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2002-06-29 13:34:52 +02:00
access common da Adgang
access not permitted common da Ingen adgang
access type common da Adgangstype
account has been created common da Konto er oprettet
account has been deleted common da Konto er slettet
account has been updated common da Konto er opdateret
account preferences common da Konto preferencer
acl common da ACL
active common da Aktiv
add category common da Tilf<6C>j kategori
add common da Tilf<6C>j
add sub common da Tilf<6C>j underkategori
add x category for common da Tilf<6C>j kategorien %1 for
admin common da Admin
administration common da Administration
all common da Alle
april common da April
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common da Vil Du virkelig slette dette felt?
august common da August
author common da Forfatter
autosave default category common da Autogem Standard Kategori
back common da Tilbage
bad login or password login da Forkert brugernavn eller password
cancel common da Annull<6C>r
categories common da Kategorier
categories for common da kategorier for
category common da Kategori
category x has been added ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet tilf<6C>jet!
category x has been updated ! common da Kategorien %1 er blevet opdateret!
change common da <20>ndre
charset common da ISO-8859-1
choose the category common da V<>lg kategorien
choose the parent category common da V<>lg ovenst<73>ende kategori
clear common da Slet
clear form common da Slet formular
comments common da Bem<65>rkninger
copy common da Kopi<70>r
create common da Opret
created by common da Lavet af
currency common da Valutaenhed
current common da Nuv<75>rende
current users common da Nuv<75>rende antal brugere
date common da Dato
date due common da Skal v<>re f<>rdig
date hired common da Dato hyret
december common da December
default category common da Standard Kategori
delete common da Slet
description common da Beskrivelse
detail common da Detalje
details common da Detaljer
disabled common da Sl<53>et fra
done common da Udf<64>rt
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common da <20>nsker du at slette alle underkategorierne?
edit categories commonen Ret Kategorierne
edit category common da Ret kategori
edit common da Redig<69>r
edit x category for common da Ret kategorien %1 for
e-mail common da E-mail
email common da E-mail
enabled common da Sl<53>et til
end date common da Slut dato
end time common da Slut tid
entry has been deleted sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt slettet
entry updated sucessfully common da Emnet er succesrigt opdateret
error common da Fejl
error creating x x directory common da Fejl ved oprettelsen af biblioteket %1%2
error deleting x x directory common da Fejl ved sletningen af biblioteket %1%2
error renaming x x directory common da Fejl ved omd<6D>bningen af biblioteket %1%2
exit common da Afslut
february common da Februar
fields common da Felter
files common da Filer
filter common da Filter
first name common da Fornavn
firstname common da Fornavn
force selectbox common da P<>tving Valgbox
friday common da Fredag
ftp common da FTP
global common da Global
global public common da Global adgang
grant access common da Giv adgang
group access common da Gruppeadgang
group common da Gruppe
group has been added common da Gruppe er tilf<6C>jet
group has been deleted common da Gruppe er slettet
group has been updated common da Gruppe er opdateret
group public common da Adgang til gruppe
groups common da Grupper
help common da Hj<48>lp
high common da H<>j
highest common da H<>jeste
home common da Hjem
it has been more then x days since you changed your password common da Det er mere end %1 dage siden du sidst <20>ndrede dit password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common da Det anbefales at du k<>rer setup for at opgradere dine tabeller til den nuv<75>rende version.
january common da Januar
july common da Juli
june common da Juni
language common da Sprog
last name common da Efternavn
lastname common da Efternavn
last page common da Sidste side
list common da Liste
location common da Lokation
login common da Login
login login da Login
logout common da Log ud
low common da Lav
lowest common da Laveste
main category common da Hovedkategori
main screen common da Hovedside
mainscreen_message mainscreen da Forside
manual common da Manual
march common da Marts
may common da Maj
medium common da Medium
message common da Besked
mobile common da Mobil
monday common da Mandag
name common da Navn
new entry added sucessfully common da Nyt punkt succesrigt tilf<6C>jet
new main category common da Ny hovedkategori
new phrase has been added common da Ny s<>tning er tilf<6C>jet
new value common da Ny V<>rdi
next common da N<>ste
next page common da N<>ste side
no common da Nej
no history for this record common da Ingen historie fundet for denne post
none common da Ingen
normal common da Normal
no subject common da Intet Emne
note common da Note
notes common da Noter
notify window common da Notificer vindue
november common da November
october common da Oktober
ok common da OK
old value common da Gammel V<>rdi
only yours common da Kun Din
on *nix systems please type: x common da P<> *nix systemer skriver Du: %1
open notify window common da <20>ben Notificer Vindue
original common da Original
other common da Anden
overview common da Oversigt
owner common da Ejer
pager common da Pager
parent category common da Ovenst<73>ende Kategori
password common da Password
password has been updated common da Password er opdateret
password login da Password
permissions to the files/users directory common da Rettigheder for fil/bruger mappen
personal common da Personlig
phone common da Telefon
phpgroupware login login da phpGroupWare log ind
please enter a name common da Indtast venligst et navn!
please run setup to become current common da K<>r venligst setup for at blive opdateret
please set your preferences for this application common da Indtast venligst dine preferencer for denne applikation
please x by hand common da Udf<64>r venligst %1 manuelt
powered by phpgroupware version x all da Denne site k<>rer p<> <a href=>phpGroupWare</a> version %1
powered by phpgroupware version x common da Denne site k<>rer p<> <a href="">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common da Preferencer
previous page common da Forrige side
print common da Udskriv
priority common da Prioritet
private common da Privat
public common da offentlig
read common da L<>s
rename common da Omd<6D>b
saturday common da L<>rdag
save common da Gem
search common da S<>g
section common da Sektion
select category common da V<>lg Kategori
september common da September
session has been killed common da Sessionen er afsluttet
show all common da Vis alt
showing x common da Viser: %1
showing x - x of x common da Viser: %1 - %2 ud af %3
sorry, there was a problem processing your request. common da Desv<73>rre opstod der et problem med at behandle Dit <20>nske.
sorry, your login has expired login da Desv<73>rre, Din session er udl<64>bet
start date common da Startdato
start time common da Starttid
status common da Status
subject common da Emne
submit common da Send
sunday common da S<>ndag
the api is current common da APIen er den up-to-date
the api requires an upgrade common da APIen skal opdateres
the following applications require upgrades common da F<>lgende applikationer skal opdateres
this application is current common da Denne applikation er up-to-date
this application requires an upgrade common da Denne applikation skal opdateres
this name has been used already common da Dette navn er allerede i brug!
thursday common da Torsdag
time common da Tid
time tracking common da Tidsregistrering
time zone common da Tidszone
time zone offset common da Tidszone forskel
title common da Titel
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common da For at rette denne fejl for fremtiden skal Du korrekt ops<70>tte
total common da Total
translation management common da H<>ndtering af overs<72>ttelser
tuesday common da Tirsdag
unknown common da Ukendt
update common da Opdatering
updated common da Opdat<61>ret
url common da URL
use cookies login da Brug cookies
user common da Bruger
username common da Brugernavn
username login da Brugernavn
users choice common da Brugerens Valg
users common da Brugere
vacation hours per year common da Antal ferie timer om <20>ret
vacation hours used common da Anvendte ferie timer
view common da Se
wednesday common da Onsdag
welcome common da Velkommen
which groups common da Hvilke grupper
written by: common da Skrevet af:
yes common da Ja
you are required to change your password during your first login common da Du skal <20>ndre Dit password ved Din f<>rste log ind
you are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for common da Du k<>rer en nyere version af phpGroupWare end din database er beregnet til.
you have 1 new message! common da Du har 1 ny besked!
you have been successfully logged out login da Du er nu succesrigt logget ud
you have selected an invalid date common da Du har valgt en ugyldig dato!
you have selected an invalid main category common da Du har valgt en ugyldig hovedkategori!
you have x new messages! common da Du har %1 nye beskeder!
your message has been sent common da Din besked er afsendt
your search returned 1 match common da S<>gningen leverede 1 resultat
your search returned x matchs common da S<>gningen leverede %1 resultater
your session could not be verified. login da Din session kunne ikke verificeres
your settings have been updated common da Dine indstillinger er opdateret