2009-05-12 14:56:04 +02:00
< ? php
/*************************************************************************** \
* EGroupWare - EMailAdmin *
* http :// www . egroupware . org *
* Written by : Lars Kneschke [ lkneschke @ egroupware . org ] *
* ------------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ ***************************************************************************/
/* $Id$ */
class emailadmin_ui
var $public_functions = array
'addProfile' => True ,
'deleteProfile' => True ,
'editProfile' => True ,
'listProfiles' => True ,
'saveProfile' => True
var $cats ;
var $nextmatchs ;
var $t ;
var $boqmailldap ;
function __construct ()
$this -> nextmatchs =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.nextmatchs' );
$this -> t =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
#$this->boemailadmin =& CreateObject('emailadmin.bo');
$this -> boemailadmin = new emailadmin_bo ();
$this -> css ();
static function getAllGroups ()
$allGroups = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> get_list ( 'groups' );
foreach ( $allGroups as $groupInfo )
$groups [ $groupInfo [ 'account_id' ]] = $groupInfo [ 'account_lid' ];
asort ( $groups );
$allGroups = array ( '' => lang ( 'any group' ));
foreach ( $groups as $groupID => $groupName )
$allGroups [ $groupID ] = $groupName ;
return $allGroups ;
static function getAllUsers ()
$allUsers = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> get_list ( 'accounts' );
foreach ( $allUsers as $userInfo )
$users [ $userInfo [ 'account_id' ]] = $userInfo [ 'account_lid' ];
asort ( $users );
$allUsers = array ( '' => lang ( 'any user' ));
foreach ( $users as $userID => $userName )
$allUsers [ $userID ] = $userName ;
return $allUsers ;
static function getAllApps ()
$applications = array (
'calendar' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ][ 'calendar' ][ 'title' ],
'felamimail' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ][ 'felamimail' ][ 'title' ],
asort ( $applications );
return $applications = array_merge ( array ( '' => lang ( 'any application' )), $applications );
function addProfile ()
if ( is_int ( intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ])) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]))
if ( intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]) < 0 ) {
$groupID = intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
} else {
$accountID = intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
$allGroups = self :: getAllGroups ();
$allUsers = self :: getAllUsers ();
$applications = self :: getAllApps ();
$this -> display_app_header ();
$this -> t -> set_file ( array ( " body " => " editprofile.tpl " ));
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'body' , 'main' );
$this -> translate ();
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'smtpActiveTab' , '1' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'imapActiveTab' , '2' ); // IMAP
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'application_select_box' , html :: select ( 'globalsettings[ea_appname]' , '' , $applications , true , " style='width: 250px;' " ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'group_select_box' , html :: select ( 'globalsettings[ea_group]' ,( $groupID ? $groupID : '' ), $allGroups , true , " style='width: 250px;' " ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'user_select_box' , html :: select ( 'globalsettings[ea_user]' ,( $accountID ? $accountID : '' ), $allUsers , true , " style='width: 250px;' " ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'selected_ea_active' , 'checked="1"' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_description' ,( $accountID ? $allUsers [ $accountID ] : ( $groupID ? $allGroups [ $groupID ] : '' )));
if ( $accountID )
// some useful presets, if you want to create a user dedicated profile
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'selected_smtpAuth' , 'checked="1"' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_ea_smtp_auth_username' , $allUsers [ $accountID ]);
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'selected_imapLoginType_admin' , 'selected="selected"' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_imapAuthUsername' , $allUsers [ $accountID ]);
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.saveProfile'
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'action_url' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listProfiles'
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'back_url' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'smtptype' , html :: select (
'smtpsettings[smtpType]' ,
$profileData [ 'smtpType' ],
$this -> boemailadmin -> getSMTPServerTypes (),
true ,
'style="width: 250px;" id="smtpselector" onchange="smtp.display(this.value);"'
foreach ( $this -> boemailadmin -> getIMAPServerTypes () as $key => $value ) {
$imapServerTypes [ $key ] = $value [ 'description' ];
$selectFrom = html :: select (
'imapsettings[imapType]' ,
'' ,
$imapServerTypes ,
false ,
// stupid tabs javascript assumes value=position in selectbox, here's a littel workaround ;-)
" style='width: 250px;' id='imapselector' onchange='var v=this.value; imap.display(this.value); this.value=v; ea_setIMAPDefaults(this.value);' "
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'imaptype' , $selectFrom );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_smtpPort' , '25' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_imapPort' , '110' );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_imapSievePort' , '2000' );
$this -> t -> parse ( " out " , " main " );
print $this -> t -> get ( 'out' , 'main' );
function css ()
#$appCSS =
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'css' ] .=
' th . activetab
color : #000000;
background - color : #D3DCE3;
border - top - width : 1 px ;
border - top - style : solid ;
border - top - color : Black ;
border - left - width : 1 px ;
border - left - style : solid ;
border - left - color : Black ;
border - right - width : 1 px ;
border - right - style : solid ;
border - right - color : Black ;
th . inactivetab
color : #000000;
background - color : #E8F0F0;
border - bottom - width : 1 px ;
border - bottom - style : solid ;
border - bottom - color : Black ;
. td_left { border - left : 1 px solid Gray ; border - top : 1 px solid Gray ; }
. td_right { border - right : 1 px solid Gray ; border - top : 1 px solid Gray ; }
div . activetab { display : inline ; }
div . inactivetab { display : none ; } ' ;
#return $appCSS;
function deleteProfile ()
$this -> boemailadmin -> deleteProfile ( $_GET [ 'profileid' ]);
$this -> listProfiles ();
function display_app_header ()
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'tabs' , 'tabs' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'include_xajax' ] = True ;
switch ( $_GET [ 'menuaction' ])
case 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.addProfile' :
case 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.editProfile' :
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'nofooter' ] = true ;
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'editProfile' , 'emailadmin' );
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> set_onload ( 'javascript:initAll();' );
break ;
case 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listProfiles' :
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> js -> validate_file ( 'jscode' , 'listProfile' , 'emailadmin' );
break ;
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_header ();
if ( $_GET [ 'menuaction' ] == 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listProfiles' || $_GET [ 'menuaction' ] == 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.deleteProfile' )
echo parse_navbar ();
function editProfile ( $_profileID = '' ) {
$allGroups = self :: getAllGroups ();
$allUsers = self :: getAllUsers ();
$applications = self :: getAllApps ();
if ( $_profileID != '' )
$profileID = $_profileID ;
elseif ( is_int ( intval ( $_GET [ 'profileid' ])) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'profileid' ]))
$profileID = intval ( $_GET [ 'profileid' ]);
return false ;
$profileList = $this -> boemailadmin -> getProfileList ( $profileID );
$profileData = $this -> boemailadmin -> getProfile ( $profileID );
$this -> display_app_header ();
$this -> t -> set_file ( array ( " body " => " editprofile.tpl " ));
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'body' , 'main' );
$this -> translate ();
foreach (( array ) $profileData as $key => $value ) {
#print "$key $value<br>";
switch ( $key ) {
case 'ea_default_signature' :
// nothing to do here
break ;
case 'imapTLSEncryption' :
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'checked_' . $key . '_' . $value , 'checked="1"' );
break ;
case 'imapTLSAuthentication' :
if ( ! $value ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'selected_' . $key , 'checked="1"' );
break ;
case 'imapEnableCyrusAdmin' :
case 'imapEnableSieve' :
case 'smtpAuth' :
case 'smtpLDAPUseDefault' :
case 'userDefinedAccounts' :
case 'userDefinedIdentities' :
case 'ea_user_defined_signatures' :
case 'ea_active' :
#echo $key."->".$value."<br>";
case 'imapoldcclient' :
case 'editforwardingaddress' :
if ( $value == 'yes' || $value == 1 ) {
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'selected_' . $key , 'checked="1"' );
break ;
case 'imapType' :
case 'smtpType' :
case 'imapLoginType' :
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'selected_' . $key . '_' . $value , 'selected="1"' );
break ;
case 'ea_appname' :
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'application_select_box' , html :: select ( 'globalsettings[ea_appname]' , $value , $applications , true , " style='width: 250px;' " ));
break ;
case 'ea_group' :
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'group_select_box' , html :: select ( 'globalsettings[ea_group]' , $value , $allGroups , true , " style='width: 250px;' " ));
break ;
case 'ea_user' :
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'user_select_box' , html :: select ( 'globalsettings[ea_user]' , $value , $allUsers , true , " style='width: 250px;' " ));
break ;
case 'ea_smtp_auth_username' :
#echo "<br>value_$key,$value";
list ( $username , $senderadress ) = explode ( ';' , $value , 2 );
if ( ! empty ( $senderadress )) $this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_smtp_senderadress' , $senderadress );
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_' . $key , $username );
break ;
default :
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'value_' . $key , $value );
break ;
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.saveProfile' ,
'profileID' => $profileID
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'action_url' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listProfiles'
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'back_url' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'smtptype' , html :: select (
'smtpsettings[smtpType]' ,
$profileData [ 'smtpType' ],
$this -> boemailadmin -> getSMTPServerTypes (),
true ,
'style="width: 250px;" id="smtpselector" onchange="smtp.display(this.value);"'
foreach ( $this -> boemailadmin -> getIMAPServerTypes () as $key => $value ) {
$imapServerTypes [ $key ] = $value [ 'description' ];
$selectFrom = html :: select (
'imapsettings[imapType]' ,
$profileData [ 'imapType' ],
$imapServerTypes ,
true ,
// stupid tabs javascript assumes value=position in selectbox, here's a littel workaround ;-)
" style='width: 250px;' id='imapselector' onchange='var v = this.value; imap.display(this.value); this.value=v;' "
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'imaptype' , $selectFrom );
$style = " width:100%; border:0px; height:150px; " ;
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'signature' , html :: fckEditorQuick (
'globalsettings[ea_default_signature]' , 'simple' ,
$profileData [ 'ea_default_signature' ], '150px' )
$this -> t -> parse ( " out " , " main " );
print $this -> t -> get ( 'out' , 'main' );
function listProfiles ()
$accountID = false ;
$groupID = false ;
$appName = '' ;
$profileID = '' ;
if ( is_int ( intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ])) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]))
if ( intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]) < 0 ) {
$groupID = intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
} else {
$accountID = intval ( $_GET [ 'account_id' ]);
$this -> display_app_header ();
$this -> t -> set_file ( array ( " body " => " listprofiles.tpl " ));
$this -> t -> set_block ( 'body' , 'main' );
$this -> translate ();
$profileList = $this -> boemailadmin -> getProfileList ( $profileID , $appName , $groupID , $accountID );
// create the data array
if ( $profileList )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $profileList ); $i ++ )
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.editProfile' ,
'nocache' => '1' ,
'tabpage' => '3' ,
'profileid' => $profileList [ $i ][ 'profileID' ]
$imapServerLink = '<a href="#" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600); return false;">' . $profileList [ $i ][ 'imapServer' ] . '</a>' ;
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.editProfile' ,
'nocache' => '1' ,
'tabpage' => '1' ,
'profileid' => $profileList [ $i ][ 'profileID' ]
$descriptionLink = '<a href="#" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600); return false;">' . $profileList [ $i ][ 'description' ] . '</a>' ;
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.editProfile' ,
'nocache' => '1' ,
'tabpage' => '2' ,
'profileid' => $profileList [ $i ][ 'profileID' ]
$smtpServerLink = '<a href="#" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600); return false;">' . $profileList [ $i ][ 'smtpServer' ] . '</a>' ;
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.deleteProfile' ,
'profileid' => $profileList [ $i ][ 'profileID' ]
$deleteLink = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) .
'" onClick="return confirm(\'' . lang ( 'Do you really want to delete this Profile' ) . '?\')">' .
lang ( 'delete' ) . '</a>' ;
$application = ( empty ( $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_appname' ]) ? lang ( 'any application' ) : $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ][ $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_appname' ]][ 'title' ]);
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.editProfile' ,
'nocache' => '1' ,
'tabpage' => '1' ,
'profileid' => $profileList [ $i ][ 'profileID' ]
$applicationLink = '<a href="#" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600); return false;">' . $application . '</a>' ;
$group = ( empty ( $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_group' ]) ? lang ( 'any group' ) : $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_group' ]));
$user = ( empty ( $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_user' ]) ? lang ( 'any user' ) : $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_user' ]));
$isactive = ( empty ( $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_active' ]) ? lang ( 'inactive' ) : ( $profileList [ $i ][ 'ea_active' ] > 0 ? lang ( 'active' ) : lang ( 'inactive' )));
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.editProfile' ,
'nocache' => '1' ,
'tabpage' => '1' ,
'profileid' => $profileList [ $i ][ 'profileID' ]
$groupLink = '<a href="#" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600); return false;">' . $group . '</a>' ;
$userLink = '<a href="#" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600); return false;">' . $user . '</a>' ;
$activeLink = '<a href="#" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600); return false;">' . $isactive . '</a>' ;
$moveButtons = '<img src="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> image ( 'phpgwapi' , 'up' ) . '" onclick="moveUp(this)"> ' .
'<img src="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> image ( 'phpgwapi' , 'down' ) . '" onclick="moveDown(this)">' ;
$data [ 'profile_' . $profileList [ $i ][ 'profileID' ]] = array (
$descriptionLink ,
$smtpServerLink ,
$imapServerLink ,
$applicationLink ,
$groupLink ,
$userLink ,
$activeLink ,
$deleteLink ,
$moveButtons ,
if (( $accountID || ! empty ( $groupID )) && count ( $profileList ) == 1 )
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.editProfile' ,
'nocache' => '1' ,
'tabpage' => '1' ,
'profileid' => $profileList [ 0 ][ 'profileID' ]
print " <script type= \" text/javascript \" > " . 'egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_editProfile\',700,600);</script>' ;
} else {
if ( $accountID || ! empty ( $groupID )) {
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.addProfile' ,
'nocache' => '1' ,
'tabpage' => '1' ,
'account_id' => ( $accountID ? $accountID : $groupID )
print " <script type= \" text/javascript \" > " . 'egw_openWindowCentered2(\'' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '\',\'ea_addProfile\',700,600);</script>' ;
// create the array containing the table header
$rows = array (
lang ( 'description' ),
lang ( 'smtp server name' ),
lang ( 'imap server name' ),
lang ( 'application' ),
lang ( 'group' ),
lang ( 'user' ),
lang ( 'active' ),
lang ( 'delete' ),
lang ( 'order' ),
if ( $accountID || ! empty ( $groupID )) {
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listProfiles' ,
$listLink = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) .
'" onClick="return confirm(\'' . lang ( 'Do you really want to reset the filter for the Profile listing' ) . '?\')">' .
lang ( 'reset filter' ) . '</a>' ;
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ][ 'admin' ]) {
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'admin.uiaccounts.list_' . ( $accountID ? 'users' : 'groups' ),
$listLink2 = '<a href="' . $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ) . '">' . ( $accountID ? lang ( 'Back to Admin/Userlist' ) : lang ( 'Back to Admin/Grouplist' )) . '</a>' ;
// create the table html code
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'server_next_match' , $this -> nextMatchTable (
$rows ,
$data ,
lang ( 'profile list' ) . ( $accountID || ! empty ( $groupID ) ? ' ' . ( $accountID ? lang ( 'filtered by Account' ) : lang ( 'filtered by Group' )) . ' [' . $listLink . ']' . ' [' . $listLink2 . ']' : '' ),
$_start ,
$_total ,
$_menuAction )
$linkData = array
'menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.addProfile'
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'add_link' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $linkData ));
$this -> t -> parse ( " out " , " main " );
print $this -> t -> get ( 'out' , 'main' );
function nextMatchTable ( $_rows , $_data , $_description , $_start , $_total , $_menuAction )
$template =& CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , EGW_APP_TPL );
$template -> set_file ( array ( " body " => " nextMatch.tpl " ));
$template -> set_block ( 'body' , 'row_list' , 'rowList' );
$template -> set_block ( 'body' , 'header_row' , 'headerRow' );
$var = Array (
'th_bg' => $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'th_bg' ],
'left_next_matchs' => $this -> nextmatchs -> left ( '/index.php' , $start , $total , 'menuaction=emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listServers' ),
'right_next_matchs' => $this -> nextmatchs -> right ( '/admin/groups.php' , $start , $total , 'menuaction=emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listServers' ),
'lang_groups' => lang ( 'user groups' ),
'sort_name' => $this -> nextmatchs -> show_sort_order ( $sort , 'account_lid' , $order , '/index.php' , lang ( 'name' ), 'menuaction=emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listServers' ),
'description' => $_description ,
'header_edit' => lang ( 'Edit' ),
'header_delete' => lang ( 'Delete' )
$template -> set_var ( $var );
$data = '' ;
if ( is_array ( $_rows ))
foreach ( $_rows as $value )
$data .= " <td align='center'><b> $value </b></td> " ;
$template -> set_var ( 'header_row_data' , $data );
$template -> fp ( 'headerRow' , 'header_row' , True );
if ( is_array ( $_data ))
foreach ( $_data as $rowID => $value )
$data = '' ;
foreach ( $value as $rowData )
$data .= " <td align='center'> $rowData </td> " ;
$template -> set_var ( 'row_data' , $data );
$template -> set_var ( 'row_id' , $rowID );
$template -> fp ( 'rowList' , 'row_list' , True );
return $template -> fp ( 'out' , 'body' );
function saveProfile ()
$globalSettings = array ();
$smtpSettings = array ();
$imapSettings = array ();
// try to get the profileID
if ( is_int ( intval ( $_GET [ 'profileID' ])) && ! empty ( $_GET [ 'profileID' ])) {
$globalSettings [ 'profileID' ] = intval ( $_GET [ 'profileID' ]);
$globalSettings [ 'description' ] = $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'description' ];
$globalSettings [ 'defaultDomain' ] = $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'defaultDomain' ];
$globalSettings [ 'organisationName' ] = $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'organisationName' ];
$globalSettings [ 'userDefinedAccounts' ] = ( $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'userDefinedAccounts' ] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no' );
$globalSettings [ 'userDefinedIdentities' ] = ( $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'userDefinedIdentities' ] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no' );
$globalSettings [ 'ea_active' ] = ( $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_active' ] == 'yes' ? 1 : 0 );
$globalSettings [ 'ea_user_defined_signatures' ] = ( $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_user_defined_signatures' ] == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no' );
$globalSettings [ 'ea_default_signature' ] = $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_default_signature' ];
$globalSettings [ 'ea_appname' ] = ( $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_appname' ] == 'any' ? '' : $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_appname' ]);
$globalSettings [ 'ea_group' ] = ( $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_group' ] == 'any' ? '' : ( int ) $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_group' ]);
$globalSettings [ 'ea_user' ] = ( $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_user' ] == 'any' ? '' : ( int ) $_POST [ 'globalsettings' ][ 'ea_user' ]);
// get the settings for the smtp server
$smtpType = $_POST [ 'smtpsettings' ][ 'smtpType' ];
foreach ( $this -> boemailadmin -> getFieldNames ( $smtpType , 'smtp' ) as $key ) {
$smtpSettings [ $key ] = $_POST [ 'smtpsettings' ][ $smtpType ][ $key ];
// append the email to be used as sender adress(, if set)
if ( ! empty ( $smtpSettings [ 'ea_smtp_auth_username' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'smtpsettings' ][ $smtpType ][ 'smtp_senderadress' ]) && ! empty ( $_POST [ 'smtpsettings' ][ $smtpType ][ 'smtp_senderadress' ])) {
$smtpSettings [ 'ea_smtp_auth_username' ] .= " ; " . $_POST [ 'smtpsettings' ][ $smtpType ][ 'smtp_senderadress' ];
$smtpSettings [ 'smtpType' ] = $smtpType ;
#_debug_array($smtpSettings); exit;
// get the settings for the imap/pop3 server
$imapType = $_POST [ 'imapsettings' ][ 'imapType' ];
foreach ( $this -> boemailadmin -> getFieldNames ( $imapType , 'imap' ) as $key ) {
switch ( $key ) {
case 'imapTLSAuthentication' :
$imapSettings [ $key ] = ! isset ( $_POST [ 'imapsettings' ][ $imapType ][ $key ]);
break ;
default :
$imapSettings [ $key ] = $_POST [ 'imapsettings' ][ $imapType ][ $key ];
break ;
$imapSettings [ 'imapType' ] = $imapType ;
$this -> boemailadmin -> saveProfile ( $globalSettings , $smtpSettings , $imapSettings );
print " <script type= \" text/javascript \" >opener.location.reload(); window.close();</script> " ;
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> common -> egw_exit ();
exit ;
function translate ()
# skeleton
# $this->t->set_var('',lang(''));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_server_name' , lang ( 'server name' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_server_description' , lang ( 'description' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_edit' , lang ( 'edit' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_save' , lang ( 'save' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_delete' , lang ( 'delete' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_back' , lang ( 'back' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_remove' , lang ( 'remove' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_ldap_server' , lang ( 'LDAP server' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_ldap_basedn' , lang ( 'LDAP basedn' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_ldap_server_admin' , lang ( 'admin dn' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_ldap_server_password' , lang ( 'admin password' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_add_profile' , lang ( 'add profile' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_domain_name' , lang ( 'domainname' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_SMTP_server_hostname_or_IP_address' , lang ( 'SMTP-Server hostname or IP address' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_SMTP_server_port' , lang ( 'SMTP-Server port' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_Use_SMTP_auth' , lang ( 'Use SMTP auth' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_Select_type_of_SMTP_Server' , lang ( 'Select type of SMTP Server' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_profile_name' , lang ( 'Profile Name' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_default_domain' , lang ( 'enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain)' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_organisation_name' , lang ( 'name of organisation' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_user_defined_accounts' , lang ( 'users can define their own emailaccounts' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_user_defined_identities' , lang ( 'users can define their own identities' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_user_defined_signatures' , lang ( 'users can define their own signatures' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_LDAP_server_hostname_or_IP_address' , lang ( 'LDAP server hostname or ip address' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_LDAP_server_admin_dn' , lang ( 'LDAP server admin DN' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_LDAP_server_admin_pw' , lang ( 'LDAP server admin password' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_LDAP_server_base_dn' , lang ( 'LDAP server accounts DN' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_use_LDAP_defaults' , lang ( 'use LDAP defaults' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_LDAP_settings' , lang ( 'LDAP settings' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_select_type_of_imap/pop3_server' , lang ( 'select type of IMAP server' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_pop3_server_hostname_or_IP_address' , lang ( 'POP3 server hostname or ip address' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_pop3_server_port' , lang ( 'POP3 server port' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_imap_server_hostname_or_IP_address' , lang ( 'IMAP server hostname or ip address' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_imap_server_port' , lang ( 'IMAP server port' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_use_tls_encryption' , lang ( 'use tls encryption' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_use_tls_authentication' , lang ( 'use tls authentication' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_sieve_settings' , lang ( 'Sieve settings' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_enable_sieve' , lang ( 'enable Sieve' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_sieve_server_hostname_or_ip_address' , lang ( 'Sieve server hostname or ip address' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_sieve_server_port' , lang ( 'Sieve server port' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_enable_cyrus_imap_administration' , lang ( 'enable Cyrus IMAP server administration' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_cyrus_imap_administration' , lang ( 'Cyrus IMAP server administration' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_admin_username' , lang ( 'admin username' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_admin_password' , lang ( 'admin password' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_imap_server_logintyp' , lang ( 'imap server logintyp' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_standard' , lang ( 'username (standard)' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_vmailmgr' , lang ( 'username@domainname (Virtual MAIL ManaGeR)' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_pre_2001_c_client' , lang ( 'IMAP C-Client Version < 2001' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_user_can_edit_forwarding_address' , lang ( 'user can edit forwarding address' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_can_be_used_by_application' , lang ( 'can be used by application' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_can_be_used_by_group' , lang ( 'can be used by group' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_smtp_auth' , lang ( 'smtp authentication' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_sender' , lang ( 'send using this eMail-Address' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_username' , lang ( 'username' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_password' , lang ( 'password' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_smtp_settings' , lang ( 'smtp settings' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_smtp_options' , lang ( 'smtp options' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_profile_access_rights' , lang ( 'profile access rights' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_global_settings' , lang ( '' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_organisation' , lang ( 'organisation' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_global_options' , lang ( 'global options' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_server_settings' , lang ( 'server settings' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_encryption_settings' , lang ( 'encryption settings' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_no_encryption' , lang ( 'no encryption' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_encrypted_connection' , lang ( 'encrypted connection' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_do_not_validate_certificate' , lang ( 'do not validate certificate' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_vacation_requires_admin' , lang ( 'Vaction messages with start- and end-date require an admin account to be set!' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_can_be_used_by_user' , lang ( 'can be used by user' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_profile_isactive' , lang ( 'profile is active' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_defined_by_admin' , lang ( 'Username/Password defined by admin' ));
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_Use_IMAP_auth' , lang ( 'Use predefined username and password defined below' ));
2009-09-15 15:07:01 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( 'lang_email' , lang ( 'use Users eMail-Address (as seen in Useraccount)' ));
2009-05-12 14:56:04 +02:00
$this -> t -> set_var ( '' , lang ( '' ));
# $this->t->set_var('',lang(''));