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2005-09-29 21:10:21 +02:00
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin cs %1 - %2 z %3 u<>ivatelsk<73>ch <20><>t<EFBFBD>
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin cs %1 - %2 z %3 skupin u<>ivatel<65>
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin cs %1 nenalezena nebo nen<65> spustiteln<6C> !!!
(stored password will not be shown here) admin cs (Ulo<6C>en<65> heslo zde nebude zobrazeno)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin cs (Nov<6F> aplikace lze nainstalovat pou<6F>it<69>m <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Manage Applications] !!!)
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin cs AccessLog a ochrana p<>ed <20>tokem silou
account active admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et je aktivn<76>
account has been created common cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et byl vytvo<76>en
account has been deleted common cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et byl smaz<61>n
account has been updated common cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et byl updatov<6F>n
account list admin cs Seznam u<>ivatelsk<73>ch <20><>t<EFBFBD>
account permissions admin cs Opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> u<>ivatelsk<73>ho <20><>tu
account preferences admin cs P<>edvolby u<>ivatelsk<73>ho <20><>tu
acl manager admin cs Spr<70>vce ACL
acl rights common cs ACL opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD>
action admin cs Akce
activate wsiwyg-editor admin cs aktivovat WISIWYG editor
activate wysiwyg-editor admin cs aktivovat WYSIWYG editor
add a category admin cs p<>idat kategorii
add a group admin cs p<>idat skupinu
add a new account. admin cs P<>idat nov<6F> <20><>et.
add a subcategory admin cs p<>idat podkategorii
add a user admin cs p<>idat u<>ivatele
add account admin cs P<>idat u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et
add application admin cs P<>idat aplikaci
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin cs P<>idat automaticky vytvo<76>en<65> u<>ivatele do t<>to skupiny (Pokud z<>stane nevypln<6C>no, 'Implicitn<74>' se syst<73>m o to pokus<75>.)
add global category admin cs P<>idat glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorii
add global category for %1 admin cs P<>idat glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorii pro %1
add group admin cs P<>idat skupinu
add new account admin cs P<>idat nov<6F> <20><>et
add new application admin cs P<>idat novou aplikaci
add peer server admin cs P<>idat Peer Server
add sub-category admin cs P<>idat podkategorii
admin email admin cs E-mail administr<74>tora
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin cs E-mailov<6F> adresy administr<74>tor<6F> (odd<64>len<65> <20><>rkou), na kter<65> m<> b<>t odesl<73>na informace o zablokov<6F>n<EFBFBD> u<>ivatel<65> (pr<70>zdn<64> pro neodes<65>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>)
admin name admin cs Jm<4A>no administr<74>tora
administration admin cs Administrace
admins admin cs Administr<74>to<74>i
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin cs Po kolika ne<6E>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>ch pokusech se m<> u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et zablokovat (implicitn<74> 3) ?
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin cs Po kolika ne<6E>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>ch pokusech se m<> IP adresa zablokovat (implicitn<74> 3) ?
all records and account information will be lost! admin cs V<>echny z<>znamy a u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>ty budou ztraceny !!!
all users admin cs V<>ichni u<>ivatel<65>
allow anonymous access to this app admin cs Povolit anonymn<6D>m u<>ivatel<65>m p<><70>stup k t<>to aplikaci
anonymous user admin cs Anonymn<6D> u<>ivatel
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin cs Anonymn<6D> u<>ivatel (nezobrazen<65> na seznamu sezen<65>)
appearance admin cs Vzhled
application admin cs Aplikace
application name admin cs Jm<4A>no aplikace
application title admin cs Titulek aplikace
applications admin cs Aplikace
applications list admin cs Seznam aplikac<61>
apply admin cs pou<6F><75>t
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat aplikaci %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tento u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tuto aplikaci ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common cs Jste si jist(a), <20>e chcete zru<72>it tuto kategorii?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tuto glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorii ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tuto skupinu ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tento server ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete zru<72>it toto sezen<65> ?
async services last executed admin cs Naposledy spu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> asynchronn<6E> slu<6C>by
asynchronous timed services admin cs Asynchronn<6E> na<6E>asovan<61> slu<6C>by
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin cs asynchronn<6E> slu<6C>by nebyly je<6A>t<EFBFBD> nainstalov<6F>ny nebo jin<69> chyba (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin cs Zkuste pou<6F><75>t spr<70>vn<76> MIME Type pro FTP nam<61>sto implicitn<74>ho 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts admin cs Autentizace / <20><>ty
auto create account records for authenticated users admin cs Automaticky zalo<6C>it <20><>ty pro autentizovan<61> u<>ivatele
back to the list admin cs zp<7A>t na seznam
bi-dir passthrough admin cs obousm<73>rn<72> pr<70>chod
bi-directional admin cs obousm<73>rn<72>
bottom admin cs spodn<64> <20><>st
calculate next run admin cs Spo<70><6F>tat dal<61><6C> spu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>
can change password admin cs M<><4D>e zm<7A>nit
cancel testjob! admin cs Stornovat testovac<61> <20>kol
categories list admin cs Seznam kategori<72>
category %1 has been saved ! admin cs Kategorie %1 byla ulo<6C>ena !
category list admin cs Seznam kategori<72>
change acl rights admin cs zm<7A>nit ACL opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD>
change config settings admin cs Zm<5A>nit nastaven<65> konfigurace
change main screen message admin cs Zm<5A>nit zpr<70>vu na hlavn<76> str<74>nce
check ip address of all sessions admin cs Kontrolovat IP adresu v<>ech sezen<65>
click to select a color admin cs Pro nastaven<65> barvy kliknout
color admin cs Barva
country selection admin cs V<>b<EFBFBD>r zem<65>
create group admin cs Vytvo<76>it skupinu
crontab only (recomended) admin cs pouze crontab (doporu<72>eno)
data admin cs Data
day admin cs Den
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin cs Den v t<>dnu<br>(0-6, 0=Ne)
default admin cs Implicitn<74>
default file system space per user admin cs Implicitn<74> prostor souborov<6F>ho syst<73>mu u<>ivatele
default file system space per user/group ? admin cs Implicitn<74> prostor souborov<6F>ho syst<73>mu u<>ivatele / skupiny ?
deinstall crontab admin cs Odinstalovat crontab
delete account admin cs Smazat u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et
delete all records admin cs Smazat v<>echny z<>znamy
delete application admin cs Smazat aplikaci
delete category admin cs Smazat kategorii
delete group admin cs Smazat skupinu
delete peer server admin cs Smazat Peer Server
delete the category admin cs smazat kategorii
delete the group admin cs smazat skupinu
delete this category admin cs smazat tuto kategorii
delete this group admin cs smazat tuto skupinu
delete this user admin cs smazat tohoto u<>ivatele
deny access to access log admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k z<>znam<61>m o p<><70>stupech
deny access to application registery admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k registru aplikac<61>
deny access to applications admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k aplikac<61>m
deny access to asynchronous timed services admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k na<6E>asovan<61>m asynchronn<6E>m slu<6C>b<EFBFBD>m
deny access to current sessions admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k aktu<74>ln<6C>m sezen<65>m
deny access to error log admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k z<>znam<61>m o chyb<79>ch
deny access to global categories admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup ke glob<6F>ln<6C>m kategori<72>m
deny access to groups admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup ke skupin<69>m
deny access to mainscreen message admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup ke zpr<70>v<EFBFBD> na hlavn<76> str<74>nce
deny access to peer servers admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k Peer Server<65>m
deny access to phpinfo admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k phpInfo
deny access to site configuration admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup ke konfiguraci str<74>nek
deny access to user accounts admin cs Zak<61>zat p<><70>stup k u<>ivatelsk<73>m <20><>t<EFBFBD>m
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin cs Zak<61>zat v<>em u<>ivatel<65>m p<><70>stup k delegov<6F>n<EFBFBD> privileg<65><67> ostatn<74>m u<>ivatel<65>m k jejich polo<6C>k<EFBFBD>m ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin cs Popis nesm<73> p<>ekro<72>it 255 znak<61> !
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin cs Zak<61>zat automatick<63> dopl<70>ov<6F>n<EFBFBD> <20>daj<61> na p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61>m formul<75><6C>i
disable wsiwyg-editor admin cs zak<61>zat WISIWYG editor
disable wysiwyg-editor admin cs zak<61>zat WYSIWYG editor
disabled (not recomended) admin cs zak<61>z<EFBFBD>no (nen<65> doporu<72>eno)
display admin cs Zobrazit
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin cs NEMAZAT kategorii a n<>vrat zp<7A>t na seznam
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs P<>ejete si tak<61> smazat v<>echny glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorie ?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs P<>ejete si smazat v<>echny glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorie ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin cs P<>ejete si p<>esunout v<>echny glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorie o <20>rove<76> dol<6F> ?
edit account admin cs Upravit u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et
edit application admin cs Upravit kategorii
edit global category admin cs Upravit glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorii
edit global category for %1 admin cs Upravit glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorii pro %1
edit group admin cs Upravit skupinu
edit group acl's admin cs Upravit ACL opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> skupiny
edit login screen message admin cs Upravit zpr<70>vu na p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> obrazovce
edit main screen message admin cs Upravit zpr<70>vu na hlavn<76> str<74>nce
edit peer server admin cs Upravit Peer Server
edit table format admin cs Upravit form<72>t tabulky
edit this category admin cs upravit tuto kategorii
edit this group admin cs upravit tuto skupinu
edit this user admin cs upravit tohoto u<>ivatele
edit user admin cs upravit u<>ivatele
edit user account admin cs Upravit u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et
enable debug-messages admin cs Povolit ladic<69> informace
enabled - hidden from navbar admin cs Povoleno - Skryto na naviga<67>n<EFBFBD> li<6C>t<EFBFBD>
enabled - popup window admin cs Povoleno - Vyskakovac<61> okno
enter a description for the category admin cs vlo<6C>te popis k t<>to kategorii
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin cs Vlo<6C>te n<>jak<61> n<>hodn<64> text pro zakryptov<6F>n<EFBFBD> <br>app_session (vy<76>aduje mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin cs Vlo<6C>te barvu pozad<61> p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> str<74>nky
enter the background color for the site title admin cs Vlo<6C>te barvu pozad<61> n<>zvu str<74>nek
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin cs Vlo<6C>te celou cestu k do<64>asn<73>m soubor<6F>m.<br>P<><50>klady: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:temp admin cs Vlo<6C>te celou cestu k do<64>asn<73>m soubor<6F>m.<br>P<><50>klady: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin cs Vlo<6C>te plnou cestu k soubor<6F>m u<>ivatel<65> a skupiny.<br>P<><50>klady: /files, E:\FILES
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:files admin cs Vlo<6C>te plnou cestu k soubor<6F>m u<>ivatel<65> a skupiny.<br>P<><50>klady: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin cs Vlo<6C>te jm<6A>no po<70><6F>ta<74>e, na kter<65>m tento server b<><62><EFBFBD>
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: &nbsp; or &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Vlo<6C>te um<75>st<73>n<EFBFBD> URL eGroupWare.<br>Nap<61>.: &nbsp; nebo &nbsp; /egroupware<br><b>Bez ukon<6F>ovac<61>ho lom<6F>tka</b>
enter the location of phpgroupware's url.<br>example: &nbsp; or &nbsp; /phpgroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin cs Vlo<6C>te um<75>st<73>n<EFBFBD> (URL) phpGroupWare.<br>P<><50>klad: &nbsp; nebo &nbsp;/phpgroupware<br><b>Bez ukon<6F>ovac<61>ho lom<6F>tka</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin cs Vlo<6C>te vyhled<65>vac<61> <20>et<65>zec. Pro zobrazen<65> v<>ech polo<6C>et ponechte pol<6F><6C>ko pr<70>zdn<64> a znovu stiskn<6B>te tla<6C><61>tko ODESLAT.
enter the title for your site admin cs Vlo<6C>te n<>zev va<76>ich str<74>nek
enter the title of your logo admin cs Vlo<6C>te n<>zev va<76>eho loga
enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo admin cs Vlo<6C>te URL nebo jm<6A>no souboru (v phpgwapi/templates/default/images) s va<76><61>m logem
enter the url where your logo should link to admin cs Vlo<6C>te URL, kam m<> b<>t logo napojeno
enter your default ftp server admin cs Vlo<6C>te implicitn<74> FTP server
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin cs Vlo<6C>te va<76>i implicitn<74> mailovou dom<6F>nu ( user@domena )
enter your http proxy server admin cs Vlo<6C>te v<><76> HTTP proxy server
enter your http proxy server port admin cs Vlo<6C>te <20><>slo portu va<76>eho HTTP proxy serveru
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin cs Vlo<6C>te jm<6A>no nebo IP adresu va<76>eho SMTP serveru
enter your smtp server port admin cs Vlo<6C>te <20><>slo portu va<76>eho SMTP serveru
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin cs Chyba p<>i stornov<6F>n<EFBFBD> <20>asova<76>e, mo<6D>n<EFBFBD> nebyl je<6A>t<EFBFBD> <20><>dn<64> nastaven !!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin cs Chyba p<>i nastavov<6F>n<EFBFBD> <20>asova<76>e, <20>patn<74> syntaxe nebo mo<6D>n<EFBFBD> <20><>dn<64> je<6A>t<EFBFBD> neb<65><62><EFBFBD> !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin cs Chyba: %1 nenalezen nebo jin<69> chyba !!!
expires admin cs Vypr<70><72>
find and register all application hooks admin cs Nal<61>zt a registrovat ve<76>ker<65> p<>dy aplikac<61>
force selectbox admin cs Vynutit nab<61>dku pro v<>b<EFBFBD>r
global categories common cs Glob<6F>ln<6C> kategorie
group ? admin cs skupina ?
group has been added common cs Skupina byla p<>id<69>na
group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smaz<61>na
group has been updated common cs Skupina byla updatov<6F>na
group list admin cs Seznam skupin
group manager admin cs Spr<70>vce skupin
group name admin cs Jm<4A>no skupiny
hide php information admin cs skr<6B>t PHP informaci
home directory admin cs Domovsk<73> adres<65><73>
host information admin cs Hostitelsk<73> informace
hour<br>(0-23) admin cs Hodina<br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin cs Kolik dn<64> maj<61> z<>stat z<>znamy v p<><70>stupov<6F>m logu ne<6E> budou smaz<61>ny (implicitn<74> 90) ?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin cs Kolik minut m<> z<>stat u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et nebo IP adresa zablokov<6F>na (implicitn<74> 30) ?
icon admin cs Ikona
idle admin cs ne<6E>inn<6E>
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin cs Pokud neexistuje <20><>dn<64> ACL z<>znam pro u<>ivatele nebo skupinu, u<>ivatel je <20>lenem
inbound admin cs p<><70>choz<6F>
install crontab admin cs Instalovat crontab
installed applications common cs Nainstalovan<61> aplikace
installed crontab admin cs Nainstalovan<61> crontab
interface admin cs Rozhran<61>
ip admin cs IP
jobs admin cs <09>koly
kill admin cs Zru<72>it
kill session admin cs Zru<72>it sezen<65>
last %1 logins admin cs Posledn<64>ch %1 p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
last %1 logins for %2 admin cs Posledn<64>ch %1 p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> %2
last login admin cs posledn<64> p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
last login from admin cs posledn<64> p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> od
last time read admin cs Naposledy p<>e<EFBFBD>teno
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat kategorii nezm<7A>n<EFBFBD>nou a n<>vrat na seznam
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat skupinu nezm<7A>n<EFBFBD>nou a n<>vrat na seznam
list config settings admin cs Vypsat nastaven<65> konfigurace
list current sessions admin cs Vypsat aktu<74>ln<6C> sezen<65>
list of current users admin cs seznam aktu<74>ln<6C>ch u<>ivatel<65>
login history common cs Historie p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
login message admin cs P<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> zpr<70>va
login screen admin cs P<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> obrazovka
login shell admin cs P<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> shell
login time admin cs <09>as p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
loginid admin cs P<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> ID
mail settings admin cs Nastaven<65> po<70>ty
main screen message admin cs Zpr<70>va na hlavn<76> obrazovce
manager admin cs Spr<70>vce
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin cs Maxim<69>ln<6C> <20><>slo <20><>tu (nap<61>. 65535 nebo 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin cs Maxim<69>ln<6C> po<70>et polo<6C>ek v historii akc<6B>
message has been updated admin cs zpr<70>va byla zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>na
method admin cs Metoda
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin cs Minim<69>ln<6C> <20><>slo <20><>tu (nap<61>. 500 or 100, apod.)
minute admin cs Minuta
mode admin cs M<>d
month admin cs M<>s<EFBFBD>c
new group name admin cs Nov<6F> jm<6A>no skupiny
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nov<6F> heslo [ Pro <20><>dnou zm<7A>nu ponechte pr<70>zdn<64> ]
next run admin cs P<><50><EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD> b<>h
no algorithms available admin cs nen<65> dostupn<70> <20><>dn<64> algoritmus
no jobs in the database !!! admin cs <09><>dn<64> <20>koly v datab<61>zi !!!
no login history exists for this user admin cs Tento u<>ivatel nem<65> <20><>dn<64> z<>znamy o historii p<>ihla<6C>ov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
no matches found admin cs Nenalezeny <20><>dn<64> odpov<6F>daj<61>c<EFBFBD> <20>daje
no modes available admin cs nejsou dostupn<70> <20><>dn<64> m<>dy
no permission to add groups admin cs chyb<79>j<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD> opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> pro p<>id<69>n<EFBFBD> skupiny
no permission to add users admin cs chyb<79>j<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD> opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> pro p<>id<69>n<EFBFBD> u<>ivatele
no permission to create groups admin cs chyb<79>j<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD> opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> pro p<>id<69>n<EFBFBD> skupin
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin cs Pozn.: SSL je dostupn<70> pouze pokud je PHP zkompilov<6F>no s podporou curl
outbound admin cs odchoz<6F>
passthrough admin cs pr<70>chod
password for smtp-authentication admin cs Heslo pro SMTP autentizaci
peer server list admin cs Seznam Peer Server<65>
peer servers admin cs Peer Servery
percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento u<>ivatel<65>, kte<74><65> se odhl<68>sili.
percent this user has logged out admin cs Procento, kdy se tento u<>ivatel odhl<68>sil.
permissions admin cs Opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD>
permissions this group has admin cs Opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> t<>to skupiny
phpinfo admin cs PHP informace
please enter a name admin cs Vlo<6C>te pros<6F>m jm<6A>no
please enter a name for that server ! admin cs Vlo<6C>te pros<6F>m jm<6A>no tohoto serveru !
please run setup to become current admin cs Spus<75>t<EFBFBD> pros<6F>m setup pro aktualizaci
please select admin cs Vyberte pros<6F>m
preferences admin cs P<>edvolby
primary group admin cs prim<69>rn<72> skupina
re-enter password admin cs Vlo<6C>te heslo je<6A>t<EFBFBD> jednou
read this list of methods. admin cs P<>e<EFBFBD><65>st tento seznam metod.
register application hooks admin cs Zaregistrovat p<>d aplikace
remove all users from this group admin cs Odstranit v<>echny u<>ivatele z t<>to skupiny
remove all users from this group ? admin cs Odstranit v<>echny u<>ivatele z t<>to skupiny ?
return to admin mainscreen admin cs zp<7A>t na hlavn<76> str<74>nku administrace
return to view account admin cs Zp<5A>t na prohl<68>dku <20><>tu
run asynchronous services admin cs Spustit asynchronn<6E> slu<6C>by
save the category admin cs ulo<6C>it kategorii
save the category and return back to the list admin cs ulo<6C>it kategorii a zp<7A>t na seznam
search accounts admin cs Hledat <20><>ty
search categories admin cs Hledat kategorie
search groups admin cs Hledat skupiny
search peer servers admin cs Hledat Peer Servery
security admin cs Bezpe<70>nost
select group managers admin cs Vybrat spr<70>vce skupiny
select permissions this group will have admin cs Vybrat opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> pro tuto skupinu
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin cs Vybrat rodi<64>ovskou kategorii. Pokud je toto hlavn<76> kategorie vyberte NO CATEGORY.
select users for inclusion admin cs Vybrat u<>ivatele pro vlo<6C>en<65>
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin cs Vyberte kam se maj<61> ukl<6B>dat informace souborov<6F>ho syst<73>mu.
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin cs Vyberte kam se maj<61> ukl<6B>dat u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>ty.
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin cs Vyberte um<75>st<73>n<EFBFBD> t<>to aplikace na naviga<67>n<EFBFBD> li<6C>t<EFBFBD>, od nejni<6E><69><EFBFBD> (nalevo) k nejvy<76><79><EFBFBD> (napravo)
selectbox admin cs Nab<61>dka pro v<>b<EFBFBD>r
server %1 has been updated admin cs Server %1 byl zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n
server list admin cs Seznam server<65>
server password admin cs Heslo na server
server type(mode) admin cs Typ serveru (m<>d)
server url admin cs URL serveru
server username admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no pro server
set preference values. admin cs Nastavit hodnoty p<>edvoleb.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin cs M<> b<>t zobrazena nab<61>dka pro v<>b<EFBFBD>r jazyku na p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> str<74>nce (u<>ite<74>n<EFBFBD> pro demo str<74>nky) ?
show 'powered by' logo on admin cs Zobrazovat 'powered-by' logo na
show access log admin cs Zobrazovat z<>znamy o p<><70>stupech
show current action admin cs Zobrazovat aktu<74>ln<6C> akci
show error log admin cs Zobrazovat informace o chyb<79>ch
show phpinfo() admin cs Zobrazovat phpInfo()
show session ip address admin cs Zobrazovat IP adresy sezen<65>
site admin cs Str<74>nky
site configuration common cs Konfigurace str<74>nek
soap admin cs SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin cs Pardon, toto jm<6A>no skupiny je ji<6A> zad<61>no.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Pardon, v<><76>e uveden<65> u<>ivatel<65> jsou st<73>le <20>leny skupiny %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Pardon, n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> u<>ivatel<65> jsou st<73>le <20>leny skupiny %1
sort the entries admin cs set<65><74>dit polo<6C>ky
ssl admin cs SSL
standard admin cs standardn<64>
start testjob! admin cs Spustit testovac<61> <20>kol !
submit changes admin cs Odeslat zm<7A>ny
submit the search string admin cs Odeslat hledan<61> <20>et<65>zec
template selection admin cs V<>b<EFBFBD>r <20>ablony
text entry admin cs Textov<6F> polo<6C>ka
that application name already exists. admin cs Takov<6F> jm<6A>no aplikace ji<6A> existuje.
that application order must be a number. admin cs Po<50>ad<61> aplikace mus<75> b<>t <20><>slo.
that loginid has already been taken admin cs Toto p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> jm<6A>no je ji<6A> zad<61>no.
that name has been used already admin cs Takov<6F> jm<6A>no se ji<6A> pou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD>
that server name has been used already ! admin cs Takov<6F> jm<6A>no serveru se ji<6A> pou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD> !
the api is current admin cs API je aktu<74>ln<6C>
the api requires an upgrade admin cs API vy<76>aduje upgrade
the groups must include the primary group admin cs Skupiny mus<75> obsahovat prim<69>rn<72> skupinu
the login and password can not be the same admin cs P<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> jm<6A>no a heslo nesm<73> b<>t stejn<6A>
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin cs P<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> IP nesm<73> b<>t del<65><6C> ne<6E> 8 znak<61>
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin cs Testovac<61> <20>kol v<>m ode<64>le e-mail poka<6B>d<EFBFBD>, kdy<64> je vyvol<6F>n.
the two passwords are not the same admin cs Tato dv<64> hesla nejsou stejn<6A>
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin cs n<><6E>e uveden<65> u<>ivatel<65> jsou st<73>le <20>leny skupiny %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin cs Skupina s t<>mto jm<6A>nem ji<6A> existuje. ID u<>ivatel<65> nemohou b<>t stejn<6A> jako ID skupiny.
they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Aby bylo mo<6D>no pokra<72>ovat mus<75> b<>t odstran<61>ny
this application is current admin cs Tato aplikace je aktu<74>ln<6C>
this application requires an upgrade admin cs Tato aplikace vy<76>aduje upgrade
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin cs Tato kategorie je v sou<6F>asnosti pou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD>na aplikacemi jako rodi<64>ovsk<73> kategorie.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin cs Timeout aplika<6B>n<EFBFBD>ch dat v r<>mci sezen<65> v sekund<6E>ch (standardn<64> 86400 = 1 den)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin cs Timeout sezen<65> v sekund<6E>ch (implicitn<74> 14400 = 4 dny)
top admin cs naho<68>e
total records admin cs Celkem z<>znam<61>
trust level admin cs <09>rove<76> d<>v<EFBFBD>ryhodnosti
trust relationship admin cs D<>v<EFBFBD>ryhodn<64> vztak
use cookies to pass sessionid admin cs Pou<6F><75>vat cookies pro p<>ed<65>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> sessionid
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin cs Pou<6F><75>t <20>ist<73> HTML kompatibiln<6C> k<>d (je<6A>t<EFBFBD> ne zcela funk<6E>n<EFBFBD>)
use theme admin cs Pou<6F><75>t barevn<76> t<>ma
user accounts admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>ty
user data admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> data
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs U<>ivatel pro SMTP autentizaci (nevypl<70>ovat pokud nen<65> vy<76>adov<6F>no)
user groups admin cs Skupiny u<>ivatel<65>
userdata admin cs u<>ivatelsk<73>_data
users choice admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> nab<61>dky
view access log admin cs Prohl<68><6C>et informace o p<><70>stupech
view account admin cs Prohl<68><6C>et u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et
view category admin cs Prohl<68><6C>et kategorii
view error log admin cs Prohl<68><6C>et informace o chyb<79>ch
view sessions admin cs Prohl<68><6C>et sezen<65>
view this user admin cs prohl<68>dnout tohoto u<>ivatele
view user account admin cs Prohl<68><6C>et u<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Komu chcete p<>eposlat V<>ECHNY z<>znamy vlastn<74>n<EFBFBD> smazan<61>m u<>ivatelem ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin cs P<>ejete si aby eGroupWare zkontroloval svoji aktu<74>ln<6C><br> verzi p<>i p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> administr<74>tora ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin cs P<>ejete si aby eGroupWare zkontroloval nov<6F><br> aplikace p<>i p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> administr<74>tora ?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin cs P<>ejete si automaticky nahr<68>t nov<6F> soubory jazykov<6F>ch verz<72> (p<>i p<>ihla<6C>ov<6F>n<EFBFBD>) ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin cs P<>ejete si zobrazovat stav upgradu ka<6B>d<EFBFBD> aplikace ?
xml-rpc admin cs XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin cs Bylo vlo<6C>eno chybn<62> datum vypr<70>en<65>
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin cs Mus<75>te p<>idat alespo<70> 1 opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> nebo skupinu pro tento <20><>et
you must enter a group name. admin cs Mus<75>te vlo<6C>it jm<6A>no skupiny.
you must enter a lastname admin cs Mus<75>te vlo<6C>it p<><70>jmen<65>
you must enter a loginid admin cs Mus<75>te vlo<6C>it p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> ID
you must enter an application name and title. admin cs Mus<75>te vlo<6C>it jm<6A>no aplikace a titulek.
you must enter an application name. admin cs Mus<75>te vlo<6C>it jm<6A>no aplikace.
you must enter an application title. admin cs Mus<75>te vlo<6C>it titulek aplikace.
you must select a file type admin cs Mus<75>te vybrat typ souboru
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Mus<75>te odstranit podkategorie p<>edt<64>m, ne<6E> m<><6D>ete smazat tuto kategorii !