mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:28:39 +01:00
new translation and removing not longer used ones
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
* Functions to manage the eGW config file header.inc.php
* Used by manageheader.php and the new setup command line interface setup-cli.php
* @package setup
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ class setup_header
* Detect settings or set defaults for the header.inc.php file (used if it does not yet exist)
* Sets $GLOBALS['egw_info'], $GLOBALS['egw_domains'] and the defines EGW_SERVER_ROOT and EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT,
* as if the header has been included
* @param string $domain='default' domain to set
function defaults($domain='default')
@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ class setup_header
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['server_root'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['include_root'] = $egw_root;
define('EGW_SERVER_ROOT',$egw_root); // this is usally already defined by setup and cant be changed
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_user'] = 'admin';
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['header_admin_password'] = '';
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['setup_acl'] = '';
if ($domain) $GLOBALS['egw_domain'][$domain] = $this->domain_defaults();
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['show_domain_selectbox'] = false;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['db_persistent'] = True;
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['sessions_type'] = !$this->check_load_extension('session') ? 'db' :'php4';
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class setup_header
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions']['mcrypt'] = '';
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['mcrypt_iv'] = $this->generate_mcyrpt_iv();
function domain_defaults($user='admin',$passwd='',$supported_db=null)
if (is_null($supported_db)) $supported_db = $this->check_db_support($null);
@ -98,26 +98,21 @@ class setup_header
'config_passwd' => $passwd,
* Checks the values of the (included) header.inc.php file
* The values are set in $GLOBALS['egw_info'], $GLOBALS['egw_domain'] and EGW_SERVER_ROOT
* @return array with errors or null if no errors
function validation_errors($server_root=EGW_SERVER_ROOT,$include_root=EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT)
function validation_errors($path=EGW_SERVER_ROOT)
$errors = null;
lang('Server root') => $server_root,
lang('Include root') => $include_root) as $label => $path)
if (!is_dir($path) || !is_readable($path) || !is_dir($path.'/phpgwapi'))
if (!is_dir($path) || !is_readable($path) || !is_dir($path.'/phpgwapi'))
$errors[] = lang("%1 '%2' does NOT exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no eGroupWare installation!",$label,$path);
$errors[] = lang("%1 '%2' does NOT exist, is not readable by the webserver or contains no eGroupWare installation!",lang('Server root'),$path);
@ -147,13 +142,13 @@ class setup_header
return $errors;
* generate header.inc.php file from given values
* setup_header::generate($GLOBALS['egw_info'],$GLOBALS['egw_domains'])
* should write an identical header.inc.php as the one include
* @param array $egw_info usual content (in server key) plus keys server_root and include_root
* @param array $egw_domains info about the existing eGW domains / DB instances
* @return string content of header.inc.php
@ -183,7 +178,7 @@ class setup_header
$var = Array();
foreach($egw_info['server'] as $name => $value)
@ -209,7 +204,7 @@ class setup_header
return $tpl->parse('out','header');
* Gernerate a random mcrypt_iv vector
@ -241,7 +236,7 @@ class setup_header
return extension_loaded($extension) ||
function_exists('dl') && @dl(PHP_SHLIB_PREFIX.$extension.'.'.PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX);
function check_db_support(&$detected)
$supported_db = $detected = array();
@ -271,12 +266,12 @@ class setup_header
return $supported_db;
static function is_md5($str)
return preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/',$str);
// some constanst for pre php4.3
if (!defined('PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX'))
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ allow authentication via cookie setup de Erlaube Benutzerauthentifizierung über
allow password migration setup de Erlaube Password Migration
allowed migration types (comma-separated) setup de Erlauber Migrationstypen (Komma separiert)
alternatively domains can be accessed by logging in with <i>username@domain</i>. setup de Auf Domains kann alternative auch durch Anmelden als <i>benutzer@domain</i> zugegriffen werden.
analysis setup de Analyse
and is up to date setup de und ist aktuell
and reload your webserver, so the above changes take effect !!! setup de UND reloaden Sie ihren Webserver, damit die obigen Änderungen in Kraft treten!!!
app details setup de Details der Anwendung
@ -169,6 +168,7 @@ current system-charset setup de Aktueller Systemzeichensatz
current system-charset is %1. setup de Aktueller Systemzeichensatz ist %1.
current version setup de Gegenwärtige Version
currently installed languages: %1 <br /> setup de Gegenwärtig installierte Sprachen: %1 <br />
custom handler: %1 setup de Eigener Sitzunghandler: %1
custom set via %1 setup de Benutzerdefiniert über "%1" gesetzt
cyrus imap: admin user,password setup de Cyrus IMAP: Adminbenutzer,Passwort
database setup de Datenbank
@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ filename setup de Dateiname
filesystem setup de Dateisystem
filesystem (default) setup de Dateisystem (Vorgabe)
force selectbox setup de Auswahl erzwingen
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup de Existierende Konfigurationsdatei gefunden. Lade Einstellungen von der Datei ...
give admin access to all installed apps setup de Admin Zugang zu allen installierten Anwendungen geben
gives further options setup de gibt zusätzliche Optionen
go back setup de Zurück gehen
@ -294,15 +293,13 @@ if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the pr
if using ads (active directory) authentication setup de Wenn Sie ADS (Active Directory) Authentifizierung benutzen
if using ldap setup de Wenn Sie LDAP verwenden
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup de Wenn Sie LDAP verwenden, wollen Sie Benutzerverzeichnisse und Komandointerpreter verwalten ?
if you can only access the docroot choose <b>database</b> for where to store the file content and use same path as for temporäry files. setup de Wenn Sie nur die Documentroot erreichen können, wählen Sie bei Inhalt von Dateien speichern <b>Datenbank</b> UND benutzern Sie hier den Pfad für temporäre Dateien.
if you can only access the docroot choose <b>database</b> for where to store the file content and use same path as for temporary files. setup de Wenn Sie nur die Documentroot erreichen können, wählen Sie bei Inhalt von Dateien speichern <b>Datenbank</b> UND benutzern Sie hier den Pfad für temporäre Dateien.
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup de Wenn Sie keine Fehlermeldungen erhalten, wurden Ihre Anwendungen
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup de Wenn Sie keine Fehlermeldungen erhalten, wurden Ihre Tabellen
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup de Wenn Sie das zum ersten Mal ausführen, vergessen Sie nicht manuell die %1 !!!
if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup de Wenn Sie nur Sprachen des gleichen Zeichensatzes (zB. westeuropäische) benützen, brauchen Sie keinen Systemzeichensatz zu setzten!
image type selection order setup de Auswahlreihenfolge der Bilddateitypen
import has been completed! setup de Import ist beendet!
importing old settings into the new format.... setup de Importiere alte Einstellung in das neue Format ...
include root setup de Include-Root
include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup de include_path muss "." - das aktuelle Verzeichnis - enthalten
install setup de Installieren
install all setup de Alle Installieren
@ -359,7 +356,6 @@ mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup de MCrypt-Algorithmus (Vorgabe TRIPLE
mcrypt initialization vector setup de MCrypt-Initialisierungsvektor
mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup de MCrypt-Modus (Vorgabe CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup de MCrypt-Einstellungen (benötigt die mcrypt Erweiterung von PHP)
mcrypt version setup de MCrypt-Version
memory_limit is set to less than %1: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup de memory_limit (maximale Speicher für ein Skript) ist auf weniger als %1 gesetzt: einige eGroupWare Anwendungen benötigen mehr als die empfohlenen 8M. Sie müssen mit gelegentlichen Fehlern rechnen.
migration between egroupware account repositories setup de Migration zwischen versch. Orten zur Speicherung von eGroupWare Benutzern
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup de Minimum für Benutzer-ID (z.B. 500 oder 100)
@ -417,8 +413,7 @@ pear (%1) is a php repository and is usually in a package called %2. setup de PE
pear extensions are required by many egroupware applications, pear itself is the required basis for each extension! setup de PEAR Erweiterungen werden von vielen eGroupware Anwendungen benötigt, PEAR selbst ist die Basis für diese Erweiterungen!
pear%1 is needed by: %2. setup de PEAR%1 wird benötigt von: %2.
persistent connections setup de Permanente Verbindungen
php plus restore setup de PHP plus Wiederherstellen
php plus restore gives by far the best performance, as it stores the egw enviroment completly in the session. setup de PHP plus Wiederherstellen gibt bei weitem die beste Performanze. Es speichert die eGW Umgebung komplett in der Session.
php session handler enabled in php.ini setup de PHP Sitzungshandler aus der php.ini
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup de Bitte suchen Sie ein SQL Skript im Verzeichnis der Anwendung
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup de Bitte überprüfen Sie die Lese/Schreib-Rechte der Verzeichnisse oder gehen Sie zurück und benutzen eine andere Option.
please configure egroupware for your environment setup de Bitte konfigurieren Sie eGroupWare für Ihre Umgebung
@ -463,7 +458,6 @@ return to setup setup de Zurück zum Setup
run a database schema update (if necessary): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password setup de Führt eine Aktualisierung des Datenbank Schema aus (falls notwendig): Domain(alle),[Konfigurationsbenutzer(admin)],Passwort
run installation tests setup de Installationstests starten
safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure. setup de safe_mode ist eingeschaltet, was ist generell gut, da es Ihre Installation sicherer macht.
sample configuration not found. using built in defaults setup de Beispiel Konfiguration nicht gefunden, benutze eingebaute Voreinstellungen
save setup de Speichern
save this text as contents of your header.inc.php setup de Speichern Sie diesen Text als Datei header.inc.php
schedule setup de planen
@ -488,16 +482,15 @@ select which user(s) will have admin privileges setup de Wählen Sie den/die Ben
select your old version setup de Wählen Sie Ihre alte Version
selectbox setup de Auswahlfeld
server root setup de Server-Root
sessions type setup de Session-Typ
session handler class used. setup de Benutze Sitzunghandler Klasse.
sessions handler setup de Sitzunghandler
set setup de gesetzt
set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you use. setup de Setzen Sie dies auf "old" für Versionen < 2.4, ansonsten auf die exakte MCrypt Version die Sie benutzen.
setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup de Den Systemzeichensatz auf UTF-8 (unicode) zu setzten, erlaubt die Koexistenz von Daten in Sprachen mit verschiedenen Zeichensätzen.
settings setup de Einstellungen
setup setup de Einrichtung
setup main menu setup de Setup-Hauptmenü
setup the database setup de Datenbank einzurichten
setup/config admin login setup de Setup-/Konfigurationsadmin-Login
should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing. setup de Sollte das gleiche Verzeichnis wie die Server-Root sein, außer Sie wissen was Sie tun.
show 'powered by' logo on setup de Zeige "powered by" Logo
sieve: host[,port(2000)] setup de Sieve: Rechner[,Port(2000)]
size setup de Größe
@ -572,7 +565,6 @@ translations upgraded setup de Übersetzungen aktualisiert
true setup de Ja
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup de Versuchen Sie Ihr PHP so zu konfigurieren, dass es eine der oben genannten Datenbanken unterstützt, oder installieren Sie eGroupWare von Hand.
two weeks setup de zwei Wochen
unfortunally some php/apache packages have problems with it (apache dies and you cant login anymore). setup de Leider haben einige PHP/Apache Packete Probleme damit (Der Apache stirbt und Sie können sich nicht mehr einlogen).
uninstall setup de deinstaliert
uninstall all applications setup de Alle Anwendungen deinstallieren
uninstalled setup de nicht installiert
@ -612,7 +604,6 @@ we could not determine the version of %1, please make sure it is at least %2 set
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup de Wir werden Ihre Tabellen/Einträge automatisch zu %1 aktualisieren
we will now run a series of tests, which may take a few minutes. click the link below to proceed. setup de Wir werden jetzt eine Serie von Tests durchführen. Das kann ein paar Minuten dauern. Klicken sie auf den folgenden Link um Fortzufahren.
welcome to the egroupware installation setup de Herzlich willkommen zur eGroupWare Installation
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php session management may perform better)? setup de Welches Session-Management wollen Sie verwenden (PHP Session-Management hat eine bessere Performanz)?
where should egroupware store file content setup de Wo soll eGroupware den Inhalt von Dateien speichern
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup de Welchen Datenbanktyp wollen Sie mit eGroupWare verwenden?
world readable setup de lesbar von jedem (world readable)
@ -630,7 +621,6 @@ you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions a
you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup de Es sieht so aus als ob Sie eine alte PHP-Version benutzen<br />Es ist notwendig auf eine neue Version zu aktualisieren.<br />Ältere PHP-Versionen könnten eGroupWare (wenn überhaupt) nicht korrekt ausführen. <br /><br />Biite aktualisieren Sie mindestens auf Version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup de Es sieht so aus als benutzen Sie Version %1 von eGroupWare
you appear to have %1 support. setup de Sie scheinen %1 Unterstützung zu haben.
you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup de Sie scheinen PHP Session Unterstützung zu haben. PHP Sessions eingeschaltet.
you appear to have xml support enabled setup de Sie scheinen XML Unterstützung zu haben.
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br /> setup de Sie sind bereit für diesen Schritt, aber dieser Abschnitt wurde noch nicht geschrieben.<br />
you are using php version %1. egroupware now requires %2 or later, recommended is php %3. setup de Sie benutzen die PHP Version %1. eGroupWare benötigt mindestens die Version %2, empfohlen ist PHP %3.
@ -645,7 +635,6 @@ you have not created your header.inc.php yet!<br /> you can create it now. setup
you have successfully logged out setup de Sie haben sich erfolgreich abgemeldet.
you must enter a username for the admin setup de Sie müssen einen Benutzernamen für den Administrator eingeben!
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup de Sie müssen mindestens eine eGroupWare Domain / Datenbank Instanz hinzufügen.
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup de Sie müssen eine Domain zu ihrer header.inc.php hinzufügen.
you need to configure egroupware: setup de Sie müssen eGroupWare konfigurieren:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup de Sie müssen die obigen Fehler beheben, bevor die Konfigurationsdatei header.inc.php gespeichert werden kann!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup de Sie müssen die hier vorgenommenen Einstellungen zuerst speichern!
@ -655,7 +644,6 @@ you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup de Sie sollten entweder de- und neuinstallieren, oder manuelle Reparaturen versuchen
you will not be able to log into egroupware using php sessions: "session could not be verified" !!! setup de Sie werden sich NICHT mit PHP Sitzungen in die eGroupWare einlogen: "Ihre Sitzung konnte nicht verifiziert werden" !!!
you're using an old configuration file format... setup de Sie verwenden ein altes Format der Konfigurationsdatei ...
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup de Sie verwenden eine alte header.inc.php Version ...
your applications are current setup de Ihre Anwendungen sind aktuell
your backup directory '%1' %2 setup de Ihr Datensicherungsverzeichnis '%1' %2
your database does not exist setup de Ihre Datenbank existiert nicht
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ allow authentication via cookie setup en Allow authentication via cookie
allow password migration setup en Allow password migration
allowed migration types (comma-separated) setup en Allowed migration types (comma-separated)
alternatively domains can be accessed by logging in with <i>username@domain</i>. setup en Alternatively domains can be accessed by logging in with <i>username@domain</i>.
analysis setup en Analysis
and is up to date setup en and is up to date
and reload your webserver, so the above changes take effect !!! setup en AND reload your webserver, so the above changes take effect !!!
app details setup en App details
@ -169,6 +168,7 @@ current system-charset setup en Current system-charset
current system-charset is %1. setup en Current system-charset is %1.
current version setup en Current Version
currently installed languages: %1 <br /> setup en Currently installed languages: %1 <br />
custom handler: %1 setup en Custom handler: %1
custom set via %1 setup en Custom set via %1
cyrus imap: admin user,password setup en Cyrus IMAP: Admin user,Password
database setup en Database
@ -259,7 +259,6 @@ filename setup en filename
filesystem setup en Filesystem
filesystem (default) setup en Filesystem (default)
force selectbox setup en Force Selectbox
found existing configuration file. loading settings from the file... setup en Found existing configuration file. Loading settings from the file...
give admin access to all installed apps setup en Give admin access to all installed apps
gives further options setup en gives further options
go back setup en Go back
@ -292,15 +291,13 @@ if the application has no defined tables, selecting upgrade should remedy the pr
if using ads (active directory) authentication setup en If using ADS (Active Directory) authentication
if using ldap setup en If using LDAP
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? setup en If using LDAP, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes?
if you can only access the docroot choose <b>database</b> for where to store the file content and use same path as for temporäry files. setup en If you can only access the docroot choose <b>Database</b> for where to store the file content AND use same path as for temporäry files.
if you can only access the docroot choose <b>database</b> for where to store the file content and use same path as for temporary files. setup en If you can only access the docroot choose <b>Database</b> for where to store the file content AND use same path as for temporary files.
if you did not receive any errors, your applications have been setup en If you did not receive any errors, your applications have been
if you did not receive any errors, your tables have been setup en If you did not receive any errors, your tables have been
if you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!! setup en If you running this the first time, don't forget to manualy %1 !!!
if you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset! setup en If you use only languages of the same charset (eg. western european ones) you dont need to set a system-charset!
image type selection order setup en Image type selection order
import has been completed! setup en Import has been completed!
importing old settings into the new format.... setup en Importing old settings into the new format....
include root setup en Include root
include_path need to contain "." - the current directory setup en include_path need to contain "." - the current directory
install setup en Install
install all setup en Install All
@ -357,7 +354,6 @@ mcrypt algorithm (default tripledes) setup en Mcrypt algorithm (default TRIPLEDE
mcrypt initialization vector setup en MCrypt initialization vector
mcrypt mode (default cbc) setup en Mcrypt mode (default CBC)
mcrypt settings (requires mcrypt php extension) setup en Mcrypt Settings (requires mcrypt PHP extension)
mcrypt version setup en MCrypt version
memory_limit is set to less than %1: some applications of egroupware need more than the recommend 8m, expect occasional failures setup en memory_limit is set to less than %1: some applications of eGroupWare need more than the recommend 8M, expect occasional failures
migration between egroupware account repositories setup en Migration between eGroupWare account repositories
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) setup en Minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.)
@ -415,8 +411,7 @@ pear (%1) is a php repository and is usually in a package called %2. setup en PE
pear extensions are required by many egroupware applications, pear itself is the required basis for each extension! setup en PEAR extensions are required by many eGroupware applications, PEAR itself is the required basis for each extension!
pear%1 is needed by: %2. setup en PEAR%1 is needed by: %2.
persistent connections setup en Persistent connections
php plus restore setup en PHP plus restore
php plus restore gives by far the best performance, as it stores the egw enviroment completly in the session. setup en PHP plus restore gives by far the best performance, as it stores the eGW enviroment completly in the session.
php session handler enabled in php.ini setup en PHP session handler enabled in php.ini
please check for sql scripts within the application's directory setup en Please check for sql scripts within the application's directory
please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option. setup en Please check read/write permissions on directories, or back up and use another option.
please configure egroupware for your environment setup en Please configure eGroupWare for your environment
@ -461,7 +456,6 @@ return to setup setup en Return to Setup
run a database schema update (if necessary): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password setup en run a database schema update (if necessary): domain(all),[config user(admin)],password
run installation tests setup en Run installation tests
safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure. setup en safe_mode is turned on, which is generaly a good thing as it makes your install more secure.
sample configuration not found. using built in defaults setup en Sample configuration not found. using built in defaults
save setup en Save
save this text as contents of your header.inc.php setup en Save this text as contents of your header.inc.php
schedule setup en schedule
@ -486,16 +480,15 @@ select which user(s) will have admin privileges setup en Select which user(s) wi
select your old version setup en Select your old version
selectbox setup en Selectbox
server root setup en Server Root
sessions type setup en Sessions Type
session handler class used. setup en Session handler class used.
sessions handler setup en Sessions Handler
set setup en set
set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you use. setup en Set this to "old" for versions < 2.4, otherwise the exact mcrypt version you use.
setting the system-charset to utf-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets. setup en Setting the system-charset to UTF-8 (unicode) allows the coexistens of data from languages of different charsets.
settings setup en Settings
setup setup en Setup
setup main menu setup en Setup Main Menu
setup the database setup en Setup the database
setup/config admin login setup en Setup/Config Admin Login
should be the same as server root unless you know what you are doing. setup en Should be the same as Server Root unless you know what you are doing.
show 'powered by' logo on setup en Show 'powered by' logo on
sieve: host[,port(2000)] setup en Sieve: Host[,Port(2000)]
size setup en size
@ -570,7 +563,6 @@ translations upgraded setup en Translations Upgraded
true setup en True
try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned dbms, or install egroupware by hand. setup en Try to configure your php to support one of the above mentioned DBMS, or install eGroupWare by hand.
two weeks setup en two weeks
unfortunally some php/apache packages have problems with it (apache dies and you cant login anymore). setup en Unfortunally some PHP/Apache packages have problems with it (Apache dies and you cant login anymore).
uninstall setup en uninstall
uninstall all applications setup en Uninstall all applications
uninstalled setup en uninstalled
@ -610,7 +602,6 @@ we could not determine the version of %1, please make sure it is at least %2 set
we will automatically update your tables/records to %1 setup en We will automatically update your tables/records to %1
we will now run a series of tests, which may take a few minutes. click the link below to proceed. setup en We will now run a series of tests, which may take a few minutes. Click the link below to proceed.
welcome to the egroupware installation setup en Welcome to the eGroupWare Installation
what type of sessions management do you want to use (php session management may perform better)? setup en What type of sessions management do you want to use (PHP session management may perform better)?
where should egroupware store file content setup en Where should eGroupware store file content
which database type do you want to use with egroupware? setup en Which database type do you want to use with eGroupWare?
world readable setup en world readable
@ -628,7 +619,6 @@ you appear to be running a pre-beta version of egroupware.<br />these versions a
you appear to be running an old version of php <br />it its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />older version of php might not run egroupware correctly, if at all. <br /><br />please upgrade to at least version %1 setup en You appear to be running an old version of PHP <br />It its recommend that you upgrade to a new version. <br />Older version of PHP might not run eGroupWare correctly, if at all. <br /><br />Please upgrade to at least version %1
you appear to be running version %1 of egroupware setup en You appear to be running version %1 of eGroupWare
you appear to have %1 support. setup en You appear to have %1 support.
you appear to have php session support. enabling php sessions. setup en You appear to have PHP session support. Enabling PHP sessions.
you appear to have xml support enabled setup en You appear to have XML support enabled
you are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br /> setup en You are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br />
you are using php version %1. egroupware now requires %2 or later, recommended is php %3. setup en You are using PHP version %1. eGroupWare now requires %2 or later, recommended is PHP %3.
@ -643,7 +633,6 @@ you have not created your header.inc.php yet!<br /> you can create it now. setup
you have successfully logged out setup en You have successfully logged out
you must enter a username for the admin setup en You must enter a username for the admin
you need to add at least one egroupware domain / database instance. setup en You need to add at least one eGroupWare domain / database instance.
you need to add some domains to your header.inc.php. setup en You need to add some domains to your header.inc.php.
you need to configure egroupware: setup en You need to configure eGroupWare:
you need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written! setup en You need to fix the above errors, before the configuration file header.inc.php can be written!
you need to save the settings you made here first! setup en You need to save the settings you made here first!
@ -653,7 +642,6 @@ you should either install the sources or uninstall it, to get rid of the tables
you should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs setup en You should either uninstall and then reinstall it, or attempt manual repairs
you will not be able to log into egroupware using php sessions: "session could not be verified" !!! setup en You will NOT be able to log into eGroupWare using PHP sessions: "session could not be verified" !!!
you're using an old configuration file format... setup en You're using an old configuration file format...
you're using an old header.inc.php version... setup en You're using an old header.inc.php version...
your applications are current setup en Your applications are current
your backup directory '%1' %2 setup en Your backup directory '%1' %2
your database does not exist setup en Your database does not exist
@ -184,8 +184,7 @@ function check_header_form()
// validate the input and return errors
$validation_errors = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->header->validation_errors(
$validation_errors = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->header->validation_errors($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['server_root']);
//echo "egw_info[server]=<pre>".print_r($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'],true)."</pre>\n";
//echo "egw_domain=<pre>".print_r($GLOBALS['egw_domain'],true)."</pre>\n";
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<tr class="row_off">
<td colspan="2">
<b>{lang_This_has_to_be_outside_the_webservers_document-root!!!}</b><br />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user