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account '%1' not found !!! emailadmin cs <09><>et '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
add new email address: emailadmin cs P<>idat novou e-mailovou adresu:
add profile emailadmin cs P<>idat profil
admin dn emailadmin cs Dn (distiguished name) administr<74>tora
admin password emailadmin cs Heslo administr<74>tora
admin username emailadmin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no administr<74>tora
advanced options emailadmin cs Roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> volby
alternate email address emailadmin cs Alternativn<76> e-mailov<6F> adresa
any application emailadmin cs Kter<65>koli aplikace
any group emailadmin cs Kter<65>koli skupina
bad login name or password. emailadmin cs Chybn<62> p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> jm<6A>no nebo heslo.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s emailadmin cs Chybn<62> nebo <20>patn<74> fomulovan<61> po<70>adavek. Server odpov<6F>d<EFBFBD>l: %s
bad request: %s emailadmin cs Chybn<62> po<70>adavek: %s
can be used by application emailadmin cs M<><4D>e b<>t pou<6F>it aplikac<61>
can be used by group emailadmin cs M<><4D>e b<>t pou<6F>it skupinou
connection dropped by imap server. emailadmin cs P<>ipojen<65> ukon<6F>eno IMAP serverem.
could not complete request. reason given: %s emailadmin cs Nemohu dokon<6F>it po<70>adavek. D<>vod: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. emailadmin cs Nemohu otev<65><76>t zabezpe<70>en<65> p<>ipojen<65> na IMAP server. %s : %s.
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. emailadmin cs CRAM-MD5 nebo DIGEST-MD5 vy<76>aduj<75> nainstalovan<61> bal<61><6C>ek Auth_SASL.
cyrus imap server emailadmin cs Cyrus IMAP Server
cyrus imap server administration emailadmin cs Administrace Cyrus IMAP serveru
default emailadmin cs v<>choz<6F>
deliver extern emailadmin cs doru<72>it extern<72>
do not validate certificate emailadmin cs neov<6F><76>ovat certifik<69>t
do you really want to delete this profile emailadmin cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento profil
domainname emailadmin cs Dom<6F>nov<6F> jm<6A>no
edit email settings emailadmin cs Editovat nastaven<65> e-mailu
email account active emailadmin cs E-mailov<6F> <20><>et aktivn<76>
email address emailadmin cs E-mailov<6F> adresa
email settings common cs Nastaven<65> e-mailu
emailadmin emailadmin cs Administr<74>tor po<70>ty
enable cyrus imap server administration emailadmin cs Povolit administraci Cyrus IMAP serveru
enable sieve emailadmin cs Povolit Sieve
encrypted connection emailadmin cs <09>ifrovan<61> p<>ipojen<65>
encryption settings emailadmin cs Nastaven<65> <20>ifrov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) emailadmin cs Zadejte Va<56>i v<>choz<6F> po<70>tovn<76> dom<6F>nu (z: u<>ivatel@dom<6F>na)
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. emailadmin cs Chyba spojen<65> na IMAP server. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. emailadmin cs Chyba spojen<65> na IMAP server: [%s] %s.
forward also to emailadmin cs P<>eposlat tak<61> na
forward email's to emailadmin cs P<>epos<6F>lat e-maily na
forward only emailadmin cs Jen p<>eposlat
global options emailadmin cs Glob<6F>ln<6C> volby
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. emailadmin cs Pokud chcete pou<6F><75>vat SSL nebo TLS, mus<75>te m<>t nahr<68>no openssl roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> PHP.
imap admin password admin cs Heslo IMAP administr<74>tora
imap admin user admin cs U<>ivatelsk<73> <20><>et IMAP administr<74>tora
imap c-client version < 2001 emailadmin cs IMAP C-klient verze < 2001
imap server closed the connection. emailadmin cs IMAP server ukon<6F>il spojen<65>.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s emailadmin cs IMAP server ukon<6F>il spojen<65>. Server odpov<6F>d<EFBFBD>l: %s
imap server hostname or ip address emailadmin cs DNS jm<6A>no nebo IP adresa IMAP serveru
imap server logintyp emailadmin cs Typ p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> na IMAP server
imap server name emailadmin cs N<>zev IMAP serveru
imap server port emailadmin cs Port IMAP serveru
imap/pop3 server name emailadmin cs N<>zev IMAP/POP3 serveru
in mbyte emailadmin cs v MBytech
ldap basedn emailadmin cs LDAP basedn
ldap server emailadmin cs LDAP server
ldap server accounts dn emailadmin cs DN (distinguished name) <20><>t<EFBFBD> na LDAP serveru
ldap server admin dn emailadmin cs DN (distinguished name) administr<74>tora LDAP serveru
ldap server admin password emailadmin cs Heslo administr<74>tora LDAP serveru
ldap server hostname or ip address emailadmin cs DNS jm<6A>no nebo IP adresa LDAP serveru
ldap settings emailadmin cs LDAP nastaven<65>
leave empty for no quota emailadmin cs ponechte pr<70>zdn<64>, nechcete-li kv<6B>tu
mail settings admin cs Nastaven<65> po<70>ty
name of organisation emailadmin cs N<>zev organizace
no alternate email address emailadmin cs bez alternativn<76> e-mailov<6F> adresy
no encryption emailadmin cs bez <20>ifrov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
no forwarding email address emailadmin cs bez e-mailov<6F> adresy pro p<>epos<6F>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>
no message returned. emailadmin cs <09><>dn<64> zpr<70>va se nevr<76>tila.
no supported imap authentication method could be found. emailadmin cs Nebyla nalezena <20><>dn<64> podporovan<61> metoda IMAP autentikace.
order emailadmin cs Po<50>ad<61>
organisation emailadmin cs Organizace
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored emailadmin cs Plesk nem<65><6D>e p<>ejmenov<6F>vat u<>ivatele --> po<70>adavek ignorov<6F>n
plesk imap server (courier) emailadmin cs Plesk IMAP server (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! emailadmin cs Plesk po<70>tovn<76> skript '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! emailadmin cs Plesk vy<76>aduje, aby m<>la hesla nejm<6A>n<EFBFBD> 5 znak<61> a neobsahovala n<>zev <20><>tu --> heslo nebylo nastaveno!!!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) emailadmin cs Plesk SMTP server (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address emailadmin cs DNS jm<6A>no nebo IP adresa POP3 serveru
pop3 server port emailadmin cs Port POP3 serveru
postfix with ldap emailadmin cs Postfix s LDAP
profile access rights emailadmin cs p<><70>stupov<6F> pr<70>va profilu
profile list emailadmin cs Seznam profil<69>
profile name emailadmin cs N<>zev profilu
qmaildotmode emailadmin cs Te<54>kov<6F> re<72>im Qmail
qouta size in mbyte emailadmin cs Velikost kv<6B>ty v MBytech
quota settings emailadmin cs Nastaven<65> kv<6B>ty
remove emailadmin cs Odstranit
select type of imap server emailadmin cs Vyberte typ IMAP serveru
select type of imap/pop3 server emailadmin cs Vyberte typ IMAP/POP3 serveru
select type of smtp server emailadmin cs Vyberte typ SMTP serveru
server settings emailadmin cs Nastaven<65> serveru
sieve server hostname or ip address emailadmin cs DNS jm<6A>no nebo IP adresa Sieve serveru
sieve server port emailadmin cs Port Sieve serveru
sieve settings emailadmin cs Nastaven<65> sieve
smtp authentication emailadmin cs SMTP autentikace
smtp options emailadmin cs Volby SMTP
smtp server name emailadmin cs Jm<4A>no SMTP serveru
smtp settings emailadmin cs Nastaven<65> SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address emailadmin cs DNS jm<6A>no nebo IP adresa SMTP serveru
smtp-server port emailadmin cs Port SMTP serveru
standard emailadmin cs Standardn<64>
standard imap server emailadmin cs Standardn<64> IMAP server
standard pop3 server emailadmin cs Standardn<64> POP3 server
standard smtp-server emailadmin cs Standardn<64> SMTP server
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. emailadmin cs Vypad<61> to, <20>e IMAP server nepodporuje vybranou autentika<6B>n<EFBFBD> metodu. Zkontaktujte pros<6F>m Va<56>eho syst<73>mov<6F>ho administr<74>tora.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! emailadmin cs Toto PHP nem<65> zkompilovanou podporu IMAPu.
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. emailadmin cs Pro pou<6F>it<69> TLS p<>ipojen<65> mus<75>te provozovat verzi PHP 5.1.0 nebo vy<76><79><EFBFBD>.
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. emailadmin cs Neo<65>ek<65>van<61> odpov<6F><76> serveru na p<><70>kaz AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. emailadmin cs Neo<65>ek<65>van<61> odpov<6F><76> serveru na Digest-MD5 odpov<6F><76>.
unexpected response from server to login command. emailadmin cs Neo<65>ek<65>van<61> odpov<6F><76> serveru na p<><70>kaz LOGIN.
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s emailadmin cs Nezn<7A>m<EFBFBD> IMAP odpov<6F><76> server. Odpov<6F>d<EFBFBD>l: %s
unsupported action '%1' !!! emailadmin cs Nepodporovan<61> akce '%1' !!!
update current email address: emailadmin cs Aktualizovat sou<6F>asnou e-mailovou adresu:
use ldap defaults emailadmin cs Pou<6F><75>t v<>choz<6F> hodnoty LDAP
use smtp auth emailadmin cs Pou<6F><75>t SMTP autentikaci
use tls authentication emailadmin cs Pou<6F><75>t TLS autentikaci
use tls encryption emailadmin cs Pou<6F><75>t TLS <20>ifrov<6F>n<EFBFBD>
user can edit forwarding address emailadmin cs U<>ivatel sm<73> editovat adresu pro p<>epos<6F>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>
username (standard) emailadmin cs u<>ivatelsk<73> jm<6A>no (standardn<64>)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) emailadmin cs u<>ivatelsk<73>jm<6A>no@dom<6F>na (Virtu<74>ln<6C> spr<70>vce po<70>ty)
users can define their own emailaccounts emailadmin cs U<>ivatel<65> sm<73> definovat vlastn<74> po<70>tovn<76> <20><>ty
virtual mail manager emailadmin cs Virtu<74>ln<6C> spr<70>vce po<70>ty