
328 lines
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Raw Normal View History

%1 %2 in %3 calendar cs %1 %2 v %3
%1 records imported calendar cs %1 z<>znam<61> importov<6F>no
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar cs %1 z<>znam<61> na<6E>teno (zat<61>m nebyly importov<6F>ny, m<><6D>ete se vr<76>tit zp<7A>t a od<6F>krtnout Testovat Import)
<b>please note</b>: the calendar use the holidays of your country, which is set to %1. you can change it in your %2.<br />holidays are %3 automatic installed from %4. you can changed it in %5. calendar cs <b>Upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD></b>: Kalend<6E><64> pou<6F><75>v<EFBFBD> sv<73>tky Va<56><61> zem<65>, aktu<74>ln<6C> je nastavena %1. M<><4D>ete j<> zm<7A>nit v sekci %2.<br />Sv<53>tky jsou %3 automaticky instalov<6F>ny z %4. M<><4D>ete je zm<7A>nit v sekci %5.
a non blocking event will not conflict with other events calendar cs Neblokuj<75>c<EFBFBD> ud<75>lost nebude v konfliktu s jin<69>mi ud<75>lostmi
accept or reject an invitation calendar cs P<>ijmout nebo odm<64>tnout pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD>
accepted calendar cs P<>ijato
access denied to the calendar of %1 !!! calendar cs Odm<64>tnut p<><70>stup ke kalend<6E><64>i %1 !!!
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar cs Akce, kter<65> vyvolala upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>: P<>id<69>no, Ukon<6F>eno, P<>ijato, Odm<64>tnuto,...
actions calendar cs Akce
actions... calendar cs Akce...
add alarm calendar cs P<>idat p<>ipom<6F>nku
added calendar cs P<>id<69>no
2008-07-26 00:04:48 +02:00
added by synchronisation calendar cs p<>id<69>no synchronizac<61>
after %1 calendar cs Po %1
after current date calendar cs Po aktu<74>ln<6C>m datu
alarm calendar cs P<>ipom<6F>nka
alarm added calendar cs P<>ipom<6F>nka p<>id<69>na
alarm deleted calendar cs P<>ipom<6F>nka smaz<61>na
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar cs P<>ipom<6F>nka pro %1 v %2 v %3
alarm management calendar cs Spr<70>va p<>ipom<6F>nek
alarms calendar cs P<>ipom<6F>nky
all categories calendar cs V<>echny kategorie
all day calendar cs cel<65> den
all events calendar cs V<>echny ud<75>losti
all future calendar cs V<>echny budouc<75>
all participants calendar cs V<>ichni <20><>astn<74>ci
allows to edit the event again calendar cs Dovoluje znovu editovat ud<75>lost
apply the changes calendar cs pou<6F><75>t zm<7A>ny
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tuto zemi?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar cs Ur<55>it<69> chcete smazat tento sv<73>tek?
back half a month calendar cs zp<7A>t o p<>l m<>s<EFBFBD>ce
back one month calendar cs zp<7A>t o m<>s<EFBFBD>c
before %1 calendar cs P<>ed %1
before current date calendar cs P<>ed aktu<74>ln<6C>m datem
before the event calendar cs p<>ed ud<75>lost<73>
birthday calendar cs Narozeniny
busy calendar cs zanepr<70>zdn<64>n
by calendar cs (k<>m)
calendar event calendar cs Ud<55>lost v kalend<6E><64>i
calendar holiday management admin cs Spr<70>va sv<73>tk<74> v kalend<6E><64>i
calendar menu calendar cs Menu kalend<6E><64>e
calendar preferences calendar cs P<>edvolby kalend<6E><64>e
calendar settings admin cs Nastaven<65> kalend<6E><64>e
calendar-fieldname calendar cs kalend<6E><64>-jm<6A>no polo<6C>ky
can't add alarms in the past !!! calendar cs Nen<65> mo<6D>n<EFBFBD> p<>id<69>vat p<>ipom<6F>nky do minulosti !!!
canceled calendar cs Stornov<6F>no
charset of file calendar cs Znakov<6F> sada souboru
close the window calendar cs Zav<61><76>t okno
compose a mail to all participants after the event is saved calendar cs napsat dopis v<>em <20><>astn<74>k<EFBFBD>m po ulo<6C>en<65> ud<75>losti
copy of: calendar cs Kopie (<28>eho):
copy this event calendar cs Kop<6F>rovat tuto ud<75>lost
countries calendar cs Zem<65>
country calendar cs Zem<65>
create an exception for the given date calendar cs Vytvo<76>it v<>jimku pro zadan<61> datum
2008-07-26 00:04:48 +02:00
create exception calendar cs Vytvo<76>it v<>jimku
create new links calendar cs Vytvo<76>it nov<6F> odkazy
csv calendar cs CSV
csv-fieldname calendar cs N<>zev CSV pole
csv-filename calendar cs Jm<4A>no CSV souboru
custom fields common cs Voliteln<6C> polo<6C>ky
daily calendar cs Denn<6E>
days calendar cs dny
days of the week for a weekly repeated event calendar cs Dny v t<>dnu pro ud<75>losti s t<>denn<6E>m opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>m
days repeated calendar cs dn<64> opakov<6F>no
dayview calendar cs Denn<6E> pohled
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar cs V<>choz<6F> d<>lka ud<75>lost<73> (v minut<75>ch)
default calendar filter calendar cs V<>choz<6F> filtr kalend<6E><64>e
default calendar view calendar cs V<>choz<6F> pohled kalend<6E><64>e
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar cs V<>choz<6F> d<>lka nov<6F> vytvo<76>en<65>ch ud<75>lost<73>. Zad<61>v<EFBFBD> se v minut<75>ch, nap<61>. 60 pro 1 hodinu.
default week view calendar cs V<>choz<6F> t<>denn<6E> pohled
delete series calendar cs Smazat <20>ady
delete this alarm calendar cs Smazat tuto p<>ipom<6F>nku
delete this event calendar cs Smazat tuto ud<75>lost
delete this exception calendar cs Smazat tuto vyj<79>mku
delete this series of recuring events calendar cs Smazat tyto <20>ady opakuj<75>c<EFBFBD>ch se ud<75>lost<73>
disinvited calendar cs Zru<72>en<65> pozv<7A>nka
display status of events calendar cs Zobrazit stav ud<75>lost<73>
displayed view calendar cs zobrazen<65> pohled
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar cs Zobrazit v<>choz<6F> pohled kalend<6E><64>e na <20>vodn<64> stran<61> (str<74>nka, na kterou se dostanete po p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> do eGroupWare nebo kliknut<75>m na ikonu Hlavn<76> strana)?
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar cs Chcete t<>denn<6E> pohled v<>etn<74> v<>kendu nebo bez n<>j?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar cs Chcete b<>t upozorn<72>ni na nov<6F> nebo zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> ud<75>losti? Budete upozorn<72>ni tak<61> na zm<7A>ny, kter<65> sami provedete.<br>Upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD> m<><6D>ete omezit jen na n<>kter<65> ud<75>losti. Ka<4B>d<EFBFBD> polo<6C>ka zahrnuje v<>echna p<>edchoz<6F> upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>. V<>echny modifikace zahrnuj<75> tak<61> zm<7A>ny titulku, popisu a <20><>astn<74>k<EFBFBD> (nikoli v<>ak jejich odpov<6F>di). Pokud vlastn<74>k ud<75>losti <20><>dal jak<61>koli zpr<70>vy o zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>ch, v<>dy dostane i odpov<6F>di <20><>astn<74>k<EFBFBD>, mj. tak<61> p<>ijet<65> a odm<64>tnut<75>.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar cs Chcete pravideln<6C> dost<73>vat p<>ehled Va<56>ich ud<75>lost<73> e-mailem?<br>P<>ehled bude odes<65>l<EFBFBD>n na Va<56>i v<>choz<6F> e-mailovou adresu ka<6B>d<EFBFBD> den r<>no, respektive v pond<6E>l<EFBFBD> r<>no v p<><70>pad<61> t<>denn<6E>ch p<>ehled<65>.<br>P<>ehled bude odesl<73>n jen v p<><70>pad<61>, <20>e m<>te na dan<61> den, resp. t<>den napl<70>nov<6F>ny n<>jak<61> ud<75>losti.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin cs Chcete automaticky na<6E><61>st soubory se sv<73>tky do kalend<6E><64>e?
download calendar cs St<53>hnout
download this event as ical calendar cs St<53>hnout tuto ud<75>lost jako iCal
duration of the meeting calendar cs D<>lka trv<72>n<EFBFBD> setk<74>n<EFBFBD>
edit exception calendar cs Editovat v<>jimku
edit series calendar cs Editovat <20>adu
edit this event calendar cs Editovat tuto ud<75>lost
edit this series of recuring events calendar cs Editovat tuto <20>adu opakuj<75>c<EFBFBD>ch se ud<75>lost<73>
empty for all calendar cs pr<70>zdn<64> znamen<65> v<>e
end calendar cs Konec
end date/time calendar cs Koncov<6F> datum/<2F>as
enddate calendar cs Koncov<6F> datum
enddate / -time of the meeting, eg. for more then one day calendar cs Koncov<6F> datum/<2F>as setk<74>n<EFBFBD>, nap<61>. je-li v<>cedenn<6E>
enddate of the export calendar cs Koncov<6F> datum exportu
ends calendar cs kon<6F><6E>
error adding the alarm calendar cs Chyba p<>i p<>id<69>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> p<>ipom<6F>nky
error: importing the ical calendar cs Chyba p<>i importu iCal
error: no participants selected !!! calendar cs Chyba: nebyli vybr<62>ni <20><>dn<64> <20><>astn<74>ci !!!
error: saving the event !!! calendar cs Chyba pri ukl<6B>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> ud<75>losti !!!
error: starttime has to be before the endtime !!! calendar cs Chyba: po<70><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> <20>as mus<75> p<>edch<63>zet koncov<6F>mu <20>asu !!!
event copied - the copy can now be edited calendar cs Ud<55>lost zkop<6F>rov<6F>na - kopii lze nyn<79> editovat
event deleted calendar cs Ud<55>lost smaz<61>na
event details follow calendar cs N<>sleduj<75> detaily ud<75>losti
event saved calendar cs Ud<55>lost ulo<6C>ena
event will occupy the whole day calendar cs Ud<55>lost zabere cel<65> den
exception calendar cs V<>jimka
2008-07-26 00:04:48 +02:00
exception created - you can now edit or delete it calendar cs V<>jimka vytvo<76>ena - nyn<79> j<> m<><6D>ete editovat nebo smazat
exceptions calendar cs V<>jimky
execute a further action for this entry calendar cs Spustit dal<61><6C> akci pro tento z<>znam
existing links calendar cs St<53>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD> odkazy
export calendar cs Exportovat
extended calendar cs Roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65>
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar cs Roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> aktualizace v<>dy zahrnuj<75> kompletn<74> detaily ud<75>losti. iCal soubory lze importovat do jin<69>ch kalend<6E><64><EFBFBD>.
fieldseparator calendar cs Odd<64>lova<76> polo<6C>ek
filename calendar cs Jm<4A>no souboru
filename of the download calendar cs Jm<4A>no souboru ke sta<74>en<65>
find free timeslots where the selected participants are availible for the given timespan calendar cs Najdi t<>i voln<6C> <20>asov<6F> <20>seky v dan<61>m rozmez<65>, b<>hem kter<65>ch jsou vybran<61> <20><>astn<74>ci voln<6C>
firstname of person to notify calendar cs K<>estn<74> jm<6A>no osoby, kter<65> m<> b<>t upozorn<72>na
for calendar cs pro
for which views should calendar show distinct lines with a fixed time interval. calendar cs Ve kter<65>ch pohledech m<> kalend<6E><64> zobrazit d<>l<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD> <20><>ry v pevn<76> dan<61>ch <20>asov<6F>ch intervalech.
format of event updates calendar cs Form<72>t aktualizac<61> <20>kol<6F>
forward half a month calendar cs dop<6F>edu o p<>l m<>s<EFBFBD>ce
forward one month calendar cs dop<6F>edu o m<>s<EFBFBD>c
four days view calendar cs <09>ty<74>denn<6E> pohled
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar cs Voln<6C>/zanepr<70>zdn<64>n: Nezn<7A>m<EFBFBD> u<>ivatel '%1', chybn<62> heslo nebo informace nen<65> dostupn<70> nep<65>ihl<68><6C>en<65>m u<>ivatel<65>m !!!
freetime search calendar cs Hled<65>n<EFBFBD> voln<6C>ho <20>asu
fri calendar cs P<>
full description calendar cs Cel<65> popis
fullname of person to notify calendar cs Cel<65> jm<6A>no osoby, kter<65> m<> b<>t upozorn<72>na
general calendar cs Hlavn<76>
global public and group public calendar cs ve<76>ejn<6A> glob<6F>ln<6C> i pro skupinu
global public only calendar cs ve<76>ejn<6A> jen glob<6F>ln<6C>
group invitation calendar cs Skupinov<6F> pozv<7A>nka
group planner calendar cs Skupinov<6F> pl<70>nova<76>
group public only calendar cs ve<76>ejn<6A> jen pro skupinu
groupmember(s) %1 not included, because you have no access. calendar cs <09>lenov<6F> skupin(y) %1 nebyly zahrnuti, proto<74>e nem<65>te p<><70>stup.
h calendar cs h
here is your requested alarm. calendar cs Zde je V<><56>e po<70>adovan<61> p<>ipom<6F>nka.
hide private infos calendar cs Skr<6B>t soukrom<6F> informace
high priority calendar cs vysok<6F> priorita
holiday calendar cs Sv<53>tek
holiday management calendar cs Spr<70>va sv<73>tk<74>
holidays calendar cs Sv<53>tky
hours calendar cs hodiny
how far to search (from startdate) calendar cs jak daleko hledat (od po<70><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD>ho data)
how many minutes should each interval last? calendar cs Kolik minut by m<>l ka<6B>d<EFBFBD> interval trvat?
ical calendar cs iCal
ical / rfc2445 calendar cs iCal / rfc2445
ical export calendar cs Exportovat iCal
ical file calendar cs iCal soubor
ical import calendar cs Importovat iCal
ical successful imported calendar cs iCal <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD> naimportov<6F>n
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar cs Pokud za<7A>krtnete, jsou sv<73>tky p<>ipadaj<61>c<EFBFBD> na v<>kend automaticky p<>esunuty na n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> pond<6E>l<EFBFBD>.
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar cs Pokud zde nenastav<61>te heslo, bude informace dostupn<70> ka<6B>d<EFBFBD>mu, kdo zn<7A> adresu (URL)!!!
ignore conflict calendar cs Ingorovat konflikt
import calendar cs Importovat
import csv-file common cs Importovat CSV soubor
interval calendar cs Interval
invalid email-address "%1" for user %2 calendar cs Neplatn<74> e-mailov<6F> adresa "%1" pro u<>ivatele %2
last calendar cs Posledn<64>
lastname of person to notify calendar cs P<><50>jmen<65> osoby, kter<65> m<> b<>t upozorn<72>na
length of the time interval calendar cs D<>lka <20>asov<6F>ho intervalu
link to view the event calendar cs Odkaz pro zobrazen<65> ud<75>losti
links calendar cs Odkazy
links, attachments calendar cs Odkazy, p<><70>lohy
listview calendar cs Zobrazen<65> seznamu
location calendar cs Um<55>st<73>n<EFBFBD>
location to autoload from admin cs Automaticky nahr<68>t z um<75>st<73>n<EFBFBD>
location, start- and endtimes, ... calendar cs Um<55>st<73>n<EFBFBD>, po<70><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> a koncov<6F> <20>asy...
mail all participants calendar cs obeslat v<>echny <20><>astn<74>ky
make freebusy information available to not loged in persons? calendar cs Povolit zobrazen<65> stavu voln<6C>/zanepr<70>zdn<64>n nep<65>ihl<68><6C>en<65>m osob<6F>m?
minutes calendar cs Minut
modified calendar cs Zm<5A>n<EFBFBD>no
mon calendar cs Po
monthly calendar cs M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD>
monthly (by date) calendar cs M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD> (podle datumu)
monthly (by day) calendar cs M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD> (podle dne)
monthview calendar cs M<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD> pohled
new search with the above parameters calendar cs nov<6F> hled<65>n<EFBFBD> dle v<><76>e uveden<65>ch parametr<74>
no events found calendar cs <09><>dn<64> ud<75>losti nebyly nalezeny
no filter calendar cs <09><>dn<64> filtr
no matches found calendar cs nenalezeny <20><>dn<64> z<>znamy
no response calendar cs <09><>dn<64> odpov<6F><76>
non blocking calendar cs neblokuj<75>c<EFBFBD>
notification messages for added events calendar cs Tvar zpr<70>vy s upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>m na p<>idan<61> ud<75>losti
notification messages for canceled events calendar cs Tvar zpr<70>vy s upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>m na zru<72>en<65> ud<75>losti
notification messages for disinvited participants calendar cs Tvar zpr<70>vy s upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>m na zru<72>en<65> <20><>asti
notification messages for modified events calendar cs Tvar zpr<70>vy s upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>m na zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> <20>d<EFBFBD>losti
notification messages for your alarms calendar cs Tvar zpr<70>vy pro Va<56>e p<>ipom<6F>nky
notification messages for your responses calendar cs Tvar zpr<70>vy pro Va<56>e odpov<6F>di
number of records to read (%1) calendar cs Po<50>et z<>znam<61> k na<6E>ten<65> (%1)
observance rule calendar cs Pravidlo zachov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
occurence calendar cs V<>skyt
old startdate calendar cs Star<61> po<70><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> datum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar cs %1 %2 %3 V<>s po<70>adavek na setk<74>n<EFBFBD> pro %4
on all modification, but responses calendar cs p<>i v<>ech zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>ch, krom<6F> odpov<6F>d<EFBFBD>
on any time change too calendar cs tak<61> p<>i jak<61>koli zm<7A>n<EFBFBD> <20>asu
on invitation / cancelation only calendar cs jen p<>i pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD> / zru<72>en<65>
on participant responses too calendar cs tak<61> p<>i odpov<6F>d<EFBFBD>ch <20><>astn<74>k<EFBFBD>
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar cs tak<61> p<>i zm<7A>n<EFBFBD> <20>asu o v<>ce jak 4 hodiny
one month calendar cs jeden m<>s<EFBFBD>c
one week calendar cs jeden t<>den
one year calendar cs jeden rok
only the initial date of that recuring event is checked! calendar cs Kontroluje se jen <20>vodn<64> <20>as t<>to opakuj<75>c<EFBFBD>c<EFBFBD> se ud<75>losti!
open todo's: calendar cs aktivn<76> <20>koly:
overlap holiday calendar cs p<>ekr<6B>t sv<73>tek
participants calendar cs <09><>astn<74>ci
participants disinvited from an event calendar cs <09><>astn<74>ci, kter<65>m byla zru<72>ena pozv<7A>nka
participants, resources, ... calendar cs <09><>astn<74>ci, Zdroje, ...
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar cs Heslo pro nep<65>ihl<68><6C>en<65> u<>ivatele k z<>sk<73>n<EFBFBD> informace o Va<56>em statusu voln<6C>/zanepr<70>zdn<64>n?
people holiday calendar cs osobn<62> dovolen<65>
permission denied calendar cs P<><50>stup zam<61>tnut
planner by category calendar cs Pl<50>nova<76> - podle kategorie
planner by user calendar cs Pl<50>nova<76> - podle u<>ivatele
please note: you can configure the field assignments after you uploaded the file. calendar cs Upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>: P<>i<EFBFBD>azen<65> pol<6F> m<><6D>ete konfigurovat a<> po uploadu souboru.
preselected group for entering the planner calendar cs P<>edvybran<61> skupina pro zad<61>n<EFBFBD> do pl<70>nova<76>e
previous calendar cs p<>edchoz<6F>
private and global public calendar cs soukrom<6F> a ve<76>ejn<6A> p<><70>stupn<70>
private and group public calendar cs soukrom<6F> a p<><70>stupn<70> pro skupinu
private only calendar cs Jen soukrom<6F>
quantity calendar cs Mno<6E>stv<74>
re-edit event calendar cs Znovu editovat ud<75>lost
receive email updates calendar cs P<>ij<69>mat informace o zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>ch po<70>tou
receive summary of appointments calendar cs P<>ij<69>mat p<>ehledy ud<75>lost<73>
recurrence calendar cs Pravideln<6C> opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
recurring event calendar cs Pravideln<6C> se opakuj<75>c<EFBFBD> ud<75>lost
rejected calendar cs Odm<64>tnuto
repeat days calendar cs Opakovat ve dnech
repeat the event until which date (empty means unlimited) calendar cs opakovat ud<75>lost a<> do data (nevypln<6C>no znamen<65> bez omezen<65>)
repeat type calendar cs Typ opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
repeating event information calendar cs Informace o opakuj<75>c<EFBFBD> se ud<75>losti
repeating interval, eg. 2 to repeat every second week calendar cs interval opakovan<61>, nap<61>. 2 pro jednou za dva t<>dny
repetition calendar cs Opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar cs Detaily opakov<6F>n<EFBFBD> (nebo ponechte pr<70>zdn<64>)
reset calendar cs Vynulovat
resources calendar cs Zdroje
rule calendar cs Pravidlo
sat calendar cs So
saves the changes made calendar cs ulo<6C><6F> proveden<65> zm<7A>ny
saves the event ignoring the conflict calendar cs Ulo<6C><6F> ud<75>lost bez ohledu na konflikt
scheduling conflict calendar cs Konflikt v pl<70>nov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
select a %1 calendar cs vybrat %1
select a time calendar cs vybrat <20>as
select resources calendar cs Vybrat zdroje
select who should get the alarm calendar cs Vybrat kdo dostane upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD>
selected range calendar cs Vybran<61> rozsah
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar cs Nastavit rok pro jednor<6F>zov<6F> (nepravideln<6C>) sv<73>tky.
2005-09-29 21:10:21 +02:00
set new events to private calendar cs Nastavit nov<6F> ud<75>losti jako soukrom<6F>
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar cs Maj<61> b<>t pozv<7A>nky, kter<65> odm<64>tnete d<>le zobrazov<6F>ny ve Va<56>em kalend<6E><64>i?<br>Jen tak je m<><6D>ete pozd<7A>ji p<>ijmout (nap<61>. kdy<64> se V<>m poda<64><61> odstranit konfliktn<74> ud<75>lost).
should new events created as private by default ? calendar cs Maj<61> b<>t nov<6F> ud<75>losti standardn<64> vytv<74><76>eny jako soukorm<72>?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar cs Maj<61> m<>t nep<65><70>hl<68><6C>en<65> u<>ivatel<65> mo<6D>nost vid<69>t V<><56> stav voln<6C>/zanepr<70>zdn<64>n? M<><4D>ete nastavit zvl<76><6C>tn<74> heslo, kter<65> se neshoduje s Va<56><61>m p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61>m heslem a chr<68>nit j<>m tuto informaci. Informace o stavu voln<6C>/zanepr<70>zdn<64>n je ve form<72>tu iCal a obsahuje jen <20>asy, kdy jste zanepr<70>zdn<64>n(a). Nezahrnuje n<>zvy ud<75>lost<73>, jejich popisy ani um<75>st<73>n<EFBFBD>. Adresa URL pro informace o Va<56>em voln<6C>m a obsazen<65>m <20>asu je %1.
should the planner display an empty row for users or categories without any appointment. calendar cs M<> pl<70>nova<76> zobrazovat pr<70>zdn<64> <20><>dek pro u<>ivatele nebo kategorie bez ud<75>losti.
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar cs M<> b<>t informace o stavu <20><>asti jednotliv<69>ch <20><>astn<74>k<EFBFBD> (p<>ijal, odm<64>tnul) zobrazena v z<>vork<72>ch vedle jejich jm<6A>na?
show default view on main screen calendar cs Zobrazit v<>choz<6F> pohled na hlavn<76> obrazovce
show empty rows in planner calendar cs Zobrazit pr<70>zdn<64> <20><>dky v Pl<50>nova<76>i
show invitations you rejected calendar cs Zobrazit V<>mi zam<61>tnut<75> pozv<7A>n<EFBFBD>
show list of upcoming events calendar cs zobrazit seznam nadch<63>zej<65>c<EFBFBD>ch ud<75>lost<73>
show this month calendar cs zobrazit tento m<>s<EFBFBD>c
show this week calendar cs zobrazit tento t<>den
single event calendar cs jednotliv<69> ud<75>lost
start calendar cs Za<5A><61>tek
start date/time calendar cs Po<50><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> datum/<2F>as
startdate / -time calendar cs Po<50><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> datum/<2F>as
startdate and -time of the search calendar cs Po<50><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> datum/<2F>as hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
startdate of the export calendar cs Po<50><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> datum exportu
startrecord calendar cs Prvn<76> z<>znam
status changed calendar cs Stav zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n
submit to repository calendar cs Ulo<6C>it do datab<61>ze
sun calendar cs Ne
tentative calendar cs P<>edb<64><62>n<EFBFBD>
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar cs Testovat import (zobrazit importovateln<6C> z<>znamy <u>jen</u> v prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD>i)
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar cs Tento den se zobraz<61> jako prvn<76> v t<>denn<6E>m nebo m<>s<EFBFBD><73>n<EFBFBD>m pohledu.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar cs Tento <20>as ukon<6F><6E> V<><56> denn<6E> pohled. N<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> ud<75>losti se zobraz<61> pod Va<56><61>m denn<6E>m pohledem.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar cs T<>mto <20>asem za<7A>ne V<><56> denn<6E> pohled. P<>edch<63>zej<65>c<EFBFBD> ud<75>losti se zobraz<61> nad Va<56><61>m denn<6E>m pohledem.<br>Tento <20>as je tak<61> br<62>n jako v<>choz<6F> po<70><6F>te<74>n<EFBFBD> <20>as pro nov<6F> ud<75>losti.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar cs Tato skupina je p<>ednastavena, kdy<64> vstoup<75>te do pl<70>nova<76>e. V pl<70>nova<76>i j<> m<><6D>ete zm<7A>nit kdykoli se V<>m zl<7A>b<EFBFBD>.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar cs Tato zpr<70>va je zas<61>l<EFBFBD>na v p<><70>pad<61> ukon<6F>en<65>ch nebo smazan<61>ch ud<75>lost<73>.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar cs Tato zpr<70>va je zas<61>l<EFBFBD>na v p<><70>pad<61> zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>ch nebo posunut<75>ch ud<75>lost<73>.
this message is sent to disinvited participants. calendar cs Tato zpr<70>va je zas<61>l<EFBFBD>na <20><>astn<74>k<EFBFBD>m, kter<65>m byla zru<72>ena pozv<7A>nka.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar cs Tato zpr<70>va je zasl<73>na ka<6B>d<EFBFBD>mu <20><>astn<74>kovi ud<75>losti, jej<65><6A> jste vlastn<74>kem, kter<65> si nastavil zas<61>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> informac<61> o nov<6F>ch ud<75>lostech.<br>V textu m<><6D>ete pou<6F><75>t n<>kter<65> prom<6F>nn<6E>, kter<65> budou nahrazeny <20>daji konkr<6B>tn<74> ud<75>losti. Prvn<76> <20><>dka textu bude subjektem e-mailov<6F> zpr<70>vy.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar cs Tato zpr<70>va je zasl<73>na, pokud p<>ijmete, p<>edb<64><62>n<EFBFBD> p<>ijmete nebo odm<64>tnete ud<75>lost.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar cs Tato zpr<70>va je zasl<73>na, pokud nastav<61>te upozorn<72>n<EFBFBD> pro ur<75>itou ud<75>lost. Zahrnuje v<>echny informace, kter<65> by jste mohl(a) pot<6F>ebovat.
three month calendar cs t<>i m<>s<EFBFBD>ce
thu calendar cs <09>t
til calendar cs do
timeframe calendar cs <09>asov<6F> r<>mec
timeframe to search calendar cs <09>asov<6F> r<>mec hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
title of the event calendar cs N<>zev ud<75>losti
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar cs p<><70>li<6C> mnoho m<><6D>e p<>ekro<72>it nastaven<65> <20>asov<6F> limit spu<70>t<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>
translation calendar cs P<>eklad
tue calendar cs <09>t
two weeks calendar cs dva t<>dny
updated calendar cs Aktualizov<6F>no
use end date calendar cs pou<6F><75>t koncov<6F> datum
use the selected time and close the popup calendar cs pou<6F><75>t zvolen<65> <20>as a zav<61><76>t okno
user or group calendar cs U<>ivatel nebo skupina
view this event calendar cs Zobrazit ud<75>lost
views with fixed time intervals calendar cs Pohledy s pevn<76>mi <20>asov<6F>mi intervaly
wed calendar cs St
week calendar cs T<>den
weekday starts on calendar cs T<>den za<7A><61>n<EFBFBD> dnem
weekdays calendar cs Dny v t<>dnu
weekdays to use in search calendar cs Dny v t<>dnu pou<6F>it<69> p<>i hled<65>n<EFBFBD>
weekly calendar cs T<>dn<64>
weekview calendar cs T<>denn<6E> pohled
weekview with weekend calendar cs T<>denn<6E> pohled v<>etn<74> v<>kendu
weekview without weekend calendar cs T<>denn<6E> pohled bez v<>kendu
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar cs Kter<65> ud<75>losti chcete vid<69>t, kdy<64> vstoup<75>te do kalend<6E><64>e.
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar cs Kter<65> z pohled<65> chcete vid<69>t, kdy<64> spust<73>te kalend<6E><64>?
whole day calendar cs cel<65> den
wk calendar cs T<>d.
work day ends on calendar cs Pracovn<76> den kon<6F><6E> v
work day starts on calendar cs Pracovn<76> den za<7A><61>n<EFBFBD> v
yearly calendar cs Ro<52>n<EFBFBD>
yearview calendar cs Ro<52>n<EFBFBD> pohled
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar cs M<><4D>ete nastavit rok nebo v<>skyt, ne oboj<6F> !!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar cs M<><4D>ete nastavit jen rok nebo v<>skyt !!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar cs Nem<65>te opr<70>vn<76>n<EFBFBD> ke <20>ten<65> tohoto z<>znamu!
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar cs M<>te napl<70>novano setk<74>n<EFBFBD> na %1
you have been disinvited from the meeting at %1 calendar cs Byla V<>m zru<72>ena pozv<7A>nka na setk<74>n<EFBFBD> v %1
2008-07-26 00:04:48 +02:00
you need to select an account, contact or resource first! calendar cs Mus<75>te nejprve vybrat <20><>et, kontakt nebo zdroj!
you need to select an ical file first calendar cs Nejprve mus<75>te vybrat iCal soubor
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar cs Mus<75>te nastavit bu<62> den nebo v<>skyt !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar cs Va<56>e setk<74>n<EFBFBD> pl<70>novan<61> na %1 bylo zru<72>eno
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar cs Va<56>e setk<74>n<EFBFBD> pl<70>novan<61> na %1 bylo p<>esunuto na %2