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* EGroupware - Mail - tree worker class
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @package mail
* @author Hadi Nategh [hn@stylite.de]
* @copyright (c) 2015 by Stylite AG <info-AT-stylite.de>
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id:$
* Define tree as class tree widget
use \etemplate_widget_tree as tree;
* Mail tree worker class
* -provides backend functionality for folder tree
* -provides classes that may be used by other apps too
class mail_tree
* delimiter - used to separate profileID from folder-tree-structure
* @var string
static $delimiter = '::';
function __construct($mail_ui) {
$this->ui = $mail_ui;
* Structs an array of fake INBOX to show as an error node
* @param string $_profileID icServer profile id
* @param string $_err error message to be shown on tree node
* @param mixed $_path
* @param mixed $_parent
* @return array returns an array of tree node
static function treeLeafNoConnectionArray($_profileID, $_err, $_path, $_parent)
$baseNode = array('id' => $_profileID);
$leaf = array(
'id' => $_profileID.self::$delimiter.'INBOX',
'text' => $_err,
'tooltip' => $_err,
'im0' => "folderNoSelectClosed.gif",
'im1' => "folderNoSelectOpen.gif",
'im2' => "folderNoSelectClosed.gif",
'path'=> $_path,
'parent' => $_parent
self::setOutStructure($leaf, $baseNode, self::$delimiter);
return ($baseNode?$baseNode:array( // fallback not connected array
'item'=> array(
'tooltip'=>'INBOX'.' '.lang('(not connected)'),
* getTree provides tree structure regarding to selected node
* @param string $_parent = null, no parent node means root with the first level of folders
* @param string $_profileID icServer id
* @return array returns an array of mail tree structure according to provided node
function getTree ($_parent = null, $_profileID = '')
//Init mail folders
$tree = array(tree::ID=> $_parent?$_parent:0,tree::CHILDREN => array());
$fn_nodeHasChildren = function ($_node)
$hasChildren = 0;
if (in_array('\haschildren', $_node['ATTRIBUTES']) ||
in_array('\Haschildren', $_node['ATTRIBUTES']) ||
in_array('\HasChildren', $_node['ATTRIBUTES'])) $hasChildren = 1;
return $hasChildren;
if ($_parent) $_profileID = $this->ui->icServerID;
if (is_numeric($_profileID) && $_profileID != $this->ui->mail_bo->profileID)
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return self::treeLeafNoConnectionArray($_profileID, $ex->getMessage(),array($_profileID), '');
if ($_parent)
$folders = $this->ui->mail_bo->getFolderArray($_parent);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return self::treeLeafNoConnectionArray($_profileID, $ex->getMessage(),array($_profileID), '');
$childrenNode = array();
foreach ($folders as &$node)
$nodeId = $_profileID.self::$delimiter.$node['MAILBOX'];
$childrenNode[tree::CHILDREN][] = array(
tree::AUTOLOAD_CHILDREN => $fn_nodeHasChildren($node),
tree::CHILDREN =>array(),
tree::LABEL =>$node['MAILBOX']
$tree[tree::CHILDREN][0] = $childrenNode;
$baseNode = array('id' => 0);
foreach(emailadmin_account::search(true, false) as $acc_id => $accObj)
if (!$accObj->is_imap()|| $acc_id != $_profileID) continue;
$identity = emailadmin_account::identity_name($accObj,true,$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['acount_id']);
$baseNode = array('id' => $acc_id,
'text' => str_replace(array('<','>'),array('[',']'),$identity),
'tooltip' => '('.$acc_id.') '.htmlspecialchars_decode($identity),
'im0' => 'thunderbird.png',
'im1' => 'thunderbird.png',
'im2' => 'thunderbird.png',
'path'=> array($acc_id),
'child'=> true, // dynamic loading on unfold
'parent' => '',
'open' => 1,
// mark on account if Sieve is enabled
'data' => array(
'sieve' => $accObj->imapServer()->acc_sieve_enabled,
'spamfolder'=> $accObj->imapServer()->acc_folder_junk?true:false
self::setOutStructure($baseNode, $tree,self::$delimiter);
//List of folders
$foldersList = $this->ui->mail_bo->getFolderArray(null, true);
$nameSpaces = $this->ui->mail_bo->_getNameSpaces();
// Parent node arrays
$parentNode = $parentNodes = array();
foreach ($nameSpaces as &$nameSpace)
list($index) = explode($nameSpace['delimiter'], $nameSpace['prefix']);
$parentNode = array(
tree::AUTOLOAD_CHILDREN => $fn_nodeHasChildren($foldersList[$index]),
tree::CHILDREN =>array(),
tree::LABEL =>$foldersList[$index]['MAILBOX'],
tree::OPEN => 1
// Save parentNodes
$parentNodes []= $index;
// Remove the parent nodes from the list
unset ($foldersList[$index]);
//$parentNode[tree::CHILDREN][] =$childrenNode;
$baseNode[tree::CHILDREN][] = $parentNode;
foreach ($parentNodes as $pIndex => $parent)
$indxPattern = '/^'.$parent.'/';
$childrenNode = array();
foreach ($foldersList as &$node)
$textMatch = explode($node['delimiter'], $node['MAILBOX']);
$text = $textMatch[count($textMatch)-1];
if (!preg_match($indxPattern, $node['MAILBOX'])) continue;
$nodeId = $_profileID.self::$delimiter.$node['MAILBOX'];
$childrenNode[] = array(
tree::AUTOLOAD_CHILDREN => $fn_nodeHasChildren($node),
tree::CHILDREN =>array(),
tree::LABEL =>$text,
$baseNode[tree::CHILDREN][$pIndex][tree::CHILDREN] = $childrenNode;
$tree[tree::CHILDREN][0] = $baseNode;
return $tree;
* setOutStructure - helper function to transform the folderObjectList to dhtmlXTreeObject requirements
* @param array $data data to be processed
* @param array &$out, out array
* @param string $del needed as glue for parent/child operation / comparsion
* @param boolean $createMissingParents a missing parent, instead of throwing an exception
* @param array $nameSpace used to check on creation of nodes in namespaces other than personal
* as clearance for access may be limited to a single branch-node of a tree
* @return void
static function setOutStructure($data, &$out, $del='.', $createMissingParents=true, $nameSpace=array())
//error_log(__METHOD__."(".array2string($data).', '.array2string($out).", '$del')");
$components = $data['path'];
array_pop($components); // remove own name
$insert = &$out;
$parents = array();
foreach($components as $component)
if (count($parents)>1)
$helper = array_slice($parents,1,null,true);
$parent = $parents[0].self::$delimiter.implode($del, $helper);
if ($parent) $parent .= $del;
$parent = implode(self::$delimiter, $parents);
if ($parent) $parent .= self::$delimiter;
if (!is_array($insert) || !isset($insert['item']))
// throwing an exeption here seems to be unrecoverable,
// even if the cause is a something that can be handeled by the mailserver
if (mail_bo::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.':'.__LINE__." id=$data[id]: Parent '$parent' of '$component' not found!");
// should we hit the break? if in personal: sure, something is wrong with the folderstructure
// if in shared or others we may proceed as access to folders may very well be limited to
// a single folder within the tree
$break = true;
foreach ($nameSpace as $nsp)
// if (appropriately padded) namespace prefix of (others or shared) is the leading part of parent
// we want to create the node in question as we meet the above considerations
if ($nsp['type']!='personal' && $nsp['prefix_present'] && stripos($parent,$data['path'][0].self::$delimiter.$nsp['prefix'])===0)
if (mail_bo::$debug) error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' about to create:'.$parent.' in '.$data['path'][0].self::$delimiter.$nsp['prefix']);
if ($break) break;
if ($insert['item'])
foreach($insert['item'] as &$item)
if ($item['id'] == $parent.$component)
$insert =& $item;
if ($item['id'] != $parent.$component)
if ($createMissingParents)
$item = array('id' => $parent.$component, 'text' => $component, 'im0' => "folderNoSelectClosed.gif",'im1' => "folderNoSelectOpen.gif",'im2' => "folderNoSelectClosed.gif",'tooltip' => lang('no access'));
$insert['item'][] =& $item;
$insert =& $item;
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed(__METHOD__.':'.__LINE__.": id=$data[id]: Parent '$parent' '$component' not found!");
$parents[] = $component;
$insert['item'][] = $data;
//error_log(__METHOD__."() leaving with out=".array2string($out));