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* EGroupware eTemplate2 - Email-selection WebComponent
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package api
* @link https://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
import {Et2Select} from "../Et2Select";
import {css, html, nothing, PropertyValues} from "lit";
import {IsEmail} from "../../Validators/IsEmail";
import interact from "@interactjs/interact";
import {Validator} from "@lion/form-core";
import {classMap} from "lit/directives/class-map.js";
import {state} from "lit/decorators/state.js";
2022-09-28 19:14:02 +02:00
* Select email address(es)
* Allows free entries of valid email addresses, but also searches contacts.
* You should set multiple="true" for most cases for better UI
* @see Et2SelectEmail
export class Et2SelectEmail extends Et2Select
static get styles()
return [
:host {
display: block;
flex: 1 1 auto;
min-width: 200px;
::slotted(sl-icon[slot="suffix"]) {
display: none;
/* Hide selected options from the dropdown */
display: none;
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
/*** Drag & Drop ***/
.et2-select-draggable {
touch-action: none;
:host(.et2_dropZone)::part(combobox) {
background-color: transparent;
static get properties()
return {
* Allow drag and drop tags between two or more Et2SelectEmail widgets
allowDragAndDrop: {type: Boolean},
* Allow placeholders like {{email}}, beside real email-addresses
allowPlaceholder: {type: Boolean},
* Include mailing lists: returns them with their integer list_id
includeLists: {type: Boolean},
* If the email is a contact, we normally show the contact name instead of the email.
* Set to true to turn this off and always show just the email
* Mutually exclusive with fullEmail!
onlyEmail: {type: Boolean},
* Show the full, original value email address under all circumstances, rather than the contact name for known contacts
fullEmail: {type: Boolean}
/* Drag and drop has issues with positioning when we automatically open. Don't open if the user clicks on a tag. */
@state() _cancelOpen = false;
constructor(...args : any[])
// Additional option for select email, per ticket #79694
this._close_on_select = this.egw().preference("select_multiple_close") != "open";
this.search = true;
this.searchUrl = "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Taglist::ajax_email";
this.allowFreeEntries = true;
this.allowPlaceholder = false;
this.editModeEnabled = true;
this.allowDragAndDrop = false;
this.includeLists = false;
this.multiple = false;
this.fullEmail = false;
this.onlyEmail = false;
this.defaultValidators.push(new IsEmail(this.allowPlaceholder));
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
this.handleMouseDown = this.handleMouseDown.bind(this);
/** @param {import('@lion/core').PropertyValues } changedProperties */
willUpdate(changedProperties : PropertyValues)
this.defaultValidators = (<Array<Validator>>this.defaultValidators).filter(v => !(v instanceof IsEmail));
this.defaultValidators.push(new IsEmail(this.allowPlaceholder));
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
this.select.addEventListener("mousedown", this.handleMouseDown);
updated(changedProperties : Map<string, any>)
// Make tags draggable
this._cancelOpen = false;
if(!this.readonly && this.allowFreeEntries && this.allowDragAndDrop)
* Make the tags draggable
* @protected
protected _makeDraggable()
this.select.updateComplete.then(() =>
let dragTranslate = {x: 0, y: 0};
const tags = Array.from(this.select.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".select__tags et2-email-tag"));
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
let draggable = interact(".et2-select-draggable").draggable({
startAxis: 'xy',
listeners: {
start: function(e)
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
let dragPosition = {x: e.page.x, y: e.page.y};
dragTranslate = {x: 0, y: 0};
e.target.setAttribute('style', `width:${e.target.clientWidth}px !important`);
e.target.style.position = 'fixed';
e.target.style.zIndex = 10;
e.target.style.transform =
`translate(${dragPosition.x}px, ${dragPosition.y}px)`;
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
move: function(e)
dragTranslate.x += e.delta.x;
dragTranslate.y += e.delta.y;
e.target.style.transform =
`translate(${dragTranslate.x}px, ${dragTranslate.y}px)`;
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
end: function(e)
// Restore dragged tag to where it came from
// set parent_node with widget context in order to make it accessible after drop
draggable.parent_node = this;
protected _bindListeners()
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
this.updateComplete.then(() =>
accept: `.et2-select-draggable`,
ondrop: function(e)
// Restore dragged tag
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
const source = e.relatedTarget.getRootNode().host // Containing sl-select
.getRootNode().host // Containing et2-select-email
// remove the dragged value from its origin source
source.value = source.value.filter(_item => {return e.relatedTarget.value !== _item;})
// Add in as free entry
ondragenter: function(e)
ondragleave: function(e)
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
protected handleMouseDown(e : MouseEvent)
// We need this hidden _now_ because of drag & drop, can't wait until update
this.select.shadowRoot.querySelector("sl-popup").active = false;
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
* Handle keypresses inside the search input
* Overridden from parent to also skip the hidden selected options, which other selects do not do
* @param {KeyboardEvent} event
* @protected
protected _handleSearchKeyDown(event : KeyboardEvent)
// Pass off some keys to select
if(['ArrowDown', 'ArrowUp', 'Home', 'End'].includes(event.key))
// Strip out hidden non-matching selected so key navigation works
this.menuItems = this.menuItems.filter(i => !i.checked);
return super._handleSearchKeyDown(event);
* Actually query the server.
* Overridden to change request to match server
* @param {string} search
* @param {object} options
* @returns {any}
* @protected
protected remoteQuery(search : string, options : object)
return this.egw().request(this.searchUrl, [search, {includeLists: this.includeLists}]).then((results) =>
// If results have a total included, pull it out.
// It will cause errors if left in the results
if(typeof results.total !== "undefined")
this._total_result_count += results.total;
delete results.total;
// Make it an array, since it was probably an object, and cleanSelectOptions() treats objects differently
results = Object.values(results);
this._total_result_count += results.length;
this._total_result_count -= this.processRemoteResults(results);
* Use a custom tag for when multiple=true
* @returns {string}
_tagTemplate(option, index)
const readonly = (this.readonly || option && typeof (option.disabled) != "undefined" && option.disabled);
const isEditable = this.editModeEnabled && !readonly;
return html`
2023-11-24 22:40:59 +01:00
"et2-select-draggable": !this.readonly && this.allowFreeEntries && this.allowDragAndDrop,
2023-09-25 14:35:18 +02:00
@mousedown=${(e) => {this._cancelOpen = true;}}
.value=${option.value.replaceAll("___", " ")}
* Override icon for the select option to use lavatar, same as Et2SelectAccount
* @param option
* @protected
protected _iconTemplate(option)
// lavatar uses a size property, not a CSS variable
let style = getComputedStyle(this);
return html`
<et2-lavatar slot="prefix" part="icon" .size=${style.getPropertyValue("--icon-width")}
lname=${option.lname || nothing}
fname=${option.fname || nothing}
image=${option.icon || nothing}
* Overwritten to NOT split RFC822 addresses containing a comma in quoted name part
* E.g. '"Becker, Ralf" <rb@egroupware.org>'
* @param val
set_value(val : string | string[] | number | number[])
if(typeof val === 'string' && val.indexOf(',') !== -1)
val = val.split(',');
for(let n=0; n < val.length-1; n++)
while (val[n].indexOf('@') === -1 && n < val.length-1)
val[n] += ',' + val[n+1];
val.splice(n+1, 1);
* Sometimes users paste multiple comma separated values at once. Split them then handle normally.
* Overridden here to handle email addresses that may have commas using the regex from the validator.
* @param {ClipboardEvent} event
* @protected
protected _handlePaste(event : ClipboardEvent)
let paste = event.clipboardData.getData('text');
const selection = window.getSelection();
let preg = this.allowPlaceholder ? IsEmail.EMAIL_PLACEHOLDER_PREG : IsEmail.EMAIL_PREG;
// Trim line start / end anchors off validation regex, make global
let regex = new RegExp(preg.toString().substring(2, preg.toString().length - 3), 'g');
let values = paste.match(regex);
values.forEach(v =>
// @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement
customElements.define("et2-select-email", Et2SelectEmail);