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2005-09-17 00:11:36 +02:00
%1 already exists as a file tr %1 zaten dosya olarak var
application tr Uygulama
back to file manager tr Dosya Y<>neticisine D<>n
cancel editing %1 without saving tr %1 d<>zeltme ve kaydetme
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space tr Sonu veya ba<62><61> bo<62>luk i<>eren dizin yarat<61>lamaz
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory tr %1 dizin oldu<64>undan yeri de<64>i<EFBFBD>emez
command sucessfully run tr Komut <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>ld<6C>
comment tr Yorum
comments cannot contain "%1" tr Yorumlar "%1" i<>eremez
copied %1 to %2 tr %1 %2 ye kopyaland<6E>
copy to tr Kopyala
copy to: tr Kopyala:
could not copy %1 to %2 tr %1 %2 ye kopyalanamaz
could not copy file because no destination directory is given tr Hedef dizin belirsiz oldu<64>undan kopyala yap<61>lamaz
could not create %1 tr %1 yarat<61>lamaz
could not create directory %1 tr %1 dizini yarat<61>lamaz
could not delete %1 tr %1 silinemez
could not move %1 to %2 tr %1 %2 ye ta<74><61>namaz
could not move file because no destination directory is given tr Hedef dizin belirsiz oldu<64>undan ta<74><61>ma yap<61>lamaz
could not rename %1 to %2 tr %1 %2 olarak yeniden adland<6E>r<EFBFBD>lamaz
could not save %1 tr %1 Kaydedilemedi
create file tr Dosya Yarat
create folder tr Klas<61>r Yarat
created tr Yar.Tarihi
created %1 tr %1 Yarat<61>ld<6C>
created %1,%2 tr %1,%2 Yarat<61>ld<6C>
created by tr Yazar<61>
created directory %1 tr Created directory %1
date tr Tarih
default number of upload fields to show tr Default number of upload fields to show
delete tr Sil
deleted %1 tr Deleted %1
directory tr Dizin
directory %1 already exists tr %1 dizini zaten var
directory %1 does not exist tr %1 dizini yok
directory names cannot contain "%1" tr Dizin ad<61> "%1" i<>eremez
display attributes tr <09>zellikleri G<>ster
download tr <09>ndir
edit tr D<>zelt
edit comments tr Yorumlar<61> d<>zelt
error running command tr Komut <20>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>r<EFBFBD>lken hata
execute tr <09>al<61><6C>t<EFBFBD>r
failed to create directory tr dizin yarat<61>lamad<61>
fake base dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. tr Ad<41>n<EFBFBD>za bir dizin bulunamad<61>, eGroupWare sizin i<>in yaratt<74>.
file tr Dosya
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. tr %1 dosyas<61> zaten var. L<>tfen <20>nce onu silin veya d<>zeltin.
file %1 could not be created. tr %1 dosyas<61> yarat<61>lamad<61>.
file name tr Dosya Ad<41>
file names cannot contain "%1" tr Dosya adlar<61> "%1" i<>eremez
file names cannot contain \\ or / tr Dosya adlar<61> \\ veya / i<>eremez
filemanager preferences tr Tercihler
files tr Dosyalar
files in this directory tr Bu dizideki dosyalar
folder tr Klas<61>r
folder up tr <09>st Klas<61>r
go home tr Ana Dizine Git
go to tr Go To
go to %1 tr %1 e Git
go to your home directory tr Ana dizinine git
go to: tr Go to:
go up tr Yukar<61>
home tr Ana Dizin
location tr Yer
locked tr Kilitli
mime type tr MIME Tipi
modified tr De<44>.Tarihi
modified by tr De<44>i<EFBFBD>tiren
move to tr Ta<54><61>
move to: tr Ta<54><61>nacak Yer:
moved %1 to %2 tr Moved %1 to %2
no files in this directory. tr Bu dizinde dosya yok.
no version history for this file/directory tr Bu dosya/dizin i<>in s<>r<EFBFBD>m tarih<69>esi yok
operation tr <09><>lem
other settings tr Di<44>er ayarlar
owner tr Sahibi
please select a file to delete. tr L<>tfen silinecek bir dosya se<73>iniz.
preview %1 tr %1 <20>ng<6E>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>m
preview of %1 tr %1 in <20>ng<6E>r<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>m<EFBFBD>
quick jump to tr H<>zl<7A> ge<67>i<EFBFBD>
reload tr Tekrar Y<>kle
rename tr Yeniden Adland<6E>r
renamed %1 to %2 tr Renamed %1 to %2
replaced %1 tr Replaced %1
save %1 tr %1 Kaydet
save %1, and go back to file listing tr %1 i kaydet ve dosya listesine d<>n
save all tr Hepsini Kaydet
save changes tr De<44>i<EFBFBD>iklikleri Kaydet
saved %1 tr %1 Kaydedildi
show tr G<>ster
show .. tr G<>ster ..
show .files tr .dosyalar<61> G<>ster
show command line (experimental. dangerous.) tr Show command line (EXPERIMENTAL. DANGEROUS.)
show help tr Yard<72>m<EFBFBD> G<>ster
size tr Boy
sort by: tr Sort by:
the future filemanager, now for testing purposes only, please send bugreports tr The future filemanager, now for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY, please send bugreports
total files tr Toplam Dosyalar
unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing tr Unknown MIME-type defaults to text/plain when viewing
unused space tr Bo<42> Yer
up tr Yukar<61>
update tr G<>ncelle
updated comment for %1 tr Updated comment for %1
upload tr Y<>kle
upload fields tr Sahalar<61> y<>kle
upload files tr Dosyalar<61> y<>kle
use new experimental filemanager? tr Use new experimental Filemanager?
used space tr Kullan<61>lan Yer
users tr Kullan<61>c<EFBFBD>lar
version tr S<>r<EFBFBD>m
view documents in new window tr Belgeyi yeni pencerede g<>r
view documents on server (if available) tr Belgeleri sunucuda g<>r (varsa)
who tr Kim
you do not have access to %1 tr %1 e eri<72>im izniniz yok
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. tr Ana dizininiz yok, eGroupWare sizin i<>in yaratt<74>.