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2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
* eGroupWare - HTML creation class *
* *
* Written and (c) by Ralf Becker <> *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
class html
var $user_agent,$ua_version; // 'mozilla','msie','konqueror'
var $prefered_img_title;
var $charset,$phpgwapi_js_url;
var $need_footer = False; // do we need to be called at the end of the page
function html()
// should be Ok for all HTML 4 compatible browsers
if (!eregi('compatible; ([a-z_]+)[/ ]+([0-9.]+)',$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],$parts))
list(,$this->user_agent,$this->ua_version) = $parts;
$this->user_agent = strtolower($this->user_agent);
$this->netscape4 = $this->user_agent == 'mozilla' && $this->ua_version < 5;
$this->prefered_img_title = $this->netscape4 ? 'alt' : 'title';
//echo "<p>HTTP_USER_AGENT='$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]', UserAgent: '$this->user_agent', Version: '$this->ua_version', img_title: '$this->prefered_img_title'</p>\n";
if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation)
$this->charset = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->charset();
$this->phpgwapi_js_url = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/js';
function tooltip($text,$do_lang=False)
if (!$this->wz_tooltip_included)
if (!strstr('wz_tooltip',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['need_footer']))
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['need_footer'] .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->phpgwapi_js_url.'/wz_tooltip/wz_tooltip.js"></script>'."\n";
$this->wz_tooltip_included = True;
if ($do_lang) $text = lang($text);
return ' onmouseover="return escape(\''.addslashes(@htmlentities($text,ENT_COMPAT,$this->charset)).'\')"';
function activate_links($content)
// Exclude everything which is already a link
$NotAnchor = '(?<!"|href=|href\s=\s|href=\s|href\s=)';
// spamsaver emailaddress
$result = preg_replace('/'.$NotAnchor.'mailto:([a-z0-9._-]+)@([a-z0-9_-]+)\.([a-z0-9._-]+)/i',
'<a href="#" onclick="document.location=\'mai\'+\'lto:\\1\'+unescape(\'%40\')+\'\\2.\\3\'; return false;">\\1 AT \\2 DOT \\3</a>',
// First match things beginning with http:// (or other protocols)
$Protocol = '(http|ftp|https):\/\/';
$Domain = '([\w]+.[\w]+)';
$Subdir = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $Protocol . $Domain . $Subdir . '/i';
$result = preg_replace( $Expr, "<a href=\"$0\" target=\"_blank\">$2$3</a>", $result );
// Now match things beginning with www.
$NotHTTP = '(?<!:\/\/)';
$Domain = 'www(.[\w]+)';
$Subdir = '([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?';
$Expr = '/' . $NotAnchor . $NotHTTP . $Domain . $Subdir . '/i';
return preg_replace( $Expr, "<a href=\"http://$0\" target=\"_blank\">$0</a>", $result );
function htmlspecialchars($str)
// add @ by lkneschke to supress warning about unknown charset
return @htmlspecialchars($str,ENT_COMPAT,$this->charset);
@function select
@abstract allows to show and select one item from an array
@param $name string with name of the submitted var which holds the key of the selected item form array
@param $key key(s) of already selected item(s) from $arr, eg. '1' or '1,2' or array with keys
@param $arr array with items to select, eg. $arr = array ( 'y' => 'yes','n' => 'no','m' => 'maybe');
@param $no_lang if !$no_lang send items through lang()
@param $options additional options (e.g. 'width')
@param $multiple number of lines for a multiselect, default 0 = no multiselect
@returns string to set for a template or to echo into html page
function select($name, $key, $arr=0,$no_lang=0,$options='',$multiple=0)
// should be in class common.sbox
if (!is_array($arr))
$arr = array('no','yes');
if ((int)$multiple > 0)
$options .= ' multiple size="'.(int)$multiple.'"';
if (substr($name,-2) != '[]')
$name .= '[]';
$out = "<select name=\"$name\" $options>\n";
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
if (is_array($key))
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
$key = implode(',',$key);
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
foreach($arr as $k => $text)
$out .= '<option value="'.$this->htmlspecialchars($k).'"';
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
if("$k" == "$key" || strstr(",$key,",",$k,"))
$out .= ' selected="1"';
$out .= ">" . ($no_lang || $text == '' ? $text : lang($text)) . "</option>\n";
$out .= "</select>\n";
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
return $out;
function div($content,$options='')
return "<div $options>\n$content</div>\n";
function input_hidden($vars,$value='',$ignore_empty=True)
if (!is_array($vars))
$vars = array( $vars => $value );
foreach($vars as $name => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$value = serialize($value);
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
if (!$ignore_empty || $value && !($name == 'filter' && $value == 'none')) // dont need to send all the empty vars
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
$html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"".$this->htmlspecialchars($value)."\" />\n";
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
return $html;
function textarea($name,$value='',$options='' )
return "<textarea name=\"$name\" $options>".$this->htmlspecialchars($value)."</textarea>\n";
@function htmlarea_avalible
@author ralfbecker
@abstract Checks if HTMLarea (or an other richtext editor) is availible for the used browser
function htmlarea_availible()
case 'msie':
return $this->ua_version >= 5.5;
case 'mozilla':
return $this->ua_version >= 1.3;
return False;
@function htmlarea
@syntax htmlarea( $name,$content='',$style='width:100%; min-width:500px; height:300px;' )
@author ralfbecker
@abstract creates a textarea inputfield for the htmlarea js-widget (returns the necessary html and js)
@param $name string name and id of the input-field
@param $content string of the htmlarea (will be run through htmlspecialchars !!!), default ''
@param $style string inline styles, eg. dimension of textarea element
@param $base_href string set a base href to get relative image-pathes working
@param $plugins string plugins to load seperated by comma's, eg 'TableOperations,ContextMenu' (htmlarea breaks when a plugin calls a nonexisiting lang file)
function htmlarea($name,$content='',$style='',$base_href='',$plugins='')
if (!$style) $style = 'width:100%; min-width:500px; height:300px;';
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->js))
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->js = CreateObject('phpgwapi.javascript');
if (!strstr($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script'],'htmlarea'))
$lang = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'];
if ($lang == 'en') // other lang-files are utf-8 only and incomplete (crashes htmlarea as of 3.0beta)
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .=
'<script type="text/javascript" src="'.ereg_replace('[?&]*click_history=[0-9a-f]*','',
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script_thirst'] .=
'<style type="text/css">@import url(/egroupware/phpgwapi/js/htmlarea/htmlarea.css);</style>
<script type="text/javascript">
_editor_url = "'."$this->phpgwapi_js_url/htmlarea/".'";
// var htmlareaConfig = new HTMLArea.Config();
// htmlareaConfig.editorURL = '."'$this->phpgwapi_js_url/htmlarea/';
// set a base href to get relative image-pathes working
if ($base_href && $this->user_agent != 'msie') // HTMLarea does not work in IE with base href set !!!
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script_thirst'] .= '<base href="'.
($base_href[0] != '/' && substr($base_href,0,4) != 'http' ? $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/' : '').
$base_href.'" />'."\n";
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
if (!empty($plugins))
$plg_arr = explode(',',$plugins);
foreach($plg_arr as $plg_name)
$load_plugin_string .= 'HTMLArea.loadPlugin("'.trim($plg_name).'");'."\n";
$register_plugin_string .= 'ret_editor = editor.registerPlugin("'.$plg_name.'");'."\n";
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .=
'<script type="text/javascript">
/** Replacement for the replace-helperfunction to make it possible to include plugins. */
HTMLArea.replace = function(id, config)
var ta = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", id);
editor = new HTMLArea(ta, config);
ret_editor = editor.generate();
return ret_editor;
return null;
var htmlareaConfig = new HTMLArea.Config();
htmlareaConfig.editorURL = '."'$this->phpgwapi_js_url/htmlarea/';";
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .="</script>\n";
$id = str_replace(array('[',']'),array('_',''),$name); // no brakets in the id allowed by js
if (!empty($style)) $style = " style=\"$style\"";
return "<textarea name=\"$name\" id=\"$id\"$style>".$this->htmlspecialchars($content)."</textarea>\n";
function input($name,$value='',$type='',$options='' )
if ($type)
$type = 'type="'.$type.'"';
return "<input $type name=\"$name\" value=\"".$this->htmlspecialchars($value)."\" $options />\n";
function submit_button($name,$lang,$onClick='',$no_lang=0,$options='',$image='',$app='')
// workaround for idots and IE button problem (wrong cursor-image)
$options .= ' style="cursor: hand;"';
2003-09-14 12:19:42 +02:00
if ($image != '')
$image = str_replace(array('.gif','.GIF','.png','.PNG'),'',$image);
if (!($path = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image($app,$image)))
$path = $image; // name may already contain absolut path
$image = ' src="'.$path.'"';
if (!$no_lang)
$lang = lang($lang);
if (($accesskey = strstr($lang,'&')) && $accesskey[1] != ' ' &&
(($pos = strpos($accesskey,';')) === False || $pos > 5))
$lang_u = str_replace('&'.$accesskey[1],'<u>'.$accesskey[1].'</u>',$lang);
$lang = str_replace('&','',$lang);
$options = 'accesskey="'.$accesskey[1].'" '.$options;
$accesskey = '';
$lang_u = $lang;
if ($onClick) $options .= " onclick=\"$onClick\"";
// <button> is not working in all cases if ($this->user_agent == 'mozilla' && $this->ua_version < 5 || $image)
return $this->input($name,$lang,$image != '' ? 'image' : 'submit',$options.$image);
return '<button type="submit" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$lang.'" '.$options.' />'.
($image != '' ? "<img$image $this->prefered_img_title=\"$lang\"> " : '').
($image == '' || $accesskey ? $lang_u : '').'</button>';
@function link
@abstract creates an absolut link + the query / get-variables
@param $url phpgw-relative link, may include query / get-vars
@parm $vars query or array ('name' => 'value', ...) with query
@example link('/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list',array('info_id' => 123))
@example = 'http://domain/phpgw-path/index.php?menuaction=infolog.uiinfolog.get_list&info_id=123'
@result absolut link already run through $phpgw->link
function link($url,$vars='')
//echo "<p>html::link(url='$url',vars='"; print_r($vars); echo "')</p>\n";
if (!is_array($vars))
list($url,$v) = explode('?',$url); // url may contain additional vars
if ($v)
$vars += $v;
return $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link($url,$vars);
function checkbox($name,$value='')
return "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" value=\"True\"" .($value ? ' checked="1"' : '') . " />\n";
function form($content,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$name='',$options='',$method='POST')
$html = "<form method=\"$method\" ".($name != '' ? "name=\"$name\" " : '')."action=\"".$this->link($url,$url_vars)."\" $options>\n";
$html .= $this->input_hidden($hidden_vars);
if ($content)
$html .= $content;
$html .= "</form>\n";
return $html;
function form_1button($name,$lang,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$form_name='',$method='POST')
return $this->form($this->submit_button($name,$lang),$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars,$form_name,'',$method);
@function table
@abstracts creates table from array with rows
@discussion abstract the html stuff
@param $rows array with rows, each row is an array of the cols
@param $options options for the table-tag
@example $rows = array ( '1' => array( 1 => 'cell1', '.1' => 'colspan=3',
@example 2 => 'cell2', 3 => 'cell3', '.3' => 'width="10%"' ),
@example '.1' => 'BGCOLOR="#0000FF"' );
@example table($rows,'WIDTH="100%"') = '<table WIDTH="100%"><tr><td colspan=3>cell1</td><td>cell2</td><td width="10%">cell3</td></tr></table>'
@result string with html-code of the table
function table($rows,$options = '',$no_table_tr=False)
$html = $no_table_tr ? '' : "<table $options>\n";
foreach($rows as $key => $row)
if (!is_array($row))
continue; // parameter
$html .= $no_table_tr && $key == 1 ? '' : "\t<tr ".$rows['.'.$key].">\n";
foreach($row as $key => $cell)
if ($key[0] == '.')
continue; // parameter
$table_pos = strpos($cell,'<table');
$td_pos = strpos($cell,'<td');
if ($td_pos !== False && ($table_pos === False || $td_pos < $table_pos))
$html .= $cell;
$html .= "\t\t<td ".$row['.'.$key].">$cell</td>\n";
$html .= "\t</tr>\n";
$html .= "</table>\n";
if ($no_table_tr)
$html = substr($html,0,-16);
return $html;
function sbox_submit( $sbox,$no_script=0 )
$html = str_replace('<select','<select onchange="this.form.submit()" ',$sbox);
if ($no_script)
$html .= '<noscript>'.$this->submit_button('send','>').'</noscript>';
return $html;
function progressbar( $percent,$title='',$options='',$width='',$color='',$height='' )
$percent = (int) $percent;
if (!$width) $width = '30px';
if (!$height)$height= '5px';
if (!$color) $color = '#D00000';
$title = $title ? $this->htmlspecialchars($title) : $percent.'%';
if ($this->netscape4)
return $title;
return '<div title="'.$title.'" '.$options.
' style="height: '.$height.'; width: '.$width.'; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1px;'.
(stristr($options,'onclick="') ? ' cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;' : '').'">'."\n\t".
'<div style="height: '.$height.'; width: '.$percent.'%; background: '.$color.';" />'."\n</div>\n";
function image( $app,$name,$title='',$options='' )
$name = str_replace(array('.gif','.GIF','.png','.PNG'),'',$name);
if (!($path = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image($app,$name)))
$path = $name; // name may already contain absolut path
if (!@is_readable(str_replace($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'],PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT,$path)))
// if the image-name is a percentage, use a progressbar
if (substr($name,-1) == '%' && is_numeric($percent = substr($name,0,-1)))
return $this->progressbar($percent,$title);
return $title;
if ($title)
$options .= " $this->prefered_img_title=\"".$this->htmlspecialchars($title).'"';
return "<img src=\"$path\" $options />";
function a_href( $content,$url,$vars='',$options='')
if (!strstr($url,'/') && count(explode('.',$url)) == 3)
$url = "/index.php?menuaction=$url";
if (is_array($url))
$vars = $url;
$url = '/index.php';
return '<a href="'.$this->link($url,$vars).'" '.$options.'>'.$content.'</a>';
function bold($content)
return '<b>'.$content.'</b>';
function italic($content)
return '<i>'.$content.'</i>';
function hr($width,$options='')
if ($width) $options .= " width=\"$width\"";
return "<hr $options />\n";
@function formatOptions
@abstract formats option-string for most of the above functions
@param $options String (or Array) with option-values eg. '100%,,1'
@param $names String (or Array) with the option-names eg. 'WIDTH,HEIGHT,BORDER'
@example formatOptions('100%,,1','WIDTH,HEIGHT,BORDER') = ' WIDTH="100%" BORDER="1"'
@result option string
function formatOptions($options,$names)
if (!is_array($options)) $options = explode(',',$options);
if (!is_array($names)) $names = explode(',',$names);
foreach($options as $n => $val)
if ($val != '' && $names[$n] != '')
$html .= ' '.strtolower($names[$n]).'="'.$val.'"';
return $html;
@function themeStyles
@abstract returns simple stylesheet (incl. <STYLE> tags) for nextmatch row-colors
@result the classes 'th' = nextmatch header, 'row_on'+'row_off' = alternating rows
function themeStyles()
return $this->style($this->theme2css());
@function theme2css
@abstract returns simple stylesheet for nextmatch row-colors
@result the classes 'th' = nextmatch header, 'row_on'+'row_off' = alternating rows
function theme2css()
return ".th { background: ".$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['th_bg']."; }\n".
".row_on,.th_bright { background: ".$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['row_on']."; }\n".
".row_off { background: ".$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['row_off']."; }\n";
function style($styles)
return $styles ? "<style type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n$styles\n-->\n</style>" : '';
function label($content,$id='',$accesskey='',$options='')
if ($id != '')
$id = " for=\"$id\"";
if ($accesskey != '')
$accesskey = " accesskey=\"$accesskey\"";
return "<label$id$accesskey $options>$content</label>";