2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
< ? php
/*************************************************************************** \
* eGroupWare - FeLaMiMail *
* http :// www . linux - at - work . de *
* http :// www . phpgw . de *
* http :// www . egroupware . org *
* Written by : Lars Kneschke [ lkneschke @ linux - at - work . de ] *
* maintained by Klaus Leithoff *
* ------------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ ***************************************************************************/
* copyright notice for the functions highlightQuotes and _countQuoteChars
* The Text :: class provides common methods for manipulating text .
* $Horde : horde / lib / Text . php , v 1.80 2003 / 09 / 16 23 : 06 : 15 jan Exp $
* Copyright 1999 - 2003 Jon Parise < jon @ horde . org >
* See the enclosed file COPYING for license information ( LGPL ) . If you
* did not receive this file , see http :// www . fsf . org / copyleft / lgpl . html .
/* $Id$ */
class uidisplay
var $public_functions = array
'display' => True ,
'displayBody' => True ,
'displayHeader' => True ,
'displayImage' => True ,
'displayAttachments' => True ,
'printMessage' => True ,
'saveMessage' => True ,
'showHeader' => True ,
'getAttachment' => True ,
var $icServerID = 0 ;
// the object storing the data about the incoming imap server
var $icServer = 0 ;
// the non permanent id of the message
var $id ;
// the permanent id of the message
var $uid ;
var $bofelamimail ;
var $bopreferences ;
function uidisplay ()
/* Having this defined in just one spot could help when changes need
* to be made to the pattern
* Make sure that the expression is evaluated case insensitively
* RFC2822 ( and RFC822 ) defines the left side of an email address as ( roughly ) :
* 1 * atext * ( " . " 1 * atext )
* where atext is : a - zA - Z0 - 9 ! #$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~
* Here ' s pretty sophisticated IP matching :
* $IPMatch = '(2[0-5][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})' ;
* $IPMatch = '\[?' . $IPMatch . '(\.' . $IPMatch . '){3}\]?' ;
/* Here's enough: */
global $IP_RegExp_Match , $Host_RegExp_Match , $Email_RegExp_Match ;
$IP_RegExp_Match = '\\[?[0-9]{1,3}(\\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}\\]?' ;
$Host_RegExp_Match = '(' . $IP_RegExp_Match . '|[0-9a-z]([-.]?[0-9a-z])*\\.[a-z][a-z]+)' ;
#$atext = '([a-z0-9!#$&%*+/=?^_`{|}~-]|&)';
$atext = '([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.])' ;
$dot_atom = $atext . '+(\.' . $atext . '+)*' ;
$Email_RegExp_Match = '~' . $dot_atom . '(%' . $Host_RegExp_Match . ')?@' . $Host_RegExp_Match . '~i' ;
$this -> t = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$this -> displayCharset = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> translation -> charset ();
$this -> bofelamimail = CreateObject ( 'felamimail.bofelamimail' , $this -> displayCharset );
$this -> bopreferences = $this -> bofelamimail -> bopreferences ; //CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences');
$this -> mailPreferences = $this -> bopreferences -> getPreferences ();
$this -> bofelamimail -> openConnection ( $this -> icServerID );
$this -> mailbox = $this -> bofelamimail -> sessionData [ 'mailbox' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
$this -> sort = $this -> bofelamimail -> sessionData [ 'sort' ];
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'uid' ])) {
$this -> uid = ( int ) $_GET [ 'uid' ];
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'id' ])) {
$this -> id = ( int ) $_GET [ 'id' ];
if ( isset ( $this -> id ) && ! isset ( $this -> uid )) {
if ( $uid = $this -> bofelamimail -> idToUid ( $this -> mailbox , $this -> id )) {
$this -> uid = $uid ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'part' ])) {
$this -> partID = ( int ) $_GET [ 'part' ];
$this -> rowColor [ 0 ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ " theme " ][ " bg01 " ];
$this -> rowColor [ 1 ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ " theme " ][ " bg02 " ];
* Parses a body and converts all found email addresses to clickable links .
* @ param string body the body to process , by ref
* @ return int the number of unique addresses found
function parseEmail ( & $body ) {
global $Email_RegExp_Match ;
$sbody = $body ;
$addresses = array ();
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
$i = 0 ;
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
/* Find all the email addresses in the body */
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
// stop cold after 100 adresses, as this is very time consuming
while ( preg_match ( $Email_RegExp_Match , $sbody , $regs ) && $i <= 100 ) {
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$addresses [ $regs [ 0 ]] = strtr ( $regs [ 0 ], array ( '&' => '&' ));
$start = strpos ( $sbody , $regs [ 0 ]) + strlen ( $regs [ 0 ]);
$sbody = substr ( $sbody , $start );
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
$i ++ ;
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
/* Replace each email address with a compose URL */
$lmail = '' ;
if ( is_array ( $addresses )) ksort ( $addresses );
foreach ( $addresses as $text => $email ) {
if ( $lmail == $email ) next ( $addresses );
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
//echo __METHOD__.' Text:'.$text."#<br>";
//echo $email."#<br>";
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$comp_uri = $this -> makeComposeLink ( $email , $text );
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
//echo __METHOD__.' Uri:'.$comp_uri.'#<br>';
$body = str_replace ( $text , $comp_uri , $body );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$lmail = $email ;
/* Return number of unique addresses found */
return count ( $addresses );
function parseHREF ( & $body ) {
#echo __METHOD__."called<br>";
$webserverURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ];
$alnum = 'a-z0-9' ;
#$domain = "(http(s?):\/\/)*";
#$domain .= "([$alnum]([-$alnum]*[$alnum]+)?)";
#$domain = "^(http|https|ftp)\://[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(:[a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\._\?\,\'/\\\+&%\$#\=~])*[^\.\,\)\(\s]$ ";
$domain = " (http(s?): \ / \ /)+([[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]])( \ .[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alpha:]])*( \ .[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alpha:]])+ " ;
#$dir = "(/[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:alnum:]])*";
#$trailingslash = "(\/?)";
#$page = "(/[[:alpha:]][-[:alnum:]]*\.[[:alpha:]]{3,5})?";
#$getstring = "(\?([[:alnum:]][-_%[:alnum:]]*=[-_%[:alnum:]]+)
# (&([[:alnum:]][-_%[:alnum:]]*=[-_%[:alnum:]]+))*)?";
#$pattern = "^".$domain.$dir.$trailingslash.$page.$getstring."$";
$pattern = " ~ \ <a href= \" " . $domain . " .*? \" ~i " ;
$sbody = $body ;
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
$i = 0 ;
while ( @ preg_match ( $pattern , $sbody , $regs ) && $i <= 100 ) {
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$key = $regs [ 1 ] . $regs [ 3 ] . $regs [ 4 ] . $regs [ 5 ];
$addresses [ $key ] = $regs [ 1 ] . $regs [ 3 ] . $regs [ 4 ] . $regs [ 5 ];
$start = strpos ( $sbody , $regs [ 0 ]) + strlen ( $regs [ 0 ]);
$sbody = substr ( $sbody , $start );
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
$i ++ ;
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$llink = '' ;
if ( is_array ( $addresses )) ksort ( $addresses );
foreach (( array ) $addresses as $text => $link ) {
if ( empty ( $link )) continue ;
if ( $llink == $link ) next ( $addresses );
#echo $text."#<br>";
#echo $link."#<br>\n";
$comp_uri = " <a href= \" $webserverURL /redirect.php?go= " . $link ;
$body = str_replace ( '<a href="' . $link , $comp_uri , $body );
$llink = $link ;
return count ( $addresses );
function makeComposeLink ( $email , $text )
if ( ! $email || $email == '' || $email == ' ' ) return '' ;
if ( ! $text ) $text = $email ;
// create links for email addresses
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose'
$link = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
return '<a href="' . $link . '&send_to=' . base64_encode ( $email ) . '" target="_top"><font color="blue">' . $text . '</font></a>' ;
function highlightQuotes ( $text , $level = 5 )
// Use a global var since the class is called statically.
$GLOBALS [ '_tmp_maxQuoteChars' ] = 0 ;
// Tack a newline onto the beginning of the string so that we
// correctly highlight when the first character in the string
// is a quote character.
$text = " \n $text " ;
preg_replace_callback ( " /^ \ s*((> \ s?)+)/m " , array ( & $this , '_countQuoteChars' ), $text );
// Go through each level of quote block and put the
// appropriate style around it. Important to work downwards so
// blocks with fewer quote chars aren't matched until their
// turn.
for ( $i = $GLOBALS [ '_tmp_maxQuoteChars' ]; $i > 0 ; $i -- )
$text = preg_replace (
// Finds a quote block across multiple newlines.
" /( \n )( *(> \ s?) \ { $i } (?! ?>).*?)( \n | $ )(?! *(> ?) \ { $i } )/s " ,
'\1<span class="quoted' . ((( $i - 1 ) % $level ) + 1 ) . '">\2</span>\4' , $text );
/* Unset the global variable. */
unset ( $GLOBALS [ '_tmp_maxQuoteChars' ]);
/* Remove the leading newline we added above. */
return substr ( $text , 1 );
function _countQuoteChars ( $matches )
$num = count ( preg_split ( '/>\s?/' , $matches [ 1 ])) - 1 ;
if ( $num > $GLOBALS [ '_tmp_maxQuoteChars' ])
$GLOBALS [ '_tmp_maxQuoteChars' ] = $num ;
function display ()
$partID = $_GET [ 'part' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
//$transformdate =& CreateObject('felamimail.transformdate');
//$htmlFilter =& CreateObject('felamimail.htmlfilter');
$uiWidgets = CreateObject ( 'felamimail.uiwidgets' );
// (regis) seems to be necessary to reopen...
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $this -> mailbox );
// retrieve the flags of the message, before touching it.
if ( ! empty ( $this -> uid )) $flags = $this -> bofelamimail -> getFlags ( $this -> uid );
#print "$this->mailbox, $this->uid, $partID<br>";
$headers = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageHeader ( $this -> uid , $partID );
if ( PEAR :: isError ( $headers )) {
print lang ( " ERROR: Message could not be displayed. " ) . " <br> " ;
print " In Mailbox: $this->mailbox , with ID: $this->uid , and PartID: $partID <br> " ;
print $headers -> message . " <br> " ;
_debug_array ( $headers -> backtrace [ 0 ]);
exit ;
$rawheaders = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageRawHeader ( $this -> uid , $partID );
$attachments = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageAttachments ( $this -> uid , $partID );
#_debug_array($attachments); exit;
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$envelope = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageEnvelope ( $this -> uid , $partID , true );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
#_debug_array($envelope); exit;
// if not using iFrames, we need to retrieve the messageBody here
// by now this is a fixed value and controls the use/loading of the template and how the vars are set.
// Problem is: the iFrame Layout provides the scrollbars.
#$bodyParts = $this->bofelamimail->getMessageBody($this->uid,'',$partID);
#_debug_array($bodyParts); exit;
#_debug_array($this->bofelamimail->getFlags($this->uid)); #exit;
// flag the message as read/seen (if not already flagged)
if ( ! empty ( $this -> uid ) && strpos ( array2string ( $flags ), 'Seen' ) === false ) $this -> bofelamimail -> flagMessages ( 'read' , $this -> uid );
$nextMessage = $this -> bofelamimail -> getNextMessage ( $this -> mailbox , $this -> uid );
$webserverURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ];
$nonDisplayAbleCharacters = array ( '[\016]' , '[\017]' ,
'[\020]' , '[\021]' , '[\022]' , '[\023]' , '[\024]' , '[\025]' , '[\026]' , '[\027]' ,
'[\030]' , '[\031]' , '[\032]' , '[\033]' , '[\034]' , '[\035]' , '[\036]' , '[\037]' );
#print "<pre>";print_r($rawheaders);print"</pre>";exit;
// add line breaks to $rawheaders
$newRawHeaders = explode ( " \n " , $rawheaders );
reset ( $newRawHeaders );
if ( isset ( $headers [ 'ORGANIZATION' ])) {
$organization = $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_header ( trim ( $headers [ 'ORGANIZATION' ]));
if ( isset ( $headers [ 'DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO' ]) ) {
$sent_not = $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_header ( trim ( $headers [ 'DISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO' ]));
} else if ( isset ( $headers [ 'RETURN-RECEIPT-TO' ]) ) {
$sent_not = $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_header ( trim ( $headers [ 'RETURN-RECEIPT-TO' ]));
} else if ( isset ( $headers [ 'X-CONFIRM-READING-TO' ]) ) {
$sent_not = $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_header ( trim ( $headers [ 'X-CONFIRM-READING-TO' ]));
} else $sent_not = " " ;
// reset $rawheaders
$rawheaders = " " ;
// create it new, with good line breaks
reset ( $newRawHeaders );
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = @ each ( $newRawHeaders )) {
$rawheaders .= wordwrap ( $value , 90 , " \n " );
$this -> display_app_header ();
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'printable' ])) {
$this -> t -> set_file ( array ( " displayMsg " => " view_message.tpl " ));
} else {
$this -> t -> set_file ( array ( " displayMsg " => " view_message_printable.tpl " ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'charset' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> translation -> charset ());
// only notify when requested, notify flag (MDNSent/MDNnotSent) not set, and message not already seen (some servers do not support the MDNSent/MDNnotSent flag)
if ( $sent_not != " " && $this -> bofelamimail -> getNotifyFlags ( $this -> uid ) === null && strpos ( array2string ( $flags ), 'Seen' ) === false ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'sentNotify' , 'sendNotify("' . $this -> uid . '");' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_sendnotify' , lang ( 'The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read this message. Would you like to send a receipt?' ));
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'sentNotify' , '' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_sendnotify' , '' );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_main' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_main_attachment' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_header' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_raw_header' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_navbar' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_onbehalfof' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_cc' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_bcc' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_attachement_row' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'previous_message_block' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'next_message_block' );
$this -> t -> egroupware_hack = False ;
$this -> translate ();
// navBar buttons
$headerData = array ( 'uid' => $this -> uid );
if ( $partID != '' ) {
$headerData [ 'partid' ] = $partID ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'navbarButtonsLeft' , $uiWidgets -> displayMessageActions ( $headerData , $this -> mailbox , $this -> icServer ));
$navbarButtons = '' ;
$navbarImages = array ();
#_debug_array($nextMessage); exit;
if ( $nextMessage [ 'previous' ]) {
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display' ,
'showHeader' => 'false' ,
'uid' => $nextMessage [ 'previous' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox )
$previousURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
$previousURL = " goToMessage(' $previousURL ') " ;
$navbarImages [ 'up.button' ] = array (
'action' => $previousURL ,
'tooltip' => lang ( 'previous message' ),
} else {
$previousURL = '#' ;
$navbarImages [ 'up.grey' ] = array (
'action' => $previousURL ,
'tooltip' => lang ( 'previous message' ),
if ( $nextMessage [ 'next' ]) {
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display' ,
'showHeader' => 'false' ,
'uid' => $nextMessage [ 'next' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox )
$nextURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
$nextURL = " goToMessage(' $nextURL ') " ;
$navbarImages [ 'down.button' ] = array (
'action' => $nextURL ,
'tooltip' => lang ( 'next message' ),
} else {
$nextURL = '#' ;
$navbarImages [ 'down.grey' ] = array (
#'action' => $nextURL,
'tooltip' => lang ( 'next message' ),
foreach ( $navbarImages as $buttonName => $buttonData ) {
$navbarButtons .= $uiWidgets -> navbarButton ( $buttonName , $buttonData [ 'action' ], $buttonData [ 'tooltip' ], 'right' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'navbarButtonsRight' , $navbarButtons );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'navbar' , 'message_navbar' , True );
// navbar end
// header
// sent by a mailinglist??
// parse the from header
if ( $envelope [ 'FROM' ][ 0 ] != $envelope [ 'SENDER' ][ 0 ]) {
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$senderAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'SENDER' ], '' , false , true , false );
$fromAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'FROM' ], $organization , false , true , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " from_data " , $senderAddress );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " onbehalfof_data " , $fromAddress );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'on_behalf_of_part' , 'message_onbehalfof' , True );
} else {
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$fromAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'FROM' ], $organization , false , true , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " from_data " , $fromAddress );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'on_behalf_of_part' , '' );
// parse the to header
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$toAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'TO' ], '' , false , true , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " to_data " , $toAddress );
// parse the cc header
if ( count ( $envelope [ 'CC' ])) {
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$ccAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'CC' ], '' , false , true , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " cc_data " , $ccAddress );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'cc_data_part' , 'message_cc' , True );
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( " cc_data_part " , '' );
// parse the bcc header
if ( count ( $envelope [ 'BCC' ])) {
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$bccAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'BCC' ], '' , false , true , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " bcc_data " , $bccAddress );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'bcc_data_part' , 'message_bcc' , True );
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( " bcc_data_part " , '' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " date_received " ,
2010-11-17 10:52:05 +01:00
@ htmlspecialchars ( bofelamimail :: _strtotime ( $headers [ 'DATE' ], $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ], true ) . ' - ' . bofelamimail :: _strtotime ( $headers [ 'DATE' ],( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] == 12 ? 'h:i:s a' : 'H:i:s' ), true ),
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
ENT_QUOTES , $this -> displayCharset ));
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
//echo 'Envelope:'.preg_replace($nonDisplayAbleCharacters,'',$envelope['SUBJECT']).'#0<br>';
$subject = bofelamimail :: htmlspecialchars ( $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_subject ( preg_replace ( $nonDisplayAbleCharacters , '' , $envelope [ 'SUBJECT' ]), false ),
$this -> displayCharset );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " subject_data " , $subject );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> parse ( " header " , " message_header " , True );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " rawheader " , @ htmlentities ( preg_replace ( $nonDisplayAbleCharacters , '' , $rawheaders ), ENT_QUOTES , $this -> displayCharset ));
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.displayBody' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $partID ,
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox )
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'url_displayBody' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
// attachments
if ( is_array ( $attachments ) && count ( $attachments ) > 0 ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_count' , count ( $attachments ));
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_count' , '0' );
if ( is_array ( $attachments ) && count ( $attachments ) > 0 ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'row_color' , $this -> rowColor [ 0 ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'name' , lang ( 'name' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'type' , lang ( 'type' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'size' , lang ( 'size' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'url_img_save' , html :: image ( 'felamimail' , 'fileexport' , lang ( 'save' )));
$url_img_vfs = html :: image ( 'filemanager' , 'navbar' , lang ( 'Filemanager' ), ' height="16"' );
$url_img_vfs_save_all = html :: image ( 'felamimail' , 'save_all' , lang ( 'Save all' ));
$detectedCharSet = $charset2use = $this -> displayCharset ;
foreach ( $attachments as $key => $value )
#$detectedCharSet = mb_detect_encoding($value['name'].'a',strtoupper($this->displayCharset).",UTF-8, ISO-8559-1");
if ( function_exists ( 'mb_convert_variables' )) mb_convert_variables ( " UTF-8 " , " ISO-8559-1 " , $value [ 'name' ]); # iso 2 UTF8
//if (mb_convert_variables("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$value['name'])){echo "Juhu utf8 2 ISO\n";};
//echo $value['name']."\n";
$filename = htmlentities ( $value [ 'name' ], ENT_QUOTES , $detectedCharSet );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'row_color' , $this -> rowColor [( $key + 1 ) % 2 ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'filename' ,( $value [ 'name' ] ? ( $filename ? $filename : $value [ 'name' ] ) : lang ( '(no subject)' )));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'mimetype' , mime_magic :: mime2label ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'size' , egw_vfs :: hsize ( $value [ 'size' ]));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_number' , $key );
switch ( strtoupper ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]))
case 'MESSAGE/RFC822' :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ]
$windowName = 'displayMessage_' . $this -> uid . '_' . $value [ 'partID' ];
$linkView = " egw_openWindowCentered(' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " ',' $windowName ',700,egw_getWindowOuterHeight()); " ;
break ;
case 'IMAGE/JPEG' :
case 'IMAGE/PNG' :
case 'IMAGE/GIF' :
case 'IMAGE/BMP' :
case 'TEXT/PLAIN' :
case 'TEXT/HTML' :
case 'TEXT/X-VCARD' :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
$windowName = 'displayAttachment_' . $this -> uid ;
$reg = '800x600' ;
// handle calendar/vcard
if ( strtoupper ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]) == 'TEXT/CALENDAR' )
$windowName = 'displayEvent_' . $this -> uid ;
$reg2 = egw_link :: get_registry ( 'calendar' , 'view_popup' );
if ( strtoupper ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]) == 'TEXT/X-VCARD' )
$windowName = 'displayContact_' . $this -> uid ;
$reg2 = egw_link :: get_registry ( 'addressbook' , 'add_popup' );
// apply to action
list ( $width , $height ) = explode ( 'x' ,( ! empty ( $reg2 ) ? $reg2 : $reg ));
$linkView = " egw_openWindowCentered(' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " ',' $windowName ', $width , $height ); " ;
break ;
default :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
$linkView = " window.location.href = ' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " '; " ;
break ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( " link_view " , $linkView );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " target " , $target );
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'mode' => 'save' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
$this -> t -> set_var ( " link_save " , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ][ 'filemanager' ])
$link_vfs_save = egw :: link ( '/index.php' , array (
'menuaction' => 'filemanager.filemanager_select.select' ,
'mode' => 'saveas' ,
'name' => $value [ 'name' ],
'mime' => strtolower ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]),
'method' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.vfsSaveAttachment' ,
'id' => $this -> mailbox . '::' . $this -> uid . '::' . $value [ 'partID' ] . '::' . $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'label' => lang ( 'Save' ),
$vfs_save = " <a href='#' onclick= \" egw_openWindowCentered(' $link_vfs_save ','vfs_save_attachment','640','570',window.outerWidth/2,window.outerHeight/2); return false; \" > $url_img_vfs </a> " ;
// add save-all icon for first attachment
if ( ! $key && count ( $attachments ) > 1 )
foreach ( $attachments as $key => $value )
$ids [ " id[ $key ] " ] = $this -> mailbox . '::' . $this -> uid . '::' . $value [ 'partID' ] . '::' . $value [ 'is_winmail' ] . '::' . $value [ 'name' ];
$link_vfs_save = egw :: link ( '/index.php' , array (
'menuaction' => 'filemanager.filemanager_select.select' ,
'mode' => 'select-dir' ,
'method' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.vfsSaveAttachment' ,
'label' => lang ( 'Save all' ),
) + $ids );
$vfs_save .= " \n <a href='#' onclick= \" egw_openWindowCentered(' $link_vfs_save ','vfs_save_attachment','640','530',window.outerWidth/2,window.outerHeight/2); return false; \" > $url_img_vfs_save_all </a> " ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'vfs_save' , $vfs_save );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'vfs_save' , '' );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'attachment_rows' , 'message_attachement_row' , True );
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_rows' , '' );
// print it out
if ( is_array ( $attachments ) && count ( $attachments ) > 0 ) {
$this -> t -> pparse ( 'out' , 'message_main_attachment' );
} else {
$this -> t -> pparse ( 'out' , 'message_main' );
function displayBody ()
$partID = $_GET [ 'part' ];
if ( empty ( $this -> uid ) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'uid' ]) ) $this -> uid = 9247 ; //$_GET['uid'];
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $this -> mailbox );
$bodyParts = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageBody ( $this -> uid , '' , $partID );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
$this -> display_app_header ();
$this -> showBody ( $this -> getdisplayableBody ( $bodyParts ), true );
function showBody ( & $body , $print = true )
$BeginBody = ' < style type = " text/css " >
body , html {
height : 100 % ;
width : 100 % ;
padding : 0 px ;
margin : 0 px ;
. td_display {
font - family : Verdana , Arial , Helvetica , sans - serif ;
font - size : 110 % ;
background - color : #FFFFFF;
</ style >
< div style = " height:100%;width:100%; background-color:white; padding:0px; margin:0px; " >< table width = " 100% " style = " table-layout:fixed " >< tr >< td class = " td_display " > ' ;
$EndBody = '</td></tr></table>' ;
$EndBody .= " </body></html> " ;
if ( $print ) {
print $BeginBody . $body . $EndBody ;
} else {
return $BeginBody . $body . $EndBody ;
function displayHeader ()
$partID = $_GET [ 'part' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
//$transformdate =& CreateObject('felamimail.transformdate');
//$htmlFilter =& CreateObject('felamimail.htmlfilter');
//$uiWidgets =& CreateObject('felamimail.uiwidgets');
// (regis) seems to be necessary to reopen...
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $this -> mailbox );
#$headers = $this->bofelamimail->getMessageHeader($this->mailbox, $this->uid, $partID);
$rawheaders = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageRawHeader ( $this -> uid , $partID );
$webserverURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ];
#$nonDisplayAbleCharacters = array('[\016]','[\017]',
# '[\020]','[\021]','[\022]','[\023]','[\024]','[\025]','[\026]','[\027]',
# '[\030]','[\031]','[\032]','[\033]','[\034]','[\035]','[\036]','[\037]');
#print "<pre>";print_r($rawheaders);print"</pre>";exit;
// add line breaks to $rawheaders
$newRawHeaders = explode ( " \n " , $rawheaders );
reset ( $newRawHeaders );
// reset $rawheaders
$rawheaders = " " ;
// create it new, with good line breaks
reset ( $newRawHeaders );
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = @ each ( $newRawHeaders )) {
$rawheaders .= wordwrap ( $value , 90 , " \n " );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
header ( 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' );
print '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars ( $rawheaders , ENT_NOQUOTES , 'iso-8859-1' ) . '</pre>' ;
function displayAttachments ()
$partID = $_GET [ 'part' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
$nonDisplayAbleCharacters = array ( '[\016]' , '[\017]' ,
'[\020]' , '[\021]' , '[\022]' , '[\023]' , '[\024]' , '[\025]' , '[\026]' , '[\027]' ,
'[\030]' , '[\031]' , '[\032]' , '[\033]' , '[\034]' , '[\035]' , '[\036]' , '[\037]' );
//$transformdate =& CreateObject('felamimail.transformdate');
//$htmlFilter =& CreateObject('felamimail.htmlfilter');
// (regis) seems to be necessary to reopen...
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $this -> mailbox );
$headers = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageHeader ( $this -> uid , $partID );
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$envelope = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageEnvelope ( $this -> uid , $partID , true );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
if ( PEAR :: isError ( $headers )) {
print lang ( " ERROR: Message could not be displayed. " ) . " <br> " ;
print " In Mailbox: $this->mailbox , with ID: $this->uid , and PartID: $partID <br> " ;
print $headers -> message . " <br> " ;
_debug_array ( $headers -> backtrace [ 0 ]);
exit ;
$attachments = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageAttachments ( $this -> uid , $partID );
#_debug_array($attachments); exit;
$this -> display_app_header ();
$this -> t -> set_file ( array ( " displayMsg " => " view_attachments.tpl " ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'charset' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> translation -> charset ());
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_main_attachment' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_attachement_row' );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
$this -> t -> egroupware_hack = False ;
$this -> translate ();
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$subject = bofelamimail :: htmlspecialchars ( $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_subject ( preg_replace ( $nonDisplayAbleCharacters , '' , $envelope [ 'SUBJECT' ]), false ),
$this -> displayCharset );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " subject_data " , $subject );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
// attachments
if ( is_array ( $attachments ) && count ( $attachments ) > 0 ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_count' , count ( $attachments ));
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_count' , '0' );
if ( is_array ( $attachments ) && count ( $attachments ) > 0 ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'row_color' , $this -> rowColor [ 0 ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'name' , lang ( 'name' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'type' , lang ( 'type' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'size' , lang ( 'size' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'url_img_save' , html :: image ( 'felamimail' , 'fileexport' , lang ( 'save' )));
$url_img_vfs = html :: image ( 'filemanager' , 'navbar' , lang ( 'Filemanager' ), ' height="16"' );
$url_img_vfs_save_all = html :: image ( 'felamimail' , 'save_all' , lang ( 'Save all' ));
$detectedCharSet = $charset2use = $this -> displayCharset ;
foreach ( $attachments as $key => $value )
#$detectedCharSet = mb_detect_encoding($value['name'].'a',strtoupper($this->displayCharset).",UTF-8, ISO-8559-1");
if ( function_exists ( 'mb_convert_variables' )) mb_convert_variables ( " UTF-8 " , " ISO-8559-1 " , $value [ 'name' ]); # iso 2 UTF8
//if (mb_convert_variables("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$value['name'])){echo "Juhu utf8 2 ISO\n";};
//echo $value['name']."\n";
$filename = htmlentities ( $value [ 'name' ], ENT_QUOTES , $detectedCharSet );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'row_color' , $this -> rowColor [( $key + 1 ) % 2 ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'filename' ,( $value [ 'name' ] ? ( $filename ? $filename : $value [ 'name' ] ) : lang ( '(no subject)' )));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'mimetype' , mime_magic :: mime2label ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'size' , egw_vfs :: hsize ( $value [ 'size' ]));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_number' , $key );
switch ( strtoupper ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]))
case 'MESSAGE/RFC822' :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ]
$windowName = 'displayMessage_' . $this -> uid . '_' . $value [ 'partID' ];
$linkView = " egw_openWindowCentered(' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " ',' $windowName ',700,screen.availHeight-50); " ;
break ;
case 'IMAGE/JPEG' :
case 'IMAGE/PNG' :
case 'IMAGE/GIF' :
case 'IMAGE/BMP' :
case 'TEXT/PLAIN' :
case 'TEXT/HTML' :
2010-07-13 15:30:04 +02:00
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
case 'TEXT/X-VCARD' :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
$windowName = 'displayAttachment_' . $this -> uid ;
$reg = '800x600' ;
// handle calendar/vcard
2010-07-13 15:30:04 +02:00
if ( strtoupper ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]) == 'TEXT/CALENDAR' || strtoupper ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]) == 'TEXT/X-VCALENDAR' )
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$windowName = 'displayEvent_' . $this -> uid ;
$reg2 = egw_link :: get_registry ( 'calendar' , 'view_popup' );
if ( strtoupper ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]) == 'TEXT/X-VCARD' )
$windowName = 'displayContact_' . $this -> uid ;
$reg2 = egw_link :: get_registry ( 'addressbook' , 'add_popup' );
// apply to action
list ( $width , $height ) = explode ( 'x' ,( ! empty ( $reg2 ) ? $reg2 : $reg ));
$linkView = " egw_openWindowCentered(' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " ',' $windowName ', $width , $height ); " ;
break ;
default :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
$linkView = " window.location.href = ' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " '; " ;
break ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( " link_view " , $linkView );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " target " , $target );
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'mode' => 'save' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'is_winmail' => $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox ),
$this -> t -> set_var ( " link_save " , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ][ 'filemanager' ])
$link_vfs_save = egw :: link ( '/index.php' , array (
'menuaction' => 'filemanager.filemanager_select.select' ,
'mode' => 'saveas' ,
'name' => $value [ 'name' ],
'mime' => strtolower ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]),
'method' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.vfsSaveAttachment' ,
'id' => $this -> mailbox . '::' . $this -> uid . '::' . $value [ 'partID' ] . '::' . $value [ 'is_winmail' ],
'label' => lang ( 'Save' ),
$vfs_save = " <a href='#' onclick= \" egw_openWindowCentered(' $link_vfs_save ','vfs_save_attachment','640','570',window.outerWidth/2,window.outerHeight/2); return false; \" > $url_img_vfs </a> " ;
// add save-all icon for first attachment
if ( ! $key && count ( $attachments ) > 1 )
foreach ( $attachments as $key => $value )
$ids [ " id[ $key ] " ] = $this -> mailbox . '::' . $this -> uid . '::' . $value [ 'partID' ] . '::' . $value [ 'is_winmail' ] . '::' . $value [ 'name' ];
$link_vfs_save = egw :: link ( '/index.php' , array (
'menuaction' => 'filemanager.filemanager_select.select' ,
'mode' => 'select-dir' ,
'method' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.vfsSaveAttachment' ,
'label' => lang ( 'Save all' ),
) + $ids );
$vfs_save .= " \n <a href='#' onclick= \" egw_openWindowCentered(' $link_vfs_save ','vfs_save_attachment','640','530',window.outerWidth/2,window.outerHeight/2); return false; \" > $url_img_vfs_save_all </a> " ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'vfs_save' , $vfs_save );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'vfs_save' , '' );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'attachment_rows' , 'message_attachement_row' , True );
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_rows' , '' );
$this -> t -> pparse ( 'out' , 'message_main_attachment' );
function displayImage ()
$cid = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'cid' ]);
$partID = urldecode ( $_GET [ 'partID' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $this -> mailbox );
$attachment = $this -> bofelamimail -> getAttachmentByCID ( $this -> uid , $cid , $partID );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> session -> commit_session ();
if ( is_array ( $attachment )) {
//error_log("Content-Type: ".$attachment['type']."; name=\"". $attachment['filename'] ."\"");
header ( " Content-Type: " . strtolower ( $attachment [ 'type' ]) . " ; name= \" " . $attachment [ 'filename' ] . " \" " );
header ( 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $attachment [ 'filename' ] . '"' );
header ( " Expires: 0 " );
// the next headers are for IE and SSL
header ( " Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 " );
header ( " Pragma: public " );
echo trim ( $attachment [ 'attachment' ]);
exit ;
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
exit ;
function display_app_header ( $printing = NULL )
if ( $_GET [ 'menuaction' ] != 'felamimail.uidisplay.printMessage' &&
$_GET [ 'menuaction' ] != 'felamimail.uidisplay.displayBody' &&
$_GET [ 'menuaction' ] != 'felamimail.uidisplay.displayAttachments' &&
empty ( $printing ))
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'tabs' , 'tabs' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'view_message' , 'felamimail' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> set_onload ( 'javascript:initAll();' );
if (( $_GET [ 'menuaction' ] == 'felamimail.uidisplay.printMessage' ) || ( ! empty ( $printing ) && $printing == 1 )) {
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> set_onload ( 'javascript:updateTitle();javascript:window.print();' );
if ( $_GET [ 'menuaction' ] == 'felamimail.uidisplay.printMessage' || ( ! empty ( $printing ) && $printing == 1 ) ||
$_GET [ 'menuaction' ] == 'felamimail.uidisplay.displayBody' ||
$_GET [ 'menuaction' ] == 'felamimail.uidisplay.displayAttachments' ) {
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nofooter' ] = true ;
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'include_xajax' ] = True ;
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
static function emailAddressToHTML ( $_emailAddress , $_organisation = '' , $allwaysShowMailAddress = false , $showAddToAdrdessbookLink = true , $decode = true ) {
2010-11-05 10:10:57 +01:00
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
// create some nice formated HTML for senderaddress
#if($_emailAddress['EMAIL'] == 'undisclosed-recipients: ;')
# return $_emailAddress['EMAIL'];
#$addressData = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist
# ($this->bofelamimail->decode_header($_emailAddress),'');
if ( is_array ( $_emailAddress )) {
$senderAddress = '' ;
foreach ( $_emailAddress as $addressData ) {
if ( $addressData [ 'MAILBOX_NAME' ] == 'NIL' ) {
continue ;
if ( ! empty ( $senderAddress )) $senderAddress .= ', ' ;
if ( strtolower ( $addressData [ 'MAILBOX_NAME' ]) == 'undisclosed-recipients' ) {
$senderAddress .= 'undisclosed-recipients' ;
continue ;
if ( $addressData [ 'PERSONAL_NAME' ] != 'NIL' ) {
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$newSenderAddressORG = $newSenderAddress = $addressData [ 'RFC822_EMAIL' ] != 'NIL' ? $addressData [ 'RFC822_EMAIL' ] : $addressData [ 'EMAIL' ];
$decodedPersonalNameORG = $decodedPersonalName = $addressData [ 'PERSONAL_NAME' ];
if ( $decode )
$newSenderAddress = bofelamimail :: decode_header ( $newSenderAddressORG );
$decodedPersonalName = bofelamimail :: decode_header ( $decodedPersonalName );
$addressData [ 'EMAIL' ] = bofelamimail :: decode_header ( $addressData [ 'EMAIL' ]);
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$realName = $decodedPersonalName ;
// add mailaddress
if ( $allwaysShowMailAddress ) {
$realName .= ' <' . $addressData [ 'EMAIL' ] . '>' ;
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$decodedPersonalNameORG .= ' <' . $addressData [ 'EMAIL' ] . '>' ;
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
// add organization
if ( ! empty ( $_organisation )) {
$realName .= ' (' . $_organisation . ')' ;
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$decodedPersonalNameORG .= ' (' . $_organisation . ')' ;
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose' ,
'send_to' => base64_encode ( $newSenderAddress )
$link = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$newSenderAddress = bofelamimail :: htmlentities ( $newSenderAddress );
$realName = bofelamimail :: htmlentities ( $realName );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$senderAddress .= sprintf ( '<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' ,
$link ,
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$newSenderAddress ,
$realName );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.edit' ,
'presets[email]' => $addressData [ 'EMAIL' ],
'presets[org_name]' => $_organisation ,
'referer' => $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?' . $_SERVER [ 'QUERY_STRING' ]
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$decodedPersonalName = $realName ;
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $decodedPersonalName )) {
if ( $spacePos = strrpos ( $decodedPersonalName , ' ' )) {
$linkData [ 'presets[n_family]' ] = substr ( $decodedPersonalName , $spacePos + 1 );
$linkData [ 'presets[n_given]' ] = substr ( $decodedPersonalName , 0 , $spacePos );
} else {
$linkData [ 'presets[n_family]' ] = $decodedPersonalName ;
$linkData [ 'presets[n_fn]' ] = $decodedPersonalName ;
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
if ( $showAddToAdrdessbookLink && $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ][ 'addressbook' ]) {
$urlAddToAddressbook = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
$onClick = " window.open(this,this.target,'dependent=yes,width=850,height=440,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); return false; " ;
$image = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> image ( 'felamimail' , 'sm_envelope' );
$senderAddress .= sprintf ( ' < a href = " %s " onClick = " %s " >
< img src = " %s " width = " 10 " height = " 8 " border = " 0 "
align = " absmiddle " alt = " %s "
title = " %s " ></ a > ' ,
$urlAddToAddressbook ,
$onClick ,
$image ,
lang ( 'add to addressbook' ),
lang ( 'add to addressbook' ));
} else {
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$addrEMailORG = $addrEMail = $addressData [ 'EMAIL' ];
if ( $decode ) $addrEMail = bofelamimail :: decode_header ( $addrEMail );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose' ,
'send_to' => base64_encode ( $addressData [ 'EMAIL' ])
$link = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$senderEMail = bofelamimail :: htmlentities ( $addrEMail );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$senderAddress .= sprintf ( '<a href="%s">%s</a>' ,
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$link , $senderEMail );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
//TODO: This uses old addressbook code, which should be removed in Version 1.4
//Please use addressbook.addressbook_ui.edit with proper paramenters
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.edit' ,
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
'presets[email]' => $senderEMail , //$addressData['EMAIL'],
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
'presets[org_name]' => $_organisation ,
'referer' => $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ] . '?' . $_SERVER [ 'QUERY_STRING' ]
if ( $showAddToAdrdessbookLink && $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ][ 'addressbook' ]) {
$urlAddToAddressbook = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
$onClick = " window.open(this,this.target,'dependent=yes,width=850,height=440,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); return false; " ;
$image = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> image ( 'felamimail' , 'sm_envelope' );
$senderAddress .= sprintf ( ' < a href = " %s " onClick = " %s " >
< img src = " %s " width = " 10 " height = " 8 " border = " 0 "
align = " absmiddle " alt = " %s "
title = " %s " ></ a > ' ,
$urlAddToAddressbook ,
$onClick ,
$image ,
lang ( 'add to addressbook' ),
lang ( 'add to addressbook' ));
return $senderAddress ;
// if something goes wrong, just return the original address
return $_emailAddress ;
* Save an attachment in the vfs
* @ param string | array $ids '::' delemited mailbox :: uid :: part - id :: is_winmail :: name ( :: name for multiple id ' s )
* @ param string $path path in vfs ( no egw_vfs :: PREFIX ! ), only directory for multiple id ' s ( $ids is an array )
* @ return string javascript eg . to close the selector window
function vfsSaveAttachment ( $ids , $path )
//return "alert('".__METHOD__.'("'.array2string($id).'","'.$path."\")'); window.close();";
if ( is_array ( $ids ) && ! egw_vfs :: is_writable ( $path ) || ! is_array ( $ids ) && ! egw_vfs :: is_writable ( dirname ( $path )))
return 'alert("' . addslashes ( lang ( '%1 is NOT writable by you!' , $path )) . '"); window.close();' ;
foreach (( array ) $ids as $id )
list ( $this -> mailbox , $this -> uid , $part , $is_winmail , $name ) = explode ( '::' , $id , 5 );
if ( $mb != $this -> mailbox ) $this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $mb = $this -> mailbox );
$attachment = $this -> bofelamimail -> getAttachment ( $this -> uid , $part , $is_winmail );
if ( ! ( $fp = egw_vfs :: fopen ( $file = $path . ( $name ? '/' . $name : '' ), 'wb' )) ||
! fwrite ( $fp , $attachment [ 'attachment' ]))
$err .= 'alert("' . addslashes ( lang ( 'Error saving %1!' , $file )) . '");' ;
if ( $fp ) fclose ( $fp );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
return $err . 'window.close();' ;
function getAttachment ()
$part = $_GET [ 'part' ];
$is_winmail = $_GET [ 'is_winmail' ] ? $_GET [ 'is_winmail' ] : 0 ;
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $this -> mailbox );
#$attachment = $this->bofelamimail->getAttachment($this->uid,$part);
$attachment = $this -> bofelamimail -> getAttachment ( $this -> uid , $part , $is_winmail );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> session -> commit_session ();
if ( $_GET [ 'mode' ] != " save " )
2010-07-13 15:30:04 +02:00
if ( strtoupper ( $attachment [ 'type' ]) == 'TEXT/CALENDAR' || strtoupper ( $attachment [ 'type' ]) == 'TEXT/X-VCALENDAR' )
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
//error_log(__METHOD__."about to call calendar_ical");
$calendar_ical = new calendar_ical ();
$eventid = $calendar_ical -> search ( $attachment [ 'attachment' ], - 1 );
2010-07-13 15:30:04 +02:00
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
if ( ! $eventid ) $eventid = - 1 ;
2010-07-13 15:30:04 +02:00
$event = $calendar_ical -> importVCal ( $attachment [ 'attachment' ],( is_array ( $eventid ) ? $eventid [ 0 ] : $eventid ), null , true );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
if (( int ) $event > 0 )
$vars = array (
'menuaction' => 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit' ,
'cal_id' => $event ,
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect_link ( '../index.php' , $vars );
//Import failed, download content anyway
if ( strtoupper ( $attachment [ 'type' ]) == 'TEXT/X-VCARD' )
$addressbook_vcal = new addressbook_vcal ();
$vcard = $addressbook_vcal -> vcardtoegw ( $attachment [ 'attachment' ]);
if ( $vcard [ 'uid' ]) $contact = $addressbook_vcal -> find_contact ( $vcard , false );
if ( ! $contact ) $contact = null ;
// if there are not enough fields in the vcard (or the parser was unable to correctly parse the vcard (as of VERSION:3.0 created by MSO))
if ( $contact || count ( $vcard ) > 2 ) $contact = $addressbook_vcal -> addVCard ( $attachment [ 'attachment' ], $contact , true );
if (( int ) $contact > 0 )
$vars = array (
'menuaction' => 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.edit' ,
'contact_id' => $contact ,
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> redirect_link ( '../index.php' , $vars );
//Import failed, download content anyway
header ( " Content-Type: " . $attachment [ 'type' ] . " ; name= \" " . $attachment [ 'filename' ] . " \" " );
if ( $_GET [ 'mode' ] == " save " ) {
// ask for download
header ( " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= \" " . $attachment [ 'filename' ] . " \" " );
} else {
// display it
header ( " Content-Disposition: inline; filename= \" " . $attachment [ 'filename' ] . " \" " );
header ( " Expires: 0 " );
// the next headers are for IE and SSL
header ( " Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 " );
header ( " Pragma: public " );
echo $attachment [ 'attachment' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
exit ;
function & getdisplayableBody ( $_bodyParts )
$bodyParts = $_bodyParts ;
$webserverURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ];
$nonDisplayAbleCharacters = array ( '[\016]' , '[\017]' ,
'[\020]' , '[\021]' , '[\022]' , '[\023]' , '[\024]' , '[\025]' , '[\026]' , '[\027]' ,
'[\030]' , '[\031]' , '[\032]' , '[\033]' , '[\034]' , '[\035]' , '[\036]' , '[\037]' );
$body = '' ;
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
//error_log(__METHOD__.array2string($bodyParts)); //exit;
2010-11-05 14:59:52 +01:00
if ( empty ( $bodyParts )) return " " ;
2010-07-06 17:12:47 +02:00
foreach (( array ) $bodyParts as $singleBodyPart ) {
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
if ( ! isset ( $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ])) {
$singleBodyPart [ 'body' ] = $this -> getdisplayableBody ( $singleBodyPart );
$body .= $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ];
continue ;
if ( ! empty ( $body )) {
$body .= '<hr style="border:dotted 1px silver;">' ;
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
// some characterreplacements, as they fail to translate
$sar = array (
'@(\x84|\x93|\x94)@' ,
'@(\x96|\x97)@' ,
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
'@(\x82|\x91|\x92)@' ,
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
'@(\x85)@' ,
'@(\x86)@' ,
2010-09-15 10:22:22 +02:00
'@(\x99)@' ,
'@(\xae)@' ,
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$rar = array (
'"' ,
'-' ,
'\'' ,
'...' ,
2010-09-09 12:20:44 +02:00
'&' ,
2010-09-15 10:22:22 +02:00
'(TM)' ,
'(R)' ,
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
2010-09-09 12:20:44 +02:00
if (( $singleBodyPart [ 'mimeType' ] == 'text/html' || $singleBodyPart [ 'mimeType' ] == 'text/plain' ) &&
strtoupper ( $singleBodyPart [ 'charSet' ]) != 'UTF-8' )
$singleBodyPart [ 'body' ] = preg_replace ( $sar , $rar , $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ]);
2010-10-06 14:56:54 +02:00
if ( $singleBodyPart [ 'charSet' ] === false ) $singleBodyPart [ 'charSet' ] = bofelamimail :: detect_encoding ( $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ]);
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$singleBodyPart [ 'body' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> translation -> convert (
$singleBodyPart [ 'body' ],
strtolower ( $singleBodyPart [ 'charSet' ])
#$CharSetUsed = mb_detect_encoding($singleBodyPart['body'] . 'a' , strtoupper($singleBodyPart['charSet']).','.strtoupper($this->displayCharset).',UTF-8, ISO-8859-1');
if ( $singleBodyPart [ 'mimeType' ] == 'text/plain' )
//$newBody = $singleBodyPart['body'];
$newBody = @ htmlentities ( $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ], ENT_QUOTES , strtoupper ( $this -> displayCharset ));
// if empty and charset is utf8 try sanitizing the string in question
if ( empty ( $newBody ) && strtolower ( $singleBodyPart [ 'charSet' ]) == 'utf-8' ) $newBody = @ htmlentities ( iconv ( 'utf-8' , 'utf-8' , $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ]), ENT_QUOTES , strtoupper ( $this -> displayCharset ));
// if the conversion to htmlentities fails somehow, try without specifying the charset, which defaults to iso-
if ( empty ( $newBody )) $newBody = htmlentities ( $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ], ENT_QUOTES );
#$newBody = $this->bofelamimail->wordwrap($newBody, 90, "\n");
// search http[s] links and make them as links available again
// to understand what's going on here, have a look at
// http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php
// create links for websites
$newBody = html :: activate_links ( $newBody );
// redirect links for websites if you use no cookies
#if (!($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['usecookies']))
# $newBody = preg_replace("/href=(\"|\')((http(s?):\/\/)|(www\.))([\w,\-,\/,\?,\=,\.,&,!\n,\%,@,\(,\),\*,#,:,~,\+]+)(\"|\')/ie",
# "'href=\"$webserverURL/redirect.php?go='.@htmlentities(urlencode('http$4://$5$6'),ENT_QUOTES,\"$this->displayCharset\").'\"'", $newBody);
// create links for email addresses
$this -> parseEmail ( $newBody );
$newBody = $this -> highlightQuotes ( $newBody );
// to display a mailpart of mimetype plain/text, may be better taged as preformatted
#$newBody = nl2br($newBody);
// since we do not display the message as HTML anymore we may want to insert good linebreaking (for visibility).
2010-09-07 11:04:50 +02:00
// dont break lines that start with > (> as the text was processed with htmlentities before)
$newBody = " <pre> " . bofelamimail :: wordwrap ( $newBody , 90 , " \n " , '>' ) . " </pre> " ;
//$newBody = "<pre>".$newBody."</pre>";
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$newBody = $singleBodyPart [ 'body' ];
$newBody = $this -> highlightQuotes ( $newBody );
// do the cleanup, set for the use of purifier
$usepurifier = true ;
bofelamimail :: getCleanHTML ( $newBody , $usepurifier );
// removes stuff between http and ?http
$Protocol = '(http:\/\/|(ftp:\/\/|https:\/\/))' ; // only http:// gets removed, other protocolls are shown
$newBody = preg_replace ( '~' . $Protocol . '[^>]*\?' . $Protocol . '~sim' , '$1' , $newBody ); // removes stuff between http:// and ?http://
// spamsaver emailaddress, needed to be able to apply email compose links later
$newBody = preg_replace ( '/(?<!"|href=|href\s=\s|href=\s|href\s=)' . 'mailto:([a-z0-9._-]+)@([a-z0-9_-]+)\.([a-z0-9._-]+)/i' ,
'<a href="#" onclick="document.location=\'mai\'+\'lto:\\1\'+unescape(\'%40\')+\'\\2.\\3\'; return false;">\\1 AT \\2 DOT \\3</a>' ,
$newBody );
// redirect links for websites if you use no cookies
#if (!($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['usecookies'])) { //do it all the time, since it does mask the mailadresses in urls
$this -> parseHREF ( $newBody );
// create links for inline images
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.displayImage' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $this -> mailbox )
$imageURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
if ( $this -> partID ) {
$newBody = preg_replace ( " /src=( \" | \ ')cid:(.*)( \" | \ ')/iUe " ,
" 'src= \" $imageURL &cid='.base64_encode(' $ 2').'&partID='.urlencode( $this->partID ).' \" ' " , $newBody );
} else {
$newBody = preg_replace ( " /src=( \" | \ ')cid:(.*)( \" | \ ')/iUe " ,
" 'src= \" $imageURL &cid='.base64_encode(' $ 2').'&partID='.' \" ' " , $newBody );
// create links for email addresses
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose'
$link = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData );
$newBody = preg_replace ( " /href=( \" | \ ')mailto:([ \ w, \ -, \ /, \ ?, \ =, \ .,&,! \n , \ %,@, \ *,#,:,~, \ +]+)( \" | \ ')/ie " ,
" 'href= \" $link &send_to='.base64_encode(' $ 2').' \" ' " , $newBody );
#print "<pre>".htmlentities($newBody)."</pre><hr>";
// replace emails within the text with clickable links.
$this -> parseEmail ( $newBody );
$body .= $newBody ;
#print "<hr><pre>$body</pre><hr>";
// create links for windows shares
// \\\\\\\\ == '\\' in real life!! :)
$body = preg_replace ( " /( \\ \\ \\ \\ )([ \ w, \\ \\ ,-]+)/i " ,
" <a href= \" file: $ 1 $ 2 \" target= \" _blank \" ><font color= \" blue \" > $ 1 $ 2</font></a> " , $body );
$body = preg_replace ( $nonDisplayAbleCharacters , '' , $body );
return $body ;
function printMessage ( $messageId = NULL , $callfromcompose = NULL )
if ( ! empty ( $messageId ) && empty ( $this -> uid )) $this -> uid = $messageId ;
$partID = $_GET [ 'part' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'folder' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'folder' ]);
//$transformdate =& CreateObject('felamimail.transformdate');
//$htmlFilter =& CreateObject('felamimail.htmlfilter');
//$uiWidgets =& CreateObject('felamimail.uiwidgets');
// (regis) seems to be necessary to reopen...
$folder = $this -> mailbox ;
// the folder for callfromcompose is hardcoded, because the message to be printed from the compose window is saved as draft, and can be
// reopened for composing (only) from there
if ( $callfromcompose )
if ( isset ( $this -> mailPreferences -> preferences [ 'draftFolder' ]) &&
$this -> mailPreferences -> preferences [ 'draftFolder' ] != 'none' )
$folder = $this -> mailPreferences -> preferences [ 'draftFolder' ];
$folder = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'felamimail' ][ 'draftFolder' ];
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $folder );
# print "$this->mailbox, $this->uid, $partID<br>";
$headers = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageHeader ( $this -> uid , $partID );
2010-09-10 15:39:14 +02:00
$envelope = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageEnvelope ( $this -> uid , $partID , true );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
# _debug_array($headers);exit;
$rawheaders = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageRawHeader ( $this -> uid , $partID );
$bodyParts = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageBody ( $this -> uid , '' , $partID );
$attachments = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageAttachments ( $this -> uid , $partID );
# _debug_array($nextMessage); exit;
$webserverURL = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ];
$nonDisplayAbleCharacters = array ( '[\016]' , '[\017]' ,
'[\020]' , '[\021]' , '[\022]' , '[\023]' , '[\024]' , '[\025]' , '[\026]' , '[\027]' ,
'[\030]' , '[\031]' , '[\032]' , '[\033]' , '[\034]' , '[\035]' , '[\036]' , '[\037]' );
#print "<pre>";print_r($rawheaders);print"</pre>";exit;
// add line breaks to $rawheaders
$newRawHeaders = explode ( " \n " , $rawheaders );
reset ( $newRawHeaders );
// find the Organization header
// the header can also span multiple rows
while ( is_array ( $newRawHeaders ) && list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $newRawHeaders )) {
#print $value."<br>";
if ( preg_match ( " /Organization: (.*)/ " , $value , $matches )) {
$organization = $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_header ( chop ( $matches [ 1 ]));
continue ;
if ( ! empty ( $organization ) && preg_match ( " /^ \ s+(.*)/ " , $value , $matches )) {
$organization .= $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_header ( chop ( $matches [ 1 ]));
break ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $organization )) {
break ;
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
$this -> display_app_header ( $callfromcompose );
$this -> t -> set_file ( array ( " displayMsg " => " view_message_printable.tpl " ));
# $this->t->set_var('charset',$GLOBALS['egw']->translation->charset());
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_main' );
# $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_main_attachment');
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_header' );
# $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_raw_header');
# $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','message_navbar');
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_onbehalfof' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_cc' );
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_attachement_row' );
# $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','previous_message_block');
# $this->t->set_block('displayMsg','next_message_block');
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'displayMsg' , 'message_org' );
# $this->t->egroupware_hack = False;
$this -> translate ();
if ( $envelope [ 'FROM' ][ 0 ] != $envelope [ 'SENDER' ][ 0 ]) {
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$senderAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'SENDER' ], '' , true , false , false );
$fromAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'FROM' ], $organization , true , false , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " from_data " , $senderAddress );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " onbehalfof_data " , $fromAddress );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'on_behalf_of_part' , 'message_onbehalfof' , True );
} else {
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$fromAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'FROM' ], $organization , true , false , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " from_data " , $fromAddress );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'on_behalf_of_part' , '' );
// parse the to header
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$toAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'TO' ], '' , true , false , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " to_data " , $toAddress );
// parse the cc header
if ( count ( $envelope [ 'CC' ])) {
2010-09-10 16:14:23 +02:00
$ccAddress = self :: emailAddressToHTML ( $envelope [ 'CC' ], '' , true , false , false );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " cc_data " , $ccAddress );
$this -> t -> parse ( 'cc_data_part' , 'message_cc' , True );
} else {
$this -> t -> set_var ( " cc_data_part " , '' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " date_data " ,
2010-11-17 10:52:05 +01:00
@ htmlspecialchars ( bofelamimail :: _strtotime ( $headers [ 'DATE' ], $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ], true ) . ' - ' . bofelamimail :: _strtotime ( $headers [ 'DATE' ],( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] == 12 ? 'h:i:s a' : 'H:i:s' ), true ), ENT_QUOTES , $this -> displayCharset ));
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
// link to go back to the message view. the link differs if the print was called from a normal viewing window, or from compose
2010-11-05 10:06:00 +01:00
$subject = bofelamimail :: htmlspecialchars ( $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_subject ( preg_replace ( $nonDisplayAbleCharacters , '' , $envelope [ 'SUBJECT' ]), false ), $this -> displayCharset );
2010-06-09 20:36:13 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( " subject_data " , $subject );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " full_subject_data " , $subject );
$linkData = array (
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display' ,
'showHeader' => 'false' ,
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $folder ),
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'id' => $this -> id ,
if ( $callfromcompose ) {
$linkData [ 'menuaction' ] = 'felamimail.uicompose.composeFromDraft' ;
$linkData [ 'folder' ] = base64_encode ( $folder );
$_readInNewWindow = $this -> mailPreferences -> preferences [ 'message_newwindow' ];
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'url_read_message' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
$target = 'displayMessage' ;
$windowName = ( $_readInNewWindow == 1 ? $target : $target . '_' . $this -> uid );
#if ($callfromcompose) $target = 'composeFromDraft';
if ( $callfromcompose ) $windowName = '_top' ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'read_message_windowName' , $windowName );
//if(isset($organization)) exit;
$this -> t -> parse ( " header " , " message_header " , True );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'body' , $this -> getdisplayableBody ( $bodyParts ));
// attachments
if ( is_array ( $attachments ))
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_count' , count ( $attachments ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_count' , '0' );
if ( is_array ( $attachments ) && count ( $attachments ) > 0 ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'row_color' , $this -> rowColor [ 0 ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'name' , lang ( 'name' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'type' , lang ( 'type' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'size' , lang ( 'size' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'url_img_save' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> image ( 'felamimail' , 'fileexport' ));
foreach ( $attachments as $key => $value ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'row_color' , $this -> rowColor [( $key + 1 ) % 2 ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'filename' , @ htmlentities ( $this -> bofelamimail -> decode_header ( $value [ 'name' ]), ENT_QUOTES , $this -> displayCharset ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'mimetype' , $value [ 'mimeType' ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'size' , $value [ 'size' ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_number' , $key );
switch ( strtolower ( $value [ 'mimeType' ]))
case 'message/rfc822' :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.display' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $folder ),
$windowName = 'displayMessage_' . $this -> uid ;
$linkView = " egw_openWindowCentered(' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " ',' $windowName ',700,egw_getWindowOuterHeight()); " ;
break ;
case 'image/jpeg' :
case 'image/png' :
case 'image/gif' :
case 'image/bmp' :
#case 'application/pdf':
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $folder ),
$windowName = 'displayAttachment_' . $this -> uid ;
$linkView = " egw_openWindowCentered(' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " ',' $windowName ',800,600); " ;
break ;
default :
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $folder ),
$linkView = " window.location.href = ' " . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . " '; " ;
break ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( " link_view " , $linkView );
$this -> t -> set_var ( " target " , $target );
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uidisplay.getAttachment' ,
'mode' => 'save' ,
'uid' => $this -> uid ,
'part' => $value [ 'partID' ],
'mailbox' => base64_encode ( $folder ),
$this -> t -> set_var ( " link_save " , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
$this -> t -> parse ( 'attachment_rows' , 'message_attachement_row' , True );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'attachment_rows' , '' );
// print it out
# if(is_array($attachments)) {
# $this->t->pparse('out','message_main_attachment');
# } else {
$this -> t -> pparse ( 'out' , 'message_main' );
# }
print " </body></html> " ;
function saveMessage ()
$partID = $_GET [ 'part' ];
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ])) $this -> mailbox = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'mailbox' ]);
// (regis) seems to be necessary to reopen...
$this -> bofelamimail -> reopen ( $this -> mailbox );
$message = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageRawBody ( $this -> uid , $partID );
$headers = $this -> bofelamimail -> getMessageHeader ( $this -> uid , $partID );
$this -> bofelamimail -> closeConnection ();
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> session -> commit_session ();
header ( " Content-Type: message/rfc822; name= \" " . $headers [ 'SUBJECT' ] . " .eml \" " );
header ( " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= \" " . $headers [ 'SUBJECT' ] . " .eml \" " );
header ( " Expires: 0 " );
// the next headers are for IE and SSL
header ( " Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 " );
header ( " Pragma: public " );
echo $message ;
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
exit ;
function showHeader ()
if ( $this -> bofelamimail -> sessionData [ 'showHeader' ] == 'True' )
$this -> bofelamimail -> sessionData [ 'showHeader' ] = 'False' ;
$this -> bofelamimail -> sessionData [ 'showHeader' ] = 'True' ;
$this -> bofelamimail -> saveSessionData ();
$this -> display ();
function translate ()
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_message_list " , lang ( 'Message List' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_to " , lang ( 'to' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_cc " , lang ( 'cc' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_bcc " , lang ( 'bcc' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_from " , lang ( 'from' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_reply_to " , lang ( 'reply to' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_subject " , lang ( 'subject' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_addressbook " , lang ( 'addressbook' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_search " , lang ( 'search' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_send " , lang ( 'send' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_back_to_folder " , lang ( 'back to folder' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_attachments " , lang ( 'attachments' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_add " , lang ( 'add' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_remove " , lang ( 'remove' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_priority " , lang ( 'priority' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_normal " , lang ( 'normal' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_high " , lang ( 'high' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_low " , lang ( 'low' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_signature " , lang ( 'signature' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_compose " , lang ( 'compose' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_date " , lang ( 'date' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_view " , lang ( 'view' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_organization " , lang ( 'organization' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_save " , lang ( 'save' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_printable " , lang ( 'print it' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_reply " , lang ( 'reply' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_reply_all " , lang ( 'reply all' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_forward " , lang ( 'forward' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_delete " , lang ( 'delete' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_previous_message " , lang ( 'previous message' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_next_message " , lang ( 'next message' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_organisation " , lang ( 'organisation' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_on_behalf_of " , lang ( 'on behalf of' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_Message " , lang ( 'Message' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_Attachment " , lang ( 'attachments' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " lang_Header_Lines " , lang ( 'Header Lines' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( " th_bg " , $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ " theme " ][ " th_bg " ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( " bg01 " , $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ " theme " ][ " bg01 " ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( " bg02 " , $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ " theme " ][ " bg02 " ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( " bg03 " , $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ " theme " ][ " bg03 " ]);