diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/class.html.inc.php b/phpgwapi/inc/class.html.inc.php
index 069d196b5d..6faf819e3a 100644
--- a/phpgwapi/inc/class.html.inc.php
+++ b/phpgwapi/inc/class.html.inc.php
@@ -1590,6 +1590,9 @@ egw_LAB.wait(function() {
$style2buffer = implode('',$newStyle[0]);
+ // only replace what we have found, we use it here, as we use the same routine in translation::replaceTagsCompletley
+ // no need to do the extra routine
+ $html = str_ireplace($newStyle[0],'',$html);
if ($style2buffer)
@@ -1621,8 +1624,10 @@ egw_LAB.wait(function() {
// as the comments as in stylesheet are outdated, and ck-editor does not understand it, we remove it
$css_no_comment = str_replace(array(':',''),array(': ','',''),$css);
+ // we already removed what we have found, above, as we used pretty much the same routine as in translation::replaceTagsCompletley
+ // no need to do the extra routine
// TODO: we may have to strip urls and maybe comments and ifs
- if (stripos($html,'style')!==false) translation::replaceTagsCompletley($html,'style'); // clean out empty or pagewide style definitions / left over tags
+ //if (stripos($html,'style')!==false) translation::replaceTagsCompletley($html,'style'); // clean out empty or pagewide style definitions / left over tags
return $css_no_comment;
diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/class.translation.inc.php b/phpgwapi/inc/class.translation.inc.php
index 0d9339fa7f..d8ed0241d1 100644
--- a/phpgwapi/inc/class.translation.inc.php
+++ b/phpgwapi/inc/class.translation.inc.php
@@ -1086,15 +1086,31 @@ class translation
+ $found=null;
if ($addbracesforendtag === true )
- $_body = preg_replace('~<'.$tag.'[^>]*?>(.*?)'.$endtag.'[\s]*>~simU','',$_body);
+ if (stripos($_body,'<'.$tag)!==false) $ct = preg_match_all('#<'.$tag.'(?:\s.*)?>(.+)'.$endtag.'>#isU', $_body, $found);
+ if ($ct>0)
+ {
+ //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($found[0]));
+ // only replace what we have found
+ $_body = str_ireplace($found[0],'',$_body);
+ }
// remove left over tags, unfinished ones, and so on
$_body = preg_replace('~<'.$tag.'[^>]*?>~si','',$_body);
if ($addbracesforendtag === false )
+ if (stripos($_body,'<'.$tag)!==false) $ct = preg_match_all('#<'.$tag.'(?:\s.*)?>(.+)'.$endtag.'#isU', $_body, $found);
+ if ($ct>0)
+ {
+ //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($found[0]));
+ // only replace what we have found
+ $_body = str_ireplace($found[0],'',$_body);
+ }
$_body = preg_replace('~<'.$tag.'[^>]*?>(.*?)'.$endtag.'~simU','',$_body);
// remove left over tags, unfinished ones, and so on
$_body = preg_replace('~<'.$tag.'[^>]*?>~si','',$_body);
$_body = preg_replace('~'.$endtag.'~','',$_body);