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* eGroupWare - Setup - Command line interface *
* http://www.egroupware.org *
* Written and (c) 2006 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de> *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id: class.socontacts_sql.inc.php 21634 2006-05-24 02:28:57Z ralfbecker $ */
* Command line interface for setup
* @package addressbook
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright (c) 2006 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); // to enable our relative pathes to work, if we are called with a path
if ($_SERVER['argc'] > 1)
$arguments = $_SERVER['argv'];
$action = array_shift($arguments);
$action = '--version';
if ((float) PHP_VERSION < '4.3')
fail(98,lang2('You are using PHP version %1. eGroupWare now requires %2 or later, recommended is PHP %3.',PHP_VERSION,'4.3','5+'));
case '--show-languages':
case '--show-lang':
echo html_entity_decode(file_get_contents('lang/languages'),ENT_COMPAT,'utf-8');
case '--version':
case '--check':
case '--create-header':
case '--edit-header':
case '--update-header':
do_header($action == '--create-header',$arguments);
case '--exit-codes':
fail(20,lang2("Unknows option '%1' !!!",$action));
case '--help':
case '--usage':
* Dummy translation function, if we ever want to translate the command line interface
* @param string $message the message with %# replacements
* @param string $arg variable number of arguments
* @return string
function lang2($message,$arg=null)
$args = func_get_args();
return str_replace(array('%1','%2','%3','%4','%5'),$args,$message);
* Echos usage message
function do_usage()
echo lang2('Usage: %1 {--version|--create-header|--edit-header|--install|--update} [additional options]',basename($_SERVER['argv'][0]))."\n\n";
echo '--install '.lang2('[comma-separated languages(en)],[charset(default depending on languages default)],[backup to install]')."\n";
echo '--show-languages '.lang2('get a list of availible languages')."\n";
echo '--update '.lang2('run a database schema update (if necessary)')."\n";
echo '--check '.lang2('checks eGroupWare\'s installed, it\'s versions and necessary upgrads (exits 0: eGW is up to date, 1: no header.inc.php exists, 2: header update necessary, 3: database schema update necessary)')."\n";
echo '--exit-codes '.lang2('list all exist codes of the command line interface, 0 means Ok')."\n";
echo "\n".lang2('Create or edit the eGroupWare configuration file: header.inc.php:')."\n";
echo '--create-header '.lang2('header-password[,header-user(admin)]')."\n";
echo '--edit-header '.lang2('[header-password],[header-user],[new-password],[new-user]')."\n";
echo "\n".lang2('Additional options and there defaults (int brackets)')."\n";
echo '--server-root '.lang2('path of eGroupWare install directory (default auto-detected)')."\n";
echo '--session-type '.lang2('{db|php(default)|php-restore}')."\n";
echo '--limit-access '.lang2('comma separated ip-addresses or host-names, default access to setup from everywhere')."\n";
echo '--mcrypt '.lang2('use mcrypt to crypt session-data: {off(default)|on},[mcrypt-init-vector(default randomly generated)],[mcrypt-version(default empty = recent)]')."\n";
echo '--db-persistent '.lang2('use persistent db connections: {on(default)|off}')."\n";
echo '--domain-selectbox '.lang2('{off(default)|on}')."\n";
echo "\n".lang2('Adding, editing or deleting an eGroupWare domain / database instance:')."\n";
echo '--domain '.lang2('add or edit a domain: [domain-name(default)],[db-name(egroupware)],[db-user(egroupware)],db-password,[db-type(mysql)],[db-host(localhost)],[db-port(db specific)],[config-user(as header)],[config-passwd(as header)]')."\n";
echo '--delete-domain '.lang2('domain-name')."\n";
* detect eGW versions
* @return array array with versions (keys phpgwapi, current_header and header)
function detect_versions()
$versions = null;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['noapi'] = true;
if (!@include('../header.inc.php'))
if (!@include('../phpgwapi/setup/setup.inc.php'))
fail(99,lang2("eGroupWare sources in '%1' are not complete, file '%2' missing !!!",realpath('..'),'phpgwapi/setup/setup.inc.php')); // should not happen ;-)
return array(
'phpgwapi' => $setup_info['phpgwapi']['version'],
'current_header' => $setup_info['phpgwapi']['versions']['current_header'],
return $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions'];
* Check if eGW is installed, which versions and if an update is needed
function do_check()
$versions = detect_versions();
echo lang2('eGroupWare API version %1 found.',$versions['phpgwapi'])."\n";
if (isset($versions['header'])) // header.inc.php exists
echo lang2("eGroupWare configuration file (header.inc.php) version %1 exists%2",$versions['header'],
($versions['header'] == $versions['current_header'] ? ' '.lang2('and is up to date') : '')).".\n";
if ($versions['header'] != $versions['current_header'])
// exit-code 2: header.inc.php needs upgrading
fail(2,lang2('You need to upgrade your header to the new version %1 (using --edit-header)!',$versions['current_header']));
// exit-code 1: no header.inc.php
// ToDo: check if eGW needs a schema upgrade and exit(3) if so
function fail($exit_code,$message)
echo $message."\n";
* List all exit codes used by the command line interface
function list_exit_codes()
error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_NOTICE);
$codes = array();
foreach(file(__FILE__) as $line)
if (preg_match('/fail\(([0-9]+),(.*)\);/',$line,$matches))
eval('$codes['.$matches[1].'] = '.$matches[2].';');
foreach($codes as $num => $msg)
echo $num."\t".str_replace("\n","\n\t",$msg)."\n";
* Check if we have a header.inc.php and fail with exit(10) if not
function check_fail_header_exists()
if (!file_exists('../header.inc.php'))
fail(1,lang2('eGroupWare configuration file (header.inc.php) does NOT exist.')."\n".lang2('Use --create-header to create the configuration file (--usage gives more options).'));
* Create, edit or update the header.inc.php
* @param boolean $create true = create new header, false = edit (or update) existing header
* @param array $arguments
* @return int
function do_header($create,&$arguments)
// setting up the $GLOBALS['egw_setup'] object AND including the header.inc.php if it exists
$GLOBALS['egw_info'] = array(
'flags' => array(
'currentapp' => 'home',
'noapi' => true,
$GLOBALS['egw_setup']->header =& new setup_header();
if (!file_exists('../header.inc.php'))
if (!$create) $this->check_fail_header_exists();
if ($create) fail(11,lang2('eGroupWare configuration file header.inc.php already exists, you need to use --edit-header or delete it first!'));
// header.inc.php is already include by include('inc/functions.inc.php')!
// check header-admin-user and -password
@list($password,$user) = explode(',',@$arguments[0]);
if (!$user) $user = 'admin';
if (!setup::check_auth($user,$password,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'],
fail(12,lang2('Access denied: wrong username or password for manage-header !!!'));
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['server_root'] = EGW_SERVER_ROOT;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['include_root'] = EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT;
$options = array(
'--create-header' => array(
'header_admin_password' => 'egw_info/server/',
'header_admin_user' => 'egw_info/server/',
'--edit-header' => array(
'header_admin_password' => 'egw_info/server/',
'header_admin_user' => 'egw_info/server/',
'new_admin_password' => 'egw_info/server/header_admin_password',
'new_admin_user' => 'egw_info/server/header_admin_user',
'--server-root' => 'egw_info/server/server_root',
'--include-root' => 'egw_info/server/include_root',
'--session-type' => array(
'sessions_type' => array(
'type' => 'egw_info/server/',
'allowed' => array('php'=>'php4','php4'=>'php4','php-restore'=>'php4-restore','php4-restore'=>'php4-restore','db'=>'db'),
'--limit-access' => 'egw_info/server/setup_acl', // name used in setup
'--setup-acl' => 'egw_info/server/setup_acl', // alias to match the real name
'--mcrypt' => array(
'mcrypt_enabled' => array(
'type' => 'egw_info/server/',
'allowed' => array('on' => true,'off' => false),
'mcrypt_iv' => 'egw_info/server/',
'mcrypt' => 'egw_info/versions/mcrypt',
'--domain-selectbox' => array(
'show_domain_selectbox' => array(
'type' => 'egw_info/server/',
'allowed' => array('on' => true,'off' => false),
'--db-persistent' => array(
'db_persistent' => array(
'type' => 'egw_info/server/',
'allowed' => array('on' => true,'off' => false),
'--domain' => array(
'domain' => '@',
'db_name' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'db_user' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'db_pass' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'db_type' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'db_host' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'db_port' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'config_user' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'config_passwd' => 'egw_domain/@/',
'--delete-domain' => true,
array_unshift($arguments,$create ? '--create-header' : '--edit-header');
while(($arg = array_shift($arguments)))
$values = count($arguments) && substr($arguments[0],0,2) !== '--' ? array_shift($arguments) : 'on';
if ($arg == '--delete-domain')
if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$values])) fail(22,lang2("Domain '%1' does NOT exist !!!",$values));
if (!isset($options[$arg])) fail(20,lang2("Unknow option '%1' !!!",$arg));
$option = $options[$arg];
$values = !is_array($option) ? array($values) : explode(',',$values);
if (!is_array($option)) $option = array($option => $option);
$n = 0;
foreach($option as $name => $data)
if ($n >= count($values)) break;
if (!is_array($data)) $data = array('type' => $data);
$type = $data['type'];
$value = $values[$n];
if (isset($data['allowed']))
if (!isset($data['allowed'][$value]))
fail(21,lang2("'%1' is not allowed as %2. arguments of option %3 !!!",$value,1+$n,$arg));
$value = $data['allowed'][$value];
if ($type == '@')
$remember = $arg == '--domain' && !$value ? 'default' : $value;
if ($arg == '--domain' && (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$remember]) || $create))
$GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$remember] = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->header->domain_defaults($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'],$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_password']);
elseif ($value !== '')
if ($name == 'egw_info/server/server_root')
if (($errors = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->header->validation_errors($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['server_root'],$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['include_root'])))
echo '$GLOBALS[egw_info] = '; print_r($GLOBALS['egw_info']);
echo '$GLOBALS[egw_domain] = '; print_r($GLOBALS['egw_domain']);
echo "\n".lang2('Configuration errors:')."\n- ".implode("\n- ",$errors)."\n";
fail(23,lang2("You need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written!"));
$header = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->header->generate($GLOBALS['egw_info'],$GLOBALS['egw_domain'],
echo $header;
if (file_exists('../header.inc.php') && is_writable('../header.inc.php') || is_writable('../'))
if (is_writable('../') && file_exists('../header.inc.php')) unlink('../header.inc.php');
if (($f = fopen('../header.inc.php','wb')) && fwrite($f,$header))
echo "\n".lang2('header.inc.php successful written.')."\n\n";
fail(24,lang2("Failed writing configuration file header.inc.php, check the permissions !!!"));
function set_value($arr,$index,$name,$value)
if (substr($index,-1) == '/') $index .= $name;
$var =& $arr;
foreach(explode('/',$index) as $name)
$var =& $var[$name];
$var = strstr($name,'passw') ? md5($value) : $value;
if (!function_exists('generate_mcyrpt_iv'))
function generate_mcyrpt_iv()
$random_char = array(
$iv = '';
for($i=0; $i<30; $i++)
$iv .= $random_char[rand(1,count($random_char))];
return $iv;