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/* This notice must be untouched at all times.
wz_dragdrop.js v. 4.55
The latest version is available at
or http://www.devira.com
or http://www.walterzorn.de
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved.
Created 26. 8. 2002 by Walter Zorn (Web: http://www.walterzorn.com )
Last modified: 23. 5. 2004
This DHTML & Drag&Drop Library adds Drag&Drop functionality
to the following types of html-elements:
- images, even if not positioned via layers,
nor via stylesheets or any other kind of "hard-coding"
- relatively and absolutely positioned layers (DIV elements).
Moreover, it provides extended DHTML abilities.
This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License
at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details.
// PATH TO THE TRANSPARENT 1*1 PX IMAGE (required by NS 4 as spacer)
var spacer = 'transparentpixel.gif';
//window.onerror = new Function('return true;');
// Optional commands passed to SET_DHTML() on the html-page (g: may be applied globally, i: individually)
var CLONE = 'C10nE'; // i img clone image
var COPY = 'C0pY'; // i img create copies
var DETACH_CHILDREN = 'd37aCH'; // i lyr detach images
var HORIZONTAL = 'H0r1Z'; // i img,lyr horizontally draggable only
var MAXHEIGHT = 'm7x8I'; // i img,lyr maximum height limit, "
var MAXOFFBOTTOM = 'm7xd0wN'; // i img,lyr downward offset limit
var MAXOFFLEFT = 'm7x23Ft'; // i img,lyr leftward offset limit
var MAXOFFRIGHT = 'm7x0Ff8'; // i img,lyr rightward offset limit
var MAXOFFTOP = 'm7xu9'; // i img,lyr upward offset limit
var MAXWIDTH = 'm7xW1'; // i img,lyr maximum width limit, use with resizable or scalable
var MINWIDTH = 'm1nw1'; // i img,lyr minimum width limit, "
var MINHEIGHT = 'm1n8I'; // i img,lyr minimum height limit, "
var NO_ALT = 'no81T'; // gi img disable alt and title attributes
var NO_DRAG = 'N0d4Ag'; // i img,lyr disable draggability
var RESET_Z = 'r35E7z'; // gi img,lyr reset z-index when dropped
var RESIZABLE = 'r5IZbl'; // gi img,lyr resizable if <ctrl> or <shift> pressed
var SCALABLE = 'SCLbl'; // gi img,lyr scalable "
var SCROLL = 'sC8lL'; // gi img,lyr enable auto scroll functionality
var VERTICAL = 'V3Rt1C'; // i img,lyr vertically draggable only
var dd_cursors = new Array(
var dd_i = dd_cursors.length; while(dd_i--)
eval('var CURSOR_' + (dd_cursors[dd_i].substring(2).toUpperCase().replace('-', '_')) + ' = "' + dd_cursors[dd_i] + '";');
function WZDD()
this.n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
this.db = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.toLowerCase() != "backcompat")?
: (document.body || null);
this.op = !!(window.opera && document.getElementById);
this.op6 = !!(this.op && !(this.db && this.db.innerHTML));
if (this.op && !this.op6) document.onmousedown = new Function('e',
'if (((e = e || window.event).target || e.srcElement).tagName == "IMAGE") return false;'
this.ie = !!(this.n.indexOf("msie") >= 0 && document.all && this.db && !this.op);
this.iemac = !!(this.ie && this.n.indexOf("mac") >= 0);
this.ie4 = !!(this.ie && !document.getElementById);
this.n4 = !!(document.layers && typeof document.classes != "undefined");
this.n6 = !!(typeof window.getComputedStyle != "undefined" && typeof document.createRange != "undefined");
this.w3c = !!(!this.op && !this.ie && !this.n6 && document.getElementById);
this.ce = !!(document.captureEvents && document.releaseEvents);
this.px = (this.n4 || this.op6)? '' : 'px';
var dd = new WZDD();
dd.Int = function(d_x, d_y)
return isNaN(d_y = parseInt(d_x))? 0 : d_y;
dd.getWndW = function()
return dd.Int(
(dd.db && !dd.op && !dd.w3c && dd.db.clientWidth)? dd.db.clientWidth
: (window.innerWidth || 0)
dd.getWndH = function()
return dd.Int(
(dd.db && !dd.op && !dd.w3c && dd.db.clientHeight)? dd.db.clientHeight
: (window.innerHeight || 0)
dd.getScrollX = function()
return dd.Int(window.pageXOffset || (dd.db? dd.db.scrollLeft : 0));
dd.getScrollY = function()
return dd.Int(window.pageYOffset || (dd.db? dd.db.scrollTop : 0));
dd.getPageXY = function(d_o)
if (dd.n4 && d_o)
dd.x = d_o.pageX || 0;
dd.y = d_o.pageY || 0;
dd.x = dd.y = 0; //global helper vars
while (d_o)
dd.x += dd.Int(d_o.offsetLeft);
dd.y += dd.Int(d_o.offsetTop);
d_o = d_o.offsetParent || null;
dd.getCssXY = function(d_o)
if (d_o.div)
if (dd.n4)
d_o.cssx = d_o.div.x;
d_o.cssy = d_o.div.y;
else if (dd.ie4)
d_o.cssx = d_o.css.pixelLeft;
d_o.cssy = d_o.css.pixelTop;
d_o.css.left = d_o.css.top = 0 + dd.px;
d_o.cssx = d_o.x - dd.x;
d_o.cssy = d_o.y - dd.y;
d_o.css.left = d_o.cssx + dd.px;
d_o.css.top = d_o.cssy + dd.px;
d_o.cssx = 0;
d_o.cssy = 0;
dd.getImgW = function(d_o)
return d_o? dd.Int(d_o.width) : 0;
dd.getImgH = function(d_o)
return d_o? dd.Int(d_o.height) : 0;
dd.getDivW = function(d_o)
return dd.Int(
dd.n4? (d_o.div? d_o.div.clip.width : 0)
: d_o.div? (d_o.div.offsetWidth || (d_o.css ? d_o.css.pixelWidth || d_o.css.width : 0))
: 0
dd.getDivH = function(d_o)
return dd.Int(
dd.n4? (d_o.div? d_o.div.clip.height : 0)
: d_o.div? (d_o.div.offsetHeight || (d_o.css ? d_o.css.pixelHeight || d_o.css.height : 0))
: 0
dd.getWH = function(d_o)
d_o.w = dd.getDivW(d_o);
d_o.h = dd.getDivH(d_o);
if (d_o.css)
d_o.css.width = d_o.w + dd.px;
d_o.css.height = d_o.h + dd.px;
d_o.dw = dd.getDivW(d_o)-d_o.w;
d_o.dh = dd.getDivH(d_o)-d_o.h;
d_o.css.width = (d_o.w-d_o.dw) + dd.px;
d_o.css.height = (d_o.h-d_o.dh) + dd.px;
else d_o.dw = d_o.dh = 0;
dd.getCssProp = function(d_o, d_pn6, d_pstyle, d_pn4)
if (d_o && dd.n6) return ''+window.getComputedStyle(d_o, null).getPropertyValue(d_pn6);
if (d_o && d_o.currentStyle) return ''+eval('d_o.currentStyle.'+d_pstyle);
if (d_o && d_o.style) return ''+eval('d_o.style.'+d_pstyle);
if (d_o && dd.n4) return ''+eval('d_o.'+d_pn4);
return '';
dd.getDiv = function(d_x, d_d)
d_d = d_d || document;
if (dd.n4)
if (d_d.layers[d_x]) return d_d.layers[d_x];
for (var d_i = d_d.layers.length; d_i--;)
var d_y = dd.getDiv(d_x, d_d.layers[d_i].document);
if (d_y) return d_y;
if (dd.ie) return d_d.all[d_x] || null;
if (d_d.getElementById) return d_d.getElementById(d_x) || null;
return null;
dd.getImg = function(d_o, d_nm, d_xy, d_w)
d_w = d_w || window;
var d_img;
if ((d_img = d_w.document.images[d_nm]) && d_img.name == d_nm)
if (d_xy)
if (dd.n4)
d_o.defx = d_img.x + dd.x;
d_o.defy = d_img.y + dd.y;
d_o.defx = dd.x;
d_o.defy = dd.y;
return d_img;
if (dd.n4) for (var d_i = d_w.document.layers.length; d_i--;)
var d_y = dd.getImg(d_o, d_nm, d_xy, d_w.document.layers[d_i]);
if (d_y) return d_y;
return null;
dd.getParent = function(d_o)
if (dd.n4)
for (var d_p, d_i = dd.elements.length; d_i--;)
if (!((d_p = dd.elements[d_i]).is_image) && d_p.div && (d_p.div.document.layers[d_o.name] || d_o.oimg && d_p.div.document.images[d_o.oimg.name]))
d_p.addChild(d_o, d_p.detach, 1);
var d_p = d_o.is_image? dd.getImg(d_o, d_o.oimg.name) : (d_o.div || null);
while (d_p && !!(d_p = d_p.offsetParent || d_p.parentNode || null))
if (d_p.ddObj)
d_p.ddObj.addChild(d_o, d_p.ddObj.detach, 1);
dd.getCmd = function(d_o, d_cmd, d_cmdStr)
var d_i = d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd), d_j,
d_y = (d_i >= 0)*1;
if (d_y)
d_j = d_i+d_cmd.length;
if (d_cmdStr) d_o.cmd += d_o.id.substring(d_i, d_j);
d_o.id = d_o.id.substring(0, d_i) + d_o.id.substring(d_j);
return d_y;
dd.getCmdVal = function(d_o, d_cmd, d_cmdStr, int0)
var d_i = d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd), d_j,
d_y = (d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd) >= 0)? dd.Int(d_o.id.substring(d_o.id.indexOf(d_cmd)+d_cmd.length)) : int0? -1 : 0;
if (!int0 && d_y || int0 && d_y >= 0)
d_j = d_i+d_cmd.length+d_y.toString().length;
if (d_cmdStr) d_o.cmd += d_o.id.substring(d_i, d_j);
d_o.id = d_o.id.substring(0, d_i) + d_o.id.substring(d_j);
return d_y;
dd.addElt = function(d_o, d_p)
dd.elements[dd.elements.length] = dd.elements[d_o.name] = d_o;
if (d_p) d_p.copies[d_p.copies.length] = d_p.copies[d_o.name] = d_o;
dd.mkWzDom = function()
var d_i = dd.elements.length; while(d_i--) dd.getParent(dd.elements[d_i]);
d_i = dd.elements.length; while(d_i--)
d_o = dd.elements[d_i];
if (d_o.children && !d_o.parent)
var d_j = d_o.children.length; while(d_j--)
d_o.children[d_j].setZ(d_o.z+d_o.children[d_j].z, 1);
dd.addProps = function(d_o)
var d_i, d_c;
if (d_o.is_image)
d_o.div = dd.getDiv(d_o.id);
if (d_o.div && typeof d_o.div.style != "undefined") d_o.css = d_o.div.style;
else d_o.css = {};
d_o.nimg = (dd.n4 && d_o.div)? d_o.div.document.images[0] : (document.images[d_o.id+'NImG'] || null);
if (!d_o.noalt && !dd.noalt)
d_o.nimg.alt = d_o.oimg.alt || '';
if (d_o.oimg.title) d_o.nimg.title = d_o.oimg.title;
d_o.bgColor = '';
d_o.bgColor = dd.getCssProp(d_o.div, 'background-color','backgroundColor','bgColor').toLowerCase();
if (dd.n6 && d_o.div)
if ((d_c = d_o.bgColor).indexOf('rgb') >= 0)
d_c = d_c.substring(4, d_c.length-1).split(',');
d_o.bgColor = '#';
for (var d_i = 0; d_i < d_c.length; d_i++) d_o.bgColor += parseInt(d_c[d_i]).toString(0x10);
else d_o.bgColor = d_c;
if (dd.scalable) d_o.scalable = d_o.resizable^1;
else if (dd.resizable) d_o.resizable = d_o.scalable^1;
d_o.cursor = d_o.cursor || dd.cursor || 'auto';
d_o._setCrs(d_o.nodrag? 'auto' : d_o.cursor);
d_o.visible = true;
dd.initz = function()
if (!(dd && (dd.n4 || dd.n6 || dd.ie || dd.op || dd.w3c))) return;
if (dd.op6) WINSZ(2);
else if (dd.n6 || dd.ie || dd.op && !dd.op6 || dd.w3c) dd.recalc(1);
var d_drag = (document.onmousemove == DRAG),
d_resize = (document.onmousemove == RESIZE);
if (dd.loadFunc) dd.loadFunc();
if (d_drag && document.onmousemove != DRAG) dd.setEvtHdl(1, DRAG);
else if (d_resize && document.onmousemove != RESIZE) dd.setEvtHdl(1, RESIZE);
if ((d_drag || d_resize) && document.onmouseup != DROP) dd.setEvtHdl(2, DROP);
dd.setEvtHdl(0, PICK);
dd.finlz = function()
if (dd.ie && dd.elements)
var d_i = dd.elements.length; while (d_i--)
dd.setEvtHdl = function(d_typ, d_func)
if (!d_typ)
if (document.onmousedown != d_func) dd.downFunc = document.onmousedown || null;
document.onmousedown = d_func;
else if (d_typ&1)
if (document.onmousemove != d_func) dd.moveFunc = document.onmousemove || null;
document.onmousemove = d_func;
if (document.onmouseup != d_func) dd.upFunc = document.onmouseup || null;
document.onmouseup = d_func;
if (dd.ce)
var d_e = (!d_typ)? Event.MOUSEDOWN : (d_typ&1)? Event.MOUSEMOVE : Event.MOUSEUP;
d_func? document.captureEvents(d_e) : document.releaseEvents(d_e);
dd.evt = function(d_e)
this.but = (this.e = d_e || window.event).which || this.e.button || 0;
this.button = (this.e.type == 'mousedown')? this.but
: (dd.e && dd.e.button)? dd.e.button
: 0;
this.src = this.e.target || this.e.srcElement || null;
this.src.tag = (this.src.tagName || this.src).toString().toLowerCase();
this.x = dd.Int(this.e.pageX || this.e.clientX || 0);
this.y = dd.Int(this.e.pageY || this.e.clientY || 0);
if (dd.ie)
this.x += dd.getScrollX() - (dd.ie && !dd.iemac)*1;
this.y += dd.getScrollY() - (dd.ie && !dd.iemac)*1;
this.modifKey = this.e.modifiers? (this.e.modifiers&Event.SHIFT_MASK || this.e.modifiers&Event.CONTROL_MASK)
: (this.e.shiftKey || this.e.ctrlKey || false);
dd.recalc = function(d_x)
if (dd.elements)
var d_o, d_i = dd.elements.length; while(d_i--)
if (!(d_o = dd.elements[d_i]).is_image && d_o.div)
if (d_o.div.pos_rel)
var d_dx = dd.x - d_o.x, d_dy = dd.y - d_o.y;
d_o.defx += d_dx;
d_o.x += d_dx;
d_o.defy += d_dy;
d_o.y += d_dy;
var d_p, d_j = d_o.children.length; while(d_j--)
if (!(d_p = d_o.children[d_j]).detached && (d_o != d_p.defparent || !(d_p.is_image && dd.getImg(d_p, d_p.oimg.name, 1))))
d_p.defx += d_dx;
d_p.defy += d_dy;
d_p.moveBy(d_dx, d_dy);
else if (d_o.is_image && !dd.op6 && !dd.n4)
if (dd.n6 && d_x && !d_o.defw) d_o.resizeTo(d_o.defw = dd.getImgW(d_o.oimg), d_o.defh = dd.getImgH(d_o.oimg));
var d_defx = d_o.defx, d_defy = d_o.defy;
if (!(d_o.parent && d_o.parent != d_o.defparent) && (d_x || !d_o.detached || d_o.horizontal || d_o.vertical) && dd.getImg(d_o, d_o.oimg.name, 1))
d_o.moveBy(d_o.defx-d_defx, d_o.defy-d_defy);
function WINSZ(d_x)
if (d_x)
if (dd.n4 || dd.op6 && d_x&2)
dd.iW = innerWidth;
dd.iH = innerHeight;
if (dd.op6) setTimeout("WINSZ()", 0x1ff);
window.onresize = new Function('WINSZ();');
else if ((dd.n4 || dd.op6) && (innerWidth != dd.iW || innerHeight != dd.iH)) location.reload();
else if (dd.op6) setTimeout("WINSZ()", 0x1ff);
else if (!dd.n4) setTimeout('dd.recalc()', 0xa);
function DDObj(d_o, d_i)
this.id = d_o;
this.cmd = '';
this.cpy_n = dd.getCmdVal(this, COPY);
this.maxoffb = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFBOTTOM, 0, 1);
this.maxoffl = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFLEFT, 0, 1);
this.maxoffr = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFRIGHT, 0, 1);
this.maxofft = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXOFFTOP, 0, 1);
var d_j = dd_cursors.length; while(d_j--)
if (dd.getCmd(this, dd_cursors[d_j], 1)) this.cursor = dd_cursors[d_j].substring(2);
this.clone = dd.getCmd(this, CLONE, 1);
this.detach = dd.getCmd(this, DETACH_CHILDREN);
this.scalable = dd.getCmd(this, SCALABLE, 1);
this.horizontal = dd.getCmd(this, HORIZONTAL);
this.noalt = dd.getCmd(this, NO_ALT, 1);
this.nodrag = dd.getCmd(this, NO_DRAG);
this.scroll = dd.getCmd(this, SCROLL, 1);
this.resizable = dd.getCmd(this, RESIZABLE, 1);
this.re_z = dd.getCmd(this, RESET_Z, 1);
this.vertical = dd.getCmd(this, VERTICAL);
this.maxw = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXWIDTH, 1, 1);
this.minw = Math.abs(dd.getCmdVal(this, MINWIDTH, 1, 1));
this.maxh = dd.getCmdVal(this, MAXHEIGHT, 1, 1);
this.minh = Math.abs(dd.getCmdVal(this, MINHEIGHT, 1, 1));
this.name = this.id + (d_i || '');
this.oimg = dd.getImg(this, this.id, 1);
this.is_image = !!this.oimg;
this.copies = new Array();
this.children = new Array();
this.parent = this.original = null;
if (this.oimg)
this.id += 'div' + (d_i || '');
this.w = dd.getImgW(this.oimg);
this.h = dd.getImgH(this.oimg);
this.dw = this.dh = 0;
this.defz = dd.Int(dd.getCssProp(this.oimg, 'z-index','zIndex','zIndex')) || 1;
this.defsrc = this.src = this.oimg.src;
this.htm = '<img name="' + this.id + 'NImG"'+
' src="' + this.oimg.src + '" '+
'width="' + this.w + '" height="' + this.h + '">';
this.t_htm = '<div id="' + this.id +
'" style="position:absolute;'+
'left:' + (this.cssx = this.x = this.defx) + 'px;'+
'top:' + (this.cssy = this.y = this.defy) + 'px;'+
'width:' + this.w + 'px;'+
'height:' + this.h + 'px;">'+
this.htm + '<\/div>';
if (!!(this.div = dd.getDiv(this.id)) && typeof this.div.style != "undefined") this.css = this.div.style;
else this.css = {};
if (this.div)
this.div.ddObj = this;
this.div.pos_rel = ((this.div.parentNode? this.div.parentNode.tagName : this.div.parentElement? this.div.parentElement.tagName : '').toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('body') < 0);
this.defx = this.x = dd.x;
this.defy = this.y = dd.y;
this.defz = dd.Int(dd.getCssProp(this.div, 'z-index','zIndex','zIndex'));
this.defw = this.w || 0;
this.defh = this.h || 0;
DDObj.prototype.moveBy = function(d_x, d_y, d_kds, d_o)
if (!this.div) return;
this.x += (d_x = dd.Int(d_x));
this.y += (d_y = dd.Int(d_y));
if (!d_kds || this.is_image || this.parent != this.defparent)
(d_o = this.css || this.div).left = (this.cssx += d_x) + dd.px;
d_o.top = (this.cssy += d_y) + dd.px;
var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--)
if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.moveBy(d_x, d_y, 1);
d_o.defx += d_x;
d_o.defy += d_y;
DDObj.prototype.moveTo = function(d_x, d_y)
this.moveBy(dd.Int(d_x)-this.x, dd.Int(d_y)-this.y);
DDObj.prototype.hide = function(d_m, d_o, d_p)
if (this.div && this.visible)
d_p = this.css || this.div;
if (d_m && !dd.n4)
this.display = dd.getCssProp(this.div, "display", "display", "display");
if (this.oimg)
this.oimg.display = dd.getCssProp(this.oimg, "display", "display", "display");
this.oimg.style.display = "none";
d_p.display = "none";
else d_p.visibility = "hidden";
this.visible = false;
var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--)
if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.hide(d_m);
DDObj.prototype.show = function(d_o, d_p)
if (this.div)
d_p = this.css || this.div;
if (d_p.display && d_p.display == "none")
d_p.display = this.display || "block";
if (this.oimg) this.oimg.style.display = this.oimg.display || "inline";
else d_p.visibility = "visible";
this.visible = true;
var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--)
if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.show();
DDObj.prototype.resizeTo = function(d_w, d_h, d_o)
if (!this.div) return;
d_w = (this.w = dd.Int(d_w))-this.dw;
d_h = (this.h = dd.Int(d_h))-this.dh;
if (dd.n4)
this.div.resizeTo(d_w, d_h);
if (this.is_image)
this.write('<img src="' + this.src + '" width="' + d_w + '" height="' + d_h + '">');
(this.nimg = this.div.document.images[0]).src = this.src;
else if (typeof this.css.pixelWidth != "undefined")
this.css.pixelWidth = d_w;
this.css.pixelHeight = d_h;
if (this.is_image)
(d_o = this.nimg.style).pixelWidth = d_w;
d_o.pixelHeight = d_h;
this.css.width = d_w + dd.px;
this.css.height = d_h + dd.px;
if (this.is_image)
(d_o = this.nimg).width = d_w;
d_o.height = d_h;
if (!d_o.complete) d_o.src = this.src;
DDObj.prototype.resizeBy = function(d_dw, d_dh)
this.resizeTo(this.w+dd.Int(d_dw), this.h+dd.Int(d_dh));
DDObj.prototype.swapImage = function(d_x, d_cp)
if (!this.nimg) return;
this.nimg.src = d_x;
this.src = this.nimg.src;
if (d_cp)
var d_i = this.copies.length; while (d_i--)
this.copies[d_i].src = this.copies[d_i].nimg.src = this.nimg.src;
DDObj.prototype.setBgColor = function(d_x)
if (dd.n4 && this.div) this.div.bgColor = d_x;
else if (this.css) this.css.background = d_x;
this.bgColor = d_x;
DDObj.prototype.write = function(d_x, d_o)
this.text = d_x;
if (!this.div) return;
if (dd.n4)
(d_o = this.div.document).open();
else if (!dd.op6)
this.css.height = 'auto';
this.div.innerHTML = d_x;
if (!dd.ie4) dd.recalc();
if (dd.ie4 || dd.n6) setTimeout('dd.recalc();', 0); // n6.0: recalc twice
DDObj.prototype.copy = function(d_n, d_p)
if (!this.oimg) return;
d_n = d_n || 1;
while (d_n--)
var d_l = this.copies.length,
d_o = new DDObj(this.name+this.cmd, d_l+1);
if (dd.n4)
d_o.id = (d_p = new Layer(d_o.w)).name;
d_p.clip.height = d_o.h;
d_p.visibility = 'show';
(d_p = d_p.document).open();
else if (dd.db.insertAdjacentHTML) dd.db.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin", d_o.t_htm);
else if (document.createElement && dd.db && dd.db.appendChild)
dd.db.appendChild(d_p = document.createElement('div'));
d_p.innerHTML = d_o.htm;
d_p.id = d_o.id;
d_p.style.position = 'absolute';
d_p.style.width = d_o.w + 'px';
d_p.style.height = d_o.h + 'px';
else if (dd.db && dd.db.innerHTML) dd.db.innerHTML += d_o.t_htm;
d_o.defz = this.defz+1+d_l;
d_o.original = this;
dd.addElt(d_o, this);
if (this.parent)
this.parent.addChild(d_o, this.detached);
d_o.defparent = this.defparent;
d_o.moveTo(d_o.defx = this.defx, d_o.defy = this.defy);
if (dd.n4) d_o.defsrc = d_o.src = this.defsrc;
DDObj.prototype.addChild = function(d_kd, detach, defp)
if (typeof d_kd != "object") d_kd = dd.elements[d_kd];
if (d_kd.parent && d_kd.parent == this || d_kd == this || !d_kd.is_image && d_kd.defparent && !defp) return;
this.children[this.children.length] = this.children[d_kd.name] = d_kd;
d_kd.detached = detach || 0;
if (defp) d_kd.defparent = this;
else if (this == d_kd.defparent && d_kd.is_image) dd.getImg(this, d_kd.oimg.name, 1);
if (!d_kd.defparent || this != d_kd.defparent)
d_kd.defx = d_kd.x;
d_kd.defy = d_kd.y;
if (!detach)
d_kd.defz = d_kd.defz+this.defz-(d_kd.parent? d_kd.parent.defz : 0)+(!d_kd.is_image*1);
d_kd.setZ(d_kd.z+this.z-(d_kd.parent? d_kd.parent.z : 0)+(!d_kd.is_image*1), 1);
if (d_kd.parent) d_kd.parent._removeChild(d_kd, 1);
d_kd.parent = this;
DDObj.prototype._removeChild = function(d_kd, d_newp)
if (typeof d_kd != "object") d_kd = this.children[d_kd];
var d_oc = this.children, d_nc = new Array();
for (var d_i = 0; d_i < d_oc.length; d_i++)
if (d_oc[d_i] != d_kd) d_nc[d_nc.length] = d_oc[d_i];
this.children = d_nc;
d_kd.parent = null;
if (!d_newp)
d_kd.detached = d_kd.defp = 0;
if (d_kd.is_image) dd.getImg(d_kd, d_kd.oimg.name, 1);
DDObj.prototype.attachChild = function(d_kd)
(d_kd = (typeof d_kd != "object")? this.children[d_kd]: d_kd).detached = 0;
d_kd.setZ(d_kd.defz + this.z-this.defz, 1);
DDObj.prototype.detachChild = function(d_kd)
(d_kd = (typeof d_kd != "object")? this.children[d_kd]: d_kd).detached = 1;
DDObj.prototype.setZ = function(d_x, d_kds)
if (d_kds)
var d_dz = d_x-this.z,
d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--)
if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.setZ(d_o.z+d_dz, 1);
dd.z = Math.max(dd.z, this.z = this.div? ((this.css || this.div).zIndex = d_x) : 0);
DDObj.prototype.maximizeZ = function()
this.setZ(dd.z+1, 1);
DDObj.prototype._resetZ = function(d_o)
if (this.re_z || dd.re_z)
var d_i = this.children.length; while (d_i--)
if (!(d_o = this.children[d_i]).detached) d_o.setZ(d_o.defz);
DDObj.prototype.setCursor = function(d_x)
this._setCrs(this.cursor = (d_x.indexOf('c:')+1)? d_x.substring(2) : d_x);
DDObj.prototype._setCrs = function(d_x)
if (this.css) this.css.cursor = ((!dd.ie || dd.iemac) && d_x == 'hand')? 'pointer' : d_x;
DDObj.prototype.setDraggable = function(d_x)
this.nodrag = !d_x*1;
this._setCrs(d_x? this.cursor : 'auto');
DDObj.prototype.setResizable = function(d_x)
this.resizable = d_x*1;
if (d_x) this.scalable = 0;
DDObj.prototype.setScalable = function(d_x)
this.scalable = d_x*1;
if (d_x) this.resizable = 0;
DDObj.prototype.del = function(d_os, d_o)
if (this.parent && this.parent._removeChild) this.parent._removeChild(this);
if (this.original)
if (this.original.copies)
d_os = new Array();
for (var d_i = 0; d_i < this.original.copies.length; d_i++)
if ((d_o = this.original.copies[d_i]) != this) d_os[d_os.length] = d_os[d_o.name] = d_o;
this.original.copies = d_os;
else if (this.is_image)
if (this.oimg)
if (dd.n4) this.oimg.src = this.defsrc;
else this.oimg.style.visibility = 'visible';
else if (this.moveTo)
if (this.css) this.css.cursor = 'default';
this.moveTo(this.defx, this.defy);
this.resizeTo(this.defw, this.defh);
d_os = new Array();
for (var d_i = 0; d_i < dd.elements.length; d_i++)
if ((d_o = dd.elements[d_i]) != this) d_os[d_os.length] = d_os[d_o.name] = d_o;
else d_o._free();
dd.elements = d_os;
if (!dd.op6 && !dd.n4) dd.recalc();
DDObj.prototype._free = function()
for (var d_i in this)
this[d_i] = null;
dd.elements[this.name] = null;
dd.n4RectVis = function(vis)
for (var d_i = 4; d_i--;)
dd.rectI[d_i].visibility = dd.rectA[d_i].visibility = vis? 'show' : 'hide';
if (vis) dd.rectI[d_i].zIndex = dd.rectA[d_i].zIndex = dd.z+2;
dd.n4RectPos = function(d_o, d_x, d_y, d_w, d_h)
d_o.x = d_x;
d_o.y = d_y;
d_o.clip.width = d_w;
d_o.clip.height = d_h;
// NN4: draw img resize rectangle
dd.n4Rect = function(d_w, d_h)
if (!dd.rectI)
dd.rectI = new Array();
dd.rectA = new Array();
if (!dd.rectI[0])
for (var d_i = 4; d_i--;)
(dd.rectI[d_i] = new Layer(1)).bgColor = '#000000';
(dd.rectA[d_i] = new Layer(1)).bgColor = '#ffffff';
if (!dd.rectI[0].visibility || dd.rectI[0].visibility == 'hide') dd.n4RectVis(1);
dd.obj.w = d_w;
dd.obj.h = d_h;
for (var d_i = 4; d_i--;)
dd.n4RectPos(dd.rectI[d_i], dd.obj.x + (!(d_i-1)? (dd.obj.w-1) : 0), dd.obj.y + (!(d_i-2)? (dd.obj.h-1) : 0), d_i&1 || dd.obj.w, !(d_i&1) || dd.obj.h);
dd.n4RectPos(dd.rectA[d_i], !(d_i-1)? dd.rectI[1].x+1 : (dd.obj.x-1), !(d_i-2)? dd.rectI[2].y+1 : (dd.obj.y-1), d_i&1 || dd.obj.w+2, !(d_i&1) || dd.obj.h+2);
dd.reszTo = function(d_w, d_h)
if (dd.n4 && dd.obj.is_image) dd.n4Rect(d_w, d_h);
else dd.obj.resizeTo(d_w, d_h);
dd.embedVis = function(d_vis)
var d_o = new Array('iframe', 'applet', 'embed', 'object');
var d_i = d_o.length; while (d_i--)
var d_p = dd.ie? document.all.tags(d_o[d_i]) : document.getElementsByTagName? document.getElementsByTagName(d_o[d_i]) : null;
if (d_p)
var d_j = d_p.length; while (d_j--)
var d_q = d_p[d_j];
while (d_q.offsetParent || d_q.parentNode)
if ((d_q = d_q.parentNode || d_q.offsetParent || null) == dd.obj.div)
d_p[d_j].style.visibility = d_vis;
dd.maxOffX = function(d_x, d_y)
return (
(dd.obj.maxoffl+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defx-dd.obj.maxoffl)-d_x > 0
|| dd.obj.maxoffr+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defx+dd.obj.maxoffr)-d_x < 0)? d_y
: d_x
dd.maxOffY = function(d_x, d_y)
return (
(dd.obj.maxofft+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defy-dd.obj.maxofft)-d_x > 0
|| dd.obj.maxoffb+1 && (d_y = dd.obj.defy+dd.obj.maxoffb)-d_x < 0)? d_y
: d_x
dd.inWndW = function(d_x, d_y)
var d_wx = dd.getScrollX(),
d_ww = dd.getWndW();
return (
((d_y = d_wx+2)-d_x > 0) || ((d_y = d_wx+d_ww+dd.obj.w-2)-d_x < 0)? d_y
: d_x
dd.inWndH = function(d_x, d_y)
var d_wy = dd.getScrollY(),
d_wh = dd.getWndH();
return (
((d_y = d_wy+2)-d_x > 0) || ((d_y = d_wy+d_wh+dd.obj.h-2)-d_x < 0)? d_y
: d_x
// These two funcs limit the size of element when mouseresized.
// Implemented 22.5.2003 by Gregor L<>tolf <gregor@milou.ch>, modified by Walter Zorn
dd.limW = function(d_w)
return (
(dd.obj.minw-d_w > 0)? dd.obj.minw
: (dd.obj.maxw > 0 && dd.obj.maxw-d_w < 0)? dd.obj.maxw
: d_w
dd.limH = function(d_h)
return (
(dd.obj.minh-d_h > 0)? dd.obj.minh
: (dd.obj.maxh > 0 && dd.obj.maxh-d_h < 0)? dd.obj.maxh
: d_h
// Optional autoscroll-page functionality. Courtesy Cedric Savarese.
// Implemented by Walter Zorn
function DDScroll()
if (!dd.obj || !dd.obj.scroll && !dd.scroll || dd.op || dd.ie4 || dd.whratio)
dd.scrx = dd.scry = 0;
var d_bnd = 0x1c,
d_wx = dd.getScrollX(), d_wy = dd.getScrollY();
if (dd.msmoved)
var d_ww = dd.getWndW(), d_wh = dd.getWndH(), d_y;
dd.scrx = ((d_y = dd.e.x-d_ww-d_wx+d_bnd) > 0)? (d_y>>=2)*d_y
: ((d_y = d_wx+d_bnd-dd.e.x) > 0)? -(d_y>>=2)*d_y
: 0;
dd.scry = ((d_y = dd.e.y-d_wh-d_wy+d_bnd) > 0)? (d_y>>=2)*d_y
: ((d_y = d_wy+d_bnd-dd.e.y) > 0)? -(d_y>>=2)*d_y
: 0;
if (dd.scrx || dd.scry)
d_wx + (dd.scrx = dd.obj.is_resized? dd.limW(dd.obj.w+dd.scrx)-dd.obj.w : dd.obj.vertical? 0 : (dd.maxOffX(dd.obj.x+dd.scrx)-dd.obj.x)),
d_wy + (dd.scry = dd.obj.is_resized? dd.limH(dd.obj.h+dd.scry)-dd.obj.h : dd.obj.horizontal? 0 : (dd.maxOffY(dd.obj.y+dd.scry)-dd.obj.y))
dd.obj.is_dragged? dd.obj.moveTo(dd.obj.x+dd.getScrollX()-d_wx, dd.obj.y+dd.getScrollY()-d_wy)
: dd.reszTo(dd.obj.w+dd.getScrollX()-d_wx, dd.obj.h+dd.getScrollY()-d_wy);
dd.msmoved = 0;
window.setTimeout('DDScroll()', 0x33);
function PICK(d_ev)
dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev);
if (dd.e.x >= dd.getWndW()+dd.getScrollX() || dd.e.y >= dd.getWndH()+dd.getScrollY()) return true; // on scrollbar
var d_o, d_cmp = -1, d_i = dd.elements.length; while (d_i--)
d_o = dd.elements[d_i];
if (dd.n4 && dd.e.but > 1 && dd.e.src == d_o.oimg && !d_o.clone) return false;
if (d_o.visible && dd.e.but <= 1 && !d_o.nodrag && dd.e.x >= d_o.x && dd.e.x <= d_o.x+d_o.w && dd.e.y >= d_o.y && dd.e.y <= d_o.y+d_o.h)
if (d_o.z > d_cmp && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('input') < 0 && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('textarea') < 0 && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('select') < 0 && dd.e.src.tag.indexOf('option') < 0)
d_cmp = d_o.z;
dd.obj = d_o;
if (dd.obj)
dd.e.e.cancelBubble = true;
var d_rsz = dd.e.modifKey && (dd.obj.resizable || dd.obj.scalable);
if (dd.op && !dd.op6)
(d_o = document.getElementById('OpBlUr')).style.pixelLeft = dd.e.x;
d_o.style.pixelTop = dd.e.y;
(d_o = d_o.children[0].children[0]).focus();
else if (dd.ie && !dd.ie4)
if (document.selection && document.selection.empty) document.selection.empty();
dd.db.onselectstart = function()
event.returnValue = false;
if (d_rsz)
dd.obj.is_resized = 1;
dd.whratio = dd.obj.scalable? dd.obj.defw/dd.obj.defh : 0;
if (dd.ie)
if (dd.ie4)
window.dd_x = dd.getScrollX();
window.dd_y = dd.getScrollY();
'if (dd.obj && document.selection && document.selection.empty)'+
'if (dd.ie4) window.scrollTo(window.dd_x, window.dd_y);'+
dd.setEvtHdl(1, RESIZE);
dd.reszTo(dd.obj.w, dd.obj.h);
else if (!dd.obj.nodrag)
dd.obj.is_dragged = 1;
dd.setEvtHdl(1, DRAG);
dd.setEvtHdl(2, DROP);
dd.ofx = dd.obj.x+dd.obj.w-dd.e.x;
dd.ofy = dd.obj.y+dd.obj.h-dd.e.y;
if (window.my_PickFunc) my_PickFunc();
return !(
|| dd.n4 && dd.obj.is_image
|| dd.n6 || dd.w3c
if (dd.downFunc) return dd.downFunc(d_ev);
return true;
function DRAG(d_ev)
if (!dd.obj || !dd.obj.visible) return true;
if (dd.ie4 || dd.w3c || dd.n6 || dd.obj.children.length > 0xf)
if (dd.wait) return false;
dd.wait = 1;
setTimeout('dd.wait = 0;', 5);
dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev);
if (dd.ie && !dd.e.but)
return true;
dd.msmoved = 1;
dd.obj.vertical? dd.obj.x : dd.maxOffX(dd.inWndW(dd.ofx+dd.e.x)-dd.obj.w),
dd.obj.horizontal? dd.obj.y : dd.maxOffY(dd.inWndH(dd.ofy+dd.e.y)-dd.obj.h)
if (window.my_DragFunc) my_DragFunc();
return false;
function RESIZE(d_ev)
if (!dd.obj || !dd.obj.visible) return true;
if (dd.wait) return false;
dd.wait = 1;
setTimeout('dd.wait = 0;', 5);
dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev);
if (dd.ie && !dd.e.but)
return true;
dd.msmoved = 1;
var d_w = dd.limW(dd.inWndW(dd.ofx+dd.e.x)-dd.obj.x);
if (!dd.whratio) var d_h = dd.limH(dd.inWndH(dd.ofy+dd.e.y)-dd.obj.y);
var d_h = dd.limH(dd.inWndH(Math.round(d_w/dd.whratio)+dd.obj.y)-dd.obj.y);
d_w = Math.round(d_h*dd.whratio);
dd.reszTo(d_w, d_h);
if (window.my_ResizeFunc) my_ResizeFunc();
return false;
function DROP(d_ev)
if (dd.obj)
if (dd.obj.is_dragged)
if (!dd.obj.is_image) dd.getWH(dd.obj);
else if (dd.n4)
if (dd.obj.is_image)
dd.obj.resizeTo(dd.obj.w, dd.obj.h);
if (!dd.n4 && !dd.op6 || !dd.obj.is_image) dd.recalc();
dd.setEvtHdl(1, dd.moveFunc);
dd.setEvtHdl(2, dd.upFunc);
if (dd.db) dd.db.onselectstart = null;
if (window.my_DropFunc)
dd.e = new dd.evt(d_ev);
dd.msmoved = dd.obj.is_dragged = dd.obj.is_resized = dd.whratio = 0;
dd.obj = null;
dd.setEvtHdl(0, PICK);
function SET_DHTML()
dd.elements = new Array();
var d_a = SET_DHTML.arguments, d_ai, d_htm = '', d_o, d_i = d_a.length; while (d_i--)
if (dd.op6)
var d_t0 = (new Date()).getTime();
while ((new Date()).getTime()-d_t0 < 0x99);
if (!(d_ai = d_a[d_i]).indexOf('c:')) dd.cursor = d_ai.substring(2);
else if (d_ai == NO_ALT) dd.noalt = 1;
else if (d_ai == SCROLL) dd.scroll = 1;
else if (d_ai == RESET_Z) dd.re_z = 1;
else if (d_ai == RESIZABLE) dd.resizable = 1;
else if (d_ai == SCALABLE) dd.scalable = 1;
d_o = new DDObj(d_ai);
d_htm += d_o.t_htm || '';
if (d_o.oimg && d_o.cpy_n)
var d_j = 0; while (d_j < d_o.cpy_n)
var d_p = new DDObj(d_o.name+d_o.cmd, ++d_j);
dd.addElt(d_p, d_o);
d_p.defz = d_o.defz+d_j;
d_p.original = d_o;
d_htm += d_p.t_htm;
if (dd.n4 || dd.n6 || dd.ie || dd.op || dd.w3c) document.write(
(dd.n4? '<div style="position:absolute;"><\/div>\n'
: (dd.op && !dd.op6)? '<div id="OpBlUr" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;"><form><input type="text" style="width:0px;height:0px;"><\/form><\/div>'
: '') + d_htm
dd.z = 0x33;
d_i = dd.elements.length; while (d_i--)
dd.addProps(d_o = dd.elements[d_i]);
if (d_o.is_image && !d_o.original && !d_o.clone)
dd.n4? d_o.oimg.src = spacer : d_o.oimg.style.visibility = 'hidden';
if (window.onload) dd.loadFunc = window.onload;
window.onload = dd.initz;
window.onunload = dd.finlz;
dd.setEvtHdl(0, PICK);
function ADD_DHTML(d_o) // layers only!
d_o = new DDObj(d_o);
// If not needed, all code below this line may be removed
// For backward compatibility
dd.d = document; // < v. 2.72
var RESET_ZINDEX = RESET_Z; // < 3.44
var NO_SCROLL = ''; // < v. 4.49
// Use these for your own extensions,
// or to call functions defined elsewhere
The following objects/properties are accessible from here:
- dd.e: current mouse event
- dd.e.property: access to a property of the current mouse event.
Mostly requested properties:
- dd.e.x: document-related x co-ordinate
- dd.e.y: document-related y co-ord
- dd.e.src: target of mouse event (not identical with the drag drop object itself).
- dd.e.button: currently pressed mouse button. Left button: dd.e.button <= 1
- dd.obj: reference to currently dragged item.
- dd.obj.property: access to any property of that item.
- dd.obj.method(): for example dd.obj.resizeTo() or dd.obj.swapImage() .
Mostly requested properties:
- dd.obj.name: image name or layer ID passed to SET_DHTML();
- dd.obj.x and dd.obj.y: co-ordinates;
- dd.obj.w and dd.obj.h: size;
- dd.obj.is_dragged: 1 while item is dragged, else 0;
- dd.obj.is_resized: 1 while item is resized, i.e. if <ctrl> or <shift> is pressed, else 0
For more properties and details, visit the API documentation
at http://www.walterzorn.com/dragdrop/api_e.htm (english) or
http://www.walterzorn.de/dragdrop/api.htm (german) */
function my_PickFunc()
See the description of my_PickFunc above for what's accessible from here. */
function my_DragFunc()
//window.status = 'dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.x = ' + dd.obj.x + ' dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.y = ' + dd.obj.y;
See the description of my_PickFunc above for what's accessible from here. */
function my_ResizeFunc()
//window.status = 'dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.w = ' + dd.obj.w + ' dd.elements.' + dd.obj.name + '.h = ' + dd.obj.h;
See the description of my_PickFunc for what's accessible from here.
Here may be investigated, for example, what's the name (dd.obj.name)
of the dropped item, and where (dd.obj.x, dd.obj.y) it has been dropped... */
function my_DropFunc()