<pre>adodb-session.php : The default<br>adodb-session-clob.php : Use this if you are storing DATA in clobs<br>adodb-cryptsession.php : Use this if you want to store encrypted session data in the database<br><br>
color="#004040"> include('adodb/adodb.inc.php');<br><br><b> $ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER='mysql';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT='localhost';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_USER ='scott';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='tiger';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='sessiondb';</b><br><br><b>include('adodb/session/adodb-session.php');</b><br> session_start();<br><br> #<br> # Test session vars, the following should increment on refresh<br> #<br> $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;<br> print "<p>\$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";<br></font></pre>
<p>To force non-persistent connections, call adodb_session_open first before session_start():<p>
<p>1. Create this table in your database (syntax might vary depending on your db):
name="sessiontab"></a><fontcolor="#004040"><br> create table sessions (<br> SESSKEY char(32) not null,<br> EXPIRY int(11) unsigned not null,<br> EXPIREREF varchar(64),<br> DATA text not null,<br> primary key (sesskey)<br> );</font><br>
<p> For the adodb-session-clob.php version, create this:
color="#004040"><br> create table sessions (<br> SESSKEY char(32) not null,<br> EXPIRY int(11) unsigned not null,<br> EXPIREREF varchar(64),<br> DATA CLOB,<br> primary key (sesskey)<br> );</font>
<p>2. Then define the following parameters. You can either modify this file, or define them before this file is included:
color="#004040"><br> $ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER='database driver, eg. mysql or ibase';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT='server to connect to';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_USER ='user';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='password';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='database';<br> $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions'; # setting this is optional<br></font>
When the session is created, $<b>ADODB_SESS_CONN</b> holds the connection object.<br><br> 3. Recommended is PHP 4.0.6 or later. There are documented session bugs in earlier versions of PHP.
And when the NotifyFn is called (when the session expires), we pass the
$USERID as the first parameter, eg. NotifyFn($userid, $sesskey). The
session key (which is the primary key of the record in the sessions
table) is the 2nd parameter.
<p> Here is an example of a Notification function that deletes some
records in the database and temporary files: </p>
<pre><fontcolor="#004040"><br> function NotifyFn($expireref, $sesskey)<br> {<br> global $ADODB_SESS_CONN; # the session connection object<br><br> $user = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->qstr($expireref);<br> $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("delete from shopping_cart where user=$user");<br> system("rm /work/tmpfiles/$expireref/*");<br> }</font><br></pre>
<p> NOTE 1: If you have register_globals disabled in php.ini, then you
will have to manually set the EXPIREREF. E.g. </p>