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* EGroupware clientside API object
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link
* @author Andreas Stöckel (as AT
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @version $Id$
"use strict";
var egw;
* This code setups the egw namespace and adds the "extend" function, which is
* used by extension modules to inject their content into the egw object.
(function(_parent) {
// Some local functions for cloning and merging javascript objects
function cloneObject(_obj) {
var result = {};
for (var key in _obj)
result[key] = _obj[key];
return result;
function mergeObjects(_to, _from) {
// Extend the egw object
for (var key in _from)
_to[key] = _from[key];
function createEgwInstance(_egw, _modules, _list, _app, _window)
// Clone the global object
var instance = cloneObject(_egw);
// Let "_window" be exactly null, if it evaluates to false
_window = _window ? _window : null;
// Set the application name and the window the API instance belongs to
instance.appName = _app ? _app : null;
instance.window = _window;
// Insert the newly created instance into the instances list
'window': _window,
'app': _app,
'instance': instance
// Re-instanciate all modules which are marked as "local"
for (var key in _modules)
// Get the module object
var mod = _modules[key];
if (mod.flags !== _egw.MODULE_GLOBAL)
// If the module is marked as application local and an
// application instance is given or if the module is marked as
// window local and a window instance is given, re-instanciate
// this module.
if (((mod.flags & _egw.MODULE_APP_LOCAL) && (_app)) ||
((mod.flags & _egw.MODULE_WND_LOCAL) && (_window)))
var extension =, instance,
_window ? _window : window);
mergeObjects(instance, extension);
return instance;
function getEgwInstance(_egw, _modules, _instances, _app, _window)
// Generate the hash key for the instance descriptor object
var hash = _app ? _app : '[global]';
// Let "_window" be exactly null, if it evaluates to false
_window = _window ? _window : null;
// Create a new entry if the calculated hash does not exist
if (typeof _instances[hash] === 'undefined')
_instances[hash] = [];
return createEgwInstance(_egw, _modules, _instances[hash], _app,
// Otherwise search for the api instance corresponding to the given
// window
for (var i = 0; i < _instances[hash].length; i++)
if (_instances[hash][i].window === _window)
return _instances[hash][i].instance;
// If we're still here, no API instance for the given window has been
// found -- create a new entry
return createEgwInstance(_egw, _modules, _instances[hash], _app, _window);
function cleanupEgwInstances(_instances)
// Iterate over the egw instances and check whether the window they
// correspond to is still open.
for (var key in _instances)
for (var i = _instances[key].length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Get the instance descriptor
var instDescr = _instances[key][i];
// Check whether the window this API instance belongs to is
// still opened. If not, remove the API instance.
if (instDescr.window && instDescr.window.closed)
_instances[key].splice(i, 1)
// If all instances for the current hash have been deleted, delete
// the hash entry itself
if (_instances[key].length === 0)
delete _instances[key];
if (window.opener && typeof window.opener.egw !== 'undefined')
egw = window.opener.egw;
else if ( && typeof !== 'undefined')
egw =;
* Modules contains all currently loaded egw extension modules. A module
* is stored as an object of the following form:
* {
* flags: <MODULE FLAGS (local, global, etc.)
* }
var modules = {};
* instances contains all api instances. These are organized as a hash
* of the form _app + _window.location. For each of these hashes a list
* of instances is stored, where the instance itself is an entry of the
* form
* {
* instance: <EGW_API_OBJECT>,
* }
var instances = {};
* Set a interval which is used to cleanup unused API instances all 10
* seconds.
window.setInterval(function() {cleanupEgwInstances(instances);}, 10000);
* The egw function returns an instance of the client side api. If no
* parameter is given, an egw istance, which is not bound to a certain
* application is returned.
* You may pass either an application name (as string) to the egw
* function and/or a window object. If you specify both, the app name
* has to preceed the window object reference. If no window object is
* given, the root window will be used.
egw = function() {
// Get the window/app reference
var _app = "";
var _window = window;
switch (arguments.length)
case 0:
// Return the global instance
return egw;
case 1:
if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string')
_app = arguments[0];
else if (typeof arguments[0] === 'object')
_window = arguments[0];
case 2:
_app = arguments[0];
_window = arguments[1];
throw "Invalid count of parameters";
// Generate an API instance
return getEgwInstance(egw, modules, instances, _app, _window);
var globalEgw = {
* The MODULE_GLOBAL flag describes a module as global. A global
* module always works on the same data.
* The MODULE_APP_LOCAL flag is used to describe a module as local
* for each application. Each time an api object is requested for
* another application, the complete module gets recreated.
* The MODULE_WND_LOCAL flag is used to describe a module as local
* for each window. Each time an api object is requested for another
* window, the complete module gets recreated.
* Name of the application the egw object belongs to.
appName: null,
* Reference to the window this egw object belongs to.
window: window,
* Returns the current application name. The current application
* name equals the name, which was given when calling the egw
* function. If the getAppName function is called on the global
* instance, 'etemplate' is returned.
getAppName: function() {
// Return the default application name if this function is
// called on the global egw instance.
if (!this.appName) {
return 'etemplate';
// Otherwise return the correct application name.
return this.appName;
* base-URL of the EGroupware installation
* get set via egw_framework::header()
webserverUrl: "/egroupware",
* The extend function can be used to extend the egw object.
* @param _module should be a string containing the name of the new
* module.
* @param _flags specifies whether the extension should be treated
* as a local or a global module.
* @param _code should be a function, which returns an object that
* should extend the egw object.
extend: function(_module, _flags, _code) {
// Check whether that module is already registered
if (typeof modules[_module] === 'undefined')
// Create a new module entry
modules[_module] = {
'code': _code,
'flags': _flags,
'name': _module
// Generate the global extension
var globalExtension =, egw, window);
// Merge the global extension into the egw function
mergeObjects(egw, globalExtension);
// Iterate over the instances and merge the modules into
// them
for (var key in instances)
for (var i = 0; i < instances[key].length; i++)
// Get the instance descriptor
var instDescr = instances[key][i];
// Merge the module into the instance
if (_flags !== egw.MODULE_GLOBAL)
instDescr.instance, instDescr.instance,
instDescr.window ? instDescr.window : window));
mergeObjects(instDescr.instance, globalExtension);
dumpModules: function() {
return modules;
dumpInstances: function() {
return instances;
// Merge the globalEgw functions into the egw object.
mergeObjects(egw, globalEgw);