2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
/ * *
* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Tabs object
* @license http : //opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http : //www.egroupware.org
* @author Andreas Stöckel
* /
/ * e g w : u s e s
jsapi . egw ;
/ v e n d o r / b o w e r - a s s e t / j q u e r y / d i s t / j q u e r y . j s ;
et2_core_valueWidget ;
* /
import './et2_core_common' ;
import { ClassWithAttributes } from "./et2_core_inheritance" ;
import { et2_widget , et2_createWidget , et2_register_widget , WidgetConfig } from "./et2_core_widget" ;
import { et2_DOMWidget } from './et2_core_DOMWidget'
import { et2_valueWidget } from './et2_core_valueWidget'
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import { et2_nextmatch } from "./et2_extension_nextmatch" ;
2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
/ * *
* Class which implements the tabbox - tag
* /
class et2_tabbox extends et2_valueWidget implements et2_IInput , et2_IResizeable , et2_IPrint
static readonly _attributes : any = {
'tabs' : {
'name' : 'Tabs' ,
'default' : et2_no_init ,
'description' : "Array of [extra] tabs. Each tab needs {label:..., template:...}. Additional optional keys are prepend, hidden and id, for access into content array"
} ,
'add_tabs' : {
'name' : 'Add tabs' ,
'default' : false ,
'description' : 'Set to true if tabs should be added to tabs from read from template, default false if not'
} ,
'tab_height' : {
name : 'Tabs innerHeight' ,
default : '' ,
description : 'Set the innerHeight for the tab content'
} ,
'align_tabs' : {
name : 'Tabs alignment' ,
type : 'string' ,
default : 'h' ,
description : 'Set tabs and their headers arrangment either horizental (h) or vertical (v). Default value is horizental.'
} ;
/ * *
* Currently selected tab
* /
selected_index : number | boolean = 0 ;
tabData : any [ ] = [ ] ;
container : JQuery ;
flagContainer : JQuery ;
tabContainer : JQuery ;
tab_height : number ;
value : number | boolean ;
/ * *
* Constructor
* /
constructor ( _parent , _attrs? : WidgetConfig , _child? : object )
// Call the inherited constructor
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super ( _parent , _attrs , ClassWithAttributes . extendAttributes ( et2_tabbox . _attributes , _child || { } ) ) ;
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// Create the outer tabbox container
this . container = jQuery ( document . createElement ( "div" ) )
. addClass ( "et2_tabbox" ) ;
// Create the upper container for the tab flags
this . flagContainer = jQuery ( document . createElement ( "div" ) )
. addClass ( "et2_tabheader" )
. appendTo ( this . container ) ;
// Create the lower tab container
this . tabContainer = jQuery ( document . createElement ( "div" ) )
. addClass ( "et2_tabs" )
. appendTo ( this . container ) ;
destroy ( )
super . destroy ( ) ;
this . container = null ;
this . flagContainer = null ;
this . tabData = [ ] ;
_readTabs ( tabData , tabs )
var selected = "" ;
this . selected_index = false ;
var hidden = { } ;
if ( this . id )
// Set the value for this element
var contentMgr = this . getArrayMgr ( "content" ) ;
if ( contentMgr != null ) {
var val = contentMgr . getEntry ( this . id ) ;
if ( val !== null )
selected = val ;
contentMgr = this . getArrayMgr ( "readonlys" ) ;
if ( contentMgr != null ) {
var val = contentMgr . getEntry ( this . id ) ;
if ( val !== null && typeof val !== 'undefined' )
hidden = val ;
var i = 0 ;
et2_filteredNodeIterator ( tabs , function ( node , nodeName ) {
if ( nodeName == "tab" )
2020-05-29 19:21:17 +02:00
const index_name = et2_readAttrWithDefault ( node , "id" , '' ) ;
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var hide = false ;
var widget_options = { } ;
if ( index_name ) {
if ( selected == index_name ) this . selected_index = i ;
if ( hidden [ index_name ] ) {
hide = true ;
// Get the class attribute and add it as widget_options
2020-05-29 19:21:17 +02:00
const classAttr = et2_readAttrWithDefault ( node , "class" , '' ) ;
2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
if ( classAttr )
widget_options = { 'class' : classAttr } ;
tabData . push ( {
"id" : index_name ,
2021-10-13 16:33:37 +02:00
"onclick" : et2_readAttrWithDefault ( node , "onclick" , '' ) ,
"ondblclick" : et2_readAttrWithDefault ( node , "ondblclick" , '' ) ,
2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
"label" : this . egw ( ) . lang ( et2_readAttrWithDefault ( node , "label" , "Tab" ) ) ,
"widget" : null ,
"widget_options" : widget_options ,
"contentDiv" : null ,
"flagDiv" : null ,
"hidden" : hide ,
"XMLNode" : null ,
"promise" : null
} ) ;
throw ( "Error while parsing: Invalid tag '" + nodeName +
"' in tabs tag" ) ;
i ++ ;
} , this ) ;
// Make sure we don't try to display a hidden tab
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tabData . length && this . selected_index === false ; i ++ )
if ( ! tabData [ i ] . hidden ) this . selected_index = i ;
_readTabPanels ( tabData , tabpanels )
var i = 0 ;
et2_filteredNodeIterator ( tabpanels , function ( node , nodeName ) {
if ( i < tabData . length )
// Store node for later evaluation
tabData [ i ] . XMLNode = node ;
throw ( "Error while reading tabpanels tag, too many widgets!" ) ;
i ++ ;
} , this ) ;
loadFromXML ( _node )
// Get the tabs and tabpanels tags
var tabsElems = et2_directChildrenByTagName ( _node , "tabs" ) ;
var tabpanelsElems = et2_directChildrenByTagName ( _node , "tabpanels" ) ;
var tabData = [ ] ;
// Check for a parent height, we'll apply it to tab panels
var height = et2_readAttrWithDefault ( _node . parentNode , "height" , null ) ;
if ( height )
this . tabContainer . css ( "height" , height ) ;
// if no tabs set or they should be added to tabs from xml
if ( ! this . options . tabs || this . options . add_tabs )
if ( tabsElems . length == 1 && tabpanelsElems . length == 1 )
var tabs = tabsElems [ 0 ] ;
var tabpanels = tabpanelsElems [ 0 ] ;
// Parse the "tabs" tag
this . _readTabs ( tabData , tabs ) ;
// Read and create the widgets defined in the "tabpanels"
this . _readTabPanels ( tabData , tabpanels ) ;
this . egw ( ) . debug ( "error" , "Error while parsing tabbox, none or multiple tabs or tabpanels tags!" , this ) ;
if ( this . options . tabs )
var readonly = this . getArrayMgr ( "readonlys" ) . getEntry ( this . id ) || { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . options . tabs . length ; i ++ )
var tab = this . options . tabs [ i ] ;
var tab_id = tab . id || tab . template ;
var tab_options = { id : tab_id , template :tab.template , url : tab.url , content : undefined } ;
if ( tab . id )
tab_options . content = tab . id ;
tabData [ tab . prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push' ] . call ( tabData , {
"id" : tab_id ,
"label" : this . egw ( ) . lang ( tab . label ) ,
"widget" : null ,
"widget_options" : tab_options ,
"contentDiv" : null ,
"flagDiv" : null ,
"hidden" : typeof tab . hidden != "undefined" ? tab.hidden : readonly [ tab_id ] || false ,
"XMLNode" : null ,
"promise" : null
} ) ;
// Create the tab DOM-Nodes
this . createTabs ( tabData ) ;
/ * *
* Load is finished , set up tabs to load on their own
* /
doLoadingFinished ( )
var tab_deferred = jQuery . Deferred ( ) ;
var promises = [ ] ;
var tabs = this ;
// Specially process the selected index so it shows up right away
this . _loadTab ( this . selected_index , promises ) ;
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// Avoid reloading if tabs were modified by data
if ( this . isInTree ( ) && this . isAttached ( ) ) return ;
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// Apply parent now, which actually puts into the DOM
// This has to be before loading the child, so the dom sub-tree is not
// disconnected, which causes problems for things like CKEditor
super . doLoadingFinished ( ) ;
// We can do this and not wind up with 2 because child is a template,
// which has special handling
this . _children [ 0 ] . loadingFinished ( promises ) ;
// Defer parsing & loading of other tabs until later
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tabs . tabData . length ; i ++ )
if ( i == tabs . selected_index ) continue ;
tabs . _loadTab ( i , promises ) ;
jQuery . when . apply ( jQuery , promises ) . then ( function ( ) {
tab_deferred . resolve ( ) ;
2020-06-19 21:27:41 +02:00
tabs . resetDirty ( ) ;
2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
} ) ;
} , 0 ) ;
return tab_deferred . promise ( ) ;
/ * *
* Load & render a tab ' s content
* @param { number } index numerical index of tab in this . tabData array
* @param { array } promises
* /
_loadTab ( index , promises )
var tabData = this . tabData [ index ] ;
if ( ! tabData || tabData . loaded ) return ;
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// Set loaded flag to not do this again, even if not fully done
tabData . loaded = true ;
2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
if ( tabData . XMLNode != null )
if ( tabData . hidden )
// Set hidden tab to readonly, so widgets aren't active
// Do not modify the XMLNode, or the change will be cached for all
tabData . XMLNode = tabData . XMLNode . cloneNode ( ) ;
tabData . XMLNode . setAttribute ( 'readonly' , true ) ;
tabData . widget = this . createElementFromNode ( tabData . XMLNode ,
tabData . XMLNode . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
// Release the XML node
tabData . XMLNode = null ;
else if ( tabData . widget_options )
tabData . widget = et2_createWidget ( 'template' , tabData . widget_options , this ) ;
// loadingFinished() will be called either when the promise from doLoadingFinished is resolved,
// or during the normal execution
/ * *
* Check for custom tabs
* @param { object } _attrs
* /
transformAttributes ( _attrs )
super . transformAttributes ( _attrs ) ;
// Add in settings that are objects
var data = this . getArrayMgr ( "modifications" ) . getEntry ( this . id ) ;
for ( var key in data )
if ( typeof data [ key ] === 'object' && ! _attrs [ key ] ) _attrs [ key ] = data [ key ] ;
createTabs ( tabData )
this . tabData = tabData ;
this . tabContainer . empty ( ) ;
this . flagContainer . empty ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . tabData . length ; i ++ )
var entry = this . tabData [ i ] ;
entry . flagDiv = jQuery ( document . createElement ( "span" ) )
. addClass ( "et2_tabflag" )
. appendTo ( this . flagContainer ) ;
// Class to tab's div container
if ( entry . widget_options && typeof entry . widget_options . class != 'undefined' )
entry . flagDiv . addClass ( entry . widget_options . class ) ;
entry . flagDiv . text ( entry . label || "Tab" ) ;
if ( entry . hidden || this . tabData . length === 1 )
entry . flagDiv . hide ( ) ;
2021-10-13 16:33:37 +02:00
if ( this . tabData [ i ] [ 'onclick' ] )
/ * . . . ( t h i s . t a b [ ' o n c l i c k ' ] , t h i s . w i d g e t , t h i s . w i d g e t )
why this . widget twice ?
first is the widget , second is the method context .
second is optional , and defaults to the DOM node
* /
let click_function = function ( ) { et2_compileLegacyJS ( this . tab [ 'onclick' ] , this . widget , this . widget ) ( this . widget ) } ;
entry . flagDiv . on ( "click" , click_function . bind ( { widget :this , tab :this.tabData [ i ] } ) ) ;
if ( this . tabData [ i ] [ 'ondblclick' ] )
let dblclick_function = function ( ) { et2_compileLegacyJS ( this . tab [ 'ondblclick' ] , this . widget , this . widget ) ( this . widget ) } ;
entry . flagDiv . on ( "dblclick" , dblclick_function . bind ( { widget :this , tab :this.tabData [ i ] } ) ) ;
entry . flagDiv . click ( { "tabs" : this , "idx" : i } , function ( e ) {
e . data . tabs . setActiveTab ( e . data . idx ) ;
} ) ;
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entry . contentDiv = jQuery ( document . createElement ( "div" ) )
. addClass ( "et2_tabcntr" )
. appendTo ( this . tabContainer ) ;
if ( this . options . align_tabs == 'v' ) {
entry . flagDiv . unbind ( 'click' ) ;
entry . flagDiv . text ( "" ) ;
jQuery ( document . createElement ( 'div' ) )
. addClass ( 'et2_tabtitle' )
. text ( entry . label || "Tab" )
. click ( { "tabs" : this , "idx" : i } , function ( e ) {
e . data . tabs . flagContainer . children ( ":eq(" + e . data . idx + ")" ) . toggleClass ( 'active' ) ;
if ( e . data . tabs . selected_index != e . data . idx ) e . data . tabs . setActiveTab ( e . data . idx ) ;
} )
. appendTo ( entry . flagDiv ) ;
entry . contentDiv . appendTo ( entry . flagDiv ) ;
if ( this . options . align_tabs == 'v' ) {
this . container . addClass ( 'vertical' ) ;
this . tabContainer . hide ( ) ;
// Check for a passed in value
if ( this . options . value )
this . selected_index = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . tabData . length ; i ++ )
if ( this . tabData [ i ] . id == this . options . value )
this . selected_index = i ;
break ;
this . setActiveTab ( this . selected_index ) ;
/ * *
* Gets the index of the currently active tab
* @returns { number }
* /
get_active_tab ( )
return this . selected_index ;
/ * *
* Sets the currently active tab by index
* @param { number } _idx
* /
setActiveTab ( _idx )
this . selected_index = _idx ;
// Remove the "active" flag from all tabs-flags
jQuery ( ".et2_tabflag" , this . flagContainer ) . removeClass ( "active" ) ;
// Hide all tab containers
this . tabContainer . children ( ) . hide ( ) ;
// Set the tab flag with the given index active and show the corresponding
// container
this . flagContainer . children ( ":eq(" + _idx + ")" ) . addClass ( "active" ) ;
this . tabContainer . children ( ":eq(" + _idx + ")" ) . show ( ) ;
// lookup for nm children and trigger a resize, since nm inside inactive
// tabs are not getting render due to tab's deffer loading.
if ( this . _children . length > 0 && this . tabData && this . tabData . length > 0 ) {
this . tabData [ _idx ] [ 'widget' ] . iterateOver ( function ( nm ) {
if ( nm && nm . _type == 'nextmatch' ) nm . resize ( ) ;
} , this . tabData [ _idx ] [ 'widget' ] , et2_nextmatch ) ;
/ * *
* Activate the tab containing the given widget
* @param { et2_widget } widget
* @return { bool } widget was found in a tab
* /
activateTab ( widget )
var tab = widget ;
while ( tab . _parent && tab . _parent . _type != 'tabbox' )
tab = tab . _parent ;
var child_index = this . _children . indexOf ( tab ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . tabData . length ; i ++ )
if ( this . tabData [ i ] . widget == tab )
this . setActiveTab ( i ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
getDOMNode ( _sender )
if ( _sender === this || typeof _sender === 'undefined' )
return this . container [ 0 ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . tabData . length ; i ++ )
if ( this . tabData [ i ] . widget == _sender )
return this . tabData [ i ] . contentDiv [ 0 ] ;
return null ;
set_tab_height ( _height )
this . tab_height = _height ;
this . tabContainer . css ( "height" , _height ) ;
set_height ( _value )
this . height = _value ;
this . tabContainer . css ( "height" , _value ) ;
/ * *
* getValue has to return the value of the input widget
* /
getValue ( )
return this . selected_index !== false ? this . tabData [ < number > this . selected_index ] . id : undefined ;
/ * *
* Is dirty returns true if the value of the widget has changed since it
* was loaded .
* /
isDirty ( )
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// We consider tab changes are not real changes
return false ;
2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
/ * *
* Causes the dirty flag to be reseted .
* /
resetDirty ( )
this . value = this . selected_index ;
isValid ( messages )
return true ;
resize ( _height )
if ( _height )
this . set_height ( this . tabContainer . height ( ) + _height ) ;
//Set the height of tabs with the heighest height
else if ( _height === 0 )
this . set_height ( this . tabContainer . height ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* Set up for printing
* @return { undefined | Deferred } Return a jQuery Deferred object if not done setting up
* ( waiting for data )
* /
beforePrint ( )
// Remove the "active" flag from all tabs-flags
jQuery ( ".et2_tabflag" , this . flagContainer ) . removeClass ( "active" ) ;
// Remove height limit
this . tabContainer . css ( "height" , '' ) ;
// Show all enabled tabs
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . tabData . length ; i ++ )
var entry = this . tabData [ i ] ;
if ( entry . hidden ) continue ;
entry . flagDiv . insertBefore ( entry . contentDiv ) ;
entry . contentDiv . show ( ) ;
/ * *
* Reset after printing
* /
afterPrint ( )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . tabData . length ; i ++ )
var entry = this . tabData [ i ] ;
entry . flagDiv . appendTo ( this . flagContainer ) ;
this . setActiveTab ( this . get_active_tab ( ) ) ;
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2020-01-21 17:51:44 +01:00
et2_register_widget ( et2_tabbox , [ "tabbox" ] ) ;