mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 21:50:15 +01:00
remove some extra spaces and tabs, change all print_r to _debug_array() calls
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
//var $debug_init_prefs = 1;
//var $debug_init_prefs = 2;
//var $debug_init_prefs = 3;
* Standard constructor for setting $this->account_id *
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@
$this->db->query("delete from phpgw_preferences where preference_owner='" . $this->account_id
. "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
. "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
if (floor(phpversion()) < 4)
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@
$pref_info = serialize($this->data);
$this->db->query("insert into phpgw_preferences (preference_owner,preference_value) values ('"
. $this->account_id . "','" . $pref_info . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
. $this->account_id . "','" . $pref_info . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
@ -303,11 +302,11 @@
* Email Preferences and Private Support Functions *
* Email Preferences and Private Support Functions *
@function sub_get_mailsvr_port
@abstract Helper function for create_email_preferences, gets mail server port number.
@ -323,7 +322,7 @@
@param $prefs - user preferences array based on element ['email'][]
@author Angles
@access Private
function sub_get_mailsvr_port($prefs)
@ -339,23 +338,29 @@
case 'imaps': // IMAP over SSL
case 'imaps':
// IMAP over SSL
$port_number = 993;
case 'pop3s': // POP3 over SSL
case 'pop3s':
// POP3 over SSL
$port_number = 995;
case 'pop3': // POP3 normal connection, No SSL
// ( same string as normal imap above)
case 'pop3':
// POP3 normal connection, No SSL
// ( same string as normal imap above)
$port_number = 110;
case 'nntp': // NNTP news server port
case 'nntp':
// NNTP news server port
$port_number = 119;
case 'imap': // IMAP normal connection, No SSL
default: // UNKNOWN SERVER in Preferences, return a
// default value that is likely to work
// probably should raise some kind of error here
case 'imap':
// IMAP normal connection, No SSL
// UNKNOWN SERVER in Preferences, return a
// default value that is likely to work
// probably should raise some kind of error here
$port_number = 143;
@ -365,7 +370,7 @@
return $port_number;
@function sub_default_userid
@abstract Helper function for create_email_preferences, gets default userid for email
@ -387,7 +392,7 @@
return $prefs_email_userid;
@function sub_default_address
@abstract Helper function for create_email_preferences, gets default "From:" email address
@ -404,7 +409,7 @@
. '@' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mail_suffix'];
return $prefs_email_address;
@function create_email_preferences
@abstract create email preferences
@ -419,13 +424,13 @@
for the in the ['email'][] pref data array in cases where the user has not supplied
a preference value for any particular preference item available to the user.
@access Public
function create_email_preferences($accountid='')
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 0) { echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: ENTERING<br>'; }
// we may need function "html_quotes_decode" from the mail_msg class
$email_base = CreateObject("email.mail_msg");
$account_id = get_account_id($accountid);
// If the current user is not the request user, grab the preferences
// and reset back to current user.
@ -436,12 +441,12 @@
// current users settings.
$temp_account_id = $this->account_id;
$temp_data = $this->data;
// Grab the new users settings, only if they are not the
// current users settings.
$this->account_id = $account_id;
$prefs = $this->read_repository();
// Reset the data to what it was prior to this call
$this->account_id = $temp_account_id;
$this->data = $temp_data;
@ -450,13 +455,17 @@
$prefs = $this->data;
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 0) { echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: raw $this->data dump<pre>'; print_r($this->data); echo '</pre>'; }
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 0)
echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: raw $this->data dump';
// = = = = NOT-SIMPLE PREFS = = = =
// Default Preferences info that is:
// (a) not controlled by email prefs itself (mostly api and/or server level stuff)
// (b) too complicated to be described in the email prefs data array instructions
// --- [server][mail_server_type] ---
// Set API Level Server Mail Type if not defined
// if for some reason the API didnot have a mail server type set during initialization
@ -464,7 +473,7 @@
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['mail_server_type'] = 'imap';
// --- [server][mail_folder] ---
// ==== UWash Mail Folder Location used to be "mail", now it's changeable, but keep the
// ==== default to "mail" so upgrades happen transparently
@ -473,16 +482,16 @@
// pick up custom "mail_folder" if it exists (used for UWash and UWash Maildir servers)
// else use the system default (which we temporarily hard coded to "mail" just above here)
//--- [email][newsmode] ---
// == Orphan == currently NOT USED
// This is going to be used to switch to the nntp class
if ((isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['newsmode'])
&& $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['newsmode']))
if ((isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['newsmode']) &&
$prefs['email']['mail_server_type'] = 'nntp';
//--- [email][mail_port] ---
// These sets the mail_port server variable
// someday (not currently) this may be a site-wide property set during site setup
@ -490,17 +499,16 @@
// a custom email preference. Currently, we simply use standard port numbers
// for the service in question.
$prefs['email']['mail_port'] = $this->sub_get_mailsvr_port($prefs);
// = = = = SIMPLER PREFS = = = =
// Default Preferences info that is articulated in the email prefs schema array itself
// such email prefs schema array is described and established in /email/class.bopreferences
// by function "init_available_prefs", see the discussion there.
// --- create the objectified /email/class.bopreferences.inc.php ---
$bo_mail_prefs = CreateObject('email.bopreferences');
// --- bo_mail_prefs->init_available_prefs() ---
// this fills object_email_bopreferences->std_prefs and ->cust_prefs
// we will initialize the users preferences according to the rules and instructions
@ -508,7 +516,7 @@
// data read from the preferences DB. By taking the raw data and applying those rules,
// we will construct valid and known email preference data for this user.
// --- combine the two array (std and cust) for 1 pass handling ---
// when this preference DB was submitted and saved, it was hopefully so well structured
// that we can simply combine the two arrays, std_prefs and cust_prefs, and do a one
@ -521,8 +529,12 @@
$next_idx = count($avail_pref_array);
$avail_pref_array[$next_idx] = $bo_mail_prefs->cust_prefs[$i];
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 1) { echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: std AND cust arrays combined:<pre>'; print_r($avail_pref_array); echo '</pre>'; }
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 1)
echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: std AND cust arrays combined:';
// --- make the schema-based pref data for this user ---
// user defined values and/or user specified custom email prefs are read from the
// prefs DB with mininal manipulation of the data. Currently the only change to
@ -531,7 +543,7 @@
// take care of this for us. Of course, password data requires special decoding,
// but the password in the array [email][paswd] should be left in encrypted form
// and only decrypted seperately when used to login in to an email server.
// --- generating a default value if necessary ---
// in the absence of a user defined custom email preference for a particular item, we can
// determine the desired default value for that pref as such:
@ -548,15 +560,19 @@
// default value for a particular preference if one is needed (i.e. if no user custom
// email preference exists that should override that default value, in which case we
// do not even need to obtain such a default value as described in ['init_default'] anyway).
// --- loop thru $avail_pref_array and process each pref item ---
$c_prefs = count($avail_pref_array);
$this_avail_pref = $avail_pref_array[$i];
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 1) { echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: value from DB for $prefs[email]['.$this_avail_pref['id'].'] = ['.$prefs['email'][$this_avail_pref['id']].']<br>'; }
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 2) { echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: std/cust_prefs $this_avail_pref['.$i.'] dump:<pre>'; print_r($this_avail_pref); echo "</pre>\r\n"; }
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 2)
echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: std/cust_prefs $this_avail_pref['.$i.'] dump:';
// --- is there a value in the DB for this preference item ---
// if the prefs DB has no value for this defined available preference, we must make one.
// This occurs if (a) this is user's first login, or (b) this is a custom pref which the user
@ -565,11 +581,11 @@
// now we are analizing an individual pref that is available to the user
// AND the user had no existing value in the prefs DB for this.
// --- get instructions on how to generate a default value ---
$set_proc = explode(',', $this_avail_pref['init_default']);
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 1) { echo ' * set_proc=['.serialize($set_proc).']<br>'; }
// --- use "instructional token" in $set_proc[0] to take appropriate action ---
if ($set_proc[0] == 'string')
@ -612,15 +628,15 @@
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 2) { echo ' * handle "function" set_proc: '.serialize($set_proc).'<br>'; }
$evaled = '';
//eval('$evaled = $this->'.$set_proc[1].'('.$account_id.');');
$code = '$evaled = $this->'.$set_proc[1].'('.$account_id.');';
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 2) { echo ' * $code: '.$code.'<br>'; }
//$code = '$evaled = '.$set_proc[1];
//if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 1) { echo ' * $code: '.$code.'<br>'; }
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 2) { echo ' * $evaled: '.$evaled.'<br>'; }
$prefs['email'][$this_avail_pref['id']] = $evaled;
@ -660,12 +676,12 @@
// prefs will permenantly LOOSE the very thing(s) we are un-doing
/// here until the next OFFICIAL submit email prefs function, where it
// will again get this preparation before being written to the database.
// NOTE: if database de-fanging is eventually handled deeper in the
// preferences class, then the following code would become depreciated
// and should be removed in that case.
if (($this_avail_pref['type'] == 'user_string')
&& (stristr($this_avail_pref['write_props'], 'no_db_defang') == False))
if (($this_avail_pref['type'] == 'user_string') &&
(stristr($this_avail_pref['write_props'], 'no_db_defang') == False))
// this value was "de-fanged" before putting it in the database
// undo that defanging now
@ -675,7 +691,7 @@
// users preferences are now established to known structured values...
// --- [email][use_trash_folder] ---
// --- [email][use_sent_folder] ---
@ -687,32 +703,35 @@
if (isset($prefs['email']['use_sent_folder']))
// DEBUG : force some settings to test stuff
//$prefs['email']['p_persistent'] = 'True';
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 1) { echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: $prefs[email]<pre>'; print_r($prefs['email']) ; echo '</pre>'; }
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 1)
echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: $prefs[email]';
if ($this->debug_init_prefs > 0) { echo 'class.preferences: create_email_preferences: LEAVING<br>'; }
return $prefs;
// used to be part of function this->create_email_preferences()
// = = = = SIMPLER PREFS = = = =
// Default Preferences info that is:
// described in the email prefs array itself
$default_trash_folder = 'Trash';
$default_sent_folder = 'Sent';
// --- userid ---
if (!isset($prefs['email']['userid']))
@ -767,7 +786,7 @@
$prefs['email']['mail_folder'] = '';
// --- use_trash_folder ---
// --- trash_folder_name ---
// if the option to use the Trash folder is ON, make sure a proper name is specified
@ -779,7 +798,7 @@
$prefs['email']['trash_folder_name'] = $default_trash_folder;
// --- use_sent_folder ---
// --- sent_folder_name ---
// if the option to use the sent folder is ON, make sure a proper name is specified
@ -790,7 +809,7 @@
$prefs['email']['sent_folder_name'] = $default_sent_folder;
// --- layout ---
// Layout Template Preference
@ -799,7 +818,7 @@
$prefs['email']['layout'] = 1;
//// --- font_size_offset ---
//// Email Index Page Font Size Preference
//// layout 1 = default ; others are prefs
@ -807,7 +826,7 @@
// $prefs['email']['font_size_offset'] = 'normal';
// --- use_trash_folder ---
// --- use_sent_folder ---
@ -825,18 +844,16 @@
// DEBUG : force some settings to test stuff
//$prefs['email']['layout'] = 1;
//$prefs['email']['layout'] = 2;
//$prefs['email']['font_size_offset'] = (-1);
//echo "<br>prefs['email']: <br>"
// .'<pre>'.serialize($prefs['email']) .'</pre><br>';
return $prefs;
} /* end of preferences class */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user