2016-03-02 15:34:01 +01:00
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* EGroupware ( http : //www.egroupware.org/) minified Javascript
* full sources are available under https : //svn.stylite.de/viewvc/egroupware/
* build Wed Mar 02 2016 15 : 23 : 51
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2016-03-02 09:46:43 +01:00
function egw _insertJS ( _html ) { if ( _html ) { var in _pos = - 1 , out _pos = - 1 ; do { var in _pos = _html . search ( /<script/im ) , out _pos = _html . search ( /<\/script>/im ) ; if ( in _pos > - 1 && out _pos > - 1 ) { if ( out _pos > in _pos ) { var scriptStart = _html . indexOf ( ">" , in _pos ) ; if ( scriptStart > in _pos ) { var script = _html . substring ( scriptStart + 1 , out _pos ) ; try { var tag = document . createElement ( "script" ) ; tag . setAttribute ( "type" , "text/javascript" ) , tag . text = script , document . getElementsByTagName ( "head" ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( tag ) } catch ( e ) { "undefined" != typeof console && "undefined" != typeof console . log && console . log ( "Error while inserting JS code:" , _e ) } } } _html = _html . substr ( out _pos + 9 ) } } while ( in _pos > - 1 && out _pos > - 1 ) } } function egw _topWindow ( ) { return "undefined" != typeof window . parent && "undefined" != typeof window . parent . top ? window . parent . top : "undefined" != typeof window . opener && "undefined" != typeof window . opener . top ? window . opener . top : window . top } function egw _appWindow ( _app ) { var framework = egw _getFramework ( ) ; return framework && framework . egw _appWindow ? framework . egw _appWindow ( _app ) : window } function egw _appWindowOpen ( _app , _url ) { "undefined" == typeof _url && ( _url = "about:blank" ) , window . location = _url } function egw _getApp ( _name ) { return window . parent . framework . getApplicationByName ( _name ) } function egw _getAppName ( ) { return "undefined" == typeof egw _appName ? "egroupware" : egw _appName } function egw _refresh ( _msg , _app , _id , _type , _targetapp , _replace , _with , _msg _type ) { egw ( window ) . refresh ( _msg , _app , _id , _type , _targetapp , _replace , _with , _msg _type ) } function egw _message ( _msg , _type ) { egw ( window ) . message ( _msg , _type ) } function egw _app _header ( _header , _app ) { egw ( window ) . app _header ( _header , _app ) } function egw _open ( id , app , type , extra , target ) { window . egw . open ( id , app , type , extra , target ) } function egw _set _checkbox _multiselect _enabled ( _id , _enabled ) { var ms = document . getElementById ( "exec[" + _id + "]" ) ; if ( null !== ms ) { var label _color = "" ; _enabled ? ( ms . style . backgroundColor = "white" , label _color = "black" ) : ( ms . style . backgroundColor = "#EEEEEE" , label _color = "gray" ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ms . childNodes . length ; i ++ ) "LABEL" == ms . childNodes [ i ] . nodeName && ( ms . childNodes [ i ] . style . color = label _color , ms . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes . length >= 1 && "INPUT" == ms . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . nodeName && ( ms . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . disabled = ! _enabled , ms . childNodes [ i ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . checked &= _enabled ) ) } } function egw _openWindowCentered2 ( _url , _windowName , _width , _height , _status , _app , _returnID ) { return egw ( window ) . openPopup ( _url , _width , _height , _windowName , _app , _returnID , _status ) } function egw _openWindowCentered ( _url , _windowName , _width , _height ) { return egw _openWindowCentered2 ( _url , _windowName , _width , _height , "no" , ! 1 , ! 0 ) } function egw _getWindowLeft ( ) { try { if ( is _mozilla ) return window . screenX } catch ( e ) { } return window . screenLeft } function egw _getWindowTop ( ) { try { if ( is _mozilla ) return window . screenY } catch ( e ) { } return window . screenTop - 90 } function egw _getWindowInnerWidth ( ) { return is _mozilla ? window . innerWidth : document . body . clientWidth } function egw _getWindowInnerHeight ( ) { return is _mozilla ? window . innerHeight : document . documentElement . clientHeight } function egw _getWindowOuterWidth ( ) { try { if ( is _mozilla ) return window . outerWidth } catch ( e ) { } return egw _getWindowInnerWidth ( ) } function egw _getWindowOuterHeight ( ) { try { if ( is _mozilla ) return window . outerHeight } catch ( e ) { } return egw _getWindowInnerHeight ( ) } function dropdown _menu _hack ( el ) { function showMenu ( ) { function selectMenu ( obj ) { var o = document . createElement ( "option" ) ; for ( o . value = obj . value , o . text = obj . innerHTML , o . text = o . text . replace ( "<NOBR>" , "" ) , o . text = o . text . replace ( "</NOBR>" , "" ) , "" != o . value && ( o . innerHTML = o . text ) ; el . options . length > 0 ; ) el . options [ 0 ] . removeNode ( ! 0 ) ; el . appendChild ( o ) , el . title = o . innerHTML , el . contentIndex = obj . selectedIndex , el . menu . hide ( ) , el . onchange && el . onchange ( ) } el . menu . show ( 0 , el . offsetHeight , 10 , 10 , el ) ; var mb = el . menu . document . body ; mb . style . cssText = "border:solid 1px black;margin:0;padding:0;overflow-y:auto;overflow-x:auto;background:white;font:12px Tahoma, sans-serif;" ; var t = el . contentHTML ; t = t . replace ( /<select/gi , "<div" ) , t = t . replace ( /<option/gi , "<span" ) , t = t . replace ( /<\/option/gi , "</span" ) , t = t . replace ( /<\/select/gi , "</div" ) , t = t . replace ( /<optgroup label=\"([\w\s\wäöüßÄÖÜ]*[^>])*">/gi , ' < span value =
defaultAction = _links [ k ] . actionObj ; break } return defaultAction } , ai . _searchShortcut = function ( _key , _objs , _links ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < _objs . length ; i ++ ) { var sc = _objs [ i ] . shortcut ; if ( sc && sc . keyCode == _key . keyCode && sc . shift == _key . shift && sc . ctrl == _key . ctrl && sc . alt == _key . alt && "popup" == _objs [ i ] . type && ( "undefined" == typeof _links [ _objs [ i ] . id ] || _links [ _objs [ i ] . id ] . enabled ) ) return _objs [ i ] ; var obj = this . _searchShortcut ( _key , _objs [ i ] . children , _links ) ; if ( obj ) return obj } } , ai . _searchShortcutInLinks = function ( _key , _links ) { var objs = [ ] ; for ( var k in _links ) _links [ k ] . enabled && objs . push ( _links [ k ] . actionObj ) ; return ai . _searchShortcut ( _key , objs , _links ) } , ai . _handleKeyPress = function ( _key , _selected , _links , _target ) { if ( _key . keyCode == EGW _KEY _ENTER && ! _key . ctrl && ! _key . shift && ! _key . alt ) { var defaultAction = this . _getDefaultLink ( _links ) ; if ( defaultAction ) return defaultAction . execute ( _selected ) , ! 0 } if ( _key . keyCode == EGW _KEY _MENU && ! _key . ctrl ) return this . doExecuteImplementation ( { posx : 0 , posy : 0 } , _selected , _links , _target ) ; var obj = this . _searchShortcutInLinks ( _key , _links ) ; return obj ? ( obj . execute ( _selected ) , ! 0 ) : ! 1 } , ai . _registerContext = function ( _node , _callback , _context ) { var contextHandler = function ( e ) { if ( egwIsMobile ( ) && ( 3 == e . originalEvent . which , jQuery ( ".nm-mob-header .nm_action_header" ) . toggleClass ( "back" , _egw _active _menu ) ) , e || ( e = window . event ) , _egw _active _menu ) _egw _active _menu . hide ( ) ; else if ( ! e . ctrlKey && 3 == e . which || 0 === e . which ) { var _xy = ai . _getPageXY ( e ) , _implContext = { event : e , posx : _xy . posx , posy : _xy . posy } ; _callback . call ( _context , _implContext , ai ) } return e . cancelBubble = ! e . ctrlKey || 1 == e . which , e . stopPropagation && e . cancelBubble && e . stopPropagation ( ) , ! e . cancelBubble } ; $j ( _node ) . on ( "contextmenu" , contextHandler ) } , ai . doRegisterAction = function ( _aoi , _callback , _context ) { var node = _aoi . getDOMNode ( ) ; return node ? ( this . _registerDefault ( node , _callback , _context ) , this . _registerContext ( node , _callback , _context ) , ! 0 ) : ! 1 } , ai . doUnregisterAction = function ( _aoi ) { } , ai . doExecuteImplementation = function ( _context , _selected , _links , _target ) { if ( "undefined" == typeof _target && ( _target = null ) , ai . _context = _context , "object" == typeof _context && "object" == typeof _context . keyEvent ) return ai . _handleKeyPress ( _context . keyEvent , _selected , _links , _target ) ; if ( "default" != _context ) { if ( ( "number" != typeof _context . posx || "number" != typeof _context . posy ) && "undefined" != typeof _context . id ) { var node = _context ; x = $j ( node ) . offset ( ) . left , y = $j ( node ) . offset ( ) . top , _context = { posx : x , posy : y } } var menu = ai . _buildMenu ( _links , _selected , _target ) ; return menu . showAt ( _context . posx , _context . posy ) , ! 0 } var defaultAction = ai . _getDefaultLink ( _links ) ; return defaultAction && defaultAction . execute ( _selected ) , ! 1 } , ai . _groupLayers = function ( _layer , _links , _parentGroup ) { for ( var link _groups = { } , i = 0 ; i < _layer . children . length ; i ++ ) { var actionObj = _layer . children [ i ] . action , grp = actionObj . group ; "undefined" == typeof link _groups [ grp ] && ( link _groups [ grp ] = [ ] ) ; var visible = ! 0 , enabled = ! 0 ; "undefined" != typeof _links [ actionObj . id ] && ( visible = _links [ actionObj . id ] . visible , enabled = _links [ actionObj . id ] . enabled ) ; for ( var inserted = ! 1 , groupObj = { actionObj : actionObj , visible : visible , enabled : enabled , groups : [ ] } , j = 0 ; j < link _groups [ grp ] . length ; j ++ ) { var elem = link _groups [ grp ] [ j ] . actionObj ; if ( elem . order > actionObj . order ) { inserted = ! 0 , link _groups [ grp ] . splice ( j , 0 , groupObj ) ; break } } inserted || link _groups [ grp ] . push ( groupObj ) , _layer . children [ i ] . children . length > 0 && this . _groupLayers ( _layer . children [ i ] , _links , groupObj ) } var groups = [ ] ; for ( var k in link _groups ) groups . push ( { grp : k , links : link _groups [ k ] } ) ; groups . sort ( function ( a , b ) { var ia = parseInt ( a . grp ) , ib = parseInt ( b . grp ) ; return ia > ib ? 1 : ib > ia ? - 1 : 0 } ) ; for ( var groups2 = [ ] , i = 0 ; i < groups . length ; i ++ ) groups2 . push ( groups [ i ] . links ) ; _parentGroup . groups = groups2 } , ai . _buildMenuLayer = function ( _menu , _groups , _selected , _enabled , _target ) { for ( var firstGroup = ! 0 , i = 0 ; i < _groups . length ; i ++ ) { for ( var firstElem = ! 0 , j = 0 ; j < _groups [ i ] . length ; j ++ ) { var link = _groups [ i ] [ j ] ; if ( link . visible ) { ! firstGroup && firstElem && _menu . addItem ( "" , "-" ) , firstElem = ! 1 ; var item = _menu . addItem ( link . actionObj . id , link . actionObj . caption , link . actionObj . iconUrl ) ; if ( item . default = link . actionObj . default , "popup" == link . actionObj . type && ( item . set _hint ( link . actionObj . hint )
if ( this . idPull [ id ] . className = "sub_item_selected" , this . itemPull [ id ] . complex && this . dLoad && "no" == this . itemPull [ id ] . loaded ) { 1 == this . loaderIcon && this . _updateLoaderIcon ( id , ! 0 ) ; var xmlLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject ( this . _xmlParser , window ) ; this . itemPull [ id ] . loaded = "get" , this . callEvent ( "onXLS" , [ ] ) , xmlLoader . loadXML ( this . dLoadUrl + this . dLoadSign + "action=loadMenu&parentId=" + id . replace ( this . idPrefix , "" ) + "&etc=" + ( new Date ) . getTime ( ) ) } ( this . itemPull [ id ] . complex || this . dLoad && "yes" == this . itemPull [ id ] . loaded ) && this . itemPull [ id ] . complex && null != this . idPull [ "polygon_" + id ] && ( this . _updateItemComplexState ( id , ! 0 , ! 0 ) , this . _showPolygon ( id , this . dirSubLevel ) ) , this . _addSubItemToSelected ( id , parentId ) , this . menuSelected = id } } , this . _doOnClick = function ( id , type , casState ) { if ( this . menuLastClicked = id , null != this . itemPull [ this . idPrefix + id ] . href _link && "enabled" == this . itemPull [ this . idPrefix + id ] . state ) { var form = document . createElement ( "FORM" ) , k = String ( this . itemPull [ this . idPrefix + id ] . href _link ) . split ( "?" ) ; if ( form . action = k [ 0 ] , null != k [ 1 ] ) for ( var p = String ( k [ 1 ] ) . split ( "&" ) , q = 0 ; q < p . length ; q ++ ) { var j = String ( p [ q ] ) . split ( "=" ) , m = document . createElement ( "INPUT" ) ; m . type = "hidden" , m . name = j [ 0 ] || "" , m . value = j [ 1 ] || "" , form . appendChild ( m ) } return null != this . itemPull [ this . idPrefix + id ] . href _target && ( form . target = this . itemPull [ this . idPrefix + id ] . href _target ) , form . style . display = "none" , document . body . appendChild ( form ) , form . submit ( ) , void ( null != form && ( document . body . removeChild ( form ) , form = null ) ) } if ( "c" != type . charAt ( 0 ) && "d" != type . charAt ( 1 ) && "s" != type . charAt ( 2 ) ) { if ( this . checkEvent ( "onClick" ) ) this . callEvent ( "onClick" , [ id , this . contextMenuZoneId , casState ] ) ; else if ( "d" == type . charAt ( 1 ) || "win" == this . menuMode && "t" == type . charAt ( 2 ) ) return ; this . context && this . _isContextMenuVisible ( ) && this . contextAutoHide ? this . _hideContextMenu ( ) : this . _clearAndHide && this . _clearAndHide ( ) } } , this . _doOnTouchMenu = function ( id ) { 0 == this . menuTouched && ( this . menuTouched = ! 0 , this . checkEvent ( "onTouch" ) && this . callEvent ( "onTouch" , [ id ] ) ) } , this . _searchMenuNode = function ( node , menu ) { for ( var m = new Array , q = 0 ; q < menu . length ; q ++ ) if ( "object" == typeof menu [ q ] ) { 5 == menu [ q ] . length && "object" != typeof menu [ q ] [ 0 ] && menu [ q ] [ 0 ] . replace ( this . idPrefix , "" ) == node && 0 == q && ( m = menu ) ; var j = this . _searchMenuNode ( node , menu [ q ] ) ; j . length > 0 && ( m = j ) } return m } , this . _getMenuNodes = function ( node ) { var m = new Array ; for ( var a in this . itemPull ) this . itemPull [ a ] . parent == node && ( m [ m . length ] = a ) ; return m } , this . _genStr = function ( w ) { for ( var s = "" , z = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" , q = 0 ; w > q ; q ++ ) s += z . charAt ( Math . round ( Math . random ( ) * ( z . length - 1 ) ) ) ; return s } , this . getItemType = function ( id ) { return id = this . idPrefix + id , null == this . itemPull [ id ] ? null : this . itemPull [ id ] . type } , this . forEachItem = function ( handler ) { for ( var a in this . itemPull ) handler ( String ( a ) . replace ( this . idPrefix , "" ) ) } , this . _clearAndHide = function ( ) { for ( main _self . menuSelected = - 1 , main _self . menuLastClicked = - 1 ; main _self . _openedPolygons . length > 0 ; ) main _self . _openedPolygons . pop ( ) ; for ( var q = 0 ; q < main _self . _selectedSubItems . length ; q ++ ) { var id = main _self . _selectedSubItems [ q ] [ 0 ] ; null != main _self . idPull [ id ] && "enabled" == main _self . itemPull [ id ] . state && ( "sub_item_selected" == main _self . idPull [ id ] . className && ( main _self . idPull [ id ] . className = "sub_item" ) , main _self . idPull [ id ] . className == "dhtmlxMenu_" + main _self . skin + "_TopLevel_Item_Selected" && ( null != main _self . itemPull [ id ] . cssNormal ? main _self . idPull [ id ] . className = main _self . itemPull [ id ] . cssNormal : main _self . idPull [ id ] . className = "dhtmlxMenu_" + main _self . skin + "_TopLevel_Item_Normal" ) ) , main _self . _hidePolygon ( id ) } main _self . menuTouched = ! 1 , main _self . context && ( main _self . contextHideAllMode ? ( main _self . _hidePolygon ( main _self . idPrefix + main _self . topId ) , main _self . zInd = main _self . zIndInit ) : main _self . zInd = main _self . zIndInit + main _self . zIndStep ) } , this . _doOnLoad = function ( ) { } , this . loadXML = function ( xmlFile , onLoadFunction ) { onLoadFunction && ( this . _doOnLoad = function ( ) { onLoadFunction ( ) } ) , this . callEvent ( "onXLS" , [ ] ) , this . _xmlLoader . loadXML ( xmlFile ) } , this . loadXMLString = function ( xmlString , onLoadFunction ) { onLoadFunction && ( this . _doOnLoad = function ( ) { onLoadFunction ( ) } ) , this . _xmlLoader . loadXMLString ( xmlString ) } , this . _buildMenu = function ( t
window . eval . call ( window , data ) } ) ( data ) } , camelCase : function ( string ) { return string . replace ( rmsPrefix , "ms-" ) . replace ( rdashAlpha , fcamelCase ) } , nodeName : function ( elem , name ) { return elem . nodeName && elem . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === name . toLowerCase ( ) } , each : function ( obj , callback , args ) { var value , i = 0 , length = obj . length , isArray = isArraylike ( obj ) ; if ( args ) { if ( isArray ) for ( ; length > i && ( value = callback . apply ( obj [ i ] , args ) , value !== ! 1 ) ; i ++ ) ; else for ( i in obj ) if ( value = callback . apply ( obj [ i ] , args ) , value === ! 1 ) break } else if ( isArray ) for ( ; length > i && ( value = callback . call ( obj [ i ] , i , obj [ i ] ) , value !== ! 1 ) ; i ++ ) ; else for ( i in obj ) if ( value = callback . call ( obj [ i ] , i , obj [ i ] ) , value === ! 1 ) break ; return obj } , trim : function ( text ) { return null == text ? "" : ( text + "" ) . replace ( rtrim , "" ) } , makeArray : function ( arr , results ) { var ret = results || [ ] ; return null != arr && ( isArraylike ( Object ( arr ) ) ? jQuery . merge ( ret , "string" == typeof arr ? [ arr ] : arr ) : push . call ( ret , arr ) ) , ret } , inArray : function ( elem , arr , i ) { var len ; if ( arr ) { if ( indexOf ) return indexOf . call ( arr , elem , i ) ; for ( len = arr . length , i = i ? 0 > i ? Math . max ( 0 , len + i ) : i : 0 ; len > i ; i ++ ) if ( i in arr && arr [ i ] === elem ) return i } return - 1 } , merge : function ( first , second ) { for ( var len = + second . length , j = 0 , i = first . length ; len > j ; ) first [ i ++ ] = second [ j ++ ] ; if ( len !== len ) for ( ; void 0 !== second [ j ] ; ) first [ i ++ ] = second [ j ++ ] ; return first . length = i , first } , grep : function ( elems , callback , invert ) { for ( var callbackInverse , matches = [ ] , i = 0 , length = elems . length , callbackExpect = ! invert ; length > i ; i ++ ) callbackInverse = ! callback ( elems [ i ] , i ) , callbackInverse !== callbackExpect && matches . push ( elems [ i ] ) ; return matches } , map : function ( elems , callback , arg ) { var value , i = 0 , length = elems . length , isArray = isArraylike ( elems ) , ret = [ ] ; if ( isArray ) for ( ; length > i ; i ++ ) value = callback ( elems [ i ] , i , arg ) , null != value && ret . push ( value ) ; else for ( i in elems ) value = callback ( elems [ i ] , i , arg ) , null != value && ret . push ( value ) ; return concat . apply ( [ ] , ret ) } , guid : 1 , proxy : function ( fn , context ) { var args , proxy , tmp ; return "string" == typeof context && ( tmp = fn [ context ] , context = fn , fn = tmp ) , jQuery . isFunction ( fn ) ? ( args = slice . call ( arguments , 2 ) , proxy = function ( ) { return fn . apply ( context || this , args . concat ( slice . call ( arguments ) ) ) } , proxy . guid = fn . guid = fn . guid || jQuery . guid ++ , proxy ) : void 0 } , now : function ( ) { return + new Date } , support : support } ) , jQuery . each ( "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error" . split ( " " ) , function ( i , name ) { class2type [ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name . toLowerCase ( ) } ) ; var Sizzle = function ( window ) { function Sizzle ( selector , context , results , seed ) { var match , elem , m , nodeType , i , groups , old , nid , newContext , newSelector ; if ( ( context ? context . ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document && setDocument ( context ) , context = context || document , results = results || [ ] , nodeType = context . nodeType , "string" != typeof selector || ! selector || 1 !== nodeType && 9 !== nodeType && 11 !== nodeType ) return results ; if ( ! seed && documentIsHTML ) { if ( 11 !== nodeType && ( match = rquickExpr . exec ( selector ) ) ) if ( m = match [ 1 ] ) { if ( 9 === nodeType ) { if ( elem = context . getElementById ( m ) , ! elem || ! elem . parentNode ) return results ; if ( elem . id === m ) return results . push ( elem ) , results } else if ( context . ownerDocument && ( elem = context . ownerDocument . getElementById ( m ) ) && contains ( context , elem ) && elem . id === m ) return results . push ( elem ) , results } else { if ( match [ 2 ] ) return push . apply ( results , context . getElementsByTagName ( selector ) ) , results ; if ( ( m = match [ 3 ] ) && support . getElementsByClassName ) return push . apply ( results , context . getElementsByClassName ( m ) ) , results } if ( support . qsa && ( ! rbuggyQSA || ! rbuggyQSA . test ( selector ) ) ) { if ( nid = old = expando , newContext = context , newSelector = 1 !== nodeType && selector , 1 === nodeType && "object" !== context . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ) { for ( groups = tokenize ( selector ) , ( old = context . getAttribute ( "id" ) ) ? nid = old . replace ( rescape , "\\$&" ) : context . setAttribute ( "id" , nid ) , nid = "[id='" + nid + "'] " , i = groups . length ; i -- ; ) groups [ i ] = nid + toSelector ( groups [ i ] ) ; newContext = rsibling . test ( selector ) && testContext ( context . parentNode ) || context , newSelector = groups . join ( "," ) } if ( newSelector ) try { return push . apply ( results , newContext . querySelectorAll ( newSelector ) ) , results } catch ( qsaError ) { } finally { old || context . removeAttribute ( "id" ) } } } return select ( selector . replace ( rtrim , "$1" ) , context , results , seed ) } function createCache ( ) { function cache
jQuery . filter = function ( expr , elems , not ) { var elem = elems [ 0 ] ; return not && ( expr = ":not(" + expr + ")" ) , 1 === elems . length && 1 === elem . nodeType ? jQuery . find . matchesSelector ( elem , expr ) ? [ elem ] : [ ] : jQuery . find . matches ( expr , jQuery . grep ( elems , function ( elem ) { return 1 === elem . nodeType } ) ) } , jQuery . fn . extend ( { find : function ( selector ) { var i , ret = [ ] , self = this , len = self . length ; if ( "string" != typeof selector ) return this . pushStack ( jQuery ( selector ) . filter ( function ( ) { for ( i = 0 ; len > i ; i ++ ) if ( jQuery . contains ( self [ i ] , this ) ) return ! 0 } ) ) ; for ( i = 0 ; len > i ; i ++ ) jQuery . find ( selector , self [ i ] , ret ) ; return ret = this . pushStack ( len > 1 ? jQuery . unique ( ret ) : ret ) , ret . selector = this . selector ? this . selector + " " + selector : selector , ret } , filter : function ( selector ) { return this . pushStack ( winnow ( this , selector || [ ] , ! 1 ) ) } , not : function ( selector ) { return this . pushStack ( winnow ( this , selector || [ ] , ! 0 ) ) } , is : function ( selector ) { return ! ! winnow ( this , "string" == typeof selector && rneedsContext . test ( selector ) ? jQuery ( selector ) : selector || [ ] , ! 1 ) . length } } ) ; var rootjQuery , document = window . document , rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/ , init = jQuery . fn . init = function ( selector , context ) { var match , elem ; if ( ! selector ) return this ; if ( "string" == typeof selector ) { if ( match = "<" === selector . charAt ( 0 ) && ">" === selector . charAt ( selector . length - 1 ) && selector . length >= 3 ? [ null , selector , null ] : rquickExpr . exec ( selector ) , ! match || ! match [ 1 ] && context ) return ! context || context . jquery ? ( context || rootjQuery ) . find ( selector ) : this . constructor ( context ) . find ( selector ) ; if ( match [ 1 ] ) { if ( context = context instanceof jQuery ? context [ 0 ] : context , jQuery . merge ( this , jQuery . parseHTML ( match [ 1 ] , context && context . nodeType ? context . ownerDocument || context : document , ! 0 ) ) , rsingleTag . test ( match [ 1 ] ) && jQuery . isPlainObject ( context ) ) for ( match in context ) jQuery . isFunction ( this [ match ] ) ? this [ match ] ( context [ match ] ) : this . attr ( match , context [ match ] ) ; return this } if ( elem = document . getElementById ( match [ 2 ] ) , elem && elem . parentNode ) { if ( elem . id !== match [ 2 ] ) return rootjQuery . find ( selector ) ; this . length = 1 , this [ 0 ] = elem } return this . context = document , this . selector = selector , this } return selector . nodeType ? ( this . context = this [ 0 ] = selector , this . length = 1 , this ) : jQuery . isFunction ( selector ) ? "undefined" != typeof rootjQuery . ready ? rootjQuery . ready ( selector ) : selector ( jQuery ) : ( void 0 !== selector . selector && ( this . selector = selector . selector , this . context = selector . context ) , jQuery . makeArray ( selector , this ) ) } ; init . prototype = jQuery . fn , rootjQuery = jQuery ( document ) ; var rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/ , guaranteedUnique = { children : ! 0 , contents : ! 0 , next : ! 0 , prev : ! 0 } ; jQuery . extend ( { dir : function ( elem , dir , until ) { for ( var matched = [ ] , cur = elem [ dir ] ; cur && 9 !== cur . nodeType && ( void 0 === until || 1 !== cur . nodeType || ! jQuery ( cur ) . is ( until ) ) ; ) 1 === cur . nodeType && matched . push ( cur ) , cur = cur [ dir ] ; return matched } , sibling : function ( n , elem ) { for ( var r = [ ] ; n ; n = n . nextSibling ) 1 === n . nodeType && n !== elem && r . push ( n ) ; return r } } ) , jQuery . fn . extend ( { has : function ( target ) { var i , targets = jQuery ( target , this ) , len = targets . length ; return this . filter ( function ( ) { for ( i = 0 ; len > i ; i ++ ) if ( jQuery . contains ( this , targets [ i ] ) ) return ! 0 } ) } , closest : function ( selectors , context ) { for ( var cur , i = 0 , l = this . length , matched = [ ] , pos = rneedsContext . test ( selectors ) || "string" != typeof selectors ? jQuery ( selectors , context || this . context ) : 0 ; l > i ; i ++ ) for ( cur = this [ i ] ; cur && cur !== context ; cur = cur . parentNode ) if ( cur . nodeType < 11 && ( pos ? pos . index ( cur ) > - 1 : 1 === cur . nodeType && jQuery . find . matchesSelector ( cur , selectors ) ) ) { matched . push ( cur ) ; break } return this . pushStack ( matched . length > 1 ? jQuery . unique ( matched ) : matched ) } , index : function ( elem ) { return elem ? "string" == typeof elem ? jQuery . inArray ( this [ 0 ] , jQuery ( elem ) ) : jQuery . inArray ( elem . jquery ? elem [ 0 ] : elem , this ) : this [ 0 ] && this [ 0 ] . parentNode ? this . first ( ) . prevAll ( ) . length : - 1 } , add : function ( selector , context ) { return this . pushStack ( jQuery . unique ( jQuery . merge ( this . get ( ) , jQuery ( selector , context ) ) ) ) } , addBack : function ( selector ) { return this . add ( null == selector ? this . prevObject : this . prevObject . filter ( selector ) ) } } ) , jQuery . each ( { parent : function ( elem ) { var parent = elem . parentNode ; return parent && 11 !== parent . nodeType ? parent : null } , parents : function ( elem ) { return jQuery . dir ( elem , "parentNode" ) } , parentsUntil : function ( elem , i , until
jQuery . event . trigger ( type , data , this ) } ) } , triggerHandler : function ( type , data ) { var elem = this [ 0 ] ; return elem ? jQuery . event . trigger ( type , data , elem , ! 0 ) : void 0 } } ) ; var nodeNames = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video" , rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:null|\d+)"/g , rnoshimcache = new RegExp ( "<(?:" + nodeNames + ")[\\s/>]" , "i" ) , rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/ , rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi , rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/ , rtbody = /<tbody/i , rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/ , rnoInnerhtml = /<(?:script|style|link)/i , rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i , rscriptType = /^$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i , rscriptTypeMasked = /^true\/(.*)/ , rcleanScript = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g , wrapMap = { option : [ 1 , "<select multiple='multiple'>" , "</select>" ] , legend : [ 1 , "<fieldset>" , "</fieldset>" ] , area : [ 1 , "<map>" , "</map>" ] , param : [ 1 , "<object>" , "</object>" ] , thead : [ 1 , "<table>" , "</table>" ] , tr : [ 2 , "<table><tbody>" , "</tbody></table>" ] , col : [ 2 , "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>" , "</colgroup></table>" ] , td : [ 3 , "<table><tbody><tr>" , "</tr></tbody></table>" ] , _default : support . htmlSerialize ? [ 0 , "" , "" ] : [ 1 , "X<div>" , "</div>" ] } , safeFragment = createSafeFragment ( document ) , fragmentDiv = safeFragment . appendChild ( document . createElement ( "div" ) ) ; wrapMap . optgroup = wrapMap . option , wrapMap . tbody = wrapMap . tfoot = wrapMap . colgroup = wrapMap . caption = wrapMap . thead , wrapMap . th = wrapMap . td , jQuery . extend ( { clone : function ( elem , dataAndEvents , deepDataAndEvents ) { var destElements , node , clone , i , srcElements , inPage = jQuery . contains ( elem . ownerDocument , elem ) ; if ( support . html5Clone || jQuery . isXMLDoc ( elem ) || ! rnoshimcache . test ( "<" + elem . nodeName + ">" ) ? clone = elem . cloneNode ( ! 0 ) : ( fragmentDiv . innerHTML = elem . outerHTML , fragmentDiv . removeChild ( clone = fragmentDiv . firstChild ) ) , ! ( support . noCloneEvent && support . noCloneChecked || 1 !== elem . nodeType && 11 !== elem . nodeType || jQuery . isXMLDoc ( elem ) ) ) for ( destElements = getAll ( clone ) , srcElements = getAll ( elem ) , i = 0 ; null != ( node = srcElements [ i ] ) ; ++ i ) destElements [ i ] && fixCloneNodeIssues ( node , destElements [ i ] ) ; if ( dataAndEvents ) if ( deepDataAndEvents ) for ( srcElements = srcElements || getAll ( elem ) , destElements = destElements || getAll ( clone ) , i = 0 ; null != ( node = srcElements [ i ] ) ; i ++ ) cloneCopyEvent ( node , destElements [ i ] ) ; else cloneCopyEvent ( elem , clone ) ; return destElements = getAll ( clone , "script" ) , destElements . length > 0 && setGlobalEval ( destElements , ! inPage && getAll ( elem , "script" ) ) , destElements = srcElements = node = null , clone } , buildFragment : function ( elems , context , scripts , selection ) { for ( var j , elem , contains , tmp , tag , tbody , wrap , l = elems . length , safe = createSafeFragment ( context ) , nodes = [ ] , i = 0 ; l > i ; i ++ ) if ( elem = elems [ i ] , elem || 0 === elem ) if ( "object" === jQuery . type ( elem ) ) jQuery . merge ( nodes , elem . nodeType ? [ elem ] : elem ) ; else if ( rhtml . test ( elem ) ) { for ( tmp = tmp || safe . appendChild ( context . createElement ( "div" ) ) , tag = ( rtagName . exec ( elem ) || [ "" , "" ] ) [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) , wrap = wrapMap [ tag ] || wrapMap . _default , tmp . innerHTML = wrap [ 1 ] + elem . replace ( rxhtmlTag , "<$1></$2>" ) + wrap [ 2 ] , j = wrap [ 0 ] ; j -- ; ) tmp = tmp . lastChild ; if ( ! support . leadingWhitespace && rleadingWhitespace . test ( elem ) && nodes . push ( context . createTextNode ( rleadingWhitespace . exec ( elem ) [ 0 ] ) ) , ! support . tbody ) for ( elem = "table" !== tag || rtbody . test ( elem ) ? "<table>" !== wrap [ 1 ] || rtbody . test ( elem ) ? 0 : tmp : tmp . firstChild , j = elem && elem . childNodes . length ; j -- ; ) jQuery . nodeName ( tbody = elem . childNodes [ j ] , "tbody" ) && ! tbody . childNodes . length && elem . removeChild ( tbody ) ; for ( jQuery . merge ( nodes , tmp . childNodes ) , tmp . textContent = "" ; tmp . firstChild ; ) tmp . removeChild ( tmp . firstChild ) ; tmp = safe . lastChild } else nodes . push ( context . createTextNode ( elem ) ) ; for ( tmp && safe . removeChild ( tmp ) , support . appendChecked || jQuery . grep ( getAll ( nodes , "input" ) , fixDefaultChecked ) , i = 0 ; elem = nodes [ i ++ ] ; ) if ( ( ! selection || - 1 === jQuery . inArray ( elem , selection ) ) && ( contains = jQuery . contains ( elem . ownerDocument , elem ) , tmp = getAll ( safe . appendChild ( elem ) , "script" ) , contains && setGlobalEval ( tmp ) , scripts ) ) for ( j = 0 ; elem = tmp [ j ++ ] ; ) rscriptType . test ( elem . type || "" ) && scripts . push ( elem ) ; return tmp = null , safe } , cleanData : function ( elems , acceptData ) { for ( var elem , type , id , data , i = 0 , internalKey = jQuery . expando , cache = jQ
jQuery . fn . extend ( { prop : function ( name , value ) { return access ( this , jQuery . prop , name , value , arguments . length > 1 ) } , removeProp : function ( name ) { return name = jQuery . propFix [ name ] || name , this . each ( function ( ) { try { this [ name ] = void 0 , delete this [ name ] } catch ( e ) { } } ) } } ) , jQuery . extend ( { propFix : { for : "htmlFor" , class : "className" } , prop : function ( elem , name , value ) { var ret , hooks , notxml , nType = elem . nodeType ; if ( elem && 3 !== nType && 8 !== nType && 2 !== nType ) return notxml = 1 !== nType || ! jQuery . isXMLDoc ( elem ) , notxml && ( name = jQuery . propFix [ name ] || name , hooks = jQuery . propHooks [ name ] ) , void 0 !== value ? hooks && "set" in hooks && void 0 !== ( ret = hooks . set ( elem , value , name ) ) ? ret : elem [ name ] = value : hooks && "get" in hooks && null !== ( ret = hooks . get ( elem , name ) ) ? ret : elem [ name ] } , propHooks : { tabIndex : { get : function ( elem ) { var tabindex = jQuery . find . attr ( elem , "tabindex" ) ; return tabindex ? parseInt ( tabindex , 10 ) : rfocusable . test ( elem . nodeName ) || rclickable . test ( elem . nodeName ) && elem . href ? 0 : - 1 } } } } ) , support . hrefNormalized || jQuery . each ( [ "href" , "src" ] , function ( i , name ) { jQuery . propHooks [ name ] = { get : function ( elem ) { return elem . getAttribute ( name , 4 ) } } } ) , support . optSelected || ( jQuery . propHooks . selected = { get : function ( elem ) { var parent = elem . parentNode ; return parent && ( parent . selectedIndex , parent . parentNode && parent . parentNode . selectedIndex ) , null } } ) , jQuery . each ( [ "tabIndex" , "readOnly" , "maxLength" , "cellSpacing" , "cellPadding" , "rowSpan" , "colSpan" , "useMap" , "frameBorder" , "contentEditable" ] , function ( ) { jQuery . propFix [ this . toLowerCase ( ) ] = this } ) , support . enctype || ( jQuery . propFix . enctype = "encoding" ) ; var rclass = /[\t\r\n\f]/g ; jQuery . fn . extend ( { addClass : function ( value ) { var classes , elem , cur , clazz , j , finalValue , i = 0 , len = this . length , proceed = "string" == typeof value && value ; if ( jQuery . isFunction ( value ) ) return this . each ( function ( j ) { jQuery ( this ) . addClass ( value . call ( this , j , this . className ) ) } ) ; if ( proceed ) for ( classes = ( value || "" ) . match ( rnotwhite ) || [ ] ; len > i ; i ++ ) if ( elem = this [ i ] , cur = 1 === elem . nodeType && ( elem . className ? ( " " + elem . className + " " ) . replace ( rclass , " " ) : " " ) ) { for ( j = 0 ; clazz = classes [ j ++ ] ; ) cur . indexOf ( " " + clazz + " " ) < 0 && ( cur += clazz + " " ) ; finalValue = jQuery . trim ( cur ) , elem . className !== finalValue && ( elem . className = finalValue ) } return this } , removeClass : function ( value ) { var classes , elem , cur , clazz , j , finalValue , i = 0 , len = this . length , proceed = 0 === arguments . length || "string" == typeof value && value ; if ( jQuery . isFunction ( value ) ) return this . each ( function ( j ) { jQuery ( this ) . removeClass ( value . call ( this , j , this . className ) ) } ) ; if ( proceed ) for ( classes = ( value || "" ) . match ( rnotwhite ) || [ ] ; len > i ; i ++ ) if ( elem = this [ i ] , cur = 1 === elem . nodeType && ( elem . className ? ( " " + elem . className + " " ) . replace ( rclass , " " ) : "" ) ) { for ( j = 0 ; clazz = classes [ j ++ ] ; ) for ( ; cur . indexOf ( " " + clazz + " " ) >= 0 ; ) cur = cur . replace ( " " + clazz + " " , " " ) ; finalValue = value ? jQuery . trim ( cur ) : "" , elem . className !== finalValue && ( elem . className = finalValue ) } return this } , toggleClass : function ( value , stateVal ) { var type = typeof value ; return "boolean" == typeof stateVal && "string" === type ? stateVal ? this . addClass ( value ) : this . removeClass ( value ) : jQuery . isFunction ( value ) ? this . each ( function ( i ) { jQuery ( this ) . toggleClass ( value . call ( this , i , this . className , stateVal ) , stateVal ) } ) : this . each ( function ( ) { if ( "string" === type ) for ( var className , i = 0 , self = jQuery ( this ) , classNames = value . match ( rnotwhite ) || [ ] ; className = classNames [ i ++ ] ; ) self . hasClass ( className ) ? self . removeClass ( className ) : self . addClass ( className ) ; else type !== strundefined && "boolean" !== type || ( this . className && jQuery . _data ( this , "__className__" , this . className ) , this . className = this . className || value === ! 1 ? "" : jQuery . _data ( this , "__className__" ) || "" ) } ) } , hasClass : function ( selector ) { for ( var className = " " + selector + " " , i = 0 , l = this . length ; l > i ; i ++ ) if ( 1 === this [ i ] . nodeType && ( " " + this [ i ] . className + " " ) . replace ( rclass , " " ) . indexOf ( className ) >= 0 ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } } ) , jQuery . each ( "blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu" . split ( " " ) , function ( i , name ) { jQuery . fn [ name ] = function ( data , fn ) { return arguments . length > 0 ? this . on ( name , null , data , fn ) : this . trigger ( name ) } } ) , jQuery . fn . extend ( { hover : function ( fnOver , fnOut ) { return
} ( $ . fn . removeData ) ) , $ . ui . ie = ! ! /msie [\w.]+/ . exec ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) ) , $ . fn . extend ( { focus : function ( orig ) { return function ( delay , fn ) { return "number" == typeof delay ? this . each ( function ( ) { var elem = this ; setTimeout ( function ( ) { $ ( elem ) . focus ( ) , fn && fn . call ( elem ) } , delay ) } ) : orig . apply ( this , arguments ) } } ( $ . fn . focus ) , disableSelection : function ( ) { var eventType = "onselectstart" in document . createElement ( "div" ) ? "selectstart" : "mousedown" ; return function ( ) { return this . bind ( eventType + ".ui-disableSelection" , function ( event ) { event . preventDefault ( ) } ) } } ( ) , enableSelection : function ( ) { return this . unbind ( ".ui-disableSelection" ) } , zIndex : function ( zIndex ) { if ( void 0 !== zIndex ) return this . css ( "zIndex" , zIndex ) ; if ( this . length ) for ( var position , value , elem = $ ( this [ 0 ] ) ; elem . length && elem [ 0 ] !== document ; ) { if ( position = elem . css ( "position" ) , ( "absolute" === position || "relative" === position || "fixed" === position ) && ( value = parseInt ( elem . css ( "zIndex" ) , 10 ) , ! isNaN ( value ) && 0 !== value ) ) return value ; elem = elem . parent ( ) } return 0 } } ) , $ . ui . plugin = { add : function ( module , option , set ) { var i , proto = $ . ui [ module ] . prototype ; for ( i in set ) proto . plugins [ i ] = proto . plugins [ i ] || [ ] , proto . plugins [ i ] . push ( [ option , set [ i ] ] ) } , call : function ( instance , name , args , allowDisconnected ) { var i , set = instance . plugins [ name ] ; if ( set && ( allowDisconnected || instance . element [ 0 ] . parentNode && 11 !== instance . element [ 0 ] . parentNode . nodeType ) ) for ( i = 0 ; i < set . length ; i ++ ) instance . options [ set [ i ] [ 0 ] ] && set [ i ] [ 1 ] . apply ( instance . element , args ) } } ; var widget _uuid = 0 , widget _slice = Array . prototype . slice ; $ . cleanData = function ( orig ) { return function ( elems ) { var events , elem , i ; for ( i = 0 ; null != ( elem = elems [ i ] ) ; i ++ ) try { events = $ . _data ( elem , "events" ) , events && events . remove && $ ( elem ) . triggerHandler ( "remove" ) } catch ( e ) { } orig ( elems ) } } ( $ . cleanData ) , $ . widget = function ( name , base , prototype ) { var fullName , existingConstructor , constructor , basePrototype , proxiedPrototype = { } , namespace = name . split ( "." ) [ 0 ] ; return name = name . split ( "." ) [ 1 ] , fullName = namespace + "-" + name , prototype || ( prototype = base , base = $ . Widget ) , $ . expr [ ":" ] [ fullName . toLowerCase ( ) ] = function ( elem ) { return ! ! $ . data ( elem , fullName ) } , $ [ namespace ] = $ [ namespace ] || { } , existingConstructor = $ [ namespace ] [ name ] , constructor = $ [ namespace ] [ name ] = function ( options , element ) { return this . _createWidget ? void ( arguments . length && this . _createWidget ( options , element ) ) : new constructor ( options , element ) } , $ . extend ( constructor , existingConstructor , { version : prototype . version , _proto : $ . extend ( { } , prototype ) , _childConstructors : [ ] } ) , basePrototype = new base , basePrototype . options = $ . widget . extend ( { } , basePrototype . options ) , $ . each ( prototype , function ( prop , value ) { return $ . isFunction ( value ) ? void ( proxiedPrototype [ prop ] = function ( ) { var _super = function ( ) { return base . prototype [ prop ] . apply ( this , arguments ) } , _superApply = function ( args ) { return base . prototype [ prop ] . apply ( this , args ) } ; return function ( ) { var returnValue , _ _super = this . _super , _ _superApply = this . _superApply ; return this . _super = _super , this . _superApply = _superApply , returnValue = value . apply ( this , arguments ) , this . _super = _ _super , this . _superApply = _ _superApply , returnValue } } ( ) ) : void ( proxiedPrototype [ prop ] = value ) } ) , constructor . prototype = $ . widget . extend ( basePrototype , { widgetEventPrefix : existingConstructor ? basePrototype . widgetEventPrefix || name : name } , proxiedPrototype , { constructor : constructor , namespace : namespace , widgetName : name , widgetFullName : fullName } ) , existingConstructor ? ( $ . each ( existingConstructor . _childConstructors , function ( i , child ) { var childPrototype = child . prototype ; $ . widget ( childPrototype . namespace + "." + childPrototype . widgetName , constructor , child . _proto ) } ) , delete existingConstructor . _childConstructors ) : base . _childConstructors . push ( constructor ) , $ . widget . bridge ( name , constructor ) , constructor } , $ . widget . extend = function ( target ) { for ( var key , value , input = widget _slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) , inputIndex = 0 , inputLength = input . length ; inputLength > inputIndex ; inputIndex ++ ) for ( key in input [ inputIndex ] ) value = input [ inputIndex ] [ key ] , input [ inputIndex ] . hasOwnProperty ( key ) && void 0 !== value && ( $ . isPlainObject ( value ) ? target [ key ] = $ . isPlainObject ( target [ key ] ) ? $ . widget . extend ( { } , target [ key ] , value ) : $ . widget . extend ( { } , value ) : target [ key ] = value ) ; return target } , $ . widget . bridge = function
this . _toggle ( eventData ) , active . removeClass ( "ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active" ) , options . icons && active . children ( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" ) . removeClass ( options . icons . activeHeader ) . addClass ( options . icons . header ) , clickedIsActive || ( clicked . removeClass ( "ui-corner-all" ) . addClass ( "ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top" ) , options . icons && clicked . children ( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" ) . removeClass ( options . icons . header ) . addClass ( options . icons . activeHeader ) , clicked . next ( ) . addClass ( "ui-accordion-content-active" ) ) ) } , _toggle : function ( data ) { var toShow = data . newPanel , toHide = this . prevShow . length ? this . prevShow : data . oldPanel ; this . prevShow . add ( this . prevHide ) . stop ( ! 0 , ! 0 ) , this . prevShow = toShow , this . prevHide = toHide , this . options . animate ? this . _animate ( toShow , toHide , data ) : ( toHide . hide ( ) , toShow . show ( ) , this . _toggleComplete ( data ) ) , toHide . attr ( { "aria-hidden" : "true" } ) , toHide . prev ( ) . attr ( "aria-selected" , "false" ) , toShow . length && toHide . length ? toHide . prev ( ) . attr ( { tabIndex : - 1 , "aria-expanded" : "false" } ) : toShow . length && this . headers . filter ( function ( ) { return 0 === $ ( this ) . attr ( "tabIndex" ) } ) . attr ( "tabIndex" , - 1 ) , toShow . attr ( "aria-hidden" , "false" ) . prev ( ) . attr ( { "aria-selected" : "true" , tabIndex : 0 , "aria-expanded" : "true" } ) } , _animate : function ( toShow , toHide , data ) { var total , easing , duration , that = this , adjust = 0 , down = toShow . length && ( ! toHide . length || toShow . index ( ) < toHide . index ( ) ) , animate = this . options . animate || { } , options = down && animate . down || animate , complete = function ( ) { that . _toggleComplete ( data ) } ; return "number" == typeof options && ( duration = options ) , "string" == typeof options && ( easing = options ) , easing = easing || options . easing || animate . easing , duration = duration || options . duration || animate . duration , toHide . length ? toShow . length ? ( total = toShow . show ( ) . outerHeight ( ) , toHide . animate ( this . hideProps , { duration : duration , easing : easing , step : function ( now , fx ) { fx . now = Math . round ( now ) } } ) , void toShow . hide ( ) . animate ( this . showProps , { duration : duration , easing : easing , complete : complete , step : function ( now , fx ) { fx . now = Math . round ( now ) , "height" !== fx . prop ? adjust += fx . now : "content" !== that . options . heightStyle && ( fx . now = Math . round ( total - toHide . outerHeight ( ) - adjust ) , adjust = 0 ) } } ) ) : toHide . animate ( this . hideProps , duration , easing , complete ) : toShow . animate ( this . showProps , duration , easing , complete ) } , _toggleComplete : function ( data ) { var toHide = data . oldPanel ; toHide . removeClass ( "ui-accordion-content-active" ) . prev ( ) . removeClass ( "ui-corner-top" ) . addClass ( "ui-corner-all" ) , toHide . length && ( toHide . parent ( ) [ 0 ] . className = toHide . parent ( ) [ 0 ] . className ) , this . _trigger ( "activate" , null , data ) } } ) , $ . widget ( "ui.menu" , { version : "1.11.2" , defaultElement : "<ul>" , delay : 300 , options : { icons : { submenu : "ui-icon-carat-1-e" } , items : "> *" , menus : "ul" , position : { my : "left-1 top" , at : "right top" } , role : "menu" , blur : null , focus : null , select : null } , _create : function ( ) { this . activeMenu = this . element , this . mouseHandled = ! 1 , this . element . uniqueId ( ) . addClass ( "ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content" ) . toggleClass ( "ui-menu-icons" , ! ! this . element . find ( ".ui-icon" ) . length ) . attr ( { role : this . options . role , tabIndex : 0 } ) , this . options . disabled && this . element . addClass ( "ui-state-disabled" ) . attr ( "aria-disabled" , "true" ) , this . _on ( { "mousedown .ui-menu-item" : function ( event ) { event . preventDefault ( ) } , "click .ui-menu-item" : function ( event ) { var target = $ ( event . target ) ; ! this . mouseHandled && target . not ( ".ui-state-disabled" ) . length && ( this . select ( event ) , event . isPropagationStopped ( ) || ( this . mouseHandled = ! 0 ) , target . has ( ".ui-menu" ) . length ? this . expand ( event ) : ! this . element . is ( ":focus" ) && $ ( this . document [ 0 ] . activeElement ) . closest ( ".ui-menu" ) . length && ( this . element . trigger ( "focus" , [ ! 0 ] ) , this . active && 1 === this . active . parents ( ".ui-menu" ) . length && clearTimeout ( this . timer ) ) ) } , "mouseenter .ui-menu-item" : function ( event ) { if ( ! this . previousFilter ) { var target = $ ( event . currentTarget ) ; target . siblings ( ".ui-state-active" ) . removeClass ( "ui-state-active" ) , this . focus ( event , target ) } } , mouseleave : "collapseAll" , "mouseleave .ui-menu" : "collapseAll" , focus : function ( event , keepActiveItem ) { var item = this . active || this . element . find ( this . options . items ) . eq ( 0 ) ; keepActiveItem || this . focus ( event , item ) } , blur : function ( event ) { this . _delay ( function ( ) { $ . contains ( this . elem
input . unbind ( "focus" , this . _showDatepicker ) , inst . trigger && inst . trigger . remove ( ) , showOn = this . _get ( inst , "showOn" ) , "focus" !== showOn && "both" !== showOn || input . focus ( this . _showDatepicker ) , "button" !== showOn && "both" !== showOn || ( buttonText = this . _get ( inst , "buttonText" ) , buttonImage = this . _get ( inst , "buttonImage" ) , inst . trigger = $ ( this . _get ( inst , "buttonImageOnly" ) ? $ ( "<img/>" ) . addClass ( this . _triggerClass ) . attr ( { src : buttonImage , alt : buttonText , title : buttonText } ) : $ ( "<button type='button'></button>" ) . addClass ( this . _triggerClass ) . html ( buttonImage ? $ ( "<img/>" ) . attr ( { src : buttonImage , alt : buttonText , title : buttonText } ) : buttonText ) ) , input [ isRTL ? "before" : "after" ] ( inst . trigger ) , inst . trigger . click ( function ( ) { return $ . datepicker . _datepickerShowing && $ . datepicker . _lastInput === input [ 0 ] ? $ . datepicker . _hideDatepicker ( ) : $ . datepicker . _datepickerShowing && $ . datepicker . _lastInput !== input [ 0 ] ? ( $ . datepicker . _hideDatepicker ( ) , $ . datepicker . _showDatepicker ( input [ 0 ] ) ) : $ . datepicker . _showDatepicker ( input [ 0 ] ) , ! 1 } ) ) } , _autoSize : function ( inst ) { if ( this . _get ( inst , "autoSize" ) && ! inst . inline ) { var findMax , max , maxI , i , date = new Date ( 2009 , 11 , 20 ) , dateFormat = this . _get ( inst , "dateFormat" ) ; dateFormat . match ( /[DM]/ ) && ( findMax = function ( names ) { for ( max = 0 , maxI = 0 , i = 0 ; i < names . length ; i ++ ) names [ i ] . length > max && ( max = names [ i ] . length , maxI = i ) ; return maxI } , date . setMonth ( findMax ( this . _get ( inst , dateFormat . match ( /MM/ ) ? "monthNames" : "monthNamesShort" ) ) ) , date . setDate ( findMax ( this . _get ( inst , dateFormat . match ( /DD/ ) ? "dayNames" : "dayNamesShort" ) ) + 20 - date . getDay ( ) ) ) , inst . input . attr ( "size" , this . _formatDate ( inst , date ) . length ) } } , _inlineDatepicker : function ( target , inst ) { var divSpan = $ ( target ) ; divSpan . hasClass ( this . markerClassName ) || ( divSpan . addClass ( this . markerClassName ) . append ( inst . dpDiv ) , $ . data ( target , "datepicker" , inst ) , this . _setDate ( inst , this . _getDefaultDate ( inst ) , ! 0 ) , this . _updateDatepicker ( inst ) , this . _updateAlternate ( inst ) , inst . settings . disabled && this . _disableDatepicker ( target ) , inst . dpDiv . css ( "display" , "block" ) ) } , _dialogDatepicker : function ( input , date , onSelect , settings , pos ) { var id , browserWidth , browserHeight , scrollX , scrollY , inst = this . _dialogInst ; return inst || ( this . uuid += 1 , id = "dp" + this . uuid , this . _dialogInput = $ ( "<input type='text' id='" + id + "' style='position: absolute; top: -100px; width: 0px;'/>" ) , this . _dialogInput . keydown ( this . _doKeyDown ) , $ ( "body" ) . append ( this . _dialogInput ) , inst = this . _dialogInst = this . _newInst ( this . _dialogInput , ! 1 ) , inst . settings = { } , $ . data ( this . _dialogInput [ 0 ] , "datepicker" , inst ) ) , datepicker _extendRemove ( inst . settings , settings || { } ) , date = date && date . constructor === Date ? this . _formatDate ( inst , date ) : date , this . _dialogInput . val ( date ) , this . _pos = pos ? pos . length ? pos : [ pos . pageX , pos . pageY ] : null , this . _pos || ( browserWidth = document . documentElement . clientWidth , browserHeight = document . documentElement . clientHeight , scrollX = document . documentElement . scrollLeft || document . body . scrollLeft , scrollY = document . documentElement . scrollTop || document . body . scrollTop , this . _pos = [ browserWidth / 2 - 100 + scrollX , browserHeight / 2 - 150 + scrollY ] ) , this . _dialogInput . css ( "left" , this . _pos [ 0 ] + 20 + "px" ) . css ( "top" , this . _pos [ 1 ] + "px" ) , inst . settings . onSelect = onSelect , this . _inDialog = ! 0 , this . dpDiv . addClass ( this . _dialogClass ) , this . _showDatepicker ( this . _dialogInput [ 0 ] ) , $ . blockUI && $ . blockUI ( this . dpDiv ) , $ . data ( this . _dialogInput [ 0 ] , "datepicker" , inst ) , this } , _destroyDatepicker : function ( target ) { var nodeName , $target = $ ( target ) , inst = $ . data ( target , "datepicker" ) ; $target . hasClass ( this . markerClassName ) && ( nodeName = target . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) , $ . removeData ( target , "datepicker" ) , "input" === nodeName ? ( inst . append . remove ( ) , inst . trigger . remove ( ) , $target . removeClass ( this . markerClassName ) . unbind ( "focus" , this . _showDatepicker ) . unbind ( "keydown" , this . _doKeyDown ) . unbind ( "keypress" , this . _doKeyPress ) . unbind ( "keyup" , this . _doKeyUp ) ) : "div" !== nodeName && "span" !== nodeName || $target . removeClass ( this . markerClassName ) . empty ( ) ) } , _enableDatepicker : function ( target ) { var nodeName , inline , $target = $ ( target ) , inst = $ . data ( target , "datepicker" ) ; $target . hasClass ( this . markerClassName ) && ( nodeName = target . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) , "input" === nodeName ? ( target . disabled = ! 1 , inst . trigger . filter ( "button" ) . each ( function ( ) { this . disabled = ! 1 } ) . end ( )
dayNamesMin = this . _get ( inst , "dayNamesMin" ) , monthNames = this . _get ( inst , "monthNames" ) , monthNamesShort = this . _get ( inst , "monthNamesShort" ) , beforeShowDay = this . _get ( inst , "beforeShowDay" ) , showOtherMonths = this . _get ( inst , "showOtherMonths" ) , selectOtherMonths = this . _get ( inst , "selectOtherMonths" ) , defaultDate = this . _getDefaultDate ( inst ) , html = "" , row = 0 ; row < numMonths [ 0 ] ; row ++ ) { for ( group = "" , this . maxRows = 4 , col = 0 ; col < numMonths [ 1 ] ; col ++ ) { if ( selectedDate = this . _daylightSavingAdjust ( new Date ( drawYear , drawMonth , inst . selectedDay ) ) , cornerClass = " ui-corner-all" , calender = "" , isMultiMonth ) { if ( calender += "<div class='ui-datepicker-group" , numMonths [ 1 ] > 1 ) switch ( col ) { case 0 : calender += " ui-datepicker-group-first" , cornerClass = " ui-corner-" + ( isRTL ? "right" : "left" ) ; break ; case numMonths [ 1 ] - 1 : calender += " ui-datepicker-group-last" , cornerClass = " ui-corner-" + ( isRTL ? "left" : "right" ) ; break ; default : calender += " ui-datepicker-group-middle" , cornerClass = "" } calender += "'>" } for ( calender += "<div class='ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix" + cornerClass + "'>" + ( /all|left/ . test ( cornerClass ) && 0 === row ? isRTL ? next : prev : "" ) + ( /all|right/ . test ( cornerClass ) && 0 === row ? isRTL ? prev : next : "" ) + this . _generateMonthYearHeader ( inst , drawMonth , drawYear , minDate , maxDate , row > 0 || col > 0 , monthNames , monthNamesShort ) + "</div><table class='ui-datepicker-calendar'><thead><tr>" , thead = showWeek ? "<th class='ui-datepicker-week-col'>" + this . _get ( inst , "weekHeader" ) + "</th>" : "" , dow = 0 ; 7 > dow ; dow ++ ) day = ( dow + firstDay ) % 7 , thead += "<th scope='col'" + ( ( dow + firstDay + 6 ) % 7 >= 5 ? " class='ui-datepicker-week-end'" : "" ) + "><span title='" + dayNames [ day ] + "'>" + dayNamesMin [ day ] + "</span></th>" ; for ( calender += thead + "</tr></thead><tbody>" , daysInMonth = this . _getDaysInMonth ( drawYear , drawMonth ) , drawYear === inst . selectedYear && drawMonth === inst . selectedMonth && ( inst . selectedDay = Math . min ( inst . selectedDay , daysInMonth ) ) , leadDays = ( this . _getFirstDayOfMonth ( drawYear , drawMonth ) - firstDay + 7 ) % 7 , curRows = Math . ceil ( ( leadDays + daysInMonth ) / 7 ) , numRows = isMultiMonth && this . maxRows > curRows ? this . maxRows : curRows , this . maxRows = numRows , printDate = this . _daylightSavingAdjust ( new Date ( drawYear , drawMonth , 1 - leadDays ) ) , dRow = 0 ; numRows > dRow ; dRow ++ ) { for ( calender += "<tr>" , tbody = showWeek ? "<td class='ui-datepicker-week-col'>" + this . _get ( inst , "calculateWeek" ) ( printDate ) + "</td>" : "" , dow = 0 ; 7 > dow ; dow ++ ) daySettings = beforeShowDay ? beforeShowDay . apply ( inst . input ? inst . input [ 0 ] : null , [ printDate ] ) : [ ! 0 , "" ] , otherMonth = printDate . getMonth ( ) !== drawMonth , unselectable = otherMonth && ! selectOtherMonths || ! daySettings [ 0 ] || minDate && minDate > printDate || maxDate && printDate > maxDate , tbody += "<td class='" + ( ( dow + firstDay + 6 ) % 7 >= 5 ? " ui-datepicker-week-end" : "" ) + ( otherMonth ? " ui-datepicker-other-month" : "" ) + ( printDate . getTime ( ) === selectedDate . getTime ( ) && drawMonth === inst . selectedMonth && inst . _keyEvent || defaultDate . getTime ( ) === printDate . getTime ( ) && defaultDate . getTime ( ) === selectedDate . getTime ( ) ? " " + this . _dayOverClass : "" ) + ( unselectable ? " " + this . _unselectableClass + " ui-state-disabled" : "" ) + ( otherMonth && ! showOtherMonths ? "" : " " + daySettings [ 1 ] + ( printDate . getTime ( ) === currentDate . getTime ( ) ? " " + this . _currentClass : "" ) + ( printDate . getTime ( ) === today . getTime ( ) ? " ui-datepicker-today" : "" ) ) + "'" + ( otherMonth && ! showOtherMonths || ! daySettings [ 2 ] ? "" : " title='" + daySettings [ 2 ] . replace ( /'/g , "'" ) + "'" ) + ( unselectable ? "" : " data-handler='selectDay' data-event='click' data-month='" + printDate . getMonth ( ) + "' data-year='" + printDate . getFullYear ( ) + "'" ) + ">" + ( otherMonth && ! showOtherMonths ? " " : unselectable ? "<span class='ui-state-default'>" + printDate . getDate ( ) + "</span>" : "<a class='ui-state-default" + ( printDate . getTime ( ) === today . getTime ( ) ? " ui-state-highlight" : "" ) + ( printDate . getTime ( ) === currentDate . getTime ( ) ? " ui-state-active" : "" ) + ( otherMonth ? " ui-priority-secondary" : "" ) + "' href='#'>" + printDate . getDate ( ) + "</a>" ) + "</td>" , printDate . setDate ( printDate . getDate ( ) + 1 ) , printDate = this . _daylightSavingAdjust ( printDate ) ; calender += tbody + "</tr>" } drawMonth ++ , drawMonth > 11 && ( drawMonth = 0 , drawYear ++ ) , calender += "</tbody></table>" + ( isMultiMonth ? "</div>" + ( numMonths [ 0 ] > 0 && col === numMonths [ 1 ] - 1 ? "<div class='ui-datepicker-row-break'></div>" : "" ) : "" ) , group += calender } html += group } return html += butt
} , _isNumber : function ( value ) { return ! isNaN ( parseInt ( value , 10 ) ) } , _hasScroll : function ( el , a ) { if ( "hidden" === $ ( el ) . css ( "overflow" ) ) return ! 1 ; var scroll = a && "left" === a ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop" , has = ! 1 ; return el [ scroll ] > 0 ? ! 0 : ( el [ scroll ] = 1 , has = el [ scroll ] > 0 , el [ scroll ] = 0 , has ) } , _create : function ( ) { var n , i , handle , axis , hname , that = this , o = this . options ; if ( this . element . addClass ( "ui-resizable" ) , $ . extend ( this , { _aspectRatio : ! ! o . aspectRatio , aspectRatio : o . aspectRatio , originalElement : this . element , _proportionallyResizeElements : [ ] , _helper : o . helper || o . ghost || o . animate ? o . helper || "ui-resizable-helper" : null } ) , this . element [ 0 ] . nodeName . match ( /canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img/i ) && ( this . element . wrap ( $ ( "<div class='ui-wrapper' style='overflow: hidden;'></div>" ) . css ( { position : this . element . css ( "position" ) , width : this . element . outerWidth ( ) , height : this . element . outerHeight ( ) , top : this . element . css ( "top" ) , left : this . element . css ( "left" ) } ) ) , this . element = this . element . parent ( ) . data ( "ui-resizable" , this . element . resizable ( "instance" ) ) , this . elementIsWrapper = ! 0 , this . element . css ( { marginLeft : this . originalElement . css ( "marginLeft" ) , marginTop : this . originalElement . css ( "marginTop" ) , marginRight : this . originalElement . css ( "marginRight" ) , marginBottom : this . originalElement . css ( "marginBottom" ) } ) , this . originalElement . css ( { marginLeft : 0 , marginTop : 0 , marginRight : 0 , marginBottom : 0 } ) , this . originalResizeStyle = this . originalElement . css ( "resize" ) , this . originalElement . css ( "resize" , "none" ) , this . _proportionallyResizeElements . push ( this . originalElement . css ( { position : "static" , zoom : 1 , display : "block" } ) ) , this . originalElement . css ( { margin : this . originalElement . css ( "margin" ) } ) , this . _proportionallyResize ( ) ) , this . handles = o . handles || ( $ ( ".ui-resizable-handle" , this . element ) . length ? { n : ".ui-resizable-n" , e : ".ui-resizable-e" , s : ".ui-resizable-s" , w : ".ui-resizable-w" , se : ".ui-resizable-se" , sw : ".ui-resizable-sw" , ne : ".ui-resizable-ne" , nw : ".ui-resizable-nw" } : "e,s,se" ) , this . handles . constructor === String ) for ( "all" === this . handles && ( this . handles = "n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw" ) , n = this . handles . split ( "," ) , this . handles = { } , i = 0 ; i < n . length ; i ++ ) handle = $ . trim ( n [ i ] ) , hname = "ui-resizable-" + handle , axis = $ ( "<div class='ui-resizable-handle " + hname + "'></div>" ) , axis . css ( { zIndex : o . zIndex } ) , "se" === handle && axis . addClass ( "ui-icon ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se" ) , this . handles [ handle ] = ".ui-resizable-" + handle , this . element . append ( axis ) ; this . _renderAxis = function ( target ) { var i , axis , padPos , padWrapper ; target = target || this . element ; for ( i in this . handles ) this . handles [ i ] . constructor === String && ( this . handles [ i ] = this . element . children ( this . handles [ i ] ) . first ( ) . show ( ) ) , this . elementIsWrapper && this . originalElement [ 0 ] . nodeName . match ( /textarea|input|select|button/i ) && ( axis = $ ( this . handles [ i ] , this . element ) , padWrapper = /sw|ne|nw|se|n|s/ . test ( i ) ? axis . outerHeight ( ) : axis . outerWidth ( ) , padPos = [ "padding" , /ne|nw|n/ . test ( i ) ? "Top" : /se|sw|s/ . test ( i ) ? "Bottom" : /^e$/ . test ( i ) ? "Right" : "Left" ] . join ( "" ) , target . css ( padPos , padWrapper ) , this . _proportionallyResize ( ) ) , $ ( this . handles [ i ] ) . length } , this . _renderAxis ( this . element ) , this . _handles = $ ( ".ui-resizable-handle" , this . element ) . disableSelection ( ) , this . _handles . mouseover ( function ( ) { that . resizing || ( this . className && ( axis = this . className . match ( /ui-resizable-(se|sw|ne|nw|n|e|s|w)/i ) ) , that . axis = axis && axis [ 1 ] ? axis [ 1 ] : "se" ) } ) , o . autoHide && ( this . _handles . hide ( ) , $ ( this . element ) . addClass ( "ui-resizable-autohide" ) . mouseenter ( function ( ) { o . disabled || ( $ ( this ) . removeClass ( "ui-resizable-autohide" ) , that . _handles . show ( ) ) } ) . mouseleave ( function ( ) { o . disabled || that . resizing || ( $ ( this ) . addClass ( "ui-resizable-autohide" ) , that . _handles . hide ( ) ) } ) ) , this . _mouseInit ( ) } , _destroy : function ( ) { this . _mouseDestroy ( ) ; var wrapper , _destroy = function ( exp ) { $ ( exp ) . removeClass ( "ui-resizable ui-resizable-disabled ui-resizable-resizing" ) . removeData ( "resizable" ) . removeData ( "ui-resizable" ) . unbind ( ".resizable" ) . find ( ".ui-resizable-handle" ) . remove ( ) } ; return this . elementIsWrapper && ( _destroy ( this . element ) , wrapper = this . element , this . originalElement . css ( { position : wrapper . css ( "position" ) , width : wrapper . outerWidth ( ) , height : wrapper . outerHeight ( ) , top : wrapper . css ( "top" ) , left : wrapper . css ( "left" ) } ) . insertAfter ( wrapper ) , wrapper . rem
isResizable && ! value && uiDialog . resizable ( "destroy" ) , isResizable && "string" == typeof value && uiDialog . resizable ( "option" , "handles" , value ) , isResizable || value === ! 1 || this . _makeResizable ( ) ) , "title" === key && this . _title ( this . uiDialogTitlebar . find ( ".ui-dialog-title" ) ) ) } , _size : function ( ) { var nonContentHeight , minContentHeight , maxContentHeight , options = this . options ; this . element . show ( ) . css ( { width : "auto" , minHeight : 0 , maxHeight : "none" , height : 0 } ) , options . minWidth > options . width && ( options . width = options . minWidth ) , nonContentHeight = this . uiDialog . css ( { height : "auto" , width : options . width } ) . outerHeight ( ) , minContentHeight = Math . max ( 0 , options . minHeight - nonContentHeight ) , maxContentHeight = "number" == typeof options . maxHeight ? Math . max ( 0 , options . maxHeight - nonContentHeight ) : "none" , "auto" === options . height ? this . element . css ( { minHeight : minContentHeight , maxHeight : maxContentHeight , height : "auto" } ) : this . element . height ( Math . max ( 0 , options . height - nonContentHeight ) ) , this . uiDialog . is ( ":data(ui-resizable)" ) && this . uiDialog . resizable ( "option" , "minHeight" , this . _minHeight ( ) ) } , _blockFrames : function ( ) { this . iframeBlocks = this . document . find ( "iframe" ) . map ( function ( ) { var iframe = $ ( this ) ; return $ ( "<div>" ) . css ( { position : "absolute" , width : iframe . outerWidth ( ) , height : iframe . outerHeight ( ) } ) . appendTo ( iframe . parent ( ) ) . offset ( iframe . offset ( ) ) [ 0 ] } ) } , _unblockFrames : function ( ) { this . iframeBlocks && ( this . iframeBlocks . remove ( ) , delete this . iframeBlocks ) } , _allowInteraction : function ( event ) { return $ ( event . target ) . closest ( ".ui-dialog" ) . length ? ! 0 : ! ! $ ( event . target ) . closest ( ".ui-datepicker" ) . length } , _createOverlay : function ( ) { if ( this . options . modal ) { var isOpening = ! 0 ; this . _delay ( function ( ) { isOpening = ! 1 } ) , this . document . data ( "ui-dialog-overlays" ) || this . _on ( this . document , { focusin : function ( event ) { isOpening || this . _allowInteraction ( event ) || ( event . preventDefault ( ) , this . _trackingInstances ( ) [ 0 ] . _focusTabbable ( ) ) } } ) , this . overlay = $ ( "<div>" ) . addClass ( "ui-widget-overlay ui-front" ) . appendTo ( this . _appendTo ( ) ) , this . _on ( this . overlay , { mousedown : "_keepFocus" } ) , this . document . data ( "ui-dialog-overlays" , ( this . document . data ( "ui-dialog-overlays" ) || 0 ) + 1 ) } } , _destroyOverlay : function ( ) { if ( this . options . modal && this . overlay ) { var overlays = this . document . data ( "ui-dialog-overlays" ) - 1 ; overlays ? this . document . data ( "ui-dialog-overlays" , overlays ) : this . document . unbind ( "focusin" ) . removeData ( "ui-dialog-overlays" ) , this . overlay . remove ( ) , this . overlay = null } } } ) ; $ . widget ( "ui.droppable" , { version : "1.11.2" , widgetEventPrefix : "drop" , options : { accept : "*" , activeClass : ! 1 , addClasses : ! 0 , greedy : ! 1 , hoverClass : ! 1 , scope : "default" , tolerance : "intersect" , activate : null , deactivate : null , drop : null , out : null , over : null } , _create : function ( ) { var proportions , o = this . options , accept = o . accept ; this . isover = ! 1 , this . isout = ! 0 , this . accept = $ . isFunction ( accept ) ? accept : function ( d ) { return d . is ( accept ) } , this . proportions = function ( ) { return arguments . length ? void ( proportions = arguments [ 0 ] ) : proportions ? proportions : proportions = { width : this . element [ 0 ] . offsetWidth , height : this . element [ 0 ] . offsetHeight } } , this . _addToManager ( o . scope ) , o . addClasses && this . element . addClass ( "ui-droppable" ) } , _addToManager : function ( scope ) { $ . ui . ddmanager . droppables [ scope ] = $ . ui . ddmanager . droppables [ scope ] || [ ] , $ . ui . ddmanager . droppables [ scope ] . push ( this ) } , _splice : function ( drop ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < drop . length ; i ++ ) drop [ i ] === this && drop . splice ( i , 1 ) } , _destroy : function ( ) { var drop = $ . ui . ddmanager . droppables [ this . options . scope ] ; this . _splice ( drop ) , this . element . removeClass ( "ui-droppable ui-droppable-disabled" ) } , _setOption : function ( key , value ) { if ( "accept" === key ) this . accept = $ . isFunction ( value ) ? value : function ( d ) { return d . is ( value ) } ; else if ( "scope" === key ) { var drop = $ . ui . ddmanager . droppables [ this . options . scope ] ; this . _splice ( drop ) , this . _addToManager ( value ) } this . _super ( key , value ) } , _activate : function ( event ) { var draggable = $ . ui . ddmanager . current ; this . options . activeClass && this . element . addClass ( this . options . activeClass ) , draggable && this . _trigger ( "activate" , event , this . ui ( draggable ) ) } , _deactivate : function ( event ) { var draggable = $ . ui . ddmanager . current ; this . options . activeClass && this . element . removeClass ( this . options . activeClass ) , draggable && this . _trigger ( "deactivate" , event , this . ui ( dragg
my = i - ( rows - 1 ) / 2 , j = 0 ; cells > j ; j ++ ) left = offset . left + j * width , mx = j - ( cells - 1 ) / 2 , el . clone ( ) . appendTo ( "body" ) . wrap ( "<div></div>" ) . css ( { position : "absolute" , visibility : "visible" , left : - j * width , top : - i * height } ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( "ui-effects-explode" ) . css ( { position : "absolute" , overflow : "hidden" , width : width , height : height , left : left + ( show ? mx * width : 0 ) , top : top + ( show ? my * height : 0 ) , opacity : show ? 0 : 1 } ) . animate ( { left : left + ( show ? 0 : mx * width ) , top : top + ( show ? 0 : my * height ) , opacity : show ? 1 : 0 } , o . duration || 500 , o . easing , childComplete ) } , $ . effects . effect . fade = function ( o , done ) { var el = $ ( this ) , mode = $ . effects . setMode ( el , o . mode || "toggle" ) ; el . animate ( { opacity : mode } , { queue : ! 1 , duration : o . duration , easing : o . easing , complete : done } ) } , $ . effects . effect . fold = function ( o , done ) { var wrapper , distance , el = $ ( this ) , props = [ "position" , "top" , "bottom" , "left" , "right" , "height" , "width" ] , mode = $ . effects . setMode ( el , o . mode || "hide" ) , show = "show" === mode , hide = "hide" === mode , size = o . size || 15 , percent = /([0-9]+)%/ . exec ( size ) , horizFirst = ! ! o . horizFirst , widthFirst = show !== horizFirst , ref = widthFirst ? [ "width" , "height" ] : [ "height" , "width" ] , duration = o . duration / 2 , animation1 = { } , animation2 = { } ; $ . effects . save ( el , props ) , el . show ( ) , wrapper = $ . effects . createWrapper ( el ) . css ( { overflow : "hidden" } ) , distance = widthFirst ? [ wrapper . width ( ) , wrapper . height ( ) ] : [ wrapper . height ( ) , wrapper . width ( ) ] , percent && ( size = parseInt ( percent [ 1 ] , 10 ) / 100 * distance [ hide ? 0 : 1 ] ) , show && wrapper . css ( horizFirst ? { height : 0 , width : size } : { height : size , width : 0 } ) , animation1 [ ref [ 0 ] ] = show ? distance [ 0 ] : size , animation2 [ ref [ 1 ] ] = show ? distance [ 1 ] : 0 , wrapper . animate ( animation1 , duration , o . easing ) . animate ( animation2 , duration , o . easing , function ( ) { hide && el . hide ( ) , $ . effects . restore ( el , props ) , $ . effects . removeWrapper ( el ) , done ( ) } ) } , $ . effects . effect . highlight = function ( o , done ) { var elem = $ ( this ) , props = [ "backgroundImage" , "backgroundColor" , "opacity" ] , mode = $ . effects . setMode ( elem , o . mode || "show" ) , animation = { backgroundColor : elem . css ( "backgroundColor" ) } ; "hide" === mode && ( animation . opacity = 0 ) , $ . effects . save ( elem , props ) , elem . show ( ) . css ( { backgroundImage : "none" , backgroundColor : o . color || "#ffff99" } ) . animate ( animation , { queue : ! 1 , duration : o . duration , easing : o . easing , complete : function ( ) { "hide" === mode && elem . hide ( ) , $ . effects . restore ( elem , props ) , done ( ) } } ) } , $ . effects . effect . size = function ( o , done ) { var original , baseline , factor , el = $ ( this ) , props0 = [ "position" , "top" , "bottom" , "left" , "right" , "width" , "height" , "overflow" , "opacity" ] , props1 = [ "position" , "top" , "bottom" , "left" , "right" , "overflow" , "opacity" ] , props2 = [ "width" , "height" , "overflow" ] , cProps = [ "fontSize" ] , vProps = [ "borderTopWidth" , "borderBottomWidth" , "paddingTop" , "paddingBottom" ] , hProps = [ "borderLeftWidth" , "borderRightWidth" , "paddingLeft" , "paddingRight" ] , mode = $ . effects . setMode ( el , o . mode || "effect" ) , restore = o . restore || "effect" !== mode , scale = o . scale || "both" , origin = o . origin || [ "middle" , "center" ] , position = el . css ( "position" ) , props = restore ? props0 : props1 , zero = { height : 0 , width : 0 , outerHeight : 0 , outerWidth : 0 } ; "show" === mode && el . show ( ) , original = { height : el . height ( ) , width : el . width ( ) , outerHeight : el . outerHeight ( ) , outerWidth : el . outerWidth ( ) } , "toggle" === o . mode && "show" === mode ? ( el . from = o . to || zero , el . to = o . from || original ) : ( el . from = o . from || ( "show" === mode ? zero : original ) , el . to = o . to || ( "hide" === mode ? zero : original ) ) , factor = { from : { y : el . from . height / original . height , x : el . from . width / original . width } , to : { y : el . to . height / original . height , x : el . to . width / original . width } } , "box" !== scale && "both" !== scale || ( factor . from . y !== factor . to . y && ( props = props . concat ( vProps ) , el . from = $ . effects . setTransition ( el , vProps , factor . from . y , el . from ) , el . to = $ . effects . setTransition ( el , vProps , factor . to . y , el . to ) ) , factor . from . x !== factor . to . x && ( props = props . concat ( hProps ) , el . from = $ . effects . setTransition ( el , hProps , factor . from . x , el . from ) , el . to = $ . effects . setTransition ( el , hProps , factor . to . x , el . to ) ) ) , "content" !== scale && "both" !== scale || factor . from . y !== factor . to . y && ( props = props . concat ( cProps ) . concat ( props2 ) , el . from = $ . effects . setTransition ( el , cProps , factor . from . y , el . from ) , el . to = $ . effects . setTransition ( el , cProps , factor . to . y , el . to ) ) , $ . effects . save ( el , props ) , el . show ( ) , $ . effects . createWrapper ( el ) , el . css ( "overflow" , "hidden" ) . css ( el . from ) , origin && ( baseline = $ . effects . getBa
valueMouse = this . _valueMin ( ) + percentMouse * valueTotal , this . _trimAlignValue ( valueMouse ) } , _start : function ( event , index ) { var uiHash = { handle : this . handles [ index ] , value : this . value ( ) } ; return this . options . values && this . options . values . length && ( uiHash . value = this . values ( index ) , uiHash . values = this . values ( ) ) , this . _trigger ( "start" , event , uiHash ) } , _slide : function ( event , index , newVal ) { var otherVal , newValues , allowed ; this . options . values && this . options . values . length ? ( otherVal = this . values ( index ? 0 : 1 ) , 2 === this . options . values . length && this . options . range === ! 0 && ( 0 === index && newVal > otherVal || 1 === index && otherVal > newVal ) && ( newVal = otherVal ) , newVal !== this . values ( index ) && ( newValues = this . values ( ) , newValues [ index ] = newVal , allowed = this . _trigger ( "slide" , event , { handle : this . handles [ index ] , value : newVal , values : newValues } ) , otherVal = this . values ( index ? 0 : 1 ) , allowed !== ! 1 && this . values ( index , newVal ) ) ) : newVal !== this . value ( ) && ( allowed = this . _trigger ( "slide" , event , { handle : this . handles [ index ] , value : newVal } ) , allowed !== ! 1 && this . value ( newVal ) ) } , _stop : function ( event , index ) { var uiHash = { handle : this . handles [ index ] , value : this . value ( ) } ; this . options . values && this . options . values . length && ( uiHash . value = this . values ( index ) , uiHash . values = this . values ( ) ) , this . _trigger ( "stop" , event , uiHash ) } , _change : function ( event , index ) { if ( ! this . _keySliding && ! this . _mouseSliding ) { var uiHash = { handle : this . handles [ index ] , value : this . value ( ) } ; this . options . values && this . options . values . length && ( uiHash . value = this . values ( index ) , uiHash . values = this . values ( ) ) , this . _lastChangedValue = index , this . _trigger ( "change" , event , uiHash ) } } , value : function ( newValue ) { return arguments . length ? ( this . options . value = this . _trimAlignValue ( newValue ) , this . _refreshValue ( ) , void this . _change ( null , 0 ) ) : this . _value ( ) } , values : function ( index , newValue ) { var vals , newValues , i ; if ( arguments . length > 1 ) return this . options . values [ index ] = this . _trimAlignValue ( newValue ) , this . _refreshValue ( ) , void this . _change ( null , index ) ; if ( ! arguments . length ) return this . _values ( ) ; if ( ! $ . isArray ( arguments [ 0 ] ) ) return this . options . values && this . options . values . length ? this . _values ( index ) : this . value ( ) ; for ( vals = this . options . values , newValues = arguments [ 0 ] , i = 0 ; i < vals . length ; i += 1 ) vals [ i ] = this . _trimAlignValue ( newValues [ i ] ) , this . _change ( null , i ) ; this . _refreshValue ( ) } , _setOption : function ( key , value ) { var i , valsLength = 0 ; switch ( "range" === key && this . options . range === ! 0 && ( "min" === value ? ( this . options . value = this . _values ( 0 ) , this . options . values = null ) : "max" === value && ( this . options . value = this . _values ( this . options . values . length - 1 ) , this . options . values = null ) ) , $ . isArray ( this . options . values ) && ( valsLength = this . options . values . length ) , "disabled" === key && this . element . toggleClass ( "ui-state-disabled" , ! ! value ) , this . _super ( key , value ) , key ) { case "orientation" : this . _detectOrientation ( ) , this . element . removeClass ( "ui-slider-horizontal ui-slider-vertical" ) . addClass ( "ui-slider-" + this . orientation ) , this . _refreshValue ( ) , this . handles . css ( "horizontal" === value ? "bottom" : "left" , "" ) ; break ; case "value" : this . _animateOff = ! 0 , this . _refreshValue ( ) , this . _change ( null , 0 ) , this . _animateOff = ! 1 ; break ; case "values" : for ( this . _animateOff = ! 0 , this . _refreshValue ( ) , i = 0 ; valsLength > i ; i += 1 ) this . _change ( null , i ) ; this . _animateOff = ! 1 ; break ; case "step" : case "min" : case "max" : this . _animateOff = ! 0 , this . _calculateNewMax ( ) , this . _refreshValue ( ) , this . _animateOff = ! 1 ; break ; case "range" : this . _animateOff = ! 0 , this . _refresh ( ) , this . _animateOff = ! 1 } } , _value : function ( ) { var val = this . options . value ; return val = this . _trimAlignValue ( val ) } , _values : function ( index ) { var val , vals , i ; if ( arguments . length ) return val = this . options . values [ index ] , val = this . _trimAlignValue ( val ) ; if ( this . options . values && this . options . values . length ) { for ( vals = this . options . values . slice ( ) , i = 0 ; i < vals . length ; i += 1 ) vals [ i ] = this . _trimAlignValue ( vals [ i ] ) ; return vals } return [ ] } , _trimAlignValue : function ( val ) { if ( val <= this . _valueMin ( ) ) return this . _valueMin ( ) ; if ( val >= this . _valueMax ( ) ) return this . _valueMax ( ) ; var step = this . options . step > 0 ? this . options . step : 1 , valModStep = ( val - this . _valueMin ( ) ) % step , alignValue = val - valModStep ; return 2 * Math . abs ( valModStep ) >= step && ( alignValue += valModStep > 0 ? step : - step ) , parseFloat ( alignValue . toFixed ( 5 ) ) } , _calculateNewMax : function ( ) { var remaind
} } , _rearrange : function ( event , i , a , hardRefresh ) { a ? a [ 0 ] . appendChild ( this . placeholder [ 0 ] ) : i . item [ 0 ] . parentNode . insertBefore ( this . placeholder [ 0 ] , "down" === this . direction ? i . item [ 0 ] : i . item [ 0 ] . nextSibling ) , this . counter = this . counter ? ++ this . counter : 1 ; var counter = this . counter ; this . _delay ( function ( ) { counter === this . counter && this . refreshPositions ( ! hardRefresh ) } ) } , _clear : function ( event , noPropagation ) { function delayEvent ( type , instance , container ) { return function ( event ) { container . _trigger ( type , event , instance . _uiHash ( instance ) ) } } this . reverting = ! 1 ; var i , delayedTriggers = [ ] ; if ( ! this . _noFinalSort && this . currentItem . parent ( ) . length && this . placeholder . before ( this . currentItem ) , this . _noFinalSort = null , this . helper [ 0 ] === this . currentItem [ 0 ] ) { for ( i in this . _storedCSS ) "auto" !== this . _storedCSS [ i ] && "static" !== this . _storedCSS [ i ] || ( this . _storedCSS [ i ] = "" ) ; this . currentItem . css ( this . _storedCSS ) . removeClass ( "ui-sortable-helper" ) } else this . currentItem . show ( ) ; for ( this . fromOutside && ! noPropagation && delayedTriggers . push ( function ( event ) { this . _trigger ( "receive" , event , this . _uiHash ( this . fromOutside ) ) } ) , ! this . fromOutside && this . domPosition . prev === this . currentItem . prev ( ) . not ( ".ui-sortable-helper" ) [ 0 ] && this . domPosition . parent === this . currentItem . parent ( ) [ 0 ] || noPropagation || delayedTriggers . push ( function ( event ) { this . _trigger ( "update" , event , this . _uiHash ( ) ) } ) , this !== this . currentContainer && ( noPropagation || ( delayedTriggers . push ( function ( event ) { this . _trigger ( "remove" , event , this . _uiHash ( ) ) } ) , delayedTriggers . push ( function ( c ) { return function ( event ) { c . _trigger ( "receive" , event , this . _uiHash ( this ) ) } } . call ( this , this . currentContainer ) ) , delayedTriggers . push ( function ( c ) { return function ( event ) { c . _trigger ( "update" , event , this . _uiHash ( this ) ) } } . call ( this , this . currentContainer ) ) ) ) , i = this . containers . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) noPropagation || delayedTriggers . push ( delayEvent ( "deactivate" , this , this . containers [ i ] ) ) , this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over && ( delayedTriggers . push ( delayEvent ( "out" , this , this . containers [ i ] ) ) , this . containers [ i ] . containerCache . over = 0 ) ; if ( this . storedCursor && ( this . document . find ( "body" ) . css ( "cursor" , this . storedCursor ) , this . storedStylesheet . remove ( ) ) , this . _storedOpacity && this . helper . css ( "opacity" , this . _storedOpacity ) , this . _storedZIndex && this . helper . css ( "zIndex" , "auto" === this . _storedZIndex ? "" : this . _storedZIndex ) , this . dragging = ! 1 , noPropagation || this . _trigger ( "beforeStop" , event , this . _uiHash ( ) ) , this . placeholder [ 0 ] . parentNode . removeChild ( this . placeholder [ 0 ] ) , this . cancelHelperRemoval || ( this . helper [ 0 ] !== this . currentItem [ 0 ] && this . helper . remove ( ) , this . helper = null ) , ! noPropagation ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < delayedTriggers . length ; i ++ ) delayedTriggers [ i ] . call ( this , event ) ; this . _trigger ( "stop" , event , this . _uiHash ( ) ) } return this . fromOutside = ! 1 , ! this . cancelHelperRemoval } , _trigger : function ( ) { $ . Widget . prototype . _trigger . apply ( this , arguments ) === ! 1 && this . cancel ( ) } , _uiHash : function ( _inst ) { var inst = _inst || this ; return { helper : inst . helper , placeholder : inst . placeholder || $ ( [ ] ) , position : inst . position , originalPosition : inst . originalPosition , offset : inst . positionAbs , item : inst . currentItem , sender : _inst ? _inst . element : null } } } ) , $ . widget ( "ui.spinner" , { version : "1.11.2" , defaultElement : "<input>" , widgetEventPrefix : "spin" , options : { culture : null , icons : { down : "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" , up : "ui-icon-triangle-1-n" } , incremental : ! 0 , max : null , min : null , numberFormat : null , page : 10 , step : 1 , change : null , spin : null , start : null , stop : null } , _create : function ( ) { this . _setOption ( "max" , this . options . max ) , this . _setOption ( "min" , this . options . min ) , this . _setOption ( "step" , this . options . step ) , "" !== this . value ( ) && this . _value ( this . element . val ( ) , ! 0 ) , this . _draw ( ) , this . _on ( this . _events ) , this . _refresh ( ) , this . _on ( this . window , { beforeunload : function ( ) { this . element . removeAttr ( "autocomplete" ) } } ) } , _getCreateOptions : function ( ) { var options = { } , element = this . element ; return $ . each ( [ "min" , "max" , "step" ] , function ( i , option ) { var value = element . attr ( option ) ; void 0 !== value && value . length && ( options [ option ] = value ) } ) , options } , _events : { keydown : function ( event ) { this . _start ( event ) && this . _keydown ( event ) && event . preventDefault ( ) } , keyup : "_stop" , focus : function ( ) { this . previous = this . element . val ( ) } , blur : function ( event ) { return this . cancelBl
info : function ( ) { } } ) , egw _seperateJavaScript = function ( _html ) { for ( var html = _html . html , in _pos = html . search ( /<script/im ) , out _pos = html . search ( /<\/script>/im ) ; in _pos > - 1 && out _pos > - 1 ; ) { var js _str = html . substring ( in _pos , out _pos + 9 ) ; _html . js += js _str , html = html . substring ( 0 , in _pos ) + html . substring ( out _pos + 9 ) ; var in _pos = html . search ( /<script/im ) , out _pos = html . search ( /<\/script>/im ) } _html . html = html } , window . egw _getFramework = function ( ) { return "undefined" != typeof window . framework ? framework : "undefined" != typeof window . parent . egw _getFramework && window != window . parent ? window . parent . egw _getFramework ( ) : null } , window . register _app _refresh = function ( appname , refresh _func ) { var framework = window . egw _getFramework ( ) ; null != framework && "function" == typeof framework . register _app _refresh ? framework . register _app _refresh ( appname , refresh _func ) : ( "function" != typeof window . app _refresh && ( window . app _refresh = function ( _msg , appname , _id , _type ) { window . app _refresh . registry [ appname ] && window . app _refresh . registry [ appname ] . call ( this , _msg , appname , _id , _type ) } , window . app _refresh . registry = { } , window . app _refresh . registered = function ( appname ) { return "function" == typeof window . app _refresh . registry [ appname ] } ) , window . app _refresh . registry [ appname ] = refresh _func ) } , $j ( function ( ) { $j ( document ) . on ( "click" , ".uiaccountselection_trigger" , function ( ) { var selectBox = document . getElementById ( this . id . replace ( /(_multiple|_popup)$/ , "" ) ) ; if ( selectBox ) { var link = selectBox . getAttribute ( "data-popup-link" ) ; selectBox . multiple || this . id . match ( /_popup$/ ) ? window . open ( link , "uiaccountsel" , "width=600,height=420,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes" ) : ( selectBox . size = 4 , selectBox . multiple = ! 0 , "" == selectBox . options [ 0 ] . value && ( selectBox . options [ 0 ] = null ) , $j ( selectBox ) . hasClass ( "groupmembers" ) || $j ( selectBox ) . hasClass ( "selectbox" ) ? ( this . style . display = "none" , selectBox . style . width = "100%" ) : ( this . src = egw . image ( "search" ) , this . title = egw . lang ( "Search accounts" ) ) ) } } ) , $j ( document ) . on ( "change" , "select.uiaccountselection" , function ( e ) { if ( "popup" == this . value ) { var link = this . getAttribute ( "data-popup-link" ) ; window . open ( link , "uiaccountsel" , "width=600,height=420,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes" ) , e . preventDefault ( ) } } ) } ) ; var egw _json _files = { } ; $j ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $j ( "script, link" ) . each ( function ( ) { var file = ! 1 ; $j ( this ) . attr ( "src" ) ? file = $j ( this ) . attr ( "src" ) : $j ( this ) . attr ( "href" ) && ( file = $j ( this ) . attr ( "href" ) ) , file && ( egw _json _files [ file ] = ! 0 ) } ) } ) ; var _egw _json _plugins = [ ] ; egw _json _request . prototype . setAppObject = function ( _app ) { this . app = _app } , egw _json _request . prototype . _assembleAjaxUrl = function ( _menuaction ) { var webserver _url = egw _topWindow ( ) . egw _webserverUrl ; if ( "undefined" == typeof webserver _url ) throw "Internal JS error, top window not found, webserver url could not be retrieved." ; return webserver _url + "/json.php?menuaction=" + _menuaction } , egw _json _request . prototype . sendRequest = function ( _async , _callback , _sender ) { egw . debug ( "warn" , "egw_json_request is deprecated\nUse egw.json(menuaction, parameters [,callback, context, async, sender]).sendRequest() instead." ) , this . sender = _sender , "undefined" != typeof _callback && ( this . callback = _callback ) ; var is _async = ! 0 ; "undefined" != typeof _async && ( is _async = _async ) ; var request _obj = { json _data : egw . jsonEncode ( { request : { parameters : this . parameters } } ) } ; this . request = $j . ajax ( { url : this . url , async : is _async , context : this , data : request _obj , dataType : "json" , type : "POST" , success : this . handleResponse , error : function ( _xmlhttp , _err ) { window . console . error ( "Ajax request to " + this . url + " failed: " + _err ) } } ) } , egw _json _request . prototype . abort = function ( ) { this . request . abort ( ) } , egw _json _request . prototype . alertFunc = function ( _message , _details ) { alert ( _message ) , _details && _egw _json _debug _log ( _message , _details ) } , egw _json _request . prototype . jsonError = function ( _msg , _e ) { var msg = "EGW JSON Error: " + _msg ; _egw _json _debug _log ( msg , _e ) , this . alertHandler ( msg ) } , egw _json _request . prototype . handleResponse = function ( data , textStatus , XMLHttpRequest ) { if ( this . handleResponseDone = ! 1 , data && data . response ) { var hasResponse = ! 1 ; if ( egw && egw ( ) . includeJS ) { for ( var js _files = [ ] , i = data . response . length - 1 ; i > 0 ; -- i ) { var res = data . response [ i ] ; "js" == res . type && "string" == typeof res . data && ( js _files . unshift ( res . da
_cssFiles = strip _egw _url ( _cssFiles ) ; for ( var n = 0 ; n < _cssFiles . length ; ++ n ) { var file = _cssFiles [ n ] ; if ( ! this . included ( file , ! 0 ) ) { var cssnode = _wnd . document . createElement ( "link" ) ; cssnode . type = "text/css" , cssnode . rel = "stylesheet" , cssnode . href = egw . webserverUrl + "/" + file ; var head = _wnd . document . getElementsByTagName ( "head" ) [ 0 ] ; head . appendChild ( cssnode ) } } } } } ) , egw . extend ( "lang" , egw . MODULE _GLOBAL , function ( ) { "use strict" ; var lang _arr = { } ; return { set _lang _arr : function ( _app , _messages , _need _clone ) { jQuery . isArray ( _messages ) || ( lang _arr [ _app ] = _need _clone ? jQuery . extend ( { } , _messages ) : _messages ) } , lang : function ( _msg , _arg1 ) { if ( null === _msg ) return "" ; if ( "string" != typeof _msg && _msg ) return egw ( ) . debug ( "warn" , "Cannot translate an object" , _msg ) , _msg ; var translation = _msg ; _msg = _msg . toLowerCase ( ) ; for ( var apps = this . lang _order || [ "custom" , this . getAppName ( ) , "etemplate" , "common" ] , i = 0 ; i < apps . length ; ++ i ) if ( "undefined" != typeof lang _arr [ apps [ i ] ] && "undefined" != typeof lang _arr [ apps [ i ] ] [ _msg ] ) { translation = lang _arr [ apps [ i ] ] [ _msg ] ; break } if ( 1 == arguments . length ) return translation ; if ( 2 == arguments . length ) return translation . replace ( "%1" , arguments [ 1 ] ) ; translation = translation . replace ( /%([0-9]+)/g , "|%$1|" ) ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < arguments . length ; ++ i ) translation = translation . replace ( "|%" + i + "|" , arguments [ i ] ) ; return translation } , langRequireApp : function ( _window , _appname , _callback , _context ) { var lang = egw . preference ( "lang" ) , langs = [ { app : "common" , lang : lang } ] ; _appname && "eGroupWare" != _appname && langs . push ( { app : _appname , lang : lang } ) , langs . push ( { app : "custom" , lang : "en" } ) , egw . langRequire ( _window , langs , _callback , _context ) } , langRequire : function ( _window , _apps , _callback , _context ) { for ( var ready = this . module ( "ready" , _window ) , files = this . module ( "files" , this . window ) , jss = [ ] , apps = [ ] , i = 0 ; i < _apps . length ; i ++ ) "undefined" == typeof lang _arr [ _apps [ i ] . app ] && jss . push ( this . webserverUrl + "/phpgwapi/lang.php?app=" + _apps [ i ] . app + "&lang=" + _apps [ i ] . lang + "&etag=" + ( _apps [ i ] . etag || this . config ( "max_lang_time" ) ) ) , apps . push ( _apps [ i ] . app ) ; if ( this !== egw && apps . length > 0 && ( this . lang _order = apps . reverse ( ) ) , jss . length > 0 ) if ( "function" == typeof _callback ) files . includeJS ( jss , _callback , _context || null ) ; else { var token = ready . readyWaitFor ( ) ; files . includeJS ( jss , function ( ) { ready . readyDone ( token ) } , this ) } else "function" == typeof _callback && _callback . call ( _context || null ) } } } ) , egw . extend ( "links" , egw . MODULE _GLOBAL , function ( ) { "use strict" ; var link _registry = void 0 , title _cache = { } , title _queue = { } , title _uid = null ; return { link _get _registry : function ( _app , _name ) { if ( "object" != typeof link _registry ) return alert ( "egw.open() link registry is NOT defined!" ) , ! 1 ; if ( "undefined" == typeof link _registry [ _app ] ) return ! 1 ; var reg = link _registry [ _app ] ; if ( "undefined" == typeof reg [ _name ] ) switch ( _name ) { case "name" : reg . name = _app ; break ; case "icon" : var app _data = this . app ( _app ) ; "undefined" != typeof app _data && "undefined" != typeof app _data . icon && null != app _data . icon ? reg . icon = ( "undefined" != typeof app _data . icon _app ? app _data . icon _app : _app ) + "/" + app _data . icon : reg . icon = _app + "/navbar" } return reg && "undefined" == typeof _name ? reg : "undefined" == typeof reg [ _name ] ? ! 1 : reg [ _name ] } , get _mime _info : function ( _type ) { var wildcard _mime ; for ( var app in link _registry ) { var reg = link _registry [ app ] ; if ( "undefined" != typeof reg . mime ) for ( var mime in reg . mime ) { if ( mime == _type ) return reg . mime [ _type ] ; "/" == mime [ 0 ] && _type . match ( new RegExp ( mime . substring ( 1 , mime . length - 1 ) , "i" ) ) && ( wildcard _mime = reg . mime [ mime ] ) } } return wildcard _mime ? wildcard _mime : null } , mime _open : function ( _path , _type ) { var path ; "object" == typeof _path ? ( path = "undefined" == typeof _path . path ? "/apps/" + _path . app2 + "/" + _path . id2 + "/" + _path . id : _path . path , "string" == typeof _path . type && ( _type = _path . type ) ) : "/" != _path [ 0 ] || ( path = _path ) ; var mime _info = this . get _mime _info ( _type ) ; if ( mime _info ) { var data = { } ; for ( var attr in mime _info ) switch ( attr ) { case "mime_url" : data [ mime _info . mime _url ] = "vfs://default" + path ; break ; case "mime_data" : break ; case "mime_type" : data [ mime _info . mime _type ] = _type ; break ; case "mime_id" : data [ mime _info . mime _id ] = path ; break ; default : data [ attr ] = mime _info [ attr ] } "undefined" == typeof mime _info . mime _url && ( data . url = "object" == typeof _path && _path . download _url ? _path . download _url : "/webdav.php" + path ) } else var data = "object" ==
"use strict" ; function hide ( ) { null != tooltip _div && ( tooltip _div . remove ( ) , tooltip _div = null ) } function show ( ) { if ( tooltip _div && "undefined" != typeof x && "undefined" != typeof y ) { var cursor _rect = { left : x - 8 , top : y - 8 , right : x + 8 , bottom : y + 8 } , window _width = $j ( _wnd . document ) . width ( ) , window _height = $j ( _wnd . document ) . height ( ) , space _left = { left : cursor _rect . left , top : cursor _rect . top , right : window _width - cursor _rect . right , bottom : window _height - cursor _rect . bottom } , tooltip _width = tooltip _div . width ( ) ; tooltip _width > 300 && ( tooltip _width = 300 ) ; var tooltip _height = tooltip _div . height ( ) ; space _left . right < tooltip _width ? tooltip _div . css ( "left" , Math . max ( 0 , cursor _rect . left - tooltip _width ) ) : space _left . left >= tooltip _width ? tooltip _div . css ( "left" , cursor _rect . right ) : ( tooltip _div . css ( "left" , cursor _rect . right ) , tooltip _div . css ( "max-width" , space _left . right ) ) , space _left . bottom < tooltip _height ? tooltip _div . css ( "top" , cursor _rect . top - tooltip _height ) : space _left . top >= tooltip _height ? tooltip _div . css ( "top" , cursor _rect . bottom ) : ( tooltip _div . css ( "top" , cursor _rect . bottom ) , tooltip _div . css ( "max-height" , space _left . bottom ) ) , tooltip _div . fadeIn ( 100 ) } } function prepare ( _html ) { hide ( ) , tooltip _div = $j ( _wnd . document . createElement ( "div" ) ) , tooltip _div . hide ( ) , tooltip _div . append ( _html ) , tooltip _div . addClass ( "egw_tooltip" ) , $j ( _wnd . document . body ) . append ( tooltip _div ) , tooltip _div . mouseenter ( function ( ) { hide ( ) } ) } function showTooltipTimeout ( ) { null != current _elem && ( show _delta += time _delta , show _delay > show _delta ? _wnd . setTimeout ( showTooltipTimeout , time _delta ) : ( show _delta = 0 , show ( ) ) ) } var tooltip _div = null , current _elem = null , time _delta = 100 , show _delta = 0 , show _delay = 200 , x = 0 , y = 0 ; return { tooltipBind : function ( _elem , _html ) { "" != _html && ( _elem . bind ( "mouseenter.tooltip" , function ( e ) { return _elem != current _elem && ( prepare ( _html ) , current _elem = _elem , show _delta = 0 , x = e . clientX , y = e . clientY , _wnd . setTimeout ( showTooltipTimeout , time _delta ) ) , ! 1 } ) , _elem . bind ( "mouseleave.tooltip" , function ( ) { current _elem = null , show _delta = 0 , tooltip _div && tooltip _div . fadeOut ( 100 ) } ) , _elem . bind ( "mousemove.tooltip" , function ( e ) { var dx = x - e . clientX , dy = y - e . clientY , movedist = Math . sqrt ( dx * dx + dy * dy ) ; movedist > 2 && ( show _delta = 0 ) , x = e . clientX , y = e . clientY } ) ) } , tooltipUnbind : function ( _elem ) { current _elem == _elem && ( hide ( ) , current _elem = null ) , _elem . unbind ( ".tooltip" ) } } } ) , egw . extend ( "css" , egw . MODULE _WND _LOCAL , function ( _app , _wnd ) { "use strict" ; var sheet , selectors = { } , selectorCount = 0 ; return { css : function ( _selector , _rule ) { var index = sheet ? Math . min ( selectorCount , sheet . cssRules . length ) : 0 ; if ( ! sheet || ! sheet . ownerNode || sheet . ownerNode . ownerDocument !== _wnd . document ) { var style = _wnd . document . createElement ( "style" ) ; _wnd . document . getElementsByTagName ( "head" ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( style ) , sheet = style . sheet ? style . sheet : style . styleSheet , selectorCount = 0 , selectors = { } } "undefined" != typeof selectors [ _selector ] ? ( index = selectors [ _selector ] , index < sheet . cssRules . length && ( "undefined" != typeof sheet . removeRule ? sheet . removeRule ( index ) : sheet . deleteRule ( index ) ) , delete selectors [ _selector ] , _rule || selectorCount -- ) : selectorCount ++ , _rule && ( "undefined" != typeof sheet . addRule ? sheet . addRule ( _selector , _rule , index ) : sheet . insertRule ( _selector + "{" + _rule + "}" , index ) , selectors [ _selector ] = index ) } } } ) , function ( $ ) { if ( $ . ui . timepicker = $ . ui . timepicker || { } , ! $ . ui . timepicker . version ) { $ . extend ( $ . ui , { timepicker : { version : "@@version" } } ) ; var Timepicker = function ( ) { this . regional = [ ] , this . regional [ "" ] = { currentText : "Now" , closeText : "Done" , amNames : [ "AM" , "A" ] , pmNames : [ "PM" , "P" ] , timeFormat : "HH:mm" , timeSuffix : "" , timeOnlyTitle : "Choose Time" , timeText : "Time" , hourText : "Hour" , minuteText : "Minute" , secondText : "Second" , millisecText : "Millisecond" , microsecText : "Microsecond" , timezoneText : "Time Zone" , isRTL : ! 1 } , this . _defaults = { showButtonPanel : ! 0 , timeOnly : ! 1 , showHour : null , showMinute : null , showSecond : null , showMillisec : null , showMicrosec : null , showTimezone : null , showTime : ! 0 , stepHour : 1 , stepMinute : 1 , stepSecond : 1 , stepMillisec : 1 , stepMicrosec : 1 , hour : 0 , minute : 0 , second : 0 , millisec : 0 , microsec : 0 , timezone : null , hourMin : 0 , minuteMin : 0 , secondMin : 0 , millisecMin : 0 , microsecMin : 0 , hourMax : 23 , minuteMax : 59 , secondMax : 59 , millisecMax : 999 , microsecMax : 999 , minDateTime : null , maxDateTime : null , onSelect : null , hourGrid : 0 , minuteGrid : 0 , secondGri
resTime ) : ! 1 } ) , looseParse = function ( f , s , o ) { try { var d = new Date ( "2012-01-01 " + s ) ; if ( isNaN ( d . getTime ( ) ) && ( d = new Date ( "2012-01-01T" + s ) , isNaN ( d . getTime ( ) ) && ( d = new Date ( "01/01/2012 " + s ) , isNaN ( d . getTime ( ) ) ) ) ) throw "Unable to parse time with native Date: " + s ; return { hour : d . getHours ( ) , minute : d . getMinutes ( ) , second : d . getSeconds ( ) , millisec : d . getMilliseconds ( ) , microsec : d . getMicroseconds ( ) , timezone : - 1 * d . getTimezoneOffset ( ) } } catch ( err ) { try { return strictParse ( f , s , o ) } catch ( err2 ) { $ . timepicker . log ( "Unable to parse \ntimeString: " + s + "\ntimeFormat: " + f ) } } return ! 1 } ; return "function" == typeof o . parse ? o . parse ( timeFormat , timeString , o ) : "loose" === o . parse ? looseParse ( timeFormat , timeString , o ) : strictParse ( timeFormat , timeString , o ) } , $ . datepicker . formatTime = function ( format , time , options ) { options = options || { } , options = $ . extend ( { } , $ . timepicker . _defaults , options ) , time = $ . extend ( { hour : 0 , minute : 0 , second : 0 , millisec : 0 , microsec : 0 , timezone : null } , time ) ; var tmptime = format , ampmName = options . amNames [ 0 ] , hour = parseInt ( time . hour , 10 ) ; return hour > 11 && ( ampmName = options . pmNames [ 0 ] ) , tmptime = tmptime . replace ( /(?:HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|[tT]{1,2}|[zZ]|[lc]|'.*?')/g , function ( match ) { switch ( match ) { case "HH" : return ( "0" + hour ) . slice ( - 2 ) ; case "H" : return hour ; case "hh" : return ( "0" + convert24to12 ( hour ) ) . slice ( - 2 ) ; case "h" : return convert24to12 ( hour ) ; case "mm" : return ( "0" + time . minute ) . slice ( - 2 ) ; case "m" : return time . minute ; case "ss" : return ( "0" + time . second ) . slice ( - 2 ) ; case "s" : return time . second ; case "l" : return ( "00" + time . millisec ) . slice ( - 3 ) ; case "c" : return ( "00" + time . microsec ) . slice ( - 3 ) ; case "z" : return $ . timepicker . timezoneOffsetString ( null === time . timezone ? options . timezone : time . timezone , ! 1 ) ; case "Z" : return $ . timepicker . timezoneOffsetString ( null === time . timezone ? options . timezone : time . timezone , ! 0 ) ; case "T" : return ampmName . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ; case "TT" : return ampmName . toUpperCase ( ) ; case "t" : return ampmName . charAt ( 0 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ; case "tt" : return ampmName . toLowerCase ( ) ; default : return match . replace ( /'/g , "" ) } } ) } , $ . datepicker . _base _selectDate = $ . datepicker . _selectDate , $ . datepicker . _selectDate = function ( id , dateStr ) { var inst = this . _getInst ( $ ( id ) [ 0 ] ) , tp _inst = this . _get ( inst , "timepicker" ) ; tp _inst ? ( tp _inst . _limitMinMaxDateTime ( inst , ! 0 ) , inst . inline = inst . stay _open = ! 0 , this . _base _selectDate ( id , dateStr ) , inst . inline = inst . stay _open = ! 1 , this . _notifyChange ( inst ) , this . _updateDatepicker ( inst ) ) : this . _base _selectDate ( id , dateStr ) } , $ . datepicker . _base _updateDatepicker = $ . datepicker . _updateDatepicker , $ . datepicker . _updateDatepicker = function ( inst ) { var input = inst . input [ 0 ] ; if ( ! ( $ . datepicker . _curInst && $ . datepicker . _curInst !== inst && $ . datepicker . _datepickerShowing && $ . datepicker . _lastInput !== input || "boolean" == typeof inst . stay _open && inst . stay _open !== ! 1 ) ) { this . _base _updateDatepicker ( inst ) ; var tp _inst = this . _get ( inst , "timepicker" ) ; tp _inst && tp _inst . _addTimePicker ( inst ) } } , $ . datepicker . _base _doKeyPress = $ . datepicker . _doKeyPress , $ . datepicker . _doKeyPress = function ( event ) { var inst = $ . datepicker . _getInst ( event . target ) , tp _inst = $ . datepicker . _get ( inst , "timepicker" ) ; if ( tp _inst && $ . datepicker . _get ( inst , "constrainInput" ) ) { var ampm = tp _inst . support . ampm , tz = null !== tp _inst . _defaults . showTimezone ? tp _inst . _defaults . showTimezone : tp _inst . support . timezone , dateChars = $ . datepicker . _possibleChars ( $ . datepicker . _get ( inst , "dateFormat" ) ) , datetimeChars = tp _inst . _defaults . timeFormat . toString ( ) . replace ( /[hms]/g , "" ) . replace ( /TT/g , ampm ? "APM" : "" ) . replace ( /Tt/g , ampm ? "AaPpMm" : "" ) . replace ( /tT/g , ampm ? "AaPpMm" : "" ) . replace ( /T/g , ampm ? "AP" : "" ) . replace ( /tt/g , ampm ? "apm" : "" ) . replace ( /t/g , ampm ? "ap" : "" ) + " " + tp _inst . _defaults . separator + tp _inst . _defaults . timeSuffix + ( tz ? tp _inst . _defaults . timezoneList . join ( "" ) : "" ) + tp _inst . _defaults . amNames . join ( "" ) + tp _inst . _defaults . pmNames . join ( "" ) + dateChars , chr = String . fromCharCode ( void 0 === event . charCode ? event . keyCode : event . charCode ) ; return event . ctrlKey || " " > chr || ! dateChars || datetimeChars . indexOf ( chr ) > - 1 } return $ . datepicker . _base _doKeyPress ( event ) } , $ . datepicker . _base _updateAlternate = $ . datepicker . _updateAlternate , $ . datepicker . _updateAlternate = function ( inst ) { var tp _inst = this . _get ( inst , "timepicker" ) ; if ( tp _inst ) { var altField = tp _inst . _defaults . altField ; if ( altField ) { var date = ( tp _inst . _defaults . alt
prototype . _ifacefuncs = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < interfaces . length ; i ++ ) { var iface = interfaces [ i ] ; if ( ! ( iface instanceof Interface ) ) throw "Interfaces must be instance of Interface!" ; for ( var key in iface ) prototype . _ifacefuncs . push ( key ) } for ( var i = 0 ; i < ifaces . length ; i ++ ) prototype . _ifacefuncs . push ( ifaces [ i ] ) } function addAttributeFunctions ( prototype , _super ) { function _copyMerge ( _new , _old ) { var result = { } ; if ( "undefined" != typeof _new ) for ( var key in _new ) result [ key ] = _new [ key ] ; for ( var key in _old ) "undefined" == typeof result [ key ] && ( result [ key ] = _old [ key ] ) ; return result } var attributes = { } ; for ( var key in prototype . attributes ) attributes [ key ] = _copyMerge ( { } , prototype . attributes [ key ] ) ; for ( var key in _super . attributes ) { var _old = _super . attributes [ key ] ; attributes [ key ] = _copyMerge ( attributes [ key ] , _old ) } prototype . _validate _attributes && prototype . _validate _attributes ( attributes ) , prototype . attributes = attributes } function classExtend ( interfaces , prop ) { function Class ( ) { if ( ! initializing ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . _ifacefuncs . length ; i ++ ) { var func = this . _ifacefuncs [ i ] ; if ( "function" != typeof this [ func ] ) throw "Trying to create abstract object, interface function '" + func + "' not implemented." } if ( getMem _freeMem _trace ) { this . _ _OBJ _UID = "obj_" + egw . uid ( ) ; var className = this . className ( ) ; tracedObjects [ this . _ _OBJ _UID ] = { created : ( new Date ) . getTime ( ) , class : className } , egw . debug ( "log" , "*" + this . _ _OBJ _UID + " (" + className + ")" ) } this . init && this . init . apply ( this , arguments ) } } "undefined" == typeof prop && ( prop = interfaces , interfaces = [ ] ) , interfaces instanceof Array || ( interfaces = [ interfaces ] ) , "undefined" == typeof prop . attributes && ( prop . attributes = { } ) ; var _super = this . prototype ; initializing = ! 0 ; var prototype = new this ; initializing = ! 1 ; for ( var name in prop ) "function" == typeof prop [ name ] && "function" == typeof _super [ name ] && fnTest . test ( prop [ name ] ) ? prototype [ name ] = function ( name , fn ) { return function ( ) { var tmp = this . _super ; this . _super = _super [ name ] ; var ret = fn . apply ( this , arguments ) ; return this . _super = tmp , ret } } ( name , prop [ name ] ) : prototype [ name ] = prop [ name ] ; return addInterfaceFunctions ( prototype , interfaces ) , addAttributeFunctions ( prototype , _super ) , Class . prototype = prototype , Class . prototype . constructor = Class , Class . extend = classExtend , Class } var initializing = ! 1 , getMem _freeMem _trace = ! 1 , tracedObjects = { } , fnTest = /xyz/ . test ( function ( ) { xyz } ) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/ ; this . Interface = function ( fncts ) { for ( var key in fncts ) this [ key ] = fncts [ key ] } , this . Class = function ( ) { } , Class . extend = classExtend , Class . prototype . attributes = { } , Class . prototype . _ifacefuncs = [ ] , Class . prototype . free = function ( ) { this . destroy && this . destroy ( ) , getMem _freeMem _trace && ( delete tracedObjects [ this . _ _OBJ _UID ] , egw . debug ( "log" , "-" + this . _ _OBJ _UID ) ) ; for ( var key in this ) delete this [ key ] ; this . free = function ( ) { } } , getMem _freeMem _trace && ( Class . prototype . showTrace = function ( ) { console . log ( tracedObjects ) } , Class . prototype . className = function ( ) { for ( var key in window ) if ( "et2" == key . substr ( 0 , 3 ) && this . constructor == window [ key ] ) return key ; return "?" } ) , Class . prototype . implements = function ( _iface ) { for ( var key in _iface ) if ( this . _ifacefuncs . indexOf ( key ) < 0 ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } , Class . prototype . instanceOf = function ( _obj ) { return _obj instanceof Interface ? this . implements ( _obj ) : this instanceof _obj } } . call ( window ) , egw . extend ( "message" , egw . MODULE _WND _LOCAL , function ( _app , _wnd ) { "use strict" ; function html _entity _decode ( _str ) { return _str && - 1 != _str . indexOf ( "&" ) ? jQuery ( "<span>" + _str + "</span>" ) . text ( ) : _str } var message _timer , error _reg _exp , a _href _reg = /<a href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)<\/a>/gim , new _line _reg = /<\/?(p|br)\s*\/?>\n?/gi ; return this . registerJSONPlugin ( function ( type , res , req ) { if ( "string" == typeof res . data ) return egw . message ( res . data , "error" ) , ! 0 ; throw "Invalid parameters" } , null , "error" ) , { message : function ( _msg , _type , _discard ) { var jQuery = _wnd . jQuery ; if ( _msg && ! _type && ( "undefined" == typeof error _reg _exp && ( error _reg _exp = new RegExp ( "(error|" + egw . lang ( "error" ) + ")" , "i" ) ) , _type = _msg . match ( error _reg _exp ) ? "error" : "success" ) , ! this . is _popup ( ) && _wnd !== _wnd . top ) return void egw ( _wnd . top ) . message ( _msg , _type ) ; message _timer && ( _wnd . clearTimeout ( message _timer ) , message _timer = null ) ; var parent = jQuery ( "div#divAppboxHeader" ) ; if ( parent . length && ! parent . hasClass ( "onlyPrint" ) || ( pare
h _parent } , refreshPositions : ! 0 , update : function ( event , ui ) { var favSortedList = jQuery ( this ) . sortable ( "toArray" , { attribute : "data-id" } ) ; self . egw . set _preference ( self . appname , "fav_sort_pref" , favSortedList ) , self . _refresh _fav _nm ( ) } } ) ; var egw _fw = egw _getFramework ( ) ; return egw _fw && egw _fw . applications [ this . appname ] && egw _fw . applications [ this . appname ] . browser && egw _fw . applications [ this . appname ] . browser . baseDiv && $j ( egw _fw . applications [ this . appname ] . browser . baseDiv ) . off ( ".sidebox" ) . on ( "change.sidebox" , function ( ) { self . highlight _favorite ( ) } ) , ! 0 } return ! 1 } , add _favorite : function ( state ) { "undefined" == typeof this . favorite _popup && this . _create _favorite _popup ( ) , this . favorite _popup . state = jQuery . extend ( { } , this . getState ( ) , state || { } ) , this . favorite _popup . state = jQuery . extend ( ! 0 , { } , this . favorite _popup . state ) ; var filter _list = [ ] , add _to _popup = function ( arr ) { filter _list . push ( "<ul>" ) , jQuery . each ( arr , function ( index , filter ) { filter _list . push ( "<li id='index'><span class='filter_id'>" + index + "</span>" + ( "object" != typeof filter ? "<span class='filter_value'>" + filter + "</span>" : "" ) ) , "object" == typeof filter && null != filter && add _to _popup ( filter ) , filter _list . push ( "</li>" ) } ) , filter _list . push ( "</ul>" ) } ; return add _to _popup ( this . favorite _popup . state ) , $j ( "#" + this . appname + "_favorites_popup_state" , this . favorite _popup ) . replaceWith ( $j ( filter _list . join ( "" ) ) . attr ( "id" , this . appname + "_favorites_popup_state" ) ) , $j ( "#" + this . appname + "_favorites_popup_state" , this . favorite _popup ) . hide ( ) . siblings ( ".ui-icon-circle-plus" ) . removeClass ( "ui-icon-circle-minus" ) , this . favorite _popup . dialog ( "open" ) , console . log ( this ) , ! 1 } , _refresh _fav _nm : function ( ) { var self = this ; if ( ! etemplate2 || ! etemplate2 . getByApplication ) throw new Error ( "_refresh_fav_nm():Either et2 is not ready/ not there yet. Make sure that etemplate2 is ready before call this method." ) ; for ( var et2 = etemplate2 . getByApplication ( self . appname ) , i = 0 ; i < et2 . length ; i ++ ) et2 [ i ] . widgetContainer . iterateOver ( function ( _widget ) { _widget . stored _filters = _widget . load _favorites ( self . appname ) , _widget . init _filters ( _widget ) } , self , et2 _favorites ) } , _create _favorite _popup : function ( ) { var self = this , favorite _prefix = "favorite_" ; this . favorite _popup && this . favorite _popup . group && ( this . favorite _popup . group . free ( ) , delete this . favorite _popup ) , this . favorite _popup = $j ( '<div id="' + this . dom _id + '_nm_favorites_popup" title="' + egw ( ) . lang ( "New favorite" ) + '"> <form> <label for="name">' + this . egw . lang ( "name" ) + '</label><input type="text" name="name" id="name"/> <div id="' + this . appname + '_favorites_popup_admin"/> <span>' + this . egw . lang ( "Details" ) + '</span><span style="float:left;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus ui-button" /> <ul id="' + this . appname + '_favorites_popup_state"/> </form> </div>' ) . appendTo ( this . et2 && "calendar" != this . appname ? this . et2 . getDOMNode ( ) : $j ( "body" ) ) , $j ( ".ui-icon-circle-plus" , this . favorite _popup ) . prev ( ) . andSelf ( ) . click ( function ( ) { $j ( "#" + self . appname + "_favorites_popup_state" , self . favorite _popup ) . slideToggle ( ) . siblings ( ".ui-icon-circle-plus" ) . toggleClass ( "ui-icon-circle-minus" ) } ) ; var apps = egw ( ) . user ( "apps" ) , is _admin = "undefined" != typeof apps . admin ; is _admin && ( this . favorite _popup . group = et2 _createWidget ( "select-account" , { id : "favorite[group]" , account _type : "groups" , empty _label : "Groups" , no _lang : ! 0 , parent _node : this . appname + "_favorites_popup_admin" } , this . et2 && "calendar" != this . appname ? this . et2 : null ) , this . favorite _popup . group . loadingFinished ( ) ) ; var buttons = { } ; return buttons . save = { text : this . egw . lang ( "save" ) , default : ! 0 , click : function ( ) { var name = $j ( "#name" , this ) ; if ( name . val ( ) ) { name . val ( name . val ( ) . replace ( /(<([^>]+)>)/gi , "" ) ) ; var safe _name = name . val ( ) . replace ( /[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g , "_" ) , favorite = { name : name . val ( ) , group : "undefined" != typeof self . favorite _popup . group && self . favorite _popup . group . get _value ( ) ? self . favorite _popup . group . get _value ( ) : ! 1 , state : self . favorite _popup . state } , favorite _pref = favorite _prefix + safe _name ; if ( "undefined" != typeof self . favorite _popup . group && "" != self . favorite _popup . group . getValue ( ) ? ( self . egw . jsonq ( self . appname + ".egw_framework.ajax_set_favorite.template" , [ self . appname , name . val ( ) , "add" , self . favorite _popup . group . get _value ( ) , self . favorite _popup . state ] ) , self . favorite _popup . group . set
b || dhtmlxError . throwError ( "LoadXML" , "Incorrect XML" , [ b || this . xmlDoc , this . mainObject ] ) , null != c && b . setProperty ( "SelectionNamespaces" , "xmlns:xsl='" + c + "'" ) , "single" == d ? b . selectSingleNode ( a ) : b . selectNodes ( a ) || [ ] ; var e = b ; b || ( b = this . xmlDoc . nodeName ? this . xmlDoc : this . xmlDoc . responseXML ) , b || dhtmlxError . throwError ( "LoadXML" , "Incorrect XML" , [ b || this . xmlDoc , this . mainObject ] ) , - 1 != b . nodeName . indexOf ( "document" ) ? e = b : ( e = b , b = b . ownerDocument ) ; var g = XPathResult . ANY _TYPE ; "single" == d && ( g = XPathResult . FIRST _ORDERED _NODE _TYPE ) ; var f = [ ] , h = b . evaluate ( a , e , function ( ) { return c } , g , null ) ; if ( g == XPathResult . FIRST _ORDERED _NODE _TYPE ) return h . singleNodeValue ; for ( var i = h . iterateNext ( ) ; i ; ) f [ f . length ] = i , i = h . iterateNext ( ) ; return f } , j . prototype . catchError = function ( a , b ) { this . catches [ a ] = b } , j . prototype . throwError = function ( a , b , c ) { return this . catches [ a ] ? this . catches [ a ] ( a , b , c ) : this . catches . ALL ? this . catches . ALL ( a , b , c ) : ( alert ( "Error type: " + a + "\nDescription: " + b ) , null ) } , window . dhtmlxError = new j , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . doXPathOpera = function ( a , b ) { var c = a . replace ( /[\/]+/gi , "/" ) . split ( "/" ) , d = null , e = 1 ; if ( ! c . length ) return [ ] ; if ( "." == c [ 0 ] ) d = [ b ] ; else { if ( "" != c [ 0 ] ) return [ ] ; d = ( this . xmlDoc . responseXML || this . xmlDoc ) . getElementsByTagName ( c [ e ] . replace ( /\[[^\]]*\]/g , "" ) ) , e ++ } for ( ; e < c . length ; e ++ ) d = this . _getAllNamedChilds ( d , c [ e ] ) ; return - 1 != c [ e - 1 ] . indexOf ( "[" ) && ( d = this . _filterXPath ( d , c [ e - 1 ] ) ) , d } , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . _filterXPath = function ( a , b ) { for ( var c = [ ] , b = b . replace ( /[^\[]*\[\@/g , "" ) . replace ( /[\[\]\@]*/g , "" ) , d = 0 ; d < a . length ; d ++ ) a [ d ] . getAttribute ( b ) && ( c [ c . length ] = a [ d ] ) ; return c } , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . _getAllNamedChilds = function ( a , b ) { var c = [ ] ; _isKHTML && ( b = b . toUpperCase ( ) ) ; for ( var d = 0 ; d < a . length ; d ++ ) for ( var e = 0 ; e < a [ d ] . childNodes . length ; e ++ ) _isKHTML ? a [ d ] . childNodes [ e ] . tagName && a [ d ] . childNodes [ e ] . tagName . toUpperCase ( ) == b && ( c [ c . length ] = a [ d ] . childNodes [ e ] ) : a [ d ] . childNodes [ e ] . tagName == b && ( c [ c . length ] = a [ d ] . childNodes [ e ] ) ; return c } , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . xslDoc = null , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . setXSLParamValue = function ( a , b , c ) { c || ( c = this . xslDoc ) , c . responseXML && ( c = c . responseXML ) ; var d = this . doXPath ( "/xsl:stylesheet/xsl:variable[@name='" + a + "']" , c , "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" , "single" ) ; null != d && ( d . firstChild . nodeValue = b ) } , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . doXSLTransToObject = function ( a , b ) { if ( a || ( a = this . xslDoc ) , a . responseXML && ( a = a . responseXML ) , b || ( b = this . xmlDoc ) , b . responseXML && ( b = b . responseXML ) , _isIE ) { d = new ActiveXObject ( "Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0" ) ; try { b . transformNodeToObject ( a , d ) } catch ( c ) { d = b . transformNode ( a ) } } else { this . XSLProcessor || ( this . XSLProcessor = new XSLTProcessor , this . XSLProcessor . importStylesheet ( a ) ) ; var d = this . XSLProcessor . transformToDocument ( b ) } return d } , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . doXSLTransToString = function ( a , b ) { var c = this . doXSLTransToObject ( a , b ) ; return "string" == typeof c ? c : this . doSerialization ( c ) } , dtmlXMLLoaderObject . prototype . doSerialization = function ( a ) { if ( a || ( a = this . xmlDoc ) , a . responseXML && ( a = a . responseXML ) , _isIE ) return a . xml ; var b = new XMLSerializer ; return b . serializeToString ( a ) } , dhtmlxEventable = function ( a ) { a . attachEvent = function ( a , c , d ) { return a = "ev_" + a . toLowerCase ( ) , this [ a ] || ( this [ a ] = new this . eventCatcher ( d || this ) ) , a + ":" + this [ a ] . addEvent ( c ) } , a . callEvent = function ( a , c ) { return a = "ev_" + a . toLowerCase ( ) , this [ a ] ? this [ a ] . apply ( this , c ) : ! 0 } , a . checkEvent = function ( a ) { return ! ! this [ "ev_" + a . toLowerCase ( ) ] } , a . eventCatcher = function ( a ) { var c = [ ] , d = function ( ) { for ( var d = ! 0 , g = 0 ; g < c . length ; g ++ ) if ( null != c [ g ] ) var f = c [ g ] . apply ( a , arguments ) , d = d && f ; return d } ; return d . addEvent = function ( a ) { return "function" != typeof a && ( a = eval ( a ) ) , a ? c . push ( a ) - 1 : ! 1 } , d . removeEvent = function ( a ) { c [ a ] = null } , d } , a . detachEvent = function ( a ) { if ( 0 != a ) { var c = a . split ( ":" ) ; this [ c [ 0 ] ] . removeEvent ( c [ 1 ] ) } } , a . detachAllEvents = function ( ) { for ( var a in this ) 0 == a . indexOf ( "ev_" ) && ( this . detachEvent ( a ) , this [ a ] = null ) } , a = null } , xmlPointer . prototype = { text : function ( ) { if ( ! _isFF ) return this . d . xml ; var x = new XMLSerializer ; return x . serializeToString ( this . d ) } , get : function ( name ) { return this . d . getAttribute ( name ) } , exists : function ( ) { return ! ! this . d } , content : function ( ) { return this . d . firstChild ? this . d . firstChild . data : "" } , each : function ( name , f , t , i )
return temp ? void this . _xopenAll ( temp ) : 0 } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getOpenState = function ( itemId ) { var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; return temp ? this . _getOpenState ( temp ) : "" } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . closeAllItems = function ( itemId ) { itemId === window . undefined && ( itemId = this . rootId ) ; var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; return temp ? ( this . _xcloseAll ( temp ) , this . allTree . childNodes [ 0 ] . border = "1" , void ( this . allTree . childNodes [ 0 ] . border = "0" ) ) : 0 } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setUserData = function ( itemId , name , value ) { var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId , 0 , ! 0 ) ; sNode && ( "hint" == name && ( sNode . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . title = value ) , "undefined" == typeof sNode . userData [ "t_" + name ] && ( sNode . _userdatalist ? sNode . _userdatalist += "," + name : sNode . _userdatalist = name ) , sNode . userData [ "t_" + name ] = value ) } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getUserData = function ( itemId , name ) { var sNode = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId , 0 , ! 0 ) ; if ( sNode ) return sNode . userData [ "t_" + name ] } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getItemColor = function ( itemId ) { var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; if ( ! temp ) return 0 ; var res = new Object ; return temp . acolor && ( res . acolor = temp . acolor ) , temp . scolor && ( res . scolor = temp . scolor ) , res } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . setItemColor = function ( itemId , defaultColor , selectedColor ) { if ( itemId && itemId . span ) var temp = itemId ; else var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; return temp ? ( temp . i _sel ? selectedColor && ( temp . span . style . color = selectedColor ) : defaultColor && ( temp . span . style . color = defaultColor ) , selectedColor && ( temp . scolor = selectedColor ) , defaultColor && ( temp . acolor = defaultColor ) , void 0 ) : 0 } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getItemText = function ( itemId ) { var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; return temp ? temp . htmlNode . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . childNodes [ 3 ] . childNodes [ 0 ] . innerHTML : 0 } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . getParentId = function ( itemId ) { var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; return temp && temp . parentObject ? temp . parentObject . id : "" } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . changeItemId = function ( itemId , newItemId ) { if ( itemId != newItemId ) { var temp = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; if ( ! temp ) return 0 ; temp . id = newItemId , temp . span . contextMenuId = newItemId , this . _idpull [ newItemId ] = this . _idpull [ itemId ] , delete this . _idpull [ itemId ] } } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . doCut = function ( ) { this . nodeCut && this . clearCut ( ) , this . nodeCut = ( new Array ) . concat ( this . _selected ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . nodeCut . length ; i ++ ) { var tempa = this . nodeCut [ i ] ; tempa . _cimgs = new Array , tempa . _cimgs [ 0 ] = tempa . images [ 0 ] , tempa . _cimgs [ 1 ] = tempa . images [ 1 ] , tempa . _cimgs [ 2 ] = tempa . images [ 2 ] , tempa . images [ 0 ] = tempa . images [ 1 ] = tempa . images [ 2 ] = this . cutImage , this . _correctPlus ( tempa ) } } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . doPaste = function ( itemId ) { var tobj = this . _globalIdStorageFind ( itemId ) ; if ( ! tobj ) return 0 ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . nodeCut . length ; i ++ ) this . _checkPNodes ( tobj , this . nodeCut [ i ] ) || this . _moveNode ( this . nodeCut [ i ] , tobj ) ; this . clearCut ( ) } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . clearCut = function ( ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . nodeCut . length ; i ++ ) { var tempa = this . nodeCut [ i ] ; tempa . images [ 0 ] = tempa . _cimgs [ 0 ] , tempa . images [ 1 ] = tempa . _cimgs [ 1 ] , tempa . images [ 2 ] = tempa . _cimgs [ 2 ] , this . _correctPlus ( tempa ) } this . nodeCut = new Array } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _moveNode = function ( itemObject , targetObject ) { return this . _moveNodeTo ( itemObject , targetObject ) } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _fixNodesCollection = function ( target , zParent ) { var flag = 0 , Nodes = target . childNodes , Count = target . childsCount - 1 ; if ( zParent != Nodes [ Count ] ) { for ( var i = 0 ; Count > i ; i ++ ) Nodes [ i ] == Nodes [ Count ] && ( Nodes [ i ] = Nodes [ i + 1 ] , Nodes [ i + 1 ] = Nodes [ Count ] ) ; for ( var i = 0 ; Count + 1 > i ; i ++ ) if ( flag ) { var temp = Nodes [ i ] ; Nodes [ i ] = flag , flag = temp } else Nodes [ i ] == zParent && ( flag = Nodes [ i ] , Nodes [ i ] = Nodes [ Count ] ) } } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _recreateBranch = function ( itemObject , targetObject , beforeNode , level ) { var i , st = "" ; if ( beforeNode ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < targetObject . childsCount && targetObject . childNodes [ i ] != beforeNode ; i ++ ) ; 0 != i ? beforeNode = targetObject . childNodes [ i - 1 ] : ( st = "TOP" , beforeNode = "" ) } var t2 = this . _onradh ; this . _onradh = null ; var newNode = this . _attachChildNode ( targetObject , itemObject . id , itemObject . label , 0 , itemObject . images [ 0 ] , itemObject . images [ 1 ] , itemObject . images [ 2 ] , st , 0 , beforeNode ) ; if ( newNod
checkbox _smart : "enableSmartCheckboxes" , context _menu : "enableContextMenu" , distributed _parsing : "enableDistributedParsing" , drag : "enableDragAndDrop" , drag _copy : "enableMercyDrag" , drag _image : "enableImageDrag" , drag _scroll : "enableDragAndDropScrolling" , editor : "enableItemEditor" , hover : "enableHighlighting" , images : "enableTreeImages" , image _fix : "enableIEImageFix" , image _path : "setImagePath" , lines : "enableTreeLines" , loading _item : "enableLoadingItem" , multiline : "enableMultiLineItems" , multiselect : "enableMultiselection" , navigation : "enableKeyboardNavigation" , radio : "enableRadioButtons" , radio _single : "enableSingleRadioMode" , rtl : "enableRTL" , search : "enableKeySearch" , smart _parsing : "enableSmartXMLParsing" , smart _rendering : "enableSmartRendering" , text _icons : "enableTextSigns" , xml : "loadXML" , skin : "setSkin" } , { } ) } ( ) , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . _dp _init = function ( dp ) { dp . attachEvent ( "insertCallback" , function ( upd , id , parent ) { var data = this . _loader . doXPath ( ".//item" , upd ) , text = data [ 0 ] . getAttribute ( "text" ) ; this . obj . insertNewItem ( parent , id , text , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , "CHILD" ) } ) , dp . attachEvent ( "updateCallback" , function ( upd , id , parent ) { var data = this . _loader . doXPath ( ".//item" , upd ) , text = data [ 0 ] . getAttribute ( "text" ) ; this . obj . setItemText ( id , text ) , this . obj . getParentId ( id ) != parent && this . obj . moveItem ( id , "item_child" , parent ) , this . setUpdated ( id , ! 0 , "updated" ) } ) , dp . attachEvent ( "deleteCallback" , function ( upd , id , parent ) { this . obj . setUserData ( id , this . action _param , "true_deleted" ) , this . obj . deleteItem ( id , ! 1 ) } ) , dp . _methods = [ "setItemStyle" , "" , "changeItemId" , "deleteItem" ] , this . attachEvent ( "onEdit" , function ( state , id ) { return 3 == state && dp . setUpdated ( id , ! 0 ) , ! 0 } ) , this . attachEvent ( "onDrop" , function ( id , id _2 , id _3 , tree _1 , tree _2 ) { tree _1 == tree _2 && dp . setUpdated ( id , ! 0 ) } ) , this . _onrdlh = function ( rowId ) { var z = dp . getState ( rowId ) ; return "inserted" == z ? ( dp . set _invalid ( rowId , ! 1 ) , dp . setUpdated ( rowId , ! 1 ) , ! 0 ) : "true_deleted" == z ? ( dp . setUpdated ( rowId , ! 1 ) , ! 0 ) : ( dp . setUpdated ( rowId , ! 0 , "deleted" ) , ! 1 ) } , this . _onradh = function ( rowId ) { dp . setUpdated ( rowId , ! 0 , "inserted" ) } , dp . _getRowData = function ( rowId ) { var data = { } , z = this . obj . _globalIdStorageFind ( rowId ) , z2 = z . parentObject , i = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; i < z2 . childsCount && z2 . childNodes [ i ] != z ; i ++ ) ; for ( data . tr _id = z . id , data . tr _pid = z2 . id , data . tr _order = i , data . tr _text = z . span . innerHTML , z2 = ( z . _userdatalist || "" ) . split ( "," ) , i = 0 ; i < z2 . length ; i ++ ) data [ z2 [ i ] ] = z . userData [ "t_" + z2 [ i ] ] ; return data } } , jsonPointer . prototype = { text : function ( ) { var afff = function ( n ) { for ( var p = [ ] , i = 0 ; i < n . length ; i ++ ) p . push ( "{" + sfff ( n [ i ] ) + "}" ) ; return p . join ( "," ) } , sfff = function ( n ) { var p = [ ] ; for ( var a in n ) "object" == typeof n [ a ] ? a . length ? p . push ( '"' + a + '":[' + afff ( n [ a ] ) + "]" ) : p . push ( '"' + a + '":{' + sfff ( n [ a ] ) + "}" ) : p . push ( '"' + a + '":"' + n [ a ] + '"' ) ; return p . join ( "," ) } ; return "{" + sfff ( this . d ) + "}" } , get : function ( name ) { return this . d [ name ] } , exists : function ( ) { return ! ! this . d } , content : function ( ) { return this . d . content } , each : function ( name , f , t ) { var a = this . d [ name ] , c = new jsonPointer ; if ( a ) for ( var i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i ++ ) c . d = a [ i ] , f . apply ( t , [ c , i ] ) } , get _all : function ( ) { return this . d } , sub : function ( name ) { return new jsonPointer ( this . d [ name ] , this . d ) } , sub _exists : function ( name ) { return ! ! this . d [ name ] } , each _x : function ( name , rule , f , t , i ) { var a = this . d [ name ] , c = new jsonPointer ( 0 , this . d ) ; if ( a ) for ( i = i || 0 ; i < a . length ; i ++ ) if ( a [ i ] [ rule ] && ( c . d = a [ i ] , - 1 == f . apply ( t , [ c , i ] ) ) ) return } , up : function ( name ) { return new jsonPointer ( this . dp , this . d ) } , set : function ( name , val ) { this . d [ name ] = val } , clone : function ( name ) { return new jsonPointer ( this . d , this . dp ) } , through : function ( name , rule , v , f , t ) { var a = this . d [ name ] ; if ( a . length ) for ( var i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i ++ ) { if ( null != a [ i ] [ rule ] && "" != a [ i ] [ rule ] && ( ! v || a [ i ] [ rule ] == v ) ) { var c = new jsonPointer ( a [ i ] , this . d ) ; f . apply ( t , [ c , i ] ) } var w = this . d ; this . d = a [ i ] , this . sub _exists ( name ) && this . through ( name , rule , v , f , t ) , this . d = w } } } , dhtmlXTreeObject . prototype . loadJSArrayFile = function ( file , afterCall ) { this . parsCount || this . callEvent ( "onXLS" , [ this , this . _ld _id ] ) , this . _ld _id = null , this . xmlstate = 1 ; var that = this ; this . XMLLoader = new dtmlXMLLoaderObject ( function ( ) { eval ( "var z=" + arguments [ 4 ] . xmlDoc . responseText ) , that . loadJSArray ( z ) } , this , ! 0 , this . no _cashe ) , afterCall && ( this . XMLLoader . waitCall = afterCall ) , this . XMLLoader . loadXML ( file ) } , dhtmlXTreeObject . proto
return _groups } , egwActionObject . prototype . isDragOut = function ( _event ) { return ( _event . altKey || _event . metaKey ) && _event . shiftKey && 1 == _event . which } , egwActionObject . prototype . isSelection = function ( _event ) { return ! _event . shiftKey && 1 == _event . which && ( _event . metaKey || _event . ctrlKey ) } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . setStateChangeCallback = function ( _callback , _context ) { this . stateChangeCallback = _callback , this . stateChangeContext = _context } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . setReconnectActionsCallback = function ( _callback , _context ) { this . reconnectActionsCallback = _callback , this . reconnectActionsContext = _context } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . reconnectActions = function ( ) { this . reconnectActionsCallback && this . reconnectActionsCallback . call ( this . reconnectActionsContext ) } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . updateState = function ( _stateBit , _set , _shiftState ) { var newState = egwSetBit ( this . _state , _stateBit , _set ) ; this . stateChangeCallback ? this . _state = this . stateChangeCallback . call ( this . stateChangeContext , newState , _stateBit , _shiftState ) : this . _state = newState } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . getDOMNode = function ( ) { return this . doGetDOMNode ( ) } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . setState = function ( _state ) { _state != this . _state && ( this . _state = _state , this . doSetState ( _state ) ) } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . getState = function ( ) { return this . _state } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . triggerEvent = function ( _event , _data ) { return "undefined" == typeof _data && ( _data = null ) , this . doTriggerEvent ( _event , _data ) } , egwActionObjectInterface . prototype . makeVisible = function ( ) { return this . doMakeVisible ( ) } ; var egwActionObjectDummyInterface = egwActionObjectInterface , EGW _KEY _BACKSPACE = 8 , EGW _KEY _TAB = 9 , EGW _KEY _ENTER = 13 , EGW _KEY _ESCAPE = 27 , EGW _KEY _DELETE = 46 , EGW _KEY _SPACE = 32 , EGW _KEY _PAGE _UP = 33 , EGW _KEY _PAGE _DOWN = 34 , EGW _KEY _ARROW _LEFT = 37 , EGW _KEY _ARROW _UP = 38 , EGW _KEY _ARROW _RIGHT = 39 , EGW _KEY _ARROW _DOWN = 40 , EGW _KEY _0 = 48 , EGW _KEY _1 = 49 , EGW _KEY _2 = 50 , EGW _KEY _3 = 51 , EGW _KEY _4 = 52 , EGW _KEY _5 = 53 , EGW _KEY _6 = 54 , EGW _KEY _7 = 55 , EGW _KEY _8 = 56 , EGW _KEY _9 = 57 , EGW _KEY _A = 65 , EGW _KEY _B = 66 , EGW _KEY _C = 67 , EGW _KEY _D = 68 , EGW _KEY _E = 69 , EGW _KEY _F = 70 , EGW _KEY _G = 71 , EGW _KEY _H = 72 , EGW _KEY _I = 73 , EGW _KEY _J = 74 , EGW _KEY _K = 75 , EGW _KEY _L = 76 , EGW _KEY _M = 77 , EGW _KEY _N = 78 , EGW _KEY _O = 79 , EGW _KEY _P = 80 , EGW _KEY _Q = 81 , EGW _KEY _R = 82 , EGW _KEY _S = 83 , EGW _KEY _T = 84 , EGW _KEY _U = 85 , EGW _KEY _V = 86 , EGW _KEY _W = 87 , EGW _KEY _X = 88 , EGW _KEY _Y = 89 , EGW _KEY _Z = 90 , EGW _KEY _MENU = 93 , EGW _KEY _F1 = 112 , EGW _KEY _F2 = 113 , EGW _KEY _F3 = 114 , EGW _KEY _F4 = 115 , EGW _KEY _F5 = 116 , EGW _KEY _F6 = 117 , EGW _KEY _F7 = 118 , EGW _KEY _F8 = 119 , EGW _KEY _F9 = 120 , EGW _KEY _F10 = 121 , EGW _KEY _F11 = 122 , EGW _KEY _F12 = 123 , EGW _VALID _KEYS = [ 8 , 9 , 13 , 27 , 46 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 78 , 79 , 80 , 81 , 82 , 83 , 84 , 85 , 86 , 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 93 , 112 , 113 , 114 , 115 , 116 , 117 , 118 , 119 , 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 ] , egw _keycode _translation _function = function ( _nativeKeyCode ) { return _nativeKeyCode >= 96 && 105 >= _nativeKeyCode && ( _nativeKeyCode -= 48 ) , _nativeKeyCode } ; $j ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $j ( document ) . keydown ( function ( e ) { var keyCode = e . which ; if ( keyCode = egw _keycode _translation _function ( keyCode ) , keyCode = egw _keycode _makeValid ( keyCode ) , - 1 != keyCode ) { var inInput = _egw _nodeIsInInput ( e . target ) ; ( ! inInput || keyCode >= EGW _KEY _F1 && EGW _KEY _F12 >= keyCode ) && egw _keyHandler ( keyCode , e . shiftKey , e . ctrlKey || e . metaKey , e . altKey ) && e . preventDefault ( ) } } ) } ) , $j ( window ) . on ( "contextmenu" , document , function ( event ) { return 1 != event . originalEvent . x || 1 != event . originalEvent . y ? ! 0 : ! event . ctrlKey && egw _keyHandler ( EGW _KEY _MENU , event . shiftKey , event . ctrlKey || event . metaKey , event . altKey ) ? ( event . preventDefault ( ) , ! 1 ) : ! 0 } ) ; var egw _registeredShortcuts = { } , _egw _active _menu = null ; egwMenu . prototype . _checkImpl = function ( ) { return "function" == typeof egwMenuImpl } , egwMenu . prototype . showAt = function ( _x , _y , _force ) { if ( "undefined" == typeof _force && ( _force = ! 1 ) , null != _egw _active _menu ) { if ( _egw _active _menu == this && ! _force ) return this . hide ( ) , ! 1 ; _egw _active _menu . hide ( ) } if ( null == this . instance && this . _checkImpl ) { this . instance = new egwMenuImpl ( this . children ) , _egw _active _menu = this ; var self = this ; return this . instance . showAt ( _x , _y , function ( ) { self . instance = null , _egw _active _menu = null } ) , ! 0 } return ! 1 } , egwMenu . prototype . hide = function ( ) { _egw _active _
this . _visible || main _self . _redistribSubLevelSelection ( this . id , this . parent ) , this . _visible = ! 0 } , tr . onmouseout = function ( ) { "web" == main _self . menuMode && ( main _self . menuTimeoutHandler && window . clearTimeout ( main _self . menuTimeoutHandler ) , main _self . menuTimeoutHandler = window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { main _self && main _self . _clearAndHide && main _self . _clearAndHide ( ) } , main _self . menuTimeoutMsec , "JavaScript" ) ) ; var k = this ; main _self . _hideTMData [ this . id ] && window . clearTimeout ( main _self . _hideTMData [ this . id ] ) , main _self . _hideTMData [ this . id ] = window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { k . _visible = ! 1 } , 50 ) } , tr . onclick = function ( e ) { if ( main _self . checkEvent ( "onClick" ) || ! main _self . itemPull [ this . id ] . complex ) { e = e || event , e . cancelBubble = ! 0 , e . returnValue = ! 1 , tc = main _self . itemPull [ this . id ] . complex ? "c" : "-" , td = "enabled" == main _self . itemPull [ this . id ] . state ? "-" : "d" ; var cas = { ctrl : e . ctrlKey , alt : e . altKey , shift : e . shiftKey } ; switch ( main _self . itemPull [ this . id ] . type ) { case "checkbox" : main _self . _checkboxOnClickHandler ( this . id . replace ( main _self . idPrefix , "" ) , tc + td + "n" , cas ) ; break ; case "radio" : main _self . _radioOnClickHandler ( this . id . replace ( main _self . idPrefix , "" ) , tc + td + "n" , cas ) ; break ; case "item" : main _self . _doOnClick ( this . id . replace ( main _self . idPrefix , "" ) , tc + td + "n" , cas ) } return ! 1 } } ; var polygon = this . idPull [ "polygon_" + this . itemPull [ id ] . parent ] ; null != pos && ( pos ++ , 0 > pos && ( pos = 0 ) , pos > polygon . tbd . childNodes . length - 1 && ( pos = null ) ) , null != pos && null != polygon . tbd . childNodes [ pos ] ? polygon . tbd . insertBefore ( tr , polygon . tbd . childNodes [ pos ] ) : polygon . tbd . appendChild ( tr ) , this . idPull [ tr . id ] = tr } , dhtmlXMenuObject . prototype . _renderSeparator = function ( id , pos ) { var level = this . context ? "SubLevelArea" : this . itemPull [ id ] . parent == this . idPrefix + this . topId ? "TopLevel" : "SubLevelArea" ; if ( "TopLevel" != level || ! this . context ) { var main _self = this ; if ( "TopLevel" != level ) { var tr = document . createElement ( "TR" ) ; tr . className = "sub_sep" ; var td = document . createElement ( "TD" ) ; td . colSpan = "3" , tr . appendChild ( td ) } var k = document . createElement ( "DIV" ) ; if ( k . id = "separator_" + id , k . className = "TopLevel" == level ? "top_sep" : "sub_sep" , k . onselectstart = function ( e ) { e = e || event , e . returnValue = ! 1 } , k . onclick = function ( e ) { e = e || event , e . cancelBubble = ! 0 ; var cas = { ctrl : e . ctrlKey , alt : e . altKey , shift : e . shiftKey } ; main _self . _doOnClick ( this . id . replace ( "separator_" + main _self . idPrefix , "" ) , "--s" , cas ) } , "TopLevel" == level ) { if ( null != pos ) pos ++ , 0 > pos && ( pos = 0 ) , null != this . cont . childNodes [ pos ] ? this . cont . insertBefore ( k , this . cont . childNodes [ pos ] ) : this . cont . appendChild ( k ) ; else { var last = this . cont . childNodes [ this . cont . childNodes . length - 1 ] ; - 1 == String ( last ) . search ( "TopLevel_Text" ) ? this . cont . appendChild ( k ) : this . cont . insertBefore ( k , last ) } this . idPull [ k . id ] = k } else { var polygon = this . idPull [ "polygon_" + this . itemPull [ id ] . parent ] ; null != pos && ( pos ++ , 0 > pos && ( pos = 0 ) , pos > polygon . tbd . childNodes . length - 1 && ( pos = null ) ) , null != pos && null != polygon . tbd . childNodes [ pos ] ? polygon . tbd . insertBefore ( tr , polygon . tbd . childNodes [ pos ] ) : polygon . tbd . appendChild ( tr ) , td . appendChild ( k ) , this . idPull [ k . id ] = tr } } } , dhtmlXMenuObject . prototype . addNewSeparator = function ( nextToId , itemId ) { itemId = this . idPrefix + ( null != itemId ? itemId : this . _genStr ( 24 ) ) ; var parentId = this . idPrefix + this . getParentId ( nextToId ) ; this . _addItemIntoGlobalStrorage ( itemId , parentId , "" , "separator" , ! 1 , "" , "" ) , this . _renderSeparator ( itemId , this . getItemPosition ( nextToId ) ) } , dhtmlXMenuObject . prototype . hide = function ( ) { this . _clearAndHide ( ) } , dhtmlXMenuObject . prototype . clearAll = function ( ) { this . removeItem ( this . idPrefix + this . topId , ! 0 ) , this . _isInited = ! 1 , this . idPrefix = this . _genStr ( 12 ) , this . itemPull = { } } , dhtmlXMenuObject . prototype . unload = function ( ) { if ( "function" == typeof window . addEventListener ? ( window . removeEventListener ( "click" , this . _bodyClick , ! 1 ) , window . removeEventListener ( "contextmenu" , this . _bodyContext , ! 1 ) ) : ( document . body . detachEvent ( "onclick" , this . _bodyClick ) , document . body . detachEvent ( "oncontextmenu" , this . _bodyContext ) ) , this . _bodyClick = null , this . _bodyContext = null , this . removeItem ( this . idPrefix + this . topId , ! 0 ) , this . itemPull = null , this . idPull = null , this . context ) for ( var a in this . contextZones ) this . removeContextZone ( a ) ; null != this . cont && ( this . cont . className = "" , this . cont . parentNode . removeChild ( this . cont ) , this . cont = null ) , null != this . base
2016-03-02 15:34:01 +01:00
"item" == this . itemPull [ a ] . type && ( "" != this . itemPull [ a ] . imgen && ( imgEn = ' img="' + this . itemPull [ a ] . imgen + '"' ) , "" != this . itemPull [ a ] . imgdis && ( imgDis = ' imgdis="' + this . itemPull [ a ] . imgdis + '"' ) , "" != this . itemPull [ a ] . hotkey && ( hotKey = "<hotkey>" + this . itemPull [ a ] . hotkey + "</hotkey>" ) ) , "separator" == this . itemPull [ a ] . type ? itemType = ' type="separator"' : "disabled" == this . itemPull [ a ] . state && ( itemState = ' enabled="false"' ) , "checkbox" == this . itemPull [ a ] . type && ( itemType = ' type="checkbox"' + ( this . itemPull [ a ] . checked ? ' checked="true"' : "" ) ) , "radio" == this . itemPull [ a ] . type && ( itemType = ' type="radio" group="' + this . itemPull [ a ] . group + '" ' + ( this . itemPull [ a ] . checked ? ' checked="true"' : "" ) ) , xml += "<item id='" + itemId + "'" + itemText + itemType + imgEn + imgDis + itemState + ">" , xml += hotKey , this . itemPull [ a ] . complex && ( xml += this . _readLevel ( a ) ) , xml += "</item>" } return xml } , dhtmlXMenuObject . prototype . serialize = function ( ) { var xml = "<menu>" + this . _readLevel ( this . idPrefix + this . topId ) + "</menu>" ; return xml } , "function" == typeof egw && egw ( window ) . includeCSS ( egw . webserverUrl + "/phpgwapi/js/egw_action/test/skins/dhtmlxmenu_egw.css" ) , egwMenuImpl . prototype . _translateStructure = function ( _structure , _parentId , _idCnt ) { for ( var counter = 0 , last _id = null , i = 0 ; i < _structure . length ; i ++ ) { var elem = _structure [ i ] , id = elem . id || "elem_" + ( _idCnt + counter ) ; if ( counter ++ , "-" == elem . caption && null != last _id ) this . dhtmlxmenu . addNewSeparator ( last _id , id ) ; else { if ( elem . checkbox && 0 === elem . groupIndex ) this . dhtmlxmenu . addCheckbox ( "child" , _parentId , i , id , elem . caption , elem . checked , ! elem . enabled ) ; else if ( elem . checkbox && elem . groupIndex > 0 ) elem . _dhtmlx _grpid = "grp_" + _idCnt + "_" + elem . groupIndex , this . dhtmlxmenu . addRadioButton ( "child" , _parentId , i , id , elem . caption , elem . _dhtmlx _grpid , elem . checked , ! elem . enabled ) ; else { var caption = elem . caption ; elem . default && ( caption = "<b>" + caption + "</b>" ) , this . dhtmlxmenu . addNewChild ( _parentId , i , id , caption , ! elem . enabled , elem . iconUrl , elem . iconUrl ) } null != elem . shortcutCaption && this . dhtmlxmenu . setHotKey ( id , elem . shortcutCaption ) , elem . children . length > 0 && ( counter += this . _translateStructure ( elem . children , id , _idCnt + counter ) ) } this . dhtmlxmenu . setUserData ( id , "egw_menu" , elem ) , elem . hint && this . dhtmlxmenu . setTooltip ( id , elem . hint ) ; var last _id = id } return counter } , egwMenuImpl . prototype . showAt = function ( _x , _y , _onHide ) { var self = this ; _onHide && this . dhtmlxmenu . attachEvent ( "onHide" , function ( id ) { null === id && _onHide ( ) } ) ; var self = this ; window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . dhtmlxmenu . showContextMenu ( _x , _y ) } , 0 ) } , egwMenuImpl . prototype . hide = function ( ) { this . dhtmlxmenu . hide ( ) } , function ( ) { var SelectParser ; SelectParser = function ( ) { function SelectParser ( ) { this . options _index = 0 , this . parsed = [ ] } return SelectParser . prototype . add _node = function ( child ) { return "OPTGROUP" === child . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) ? this . add _group ( child ) : this . add _option ( child ) } , SelectParser . prototype . add _group = function ( group ) { var group _position , option , _i , _len , _ref , _results ; for ( group _position = this . parsed . length , this . parsed . push ( { array _index : group _position , group : ! 0 , label : this . escapeExpression ( group . label ) , children : 0 , disabled : group . disabled } ) , _ref = group . childNodes , _results = [ ] , _i = 0 , _len = _ref . length ; _len > _i ; _i ++ ) option = _ref [ _i ] , _results . push ( this . add _option ( option , group _position , group . disabled ) ) ; return _results } , SelectParser . prototype . add _option = function ( option , group _position , group _disabled ) { return "OPTION" === option . nodeName . toUpperCase ( ) ? ( "" !== option . text ? ( null != group _position && ( this . parsed [ group _position ] . children += 1 ) , this . parsed . push ( { array _index : this . parsed . length , options _index : this . options _index , value : option . value , text : option . text , html : option . innerHTML , selected : option . selected , disabled : group _disabled === ! 0 ? group _disabled : option . disabled , group _array _index : group _position , classes : option . className , style : option . style . cssText } ) ) : this . parsed . push ( { array _index : this . parsed . length , options _index : this . options _index , empty : ! 0 } ) , this . options _index += 1 ) : void 0 } , SelectParser . prototype . escapeExpression = function ( text ) { var map , unsafe _chars ; return null == text || text === ! 1 ? "" : /[\&\<\>\"\'\`]/ . test ( text ) ? ( map = { "<" : "<" , ">" : ">" , '"' : """ , "'" : "'" , "`" : "`" } , unsafe _chars = /&(?!\w+;)|[\<\>\"\'\`]/g , text . replace ( unsafe _chars , function
2016-03-02 09:46:43 +01:00
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