2000-08-19 16:22:09 +02:00
< ? php
/************************************************************************** \
* phpGroupWare - administration *
* http :// www . phpgroupware . org *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ **************************************************************************/
/* $Id$ */
2001-05-10 13:36:19 +02:00
$phpgw_info = array ();
$phpgw_info [ 'flags' ] = array (
'currentapp' => 'admin' ,
'noheader' => True ,
'nonavbar' => True ,
'enable_nextmatchs_class' => True
include ( '../header.inc.php' );
$phpgw -> template -> set_file ( array (
'form' => 'application_form.tpl' ,
'row' => 'application_form_row.tpl'
function display_row ( $label , $value )
global $phpgw ;
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( 'tr_color' , $phpgw -> nextmatchs -> alternate_row_color ());
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( 'label' , $label );
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( 'value' , $value );
$phpgw -> template -> parse ( 'rows' , 'row' , True );
if ( $submit )
$totalerrors = 0 ;
if ( ! $app_order )
$app_order = 0 ;
$phpgw -> db -> query ( " select count(*) from phpgw_applications where app_name=' "
. addslashes ( $n_app_name ) . " ' " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
$phpgw -> db -> next_record ();
if ( $phpgw -> db -> f ( 0 ) != 0 )
$error [ $totalerrors ++ ] = lang ( " That application name already exsists. " );
if ( preg_match ( " / \ D/ " , $app_order ))
$error [ $totalerrors ++ ] = lang ( " That application order must be a number. " );
if ( ! $n_app_name )
$error [ $totalerrors ++ ] = lang ( " You must enter an application name. " );
if ( ! $n_app_title )
$error [ $totalerrors ++ ] = lang ( " You must enter an application title. " );
if ( ! $totalerrors )
$phpgw -> db -> query ( " insert into phpgw_applications (app_name,app_title,app_enabled,app_order) values(' "
. addslashes ( $n_app_name ) . " ',' " . addslashes ( $n_app_title ) . " ',' "
. " $n_app_status ',' $app_order ') " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
if ( $n_app_anonymous )
$phpgw -> acl -> add_repository ( $n_app_name , 'everywhere' , 0 , PHPGW_ACL_READ );
Header ( " Location: " . $phpgw -> link ( " /admin/applications.php " ));
$phpgw -> common -> phpgw_exit ();
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( " error " , " <p><center> " . $phpgw -> common -> error_list ( $error ) . " </center><br> " );
{ // else submit
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( " error " , " " );
$phpgw -> common -> phpgw_header ();
echo parse_navbar ();
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( " lang_header " , lang ( " Add new application " ));
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( " th_bg " , $phpgw_info [ " theme " ][ " th_bg " ]);
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( " hidden_vars " , " " );
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( " form_action " , $phpgw -> link ( " /admin/newapplication.php " ));
display_row ( lang ( " application name " ), '<input name="n_app_name" value="' . $n_app_name . '">' );
display_row ( lang ( " application title " ), '<input name="n_app_title" value="' . $n_app_title . '">' );
if ( ! isset ( $n_app_status )) { $n_app_status = 1 ; }
$selected [ $n_app_status ] = " selected " ;
$status_html = '<option value="0"' . $selected [ 0 ] . '>' . lang ( " Disabled " ) . '</option>'
. '<option value="1"' . $selected [ 1 ] . '>' . lang ( " Enabled " ) . '</option>'
. '<option value="2"' . $selected [ 2 ] . '>' . lang ( " Enabled - Hidden from navbar " ) . '</option>' ;
display_row ( lang ( " Status " ), '<select name="n_app_status">' . $status_html . '</select>' );
if ( ! $app_order )
$phpgw -> db -> query ( " select (max(app_order)+1) as max from phpgw_applications " );
$phpgw -> db -> next_record ();
$app_order = $phpgw -> db -> f ( " max " );
display_row ( lang ( " Select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) " ), '<input name="app_order" value="' . $app_order . '">' );
display_row ( lang ( " Allow Anonymous access to this app " ), '<input type="checkbox" name="n_app_anonymous" value="True">' );
$phpgw -> template -> set_var ( " lang_submit_button " , lang ( " add " ));
$phpgw -> template -> pparse ( " out " , " form " );
$phpgw -> common -> phpgw_footer ();
2000-09-25 23:13:52 +02:00