2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
< ? php
/************************************************************************** \
* phpGroupWare - Calendar *
* http :// www . phpgroupware . org *
* Based on Webcalendar by Craig Knudsen < cknudsen @ radix . net > *
* http :// www . radix . net /~ cknudsen *
* Modified by Mark Peters < skeeter @ phpgroupware . org > *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ **************************************************************************/
/* $Id$ */
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
if ( @ $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'included_classes' ][ 'socalendar_' ])
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
return ;
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'included_classes' ][ 'socalendar_' ] = True ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
class socalendar_ extends socalendar__
var $deleted_events = Array ();
var $cal_event ;
var $today = Array ( 'raw' , 'day' , 'month' , 'year' , 'full' , 'dow' , 'dm' , 'bd' );
function open ( $calendar = '' , $user = '' , $passwd = '' , $options = '' )
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
global $GLOBALS ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
if ( $user == '' )
settype ( $user , 'integer' );
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
$this -> user = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
elseif ( is_int ( $user ))
$this -> user = $user ;
elseif ( is_string ( $user ))
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
$this -> user = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> name2id ( $user );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
$this -> stream = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
return $this -> stream ;
function popen ( $calendar = '' , $user = '' , $passwd = '' , $options = '' )
return $this -> open ( $calendar , $user , $passwd , $options );
function reopen ( $calendar , $options = '' )
return $this -> stream ;
function close ( $options = '' )
return True ;
function create_calendar ( $calendar = '' )
return $calendar ;
function rename_calendar ( $old_name = '' , $new_name = '' )
return $new_name ;
function delete_calendar ( $calendar = '' )
$this -> stream -> query ( 'SELECT cal_id FROM phpgw_cal WHERE owner=' . intval ( $calendar ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( $this -> stream -> num_rows ())
while ( $this -> stream -> next_record ())
$this -> delete_event ( intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_id' )));
$this -> expunge ();
$this -> stream -> lock ( array ( 'phpgw_cal_user' ));
$this -> stream -> query ( 'DELETE FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_login=' . intval ( $calendar ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$this -> stream -> unlock ();
return $calendar ;
function fetch_event ( $event_id , $options = '' )
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
global $GLOBALS ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $this -> stream ))
return False ;
$this -> stream -> lock ( array ( 'phpgw_cal' , 'phpgw_cal_user' , 'phpgw_cal_repeats' ));
$this -> stream -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal WHERE cal_id=' . $event_id , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( $this -> stream -> num_rows () > 0 )
$this -> event_init ();
$this -> stream -> next_record ();
// Load the calendar event data from the db into $event structure
// Use http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mcal-fetch-event.php as the reference
$this -> add_attribute ( 'owner' , intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'owner' )));
$this -> add_attribute ( 'id' , intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_id' )));
$this -> set_class ( intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'is_public' )));
$this -> set_category ( intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'category' )));
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
$this -> set_title ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> strip_html ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'title' )));
$this -> set_description ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> strip_html ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'description' )));
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
// This is the preferred method once everything is normalized...
//$this->event->alarm = intval($this->stream->f('alarm'));
// But until then, do it this way...
//Legacy Support (New)
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> set_alarm ( 0 );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
// $this->add_attribute('datetime',intval($this->stream->f('datetime')));
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$datetime = $this -> datetime -> localdates ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'datetime' ));
$this -> set_start ( $datetime [ 'year' ], $datetime [ 'month' ], $datetime [ 'day' ], $datetime [ 'hour' ], $datetime [ 'minute' ], $datetime [ 'second' ]);
$datetime = $this -> datetime -> localdates ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'mdatetime' ));
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> set_date ( 'modtime' , $datetime [ 'year' ], $datetime [ 'month' ], $datetime [ 'day' ], $datetime [ 'hour' ], $datetime [ 'minute' ], $datetime [ 'second' ]);
// $this->add_attribute('edatetime',intval($this->stream->f('edatetime')));
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$datetime = $this -> datetime -> localdates ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'edatetime' ));
$this -> set_end ( $datetime [ 'year' ], $datetime [ 'month' ], $datetime [ 'day' ], $datetime [ 'hour' ], $datetime [ 'minute' ], $datetime [ 'second' ]);
//Legacy Support
$this -> add_attribute ( 'priority' , intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'priority' )));
if ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_group' ) || $this -> stream -> f ( 'groups' ) != 'NULL' )
$groups = explode ( ',' , $this -> stream -> f ( 'groups' ));
for ( $j = 1 ; $j < count ( $groups ) - 1 ; $j ++ )
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'groups' , $groups [ $j ], $j - 1 );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal_repeats WHERE cal_id=' . $event_id , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( $this -> stream -> num_rows ())
$this -> stream -> next_record ();
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_type' , intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'recur_type' )));
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_interval' , intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'recur_interval' )));
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$enddate = $this -> stream -> f ( 'recur_enddate' );
if ( $enddate != 0 && $enddate != Null )
$datetime = $this -> datetime -> localdates ( $enddate );
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , $datetime [ 'year' ], 'year' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , $datetime [ 'month' ], 'month' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , $datetime [ 'day' ], 'mday' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , $datetime [ 'hour' ], 'hour' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , $datetime [ 'minute' ], 'min' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , $datetime [ 'second' ], 'sec' );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , 0 , 'year' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , 0 , 'month' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , 0 , 'mday' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , 0 , 'hour' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , 0 , 'min' );
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , 0 , 'sec' );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_enddate' , 0 , 'alarm' );
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo 'Event ID#' . $this -> event [ 'id' ] . ' : Enddate = ' . $enddate . " <br> \n " ;
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'recur_data' , $this -> stream -> f ( 'recur_data' ));
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
//Legacy Support
$this -> stream -> query ( 'SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id=' . $event_id , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( $this -> stream -> num_rows ())
while ( $this -> stream -> next_record ())
if ( intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_login' )) == intval ( $this -> user ))
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'users_status' , $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_status' ));
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
// $this->event->participants[$this->stream->f('cal_login')] = $this->stream->f('cal_status');
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> add_attribute ( 'participants' , $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_status' ), intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_login' )));
// $this->add_attribute('participants',array(intval($this->stream->f('cal_login'))=>$this->stream->f('cal_status')));
// $this->add_attribute('participants['.intval($this->stream->f('cal_login')).']',$this->stream->f('cal_status'));
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> event = False ;
$this -> stream -> unlock ();
return $this -> event ;
2001-07-22 01:35:22 +02:00
function list_events ( $startYear , $startMonth , $startDay , $endYear = 0 , $endMonth = 0 , $endDay = 0 , $extra = '' , $tz_offset = 0 )
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $this -> stream ))
return False ;
$datetime = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $startMonth , $startDay , $startYear ) - $tz_offset ;
$user_where = ' AND (phpgw_cal_user.cal_login = ' . $this -> user . ') ' ;
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
$startDate = 'AND ( ( (phpgw_cal.datetime >= ' . $datetime . ') ' ;
$enddate = '' ;
2001-07-22 01:35:22 +02:00
if ( $endYear != 0 && $endMonth != 0 && $endDay != 0 )
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$edatetime = mktime ( 23 , 59 , 59 , intval ( $endMonth ), intval ( $endDay ), intval ( $endYear )) - $tz_offset ;
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
$endDate .= 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime <= ' . $edatetime . ') ) '
. 'OR ( (phpgw_cal.datetime <= ' . $datetime . ') '
. 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime >= ' . $edatetime . ') ) '
. 'OR ( (phpgw_cal.datetime >= ' . $datetime . ') '
. 'AND (phpgw_cal.datetime <= ' . $edatetime . ') '
. 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime >= ' . $edatetime . ') ) '
. 'OR ( (phpgw_cal.datetime <= ' . $datetime . ') '
. 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime >= ' . $datetime . ') '
. 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime <= ' . $edatetime . ') ' ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
$endDate .= ') ) ' ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$order_by = 'ORDER BY phpgw_cal.datetime ASC, phpgw_cal.edatetime ASC, phpgw_cal.priority ASC' ;
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " SQL : " . $user_where . $startDate . $endDate . $extra . " <br> \n " ;
2001-07-18 19:32:10 +02:00
return $this -> get_event_ids ( False , $user_where . $startDate . $endDate . $extra . $order_by );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
function append_event ()
$this -> save_event ( $this -> event );
$this -> send_update ( MSG_ADDED , $this -> event -> participants , '' , $this -> event );
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
return $this -> event [ 'id' ];
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
function store_event ()
return $this -> save_event ( $this -> event );
function delete_event ( $event_id )
$this -> deleted_events [] = $event_id ;
function snooze ( $event_id )
//Turn off an alarm for an event
//Returns true.
function list_alarms ( $begin_year = '' , $begin_month = '' , $begin_day = '' , $end_year = '' , $end_month = '' , $end_day = '' )
//Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetime
//Returns an array of event ID's
// The function definition doesn't look correct...
// Need more information for this function
function next_recurrence ( $weekstart , $next )
// return next_recurrence (int stream, int weekstart, array next);
function expunge ()
2001-08-06 04:41:36 +02:00
reset ( $this -> deleted_events );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
if ( count ( $this -> deleted_events ) <= 0 )
return 1 ;
$this_event = $this -> event ;
$locks = Array (
'phpgw_cal' ,
'phpgw_cal_user' ,
$this -> stream -> lock ( $locks );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $this -> deleted_events ); $i ++ )
for ( $k = 0 ; $k < count ( $locks ); $k ++ )
2001-07-22 01:35:22 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( 'DELETE FROM ' . $locks [ $k ] . ' WHERE cal_id=' . $this -> deleted_events [ $i ], __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> unlock ();
$this -> event = $this_event ;
return 1 ;
/***************** Local functions for SQL based Calendar *****************/
function get_event_ids ( $search_repeats = False , $extra = '' )
if ( $search_repeats == True )
$repeats_from = ', phpgw_cal_repeats ' ;
$repeats_where = 'AND (phpgw_cal_repeats.cal_id = phpgw_cal.cal_id) ' ;
$repeats_from = ' ' ;
$repeats_where = '' ;
$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT phpgw_cal.cal_id,'
. 'phpgw_cal.datetime,phpgw_cal.edatetime,'
. 'phpgw_cal.priority '
. 'FROM phpgw_cal, phpgw_cal_user'
. $repeats_from
. 'WHERE (phpgw_cal_user.cal_id = phpgw_cal.cal_id) '
. $repeats_where . $extra ;
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " FULL SQL : " . $sql . " <br> \n " ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$retval = Array ();
if ( $this -> stream -> num_rows () == 0 )
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " No records found!<br> \n " ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
return $retval ;
while ( $this -> stream -> next_record ())
$retval [] = intval ( $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_id' ));
2001-08-12 16:47:23 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " Records found!<br> \n " ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
return $retval ;
function save_event ( & $event )
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
global $GLOBALS ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$locks = Array (
'phpgw_cal' ,
'phpgw_cal_user' ,
$this -> stream -> lock ( $locks );
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
if ( $event [ 'id' ] == 0 )
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
$temp_name = tempnam ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'temp_dir' ], 'cal' );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( 'INSERT INTO phpgw_cal(title,owner,priority,is_public) '
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. " values(' " . $temp_name . " ', " . $event [ 'owner' ] . " , " . $event [ 'priority' ] . " , " . $event [ 'public' ] . " ) " );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( " SELECT cal_id FROM phpgw_cal WHERE title=' " . $temp_name . " ' " );
$this -> stream -> next_record ();
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$event [ 'id' ] = $this -> stream -> f ( 'cal_id' );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$date = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]) - $this -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
$enddate = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]) - $this -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$today = time () - $this -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
if ( $event [ 'recur_type' ] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE )
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$type = 'M' ;
$type = 'E' ;
$sql = 'UPDATE phpgw_cal SET '
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. 'owner=' . $event [ 'owner' ] . ', '
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
. 'datetime=' . $date . ', '
. 'mdatetime=' . $today . ', '
. 'edatetime=' . $enddate . ', '
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. 'priority=' . $event [ 'priority' ] . ', '
. ( $event [ 'category' ] != 0 ? 'category=' . $event [ 'category' ] . ', ' : '' )
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
. " cal_type=' " . $type . " ', "
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. 'is_public=' . $event [ 'public' ] . ', '
. " title=' " . addslashes ( $event [ 'title' ]) . " ', "
. " description=' " . addslashes ( $event [ 'description' ]) . " ' "
. 'WHERE cal_id=' . $event [ 'id' ];
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( 'DELETE FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id=' . $event [ 'id' ], __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
reset ( $event [ 'participants' ]);
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $event [ 'participants' ]))
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
if ( intval ( $key ) == intval ( $this -> user ))
$value = 'A' ;
$this -> stream -> query ( 'INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user(cal_id,cal_login,cal_status) '
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. 'VALUES(' . $event [ 'id' ] . ',' . intval ( $key ) . " ,' " . $value . " ') " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
if ( $event [ 'recur_type' ] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE )
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
if ( $event [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'month' ] != 0 && $event [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'mday' ] != 0 && $event [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'year' ] != 0 )
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$end = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'recur_enddate' ]) - $this -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$end = 0 ;
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( 'SELECT count(cal_id) FROM phpgw_cal_repeats WHERE cal_id=' . $event [ 'id' ], __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> next_record ();
$num_rows = $this -> stream -> f ( 0 );
if ( $num_rows == 0 )
$this -> stream -> query ( 'INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_repeats(cal_id,recur_type,recur_enddate,recur_data,recur_interval) '
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. 'VALUES(' . $event [ 'id' ] . ',' . $event [ 'recur_type' ] . ',' . $end . ',' . $event [ 'recur_data' ] . ',' . $event [ 'recur_interval' ] . ')' , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( 'UPDATE phpgw_cal_repeats '
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. 'SET recur_type=' . $event [ 'recur_type' ] . ', '
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
. 'recur_enddate=' . $end . ', '
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
. 'recur_data=' . $event [ 'recur_data' ] . ', recur_interval=' . $event [ 'recur_interval' ] . ' '
. 'WHERE cal_id=' . $event [ 'id' ], __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( 'DELETE FROM phpgw_cal_repeats WHERE cal_id=' . $event [ 'id' ], __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
$this -> stream -> unlock ();
return True ;
function set_status ( $id , $owner , $status )
$status_code_short = Array (
2001-07-22 01:35:22 +02:00
$this -> stream -> query ( " UPDATE phpgw_cal_user SET cal_status=' " . $status_code_short [ $status ] . " ' WHERE cal_id= " . $id . " AND cal_login= " . $owner , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
return True ;
// End of ICal style support.......
2001-07-30 00:09:24 +02:00
function maketime ( $time )
return mktime ( $time [ 'hour' ], $time [ 'min' ], $time [ 'sec' ], $time [ 'month' ], $time [ 'mday' ], $time [ 'year' ]);
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
function group_search ( $owner = 0 )
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
global $GLOBALS ;
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
2001-08-15 04:27:06 +02:00
$owner = ( $owner == $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ] ? 0 : $owner );
$groups = substr ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> sql_search ( 'phpgw_cal.groups' , intval ( $owner )), 4 );
2001-07-16 13:38:40 +02:00
if ( ! $groups )
return '' ;
return " (phpgw_cal.is_public=2 AND ( " . $groups . ')) ' ;
function splittime_ ( $time )
$temp = array ( 'hour' , 'minute' , 'second' , 'ampm' );
$time = strrev ( $time );
$second = ( int ) strrev ( substr ( $time , 0 , 2 ));
$minute = ( int ) strrev ( substr ( $time , 2 , 2 ));
$hour = ( int ) strrev ( substr ( $time , 4 ));
$temp [ 'second' ] = ( int ) $second ;
$temp [ 'minute' ] = ( int ) $minute ;
$temp [ 'hour' ] = ( int ) $hour ;
$temp [ 'ampm' ] = ' ' ;
return $temp ;
function date_to_epoch ( $d )
return $this -> localdates ( mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , intval ( substr ( $d , 4 , 2 )), intval ( substr ( $d , 6 , 2 )), intval ( substr ( $d , 0 , 4 ))));