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2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
%1 already exists as a file filemanager cs %1 ji<6A> existuje jako soubor
application filemanager cs Aplikace
back to file manager filemanager cs Zp<5A>t na Spr<70>vce soubor<6F>
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager cs Ukon<6F>it editaci %1 bez ulo<6C>en<65>
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager cs Nemohu vytvo<76>it adres<65><73>, proto<74>e za<7A><61>n<EFBFBD> nebo kon<6F><6E> mezerou
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory filemanager cs Nemohu p<>epsat %1 proto<74>e je to adres<65><73>
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
command sucessfully run filemanager cs P<><50>kaz <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> spu<70>t<EFBFBD>n
comment filemanager cs Koment<6E><74>
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Koment<6E><74>e nemohou obsahovat "%1"
copied %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 zkop<6F>rov<6F>no do %2
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
copy to filemanager cs Kop<6F>rovat do
copy to: filemanager cs Kop<6F>rovat do:
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se zkop<6F>rovat %1 do %2
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se zkop<6F>rovat soubor, proto<74>e nebyl zad<61>n c<>lov<6F> adres<65><73>
could not create %1 filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se vytvo<76>it %1
could not create directory %1 filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se vytvo<76>it adres<65><73> %1
could not delete %1 filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se smazat %1
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se p<>esunout %1 do %2
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se p<>esunout soubor, proto<74>e nebyl zad<61>n c<>lov<6F> adres<65><73>
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se p<>ejmenovat %1 na %2
could not save %1 filemanager cs Nepoda<64>ilo se ulo<6C>it %1
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
create file filemanager cs Vytvo<76>it soubor
create folder filemanager cs Vytvo<76>it slo<6C>ku
created filemanager cs Vytvo<76>eno
created %1 filemanager cs Vytvo<76>eno %1
created %1,%2 filemanager cs Vytvo<76>eno %1,%2
created by filemanager cs Vytvo<76>il(a)
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
created directory %1 filemanager cs Vytvo<76>en adres<65><73> %1
date filemanager cs Datum
default number of upload fields to show filemanager cs V<>choz<6F> po<70>et zobrazovan<61>ch polo<6C>ek pro upload
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
delete filemanager cs Smazat
deleted %1 filemanager cs Smaz<61>no %1
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
directory filemanager cs Adres<65><73>
directory %1 already exists filemanager cs Adres<65><73> %1 ji<6A> existuje
directory %1 does not exist filemanager cs Adres<65><73> %1 neexistuje
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Jm<4A>na adres<65><73><EFBFBD> nesm<73> obsahovat "%1"
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
display attributes filemanager cs Zobrazit atributy
download filemanager cs St<53>hnout
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
edit filemanager cs Editovat
edit comments filemanager cs Editovat koment<6E><74>e
error running command filemanager cs Chyba p<>i spu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> p<><70>kazu
execute filemanager cs Spustit
failed to create directory filemanager cs nepoda<64>ilo se vytvo<76>it adres<65><73>
fake base dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager cs Virtu<74>ln<6C> z<>kladn<64> adres<65><73> neexistoval, eGroupWare vytvo<76>il nov<6F>
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
file filemanager cs Soubor
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager cs Soubor %1 ji<6A> existuje. Bu<42> ho nejprve sma<6D>te nebo ho zeditujte.
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
file %1 could not be created. filemanager cs Soubor %1 nemohl b<>t vytvo<76>en.
file name filemanager cs Jm<4A>no souboru
file names cannot contain or / filemanager cs Jm<4A>na soubor<6F> nesm<73> obsahovat \ nebo /
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager cs Jm<4A>na soubor<6F> nesm<73> obsahovat "%1"
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
filemanager common cs Spr<70>vce soubor<6F>
filemanager preferences filemanager cs P<>edvolby Spr<70>vce soubor<6F>
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
files filemanager cs Soubory
files in this directory filemanager cs Soubory v tomto adres<65><73>i
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
folder filemanager cs Slo<6C>ka
folder up filemanager cs O slo<6C>ku v<><76>e
go home filemanager cs zp<7A>t dom<6F>
go to filemanager cs J<>t na
go to %1 filemanager cs J<>t na %1
go to your home directory filemanager cs J<>t do domovsk<73>ho adres<65><73>e
go to: filemanager cs J<>t na:
go up filemanager cs J<>t v<><76>e
home filemanager cs Domov
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
location filemanager cs Um<55>st<73>n<EFBFBD>
locked filemanager cs Uzam<61>en
mime type filemanager cs MIME typ
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
modified filemanager cs Zm<5A>n<EFBFBD>no
modified by filemanager cs Zm<5A>nil(a)
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
move to filemanager cs P<>esunout do
move to: filemanager cs P<>esunout do:
moved %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1p<31>esunuto do %2
no files in this directory. filemanager cs V tomto adres<65><73>i nejsou soubory.
no version history for this file/directory filemanager cs Pro tento soubor/adres<65><73> neexistuje historie verz<72>
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
operation filemanager cs Operace
other settings filemanager cs Ostatn<74> nastaven<65>
owner filemanager cs Vlastn<74>k
please select a file to delete. filemanager cs Vyberte pros<6F>m soubor ke smaz<61>n<EFBFBD>.
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
preview %1 filemanager cs N<>hled %1
preview of %1 filemanager cs N<>hled (<28>eho) %1
quick jump to filemanager cs Rychl<68> skok na
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
reload filemanager cs Na<4E><61>st znovu
rename filemanager cs P<>ejmenovat
renamed %1 to %2 filemanager cs %1 p<>ejmenov<6F>no na %2
replaced %1 filemanager cs %1nahrazeno
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
save %1 filemanager cs Ulo<6C>it %1
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager cs Ulo<6C>it %1 a vr<76>tit se zp<7A>t na seznam soubor<6F>
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
save all filemanager cs Ulo<6C>it v<>e
save changes filemanager cs Ulo<6C>it zm<7A>ny
saved %1 filemanager cs %1 ulo<6C>eno
show filemanager cs Zobrazit
show .. filemanager cs Zobrazit ...
show .files filemanager cs Zobrazit skryt<79> .soubory
show command line (experimental. dangerous.) filemanager cs Zobrazit p<><70>kazovou <20><>dku (Experiment<6E>ln<6C>, nebezpe<70>en<65>)
show help filemanager cs Zobrazit n<>pov<6F>du
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
size filemanager cs Velikost
sort by: filemanager cs T<><54>dit dle
the future filemanager, now for testing purposes only, please send bugreports filemanager cs Budouc<75> spr<70>vce soubor<6F>, zat<61>m JEN PRO TESTOVAC<41> <20><>ELY. Pos<6F>lejte pros<6F>m hl<68><6C>en<65> o chyb<79>ch.
total files filemanager cs Celkem soubor<6F>
unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing filemanager cs Nezn<7A>m<EFBFBD> MIME typy jsou standardn<64> zobrazov<6F>ny jako prost<73> text
unused space filemanager cs Nevyu<79>it<69> m<>sto
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
up filemanager cs Nahoru
update filemanager cs Aktualizovat
updated comment for %1 filemanager cs Aktualizovat koment<6E><74> pro %1
upload filemanager cs Uploadovat
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
upload fields filemanager cs polo<6C>ky pro upload
upload files filemanager cs Uploadovat soubory
use new experimental filemanager? filemanager cs Pou<6F><75>vat nov<6F> experiment<6E>ln<6C> spr<70>vce soubor<6F>?
used space filemanager cs Vyu<79>it<69> m<>sto
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
users filemanager cs U<>ivatel<65>
version filemanager cs Verze
view documents in new window filemanager cs Zobrazovat dokumenty v nov<6F>m okn<6B>
view documents on server (if available) filemanager cs Zobrazovat dokumenty na serveru (je-li k dispozici)
2005-09-29 21:17:02 +02:00
who filemanager cs Kdo
you do not have access to %1 filemanager cs Nem<65>te p<><70>stup k %1
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager cs V<><56> domovsk<73> adres<65><73> neexistoval, eGroupWare vytvo<76>il nov<6F>.