both: allow to use projectmanager and free project-names admin zh 两者:使用项目管理和自选项目名称
by timesheet zh 由
check all timesheet zh 全选
comment by %1 at %2: timesheet zh %1在%2的评论:
create new links timesheet zh 创建新链接
creates a new field timesheet zh 创建一新字段
creating new entry timesheet zh 创建新条目
custom fields timesheet zh 自定义字段
delete this status timesheet zh 删除这个状态
deleted timesheet zh 已删除
deletes this field timesheet zh 删除此字段域
determines the order the fields are displayed timesheet zh 确定显示字段域顺序
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] timesheet zh 每个数值是一行像是<id>[=<label>]这样的文字
edit status timesheet zh Edit Status
edit this entry timesheet zh 编辑此条目
empty if identical to duration timesheet zh 如果同期侧留空
end timesheet zh 结束
entry deleted timesheet zh 条目已删除
entry saved timesheet zh 条目已保存
error deleting the entry!!! timesheet zh 删除条目错误!
error saving the entry!!! timesheet zh 保存条目错误!
existing links timesheet zh 现有链接
export timesheet zh 导出
export to openoffice spreadsheet timesheet zh 导出到 OpenOffice 电子表格
exports entries from your timesheet into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. timesheet zh 从您的Timesheet导出词条到CSV文件。CSV采用'逗号分隔'方法。然而在选项标签您仍能够选择其它分隔符。