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<title>Test 3</title>
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// For dynamic loading of pyramidRenderer requirements, you have to set the pluginLocation path.
// It is better to load the jqplot.pyramidAxisRenderer.min.js jqplot.pyramidGridRenderer.min.js through
// script tags in the head
$.jqplot.pluginLocation = "../src/plugins/";
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js"></script>
<!-- uncomment and load the pyramidAxis and Grid renderers in production. pyramidRenderer will try to load via ajax if not present, but that is not optimal and depends on paths being set. -->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jqplot.pyramidAxisRenderer.min.js"></script>
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.chart-container {
border: 1px solid darkblue;
padding: 30px;
width: 600px;
height: 700px;
#chart1 {
width: 96%;
height: 96%;
.jqplot-datestamp {
font-size: 0.8em;
color: #777;
/* margin-top: 1em;
text-align: right;*/
font-style: italic;
position: absolute;
bottom: 15px;
right: 15px;
td.controls li {
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td.controls ul {
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clear: both;
<script class="code" type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// the "x" values from the data will go into the ticks array.
// ticks should be strings for this case where we have values like "75+"
var ticks = ["0-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-44", "45-49", "50-54", "55-59", "60-64", "65-69", "70-74", "75+"];
// The "y" values of the data are put into seperate series arrays.
var male = [4.425251, 5.064975, 4.401382, 3.787731, 2.306403, 3.110203, 2.824716, 3.846422, 3.067799, 2.936013, 2.505067, 2.018346, 1.90446, 1.357237, 0.909704, 0.988836];
var female = [4.28698, 4.343237, 4.710053, 3.99281, 2.811107, 3.191518, 4.855351, 4.62347, 4.032976, 4.414623, 3.210845, 2.426347, 2.635736, 1.811459, 1.515899, 1.683044];
var male2 = [1.445677, 2.088224, 2.159879, 2.401152, 3.701622, 3.897444, 5.048783, 4.367545, 3.304588, 3.784367, 3.059088, 2.052513, 1.412907, 0.934326, 0.541234, 0.784258];
var female2 =[2.238284, 2.974165, 2.360351, 3.03517, 4.80941, 6.229139, 7.257596, 5.847782, 5.226342, 6.201237, 4.474141, 2.769444, 2.048169, 1.47749, 0.87372, 1.193951];
// Custom color arrays are set up for each series to get the look that is desired.
// Two color arrays are created for the default and optional color which the user can pick.
var greenColors = ["#526D2C", "#77933C", "#C57225", "#C57225"];
var blueColors = ["#3F7492", "#4F9AB8", "#C57225", "#C57225"];
// To accomodate changing y axis, need to keep track of plot options.
// changing axes will require recreating the plot, so need to keep
// track of state changes.
var plotOptions = {
// We set up a customized title which acts as labels for the left and right sides of the pyramid.
title: '<div style="float:left;width:50%;text-align:center">Male</div><div style="float:right;width:50%;text-align:center">Female</div>',
// by default, the series will use the green color scheme.
seriesColors: greenColors,
grid: {
drawBorder: false,
shadow: false,
background: 'white',
rendererOptions: {
// plotBands is an option of the pyramidGridRenderer.
// it will put banding at starting at a specified value
// along the y axis with an adjustable interval.
plotBands: {
show: false,
interval: 2
// This makes the effective starting value of the axes 0 instead of 1.
// For display, the y axis will use the ticks we supplied.
defaultAxisStart: 0,
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: $.jqplot.PyramidRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
barPadding: 4
yaxis: 'yaxis',
shadow: false
// We have 4 series, the left and right pyramid bars and
// the left and rigt overlay lines.
series: [
// For pyramid plots, the default side is right.
// We want to override here to put first set of bars
// on left.
{rendererOptions:{side: 'left'}},
{yaxis: 'y2axis'},
// Pyramid series are filled bars by default.
// The overlay series will be unfilled lines.
rendererOptions: {
fill: false,
side: 'left'
yaxis: 'y2axis',
rendererOptions: {
fill: false
// Set up all the y axes, since users are allowed to switch between them.
// The only axis that will show is the one that the series are "attached" to.
// We need the appropriate options for the others for when the user switches.
axes: {
xaxis: {
tickOptions: {},
rendererOptions: {
baselineWidth: 2
yaxis: {
label: 'Age',
// Use canvas label renderer to get rotated labels.
labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
// include empty tick options, they will be used
// as users set options with plot controls.
tickOptions: {},
showMinorTicks: true,
ticks: ticks,
rendererOptions: {
category: true,
baselineWidth: 2
yMidAxis: {
label: 'Age',
// include empty tick options, they will be used
// as users set options with plot controls.
tickOptions: {},
showMinorTicks: true,
ticks: ticks,
rendererOptions: {
category: true,
baselineWidth: 2
y2axis: {
label: 'Age',
// Use canvas label renderer to get rotated labels.
labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer,
// include empty tick options, they will be used
// as users set options with plot controls.
tickOptions: {},
showMinorTicks: true,
ticks: ticks,
rendererOptions: {
category: true,
baselineWidth: 2
// initialize form elements
// set these before attaching event handlers.
$('input[type=checkbox][name=gridsVertical]').attr('checked', true);
$('input[type=checkbox][name=gridsHorizontal]').attr('checked', true);
$('input[type=checkbox][name=showMinorTicks]').attr('checked', false);
$('input[type=checkbox][name=plotBands]').attr('checked', false);
$('input[type=checkbox][name=showContour]').attr('checked', true);
$('input[type=checkbox][name=barPadding]').attr('checked', true);
$('input[type=radio][name=backgroundColor]').attr('checked', false);
$('input[type=radio][name=backgroundColor][value=white]').attr('checked', true);
$('input[type=radio][name=backgroundColor]').attr('checked', false);
$('input[type=radio][name=backgroundColor][value=white]').attr('checked', true);
$('input[type=radio][name=seriesColor]').attr('checked', false);
$('input[type=radio][name=seriesColor][value=green]').attr('checked', true);
plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [male, female, male2, female2], plotOptions);
// After plot creation, check to see if contours should be displayed
// The followng functions use verbose css selectors to make
// it clear exactly which elements they are binging to/operating on
// Function which checkes if the countour lines checkbox is checked.
// If not, hide the contour lines.
function checkContour() {
if (!$('input[type=checkbox][name=showContour]').get(0).checked) {
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
switch ($(this).val()) {
case 'both':
plotOptions.series[0].yaxis = 'yaxis';
plotOptions.series[1].yaxis = 'y2axis';
plotOptions.series[2].yaxis = 'yaxis';
plotOptions.series[3].yaxis = 'y2axis';
case 'left':
plotOptions.series[0].yaxis = 'yaxis';
plotOptions.series[1].yaxis = 'yaxis';
plotOptions.series[2].yaxis = 'yaxis';
plotOptions.series[3].yaxis = 'yaxis';
case 'right':
plotOptions.series[0].yaxis = 'y2axis';
plotOptions.series[1].yaxis = 'y2axis';
plotOptions.series[2].yaxis = 'y2axis';
plotOptions.series[3].yaxis = 'y2axis';
case 'mid':
plotOptions.series[0].yaxis = 'yMidAxis';
plotOptions.series[1].yaxis = 'yMidAxis';
plotOptions.series[2].yaxis = 'yMidAxis';
plotOptions.series[3].yaxis = 'yMidAxis';
plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [male, female, male2, female2], plotOptions);
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
plot1.grid.background = $(this).val();
plotOptions.grid.background = $(this).val();
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
if ($(this).val() === 'blue') {
// reset highlight colors so they will be recalculated.
plot1.series[0].highlightColors = [];
plot1.series[1].highlightColors = [];
// reset series color to properly calculate highlight color.
plot1.series[0].color = blueColors[0];
plot1.series[1].color = blueColors[1];
// to actually draw a new color, have to set the color on the shaperenderer.
plot1.series[0].renderer.shapeRenderer.fillStyle = blueColors[0];
plot1.series[1].renderer.shapeRenderer.fillStyle = blueColors[1];
// update plot options state.
plotOptions.seriesColors = blueColors;
else if ($(this).val() === 'green') {
// reset highlight colors so they will be recalculated.
plot1.series[0].highlightColors = [];
plot1.series[1].highlightColors = [];
// reset series color to properly calculate highlight color.
plot1.series[0].color = greenColors[0];
plot1.series[1].color = greenColors[1];
// to actually draw a new color, have to set the color on the shaperenderer.
plot1.series[0].renderer.shapeRenderer.fillStyle = greenColors[0];
plot1.series[1].renderer.shapeRenderer.fillStyle = greenColors[1];
// update plot options state.
plotOptions.seriesColors = blueColors;
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
plot1.axes.xaxis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
plotOptions.axes.xaxis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
plot1.axes.yaxis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
plot1.axes.y2axis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
plot1.axes.yMidAxis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
plotOptions.axes.yaxis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
plotOptions.axes.y2axis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
plotOptions.axes.yMidAxis.tickOptions.showGridline = this.checked;
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
plot1.axes.yaxis.showMinorTicks = !this.checked;
plot1.axes.y2axis.showMinorTicks = !this.checked;
plot1.axes.yMidAxis.showMinorTicks = !this.checked;
plotOptions.axes.yaxis.showMinorTicks = !this.checked;
plotOptions.axes.y2axis.showMinorTicks = !this.checked;
plotOptions.axes.yMidAxis.showMinorTicks = !this.checked;
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
plot1.grid.plotBands.show = this.checked;
plotOptions.grid.rendererOptions.plotBands.show = this.checked;
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
var speed = $(this).val();
if (this.checked) {
else {
// this refers to the html element we are binding to.
// $(this) is jQuery object on that element.
if (this.checked) {
var val = parseFloat($(this).val());
plot1.series[0].barPadding = val;
plot1.series[1].barPadding = val;
plotOptions.seriesDefaults.rendererOptions.barPadding = val;
else {
plot1.series[0].barPadding = 0;
plot1.series[1].barPadding = 0;
plotOptions.seriesDefaults.rendererOptions.barPadding = 0;
// Finally, check to see if we need to hide contour lines.
// bind to the data highlighting event to make custom tooltip:
$('.jqplot-target').bind('jqplotDataHighlight', function(evt, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
// Here, assume first series is male poulation and second series is female population.
// Adjust series indices as appropriate.
var malePopulation = Math.abs(plot1.series[0].data[pointIndex][1]);
var femalePopulation = Math.abs(plot1.series[1].data[pointIndex][1]);
var ratio = femalePopulation / malePopulation * 100;
$('#tooltipMale').stop(true, true).fadeIn(250).html(malePopulation.toPrecision(4));
$('#tooltipFemale').stop(true, true).fadeIn(250).html(femalePopulation.toPrecision(4));
$('#tooltipRatio').stop(true, true).fadeIn(250).html(ratio.toPrecision(4));
// Since we don't know which axis is rendererd and acive with out a little extra work,
// just use the supplied ticks array to get the age label.
$('#tooltipAge').stop(true, true).fadeIn(250).html(ticks[pointIndex]);
// bind to the data highlighting event to make custom tooltip:
$('.jqplot-target').bind('jqplotDataUnhighlight', function(evt, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
// clear out all the tooltips.
$('.tooltip-item').stop(true, true).fadeOut(200).html('');
// add a date at the bottom.
var d = new $.jsDate();
$('div.jqplot-datestamp').html('Generated on '+d.strftime('%v'));
<script class="code" type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$('div.chart-container').bind('resize', function(event, ui) {
<?php include "topbanner.inc"; ?>
<div class="example-content">
<?php include "nav.inc"; ?>
<table class="app">
<td class="controls">
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px;">
<select name="axisPosition">
<option value="both">Left &amp; Right</option>
<option value = "left">Left</option>
<option value = "right">Right</option>
<option value = "mid">Mid</option>
Background Color:
<li><input name="backgroundColor" value="white" type="radio" checked />Default</li>
<li><input name="backgroundColor" value="#efefef" type="radio" />Gray</li>
Pyramid Color:
<li><input name="seriesColor" value="green" type="radio" checked />Green</li>
<li><input name="seriesColor" value="blue" type="radio" />Blue</li>
<li><input name="gridsVertical" value="vertical" type="checkbox" checked />Vertical</li>
<li><input name="gridsHorizontal" value="horizontal" type="checkbox" checked />Horizontal</li>
<li><input name="showMinorTicks" value="true" type="checkbox" />Only major</li>
<li><input name="plotBands" value="true" type="checkbox" />Plot Bands</li>
<li><input name="barPadding" value="4" type="checkbox" checked />Gap between bars</li>
<!-- value for showContour is speed at which to fade lines in/out -->
<li><input name="showContour" value="500" type="checkbox" />Comparison Line</li>
<div class="tooltip">
<td>Age: </td><td><div class="tooltip-item" id="tooltipAge">&nbsp;</div></td>
<td>Male: </td><td><div class="tooltip-item" id="tooltipMale">&nbsp;</div></td>
<td>Female: </td><td><div class="tooltip-item" id="tooltipFemale">&nbsp;</div></td>
<td>Ratio: </td><td><div class="tooltip-item" id="tooltipRatio">&nbsp;</div></td>
<td class="chart">
<div class="chart-container">
<div id="chart1"></div>
<div class="jqplot-datestamp"></div>
<pre class="code"></pre>