2019-11-06 22:26:30 +01:00
set -ex
# if EGW_SESSION_TIMEOUT is set in environment, propagate value to php.ini
test -n "$EGW_SESSION_TIMEOUT" && test "$EGW_SESSION_TIMEOUT" -ge 1440 &&
2019-11-19 14:15:18 +01:00
sed -e "s/^;\?session.gc_maxlifetime.*/session.gc_maxlifetime=$EGW_SESSION_TIMEOUT/g" \
2019-11-06 22:26:30 +01:00
-i /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini
# if XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST is set, patch it into xdebug config
test -n "$XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST" && \
sed -e "s/^xdebug.remote_host.*/xdebug.remote_host=$XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST/g" \
-i /etc/php/7.3/fpm/conf.d/*xdebug.ini
# downgrade composer to 1.8.6, as 1.9.x does not work with "dev-master" version :(
composer selfupdate 1.8.6
# installation fails without git identity
git config --global user.email || git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
# install EGroupware sources, if not already there
[ -f /var/www/egroupware/header.inc.php ] || {
cd /var/www \
&& ln -sf egroupware/api/templates/default/images/favicon.ico \
&& composer.phar create-project --prefer-source --keep-vcs --no-scripts egroupware/egroupware:$VERSION \
&& cd egroupware \
&& ./install-cli.php \
&& ln -sf /var/lib/egroupware/header.inc.php \
&& sed -e 's/apache/www-data/' -e 's|/usr/share|/var/www|g' doc/rpm-build/egroupware.cron > /etc/cron.d/egroupware
# check if we have further apps to install (EPL or old ones ...)
cd /var/www/egroupware
for url in $(env|grep ^EGW_EXTRA_APP|cut -d= -f2)
app=$(basename $url .git)
[ $app == "epl" ] && app=stylite
[ -d $app ] || {
git clone $url $app \
&& (cd $app; git remote set-url --push origin $(echo $url|sed 's|https://github.com/|git@github.com:|')) \
&& [ -f header.inc.php ] && doc/rpm-build/post_install.php --install-app $(basename $url .git) \
|| true # do not stop, if one clone fails
# install phpMyAdmin sources, if not already there
[ -d /var/www/phpmyadmin ] || {
cd /var/www \
&& composer.phar create-project --prefer-source --keep-vcs --no-scripts phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin \
&& cd phpmyadmin \
&& yarn install || true
[ -f /var/www/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php ] || {
cd /var/www/phpmyadmin \
&& blowfish_secret=$(php -r "echo base64_encode(random_bytes(24));") \
&& sed -e "s/localhost/db/g" \
-e "s/cfg\['blowfish_secret'\] = '';/cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '$blowfish_secret';/g" \
config.sample.inc.php > config.inc.php
# create data directory
[ -d /var/lib/egroupware/default ] || {
mkdir -p /var/lib/egroupware/default/files/sqlfs \
&& mkdir -p /var/lib/egroupware/default/backup \
&& chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/egroupware \
&& chmod 700 /var/lib/egroupware/
# add private CA so egroupware can validate your certificate to talk to Collabora or Rocket.Chat
test -f /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/private-ca.crt &&
# write install-log in /var/lib/egroupware (only readable by root!)
touch $LOG
chmod 600 $LOG
export try=0
# EGW_SKIP_INSTALL=true skips initial installation (no header.inc.php yet)
until [ -n "$EGW_SKIP_INSTALL" -a ! -f /var/www/egroupware/header.inc.php ] || \
php /var/www/egroupware/doc/rpm-build/post_install.php \
--start_webserver "" --autostart_webserver "" \
--start_db "" --autostart_db "" \
--db_type "${EGW_DB_TYPE:-mysqli}" \
--db_host "${EGW_DB_HOST:-localhost}" \
--db_grant_host "${EGW_DB_GRANT_HOST:-localhost}" \
--db_root "${EGW_DB_ROOT:-root}" \
--db_root_pw "${EGW_DB_ROOT_PW:-}" \
--db_name "${EGW_DB_NAME:-egroupware}" \
--db_user "${EGW_DB_USER:-egroupware}" \
--db_pass "${EGW_DB_PASS:-}"
if [ "$try" -gt "$max_retries" ]; then
echo "Installing of EGroupware failed!"
echo "Retrying EGroupware installation in 3 seconds ..."
sleep 3s
done 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
[ "$(git config --global user.email)" == "you@example.com" ] && {
echo "No git user set, please do so by running:"
echo "git config --global user.email "your@email.address"
echo "git config --global user.name "Your Name"
# as we can NOT exit from until (runs a subshell), we need to check and do it here
[ "$(tail -1 $LOG)" = "Installing of EGroupware failed!" ] && exit 1
# to run async jobs
service cron start
exec "$@"