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* Addressbook - General business object
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
* @author Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @author Joerg Lehrke <jlehrke@noc.de>
* @package addressbook
* @copyright (c) 2005-8 by Ralf Becker <RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de>
* @copyright (c) 2005/6 by Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
* General business object of the adressbook
class addressbook_bo extends addressbook_so
* @var int $tz_offset_s offset in secconds between user and server-time,
* it need to be add to a server-time to get the user-time or substracted from a user-time to get the server-time
var $tz_offset_s;
* @var int $now_su actual user (!) time
var $now_su;
* @var array $timestamps timestamps
var $timestamps = array('modified','created');
* @var array $fileas_types
var $fileas_types = array(
'org_name: n_family, n_given',
'org_name: n_family, n_prefix',
'org_name: n_given n_family',
'org_name: n_fn',
'n_family, n_given: org_name',
2008-10-10 13:25:35 +02:00
'n_family, n_given (org_name)',
'n_family, n_prefix: org_name',
'n_given n_family: org_name',
'n_prefix n_family: org_name',
'n_fn: org_name',
'org_name - org_unit',
'n_given n_family',
'n_prefix n_family',
'n_family, n_given',
'n_family, n_prefix',
* @var array $org_fields fields belonging to the (virtual) organisation entry
var $org_fields = array(
* Which fields is a (non-admin) user allowed to edit in his own account
* @var array
var $own_account_acl;
* @var double $org_common_factor minimum percentage of the contacts with identical values to construct the "common" (virtual) org-entry
var $org_common_factor = 0.6;
2006-04-26 23:23:38 +02:00
var $contact_fields = array();
var $business_contact_fields = array();
var $home_contact_fields = array();
* Number and message of last error or false if no error, atm. only used for saving
* @var string/boolean
var $error;
* Addressbook preferences of the user
* @var array
var $prefs;
* Default addressbook for new contacts, if no addressbook is specified (user preference)
* @var int
var $default_addressbook;
* Default addressbook is the private one
* @var boolean
var $default_private;
function __construct($contact_app='addressbook')
$this->tz_offset_s = 3600 * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'];
$this->now_su = time() + $this->tz_offset_s;
$this->prefs =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook'];
// get the default addressbook from the users prefs
$this->default_addressbook = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'] ?
(int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'] : $this->user;
$this->default_private = substr($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['add_default'],-1) == 'p';
if ($this->default_addressbook > 0 && $this->default_addressbook != $this->user &&
($this->default_private ||
$this->default_addressbook == (int)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->forced['addressbook']['add_default'] ||
$this->default_addressbook == (int)$GLOBALS['egw']->preferences->default['addressbook']['add_default']))
$this->default_addressbook = $this->user; // admin set a default or forced pref for personal addressbook
2006-04-26 23:23:38 +02:00
$this->contact_fields = array(
'id' => lang('Contact ID'),
2006-10-07 11:16:04 +02:00
'tid' => lang('Type'),
2006-04-26 23:23:38 +02:00
'owner' => lang('Addressbook'),
'private' => lang('private'),
'cat_id' => lang('Category'),
'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'),
'n_given' => lang('first name'),
'n_middle' => lang('middle name'),
'n_family' => lang('last name'),
'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'),
'n_fn' => lang('full name'),
'n_fileas' => lang('own sorting'),
'bday' => lang('birthday'),
'org_name' => lang('Company'),
'org_unit' => lang('Department'),
'title' => lang('Title'),
'role' => lang('Role'),
'assistent' => lang('Assistent'),
'room' => lang('Room'),
'adr_one_street' => lang('street').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_street2' => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_locality' => lang('city').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_region' => lang('state').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_postalcode' => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_countryname' => lang('country').' ('.lang('business').')',
'label' => lang('label'),
'adr_two_street' => lang('street').' ('.lang('private').')',
'adr_two_street2' => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('private').')',
'adr_two_locality' => lang('city').' ('.lang('private').')',
'adr_two_region' => lang('state').' ('.lang('private').')',
'adr_two_postalcode' => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('private').')',
'adr_two_countryname' => lang('country').' ('.lang('private').')',
'tel_work' => lang('work phone'),
'tel_cell' => lang('mobile phone'),
'tel_fax' => lang('fax').' ('.lang('business').')',
'tel_assistent' => lang('assistent phone'),
'tel_car' => lang('car phone'),
'tel_pager' => lang('pager'),
'tel_home' => lang('home phone'),
'tel_fax_home' => lang('fax').' ('.lang('private').')',
'tel_cell_private' => lang('mobile phone').' ('.lang('private').')',
'tel_other' => lang('other phone'),
'tel_prefer' => lang('preferred phone'),
'email' => lang('email').' ('.lang('business').')',
'email_home' => lang('email').' ('.lang('private').')',
'url' => lang('url').' ('.lang('business').')',
'url_home' => lang('url').' ('.lang('private').')',
'freebusy_uri' => lang('Freebusy URI'),
'calendar_uri' => lang('Calendar URI'),
'note' => lang('note'),
'tz' => lang('time zone'),
'geo' => lang('geo'),
'pubkey' => lang('public key'),
'created' => lang('created'),
'creator' => lang('created by'),
'modified' => lang('last modified'),
'modifier' => lang('last modified by'),
'jpegphoto' => lang('photo'),
$this->business_contact_fields = array(
'org_name' => lang('Company'),
'org_unit' => lang('Department'),
'title' => lang('Title'),
'role' => lang('Role'),
'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'),
'n_given' => lang('first name'),
'n_middle' => lang('middle name'),
'n_family' => lang('last name'),
'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'),
'adr_one_street' => lang('street').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_street2' => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_locality' => lang('city').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_region' => lang('state').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_postalcode' => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_one_countryname' => lang('country').' ('.lang('business').')',
$this->home_contact_fields = array(
'org_name' => lang('Company'),
'org_unit' => lang('Department'),
'title' => lang('Title'),
'role' => lang('Role'),
'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'),
'n_given' => lang('first name'),
'n_middle' => lang('middle name'),
'n_family' => lang('last name'),
'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'),
'adr_two_street' => lang('street').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_two_street2' => lang('address line 2').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_two_locality' => lang('city').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_two_region' => lang('state').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_two_postalcode' => lang('zip code').' ('.lang('business').')',
'adr_two_countryname' => lang('country').' ('.lang('business').')',
$this->own_account_acl = unserialize($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['own_account_acl']);
// we have only one acl (n_fn) for the whole name, as not all backends store every part in an own field
if ($this->own_account_acl && in_array('n_fn',$this->own_account_acl))
$this->own_account_acl = array_merge($this->own_account_acl,array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix'));
if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['org_fileds_to_update'])
$this->org_fields = unserialize($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['org_fileds_to_update']);
* Get the availible addressbooks of the user
* @param int $required=EGW_ACL_READ required rights on the addressbook
* @param string $extra_label first label if given (already translated)
* @return array with owner => label pairs
function get_addressbooks($required=EGW_ACL_READ,$extra_label=null)
//echo "uicontacts::get_addressbooks($required,$include_all) grants="; _debug_array($this->grants);
$addressbooks = array();
if ($extra_label) $addressbooks[''] = $extra_label;
$addressbooks[$this->user] = lang('Personal');
// add all group addressbooks the user has the necessary rights too
foreach($this->grants as $uid => $rights)
if (($rights & $required) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'g')
$addressbooks[$uid] = lang('Group %1',$GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($uid));
if (($this->grants[0] & $required) && !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'])
$addressbooks[0] = lang('Accounts');
// add all other user addressbooks the user has the necessary rights too
foreach($this->grants as $uid => $rights)
if ($uid != $this->user && ($rights & $required) && $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->get_type($uid) == 'u')
$addressbooks[$uid] = $GLOBALS['egw']->common->grab_owner_name($uid);
if ($this->private_addressbook)
$addressbooks[$this->user.'p'] = lang('Private');
return $addressbooks;
* calculate the file_as string from the contact and the file_as type
* @param array $contact
* @param string $type=null file_as type, default null to read it from the contact, unknown/not set type default to the first one
* @return string
function fileas($contact,$type=null)
if (is_null($type)) $type = $contact['fileas_type'];
2008-10-10 13:25:35 +02:00
if (!$type) $type = $this->prefs['fileas_default'] ? $this->prefs['fileas_default'] : $this->fileas_types[0];
if (strpos($type,'n_fn') !== false) $contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
$fileas = str_replace(array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix','n_fn','org_name','org_unit','adr_one_locality'),
// removing empty delimiters, caused by empty contact fields
$fileas = str_replace(array(', , : ',', : ',': , ',', , ',': : ',' ()'),array(': ',': ',': ',', ',': ',''),$fileas);
while ($fileas[0] == ':' || $fileas[0] == ',') $fileas = substr($fileas,2);
while (substr($fileas,-2) == ': ' || substr($fileas,-2) == ', ') $fileas = substr($fileas,0,-2);
//echo "<p align=right>bocontacts::fileas(,$type)='$fileas'</p>\n";
return $fileas;
* determine the file_as type from the file_as string and the contact
* @param array $contact
* @param string $type=null file_as type, default null to read it from the contact, unknown/not set type default to the first one
* @return string
function fileas_type($contact,$file_as=null)
if (is_null($file_as)) $file_as = $contact['n_fileas'];
if ($file_as)
foreach($this->fileas_types as $type)
if ($this->fileas($contact,$type) == $file_as)
return $type;
2008-10-10 13:25:35 +02:00
return $this->prefs['fileas_default'] ? $this->prefs['fileas_default'] : $this->fileas_types[0];
* get selectbox options for the fileas types with translated labels, or real content
* @param array $contact=null real content to use, default none
* @return array with options: fileas type => label pairs
function fileas_options($contact=null)
$labels = array(
'n_prefix' => lang('prefix'),
'n_given' => lang('first name'),
'n_middle' => lang('middle name'),
'n_family' => lang('last name'),
'n_suffix' => lang('suffix'),
'n_fn' => lang('full name'),
'org_name' => lang('company'),
'org_unit' => lang('department'),
'adr_one_locality' => lang('city'),
foreach($labels as $name => $label)
if ($contact[$name]) $labels[$name] = $contact[$name];
foreach($this->fileas_types as $fileas_type)
$options[$fileas_type] = $this->fileas($labels,$fileas_type);
return $options;
* Set n_fileas (and n_fn) in contacts of all users (called by Admin >> Addressbook >> Site configuration (Admin only)
* If $all all fileas fields will be set, if !$all only empty ones
* @param string $fileas_type '' or type of $this->fileas_types
* @param int $all=false update all contacts or only ones with empty values
* @param int &$errors=null on return number of errors
* @return int|boolean number of contacts updated, false for wrong fileas type
function set_all_fileas($fileas_type,$all=false,&$errors=null,$ignore_acl=false)
if ($type != '' && !in_array($type,$this->fileas_types))
return false;
if ($ignore_acl)
unset($this->somain->grants); // to NOT limit search to contacts readable by current user
// to be able to work on huge contact repositories we read the contacts in chunks of 100
for($n = $updated = $errors = 0; ($contacts = parent::search($all ? array() : array(
'n_fileas IS NULL',
'n_fn IS NULL',
),false,'','','',false,'OR',array($n*100,100))); ++$n)
foreach($contacts as $contact)
$old_fn = $contact['n_fn'];
$old_fileas = $contact['n_fileas'];
$contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
// only update fileas if type is given AND (all should be updated or n_fileas is empty)
if ($fileas_type && ($all || empty($contact['n_fileas'])))
$contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact,$fileas_type);
if ($old_fileas != $contact['n_fileas'] || $old_fn != $contact['n_fn'])
//echo "<p>('$old_fileas' != '{$contact['n_fileas']}' || '$old_fn' != '{$contact['n_fn']}')=".array2string($old_fileas != $contact['n_fileas'] || $old_fn != $contact['n_fn'])."</p>\n";
// only specify/write updated fields plus "keys"
$contact = array_intersect_key($contact,array(
'id' => true,
'owner' => true,
'private' => true,
'account_id' => true,
'uid' => true,
)+($old_fileas != $contact['n_fileas'] ? array('n_fileas' => true) : array())+($old_fn != $contact['n_fn'] ? array('n_fn' => true) : array()));
if ($this->save($contact,$ignore_acl))
return $updated;
* get full name from the name-parts
* @param array $contact
* @return string full name
function fullname($contact)
if (empty($contact['n_family']) && empty($contact['n_given'])) {
$cpart = array('org_name');
} else {
$cpart = array('n_prefix','n_given','n_middle','n_family','n_suffix');
$parts = array();
foreach($cpart as $n)
if ($contact[$n]) $parts[] = $contact[$n];
return implode(' ',$parts);
* changes the data from the db-format to your work-format
* it gets called everytime when data is read from the db
* This function needs to be reimplemented in the derived class
* @param array $data
function db2data($data)
// convert timestamps from server-time in the db to user-time
foreach($this->timestamps as $name)
$data[$name] += $this->tz_offset_s;
$data['photo'] = $this->photo_src($data['id'],$data['jpegphoto']);
// set freebusy_uri for accounts
if (!$data['freebusy_uri'] && !$data['owner'] && $data['account_id'] && !is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']))
static $fb_url;
2008-06-07 19:45:33 +02:00
if (!$fb_url && @is_dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.'/calendar/inc')) $fb_url = calendar_bo::freebusy_url('');
if ($fb_url) $data['freebusy_uri'] = $fb_url.urlencode(
isset($data['account_lid']) ? $data['account_lid'] : $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($data['account_id']));
return $data;
* src for photo: returns array with linkparams if jpeg exists or the $default image-name if not
* @param int $id contact_id
* @param boolean $jpeg=false jpeg exists or not
* @param string $default='' image-name to use if !$jpeg, eg. 'template'
* @return string/array
function photo_src($id,$jpeg,$default='')
return $jpeg ? array(
'menuaction' => 'addressbook.addressbook_ui.photo',
'contact_id' => $id,
) : $default;
* changes the data from your work-format to the db-format
* It gets called everytime when data gets writen into db or on keys for db-searches
* this needs to be reimplemented in the derived class
* @param array $data
function data2db($data)
// convert timestamps from user-time to server-time in the db
foreach($this->timestamps as $name)
$data[$name] -= $this->tz_offset_s;
return $data;
* deletes contact in db
* @param mixed &$contact contact array with key id or (array of) id(s)
* @param boolean $deny_account_delete=true if true never allow to delete accounts
* @param int $check_etag=null
* @return boolean|int true on success or false on failiure, 0 if etag does not match
function delete($contact,$deny_account_delete=true,$check_etag=null)
if (is_array($contact) && isset($contact['id']))
$contact = array($contact);
elseif (!is_array($contact))
$contact = array($contact);
foreach($contact as $c)
$id = is_array($c) ? $c['id'] : $c;
$ok = false;
if ($this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_DELETE,$c,$deny_account_delete) && ($ok = parent::delete($id,$check_etag)))
$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->updateTimeStamp('contacts', $id, 'delete', time());
return $ok;
return true;
* saves contact to db
* @param array &$contact contact array from etemplate::exec
* @param boolean $ignore_acl=false should the acl be checked or not
* @return int/string/boolean id on success, false on failure, the error-message is in $this->error
function save(&$contact,$ignore_acl=false)
2006-08-22 10:14:35 +02:00
// remember if we add or update a entry
if (($isUpdate = $contact['id']))
if (!isset($contact['owner']) || !isset($contact['private'])) // owner/private not set on update, eg. SyncML
2006-08-22 10:14:35 +02:00
if (($old = $this->read($contact['id']))) // --> try reading the old entry and set it from there
2006-08-22 10:14:35 +02:00
$contact['owner'] = $old['owner'];
2007-07-04 21:13:00 +02:00
$contact['private'] = $old['private'];
2006-08-22 10:14:35 +02:00
else // entry not found --> create a new one
$isUpdate = $contact['id'] = null;
// if no owner/addressbook set use the setting of the add_default prefs (if set, otherwise the users personal addressbook)
if (!isset($contact['owner'])) $contact['owner'] = $this->default_addressbook;
if (!isset($contact['private'])) $contact['private'] = (int)$this->default_private;
// allow admins to import contacts with creator / created date set
if (!$contact['creator'] || !$this->is_admin($contact)) $contact['creator'] = $this->user;
if (!$contact['created'] || !$this->is_admin($contact)) $contact['created'] = $this->now_su;
2006-04-26 23:23:38 +02:00
if (!$contact['tid']) $contact['tid'] = 'n';
if (!$contact['owner'])
$contact['private'] = 0; // accounts are never private!
if(!$ignore_acl && !$this->check_perms($isUpdate ? EGW_ACL_EDIT : EGW_ACL_ADD,$contact))
$this->error = 'access denied';
return false;
// convert categories
if (is_array($contact['cat_id'])) {
$contact['cat_id'] = implode(',',$contact['cat_id']);
// last modified
$contact['modifier'] = $this->user;
$contact['modified'] = $this->now_su;
// set full name and fileas from the content
if (!isset($contact['n_fn'])) {
$contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
if (isset($contact['org_name'])) $contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact);
$to_write = $contact;
// (non-admin) user editing his own account, make sure he does not change fields he is not allowed to (eg. via SyncML or xmlrpc)
if (!$ignore_acl && !$contact['owner'] && !$this->is_admin($contact))
foreach($contact as $field => $value)
if (!in_array($field,$this->own_account_acl) && !in_array($field,array('id','owner','account_id','modified','modifier')))
unset($to_write[$field]); // user is now allowed to change that
// we dont update the content-history, if we run inside setup (admin-account-creation)
if(!($this->error = parent::save($to_write)) && is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory))
$contact['id'] = $to_write['id'];
$contact['uid'] = $to_write['uid'];
$contact['etag'] = $to_write['etag'];
$GLOBALS['egw']->contenthistory->updateTimeStamp('contacts', $contact['id'],$isUpdate ? 'modify' : 'add', time());
if ($contact['account_id']) // invalidate the cache of the accounts class
// notify interested apps about changes in the account-contact data
if (!$to_write['owner'] && $to_write['account_id'])
$to_write['location'] = 'editaccountcontact';
$GLOBALS['egw']->hooks->process($to_write,False,True); // called for every app now, not only enabled ones));
return $this->error ? false : $contact['id'];
* reads contacts matched by key and puts all cols in the data array
* @param int/string $contact_id
* @return array/boolean array with contact data, null if not found or false on no view perms
function read($contact_id)
if (!($data = parent::read($contact_id)))
return null; // not found
if (!$this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_READ,$data))
return false; // no view perms
// determine the file-as type
$data['fileas_type'] = $this->fileas_type($data);
return $data;
* Checks if the current user has the necessary ACL rights
* If the access of a contact is set to private, one need a private grant for a personal addressbook
* or the group membership for a group-addressbook
* @param int $needed necessary ACL right: EGW_ACL_{READ|EDIT|DELETE}
* @param mixed $contact contact as array or the contact-id
* @param boolean $deny_account_delete=false if true never allow to delete accounts
* @return boolean true permission granted, false for permission denied, null for contact does not exist
function check_perms($needed,$contact,$deny_account_delete=false)
if ((!is_array($contact) || !isset($contact['owner'])) &&
!($contact = parent::read(is_array($contact) ? $contact['id'] : $contact)))
return null;
$owner = $contact['owner'];
// allow the user to edit his own account
if (!$owner && $needed == EGW_ACL_EDIT && $contact['account_id'] == $this->user && $this->own_account_acl)
return true;
// dont allow to delete own account (as admin handels it too)
if (!$owner && $needed == EGW_ACL_DELETE && ($deny_account_delete || $contact['account_id'] == $this->user))
return false;
return ($this->grants[$owner] & $needed) &&
(!$contact['private'] || ($this->grants[$owner] & EGW_ACL_PRIVATE) || in_array($owner,$this->memberships));
* Read (virtual) org-entry (values "common" for most contacts in the given org)
* @param string $org_id org_name:oooooo|||org_unit:uuuuuuuuu|||adr_one_locality:lllllll (org_unit and adr_one_locality are optional)
* @return array/boolean array with common org fields or false if org not found
function read_org($org_id)
if (!$org_id) return false;
$org = array();
foreach(explode('|||',$org_id) as $part)
list($name,$value) = explode(':',$part);
$org[$name] = $value;
$csvs = array('cat_id'); // fields with comma-separated-values
// split regular fields and custom fields
$custom_fields = $regular_fields = array();
foreach($this->org_fields as $name)
if ($name[0] != '#')
$regular_fields[] = $name;
$custom_fields[] = $name = substr($name,1);
$regular_fields['id'] = 'id';
if (substr($this->customfields[$name]['type'],0,6)=='select' && $this->customfields[$name]['rows'] || // multiselection
$this->customfields[$name]['type'] == 'radio')
$csvs[] = '#'.$name;
// read the regular fields
$contacts = parent::search('',$regular_fields,'','','',false,'AND',false,$org);
if (!$contacts) return false;
// if we have custom fields, read and merge them in
if ($custom_fields)
foreach($contacts as $contact)
$ids[] = $contact['id'];
if (($cfs = $this->read_customfields($ids,$custom_fields)))
foreach ($contacts as &$contact)
$id = $contact['id'];
if (isset($cfs[$id]))
foreach($cfs[$id] as $name => $value)
$contact['#'.$name] = $value;
// create a statistic about the commonness of each fields values
$fields = array();
foreach($contacts as $contact)
foreach($contact as $name => $value)
if (!in_array($name,$csvs))
// for comma separated fields, we have to use each single value
foreach(explode(',',$value) as $val)
foreach($fields as $name => $values)
if (!in_array($name,$this->org_fields)) continue;
list($value,$num) = each($values);
//echo "<p>$name: '$value' $num/".count($contacts)."=".($num / (double) count($contacts))." >= $this->org_common_factor = ".($num / (double) count($contacts) >= $this->org_common_factor ? 'true' : 'false')."</p>\n";
if ($value && $num / (double) count($contacts) >= $this->org_common_factor)
if (!in_array($name,$csvs))
$org[$name] = $value;
$org[$name] = array();
foreach ($values as $value => $num)
if ($value && $num / (double) count($contacts) >= $this->org_common_factor)
$org[$name][] = $value;
$org[$name] = implode(',',$org[$name]);
return $org;
* Return all org-members with same content in one or more of the given fields (only org_fields are counting)
* @param string $org_name
* @param array $fields field-name => value pairs
* @return array with contacts
function org_similar($org_name,$fields)
$criteria = array();
foreach($this->org_fields as $name)
if (isset($fields[$name]))
$criteria[$name] = $fields[$name];
return parent::search($criteria,false,'n_family,n_given','','',false,'OR',false,array('org_name'=>$org_name));
* Return the changed fields from two versions of a contact (not modified or modifier)
* @param array $from original/old version of the contact
* @param array $to changed/new version of the contact
* @param boolean $onld_org_fields=true check and return only org_fields, default true
* @return array with field-name => value from $from
function changed_fields($from,$to,$only_org_fields=true)
$changed = array();
foreach($only_org_fields ? $this->org_fields : array_keys($this->contact_fields) as $name)
if (in_array($name,array('modified','modifier'))) // never count these
if ((string) $from[$name] != (string) $to[$name])
$changed[$name] = $from[$name];
return $changed;
* Change given fields in all members of the org with identical content in the field
* @param string $org_name
* @param array $from original/old version of the contact
* @param array $to changed/new version of the contact
* @param array $members=null org-members to change, default null --> function queries them itself
* @return array/boolean (changed-members,changed-fields,failed-members) or false if no org_fields changed or no (other) members matching that fields
function change_org($org_name,$from,$to,$members=null)
if (!($changed = $this->changed_fields($from,$to,true))) return false;
if (is_null($members) || !is_array($members))
$members = $this->org_similar($org_name,$changed);
if (!$members) return false;
$ids = array();
foreach($members as $member)
$ids[] = $member['id'];
$customfields = $this->read_customfields($ids);
$changed_members = $changed_fields = $failed_members = 0;
foreach($members as $member)
if (isset($customfields[$member['id']]))
foreach($this->customfields as $name => $data)
$member['#'.$name] = $customfields[$member['id']][$name];
$fields = 0;
foreach($changed as $name => $value)
if ((string)$value == (string)$member[$name])
$member[$name] = $to[$name];
//echo "<p>$member[n_family], $member[n_given]: $name='{$to[$name]}'</p>\n";
if ($fields)
if (!$this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$member) || !$this->save($member))
$changed_fields += $fields;
return array($changed_members,$changed_fields,$failed_members);
* get title for a contact identified by $contact
* Is called as hook to participate in the linking. The format is determined by the link_title preference.
* @param int/string/array $contact int/string id or array with contact
* @return string/boolean string with the title, null if contact does not exitst, false if no perms to view it
function link_title($contact)
if (!is_array($contact) && $contact)
$contact = $this->read($contact);
if (!is_array($contact))
return $contact;
$type = $this->prefs['link_title'];
if (!$type || $type === 'n_fileas')
if ($contact['n_fileas']) return $contact['n_fileas'];
$type = null;
return $this->fileas($contact,$type);
* get title for multiple contacts identified by $ids
* Is called as hook to participate in the linking. The format is determined by the link_title preference.
* @param array $ids array with contact-id's
* @return array with titles, see link_title
function link_titles(array $ids)
$titles = array();
if (($contacts =& $this->search(array('contact_id' => $ids),false)))
foreach($contacts as $contact)
$titles[$contact['id']] = $this->link_title($contact);
// we assume all not returned contacts are not readable for the user (as we report all deleted contacts to egw_link)
foreach($ids as $id)
if (!isset($titles[$id]))
$titles[$id] = false;
return $titles;
* query addressbook for contacts matching $pattern
* Is called as hook to participate in the linking
2008-10-10 12:55:52 +02:00
* @param string|array $pattern pattern to search, or an array with a 'search' key
* @return array with id - title pairs of the matching entries
function link_query($pattern)
$result = $criteria = array();
if ($pattern)
foreach($this->columns_to_search as $col)
2008-10-10 12:55:52 +02:00
$criteria[$col] = is_array($pattern) ? $pattern['search'] : $pattern;
if (($contacts = parent::search($criteria,false,'org_name,n_family,n_given,cat_id','','%',false,'OR')))
foreach($contacts as $contact)
$result[$contact['id']] = $this->link_title($contact);
// show category color
if ($contact['cat_id'] && ($color = etemplate::cats2color($contact['cat_id'])))
$result[$contact['id']] = array(
'label' => $result[$contact['id']],
'style.backgroundColor' => $color,
return $result;
2008-10-07 11:05:48 +02:00
* Check access to the projects file store
* @param int $id id of entry
* @param int $check EGW_ACL_READ for read and EGW_ACL_EDIT for write or delete access
* @return boolean true if access is granted or false otherwise
function file_access($id,$check,$rel_path)
return $this->check_perms($check,$id);
* returns info about contacts for calender
* @param int/array $ids single contact-id or array of id's
* @return array
function calendar_info($ids)
if (!$ids) return null;
$data = array();
foreach(!is_array($ids) ? array($ids) : $ids as $id)
if (!($contact = $this->read($id))) continue;
$data[] = array(
'res_id' => $id,
'email' => $contact['email'] ? $contact['email'] : $contact['email_home'],
'name' => $this->link_title($contact),
'cn' => trim($contact['n_given'].' '.$contact['n_family']),
//echo "<p>calendar_info(".print_r($ids,true).")="; _debug_array($data);
return $data;
* Read the next and last event of given contacts
* @param array $ids contact_id's
* @param boolean $extra_title=true if true, use a short date only title and put the full title as extra_title (tooltip)
* @return array
function read_calendar($ids,$extra_title=true)
if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['calendar']) return array();
$uids = array();
foreach($ids as $id)
if (is_numeric($id)) $uids[] = 'c'.$id;
if (!$uids) return array();
2008-06-07 19:45:33 +02:00
$bocal = new calendar_bo();
$events = $bocal->search(array(
'users' => $uids,
'enum_recuring' => true,
if (!$events) return array();
$calendars = array();
foreach($events as $event)
foreach($event['participants'] as $uid => $status)
if ($uid[0] != 'c' || ($status == 'R' && !$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['show_rejected']))
$id = (int)substr($uid,1);
if ($event['start'] < $this->now_su) // past event --> check for last event
if (!isset($calendars[$id]['last_event']) || $event['start'] > $calendars[$id]['last_event'])
$calendars[$id]['last_event'] = $event['start'];
$link = array(
'id' => $event['id'],
'app' => 'calendar',
'title' => $bocal->link_title($event),
if ($extra_title)
$link['extra_title'] = $link['title'];
$link['title'] = date($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'],$event['start']);
$calendars[$id]['last_link'] = $link;
else // future event --> check for next event
if (!isset($calendars[$id]['next_event']) || $event['start'] < $calendars[$id]['next_event'])
$calendars[$id]['next_event'] = $event['start'];
$link = array(
'id' => $event['id'],
'app' => 'calendar',
'title' => $bocal->link_title($event),
if ($extra_title)
$link['extra_title'] = $link['title'];
$link['title'] = date($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'],$event['start']);
$calendars[$id]['next_link'] = $link;
return $calendars;
* Called by delete-account hook, when an account get deleted --> deletes/moves the personal addressbook
* @param array $data
function deleteaccount($data)
// delete/move personal addressbook
* Called by edit-account hook, when an account get edited --> not longer used
* This function is still there, to not give a fatal error, if the hook still exists.
* Can be removed after the next db-update, which also reloads the hooks. RalfBecker 2006/09/18
* @param array $data
function editaccount($data)
// just force a new registration of the addressbook hooks
* Merges some given addresses into the first one and delete the others
* If one of the other addresses is an account, everything is merged into the account.
* If two accounts are in $ids, the function fails (returns false).
* @param array $ids contact-id's to merge
* @return int number of successful merged contacts, false on a fatal error (eg. cant merge two accounts)
function merge($ids)
$this->error = false;
foreach(parent::search(array('id'=>$ids),false) as $contact) // $this->search calls the extended search from ui!
if ($contact['account_id'])
if (!is_null($account))
echo $this->error = 'Can not merge more then one account!';
return false; // we dont deal with two accounts!
$account = $contact;
$pos = array_search($contact['id'],$ids);
$contacts[$pos] = $contact;
if (!is_null($account)) // we found an account, so we merge the contacts into it
$target = $account;
else // we found no account, so we merge all but the first into the first
$target = $contacts[0];
if (!$this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_EDIT,$target))
echo $this->error = 'No edit permission for the target contact!';
return 0;
foreach($contacts as $contact)
foreach($contact as $name => $value)
if (!$value) continue;
case 'id':
case 'tid':
case 'owner':
case 'private':
case 'etag';
break; // ignored
case 'cat_id': // cats are all merged together
if (!is_array($target['cat_id'])) $target['cat_id'] = $target['cat_id'] ? explode(',',$target['cat_id']) : array();
$target['cat_id'] = array_unique(array_merge($target['cat_id'],is_array($value)?$value:explode(',',$value)));
if (!$target[$name]) $target[$name] = $value;
if (!$this->save($target)) return 0;
$success = 1;
foreach($contacts as $contact)
if (!$this->check_perms(EGW_ACL_DELETE,$contact))
foreach(egw_link::get_links('addressbook',$contact['id']) as $data)
if ($this->delete($contact['id'])) $success++;
return $success;
* Check if user has required rights for a list or list-owner
* @param int $list
* @param int $required
* @param int $owner=null
* @return boolean
function check_list($list,$required,$owner=null)
if ($list && ($list_data = $this->read_list($list)))
$owner = $list_data['list_owner'];
return !!($this->grants[$owner] & $required);
* Adds a distribution list
* @param string $name list-name
* @param int $owner user- or group-id
* @param array $contacts=array() contacts to add
* @return list_id or false on error
function add_list($name,$owner,$contacts=array())
if (!$this->check_list(null,EGW_ACL_ADD,$owner)) return false;
return parent::add_list($name,$owner,$contacts);
* Adds one contact to a distribution list
* @param int $contact contact_id
* @param int $list list-id
* @return false on error
function add2list($contact,$list)
if (!$this->check_list($list,EGW_ACL_EDIT)) return false;
return parent::add2list($contact,$list);
* Removes one contact from distribution list(s)
* @param int $contact contact_id
* @param int $list list-id
* @return false on error
function remove_from_list($contact,$list=null)
if ($list && !$this->check_list($list,EGW_ACL_EDIT)) return false;
return parent::remove_from_list($contact,$list);
* Deletes a distribution list (incl. it's members)
* @param int/array $list list_id(s)
* @return number of members deleted or false if list does not exist
function delete_list($list)
if (!$this->check_list($list,EGW_ACL_DELETE)) return false;
return parent::delete_list($list);
* Read data of a distribution list
* @param int $list list_id
* @return array of data or false if list does not exist
function read_list($list)
static $cache;
if (isset($cache[$list])) return $cache[$list];
return $cache[$list] = parent::read_list($list);
* Get the address-format of a country
* This is a good reference where I got nearly all information, thanks to mikaelarhelger-AT-gmail.com
* http://www.bitboost.com/ref/international-address-formats.html
* Mail me (RalfBecker-AT-outdoor-training.de) if you want your nation added or fixed.
* @param string $country
* @return string 'city_state_postcode' (eg. US) or 'postcode_city' (eg. DE)
function addr_format_by_country($country)
$code = $GLOBALS['egw']->country->country_code($country);
case 'AU':
case 'CA':
case 'GB': // not exactly right, postcode is in separate line
case 'HK': // not exactly right, they have no postcode
case 'IN':
case 'ID':
case 'IE': // not exactly right, they have no postcode
case 'JP': // not exactly right
case 'KR':
case 'LV':
case 'NZ':
case 'TW':
case 'SA': // not exactly right, postcode is in separate line
case 'SG':
case 'US':
$adr_format = 'city_state_postcode';
case 'AR':
case 'AT':
case 'BE':
case 'CH':
case 'CZ':
case 'DK':
case 'EE':
case 'ES':
case 'FI':
case 'FR':
case 'DE':
case 'GL':
case 'IS':
case 'IL':
case 'IT':
case 'LT':
case 'LU':
case 'MY':
case 'MX':
case 'NL':
case 'NO':
case 'PL':
case 'PT':
case 'RO':
case 'RU':
case 'SE':
$adr_format = 'postcode_city';
$adr_format = $this->prefs['addr_format'] ? $this->prefs['addr_format'] : 'postcode_city';
//echo "<p>bocontacts::addr_format_by_country('$country'='$code') = '$adr_format'</p>\n";
return $adr_format;
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
var $categories;
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
function find_or_add_categories($catname_list)
if (!is_object($this->categories))
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$this->categories = new categories($this->owner,'addressbook');
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_id_list = array();
foreach($catname_list as $cat_name)
$cat_name = trim($cat_name);
$cat_id = $this->categories->name2id($cat_name, 'X-');
if (!$cat_id)
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
// some SyncML clients (mostly phones add an X- to the category names
if (strncmp($cat_name, 'X-', 2) == 0)
$cat_name = substr($cat_name, 2);
$cat_id = $this->categories->add(array('name' => $cat_name, 'descr' => $cat_name, 'access' => 'private'));
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if ($cat_id)
$cat_id_list[] = $cat_id;
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if (count($cat_id_list) > 1)
$cat_id_list = array_unique($cat_id_list);
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
sort($cat_id_list, SORT_NUMERIC);
return $cat_id_list;
function get_categories($cat_id_list)
if (!is_object($this->categories))
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$this->categories = new categories($this->owner,'addressbook');
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if (!is_array($cat_id_list))
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_id_list = explode(',',$cat_id_list);
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_list = array();
foreach($cat_id_list as $cat_id)
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
if ($cat_id && ($cat_name = $this->categories->id2name($cat_id)) && $cat_name != '--')
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$cat_list[] = $cat_name;
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
return $cat_list;
function fixup_contact(&$contact)
if (empty($contact['n_fn']))
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$contact['n_fn'] = $this->fullname($contact);
if (empty($contact['n_fileas']))
SyncML patches from patrick.bihan-faou-AT-mindstep.com (without logout+mbstring stuff), small modification to use the already exiting methodes to generate full name and fileas) The code is commited to trunk only at the moment to allow testing of it. If everything goes well, we intend to commit it to 1.4 branch too. Here's the original description of the patch by Patrick: - handles the default config for current versions of funambol (i.e. the scard/stask/snote/scal locations) - tries to be a bit smarter on how the data content should be encoded based on what the client specified (sif+base64/vcard, / fragmented or not, etc.) - workaround a bug in some versions of funambol, where funambol does not specify the proper sif type for the type of requested data - imported patch #117 from egw's tracker - make sure that the logs generated by the horde code go to stderr so they can be view in the webserver's logs - as much as possible reduce code duplication. For example, the categories are handled in the parent classes for both the SIF avn VCAL formats for each type of data (addressbook,infolog,calendar). - make sure the code can handle more than one categories in each direction - treat the 'sony ericsson' vendor string just like 'sonyericsson', the newer phones apparently have a space in the vendor string... (this touches some files in the icalsrv as well) - handle notes: these should now work with everything (funambol or other) - remove more code duplication: the syncml "api" for the various data types (calendar, contacts, infolog) is now common for both the vcard and sif data formats (cf the files that need to be removed) - handle the "privat" filter in infolog like the "private" filter (some part of the code use the name without the trailing e) - imported patch # 267 from egw's tracker
2007-09-29 12:29:48 +02:00
$contact['n_fileas'] = $this->fileas($contact);
function all_empty(&$_contact, &$fields)
$retval = true;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (isset($_contact[$field]) && !empty($_contact[$field])) {
$retval = false;
return $retval;
* Try to find a matching db entry
* @param array $contact the contact data we try to find
* @param boolean $relax=false if asked to relax, we only match against some key fields
* @return the contact_id of the matching entry or false (if none matches)
function find_contact($contact, $relax=false)
if ($contact['id'] && ($found = $this->read($contact['id'])))
// We only do a simple consistency check
if ((empty($found['n_family']) || $found['n_family'] == $contact['n_family'])
&& (empty($found['n_given']) || $found['n_given'] == $contact['n_given'])
&& (empty($found['org_name']) || $found['org_name'] == $contact['org_name']))
return $found['id'];
$columns_to_search = array('contact_id',
'n_family', 'n_given', 'n_middle', 'n_prefix', 'n_suffix',
'bday', 'org_name', 'org_unit', 'title', 'role',
'email', 'email_home', 'url', 'url_home');
$tolerance_fields = array('contact_id',
'n_middle', 'n_prefix', 'n_suffix',
'org_unit', 'role',
'email', 'email_home',
'url', 'url_home');
$addr_one_fields = array('adr_one_street', 'adr_one_street2',
'adr_one_locality', 'adr_one_region',
'adr_one_postalcode', 'adr_one_countryname');
$addr_two_fields = array('adr_two_street', 'adr_two_street2',
'adr_two_locality', 'adr_two_region',
'adr_two_postalcode', 'adr_two_countryname');
$no_addr_one = array();
$no_addr_two = array();
$backend =& $this->get_backend();
// define filter for empty address one
foreach ($addr_one_fields as $field)
if (!($db_col = array_search($field, $backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$no_addr_one[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
// define filter for empty address two
foreach ($addr_two_fields as $field)
if (!($db_col = array_search($field, $backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$no_addr_two[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
$result = false;
$criteria = array();
$empty_columns = array();
foreach ($columns_to_search as $field)
if (!isset($contact[$field]) || empty($contact[$field])) {
// Not every device supports all fields
if (!in_array($field, $tolerance_fields))
if (!($db_col = array_search($field, $backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$empty_columns[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
if (!$relax || !in_array($field, $tolerance_fields))
$criteria[$field] = $contact[$field];
$filter = $empty_columns;
if (!$relax)
// We use addresses only for strong matching
if ($this->all_empty($contact, $addr_one_fields))
$filter = $filter + $no_addr_one;
foreach ($addr_one_fields as $field)
if (!isset($contact[$field]) || empty($contact[$field]))
if (!($db_col = array_search($field, $backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$filter[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
$criteria[$field] = $contact[$field];
if ($this->all_empty($contact, $addr_two_fields))
$filter = $filter + $no_addr_two;
foreach ($addr_two_fields as $field)
if (!isset($contact[$field]) || empty($contact[$field]))
if (!($db_col = array_search($field, $backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$filter[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
$criteria[$field] = $contact[$field];
Horde::logMessage("Addressbook find step 1:\n" . print_r($criteria, true) .
"filter:\n" . print_r($filter, true), __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
// first try full match
if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', False, 'AND', false, $filter)))
$result = $foundContacts[0]['id'];
// No need for more searches for relaxed matching
if (!$relax && !$result && !$this->all_empty($contact, $addr_one_fields)
&& $this->all_empty($contact, $addr_two_fields))
// try given address and ignore the second one in EGW
$filter = array_diff($filter, $no_addr_two);
Horde::logMessage("Addressbook find step 2:\n" . print_r($criteria, true) .
"filter:\n" . print_r($filter, true), __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', False, 'AND', false, $filter)))
$result = $foundContacts[0]['id'];
// try address as home address -- some devices don't qualify addresses
$filter = $empty_columns;
foreach ($addr_two_fields as $key => $field)
if (isset($criteria[$addr_one_fields[$key]]))
$criteria[$field] = $criteria[$addr_one_fields[$key]];
if (!($db_col = array_search($field,$backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$filter[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
$filter = $filter + $no_addr_one;
Horde::logMessage("Addressbook find step 3:\n" . print_r($criteria, true) .
"filter:\n" . print_r($filter, true), __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
if (($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', False, 'AND', false, $filter)))
$result = $foundContacts[0]['id'];
elseif (!$relax && !$result)
{ // No more searches for relaxed matching, try again after address swap
$filter = $empty_columns;
foreach ($addr_one_fields as $key => $field)
$_temp_set = false;
if (isset($criteria[$field]))
$_temp = $criteria[$field];
$_temp_set = true;
if (isset($criteria[$addr_two_fields[$key]]))
$criteria[$field] = $criteria[$addr_two_fields[$key]];
if (!($db_col = array_search($field,$backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$filter[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
if ($_temp_set)
$criteria[$addr_two_fields[$key]] = $_temp;
if (!($db_col = array_search($addr_two_fields[$key],$backend->db_cols)))
$db_col = $field;
$filter[] = "(" . $db_col . " IS NULL OR " . $db_col . " = '')";
Horde::logMessage("Addressbook find step 4:\n" . print_r($criteria, true) .
"filter:\n" . print_r($filter, true), __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
if(($foundContacts = parent::search($criteria, true, '', '', '', False, 'AND', false, $filter)))
$result = $foundContacts[0]['id'];
return $result;