;
arrUpH = arrowUp.offsetHeight;
// configure bottom arrow
arrowDown = this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id]; = "hidden"; = ""; = this.zInd;
arrDownH = arrowDown.offsetHeight;
if (this.limit > 0) {
if (this.limit < itemCount) {
// set fixed size
// this.idPull[pId].style.height = this.idPull[pId].tbd.childNodes[0].offsetHeight*this.limit+"px";// + arrUpH + arrDownH;
this.idPull[pId].style.height = 24*this.limit+"px";
this.idPull[pId].scrollTop = 0;
} else {
// remove fixed size
this.idPull[pId].style.height = "";
this.zInd += this.zIndStep;
// console.log(this.idPull)
if (this.itemPull[id] != null) {
var parPoly = "polygon_"+this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
} else if (this.context) {
var parPoly = this.idPull[this.idPrefix+this.topId];
// debug info
if (parPoly == null) {
alert("Implementation error. Please report");
// define position
var srcX = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? getAbsoluteLeft(this.idPull[id]) : this.idPull[id][0]);
var srcY = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? getAbsoluteTop(this.idPull[id]) : this.idPull[id][1]);
var srcW = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? this.idPull[id].offsetWidth : 0);
var srcH = (this.idPull[id].tagName != null ? this.idPull[id].offsetHeight : 0);
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var w = this.idPull[pId].offsetWidth;
var h = this.idPull[pId].offsetHeight + arrUpH + arrDownH;
var bottomOverflow = (srcY+h > window.innerHeight+document.body.scrollTop);
if (bottomOverflow) {
if (openType == "bottom") openType = "top";
if (openType == "right" || openType == "left") {
srcY = srcY-h;
// pos
if (openType == "bottom") {
if (this._rtl) {
x = srcX + (srcW!=null?srcW:0) - w;
} else {
if (this._align == "right") {
x = srcX + srcW - w;
} else {
x = srcX - 1 + (openType==this.dirTopLevel?this._topLevelRightMargin:0);
y = srcY - 1 + srcH + this._topLevelBottomMargin;
if (openType == "right") { x = srcX + srcW - 1; y = srcY + 2; }
if (openType == "left") { x = srcX - this.idPull[pId].offsetWidth + 2; y = srcY + 2; }
if (openType == "top") { x = srcX - 1; y = srcY - h + 2; }
// overflow check
if (this.fixedPosition) {
// use fixed document.body/window dimension if required
var mx = 65536;
var my = 65536;
} else {
var mx = (this.menuX2!=null?this.menuX2:0);
var my = (this.menuY2!=null?this.menuY2:0);
if (mx == 0) {
if (window.innerWidth) {
mx = window.innerWidth;
my = window.innerHeight;
} else {
mx = document.body.offsetWidth;
my = document.body.scrollHeight;
if (x+w > mx && !this._rtl) {
// no space on right, open to left
x = srcX - w + 2;
if (x < this.menuX1 && this._rtl) {
// no space on left, open to right
x = srcX + srcW - 2;
if (x < 0) {
// menu floats left
x = 0;
if (y+h > my && this.menuY2 != null) {
y = Math.max(srcY + srcH - h + 2, (this._isVisibleArea?this.menuY1+2:2));
// open from top level
if (this.context && this.idPrefix+this.topId == id && arrowDown != null) {
// autoscroll prevent because menu mouse pointer will right over downarrow
y = y-2;
if (this.itemPull[id] != null && !this.context) {
if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId) y = y - this.base.offsetHeight;
this.idPull[pId].style.left = x+"px";
this.idPull[pId] = y+arrUpH+"px";
if (typeof(this._menuEffect) != "undefined" && this._menuEffect !== false) {
} else {
this.idPull[pId].style.visibility = "";
if (this.limit > 0 && this.limit < itemCount) {
// this.idPull[pId].scrollTop = 0; = x+"px"; = y+"px"; = w+this._arrowFFFix+"px"; = "";
// = x+"px"; = y+h-arrDownH+"px"; = w+this._arrowFFFix+"px"; = "";
// show ie6 cover
if (this._isIE6) {
var pIdIE6 = pId+"_ie6cover";
if (this.idPull[pIdIE6] == null) {
var ifr = document.createElement("IFRAME");
ifr.className = "dhtmlxMenu_IE6CoverFix_";
ifr.frameBorder = 0;
ifr.setAttribute("src", "javascript:false;");
document.body.insertBefore(ifr, document.body.firstChild);
this.idPull[pIdIE6] = ifr;
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.left = x+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6] = y+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.width = w+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.height = h+"px";
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.zIndex = this.idPull[pId].style.zIndex-1;
this.idPull[pIdIE6].style.display = "";
id = String(id).replace(this.idPrefix, "");
if (id == this.topId) id = null;
this.callEvent("onShow", [id]);
// corners
if (id != null && == "dhx_terrace" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
this._improveTerraceButton(this.idPrefix+id, false);
// this.callEvent("_onPolyShow",[id.replace(this.idPrefix,"")]);
/* redistrib sublevel selection: select id and deselect other, added in version 0.3 */
this._redistribSubLevelSelection = function(id, parentId) {
// clear previosly selected items
while (this._openedPolygons.length > 0) this._openedPolygons.pop();
// this._openedPolygons = new Array();
var i = this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon(parentId);
this._removeSubItemFromSelected(-1, -1);
for (var q=0; q<i.length; q++) { if ((this.idPull[i[q]] != null) && (i[q] != id)) { if (this.itemPull[i[q]]["state"] == "enabled") { this.idPull[i[q]].className = "sub_item"; } } }
// hide polygons
for (var q=0; q<this._openedPolygons.length; q++) { if (this._openedPolygons[q] != parentId) { this._hidePolygon(this._openedPolygons[q]); } }
// add new selection into list new
if (this.itemPull[id]["state"] == "enabled") {
this.idPull[id].className = "sub_item_selected";
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"] && this.dLoad && (this.itemPull[id]["loaded"]=="no")) {
if (this.loaderIcon == true) { this._updateLoaderIcon(id, true); }
var xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(this._xmlParser, window);
this.itemPull[id]["loaded"] = "get";
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
xmlLoader.loadXML(this.dLoadUrl+this.dLoadSign+"action=loadMenu&parentId="+id.replace(this.idPrefix,"")+"&etc="+new Date().getTime());
// show
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"] || (this.dLoad && (this.itemPull[id]["loaded"] == "yes"))) {
// make arrow over
if ((this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) && (this.idPull["polygon_" + id] != null)) {
this._updateItemComplexState(id, true, true);
this._showPolygon(id, this.dirSubLevel);
this._addSubItemToSelected(id, parentId);
this.menuSelected = id;
/* onClickMenu action (click on any end item to perform some actions)
optimized in version 0.3 added type feature (click on disabled items, click on complex nodes)
attachEvent feature from 0.4 */
this._doOnClick = function(id, type, casState) {
this.menuLastClicked = id;
// href
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_link"] != null && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id].state == "enabled") {
var form = document.createElement("FORM");
var k = String(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_link"]).split("?");
form.action = k[0];
if (k[1] != null) {
var p = String(k[1]).split("&");
for (var q=0; q<p.length; q++) {
var j = String(p[q]).split("=");
var m = document.createElement("INPUT");
m.type = "hidden"; = (j[0]||"");
m.value = (j[1]||"");
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_target"] != null) { = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["href_target"]; } = "none";
if (form != null) {
form = null;
// some fixes
if (type.charAt(0)=="c") return; // can't click on complex item
if (type.charAt(1)=="d") return; // can't click on disabled item
if (type.charAt(2)=="s") return; // can't click on separator
if (this.checkEvent("onClick")) {
// this.callEvent("onClick", [id, type, this.contextMenuZoneId]);
this.callEvent("onClick", [id, this.contextMenuZoneId, casState]);
} else {
if ((type.charAt(1) == "d") || (this.menuMode == "win" && type.charAt(2) == "t")) return;
if (this.context && this._isContextMenuVisible() && this.contextAutoHide) {
} else {
// if menu unloaded from click event
if (this._clearAndHide) this._clearAndHide();
/* onTouchMenu action (select topLevel item), attachEvent added in 0.4 */
this._doOnTouchMenu = function(id) {
if (this.menuTouched == false) {
this.menuTouched = true;
if (this.checkEvent("onTouch")) {
this.callEvent("onTouch", [id]);
// this._onTouchHandler = function(id) { }
// this._setOnTouchHandler = function(handler) { this._onTouchHandler = function(id) { handler(id); } }
/* return menu array of all nested objects */
this._searchMenuNode = function(node, menu) {
var m = new Array();
for (var q=0; q<menu.length; q++) {
if (typeof(menu[q]) == "object") {
if (menu[q].length == 5) { if (typeof(menu[q][0]) != "object") { if ((menu[q][0].replace(this.idPrefix, "") == node) && (q == 0)) { m = menu; } } }
var j = this._searchMenuNode(node, menu[q]);
if (j.length > 0) { m = j; }
return m;
/* return array of subitems for single menu object */
/* modified in version 0.3 */
this._getMenuNodes = function(node) {
var m = new Array;
for (var a in this.itemPull) { if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == node) { m[m.length] = a; } }
return m;
/* generate random string with specified length */
this._genStr = function(w) {
var s = ""; var z = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
for (var q=0; q<w; q++) s += z.charAt(Math.round(Math.random() * (z.length-1)));
return s;
* @desc: return item type by id
* @param: id
* @type: public
this.getItemType = function(id) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) { return null; }
return this.itemPull[id]["type"];
* @desc: iterator, calls user-defined handler for each existing item and pass item id into it
* @param: handler - user-defined handler
* @type: public
this.forEachItem = function(handler) {
for (var a in this.itemPull) { handler(String(a).replace(this.idPrefix, "")); }
/* clear selection and hide menu on onbody click event, optimized in version 0.3 */
this._clearAndHide = function() {
main_self.menuSelected = -1;
main_self.menuLastClicked = -1;
while (main_self._openedPolygons.length > 0) { main_self._openedPolygons.pop(); }
for (var q=0; q<main_self._selectedSubItems.length; q++) {
var id = main_self._selectedSubItems[q][0];
// clear all selection
if (main_self.idPull[id] != null) {
if (main_self.itemPull[id]["state"] == "enabled") {
if (main_self.idPull[id].className == "sub_item_selected") main_self.idPull[id].className = "sub_item";
if (main_self.idPull[id].className == "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Selected") {
// main_self.idPull[id].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Normal";
// custom css
// console.log(main_self.itemPull[])
if (main_self.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"] != null) {
// alert(1)
main_self.idPull[id].className = main_self.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"];
} else {
// default css
main_self.idPull[id].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Normal";
// added in 0.4
// main_self._hidePolygon(main_self.idPrefix+main_self.topId);
main_self.menuTouched = false;
// hide all contextmenu polygons on mouseout
if (main_self.context) {
if (main_self.contextHideAllMode) {
main_self.zInd = main_self.zIndInit;
} else {
main_self.zInd = main_self.zIndInit+main_self.zIndStep;
/* loading and parsing through xml, optimized in version 0.3 */
this._doOnLoad = function() {}
* @desc: loads menu data from an xml file and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
* @param: xmlFile - an xml file with webmenu data
* @param: onLoadFunction - a function that is called after loading is done
* @type: public
this.loadXML = function(xmlFile, onLoadFunction) {
if (onLoadFunction) this._doOnLoad = function() { onLoadFunction(); };
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
* @desc: loads menu data from an xml string and calls onLoadFunction when loading is done
* @param: xmlFile - an xml string with webmenu data
* @param: onLoadFunction - function that is called after loading is done
* @type: public
this.loadXMLString = function(xmlString, onLoadFunction) {
if (onLoadFunction) this._doOnLoad = function() { onLoadFunction(); };
this._buildMenu = function(t, parentId) {
// if (parentId==null) { parentId = this.topId;}
var u = 0;
for (var q=0; q<t.childNodes.length; q++) {
if (t.childNodes[q].tagName == this.itemTagName) {
var r = t.childNodes[q];
var item = {};
// basic
item["id"] = this.idPrefix+(r.getAttribute("id")||this._genStr(24));
item["title"] = r.getAttribute("text")||"";
// images
item["imgen"] = r.getAttribute("img")||"";
item["imgdis"] = r.getAttribute("imgdis")||"";
item["tip"] = "";
item["hotkey"] = "";
// custom css
if (r.getAttribute("cssNormal") != null) { item["cssNormal"] = r.getAttribute("cssNormal"); }
// type
item["type"] = r.getAttribute("type")||"item";
if (item["type"] == "checkbox") {
item["checked"] = (r.getAttribute("checked")!=null);
// set classname
item["imgen"] = "chbx_"+(item["checked"]?"1":"0");
item["imgdis"] = item["imgen"];
if (item["type"] == "radio") {
item["checked"] = (r.getAttribute("checked")!=null);
item["imgen"] = "rdbt_"+(item["checked"]?"1":"0");
item["imgdis"] = item["imgen"];
item["group"] = r.getAttribute("group")||this._genStr(24);
if ([item["group"]]==null) {[item["group"]] = new Array(); }[item["group"]][[item["group"]].length] = item["id"];
// enable/disable
item["state"] = (r.getAttribute("enabled")!=null||r.getAttribute("disabled")!=null?(r.getAttribute("enabled")=="false"||r.getAttribute("disabled")=="true"?"disabled":"enabled"):"enabled");
item["parent"] = (parentId!=null?parentId:this.idPrefix+this.topId);
// item["complex"] = (((this.dLoad)&&(parentId!=null))?(r.getAttribute("complex")!=null?true:false):(this._buildMenu(r,item["id"])>0));
item["complex"] = (this.dLoad?(r.getAttribute("complex")!=null?true:false):(this._buildMenu(r,item["id"])>0));
if (this.dLoad && item["complex"]) { item["loaded"] = "no"; }
this.itemPull[item["id"]] = item;
// check for user data
for (var w=0; w<r.childNodes.length; w++) {
// added in 0.4
var tagNm = r.childNodes[w].tagName;
if (tagNm != null) { tagNm = tagNm.toLowerCase(); }
if (tagNm == this.userDataTagName) {
var d = r.childNodes[w];
if (d.getAttribute("name")!=null) { this.userData[item["id"]+"_"+d.getAttribute("name")] = (d.firstChild!=null&&d.firstChild.nodeValue!=null?d.firstChild.nodeValue:""); }
// extended text, added in 0.4
if (tagNm == this.itemTextTagName) { item["title"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue; }
// tooltips, added in 0.4
if (tagNm == this.itemTipTagName) { item["tip"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue; }
// hotkeys, added in 0.4
if (tagNm == this.itemHotKeyTagName) { item["hotkey"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue; }
// hrefs
if (tagNm == this.itemHrefTagName && item["type"] == "item") {
item["href_link"] = r.childNodes[w].firstChild.nodeValue;
if (r.childNodes[w].getAttribute("target") != null) { item["href_target"] = r.childNodes[w].getAttribute("target"); }
return u;
/* parse incoming xml */
this._xmlParser = function() {
if (main_self.dLoad) {
var t = this.getXMLTopNode("menu");
parentId = (t.getAttribute("parentId")!=null?t.getAttribute("parentId"):null);
if (parentId == null) {
// alert(1)
// main_self.idPrefix = main_self._genStr(12);
main_self._buildMenu(t, null);
} else {
main_self._buildMenu(t, main_self.idPrefix+parentId);
main_self._addSubMenuPolygon(main_self.idPrefix+parentId, main_self.idPrefix+parentId);//, main_self.idPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId]);
if (main_self.menuSelected == main_self.idPrefix+parentId) {
var pId = main_self.idPrefix+parentId;
var isTop = main_self.itemPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId]["parent"]==main_self.idPrefix+main_self.topId;
var level = ((isTop&&(!main_self.context))?main_self.dirTopLevel:main_self.dirSubLevel);
var isShow = false;
if (isTop && main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
var item = main_self.idPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId];
if (item._mouseOver == true) {
var delay = main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime - (new Date().getTime()-item._dynLoadTM);
if (delay > 1) {
item._menuOpenTM = window.setTimeout(function(){ main_self._showPolygon(pId, level); }, delay);
isShow = true;
if (!isShow) { main_self._showPolygon(pId, level); }
main_self.itemPull[main_self.idPrefix+parentId]["loaded"] = "yes";
// console.log(main_self.loaderIcon)
if (main_self.loaderIcon == true) { main_self._updateLoaderIcon(main_self.idPrefix+parentId, false); }
} else {
var t = this.getXMLTopNode("menu");
// alert(3)
// main_self.idPrefix = main_self._genStr(12);
main_self._buildMenu(t, null);
this._xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(this._xmlParser, window);
/* show sublevel item */
this._showSubLevelItem = function(id,back) {
if (document.getElementById("arrow_" + this.idPrefix + id) != null) { document.getElementById("arrow_" + this.idPrefix + id).style.display = (back?"none":""); }
if (document.getElementById("image_" + this.idPrefix + id) != null) { document.getElementById("image_" + this.idPrefix + id).style.display = (back?"none":""); }
if (document.getElementById(this.idPrefix + id) != null) { document.getElementById(this.idPrefix + id).style.display = (back?"":"none"); }
/* hide sublevel item */
this._hideSubLevelItem = function(id) {
// generating id prefix
this.idPrefix = this._genStr(12);
/* attach body events */
this._bodyClick = function(e) {
e = e||event;
if (e.button == 2 || (_isOpera && e.ctrlKey == true)) return;
if (main_self.context) {
if (main_self.contextAutoHide && (!_isOpera || (main_self._isContextMenuVisible() && _isOpera))) main_self._hideContextMenu();
} else {
if (main_self._clearAndHide) main_self._clearAndHide();
this._bodyContext = function(e) {
e = e||event;
var t = String((e.srcElement||;
if ("dhtmlxMenu") != -1 &&"SubLevelArea") != -1) return;
var toHide = true;
var testZone = || e.srcElement;
while (testZone != null) {
if ( != null) if (main_self.isContextZone( toHide = false;
if (testZone == document.body) toHide = false;
testZone = testZone.parentNode;
if (toHide) main_self.hideContextMenu();
if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != "undefined") {
window.addEventListener("click", this._bodyClick, false);
window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this._bodyContext, false);
} else {
document.body.attachEvent("onclick", this._bodyClick);
document.body.attachEvent("oncontextmenu", this._bodyContext);
// add menu to global store
this._UID = this._genStr(32);
dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[this._UID] = this;
/* events */
return this;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.init = function() {
if (this._isInited == true) return;
if (this.dLoad) {
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
// this._xmlLoader.loadXML(this.dLoadUrl+"?action=loadMenu&parentId="+this.topId+"&topId="+this.topId);
this._xmlLoader.loadXML(this.dLoadUrl+this.dLoadSign+"action=loadMenu&etc="+new Date().getTime()); // &&parentId=topId&"+this.topId+"&topId="+this.topId);
} else {
this._isInited = true;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._countVisiblePolygonItems = function(id) {
var count = 0;
if ((this.idPull["polygon_"+id] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {
for (var q=0; q<this.idPull["polygon_"+id].childNodes.length; q++) {
var node = this.idPull["polygon_"+id].childNodes[q];
count += ((("none")||(node.className=="dhtmlxMenu_SubLevelArea_Separator"))?0:1);
/* updated in 0.4 */
var count = 0;
// console.log(this.idPull)
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
var par = this.itemPull[a]["parent"];
var tp = this.itemPull[a]["type"];
if (this.idPull[a] != null) {
// console.log(this.idPull[a])
// alert(1111)
if (par == id && (tp == "item" || tp == "radio" || tp == "checkbox") && this.idPull[a].style.display != "none") {
return count;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._redefineComplexState = function(id) {
// alert(id)
if (this.idPrefix+this.topId == id) { return; }
if ((this.idPull["polygon_"+id] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {
var u = this._countVisiblePolygonItems(id);
if ((u > 0) && (!this.itemPull[id]["complex"])) { this._updateItemComplexState(id, true, false); }
if ((u == 0) && (this.itemPull[id]["complex"])) { this._updateItemComplexState(id, false, false); }
/* complex arrow manipulations, over added in 0.4 */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._updateItemComplexState = function(id, state, over) {
// 0.2 FIX :: topLevel's items can have complex items with arrow
if ((!this.context) && (this._getItemLevelType(id.replace(this.idPrefix,"")) == "TopLevel")) {
// 30.06.2008 fix > complex state for top level item, state only, no arrow
this.itemPull[id]["complex"] = state;
if ((this.idPull[id] == null) || (this.itemPull[id] == null)) { return; }
// 0.2 FIX :: end
this.itemPull[id]["complex"] = state;
// fixed in 0.4 for context
if (id == this.idPrefix+this.topId) return;
// end fix
// try to retrieve arrow img object
var arrowObj = null;
var item = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?0:2];
if (item.childNodes[0]) if (String(item.childNodes[0].className).search("complex_arrow") === 0) arrowObj = item.childNodes[0];
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) {
// create arrow
if (arrowObj == null) {
arrowObj = document.createElement("DIV");
arrowObj.className = "complex_arrow"; = "arrow_"+id;
while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);
// over state added in 0.4
if (this.dLoad && (this.itemPull[id]["loaded"] == "get") && this.loaderIcon) {
// change arrow to loader
if (arrowObj.className != "complex_arrow_loading") arrowObj.className = "complex_arrow_loading";
} else {
arrowObj.className = "complex_arrow";
if ((!this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) && (arrowObj!=null)) {
if (this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"] != null && this.setHotKey) { this.setHotKey(id.replace(this.idPrefix, ""), this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"]); }
/* return css-part level type */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getItemLevelType = function(id) {
return (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["parent"]==this.idPrefix+this.topId?"TopLevel":"SubLevelArea");
/* redistrib selection in case of top node in real-time mode */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._redistribTopLevelSelection = function(id, parent) {
// kick polygons and decelect before selected menues
var i = this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon("parent");
this._removeSubItemFromSelected(-1, -1);
for (var q=0; q<i.length; q++) {
if (i[q] != id) { this._hidePolygon(i[q]); }
if ((this.idPull[i[q]] != null) && (i[q] != id)) { this.idPull[i[q]].className = this.idPull[i[q]].className.replace(/Selected/g, "Normal"); }
// check if enabled
if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["state"] == "enabled") {
this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Selected";
this._addSubItemToSelected(this.idPrefix+id, "parent");
this.menuSelected = (this.menuMode=="win"?(this.menuSelected!=-1?id:this.menuSelected):id);
if ((this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["complex"]) && (this.menuSelected != -1)) { this._showPolygon(this.idPrefix+id, this.dirTopLevel); }
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._initTopLevelMenu = function() {
// console.log(this.idPull);
this.dirTopLevel = "bottom";
this.dirSubLevel = (this._rtl?"left":"right");
if (this.context) {
this.idPull[this.idPrefix+this.topId] = new Array(0,0);
this._addSubMenuPolygon(this.idPrefix+this.topId, this.idPrefix+this.topId);
} else {
var m = this._getMenuNodes(this.idPrefix + this.topId);
for (var q=0; q<m.length; q++) {
if (this.itemPull[m[q]]["type"] == "item") this._renderToplevelItem(m[q], null);
if (this.itemPull[m[q]]["type"] == "separator") this._renderSeparator(m[q], null);
/* add top menu item, complex define that submenues are in presence */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderToplevelItem = function(id, pos) {
var main_self = this;
var m = document.createElement("DIV"); = id;
// custom css
if (this.itemPull[id]["state"] == "enabled" && this.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"] != null) {
m.className = this.itemPull[id]["cssNormal"];
} else {
m.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_"+(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"Normal":"Disabled");
// text
if (this.itemPull[id]["title"] != "") {
var t1 = document.createElement("DIV");
t1.className = "top_level_text";
t1.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];
// tooltip
if (this.itemPull[id]["tip"].length > 0) m.title = this.itemPull[id]["tip"];
// image in top level
if ((this.itemPull[id]["imgen"]!="")||(this.itemPull[id]["imgdis"]!="")) {
var imgTop=this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled")?"imgen":"imgdis"];
if (imgTop) {
var img = document.createElement("IMG");
img.border = "0"; = "image_"+id;
img.src= this.imagePath+imgTop;
img.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Item_Icon";
if (m.childNodes.length > 0 && !this._rtl) m.insertBefore(img, m.childNodes[0]); else m.appendChild(img);
m.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
m.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
// add container for top-level items if not exists yet
if (!this.cont) {
this.cont = document.createElement("DIV");
this.cont.dir = "ltr";
this.cont.className = (this._align=="right"?"align_right":"align_left");
// insert
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > this.base.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null) this.base.insertBefore(m, this.base.childNodes[pos]); else this.base.appendChild(m);
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > this.cont.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null) this.cont.insertBefore(m, this.cont.childNodes[pos]); else this.cont.appendChild(m);
this.idPull[] = m;
// create submenues
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"] && (!this.dLoad)) this._addSubMenuPolygon(this.itemPull[id]["id"], this.itemPull[id]["id"]);
// events
m.onmouseover = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler); }
// kick polygons and decelect before selected menues
var i = main_self._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon("parent");
main_self._removeSubItemFromSelected(-1, -1);
for (var q=0; q<i.length; q++) {
if (i[q] != { main_self._hidePolygon(i[q]); }
if ((main_self.idPull[i[q]] != null) && (i[q] != {
// custom css
if (main_self.itemPull[i[q]]["cssNormal"] != null) {
main_self.idPull[i[q]].className = main_self.itemPull[i[q]]["cssNormal"];
} else {
if (main_self.idPull[i[q]].className == "sub_item_selected") main_self.idPull[i[q]].className = "sub_item";
main_self.idPull[i[q]].className = main_self.idPull[i[q]].className.replace(/Selected/g, "Normal");
// check if enabled
if (main_self.itemPull[]["state"] == "enabled") {
this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Selected";
main_self._addSubItemToSelected(, "parent");
main_self.menuSelected = (main_self.menuMode=="win"?(main_self.menuSelected!=-1?;
if (main_self.dLoad && (main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"]=="no")) {
if (main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
this._mouseOver = true;
this._dynLoadTM = new Date().getTime();
var xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject(main_self._xmlParser, window);
main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"] = "get";
main_self.callEvent("onXLS", []);
xmlLoader.loadXML(main_self.dLoadUrl+main_self.dLoadSign+"action=loadMenu&parentId=","")+"&etc="+new Date().getTime());
if ((!main_self.dLoad) || (main_self.dLoad && (!main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"] || main_self.itemPull[]["loaded"]=="yes"))) {
if ((main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) && (main_self.menuSelected != -1)) {
if (main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
this._mouseOver = true;
var showItemId =;
this._menuOpenTM = window.setTimeout(function(){main_self._showPolygon(showItemId, main_self.dirTopLevel);}, main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime);
} else {
main_self._showPolygon(, main_self.dirTopLevel);
main_self._doOnTouchMenu(, ""));
m.onmouseout = function() {
if (!((main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) && (main_self.menuSelected != -1)) && (main_self.itemPull[]["state"]=="enabled")) {
// custom css
// console.log(main_self.itemPull[])
if (main_self.itemPull[]["cssNormal"] != null) {
// alert(1)
m.className = main_self.itemPull[]["cssNormal"];
} else {
// default css
m.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_Normal";
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") {
main_self.menuTimeoutHandler = window.setTimeout(function(){main_self._clearAndHide();}, main_self.menuTimeoutMsec, "JavaScript");
if (main_self.menuModeTopLevelTimeout && main_self.menuMode == "web" && !main_self.context) {
this._mouseOver = false;
m.onclick = function(e) {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler); }
// fix, added in 0.4
if (main_self.menuMode != "web" && main_self.itemPull[]["state"] == "disabled") { return; }
e = e || event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
if (main_self.menuMode == "win") {
if (main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) {
if (main_self.menuSelected == { main_self.menuSelected = -1; var s = false; } else { main_self.menuSelected =; var s = true; }
if (s) { main_self._showPolygon(, main_self.dirTopLevel); } else { main_self._hidePolygon(; }
var tc = (main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]?"c":"-");
var td = (main_self.itemPull[]["state"]!="enabled"?"d":"-");
var cas = {"ctrl": e.ctrlKey, "alt": e.altKey, "shift": e.shiftKey};
main_self._doOnClick(, ""), tc+td+"t", cas);
return false;
if ( == "dhx_terrace") {
* @desc: empty function, now more used from 90226
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setImagePath = function() { /* no more used */ }
* @desc: defines an url where necessary user embedded icons are located
* @param: path - url to images
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setIconsPath = function(path) { this.imagePath = path; }
* @desc: alias for setIconsPath
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setIconPath = dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setIconsPath;
/* real-time update icon in menu */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._updateItemImage = function(id, levelType) {
// search existsing image
id = this.idPrefix+id;
var isTopLevel = (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.context);
// search existing image
var imgObj = null;
if (isTopLevel) {
for (var q=0; q<this.idPull[id].childNodes.length; q++) {
try { if (this.idPull[id].childNodes[q].className == "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Item_Icon") imgObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[q]; } catch(e) {}
} else {
try { var imgObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?2:0].childNodes[0]; } catch(e) { }
if (this.itemPull[id]["type"] == "radio") {
var imgSrc = this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"imgen":"imgdis")];
// console.log(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id])
} else {
var imgSrc = this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"imgen":"imgdis")];
if (imgSrc.length > 0) {
if (imgObj != null) {
imgObj.src = this.imagePath+imgSrc;
} else {
if (isTopLevel) {
var imgObj = document.createElement("IMG");
imgObj.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Item_Icon";
imgObj.src = this.imagePath+imgSrc;
imgObj.border = "0"; = "image_"+id;
if (!this._rtl && this.idPull[id].childNodes.length > 0) this.idPull[id].insertBefore(imgObj,this.idPull[id].childNodes[0]); else this.idPull[id].appendChild(imgObj);
} else {
var imgObj = document.createElement("IMG");
imgObj.className = "sub_icon";
imgObj.src = this.imagePath+imgSrc;
imgObj.border = "0"; = "image_"+id;
var item = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this._rtl?2:0];
while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);
} else {
if (imgObj != null) imgObj.parentNode.removeChild(imgObj);
* @desc: removes an item from the menu with all nested sublevels
* @param: id - id of the item for removing
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.removeItem = function(id, _isTId, _recCall) {
if (!_isTId) id = this.idPrefix + id;
var pId = null;
if (id != this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) return;
// effects
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+id] && this.idPull["polygon_"+id]._tmShow) window.clearTimeout(this.idPull["polygon_"+id]._tmShow);
// separator top
var t = this.itemPull[id]["type"];
if (t == "separator") {
var item = this.idPull["separator_"+id];
if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
item.onclick = null;
item.onselectstart = null; = null;
} else {
item.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].onclick = null;
item.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].onselectstart = null;
item.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].id = null;
this.idPull["separator_"+id] = null;
this.itemPull[id] = null;
delete this.idPull["separator_"+id];
delete this.itemPull[id];
item = null;
} else {
// item checkbox radio
pId = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
var item = this.idPull[id];
item.onclick = null;
item.oncontextmenu = null;
item.onmouseover = null;
item.onmouseout = null;
item.onselectstart = null; = null;
while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);
this.idPull[id] = null;
this.itemPull[id] = null;
delete this.idPull[id];
delete this.itemPull[id];
item = null;
t = null;
// clear nested items
for (var a in this.itemPull) if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == id) this.removeItem(a, true, true);
// check if empty polygon left
var p2 = new Array(id);
if (pId != null && !_recCall) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+pId] != null) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+pId].tbd.childNodes.length == 0) {
this._updateItemComplexState(pId, false, false);
// delete nested polygons and parent's if any
for (var q=0; q<p2.length; q++) {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]]) {
var p = this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]];
p.onclick = null;
p.oncontextmenu = null;
p.tbd = null;
p.tbl = null; = null;
p = null;
if (this._isIE6) {
var pc = "polygon_"+p2[q]+"_ie6cover";
if (this.idPull[pc] != null) { document.body.removeChild(this.idPull[pc]); delete this.idPull[pc]; }
if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null && this._removeArrow) this._removeArrow("arrowup_"+id);
if (this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null && this._removeArrow) this._removeArrow("arrowdown_"+id);
this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]] = null;
delete this.idPull["polygon_"+p2[q]];
p2 = null;
// update corners
if ( == "dhx_terrace" && arguments.length == 1) this._improveTerraceSkin();
/* collect parents for remove complex item */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getAllParents = function(id) {
var parents = new Array();
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == id) {
parents[parents.length] = this.itemPull[a]["id"];
if (this.itemPull[a]["complex"]) {
var t = this._getAllParents(this.itemPull[a]["id"]);
for (var q=0; q<t.length; q++) { parents[parents.length] = t[q]; }
return parents;
/* render dhtmlxMenu as context menu of base object */
* @desc: renders menu as contextual
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.renderAsContextMenu = function() {
this.context = true;
if (this.base._autoSkinUpdate == true) {
this.base.className = this.base.className.replace("dhtmlxMenu_""_Middle","");
this.base._autoSkinUpdate = false;
if (this.addBaseIdAsContextZone != null) { this.addContextZone(this.addBaseIdAsContextZone); }
* @desc: adds a contextual zone to a contextual menu
* @param: zoneId - id of the object on page to render as a contextual zone
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addContextZone = function(zoneId) {
if (zoneId == document.body) {
zoneId = "document.body."+this.idPrefix;
var zone = document.body;
} else {
var zone = document.getElementById(zoneId);
var zoneExists = false;
for (var a in this.contextZones) { zoneExists = zoneExists || (a == zoneId) || (this.contextZones[a] == zone); }
if (zoneExists == true) return false;
this.contextZones[zoneId] = zone;
var main_self = this;
if (_isOpera) {
this.operaContext = function(e){ main_self._doOnContextMenuOpera(e, main_self); }
zone.addEventListener("mouseup", this.operaContext, false);
} else {
if (zone.oncontextmenu != null && !zone._oldContextMenuHandler) zone._oldContextMenuHandler = zone.oncontextmenu;
zone.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
// autoclose any other opened context menues
for (var q in dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances) {
if (q != main_self._UID) {
if (dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[q].context) {
e = e||event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
main_self._doOnContextBeforeCall(e, this);
return false;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doOnContextMenuOpera = function(e, main_self) {
// autoclose any other opened context menues
for (var q in dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances) {
if (q != main_self._UID) {
if (dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[q].context) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
if (e.button == 0 && e.ctrlKey == true) { main_self._doOnContextBeforeCall(e, this); }
return false;
* @desc: removes an object from contextual zones list
* @param: zoneId - id of a contextual zone
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.removeContextZone = function(zoneId) {
if (!this.isContextZone(zoneId)) return false;
if (zoneId == document.body) zoneId = "document.body."+this.idPrefix;
var zone = this.contextZones[zoneId];
if (_isOpera) {
zone.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.operaContext, false);
} else {
zone.oncontextmenu = (zone._oldContextMenuHandler!=null?zone._oldContextMenuHandler:null);
zone._oldContextMenuHandler = null;
try {
this.contextZones[zoneId] = null;
delete this.contextZones[zoneId];
} catch(e){}
return true;
* @desc: returns true if an object is used as a contextual zone for the menu
* @param: zoneId - id of the object to check
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.isContextZone = function(zoneId) {
if (zoneId == document.body && this.contextZones["document.body."+this.idPrefix] != null) return true;
var isZone = false;
if (this.contextZones[zoneId] != null) { if (this.contextZones[zoneId] == document.getElementById(zoneId)) isZone = true; }
return isZone;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._isContextMenuVisible = function() {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId] == null) return false;
return (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId].style.display == "");
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._showContextMenu = function(x, y, zoneId) {
// hide any opened context menu/polygons
// this._hideContextMenu();
// open
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId] == null) return false;
this.idPull[this.idPrefix+this.topId] = new Array(x, y);
this._showPolygon(this.idPrefix+this.topId, "bottom");
this.callEvent("onContextMenu", [zoneId]);
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._hideContextMenu = function() {
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+this.topId] == null) return false;
this.zInd = this.zIndInit;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doOnContextBeforeCall = function(e, cZone) {
this.contextMenuZoneId =;
// scroll settings
var p = (e.srcElement||;
var px = (_isIE||_isOpera||_KHTMLrv?e.offsetX:e.layerX);
var py = (_isIE||_isOpera||_KHTMLrv?e.offsetY:e.layerY);
var mx = getAbsoluteLeft(p)+px;
var my = getAbsoluteTop(p)+py;
if (this.checkEvent("onBeforeContextMenu")) {
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeContextMenu", [,e])) {
if (this.contextAutoShow) {
this._showContextMenu(mx, my,;
this.callEvent("onAfterContextMenu", [,e]);
} else {
if (this.contextAutoShow) {
this._showContextMenu(mx, my,;
this.callEvent("onAfterContextMenu", []);
/* public: user call for show/hide context menu */
* @desc: usercall to show a contextual menu
* @param: x - position of the menu on x axis
* @param: y - position of the menu on y axis
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.showContextMenu = function(x, y) {
this._showContextMenu(x, y, false);
* @desc: usercall to hide a contextual menu
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.hideContextMenu = function() {
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._autoDetectVisibleArea = function() {
if (this._isVisibleArea) return;
this.menuX1 = document.body.scrollLeft;
this.menuX2 = this.menuX1+(window.innerWidth||document.body.clientWidth);
this.menuY1 = Math.max((_isIE?document.documentElement:document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]).scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop);
// this.menuY2 = this.menuY1+(_isIE?(document.documentElement?Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight:document.body.clientHeight):window.innerHeight);
this.menuY2 = this.menuY1+(_isIE?Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight||0,document.documentElement.offsetHeight||0,document.body.clientHeight||0):window.innerHeight);
/* inner - returns true if prognozided polygon layout off the visible area */
/*dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._isInVisibleArea = function(x, y, w, h) {
return ((x >= this.menuX1) && (x+w<=this.menuX2) && (y >= this.menuY1) && (y+h <= this.menuY2));
* @desc: returns item's position in the current polygon
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getItemPosition = function(id) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
var pos = -1;
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) return pos;
var parent = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
// var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.base);
var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.cont);
for (var q=0; q<obj.childNodes.length; q++) { if (obj.childNodes[q]==this.idPull["separator_"+id]||obj.childNodes[q]==this.idPull[id]) { pos = q; } }
return pos;
* @desc: sets new item's position in the current polygon (moves an item inside the single level)
* @param: id - the item
* @param: pos - the position (int)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemPosition = function(id, pos) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.idPull[id] == null) { return; }
// added in 0.4
var isOnTopLevel = (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId);
var itemData = this.idPull[id];
var itemPos = this.getItemPosition(id.replace(this.idPrefix,""));
var parent = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
// var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.base);
var obj = (this.idPull["polygon_"+parent]!=null?this.idPull["polygon_"+parent].tbd:this.cont);
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
// added in 0.4
if (isOnTopLevel && pos < 1) { pos = 1; }
if (pos < obj.childNodes.length) { obj.insertBefore(itemData, obj.childNodes[pos]); } else { obj.appendChild(itemData); }
* @desc: returns parent's id
* @param: id - the item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getParentId = function(id) {
id = this.idPrefix+id;
if (this.itemPull[id] == null) { return null; }
return ((this.itemPull[id]["parent"]!=null?this.itemPull[id]["parent"]:this.topId).replace(this.idPrefix,""));
/* public: add item */
* @desc: adds a new sibling item
* @param: nextToId - id of the element after which a new one will be inserted
* @param: itemId - id of a new item
* @param: itemText - text of a new item
* @param: disabled - true|false, whether the item is disabled or not
* @param: img - image for the enabled item
* @param: imgDis - image for the disabled item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addNewSibling = function(nextToId, itemId, itemText, disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled) {
var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
var parentId = this.idPrefix+(nextToId!=null?this.getParentId(nextToId):this.topId);
// console.log(id, parentId)
// console.log(id, ",", parentId)
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "item", disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled);
if ((parentId == this.idPrefix+this.topId) && (!this.context)) {
this._renderToplevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
} else {
this._renderSublevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
* @desc: adds a new child item
* @param: parentId - the item which will contain a new item in the sublevel
* @param: position - the position of a new item
* @param: itemId - id of a new item
* @param: itemText - text of a new item
* @param: disabled - true|false, whether the item is disabled or not
* @param: img - image for the enabled item
* @param: imgDis - image for the disabled item
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addNewChild = function(parentId, pos, itemId, itemText, disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled) {
if (parentId == null) {
if (this.context) {
parentId = this.topId;
} else {
this.addNewSibling(parentId, itemId, itemText, disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled);
if (pos != null) this.setItemPosition(itemId, pos);
itemId = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
// remove hotkey, added in 0.4
if (this.setHotKey) this.setHotKey(parentId, "");
parentId = this.idPrefix+parentId;
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, itemText, "item", disabled, imgEnabled, imgDisabled);
if (this.idPull["polygon_"+parentId] == null) { this._renderSublevelPolygon(parentId, parentId); }
this._renderSublevelItem(itemId, pos-1);
// console.log(parentId)
/* add item to storage */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage = function(itemId, itemParentId, itemText, itemType, disabled, img, imgDis) {
var item = {
id: itemId,
title: itemText,
imgen: (img!=null?img:""),
imgdis: (imgDis!=null?imgDis:""),
type: itemType,
state: (disabled==true?"disabled":"enabled"),
parent: itemParentId,
hotkey: "",
tip: ""};
this.itemPull[] = item;
/* recursively creates and adds submenu polygon */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addSubMenuPolygon = function(id, parentId) {
var s = this._renderSublevelPolygon(id, parentId);
var j = this._getMenuNodes(parentId);
for (q=0; q<j.length; q++) { if (this.itemPull[j[q]]["type"] == "separator") { this._renderSeparator(j[q], null); } else { this._renderSublevelItem(j[q], null); } }
if (id == parentId) { var level = "topLevel"; } else { var level = "subLevel"; }
for (var q=0; q<j.length; q++) { if (this.itemPull[j[q]]["complex"]) { this._addSubMenuPolygon(id, this.itemPull[j[q]]["id"]); } }
/* inner: add single subpolygon/item/separator */
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderSublevelPolygon = function(id, parentId) {
var s = document.createElement("DIV");
s.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_Polygon "+(this._rtl?"dir_right":"");
s.dir = "ltr";
s.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e||event; e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; return false; } = "polygon_" + parentId;
s.onclick = function(e) { e = e || event; e.cancelBubble = true; } = "none";
document.body.insertBefore(s, document.body.firstChild);
var tbl = document.createElement("TABLE");
tbl.className = "dhtmlxMebu_SubLevelArea_Tbl";
tbl.cellSpacing = 0;
tbl.cellPadding = 0;
tbl.border = 0;
var tbd = document.createElement("TBODY");
s.tbl = tbl;
s.tbd = tbd;
// polygon
this.idPull[] = s;
if (this.sxDacProc != null) {
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId] = new this.sxDacProc(s, s.className);
if (_isIE) {
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setSpeed(this.dacSpeedIE);
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setCustomCycle(this.dacCyclesIE);
} else {
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setSpeed(this.dacSpeed);
this.idPull["sxDac_" + parentId]._setCustomCycle(this.dacCycles);
return s;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderSublevelItem = function(id, pos) {
var main_self = this;
var tr = document.createElement("TR");
tr.className = (this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"sub_item":"sub_item_dis");
// icon
var t1 = document.createElement("TD");
t1.className = "sub_item_icon";
var icon = this.itemPull[id][(this.itemPull[id]["state"]=="enabled"?"imgen":"imgdis")];
if (icon != "") {
var tp = this.itemPull[id]["type"];
if (tp=="checkbox"||tp=="radio") {
var img = document.createElement("DIV"); = "image_"+this.itemPull[id]["id"];
img.className = "sub_icon "+icon;
if (!(tp=="checkbox"||tp=="radio")) {
var img = document.createElement("IMG"); = "image_"+this.itemPull[id]["id"];
img.className = "sub_icon";
img.src = this.imagePath+icon;
// text
var t2 = document.createElement("TD");
t2.className = "sub_item_text";
if (this.itemPull[id]["title"] != "") {
var t2t = document.createElement("DIV");
t2t.className = "sub_item_text";
t2t.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];
} else {
t2.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
// hotkey/sublevel arrow
var t3 = document.createElement("TD");
t3.className = "sub_item_hk";
if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) {
var arw = document.createElement("DIV");
arw.className = "complex_arrow"; = "arrow_"+this.itemPull[id]["id"];
} else {
if (this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"].length > 0 && !this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) {
var t3t = document.createElement("DIV");
t3t.className = "sub_item_hk";
t3t.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"];
} else {
t3.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
// = this.itemPull[id]["id"];
tr.parent = this.itemPull[id]["parent"];
// tooltip, added in 0.4
if (this.itemPull[id]["tip"].length > 0) tr.title = this.itemPull[id]["tip"];
if (!this._hideTMData) this._hideTMData = {};
tr.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; return false; }
tr.onmouseover = function(e) {
if (main_self._hideTMData[]) window.clearTimeout(main_self._hideTMData[]);
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler);
if (!this._visible) main_self._redistribSubLevelSelection(, this.parent); // if not visible
this._visible = true;
tr.onmouseout = function() {
if (main_self.menuMode == "web") {
if (main_self.menuTimeoutHandler) window.clearTimeout(main_self.menuTimeoutHandler);
main_self.menuTimeoutHandler = window.setTimeout(function(){if(main_self&&main_self._clearAndHide)main_self._clearAndHide();}, main_self.menuTimeoutMsec, "JavaScript");
var k = this;
if (main_self._hideTMData[]) window.clearTimeout(main_self._hideTMData[]);
main_self._hideTMData[] = window.setTimeout(function(){k._visible=false;}, 50);
tr.onclick = function(e) {
// added in 0.4, preven complex closing if user event not defined
if (!main_self.checkEvent("onClick") && main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]) return;
e = e || event; e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
tc = (main_self.itemPull[]["complex"]?"c":"-");
td = (main_self.itemPull[]["state"]=="enabled"?"-":"d");
var cas = {"ctrl": e.ctrlKey, "alt": e.altKey, "shift": e.shiftKey};
switch (main_self.itemPull[]["type"]) {
case "checkbox":
main_self._checkboxOnClickHandler(, ""), tc+td+"n", cas);
case "radio":
main_self._radioOnClickHandler(, ""), tc+td+"n", cas);
case "item":
main_self._doOnClick(, ""), tc+td+"n", cas);
return false;
// add
var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+this.itemPull[id]["parent"]];
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > polygon.tbd.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null && polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos] != null) polygon.tbd.insertBefore(tr, polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos]); else polygon.tbd.appendChild(tr);
this.idPull[] = tr;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderSeparator = function(id, pos) {
var level = (this.context?"SubLevelArea":(this.itemPull[id]["parent"]==this.idPrefix+this.topId?"TopLevel":"SubLevelArea"));
if (level == "TopLevel" && this.context) return;
var main_self = this;
if (level != "TopLevel") {
var tr = document.createElement("TR");
tr.className = "sub_sep";
var td = document.createElement("TD");
td.colSpan = "3";
var k = document.createElement("DIV"); = "separator_"+id;
k.className = (level=="TopLevel"?"top_sep":"sub_sep");
k.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e || event; e.returnValue = false; }
k.onclick = function(e) {
e = e || event; e.cancelBubble = true;
var cas = {"ctrl": e.ctrlKey, "alt": e.altKey, "shift": e.shiftKey};
main_self._doOnClick("separator_" + main_self.idPrefix, ""), "--s", cas);
if (level == "TopLevel") {
if (pos != null) {
pos++; if (pos < 0) { pos = 0; }
// if (this.base.childNodes[pos] != null) { this.base.insertBefore(k, this.base.childNodes[pos]); } else { this.base.appendChild(k); }
if (this.cont.childNodes[pos] != null) { this.cont.insertBefore(k, this.cont.childNodes[pos]); } else { this.cont.appendChild(k); }
} else {
// add as a last item
// var last = this.base.childNodes[this.base.childNodes.length-1];
var last = this.cont.childNodes[this.cont.childNodes.length-1];
// if (String(last).search("TopLevel_Text") == -1) { this.base.appendChild(k); } else { this.base.insertBefore(k, last); }
if (String(last).search("TopLevel_Text") == -1) { this.cont.appendChild(k); } else { this.cont.insertBefore(k, last); }
this.idPull[] = k;
} else {
var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+this.itemPull[id]["parent"]];
if (pos != null) { pos++; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; if (pos > polygon.tbd.childNodes.length - 1) pos = null; }
if (pos != null && polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos] != null) polygon.tbd.insertBefore(tr, polygon.tbd.childNodes[pos]); else polygon.tbd.appendChild(tr);
this.idPull[] = tr;
* @desc: add a new separator
* @param: nextToId - id of the element after which a new separator will be inserted
* @param: itemId - id of a new separator
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addNewSeparator = function(nextToId, itemId) { //, disabled) {
itemId = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));
var parentId = this.idPrefix+this.getParentId(nextToId);
// if ((parentId == this.idPrefix+this.topId) && (!this.context)) { return; }
// this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, "", "item", disabled, "", "");
// this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, "", "item", false, "", "");
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(itemId, parentId, "", "separator", false, "", "");
this._renderSeparator(itemId, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));
// hide any opened polygons
* @desc: hides any open menu polygons
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.hide = function() {
* @desc: clear all loaded items
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.clearAll = function() {
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
this.removeItem(this.idPrefix+this.topId, true);
this._isInited = false;
this.idPrefix = this._genStr(12);
this.itemPull = {};
* @desc: unloads menu from page (destructor)
* @type: public
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.unload = function() {
if (typeof(window.addEventListener) == "function") {
window.removeEventListener("click", this._bodyClick, false);
window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this._bodyContext, false);
} else {
document.body.detachEvent("onclick", this._bodyClick);
document.body.detachEvent("oncontextmenu", this._bodyContext);
this._bodyClick = null;
this._bodyContext = null;
// will recursively remove all items
this.removeItem(this.idPrefix+this.topId, true);
this.itemPull = null;
this.idPull = null;
// clear context zones
if (this.context) for (var a in this.contextZones) this.removeContextZone(a);
if (this.cont != null) {
this.cont.className = "";
this.cont = null;
if (this.base != null) {
this.base.className = "";
if (!this.context) this.base.oncontextmenu = (this.base._oldContextMenuHandler||null);
this.base.onselectstart = null;
this.base = null;
this.setSkin = null;
if (this._xmlLoader) {
this._xmlLoader = null;
this._align = null;
this._arrowFFFix = null;
this._isIE6 = null;
this._isInited = null;
this._rtl = null;
this._scrollDownTMStep = null;
this._scrollDownTMTime = null;
this._scrollUpTMStep = null;
this._scrollUpTMTime = null;
this._topLevelBottomMargin = null;
this._topLevelOffsetLeft = null;
this._topLevelBottomMargin = null;
this._topLevelRightMargin = null;
this.addBaseIdAsContextZone = null;
this.context = null;
this.contextAutoHide = null;
this.contextAutoShow = null;
this.contextHideAllMode = null;
this.contextMenuZoneId = null;
this.dLoad = null;
this.dLoadSign = null;
this.dLoadUrl = null;
this.loaderIcon = null;
this.fixedPosition = null;
this.dirSubLevel = null;
this.dirTopLevel = null;
this.limit = null;
this.menuSelected = null;
this.menuLastClicked = null;
this.idPrefix = null;
this.imagePath = null;
this.menuMode = null;
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeout = null;
this.menuModeTopLevelTimeoutTime = null;
this.menuTimeoutHandler = null;
this.menuTimeoutMsec = null;
this.menuTouched = null;
this.isDhtmlxMenuObject = null;
this.itemHotKeyTagName = null;
this.itemHrefTagName = null;
this.itemTagName = null;
this.itemTextTagName = null;
this.itemTipTagName = null;
this.userDataTagName = null; = null;
this.topId = null;
this.dacCycles = null;
this.dacCyclesIE = null;
this.dacSpeed = null;
this.dacSpeedIE = null;
this.zInd = null;
this.zIndInit = null;
this.zIndStep = null;
// unload basic methods
this._enableDacSupport = null;
this._selectedSubItems = null;
this._openedPolygons = null;
this._addSubItemToSelected = null;
this._removeSubItemFromSelected = null;
this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon = null;
this._hidePolygon = null;
this._showPolygon = null;
this._redistribSubLevelSelection = null;
this._doOnClick = null;
this._doOnTouchMenu = null;
this._searchMenuNode = null;
this._getMenuNodes = null;
this._genStr = null;
this._clearAndHide = null;
this._doOnLoad = null;
this.getItemType = null;
this.forEachItem = null;
this.init = null;
this.loadXML = null;
this.loadXMLString = null;
this._buildMenu = null;
this._xmlParser = null;
this._showSubLevelItem = null;
this._hideSubLevelItem = null;
this._countVisiblePolygonItems = null;
this._redefineComplexState = null;
this._updateItemComplexState = null;
this._getItemLevelType = null;
this._redistribTopLevelSelection = null;
this._initTopLevelMenu = null;
this._renderToplevelItem = null;
this.setImagePath = null;
this.setIconsPath = null;
this.setIconPath = null;
this._updateItemImage = null;
this.removeItem = null;
this._getAllParents = null;
this.renderAsContextMenu = null;
this.addContextZone = null;
this.removeContextZone = null;
this.isContextZone = null;
this._isContextMenuVisible = null;
this._showContextMenu = null;
this._doOnContextBeforeCall = null;
this._autoDetectVisibleArea = null;
this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage = null;
this._addSubMenuPolygon = null;
this._renderSublevelPolygon = null;
this._renderSublevelItem = null;
this._renderSeparator = null;
this._hideContextMenu = null;
this.clearAll = null;
this.getItemPosition = null;
this.setItemPosition = null;
this.getParentId = null;
this.addNewSibling = null;
this.addNewChild = null;
this.addNewSeparator = null;
this.attachEvent = null;
this.callEvent = null;
this.checkEvent = null;
this.eventCatcher = null;
this.detachEvent = null;
this.dhx_Event = null;
this.unload = null;
this.items = null; = null;
this.detachAllEvents = null;
this.hide = null;
this.showContextMenu = null;
this.hideContextMenu = null;
// unload extended methods
this._changeItemState = null;
this._changeItemVisible = null;
this._updateLoaderIcon = null;
this._clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon = null;
this._checkArrowsState = null;
this._addUpArrow = null;
this._addDownArrow = null;
this._removeUpArrow = null;
this._removeDownArrow = null;
this._isArrowExists = null;
this._doScrollUp = null;
this._doScrollDown = null;
this._countPolygonItems = null;
this._getRadioImgObj = null;
this._setRadioState = null;
this._radioOnClickHandler = null;
this._getCheckboxState = null;
this._setCheckboxState = null;
this._readLevel = null;
this._updateCheckboxImage = null;
this._checkboxOnClickHandler = null;
this._removeArrow = null;
this.setItemEnabled = null;
this.setItemDisabled = null;
this.isItemEnabled = null;
this.getItemText = null;
this.setItemText = null;
this.loadFromHTML = null;
this.hideItem = null;
this.showItem = null;
this.isItemHidden = null;
this.setUserData = null;
this.getUserData = null;
this.setOpenMode = null;
this.setWebModeTimeout = null;
this.enableDynamicLoading = null;
this.getItemImage = null;
this.setItemImage = null;
this.clearItemImage = null;
this.setAutoShowMode = null;
this.setAutoHideMode = null;
this.setContextMenuHideAllMode = null;
this.getContextMenuHideAllMode = null;
this.setVisibleArea = null;
this.setTooltip = null;
this.getTooltip = null;
this.setHotKey = null;
this.getHotKey = null;
this.setItemSelected = null;
this.setTopText = null;
this.setRTL = null;
this.setAlign = null;
this.setHref = null;
this.clearHref = null;
this.getCircuit = null;
this.contextZones = null;
this.setOverflowHeight = null;
this.userData = null;
this.getRadioChecked = null;
this.setRadioChecked = null;
this.addRadioButton = null;
this.setCheckboxState = null;
this.getCheckboxState = null;
this.addCheckbox = null;
this.serialize = null;
this.extendedModule = null;
// remove menu from global store
dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[this._UID] = null;
try { delete dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances[this._UID]; } catch(e) {}
this._UID = null;
// dhtmlxmenu global store
var dhtmlxMenuObjectLiveInstances = {};
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.i18n = {
dhxmenuextalert: "dhtmlxmenu_ext.js required"
return [obj.parent,];
var pos = 100000;
var lastItemId = null;
for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var item=arr[i];
if (item.type == "separator") {
this.addNewSeparator(lastItemId, pos,;
lastItemId =;
} else {
this.addNewChild(parent, pos,, item.text, item.disabled, item.img, item.img_disabled);
lastItemId =;
if (item.items) this.items(item.items,;
// terrace
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._improveTerraceSkin = function() {
for (var a in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[a].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId && this.idPull[a] != null) { // this.idPull[a] will null for separator
var bl = false;
var br = false;
// left side, first item, not sep
if (this.idPull[a].parentNode.firstChild == this.idPull[a]) {
bl = true;
// right side, last item, not sep
if (this.idPull[a].parentNode.lastChild == this.idPull[a]) {
br = true;
// check siblings
for (var b in this.itemPull) {
if (this.itemPull[b].type == "separator" && this.itemPull[b].parent == this.idPrefix+this.topId) {
if (this.idPull[a].nextSibling == this.idPull["separator_"+b]) {
br = true;
if (this.idPull[a].previousSibling == this.idPull["separator_"+b]) {
bl = true;
this.idPull[a].style.borderLeft = (bl?"1px solid #cecece":"0px solid white");
this.idPull[a].style.borderTopLeftRadius = this.idPull[a].style.borderBottomLeftRadius = (bl?"5px":"0px");
this.idPull[a].style.borderTopRightRadius = this.idPull[a].style.borderBottomRightRadius = (br?"5px":"0px");
this.idPull[a]._bl = bl;
this.idPull[a]._br = br;
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._improveTerraceButton = function(id, state) {
if (state) {
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomLeftRadius = (this.idPull[id]._bl ? "5px" : "0px");
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomRightRadius = (this.idPull[id]._br ? "5px" : "0px");
} else {
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomLeftRadius = "0px";
this.idPull[id].style.borderBottomRightRadius = "0px";