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synced 2025-02-22 21:30:54 +01:00
* eSync/Calendar fixed "wrong" generation of AS timezone blobs from TZID
still some issues left with start- and endtime, might also be caused by wrong data on the device, but dont do much harm
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,15 @@
* @version $Id$
* Required for TZID <--> AS timezone blog test, if script is called directly via URL
interface activesync_plugin_write {};
interface activesync_plugin_meeting_requests {};
* Calendar eSync plugin
@ -1266,9 +1275,9 @@ TZID:Europe/Berlin
--> bias: 60 min
--> bias: -60 min
--> dstbias: +0200 - +0100 = +0100 = 60 min
--> dstbias: +1000 - +0200 = +0100 = -60 min
@ -1307,14 +1316,8 @@ END:VTIMEZONE
// get bias and dstbias from standard component, which is present in all tz's
// (dstbias is relative to bias and almost always 60 or 0)
$data['bias'] = 60 * substr($standard['TZOFFSETTO'],0,-2) + substr($standard['TZOFFSETTO'],-2);
$data['dstbias'] = 60 * substr($standard['TZOFFSETFROM'],0,-2) + substr($standard['TZOFFSETFROM'],-2) - $data['bias'];
// at least Active Sync implementation on iPhone uses -720=-12h for Pacific/Auckland, not 720=+12h
if ($data['bias'] == 720)
$data['bias'] = -720;
$data['bias'] = -(60 * substr($standard['TZOFFSETTO'],0,-2) + substr($standard['TZOFFSETTO'],-2));
$data['dstbias'] = -(60 * substr($standard['TZOFFSETFROM'],0,-2) + substr($standard['TZOFFSETFROM'],-2) + $data['bias']);
// check if we have an additional DAYLIGHT component and both have a RRULE component --> tz uses daylight saving
if (isset($standard['RRULE']) && isset($daylight) && isset($daylight['RRULE']))
@ -1325,26 +1328,34 @@ END:VTIMEZONE
$data[$prefix.'month'] = (int)$matches[2];
$data[$prefix.'week'] = (int)$matches[1];
if ($data[$prefix.'week'] < 0) $data[$prefix.'week'] = 5; // -1 for last week might be 5 for as as in recuring events definition
// -1 for last week might be 5 for as as in recuring events definition
// seems for start 1SU is always returned with week=5, like -1SU
if ($data[$prefix.'week'] < 0 || $prefix == 'dststart' && $matches[1] == '1SU')
$data[$prefix.'week'] = 5;
// if both start and end use 1SU use week=5 and decrement month
if ($prefix == 'dststart') $start_byday = $matches[1];
if ($prefix == 'dstend' && $matches[1] == '1SU' && $start_byday == '1SU')
$data[$prefix.'week'] = 5;
if ($prefix == 'dstend') $data[$prefix.'month'] -= 1;
static $day2int = array('SU'=>0,'MO'=>1,'TU'=>2,'WE'=>3,'TH'=>4,'FR'=>5,'SA'=>6);
$data[$prefix.'day'] = (int)$day2int[substr($matches[1],-2)];
if (preg_match('/^\d{8}T(\d{6})$/',$comp['DTSTART'],$matches))
$data[$prefix.'hour'] = (int)substr($matches[1],0,2);
$data[$prefix.'minute'] = (int)substr($matches[1],2,2);
$data[$prefix.'hour'] = (int)substr($matches[1],0,2)+($prefix=='dststart'?-1:1)*$data['dstbias']/60;
$data[$prefix.'minute'] = (int)substr($matches[1],2,2)+($prefix=='dststart'?-1:1)*$data['dstbias']%60;
$data[$prefix.'second'] = (int)substr($matches[1],4,2);
// for southern hermisphere, were DST is in January, Active Sync (at least iPhone implementation)
// sends a negative dstbias and a accordingly moved start- and endtime
// for southern hermisphere, were DST is in January, we have to swap start- and end-hour/-minute
if ($data['dststartmonth'] > $data['dstendmonth'])
$data['dststarthour'] += $data['dstbias'] / 60;
$data['dststartminute'] += $data['dstbias'] % 60;
$data['dstendhour'] -= $data['dstbias'] / 60;
$data['dstendminute'] -= $data['dstbias'] % 60;
$data['dstbias'] = -$data['dstbias'];
$start = $data['dststarthour']; $data['dststarthour'] = $data['dstendhour']; $data['dstendhour'] = $start;
$start = $data['dststartminute']; $data['dststartminute'] = $data['dstendminute']; $data['dstendminute'] = $start;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name') returning ".array2string($data));
@ -1552,21 +1563,63 @@ if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == __FILE_
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// get as timezone data for agive timezone
$tz = 'Pacific/Auckland';//'Europe/Zurich';//'America/New_York';//'Australia/Darwin';//'Europe/Berlin';
$ical = calendar_timezones::tz2id($tz,'component');
echo "<pre>".print_r($ical,true)."</pre>\n";
$ical_arr = calendar_activesync::ical2array($ical_tz=$ical);
echo "<pre>".print_r($ical_arr,true)."</pre>\n";
$as_tz = calendar_activesync::tz2as($tz);
echo "<pre>".print_r($as_tz,true)."</pre>\n";
echo "<html><head><title>Conversation of ActiveSync Timezone Blobs to TZID's</title></head>\n<body>\n";
echo "<h3>Conversation of ActiveSync Timezone Blobs to TZID's</h3>\n";
echo "<table border='1'>\n<tbody>\n";
echo "<tr><th>TZID</th><th>bias</th><th>dstbias</th></th><th>dststart</th><th>dstend</th><th>matched TZID</th></tr>\n";
echo "<script>
function toggle_display(pre)
pre.style.display = pre.style.display && pre.style.display == 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';
// this is what iPhone sends as TZ for New Zealand (eg. Pacific/Auckland)
$as_tz = calendar_activesync::_getTZFromSyncBlob(base64_decode($sync_blob));
echo "<pre>".print_r($as_tz,true)."</pre>\n";
// TZID => AS timezone blobs reported by various devices
) as $tz => $sync_blob)
// get as timezone data for a given timezone
$ical = calendar_timezones::tz2id($tz,'component');
//echo "<pre>".print_r($ical,true)."</pre>\n";
$ical_arr = calendar_activesync::ical2array($ical_tz=$ical);
//echo "<pre>".print_r($ical_arr,true)."</pre>\n";
$as_tz = calendar_activesync::tz2as($tz);
//echo "$tz=<pre>".print_r($as_tz,true)."</pre>\n";
// find matching timezone from as data
// this returns the FIRST match, which is in case of Pacific/Auckland eg. Antarctica/McMurdo ;-)
echo array2string(calendar_activesync::as2tz($as_tz));
$as_tz_org = calendar_activesync::_getTZFromSyncBlob(base64_decode($sync_blob));
//echo "sync_blob=<pre>".print_r($as_tz_org,true)."</pre>\n";
// find matching timezone from as data
// this returns the FIRST match, which is in case of Pacific/Auckland eg. Antarctica/McMurdo ;-)
$matched = calendar_activesync::as2tz($as_tz);
//echo array2string($matched);
echo "<tr><td><b onclick='toggle_display(this.nextSibling);' style='cursor:pointer;'>$tz</b><pre style='margin:0; font-size: 90%; display:none;'>$ical</pre></td><td>$as_tz_org[bias]<br/>$as_tz[bias]</td><td>$as_tz_org[dstbias]<br/>$as_tz[dstbias]</td>\n";
foreach(array('dststart','dstend') as $prefix)
echo "<td>\n";
foreach(array($as_tz_org,$as_tz) as $n => $arr)
$parts = array();
foreach(array('year','month','day','week','hour','minute','second') as $postfix)
$failed = $n && $as_tz_org[$prefix.$postfix] !== $as_tz[$prefix.$postfix];
$parts[] = ($failed?'<font color="red">':'').$arr[$prefix.$postfix].($failed?'</font>':'');
echo implode(' ', $parts).(!$n?'<br/>':'');
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td> <br/>".($matched=='UTC'?'<font color="red">':'').$matched.($matched=='UTC'?'</font>':'')."</td></tr>\n";
echo "</tbody></table>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";
Reference in New Issue
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