2016-05-04 19:15:18 +02:00
< ? php
* EGroupware - Calendar holidays
* @ link http :// www . egroupware . org
* @ package calendar
* @ author Ralf Becker < RalfBecker - AT - outdoor - training . de >
* @ copyright ( c ) 2016 by RalfBecker - At - outdoor - training . de
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - license . php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @ version $Id $
use EGroupware\Api ;
* Calendar holidays
* Holidays are read from :
* - a given iCal URL or
* - json file with 2 - digit iso country - code : URL pairs is read from https :// community . egroupware . org or
* - json file is read from / calendar / setup / ical_holiday_urls . json
* Holidays are cached on tree or instance level , later for custom urls .
* As fetching and parsing iCal files is expensive , we always render them
* from previous ( requested ) year until next 5 years .
class calendar_holidays
const URL_CACHE_TIME = 864000 ;
const URL_FAIL_CACHE_TIME = 300 ;
const EGW_HOLIDAY_URL = 'https://community.egroupware.org/egw' ;
const HOLIDAY_PATH = '/calendar/setup/ical_holiday_urls.json' ;
const HOLIDAY_CACHE_TIME = 864000 ;
* Read holidays for given country / url and year
* @ param string $country 2 - digit iso country code or URL
* @ param int $year = null default current year
* @ return array of Ymd => array of array with values for keys 'occurence' , 'month' , 'day' , 'name' , ( commented out ) 'title'
public static function read ( $country , $year = null )
if ( ! $year ) $year = ( int ) Api\DateTime :: to ( 'now' , 'Y' );
$level = self :: is_url ( $country ) ? Api\Cache :: INSTANCE : Api\Cache :: TREE ;
$holidays = Api\Cache :: getCache ( $level , __CLASS__ , $country . ':' . $year );
// if we dont find holidays in cache, we render from previous year until next 5 years
if ( ! isset ( $holidays ) && ( $years = self :: render ( $country , $year - 1 , $year + 5 )))
foreach ( $years as $y => $data )
Api\Cache :: setCache ( $level , __CLASS__ , $country . ':' . $y , $data , self :: HOLIDAY_CACHE_TIME );
$holidays = $years [ $year ];
return ( array ) $holidays ;
* Fetch holiday iCal and convert it to usual holiday format
* @ param string $country 2 - digit iso country code or URL
* @ param int $year = null default current year
* @ param int $until_year = null default , fetch only one year , if given result is indexed additional by year
* @ return array of Ymd => array of array with values for keys 'occurence' , 'month' , 'day' , 'name' , ( commented out ) 'title'
public static function render ( $country , $year = null , $until_year = null )
if ( ! $year ) $year = ( int ) Api\DateTime :: to ( 'now' , 'Y' );
$end_year = $until_year && $year < $until_year ? $until_year : $year ;
$starttime = microtime ( true );
if ( ! ( $holidays = self :: fetch ( $country )))
return array ();
$years = array ();
foreach ( $holidays as $event )
$start = new Api\DateTime ( $event [ 'start' ]);
$end = new Api\DateTime ( $event [ 'end' ]);
if ( $start -> format ( 'Y' ) > $end_year ) continue ;
if ( $end -> format ( 'Y' ) < $year && ! $event [ 'recur_type' ]) continue ;
// recuring events
if ( $event [ 'recur_type' ])
// calendar_rrule limits no enddate, to 5 years
if ( ! $event [ 'recur_enddate' ]) $event [ 'recur_enddate' ] = ( 1 + $end_year ) . '0101' ;
$rrule = calendar_rrule :: event2rrule ( $event );
if ( $rrule -> enddate && $rrule -> enddate -> format ( 'Y' ) < $year ) continue ;
foreach ( $rrule as $rtime )
if (( $y = ( int ) $rtime -> format ( 'Y' )) < $year ) continue ;
if ( $y > $end_year ) break ;
$ymd = ( int ) $rtime -> format ( 'Ymd' );
$years [ $y ][( string ) $ymd ][] = array (
'day' => $ymd % 100 ,
'month' => ( $ymd / 100 ) % 100 ,
'occurence' => $y ,
'name' => $event [ 'title' ],
//'title' => $event['description'],
$end_ymd = ( int ) $end -> format ( 'Ymd' );
while (( $ymd = ( int ) $start -> format ( 'Ymd' )) <= $end_ymd )
$y = ( int ) $start -> format ( 'Y' );
$years [ $y ][( string ) $ymd ][] = array (
'day' => $ymd % 100 ,
'month' => ( $ymd / 100 ) % 100 ,
'occurence' => $y ,
'name' => $event [ 'title' ],
//'title' => $event['description'],
$start -> add ( '1day' );
foreach ( $years as $y => & $data )
ksort ( $data );
error_log ( __METHOD__ . " (' $country ', $year , $end_year ) took " . number_format ( microtime ( true ) - $starttime , 3 ) . 's to fetch ' . count ( call_user_func_array ( 'array_merge' , $years )) . ' events' );
unset ( $starttime );
return $until_year ? $years : $years [ $year ];
protected static function is_url ( $url )
return $url [ 0 ] == '/' || strpos ( $url , '://' ) !== false ;
* Fetch iCal for given country
* @ param string $country 2 - digit iso country code or URL
* @ return array | Iterator parsed events
protected static function fetch ( $country )
if ( ! ( $url = self :: is_url ( $country ) ? $country : self :: ical_url ( $country )))
error_log ( " No holiday iCal for ' $country '! " );
return array ();
2016-08-26 13:59:35 +02:00
if ( ! ( $f = fopen ( $url , 'r' , false , Api\Framework :: proxy_context ())))
2016-05-04 19:15:18 +02:00
error_log ( " Can NOT open holiday iCal ' $url ' for country ' $country '! " );
return array ();
2016-08-31 14:54:13 +02:00
// php does not automatic gzip decode, but it does not accept that in request headers
// iCloud eg. always gzip compresses: https://p16-calendars.icloud.com/holidays/au_en-au.ics
foreach ( $http_response_header as $h )
if ( preg_match ( '/^content-encoding:.*gzip/i' , $h ))
stream_filter_append ( $f , 'zlib.inflate' , STREAM_FILTER_READ , array ( 'window' => 15 | 16 ));
break ;
2016-05-04 19:15:18 +02:00
$parser = new calendar_ical ();
if ( ! ( $icals = $parser -> icaltoegw ( $f )))
error_log ( " Error parsing holiday iCal ' $url ' for country ' $country '! " );
return array ();
return $icals ;
* Get iCal url for holidays of given country
* We first try to fetch urls from https :// community . egroupware . org and if that fails we use the local one .
* @ param string $country
* @ return string | boolean | null string with url , false if we cant load urls , NULL if $country is not included
protected static function ical_url ( $country )
$urls = Api\Cache :: getTree ( __CLASS__ , 'ical_holiday_urls' );
if ( ! isset ( $urls ))
2016-08-26 13:59:35 +02:00
if ( ! ( $json = file_get_contents ( self :: EGW_HOLIDAY_URL . self :: HOLIDAY_PATH , false ,
Api\Framework :: proxy_context ( null , null , array ( 'timeout' => 1 )))))
2016-05-04 19:15:18 +02:00
$json = file_get_contents ( EGW_SERVER_ROOT . self :: HOLIDAY_PATH );
if ( ! $json || ! ( $urls = json_decode ( $json , true )))
error_log ( __METHOD__ . " () cant read ical_holiday_urls.json! " );
$urls = false ;
Api\Cache :: setTree ( __CLASS__ , 'ical_holiday_urls' , $urls , $urls ? self :: URL_CACHE_TIME : self :: URL_FAIL_CACHE_TIME );
return $urls [ $country ];
// some tests when url is called direct
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ] == __FILE__ )
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ] = array (
'flags' => array (
'currentapp' => 'login' ,
include ( '../../header.inc.php' );
$country = ! empty ( $_GET [ 'country' ]) && preg_match ( '/^[A-Z]{2}$/i' , $_GET [ 'country' ]) ? strtoupper ( $_GET [ 'country' ]) : 'DE' ;
$year = ! empty ( $_GET [ 'year' ]) && ( int ) $_GET [ 'year' ] > 2000 ? ( int ) $_GET [ 'year' ] : ( int ) date ( 'Y' );
$year_until = ! empty ( $_GET [ 'year_until' ]) && ( int ) $_GET [ 'year_until' ] >= $year ? ( int ) $_GET [ 'year_until' ] : $year ;
Api\Header\Content :: type ( 'holidays-' . $country . '.txt' , 'text/plain' , 0 , true , false );
print_r ( calendar_holidays :: render ( $country , $year , $year_until ));