2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* EGroupware - Calendar - Javascript UI
2021-06-11 11:31:06 +02:00
* @link https : //www.egroupware.org
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
* @package calendar
2021-06-11 11:31:06 +02:00
* @author Hadi Nategh < hn - AT - egroupware.org >
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
* @author Nathan Gray
2021-06-11 11:31:06 +02:00
* @copyright ( c ) 2008 - 21 by Ralf Becker < RalfBecker - AT - outdoor - training.de >
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
* @license http : //opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* /
/ * e g w : u s e s
/ a p i / j s / j s a p i / e g w _ a p p . j s ;
/ e t e m p l a t e / j s / e t e m p l a t e 2 . j s ;
/ c a l e n d a r / j s / V i e w . j s ;
/ c a l e n d a r / j s / e t 2 _ w i d g e t _ o w n e r . j s ;
/ c a l e n d a r / j s / e t 2 _ w i d g e t _ t i m e g r i d . j s ;
/ c a l e n d a r / j s / e t 2 _ w i d g e t _ p l a n n e r . j s ;
/ v e n d o r / b o w e r - a s s e t / j q u e r y - t o u c h s w i p e / j q u e r y . t o u c h S w i p e . j s ;
* /
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
import { EgwApp , PushData } from "../../api/js/jsapi/egw_app" ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
import { etemplate2 } from "../../api/js/etemplate/etemplate2" ;
import { et2_container } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_core_baseWidget" ;
import { et2_date } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_widget_date" ;
import { day , day4 , listview , month , planner , week , weekN } from "./View" ;
import { et2_calendar_view } from "./et2_widget_view" ;
import { et2_calendar_timegrid } from "./et2_widget_timegrid" ;
import { et2_calendar_daycol } from "./et2_widget_daycol" ;
2021-10-20 00:32:54 +02:00
import { et2_calendar_planner } from "./et2_widget_planner" ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
import { et2_calendar_planner_row } from "./et2_widget_planner_row" ;
import { et2_calendar_event } from "./et2_widget_event" ;
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
import { Et2Dialog } from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog" ;
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
import { et2_valueWidget } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_core_valueWidget" ;
import { et2_button } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_widget_button" ;
import { et2_selectbox } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_widget_selectbox" ;
import { et2_widget } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_core_widget" ;
import { et2_nextmatch } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch" ;
2021-06-11 11:31:06 +02:00
import { et2_iframe } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_widget_iframe" ;
2023-07-10 16:02:30 +02:00
import { sprintf } from "../../api/js/egw_action/egw_action_common" ;
import { egw_registerGlobalShortcut , egw_unregisterGlobalShortcut } from "../../api/js/egw_action/egw_keymanager" ;
2021-07-07 12:31:01 +02:00
import { egw , egw_getFramework } from "../../api/js/jsapi/egw_global" ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
import { et2_number } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_widget_number" ;
import { et2_template } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_widget_template" ;
import { et2_grid } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_widget_grid" ;
2021-12-08 17:06:59 +01:00
import { Et2Textbox } from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Textbox/Et2Textbox" ;
2022-04-26 23:27:49 +02:00
import "./SidemenuDate" ;
2023-06-06 19:49:41 +02:00
import { Et2Date , formatDate , formatTime , parseDate } from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Date/Et2Date" ;
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
import { EGW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN , EGW_KEY_PAGE_UP } from "../../api/js/egw_action/egw_action_constants" ;
import { nm_action } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_extension_nextmatch_actions" ;
import flatpickr from "flatpickr" ;
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
import Sortable from 'sortablejs/modular/sortable.complete.esm.js' ;
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
import { tapAndSwipe } from "../../api/js/tapandswipe" ;
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
import { CalendarOwner } from "./CalendarOwner" ;
2022-07-25 19:11:51 +02:00
import { et2_IInput } from "../../api/js/etemplate/et2_core_interfaces" ;
2022-10-20 23:30:32 +02:00
import { Et2DateTime } from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Date/Et2DateTime" ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
import { Et2Select } from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Select/Et2Select" ;
import type { SelectOption } from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Select/FindSelectOptions" ;
2024-07-06 09:06:58 +02:00
import type { Et2Checkbox } from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Checkbox/Et2Checkbox" ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* UI for calendar
* Calendar has multiple different views of the same data . All the templates
* for the different view are loaded at the start , then the view objects
* in CalendarApp . views are used to manage the different views .
* update_state ( ) is used to change the state between the different views , as
* well as adjust only a single part of the state while keeping the rest unchanged .
* The event widgets ( and the nextmatch ) get the data from egw . data , and they
* register update callbacks to automatically update when the data changes . This
* means that when we update something on the server , to update the UI we just need
* to send back the new data and if the event widget still exists it will update
* itself . See calendar_uiforms - > ajax_status ( ) .
* To reduce server calls , we also keep a map of day = > event IDs . This allows
* us to quickly change views ( week to day , for example ) without requesting additional
* data from the server . We keep that map as long as only the date ( and a few
* others - see update_state ( ) ) changes . If user or any of the other filters are
* changed , we discard the daywise cache and ask the server for the filtered events .
* /
2021-06-11 11:31:06 +02:00
export class CalendarApp extends EgwApp
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Needed for JSON callback
* /
public readonly prefix = 'calendar' ;
/ * *
* etemplate for the sidebox filters
* /
sidebox_et2 : et2_container = null ;
/ * *
* Current internal state
* If you need to change state , you can pass just the fields to change to
* update_state ( ) .
* /
state = {
date : new Date ( ) ,
view : egw.preference ( 'saved_states' , 'calendar' ) ?
// @ts-ignore
egw . preference ( 'saved_states' , 'calendar' ) . view :
egw . preference ( 'defaultcalendar' , 'calendar' ) || 'day' ,
owner : egw.user ( 'account_id' ) ,
keywords : '' ,
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
last : undefined ,
2021-03-25 21:39:01 +01:00
first : undefined ,
include_videocalls : false
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
} ;
/ * *
* These are the keys we keep to set & remember the status , others are discarded
* /
static readonly states_to_save = [ 'owner' , 'status_filter' , 'filter' , 'cat_id' , 'view' , 'sortby' , 'planner_view' , 'weekend' ] ;
// If you are in one of these views and select a date in the sidebox, the view
// will change as needed to show the date. Other views will only change the
// date in the current view.
public readonly sidebox_changes_views = [ 'day' , 'week' , 'month' ] ;
static views = {
day : day ,
day4 : day4 ,
week : week ,
weekN : weekN ,
month : month ,
planner : planner ,
listview : listview
} ;
/ * *
* This is the data cache prefix for the daywise event index cache
* Daywise cache IDs look like : calendar_daywise : : 20150101 and
* contain a list of event IDs for that day ( or empty array )
* /
public static readonly DAYWISE_CACHE_ID = 'calendar_daywise' ;
// Calendar allows other apps to hook into the sidebox. We keep these etemplates
// up to date as state is changed.
sidebox_hooked_templates = [ ] ;
// List of queries in progress, to prevent home from requesting the same thing
_queries_in_progress = [ ] ;
// Calendar-wide autorefresh
_autorefresh_timer : number = null ;
// Flag if the state is being updated
private state_update_in_progress : boolean = false ;
// Data for quick add dialog
private quick_add : any ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
private _grants : any ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Constructor
* /
constructor ( )
/ *
// categories have nothing to do with calendar, but eT2 objects loads calendars app.js
if ( window . framework && framework . applications . calendar . browser &&
framework . applications . calendar . browser . currentLocation . match ( 'menuaction=preferences\.preferences_categories_ui\.index' ) )
this . _super . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
return ;
else // make calendar object available, even if not running in top window, as sidebox does
if ( window . top !== window && ! egw ( window ) . is_popup ( ) && window . top . app . calendar )
window . app . calendar = window . top . app . calendar ;
return ;
else if ( window . top == window && ! egw ( window ) . is_popup ( ) )
// Show loading div
egw . loading_prompt (
this . appname , true , egw . lang ( 'please wait...' ) ,
typeof framework !== 'undefined' ? framework.applications.calendar.tab.contentDiv : false ,
egwIsMobile ( ) ? 'horizental' : 'spinner'
) ;
* /
// call parent
2020-03-20 18:38:38 +01:00
super ( 'calendar' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Scroll
2020-03-20 18:38:38 +01:00
jQuery ( jQuery . proxy ( this . _scroll , this ) ) ;
jQuery . extend ( this . state , this . egw . preference ( 'saved_states' , 'calendar' ) ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Set custom color for events without category
2020-03-20 18:38:38 +01:00
if ( this . egw . preference ( 'no_category_custom_color' , 'calendar' ) )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
this . egw . css (
'.calendar_calEvent:not([class*="cat_"])' ,
'background-color: ' + this . egw . preference ( 'no_category_custom_color' , 'calendar' ) + ' !important'
) ;
/ * *
* Destructor
* /
destroy ( )
// call parent
super . destroy ( this . appname ) ;
// remove top window reference
// @ts-ignore
if ( window . top !== window && window . top . app . calendar === this )
// @ts-ignore
delete window . top . app . calendar ;
jQuery ( 'body' ) . off ( '.calendar' ) ;
if ( this . sidebox_et2 )
var date = < et2_date > this . sidebox_et2 . getWidgetById ( 'date' ) ;
jQuery ( window ) . off ( 'resize.calendar' + date . dom_id ) ;
2020-07-20 22:54:15 +02:00
this . sidebox_hooked_templates = [ ] ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-04-30 10:32:58 +02:00
egw_unregisterGlobalShortcut ( EGW_KEY_PAGE_UP , false , false , false ) ;
egw_unregisterGlobalShortcut ( EGW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN , false , false , false ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Stop autorefresh
if ( this . _autorefresh_timer )
window . clearInterval ( this . _autorefresh_timer ) ;
this . _autorefresh_timer = null ;
/ * *
* This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded
* and ready . If you must store a reference to the et2 object ,
* make sure to clean it up in destroy ( ) .
* @param { etemplate2 } _et2 newly ready et2 object
* @param { string } _name name of template
* /
et2_ready ( _et2 : etemplate2 , _name )
// call parent
super . et2_ready ( _et2 , _name ) ;
// Avoid many problems with home
if ( _et2 . app !== 'calendar' || _name == 'admin.categories.index' )
egw . loading_prompt ( this . appname , false ) ;
return ;
// Re-init sidebox, since it was probably initialized too soon
var sidebox = jQuery ( '#favorite_sidebox_' + this . appname ) ;
if ( sidebox . length == 0 && egw_getFramework ( ) != null )
2021-07-05 17:24:37 +02:00
// Force rollup to load owner widget, it leaves it out otherwise
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
new CalendarOwner ( ) ;
2021-10-20 00:32:54 +02:00
// Force rollup to load planner widget, it leaves it out otherwise
new et2_calendar_planner ( _et2 . widgetContainer , { } ) ;
2021-07-05 17:24:37 +02:00
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var egw_fw = egw_getFramework ( ) ;
2021-10-20 00:32:54 +02:00
sidebox = jQuery ( '#favorite_sidebox_' + this . appname , egw_fw . sidemenuDiv ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) ;
switch ( _name )
case 'calendar.sidebox' :
this . sidebox_et2 = _et2 . widgetContainer ;
this . sidebox_hooked_templates . push ( this . sidebox_et2 ) ;
2024-05-09 21:14:43 +02:00
if ( ! _et2 . DOMContainer . slot )
jQuery ( _et2 . DOMContainer ) . hide ( ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
this . _setup_sidebox_filters ( ) ;
this . state = content . data ;
2022-04-26 23:27:49 +02:00
if ( typeof this . state . date == "string" && this . state . date . length == 8 )
this . state . date = parseDate ( this . state . date , "Ymd" ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
break ;
case 'calendar.add' :
2021-12-08 17:06:59 +01:00
this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'title' ) . focus ( ) ;
// Fall through to get all the edit stuff too
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
case 'calendar.edit' :
if ( typeof content . data [ 'conflicts' ] == 'undefined' )
//Check if it's fallback from conflict window or it's from edit window
if ( content . data [ 'button_was' ] != 'freetime' )
this . set_enddate_visibility ( ) ;
this . check_recur_type ( ) ;
this . edit_start_change ( null , this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'start' ) ) ;
if ( this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'recur_exception' ) )
this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'recur_exception' ) . set_disabled ( ! content . data . recur_exception ||
typeof content . data . recur_exception [ 0 ] == 'undefined' ) ;
this . freetime_search ( ) ;
2024-07-01 11:39:28 +02:00
//send synchronous ajax request to the server to unlock the on close entry
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
//set onbeforeunload with json request to send request when the window gets close by X button
if ( content . data . lock_token )
2020-06-19 21:27:41 +02:00
window . addEventListener ( "beforeunload" , this . _unlock . bind ( this ) ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
this . alarm_custom_date ( ) ;
// If title is pre-filled for a new (no ID) event, highlight it
if ( content . data && ! content . data . id && content . data . title )
2021-12-08 17:06:59 +01:00
( < Et2Textbox > < unknown > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'title' ) ) . focus ( ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Disable loading prompt (if loaded nopopup)
egw . loading_prompt ( this . appname , false ) ;
break ;
case 'calendar.freetimesearch' :
this . set_enddate_visibility ( ) ;
break ;
case 'calendar.list' :
// Wait until _et2_view_init is done
window . setTimeout ( jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) {
this . filter_change ( ) ;
} , this ) , 0 ) ;
break ;
case 'calendar.category_report' :
this . category_report_init ( ) ;
break ;
// Record the templates for the views so we can switch between them
this . _et2_view_init ( _et2 , _name ) ;
/ * *
* Observer method receives update notifications from all applications
* App is responsible for only reacting to "messages" it is interested in !
* Calendar binds listeners to the data cache , so if the data is updated , the widget
* will automatically update itself .
* @param { string } _msg message ( already translated ) to show , eg . 'Entry deleted'
* @param { string } _app application name
* @param { ( string | number ) } _id id of entry to refresh or null
* @param { string } _type either 'update' , 'edit' , 'delete' , 'add' or null
* - update : request just modified data from given rows . Sorting is not considered ,
* so if the sort field is changed , the row will not be moved .
* - edit : rows changed , but sorting may be affected . Requires full reload .
* - delete : just delete the given rows clientside ( no server interaction neccessary )
* - add : requires full reload for proper sorting
* @param { string } _msg_type 'error' , 'warning' or 'success' ( default )
* @param { object | null } _links app = > array of ids of linked entries
* or null , if not triggered on server - side , which adds that info
* @return { false | * } false to stop regular refresh , thought all observers are run
* /
observer ( _msg , _app , _id , _type , _msg_type , _links )
var do_refresh = false ;
if ( this . state . view === 'listview' )
// @ts-ignore
CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) . refresh ( _id , _type ) ;
switch ( _app )
case 'infolog' :
jQuery ( '.calendar_calDayTodos' )
. find ( 'a' )
. each ( function ( i , a : HTMLAnchorElement ) {
var match = a . href . split ( /&info_id=/ ) ;
if ( match && typeof match [ 1 ] != "undefined" )
if ( match [ 1 ] == _id ) do_refresh = true ;
} ) ;
// Unfortunately we do not know what type this infolog is here,
// but we can tell if it's turned off entirely
if ( egw . preference ( 'calendar_integration' , 'infolog' ) !== '0' )
if ( jQuery ( 'div [data-app="infolog"][data-app_id="' + _id + '"]' ) . length > 0 ) do_refresh = true ;
switch ( _type )
case 'add' :
do_refresh = true ;
break ;
if ( do_refresh )
// Discard cache
this . _clear_cache ( ) ;
// Calendar is the current application, refresh now
if ( framework . activeApp . appName === this . appname )
this . setState ( { state : this.state } ) ;
// Bind once to trigger a refresh when tab is activated again
else if ( framework . applications . calendar && framework . applications . calendar . tab &&
framework . applications . calendar . tab . contentDiv )
jQuery ( framework . applications . calendar . tab . contentDiv )
. off ( 'show.calendar' )
. one ( 'show.calendar' ,
jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) { this . setState ( { state : this.state } ) ; } , this )
) ;
break ;
case 'calendar' :
// Regular refresh
let event = null ;
if ( _id )
event = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( 'calendar::' + _id ) ;
if ( event && event . data && event . data . date || _type === 'delete' )
// Intelligent refresh without reloading everything
var recurrences = Object . keys ( egw . dataSearchUIDs ( new RegExp ( '^calendar::' + _id + ':' ) ) ) ;
var ids = event && event . data && event . data . recur_type && typeof _id === 'string' && _id . indexOf ( ':' ) < 0 || recurrences . length ?
recurrences :
[ 'calendar::' + _id ] ;
if ( _type === 'delete' )
for ( var i in ids )
egw . dataStoreUID ( ids [ i ] , null ) ;
// Updates are handled by events themselves through egw.data
else if ( _type !== 'update' )
this . _update_events ( this . state , ids ) ;
return false ;
this . _clear_cache ( ) ;
// Force redraw to current state
this . setState ( { state : this.state } ) ;
return false ;
break ;
default :
return undefined ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
/ * *
* Handle a push notification about entry changes from the websocket
* @param pushData
* @param { string } pushData . app application name
* @param { ( string | number ) } pushData . id id of entry to refresh or null
* @param { string } pushData . type either 'update' , 'edit' , 'delete' , 'add' or null
* - update : request just modified data from given rows . Sorting is not considered ,
* so if the sort field is changed , the row will not be moved .
* - edit : rows changed , but sorting may be affected . Requires full reload .
* - delete : just delete the given rows clientside ( no server interaction neccessary )
* - add : ask server for data , add in intelligently
* @param { object | null } pushData . acl Extra data for determining relevance . eg : owner or responsible to decide if update is necessary
* @param { number } pushData . account_id User that caused the notification
* /
push ( pushData )
switch ( pushData . app )
case "calendar" :
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
if ( pushData . type === 'delete' )
return super . push ( pushData ) ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
return this . push_calendar ( pushData ) ;
2021-03-04 19:27:35 +01:00
default :
if ( jQuery . extend ( [ ] , egw . preference ( "integration_toggle" , "calendar" ) ) . indexOf ( pushData . app ) >= 0 )
if ( pushData . app == "infolog" )
return this . push_infolog ( pushData ) ;
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
// Modify the pushData so it looks like one of ours
let integrated_pushData = jQuery . extend ( pushData , {
id : pushData.app + pushData . id ,
app : this.appname
} ) ;
if ( integrated_pushData . type == "delete" || egw . dataHasUID ( this . uid ( integrated_pushData ) ) )
2021-03-24 16:59:43 +01:00
// Super always looks at this.et2, make sure it finds listview
let old_et2 = this . et2 ;
this . et2 = ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] ) . widgetContainer ;
super . push ( integrated_pushData ) ;
this . et2 = old_et2 ;
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
2021-03-24 16:59:43 +01:00
// Ask for the real data, we don't have it. This also updates views that don't use nextmatch.
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
this . _fetch_data ( this . state , undefined , 0 , [ integrated_pushData . id ] ) ;
2021-03-04 19:27:35 +01:00
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
/ * *
* Handle a push about infolog
* @param pushData
* /
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
private push_infolog ( pushData : PushData )
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
2021-03-04 19:27:35 +01:00
// Check if we have access
if ( ! this . _push_grant_check ( pushData , [ "info_owner" , "info_responsible" ] , "infolog" ) )
return ;
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
// check visibility - grants is ID => permission of people we're allowed to see
let infolog_grants = egw . grants ( pushData . app ) ;
// Filter what's allowed down to those we care about
let filtered = Object . keys ( infolog_grants ) . filter ( account = > this . state . owner . indexOf ( account ) >= 0 ) ;
let owner_check = filtered . filter ( function ( value ) {
return pushData . acl . info_owner == value || pushData . acl . info_responsible . indexOf ( value ) >= 0 ;
} )
if ( ! owner_check || owner_check . length == 0 )
2021-03-04 19:27:35 +01:00
// The owner is not in the list of what we care about
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
return ;
// Only need to update the list if we're on that view
let update_list = this . state . view == "day" ;
// Delete, just pull it out of the list
if ( update_list && pushData . type == "delete" )
jQuery ( '.calendar_calDayTodos' )
. find ( 'a' )
. each ( function ( i , a : HTMLAnchorElement )
var match = a . href . split ( /&info_id=/ ) ;
if ( match && typeof match [ 1 ] != "undefined" && match [ 1 ] == pushData . id )
jQuery ( a ) . parentsUntil ( "tbody" ) . remove ( ) ;
) ;
// Refresh todos if we're there - add, update or edit doesn't matter
if ( update_list )
this . egw . jsonq ( 'calendar_uiviews::ajax_get_todos' , [ this . state . date , this . state . owner [ 0 ] ] , function ( data )
this . getWidgetById ( 'label' ) . set_value ( data . label || '' ) ;
this . getWidgetById ( 'todos' ) . set_value ( { content : data.todos || '' } ) ;
} , ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views . day . etemplates [ 1 ] ) . widgetContainer ) ;
// Only care about certain infolog types, or already loaded (type may have changed)
2020-10-27 15:06:51 +01:00
let types = ( < string > egw . preference ( 'calendar_integration' , 'infolog' ) ) ? . split ( "," ) || [ ] ;
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
let info_uid = this . appname + "::" + pushData . app + pushData . id ;
if ( types . indexOf ( pushData . acl . info_type ) >= 0 || this . egw . dataHasUID ( info_uid ) )
if ( pushData . type === 'delete' )
return this . egw . dataStoreUID ( info_uid , null ) ;
// Calendar is the current application, refresh now
if ( framework . activeApp . appName === this . appname )
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
this . _fetch_data ( this . state , undefined , 0 , [ pushData . app + pushData . id ] ) ;
2020-09-22 19:33:20 +02:00
// Bind once to trigger a refresh when tab is activated again
else if ( framework . applications . calendar && framework . applications . calendar . tab &&
framework . applications . calendar . tab . contentDiv )
jQuery ( framework . applications . calendar . tab . contentDiv )
. off ( 'show.calendar' )
. one ( 'show.calendar' ,
function ( )
this . setState ( { state : this.state } ) ;
} . bind ( this )
) ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
/ * *
* Handle a push from calendar
* @param pushData
* /
private push_calendar ( pushData )
2020-07-16 18:04:13 +02:00
// pushData does not contain everything, just the minimum. See calendar_hooks::search_link().
let cal_event = pushData . acl || { } ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
// check visibility - grants is ID => permission of people we're allowed to see
let owners = [ ] ;
if ( typeof this . _grants === 'undefined' )
this . _grants = egw . grants ( this . appname ) ;
// Filter what's allowed down to those we care about
2020-07-30 21:00:53 +02:00
let filtered = Object . keys ( this . _grants ) . filter ( account = > this . state . owner . indexOf ( account ) >= 0 ) ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
// Check if we're interested in displaying by owner / participant
2021-07-06 19:05:03 +02:00
let owner_check = et2_calendar_event . owner_check (
cal_event ,
// Fake the required widget since we don't actually have it right now
jQuery . extend ( { } ,
{ options : { owner : filtered } } ,
this . et2
) ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
if ( ! owner_check )
// The owner is not in the list of what we're allowed / care about
return ;
// Check if we're interested by date?
2020-07-16 18:04:13 +02:00
if ( cal_event . end <= new Date ( this . state . first ) . valueOf ( ) / 1000 || cal_event . start > new Date ( this . state . last ) . valueOf ( ) / 1000 )
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
2022-09-01 17:03:47 +02:00
// The event is outside our current view, but check if it's just one of a recurring event
if ( ! cal_event . range_end && ! cal_event . range_start ||
cal_event . range_end <= new Date ( this . state . first ) . valueOf ( ) / 1000 ||
cal_event . range_start > new Date ( this . state . last ) . valueOf ( ) / 1000 )
return ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
2020-07-27 18:13:13 +02:00
// Do we already have "fresh" data? Most user actions give fresh data in response
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
let existing = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( 'calendar::' + pushData . id ) ;
2020-07-27 18:13:13 +02:00
if ( existing && Math . abs ( existing . timestamp - new Date ( ) . valueOf ( ) ) < 1000 )
// Update directly
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
this . _update_events ( this . state , [ 'calendar::' + pushData . id ] ) ;
2020-07-27 18:13:13 +02:00
return ;
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
2020-07-27 18:13:13 +02:00
// Ask for the real data, we don't have it
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
let process_data = ( data ) = >
2021-07-07 10:33:12 +02:00
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
// Store it, which will call all registered listeners
egw . dataStoreUID ( data . uid , data . data ) ;
// Any existing events were updated. Run this to catch new events or events moved into view
2020-07-27 18:13:13 +02:00
this . _update_events ( this . state , [ data . uid ] ) ;
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
2022-06-03 09:59:10 +02:00
egw . jsonq ( "calendar.calendar_ui.ajax_get" , [ [ pushData . id ] ] ) . then ( ( data ) = >
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
if ( typeof data . uid !== "undefined" )
return process_data ( data )
for ( let e of data )
process_data ( e ) ;
2021-07-07 10:33:12 +02:00
} ) ;
2020-07-14 21:39:45 +02:00
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Link hander for jDots template to just reload our iframe , instead of reloading whole admin app
* @param { String } _url
* @return { boolean | string } true , if linkHandler took care of link , false for default processing or url to navigate to
* /
linkHandler ( _url )
if ( _url == 'about:blank' || _url . match ( 'menuaction=preferences\.preferences_categories_ui\.index' ) )
return false ;
if ( _url . match ( 'menuaction=calendar\.calendar_uiviews\.' ) )
var view = _url . match ( /calendar_uiviews\.([^&?]+)/ ) ;
view = view && view . length > 1 ? view [ 1 ] : null ;
// Get query
var q : any = { } ;
_url . split ( '?' ) [ 1 ] . split ( '&' ) . forEach ( function ( i ) {
q [ i . split ( '=' ) [ 0 ] ] = unescape ( i . split ( '=' ) [ 1 ] ) ;
} ) ;
delete q . ajax ;
delete q . menuaction ;
if ( ! view && q . view || q . view != view && view == 'index' ) view = q . view ;
// No specific view requested, looks like a reload from framework
if ( this . sidebox_et2 && typeof view === 'undefined' )
this . _clear_cache ( ) ;
this . setState ( { state : this.state } ) ;
return false ;
if ( this . sidebox_et2 && typeof CalendarApp . views [ view ] == 'undefined' && view != 'index' )
if ( q . owner )
q . owner = q . owner . split ( ',' ) ;
q . owner = q . owner . reduce ( function ( p , c ) { if ( p . indexOf ( c ) < 0 ) p.push ( c ) ; return p ; } , [ ] ) ;
q . owner = q . owner . join ( ',' ) ;
q . menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index' ;
( < et2_iframe > < unknown > this . sidebox_et2 . getWidgetById ( 'iframe' ) ) . set_src ( egw . link ( '/index.php' , q ) ) ;
jQuery ( this . sidebox_et2 . parentNode ) . show ( ) ;
return true ;
// Known AJAX view
else if ( CalendarApp . views [ view ] )
// Reload of known view?
if ( view == 'index' )
var pref = < any > this . egw . preference ( 'saved_states' , 'calendar' ) ;
view = pref . view || 'day' ;
// View etemplate not loaded
if ( typeof CalendarApp . views [ view ] . etemplates [ 0 ] == 'string' )
return _url + '&ajax=true' ;
// Already loaded, we'll just apply any variables to our current state
var set = jQuery . extend ( { view : view } , q ) ;
this . update_state ( set ) ;
return true ;
else if ( this . sidebox_et2 )
var iframe = < et2_iframe > < unknown > this . sidebox_et2 . getWidgetById ( 'iframe' ) ;
2021-12-08 17:06:59 +01:00
if ( ! iframe )
return false ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
iframe . set_src ( _url ) ;
jQuery ( this . sidebox_et2 . parentNode ) . show ( ) ;
// Hide other views
for ( var _view in CalendarApp . views )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < CalendarApp . views [ _view ] . etemplates . length ; i ++ )
jQuery ( CalendarApp . views [ _view ] . etemplates [ i ] . DOMContainer ) . hide ( ) ;
this . state . view = '' ;
return true ;
// can not load our own index page, has to be done by framework
return false ;
/ * *
* Handle actions from the toolbar
* @param { egwAction } action Action from the toolbar
* /
toolbar_action ( action )
// Most can just provide state change data
if ( action . data && action . data . state )
var state = jQuery . extend ( { } , action . data . state ) ;
if ( state . view == 'planner' && app . calendar . state . view != 'planner' ) {
state . planner_view = app . calendar . state . view ;
this . update_state ( state ) ;
// Special handling
switch ( action . id )
case 'add' :
// Default date/time to start of next hour
var tempDate = new Date ( ) ;
if ( tempDate . getMinutes ( ) !== 0 )
tempDate . setHours ( tempDate . getHours ( ) + 1 ) ;
tempDate . setMinutes ( 0 ) ;
var today = new Date ( tempDate . getFullYear ( ) , tempDate . getMonth ( ) , tempDate . getDate ( ) , tempDate . getHours ( ) , - tempDate . getTimezoneOffset ( ) , 0 ) ;
return egw . open ( null , "calendar" , "add" , { start : today } ) ;
case 'weekend' :
this . update_state ( { weekend : action.checked } ) ;
break ;
case 'today' :
var tempDate = new Date ( ) ;
var today = new Date ( tempDate . getFullYear ( ) , tempDate . getMonth ( ) , tempDate . getDate ( ) , 0 , - tempDate . getTimezoneOffset ( ) , 0 ) ;
var change = { date : today.toJSON ( ) } ;
app . calendar . update_state ( change ) ;
break ;
case 'next' :
case 'previous' :
var delta = action . id == 'previous' ? - 1 : 1 ;
2020-07-30 21:00:53 +02:00
var view = CalendarApp . views [ this . state . view ] || false ;
var start = new Date ( this . state . date ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( view )
start = view . scroll ( delta ) ;
2020-07-30 21:00:53 +02:00
app . calendar . update_state ( { date :this.date.toString ( start ) } ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
break ;
2021-03-25 21:39:01 +01:00
/ * *
* Handle the video call toggle from the toolbar
* @param action
* /
toolbar_videocall_toggle_action ( action : egwAction )
let videocall_category = egw . config ( "status_cat_videocall" , "status" ) ;
let callback = function ( ) {
this . update_state ( { include_videocalls : action.checked } ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ;
this . toolbar_integration_action ( action , [ ] , null , callback ) ;
2021-03-03 16:55:51 +01:00
/ * *
* Handle integration actions from the toolbar
* @param action { egwAction } Integration action from the toolbar
* /
2021-03-25 21:39:01 +01:00
toolbar_integration_action ( action : egwAction , selected : egwActionObject [ ] , target : egwActionObject , callback? : CallableFunction )
2021-03-03 16:55:51 +01:00
let app = action . id . replace ( "integration_" , "" ) ;
let integration_preference = < string [ ] > egw . preference ( "integration_toggle" , "calendar" ) ;
if ( typeof integration_preference === "undefined" )
integration_preference = [ ] ;
if ( typeof integration_preference == "string" )
integration_preference = integration_preference . split ( "," ) ;
// Make sure it's an array, not an object
integration_preference = jQuery . extend ( [ ] , integration_preference ) ;
if ( action . checked )
2021-12-01 18:25:27 +01:00
if ( integration_preference . indexOf ( app ) === - 1 )
integration_preference . push ( app ) ;
2021-03-09 18:06:51 +01:00
// After the preference change is done, get new info which should now include the app
2021-12-01 18:25:27 +01:00
callback = callback ? callback : function ( )
2021-03-09 18:06:51 +01:00
this . _fetch_data ( this . state ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ;
2021-03-03 16:55:51 +01:00
const index = integration_preference . indexOf ( app ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) {
integration_preference . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
2021-03-09 18:06:51 +01:00
// Clear any events from that app
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
this . _clear_cache ( app ) ;
2021-03-09 18:06:51 +01:00
2022-01-13 21:48:18 +01:00
if ( action . id == "integration_projectmanager" &&
this . egw . preference ( "calendar_integration" , "projectmanager" ) . indexOf ( "#" ) == 0 )
if ( ! action . checked )
// Still need to re-fetch in this case, clearing won't bring the others back
callback = function ( )
this . _fetch_data ( this . state ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ;
// Clear all events, we're filtering real events now
callback = function ( )
this . _clear_cache ( ) ;
// Force redraw to current state
this . setState ( { state : this.state } ) ;
} . bind ( this ) ;
2021-03-25 21:39:01 +01:00
if ( typeof callback === "undefined" )
callback = function ( ) { } ;
2021-03-09 18:06:51 +01:00
egw . set_preference ( "calendar" , "integration_toggle" , integration_preference , callback ) ;
2021-03-03 16:55:51 +01:00
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Set the app header
* Because the toolbar takes some vertical space and has some horizontal space ,
* we don ' t use the system app header , but our own that is in the toolbar
* @param { string } header Text to display
* /
set_app_header ( header )
var template = etemplate2 . getById ( 'calendar-toolbar' ) ;
var widget = template ? template . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'app_header' ) : false ;
if ( widget )
widget . set_value ( header ) ;
egw_app_header ( '' , 'calendar' ) ;
egw_app_header ( header , 'calendar' ) ;
/ * *
* Setup and handle sortable calendars .
* You can only sort calendars if there is more than one owner , and the calendars
* are not combined ( many owners , multi - week or month views )
* @returns { undefined }
* /
_sortable ( )
// Calender current state
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
let state = this . getState ( ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Day / month sortables
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
let daily = document . querySelector ( '#calendar-view_view .calendar_calGridHeader > div' ) ;
let weekly = document . querySelector ( '#calendar-view_view tbody' ) ;
let sortable = state . view == 'day' ? daily : weekly ;
let sortablejs = Sortable . create ( sortable , {
ghostClass : 'srotable_cal_wk_ph' ,
2023-05-25 21:40:48 +02:00
draggable : state.view == 'day' ? '.calendar_calDayColHeader' : '.view_row' ,
2023-07-11 22:57:01 +02:00
handle : state.view == 'day' ? '.blue_title' : '.calendar_calGridHeader' ,
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
animation : 100 ,
2023-05-25 21:40:48 +02:00
filter : state.view == 'day' ? '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' : '.calendar_calDayColHeader' ,
preventOnFilter : false , // Required for dnd fullday nonblocking
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
dataIdAttr : 'data-owner' ,
2023-07-11 22:57:01 +02:00
direction : state.view == 'day' ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical' ,
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
sort : state.owner.length > 1 && (
2023-05-25 21:40:48 +02:00
state . view == 'day' && state . owner . length < parseInt ( '' + egw . preference ( 'day_consolidate' , 'calendar' ) ) ||
( state . view == 'week' || state . view == 'day4' ) && state . owner . length < parseInt ( '' + egw . preference ( 'week_consolidate' , 'calendar' ) ) ) , // enable/disable sort
onStart : function ( event )
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
// Put owners into row IDs
2023-05-25 21:40:48 +02:00
CalendarApp . views [ app . calendar . state . view ] . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( widget )
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
if ( widget . options . owner && ! widget . disabled )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2023-05-25 21:40:48 +02:00
widget . div . parents ( 'tr' ) . attr ( 'data-owner' , widget . options . owner ) ;
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
widget . div . parents ( 'tr' ) . removeAttr ( 'data-owner' ) ;
2023-05-25 21:40:48 +02:00
} , this , et2_calendar_timegrid ) ;
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
} ,
onSort : function ( event )
let state = app . calendar . getState ( ) ;
if ( state && typeof state . owner !== 'undefined' )
let sortedArr = sortablejs . toArray ( ) ;
// No duplicates, no empties
sortedArr = sortedArr . filter ( function ( value , index , self ) {
return value !== '' && self . indexOf ( value ) === index && ! isNaN ( value ) ;
} ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
let parent = null ;
let children = [ ] ;
if ( state . view == 'day' )
// If in day view, the days need to be re-ordered, avoiding
// the current sort order
CalendarApp . views . day . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( widget ) {
let idx = sortedArr . indexOf ( widget . options . owner . toString ( ) ) ;
// Move the event holding div
widget . set_left ( ( parseInt ( widget . options . width ) * idx ) + 'px' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Re-order the children, or it won't stay
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
parent = widget . _parent ;
children . splice ( idx , 0 , widget ) ;
} , this , et2_calendar_daycol ) ;
parent . day_widgets . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
return children . indexOf ( a ) - children . indexOf ( b ) ;
} ) ;
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
// Re-order the children, or it won't stay
CalendarApp . views . day . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( widget ) {
parent = widget . _parent ;
let idx = sortedArr . indexOf ( widget . options . owner ) ;
children . splice ( idx , 0 , widget ) ;
widget . resize ( ) ;
} , this , et2_calendar_timegrid ) ;
parent . _children . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return children . indexOf ( a ) - children . indexOf ( b ) ;
} ) ;
// Directly update, since there is no other changes needed,
// and we don't want the current sort order applied
app . calendar . state . owner = sortedArr ;
parent . options . owner = sortedArr ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-05-04 16:37:42 +02:00
} ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2020-06-19 21:27:41 +02:00
/ * *
* Unlock the event before closing the popup
* @private
* /
private _unlock ( ) {
const content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) ;
this . egw . json ( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_unlock' ,
[ content . data . id , content . data . lock_token ] , null , this , "keepalive" , null ) . sendRequest ( ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Bind scroll event
* When the user scrolls , we ' ll move enddate - startdate days
* /
_scroll ( )
/ * *
* Function we can pass all this off to
* @param { String } direction up , down , left or right
* @param { number } delta Integer for how many we ' re moving , should be + / - 1
* /
var scroll_animate = function ( direction , delta )
// Scrolling too fast?
if ( app . calendar . _scroll_disabled ) return ;
// Find the template
var id = jQuery ( this ) . closest ( '.et2_container' ) . attr ( 'id' ) ;
if ( id )
var template = etemplate2 . getById ( id ) ;
template = CalendarApp . views [ app . calendar . state . view ] . etemplates [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! template ) return ;
// Prevent scrolling too fast
app . calendar . _scroll_disabled = true ;
// Animate the transition, if possible
var widget = null ;
template . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( w ) {
if ( w . getDOMNode ( ) == this ) widget = w ;
} , this , et2_widget ) ;
if ( widget == null )
template . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( w ) {
widget = w ;
} , this , et2_calendar_timegrid ) ;
if ( widget == null ) return ;
/ * D i s a b l e d
// We clone the nodes so we can animate the transition
var original = jQuery ( widget . getDOMNode ( ) ) . closest ( '.et2_grid' ) ;
var cloned = original . clone ( true ) . attr ( "id" , "CLONE" ) ;
// Moving this stuff around scrolls things around too
// We need this later
var scrollTop = jQuery ( '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' , original ) . scrollTop ( ) ;
// This is to hide the scrollbar
var wrapper = original . parent ( ) ;
if ( direction == "right" || direction == "left" )
original . css ( { "display" : "inline-block" , "width" : original . width ( ) + "px" } ) ;
cloned . css ( { "display" : "inline-block" , "width" : original . width ( ) + "px" } ) ;
original . css ( "height" , original . height ( ) + "px" ) ;
cloned . css ( "height" , original . height ( ) + "px" ) ;
var original_size = { height : wrapper.parent ( ) . css ( 'height' ) , width : wrapper.parent ( ) . css ( 'width' ) } ;
wrapper . parent ( ) . css ( { overflow : 'hidden' , height :original.outerHeight ( ) + "px" , width :original.outerWidth ( ) + "px" } ) ;
wrapper . height ( direction == "up" || direction == "down" ? 2 * original . outerHeight ( ) : original . outerHeight ( ) ) ;
wrapper . width ( direction == "left" || direction == "right" ? 2 * original . outerWidth ( ) : original . outerWidth ( ) ) ;
// Re-scroll to previous to avoid "jumping"
jQuery ( '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' , original ) . scrollTop ( scrollTop ) ;
switch ( direction )
case "up" :
case "left" :
// Scrolling up
// Apply the reverse quickly, then let it animate as the changes are
// removed, leaving things where they should be.
original . parent ( ) . append ( cloned ) ;
// Makes it jump to destination
wrapper . css ( {
"transition-duration" : "0s" ,
"transition-delay" : "0s" ,
"transform" : direction == "up" ? "translateY(-50%)" : "translateX(-50%)"
} ) ;
// Stop browser from caching style by forcing reflow
if ( wrapper [ 0 ] ) wrapper [ 0 ] . offsetHeight ;
wrapper . css ( {
"transition-duration" : "" ,
"transition-delay" : ""
} ) ;
break ;
case "down" :
case "right" :
// Scrolling down
original . parent ( ) . prepend ( cloned ) ;
break ;
// Scroll clone to match to avoid "jumping"
jQuery ( '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' , cloned ) . scrollTop ( scrollTop ) ;
// Remove
var remove = function ( ) {
// Starting animation
wrapper . addClass ( "calendar_slide" ) ;
var translate = direction == "down" ? "translateY(-50%)" : ( direction == "right" ? "translateX(-50%)" : "" ) ;
wrapper . css ( { "transform" : translate } ) ;
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
cloned . remove ( ) ;
// Makes it jump to destination
wrapper . css ( {
"transition-duration" : "0s" ,
"transition-delay" : "0s"
} ) ;
// Clean up from animation
. removeClass ( "calendar_slide" )
. css ( { "transform" : '' , height : '' , width : '' , overflow : '' } ) ;
wrapper . parent ( ) . css ( { overflow : '' , width : original_size.width , height : original_size.height } ) ;
original . css ( "display" , "" ) ;
if ( wrapper . length )
wrapper [ 0 ] . offsetHeight ;
wrapper . css ( {
"transition-duration" : "" ,
"transition-delay" : ""
} ) ;
// Re-scroll to start of day
template . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( w ) {
w . resizeTimes ( ) ;
} , this , et2_calendar_timegrid ) ;
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( app . calendar )
app . calendar . _scroll_disabled = false ;
} , 100 ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
// If detecting the transition end worked, we wouldn't need to use a timeout.
window . setTimeout ( remove , 100 ) ;
* /
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
if ( app . calendar )
app . calendar . _scroll_disabled = false ;
} , 2000 ) ;
// Get the view to calculate - this actually loads the new data
// Using a timeout make it a little faster (in Chrome)
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
var view = CalendarApp . views [ app . calendar . state . view ] || false ;
var start = new Date ( app . calendar . state . date ) ;
if ( view && view . etemplates . indexOf ( template ) !== - 1 )
start = view . scroll ( delta ) ;
app . calendar . update_state ( { date :app.calendar.date.toString ( start ) } ) ;
// Home - always 1 week
return false ;
} , 0 ) ;
} ;
// Bind only once, to the whole thing
/ * D i s a b l e d
jQuery ( 'body' ) . off ( '.calendar' )
. on ( 'wheel.calendar' , '.et2_container .calendar_calTimeGrid, .et2_container .calendar_plannerWidget' ,
function ( e )
// Consume scroll if in the middle of something
if ( app . calendar . _scroll_disabled ) return false ;
// Ignore if they're going the other way
var direction = e . originalEvent . deltaY > 0 ? 1 : - 1 ;
var at_bottom = direction !== - 1 ;
var at_top = direction !== 1 ;
jQuery ( this ) . children ( ":not(.calendar_calGridHeader)" ) . each ( function ( ) {
// Check for less than 2px from edge, as sometimes we can't scroll anymore, but still have
// 2px left to go
at_bottom = at_bottom && Math . abs ( this . scrollTop - ( this . scrollHeight - this . offsetHeight ) ) <= 2 ;
} ) . each ( function ( ) {
at_top = at_top && this . scrollTop === 0 ;
} ) ;
if ( ! at_bottom && ! at_top ) return ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
scroll_animate . call ( this , direction > 0 ? "down" : "up" , direction ) ;
return false ;
) ;
* /
2024-06-11 19:58:04 +02:00
if ( typeof framework !== 'undefined' && framework . applications ? . calendar && framework . applications . calendar . tab )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
let swipe = new tapAndSwipe ( framework . applications . calendar . tab . contentDiv , {
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
//Generic swipe handler for all directions
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
swipe :function ( event , direction , distance , fingerCount ) {
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( direction == "up" || direction == "down" )
if ( fingerCount <= 1 ) return ;
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
let at_bottom = direction !== - 1 ;
let at_top = direction !== 1 ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
jQuery ( this . element ) . children ( ":not(.calendar_calGridHeader)" ) . each ( function ( ) {
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Check for less than 2px from edge, as sometimes we can't scroll anymore, but still have
// 2px left to go
at_bottom = at_bottom && Math . abs ( this . scrollTop - ( this . scrollHeight - this . offsetHeight ) ) <= 2 ;
} ) . each ( function ( ) {
at_top = at_top && this . scrollTop === 0 ;
} ) ;
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
let delta = direction == "down" || direction == "right" ? - 1 : 1 ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// But we animate in the opposite direction to the swipe
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
let opposite = { "down" : "up" , "up" : "down" , "left" : "right" , "right" : "left" } ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
direction = opposite [ direction ] ;
scroll_animate . call ( jQuery ( event . target ) . closest ( '.calendar_calTimeGrid, .calendar_plannerWidget' ) [ 0 ] , direction , delta ) ;
return false ;
} ,
2023-06-01 15:28:42 +02:00
minSwipeThreshold : 100 ,
2022-05-30 16:05:59 +02:00
allowScrolling : 'vertical'
} ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Page up & page down
2022-05-24 19:11:16 +02:00
egw_registerGlobalShortcut ( EGW_KEY_PAGE_UP , false , false , false , function ( )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( app . calendar . state . view == 'listview' )
return false ;
2022-05-24 19:11:16 +02:00
scroll_animate . call ( this , "up" , - 1 ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
return true ;
} , this ) ;
2022-04-30 10:32:58 +02:00
egw_registerGlobalShortcut ( EGW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN , false , false , false , function ( ) {
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( app . calendar . state . view == 'listview' )
return false ;
scroll_animate . call ( this , "down" , 1 ) ;
return true ;
} , this ) ;
/ * *
* Handler for changes generated by internal user interactions , like
* drag & drop inside calendar and resize .
* @param { Event } event
* @param { et2_calendar_event } widget Widget for the event
* @param { string } dialog_button - 'single' , 'series' , or 'exception' , based on the user ' s answer
* in the popup
* @returns { undefined }
* /
event_change ( event , widget , dialog_button )
// Add loading spinner - not visible if the body / gradient is there though
widget . div . addClass ( 'loading' ) ;
// Integrated infolog event
//Get infologID if in case if it's an integrated infolog event
if ( widget . options . value . app == 'infolog' )
// If it is an integrated infolog event we need to edit infolog entry
egw ( ) . json (
'stylite_infolog_calendar_integration::ajax_moveInfologEvent' ,
[ widget . options . value . app_id , widget . options . value . start , widget . options . value . duration ] ,
// Remove loading spinner
function ( ) { if ( widget . div ) widget . div . removeClass ( 'loading' ) ; }
) . sendRequest ( ) ;
var _send = function ( ) {
egw ( ) . json (
'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent' ,
dialog_button == 'exception' ? widget.options.value.app_id : widget.options.value.id ,
widget . options . value . owner ,
widget . options . value . start ,
widget . options . value . owner ,
widget . options . value . duration ,
dialog_button == 'series' ? widget.options.value.start : null
] ,
// Remove loading spinner
function ( ) { if ( widget && widget . div ) widget . div . removeClass ( 'loading' ) ; }
) . sendRequest ( true ) ;
} ;
if ( dialog_button == 'series' && widget . options . value . recur_type )
widget . series_split_prompt ( function ( _button_id )
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
if ( _button_id == Et2Dialog . OK_BUTTON )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
_send ( ) ;
) ;
_send ( ) ;
/ * *
* open the freetime search popup
* @param { string } _link
* /
freetime_search_popup ( _link )
this . egw . open_link ( _link , 'ft_search' , '700x500' ) ;
/ * *
* send an ajax request to server to set the freetimesearch window content
* /
freetime_search ( )
var content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
content [ 'start' ] = this . et2 . getValueById ( 'start' ) ;
content [ 'end' ] = this . et2 . getValueById ( 'end' ) ;
content [ 'duration' ] = this . et2 . getValueById ( 'duration' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var request = this . egw . json ( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_freetimesearch' , [ content ] , null , null , null , null ) ;
request . sendRequest ( ) ;
/ * *
2024-06-29 11:52:34 +02:00
* Function for disabling the recur_data multiselect box and add_rdate hbox
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
* /
check_recur_type ( )
2024-06-29 11:52:34 +02:00
const recurType = < et2_selectbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'recur_type' ) ;
const recurData = < et2_selectbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'recur_data' ) ;
const addRdate = this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'button[add_rdate]' ) ;
const recurRdate = this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'recur_rdate' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( recurType && recurData )
2024-06-29 11:52:34 +02:00
recurData . set_disabled ( recurType . value != 2 && recurType . value != 4 ) ;
if ( recurType && addRdate && recurRdate )
addRdate . set_disabled ( recurType . value != 9 ) ;
recurRdate . set_disabled ( recurType . value != 9 ) ;
2024-07-01 11:39:28 +02:00
this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'recur_enddate' ) ? . set_disabled ( recurType . value == 9 ) ;
2024-07-02 15:13:42 +02:00
this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'recur_interval' ) ? . set_disabled ( recurType . value == 9 ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Actions for when the user changes the event start date in edit dialog
* @returns { undefined }
* /
edit_start_change ( input , widget )
if ( ! widget )
widget = etemplate2 . getById ( 'calendar-edit' ) . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'start' ) ;
// Update settings for querying participants
this . edit_update_participant ( widget ) ;
// Update recurring date limit, if not set it can't be before start
if ( widget )
2024-06-29 11:52:34 +02:00
const recur_end = widget . getRoot ( ) . getWidgetById ( 'recur_enddate' ) ;
2023-06-06 19:49:41 +02:00
if ( recur_end && recur_end . getValue && ! recur_end . value )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2023-06-06 19:49:41 +02:00
recur_end . set_min ( widget . value ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2024-06-29 11:52:34 +02:00
// update recur_rdate with start (specially time) and set start as minimum
const recur_rdate = widget . getRoot ( ) . getWidgetById ( 'recur_rdate' ) ;
if ( recur_rdate )
recur_rdate . set_min ( widget . value ) ;
recur_rdate . value = widget . value ;
2020-10-06 21:55:06 +02:00
// Update end date, min duration is 1 minute
2023-06-06 19:49:41 +02:00
let end = < Et2Date > widget . getRoot ( ) . getWidgetById ( 'end' ) ;
let start_time = new Date ( widget . value ) ;
let end_time = new Date ( end . value ) ;
if ( end . value && end_time <= start_time )
2020-10-06 21:55:06 +02:00
start_time . setMinutes ( start_time . getMinutes ( ) + 1 ) ;
end . set_value ( start_time ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Update currently selected alarm time
this . alarm_custom_date ( ) ;
/ * *
* Show / Hide end date , for both edit and freetimesearch popups ,
* based on if "use end date" selected or not .
* /
set_enddate_visibility ( )
2022-10-20 23:30:32 +02:00
let duration = < Et2Select > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'duration' ) ;
let start = < Et2DateTime > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'start' ) ;
let end = < Et2DateTime > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'end' ) ;
let content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-10-20 23:30:32 +02:00
if ( duration != null && end != null )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2023-02-24 19:59:26 +01:00
end . set_disabled ( duration . get_value ( ) !== '' ) ;
end . classList . toggle ( "hideme" , end . disabled ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Only set end date if not provided, adding seconds fails with DST
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
// @ts-ignore
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( ! end . disabled && ! content . end )
end . set_value ( start . get_value ( ) ) ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
// @ts-ignore
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( typeof content . duration != 'undefined' ) end . set_value ( "+" + content . duration ) ;
this . edit_update_participant ( start ) ;
/ * *
* Update query parameters for participants
* This allows for resource conflict checking
* @param { DOMNode | et2_widget } input Either the input node , or the widget
* @param { et2_widget } [ widget ] If input is an input node , widget will have
* the widget , otherwise it will be undefined .
* /
edit_update_participant ( input , widget ? )
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
if ( typeof widget === 'undefined' )
widget = input ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var content = widget . getInstanceManager ( ) . getValues ( widget . getRoot ( ) ) ;
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
var participant = < CalendarOwner > widget . getRoot ( ) . getWidgetById ( 'participant' ) ;
if ( ! participant )
return ;
participant . searchOptions = {
exec : {
start : content.start ,
end : content.end ,
duration : content.duration ,
whole_day : content.whole_day ,
} ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* handles actions selectbox in calendar edit popup
* @param { mixed } _event
* @param { et2_base_widget } widget "actions selectBox" in edit popup window
* /
actions_change ( _event , widget )
var event = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
if ( widget )
var id = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data [ 'id' ] ;
switch ( widget . get_value ( ) )
case 'print' :
this . egw . open_link ( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&cal_id=' + id + '&print=1' , '_blank' , '700x700' ) ;
break ;
case 'mail' :
this . egw . json ( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail' , [ event , ! event [ 'id' ] , false ] , null , null , null , null ) . sendRequest ( ) ;
this . et2 . _inst . submit ( ) ;
break ;
case 'sendrequest' :
this . egw . json ( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail' , [ event , ! event [ 'id' ] , true ] , null , null , null , null ) . sendRequest ( ) ;
this . et2 . _inst . submit ( ) ;
break ;
case 'infolog' :
this . egw . open_link ( 'infolog.infolog_ui.edit&action=calendar&action_id=' + ( jQuery . isPlainObject ( event ) ? event [ 'id' ] : event ) , '_blank' , '700x600' , 'infolog' ) ;
this . et2 . _inst . submit ( ) ;
break ;
case 'ical' :
this . et2 . _inst . postSubmit ( ) ;
break ;
default :
this . et2 . _inst . submit ( ) ;
/ * *
* open mail compose popup window
* @param { Array } vars
* @todo need to provide right mail compose from server to custom_mail function
* /
custom_mail ( vars )
this . egw . open_link ( this . egw . link ( "/index.php" , vars ) , '_blank' , '700x700' ) ;
/ * *
* control delete_series popup visibility
* @param { et2_widget } widget
* @param { Array } exceptions an array contains number of exception entries
* /
delete_btn ( widget , exceptions )
var content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
if ( exceptions )
var buttons = [
button_id : 'keep' ,
title : this.egw.lang ( 'All exceptions are converted into single events.' ) ,
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
label : this.egw.lang ( 'Keep exceptions' ) ,
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
id : 'button[delete_keep_exceptions]' ,
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
image : 'keep' , "default" : true
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
} ,
button_id : 'delete' ,
title : this.egw.lang ( 'The exceptions are deleted together with the series.' ) ,
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
label : this.egw.lang ( 'Delete exceptions' ) ,
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
id : 'button[delete_exceptions]' ,
image : 'delete'
} ,
button_id : 'cancel' ,
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
label : this.egw.lang ( 'Cancel' ) ,
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
id : 'dialog[cancel]' ,
image : 'cancel'
] ;
var self = this ;
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
Et2Dialog . show_dialog
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
function ( _button_id )
if ( _button_id != 'dialog[cancel]' )
widget . getRoot ( ) . getWidgetById ( 'delete_exceptions' ) . set_value ( _button_id == 'button[delete_exceptions]' ) ;
widget . getInstanceManager ( ) . submit ( 'button[delete]' ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ,
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
"Do you want to keep the series exceptions in your calendar?" ,
"This event is part of a series" , { } , buttons , Et2Dialog . WARNING_MESSAGE
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
) ;
else if ( content [ 'recur_type' ] !== 0 )
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
Et2Dialog . confirm ( widget , 'Delete this series of recurring events' , 'Delete Series' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
Et2Dialog . confirm ( widget , 'Delete this event' , 'Delete' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* On change participant event , try to set add button status based on
* participant field value . Additionally , disable / enable quantity field
* if there ' s none resource value or there are more than one resource selected .
* /
participantOnChange ( )
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
var add = < et2_button > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'add' ) ;
var quantity = < et2_number > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'quantity' ) ;
var participant = < Et2CalendarOwner > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'participant' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// array of participants
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
let value = participant . value ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-09-22 23:29:58 +02:00
add . disabled = ( value . length <= 0 ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
quantity . set_readonly ( false ) ;
// number of resources
var nRes = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < value.length ; i + + )
if ( ! value [ i ] . match ( /\D/ig ) || nRes )
quantity . set_readonly ( true ) ;
quantity . set_value ( 1 ) ;
nRes ++ ;
/ * *
* print_participants_status ( egw , widget )
* Handle to apply changes from status in print popup
* @param { mixed } _event
* @param { et2_base_widget } widget widget "status" in print popup window
* /
print_participants_status ( _event , widget )
if ( widget && window . opener )
//Parent popup window
var editPopWindow = window . opener ;
if ( editPopWindow )
//Update paretn popup window
editPopWindow . etemplate2 . getByApplication ( 'calendar' ) [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( widget . id ) . set_value ( widget . get_value ( ) ) ;
this . et2 . _inst . submit ( ) ;
editPopWindow . opener . egw_refresh ( 'status changed' , 'calendar' ) ;
else if ( widget )
window . egw_refresh ( this . egw . lang ( 'The original popup edit window is closed! You need to close the print window and reopen the entry again.' ) , 'calendar' ) ;
/ * *
* Handles to select freetime , and replace the selected one on Start ,
* and End date & time in edit calendar entry popup .
* @param { mixed } _event
* @param { et2_base_widget } _widget widget "select button" in freetime search popup window
* /
freetime_select ( _event , _widget )
if ( _widget )
var content = this . et2 . _inst . widgetContainer . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
// Make the Id from selected button by checking the index
var selectedId = _widget . id . match ( /^select\[([0-9])\]$/i ) [ 1 ] ;
2023-11-01 16:35:03 +01:00
var sTime = < Et2Select > < unknown > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( selectedId + 'start' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
//check the parent window is still open before to try to access it
if ( window . opener && sTime )
var editWindowObj = window . opener . etemplate2 . getByApplication ( 'calendar' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( typeof editWindowObj != "undefined" )
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
var startTime = < et2_date > editWindowObj . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'start' ) ;
var endTime = < et2_date > editWindowObj . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'end' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( startTime && endTime )
startTime . set_value ( sTime . get_value ( ) ) ;
endTime . set_value ( sTime . get_value ( ) ) ;
endTime . set_value ( '+' + content [ 'duration' ] ) ;
alert ( this . egw . lang ( 'The original calendar edit popup is closed!' ) ) ;
egw ( window ) . close ( ) ;
/ * *
* show / hide the filter of nm list in calendar listview
* /
filter_change ( )
const view = < et2_container > ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views [ 'listview' ] . etemplates [ 0 ] ) . widgetContainer || null ;
const nm = view ? < et2_nextmatch > view . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) : null ;
const filter = view && nm ? < et2_selectbox > nm . getWidgetById ( 'filter' ) : null ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
const dates = view ? < et2_template > view . getWidgetById ( 'calendar.list.dates' ) : null ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Update state when user changes it
if ( view && filter )
app . calendar . state . filter = filter . getValue ( ) ;
// Change sort order for before - this is just the UI, server does the query
if ( app . calendar . state . filter == 'before' )
nm . sortBy ( 'cal_start' , false , false ) ;
nm . sortBy ( 'cal_start' , true , false ) ;
delete app . calendar . state . filter ;
if ( filter && dates )
dates . set_disabled ( filter . getValue ( ) !== "custom" ) ;
if ( filter . getValue ( ) == "custom" && ! this . state_update_in_progress )
// Copy state dates over, without causing [another] state update
var actual = this . state_update_in_progress ;
this . state_update_in_progress = true ;
( < et2_date > view . getWidgetById ( 'startdate' ) ) . set_value ( app . calendar . state . first ) ;
( < et2_date > view . getWidgetById ( 'enddate' ) ) . set_value ( app . calendar . state . last ) ;
this . state_update_in_progress = actual ;
jQuery ( ( < et2_date > view . getWidgetById ( 'startdate' ) ) . getDOMNode ( ) ) . find ( 'input' ) . focus ( ) ;
/ * *
* Application links from non - list events
* The ID looks like calendar : : < id > or calendar : : < id > : < recurrence_date >
* For processing the links :
* '$app' gets replaced with 'calendar'
* '$id' gets replaced with < id >
* ' $app_id gets replaced with < id > : < recurrence_date >
* Use either $id or $app_id depending on if you want the series [ beginning ]
* or a particular date .
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActionObject [ ] } _events
* /
action_open ( _action , _events )
2021-02-23 18:24:57 +01:00
let app , id , app_id ;
// Try to get better by going straight for the data
let data = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _events [ 0 ] . id ) ;
if ( data && data . data )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-02-23 18:24:57 +01:00
app = data . data . app ;
app_id = data . data . app_id ;
2024-08-06 15:32:10 +02:00
if ( app === 'calendar' && app_id . indexOf ( ':' ) )
let parts = app_id . split ( ':' ) ;
app_id = parts [ 0 ] ;
2021-02-23 18:24:57 +01:00
id = data . data . id ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-02-23 18:24:57 +01:00
// Try to set some reasonable values from the ID
id = _events [ 0 ] . id . split ( '::' ) ;
app = id [ 0 ] ;
app_id = id [ 1 ] ;
if ( app_id && app_id . indexOf ( ':' ) )
let split = id [ 1 ] . split ( ':' ) ;
id = split [ 0 ] ;
id = app_id ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-02-23 18:24:57 +01:00
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( _action . data . open )
var open = JSON . parse ( _action . data . open ) || { } ;
var extra = open . extra || '' ;
extra = extra . replace ( /(\$|%24)app/ , app ) . replace ( /(\$|%24)app_id/ , app_id )
. replace ( /(\$|%24)id/ , id ) ;
// Get a little smarter with the context
if ( ! extra )
var context : any = { } ;
if ( egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _events [ 0 ] . id ) && egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _events [ 0 ] . id ) . data )
// Found data in global cache
context = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _events [ 0 ] . id ) . data ;
extra = { } ;
else if ( _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) && _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . _get_time_from_position &&
_action . menu_context && _action . menu_context . event
// Non-row space in planner
// Context menu has position information, but target is not what we expact
let target = jQuery ( '.calendar_plannerGrid' , _action . menu_context . event . currentTarget ) ;
var y = _action . menu_context . event . pageY - target . offset ( ) . top ;
var x = _action . menu_context . event . pageX - target . offset ( ) . left ;
var date = _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . _get_time_from_position ( x , y ) ;
if ( date )
context . start = date . toJSON ( ) ;
else if ( _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) && _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . instanceOf ( et2_calendar_planner_row ) )
// Empty space on a planner row
var widget = _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) ;
var parent = widget . getParent ( ) ;
if ( parent . options . group_by == 'month' )
var date = parent . _get_time_from_position ( _action . menu_context . event . clientX , _action . menu_context . event . clientY ) ;
var date = parent . _get_time_from_position ( _action . menu_context . event . offsetX , _action . menu_context . event . offsetY ) ;
if ( date )
context . start = date . toJSON ( ) ;
jQuery . extend ( context , widget . getDOMNode ( ) . dataset ) ;
else if ( _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) && _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . instanceOf ( et2_valueWidget ) )
// Able to extract something from the widget
context = _events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . getValue ?
_events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . getValue ( ) :
_events [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . options . value || { } ;
extra = { } ;
// Try to pull whatever we can from the event
else if ( jQuery . isEmptyObject ( context ) && _action . menu_context && ( _action . menu_context . event . target ) )
let target = _action . menu_context . event . target ;
while ( target != null && target . parentNode && jQuery . isEmptyObject ( target . dataset ) )
target = target . parentNode ;
context = extra = jQuery . extend ( { } , target . dataset ) ;
var owner = jQuery ( target ) . closest ( '[data-owner]' ) . get ( 0 ) ;
if ( owner && owner . dataset . owner && owner . dataset . owner != this . state . owner )
extra . owner = owner . dataset . owner . split ( ',' ) ;
if ( context . date ) extra . date = context . date ;
if ( context . app ) extra . app = context . app ;
if ( context . app_id ) extra . app_id = context . app_id ;
this . egw . open ( open . id_data || '' , open . app , open . type , extra ? extra : context ) ;
else if ( _action . data . url )
var url = _action . data . url ;
2021-02-09 21:42:51 +01:00
url = url . replace ( /(\$|%24)app_id/ , app_id )
. replace ( /(\$|%24)app/ , app )
. replace ( /(\$|%24)id/ , id ) ;
this . egw . open_link ( url , _action . data . target , _action . data . popup ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-02-23 19:39:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Check to see if we know how to convert this entry to the given app
* The current entry may not be an actual calendar event , it may be some other app
* that is participating via integration hook . This is determined by checking the
* hooks defined for < appname > _set , indicating that the app knows how to provide
* information for that application
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActionObject [ ] } _events
* /
action_convert_enabled_check ( _action , _events ) : boolean
let supported_apps = _action . data . convert_apps || [ ] ;
let entry = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _events [ 0 ] . id ) ;
if ( supported_apps && entry && entry . data )
return supported_apps . length > 0 && supported_apps . indexOf ( entry . data . app ) >= 0 ;
return true ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Context menu action ( on a single event ) in non - listview to generate ical
* Since nextmatch is all ready to handle that , we pass it through
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActionObject [ ] } _events
* /
ical ( _action , _events )
// Send it through nextmatch
_action . data . nextmatch = etemplate2 . getById ( 'calendar-list' ) . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) ;
var ids = { ids : [ ] } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < _events . length ; i ++ )
ids . ids . push ( _events [ i ] . id ) ;
nm_action ( _action , _events , null , ids ) ;
/ * *
* Change status ( via AJAX )
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActionObject } _events
* /
status ( _action , _events )
// Should be a single event, but we'll do it for all
for ( var i = 0 ; i < _events . length ; i ++ )
var event_widget = _events [ i ] . iface . getWidget ( ) || false ;
if ( ! event_widget ) continue ;
event_widget . recur_prompt ( jQuery . proxy ( function ( button_id , event_data ) {
switch ( button_id )
case 'exception' :
egw ( ) . json (
'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_status' ,
[ event_data . app_id , egw . user ( 'account_id' ) , _action . data . id ]
) . sendRequest ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'series' :
case 'single' :
egw ( ) . json (
'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_status' ,
[ event_data . id , egw . user ( 'account_id' ) , _action . data . id ]
) . sendRequest ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'cancel' :
default :
break ;
} , this ) ) ;
/ * *
* this function try to fix ids which are from integrated apps
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActionObject [ ] } _senders
* /
cal_fix_app_id ( _action , _senders )
var app = 'calendar' ;
var id = _senders [ 0 ] . id ;
var matches = id . match ( /^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+)(:([0-9]+))?$/ ) ;
if ( matches )
id = matches [ 1 ] ;
matches = id . match ( /^([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i ) ;
if ( matches )
app = matches [ 1 ] ;
id = matches [ 2 ] ;
var backup_url = _action . data . url ;
_action . data . url = _action . data . url . replace ( /(\$|%24)id/ , id ) ;
_action . data . url = _action . data . url . replace ( /(\$|%24)app/ , app ) ;
nm_action ( _action , _senders , false , { ids : [ id ] } ) ;
_action . data . url = backup_url ; // restore url
/ * *
* Open a smaller dialog / popup to add a new entry
* This is opened inside a dialog widget , not a popup . This causes issues
2022-03-24 18:24:00 +01:00
* with the submission , handling of the response , and cleanup . We ' re doing this because the server sets a lot
* of default values , but this could probably also be done more cleanly by getting the values via AJAX and passing
* them into the dialog
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
* @param { Object } options Array of values for new
* @param { et2_calendar_event } event Placeholder showing where new event goes
* /
add ( options , event )
if ( this . egw . preference ( 'new_event_dialog' , 'calendar' ) === 'edit' )
2021-12-08 21:41:35 +01:00
// We lose control after this, so remove the placeholder now
if ( event && event . destroy )
event . destroy ( ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Set this to open the add template in a popup
//options.template = 'calendar.add';
return this . egw . open ( null , 'calendar' , 'edit' , options , '_blank' , 'calendar' ) ;
2023-07-13 15:22:21 +02:00
let menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.edit&template=calendar.add' ;
for ( const name in options )
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
2023-07-13 15:22:21 +02:00
menuaction += '&' + name + '=' + encodeURIComponent ( options [ name ] ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2023-07-14 00:29:14 +02:00
return this . egw . openDialog ( menuaction ) . then ( dialog = >
2023-07-13 18:41:07 +02:00
2023-07-14 00:29:14 +02:00
// When the dialog is closed, clean up the placeholder
dialog . getComplete ( ) . then ( ( ) = >
2023-07-13 18:41:07 +02:00
2023-07-14 00:29:14 +02:00
if ( event )
2023-07-13 18:41:07 +02:00
2023-07-14 00:29:14 +02:00
event . destroy ( ) ;
2023-07-13 18:41:07 +02:00
2023-07-14 00:29:14 +02:00
} ) ;
2023-07-13 18:41:07 +02:00
} ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
2023-07-13 15:22:21 +02:00
* Open calendar entry , taking into account the calendar integration of other apps
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
* calendar_uilist : : get_rows sets var js_calendar_integration object
* @param _action
* @param _senders
* /
cal_open ( _action , _senders )
// Try for easy way - find a widget
if ( _senders [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget )
var widget = _senders [ 0 ] . iface . getWidget ( ) ;
return widget . recur_prompt ( ) ;
// Nextmatch in list view does not have a widget, but we can pull
// the data by ID
// Check for series
var id = _senders [ 0 ] . id ;
var data = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( id ) ;
if ( data && data . data )
et2_calendar_event . recur_prompt ( data . data ) ;
return ;
var matches = id . match ( /^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/ ) ;
// Check for other app integration data sent from server
var backup = _action . data ;
if ( _action . parent . data && _action . parent . data . nextmatch )
var js_integration_data = _action . parent . data . nextmatch . options . settings . js_integration_data || this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data . nm . js_integration_data ;
if ( typeof js_integration_data == 'string' )
js_integration_data = JSON . parse ( js_integration_data ) ;
matches = id . match ( /^calendar::([a-z_-]+)([0-9]+)/i ) ;
if ( matches && js_integration_data && js_integration_data [ matches [ 1 ] ] )
var app = matches [ 1 ] ;
_action . data . url = window . egw_webserverUrl + '/index.php?' ;
var get_params = js_integration_data [ app ] . edit ;
get_params [ js_integration_data [ app ] . edit_id ] = matches [ 2 ] ;
for ( var name in get_params )
_action . data . url += name + "=" + encodeURIComponent ( get_params [ name ] ) + "&" ;
if ( js_integration_data [ app ] . edit_popup )
egw . open_link ( _action . data . url , '_blank' , js_integration_data [ app ] . edit_popup , app ) ;
_action . data = backup ; // restore url, width, height, nm_action
return ;
// Other app integration using link registry
var data = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _senders [ 0 ] . id ) ;
if ( data && data . data )
return egw . open ( data . data . app_id , data . data . app , 'edit' ) ;
// Regular, single event
egw . open ( id . replace ( /^calendar::/g , '' ) , 'calendar' , 'edit' ) ;
/ * *
* Delete ( a single ) calendar entry over ajax .
* Used for the non - list views
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActionObject } _events
* /
delete ( _action , _events )
// Should be a single event, but we'll do it for all
for ( var i = 0 ; i < _events . length ; i ++ )
var event_widget = _events [ i ] . iface . getWidget ( ) || false ;
if ( ! event_widget ) continue ;
event_widget . recur_prompt ( jQuery . proxy ( function ( button_id , event_data ) {
switch ( button_id )
case 'exception' :
egw ( ) . json (
'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_delete' ,
[ event_data . app_id ]
) . sendRequest ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'series' :
case 'single' :
egw ( ) . json (
'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_delete' ,
[ event_data . id ]
) . sendRequest ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'cancel' :
default :
break ;
} , this ) ) ;
/ * *
* Delete calendar entry , asking if you want to delete series or exception
* Used for nextmatch
* @param _action
* @param _senders
* /
cal_delete ( _action , _senders )
2020-07-16 15:05:45 +02:00
let all = _action . parent . data . nextmatch ? . getSelection ( ) . all ;
let no_notifications = _action . parent . getActionById ( "no_notifications" ) ? . checked ;
2020-07-15 23:56:28 +02:00
let matches = false ;
let ids = [ ] ;
let cal_event = this . egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _senders [ 0 ] . id ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Loop so we ask if any of the selected entries is part of a series
for ( var i = 0 ; i < _senders . length ; i ++ )
var id = _senders [ i ] . id ;
if ( ! matches )
matches = id . match ( /^(?:calendar::)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$/ ) ;
2020-07-15 23:56:28 +02:00
ids . push ( id . split ( "::" ) . pop ( ) ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( matches )
2020-07-15 23:56:28 +02:00
// At least one event is a series, use its data to trigger the prompt
let cal_event = this . egw . dataGetUIDdata ( matches [ 0 ] ) ;
et2_calendar_event . recur_prompt ( cal_event . data , function ( button_id , event_data ) {
switch ( button_id )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2020-07-15 23:56:28 +02:00
case 'single' :
case 'exception' :
// Just this one, handle in the normal way but over AJAX
egw . json ( "calendar.calendar_uilist.ajax_action" , [ _action . id , ids , all , no_notifications ] ) . sendRequest ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'series' :
// No recurrences, handle in the normal way but over AJAX
egw . json ( "calendar.calendar_uilist.ajax_action" , [ "delete_series" , ids , all , no_notifications ] ) . sendRequest ( true ) ;
break ;
case 'cancel' :
default :
break ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2020-07-15 23:56:28 +02:00
} . bind ( this ) ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Confirmation dialog for moving a series entry
* @param { object } _DOM
* @param { et2_widget } _button button Save | Apply
* /
move_edit_series ( _DOM , _button )
2024-07-06 09:06:58 +02:00
const content : any = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
const start_date = this . et2 . getValueById ( 'start' ) ;
const end_date = this . et2 . getValueById ( 'end' ) ;
const whole_day = < Et2Checkbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'whole_day' ) ;
const duration = '' + this . et2 . getValueById ( 'duration' ) ;
const is_whole_day = whole_day && whole_day . value == whole_day . selectedValue ;
const button = _button ;
const that = this ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
let instance_date_regex = window . location . search . match ( /date=(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(?:.+Z)?)/ ) ;
let instance_date ;
if ( instance_date_regex && instance_date_regex . length && instance_date_regex [ 1 ] )
instance_date = new Date ( unescape ( instance_date_regex [ 1 ] ) ) ;
instance_date . setUTCMinutes ( instance_date . getUTCMinutes ( ) + instance_date . getTimezoneOffset ( ) ) ;
if ( typeof content != 'undefined' && content . id != null &&
2024-06-29 16:40:32 +02:00
typeof content . recur_type != 'undefined' && content . recur_type != null && content . recur_type != 0 )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( content . start != start_date ||
content . whole_day != is_whole_day ||
( duration && '' + content . duration != duration ||
// End date might ignore seconds, and be 59 seconds off for all day events
2024-06-29 16:40:32 +02:00
! duration && Math . abs ( new Date ( end_date ) - new Date ( content . end ) ) > 60000 ) )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
et2_calendar_event . series_split_prompt (
content , instance_date , function ( _button_id )
2022-03-18 20:58:13 +01:00
if ( _button_id == Et2Dialog . OK_BUTTON )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
that . et2 . getInstanceManager ( ) . submit ( button ) ;
) ;
2024-06-29 16:40:32 +02:00
return false ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2024-06-29 16:40:32 +02:00
// check if we have future exceptions and changes with might be applied to them too
if ( content . future_exceptions )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2024-06-29 16:40:32 +02:00
Et2Dialog . show_dialog ( ( _button ) = > {
this . et2 . setValueById ( 'apply_changes_to_exceptions' , _button == Et2Dialog . YES_BUTTON ) ;
this . et2 . getInstanceManager ( ) . submit ( button ) ;
} , 'Otherwise, changes to the title, description, ... or new participants will not be transferred to exceptions that have already been created.' , 'Apply changes to (future) exceptions too?' , undefined , Et2Dialog . BUTTONS_YES_NO , Et2Dialog . QUESTION_MESSAGE ) ;
return false ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2024-06-29 16:40:32 +02:00
return true ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Send a mail or meeting request to event participants
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActionObject [ ] } _selected
* /
action_mail ( _action , _selected )
var data = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _selected [ 0 ] . id ) || { data : { } } ;
var event = data . data ;
this . egw . json ( 'calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_custom_mail' ,
[ event , false , _action . id === 'sendrequest' ] ,
null , null , null , null
) . sendRequest ( ) ;
/ * *
* Sidebox merge
* Manage the state and pass the request to the correct place . Since the nextmatch
* and the sidebox have different ideas of the 'current' timespan ( sidebox
* always has a start and end date ) we need to call merge on the nextmatch
* if the current view is listview , so the user gets the results they expect .
* @param { Event } event UI event
* @param { et2_widget } widget Should be the merge selectbox
* /
sidebox_merge ( event , widget )
if ( ! widget || ! widget . getValue ( ) ) return false ;
if ( this . state . view == 'listview' )
// If user is looking at the list, pretend they used the context
// menu and process it through the nextmatch
var nm = etemplate2 . getById ( 'calendar-list' ) . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) || false ;
var selected = nm ? nm . controller . _objectManager . getSelectedLinks ( ) : [ ] ;
var action = nm . controller . _actionManager . getActionById ( 'document_' + widget . getValue ( ) ) ;
if ( nm && ( ! selected || ! selected . length ) )
nm . controller . _selectionMgr . selectAll ( true ) ;
if ( action && selected )
2021-11-23 23:50:10 +01:00
super . merge ( action , selected ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Set the hidden inputs to the current time span & submit
widget . getRoot ( ) . getWidgetById ( 'first' ) . set_value ( app . calendar . state . first ) ;
widget . getRoot ( ) . getWidgetById ( 'last' ) . set_value ( app . calendar . state . last ) ;
2021-11-23 23:50:10 +01:00
let vars = {
menuaction : 'calendar.calendar_merge.merge_entries' ,
document : widget . getValue ( ) ,
merge : 'calendar_merge' ,
2024-08-29 18:18:38 +02:00
options : { pdf : false } ,
2021-11-23 23:50:10 +01:00
select_all : false ,
id : JSON.stringify ( {
first : app.calendar.state.first ,
last : app.calendar.state.last ,
date : app.calendar.state.first ,
view : app.calendar.state.view
} )
} ;
egw . open_link ( egw . link ( '/index.php' , vars ) , '_blank' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-11-23 23:50:10 +01:00
widget . set_value ( '' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
return false ;
/ * *
* Method to set state for JSON requests ( jdots ajax_exec or et2 submits can NOT use egw . js script tag )
* @param { object } _state
* /
set_state ( _state )
if ( typeof _state == 'object' )
// If everything is loaded, handle the changes
if ( this . sidebox_et2 !== null )
this . update_state ( _state ) ;
// Things aren't loaded yet, just set it
this . state = _state ;
/ * *
* Change only part of the current state .
* The passed state options ( filters ) are merged with the current state , so
* this is the one that should be used for most calls , as setState ( ) requires
* the complete state .
* @param { Object } _set New settings
* /
update_state ( _set )
// Make sure we're running in top window
// @ts-ignore
if ( window !== window . top && window . top . app . calendar )
// @ts-ignore
return window . top . app . calendar . update_state ( _set ) ;
if ( this . state_update_in_progress ) return ;
var changed = [ ] ;
var new_state = jQuery . extend ( { } , this . state ) ;
if ( typeof _set === 'object' )
for ( var s in _set )
if ( new_state [ s ] !== _set [ s ] && ( typeof new_state [ s ] == 'string' || typeof new_state [ s ] !== 'string' && new_state [ s ] + '' !== _set [ s ] + '' ) )
changed . push ( s + ': ' + new_state [ s ] + ' -> ' + _set [ s ] ) ;
new_state [ s ] = _set [ s ] ;
if ( changed . length && ! this . state_update_in_progress )
// This activates calendar app if you call setState from a different app
// such as home. If we change state while not active, sizing is wrong.
2024-06-11 19:58:04 +02:00
if ( typeof framework !== 'undefined' && framework . applications ? . calendar && framework . applications . calendar . hasSideboxMenuContent )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
framework . setActiveApp ( framework . applications . calendar ) ;
console . log ( 'Calendar state changed' , changed . join ( "\n" ) ) ;
// Log
this . egw . debug ( 'navigation' , 'Calendar state changed' , changed . join ( "\n" ) ) ;
this . setState ( { state : new_state } ) ;
/ * *
* Return state object defining current view
* Called by favorites to query current state .
* @return { object } description
* /
getState ( )
var state = jQuery . extend ( { } , this . state ) ;
if ( ! state )
var egw_script_tag = document . getElementById ( 'egw_script_id' ) ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
let tag_state = egw_script_tag . getAttribute ( 'data-calendar-state' ) ;
state = tag_state ? JSON . parse ( tag_state ) : { } ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Don't store current user in state to allow admins to create favourites for all
// Should make no difference for normal users.
if ( state . owner == egw . user ( 'account_id' ) )
// 0 is always the current user, so if an admin creates a default favorite,
// it will work for other users too.
state . owner = 0 ;
// Keywords are only for list view
if ( state . view == 'listview' )
var listview : et2_nextmatch = typeof CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] !== 'string' &&
CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer &&
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
< et2_nextmatch > CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( listview && listview . activeFilters && listview . activeFilters . search )
state . keywords = listview . activeFilters . search ;
// Don't store date or first and last
delete state . date ;
delete state . first ;
delete state . last ;
delete state . startdate ;
delete state . enddate ;
delete state . start_date ;
delete state . end_date ;
return state ;
/ * *
* Set a state previously returned by getState
* Called by favorites to set a state saved as favorite .
* @param { object } state containing "name" attribute to be used as "favorite" GET parameter to a nextmatch
* /
setState ( state )
// State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse
if ( typeof state == "string" )
if ( state . indexOf ( '{' ) != - 1 || state == 'null' )
state = JSON . parse ( state ) ;
if ( typeof state . state !== 'object' || ! state . state . view )
state . state = { view : 'week' } ;
// States with no name (favorites other than No filters) default to
// today. Applying a favorite should keep the current date.
if ( ! state . state . date )
state . state . date = state . name ? this . state.date : new Date ( ) ;
if ( typeof state . state . weekend == 'undefined' )
state . state . weekend = true ;
// Hide other views
var view = CalendarApp . views [ state . state . view ] ;
for ( var _view in CalendarApp . views )
if ( state . state . view != _view && CalendarApp . views [ _view ] )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < CalendarApp . views [ _view ] . etemplates . length ; i ++ )
if ( typeof CalendarApp . views [ _view ] . etemplates [ i ] !== 'string' &&
view . etemplates . indexOf ( CalendarApp . views [ _view ] . etemplates [ i ] ) == - 1 )
jQuery ( CalendarApp . views [ _view ] . etemplates [ i ] . DOMContainer ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( this . sidebox_et2 )
jQuery ( this . sidebox_et2 . getInstanceManager ( ) . DOMContainer ) . hide ( ) ;
// Check for valid cache
var cachable_changes = [ 'date' , 'weekend' , 'view' , 'days' , 'planner_view' , 'sortby' ] ;
// @ts-ignore
let keys = ( Object . keys ( this . state ) . concat ( Object . keys ( state . state ) ) ) . filter (
function ( value , index , self )
return self . indexOf ( value ) === index ;
) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ )
var s = keys [ i ] ;
if ( this . state [ s ] !== state . state [ s ] )
if ( cachable_changes . indexOf ( s ) === - 1 )
// Expire daywise cache
var daywise = egw . dataKnownUIDs ( CalendarApp . DAYWISE_CACHE_ID ) ;
// Can't delete from here, as that would disconnect the existing widgets listening
for ( var i = 0 ; i < daywise . length ; i ++ )
egw . dataStoreUID ( CalendarApp . DAYWISE_CACHE_ID + '::' + daywise [ i ] , null ) ;
break ;
// Check for a supported client-side view
if ( CalendarApp . views [ state . state . view ] &&
// Check that the view is instanciated
typeof CalendarApp . views [ state . state . view ] . etemplates [ 0 ] !== 'string' && CalendarApp . views [ state . state . view ] . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer
// Doing an update - this includes the selected view, and the sidebox
// We set a flag to ignore changes from the sidebox which would
// cause infinite loops.
this . state_update_in_progress = true ;
// Sanitize owner so it's always an array
if ( state . state . owner === null || ! state . state . owner ||
( typeof state . state . owner . length != 'undefined' && state . state . owner . length == 0 )
state . state . owner = undefined ;
switch ( typeof state . state . owner )
case 'undefined' :
state . state . owner = [ this . egw . user ( 'account_id' ) ] ;
break ;
case 'string' :
state . state . owner = state . state . owner . split ( ',' ) ;
break ;
case 'number' :
state . state . owner = [ state . state . owner ] ;
break ;
case 'object' :
// An array-like Object or an Array?
if ( ! state . state . owner . filter )
state . state . owner = jQuery . map ( state . state . owner , function ( owner ) { return owner ; } ) ;
2022-07-22 21:24:38 +02:00
if ( state . state . owner . indexOf ( '0' ) >= 0 )
state . state . owner [ state . state . owner . indexOf ( '0' ) ] = this . egw . user ( 'account_id' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Remove duplicates
2022-07-22 21:24:38 +02:00
state . state . owner = state . state . owner . filter ( function ( value , index , self )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
return self . indexOf ( value ) === index ;
} ) ;
// Make sure they're all strings
2022-07-22 21:24:38 +02:00
state . state . owner = state . state . owner . map ( function ( owner ) { return '' + owner ; } ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Show the correct number of grids
var grid_count = 0 ;
switch ( state . state . view )
case 'day' :
grid_count = 1 ;
break ;
case 'day4' :
case 'week' :
grid_count = state . state . owner . length >= parseInt ( '' + this . egw . preference ( 'week_consolidate' , 'calendar' ) ) ? 1 : state.state.owner.length ;
break ;
case 'weekN' :
grid_count = parseInt ( '' + this . egw . preference ( 'multiple_weeks' , 'calendar' ) ) || 3 ;
break ;
// Month is calculated individually for the month
var grid = view . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'view' ) ;
// Show the templates for the current view
// Needs to be visible while updating so sizing works
for ( var i = 0 ; i < view . etemplates . length ; i ++ )
jQuery ( view . etemplates [ i ] . DOMContainer ) . show ( ) ;
/ *
If the count is different , we need to have the correct number
If the count is > 1 , it ' s either because there are multiple date spans ( weekN , month ) and we need the correct span
per row , or there are multiple owners and we need the correct owner per row .
* /
if ( grid )
// Show loading div to hide redrawing
egw . loading_prompt (
this . appname , true , egw . lang ( 'please wait...' ) ,
2024-06-11 19:58:04 +02:00
typeof framework !== 'undefined' ? framework.applications?.calendar?.tab?.contentDiv : false ,
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
egwIsMobile ( ) ? 'horizontal' : 'spinner'
) ;
var loading = false ;
var value = [ ] ;
state . state . first = view . start_date ( state . state ) . toJSON ( ) ;
// We'll modify this one, so it needs to be a new object
var date = new Date ( state . state . first ) ;
// Hide all but the first day header
jQuery ( grid . getDOMNode ( ) ) . toggleClass (
'hideDayColHeader' ,
state . state . view == 'week' || state . state . view == 'day4'
) ;
// Determine the different end date & varying values
switch ( state . state . view )
case 'month' :
var end = state . state . last = view . end_date ( state . state ) ;
grid_count = Math . ceil ( ( end - date . valueOf ( ) ) / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) / 7 ) ;
// fall through
case 'weekN' :
for ( var week = 0 ; week < grid_count ; week ++ )
var val = {
id : CalendarApp._daywise_cache_id ( date , state . state . owner ) ,
start_date : date.toJSON ( ) ,
end_date : new Date ( date . toJSON ( ) ) ,
owner : state.state.owner
} ;
val . end_date . setUTCHours ( 24 * 7 - 1 ) ;
val . end_date . setUTCMinutes ( 59 ) ;
val . end_date . setUTCSeconds ( 59 ) ;
val . end_date = val . end_date . toJSON ( ) ;
value . push ( val ) ;
date . setUTCHours ( 24 * 7 ) ;
state . state . last = val . end_date ;
break ;
case 'day' :
var end = state . state . last = view . end_date ( state . state ) . toJSON ( ) ;
value . push ( {
id : CalendarApp._daywise_cache_id ( date , state . state . owner ) ,
start_date : state.state.first ,
end_date : state.state.last ,
owner : view.owner ( state . state )
} ) ;
break ;
default :
var end = state . state . last = view . end_date ( state . state ) . toJSON ( ) ;
for ( let owner = 0 ; owner < grid_count && owner < state . state . owner . length ; owner ++ )
var _owner = grid_count > 1 ? state . state . owner [ owner ] || 0 : state.state.owner ;
value . push ( {
id : CalendarApp._daywise_cache_id ( date , _owner ) ,
start_date : date ,
end_date : end ,
owner : _owner
} ) ;
break ;
// If we have cached data for the timespan, pass it along
// Single day with multiple owners still needs owners split to satisfy
// caching keys, otherwise they'll fetch & cache consolidated
if ( state . state . view == 'day' && state . state . owner . length < parseInt ( '' + this . egw . preference ( 'day_consolidate' , 'calendar' ) ) )
var day_value = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < state . state . owner . length ; i ++ )
day_value . push ( {
start_date : state.state.first ,
end_date : state.state.last ,
owner : state.state.owner [ i ]
} ) ;
loading = this . _need_data ( day_value , state . state ) ;
loading = this . _need_data ( value , state . state ) ;
var row_index = 0 ;
// Find any matching, existing rows - they can be kept
grid . iterateOver ( function ( widget ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < value . length ; i ++ )
if ( widget . id == value [ i ] . id )
// Keep it, but move it
if ( i > row_index )
for ( var j = i - row_index ; j > 0 ; j -- )
// Move from the end to the start
grid . _children . unshift ( grid . _children . pop ( ) ) ;
// Swap DOM nodes
var a = grid . _children [ 0 ] . getDOMNode ( ) . parentNode . parentNode ;
let a_scroll = jQuery ( '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' , a ) . scrollTop ( ) ;
var b = grid . _children [ 1 ] . getDOMNode ( ) . parentNode . parentNode ;
a . parentNode . insertBefore ( a , b ) ;
// Moving nodes changes scrolling, so set it back
jQuery ( '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' , a ) . scrollTop ( a_scroll ) ;
else if ( row_index > i )
// Swap DOM nodes
var a = grid . _children [ row_index ] . getDOMNode ( ) . parentNode . parentNode ;
let a_scroll = jQuery ( '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' , a ) . scrollTop ( ) ;
var b = grid . _children [ i ] . getDOMNode ( ) . parentNode . parentNode ;
// Simple scroll forward, put top on the bottom
// This makes it faster if they scroll back next
if ( i == 0 && row_index == 1 )
jQuery ( b ) . appendTo ( b . parentNode ) ;
grid . _children . push ( grid . _children . shift ( ) ) ;
grid . _children . splice ( i , 0 , widget ) ;
grid . _children . splice ( row_index + 1 , 1 ) ;
a . parentNode . insertBefore ( a , b ) ;
// Moving nodes changes scrolling, so set it back
jQuery ( '.calendar_calTimeGridScroll' , a ) . scrollTop ( a_scroll ) ;
break ;
row_index ++ ;
} , this , et2_calendar_view ) ;
row_index = 0 ;
// Set rows that need it
var was_disabled = [ ] ;
grid . iterateOver ( function ( widget ) {
was_disabled [ row_index ] = false ;
if ( row_index < value . length )
was_disabled [ row_index ] = widget . options . disabled ;
widget . set_disabled ( false ) ;
widget . set_disabled ( true ) ;
row_index ++ ;
} , this , et2_calendar_view ) ;
row_index = 0 ;
grid . iterateOver ( function ( widget ) {
if ( row_index >= value . length ) return ;
2020-08-04 21:56:54 +02:00
// Clear height to make sure there's correct calculations
widget . div . css ( "height" , "" ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( widget . set_show_weekend )
widget . set_show_weekend ( view . show_weekend ( state . state ) ) ;
if ( widget . set_granularity )
if ( widget . loader ) widget . loader . show ( ) ;
widget . set_granularity ( view . granularity ( state . state ) ) ;
if ( widget . id == value [ row_index ] . id &&
widget . get_end_date ( ) . getUTCFullYear ( ) == value [ row_index ] . end_date . substring ( 0 , 4 ) &&
widget . get_end_date ( ) . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 == value [ row_index ] . end_date . substring ( 5 , 7 ) &&
widget . get_end_date ( ) . getUTCDate ( ) == value [ row_index ] . end_date . substring ( 8 , 10 )
// Do not need to re-set this row, but we do need to re-do
// the times, as they may have changed
widget . resizeTimes ( ) ;
window . setTimeout ( jQuery . proxy ( widget . set_header_classes , widget ) , 0 ) ;
// If disabled while the daycols were loaded, they won't load their events
for ( var day = 0 ; was_disabled [ row_index ] && day < widget . day_widgets . length ; day ++ )
egw . dataStoreUID (
widget . day_widgets [ day ] . registeredUID ,
egw . dataGetUIDdata ( widget . day_widgets [ day ] . registeredUID ) . data
) ;
widget . set_owner ( value [ row_index ] . owner ) ;
// Hide loader
widget . loader . hide ( ) ;
row_index ++ ;
return ;
if ( widget . set_value )
widget . set_value ( value [ row_index ++ ] ) ;
} , this , et2_calendar_view ) ;
else if ( state . state . view !== 'listview' )
// Simple, easy case - just one widget for the selected time span. (planner)
// Update existing view's special attribute filters, defined in the view list
2022-04-12 19:25:33 +02:00
for ( let updater of view . getAllFuncs ( view ) )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( typeof view [ updater ] === 'function' )
2021-10-20 00:32:54 +02:00
let value = view [ updater ] . call ( this , state . state ) ;
if ( updater === 'start_date' )
state . state . first = this . date . toString ( value ) ;
if ( updater === 'end_date' )
state . state . last = this . date . toString ( value ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Set value
for ( var i = 0 ; i < view . etemplates . length ; i ++ )
2021-10-20 00:32:54 +02:00
view . etemplates [ i ] . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( widget )
if ( typeof widget [ 'set_' + updater ] === 'function' )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-10-20 00:32:54 +02:00
widget [ 'set_' + updater ] ( value ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
} , this , et2_calendar_view ) ;
let value = [ { start_date : state.state.first , end_date : state.state.last } ] ;
loading = this . _need_data ( value , state . state ) ;
// Include first & last dates in state, mostly for server side processing
if ( state . state . first && state . state . first . toJSON ) state . state . first = state . state . first . toJSON ( ) ;
if ( state . state . last && state . state . last . toJSON ) state . state . last = state . state . last . toJSON ( ) ;
// Toggle todos
if ( ( state . state . view == 'day' || this . state . view == 'day' ) && jQuery ( view . etemplates [ 0 ] . DOMContainer ) . is ( ':visible' ) )
2020-05-07 18:24:22 +02:00
if ( state . state . view == 'day' && state . state . owner . length === 1 && ! isNaN ( state . state . owner ) && state . state . owner [ 0 ] >= 0 && ! egwIsMobile ( )
// Check preferences and permissions
&& egw . user ( 'apps' ) [ 'infolog' ] && egw . preference ( 'cal_show' , 'infolog' ) !== '0'
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Set width to 70%, otherwise if a scrollbar is needed for the view, it will conflict with the todo list
jQuery ( ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views . day . etemplates [ 0 ] ) . DOMContainer ) . css ( "width" , "70%" ) ;
2020-12-01 17:51:04 +01:00
jQuery ( view . etemplates [ 1 ] . DOMContainer ) . css ( { "left" : "70%" } ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// TODO: Maybe some caching here
this . egw . jsonq ( 'calendar_uiviews::ajax_get_todos' , [ state . state . date , state . state . owner [ 0 ] ] , function ( data ) {
this . getWidgetById ( 'label' ) . set_value ( data . label || '' ) ;
this . getWidgetById ( 'todos' ) . set_value ( { content :data.todos || '' } ) ;
} , view . etemplates [ 1 ] . widgetContainer ) ;
view . etemplates [ 0 ] . resize ( ) ;
jQuery ( ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views . day . etemplates [ 1 ] ) . DOMContainer ) . css ( "left" , "100%" ) ;
jQuery ( ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views . day . etemplates [ 1 ] ) . DOMContainer ) . hide ( ) ;
jQuery ( ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views . day . etemplates [ 0 ] ) . DOMContainer ) . css ( "width" , "100%" ) ;
view . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( w ) {
w . set_width ( '100%' ) ;
} , this , et2_calendar_timegrid ) ;
else if ( jQuery ( view . etemplates [ 0 ] . DOMContainer ) . is ( ':visible' ) )
jQuery ( view . etemplates [ 0 ] . DOMContainer ) . css ( "width" , "" ) ;
view . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( w ) {
w . set_width ( '100%' ) ;
} , this , et2_calendar_timegrid ) ;
// List view (nextmatch) has slightly different fields
if ( state . state . view === 'listview' )
state . state . startdate = state . state . date ;
if ( state . state . startdate . toJSON )
state . state . startdate = state . state . startdate . toJSON ( ) ;
if ( state . state . end_date )
state . state . enddate = state . state . end_date ;
if ( state . state . enddate && state . state . enddate . toJSON )
state . state . enddate = state . state . enddate . toJSON ( ) ;
state . state . col_filter = { participant : state.state.owner } ;
state . state . search = state . state . keywords ? state.state.keywords : state.state.search ;
delete state . state . keywords ;
var nm = view . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) ;
// 'Custom' filter needs an end date
if ( nm . activeFilters . filter === 'custom' && ! state . state . end_date )
state . state . enddate = state . state . last ;
if ( state . state . enddate && state . state . startdate && state . state . startdate > state . state . enddate )
state . state . enddate = state . state . startdate ;
nm . applyFilters ( state . state ) ;
// Try to keep last value up to date with what's in nextmatch
if ( nm . activeFilters . enddate )
this . state . last = nm . activeFilters . enddate ;
// Updates the display of start & end date
this . filter_change ( ) ;
// Turn off nextmatch's automatic stuff - it won't work while it
// is hidden, and can cause an infinite loop as it tries to layout.
// (It will automatically re-start when shown)
var nm = ( < etemplate2 > CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] ) . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) ;
nm . controller . _grid . doInvalidate = false ;
} catch ( e ) { }
// Other views do not search
delete state . state . keywords ;
this . state = jQuery . extend ( { } , state . state ) ;
/* Update re-orderable calendars */
this . _sortable ( ) ;
/* Update sidebox widgets to show current value*/
if ( this . sidebox_hooked_templates . length )
for ( var j = 0 ; j < this . sidebox_hooked_templates . length ; j ++ )
var sidebox = this . sidebox_hooked_templates [ j ] ;
// Remove any destroyed or not valid templates
if ( ! sidebox . getInstanceManager || ! sidebox . getInstanceManager ( ) )
this . sidebox_hooked_templates . splice ( j , 1 , 0 ) ;
continue ;
sidebox . iterateOver ( function ( widget ) {
if ( widget . id == 'view' )
// View widget has a list of state settings, which require special handling
for ( var i = 0 ; i < widget . options . select_options . length ; i ++ )
var option_state = JSON . parse ( widget . options . select_options [ i ] . value ) || [ ] ;
var match = true ;
for ( var os_key in option_state )
// Sometimes an optional state variable is not yet defined (sortby, days, etc)
match = match && ( option_state [ os_key ] == this . state [ os_key ] || typeof this . state [ os_key ] == 'undefined' ) ;
if ( match )
widget . set_value ( widget . options . select_options [ i ] . value ) ;
return ;
else if ( widget . id == 'keywords' )
widget . set_value ( '' ) ;
else if ( typeof state . state [ widget . id ] !== 'undefined' && state . state [ widget . id ] != widget . getValue ( ) )
// Update widget. This may trigger an infinite loop of
// updates, so we do it after changing this.state and set a flag
widget . set_value ( state . state [ widget . id ] ) ;
catch ( e )
widget . set_value ( '' ) ;
2022-07-25 19:11:51 +02:00
else if ( typeof widget . set_value == "function" && typeof state . state [ widget . id ] == 'undefined' )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// No value, clear it
widget . set_value ( '' ) ;
2022-07-25 19:11:51 +02:00
} , this , et2_IInput ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-08-12 11:38:15 +02:00
// If current state matches a favorite, highlight it
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
this . highlight_favorite ( ) ;
// Update app header
this . set_app_header ( view . header ( state . state ) ) ;
// Reset auto-refresh timer
this . _set_autorefresh ( ) ;
// Sidebox is updated, we can clear the flag
this . state_update_in_progress = false ;
// Update saved state in preferences
var save = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < CalendarApp . states_to_save . length ; i ++ )
save [ CalendarApp . states_to_save [ i ] ] = this . state [ CalendarApp . states_to_save [ i ] ] ;
egw . set_preference ( 'calendar' , 'saved_states' , save ) ;
// Trigger resize to get correct sizes, as they may have sized while
// hidden
for ( var i = 0 ; i < view . etemplates . length ; i ++ )
view . etemplates [ i ] . resize ( ) ;
// If we need to fetch data from the server, it will hide the loader
// when done but if everything is in the cache, hide from here.
if ( ! loading )
window . setTimeout ( jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) {
egw . loading_prompt ( this . appname , false ) ;
} , this ) , 500 ) ;
return ;
// old calendar state handling on server-side (incl. switching to and from listview)
var menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index' ;
if ( typeof state . state != 'undefined' && ( typeof state . state . view == 'undefined' || state . state . view == 'listview' ) )
if ( state . name )
// 'blank' is the special name for no filters, send that instead of the nice translated name
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
state . state . favorite = jQuery . isEmptyObject ( state ) || jQuery . isEmptyObject ( state . state || state . filter ) ? 'blank' : state . name . replace ( /[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g , '_' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// set date for "No Filter" (blank) favorite to todays date
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
if ( state . state . favorite == 'blank' )
state . state . date = formatDate ( new Date , { dateFormat : 'yymmdd' } ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uilist.listview' ;
state . state . ajax = 'true' ;
// check if we already use et2 / are in listview
if ( this . et2 || etemplate2 && etemplate2 . getByApplication ( 'calendar' ) )
// current calendar-code can set regular calendar states only via a server-request :(
// --> check if we only need to set something which can be handeled by nm internally
// or we need a redirect
// ToDo: pass them via nm's get_rows call to server (eg. by passing state), so we dont need a redirect
var current_state = this . getState ( ) ;
var need_redirect = false ;
for ( var attr in current_state )
switch ( attr )
case 'cat_id' :
case 'owner' :
case 'filter' :
if ( state . state [ attr ] != current_state [ attr ] )
need_redirect = true ;
// reset of attributes managed on server-side
if ( state . state . favorite === 'blank' )
switch ( attr )
case 'cat_id' :
state . state . cat_id = 0 ;
break ;
case 'owner' :
state . state . owner = egw . user ( 'account_id' ) ;
break ;
case 'filter' :
state . state . filter = 'default' ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
case 'view' :
// "No filter" (blank) favorite: if not in listview --> stay in that view
if ( state . state . favorite === 'blank' && current_state . view != 'listview' )
menuaction = 'calendar.calendar_uiviews.index' ;
delete state . state . ajax ;
need_redirect = true ;
if ( ! need_redirect )
return super . setState ( [ state ] ) ;
// setting internal state now, that linkHandler does not intercept switching from listview to any old view
this . state = jQuery . extend ( { } , state . state ) ;
if ( this . sidebox_et2 )
jQuery ( this . sidebox_et2 . getInstanceManager ( ) . DOMContainer ) . show ( ) ;
var query = jQuery . extend ( { menuaction : menuaction } , state . state || { } ) ;
// prepend an owner 0, to reset all owners and not just set given resource type
if ( typeof query . owner != 'undefined' )
query . owner = '0,' + ( typeof query . owner == 'object' ? query . owner . join ( ',' ) : ( '' + query . owner ) . replace ( '0,' , '' ) ) ;
this . egw . open_link ( this . egw . link ( '/index.php' , query ) , 'calendar' ) ;
// Stop the normal bubbling if this is called on click
return false ;
/ * *
* Check to see if any of the selected is an event widget
* Used to separate grid actions from event actions
* @param { egwAction } _action
* @param { egwActioObject [ ] } _selected
* @returns { boolean } Is any of the selected an event widget
* /
is_event ( _action , _selected )
var is_widget = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < _selected . length ; i ++ )
if ( _selected [ i ] . iface . getWidget ( ) && _selected [ i ] . iface . getWidget ( ) . instanceOf ( et2_calendar_event ) )
is_widget = true ;
// Also check classes, usually indicating permission
if ( _action . data && _action . data . enableClass )
is_widget = is_widget && ( jQuery ( _selected [ i ] . iface . getDOMNode ( ) ) . hasClass ( _action . data . enableClass ) ) ;
if ( _action . data && _action . data . disableClass )
is_widget = is_widget && ! ( jQuery ( _selected [ i ] . iface . getDOMNode ( ) ) . hasClass ( _action . data . disableClass ) ) ;
return is_widget ;
/ * *
* Enable / Disable custom Date - time for set Alarm
* @param { widget object } _widget new_alarm [ options ] selectbox
* /
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
alarm_custom_date ( selectbox? : HTMLInputElement , _widget? : et2_selectbox )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2023-06-06 19:49:41 +02:00
var alarm_date = this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'new_alarm[date]' ) ;
var alarm_options = _widget || this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'new_alarm[options]' ) ;
var start = < Et2Date > < unknown > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'start' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2020-05-25 19:06:33 +02:00
if ( alarm_date && alarm_options && start )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2020-05-25 19:06:33 +02:00
if ( alarm_options . getValue ( ) != '0' )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
alarm_date . set_class ( 'calendar_alarm_date_display' ) ;
alarm_date . set_class ( '' ) ;
2020-05-25 19:06:33 +02:00
var startDate = typeof start . getValue != 'undefined' ? start . getValue ( ) : start . value ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( startDate )
var date = new Date ( startDate ) ;
2020-05-25 19:06:33 +02:00
date . setTime ( date . getTime ( ) - 1000 * parseInt ( alarm_options . getValue ( ) ) ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
alarm_date . set_value ( date ) ;
/ * *
* Set alarm options based on WD / Regular event user preferences
* Gets fired by wholeday checkbox . This is mainly for display purposes ,
* the default alarm is calculated on the server as well .
* @param { egw object } _egw
* @param { widget object } _widget whole_day checkbox
* /
set_alarmOptions_WD ( _egw , _widget )
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
var alarm = < et2_grid > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'alarm' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( ! alarm ) return ; // no default alarm
var content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
var start = < et2_date > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'start' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var self = this ;
var time = alarm . cells [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . widget ;
var event = alarm . cells [ 1 ] [ 1 ] . widget ;
// Convert a seconds of time to a translated label
var _secs_to_label = function ( _secs )
var label = '' ;
if ( _secs < 3600 )
label = self . egw . lang ( '%1 minutes' , _secs / 60 ) ;
else if ( _secs < 86400 )
label = self . egw . lang ( '%1 hours' , _secs / 3600 ) ;
label = self . egw . lang ( '%1 days' , _secs / ( 3600 * 24 ) ) ;
return label ;
} ;
2022-10-20 23:30:32 +02:00
if ( content [ 'alarm' ] && typeof content [ 'alarm' ] && typeof content [ 'alarm' ] [ 1 ] [ 'default' ] == 'undefined' )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// user deleted alarm --> nothing to do
var def_alarm = this . egw . preference ( _widget . get_value ( ) === "true" ?
'default-alarm-wholeday' : 'default-alarm' , 'calendar' ) ;
if ( ! def_alarm && def_alarm !== 0 ) // no alarm
jQuery ( '#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)' ) . hide ( ) ;
jQuery ( '#calendar-edit_alarm > tbody :nth-child(1)' ) . show ( ) ;
start . set_hours ( 0 ) ;
start . set_minutes ( 0 ) ;
time . set_value ( start . get_value ( ) ) ;
time . set_value ( new Date ( new Date ( start . get_value ( ) ) . valueOf ( ) - ( 60 * def_alarm * 1000 ) ) . toJSON ( ) ) ;
event . set_value ( _secs_to_label ( 60 * def_alarm ) ) ;
/ * *
* Clear all calendar data from egw . data cache
* /
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
_clear_cache ( integration_app? :string )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Full refresh, clear the caches
var events = egw . dataKnownUIDs ( 'calendar' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < events . length ; i ++ )
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
let event_data = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( "calendar::" + events [ i ] ) . data || { app : "calendar" } ;
if ( ! integration_app || integration_app && event_data && event_data . app === integration_app )
// Remove entry
egw . dataStoreUID ( "calendar::" + events [ i ] , null ) ;
// Delete from cache
egw . dataDeleteUID ( 'calendar::' + events [ i ] ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
// If just removing one app, leave the columns alone
if ( integration_app ) return ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var daywise = egw . dataKnownUIDs ( CalendarApp . DAYWISE_CACHE_ID ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < daywise . length ; i ++ )
// Empty to clear existing widgets
egw . dataStoreUID ( CalendarApp . DAYWISE_CACHE_ID + '::' + daywise [ i ] , null ) ;
/ * *
* Take the date range ( s ) in the value and decide if we need to fetch data
* for the date ranges , or if they ' re already cached fill them in .
* @param { Object } value
* @param { Object } state
* @return { boolean } Data was requested
* /
_need_data ( value , state )
var need_data = false ;
// Determine if we're showing multiple owners seperate or consolidated
var seperate_owners = false ;
var last_owner = value . length ? value [ 0 ] . owner || 0 : 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < value . length && ! seperate_owners ; i ++ )
seperate_owners = seperate_owners || ( last_owner !== value [ i ] . owner ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < value . length ; i ++ )
var t = new Date ( value [ i ] . start_date ) ;
var end = new Date ( value [ i ] . end_date ) ;
// Cache is by date (and owner, if seperate)
var date = t . getUTCFullYear ( ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , t . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , t . getUTCDate ( ) ) ;
var cache_id = CalendarApp . _daywise_cache_id ( date , seperate_owners && value [ i ] . owner ? value [ i ] . owner : state.owner || false ) ;
if ( egw . dataHasUID ( cache_id ) )
var c = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( cache_id ) ;
if ( c . data && c . data !== null )
// There is data, pass it along now
value [ i ] [ date ] = [ ] ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < c . data . length ; j ++ )
if ( egw . dataHasUID ( 'calendar::' + c . data [ j ] ) )
value [ i ] [ date ] . push ( egw . dataGetUIDdata ( 'calendar::' + c . data [ j ] ) . data ) ;
need_data = true ;
need_data = true ;
// Assume it's empty, if there is data it will be filled later
egw . dataStoreUID ( cache_id , [ ] ) ;
need_data = true ;
// Assume it's empty, if there is data it will be filled later
egw . dataStoreUID ( cache_id , [ ] ) ;
t . setUTCDate ( t . getUTCDate ( ) + 1 ) ;
while ( t < end ) ;
// Some data is missing for the current owner, go get it
if ( need_data && seperate_owners )
this . _fetch_data (
jQuery . extend ( { } , state , { owner : value [ i ] . owner , selected_owners : state.owner } ) ,
this . sidebox_et2 ? null : this . et2 . getInstanceManager ( )
) ;
need_data = false ;
// Some data was missing, go get it
if ( need_data && ! seperate_owners )
this . _fetch_data (
state ,
this . sidebox_et2 ? null : this . et2 . getInstanceManager ( )
) ;
return need_data ;
/ * *
* Use the egw . data system to get data from the calendar list for the
* selected time span .
* As long as the other filters are the same ( category , owner , status ) we
* cache the data .
* @param { Object } state
* @param { etemplate2 } [ instance ] If the full calendar app isn ' t loaded
* ( home app ) , pass a different instance to use it to get the data
* @param { number } [ start ] Result offset . Internal use only
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
* @param { string [ ] } [ specific_ids ] Only request the given IDs
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
* /
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
_fetch_data ( state , instance , start ? , specific_ids ? )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( ! this . sidebox_et2 && ! instance )
return ;
if ( typeof start === 'undefined' )
start = 0 ;
// Category needs to be false if empty, not an empty array or string
var cat_id = state . cat_id ? state.cat_id : false ;
if ( cat_id && typeof cat_id . join != 'undefined' )
if ( cat_id . join ( '' ) == '' ) cat_id = false ;
// Make sure cat_id reaches to server in array format
if ( cat_id && typeof cat_id == 'string' && cat_id != "0" ) cat_id = cat_id . split ( ',' ) ;
var query = jQuery . extend ( { } , {
get_rows : 'calendar.calendar_uilist.get_rows' ,
row_id : 'row_id' ,
startdate :state.first || state . date ,
enddate :state.last ,
2021-03-25 21:39:01 +01:00
col_filter : {
// Participant must be an array or it won't work
participant : ( typeof state . owner == 'string' || typeof state . owner == 'number' ? [ state . owner ] : state . owner ) ,
include_videocalls : state.include_videocalls
} ,
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
filter : 'custom' , // Must be custom to get start & end dates
status_filter : state.status_filter ,
cat_id : cat_id ,
csv_export : false ,
selected_owners : state.selected_owners
} ) ;
// Show ajax loader
if ( typeof framework !== 'undefined' )
2024-06-11 19:58:04 +02:00
framework . applications ? . calendar ? . sidemenuEntry ? . showAjaxLoader ( ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( state . view === 'planner' && state . sortby === 'user' )
query . order = 'participants' ;
else if ( state . view === 'planner' && state . sortby === 'category' )
query . order = 'categories' ;
// Already in progress?
var query_string = JSON . stringify ( query ) ;
if ( this . _queries_in_progress . indexOf ( query_string ) != - 1 )
return ;
this . _queries_in_progress . push ( query_string ) ;
this . egw . dataFetch (
instance ? instance . etemplate_exec_id :
this . sidebox_et2 . getInstanceManager ( ) . etemplate_exec_id ,
2021-03-10 00:42:34 +01:00
specific_ids ? { refresh : specific_ids } : { start : start , num_rows :400 } ,
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
query ,
this . appname ,
function calendar_handleResponse ( data ) {
var idx = this . _queries_in_progress . indexOf ( query_string ) ;
if ( idx >= 0 )
this . _queries_in_progress . splice ( idx , 1 ) ;
// Look for any updated select options
if ( data . rows && data . rows . sel_options && this . sidebox_et2 )
for ( var field in data . rows . sel_options )
var widget = this . sidebox_et2 . getWidgetById ( field ) ;
if ( widget && widget . set_select_options )
// Merge in new, update label of existing
for ( var i in data . rows . sel_options [ field ] )
var found = false ;
var option = data . rows . sel_options [ field ] [ i ] ;
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
for ( var j in widget . select_options )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
if ( option . value == widget . select_options [ j ] . value )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
widget . select_options [ j ] . label = option . label ;
2023-04-27 22:01:59 +02:00
// Do not let remote options stay remote or they'll disappear
if ( typeof widget . select_options [ j ] . class == "string" )
widget . select_options [ j ] . class = widget . select_options [ j ] . class . replace ( "remote" , "" )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found )
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
if ( ! widget . select_options . push )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
widget . select_options = [ ] ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
widget . select_options . push ( option ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var in_progress = app . calendar . state_update_in_progress ;
app . calendar . state_update_in_progress = true ;
2022-07-05 18:18:12 +02:00
widget . set_select_options ( widget . select_options ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
widget . set_value ( widget . getValue ( ) ) ;
app . calendar . state_update_in_progress = in_progress ;
if ( data . order && data . total )
this . _update_events ( state , data . order ) ;
// More rows?
if ( data . order . length + start < data . total )
// Wait a bit, let UI do something.
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
app . calendar . _fetch_data ( state , instance , start + data . order . length ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
// Hide AJAX loader
else if ( typeof framework !== 'undefined' )
2024-06-11 19:58:04 +02:00
framework . applications ? . calendar ? . sidemenuEntry . hideAjaxLoader ( ) ;
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
egw . loading_prompt ( 'calendar' , false )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
} , this , null
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
) ;
2023-05-11 22:14:47 +02:00
private _group_query_cache = { } ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
/ * *
* Pre - fetch the members of any group participants
* This is done to avoid rewriting since group fetching is async . We fetch missing group members in advance ,
* then hold the data in the sidebox select options for immediate access when checking if an event should be displayed
* in a particular calendar .
* @param event
2023-05-11 21:41:04 +02:00
* @return Promise | null
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
* /
2023-05-18 16:30:46 +02:00
async _fetch_group_members ( event ) : Promise < any > | null
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
let groups = [ ] ;
let option_owner = null ;
let options : SelectOption [ ] ;
2023-04-04 21:15:59 +02:00
if ( this . sidebox_et2 && this . sidebox_et2 . getWidgetById ( 'owner' ) )
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
2023-04-04 21:15:59 +02:00
option_owner = this . sidebox_et2 . getWidgetById ( 'owner' ) ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
2023-04-04 21:15:59 +02:00
option_owner = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( "sel_options" ) . getRoot ( ) . getEntry ( 'owner' ) || { select_options : [ ] } ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
options = option_owner . select_options ;
for ( const id of Object . keys ( event . participants ) )
2023-04-28 19:27:26 +02:00
if ( parseInt ( id ) >= 0 || isNaN ( parseInt ( id ) ) )
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
continue ;
let resource = options . find ( ( o ) = > o . value === id ) ;
if ( ! resource || resource && ! resource . resources )
groups . push ( parseInt ( id ) ) ;
// Find missing groups
2023-05-11 22:14:47 +02:00
const cache_key = groups . join ( "_" ) ;
if ( groups . length && typeof this . _group_query_cache [ cache_key ] === "undefined" )
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
2023-05-11 22:14:47 +02:00
this . _group_query_cache [ cache_key ] = this . egw . request ( "calendar.calendar_owner_etemplate_widget.ajax_owner" , [ groups ] ) . then ( ( data ) = >
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
2023-09-28 16:43:15 +02:00
options = option_owner . select_options . concat ( Object . values ( data ) ) ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
option_owner . select_options = options ;
2023-05-11 22:14:47 +02:00
} ) . finally ( ( ) = >
delete this . _group_query_cache [ cache_key ] ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
} ) ;
2023-05-11 22:14:47 +02:00
if ( typeof this . _group_query_cache [ cache_key ] !== "undefined" )
return this . _group_query_cache [ cache_key ] ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
2023-05-11 21:41:04 +02:00
return null ;
2023-03-23 20:08:52 +01:00
2021-10-15 22:03:29 +02:00
/ * *
* We have a list of calendar UIDs of events that need updating .
* Public wrapper for _update_events so we can call it from server
* /
update_events ( uids : string [ ] )
return this . _update_events ( this . state , uids ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* We have a list of calendar UIDs of events that need updating .
* The event data should already be in the egw . data cache , we just need to
* figure out where they need to go , and update the needed parent objects .
* Already existing events will have already been updated by egw . data
* callbacks .
* @param { Object } state Current state for update , used to determine what to update
* @param data
* /
_update_events ( state , data )
var updated_days = { } ;
// Events can span for longer than we are showing
var first = new Date ( state . first ) ;
var last = new Date ( state . last ) ;
var bounds = {
first : '' + first . getUTCFullYear ( ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , first . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , first . getUTCDate ( ) ) ,
last : '' + last . getUTCFullYear ( ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , last . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , last . getUTCDate ( ) )
} ;
// Seperate owners, or consolidated?
var multiple_owner = typeof state . owner != 'string' &&
state . owner . length > 1 &&
( state . view == 'day' && state . owner . length < parseInt ( '' + this . egw . preference ( 'day_consolidate' , 'calendar' ) ) ||
[ 'week' , 'day4' ] . indexOf ( state . view ) !== - 1 && state . owner . length < parseInt ( '' + this . egw . preference ( 'week_consolidate' , 'calendar' ) ) ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < data . length ; i ++ )
var record = this . egw . dataGetUIDdata ( data [ i ] ) ;
if ( record && record . data )
if ( typeof updated_days [ record . data . date ] === 'undefined' )
// Check to make sure it's in range first, record.data.date is start date
// and could be before our start
if ( record . data . date >= bounds . first && record . data . date <= bounds . last ||
// Or it's for a day we already have
typeof this . egw . dataGetUIDdata ( 'calendar_daywise::' + record . data . date ) !== 'undefined'
updated_days [ record . data . date ] = [ ] ;
if ( typeof updated_days [ record . data . date ] != 'undefined' )
// Copy, to avoid unwanted changes by reference
updated_days [ record . data . date ] . push ( record . data . row_id ) ;
// Check for multi-day events listed once
// Date must stay a string or we might cause problems with nextmatch
var dates = {
start : typeof record . data . start === 'string' ? record.data.start : record.data.start.toJSON ( ) ,
end : typeof record . data . end === 'string' ? record.data.end : record.data.end.toJSON ( )
} ;
if ( dates . start . substr ( 0 , 10 ) !== dates . end . substr ( 0 , 10 ) )
var end = new Date ( Math . min ( new Date ( record . data . end ) . valueOf ( ) , new Date ( state . last ) . valueOf ( ) ) ) ;
end . setUTCHours ( 23 ) ;
end . setUTCMinutes ( 59 ) ;
end . setUTCSeconds ( 59 ) ;
var t = new Date ( Math . max ( new Date ( record . data . start ) . valueOf ( ) , new Date ( state . first ) . valueOf ( ) ) ) ;
var expanded_date = '' + t . getUTCFullYear ( ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , t . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , t . getUTCDate ( ) ) ;
// Avoid events ending at midnight having a 0 length event the next day
if ( t . toJSON ( ) . substr ( 0 , 10 ) === dates . end . substr ( 0 , 10 ) && dates . end . substr ( 11 , 8 ) === '00:00:00' ) break ;
if ( typeof ( updated_days [ expanded_date ] ) === 'undefined' )
// Check to make sure it's in range first, expanded_date could be after our end
if ( expanded_date >= bounds . first && expanded_date <= bounds . last )
updated_days [ expanded_date ] = [ ] ;
if ( record . data . date !== expanded_date && typeof updated_days [ expanded_date ] !== 'undefined' )
// Copy, to avoid unwanted changes by reference
updated_days [ expanded_date ] . push ( record . data . row_id ) ;
t . setUTCDate ( t . getUTCDate ( ) + 1 ) ;
while ( end >= t )
// Now we know which days changed, so we pass it on
for ( var day in updated_days )
// Might be split by user, so we have to check that too
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ( typeof state . owner == 'object' ? state.owner.length : 1 ) ; i ++ )
var owner = multiple_owner ? state . owner [ i ] : state . owner ;
var cache_id = CalendarApp . _daywise_cache_id ( day , owner ) ;
if ( egw . dataHasUID ( cache_id ) )
// Don't lose any existing data, just append
var c = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( cache_id ) ;
if ( c . data && c . data !== null )
// Avoid duplicates
var data = c . data . concat ( updated_days [ day ] ) . filter ( function ( value , index , self ) {
return self . indexOf ( value ) === index ;
} ) ;
this . egw . dataStoreUID ( cache_id , data ) ;
this . egw . dataStoreUID ( cache_id , updated_days [ day ] ) ;
2021-12-08 17:06:59 +01:00
if ( ! multiple_owner )
break ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
egw . loading_prompt ( this . appname , false ) ;
/ * *
* Some handy date calculations
* All take either a Date object or full date with timestamp ( Z )
* /
date = {
toString : function ( date ) : string
// Ensure consistent formatting using UTC, avoids problems with comparison
// and timezones
if ( typeof date === 'string' ) date = new Date ( date ) ;
return date . getUTCFullYear ( ) + '-' +
sprintf ( "%02d" , date . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 ) + '-' +
sprintf ( "%02d" , date . getUTCDate ( ) ) + 'T' +
sprintf ( "%02d" , date . getUTCHours ( ) ) + ':' +
sprintf ( "%02d" , date . getUTCMinutes ( ) ) + ':' +
sprintf ( "%02d" , date . getUTCSeconds ( ) ) + 'Z' ;
} ,
/ * *
* Formats one or two dates ( range ) as long date ( full monthname ) , optionaly with a time
* Take care of any timezone issues before you pass the dates in .
* @param { Date } first first date
* @param { Date } last = 0 last date for range , or false for a single date
* @param { boolean } display_time = false should a time be displayed too
* @param { boolean } display_day = false should a day - name prefix the date , eg . monday June 20 , 2006
* @return string with formatted date
* /
long_date : function ( first , last , display_time , display_day ) : string
if ( ! first ) return '' ;
if ( typeof first === 'string' )
first = new Date ( first ) ;
var first_format = new Date ( first . valueOf ( ) + first . getTimezoneOffset ( ) * 60 * 1000 ) ;
if ( typeof last == 'string' && last )
last = new Date ( last ) ;
if ( ! last || typeof last !== 'object' )
last = false ;
if ( last )
var last_format = new Date ( last . valueOf ( ) + last . getTimezoneOffset ( ) * 60 * 1000 ) ;
2021-12-08 17:06:59 +01:00
if ( ! display_time )
display_time = false ;
if ( ! display_day )
display_day = false ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var range = '' ;
var datefmt = egw . preference ( 'dateformat' ) ;
var timefmt = egw . preference ( 'timeformat' ) === '12' ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i' ;
var month_before_day = datefmt [ 0 ] . toLowerCase ( ) == 'm' ||
datefmt [ 2 ] . toLowerCase ( ) == 'm' && datefmt [ 4 ] == 'd' ;
if ( display_day )
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
range = flatpickr . formatDate ( first_format , 'l' ) + ( datefmt [ 0 ] != 'd' ? ' ' : ', ' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i += 2 )
switch ( datefmt [ i ] )
case 'd' :
range += first . getUTCDate ( ) + ( datefmt [ 1 ] == '.' ? '.' : '' ) ;
if ( last && ( first . getUTCMonth ( ) != last . getUTCMonth ( ) || first . getUTCFullYear ( ) != last . getUTCFullYear ( ) ) )
if ( ! month_before_day )
2022-08-27 00:16:04 +02:00
range += " " + egw . lang ( flatpickr . formatDate ( first_format , "F" ) ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( first . getFullYear ( ) != last . getFullYear ( ) && datefmt [ 0 ] != 'Y' )
range += ( datefmt [ 0 ] != 'd' ? ', ' : ' ' ) + first . getFullYear ( ) ;
if ( display_time )
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
range += ' ' + formatTime ( first_format ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( ! last )
return range ;
range += ' - ' ;
if ( first . getFullYear ( ) != last . getFullYear ( ) && datefmt [ 0 ] == 'Y' )
range += last . getUTCFullYear ( ) + ', ' ;
if ( month_before_day )
2022-08-12 11:38:15 +02:00
range += egw . lang ( flatpickr . formatDate ( last_format , 'l' ) ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
else if ( last )
if ( display_time )
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
range += ' ' + formatTime ( last_format ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( last )
range += ' - ' ;
if ( last )
range += ' ' + last . getUTCDate ( ) + ( datefmt [ 1 ] == '.' ? '.' : '' ) ;
break ;
case 'm' :
case 'M' :
2022-08-12 11:38:15 +02:00
range += ' ' + egw . lang ( flatpickr . formatDate ( month_before_day || ! last ? first_format : last_format , "F" ) ) + ' ' ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
break ;
case 'Y' :
if ( datefmt [ 0 ] != 'm' )
range += ' ' + ( datefmt [ 0 ] == 'Y' ? first . getUTCFullYear ( ) + ( datefmt [ 2 ] == 'd' ? ', ' : ' ' ) : last . getUTCFullYear ( ) + ' ' ) ;
break ;
if ( display_time && last )
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
range += ' ' + formatTime ( last_format ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( datefmt [ 4 ] == 'Y' && datefmt [ 0 ] == 'm' )
range += ', ' + last . getUTCFullYear ( ) ;
return range ;
} ,
/ * *
* Calculate iso8601 week - number , which is defined for Monday as first day of week only
* We adjust the day , if user prefs want a different week - start - day
* @param { string | Date } _date
* @return string
* /
week_number : function ( _date )
var d = new Date ( _date ) ;
var day = d . getUTCDay ( ) ;
// if week does not start Monday and date is Sunday --> add one day
if ( egw . preference ( 'weekdaystarts' , 'calendar' ) != 'Monday' && ! day )
d . setUTCDate ( d . getUTCDate ( ) + 1 ) ;
// if week does start Saturday and $time is Saturday --> add two days
else if ( egw . preference ( 'weekdaystarts' , 'calendar' ) == 'Saturday' && day == 6 )
d . setUTCDate ( d . getUTCDate ( ) + 2 ) ;
2022-05-02 23:23:03 +02:00
return flatpickr . formatDate ( new Date ( d . valueOf ( ) + d . getTimezoneOffset ( ) * 60 * 1000 ) , "W" ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
} ,
start_of_week : function ( date )
var d = new Date ( date ) ;
var day = d . getUTCDay ( ) ;
var diff = 0 ;
switch ( egw . preference ( 'weekdaystarts' , 'calendar' ) )
case 'Saturday' :
diff = day === 6 ? 0 : day === 0 ? - 1 : - ( day + 1 ) ;
break ;
case 'Monday' :
diff = day === 0 ? - 6 : 1 - day ;
break ;
case 'Sunday' :
default :
diff = - day ;
d . setUTCDate ( d . getUTCDate ( ) + diff ) ;
return d ;
} ,
end_of_week : function ( date )
2020-07-30 21:00:53 +02:00
var d = this . start_of_week ( date ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
d . setUTCDate ( d . getUTCDate ( ) + 6 ) ;
return d ;
} ;
/ * *
* The sidebox filters use some non - standard and not - exposed options . They
* are set up here .
* /
2022-04-26 23:27:49 +02:00
_setup_sidebox_filters ( )
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
/ * *
* Record view templates so we can quickly switch between them .
* @param { etemplate2 } _et2 etemplate2 template that was just loaded
* @param { String } _name Name of the template
* /
_et2_view_init ( _et2 , _name )
var hidden = typeof this . state . view !== 'undefined' ;
var all_loaded = this . sidebox_et2 !== null ;
// Avoid home portlets using our templates, and get them right
2023-07-14 16:49:28 +02:00
if ( _et2 . uniqueId . indexOf ( 'portlet' ) === 0 )
return ;
// Skip templates not involved in main view
if ( [ 'calendar.conflicts' , 'calendar.add' ] . includes ( _name ) )
return ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// Flag to make sure we don't hide non-view templates
var view_et2 = false ;
for ( var view in CalendarApp . views )
var index = CalendarApp . views [ view ] . etemplates . indexOf ( _name ) ;
if ( index > - 1 )
view_et2 = true ;
CalendarApp . views [ view ] . etemplates [ index ] = _et2 ;
// If a template disappears, we want to release it
jQuery ( _et2 . DOMContainer ) . one ( 'clear' , jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) {
this . view . etemplates [ this . index ] = _name ;
} , jQuery . extend ( { } , { view : CalendarApp.views [ view ] , index : "" + index , name : _name } ) ) ) ;
if ( this . state . view === view )
hidden = false ;
CalendarApp . views [ view ] . etemplates . forEach ( function ( et ) { all_loaded = all_loaded && typeof et !== 'string' ; } ) ;
// Add some extras to the nextmatch so it can keep the dates in sync with
// those in the sidebox calendar. Care must be taken to not trigger any
// sort of refresh or update, as that may resulte in infinite loops so these
// are only used for the 'week' and 'month' filters, and we just update the
// date range
if ( _name == 'calendar.list' )
var nm = _et2 . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) ;
if ( nm )
// Avoid unwanted refresh immediately after load
nm . controller . _grid . doInvalidate = false ;
// Preserve pre-set search
if ( nm . activeFilters . search )
this . state . keywords = nm . activeFilters . search ;
// Bind to keep search up to date
jQuery ( nm . getWidgetById ( 'search' ) . getDOMNode ( ) ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
app . calendar . state . search = jQuery ( 'input' , this ) . val ( ) ;
} ) ;
nm . set_startdate = jQuery . proxy ( function ( date ) {
this . state . first = this . date . toString ( new Date ( date ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
nm . set_enddate = jQuery . proxy ( function ( date ) {
this . state . last = this . date . toString ( new Date ( date ) ) ;
} , this ) ;
// Start hidden, except for current view
if ( view_et2 )
if ( hidden )
jQuery ( _et2 . DOMContainer ) . hide ( ) ;
var app_name = _name . split ( '.' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( app_name && app_name != 'calendar' && egw . app ( app_name ) )
// A template from another application? Keep it up to date as state changes
this . sidebox_hooked_templates . push ( _et2 . widgetContainer ) ;
// If it leaves (or reloads) remove it
jQuery ( _et2 . DOMContainer ) . one ( 'clear' , jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) {
if ( app . calendar )
app . calendar . sidebox_hooked_templates . splice ( this , 1 , 0 ) ;
} , this . sidebox_hooked_templates . length - 1 ) ) ;
if ( all_loaded )
jQuery ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) ;
this . setState ( { state :this.state } ) ;
// Hide loader after 1 second as a fallback, it will also be hidden
// after loading is complete.
window . setTimeout ( jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) {
egw . loading_prompt ( this . appname , false ) ;
} , this ) , 1000 ) ;
// Start calendar-wide autorefresh timer to include more than just nm
this . _set_autorefresh ( ) ;
/ * *
* Set a refresh timer that works for the current view .
* The nextmatch goes into an infinite loop if we let it autorefresh while
* hidden .
* /
_set_autorefresh ( )
// Listview not loaded
if ( typeof CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] == 'string' ) return ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
var nm = < et2_nextmatch > CalendarApp . views . listview . etemplates [ 0 ] . widgetContainer . getWidgetById ( 'nm' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
// nextmatch missing
if ( ! nm ) return ;
var refresh_preference = "nextmatch-" + nm . options . settings . columnselection_pref + "-autorefresh" ;
var time = this . egw . preference ( refresh_preference , 'calendar' ) ;
if ( this . state . view == 'listview' && time )
nm . _set_autorefresh ( time ) ;
return ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
nm . _set_autorefresh ( 0 ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var self = this ;
var refresh = function ( ) {
// Deleted events are not coming properly, so clear it all
self . _clear_cache ( ) ;
// Force redraw to current state
self . setState ( { state : self.state } ) ;
// This is a fast update, but misses deleted events
} ;
// Start / update timer
if ( this . _autorefresh_timer )
window . clearInterval ( this . _autorefresh_timer ) ;
this . _autorefresh_timer = null ;
if ( time > 0 )
this . _autorefresh_timer = setInterval ( jQuery . proxy ( refresh , this ) , time * 1000 ) ;
// Bind to tab show/hide events, so that we don't bother refreshing in the background
jQuery ( nm . getInstanceManager ( ) . DOMContainer . parentNode ) . on ( 'hide.calendar' , jQuery . proxy ( function ( e ) {
// Stop
window . clearInterval ( this . _autorefresh_timer ) ;
jQuery ( e . target ) . off ( e ) ;
if ( ! time ) return ;
// If the autorefresh time is up, bind once to trigger a refresh
// (if needed) when tab is activated again
this . _autorefresh_timer = setTimeout ( jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) {
// Check in case it was stopped / destroyed since
if ( ! this . _autorefresh_timer ) return ;
jQuery ( nm . getInstanceManager ( ) . DOMContainer . parentNode ) . one ( 'show.calendar' ,
// Important to use anonymous function instead of just 'this.refresh' because
// of the parameters passed
jQuery . proxy ( function ( ) { refresh ( ) ; } , this )
) ;
} , this ) , time * 1000 ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
jQuery ( nm . getInstanceManager ( ) . DOMContainer . parentNode ) . on ( 'show.calendar' , jQuery . proxy ( function ( e ) {
// Start normal autorefresh timer again
this . _set_autorefresh ( this . egw . preference ( refresh_preference , 'calendar' ) ) ;
jQuery ( e . target ) . off ( e ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
/ * *
* Initialization function in order to set / unset
* categories status .
* /
category_report_init ( )
var content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < content.grid.length ; i + + )
if ( content . grid [ i ] != null ) this . category_report_enable ( { id :i + '' , checked :content.grid [ i ] [ 'enable' ] } ) ;
/ * *
* Set / unset selected category ' s row
* @param { type } _widget
* @returns { undefined }
* /
category_report_enable ( _widget )
var widgets = [ '[user]' , '[weekend]' , '[holidays]' , '[min_days]' ] ;
var row_id = _widget . id . match ( /\d+/ ) ;
var w = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < widgets.length ; i + + )
w = this . et2 . getWidgetById ( row_id + widgets [ i ] ) ;
if ( w ) w . set_readonly ( ! _widget . checked ) ;
/ * *
* submit function for report button
* /
category_report_submit ( )
this . et2 . _inst . postSubmit ( ) ;
/ * *
* Function to enable / disable categories
* @param { object } _widget select all checkbox
* /
category_report_selectAll ( _widget )
var content = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . data ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
var checkbox = null ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
var grid_index = typeof content . grid . length != 'undefined' ? content.grid : Object.keys ( content . grid ) ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < grid_index . length ; i ++ )
if ( content . grid [ i ] != null )
2024-07-06 09:06:58 +02:00
checkbox = < Et2Checkbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( i + '[enable]' ) ;
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
if ( checkbox )
checkbox . set_value ( _widget . checked ) ;
this . category_report_enable ( { id :checkbox.id , checked :checkbox.get_value ( ) } ) ;
/ * *
* Create a cache ID for the daywise cache
* @param { String | Date } date If a string , date should be in Ymd format
* @param { String | integer | String [ ] } owner
* @returns { String } Cache ID
* /
public static _daywise_cache_id ( date , owner )
if ( typeof date === 'object' )
date = date . getUTCFullYear ( ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , date . getUTCMonth ( ) + 1 ) + sprintf ( '%02d' , date . getUTCDate ( ) ) ;
// If the owner is not set, 0, or the current user, don't bother adding it
var _owner = ( owner && owner . toString ( ) != '0' ) ? owner . toString ( ) : '' ;
if ( _owner == egw . user ( 'account_id' ) )
_owner = '' ;
return CalendarApp . DAYWISE_CACHE_ID + '::' + date + ( _owner ? '-' + _owner : '' ) ;
2020-04-07 11:10:49 +02:00
/ * *
* Videoconference checkbox checked
* /
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
public videoconferenceOnChange ( event )
2020-04-07 11:10:49 +02:00
2024-07-06 09:06:58 +02:00
let widget = < Et2Checkbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'videoconference' ) ;
2020-04-07 11:10:49 +02:00
if ( widget && widget . get_value ( ) )
// notify all participants
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
( < et2_selectbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'participants[notify_externals]' ) ) . set_value ( 'yes' ) ;
2020-04-07 11:10:49 +02:00
// add alarm for all participants 5min before videoconference
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
let start = new Date ( widget . getRoot ( ) . getValueById ( 'start' ) ) ;
2020-05-04 23:03:03 +02:00
let alarms = this . et2 . getArrayMgr ( 'content' ) . getEntry ( 'alarm' ) || { } ;
for ( let alarm of alarms )
// Check for already existing alarm
if ( ! alarm || typeof alarm != "object" || ! alarm . all ) continue ;
let alarm_time = new Date ( alarm . time ) ;
if ( start . getTime ( ) - alarm_time . getTime ( ) == 5 * 60 * 1000 )
// Alarm exists
return ;
2021-06-17 16:30:51 +02:00
( < et2_selectbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'new_alarm[options]' ) ) . set_value ( '300' ) ;
( < et2_selectbox > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'new_alarm[owner]' ) ) . set_value ( '0' ) ; // all participants
( < et2_button > this . et2 . getWidgetById ( 'button[add_alarm]' ) ) . click ( event ) ;
2020-04-07 11:10:49 +02:00
2020-04-08 19:54:26 +02:00
public isVideoConference ( _action , _selected )
2020-04-08 20:42:57 +02:00
let data = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _selected [ 0 ] . id ) ;
return data && data . data ? data . data [ '##videoconference' ] : false ;
2020-04-24 18:54:08 +02:00
/ * *
* Action handler for join videoconference context menu
* @param _action
* @param _sender
* /
2021-03-24 17:45:32 +01:00
public videoConferenceAction ( _action : egwAction , _sender : egwActionObject [ ] )
2020-04-08 20:42:57 +02:00
let data = egw . dataGetUIDdata ( _sender [ 0 ] . id ) [ 'data' ] ;
2021-03-24 17:45:32 +01:00
switch ( _action . id )
case 'recordings' :
app . status . videoconference_getRecordings ( data [ '##videoconference' ] , { cal_id : data [ 'id' ] , title :data [ 'title' ] } ) ;
break ;
case 'join' :
return this . joinVideoConference ( data [ '##videoconference' ] , data ) ;
2020-04-24 18:54:08 +02:00
/ * *
* Join a videoconference
* Using the videoconference tag / ID , generate the URL and open it via JSON
* @param { string } videoconference
* /
2020-11-18 15:10:16 +01:00
public joinVideoConference ( videoconference , _data )
2020-04-24 18:54:08 +02:00
return egw . json (
2020-04-08 20:42:57 +02:00
"EGroupware\\Status\\Videoconference\\Call::ajax_genMeetingUrl" ,
2020-04-24 18:54:08 +02:00
[ videoconference ,
2020-04-08 20:42:57 +02:00
name :egw.user ( 'account_fullname' ) ,
account_id :egw.user ( 'account_id' ) ,
2020-11-24 13:47:22 +01:00
email :egw.user ( 'account_email' ) ,
2020-12-09 18:39:32 +01:00
cal_id :_data.id ,
title : _data.title
2021-01-21 19:21:33 +01:00
} ,
// Dates are user time, but we told javascript it was UTC.
// Send just the timestamp (as a string) with no timezone
2021-01-21 19:47:50 +01:00
( typeof _data . start != "string" ? _data . start . toJSON ( ) : _data . start ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ,
( typeof _data . end != "string" ? _data . end . toJSON ( ) : _data . end ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ,
2021-01-21 19:21:33 +01:00
2023-06-29 15:55:10 +02:00
participants : Object.keys ( _data . participants ? ? [ ] ) . filter ( v = > { return v . match ( /^[0-9|e|c]/ ) } )
2021-01-11 14:19:22 +01:00
} ] , function ( _value ) {
2020-12-02 17:03:00 +01:00
if ( _value )
if ( _value . err ) egw . message ( _value . err , 'error' ) ;
2024-11-23 08:28:34 +01:00
if ( _value . url ) egw . callFunc ( 'app.status.openCall' , _value . url ) ;
2020-12-02 17:03:00 +01:00
2020-04-08 20:42:57 +02:00
} ) . sendRequest ( ) ;
2020-04-08 19:54:26 +02:00
2020-02-27 21:37:36 +01:00
2022-04-26 23:27:49 +02:00
if ( typeof app . classes . calendar == "undefined" )
app . classes . calendar = CalendarApp ;
2024-07-06 08:28:43 +02:00