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2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
import {assert, elementUpdated, fixture, html, oneEvent} from '@open-wc/testing';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import {inputBasicTests} from "../../Et2InputWidget/test/InputBasicTests";
import {Et2Email} from "../Et2Email";
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
import {Et2EmailTag} from "../../Et2Select/Tag/Et2EmailTag";
import {waitForEvent} from "../../Et2Widget/event";
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
* Test file for Etemplate webComponent Select
* In here we test just the simple, basic widget stuff.
// Stub global egw for cssImage to find
// @ts-ignore
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
let uid = 0;
const testSuggestions = [
{value: "", label: "Suggestion 1"},
{value: "", label: "Suggestion 2"}
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
window.egw = {
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
ajaxUrl: () => "",
app: () => "addressbook",
decodePath: (_path : string) => _path,
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
image: () => "",
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
jsonq: () => Promise.resolve({}),
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
lang: i => i + "*",
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
link: i => i,
preference: i => "",
request: () => Promise.resolve(testSuggestions),
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
tooltipUnbind: () => {},
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
webserverUrl: "",
uid: () => {return "" + (uid++);}
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
let element : Et2Email;
async function before()
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
// @ts-ignore
element = await fixture<Et2Select>(html`
<et2-email label="I'm an email">
// Stub egw()
sinon.stub(element, "egw").returns(window.egw);
await elementUpdated(element);
return element;
describe("Email widget basics", () =>
// Setup run before each test
// Make sure it works
it('is defined', () =>
assert.instanceOf(element, Et2Email);
it('has a label', async() =>
element.set_label("Label set");
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.equal(element.querySelector("[slot='label']").textContent, "Label set");
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
it("textbox gets focus when widget is focused", async() =>
assert.equal(element.shadowRoot.activeElement, element._search, "Search textbox did not get focus when widget got focus");
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
it("closes when losing focus", async() =>
// WIP
const blurSpy = sinon.spy();
element.addEventListener('sl-hide', blurSpy);
const showPromise = new Promise(resolve =>
element.addEventListener("sl-after-show", resolve);
const hidePromise = new Promise(resolve =>
element.addEventListener("sl-hide", resolve);
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
await elementUpdated(element);
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00;
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
await showPromise;
await elementUpdated(element);
await elementUpdated(element);
await hidePromise;
// Check that it actually closed dropdown
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
it("blurring widget accepts current text", async() =>
const value = "";
element._search.value = value;
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.sameMembers(element.value, [value], "Valid email was not accepted on blur");
2024-01-11 22:15:19 +01:00
describe("Properties", async() =>
// Setup run before each test
it("Allows placeholder", async() =>
const value = "{{placeholder}}";
element.allowPlaceholder = false;
await elementUpdated(element);
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.sameMembers(element.value, [], "Placeholder was accepted when not allowed");
element.allowPlaceholder = true;
await elementUpdated(element);
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.sameMembers(element.value, [value], "Placeholder was not accepted when allowed");
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
describe("Suggestions", () =>
{ // Setup run before each test
it("clicking accepts suggestion", async() =>
await elementUpdated(element);
// Start the search
await waitForEvent(element, "sl-after-show");
// Click the first one
element._listbox.querySelector('sl-option').dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", {bubbles: true}))
await elementUpdated(element);
// Check the value
assert.sameMembers(element.value, [testSuggestions[0].value]);
it("tab accepts top suggestion", async() =>
await waitForEvent(element, "sl-after-show");
// No match between what they typed and the suggestion - no
element._search.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key: "Tab"}));
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.sameMembers(element.value, []);
// Partial match with current suggestion, take it
element._search.value = "sugg";
element._search.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {key: "Tab"}));
await elementUpdated(element);
assert.sameMembers(element.value, [testSuggestions[0].value]);
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
describe("Tags", () =>
beforeEach(async() =>
// Create an element to test with, and wait until it's ready
// @ts-ignore
element = await fixture<Et2Email>(html`
<et2-email label="I'm a select" value=",">
// Stub egw()
sinon.stub(element, "egw").returns(window.egw);
return element;
it("Can remove tags", async() =>
assert.equal(element._tags.length, 2, "Did not find tags");
// Set up listener
const listener = oneEvent(element, "change");
// Click to remove first tag
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
let removeButton = element._tags[0].shadowRoot.querySelector("[part='remove-button']");
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
assert.exists(removeButton, "Could not find tag remove button");
removeButton.dispatchEvent(new Event("click"));
await listener;
// Wait for widget to update
await element.updateComplete;
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
let tag_updates = []
element._tags.forEach((t : Et2EmailTag) => tag_updates.push(t.updateComplete));
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
await Promise.all(tag_updates);
// Check
2023-12-20 23:22:14 +01:00
assert.sameMembers(element.value, [""], "Removing tag did not remove value");
assert.equal(element._tags.length, 1, "Removed tag is still there");
2023-12-09 00:22:01 +01:00
inputBasicTests(async() =>
const element = await before();
element.noLang = true;
return element
}, "", "input");