2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
* All auto suggestion boxes are fucked up or badly written.
* This is an attempt to create something that doesn't suck...
* Requires: jQuery
* Author: Nicolas Bize
* Date: Feb. 8th 2013
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
* Version: 1.3.1
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
* Licence: MagicSuggest is licenced under MIT licence (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
"use strict";
var MagicSuggest = function(element, options)
var ms = this;
* Initializes the MagicSuggest component
* @param defaults - see config below
var defaults = {
/********** CONFIGURATION PROPERTIES ************/
* @cfg {Boolean} allowFreeEntries
* <p>Restricts or allows the user to validate typed entries.</p>
* Defaults to <code>true</code>.
allowFreeEntries: true,
* @cfg {String} cls
* <p>A custom CSS class to apply to the field's underlying element.</p>
* Defaults to <code>''</code>.
cls: '',
* @cfg {Array / String / Function} data
* JSON Data source used to populate the combo box. 3 options are available here:<br/>
* <p><u>No Data Source (default)</u><br/>
* When left null, the combo box will not suggest anything. It can still enable the user to enter
* multiple entries if allowFreeEntries is * set to true (default).</p>
* <p><u>Static Source</u><br/>
* You can pass an array of JSON objects, an array of strings or even a single CSV string as the
* data source.<br/>For ex. data: [* {id:0,name:"Paris"}, {id: 1, name: "New York"}]<br/>
* You can also pass any json object with the results property containing the json array.</p>
* <p><u>Url</u><br/>
* You can pass the url from which the component will fetch its JSON data.<br/>Data will be fetched
* using a POST ajax request that will * include the entered text as 'query' parameter. The results
* fetched from the server can be: <br/>
* - an array of JSON objects (ex: [{id:...,name:...},{...}])<br/>
* - a string containing an array of JSON objects ready to be parsed (ex: "[{id:...,name:...},{...}]")<br/>
* - a JSON object whose data will be contained in the results property
* (ex: {results: [{id:...,name:...},{...}]</p>
* <p><u>Function</u><br/>
* You can pass a function which returns an array of JSON objects (ex: [{id:...,name:...},{...}])<br/>
* The function can return the JSON data or it can use the first argument as function to handle the data.<br/>
* Only one (callback function or return value) is needed for the function to succeed.<br/>
* See the following example:<br/>
* function (response) { var myjson = [{name: 'test', id: 1}]; response(myjson); return myjson; }</p>
* Defaults to <b>null</b>
data: null,
* @cfg {Object} dataParams
* <p>Additional parameters to the ajax call</p>
* Defaults to <code>{}</code>
dataUrlParams: {},
* @cfg {Boolean} disabled
* <p>Start the component in a disabled state.</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
disabled: false,
* @cfg {String} displayField
* <p>name of JSON object property displayed in the combo list</p>
* Defaults to <code>name</code>.
displayField: 'name',
* @cfg {Boolean} editable
* <p>Set to false if you only want mouse interaction. In that case the combo will
* automatically expand on focus.</p>
* Defaults to <code>true</code>.
editable: true,
* @cfg {String} emptyText
* <p>The default placeholder text when nothing has been entered</p>
* Defaults to <code>'Type or click here'</code> or just <code>'Click here'</code> if not editable.
emptyText: function() {
return cfg.editable ? 'Type or click here' : 'Click here';
* @cfg {String} emptyTextCls
* <p>A custom CSS class to style the empty text</p>
* Defaults to <code>'ms-empty-text'</code>.
emptyTextCls: 'ms-empty-text',
* @cfg {Boolean} expanded
* <p>Set starting state for combo.</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
expanded: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} expandOnFocus
* <p>Automatically expands combo on focus.</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
expandOnFocus: function() {
return cfg.editable ? false : true;
* @cfg {String} groupBy
* <p>JSON property by which the list should be grouped</p>
* Defaults to null
groupBy: null,
* @cfg {Boolean} hideTrigger
* <p>Set to true to hide the trigger on the right</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
hideTrigger: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} highlight
* <p>Set to true to highlight search input within displayed suggestions</p>
* Defaults to <code>true</code>.
highlight: true,
* @cfg {String} id
* <p>A custom ID for this component</p>
* Defaults to 'ms-ctn-{n}' with n positive integer
id: function() {
return 'ms-ctn-' + $('div[id^="ms-ctn"]').length;
* @cfg {String} infoMsgCls
* <p>A class that is added to the info message appearing on the top-right part of the component</p>
* Defaults to ''
infoMsgCls: '',
* @cfg {Object} inputCfg
* <p>Additional parameters passed out to the INPUT tag. Enables usage of AngularJS's custom tags for ex.</p>
* Defaults to <code>{}</code>
inputCfg: {},
* @cfg {String} invalidCls
* <p>The class that is applied to show that the field is invalid</p>
* Defaults to ms-ctn-invalid
invalidCls: 'ms-ctn-invalid',
* @cfg {Boolean} matchCase
* <p>Set to true to filter data results according to case. Useless if the data is fetched remotely</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
matchCase: false,
* @cfg {Integer} maxDropHeight (in px)
* <p>Once expanded, the combo's height will take as much room as the # of available results.
* In case there are too many results displayed, this will fix the drop down height.</p>
* Defaults to 290 px.
maxDropHeight: 290,
* @cfg {Integer} maxEntryLength
* <p>Defines how long the user free entry can be. Set to null for no limit.</p>
* Defaults to null.
maxEntryLength: null,
* @cfg {String} maxEntryRenderer
* <p>A function that defines the helper text when the max entry length has been surpassed.</p>
* Defaults to <code>function(v){return 'Please reduce your entry by ' + v + ' character' + (v > 1 ? 's':'');}</code>
maxEntryRenderer: function(v) {
return 'Please reduce your entry by ' + v + ' character' + (v > 1 ? 's':'');
* @cfg {Integer} maxSuggestions
* <p>The maximum number of results displayed in the combo drop down at once.</p>
* Defaults to null.
maxSuggestions: null,
* @cfg {Integer} maxSelection
* <p>The maximum number of items the user can select if multiple selection is allowed.
* Set to null to remove the limit.</p>
* Defaults to 10.
maxSelection: 10,
* @cfg {Function} maxSelectionRenderer
* <p>A function that defines the helper text when the max selection amount has been reached. The function has a single
* parameter which is the number of selected elements.</p>
* Defaults to <code>function(v){return 'You cannot choose more than ' + v + ' item' + (v > 1 ? 's':'');}</code>
maxSelectionRenderer: function(v) {
return 'You cannot choose more than ' + v + ' item' + (v > 1 ? 's':'');
* @cfg {String} method
* <p>The method used by the ajax request.</p>
* Defaults to 'POST'
method: 'POST',
* @cfg {Integer} minChars
* <p>The minimum number of characters the user must type before the combo expands and offers suggestions.
* Defaults to <code>0</code>.
minChars: 0,
* @cfg {Function} minCharsRenderer
* <p>A function that defines the helper text when not enough letters are set. The function has a single
* parameter which is the difference between the required amount of letters and the current one.</p>
* Defaults to <code>function(v){return 'Please type ' + v + ' more character' + (v > 1 ? 's':'');}</code>
minCharsRenderer: function(v) {
return 'Please type ' + v + ' more character' + (v > 1 ? 's':'');
* @cfg {String} name
* <p>The name used as a form element.</p>
* Defaults to 'null'
name: null,
* @cfg {String} noSuggestionText
* <p>The text displayed when there are no suggestions.</p>
* Defaults to 'No suggestions"
noSuggestionText: 'No suggestions',
* @cfg {Boolean} preselectSingleSuggestion
* <p>If a single suggestion comes out, it is preselected.</p>
* Defaults to <code>true</code>.
preselectSingleSuggestion: true,
* @cfg (function) renderer
* <p>A function used to define how the items will be presented in the combo</p>
* Defaults to <code>null</code>.
renderer: null,
* @cfg {Boolean} required
* <p>Whether or not this field should be required</p>
* Defaults to false
required: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} resultAsString
* <p>Set to true to render selection as comma separated string</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
resultAsString: false,
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
* @cfg {String} resultsField
* <p>Name of JSON object property that represents the list of suggested objets</p>
* Defaults to <code>results</code>
resultsField: 'results',
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
* @cfg {String} selectionCls
* <p>A custom CSS class to add to a selected item</p>
* Defaults to <code>''</code>.
selectionCls: '',
* @cfg {String} selectionPosition
* <p>Where the selected items will be displayed. Only 'right', 'bottom' and 'inner' are valid values</p>
* Defaults to <code>'inner'</code>, meaning the selected items will appear within the input box itself.
selectionPosition: 'inner',
* @cfg (function) selectionRenderer
* <p>A function used to define how the items will be presented in the tag list</p>
* Defaults to <code>null</code>.
selectionRenderer: null,
* @cfg {Boolean} selectionStacked
* <p>Set to true to stack the selectioned items when positioned on the bottom
* Requires the selectionPosition to be set to 'bottom'</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
selectionStacked: false,
* @cfg {String} sortDir
* <p>Direction used for sorting. Only 'asc' and 'desc' are valid values</p>
* Defaults to <code>'asc'</code>.
sortDir: 'asc',
* @cfg {String} sortOrder
* <p>name of JSON object property for local result sorting.
* Leave null if you do not wish the results to be ordered or if they are already ordered remotely.</p>
* Defaults to <code>null</code>.
sortOrder: null,
* @cfg {Boolean} strictSuggest
* <p>If set to true, suggestions will have to start by user input (and not simply contain it as a substring)</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
strictSuggest: false,
* @cfg {String} style
* <p>Custom style added to the component container.</p>
* Defaults to <code>''</code>.
style: '',
* @cfg {Boolean} toggleOnClick
* <p>If set to true, the combo will expand / collapse when clicked upon</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
toggleOnClick: false,
* @cfg {Integer} typeDelay
* <p>Amount (in ms) between keyboard registers.</p>
* Defaults to <code>400</code>
typeDelay: 400,
* @cfg {Boolean} useTabKey
* <p>If set to true, tab won't blur the component but will be registered as the ENTER key</p>
* Defaults to <code>false</code>.
useTabKey: false,
* @cfg {Boolean} useCommaKey
* <p>If set to true, using comma will validate the user's choice</p>
* Defaults to <code>true</code>.
useCommaKey: true,
* @cfg {Boolean} useZebraStyle
* <p>Determines whether or not the results will be displayed with a zebra table style</p>
* Defaults to <code>true</code>.
useZebraStyle: true,
* @cfg {String/Object/Array} value
* <p>initial value for the field</p>
* Defaults to <code>null</code>.
value: null,
* @cfg {String} valueField
* <p>name of JSON object property that represents its underlying value</p>
* Defaults to <code>id</code>.
valueField: 'id',
* @cfg {Integer} width (in px)
* <p>Width of the component</p>
* Defaults to underlying element width.
width: function() {
return $(this).width();
var conf = $.extend({},options);
var cfg = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, conf);
// some init stuff
if ($.isFunction(cfg.emptyText)) {
cfg.emptyText = cfg.emptyText.call(this);
if ($.isFunction(cfg.expandOnFocus)) {
cfg.expandOnFocus = cfg.expandOnFocus.call(this);
if ($.isFunction(cfg.id)) {
cfg.id = cfg.id.call(this);
/********** PUBLIC METHODS ************/
* Add one or multiple json items to the current selection
* @param items - json object or array of json objects
* @param isSilent - (optional) set to true to suppress 'selectionchange' event from being triggered
this.addToSelection = function(items, isSilent)
if (!cfg.maxSelection || _selection.length < cfg.maxSelection) {
if (!$.isArray(items)) {
items = [items];
var valuechanged = false;
$.each(items, function(index, json) {
if ($.inArray(json[cfg.valueField], ms.getValue()) === -1) {
valuechanged = true;
if(valuechanged === true) {
if (isSilent !== true) {
$(this).trigger('selectionchange', [this, this.getSelectedItems()]);
* Clears the current selection
* @param isSilent - (optional) set to true to suppress 'selectionchange' event from being triggered
this.clear = function(isSilent)
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
this.removeFromSelection(_selection.slice(0), isSilent); // clone array to avoid concurrency issues
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
* Collapse the drop down part of the combo
this.collapse = function()
if (cfg.expanded === true) {
cfg.expanded = false;
$(this).trigger('collapse', [this]);
* Set the component in a disabled state.
this.disable = function()
cfg.disabled = true;
ms.input.attr('disabled', true);
* Empties out the combo user text
this.empty = function(){
* Set the component in a enable state.
this.enable = function()
cfg.disabled = false;
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
ms.input.attr('disabled', false);
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
* Expand the drop drown part of the combo.
this.expand = function()
if (!cfg.expanded && (this.input.val().length >= cfg.minChars || this.combobox.children().size() > 0)) {
cfg.expanded = true;
$(this).trigger('expand', [this]);
* Retrieve component enabled status
this.isDisabled = function()
return cfg.disabled;
* Checks whether the field is valid or not
* @return {boolean}
this.isValid = function()
return cfg.required === false || _selection.length > 0;
* Gets the data params for current ajax request
this.getDataUrlParams = function()
return cfg.dataUrlParams;
* Gets the name given to the form input
this.getName = function()
return cfg.name;
* Retrieve an array of selected json objects
* @return {Array}
this.getSelectedItems = function()
return _selection;
* Retrieve the current text entered by the user
this.getRawValue = function(){
return ms.input.val() !== cfg.emptyText ? ms.input.val() : '';
* Retrieve an array of selected values
this.getValue = function()
return $.map(_selection, function(o) {
return o[cfg.valueField];
* Remove one or multiples json items from the current selection
* @param items - json object or array of json objects
* @param isSilent - (optional) set to true to suppress 'selectionchange' event from being triggered
this.removeFromSelection = function(items, isSilent)
if (!$.isArray(items)) {
items = [items];
var valuechanged = false;
$.each(items, function(index, json) {
var i = $.inArray(json[cfg.valueField], ms.getValue());
if (i > -1) {
_selection.splice(i, 1);
valuechanged = true;
if (valuechanged === true) {
if(isSilent !== true){
$(this).trigger('selectionchange', [this, this.getSelectedItems()]);
if(cfg.expanded) {
* Set up some combo data after it has been rendered
* @param data
this.setData = function(data){
cfg.data = data;
* Sets the name for the input field so it can be fetched in the form
* @param name
this.setName = function(name){
cfg.name = name;
ms._valueContainer.name = name;
* Sets a value for the combo box. Value must be a value or an array of value with data type matching valueField one.
* @param data
this.setValue = function(data)
var values = data, items = [];
if(typeof(data) === 'string'){
if(data.indexOf('[') > -1){
values = eval(data);
} else if(data.indexOf(',') > -1){
values = data.split(',');
} else {
values = [data];
$.each(_cbData, function(index, obj) {
if($.inArray(obj[cfg.valueField], values) > -1) {
if(items.length > 0) {
* Sets data params for subsequent ajax requests
* @param params
this.setDataUrlParams = function(params)
cfg.dataUrlParams = $.extend({},params);
/********** PRIVATE ************/
var _selection = [], // selected objects
_comboItemHeight = 0, // height for each combo item.
_hasFocus = false,
_groups = null,
_cbData = [],
_ctrlDown = false;
var self = {
* Empties the result container and refills it with the array of json results in input
* @private
_displaySuggestions: function(data) {
var resHeight = 0, // total height taken by displayed results.
nbGroups = 0;
if(_groups === null) {
resHeight = _comboItemHeight * data.length;
else {
for(var grpName in _groups) {
nbGroups += 1;
$('<div/>', {
'class': 'ms-res-group',
html: grpName
self._renderComboItems(_groups[grpName].items, true);
resHeight = _comboItemHeight * (data.length + nbGroups);
if(resHeight < ms.combobox.height() || resHeight <= cfg.maxDropHeight) {
else if(resHeight >= ms.combobox.height() && resHeight > cfg.maxDropHeight) {
if(data.length === 1 && cfg.preselectSingleSuggestion === true) {
if(data.length === 0 && ms.getRawValue() !== "") {
* Returns an array of json objects from an array of strings.
* @private
_getEntriesFromStringArray: function(data) {
var json = [];
$.each(data, function(index, s) {
var entry = {};
entry[cfg.displayField] = entry[cfg.valueField] = $.trim(s);
return json;
* Replaces html with highlighted html according to case
* @param html
* @private
_highlightSuggestion: function(html) {
var q = ms.input.val() !== cfg.emptyText ? ms.input.val() : '';
if(q.length === 0) {
return html; // nothing entered as input
if(cfg.matchCase === true) {
html = html.replace(new RegExp('(' + q + ')(?!([^<]+)?>)','g'), '<em>$1</em>');
else {
html = html.replace(new RegExp('(' + q + ')(?!([^<]+)?>)','gi'), '<em>$1</em>');
return html;
* Moves the selected cursor amongst the list item
* @param dir - 'up' or 'down'
* @private
_moveSelectedRow: function(dir) {
if(!cfg.expanded) {
var list, start, active, scrollPos;
list = ms.combobox.find(".ms-res-item");
if(dir === 'down') {
start = list.eq(0);
else {
start = list.filter(':last');
active = ms.combobox.find('.ms-res-item-active:first');
if(active.length > 0) {
if(dir === 'down') {
start = active.nextAll('.ms-res-item').first();
if(start.length === 0) {
start = list.eq(0);
scrollPos = ms.combobox.scrollTop();
if(start[0].offsetTop + start.outerHeight() > ms.combobox.height()) {
ms.combobox.scrollTop(scrollPos + _comboItemHeight);
else {
start = active.prevAll('.ms-res-item').first();
if(start.length === 0) {
start = list.filter(':last');
ms.combobox.scrollTop(_comboItemHeight * list.length);
if(start[0].offsetTop < ms.combobox.scrollTop()) {
ms.combobox.scrollTop(ms.combobox.scrollTop() - _comboItemHeight);
* According to given data and query, sort and add suggestions in their container
* @private
_processSuggestions: function(source) {
var json = null, data = source || cfg.data;
if(data !== null) {
if(typeof(data) === 'function'){
data = data.call(ms);
if(typeof(data) === 'string' && data.indexOf(',') < 0) { // get results from ajax
$(ms).trigger('beforeload', [ms]);
var params = $.extend({query: ms.input.val()}, cfg.dataUrlParams);
type: cfg.method,
url: data,
data: params,
success: function(asyncData){
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
json = typeof(asyncData) === 'string' ? JSON.parse(asyncData) : asyncData;
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
$(ms).trigger('load', [ms, json]);
error: function(){
throw("Could not reach server");
} else if(typeof(data) === 'string' && data.indexOf(',') > -1) { // results from csv string
_cbData = self._getEntriesFromStringArray(data.split(','));
} else { // results from local array
if(data.length > 0 && typeof(data[0]) === 'string') { // results from array of strings
_cbData = self._getEntriesFromStringArray(data);
} else { // regular json array or json object with results property
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
_cbData = data[cfg.resultsField] || data;
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
* Render the component to the given input DOM element
* @private
_render: function(el) {
$(ms).trigger('beforerender', [ms]);
var w = $.isFunction(cfg.width) ? cfg.width.call(el) : cfg.width;
// holds the main div, will relay the focus events to the contained input element.
ms.container = $('<div/>', {
id: cfg.id,
'class': 'ms-ctn ' + cfg.cls +
(cfg.disabled === true ? ' ms-ctn-disabled' : '') +
(cfg.editable === true ? '' : ' ms-ctn-readonly'),
style: cfg.style
ms.container.focus($.proxy(handlers._onFocus, this));
ms.container.blur($.proxy(handlers._onBlur, this));
ms.container.keydown($.proxy(handlers._onKeyDown, this));
ms.container.keyup($.proxy(handlers._onKeyUp, this));
// holds the input field
ms.input = $('<input/>', $.extend({
id: 'ms-input-' + $('input[id^="ms-input"]').length,
type: 'text',
'class': cfg.emptyTextCls + (cfg.editable === true ? '' : ' ms-input-readonly'),
value: cfg.emptyText,
readonly: !cfg.editable,
disabled: cfg.disabled
}, cfg.inputCfg)).width(w - (cfg.hideTrigger ? 16 : 42));
ms.input.focus($.proxy(handlers._onInputFocus, this));
ms.input.click($.proxy(handlers._onInputClick, this));
// holds the trigger on the right side
if(cfg.hideTrigger === false) {
ms.trigger = $('<div/>', {
id: 'ms-trigger-' + $('div[id^="ms-trigger"]').length,
'class': 'ms-trigger',
html: '<div class="ms-trigger-ico"></div>'
ms.trigger.click($.proxy(handlers._onTriggerClick, this));
// holds the suggestions. will always be placed on focus
ms.combobox = $('<div/>', {
id: 'ms-res-ctn-' + $('div[id^="ms-res-ctn"]').length,
'class': 'ms-res-ctn '
// bind the onclick and mouseover using delegated events (needs jQuery >= 1.7)
ms.combobox.on('click', 'div.ms-res-item', $.proxy(handlers._onComboItemSelected, this));
ms.combobox.on('mouseover', 'div.ms-res-item', $.proxy(handlers._onComboItemMouseOver, this));
ms.selectionContainer = $('<div/>', {
id: 'ms-sel-ctn-' + $('div[id^="ms-sel-ctn"]').length,
'class': 'ms-sel-ctn'
ms.selectionContainer.click($.proxy(handlers._onFocus, this));
if(cfg.selectionPosition === 'inner') {
else {
ms.helper = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'ms-helper ' + cfg.infoMsgCls
// Render the whole thing
switch(cfg.selectionPosition) {
case 'bottom':
if(cfg.selectionStacked === true) {
case 'right':
ms.container.css('float', 'left');
if(cfg.value !== null) {
$(ms).trigger('afterrender', [ms]);
$("body").click(function(e) {
if(ms.container.hasClass('ms-ctn-bootstrap-focus') &&
ms.container.has(e.target).length === 0 &&
e.target.className.indexOf('ms-res-item') < 0 &&
e.target.className.indexOf('ms-close-btn') < 0 &&
ms.container[0] !== e.target) {
if(cfg.expanded === true) {
cfg.expanded = false;
_renderComboItems: function(items, isGrouped) {
var ref = this, html = '';
$.each(items, function(index, value) {
var displayed = cfg.renderer !== null ? cfg.renderer.call(ref, value) : value[cfg.displayField];
var resultItemEl = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'ms-res-item ' + (isGrouped ? 'ms-res-item-grouped ':'') +
(index % 2 === 1 && cfg.useZebraStyle === true ? 'ms-res-odd' : ''),
html: cfg.highlight === true ? self._highlightSuggestion(displayed) : displayed,
'data-json': JSON.stringify(value)
resultItemEl.click($.proxy(handlers._onComboItemSelected, ref));
resultItemEl.mouseover($.proxy(handlers._onComboItemMouseOver, ref));
html += $('<div/>').append(resultItemEl).html();
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
_comboItemHeight = ms.combobox.find('.ms-res-item:first').outerHeight();
* Renders the selected items into their container.
* @private
_renderSelection: function() {
var ref = this, w = 0, inputOffset = 0, items = [],
asText = cfg.resultAsString === true && !_hasFocus;
if(ms._valueContainer !== undefined) {
$.each(_selection, function(index, value){
var selectedItemEl, delItemEl,
selectedItemHtml = cfg.selectionRenderer !== null ? cfg.selectionRenderer.call(ref, value) : value[cfg.displayField];
// tag representing selected value
if(asText === true) {
selectedItemEl = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'ms-sel-item ms-sel-text ' + cfg.selectionCls,
html: selectedItemHtml + (index === (_selection.length - 1) ? '' : ',')
}).data('json', value);
else {
selectedItemEl = $('<div/>', {
'class': 'ms-sel-item ' + cfg.selectionCls,
html: selectedItemHtml
}).data('json', value);
if(cfg.disabled === false){
// small cross img
delItemEl = $('<span/>', {
'class': 'ms-close-btn'
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
}).data('json', value).appendTo(selectedItemEl);
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
delItemEl.click($.proxy(handlers._onTagTriggerClick, ref));
ms._valueContainer = $('<input/>', {
type: 'hidden',
name: cfg.name,
value: JSON.stringify(ms.getValue())
if(cfg.selectionPosition === 'inner') {
inputOffset = ms.input.offset().left - ms.selectionContainer.offset().left;
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
w = ms.container.width() - inputOffset - 42;
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
if(_selection.length === cfg.maxSelection){
self._updateHelper(cfg.maxSelectionRenderer.call(this, _selection.length));
} else {
* Select an item either through keyboard or mouse
* @param item
* @private
_selectItem: function(item) {
if(cfg.maxSelection === 1){
_selection = [];
if(cfg.expandOnFocus === false || _selection.length === cfg.maxSelection){
} else if(_hasFocus && (cfg.expandOnFocus || _ctrlDown)){
* Sorts the results and cut them down to max # of displayed results at once
* @private
_sortAndTrim: function(data) {
var q = ms.getRawValue(),
filtered = [],
newSuggestions = [],
selectedValues = ms.getValue();
// filter the data according to given input
if(q.length > 0) {
$.each(data, function(index, obj) {
var name = obj[cfg.displayField];
if((cfg.matchCase === true && name.indexOf(q) > -1) ||
2014-01-29 18:32:32 +01:00
(cfg.matchCase === false && name.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) > -1) ||
cfg.strictSuggest === false) {
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
if(cfg.strictSuggest === false || name.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) === 0) {
else {
filtered = data;
// take out the ones that have already been selected
$.each(filtered, function(index, obj) {
if($.inArray(obj[cfg.valueField], selectedValues) === -1) {
// sort the data
if(cfg.sortOrder !== null) {
newSuggestions.sort(function(a,b) {
if(a[cfg.sortOrder] < b[cfg.sortOrder]) {
return cfg.sortDir === 'asc' ? -1 : 1;
if(a[cfg.sortOrder] > b[cfg.sortOrder]) {
return cfg.sortDir === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
// trim it down
if(cfg.maxSuggestions && cfg.maxSuggestions > 0) {
newSuggestions = newSuggestions.slice(0, cfg.maxSuggestions);
// build groups
if(cfg.groupBy !== null) {
_groups = {};
$.each(newSuggestions, function(index, value) {
if(_groups[value[cfg.groupBy]] === undefined) {
_groups[value[cfg.groupBy]] = {title: value[cfg.groupBy], items: [value]};
else {
return newSuggestions;
* Update the helper text
* @private
_updateHelper: function(html) {
if(!ms.helper.is(":visible")) {
var handlers = {
* Triggered when blurring out of the component
* @private
_onBlur: function() {
_hasFocus = false;
if(ms.getRawValue() !== '' && cfg.allowFreeEntries === true){
var obj = {};
obj[cfg.displayField] = obj[cfg.valueField] = ms.getRawValue();
if(ms.isValid() === false) {
if(ms.input.val() === '' && _selection.length === 0) {
else if(ms.input.val() !== '' && cfg.allowFreeEntries === false) {
if(ms.input.is(":focus")) {
$(ms).trigger('blur', [ms]);
* Triggered when hovering an element in the combo
* @param e
* @private
_onComboItemMouseOver: function(e) {
* Triggered when an item is chosen from the list
* @param e
* @private
_onComboItemSelected: function(e) {
* Triggered when focusing on the container div. Will focus on the input field instead.
* @private
_onFocus: function() {
* Triggered when clicking on the input text field
* @private
_onInputClick: function(){
if (ms.isDisabled() === false && _hasFocus) {
if (cfg.toggleOnClick === true) {
if (cfg.expanded){
} else {
* Triggered when focusing on the input text field.
* @private
_onInputFocus: function() {
if(ms.isDisabled() === false && !_hasFocus) {
_hasFocus = true;
if(ms.input.val() === cfg.emptyText) {
var curLength = ms.getRawValue().length;
if(cfg.expandOnFocus === true){
if(_selection.length === cfg.maxSelection) {
self._updateHelper(cfg.maxSelectionRenderer.call(this, _selection.length));
} else if(curLength < cfg.minChars) {
self._updateHelper(cfg.minCharsRenderer.call(this, cfg.minChars - curLength));
$(ms).trigger('focus', [ms]);
* Triggered when the user presses a key while the component has focus
* This is where we want to handle all keys that don't require the user input field
* since it hasn't registered the key hit yet
* @param e keyEvent
* @private
_onKeyDown: function(e) {
// check how tab should be handled
var active = ms.combobox.find('.ms-res-item-active:first'),
freeInput = ms.input.val() !== cfg.emptyText ? ms.input.val() : '';
$(ms).trigger('keydown', [ms, e]);
if(e.keyCode === 9 && (cfg.useTabKey === false ||
(cfg.useTabKey === true && active.length === 0 && ms.input.val().length === 0))) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 8: //backspace
if(freeInput.length === 0 && ms.getSelectedItems().length > 0 && cfg.selectionPosition === 'inner') {
$(ms).trigger('selectionchange', [ms, ms.getSelectedItems()]);
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
case 188: // comma
if(e.shiftKey) break; // Shift + , = < on some keyboards
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
case 9: // tab
case 13: // enter
case 17: // ctrl
_ctrlDown = true;
case 40: // down
case 38: // up
if(_selection.length === cfg.maxSelection) {
* Triggered when a key is released while the component has focus
* @param e
* @private
_onKeyUp: function(e) {
var freeInput = ms.getRawValue(),
inputValid = $.trim(ms.input.val()).length > 0 && ms.input.val() !== cfg.emptyText &&
(!cfg.maxEntryLength || $.trim(ms.input.val()).length <= cfg.maxEntryLength),
obj = {};
$(ms).trigger('keyup', [ms, e]);
// collapse if escape, but keep focus.
if(e.keyCode === 27 && cfg.expanded) {
// ignore a bunch of keys
if((e.keyCode === 9 && cfg.useTabKey === false) || (e.keyCode > 13 && e.keyCode < 32)) {
if(e.keyCode === 17){
_ctrlDown = false;
switch(e.keyCode) {
case 40:case 38: // up, down
case 13:case 9:case 188:// enter, tab, comma
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
// Shift + comma = < on English keyboard
if(e.keyCode !== 188 || (cfg.useCommaKey === true && !e.shiftKey)) {
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00
if(cfg.expanded === true){ // if a selection is performed, select it and reset field
selected = ms.combobox.find('.ms-res-item-active:first');
if(selected.length > 0) {
// if no selection or if freetext entered and free entries allowed, add new obj to selection
if(inputValid === true && cfg.allowFreeEntries === true) {
obj[cfg.displayField] = obj[cfg.valueField] = freeInput;
ms.collapse(); // reset combo suggestions
if(_selection.length === cfg.maxSelection){
self._updateHelper(cfg.maxSelectionRenderer.call(this, _selection.length));
else {
if(freeInput.length < cfg.minChars) {
self._updateHelper(cfg.minCharsRenderer.call(this, cfg.minChars - freeInput.length));
if(cfg.expanded === true) {
else if(cfg.maxEntryLength && freeInput.length > cfg.maxEntryLength) {
self._updateHelper(cfg.maxEntryRenderer.call(this, freeInput.length - cfg.maxEntryLength));
if(cfg.expanded === true) {
else {
if(cfg.minChars <= freeInput.length){
_timer = setTimeout(function() {
if(cfg.expanded === true) {
} else {
}, cfg.typeDelay);
* Triggered when clicking upon cross for deletion
* @param e
* @private
_onTagTriggerClick: function(e) {
* Triggered when clicking on the small trigger in the right
* @private
_onTriggerClick: function() {
if(ms.isDisabled() === false && !(cfg.expandOnFocus === true && _selection.length === cfg.maxSelection)) {
$(ms).trigger('triggerclick', [ms]);
if(cfg.expanded === true) {
} else {
var curLength = ms.getRawValue().length;
if(curLength >= cfg.minChars){
} else {
self._updateHelper(cfg.minCharsRenderer.call(this, cfg.minChars - curLength));
// startup point
if(element !== null) {
$.fn.magicSuggest = function(options) {
var obj = $(this);
if(obj.size() === 1 && obj.data('magicSuggest')) {
return obj.data('magicSuggest');
obj.each(function(i) {
// assume $(this) is an element
var cntr = $(this);
// Return early if this element already has a plugin instance
if(this.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'select'){ // rendering from select
options.data = [];
options.value = [];
$.each(this.children, function(index, child){
if(child.nodeName && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'option'){
options.data.push({id: child.value, name: child.text});
var def = {};
// set values from DOM container element
$.each(this.attributes, function(i, att){
def[att.name] = att.value;
var field = new MagicSuggest(this, $.extend(options, def));
cntr.data('magicSuggest', field);
field.container.data('magicSuggest', field);
if(obj.size() === 1) {
return obj.data('magicSuggest');
return obj;
2013-10-11 16:38:04 +02:00
// $.fn.magicSuggest.defaults = {};
2013-07-19 15:36:08 +02:00