2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ *
Copyright Scand LLC http : //www.scbr.com
This version of Software is free for using in non - commercial applications .
For commercial use please contact info @ scbr . com to obtain license
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * _ T O P I C S _
@ 0 : Initialization
@ 1 : Selection control
@ 2 : Add / delete
@ 3 : Private
@ 4 : Node / level control
@ 5 : Checkboxes / user data manipulation
@ 6 : Appearence control
* /
/ * *
* @ desc : tree constructor
* @ param : htmlObject - parent html object or id of parent html object
* @ param : width - tree width
* @ param : height - tree height
* @ param : rootId - id of virtual root node
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 0
* /
function dhtmlXTreeObject ( htmlObject , width , height , rootId ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . _isOpera = ( navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( 'Opera' ) != - 1 ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( typeof ( htmlObject ) != "object" )
this . parentObject = document . getElementById ( htmlObject ) ;
this . parentObject = htmlObject ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . xmlstate = 0 ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . mytype = "tree" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . smcheck = true ; //smart checkboxes
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . width = width ;
this . height = height ;
this . rootId = rootId ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . childCalc = null ;
this . def _img _x = "18px" ;
this . def _img _y = "18px" ;
this . style _pointer = "pointer" ;
if ( navigator . appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) this . style _pointer = "hand" ;
this . _aimgs = true ;
this . htmlcA = " [" ;
this . htmlcB = "]" ;
this . lWin = window ;
this . cMenu = 0 ;
this . mlitems = 0 ;
this . dadmode = 0 ;
this . slowParse = false ;
this . autoScroll = true ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . hfMode = 0 ;
this . nodeCut = 0 ;
this . XMLsource = 0 ;
this . XMLloadingWarning = 0 ;
this . _globalIdStorage = new Array ( ) ;
this . globalNodeStorage = new Array ( ) ;
this . _globalIdStorageSize = 0 ;
this . treeLinesOn = true ;
this . checkFuncHandler = 0 ;
this . openFuncHandler = 0 ;
this . dblclickFuncHandler = 0 ;
this . tscheck = false ;
this . timgen = true ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . dpcpy = false ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . imPath = "treeGfx/" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . checkArray = new Array ( "iconUnCheckAll.gif" , "iconCheckAll.gif" , "iconCheckGray.gif" , "iconUncheckDis.gif" ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . lineArray = new Array ( "line2.gif" , "line3.gif" , "line4.gif" , "blank.gif" , "blank.gif" ) ;
this . minusArray = new Array ( "minus2.gif" , "minus3.gif" , "minus4.gif" , "minus.gif" , "minus5.gif" ) ;
this . plusArray = new Array ( "plus2.gif" , "plus3.gif" , "plus4.gif" , "plus.gif" , "plus5.gif" ) ;
this . imageArray = new Array ( "leaf.gif" , "folderOpen.gif" , "folderClosed.gif" ) ;
this . cutImg = new Array ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
this . cutImage = "but_cut.gif" ;
this . dragger = new dhtmlDragAndDropObject ( ) ;
//create root
this . htmlNode = new dhtmlXTreeItemObject ( this . rootId , "" , 0 , this ) ;
this . htmlNode . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . display = "none" ;
this . htmlNode . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . className = "hiddenRow" ;
//init tree structures
this . allTree = this . _createSelf ( ) ;
this . allTree . appendChild ( this . htmlNode . htmlNode ) ;
this . allTree . onselectstart = new Function ( "return false;" ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . XMLLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject ( this . _parseXMLTree , this ) ;
this . selectionBar = document . createElement ( "DIV" ) ;
this . selectionBar . className = "selectionBar" ;
this . selectionBar . innerHTML = " " ;
if ( this . allTree . offsetWidth > 20 ) this . selectionBar . style . width = this . allTree . offsetWidth - 20 ;
this . selectionBar . style . display = "none" ;
this . allTree . appendChild ( this . selectionBar ) ;
/ *
this . selectionBox = document . createElement ( "DIV" ) ;
this . selectionBox . className = "selectionBox" ;
this . selectionBox . innerHTML = " " ;
this . selectionBox . style . width = this . allTree . offsetWidth ;
this . selectionBox . style . height = this . allTree . offsetHeight ;
this . selectionBox . style . display = "none" ;
this . allTree . appendChild ( this . selectionBox ) ; * /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
return this ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : tree node constructor
* @ param : itemId - node id
* @ param : itemText - node label
* @ param : parentObject - parent item object
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : treeObject - tree object
* @ param : actionHandler - onclick event handler ( optional )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : mode - do not show images
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 0
* /
function dhtmlXTreeItemObject ( itemId , itemText , parentObject , treeObject , actionHandler , mode ) {
this . htmlNode = "" ;
this . acolor = "" ;
this . scolor = "" ;
this . tr = 0 ;
this . childsCount = 0 ;
this . tempDOMM = 0 ;
this . tempDOMU = 0 ;
this . dragSpan = 0 ;
this . dragMove = 0 ;
this . span = 0 ;
this . closeble = 1 ;
this . childNodes = new Array ( ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . userData = new Object ( ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . checkstate = 0 ;
this . treeNod = treeObject ;
this . label = itemText ;
this . parentObject = parentObject ;
this . actionHandler = actionHandler ;
this . images = new Array ( treeObject . imageArray [ 0 ] , treeObject . imageArray [ 1 ] , treeObject . imageArray [ 2 ] ) ;
this . id = treeObject . _globalIdStorageAdd ( itemId , this ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . treeNod . checkBoxOff ) this . htmlNode = this . treeNod . _createItem ( 1 , this , mode ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
else this . htmlNode = this . treeNod . _createItem ( 0 , this , mode ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . htmlNode . objBelong = this ;
return this ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : register node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemId - node identificator
* @ param : itemObject - node object
* @ topic : 3
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _globalIdStorageAdd = function ( itemId , itemObject ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId , 1 , 1 ) ) { d = new Date ( ) ; itemId = d . valueOf ( ) + "_" + itemId ; return this . _globalIdStorageAdd ( itemId , itemObject ) ; }
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . _globalIdStorage [ this . _globalIdStorageSize ] = itemId ;
this . globalNodeStorage [ this . _globalIdStorageSize ] = itemObject ;
this . _globalIdStorageSize ++ ;
return itemId ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : unregister node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemId - node identificator
* @ topic : 3
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _globalIdStorageSub = function ( itemId ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . _globalIdStorageSize ; i ++ )
if ( this . _globalIdStorage [ i ] == itemId )
this . _globalIdStorage [ i ] = this . _globalIdStorage [ this . _globalIdStorageSize - 1 ] ;
this . globalNodeStorage [ i ] = this . globalNodeStorage [ this . _globalIdStorageSize - 1 ] ;
this . _globalIdStorageSize -- ;
this . _globalIdStorage [ this . _globalIdStorageSize ] = 0 ;
this . globalNodeStorage [ this . _globalIdStorageSize ] = 0 ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : return node object
* @ param : itemId - node identificator
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 3
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _globalIdStorageFind = function ( itemId , skipXMLSearch , skipParsing ) {
// if (confirm(itemId)) { window.asdasd.asdasd(); }
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . _globalIdStorageSize ; i ++ )
if ( this . _globalIdStorage [ i ] == itemId )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
return this . globalNodeStorage [ i ] ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
return null ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : create and return new line in tree
* @ type : private
* @ param : htmlObject - parent Node object
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : node - item object
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 2
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _drawNewTr = function ( htmlObject , node )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var tr = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
var td1 = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
var td2 = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
td1 . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( " " ) ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
td2 . colSpan = 3 ;
td2 . appendChild ( htmlObject ) ;
tr . appendChild ( td1 ) ; tr . appendChild ( td2 ) ;
return tr ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : load tree from xml string
* @ type : public
* @ param : xmlString - XML string
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
* @ topic : 0
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . loadXMLString = function ( xmlString , afterCall ) {
this . xmlstate = 1 ;
this . XMLLoader . loadXMLString ( xmlString ) ; this . waitCall = afterCall || 0 ; } ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : load tree from xml file
* @ type : public
* @ param : file - link too XML file
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : afterCall - function which will be called after xml loading
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 0
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . loadXML = function ( file , afterCall ) {
this . xmlstate = 1 ;
this . XMLLoader . loadXML ( file ) ; this . waitCall = afterCall || 0 ; } ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : create new child node
* @ type : private
* @ param : parentObject - parent node object
* @ param : itemId - new node id
* @ param : itemText - new node text
* @ param : itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event
* @ param : image1 - image for node without childrens ;
* @ param : image2 - image for closed node ;
* @ param : image3 - image for opened node
* @ param : optionStr - string of otions
* @ param : childs - node childs flag ( for dynamical trees ) ( optional )
* @ param : beforeNode - node , after which new node will be inserted ( optional )
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _attachChildNode = function ( parentObject , itemId , itemText , itemActionHandler , image1 , image2 , image3 , optionStr , childs , beforeNode ) {
if ( beforeNode ) parentObject = beforeNode . parentObject ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ( parentObject . XMLload == 0 ) && ( this . XMLsource ) ) && ( ! this . XMLloadingWarning ) )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
parentObject . XMLload = 1 ; this . loadXML ( this . XMLsource + getUrlSymbol ( this . XMLsource ) + "itemId=" + escape ( parentObject . id ) ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var Count = parentObject . childsCount ;
var Nodes = parentObject . childNodes ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( beforeNode )
var ik , jk ;
for ( ik = 0 ; ik < Count ; ik ++ )
if ( Nodes [ ik ] == beforeNode )
for ( jk = Count ; jk != ik ; jk -- )
Nodes [ 1 + jk ] = Nodes [ jk ] ;
break ;
ik ++ ;
Count = ik ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ( ! itemActionHandler ) && ( this . aFunc ) ) itemActionHandler = this . aFunc ;
if ( optionStr ) {
var tempStr = optionStr . split ( "," ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tempStr . length ; i ++ )
switch ( tempStr [ i ] )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
case "TOP" : if ( parentObject . childsCount > 0 ) { beforeNode = new Object ; beforeNode . tr = parentObject . childNodes [ 0 ] . tr . previousSibling ; }
for ( ik = 0 ; ik < Count ; ik ++ )
Nodes [ ik + Count ] = Nodes [ ik + Count - 1 ] ;
Count = 0 ;
break ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
} ;
Nodes [ Count ] = new dhtmlXTreeItemObject ( itemId , itemText , parentObject , this , itemActionHandler , 1 ) ;
if ( image1 ) Nodes [ Count ] . images [ 0 ] = image1 ;
if ( image2 ) Nodes [ Count ] . images [ 1 ] = image2 ;
if ( image3 ) Nodes [ Count ] . images [ 2 ] = image3 ;
parentObject . childsCount ++ ;
var tr = this . _drawNewTr ( Nodes [ Count ] . htmlNode ) ;
if ( this . XMLloadingWarning )
Nodes [ Count ] . htmlNode . parentNode . parentNode . style . display = "none" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( beforeNode ) && ( beforeNode . tr . nextSibling ) )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
parentObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . insertBefore ( tr , beforeNode . tr . nextSibling ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( this . parsingOn ) && ( this . parsingOn == parentObject . id ) )
this . parsedArray [ this . parsedArray . length ] = tr ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
parentObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . appendChild ( tr ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( beforeNode ) && ( ! beforeNode . span ) ) beforeNode = null ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( this . XMLsource ) if ( ( childs ) && ( childs != 0 ) ) Nodes [ Count ] . XMLload = 0 ; else Nodes [ Count ] . XMLload = 1 ;
Nodes [ Count ] . tr = tr ;
tr . nodem = Nodes [ Count ] ;
if ( parentObject . itemId == 0 )
tr . childNodes [ 0 ] . className = "hitemIddenRow" ;
if ( optionStr ) {
var tempStr = optionStr . split ( "," ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tempStr . length ; i ++ )
switch ( tempStr [ i ] )
case "SELECT" : this . selectItem ( itemId , false ) ; break ;
case "CALL" : this . selectItem ( itemId , true ) ; break ;
case "CHILD" : Nodes [ Count ] . XMLload = 0 ; break ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
case "CHECKED" :
if ( this . XMLloadingWarning )
this . setCheckList += "," + itemId ;
this . setCheck ( itemId , 1 ) ;
break ;
case "HCHECKED" :
this . _setCheck ( Nodes [ Count ] , "notsure" ) ;
break ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
case "OPEN" : Nodes [ Count ] . openMe = 1 ; break ;
} ;
} ;
if ( ! this . XMLloadingWarning )
if ( this . _getOpenState ( parentObject ) < 0 )
this . openItem ( parentObject . id ) ;
if ( beforeNode )
this . _correctPlus ( beforeNode ) ;
this . _correctLine ( beforeNode ) ;
this . _correctPlus ( parentObject ) ;
this . _correctLine ( parentObject ) ;
this . _correctPlus ( Nodes [ Count ] ) ;
if ( parentObject . childsCount >= 2 )
this . _correctPlus ( Nodes [ parentObject . childsCount - 2 ] ) ;
this . _correctLine ( Nodes [ parentObject . childsCount - 2 ] ) ;
if ( parentObject . childsCount != 2 ) this . _correctPlus ( Nodes [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( this . tscheck ) this . _correctCheckStates ( parentObject ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . cMenu ) this . cMenu . setContextZone ( Nodes [ Count ] . span , Nodes [ Count ] . id ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
return Nodes [ Count ] ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : create new node , next to existing
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
* @ param : parentId - parent node id
* @ param : itemId - new node id
* @ param : itemText - new node text
* @ param : itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event ( optional )
* @ param : image1 - image for node without childrens ; ( optional )
* @ param : image2 - image for closed node ; ( optional )
* @ param : image3 - image for opened node ( optional )
* @ param : optionStr - options string ( optional )
* @ param : childs - node childs flag ( for dynamical trees ) ( optional )
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . insertNewItem = function ( parentId , itemId , itemText , itemActionHandler , image1 , image2 , image3 , optionStr , childs ) {
var parentObject = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( parentId ) ;
if ( ! parentObject ) return ( - 1 ) ;
return this . _attachChildNode ( parentObject , itemId , itemText , itemActionHandler , image1 , image2 , image3 , optionStr , childs ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : parse xml
* @ type : private
* @ param : dhtmlObject - jsTree object
* @ param : node - top XML node
* @ param : parentId - parent node id
* @ param : level - level of tree
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _parseXMLTree = function ( dhtmlObject , node , parentId , level ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! dhtmlObject . parsCount ) dhtmlObject . parsCount = 1 ; else dhtmlObject . parsCount ++ ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlObject . XMLloadingWarning = 1 ;
var nodeAskingCall = "" ;
if ( ! node ) {
node = dhtmlObject . XMLLoader . getXMLTopNode ( "tree" ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
parentId = node . getAttribute ( "id" ) ;
dhtmlObject . parsingOn = parentId ;
dhtmlObject . parsedArray = new Array ( ) ;
dhtmlObject . setCheckList = "" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( node . getAttribute ( "order" ) )
dhtmlObject . _reorderXMLBranch ( node ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < node . childNodes . length ; i ++ )
if ( ( node . childNodes [ i ] . nodeType == 1 ) && ( node . childNodes [ i ] . tagName == "item" ) )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var nodx = node . childNodes [ i ] ;
var name = nodx . getAttribute ( "text" ) ;
var cId = nodx . getAttribute ( "id" ) ;
if ( ( ! dhtmlObject . waitUpdateXML ) || ( dhtmlObject . waitUpdateXML . toString ( ) . search ( "," + cId + "," ) != - 1 ) )
var im0 = nodx . getAttribute ( "im0" ) ;
var im1 = nodx . getAttribute ( "im1" ) ;
var im2 = nodx . getAttribute ( "im2" ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var aColor = nodx . getAttribute ( "aCol" ) ;
var sColor = nodx . getAttribute ( "sCol" ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var chd = nodx . getAttribute ( "child" ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var atop = nodx . getAttribute ( "top" ) ;
var aopen = nodx . getAttribute ( "open" ) ;
var aselect = nodx . getAttribute ( "select" ) ;
var acall = nodx . getAttribute ( "call" ) ;
var achecked = nodx . getAttribute ( "checked" ) ;
var closeable = nodx . getAttribute ( "closeable" ) ;
var tooltip = nodx . getAttribute ( "tooltip" ) ;
var nocheckbox = nodx . getAttribute ( "nocheckbox" ) ;
var style = nodx . getAttribute ( "style" ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var zST = "" ;
if ( aselect ) zST += ",SELECT" ;
if ( atop ) zST += ",TOP" ;
//if (acall) zST+=",CALL";
if ( acall ) nodeAskingCall = cId ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( achecked == - 1 ) zST += ",HCHECKED" ;
else if ( achecked ) zST += ",CHECKED" ;
if ( aopen ) zST += ",OPEN" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var temp = dhtmlObject . _globalIdStorageFind ( parentId ) ;
temp . XMLload = 1 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var newNode = dhtmlObject . insertNewItem ( parentId , cId , name , 0 , im0 , im1 , im2 , zST , chd ) ;
if ( tooltip ) newNode . span . parentNode . title = tooltip ;
if ( style ) newNode . span . style . cssText += ( ";" + style ) ;
if ( nocheckbox ) {
newNode . span . parentNode . previousSibling . previousSibling . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . display = 'none' ;
newNode . nocheckbox = true ;
newNode . _acc = chd || 0 ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( dhtmlObject . parserExtension ) dhtmlObject . parserExtension . _parseExtension ( node . childNodes [ i ] , dhtmlObject . parserExtension , cId , parentId ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlObject . setItemColor ( newNode , aColor , sColor ) ;
if ( ( closeable == "0" ) || ( closeable == "1" ) ) dhtmlObject . setItemCloseable ( newNode , closeable ) ;
var zcall = "" ;
if ( ( ! dhtmlObject . slowParse ) || ( dhtmlObject . waitUpdateXML ) )
zcall = dhtmlObject . _parseXMLTree ( dhtmlObject , node . childNodes [ i ] , cId , 1 ) ;
else {
if ( node . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes . length > 0 ) {
for ( var a = 0 ; a < node . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes . length ; a ++ )
if ( node . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ a ] . tagName == "item" ) {
newNode . unParsed = node . childNodes [ i ] ;
break ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( zcall != "" ) nodeAskingCall = zcall ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
else dhtmlObject . _parseXMLTree ( dhtmlObject , node . childNodes [ i ] , cId , 1 ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ( node . childNodes [ i ] . nodeType == 1 ) && ( node . childNodes [ i ] . tagName == "userdata" ) )
var name = node . childNodes [ i ] . getAttribute ( "name" ) ;
if ( ( name ) && ( node . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] ) ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ! dhtmlObject . waitUpdateXML ) || ( dhtmlObject . waitUpdateXML . toString ( ) . search ( "," + parentId + "," ) != - 1 ) )
dhtmlObject . setUserData ( parentId , name , node . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . data ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
} ;
} ;
if ( ! level ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( dhtmlObject . waitUpdateXML )
dhtmlObject . waitUpdateXML = "" ;
else {
var parsedNodeTop = dhtmlObject . _globalIdStorageFind ( dhtmlObject . parsingOn ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < dhtmlObject . parsedArray . length ; i ++ )
parsedNodeTop . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . appendChild ( dhtmlObject . parsedArray [ i ] ) ;
dhtmlObject . parsingOn = 0 ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlObject . lastLoadedXMLId = parentId ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlObject . XMLloadingWarning = 0 ;
var chArr = dhtmlObject . setCheckList . split ( "," ) ;
for ( var n = 0 ; n < chArr . length ; n ++ )
if ( chArr [ n ] ) dhtmlObject . setCheck ( chArr [ n ] , 1 ) ;
dhtmlObject . _redrawFrom ( dhtmlObject ) ;
if ( nodeAskingCall != "" ) dhtmlObject . selectItem ( nodeAskingCall , true ) ;
if ( dhtmlObject . waitCall ) dhtmlObject . waitCall ( ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( dhtmlObject . parsCount == 1 ) {
dhtmlObject . xmlstate = 1 ;
dhtmlObject . parsCount -- ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
return nodeAskingCall ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : reset tree images from selected level
* @ type : private
* @ param : dhtmlObject - tree
* @ param : itemObject - current item
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _redrawFrom = function ( dhtmlObject , itemObject ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! itemObject ) {
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var tempx = dhtmlObject . _globalIdStorageFind ( dhtmlObject . lastLoadedXMLId ) ;
dhtmlObject . lastLoadedXMLId = - 1 ;
if ( ! tempx ) return 0 ;
else tempx = itemObject ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var acc = 0 ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tempx . childsCount ; i ++ )
if ( ! itemObject ) tempx . childNodes [ i ] . htmlNode . parentNode . parentNode . style . display = "" ;
if ( tempx . childNodes [ i ] . openMe == 1 )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . _openItem ( tempx . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
tempx . childNodes [ i ] . openMe = 0 ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlObject . _redrawFrom ( dhtmlObject , tempx . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . childCalc != null ) {
if ( ( tempx . childNodes [ i ] . unParsed ) || ( ( ! tempx . childNodes [ i ] . XMLload ) && ( this . XMLsource ) ) )
if ( tempx . childNodes [ i ] . _acc )
tempx . childNodes [ i ] . span . innerHTML = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . label + this . htmlcA + tempx . childNodes [ i ] . _acc + this . htmlcB ;
tempx . childNodes [ i ] . span . innerHTML = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . label ;
if ( ( tempx . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes . length ) && ( this . childCalc ) )
if ( this . childCalc == 1 )
tempx . childNodes [ i ] . span . innerHTML = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . label + this . htmlcA + tempx . childNodes [ i ] . childsCount + this . htmlcB ;
if ( this . childCalc == 2 )
var zCount = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . childsCount - ( tempx . childNodes [ i ] . pureChilds || 0 ) ;
if ( zCount )
tempx . childNodes [ i ] . span . innerHTML = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . label + this . htmlcA + zCount + this . htmlcB ;
if ( tempx . pureChilds ) tempx . pureChilds ++ ; else tempx . pureChilds = 1 ;
if ( this . childCalc == 3 )
tempx . childNodes [ i ] . span . innerHTML = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . label + this . htmlcA + tempx . childNodes [ i ] . _acc + this . htmlcB ;
if ( this . childCalc == 4 )
var zCount = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . _acc ;
if ( zCount )
tempx . childNodes [ i ] . span . innerHTML = tempx . childNodes [ i ] . label + this . htmlcA + zCount + this . htmlcB ;
else if ( this . childCalc == 4 ) {
acc ++ ;
acc += tempx . childNodes [ i ] . _acc ;
if ( this . childCalc == 3 ) {
acc ++ ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ! tempx . unParsed ) && ( ( tempx . XMLload ) || ( ! this . XMLsource ) ) )
tempx . _acc = acc ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlObject . _correctLine ( tempx ) ;
dhtmlObject . _correctPlus ( tempx ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : create and return main html element of tree
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _createSelf = function ( ) {
var div = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
div . className = "containerTableStyle" ;
div . style . width = this . width ;
div . style . height = this . height ;
this . parentObject . appendChild ( div ) ;
return div ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : collapse target node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - item object
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _xcloseAll = function ( itemObject )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . rootId != itemObject . id ) this . _HideShow ( itemObject , 1 ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemObject . childsCount ; i ++ )
this . _xcloseAll ( itemObject . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : expand target node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - item object
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _xopenAll = function ( itemObject )
this . _HideShow ( itemObject , 2 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemObject . childsCount ; i ++ )
this . _xopenAll ( itemObject . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : set correct tree - line and node images
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - item object
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _correctPlus = function ( itemObject ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
// return;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var workArray = this . lineArray ;
if ( ( this . XMLsource ) && ( ! itemObject . XMLload ) )
var workArray = this . plusArray ;
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 2 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . src = this . imPath + itemObject . images [ 2 ] ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( itemObject . childsCount ) || ( itemObject . unParsed ) )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 1 ] ) && ( itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 1 ] . style . display != "none" ) )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! itemObject . wsign ) var workArray = this . minusArray ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 2 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . src = this . imPath + itemObject . images [ 1 ] ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! itemObject . wsign ) var workArray = this . plusArray ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 2 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . src = this . imPath + itemObject . images [ 2 ] ;
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 2 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . src = this . imPath + itemObject . images [ 0 ] ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var tempNum = 2 ;
if ( ! itemObject . treeNod . treeLinesOn ) itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . src = this . imPath + workArray [ 3 ] ;
else {
if ( itemObject . parentObject ) tempNum = this . _getCountStatus ( itemObject . id , itemObject . parentObject ) ;
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . src = this . imPath + workArray [ tempNum ] ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : set correct tree - line images
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - item object
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 6
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _correctLine = function ( itemObject ) { //alert(itemObject.id);
var sNode = itemObject . parentObject ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
try {
if ( sNode )
if ( ( this . _getLineStatus ( itemObject . id , sNode ) == 0 ) || ( ! this . treeLinesOn ) )
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= itemObject . childsCount ; i ++ )
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . backgroundImage = "" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . backgroundRepeat = "" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= itemObject . childsCount ; i ++ )
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . backgroundImage = "url(" + this . imPath + "line1.gif)" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . backgroundRepeat = "repeat-y" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
catch ( e ) { } ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : return type of node
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : private
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : itemId - item id
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : itemObject - parent node object
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 6
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getCountStatus = function ( itemId , itemObject ) {
try {
if ( itemObject . childsCount <= 1 ) { if ( itemObject . id == this . rootId ) return 4 ; else return 0 ; }
if ( itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 1 ] . nodem . id == itemId ) if ( ! itemObject . id ) return 2 ; else return 1 ;
if ( itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ itemObject . childsCount ] . nodem . id == itemId ) return 0 ;
catch ( e ) { } ;
return 1 ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return type of node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemId - node id
* @ param : itemObject - parent node object
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getLineStatus = function ( itemId , itemObject ) {
if ( itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ itemObject . childsCount ] . nodem . id == itemId ) return 0 ;
return 1 ;
/ * *
* @ desc : open / close node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - node object
* @ param : mode - open / close mode [ 1 - close 2 - open ] ( optional )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 6
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _HideShow = function ( itemObject , mode ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( this . XMLsource ) && ( ! itemObject . XMLload ) ) { itemObject . XMLload = 1 ; this . loadXML ( this . XMLsource + getUrlSymbol ( this . XMLsource ) + "id=" + escape ( itemObject . id ) ) ; return ; } ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var Nodes = itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes ; var Count = Nodes . length ;
if ( Count > 1 ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ( Nodes [ 1 ] . style . display != "none" ) || ( mode == 1 ) ) && ( mode != 2 ) ) {
//nb:solves standard doctype prb in IE
this . allTree . childNodes [ 0 ] . border = "1" ;
this . allTree . childNodes [ 0 ] . border = "0" ;
nodestyle = "none" ;
else nodestyle = "" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 1 ; i < Count ; i ++ )
Nodes [ i ] . style . display = nodestyle ;
this . _correctPlus ( itemObject ) ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return node state
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - node object
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getOpenState = function ( itemObject ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! itemObject ) return ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var z = itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes ;
if ( z . length <= 1 ) return 0 ;
if ( z [ 1 ] . style . display != "none" ) return 1 ;
else return - 1 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : ondblclick item event handler
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . onRowClick2 = function ( ) {
if ( this . parentObject . treeNod . dblclickFuncHandler ) if ( ! this . parentObject . treeNod . dblclickFuncHandler ( this . parentObject . id ) ) return 0 ;
if ( ( this . parentObject . closeble ) && ( this . parentObject . closeble != "0" ) )
this . parentObject . treeNod . _HideShow ( this . parentObject ) ;
this . parentObject . treeNod . _HideShow ( this . parentObject , 2 ) ;
} ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : onclick item event handler
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . onRowClick = function ( ) {
if ( this . parentObject . treeNod . openFuncHandler ) if ( ! this . parentObject . treeNod . openFuncHandler ( this . parentObject . id , this . parentObject . treeNod . _getOpenState ( this . parentObject ) ) ) return 0 ;
if ( ( this . parentObject . closeble ) && ( this . parentObject . closeble != "0" ) )
this . parentObject . treeNod . _HideShow ( this . parentObject ) ;
this . parentObject . treeNod . _HideShow ( this . parentObject , 2 ) ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : onclick item image event handler
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . onRowClickDown = function ( ) {
var that = this . parentObject . treeNod ;
that . _selectItem ( this . parentObject ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : visual select item in tree
* @ type : private
* @ param : node - tree item object
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _selectItem = function ( node ) {
if ( this . lastSelected ) {
this . _unselectItem ( this . lastSelected . parentObject ) ;
var z = node . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 3 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] ;
z . className = "selectedTreeRow" ;
this . lastSelected = z . parentNode ;
/ * *
* @ desc : visual unselect item in tree
* @ type : private
* @ param : node - tree item object
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _unselectItem = function ( node ) {
node . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 3 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . className = "standartTreeRow" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : select node text event handler
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : private
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : e - event object
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : htmlObject - node object
* @ param : mode - if false - call onSelect event
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . onRowSelect = function ( e , htmlObject , mode ) {
//if (mode!=false) mode=true;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! htmlObject ) htmlObject = this . parentObject . span . parentNode ;
htmlObject . parentObject . span . className = "selectedTreeRow" ;
// htmlObject.childNodes[0].className="selectedTreeRow";
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( htmlObject . parentObject . scolor ) htmlObject . parentObject . span . style . color = htmlObject . parentObject . scolor ;
if ( ( htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected ) && ( htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected != htmlObject ) )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var lastId = htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected . parentObject . id ;
htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected . parentObject . span . className = "standartTreeRow" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected . parentObject . acolor ) htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected . parentObject . span . style . color = htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected . parentObject . acolor ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
else var lastId = "" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . lastSelected = htmlObject ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! mode ) {
if ( window . event ) e = event ;
//if (e) window.status=e.button;
if ( ( e ) && ( e . button == 2 ) && ( htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . arFunc ) )
{ htmlObject . parentObject . treeNod . arFunc ( htmlObject . parentObject . id ) ; }
if ( htmlObject . parentObject . actionHandler ) htmlObject . parentObject . actionHandler ( htmlObject . parentObject . id , lastId ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : checbox select action
* @ type : fix checkbox state
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _correctCheckStates = function ( dhtmlObject ) {
if ( ! this . tscheck ) return ;
if ( dhtmlObject . id == this . rootId ) return ;
//calculate state
var act = dhtmlObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes ;
var flag1 = 0 ; var flag2 = 0 ;
if ( act . length < 2 ) return ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < act . length ; i ++ )
if ( act [ i ] . nodem . checkstate == 0 ) flag1 = 1 ;
else if ( act [ i ] . nodem . checkstate == 1 ) flag2 = 1 ;
else { flag1 = 1 ; flag2 = 1 ; break ; }
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( flag1 ) && ( flag2 ) ) this . _setCheck ( dhtmlObject , "notsure" ) ;
else if ( flag1 ) this . _setCheck ( dhtmlObject , false ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
else this . _setCheck ( dhtmlObject , true ) ;
this . _correctCheckStates ( dhtmlObject . parentObject ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : checbox select action
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . onCheckBoxClick = function ( e ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . treeNod . tscheck )
if ( this . parentObject . checkstate == 1 ) this . treeNod . _setSubChecked ( false , this . parentObject ) ;
else this . treeNod . _setSubChecked ( true , this . parentObject ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . parentObject . checkstate == 1 ) this . treeNod . _setCheck ( this . parentObject , false ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
else this . treeNod . _setCheck ( this . parentObject , true ) ;
this . treeNod . _correctCheckStates ( this . parentObject . parentObject ) ;
if ( this . treeNod . checkFuncHandler ) return ( this . treeNod . checkFuncHandler ( this . parentObject . id , this . parentObject . checkstate ) ) ;
else return true ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : create HTML elements for tree node
* @ type : private
* @ param : acheck - enable / disable checkbox
* @ param : itemObject - item object
* @ param : mode - mode
* @ topic : 0
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _createItem = function ( acheck , itemObject , mode ) {
var table = document . createElement ( 'table' ) ;
table . cellSpacing = 0 ; table . cellPadding = 0 ;
table . border = 0 ;
if ( this . hfMode ) table . style . tableLayout = "fixed" ;
table . style . margin = 0 ; table . style . padding = 0 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var tbody = document . createElement ( 'tbody' ) ;
var tr = document . createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
// tr.height="16px"; tr.style.overflow="hidden";
var td1 = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
td1 . className = "standartTreeImage" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var img0 = document . createElement ( ( itemObject . id == this . rootId ) ? "div" : "img" ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
img0 . border = "0" ; //img0.src='treeGfx/line1.gif';
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( itemObject . id != this . rootId ) img0 . align = "absmiddle" ;
td1 . appendChild ( img0 ) ; img0 . style . padding = 0 ; img0 . style . margin = 0 ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var td11 = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
// var inp=document.createElement("input"); inp.type="checkbox"; inp.style.width="12px"; inp.style.height="12px";
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var inp = document . createElement ( ( itemObject . id == this . rootId ) ? "div" : "img" ) ;
inp . checked = 0 ; inp . src = this . imPath + this . checkArray [ 0 ] ; inp . style . width = "16px" ; inp . style . height = "16px" ;
if ( ! acheck ) ( ( this . _isOpera ) ? td11 : inp ) . style . display = "none" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
// td11.className="standartTreeImage";
//if (acheck)
td11 . appendChild ( inp ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( itemObject . id != this . rootId ) inp . align = "absmiddle" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
inp . onclick = this . onCheckBoxClick ;
inp . treeNod = this ;
inp . parentObject = itemObject ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
td11 . width = "20px" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var td12 = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
td12 . className = "standartTreeImage" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var img = document . createElement ( ( itemObject . id == this . rootId ) ? "div" : "img" ) ; img . onmousedown = this . _preventNsDrag ; img . ondragstart = this . _preventNsDrag ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
img . border = "0" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . _aimgs ) {
img . parentObject = itemObject ;
if ( itemObject . id != this . rootId ) img . align = "absmiddle" ;
img . onclick = this . onRowSelect ; }
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ! mode ) img . src = this . imPath + this . imageArray [ 0 ] ;
td12 . appendChild ( img ) ; img . style . padding = 0 ; img . style . margin = 0 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . timgen )
{ img . style . width = this . def _img _x ; img . style . height = this . def _img _y ; }
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
{ img . style . width = "0px" ; img . style . height = "0px" ; }
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var td2 = document . createElement ( 'td' ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
td2 . className = "standartTreeRow" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
itemObject . span = document . createElement ( 'span' ) ;
itemObject . span . className = "standartTreeRow" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . mlitems ) itemObject . span . style . width = this . mlitems ;
else td2 . noWrap = true ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
td2 . style . width = "100%" ;
itemObject . span . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( itemObject . label ) ) ;
td2 . appendChild ( itemObject . span ) ;
td2 . parentObject = itemObject ; td1 . parentObject = itemObject ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
td2 . onclick = this . onRowSelect ; td1 . onclick = this . onRowClick ; td2 . ondblclick = this . onRowClick2 ;
if ( this . ettip ) td2 . title = itemObject . label ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . dragAndDropOff ) {
if ( this . _aimgs ) { this . dragger . addDraggableItem ( td12 , this ) ; td12 . parentObject = itemObject ; }
this . dragger . addDraggableItem ( td2 , this ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
itemObject . span . style . paddingLeft = "5px" ; itemObject . span . style . paddinRight = "5px" ; td2 . style . verticalAlign = "" ;
td2 . style . fontSize = "10pt" ; td2 . style . cursor = this . style _pointer ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
tr . appendChild ( td1 ) ; tr . appendChild ( td11 ) ; tr . appendChild ( td12 ) ;
tr . appendChild ( td2 ) ;
tbody . appendChild ( tr ) ;
table . appendChild ( tbody ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . arFunc ) {
//disable context handler
tr . oncontextmenu = Function ( "this.childNodes[0].parentObject.treeNod.arFunc(this.childNodes[0].parentObject.id); return false;" ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
return table ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : set path to image directory
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : newPath - path to image directory
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 0
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setImagePath = function ( newPath ) { this . imPath = newPath ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : set function called when tree node selected
* @ param : func - event handling function
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 0
* @ event : onRightClick
* @ eventdesc : Event occured after right mouse button was clicked .
Assigning this handler can disable default context menu , and noncompattible with dhtmlXMenu integration .
* @ eventparam : ID of clicked item
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setOnRightClickHandler = function ( func ) { if ( typeof ( func ) == "function" ) this . arFunc = func ; else this . arFunc = eval ( func ) ; } ;
/ * *
* @ desc : set function called when tree node selected
* @ param : func - event handling function
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 0
* @ event : onClick
* @ eventdesc : Event raised immideatly after text part of item in tree was clicked , but after default onClick functionality was processed .
Richt mouse button click can be catched by onRightClick handler .
* @ eventparam : ID of clicked item
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setOnClickHandler = function ( func ) { if ( typeof ( func ) == "function" ) this . aFunc = func ; else this . aFunc = eval ( func ) ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : enables dynamic loading from XML
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
* @ param : filePath - name of script returning XML ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 0
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setXMLAutoLoading = function ( filePath ) { this . XMLsource = filePath ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : set function called before checkbox checked / unchecked
* @ param : func - event handling function
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 0
* @ event : onCheck
* @ eventdesc : Event raised immideatly after item in tree was checked / unchecked .
* @ eventparam : ID of item which will be checked / unchecked
* @ eventparam : Current checkbox state . 1 - item checked , 0 - item unchecked .
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setOnCheckHandler = function ( func ) { if ( typeof ( func ) == "function" ) this . checkFuncHandler = func ; else this . checkFuncHandler = eval ( func ) ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : set function called before tree node opened / closed
* @ param : func - event handling function
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 0
* @ event : onOpen
* @ eventdesc : Event raised immideatly after item in tree got commant to open / close , and before item was opened //closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored.
Event not raised if node opened by dhtmlXtree API .
* @ eventparam : ID of node which will be opened / closed
* @ eventparam : Current open state of tree item . 0 - item has not childs , - 1 - item closed , 1 - item opened .
* @ eventreturn : true - confirm opening / closing ; false - deny opening / closing ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setOnOpenHandler = function ( func ) { if ( typeof ( func ) == "function" ) this . openFuncHandler = func ; else this . openFuncHandler = eval ( func ) ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : set function called when tree node double clicked
* @ param : func - event handling function
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 0
* @ event : onDblClick
* @ eventdesc : Event raised immideatly after item in tree was doubleclicked , before default onDblClick functionality was processed .
Beware using both onClick and onDblClick events , because component can generate onClick event before onDblClick event while doubleclicking item in tree .
( that behavior depend on used browser )
* @ eventparam : ID of item which was doubleclicked
* @ eventreturn : true - confirm opening / closing ; false - deny opening / closing ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setOnDblClickHandler = function ( func ) { if ( typeof ( func ) == "function" ) this . dblclickFuncHandler = func ; else this . dblclickFuncHandler = eval ( func ) ; } ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : expand target node and all child nodes
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - node id
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . openAllItems = function ( itemId )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
this . _xopenAll ( temp ) ;
} ;
/ *
* @ desc : return open / close state
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - node id
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : - 1 - close , 1 - opened , 0 - node doen ' t have childs
* @ topic : 4
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getOpenState = function ( itemId ) {
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return "" ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
return this . _getOpenState ( temp ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : collapse target node and all child nodes
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - node id
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . closeAllItems = function ( itemId )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
this . _xcloseAll ( temp ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : set user data for target node
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
* @ param : name - key for user data
* @ param : value - user data
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setUserData = function ( itemId , name , value ) {
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
if ( name == "hint" ) sNode . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . title = value ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
sNode . userData [ "t_" + name ] = value ;
if ( ! sNode . _userdatalist ) sNode . _userdatalist = name ;
else sNode . _userdatalist += "," + name ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return user data from target node
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
* @ param : name - key for user data
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : value of user data
* @ topic : 5
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getUserData = function ( itemId , name ) {
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
return sNode . userData [ "t_" + name ] ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : retun selected item identificator
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : id of selected item
* @ topic : 1
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getSelectedItemId = function ( )
if ( this . lastSelected )
if ( this . _globalIdStorageFind ( this . lastSelected . parentObject . id ) )
return this . lastSelected . parentObject . id ;
return ( "" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : get node color
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : color of node ( empty string for default color ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getItemColor = function ( itemId )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
var res = new Object ( ) ;
if ( temp . acolor ) res . acolor = temp . acolor ;
if ( temp . acolor ) res . scolor = temp . scolor ;
return res ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : set node color
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ param : defaultColor - node color
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : selectedColor - selected node color
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 6
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setItemColor = function ( itemId , defaultColor , selectedColor )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( itemId ) && ( itemId . span ) )
var temp = itemId ;
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
else {
if ( ( this . lastSelected ) && ( temp . tr == this . lastSelected . parentObject . tr ) )
{ if ( selectedColor ) temp . span . style . color = selectedColor ; }
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
{ if ( defaultColor ) temp . span . style . color = defaultColor ; }
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( selectedColor ) temp . scolor = selectedColor ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( defaultColor ) temp . acolor = defaultColor ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : return item text
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : text of item ( with HTML formatting , if any )
* @ topic : 6
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getItemText = function ( itemId )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
return ( temp . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 3 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . innerHTML ) ;
} ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : return parent item identificator
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : id of parent item
* @ topic : 4
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getParentId = function ( itemId )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ( ! temp ) || ( ! temp . parentObject ) ) return "" ;
return temp . parentObject . id ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : change item id
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - old node id
* @ param : newItemId - new node id
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 4
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . changeItemId = function ( itemId , newItemId )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
temp . id = newItemId ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
temp . span . contextMenuId = newItemId ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . _globalIdStorageSize ; i ++ )
if ( this . _globalIdStorage [ i ] == itemId )
this . _globalIdStorage [ i ] = newItemId ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : mark selected item as cutted
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . doCut = function ( ) {
if ( this . nodeCut ) this . clearCut ( ) ;
this . nodeCut = this . lastSelected ;
if ( this . nodeCut )
var tempa = this . nodeCut . parentObject ;
this . cutImg [ 0 ] = tempa . images [ 0 ] ;
this . cutImg [ 1 ] = tempa . images [ 1 ] ;
this . cutImg [ 2 ] = tempa . images [ 2 ] ;
tempa . images [ 0 ] = tempa . images [ 1 ] = tempa . images [ 2 ] = this . cutImage ;
this . _correctPlus ( tempa ) ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : insert previously cutted branch
* @ param : itemId - id of new parent node
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . doPaste = function ( itemId ) {
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
if ( this . nodeCut ) {
if ( ( ! this . _checkParenNodes ( this . nodeCut . parentObject . id , temp ) ) && ( id != this . nodeCut . parentObject . parentObject . id ) )
this . _moveNode ( temp , this . nodeCut . parentObject ) ;
this . clearCut ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : clear cut
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . clearCut = function ( ) {
if ( this . nodeCut )
var tempa = this . nodeCut . parentObject ;
tempa . images [ 0 ] = this . cutImg [ 0 ] ;
tempa . images [ 1 ] = this . cutImg [ 1 ] ;
tempa . images [ 2 ] = this . cutImg [ 2 ] ;
if ( tempa . parentObject ) this . _correctPlus ( tempa ) ;
if ( tempa . parentObject ) this . _correctLine ( tempa ) ;
this . nodeCut = 0 ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : move node with subnodes
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - moved node object
* @ param : targetObject - new parent node
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _moveNode = function ( itemObject , targetObject ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var mode = this . dadmodec ;
if ( mode == 1 )
var z = targetObject ;
if ( this . dadmodefix < 0 )
while ( true ) {
z = this . _getPrevNode ( z ) ;
if ( ( z == - 1 ) ) { z = this . htmlNode ; break ; }
if ( ( z . tr . style . display == "" ) || ( ! z . parentObject ) ) break ;
//var Nodes=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes;
//if (Nodes[1].style.display!="none") break;
var nodeA = z ;
var nodeB = targetObject ;
while ( true ) {
z = this . _getNextNode ( z ) ;
if ( ( z == - 1 ) ) { z = this . htmlNode ; break ; }
if ( ( z . tr . style . display == "" ) || ( ! z . parentObject ) ) break ;
//var Nodes=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes;
//if (Nodes[1].style.display!="none") break;
var nodeB = z ;
var nodeA = targetObject ;
if ( this . _getNodeLevel ( nodeA , 0 ) > this . _getNodeLevel ( nodeB , 0 ) )
return this . _moveNodeTo ( itemObject , nodeA . parentObject ) ;
// if (this._checkParenNodes(itemObject.id,d)) return;
return this . _moveNodeTo ( itemObject , nodeB . parentObject , nodeB ) ;
/ *
if ( ( ! targetObject . tr . nextSibling ) || ( ! targetObject . tr . nextSibling . nodem ) )
return this . _moveNodeTo ( itemObject , targetObject . parentObject ) ;
//move in middle of group
else return this . _moveNodeTo ( itemObject , targetObject . parentObject , targetObject . tr . nextSibling . nodem ) ;
* /
// debugger;
else return this . _moveNodeTo ( itemObject , targetObject ) ;
/ * *
* @ desc : fix order of nodes in collection
* @ type : private
* @ param : target - parent item node
* @ param : zParent - before node
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _fixNodesCollection = function ( target , zParent ) {
var flag = 0 ; var icount = 0 ;
var Nodes = target . childNodes ;
var Count = target . childsCount - 1 ;
if ( zParent == Nodes [ Count ] ) return ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < Count ; i ++ )
if ( Nodes [ i ] == Nodes [ Count ] ) { Nodes [ i ] = Nodes [ i + 1 ] ; Nodes [ i + 1 ] = Nodes [ Count ] ; }
// Count=target.childsCount;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < Count + 1 ; i ++ )
if ( flag ) {
var temp = Nodes [ i ] ;
Nodes [ i ] = flag ;
flag = temp ;
if ( Nodes [ i ] == zParent ) { flag = Nodes [ i ] ; Nodes [ i ] = Nodes [ Count ] ; }
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : move single node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - moved node object
* @ param : targetObject - new parent node
* @ mode : mode - DragAndDrop mode ( 0 - as child , 1 as sibling )
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _moveNodeTo = function ( itemObject , targetObject , beforeNode ) {
//if (beforeNode) alert(targetObject.id+"-"+beforeNode.id);
if ( targetObject . mytype )
var framesMove = ( itemObject . treeNod . lWin != targetObject . lWin ) ;
var framesMove = ( itemObject . treeNod . lWin != targetObject . treeNod . lWin ) ;
if ( this . dragFunc ) if ( ! this . dragFunc ( itemObject . id , targetObject . id , ( beforeNode ? beforeNode . id : null ) , itemObject . treeNod , targetObject . treeNod ) ) return false ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ( targetObject . XMLload == 0 ) && ( this . XMLsource ) )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
targetObject . XMLload = 1 ; this . loadXML ( this . XMLsource + getUrlSymbol ( this . XMLsource ) + "id=" + escape ( targetObject . id ) ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . openItem ( targetObject . id ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var oldTree = itemObject . treeNod ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var c = itemObject . parentObject . childsCount ;
var z = itemObject . parentObject ;
if ( ( framesMove ) || ( oldTree . dpcpy ) ) //interframe drag flag
itemObject = this . _recreateBranch ( itemObject , targetObject , beforeNode ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var Count = targetObject . childsCount ; var Nodes = targetObject . childNodes ;
Nodes [ Count ] = itemObject ;
itemObject . treeNod = targetObject . treeNod ;
targetObject . childsCount ++ ;
var tr = this . _drawNewTr ( Nodes [ Count ] . htmlNode ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! beforeNode )
targetObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . appendChild ( tr ) ;
if ( this . dadmode == 1 ) this . _fixNodesCollection ( targetObject , beforeNode ) ;
targetObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . insertBefore ( tr , beforeNode . tr ) ;
this . _fixNodesCollection ( targetObject , beforeNode ) ;
Nodes = targetObject . childNodes ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ! oldTree . dpcpy ) {
itemObject . parentObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . removeChild ( itemObject . tr ) ;
if ( ( ! beforeNode ) || ( targetObject != itemObject . parentObject ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < z . childsCount ; i ++ ) {
if ( z . childNodes [ i ] . id == itemObject . id ) {
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
z . childNodes [ i ] = 0 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
break ; } } }
else z . childNodes [ z . childsCount - 1 ] = 0 ;
oldTree . _compressChildList ( z . childsCount , z . childNodes ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
z . childsCount -- ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ! framesMove ) && ( ! oldTree . dpcpy ) ) {
itemObject . tr = tr ;
tr . nodem = itemObject ;
itemObject . parentObject = targetObject ;
if ( oldTree != targetObject . treeNod ) { if ( itemObject . treeNod . _registerBranch ( itemObject , oldTree ) ) return ; this . _clearStyles ( itemObject ) ; this . _redrawFrom ( this , itemObject . parentObject ) ; } ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . _correctPlus ( targetObject ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . _correctLine ( targetObject ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . _correctLine ( itemObject ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . _correctPlus ( itemObject ) ;
//fix target siblings
if ( beforeNode )
this . _correctPlus ( beforeNode ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( targetObject . childsCount >= 2 )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
// alert(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-2].id)
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . _correctPlus ( Nodes [ targetObject . childsCount - 2 ] ) ;
this . _correctLine ( Nodes [ targetObject . childsCount - 2 ] ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . _correctPlus ( Nodes [ targetObject . childsCount - 1 ] ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( this . tscheck ) this . _correctCheckStates ( targetObject ) ;
if ( oldTree . tscheck ) oldTree . _correctCheckStates ( z ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
//fix source parent
if ( c > 1 ) { oldTree . _correctPlus ( z . childNodes [ c - 2 ] ) ;
oldTree . _correctLine ( z . childNodes [ c - 2 ] ) ;
//if (z.childsCount>0)
oldTree . _correctPlus ( z ) ;
//fix target parent
if ( this . dropFunc ) this . dropFunc ( itemObject . id , targetObject . id , ( beforeNode ? beforeNode . id : null ) , itemObject . treeNod , targetObject . treeNod ) ;
return itemObject . id ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : check possibility of drag - and - drop
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemId - draged node id
* @ param : htmlObject - droped node object
* @ param : shtmlObject - sourse node object
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _checkParenNodes = function ( itemId , htmlObject , shtmlObject ) {
if ( shtmlObject ) { if ( shtmlObject . parentObject . id == htmlObject . id ) return 1 ; }
if ( htmlObject . id == itemId ) return 1 ;
if ( htmlObject . parentObject ) return this . _checkParenNodes ( itemId , htmlObject . parentObject ) ; else return 0 ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : recursive set default styles for node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - target node object
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _clearStyles = function ( itemObject ) {
var td1 = itemObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 1 ] ;
var td3 = td1 . nextSibling . nextSibling ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
itemObject . span . innerHTML = itemObject . label ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( this . checkBoxOff ) { td1 . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . display = "" ; td1 . childNodes [ 0 ] . onclick = this . onCheckBoxClick ; }
else td1 . childNodes [ 0 ] . style . display = "none" ;
td1 . childNodes [ 0 ] . treeNod = this ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . dragger . removeDraggableItem ( td3 ) ;
if ( this . dragAndDropOff ) this . dragger . addDraggableItem ( td3 , this ) ;
td3 . childNodes [ 0 ] . className = "standartTreeRow" ;
td3 . onclick = this . onRowSelect ; td3 . ondblclick = this . onRowClick2 ;
td1 . previousSibling . onclick = this . onRowClick ;
this . _correctLine ( itemObject ) ;
this . _correctPlus ( itemObject ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemObject . childsCount ; i ++ ) this . _clearStyles ( itemObject . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : register node and all childs nodes
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - node object
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _registerBranch = function ( itemObject , oldTree ) {
/ * f o r ( v a r i = 0 ; i < i t e m O b j e c t . c h i l d s C o u n t ; i + + )
if ( confirm ( itemObject . childNodes [ i ] . id ) ) return ; * /
itemObject . id = this . _globalIdStorageAdd ( itemObject . id , itemObject ) ;
itemObject . treeNod = this ;
if ( oldTree ) oldTree . _globalIdStorageSub ( itemObject . id ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemObject . childsCount ; i ++ )
this . _registerBranch ( itemObject . childNodes [ i ] , oldTree ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : enable three state checkboxes
* @ beforeInit : 1
* @ param : mode - 1 - on , 0 - off ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ type : public
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . enableThreeStateCheckboxes = function ( mode ) { this . tscheck = convertStringToBoolean ( mode ) ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : enable tree images
* @ beforeInit : 1
* @ param : mode - 1 - on , 0 - off ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ type : public
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . enableTreeImages = function ( mode ) { this . timgen = convertStringToBoolean ( mode ) ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : enable mode with fixed tables ( look better , but hasn ' t horisontal scrollbar )
* @ beforeInit : 1
* @ param : mode - 1 - on , 0 - off ;
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . enableFixedMode = function ( mode ) { this . hfMode = convertStringToBoolean ( mode ) ; } ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : hide checkboxes ( all checkboxes in tree )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : mode - enabled / disabled
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 0
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . enableCheckBoxes = function ( mode ) { this . checkBoxOff = convertStringToBoolean ( mode ) ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : set default images for nodes ( must be called before XML loading )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
* @ param : a0 - image for node without childrens ;
* @ param : a1 - image for closed node ;
* @ param : a2 - image for opened node
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setStdImages = function ( image1 , image2 , image3 ) {
this . imageArray [ 0 ] = image1 ; this . imageArray [ 1 ] = image2 ; this . imageArray [ 2 ] = image3 ; } ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : enable / disable tree lines ( parent - child threads )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
* @ param : mode - enable / disable tree lines
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . enableTreeLines = function ( mode ) {
this . treeLinesOn = convertStringToBoolean ( mode ) ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : set images used for parent - child threads drawing
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
* @ param : arrayName - name of array : plus , minus
* @ param : image1 - line crossed image
* @ param : image2 - image with top line
* @ param : image3 - image with bottom line
* @ param : image4 - image without line
* @ param : image5 - single root image
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setImageArrays = function ( arrayName , image1 , image2 , image3 , image4 , image5 ) {
switch ( arrayName ) {
case "plus" : this . plusArray [ 0 ] = image1 ; this . plusArray [ 1 ] = image2 ; this . plusArray [ 2 ] = image3 ; this . plusArray [ 3 ] = image4 ; this . plusArray [ 4 ] = image5 ; break ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
case "minus" : this . minusArray [ 0 ] = image1 ; this . minusArray [ 1 ] = image2 ; this . minusArray [ 2 ] = image3 ; this . minusArray [ 3 ] = image4 ; this . minusArray [ 4 ] = image5 ; break ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : expand node
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . openItem = function ( itemId ) {
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
else return this . _openItem ( temp ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : expand node
* @ param : item - tree node object
* @ type : private
* @ editing : pro
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _openItem = function ( item ) {
this . _HideShow ( item , 2 ) ;
if ( ( item . parentObject ) && ( this . _getOpenState ( item . parentObject ) < 0 ) )
this . _openItem ( item . parentObject ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : collapse node
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . closeItem = function ( itemId ) {
if ( this . rootId == itemId ) return 0 ;
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
if ( temp . closeble )
this . _HideShow ( temp , 1 ) ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : return node level ( position in hierarchy )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : node level
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 4
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getLevel = function ( itemId ) {
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
return this . _getNodeLevel ( temp , 0 ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : prevent node from closing
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ param : flag - if 0 - node can ' t be closed , else node can be closed
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setItemCloseable = function ( itemId , flag )
flag = convertStringToBoolean ( flag ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( itemId ) && ( itemId . span ) )
var temp = itemId ;
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
temp . closeble = flag ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : recursive function used fo node level calculation
* @ param : itemObject - pointer to node object
* @ param : count - counter of levels
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getNodeLevel = function ( itemObject , count ) {
if ( itemObject . parentObject ) return this . _getNodeLevel ( itemObject . parentObject , count + 1 ) ;
return ( count ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return count of childrens
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : count of child items ; true - for not loaded branches
* @ topic : 4
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . hasChildren = function ( itemId ) {
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
if ( ( this . XMLsource ) && ( ! temp . XMLload ) ) return true ;
return temp . childsCount ;
} ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : set new node text ( HTML allowed )
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ param : newLabel - node text
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 6
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setItemText = function ( itemId , newLabel , newTooltip )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
temp . label = newLabel ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
temp . span . innerHTML = newLabel ;
temp . span . parentNode . title = newTooltip || "" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : refresh tree branch from xml ( XML with description of child nodes rerequested from server )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node , if not defined tree super root used .
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . refreshItem = function ( itemId ) {
if ( ! itemId ) itemId = this . rootId ;
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
this . deleteChildItems ( itemId ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . loadXML ( this . XMLsource + getUrlSymbol ( this . XMLsource ) + "id=" + escape ( itemId ) ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : set item images
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ param : image1 - node without childrens image
* @ param : image2 - closed node image
* @ param : image3 - open node image
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setItemImage2 = function ( itemId , image1 , image2 , image3 ) {
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
temp . images [ 1 ] = image2 ;
temp . images [ 2 ] = image3 ;
temp . images [ 0 ] = image1 ;
this . _correctPlus ( temp ) ;
} ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : set item images
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ param : image1 - node without childrens image or closed node image ( if image2 specified )
* @ param : image2 - open node image ( optional )
* @ type : public
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setItemImage = function ( itemId , image1 , image2 )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
if ( image2 )
temp . images [ 1 ] = image1 ;
temp . images [ 2 ] = image2 ;
else temp . images [ 0 ] = image1 ;
this . _correctPlus ( temp ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : Returns the list of all children items from the next level of tree , separated by commas .
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : list of all children items from the next level of tree , separated by commas .
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getSubItems = function ( itemId )
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
var z = "" ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < temp . childsCount ; i ++ )
if ( ! z ) z = temp . childNodes [ i ] . id ;
else z += "," + temp . childNodes [ i ] . id ;
return z ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : Returns the list of all children items from all next levels of tree , separated by commas .
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : list of all children items from all next levels of tree , separated by commas
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 6
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getAllSubItems = function ( itemId ) {
return this . _getAllSubItems ( itemId ) ;
/ * *
* @ desc : Returns the list of all children items from all next levels of tree , separated by commas .
* @ param : itemId - identificator of node
* @ type : private
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 6
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getAllSubItems = function ( itemId , z , node )
if ( node ) temp = node ;
else {
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
} ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
z = "" ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < temp . childsCount ; i ++ )
if ( ! z ) z = temp . childNodes [ i ] . id ;
else z += "," + temp . childNodes [ i ] . id ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var zb = this . _getAllSubItems ( 0 , z , temp . childNodes [ i ] )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( zb ) z += "," + zb ;
return z ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : select node ( and optionaly fire onselect event )
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - node identificator
* @ param : mode - If true , script function for selected node will be called .
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 1
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . selectItem = function ( itemId , mode ) {
mode = convertStringToBoolean ( mode ) ;
var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! temp ) return 0 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . _getOpenState ( temp . parentObject ) == - 1 )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . openItem ( itemId ) ;
if ( mode )
this . onRowSelect ( 0 , temp . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 3 ] , false ) ;
this . onRowSelect ( 0 , temp . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 3 ] , true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : retun selected node text
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : text of selected node
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 1
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getSelectedItemText = function ( )
if ( this . lastSelected )
return this . lastSelected . parentObject . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 3 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . innerHTML ;
else return ( "" ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : correct childNode list after node deleting
* @ type : private
* @ param : Count - childNodes collection length
* @ param : Nodes - childNodes collection
* @ topic : 4
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _compressChildList = function ( Count , Nodes )
Count -- ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < Count ; i ++ )
if ( Nodes [ i ] == 0 ) { Nodes [ i ] = Nodes [ i + 1 ] ; Nodes [ i + 1 ] = 0 ; }
} ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : delete node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
* @ param : htmlObject - target node object
* @ param : skip - node unregistration mode ( optional , used by private methods )
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _deleteNode = function ( itemId , htmlObject , skip ) {
if ( ! skip ) {
this . _globalIdStorageRecSub ( htmlObject ) ;
if ( ( ! htmlObject ) || ( ! htmlObject . parentObject ) ) return 0 ;
var tempos = 0 ; var tempos2 = 0 ;
if ( htmlObject . tr . nextSibling ) tempos = htmlObject . tr . nextSibling . nodem ;
if ( htmlObject . tr . previousSibling ) tempos2 = htmlObject . tr . previousSibling . nodem ;
var sN = htmlObject . parentObject ;
var Count = sN . childsCount ;
var Nodes = sN . childNodes ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < Count ; i ++ )
if ( Nodes [ i ] . id == itemId ) {
if ( ! skip ) sN . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . removeChild ( Nodes [ i ] . tr ) ;
Nodes [ i ] = 0 ;
break ;
this . _compressChildList ( Count , Nodes ) ;
if ( ! skip ) {
sN . childsCount -- ;
if ( tempos ) {
this . _correctPlus ( tempos ) ;
this . _correctLine ( tempos ) ;
if ( tempos2 ) {
this . _correctPlus ( tempos2 ) ;
this . _correctLine ( tempos2 ) ;
if ( this . tscheck ) this . _correctCheckStates ( sN ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : change state of node ' s checkbox
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : state - checkbox state ( 0 / 1 / unsure )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setCheck = function ( itemId , state ) {
state = convertStringToBoolean ( state ) ;
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( this . tscheck ) && ( this . smcheck ) ) this . _setSubChecked ( state , sNode ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
else this . _setCheck ( sNode , state ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . smcheck )
this . _correctCheckStates ( sNode . parentObject ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _setCheck = function ( sNode , state ) {
var z = sNode . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 1 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( state == "notsure" ) sNode . checkstate = 2 ;
else if ( state ) sNode . checkstate = 1 ; else sNode . checkstate = 0 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
z . src = this . imPath + this . checkArray [ sNode . checkstate ] ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : change state of node ' s checkbox and all childnodes checkboxes
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
* @ param : state - checkbox state
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setSubChecked = function ( itemId , state ) {
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
this . _setSubChecked ( state , sNode ) ;
this . _correctCheckStates ( sNode . parentObject ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : change state of node ' s checkbox and all childnodes checkboxes
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
* @ param : state - checkbox state
* @ param : sNode - target node object ( optional , used by private methods )
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _setSubCheckedXML = function ( state , sNode ) {
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < sNode . childNodes . length ; i ++ ) {
var tag = sNode . childNodes [ i ] ;
if ( ( tag ) && ( tag . tagName == "item" ) ) {
if ( state ) tag . setAttribute ( "checked" , 1 ) ;
else tag . setAttribute ( "checked" , "" ) ;
this . _setSubCheckedXML ( state , tag ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : change state of node ' s checkbox and all childnodes checkboxes
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
* @ param : state - checkbox state
* @ param : sNode - target node object ( optional , used by private methods )
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _setSubChecked = function ( state , sNode ) {
state = convertStringToBoolean ( state ) ;
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( sNode . unParsed )
this . _setSubCheckedXML ( state , sNode . unParsed )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < sNode . childsCount ; i ++ )
this . _setSubChecked ( state , sNode . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
} ;
var z = sNode . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 1 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( state ) sNode . checkstate = 1 ;
else sNode . checkstate = 0 ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
z . src = this . imPath + this . checkArray [ sNode . checkstate ] ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return state of nodes ' s checkbox
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - target node identificator
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : node state ( 0 - unchecked , 1 - checked , 2 - third state )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . isItemChecked = function ( itemId ) {
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
return sNode . checkstate ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : return list of identificators of nodes with checked checkboxes , separated by comma
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : list of ID of items with checked checkboxes , separated by comma
* @ topic : 5
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getAllChecked = function ( ) {
return this . _getAllChecked ( "" , "" , 1 ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
* @ desc : return list of identificators of nodes with checked and third state checkboxes , separated by comma
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : list of ID of items with checked and third state checkboxes , separated by comma
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getAllCheckedBranches = function ( ) {
return this . _getAllChecked ( "" , "" , 0 ) ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return list of identificators of nodes with checked checkboxes
* @ type : private
* @ param : node - node object ( optional , used by private methods )
* @ param : list - initial identificators list ( optional , used by private methods )
* @ topic : 5
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getAllChecked = function ( htmlNode , list , mode ) {
if ( ! htmlNode ) htmlNode = this . htmlNode ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ( mode ) && ( htmlNode . checkstate == 1 ) ) || ( ( ! mode ) && ( htmlNode . checkstate > 0 ) ) )
if ( ! htmlNode . nocheckbox ) { if ( list ) list += "," + htmlNode . id ; else list = htmlNode . id ; }
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var j = htmlNode . childsCount ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < j ; i ++ )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
list = this . _getAllChecked ( htmlNode . childNodes [ i ] , list , mode ) ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( htmlNode . unParsed )
list = this . _getAllCheckedXML ( htmlNode . unParsed , list , mode ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( list ) return list ; else return "" ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getAllCheckedXML = function ( htmlNode , list , mode ) {
var j = htmlNode . childNodes . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < j ; i ++ )
var tNode = htmlNode . childNodes [ i ] ;
if ( tNode . tagName == "item" )
var z = tNode . getAttribute ( "checked" ) ;
if ( ( z != null ) && ( z != "" ) && ( z != "0" ) )
if ( ( ( z == "-1" ) && ( ! mode ) ) || ( z != "-1" ) )
if ( list ) list += "," + tNode . getAttribute ( "id" ) ;
else list = htmlNode . id ;
list = this . _getAllChecked ( tNode , list , mode ) ;
} ;
if ( list ) return list ; else return "" ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : delete all children of node
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - node identificator
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 2
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . deleteChildItems = function ( itemId )
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
var j = sNode . childsCount ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < j ; i ++ )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . _deleteNode ( sNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . id , sNode . childNodes [ 0 ] ) ;
} ;
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : delete node
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - node identificator
* @ param : selectParent - If true parent of deleted item get selection , else no selected items leaving in tree .
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . deleteItem = function ( itemId , selectParent ) {
this . _deleteItem ( itemId , selectParent ) ;
/ * *
* @ desc : delete node
* @ type : private
* @ param : id - node identificator
* @ param : selectParent - If true parent of deleted item get selection , else no selected items leaving in tree .
* @ param : skip - unregistering mode ( optional , used by private methods )
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _deleteItem = function ( itemId , selectParent , skip ) {
selectParent = convertStringToBoolean ( selectParent ) ;
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ! sNode ) return ;
if ( selectParent ) this . selectItem ( this . getParentId ( this . getSelectedItemId ( ) ) , 1 ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( sNode == this . lastSelected . parentObject )
this . lastSelected = null ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ! skip ) {
this . _globalIdStorageRecSub ( sNode ) ;
// if (sNode.parentObject.id) sNode.parentObject.onRowSelect(0,sNode.parentObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[3]);
} ;
var zTemp = sNode . parentObject ;
this . _deleteNode ( itemId , sNode , skip ) ;
this . _correctPlus ( zTemp ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . _correctLine ( zTemp ) ;
return zTemp ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : uregister all child nodes of target node
* @ type : private
* @ param : itemObject - node object
* @ topic : 3
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _globalIdStorageRecSub = function ( itemObject ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemObject . childsCount ; i ++ )
this . _globalIdStorageRecSub ( itemObject . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
this . _globalIdStorageSub ( itemObject . childNodes [ i ] . id ) ;
} ;
this . _globalIdStorageSub ( itemObject . id ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : create new node next to specified
* @ type : public
* @ param : parentItemId - node id
* @ param : itemId - new node id
* @ param : itemName - new node text
* @ param : itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event ( optional )
* @ param : image1 - image for node without childrens ; ( optional )
* @ param : image2 - image for closed node ; ( optional )
* @ param : image3 - image for opened node ( optional )
* @ param : optionStr - options string ( optional )
* @ param : childs - node childs flag ( for dynamical trees ) ( optional )
* @ topic : 2
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . insertNewNext = function ( parentItemId , itemId , itemName , itemActionHandler , image1 , image2 , image3 , optionStr , childs ) {
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( parentItemId ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ! sNode ) || ( ! sNode . parentObject ) ) return ( 0 ) ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . _attachChildNode ( 0 , itemId , itemName , itemActionHandler , image1 , image2 , image3 , optionStr , childs , sNode ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : retun node identificator by index
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - node identificator
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : index - index of node , 0 based
* @ return : node id
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 1
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getItemIdByIndex = function ( itemId , index ) {
var z = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( ! z ) || ( index > z . childsCount ) ) return null ;
return z . childNodes [ index ] . id ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : retun child node identificator by index
* @ type : public
* @ param : itemId - parent node identificator
* @ param : index - index of child node
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ return : node id
* @ topic : 1
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getChildItemIdByIndex = function ( itemId , index ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var z = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ;
if ( ( ! z ) || ( index > z . childsCount ) ) return null ;
return z . childNodes [ index ] . id ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ desc : set function called when drag - and - drop event occured
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ param : aFunc - event handling function
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 0
* @ event : onDrag
* @ eventdesc : Event occured after item was dragged and droped on another item , but before item moving processed .
Event also raised while programmatic moving nodes .
* @ eventparam : ID of source item
* @ eventparam : ID of target item
* @ eventparam : if node droped as sibling then contain id of item before whitch source node will be inserted
* @ eventparam : source Tree object
* @ eventparam : target Tree object
* @ eventreturn : true - confirm drag - and - drop ; false - deny drag - and - drop ;
* /
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setDragHandler = function ( func ) { if ( typeof ( func ) == "function" ) this . dragFunc = func ; else this . dragFunc = eval ( func ) ; } ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : clear selection from node
* @ param : htmlNode - pointer to node object
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 1
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _clearMove = function ( htmlNode ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( ( htmlNode . parentObject ) && ( htmlNode . parentObject . span ) ) {
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
htmlNode . parentObject . span . className = 'standartTreeRow' ;
if ( htmlNode . parentObject . acolor ) htmlNode . parentObject . span . style . color = htmlNode . parentObject . acolor ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . selectionBar . style . display = "none" ;
this . allTree . className = "containerTableStyle" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : enable / disable drag - and - drop
* @ type : public
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ param : mode - enabled / disabled
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ topic : 0
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . enableDragAndDrop = function ( mode ) {
this . dragAndDropOff = convertStringToBoolean ( mode ) ;
if ( this . dragAndDropOff ) this . dragger . addDragLanding ( this . allTree , this ) ;
} ;
/ * *
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* @ desc : set selection on node
* @ param : node - pointer to node object
* @ type : private
* @ topic : 1
* /
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _setMove = function ( htmlNode , x , y ) {
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( htmlNode . parentObject . span ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
var a1 = getAbsoluteTop ( htmlNode ) ;
var a2 = getAbsoluteTop ( this . allTree ) ;
this . dadmodec = this . dadmode ; //this.dadmode;
this . dadmodefix = 0 ;
if ( this . dadmodec == 0 )
htmlNode . parentObject . span . className = 'selectedTreeRow' ;
if ( htmlNode . parentObject . scolor ) htmlNode . parentObject . span . style . color = htmlNode . parentObject . scolor ;
else {
htmlNode . parentObject . span . className = 'standartTreeRow' ;
if ( htmlNode . parentObject . acolor ) htmlNode . parentObject . span . style . color = htmlNode . parentObject . acolor ;
this . selectionBar . style . top = a1 - a2 + 16 + this . dadmodefix ;
this . selectionBar . style . left = 5 ;
this . selectionBar . style . display = "" ;
if ( this . autoScroll )
//scroll down
if ( ( a1 - a2 - parseInt ( this . allTree . scrollTop ) ) > ( parseInt ( this . allTree . offsetHeight ) - 50 ) )
this . allTree . scrollTop = parseInt ( this . allTree . scrollTop ) + 20 ;
//scroll top
if ( ( a1 - a2 ) < ( parseInt ( this . allTree . scrollTop ) + 30 ) )
this . allTree . scrollTop = parseInt ( this . allTree . scrollTop ) - 20 ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
} ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
/ * *
* @ desc : create html element for dragging
* @ type : private
* @ param : htmlObject - html node object
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
* @ topic : 1
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _createDragNode = function ( htmlObject ) {
dhtmlObject = htmlObject . parentObject ;
if ( this . lastSelected ) this . _clearMove ( this . lastSelected ) ;
var dragSpan = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dragSpan . innerHTML = dhtmlObject . label ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dragSpan . style . position = "absolute" ;
dragSpan . className = "dragSpanDiv" ;
return dragSpan ;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _preventNsDrag = function ( e ) {
if ( ( e ) && ( e . preventDefault ) ) { e . preventDefault ( ) ; return false ; }
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
return false ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _drag = function ( sourceHtmlObject , dhtmlObject , targetHtmlObject ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
if ( this . _autoOpenTimer ) clearTimeout ( this . _autoOpenTimer ) ;
if ( ! targetHtmlObject . parentObject ) {
targetHtmlObject = this . htmlNode . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 1 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] ;
this . dadmodec = 0 ;
this . _clearMove ( targetHtmlObject ) ;
var z = targetHtmlObject . parentObject . treeNod ;
z . _clearMove ( "" ) ;
//if (z.lastSelected) z._setMove(z.lastSelected);
if ( ( ! this . dragMove ) || ( this . dragMove ( ) ) )
var newID = this . _moveNode ( sourceHtmlObject . parentObject , targetHtmlObject . parentObject ) ;
z . selectItem ( newID ) ;
try { }
catch ( e ) {
return ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _dragIn = function ( htmlObject , shtmlObject , x , y ) {
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ! htmlObject . parentObject )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . allTree . className = "containerTableStyle selectionBox" ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
//if (this.htmlNode.childsCount==0)
return htmlObject ;
//else return 0;
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
if ( ( ! this . _checkParenNodes ( shtmlObject . parentObject . id , htmlObject . parentObject , shtmlObject . parentObject ) ) && ( htmlObject . parentObject . id != shtmlObject . parentObject . id ) )
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
htmlObject . parentObject . span . parentNode . appendChild ( this . selectionBar ) ;
this . _setMove ( htmlObject , x , y ) ;
if ( this . _getOpenState ( htmlObject . parentObject ) < 0 )
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00
this . _autoOpenTimer = window . setTimeout ( new callerFunction ( this . _autoOpenItem , this ) , 1000 ) ;
this . _autoOpenId = htmlObject . parentObject . id ;
return htmlObject ;
else return 0 ;
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _autoOpenItem = function ( e , treeObject ) {
treeObject . openItem ( treeObject . _autoOpenId ) ;
} ;
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _dragOut = function ( htmlObject ) {
2006-03-19 18:51:23 +01:00
this . _clearMove ( htmlObject ) ;
if ( this . _autoOpenTimer ) clearTimeout ( this . _autoOpenTimer ) ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return next node
* @ type : private
* @ param : item - node object
* @ param : mode - inner flag
* @ return : next node or - 1
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getNextNode = function ( item , mode ) {
if ( ( ! mode ) && ( item . childsCount ) ) return item . childNodes [ 0 ] ;
if ( item == this . htmlNode )
return - 1 ;
if ( ( item . tr ) && ( item . tr . nextSibling ) && ( item . tr . nextSibling . nodem ) )
return item . tr . nextSibling . nodem ;
return this . _getNextNode ( item . parentObject , true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return last child of item ( include all sub - child collections )
* @ type : private
* @ param : item - node object
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _lastChild = function ( item ) {
if ( item . childsCount )
return this . _lastChild ( item . childNodes [ item . childsCount - 1 ] ) ;
else return item ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ desc : return previous node
* @ type : private
* @ param : item - node object
* @ param : mode - inner flag
* @ return : previous node or - 1
* @ topic : 2
* /
dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _getPrevNode = function ( node , mode ) {
if ( ( node . tr ) && ( node . tr . previousSibling ) && ( node . tr . previousSibling . nodem ) )
return this . _lastChild ( node . tr . previousSibling . nodem ) ;
if ( node . parentObject )
return node . parentObject ;
else return - 1 ;
} ;
2005-07-20 10:07:47 +02:00