
343 lines
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(for weekly) calendar cs (pro t<>denn<6E>)
1 match found calendar cs Nalezen 1 z<>znam
access common cs P<><50>stup
access type common cs Druh p<><70>stupu
access type todo cs Druh p<><70>stupu
account active admin cs Aktivn<76> <20><>et
account has been created common cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et byl vytvo<76>en
account has been deleted common cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et byl smaz<61>n
account has been updated common cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et byl zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n
active admin cs Aktivn<76>
add common cs P<>idat
address book addressbook cs Adres<65><73>
address book common cs Telefonn<6E> seznam
addressbook common cs Telefonn<6E> seznam
admin common cs Administr<74>tor
administration common cs Spr<70>va
all records and account information will be lost! admin cs V<>echny z<>znamy a informace o <20><>tu budou ztraceny!
anonymous user admin cs Anonymn<6D> u<>ivatel
april common cs Duben
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcte vymazat tento <20><>et ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry todo cs Opravdu chcete vymazat tento z<>znam?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcete vymazat tento z<>znam?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcete vymazat tuto skupinu ?
are you sure you want to delete this news site ? admin cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcete vymazat tuto s<><73> novinek (news site) ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin cs Jste si jist, <20>e chcete zru<72>it tuto relaci ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar cs Jste si jist,\n<>e chcete\nvymazat tento z<>znam ?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar cs Ur<55>it<69>\nchcete\ndsmazat tento z<>znam ?\n\nBude vymaz<61>n\npro v<>echny u<>ivatele.
august common cs Srpen
author nntp cs Autor
available groups nntp cs Dostupn<70> skupiny
bad login or password login cs <09>patn<74> jm<6A>no nebo heslo
base url admin cs Z<>kladn<64> adresa URL
birthday addressbook cs Narozeniny
book marks common cs Z<>lo<6C>ky
bookmarks common cs Pozn<7A>mky
brief description calendar cs Kr<4B>tk<74> popis
calendar common cs Kalend<6E><64>
calendar - add calendar cs Kalend<6E><64> - P<>idej
calendar - edit calendar cs Kalend<6E><64> - Uprav
cancel common cs Storno
cancel filemanager cs Storno
change common cs Zm<5A>nit
change your password preferences cs Zm<5A>nit va<76>e heslo
change your profile preferences cs Zm<5A>nit profil
change your settings preferences cs Zm<5A>nit nastaven<65>
charset common cs iso-8859-2
chat common cs Chat
city addressbook cs M<>sto
clear common cs Smazat
clear form common cs Vy<56>istit formul<75><6C>
clear form todo cs Vyma<6D> formul<75><6C>
clipboard_contents filemanager cs Obsah vyrovn<76>vac<61> schr<68>nky (clipboard)
company name addressbook cs Firma
completed todo cs dokon<6F>eno
copy common cs Kop<6F>rovat
copy filemanager cs Kop<6F>rovat
copy_as filemanager cs Kop<6F>ruj jako
create common cs Vytvo<76>it
create filemanager cs Vytvo<76>it
create group admin cs Vytvo<76>it skupinu
created by common cs Vytvo<76>il
created by todo cs Zadal
current users common cs Sou<6F>asn<73> u<>ivatel<65>
current_file filemanager cs Sou<6F>asn<73> soubor
daily calendar cs Denn<6E>
date common cs Datum
date nntp cs Datum
date due todo cs Po<50>adovan<61> datum spln<6C>n<EFBFBD>
date format preferences cs Form<72>t datumu
days repeated calendar cs dn<64> se opakuje
december common cs Prosinec
default application preferences cs Implicitn<74> aplikace
default sorting order preferences cs Implicitn<74> t<><74>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>
delete common cs Vymazat
delete filemanager cs Smazat
description calendar cs Popis
disabled admin cs Zak<61>zan<61>
display admin cs Zobraz
done common cs Hotovo
download filemanager cs Download (nahr<68>n<EFBFBD> na klienta)
do_delete filemanager cs Smazat
duration calendar cs Trv<72>n<EFBFBD>
e-mail addressbook cs E-Mail
e-mail common cs E-Mail
edit common cs Upravit
edit filemanager cs Upravit
email common cs E-Mail
email signature preferences cs E-Mail Podpis
enter your new password preferences cs Vlo<6C>te va<76>e heslo
entry has been deleted sucessfully common cs Z<>znam <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> vymaz<61>n
entry updated sucessfully common cs Z<>znam <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> upraven
error common cs Chyba
error creating x x directory common cs Chyba p<>i vytv<74><76>en<65> $m1$m2 adres<65><73>e
error deleting x x directory common cs Chyba p<>i maz<61>n<EFBFBD> $m1$m2 adres<65><73>e
error renaming x x directory common cs Chyba p<>i p<>ejmenov<6F>n<EFBFBD> $m1$m2 adres<65><73>e
err_saving_file filemanager cs Chyba p<>i z<>pisu souboru na disk
exit common cs Ukon<6F>it
exit filemanager cs Ukon<6F>it
f calendar cs P<>
fax addressbook cs Fax
february common cs <09>nor
file manager common cs Spr<70>vce soubor<6F>
files filemanager cs Soubory
file_upload filemanager cs Nahr<68>n<EFBFBD> souboru
filter common cs Filtr
first name addressbook cs Jm<4A>no
first name common cs Jm<4A>no
first page common cs prvn<76> str<74>nka
frequency calendar cs Frekvence opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
fri calendar cs P<>
friday common cs P<>tek
ftp common cs FTP
full description calendar cs Celkov<6F> popis
generate printer-friendly version calendar cs Generuj verzi pro tisk
global public common cs Ve<56>ejn<6A> pro v<>echny
go! calendar cs Jdi!
group access common cs Skupinov<6F> p<><70>stup
group has been added common cs Skupina byla p<>id<69>na
group has been deleted common cs Skupina byla smaz<61>na
group has been updated common cs Skupina byla upravena
group name admin cs Jm<4A>no skupiny
group public common cs Ve<56>ejn<6A> pro skupiny
groups common cs Skupiny
groupsfile_perm_error filemanager cs K oprav<61> t<>to chyby pot<6F>ebujete spr<70>vn<76> nastavit p<><70>stupov<6F> pr<70>va do adres<65><73>e files/users.<BR> Na *NIXov<6F>ch syst<73>mech pros<6F>m napi<70>te: chmod 707
group_files filemanager cs skupinov<6F> soubory
headline sites admin cs S<>t<EFBFBD> s nov<6F>mi <20>l<EFBFBD>nky
headlines common cs Zpr<70>vy
help common cs N<>pov<6F>da
high common cs Vysok<6F>
home common cs Dom<6F>
home phone addressbook cs Telefon - dom<6F>
human resources common cs Lidsk<73> zdroje
idle admin cs <09>ekaj<61>c<EFBFBD>
inventory common cs Inventory
ip admin cs IP - adresa
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common cs Va<56>e heslo bylo zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>no p<>ed v<>ce ne<6E> $m1 dny
january common cs Leden
july common cs <09>ervenec
june common cs <09>erven
kill admin cs Zru<72>it
language preferences cs Jazyk
last name addressbook cs P<><50>jmen<65>
last name common cs P<><50>jmen<65>
last page common cs posldn<64> str<74>nka
last time read admin cs Posledn<64> p<>e<EFBFBD>teno
last updated todo cs Naposledy upraveno
last x logins admin cs Posledn<64>ch %1 p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
list of current users admin cs Seznam sou<6F>asn<73>ch u<>ivatel<65>
listings displayed admin cs Zobrazen<65> seznamy
login common cs P<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
login time admin cs <09>as p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65>
loginid admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no
logout common cs Odhl<68><6C>en<65>
low common cs N<>zk<7A>
m calendar cs P
manager admin cs Spr<70>vce
march common cs B<>ezen
max matchs per page preferences cs Po<50>et z<>znam<61> na str<74>nku
may common cs Kv<4B>ten
medium common cs St<53>edn<64>
message x nntp cs Zpr<70>va %1
minutes calendar cs Minut
minutes between reloads admin cs Minut mezi opkakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>m na<6E>ten<65>
mobile addressbook cs Mobil
mon calendar cs Po
monday common cs Pond<6E>l<EFBFBD>
monitor nntp cs Sledov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
monitor newsgroups preferences cs Sleduj Newsgroups
month calendar cs M<>s<EFBFBD>c
monthly (by date) calendar cs M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD> (podle data)
monthly (by day) calendar cs M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD> (podle dne)
name common cs Jm<4A>no
network news admin cs S<><53>ov<6F> novinky
new entry calendar cs Nov<6F> z<>znam
new entry added sucessfully common cs Nov<6F> z<>znam <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> p<>id<69>n
new group name admin cs Nov<6F> jm<6A>no skupiny
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nov<6F> heslo [ Pokud je nechcete m<>nit, ponechte pr<70>zdn<64> ]
news file admin cs Soubor zpr<70>v (news)
news headlines common cs News - titulky
news reader common cs News - <20>ten<65>
news type admin cs Druh zpr<70>v
newsgroups nntp cs Newsgroups
next nntp cs Dal<61><6C>
next page common cs dal<61><6C> str<74>nka
nntp common cs NNTP
no common cs Ne
no matches found. calendar cs <09><>dn<64> z<>znam nenalezen.
none calendar cs <09><>dn<64>
normal common cs Norm<72>ln<6C>
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences cs Pozn<7A>mka: T<>mto *nezm<7A>n<EFBFBD>te* va<76>e heslo pro E-mail. To je t<>eba ud<75>lat ru<72>n<EFBFBD>
notes addressbook cs Pozn<7A>mky
november common cs Listopad
no_file_name filemanager cs Nebylo ur<75>eno jm<6A>no souboru
october common cs <09><>jen
ok common cs OK
on *nix systems please type: x common cs Na *NIX syst<73>mech pros<6F>m napi<70>te: %1
only yours common cs jenom va<76>e
other number addressbook cs Telefon - ostatn<74>
pager addressbook cs Pager
participants calendar cs Spoluzodpov<6F>dn<64>
password login cs Heslo
password common cs Heslo
password has been updated common cs Heslo bylo zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>no
percent of users that logged out admin cs Procento u<>ivatel<65>, kte<74><65> se odhl<68>sili
permissions admin cs Povolen<65>
permissions to the files/users directory common cs pr<70>va k adres<65><73>i pro soubory / u<>ivatele
please x by hand common cs Pros<6F>m %1 ru<72>n<EFBFBD>
please, select a new theme preferences cs Pros<6F>m vyberte nov<6F> barevn<76> t<>ma
powered by phpgroupware version x common cs Aplikace <a href=>phpGroupWare</a> verze $m1
preferences common cs Nastaven<65>
previous page common cs P<>edchoz<6F> str<74>nka
printer friendly calendar cs Pro tisk
priority common cs Priorita
private common cs Soukrom<6F>
private_files filemanager cs Soukrom<6F> soubory
re-enter password admin cs Opakuj heslo
re-enter your password preferences cs Opakujte va<76>e heslo
rename common cs P<>ejmenovat
rename filemanager cs P<>ejmenovat
rename_to filemanager cs P<>ejmenuj na
repeat day calendar cs Den pro opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
repeat end date calendar cs Datum konce opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
repeat type calendar cs Druh opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
repetition calendar cs Opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
sa calendar cs So
sat calendar cs So
saturday common cs Sobota
save common cs Ulo<6C>it
save filemanager cs Ulo<6C>it
search common cs Hledat
search results calendar cs V<>sledky hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
select different theme preferences cs Zm<5A>nit barevn<76> t<>ma
select headline news sites preferences cs Vyberte s<>t<EFBFBD> pro titulky
select users for inclusion admin cs Vyberte u<>ivatele, kte<74><65> budou p<>id<69>ni
september common cs Z<><5A><EFBFBD>
session has been killed common cs Relace byla zru<72>ena
show all common cs Uk<55>zat v<>e
show all groups nntp cs Uka<6B> v<>echny skupiny
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences cs Uk<55>zat p<>ipomenut<75> narozenin na hlavn<76> obrazovce
show current users on navigation bar preferences cs Uk<55>zat po<70>et sou<6F>asn<73>ch u<>ivatel<65> na naviga<67>n<EFBFBD>m <20><>dku
show groups containing nntp cs Uka<6B> skupiny obsahuj<75>c<EFBFBD>
show high priority events on main screen preferences cs Uk<55>zat ud<75>losti s vysokou prioritou na hlavn<76> obrazovce
show new messages on main screen preferences cs Uk<55>zat nov<6F> zpr<70>vy na hlavn<76> obrazovce
show text on navigation icons preferences cs Uk<55>zat text na naviga<67>n<EFBFBD>ch ikon<6F>ch
showing x common cs zobrazeno $m1
showing x - x of x common cs zobrazeno %1 - %2 z %3
site admin cs S<><53>
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group x admin cs Je mi l<>to, tito u<>ivatel<65> jsou st<73>le <20>leny skupiny $m1
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common cs Promi<6D>te, nastala chyba p<>i zpracov<6F>n<EFBFBD> va<76>eho po<70>adavku.
sorry, your login has expired login cs Promi<6D>te, platnost va<76>eho p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> ji<6A> vypr<70>ela
specify_file_name filemanager cs Mus<75>te pojmenovat soubor, kter<65> chcete vytvo<76>it
state addressbook cs St<53>t
status todo cs Stav
street addressbook cs Ulice
subject nntp cs P<>edm<64>t
submit common cs Potvrdit
sun calendar cs Ne
sunday common cs Ned<65>la
that loginid has already been taken admin cs Toto u<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no ji<6A> bylo pou<6F>ito
that site has already been entered admin cs Tato s<><73> ji<6A> byla zad<61>na
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>x</ul> calendar cs N<>sleduj<75> kolize se zadan<61>m <20>asem:<ul>$m1</ul>
the login and password can not be the same admin cs Heslo a u<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no nem<65><6D>e b<>t stejn<6A>
the two passwords are not the same admin cs Zadan<61> hesla nejsou stejn<6A>
the two passwords are not the same preferences cs Hesla nejsou shodn<64>
they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Mus<75> b<>t odebr<62>ni ne<6E> budete moci pokra<72>ovat
this month calendar cs Tento m<>s<EFBFBD>c
this server is located in the x timezone preferences cs Tento server je v %1 <20>asov<6F> z<>n<EFBFBD>
this week calendar cs Tento t<>den
threads nntp cs Vl<56>kna
thu calendar cs <09>t
thursday common cs <09>tvrtek
time common cs <09>as
time format preferences cs Form<72>t <20>asu
time zone offset preferences cs <09>asov<6F> z<>na (rozd<7A>l)
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common cs $c = "Aby se chyba neobjevovala v budoucnosti mus<75>te pr<70>vn<76> nastavit"
today calendar cs Dnes
today is x's birthday! common cs Dnes m<> narozeniny %1!
todo todo cs <09>koly
todo list common cs <09>koly
todo list todo cs <09>koly
todo list - add todo cs <09>koly - p<>idej
todo list - edit todo cs <09>koly - uprav
tommorow is x's birthday. common cs Z<>tra m<> narozeniny %1.
total common cs Celkem
total records admin cs Celkem z<>znam<61>
trouble ticket system common cs Sledov<6F>n<EFBFBD> probl<62>m<EFBFBD>
tue calendar cs <09>t
tuesday common cs <09>ter<65>
update nntp cs Obnovit
updated common cs Upraven
upload filemanager cs Upload (ullo<6C>en<65> na server)
urgency todo cs Nal<61>havost
use cookies login cs pou<6F><75>vat su<73>enky (cookies)
use end date calendar cs Datum konce pou<6F>it<69>
user accounts admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>ty
user groups admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> skupiny
username login cs U<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no
users common cs u<>ivatel<65>
usersfile_perm_error filemanager cs To correct this error you will need to properly set the permissions to the files/users directory.<BR> On *nix systems please type: chmod 707
view common cs Prohl<68>dnout
view access log admin cs Uka<6B> z<>znam p<><70>stup<75>
view sessions admin cs Uka<6B> relace
view this entry calendar cs Uka<6B> tento z<>znam
w calendar cs S
wed calendar cs St
wednesday common cs St<53>eda
week calendar cs T<>den
weekday starts on preferences cs T<>den za<7A><61>n<EFBFBD> v
weekly calendar cs T<>dn<64>
which groups common cs kter<65> skupiny
which groups todo cs Kter<65> skupiny
work day ends on preferences cs Pracovn<76> dny kon<6F><6E> v
work day starts on preferences cs Pracovn<76> dny za<7A><61>naj<61> v
work phone addressbook cs Telefon - pr<70>ce
x matches found calendar cs $m1 z<>znam<61> nalezeno
year calendar cs Rok
yearly calendar cs Ro<52>n<EFBFBD>
yes common cs Ano
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common cs M<>te dnes 1 ud<75>lost s vysokou prioritou.
you have 1 new message! common cs M<>te 1 novou zpr<70>vu!
you have been successfully logged out login cs Va<56>e odhl<68><6C>en<65> porb<72>hlo <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>
you have entered an invailed date todo cs vlo<6C>ili jste nespr<70>vn<76> datum
you have not entered a\nbrief description calendar cs Nebyl zad<61>n \nkr<6B>tk<74> popis
you have not entered a\nvalid time of day. calendar cs Nebyl zad<61>n \nplatn<74> <20>as.
you have x high priority events on your calendar today. common cs M<>te dnes $m1 ud<75>lost<73> s vysokou priritou.
you have x new messages! common cs M<>te $m1 nov<6F>ch zpr<70>v!
you must enter a base url admin cs Mus<75>te zadat z<>kladn<64> URL adresu
you must enter a display admin cs Mus<75>te zadat obrazovku
you must enter a news url admin cs Mus<75>te zadat URL adresu news
you must enter a password admin cs Mus<75>te zadat heslo
you must enter a password preferences cs Mus<75>te vlo<6C>it heslo
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar cs Mus<75>te zadat aspo<70> jedno kl<6B><6C>ov<6F> slovo
you must enter the number of listings display admin cs Mus<75>te zadat po<70>et zobrazen<65>ch z<>znam<61>
you must enter the number of minutes between reload admin cs Mus<75>te zadat po<70>et minut mezi opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>m na<6E>ten<65>
you must select a file type admin cs Mus<75>te vybrat druh souboru
your current theme is: x preferences cs Va<56>e barevn<76> t<>ma je: <b>%1</b>
your message has been sent common cs Va<56>e zpr<70>va byla odesl<73>na
your search returned 1 match common cs byl nalezen 1 z<>znam
your search returned x matchs common cs bylo nalezeno %1 z<>znam<61>
your settings have been updated common cs Va<56>e nastaven<65> bylo upraveno
your suggested time of <b> x - x </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar cs V<><56> navrhovan<61> <20>as <B> %1 - %2 </B> se p<>ekr<6B>v<EFBFBD> s n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD>mi z<>znamy v kalend<6E><64>i:
zip code addressbook cs PS<50>