2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
< ? php
/************************************************************************** \
* phpGroupWare API - VFS *
* This file written by Jason Wies ( Zone ) < zone @ users . sourceforge . net > *
* This class handles file / dir access for phpGroupWare *
* Copyright ( C ) 2001 Jason Wies *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
* This library is part of the phpGroupWare API *
* http :// www . phpgroupware . org / api *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2.1 of the License , *
* or any later version . *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of *
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details . *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License *
* along with this library ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , *
* Inc . , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA *
\ **************************************************************************/
/* $Id$ */
@ class vfs
@ abstract Virtual File System
@ description Authors : Zone
/* Relative defines. Used mainly by getabsolutepath () */
define ( 'RELATIVE_ROOT' , 1 );
define ( 'RELATIVE_USER' , 2 );
define ( 'RELATIVE_CURR_USER' , 4 );
define ( 'RELATIVE_USER_APP' , 8 );
define ( 'RELATIVE_PATH' , 16 );
define ( 'RELATIVE_NONE' , 32 );
define ( 'RELATIVE_CURRENT' , 64 );
define ( 'VFS_REAL' , 1024 );
/* These are used in calls to extra_sql () */
define ( 'VFS_SQL_SELECT' , 1 );
define ( 'VFS_SQL_DELETE' , 2 );
define ( 'VFS_SQL_UPDATE' , 4 );
/* These are used in calls to add_journal (), and allow journal messages to be more standard */
define ( 'VFS_OPERATION_CREATED' , 1 );
define ( 'VFS_OPERATION_EDITED' , 2 );
define ( 'VFS_OPERATION_COPIED' , 8 );
define ( 'VFS_OPERATION_MOVED' , 16 );
define ( 'VFS_OPERATION_DELETED' , 32 );
@ class path_class
@ abstract helper class for path_parts
class path_class
var $mask ;
var $outside ;
var $fake_full_path ;
var $fake_leading_dirs ;
var $fake_extra_path ;
var $fake_name ;
var $real_full_path ;
var $real_leading_dirs ;
var $real_extra_path ;
var $real_name ;
var $fake_full_path_clean ;
var $fake_leading_dirs_clean ;
var $fake_extra_path_clean ;
var $fake_name_clean ;
var $real_full_path_clean ;
var $real_leading_dirs_clean ;
var $real_extra_path_clean ;
var $real_name_clean ;
class vfs
var $basedir ;
var $fakebase ;
var $relative ;
var $working_id ;
var $working_lid ;
var $attributes ;
var $override_acl ;
var $linked_dirs ;
var $meta_types ;
@ function vfs
@ abstract constructor , sets up variables
function vfs ()
$this -> basedir = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'files_dir' ];
$this -> fakebase = " /home " ;
$this -> working_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$this -> working_lid = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $this -> working_id );
$this -> now = date ( 'Y-m-d' );
$this -> override_acl = 0 ;
File / dir attributes , each corresponding to a database field . Useful for use in loops
If an attribute was added to the table , add it here and possibly add it to
set_attributes ()
$this -> attributes = array (
'file_id' , 'owner_id' , 'createdby_id' , 'modifiedby_id' ,
'created' , 'modified' , 'size' , 'mime_type' , 'deleteable' ,
'comment' , 'app' , 'directory' , 'name' ,
'link_directory' , 'link_name' , 'version'
These are stored in the MIME - type field and should normally be ignored .
Adding a type here will ensure it is normally ignored , but you will have to
explicitly add it to acl_check (), and to any other SELECT ' s in this file
$this -> meta_types = array ( 'journal' , 'journal-deleted' );
/* We store the linked directories in an array now, so we don't have to make the SQL call again */
2002-04-08 16:23:27 +02:00
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'db_type' ] == 'mssql'
|| $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'db_type' ] == 'sybase' )
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " SELECT directory, name, link_directory, link_name FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE CONVERT(varchar,link_directory) != '' AND CONVERT(varchar,link_name) != '' " . $this -> extra_sql ( array ( 'query_type' => VFS_SQL_SELECT )), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " SELECT directory, name, link_directory, link_name FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE link_directory != '' AND link_name != '' " . $this -> extra_sql ( array ( 'query_type' => VFS_SQL_SELECT )), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
$this -> linked_dirs = array ();
while ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ())
$this -> linked_dirs [] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record ;
@ function set_relative
@ abstract Set path relativity
@ param $mask Relative bitmask ( see RELATIVE_ defines )
function set_relative ( $mask )
if ( ! $mask )
unset ( $this -> relative );
$this -> relative = $mask ;
@ function get_relative
@ abstract Return relativity bitmask
@ discussion Returns relativity bitmask , or the default of " completely relative " if unset
function get_relative ()
if ( isset ( $this -> relative ))
return $this -> relative ;
@ function sanitize
@ abstract Removes leading . ' s from $string
@ discussion You should not pass all filenames through sanitize () unless you plan on rejecting
. files . Instead , pass the name through securitycheck () first , and if it fails ,
pass it through sanitize
@ param $string string to sanitize
@ result $string without it 's leading .' s
function sanitize ( $string )
/* We use path_parts () just to parse the string, not translate paths */
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
return ( ereg_replace ( " ^ \ .+ " , '' , $p -> fake_name ));
@ function securitycheck
@ abstract Security check function
@ discussion Checks for basic violations such as ..
If securitycheck () fails , run your string through vfs -> sanitize ()
@ param $string string to check security of
@ result Boolean True / False . True means secure , False means insecure
function securitycheck ( $string )
if ( substr ( $string , 0 , 1 ) == " \\ " || strstr ( $string , " .. " ) || strstr ( $string , " \\ .. " ) || strstr ( $string , " . \\ . " ))
return False ;
return True ;
@ function db_clean
@ abstract Clean $string for use in database queries
@ param $string String to clean
@ result Cleaned version of $string
function db_clean ( $string )
$string = ereg_replace ( " ' " , " \ ' " , $string );
return $string ;
@ function extra_sql
@ abstract Return extra SQL code that should be appended to certain queries
@ param $query_type The type of query to get extra SQL code for , in the form of a VFS_SQL define
@ result Extra SQL code
function extra_sql ( $query_type = VFS_SQL_SELECT )
if ( $query_type == VFS_SQL_SELECT || $query_type == VFS_SQL_DELETE || $query_type = VFS_SQL_UPDATE )
$sql = ' AND ((' ;
reset ( $this -> meta_types );
while ( list ( $num , $type ) = each ( $this -> meta_types ))
if ( $num )
$sql .= ' AND ' ;
$sql .= " mime_type != ' $type ' " ;
$sql .= ') OR mime_type IS NULL)' ;
return ( $sql );
@ function add_journal
@ abstract Add a journal entry after ( or before ) completing an operation ,
and increment the version number . This function should be used internally only
@ discussion Note that $state_one and $state_two are ignored for some VFS_OPERATION ' s , for others
they are required . They are ignored for any " custom " operation
The two operations that require $state_two :
$operation $state_two
VFS_OPERATION_COPIED fake_full_path of copied to
VFS_OPERATION_MOVED fake_full_path of moved to
If deleting , you must call add_journal () before you delete the entry from the database
@ param $string File or directory to add entry for
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ param $operation The operation that was performed . Either a VFS_OPERATION define or
a non - integer descriptive text string
@ param $state_one The first " state " of the file or directory . Can be a file name , size ,
location , whatever is appropriate for the specific operation
@ param $state_two The second " state " of the file or directory
@ param $incversion Boolean True / False . Increment the version for the file ? Note that this is
handled automatically for the VFS_OPERATION defines .
i . e . VFS_OPERATION_EDITED would increment the version , VFS_OPERATION_COPIED
would not
@ result Boolean True / False
function add_journal ( $string , $relatives = '' , $operation , $state_one = False , $state_two = False , $incversion = True )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$account_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
/* We check that they have some sort of access to the file other than read */
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_WRITE ) &&
! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_EDIT ) &&
! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_DELETE ))
return False ;
if ( ! $this -> file_exists ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask )))
return False ;
$ls_array = $this -> ls ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), False , False , True );
$file_array = $ls_array [ 0 ];
$sql = 'INSERT INTO phpgw_vfs (' ;
$sql2 .= ' VALUES (' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; list ( $attribute , $value ) = each ( $file_array ); $i ++ )
if ( $attribute == 'file_id' )
continue ;
if ( $attribute == 'owner_id' )
$value = $account_id ;
if ( $attribute == 'created' )
$value = $this -> now ;
if ( $attribute == 'modified' && ! $modified )
unset ( $value );
if ( $attribute == 'mime_type' )
$value = 'journal' ;
if ( $attribute == 'comment' )
switch ( $operation )
$value = 'Created' ;
$incversion = True ;
break ;
$value = 'Edited' ;
$incversion = True ;
break ;
$value = 'Edited comment' ;
$incversion = False ;
break ;
if ( ! $state_one )
$state_one = $p -> fake_full_path ;
if ( ! $state_two )
return False ;
$value = " Copied $state_one to $state_two " ;
$incversion = False ;
break ;
if ( ! $state_one )
$state_one = $p -> fake_full_path ;
if ( ! $state_two )
return False ;
$value = " Moved $state_one to $state_two " ;
$incversion = False ;
break ;
$value = 'Deleted' ;
$incversion = False ;
break ;
default :
$value = $operation ;
break ;
Let ' s increment the version for the file itself . We keep the current
version when making the journal entry , because that was the version that
was operated on . The maximum numbers for each part in the version string :
none . 99.9 . 9
if ( $attribute == 'version' && $incversion )
$version_parts = split ( " \ . " , $value );
$newnumofparts = $numofparts = count ( $version_parts );
if ( $version_parts [ 3 ] >= 9 )
$version_parts [ 3 ] = 0 ;
$version_parts [ 2 ] ++ ;
$version_parts_3_update = 1 ;
elseif ( isset ( $version_parts [ 3 ]))
$version_parts [ 3 ] ++ ;
if ( $version_parts [ 2 ] >= 9 && $version_parts [ 3 ] == 0 && $version_parts_3_update )
$version_parts [ 2 ] = 0 ;
$version_parts [ 1 ] ++ ;
if ( $version_parts [ 1 ] > 99 )
$version_parts [ 1 ] = 0 ;
$version_parts [ 0 ] ++ ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $newnumofparts ; $i ++ )
if ( ! isset ( $version_parts [ $i ]))
break ;
if ( $i )
$newversion .= '.' ;
$newversion .= $version_parts [ $i ];
$this -> set_attributes ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), array ( 'version' => $newversion ));
if ( isset ( $value ))
if ( $i > 1 )
$sql .= ', ' ;
$sql2 .= ', ' ;
$sql .= " $attribute " ;
$sql2 .= " ' " . $this -> db_clean ( $value ) . " ' " ;
$sql .= ')' ;
$sql2 .= ')' ;
$sql .= $sql2 ;
These are some special situations where we need to flush the journal entries
or move the 'journal' entries to 'journal-deleted' . Kind of hackish , but they
provide a consistent feel to the system
if ( $operation == VFS_OPERATION_CREATED )
$flush_path = $p -> fake_full_path ;
$deleteall = True ;
if ( $operation == VFS_OPERATION_COPIED || $operation == VFS_OPERATION_MOVED )
$flush_path = $state_two ;
$deleteall = False ;
if ( $flush_path )
$flush_path_parts = $this -> path_parts ( $flush_path , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
$this -> flush_journal ( $flush_path_parts -> fake_full_path , array ( $flush_path_parts -> mask ), $deleteall );
if ( $operation == VFS_OPERATION_COPIED )
We copy it going the other way as well , so both files show the operation .
The code is a bad hack to prevent recursion . Ideally it would use VFS_OPERATION_COPIED
$this -> add_journal ( $state_two , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ), " Copied $state_one to $state_two " , NULL , NULL , False );
if ( $operation == VFS_OPERATION_MOVED )
$state_one_path_parts = $this -> path_parts ( $state_one , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET mime_type='journal-deleted' WHERE directory=' $state_one_path_parts->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $state_one_path_parts->fake_name_clean ' AND mime_type='journal' " );
We create the file in addition to logging the MOVED operation . This is an
advantage because we can now search for 'Create' to see when a file was created
$this -> add_journal ( $state_two , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ), VFS_OPERATION_CREATED );
/* This is the SQL query we made for THIS request, remember that one? */
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
If we were to add an option of whether to keep journal entries for deleted files
or not , it would go in the if here
if ( $operation == VFS_OPERATION_DELETED )
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET mime_type='journal-deleted' WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' AND mime_type='journal' " );
return True ;
@ function flush_journal
@ abstract Flush journal entries for $string . Used before adding $string
@ discussion flush_journal () is an internal function and should be called from add_journal () only
@ param $string File / directory to flush journal entries of
@ param $relatives Realtivity array
@ param $deleteall Delete all types of journal entries , including the active Create entry .
Normally you only want to delete the Create entry when replacing the file
Note that this option does not effect $deleteonly
@ param $deletedonly Only flush 'journal-deleted' entries ( created when $string was deleted )
@ result Boolean True / False
function flush_journal ( $string , $relatives = '' , $deleteall = False , $deletedonly = False )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
$sql = " DELETE FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " ;
if ( ! $deleteall )
$sql .= " AND (mime_type != 'journal' AND comment != 'Created') " ;
$sql .= " AND (mime_type='journal-deleted' " ;
if ( ! $deletedonly )
$sql .= " OR mime_type='journal' " ;
$sql .= " ) " ;
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( $query )
return True ;
return False ;
@ function get_journal
@ abstract Retrieve journal entries for $string
@ param $string File / directory to retrieve journal entries of
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ param $type 0 / False = any , 1 = 'journal' , 2 = 'journal-deleted'
@ result Array of arrays of journal entries
function get_journal ( $string , $relatives = '' , $type = False )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask )))
return False ;
$sql = " SELECT * FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " ;
if ( $type == 1 )
$sql .= " AND mime_type='journal' " ;
elseif ( $type == 2 )
$sql .= " AND mime_type='journal-deleted' " ;
$sql .= " AND (mime_type='journal' OR mime_type='journal-deleted') " ;
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
while ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ())
$rarray [] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record ;
return $rarray ;
@ function path_parts
@ abstract take a real or fake pathname and return an array of its component parts
@ param $string full real or fake path
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ param $object True returns an object instead of an array
@ param $nolinks Don ' t check for links ( made with make_link ()) . Used internally to prevent recursion
@ result $rarray / $robject Array or object containing the fake and real component parts of the path
@ discussion Returned values are :
fake_extra_path BROKEN
real_extra_path BROKEN
fake_extra_path_clean BROKEN
real_extra_path_clean BROKEN
" clean " values are run through vfs -> db_clean () and
are safe for use in SQL queries that use key = 'value'
They should be used ONLY for SQL queries , so are used
mostly internally
and is used internally
outside is boolean , True if $relatives contains VFS_REAL
function path_parts ( $string , $relatives = '' , $object = True , $nolinks = False )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$sep = SEP ;
$rarray [ 'mask' ] = RELATIVE_NONE ;
if ( ! ( $relatives [ 0 ] & VFS_REAL ))
$rarray [ 'outside' ] = False ;
$fake = True ;
$rarray [ 'outside' ] = True ;
$rarray [ 'mask' ] |= VFS_REAL ;
$string = $this -> getabsolutepath ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]), $fake );
if ( $fake )
$base_sep = '/' ;
$base = '/' ;
$opp_base = $this -> basedir . $sep ;
$rarray [ 'fake_full_path' ] = $string ;
$base_sep = $sep ;
if ( ereg ( " ^ $this->basedir " . $sep , $string ))
$base = $this -> basedir . $sep ;
$base = $sep ;
$opp_base = '/' ;
$rarray [ 'real_full_path' ] = $string ;
/* This is needed because of substr's handling of negative lengths */
$baselen = strlen ( $base );
$lastslashpos = strrpos ( $string , $base_sep );
$lastslashpos < $baselen ? $length = 0 : $length = $lastslashpos - $baselen ;
$extra_path = $rarray [ 'fake_extra_path' ] = $rarray [ 'real_extra_path' ] = substr ( $string , strlen ( $base ), $length );
$name = $rarray [ 'fake_name' ] = $rarray [ 'real_name' ] = substr ( $string , strrpos ( $string , $base_sep ) + 1 );
if ( $fake )
$rarray [ 'real_extra_path' ] ? $dispsep = $sep : $dispsep = '' ;
$rarray [ 'real_full_path' ] = $opp_base . $rarray [ 'real_extra_path' ] . $dispsep . $rarray [ 'real_name' ];
if ( $extra_path )
$rarray [ 'fake_leading_dirs' ] = $base . $extra_path ;
$rarray [ 'real_leading_dirs' ] = $opp_base . $extra_path ;
elseif ( strrpos ( $rarray [ 'fake_full_path' ], $sep ) == 0 )
/* If there is only one $sep in the path, we don't want to strip it off */
$rarray [ 'fake_leading_dirs' ] = $sep ;
$rarray [ 'real_leading_dirs' ] = substr ( $opp_base , 0 , strlen ( $opp_base ) - 1 );
/* These strip the ending / */
$rarray [ 'fake_leading_dirs' ] = substr ( $base , 0 , strlen ( $base ) - 1 );
$rarray [ 'real_leading_dirs' ] = substr ( $opp_base , 0 , strlen ( $opp_base ) - 1 );
$rarray [ 'fake_full_path' ] = $opp_base . $rarray [ 'fake_extra_path' ] . '/' . $rarray [ 'fake_name' ];
if ( $extra_path )
$rarray [ 'fake_leading_dirs' ] = $opp_base . $extra_path ;
$rarray [ 'real_leading_dirs' ] = $base . $extra_path ;
$rarray [ 'fake_leading_dirs' ] = substr ( $opp_base , 0 , strlen ( $opp_base ) - 1 );
$rarray [ 'real_leading_dirs' ] = substr ( $base , 0 , strlen ( $base ) - 1 );
/* We check for linked dirs made with make_link (). This could be better, but it works */
if ( ! $nolinks )
reset ( $this -> linked_dirs );
while ( list ( $num , $link_info ) = each ( $this -> linked_dirs ))
if ( ereg ( " ^ $link_info[directory] / $link_info[name] (/| $ ) " , $rarray [ 'fake_full_path' ]))
$rarray [ 'real_full_path' ] = ereg_replace ( " ^ $this->basedir " , '' , $rarray [ 'real_full_path' ]);
$rarray [ 'real_full_path' ] = ereg_replace ( " ^ $link_info[directory] " . SEP . " $link_info[name] " , $link_info [ 'link_directory' ] . SEP . $link_info [ 'link_name' ], $rarray [ 'real_full_path' ]);
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $rarray [ " real_full_path " ], array ( RELATIVE_NONE | VFS_REAL ), True , True );
$rarray [ 'real_leading_dirs' ] = $p -> real_leading_dirs ;
$rarray [ 'real_extra_path' ] = $p -> real_extra_path ;
$rarray [ 'real_name' ] = $p -> real_name ;
We have to count it before because new keys will be added ,
which would create an endless loop
$count = count ( $rarray );
reset ( $rarray );
for ( $i = 0 ; ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $rarray )) && $i != $count ; $i ++ )
$rarray [ $key . '_clean' ] = $this -> db_clean ( $value );
if ( $object )
$robject = new path_class ;
reset ( $rarray );
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $rarray ))
$robject -> $key = $value ;
echo " <br>fake_full_path: $rarray[fake_full_path]
< br > fake_leading_dirs : $rarray [ fake_leading_dirs ]
< br > fake_extra_path : $rarray [ fake_extra_path ]
< br > fake_name : $rarray [ fake_name ]
< br > real_full_path : $rarray [ real_full_path ]
< br > real_leading_dirs : $rarray [ real_leading_dirs ]
< br > real_extra_path : $rarray [ real_extra_path ]
< br > real_name : $rarray [ real_name ] " ;
if ( $object )
return ( $robject );
return ( $rarray );
@ function getabsolutepath
@ abstract get the absolute path
@ param $target defaults to False , directory / file to get path of , relative to $relatives [ 0 ]
@ param $mask Relativity bitmask ( see RELATIVE_ defines ) . RELATIVE_CURRENT means use $this -> relative
@ param $fake Returns the " fake " path , ie / home / user / dir / file ( not always possible . use path_parts () instead )
@ result $basedir Full fake or real path
function getabsolutepath ( $target = False , $relatives = '' , $fake = True )
$currentdir = $this -> pwd ( False );
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
/* If they supply just VFS_REAL, we assume they want current relativity */
if ( $relatives [ 0 ] == VFS_REAL )
$relatives [ 0 ] |= RELATIVE_CURRENT ;
if ( ! $this -> securitycheck ( $target ))
return False ;
if ( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_NONE )
return $target ;
if ( $fake )
$sep = '/' ;
$sep = SEP ;
/* if RELATIVE_CURRENT, retrieve the current mask */
if ( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_CURRENT )
$mask = $relatives [ 0 ];
/* Respect any additional masks by re-adding them after retrieving the current mask*/
$relatives [ 0 ] = $this -> get_relative () + ( $mask - RELATIVE_CURRENT );
if ( $fake )
$basedir = " / " ;
$basedir = $this -> basedir . $sep ;
/* This allows all requests to use /'s */
$target = preg_replace ( " |/| " , $sep , $target );
if (( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_PATH ) && $currentdir )
$basedir = $basedir . $currentdir . $sep ;
elseif (( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_USER ) || ( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_USER_APP ))
$basedir = $basedir . $this -> fakebase . $sep ;
if ( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_CURR_USER )
$basedir = $basedir . $this -> working_lid . $sep ;
if (( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_USER ) || ( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_USER_APP ))
$basedir = $basedir . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_lid' ] . $sep ;
if ( $relatives [ 0 ] & RELATIVE_USER_APP )
$basedir = $basedir . " . " . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'currentapp' ] . $sep ;
/* Don't add target if it's a /, just for aesthetics */
if ( $target && $target != $sep )
$basedir = $basedir . $target ;
/* Let's not return // */
while ( ereg ( $sep . $sep , $basedir ))
$basedir = ereg_replace ( $sep . $sep , $sep , $basedir );
$basedir = ereg_replace ( " $sep $ " , '' , $basedir );
return $basedir ;
@ function acl_check
@ abstract Check ACL access to $file for $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ " user " ][ " account_id " ];
@ param $file File to check access of
@ param $relatives Standard relativity array
@ param $operation Operation to check access to . In the form of a PHPGW_ACL defines bitmask . Default is read
@ param $must_exist Boolean . Set to True if $file must exist . Otherwise , we check the parent directory as well
@ result Boolean . True if access is ok , False otherwise
function acl_check ( $file , $relatives = '' , $operation = PHPGW_ACL_READ , $must_exist = False )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
/* Accommodate special situations */
if ( $this -> override_acl )
return True ;
$account_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$account_lid = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ]);
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $file , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
/* Temporary, until we get symlink type files set up */
if ( $p -> outside )
return True ;
/* If the file doesn't exist, we get ownership from the parent directory */
if ( ! $this -> file_exists ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask )))
if ( $must_exist )
return False ;
$file = $p -> fake_leading_dirs ;
$p2 = $this -> path_parts ( $file , array ( $p -> mask ));
if ( ! $this -> file_exists ( $file , array ( $p -> mask )))
return False ;
$p2 = $p ;
/* Read access is always allowed here, but nothing else is */
if ( $file == " / " || $file == $this -> fakebase )
if ( $operation == PHPGW_ACL_READ )
return True ;
return False ;
We don ' t use ls () to get owner_id as we normally would ,
because ls () calls acl_check (), which would create an infinite loop
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " SELECT owner_id FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p2->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p2->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_SELECT ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ();
$group_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record [ 'owner_id' ];
/* They always have access to their own files */
if ( $group_id == $account_id )
return True ;
/* Check if they're in the group. If so, they have access */
$memberships = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> membership ( $account_id );
if ( is_array ( $memberships ))
reset ( $memberships );
while ( list ( $num , $group_array ) = @ each ( $memberships ))
if ( $group_id == $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> name2id ( $group_array [ 'account_name' ]))
$group_ok = 1 ;
break ;
if ( ! $group_id )
if ( ! $group_id = $this -> account_id )
$group_id = 0 ;
$acl = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.acl' , $group_id );
$acl -> account_id = $group_id ;
$acl -> read_repository ();
$rights = $acl -> get_rights ( $account_id );
if ( $rights & $operation )
return True ;
elseif ( ! $rights && $group_ok )
return True ;
return False ;
@ function cd
@ abstract Change directory
@ discussion To cd to the files root '/' , use cd ( '/' , False , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
@ param $target default '/' . directory to cd into . if " / " and $relative is True , uses " /home/<working_lid> " ;
@ param $relative default True / relative means add target to current path , else pass $relative as mask to getabsolutepath ()
@ param $relatives Relativity array
function cd ( $target = '/' , $relative = True , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
if ( $relatives [ 0 ] & VFS_REAL )
$sep = SEP ;
$sep = '/' ;
if ( $relative == 'relative' || $relative == True )
/* if $target is "/" and $relative is set, we cd to the user/group home dir */
if ( $target == '/' )
$relatives [ 0 ] = RELATIVE_USER ;
$basedir = $this -> getabsolutepath ( False , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]), True );
$currentdir = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> appsession ();
$basedir = $this -> getabsolutepath ( $currentdir . $sep . $target , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]), True );
$basedir = $this -> getabsolutepath ( $target , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> appsession ( $basedir );
return True ;
@ function pwd
@ abstract current working dir
@ param $full default True returns full fake path , else just the extra dirs ( false strips the leading / )
@ result $currentdir currentdir
function pwd ( $full = True )
$currentdir = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> appsession ();
if ( ! $full )
$currentdir = ereg_replace ( " ^/ " , '' , $currentdir );
if ( $currentdir == '' && $full )
$currentdir = '/' ;
return $currentdir ;
@ function read
@ abstract return file contents
@ param $file filename
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result $contents Contents of $file , or False if file cannot be read
function read ( $file , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $file , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_READ ))
return False ;
if ( $fp = fopen ( $p -> real_full_path , 'rb' ))
$contents = fread ( $fp , filesize ( $p -> real_full_path ));
fclose ( $fp );
return $contents ;
return False ;
@ function write
@ abstract write to a file
@ param $file file name
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ param $contents contents
@ result Boolean True / False
function write ( $file , $relatives = '' , $contents )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $file , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( $this -> file_exists ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask )))
$acl_operation = PHPGW_ACL_EDIT ;
$journal_operation = VFS_OPERATION_EDITED ;
$acl_operation = PHPGW_ACL_ADD ;
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), $acl_operation ))
return False ;
umask ( 000 );
If $file doesn ' t exist , touch () creates both the file and the database entry
If $file does exist , touch () sets the modification time and modified by
$this -> touch ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ));
if ( $fp = fopen ( $p -> real_full_path , " wb " ))
fwrite ( $fp , $contents , strlen ( $contents ));
fclose ( $fp );
$this -> set_attributes ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), array ( 'size' => $this -> get_size ( $p -> real_full_path , array ( RELATIVE_NONE | VFS_REAL ))));
if ( $journal_operation )
$this -> add_journal ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), $journal_operation );
return True ;
return False ;
@ function touch
@ abstract Create blank file $file or set the modification time and modified by of $file to current time and user
@ param $file File to touch or set modifies
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result Boolean True / False
function touch ( $file , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$account_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$currentapp = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'currentapp' ];
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $file , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
umask ( 000 );
PHP ' s touch function will automatically decide whether to
create the file or set the modification time
$rr = @ touch ( $p -> real_full_path ); // @ for no error
if ( $p -> outside )
return $rr ;
/* We, however, have to decide this ourselves */
if ( $this -> file_exists ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask )))
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_EDIT ))
return False ;
$vr = $this -> set_attributes (
$p -> fake_full_path ,
array ( $p -> mask ),
array (
'modifiedby_id' => $account_id ,
'modified' => $this -> now
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_ADD ))
return False ;
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_vfs (owner_id, directory, name) VALUES ( $this->working_id , ' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ', ' $p->fake_name_clean ') " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$this -> set_attributes (
$p -> fake_full_path ,
array ( $p -> mask ),
array (
'createdby_id' => $account_id ,
'created' => $this -> now ,
'size' => 0 ,
'deleteable' => 'Y' ,
'app' => $currentapp
$this -> correct_attributes ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ));
$this -> add_journal ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_CREATED );
if ( $rr || $vr || $query )
return True ;
return False ;
@ function cp
2001-10-08 16:53:48 +02:00
@ abstract copy a file
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
@ param $from from file / directory
@ param $to to file / directory
@ param $relatives Relativity array
2001-10-08 16:53:48 +02:00
@ symlink boolean True / False ( only internal , use symlink function )
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
@ result boolean True / False
function cp ( $from , $to , $relatives = '' , $symlink = False )
$cmd = $symlink ? 'symlink' : 'copy' ;
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " <p>vfs:: $cmd (' $from ',' $to ', $relatives[0] , $relatives[1] )</p> \n " ;
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
$account_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$f = $this -> path_parts ( $from , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
$t = $this -> path_parts ( $to , array ( $relatives [ 1 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_READ ))
return False ;
if ( $this -> file_exists ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask )))
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_EDIT ))
return False ;
2001-10-08 16:53:48 +02:00
if ( $cmd == 'symlink' )
unlink ( $t -> real_full_path ); // else symlink does not work
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_ADD ))
return False ;
umask ( 000 );
if ( $this -> file_type ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask )) != 'Directory' )
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " <p> $cmd (' $f->read_full_path ',' $t->real_full_path ')</p> \n " ;
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
if ( ! $cmd ( $f -> real_full_path , $t -> real_full_path ))
return False ;
if ( $t -> outside )
return True ;
$size = filesize ( $t -> real_full_path );
$ls_array = $this -> ls ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ), False , False , True );
$record = $ls_array [ 0 ];
if ( $this -> file_exists ( $to , array ( $relatives [ 1 ])))
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET owner_id=' $this->working_id ', directory=' $t->fake_leading_dirs_clean ', name=' $t->fake_name_clean ' WHERE owner_id=' $this->working_id ' AND directory=' $t->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $t->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_UPDATE ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$this -> set_attributes (
$t -> fake_full_path ,
array ( $t -> mask ),
array (
'createdby_id' => $account_id ,
'created' => $this -> now ,
'size' => $size ,
'mime_type' => $record [ 'mime_type' ],
'deleteable' => $record [ 'deleteable' ],
'comment' => $record [ 'comment' ],
'app' => $record [ 'app' ]
$this -> add_journal ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_EDITED );
$this -> touch ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ));
$this -> set_attributes (
$t -> fake_full_path ,
array ( $t -> mask ),
array (
'createdby_id' => $account_id ,
'created' => $this -> now ,
'size' => $size ,
'mime_type' => $record [ 'mime_type' ],
'deleteable' => $record [ 'deleteable' ],
'comment' => $record [ 'comment' ],
'app' => $record [ 'app' ]
$this -> correct_attributes ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ));
else /* It's a directory */
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " <p>mkdir(' $t->real_full_path ')</p> \n " ;
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
/* First, make the initial directory */
$this -> mkdir ( $to , array ( $relatives [ 1 ]));
/* Next, we create all the directories below the initial directory */
$ls = $this -> ls ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ), True , 'Directory' );
while ( list ( $num , $entry ) = each ( $ls ))
$newdir = ereg_replace ( " ^ $f->fake_full_path " , " $t->fake_full_path " , $entry [ 'directory' ]);
$this -> mkdir ( " $newdir / $entry[name] " , array ( $t -> mask ));
/* Lastly, we copy the files over */
$ls = $this -> ls ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ));
while ( list ( $num , $entry ) = each ( $ls ))
if ( $entry [ 'mime_type' ] == 'Directory' )
continue ;
$newdir = ereg_replace ( " ^ $f->fake_full_path " , " $t->fake_full_path " , $entry [ 'directory' ]);
$this -> cp ( " $entry[directory] / $entry[name] " , " $newdir / $entry[name] " , array ( $f -> mask , $t -> mask ));
if ( ! $f -> outside )
$this -> add_journal ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_COPIED , NULL , $t -> fake_full_path );
return True ;
function copy ( $from , $to , $relatives = '' )
umask ( 000 );
return $this -> cp ( $from , $to , $relatives );
@ function symlink
@ abstract symlink a file
@ param $from from file / directory
@ param $to to file / directory
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result boolean True / False
@ ToDo : get this going for WIN via creating a . lnk file
function symlink ( $from , $to , $relatives = '' )
2001-12-06 01:28:54 +01:00
// echo "<p>vfs->symlink('$from','$to')</p>\n";
2001-10-08 16:53:48 +02:00
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
return $this -> cp ( $from , $to , $relatives , True );
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
@ function readlink
@ syntax readlink ( $file , $relatives )
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
@ abstract read linkdata ( target path ) for symlink created by symlink
@ param $path vfs file / directory
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result path to target or '' if no symlink
@ ToDo : get this going for WIN via reading . lnk files
function readlink ( $file , $relatives = '' )
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_ROOT );
$pp = $this -> path_parts ( $file , $relatives );
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
return @ readlink ( $pp -> real_full_path );
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
@ function fileinfo
@ syntax readlink ( $file_id )
@ abstract read infos ( row in the db ) about a file
@ param $file_id identifying the file
@ result array with row from db or False
function fileinfo ( $file_id )
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( $sql = " SELECT * FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE file_id= $file_id " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( ! $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ())
return False ;
return array ( $file_id => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record );
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
@ function mv
@ abstract move file / directory
@ param $from from file / directory
@ param $to to file / directory
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result boolean True / False
function mv ( $from , $to , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$account_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$f = $this -> path_parts ( $from , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
$t = $this -> path_parts ( $to , array ( $relatives [ 1 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_READ ) || ! $this -> acl_check ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_DELETE ))
return False ;
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_ADD ))
return False ;
if ( $this -> file_exists ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask )))
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_EDIT ))
return False ;
umask ( 000 );
/* We can't move directories into themselves */
if (( $this -> file_type ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask )) == 'Directory' ) && ereg ( " ^ $f->fake_full_path " , $t -> fake_full_path ))
if (( $t -> fake_full_path == $f -> fake_full_path ) || substr ( $t -> fake_full_path , strlen ( $f -> fake_full_path ), 1 ) == '/' )
return False ;
if ( $this -> file_exists ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask )))
/* We get the listing now, because it will change after we update the database */
$ls = $this -> ls ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ));
if ( $this -> file_exists ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask )))
$this -> rm ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ));
We add the journal entry now , before we delete . This way the mime_type
field will be updated to 'journal-deleted' when the file is actually deleted
if ( ! $f -> outside )
$this -> add_journal ( $f -> fake_full_path , array ( $f -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_MOVED , $f -> fake_full_path , $t -> fake_full_path );
If the from file is outside , it won ' t have a database entry ,
so we have to touch it and find the size
if ( $f -> outside )
$size = filesize ( $f -> real_full_path );
$this -> touch ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ));
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET size= $size WHERE directory=' $t->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $t->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_UPDATE ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
elseif ( ! $t -> outside )
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET name=' $t->fake_name_clean ', directory=' $t->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' WHERE directory=' $f->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $f->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_UPDATE ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$this -> set_attributes (
$t -> fake_full_path ,
array ( $t -> mask ),
array (
'modifiedby_id' => $account_id ,
'modified' => $this -> now
$this -> correct_attributes ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ));
$rr = rename ( $f -> real_full_path , $t -> real_full_path );
This removes the original entry from the database
The actual file is already deleted because of the rename () above
if ( $t -> outside )
$this -> rm ( $f -> fake_full_path , $f -> mask );
return False ;
if ( $this -> file_type ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask )) == 'Directory' )
/* We got $ls from above, before we renamed the directory */
while ( list ( $num , $entry ) = each ( $ls ))
$newdir = ereg_replace ( " ^ $f->fake_full_path " , $t -> fake_full_path , $entry [ 'directory' ]);
$newdir_clean = $this -> db_clean ( $newdir );
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET directory=' $newdir_clean ' WHERE file_id=' $entry[file_id] ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_UPDATE ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$this -> correct_attributes ( " $newdir / $entry[name] " , array ( $t -> mask ));
$this -> add_journal ( $t -> fake_full_path , array ( $t -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_MOVED , $f -> fake_full_path , $t -> fake_full_path );
return True ;
@ function move
@ abstract shortcut to mv
function move ( $from , $to , $relatives = '' )
umask ( 000 );
return $this -> mv ( $from , $to , $relatives );
@ function rm
@ abstract delete file / directory
@ param $string file / directory to delete
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result boolean True / False
function rm ( $string , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_DELETE ))
return False ;
if ( ! $this -> file_exists ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ])))
$rr = unlink ( $p -> real_full_path );
if ( $rr )
return True ;
return False ;
if ( $this -> file_type ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ])) != 'Directory' )
$this -> add_journal ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_DELETED );
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " DELETE FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_DELETE ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$rr = unlink ( $p -> real_full_path );
if ( $query || $rr )
return True ;
return False ;
$ls = $this -> ls ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ));
/* First, we cycle through the entries and delete the files */
while ( list ( $num , $entry ) = each ( $ls ))
if ( $entry [ 'mime_type' ] == 'Directory' )
continue ;
$this -> rm ( " $entry[directory] / $entry[name] " , array ( $p -> mask ));
/* Now we cycle through again and delete the directories */
reset ( $ls );
while ( list ( $num , $entry ) = each ( $ls ))
if ( $entry [ 'mime_type' ] != 'Directory' )
continue ;
/* Only the best in confusing recursion */
$this -> rm ( " $entry[directory] / $entry[name] " , array ( $p -> mask ));
/* If the directory is linked, we delete the placeholder directory */
$ls_array = $this -> ls ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), False , False , True );
$link_info = $ls_array [ 0 ];
if ( $link_info [ 'link_directory' ] && $link_info [ 'link_name' ])
$path = $this -> path_parts ( $link_info [ 'directory' ] . '/' . $link_info [ 'name' ], array ( $p -> mask ), True , True );
rmdir ( $path -> real_full_path );
/* Last, we delete the directory itself */
$this -> add_journal ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_DELETED );
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " DELETE FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_DELETE ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
rmdir ( $p -> real_full_path );
return True ;
@ function delete
@ abstract shortcut to rm
function delete ( $string , $relatives = '' )
return $this -> rm ( $string , $relatives );
@ function mkdir
@ abstract make a new directory
@ param $dir Directory name
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result boolean True on success
function mkdir ( $dir , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$account_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$currentapp = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'currentapp' ];
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $dir , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_ADD ))
return False ;
/* We don't allow /'s in dir names, of course */
if ( ereg ( " / " , $p -> fake_name ))
return False ;
umask ( 000 );
if ( ! mkdir ( $p -> real_full_path , 0770 ))
{ echo " vfs_sql.mkdir(' $dir ',' $relatives '), cant mkdir(' $p->real_full_path ')</p> \n " ;
return False ;
if ( ! $this -> file_exists ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask )))
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_vfs (owner_id, name, directory) VALUES ( $this->working_id , ' $p->fake_name_clean ', ' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ') " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$this -> set_attributes (
$p -> fake_full_path ,
array ( $p -> mask ),
array (
'createdby_id' => $account_id ,
'size' => 4096 ,
'mime_type' => 'Directory' ,
'created' => $this -> now ,
'deleteable' => 'Y' ,
'app' => $currentapp
$this -> correct_attributes ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ));
$this -> add_journal ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_CREATED );
return False ;
return True ;
@ function make_link
@ abstract Make a link from virtual directory $vdir to real directory $rdir
@ discussion Making a link from $vdir to $rdir will cause path_parts () to substitute $rdir for the real
path variables when presented with $rdir
@ param $vdir Virtual dir to make link from
@ param $rdir Real dir to make link to
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result Boolean True / False
function make_link ( $vdir , $rdir , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$account_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$currentapp = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'currentapp' ];
$vp = $this -> path_parts ( $vdir , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
$rp = $this -> path_parts ( $rdir , array ( $relatives [ 1 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $vp -> fake_full_path , array ( $vp -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_ADD ))
return False ;
if (( ! $this -> file_exists ( $rp -> real_full_path , array ( $rp -> mask ))) && ! mkdir ( $rp -> real_full_path , 0770 ))
return False ;
if ( ! $this -> mkdir ( $vp -> fake_full_path , array ( $vp -> mask )))
return False ;
$size = $this -> get_size ( $rp -> real_full_path , array ( $rp -> mask ));
$this -> set_attributes (
$vp -> fake_full_path ,
array ( $vp -> mask ),
array (
'link_directory' => $rp -> real_leading_dirs ,
'link_name' => $rp -> real_name ,
'size' => $size
$this -> correct_attributes ( $vp -> fake_full_path , array ( $vp -> mask ));
return True ;
@ function set_attributes
@ abstract Update database entry for $file with the attributes in $attributes
@ param $file file / directory to update
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ param $attributes keyed array of attributes . key is attribute name , value is attribute value
@ result Boolean True / False
@ discussion Valid attributes are :
function set_attributes ( $file , $relatives = '' , $attributes = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
if ( ! is_array ( $attributes ))
$attributes = array ();
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $file , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
This is kind of trivial , given that set_attributes () can change owner_id ,
size , etc .
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_EDIT ))
return False ;
if ( ! $this -> file_exists ( $file , array ( $relatives [ 0 ])))
return False ;
All this voodoo just decides which attributes to update
depending on if the attribute was supplied in the $attributes array
$ls_array = $this -> ls ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), False , False , True );
$record = $ls_array [ 0 ];
$attribute_names = array (
'owner_id' , 'createdby_id' , 'modifiedby_id' ,
'created' , 'modified' , 'size' , 'mime_type' ,
'deleteable' , 'comment' , 'app' ,
'link_directory' , 'link_name' , 'version'
$sql = 'UPDATE phpgw_vfs SET ' ;
$change_attributes = 0 ;
while ( list ( $num , $attribute ) = each ( $attribute_names ))
if ( isset ( $attributes [ $attribute ]))
$$attribute = $attributes [ $attribute ];
Indicate that the EDITED_COMMENT operation needs to be journaled ,
but only if the comment changed
if ( $attribute == 'comment' && $attributes [ $attribute ] != $record [ $attribute ])
$edited_comment = 1 ;
$$attribute = $this -> db_clean ( $$attribute );
if ( $change_attributes > 0 )
$sql .= ', ' ;
$sql .= " $attribute =' " . $$attribute . " ' " ;
$change_attributes ++ ;
$sql .= " WHERE file_id=' $record[file_id] ' " ;
$sql .= $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_UPDATE );
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( $query )
if ( $edited_comment )
$this -> add_journal ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), VFS_OPERATION_EDITED_COMMENT );
return True ;
return False ;
@ function correct_attributes
@ abstract Set the correct attributes for $string ( e . g . owner )
@ param $string File / directory to correct attributes of
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result Boolean True / False
function correct_attributes ( $string , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( $p -> fake_leading_dirs != $this -> fakebase && $p -> fake_leading_dirs != '/' )
$ls_array = $this -> ls ( $p -> fake_leading_dirs , array ( $p -> mask ), False , False , True );
$this -> set_attributes ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), array ( 'owner_id' => $ls_array [ 0 ][ 'owner_id' ]));
return True ;
elseif ( preg_match ( " +^ $this->fakebase\ /(.*) $ +U " , $p -> fake_full_path , $matches ))
$this -> set_attributes ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), array ( " owner_id " => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> name2id ( $matches [ 1 ])));
return True ;
$this -> set_attributes ( $p -> fake_full_name , array ( $p -> mask ), array ( 'owner_id' => 0 ));
return True ;
@ function file_type
@ abstract return file / dir type ( MIME or other )
@ param $file File or directory path ( / home / user / dir / dir2 / dir3 , / home / user / dir / dir2 / file )
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result MIME type , " Directory " , or nothing if MIME type is not known
function file_type ( $file , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $file , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " <p>vfs::file_type(' $file ', $relatives[0] ) p = " ; _debug_array ( $p );
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_READ , True ))
return False ;
if ( $p -> outside )
if ( is_dir ( $p -> real_full_path ))
return ( 'Directory' );
We don ' t return an empty string here , because it may still match with a database query
because of linked directories
We don ' t use ls () because it calls file_type () to determine if it has been
passed a directory
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " SELECT mime_type FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_SELECT ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ();
$mime_type = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record [ 'mime_type' ];
return ( $mime_type );
@ function file_exists
@ abstract check if file / directory exists
@ param $string file / directory to check existance of
@ param $relatives Relativity array
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
@ result file_id or False
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
function file_exists ( $string , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( $p -> outside )
$rr = file_exists ( $p -> real_full_path );
return $rr ;
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " SELECT name FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_SELECT ), __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
2002-10-20 17:06:52 +02:00
2001-10-07 22:12:55 +02:00
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ())
return True ;
return False ;
@ function get_size
@ abstract Return size of $string
@ param $string file / directory to get size of
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ param $checksubdirs Boolean , recursively add the size of all sub directories as well ?
@ result Size of $string in bytes
function get_size ( $string , $relatives = '' , $checksubdirs = True )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_READ , True ))
return False ;
WIP - this should run through all of the subfiles / directories in the directory and tally up
their sizes . Should modify ls () to be able to return a list for files outside the virtual root
if ( $p -> outside )
$size = filesize ( $p -> real_full_path );
return $size ;
$ls_array = $this -> ls ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), $checksubdirs , False , ! $checksubdirs );
while ( list ( $num , $file_array ) = each ( $ls_array ))
Make sure the file is in the directory we want , and not
some deeper nested directory with a similar name
if ( @! ereg ( " ^ $p->fake_full_path " , $file_array [ 'directory' ]))
continue ;
$size += $file_array [ 'size' ];
if ( $checksubdirs )
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( " SELECT size FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " . $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_SELECT ));
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ();
$size += $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record [ 0 ];
return $size ;
@ function checkperms
@ abstract Check if $this -> working_id has write access to create files in $dir
@ discussion Simple call to acl_check
@ param $dir Directory to check access of
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result Boolean True / False
function checkperms ( $dir , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $dir , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( ! $this -> acl_check ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ), PHPGW_ACL_ADD ))
return False ;
return True ;
@ function ls
@ abstract get directory listing or info about a single file
@ discussion Note : The entries are not guaranteed to be returned in any logical order
Note : The size for directories does not include subfiles / subdirectories .
If you need that , use $this -> get_size ()
@ param $dir File or Directory
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ param $checksubdirs Boolean , recursively list all sub directories as well ?
@ param $mime_type Only return entries matching MIME - type $mime_type . Can be any MIME - type , " Directory " or " \ " for those without MIME types
@ param $nofiles Boolean . True means you want to return just the information about the directory $dir . If $dir is a file , $nofiles is implied . This is the equivalent of 'ls -ld $dir'
@ param $orderby How to order results . Note that this only works for directories inside the virtual root
@ result array of arrays . Subarrays contain full info for each file / dir .
function ls ( $dir = False , $relatives = '' , $checksubdirs = True , $mime_type = False , $nofiles = False , $orderby = 'directory' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $dir , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
$dir = $p -> fake_full_path ;
/* If they pass us a file or $nofiles is set, return the info for $dir only */
if (((( $type = $this -> file_type ( $dir , array ( $p -> mask ))) != 'Directory' ) || ( $nofiles )) && ! $p -> outside )
/* SELECT all, the, attributes */
$sql = 'SELECT ' ;
reset ( $this -> attributes );
while ( list ( $num , $attribute ) = each ( $this -> attributes ))
if ( $num )
$sql .= ', ' ;
$sql .= " $attribute " ;
$sql .= " FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory=' $p->fake_leading_dirs_clean ' AND name=' $p->fake_name_clean ' " ;
$sql .= $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_SELECT );
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record ();
$record = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record ;
/* We return an array of one array to maintain the standard */
$rarray = array ();
reset ( $this -> attributes );
while ( list ( $num , $attribute ) = each ( $this -> attributes ))
$rarray [ 0 ][ $attribute ] = $record [ $attribute ];
return $rarray ;
//WIP - this should recurse using the same options the virtual part of ls () does
/* If $dir is outside the virutal root, we have to check the file system manually */
if ( $p -> outside )
if ( $this -> file_type ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( $p -> mask )) == 'Directory' && ! $nofiles )
$dir_handle = opendir ( $p -> real_full_path );
while ( $filename = readdir ( $dir_handle ))
if ( $filename == '.' || $filename == '..' )
continue ;
$rarray [] = $this -> get_real_info ( $p -> real_full_path . SEP . $filename , array ( $p -> mask ));
$rarray [] = $this -> get_real_info ( $p -> real_full_path , array ( $p -> mask ));
return $rarray ;
/* $dir's not a file, is inside the virtual root, and they want to check subdirs */
/* SELECT all, the, attributes FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE file=$dir */
$sql = 'SELECT ' ;
reset ( $this -> attributes );
while ( list ( $num , $attribute ) = each ( $this -> attributes ))
if ( $num )
$sql .= " , " ;
$sql .= " $attribute " ;
$dir_clean = $this -> db_clean ( $dir );
$sql .= " FROM phpgw_vfs WHERE directory LIKE ' $dir_clean %' " ;
$sql .= $this -> extra_sql ( VFS_SQL_SELECT );
if ( $mime_type )
$sql .= " AND mime_type=' $mime_type ' " ;
$sql .= " ORDER BY $orderby " ;
$query = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> query ( $sql , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$rarray = array ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> next_record (); $i ++ )
$record = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db -> Record ;
/* Further checking on the directory. This makes sure /home/user/test won't match /home/user/test22 */
if ( ! ereg ( " ^ $dir (/| $ ) " , $record [ 'directory' ]))
continue ;
/* If they want only this directory, then $dir should end without a trailing / */
if ( ! $checksubdirs && ereg ( " ^ $dir / " , $record [ 'directory' ]))
continue ;
reset ( $this -> attributes );
while ( list ( $num , $attribute ) = each ( $this -> attributes ))
$rarray [ $i ][ $attribute ] = $record [ $attribute ];
return $rarray ;
@ function dir
@ abstract shortcut to ls
function dir ( $dir = False , $relatives = '' , $checksubdirs = True , $mime_type = False , $nofiles = False , $orderby = 'directory' )
return $this -> ls ( $dir , $relatives , $checksubdirs , $mime_type , $nofiles , $orderby );
@ function command_line
@ abstract Process and run a Unix - sytle command line
This is mostly working , but the command parser needs to be improved to take
files with spaces into consideration ( those should be in " " ) .
@ param $command_line Unix - style command line with one of the commands in the $args array
@ result $result The return value of the actual VFS call
function command_line ( $command_line )
$args = array
array ( 'name' => 'mv' , 'params' => 2 ),
array ( 'name' => 'cp' , 'params' => 2 ),
array ( 'name' => 'rm' , 'params' => 1 ),
array ( 'name' => 'ls' , 'params' => - 1 ),
array ( 'name' => 'du' , 'params' => 1 , 'func' => get_size ),
array ( 'name' => 'cd' , 'params' => 1 ),
array ( 'name' => 'pwd' , 'params' => 0 ),
array ( 'name' => 'cat' , 'params' => 1 , 'func' => read ),
array ( 'name' => 'file' , 'params' => 1 , 'func' => file_type ),
array ( 'name' => 'mkdir' , 'params' => 1 ),
array ( 'name' => 'touch' , 'params' => 1 )
if ( ! $first_space = strpos ( $command_line , ' ' ))
$first_space = strlen ( $command_line );
if (( ! $last_space = strrpos ( $command_line , ' ' )) || ( $last_space == $first_space ))
$last_space = strlen ( $command_line ) + 1 ;
$argv [ 0 ] = substr ( $command_line , 0 , $first_space );
if ( strlen ( $argv [ 0 ]) != strlen ( $command_line ))
$argv [ 1 ] = substr ( $command_line , $first_space + 1 , $last_space - ( $first_space + 1 ));
if (( strlen ( $argv [ 0 ]) + 1 + strlen ( $argv [ 1 ])) != strlen ( $command_line ))
$argv [ 2 ] = substr ( $command_line , $last_space + 1 );
$argc = count ( $argv );
reset ( $args );
while ( list (, $arg_info ) = each ( $args ))
if ( $arg_info [ 'name' ] == $argv [ 0 ])
$command_ok = 1 ;
if (( $argc == ( $arg_info [ 'params' ] + 1 )) || ( $arg_info [ 'params' ] == - 1 ))
$param_count_ok = 1 ;
break ;
if ( ! $command_ok )
// return E_VFS_BAD_COMMAND;
return False ;
if ( ! $param_count_ok )
return False ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i != ( $arg_info [ 'params' ] + 1 ); $i ++ )
if ( substr ( $argv [ $i ], 0 , 1 ) == " / " )
$relatives [] = RELATIVE_NONE ;
$relatives [] = RELATIVE_ALL ;
$func = $arg_info [ 'func' ] ? $arg_info [ 'func' ] : $arg_info [ 'name' ];
if ( ! $argv [ 2 ])
$rv = $this -> $func ( $argv [ 1 ], $relatives );
$rv = $this -> $func ( $argv [ 1 ], $argv [ 2 ], $relatives );
return ( $rv );
@ function update_real
@ abstract Update database information for file or directory $string
@ param $string File or directory to update database information for
@ param $relatives Relativity array
@ result Boolean True / False
function update_real ( $string , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( file_exists ( $p -> real_full_path ))
if ( is_dir ( $p -> real_full_path ))
$dir_handle = opendir ( $p -> real_full_path );
while ( $filename = readdir ( $dir_handle ))
if ( $filename == '.' || $filename == '..' )
continue ;
$rarray [] = $this -> get_real_info ( $p -> fake_full_path . '/' . $filename , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
$rarray [] = $this -> get_real_info ( $p -> fake_full_path , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
if ( ! is_array ( $rarray ))
$rarray = array ();
while ( list ( $num , $file_array ) = each ( $rarray ))
$p2 = $this -> path_parts ( $file_array [ 'directory' ] . '/' . $file_array [ 'name' ], array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
/* Note the mime_type. This can be "Directory", which is how we create directories */
$set_attributes_array = array ( 'size' => $file_array [ 'size' ], 'mime_type' => $file_array [ 'mime_type' ]);
if ( ! $this -> file_exists ( $p2 -> fake_full_path , array ( RELATIVE_NONE )))
$this -> touch ( $p2 -> fake_full_path , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ));
$this -> set_attributes ( $p2 -> fake_full_path , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ), $set_attributes_array );
$this -> set_attributes ( $p2 -> fake_full_path , array ( RELATIVE_NONE ), $set_attributes_array );
/* Helper functions */
/* This fetchs all available file system information for $string (not using the database) */
function get_real_info ( $string , $relatives = '' )
if ( ! is_array ( $relatives ))
$relatives = array ( RELATIVE_CURRENT );
$p = $this -> path_parts ( $string , array ( $relatives [ 0 ]));
if ( is_dir ( $p -> real_full_path ))
$mime_type = 'Directory' ;
$size = filesize ( $p -> real_full_path );
$rarray = array (
'directory' => $p -> fake_leading_dirs ,
'name' => $p -> fake_name ,
'size' => $size ,
'mime_type' => $mime_type
return ( $rarray );