mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 23:48:32 +01:00
attachments now via symlinks if configured and retrieval to local clients via file:/path
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,22 +17,32 @@
var $public_functions = array
'init' => True, // in class soinfolog
'read' => True,
'write' => True,
'delete' => True,
'check_access' => True,
'readProj' => True,
'readAddr' => True,
'anzSubs' => True,
'readIdArray' => True,
'accountInfo' => True, // in class boinfolog (this class)
'addr2name' => True
'init' => True, // in class soinfolog
'read' => True,
'write' => True,
'delete' => True,
'check_access' => True,
'readProj' => True,
'readAddr' => True,
'anzSubs' => True,
'readIdArray' => True,
'accountInfo' => True, // in class boinfolog (this class)
'addr2name' => True,
'attach_file' => True,
'delete_attached'=> True,
'info_attached' => True,
'list_attached' => True,
'read_attached' => True,
'attached_local' => True
var $enums;
var $so;
var $vfs;
var $vfs_basedir='/infolog';
var $valid_pathes = array();
var $send_file_ips = array();
function boinfolog( $info_id = 0)
function boinfolog( $info_id = 0)
$this->enums = array(
'priority' => array (
@ -64,6 +74,28 @@
$this->so = CreateObject('infolog.soinfolog');
$this->vfs = CreateObject('infolog.vfs');
$this->config = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config');
if ($this->config->config_data)
$link_pathes = unserialize($this->config->config_data['link_pathes']);
$send_file_ips = unserialize($this->config->config_data['send_file_ips']);
* config.save_repository is calling addslashes,
* while read_repository does not call stripslashes,
* so we remove them here manually
while (list($k,$v) = each($link_pathes)) {
$ks = stripslashes($k);
$this->link_pathes[$ks] = stripslashes($v);
$this->send_file_ips[$ks] = stripslashes($send_file_ips[$k]);
// echo "<p>bo: link_pathes="; _debug_array($this->link_pathes);
// echo "<p>bo: send_file_ips="; _debug_array($this->send_file_ips);
$this->read( $info_id);
@ -168,13 +200,15 @@
$this->addr2name( $this->readAddr( $this->so->data['info_addr_id'] )))
$this->so->data['info_from'] = '';
return $this->so->data;
function delete($info_id)
function write($values)
@ -188,18 +222,18 @@
$values['owner'] = $this->so->user;
$values['datecreated'] = time(); // is now MODIFICATION-date
if (!$values['subject'])
$values['subject'] = substr($values['des'],0,60).' ...';
if ($values['addr_id'] && !$values['from'])
$values['from'] = $this->addr2name( $this->readAddr( $values['addr_id'] ));
function anzSubs( $info_id )
return $this->so->anzSubs( $info_id );
@ -212,4 +246,156 @@
function vfs_path($info_id,$file='')
return $this->vfs_basedir . '/' . $info_id . ($file ? '/' . $file : '');
** Put a file to the corrosponding place in the VFS and set the attributes
** ACL check is done by the VFS
function attach_file($info_id,$filepos,$name,$size,$type,$comment='',$full_fname='')
//echo "<p>add_one_file: info_id='$info_id', filepos='$filepos', name='$name', size='$size', type='$type', comment='$comment', full_fname='$full_fname'</p>\n";
// create the root for attached files in infolog, if it does not exists
if (!($this->vfs->file_exists($this->vfs_basedir,array(RELATIVE_ROOT))))
$this->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$this->vfs->override_acl = 0;
if (!($this->vfs->file_exists($dir,array(RELATIVE_ROOT))))
$this->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$this->vfs->override_acl = 0;
$fname = $this->vfs_path($info_id,$name);
$tfname = '';
if ($full_fname)
$full_fname = str_replace('\\\\','/',$full_fname); // vfs uses only '/'
while ((list($valid,$trans) = each($this->link_pathes)) && !$tfname)
{ // check case-insensitive for WIN etc.
$check = $valid[0] == '\\' || strstr(':',$valid) ? 'eregi' : 'ereg';
$valid2 = str_replace('\\','/',$valid);
if ($check('^('.$valid2.')(.*)$',$full_fname,$parts) &&
ereg($this->send_file_ips[$valid],$ip) && // right IP
$tfname = $trans.$parts[2];
// echo "<p>add_one_file: full_fname='$full_fname', valid2='$valid2', trans='$trans', check=$check, tfname='$tfname', parts=(x,'${parts[1]}','${parts[2]}')</p>\n";
if ($tfname && !$this->vfs->securitycheck($tfname))
return lang('Invalid filename').': '.$tfname;
if ($tfname) // file is local
$this->vfs->set_attributes ($fname, array (RELATIVE_ROOT),
array ('mime_type' => $type,
'comment' => stripslashes ($comment),
'app' => 'infolog'));
function delete_attached($info_id,$fname = '')
$file = $this->vfs_path($info_id,$fname);
if ($this->vfs->file_exists($file,array(RELATIVE_ROOT)))
$this->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$this->vfs->override_acl = 0;
function info_attached($info_id,$filename)
$attachments = $this->vfs->ls($this->vfs_path($info_id,$filename),array(REALTIVE_NONE));
if (!count($attachments) || !$attachments[0]['name'])
return False;
return $attachments[0];
function list_attached($info_id)
$attachments = $this->vfs->ls($this->vfs_path($info_id),array(REALTIVE_NONE));
if (!count($attachments) || !$attachments[0]['name'])
return False;
while (list($keys,$fileinfo) = each($attachments))
$attached[$fileinfo['name']] = $fileinfo['comment'];
return $attached;
function is_win_path($path)
return $path[0] == '\\' || strstr($path,':');
function read_attached($info_id,$filename)
if (!$info_id || !$filename || !$this->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_READ))
return False;
return $this->vfs->read($this->vfs_path($info_id,$filename),array(RELATIVE_ROOT));
* Checks if filename should be local availible and if so returns 'file:/path' for HTTP-redirect
* else return False
function attached_local($info_id,$filename,$ip,$win_user)
//echo "<p>attached_local(info_id='$info_id', filename='$filename', ip='$ip', win_user='$win_user', count(send_file_ips)=".count($this->send_file_ips).")</p>\n";
if (!$info_id || !$filename || !$this->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_READ) ||
return False;
$link = $this->vfs->readlink ($this->vfs_path($info_id,$filename), array (RELATIVE_ROOT));
if ($link)
reset($this->link_pathes); $fname = '';
while ((list($valid,$trans) = each($this->link_pathes)) && !$fname)
if (!$this->is_win_path($valid) == !$win_user && // valid for this OS
eregi('^'.$trans.'(.*)$',$link,$parts) && // right path
ereg($this->send_file_ips[$valid],$ip)) // right IP
$fname = $valid . $parts[1];
$fname = !$win_user ? str_replace('\\','/',$fname) : str_replace('/','\\',$fname);
return 'file:'.($win_user ? '//' : '' ).$fname;
// echo "<p>attached_local: link=$link, valid=$valid, trans='$trans', fname='$fname', parts=(x,'${parts[1]}','${parts[2]}')</p>\n";
return False;
@ -40,10 +40,16 @@ class html
return $html;
function input($name,$value='',$type='',$options='' )
if ($type) $type = "type=$type";
return "<input $type name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" $options>\n";
function submit_button($name,$lang,$onClick='')
return "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"$name\" value=\"".lang($lang).'"'.
($onClick ? " onClick=\"$onClick\"" : '').">\n";
return $this->input($name,lang($lang),'submit',$onClick ? "onClick=\"$onClick\"" : '');
@ -76,12 +82,6 @@ class html
return "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$name\" value=\"True\"" .($value ? ' checked' : '') . ">\n";
function file($name,$value='')
return "<input type=\"file\" name=\"$name\">\n";
function form($content,$hidden_vars,$url,$url_vars='',$method='POST')
$html = "<form method=\"$method\" action=\"".$this->link($url,$url_vars)."\">\n";
@ -24,16 +24,14 @@
'delete' => True,
'get_file' => True,
'add_file' => True,
'admin' => True,
'preferences' => True
var $icons;
var $vfs;
var $basedir='/infolog';
function uiinfolog( )
$this->bo = CreateObject('infolog.boinfolog');
$this->vfs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.vfs');
$this->icons = array(
'type' => array(
@ -198,16 +196,16 @@
// add the links to the files which corrospond to this entry
while (list($keys,$fileinfo) = each($attachments))
$attachments = $this->bo->list_attached($info['info_id']);
while (list($name,$comment) = @each($attachments))
$links .= isset($links) ? ', ' : '<br>';
$links .= $this->html->a_href($fileinfo['name'],'/index.php',
$links .= $this->html->a_href($name,'/index.php',
$this->menuaction('get_file') + array(
'info_id' => $info['info_id'],
'filename' => $fileinfo['name'])
if ($fileinfo['comment']) $links .= ' (' . $fileinfo['comment'] . ')';
'filename' => $name
if ($comment) $links .= ' (' . $comment . ')';
return array(
@ -542,6 +540,7 @@
//echo "<p>get_file: info_id='$info_id', filename='$filename'</p>\n";
$browser = CreateObject('phpgwapi.browser');
@ -549,54 +548,24 @@
if (!$info_id || !$filename || !$this->bo->check_access($info_id,PHPGW_ACL_READ))
Header('Location: ' . $html->link($referer));
Header('Location: ' . $this->html->link($referer));
$local = $this->bo->attached_local($info_id,$filename,$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['REMOTE_ADDR'],$browser->is_windows());
echo $this->vfs->read($fn,array(RELATIVE_ROOT));
** Put a file to the corrosponding place in the VFS and set the attributes
** ACL check is done by the VFS
function add_one_file($info_id,$filepos,$name,$size,$type,$comment='')
//echo "<p>add_one_file: info_id='$info_id', filepos='$filepos', name='$name', size='$size', type='$type', comment='$comment'</p>\n";
if ($filepos && ($filepos!="none") && $info_id)
if ($local)
// create the root for attached files in infolog, if it does not exists
if (!($this->vfs->file_exists($this->basedir,array(RELATIVE_ROOT))))
$this->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$this->vfs->override_acl = 0;
if (!$this->vfs->securitycheck($filename))
return lang('Invalid filename');
if (!($this->vfs->file_exists($dir,array(RELATIVE_ROOT))))
$this->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$this->vfs->override_acl = 0;
$this->vfs->set_attributes ($dir.'/'.$name, array (RELATIVE_ROOT),
array ('mime_type' => $type,
'comment' => stripslashes ($comment),
'app' => 'infolog'));
//echo "<p>local: '$local'</p>\n";
Header('Location: ' . $local );
//echo "<p>not local: ".$this->bo->vfs_path($info_id,$filename)."</p>\n";
$info = $this->bo->info_attached($info_id,$filename);
echo $this->bo->read_attached($info_id,$filename);
@ -606,7 +575,7 @@
global $upload,$info_id;
global $attachfile,$attachfile_name,$attachfile_size,$attachfile_type;
global $filecomment;
global $filecomment,$full_fname;
global $sort,$order,$query,$start,$filter,$cat_id;
$t = $this->template; $html = $this->html;
@ -620,9 +589,10 @@
if ($upload) {
$fileerror = $this->add_one_file($info_id,$attachfile,$attachfile_name,$attachfile_size,$attachfile_type,$filecomment);
if ($fileerror!='') $error[]=$fileerror;
if ($upload && $attachfile && $attachfile != "none")
$fileerror = $this->bo->attach_file($info_id,$attachfile,$attachfile_name,$attachfile_size,$attachfile_type,$filecomment,$full_fname);
if ($fileerror) $error[]=$fileerror;
echo parse_navbar();
@ -632,7 +602,7 @@
$t->set_var( $this->infoHeaders( ));
$t->set_var( $this->formatInfo( $info_id ));
$t->set_var( 'hidden_vars',$html->input_hidden(array(
'info_id' => $info_id, 'referer' => $referer
'info_id' => $info_id, 'referer' => $referer, 'full_fname' => '.' // must not be empty
if (is_array($error))
@ -647,7 +617,7 @@
$t->set_var('lang_file',lang('attach file').':');
$t->set_var('submit_button',$html->submit_button('upload','attach file'));
$t->set_var('submit_button',$html->submit_button('upload','attach file','this.form.full_fname.value=this.form.attachfile.value'));
@ -663,7 +633,7 @@
global $type,$from,$addr,$id_addr,$id_project,$subject,$des,$access;
global $pri,$status,$confirm,$info_cat,$id_parent,$responsible;
global $attachfile,$attachfile_name,$attachfile_size,$attachfile_type;
global $filecomment;
global $filecomment,$full_fname;
$t = $this->template; $html = $this->html;
@ -780,9 +750,11 @@
'responsible' => $responsible
// save the attached file
$fileerror = $this->add_one_file($this->bo->so->data['info_id'],$attachfile,$attachfile_name,$attachfile_size,$attachfile_type,$filecomment);
if ($fileerror!='') $error[]=$fileerror;
if ($attachfile && $attachfile != "none") // save the attached file
$fileerror = $this->bo->attach_file($this->bo->so->data['info_id'],$attachfile,$attachfile_name,$attachfile_size,$attachfile_type,$filecomment,$full_fname);
if ($fileerror) $error[]=$fileerror;
if (!$query_addr && !$query_project)
@ -830,7 +802,8 @@
'info_id' => $info_id,
'action' => $action,
'id_parent' => $id_parent,
'referer' => $referer
'referer' => $referer,
'full_fname' => '.' // must not be empty
@ -953,10 +926,10 @@
if (!isset($access)) $access = $this->bo->so->data['info_access'] == 'private';
$t->set_var('lang_file',lang('attach file').':');
$t->set_var(array('lang_file' => lang('attach file').':','file_val' => $full_fname));
$t->set_var(array('lang_comment' => lang('comment').':','comment_val' => $filecomment));
@ -989,23 +962,13 @@
if ($confirm)
$file = $this->basedir.'/'.$info_id; // whole dir
if (!isset($to_del) || $to_del == '.')
$file = $this->basedir.'/'.$info_id; // whole dir
$file .= '/'.$to_del;
if ($this->vfs->file_exists($file,array(RELATIVE_ROOT)))
$this->vfs->override_acl = 1;
$this->vfs->override_acl = 0;
Header('Location: ' . $html->link($referer,array( 'cd' => 16 )));
@ -1017,15 +980,14 @@
$t->set_file(array( 'info_delete' => 'delete.tpl' ));
// add the links to the files which corrospond to this entry
$attachments = $this->vfs->ls($this->basedir.'/'.$info_id.'/',array(REALTIVE_NONE));
if (count($attachments) && $attachments[0]['name'])
$attachments = $this->bo->list_attached($info_id);
if ($attachments)
$to_del = array('.' => lang('entry and all files'));
while (list($keys,$fileinfo) = each($attachments))
while (list($name,$comment) = each($attachments))
$to_del[$fileinfo['name']] = $fileinfo['name'] .
($fileinfo['comment'] ? ' ('.$fileinfo['comment'].')' : '');
$to_del[$name] = $name . ($comment ? ' ('.$comment.')' : '');
$sbox2 = CreateObject('phpgwapi.sbox2');
@ -1051,6 +1013,68 @@
function admin( )
if ($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['done'])
Header('Location: '.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/admin/index.php'));
if ($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['save'])
$this->bo->link_pathes = array(); $this->bo->send_file_ips = array();
while (list($key,$val) = each($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['valid']))
if ($val = stripslashes($val))
$this->bo->link_pathes[$val] = stripslashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['trans'][$key]);
$this->bo->send_file_ips[$val] = stripslashes($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['ip'][$key]);
$this->config->config_data = array(
'link_pathes' => serialize($this->bo->link_pathes),
'send_file_ips' => serialize($this->bo->send_file_ips)
echo parse_navbar();
$this->template->set_file(array('info_admin' => 'admin.tpl'));
'title' => lang('InfoLog').' - '.lang('configuration'),
'text' => lang('<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients'),
'action_url' => $this->html->link('/index.php',$this->menuaction('admin')),
'bg_h_color' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['th_bg'],
'save_button' => $this->html->submit_button('save','Save'),
'done_button' => $this->html->submit_button('done','Done'),
'lang_valid' => lang('valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\\\Server\\Share or e:\\'),
'lang_trans' => lang('path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/Share'),
'lang_ip' => lang('reg. expr. for local IP\'s<br>eg. ^192\\.168\\.1\\.')
$this->template->set_block('info_admin', 'admin_line', 'admin_linehandle');
$i = 0; @reset($this->bo->link_pathes);
do {
list($valid,$trans) = @each($this->bo->link_pathes);
'bg_nm_color' => $this->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color(),
'num' => $i+1,
'val_valid' => $this->html->input("valid[$i]",$valid),
'val_trans' => $this->html->input("trans[$i]",$trans),
'val_ip' => $this->html->input("ip[$i]",$this->bo->send_file_ips[$valid])
} while ($valid);
function preferences( )
global $save;
@ -1088,8 +1112,7 @@
$vars = Array(
'title' => lang('InfoLog preferences'),
'text' => ' ',
'action_url' => $html->link('/index.php',
'action_url' => $html->link('/index.php',$this->menuaction('preferences')),
'bg_h_color' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['th_bg'],
'save_button' => $html->submit_button('save','Save')
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
// Only Modify the $file and $title variables.....
$title = $appname;
$file = Array(
'CSV-Import' => $phpgw->link('/infolog/csv_import.php')
'Site configuration' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array('menuaction' => 'infolog.uiinfolog.admin' )),
'CSV-Import' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/infolog/csv_import.php')
//Do not modify below this line
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
%1 records imported infolog de %1 Datensätze importiert
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) infolog de %1 Datensätze gelesen (noch nicht importiert, sie können %2zurück%3 gehen und Test Import ausschalten)
<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients infolog de <b>Dateianhänge über Symlinks</b> anstatt sie hochzuladen und Zugriff mit file:/pfad für lokale Benutzer
Add a file infolog de Datei anhängen
Invalid filename infolog de Ungültiger Dateiname
accept infolog de bei Annahme
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ call infolog de anrufen
category infolog de Kategorie
close infolog de Schließen
comment infolog de Kommentar
configuration infolog de Konfiguration
confirm infolog de Bestätigung
csv-fieldname infolog de CSV-Feldname
csv-filename infolog de CSV-Dateiname
@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ own open infolog de eigene offen
own overdue infolog de eigene überfällig
own upcoming infolog de eigene zukünftig
owner infolog de Erstellt von
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/Share infolog de Pfad auf (Web-)Server<br>zB. /var/samba/Share
pattern for search in addressbook infolog de Muster für Suche im Adressbuch
pattern for search in projects infolog de Muster für Suche des Projekts
phone infolog de Anruf
@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ priority infolog de Priorit
private infolog de Privat
project infolog de Projekt
re: infolog de Re:
reg. expr. for local IP's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog de reg. Ausdr. für lokale IP's<br>^192\.168\.1\.
reject infolog de Absage
responsible infolog de Auftrag an
search for: infolog de Suchen nach:
@ -96,6 +100,7 @@ urgency infolog de Priorit
urgent infolog de Dringend
use Button to search for Address infolog de Button zum Suchen der Adresse verwenden
use Button to search for Project infolog de Button zum Suchen des Projekts verwenden
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\Server\Share or e:\ infolog de gültiger Pfad clientseitig<br>zB. \\Server\Share oder e:\
view other subs infolog de andere Teileprojekte anzeigen
view subs infolog de Teilprojekte anzeigen
will-call infolog de ruft zurück
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
%1 records imported infolog en %1 records imported
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) infolog en %1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck Test Import)
<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients infolog en <b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients
Add a file infolog de Add a file
Invalid filename infolog de Invalid filename
accept infolog en accept
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ call infolog en call
category infolog en Category
close infolog de Close
comment infolog en Comment
configuration infolog de Konfiguration
confirm infolog en confirm
csv-fieldname infolog en CSV-Fieldname
csv-filename infolog en CSV-Filename
@ -64,6 +66,7 @@ own open infolog en own open
own overdue infolog en own overdue
own upcoming infolog en own upcoming
owner infolog en Owner
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/Share infolog en path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/Share
pattern for search in addressbook infolog en pattern for search in Addressbook
pattern for search in projects infolog en pattern for search in Projects
phone infolog en Phonecall
@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ priority infolog en Priority
private infolog en Private
project infolog en Project
re: infolog en Re:
reg. expr. for local IP's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog en reg. expr. for local IP's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\.
reject infolog en reject
responsible infolog en Responsible
search for: infolog en Search for:
@ -96,6 +100,7 @@ urgency infolog en urgency
urgent infolog en urgent
use Button to search for Address infolog en use Button to search for Address
use Button to search for Project infolog en use Button to search for Project
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\Server\Share or e:\ infolog en valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\Server\Share or e:\
view other subs infolog en view other Subs
view subs infolog en view Subs
will-call infolog en will call
Reference in New Issue
Block a user