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account active admin cs Aktivn<76> <20><>et
active admin cs Aktivn<76>
all records and account information will be lost! admin cs V<>echny z<>znamy a informace o <20><>tu budou ztraceny!
anonymous user admin cs Anonymn<6D> u<>ivatel
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcte vymazat tento <20><>et ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcete vymazat tuto skupinu ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcete zru<72>it tuto relaci ?
create group admin cs Vytvo<76>it skupinu
disabled admin cs Zak<61>zan<61>
display admin cs Zobraz
group name admin cs Jm<4A>no skupiny
idle admin cs <09>ekaj<61>c<EFBFBD>
ip admin cs IP - adresa
kill admin cs Zru<72>it
last time read admin cs Posledn<64> p<>e<EFBFBD>teno
last %1 logins admin cs Posledn<64>ch %1 p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
list of current users admin cs Seznam sou<6F>asn<73>ch u<>ivatel<65>
login time admin cs <09>as p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
loginid admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no
manager admin cs Spr<70>vce
new group name admin cs Nov<6F> jm<6A>no skupiny
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nov<6F> heslo [ Pokud je nechcete m<>nit, ponechte pr<70>zdn<64> ]
percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento u<>ivatel<65>, kte<74><65> se odhl<68>sili
permissions admin cs Povolen<65>
re-enter password admin cs Opakuj heslo
select users for inclusion admin cs Vyberte u<>ivatele, kte<74><65> budou p<>id<69>ni
site admin cs S<><53>
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Je mi l<>to, tito u<>ivatel<65> jsou st<73>le <20>leny skupiny %1
that loginid has already been taken admin cs Toto u<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no ji<6A> bylo pou<6F>ito
the login and password can not be the same admin cs Heslo a u<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no nem<65><6D>e b<>t stejn<6A>
the two passwords are not the same admin cs Zadan<61> hesla nejsou stejn<6A>
they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Mus<75> b<>t odebr<62>ni ne<6E> budete moci pokra<72>ovat
total records admin cs Celkem z<>znam<61>
user accounts admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>ty
user groups admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> skupiny
view access log admin cs Uka<6B> z<>znam p<><70>stup<75>
view sessions admin cs Uka<6B> relace
you must enter a password admin cs Mus<75>te zadat heslo
you must select a file type admin cs Mus<75>te vybrat druh souboru