Adding lang files, split from main lang files

This commit is contained in:
Miles Lott 2001-06-04 16:40:19 +00:00
parent 2aab6d95b1
commit 115a2fd025
13 changed files with 361 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
change your password preferences br Mude sua senha
change your settings preferences br mude suas preferencias
date format preferences br Formato data
email signature preferences br Assinatura do email
enter your new password preferences br Entre uma nova senha
language preferences br Lingua
max matchs per page preferences br Numero maximo de resultados por pagina
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences br Nota: Esta funcao *nao* muda sua senha de email. voce devera fazer isto manualmente.
please, select a new theme preferences br por favor, selecione um tema
re-enter your password preferences br Re-digite sua senha
select different theme preferences br Selecione um tema diferente
select headline news sites preferences br Selecione os sites de noticias
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences br Mostra Aniversariantes na primeira tela
show current users on navigation bar preferences br Mostra usuarios ativos na barra de navegacao
show high priority events on main screen preferences br Mostra eventos de alta prioridade na primeira tela
show new messages on main screen preferences br Mostra novas mensagens na tela principal
show text on navigation icons preferences br Mostra texto na barra de navegacao
the two passwords are not the same preferences br As duas senhas nao sao a mesma
this server is located in the x timezone preferences br Este servidor esta localizado no fuso horario %1
time format preferences br Formato horario
time zone offset preferences br Diferenca de fuso horario
weekday starts on preferences br A Semana comeca em
work day ends on preferences br A jornada de trabalho termina em
work day starts on preferences br A jornada de trabalho comeca em
you must enter a password preferences br Voce deve digitar uma senha
your current theme is: x preferences br Seu tema corrente e':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
change your password preferences cs Zmìnit va¹e heslo
change your profile preferences cs Zmìnit profil
change your settings preferences cs Zmìnit nastavení
date format preferences cs Formát datumu
default application preferences cs Implicitní aplikace
default sorting order preferences cs Implicitní tøídìní
email signature preferences cs E-Mail Podpis
enter your new password preferences cs Vlo¾te va¹e heslo
language preferences cs Jazyk
max matchs per page preferences cs Poèet záznamù na stránku
monitor newsgroups preferences cs Sleduj Newsgroups
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences cs Poznámka: Tímto *nezmìníte* va¹e heslo pro E-mail. To je tøeba udìlat ruènì
please, select a new theme preferences cs Prosím vyberte nové barevné téma
re-enter your password preferences cs Opakujte va¹e heslo
select different theme preferences cs Zmìnit barevné téma
select headline news sites preferences cs Vyberte sítì pro titulky
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences cs Ukázat pøipomenutí narozenin na hlavní obrazovce
show current users on navigation bar preferences cs Ukázat poèet souèasných u¾ivatelù na navigaèním øádku
show high priority events on main screen preferences cs Ukázat události s vysokou prioritou na hlavní obrazovce
show new messages on main screen preferences cs Ukázat nové zprávy na hlavní obrazovce
show text on navigation icons preferences cs Ukázat text na navigaèních ikonách
the two passwords are not the same preferences cs Hesla nejsou shodná
this server is located in the x timezone preferences cs Tento server je v %1 èasové zónì
time format preferences cs Formát èasu
time zone offset preferences cs Èasová zóna (rozdíl)
weekday starts on preferences cs Týden zaèíná v
work day ends on preferences cs Pracovní dny konèí v
work day starts on preferences cs Pracovní dny zaèínají v
you must enter a password preferences cs Musíte vlo¾it heslo
your current theme is: x preferences cs Va¹e barevné téma je: <b>%1</b>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
change your password preferences da Skift Dit password
change your profile preferences da Redigér Din profil
change your settings preferences da Redigér Dine indstillinger
date format preferences da Dato format
default application preferences da Standard applikation
enter your new password preferences da Skriv Dit nye password
language preferences da Sprog
max matchs per page preferences da Maksimale antal resultater pr. side
monitor newsgroups preferences da Monitor nye grupper
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences da Bemærk: Denne feature vil *ikke* ændre Dit e-mail password. Dette skal gøres manuelt.
please, select a new theme preferences da Vælg et nyt emne
Project preferences preferences da Projekt preferencer
re-enter your password preferences da Indtast Dit password igen
select different theme preferences da Vælg et andet tema
select headline news sites preferences da Vælg nyheds overskrifter
show current users on navigation bar preferences da Vis nuværende brugere på navigationsbjælken
show text on navigation icons preferences da Vis tekst på navigationsbjælkens ikoner
the two passwords are not the same preferences da De to passwords stemmer ikke overens
this server is located in the x timezone preferences da Denne server er placeret i tidszone %1
time format preferences da Tidsformat
time zone offset preferences da Tidszone forskel
you must enter a password preferences da Du skal angive et password
your current theme is: x preferences da Det nuværende tema er

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
bookmark categorys preferences de Lesezeichen Kategorien
bookmark sub-categorys preferences de Lesezeichen Sub-Kategorien
bookmark preferences preferences de Lesezeichen Einstellungen
change your password preferences de Passwort ändern
change your profile preferences de Profil ändern
change your settings preferences de Einstellungen ändern
date format preferences de Datumsformat
default application preferences de Standard-Anwendung
edit custom fields preferences de Benutzerdefinierte Felder editieren
enter your new password preferences de Neues Passwort eingeben
grant bookmark access preferences de Berechtigungen für Lesezeichen Zugriffe
icons and text preferences de Icons und Text
icons only preferences de nur Icons
interface/template selection preferences de Auswahl der Benutzeroberfläche
max matchs per page preferences de Maximale Treffer pro Seite
monitor newsgroups preferences de Newsgroups überwachen
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences de Hinweis: Diese Funktion ändert *nicht* Ihr Passwort auf dem E-Mail server. Dies müssen sie separat tun.
notes categories preferences de Kategorien editieren
please, select a new theme preferences de Bitte ein neues Schema wählen
project access preferences de Berechtigungen für Projekt Zugriffe
project categories preferences de Projekt Kategorien
re-enter your password preferences de Neues Passwort wiederholen
select different theme preferences de anderes Schema wählen
select headlines to display preferences de Anzuzeigende Schlagzeilen auswählen
show current users on navigation bar preferences de Anzahl gegenwärtiger Benutzer in der Navigationsleiste anzeigen
show high priority events on main screen preferences de Ereignisse mit hoher Priorität auf der Startseite anzeigen
show navigation bar as preferences de Anzeige der Navigationsleiste
show text on navigation icons preferences de Text zu Icons in der Navigationsleiste anzeigen
text only preferences de nur Text
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences de Auswahl des Themas (Farben/Schriften)
this server is located in the x timezone preferences de Der Server befindet sich in der Zeitzone %1
time format preferences de Zeitformat
todo categories preferences de Kategorien editieren
you must enter a password preferences de Sie müssen ein Passwort angeben

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
change your password preferences en Change your Password
change your profile preferences en Change your profile
change your settings preferences en Change your Settings
date format preferences en Date format
default application preferences en Default application
edit custom fields preferences en edit custom fields
enter your new password preferences en Enter your new password
icons and text preferences en Icons and text
icons only preferences en icons only
interface/template selection preferences en Interface/Template Selection
language preferences en Language
max matchs per page preferences en Max matches per page
monitor newsgroups preferences en Monitor Newsgroups
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences en Note: This feature does *not* change your email password. This will need to be done manually.
please, select a new theme preferences en Please, select a new theme
re-enter your password preferences en Re-Enter your password
select different theme preferences en Select different Theme
show current users on navigation bar preferences en Show current users on navigation bar
show navigation bar as preferences en Show navigation bar as
show text on navigation icons preferences en Show text on navigation icons
text only preferences en Text only
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences en Theme (colors/fonts) Selection
this server is located in the x timezone preferences en This server is located in the %1 timezone
time format preferences en Time format
weather center preferences en Weather Center
weather preferences en Weather
your current theme is: x preferences en </b>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
change your password preferences es Cambie su contraseña
change your profile preferences es Cambiar su perfil
change your settings preferences es Cambie sus Seteos
date format preferences es Formato fecha
default application preferences es Aplicación por defecto
default sorting order preferences es Orden por defecto
email signature preferences es Firma de E-Mail
enter your new password preferences es Entre su nueva contraseña
language preferences es Lenguaje
max matchs per page preferences es Maximo de coincidencias por pagina
monitor newsgroups preferences es Monitor Grupos de Noticias
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences es Nota: Esta opcion no cambia la contraseña de su email. Esto deberá ser hecho manualmente.
please, select a new theme preferences es Por favor, seleccione un nuevo tema
re-enter your password preferences es Re-Ingrese su contraseña
select different theme preferences es Seleccione un tema diferente
select headline news sites preferences es Seleccione sites de Encabezados de Noticias
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences es Mostrar recordatorios de cumpleaños es pantalla principal
show current users on navigation bar preferences es Mostrar usuarios conectados es la barra de navegación
show high priority events on main screen preferences es Mostar eventos de alta prioridad es pantalla principal
show new messages on main screen preferences es Mostar nuevos mensajes es pantalla principal
show text on navigation icons preferences es Mostrar descripción sobre los iconos
the two passwords are not the same preferences es Las dos contraseñas son distintas
this server is located in the x timezone preferences es Este servidor se encuentra es la zona horaria
time format preferences es Formato hora
time zone offset preferences es Zona horaria
weekday starts on preferences es La semana comienza el
work day ends on preferences es Final día laboral
work day starts on preferences es Comienzo día laboral
you must enter a password preferences es Debe entrar una contraseña
your current theme is: x preferences es Su actual tema es:
newsgroups preferences es Grupos de noticias
notes preferences es Notas
notes preferences preferences es Preferencias de las notas
select headlines to display preferences es Seleccione los encabezados a mostrar
weather center preferences es Centro metereológico

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
change your password preferences hu Jelszó megváltoztatása
change your profile preferences hu Profil megváltoztatása
change your settings preferences hu Beállítások megváltoztatása
date format preferences hu Dátum formátum
default application preferences hu Alapértelmezett alkalmazás
enter your new password preferences hu Új jelszó megadása
language preferences hu Nyelv
max matchs per page preferences hu Max. találatok oldalanként
monitor newsgroups preferences hu Híroldalak követése
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences hu Megjegyzés: az email-eknél használt jelszó ezzel nem változott meg.
please, select a new theme preferences hu Válasszon új designt
re-enter your password preferences hu Új jelszó mégegyszer
select different theme preferences hu Új design kiválasztása
select headline news sites preferences hu Select Headline News sites
show current users on navigation bar preferences hu Aktuális felhasználók a navigációs soron
show text on navigation icons preferences hu Szöveg a navigációs ikonokon
the two passwords are not the same preferences hu A két jelszó nem egyezik
this server is located in the x timezone preferences hu idõzóna
time format preferences hu Idõ formátum
time zone offset preferences hu Idõzóna eltolódás
you must enter a password preferences hu A jelszót meg kell adni
your current theme is: x preferences hu </b>

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
change your password preferences it Cambia la tua password
change your profile preferences it Cambia il tuo profilo
change your settings preferences it Cambia i tuoi settaggi
date format preferences it Formato data
default application preferences it Applicazione preferita
edit custom fields preferences it modifica campi personalizzati
enter your new password preferences it Inserisci la tua nuova password
icons and text preferences it Icone e testo
icons only preferences it Solo icone
language preferences it Lingua
max matchs per page preferences it Numero massimo di risultati per pagina
monitor newsgroups preferences it Monitor Newsgroups
newsgroups preferences it Newsgroup
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences it Nota: Questo *non* cambia la vostra password di email. Questo deve essere fatto manualemnte.
please, select a new theme preferences it Please, select a new theme
re-enter your password preferences it Reinserisci la password
select different theme preferences it Seleziona un tema differente
show current users on navigation bar preferences it Mostra utenti attuali nella barra di navigazione
show navigation bar as preferences it Mostra la barra di navigazione come
show text on navigation icons preferences it Mostra testo nelle icone di navigazione
text only preferences it Solo Testo
this server is located in the x timezone preferences it Questo server è situato nel fuso orario %1
time format preferences it Formato ora
weather center preferences it Centro Meteo
weather preferences it Meteo
your current theme is: x preferences it il tuo tema</b>
notes categories preferences it Categorie delle note
description preferences it Descrizione
todo preferences it Preferenze

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
change password preferences ja パスワード変更
change your password preferences ja パスワード変更
change your profile preferences ja プロフィール変更
change your settings preferences ja 設定変更
currency preferences ja 通貨
date format preferences ja 日付書式
default application preferences ja アプリケーション(既定)
edit custom fields preferences ja カスタム項目訂正
enter your new password preferences ja 新しいパスワードを入力して下さい。
icons and text preferences ja アイコンとテキスト
icons only preferences ja アイコンのみ
interface/template selection preferences ja テンプレート選択
language preferences ja 言語
max matchs per page preferences ja 1ページ最大行数
monitor newsgroups preferences ja 購読設定
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences ja ※注意:電子メールのパスワードは変更しません。電子メールのパスワードは、手動で変更してください。
notes access preferences ja ノート利用許可
notes categories preferences ja カテゴリ設定
please, select a new theme preferences ja Please, select a new theme
re-enter your password preferences ja パスワードを再入力して下さい。
select different theme preferences ja 異なるテーマを選択してください。
show current users on navigation bar preferences ja 現在のユーザ数を表示する。
show navigation bar as preferences ja ナビゲーション
show text on navigation icons preferences ja ナビゲーションアイコンにテキスト表示
text only preferences ja テキストのみ
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences ja テーマ(色・フォント)選択
this server is located in the x timezone preferences ja タイムゾーン
time format preferences ja 時間書式
todo categories preferences ja カテゴリ設定
weather preferences ja お天気ユーザ設定
weather center preferences ja お天気センター
your current theme is: x preferences ja </b>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
change your password preferences ko 암호 변경
change your settings preferences ko 설정 바꾸기
date format preferences ko 날짜 형식
email signature preferences ko E-Mail 서명
enter your new password preferences ko 새로운 암호
language preferences ko 언어
max matchs per page preferences ko 페이지당 최대 검색 결과 항목 수
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences ko 참고: e-mail의 암호는 변경되지 않습니다. 수동으로 변경하십시오.
please, select a new theme preferences ko 새로운 테마를 선택하세요.
re-enter your password preferences ko 새로운 암호 확인
select different theme preferences ko 테마 바꾸기
select headline news sites preferences ko 표제어 뉴스 사이트 선택
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences ko 생일인 사람 알려주기.
show current users on navigation bar preferences ko 현재 사용자를 navigation bar에 표시합니다.
show high priority events on main screen preferences ko 중요도가 높은 작업 보여주기
show new messages on main screen preferences ko 새로운 메시지를 메인화면에 보여줍니다.
show text on navigation icons preferences ko 툴팁보기
the two passwords are not the same preferences ko 암호가 잘못 입력되었습니다.
this server is located in the x timezone preferences ko 의 시간대를 사용하고 있습니다.
time format preferences ko 시간 형식
time zone offset preferences ko 시간대 변경
weekday starts on preferences ko 한주일의 시작
work day ends on preferences ko 근무 종료 시각
work day starts on preferences ko 근무 시작 시각
you must enter a password preferences ko 암호를 입력해야만 합니다.
your current theme is: x preferences ko </b> 입니다.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
change your password preferences nl Verander uw wachtwoord
change your profile preferences nl Verander uw profiel
change your settings preferences nl Verander uw instellingen
date format preferences nl Datumweergave
default application preferences nl Standaard toepassing
enter your new password preferences nl Voer uw nieuwe wachtwoord in
language preferences nl Taal
max matchs per page preferences nl Maximum aantal resultaten per pagina
monitor newsgroups preferences nl Monitor nieuwsgroepen
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences nl Let op: Deze optie wijzigd *niet* uw email-wachtwoord. Dit dient handmatig te gebeuren.
please, select a new theme preferences nl Selecteer een nieuw themak
Project preferences preferences nl Project voorkeuren
re-enter your password preferences nl Voor uw wachtwoord nogmaals in
select different theme preferences nl Selecteer een ander thema
select headline news sites preferences nl Selecteer Krantekoppen sites
show current users on navigation bar preferences nl Geef huidige gebruikers weer op de navigatiebalk
show text on navigation icons preferences nl Geef tekst weer op de navigatiebalk
the two passwords are not the same preferences nl De twee wachtwoorden komen niet overeen
this server is located in the x timezone preferences nl Tijdzone
time format preferences nl Tijdweergave
time zone offset preferences nl Tijdzoneverschil
you must enter a password preferences nl U moet een wachtwoord invoeren
your current theme is: x preferences nl Uw huidige thema is

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
change your password preferences no Endre passord
change your settings preferences no Endre innstillinger
date format preferences no Dato format
email signature preferences no E-Post signatur
enter your new password preferences no Skriv inn ditt nye passord
language preferences no Språke
max matchs per page preferences no Max matches per side
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences no Noter: Denne funksonen endrer *ikke* ditt epost passord. Dette må gjøres manuellt.
please, select a new theme preferences no Vennligst velg et nytt tema
re-enter your password preferences no Skriv inn ditt passord igjen
select different theme preferences no Velg annet tema
select headline news sites preferences no Velg Headline News sites
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences no Vis fødselsdags påminnere på hovedskjerm
show current users on navigation bar preferences no Vis current brukere i navigation bar
show high priority events on main screen preferences no Vis høyprioritets events på hovedskjermen
show new messages on main screen preferences no Vis nye meldinger på hovedskjerm
show text on navigation icons preferences no Vis tekst på navigasjons ikoner
the two passwords are not the same preferences no Passordene stemmer ikke overens
this server is located in the x timezone preferences no tids-sonen
time format preferences no Tids format
time zone offset preferences no Tids-sone offset
weekday starts on preferences no Ukedag begynner på
work day ends on preferences no Arbeidsdag slutter på
work day starts on preferences no Arbeidsdag begynner på
you must enter a password preferences no Du må skrive inn et passord
your current theme is: x preferences no </b>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
change your password preferences sv Ändra ditt lösenord
change your profile preferences sv Ändra din profil
change your settings preferences sv Ändra dina inställningar
date format preferences sv Datum format
default application preferences sv Standard application
default sorting order preferences sv Standard sorterings ordning
email signature preferences sv E-Post signatur
enter your new password preferences sv Skriv in ditt nya lösenord
language preferences sv Språk
max matchs per page preferences sv Max träffar per sida
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences sv Note: Denna funktionen ändrar *inte* ditt epost lösenord. Detta måste göras manuellt.
please, select a new theme preferences sv Vänligen välj ett nytt tema
re-enter your password preferences sv Skriv in ditt lösenord igen
select columns to display preferences sv Välj vilka kolumner som skall visas
select different theme preferences sv Välj annat tema
select headline news sites preferences sv Välj Headline News sites
show birthday reminders on main screen preferences sv Visa födelsedags påminnelse på huvudskärmen
show current users on navigation bar preferences sv Visa nuvarande användare i navigation bar
show high priority events on main screen preferences sv Visa högprioritets händelse på huvudskärmen
show new messages on main screen preferences sv Visa nya meddelande på huvudskärmen
show text on navigation icons preferences sv Visa text på navigations ikoner
this server is located in the x timezone preferences sv Denna server är placerad i %1 tidszone
time format preferences sv Tids format
time zone offset preferences sv Tids-Zone offset
weekday starts on preferences sv Vecka börjar på
work day ends on preferences sv Arbetsdag slutar kl:
work day starts on preferences sv Arbetsdag börjar kl:
your current theme is: x preferences sv Ditt nuvarande tema är: %1