mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:58:51 +01:00
pending translations from our translation server
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ all groups admin de Alle Gruppen
all records and account information will be lost! admin de Alle Datensätze und Kontoinformationen sind dann verloren!
all users admin de Alle Benutzer
allow anonymous access to this app admin de Anonymen Zugriff auf diese Anwendung zulassen
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin de Erlaube die Remote-Verwaltung durch folgende (Komma separierte) Install IDs
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin de Erlaube die Remote-Verwaltung durch folgende (Komma separierte) Installations IDs
allow user to set 'remember me' token admin de Erlaube Benutzer ein "An mich erinnern" Token zu setzen
allow users to change forwards admin de Anwender dürfen Weiterleitung bearbeiten
allow users to create identities for aliases admin de Anwender dürfen Identitäten für Aliase anlegen
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ educational: universities, schools, ... admin de Ausbildung: Universitäten, Sch
egroupware directory admin de EGroupware Verzeichnis
egroupware tutorial admin de EGroupware Video-Anleitungen
egroupware version admin de EGroupware Version
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin de Sie benötigen entweder die Install ID UND das Konfigurationspasswort ODER den Remote Hash!
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin de Sie benötigen entweder die Installations ID UND das Konfigurationspasswort ODER den Remote Hash!
email account active admin de E-Mail-Konto aktiv
email address admin de E-Mail-Adresse
email settings common de E-Mail-Konto
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ set a random password admin en Set a random password.
set preference values. admin en Set preference values.
settings admin en Settings
should exceptions contain a trace (including function arguments) admin en Should exceptions contain a trace, including function arguments.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin en Show language select box on login page.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin en Show language select box on login page?
show 'powered by' logo on admin en Show 'powered by' logo on
show access log admin en Show access log
show as optional, but required once user has it setup admin en show as optional, but required once user has it setup
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common de %1 (%2 neue) Texte für die Anwendung '%3' und die Sprache '%4' geschrieben
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin de %1 aktive Dateien mit dem selben Verzeichnisnamen wurden deaktiviert!
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin de %1 aktive Dateien mit dem selben Ordner wurden deaktiviert!
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common de %1 Kopie - Diese Kopie kann jetzt bearbeitet werden
%1 directories %2 found! admin de %1 Verzeichnisse %2 gefunden!
%1 directories %2 found! admin de %1 Ordner %2 gefunden!
%1 email addresses inserted common de %1 E-Mail-Adressen eingefügt
%1 email(s) added into %2 common de %1 E-Mail-Adresse(n) in %2 hinzugefügt
%1 entries found, select one ... common de %1 Einträge gefunden, einen auswählen ...
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
%1 more %2 selected ... common de %1 weitere %2 ausgewählt ...
%1 more... common de %1 mehr...
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' common de %1 neue eTemplate(s) importiert für die Anwendung '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common de %1 ist nicht implementiert für '%2'
%1 not implemented for %2! common de %1 ist nicht implementiert für '%2'
%1 proxy of %2 common de %1 beauftragt von %2
%1 setting "%2" = %3 disallows access via http! admin de %1 Einstellung "%2" = %3 verbietet den Zugriff über http!
%1 to sync groupdav de %1 zum synchronisieren
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ background color: common de Hintergrund Farbe:
backup key common de Schlüssel sichern
backup/restore common de Backup/Wiederherstellung
backup/restore ... common de Backup/Wiederherstellung ...
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common de Der Webserver hat keine Schreibrechte auf das Backupverzeichnis '%1' .
backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common de Der Webserver hat keine Schreibrechte auf den Backupordner '%1' .
bad login or password common de Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort
bahamas common de BAHAMAS
bahrain common de BAHRAIN
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ can not have special sql-value null common de darf nicht den speziellen SQL Wert
can't create directory %1 to connect found unconnected nodes to it! admin de Das Verzeichnis %1 konnte nicht erstellt werden, da es nicht verbundene Knoten (nodes) für dieses Objekt gibt
canada common de KANADA
cancel common de Abbruch
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common de Kann %1 nicht ersetzen, da es ein Verzeichnis ist
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common de Kann %1 nicht ersetzen, da es ein Ordner ist
cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree! common de Eine Kategorie, die ein Element der eignen Unterelemente ist, kann nicht als neues Elternelement ausgewählt werden.
cannot set this cat as its own parent! common de Eine Kategorie kann nicht als Ihr eigenes Elternelement ausgewählt werden.
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common de Kann kein einzelnes Widget aus einer Tabelle löschen !!!
@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ cote d ivoire common de COTE D IVOIRE
could not contact server. operation timed out! common de Konnte Server nicht kontaktieren. Zeitüberschreitung!
create common de Erstellen
create a new table for the application common de Neue Tabelle für die Anwendung anlegen
create directory common de Ordner erstellen
create link common de Verknüpfung erstellen
created common de Erstellt
created by common de Erstellt von
@ -417,10 +418,10 @@ detail common de Detail
details common de Details
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common de Deaktivieren des Fehlerbehebungsskripts für den Internetexplorer 5.5 und höher, um transparente PNG-Bilder anzuzeigen?
direction left to right common de Richtung von links nach rechts
directory common de Verzeichnis
directory common de Ordner
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common de Verzeichnis existiert nicht, ist nicht vom Webserver lesbar oder ist nicht entsprechend zur Dokumentroot!
directory for storing merged documents preferences de Verzeichnis für zusammengeführte Platzhalter-Dokumente
directory with documents to insert entries preferences de Vorlagen-Verzeichnis für Einfügen in Dokument
directory for storing merged documents preferences de Ordner für zusammengeführte Platzhalter-Dokumente
directory with documents to insert entries preferences de Vorlagen-Ordner für Einfügen in Dokument
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common de Internet Explorer PNG-Bilder-Bugfix abschalten
disable slider effects common de Schwebeeffekte des Navigationsmenüs abschalten
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common de Die animierten Schwebeeffekte beim Anzeigen oder Verstecken des Navigationsmenüs in der Seite abschalten? Benutzer von Opera oder Konquerer müssen diese Funktion abschalten.
@ -515,11 +516,11 @@ equatorial guinea common de EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common de ERITREA
error common de Fehler
error copying uploaded file to vfs! common de Fehler beim Kopieren der hoch geladenen Datei ins VFS!
error create parent directory %1! common de Fehler beim Anlegen des Elternverzeichnisses %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Löschen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
error create parent directory %1! common de Fehler beim Anlegen des Elternordners %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Erstellen des Ordners %1 %2
error deleting %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners %1 %2
error deleting %1! common de Fehler beim Löschen von %1!
error renaming %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Umbenennen des Verzeichnisses %1 %2
error renaming %1 %2 directory common de Fehler beim Umbenennen des Ordners %1 %2
error uploading file! filemanager de Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei!
error: template not found !!! common de Fehler: eTemplate nicht gefunden !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common de Fehler: der Webserver hat keine Schreibberechtigung in '%1' !!!
@ -547,10 +548,10 @@ expiration common de Ablaufdatum
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common de das geladene eTemplate als XML Datei (.xet) exportieren
export xml common de XML Export
extensions loaded: common de Erweiterungen geladen:
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin de Ändern der Zugriffsrechte für benötigtes Verzeichnis "%1" zu %2 fehlgeschlagen!
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin de Ändern der Zugriffsrechte für benötigtes Ordners "%1" zu %2 fehlgeschlagen!
failed to change password. common de Ändern des Passworts fehlgeschlagen.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common de Konnte Server nicht erreichen oder ungültige Antwort vom Server. Versuchen Sie sich nochmals anzumelden. Benachrichtigen Sie Ihren Administrator wenn dies fehlschlägt.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin de Anlegen des benötigten Verzeichnisses "%1" fehlgeschlagen!
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin de Anlegen des benötigten Ordners "%1" fehlgeschlagen!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin de Verschiebung nicht möglich %1 %2 nach %3!
falkland islands (malvinas) common de FALKLAND INSELN (MALVINAS)
faroe islands common de FAROE INSELN
@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ first page common de Erste Seite
firstname common de Vorname
fixme! common de KORREGIER MICH!
floating point common de Gleitkommawert
folder already exists. common de Verzeichnis existiert bereits.
folder already exists. common de Ordner existiert bereits.
fontselect common de Schriftart
fontsizeselect common de Schriftgröße
for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat! preferences de Für mehr als einen Kontakt verwenden Sie bitte den Platzhalter pagerepeat. Damit können Sie dann Seriendokumente erstellen.
@ -690,7 +691,7 @@ if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common de Möchten Sie bei aktivierter Uhr, dass diese sekündlich aktualisiert wird?
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common de Wenn der Fehler weiterhin auftritt, bitten Sie Ihren Administrator um Hilfe und das Fehler-Protokoll (error-log) des Webservers anzuschauen.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common de Wenn mehrere Bilder im Hintergrund Ordner sind können Sie wählen, welches Sie sehen möchten.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences de Wenn Sie hier ein Verzeichnis (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences de Wenn Sie hier ein Ordner (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences de Wenn Sie hier ein Dokument (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 ein zusätzliches Dokumenten Icon. Dieses Icon erlaubt das Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common de Wenn Sie "2-Faktor-Authentifizierung" verwenden, geben Sie bitte hier den Code ein.
image common de Grafik
@ -872,7 +873,7 @@ minute common de Minute
minutes common de Minuten
missing: %1 common de nicht vorhanden: %1
mo common de Mo
mode of required directory "%1" changed to %2. admin de Zugriffsrechte für benötigtes Verzeichnis "%1" geändert zu %2.
mode of required directory "%1" changed to %2. admin de Zugriffsrechte für benötigten Ordner "%1" geändert zu %2.
modifier preferences de Geändert von
moldova, republic of common de MOLDAVIEN, REPUBLIK
monaco common de MONACO
@ -888,7 +889,7 @@ more than 1 match for '%1' common de Mehr als 1 trifft für '%1' zu
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin de Mehr als eine Datei %1 verfügbar, %2 ältere Revisionen werden deaktiviert
morocco common de MAROKKO
move common de Verschieben
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin de verschoben %1 Kinderelemente vom Verzeichnis fs_id=%2 nach %3
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin de verschoben %1 Kinderelemente vom Ordner fs_id=%2 nach %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin de nicht verbundene Einträge verschoben %1 %2 nach %3.
mozambique common de MOZAMBIQUE
multicolumn indices common de Mehrspaltige Indices
@ -1037,7 +1038,7 @@ path common de Pfad
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common de Der Pfad für Benutzer oder Gruppen Ordner muss ausserhalb des Webserver Root Verzeichnisses liegen (Webserver Root = /var/www/html; Pfad für Benutzer/Gruppen Ordner /var/www
permission denied! common de Zugriff verweigert!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common de Zugriff verweigert! Dies ist eine reine Verwaltungsfunktion für Administratoren.
permissions to the files/users directory common de Zugriffsrechte zu den Dateien / Benutzerverzeichnissen
permissions to the files/users directory common de Zugriffsrechte zu den Dateien / Benutzerordner
permisson denied! common de Zugriff verweigert!
personal common de persönlich
peru common de PERU
@ -1103,7 +1104,7 @@ read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common de ließt ein eTemplate
read this list of methods. common de Diese Liste der Methoden lesen.
reading common de lesen
readonly common de nur lesen
readonly filemanager directory common de Lesende Freigabe Dateimanager Verzeichnis
readonly filemanager directory common de Lesende Freigabe Dateimanager Ordner
readonly share common de Nur lesende Freigabe
redo common de Wiederholen
refresh common de Aktualisierung
@ -1117,18 +1118,18 @@ remove row (can not be undone!!!) common de löscht eine Zeile (NICHT rückgäng
remove selected accounts common de Ausgewählte Benutzer entfernen
remove shortcut common de Abkürzung entfernen
remove this link (not the entry itself) common de entfernt diese Verknüpfung (nicht den Eintrag selbst)
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin de Leeres Verzeichnis fs_id=%1 wurde jetzt gelöscht
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin de Leerer Ordner fs_id=%1 wurde jetzt gelöscht
removeformat common de Formatierung entfernen
rename common de Umbenennen
replace common de Ersetzen
replace with common de Ersetzen durch
request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! common de Anfrage konnte nicht verarbeitet werden, bitte laden Sie Ihr Fenster neu (F5 oder Cmd R drücken)!
requests and full responses to files directory common de Anfragen und komplette Antworten in das Dateiverzeichnis
requests and full responses to files directory common de Anfragen und komplette Antworten in den Dateiordner
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav de Anfragen und gekürzte Antworten ins Apache error-log
required common de Benötigt
required directory "%1" created. admin de Benötigtes Verzeichnis "%1" angelegt.
required directory "%1" has wrong mode %2 instead of %3! admin de Benötigtes Verzeichnis "%1" hat falsche Zugriffsrechte %2 statt %3!
required directory "%1" not found! admin de Benötigtes Verzeichnis "%1" nicht gefunden!
required directory "%1" created. admin de Benötigten Ordner "%1" angelegt.
required directory "%1" has wrong mode %2 instead of %3! admin de Benötigter Ordner "%1" hat falsche Zugriffsrechte %2 statt %3!
required directory "%1" not found! admin de Benötigten Ordner "%1" nicht gefunden!
reset common de Zurücksetzen
reset all to default common de Einstellung für alle Benutzer überschreiben
reset all user's column preferences common de Spaltenauswahl für alle Benutzer zurücksetzen
@ -1273,9 +1274,9 @@ setup main menu common de Setup Hauptmenü
seychelles common de SEYCHELLEN
share common de Teilen
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common de Freigabe als schreibgeschützt, aber Uploads erlauben. Uploads sind verborgen und nur für Personen mit einem Konto zugänglich.
share filemanager directory common de Dateimanager Verzeichnis
share filemanager directory common de Dateimanager Ordner
share files common de Dateien teilen
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common de Teile nur das verbundene Dateimanager Verzeichnis, nicht %1
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common de Teile nur das verbundene Dateimanager Ordners, nicht %1
share link common de Link teilen
share this %1 via url common de Teile diesen %1 über den Link
shift common de Shift
@ -1331,7 +1332,7 @@ sri lanka common de SRI LANKA
stack common de Stapel
start a new search, cancel this link common de neue Suche Starten, diese Verknüpfung abbrechen
start date common de Startdatum
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common de Startverzeichnis für Bildsuche des Editors für formatierten Text im EGroupware-Dateimanager
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common de Startprdner für Bildsuche des Editors für formatierten Text im EGroupware-Dateimanager
start new search for the above pattern common de neue Suche für das obige Muster starten
start time common de Startzeit
start with common de beginnt mit
@ -1346,7 +1347,7 @@ submit common de Absenden
submit form common de Formular abschicken
submitbutton common de Schaltfläche
substitutions and their meanings: common de Ersetzungen und ihre Bedeutung
successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods. admin de Verzeichnis %1 wurde erfolgreich erstellt für nicht verbundene Knoten (nods).
successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods. admin de Ordner %1 wurde erfolgreich erstellt für nicht verbundene Knoten (nods).
sudan common de SUDAN
suggest password common de Passwort vorschlagen
sunday common de Sonntag
@ -1389,7 +1390,7 @@ the following applications require upgrades common de Die folgenden Anwendungen
the following document-types are supported: preferences de Im Moment werden die folgenden Dokumenttypen unterstützt:
the mail server returned common de Der E-Mail-Server liefert zurück
there already is a system-user with this name. user's should not have the same name as a systemuser common de Es gibt schon einen System Benutzer mit dem selben Namen. Die Benutzer sollten nicht die gleichen Namen haben, wie die Systembenutzer.
they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common de Diese werden Unterordner im Homeverzeichnis des Benutzers (%1 Attribute).
they will be sub-folders in users home (%1 attribute). common de Diese werden Unterordner im Homeordner des Benutzers (%1 Attribute).
this feature is only available in epl version. common de diese Funktion ist nur in der EPL-Version verfügbar.
this is your own share. to test it, use an anonymous / incognito window.<br/>%1 common de Dies ist Ihre eigene Freigabe. Verwenden Sie zum Testen ein anonymes / Inkognito-Fenster.<br/>%1
this name has been used already common de Dieser Name ist bereits in Benutzung !
@ -1454,7 +1455,7 @@ update from version '%s' to common de Update von Version '%s' auf
update the clock per minute or per second common de Uhr pro Minute oder pro Sekunde aktualisieren
updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed! common de Aktualisieren Ihres Kontos mit neuen Daten von Ihrem Identitätsprovider fehlgeschlagen!
upload common de Hochladen
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common de Das Verzeichnis zum Hochladen existiert nicht oder der Webserver hat dort keine Schreibrechte.
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common de Der Ordner zum Hochladen existiert nicht oder der Webserver hat dort keine Schreibrechte.
upload file(s) from filemanager... common de Dateien aus dem Dateimanager hochladen..
upload new photo common de Neues Foto hochladen
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common de Der Upload verlangt, dass der Webserver Schreibrechte auf diesem Verzeichnis hat!
@ -1483,7 +1484,7 @@ venezuela common de VENEZUELA
version common de Version
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common de Versionsnummer, in der Form major.minor.revision.number (zB. alle Zahlen mit Nullen aufgefüllt)
vertical alignment of row common de vertikale Ausrichtung der Zeile
vfs upload directory common de Dateimanager Upload Verzeichnis
vfs upload directory common de Dateimanager Upload Ordner
video tutorials common de Video-Tutorials
viet nam common de VIETNAM
view common de Anzeigen
@ -1504,7 +1505,7 @@ western sahara common de WEST SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common de Welche Farbe soll der freie Platz auf der Arbeitsfläche haben
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common de was passiert mit überbreitem Inhalt: sichtbar (standard), versteckt, rollend, automatisch (der Browser entscheidet)
what style would you like the image to have? common de Welchen Stil soll das Bild haben?
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. If no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences de Wenn Sie Einträge mit Platzhalter-Dokumenten zusammenführen, werden diese hier gespeichert. Wenn Sie kein Verzeichnis angeben, werden diese in Ihrem Homeverzeichnis gespeichert (%1)
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences de Wenn Sie Einträge mit Platzhalter-Dokumenten zusammenführen, werden diese hier gespeichert. Wenn Sie kein Ordner angeben, werden diese in Ihrem Homeordner gespeichert (%1)
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common de Wenn Sie dies aktivieren, werden die Start und Abmelde Symbole als Anwendungen im oberen Anwendungsbalken angezeigt.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common de Wo und wie werden die EGroupware Verknüpfungen wie Einstellungen, Über ..., und Abmelden angezeigt.
which groups common de Welche Gruppen
@ -1522,7 +1523,7 @@ working days common de Werktage
works reliable for total size up to 1-2 mb, might work for 5-10 mb, most likely to fail for >10mb common de Arbeitet zuverlässig für eine Gesamtgröße von 1-2 MB, kann auch für 5-10 MB funktionieren, wird wahrscheinlich für >10MB fehlschlagen
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common de Möchten Sie die Zeit zur Erstellung der Seite am Ende jedes Fensters anzeigen?
writable common de Beschreibbar
writable filemanager directory common de Beschreibbare Freigabe Dateimanager Verzeichnis
writable filemanager directory common de Beschreibbare Freigabe Dateimanager Ordner
writable share common de Beschreibbare Freigabe
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common de schreibt <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common de Sprachdatei
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' common en %1 (%2 new) messages written for application '%3' and languages '%4'
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin en %1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated!
%1 active file(s) with same name as directory inactivated! admin en %1 active file(s) with same name as folder inactivated!
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited common en %1 copied - the copy can now be edited
%1 directories %2 found! admin en %1 directories %2 found!
%1 email addresses inserted common en %1 email addresses inserted.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%1 setting "%2" = %3 disallows access via http! admin en %1 setting "%2" = %3 disallows access via http!
%1 to sync groupdav en %1 to sync
%1, duplicate id common en %1, duplicate ID
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common en %1Choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writable by web server.
%1choose an other directory%2<br />or make %3 writeable by webserver common en %1Choose an other folder%2<br />or make %3 writable by web server.
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common en %1EGroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3PHP%4.
%s disabled common en %s disabled
%s needed common en %s needed
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ am common en am
american samoa common en AMERICAN SAMOA
an admin required that you must change your password upon login. common en Administrator requires that you must change your password upon log in.
an error happened common en An error happened!
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common en An existing AND by the web server readable directory enables the image browser and upload.
an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common en An existing AND by the web server readable folder enables the image browser and upload.
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) common en An indexed column speeds up query using that column, cost space on the disk!
and common en AND
andorra common en ANDORRA
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ can not have special sql-value null common en Can not have special SQL-value NUL
can't create directory %1 to connect found unconnected nodes to it! admin en Can't create directory %1 to connect found unconnected nodes to it!
canada common en CANADA
cancel common en Cancel
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common en Cannot replace %1 because it is a directory.
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common en Cannot replace %1 because it is a folder.
cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this categorys subtree! common en Cannot set a category as parent, which is part of this category's sub tree!
cannot set this cat as its own parent! common en Can not set this category as its own parent!
cant delete a single widget from a grid !!! common en Can't delete a single widget from a grid!
@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ cote d ivoire common en COTE D IVOIRE
could not contact server. operation timed out! common en Could not contact server. Operation timed out!
create common en Create
create a new table for the application common en Create a new table for the application
create directory common en Create folder
create link common en Create link
created common en Created
created by common en Created by
@ -417,10 +418,10 @@ detail common en Detail
details common en Details
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common en Disable the execution a bugfix script for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in .png images?
direction left to right common en Direction left to right
directory common en Directory
directory common en Folder
directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common en Directory does not exist, is not readable by the web server or is not relative to the document root!
directory for storing merged documents preferences en Directory for storing merged documents
directory with documents to insert entries preferences en Directory with documents to insert entries
directory for storing merged documents preferences en Folder for storing merged documents
directory with documents to insert entries preferences en Folder with documents to insert entries
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common en Disable Internet Explorer png image bugfix
disable slider effects common en Disable slider effects
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common en Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page.
@ -515,11 +516,11 @@ equatorial guinea common en EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common en ERITREA
error common en Error
error copying uploaded file to vfs! common en Error copying uploaded file to VFS!
error create parent directory %1! common en Error creating parent directory %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common en Error creating %1 %2 directory!
error deleting %1 %2 directory common en Error deleting %1 %2 directory!
error create parent directory %1! common en Error creating parent folder %1!
error creating %1 %2 directory common en Error creating %1 %2 folder!
error deleting %1 %2 directory common en Error deleting %1 %2 folder!
error deleting %1! common en Error deleting %1!
error renaming %1 %2 directory common en Error renaming %1 %2 directory!
error renaming %1 %2 directory common en Error renaming %1 %2 folder!
error uploading file! filemanager en Error uploading file!
error: template not found !!! common en Error: Template not found!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! common en Error: web server is not allowed to write into '%1' !!!
@ -547,10 +548,10 @@ expiration common en Expiration
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file common en Export the loaded eTemplate into a xml-file
export xml common en Export XML
extensions loaded: common en Extensions loaded:
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin en Failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2!
failed to change mode of required directory "%1" to %2! admin en Failed to change mode of required folder "%1" to %2!
failed to change password. common en Failed to change password.
failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common en Failed to contact server or invalid response from server. Try to re-login. Contact administrator in case of failure.
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin en Failed to create required directory "%1"!
failed to create required directory "%1"! admin en Failed to create required folder "%1"!
failed to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3! admin en Faild to move unconnected %1 %2 to %3!
falkland islands (malvinas) common en FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
faroe islands common en FAROE ISLANDS
@ -690,11 +691,11 @@ if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement
if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common en If the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute.
if the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver. common en If the error persists, contact your administrator for help and ask to check the error-log of the webserver.
if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common en If there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a directory, full vfs path, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a folder, full vfs path, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. preferences en If you specify a document, full vfs path, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you use "2-factor-authentication", please enter the code here. common en If you use "2-Factor-Authentication", please enter the code here.
image common en Image
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common en Image directory relative to document root (use / !), example:
image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common en Image folder relative to document root (use / !), example:
image url common en Image URL
import common en Import
import an etemplate from a xml-file common en Import an eTemplate from a xml-file
@ -805,7 +806,6 @@ link common en Link
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached version of files common en Link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download currently attached version of files
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (epl only) common en Link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download or modify up to date version of files (EPL only)
link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files common en Link is appended to mail allowing recipients to download up to date version of files
link search common en Link search
link target %1 not found! common en Link target %1 not found!
linkapps common en Link apps
linked common en Linked
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ minute common en minute
minutes common en minutes
missing: %1 common en Missing: %1
mo common en Mo
mode of required directory "%1" changed to %2. admin en Mode of required directory "%1" changed to %2.
mode of required directory "%1" changed to %2. admin en Mode of required folder "%1" changed to %2.
modifier preferences en Modifier
moldova, republic of common en MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
monaco common en MONACO
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ more than 1 match for '%1' common en More than 1 match for '%1'
more then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions! admin en More then one active file %1 found, inactivating %2 older revisions!
morocco common en MOROCCO
move common en move
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin en Moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3
moved %1 children from directory fs_id=%2 to %3 admin en Moved %1 children from folder fs_id=%2 to %3
moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3. admin en Moved unconnected %1 %2 to %3.
mozambique common en MOZAMBIQUE
multicolumn indices common en Multi column indices
@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ path common en Path
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common en Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the web servers document root!
permission denied! common en Permission denied!
permission denied! this is an administration only feature. common en Permission denied! This is an administration only feature.
permissions to the files/users directory common en Permissions to the files/users directory
permissions to the files/users directory common en Permissions to the files/users folder
permisson denied! common en Permission denied!
personal common en Personal
peru common en PERU
@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ read etemplate from database (for the keys above) common en Read eTemplate from
read this list of methods. common en Read this list of methods
reading common en Reading
readonly common en Read only
readonly filemanager directory common en Readonly filemanager directory
readonly filemanager directory common en Readonly filemanager folder
readonly share common en Readonly share
redo common en Redo
refresh common en Refresh
@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ remove row (can not be undone!!!) common en Remove row
remove selected accounts common en Remove selected accounts
remove shortcut common en Remove shortcut
remove this link (not the entry itself) common en Remove link
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin en Removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1
removed (now) empty directory fs_id=%1 admin en Removed (now) empty folder fs_id=%1
removeformat common en Removeformat
rename common en Rename
replace common en Replace
@ -1128,9 +1128,9 @@ request could not be processed, please reload your window (press f5 or cmd r)! c
requests and full responses to files directory common en Requests and full responses to files directory
requests and truncated responses to apache error-log groupdav en Requests and truncated responses to Apache error-log
required common en Required
required directory "%1" created. admin en Required directory "%1" created.
required directory "%1" has wrong mode %2 instead of %3! admin en Required directory "%1" has wrong mode %2 instead of %3!
required directory "%1" not found! admin en Required directory "%1" not found!
required directory "%1" created. admin en Required folder "%1" created.
required directory "%1" has wrong mode %2 instead of %3! admin en Required folder "%1" has wrong mode %2 instead of %3!
required directory "%1" not found! admin en Required folder "%1" not found!
reset common en Reset
reset all to default common en Reset all to default
reset all user's column preferences common en Reset all user's column preferences
@ -1275,9 +1275,9 @@ setup main menu common en Setup main menu
seychelles common en SEYCHELLES
share common en Share
share as readonly, but allow uploads. uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account common en Share as readonly, but allow uploads. Uploads are hidden, and only accessable by those with an account
share filemanager directory common en Filemanager directory
share filemanager directory common en Filemanager folder
share files common en Share files
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common en Share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1
share just the associated filemanager directory, not the %1 common en Share just the associated filemanager folder, not the %1
share link common en Share link
share this %1 via url common en Share this %1 via URL
shift common en Shift
@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ sri lanka common en SRI LANKA
stack common en Stack
start a new search, cancel this link common en Start new search, cancel this link
start date common en Start date
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common en Start directory for image browser of rich text editor in EGroupware File Manager
start directory for image browser of rich text editor in egroupware vfs (filemanager). common en Start folder for image browser of rich text editor in EGroupware File Manager
start new search for the above pattern common en Start new search for the above pattern
start time common en Start time
start with common en Start with
@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ submit common en Submit
submit form common en Submit form
submitbutton common en Submit button
substitutions and their meanings: common en Substitutions and their meanings:
successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods. admin en Successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods.
successful created new directory %1 for unconnected nods. admin en Successful created new folder %1 for unconnected nods.
sudan common en SUDAN
suggest password common en Suggest password
sunday common en Sunday
@ -1456,10 +1456,10 @@ update from version '%s' to common en Update from version '%s' to
update the clock per minute or per second common en Update the clock per minute or per second
updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed! common en Updating your account with new data from your identity provider failed!
upload common en Upload
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common en Upload directory does not exist, or is not writable by web server.
upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common en Upload folder does not exist, or is not writable by web server.
upload file(s) from filemanager... common en Upload file(s) from Filemanager...
upload new photo common en Upload new photo
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common en Upload requires the directory to be writable by the web server!
upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common en Upload requires the folder to be writable by the web server!
uppercase letters common en uppercase letters
url common en URL
uruguay common en URUGUAY
@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ venezuela common en VENEZUELA
version common en Version
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) common en Version number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number e.g. all numbers filled up with zeros
vertical alignment of row common en Vertical alignment of row
vfs upload directory common en VFS upload directory
vfs upload directory common en VFS upload folder
video tutorials common en Video Tutorials
viet nam common en VIET NAM
view common en View
@ -1506,7 +1506,7 @@ western sahara common en WESTERN SAHARA
what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common en What color should all the blank space on the desktop have?
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) common en What happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides)
what style would you like the image to have? common en Image style
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. If no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences en When you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. If no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1)
when you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. if no directory is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1) preferences en When you merge entries into documents, they will be stored here. If no folder is provided, they will be stored in your home directory (%1)
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common en If you say yes, the Home and Log out buttons are presented as applications in the main top application bar.
where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common en Where and how will the EGroupware links like Preferences, About and Log out be displayed.
which groups common en Which groups
@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ working days common en Working days
works reliable for total size up to 1-2 mb, might work for 5-10 mb, most likely to fail for >10mb common en Works reliable for total size up to 1-2 MB, might work for 5-10 MB, most likely to fail for >10MB
would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common en Display the page generation time at the bottom of every window
writable common en Writable
writable filemanager directory common en Writable filemanager directory
writable filemanager directory common en Writable filemanager folder
writable share common en Writable share
write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php common en Write <app>/setup/tables_current.inc.php
write langfile common en Write language file
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ favorites filemanager de Favoriten
file common de Datei
file %1 already exists filemanager de Es gibt schon eine Datei %1
file %1 could not be created. filemanager de Die Datei %1 konnte nicht erzeugt werden
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager de Die Datei %1 ist eventuell zu gross. Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Systemadministrator für weiterreichende Informationen.
file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filemanager de Die Datei %1 ist eventuell zu groß. Kontaktieren Sie Ihren Systemadministrator für weitere Informationen.
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager de Datei ablegen ist nur mit einem EPL-Vertrag verfügbar.
file deleted. filemanager de Datei gelöscht
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager de Dateinamen dürfen "%1" nicht enthalten
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ filemanager fields: filemanager de Dateimanager Felder:
filename must not be empty! filemanager de Dateiname darf nicht leer sein!
files common de Dateien
files from links filemanager de Zeige Dateien aus verknüpften Einträgen
files from subdirectories filemanager de Dateien aus Unterordners
files from subdirectories filemanager de Dateien aus Unterordner
files in this directory filemanager de Dateien in diesem Ordner
filesystem filemanager de Dateisystem
filesystem check reported no problems. filemanager de Überprüfung des Dateisystems ergab keine Probleme
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ general filemanager de Allgemein
general fields: filemanager de Allgemeine Platzhalter
go home filemanager de Gehe zum Heimordner
go to filemanager de Gehe zu
go to your home directory filemanager de Zu Ihrem Heimordner wechseln
go to your home directory filemanager de Zu Ihrem persönlichen Ordner wechseln
go up filemanager de in den übergeordneten Ordner wechseln
hidden upload filemanager de Hochladen nicht einsehbar
hidden uploads filemanager de Hochladen nicht einsehbar
@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ link target %1 not found! filemanager de Verknüpfungsziel %1 nicht gefunden!
list view filemanager de Listenansicht
location filemanager de Ort
lock filemanager de Gesperrt
lock from %1, created %2 filemanager de GESPERRT von %1, am %2
log out as superuser filemanager de Superuser abmelden
mail files filemanager de Dateien per E-Mail versenden
mail paste filemanager de per E-Mail versenden
@ -270,6 +271,7 @@ select file(s) from vfs common de Datei(en) aus dem EGroupware Dateimanager ausw
setting for document merge saved. filemanager de Einstellungen für Serienbriefe gespeichert
share files filemanager de Dateien freigeben
share link copied into clipboard filemanager de Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert
share mounted at %1.<br/>please close this tab. filemanager de Freigabe gemounted auf %1.<br/>Bitte schließen Sie dieses Fenster.
shared files filemanager de Freigegebene Dateien
shared with filemanager de Geteilt mit
show filemanager de Zeige
@ -277,8 +279,8 @@ show hidden files filemanager de Zeige versteckte Dateien
show link "%1" in side box menu? filemanager de Zeige die Verknüpfung "%1" im Seitenmenü
show link "users and groups" in side box menu? filemanager de Möchten Sie die Verknüpfung "Benutzer und Gruppen" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs anzeigen?
show link "users and groups*" in side box menu?* filemanager de Möchten Sie die Verknüpfung "Benutzer und Gruppen" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs anzeigen?
show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Ihr Heimatordner" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Ihr Heimatordner" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Persönlicher Ordner" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Persönlicher Ordner" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager de Zeige die Verknüpfung zum Basisordner (/) des Dateimanagers im Seitenmenü?
size filemanager de Größe
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager de SMB, WebDAVs und VFS benötigen einen Benutzernamen!
@ -333,7 +335,7 @@ you do not have access to %1 filemanager de Sie besitzen keine Zugriffsrechte f
you need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory! filemanager de Sie müssen Superuser sein, um die Versionierung für ein Ordner ein- oder auszuschalten!
you need to select an owner! filemanager de Sie müssen einen Eigentümer auswählen!
you need to select some files first! filemanager de Sie müssen zuerst die Dateien auswählen!
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Heimatordner geleitet
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem persönlichen Ordner geleitet
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Anfangs- / Startordner geleitet
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager de Ihr Heimatordner hat nicht existiert. EGroupware hat ein neues für Sie angelegt.
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager de Ihr persönlicher Ordner hat nicht existiert. EGroupware hat ein neues für Sie angelegt.
your home directory filemanager de Ihr persönlicher Ordner
@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ folder notifications bg папка
from notifications bg От
message from notifications bg Съобщение от
minutes notifications bg минути
refresh notifications notifications bg Обновяване на известията
signature admin bg Подпис
warning notifications bg Внимание
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(update in sec. %s) notifications cs (Obnovení za %s vteřin)
account: notifications cs Účet:
all possible notification backends notifications cs všechny dostupné backendy pro upozornění
are you sure you want to delete all notifications? notifications cs Opravdu chcete smazat všechna oznámení?
browser notifications cs Prohlížeč
browser is starting. notifications cs Spouští se prohlížeč.
cancal settings? notifications cs Zrušit nastavení?
@ -14,6 +15,9 @@ connection error. notifications cs Chyba spojení.
connection error. please check connection to server. notifications cs Chyba spojení. Zkontrolujte prosím spojení se serverem.
continue to connect? notifications cs Pokračovat ve spojení?
cookies are required to login to this site. notifications cs Pro přihlášení jsou vyžadovány soubory cookies.
delete all messages notifications cs smazat všechny zprávy
delete notifications notifications cs Smazat oznámení
delete this message notifications cs smazat tuto zprávu
disabled chains notifications cs Zakázané posloupnosti
do not notify me at all notifications cs vůbec mě neupozorňuj
domain not found, please check serveraddress. notifications cs Doména nebyla nalezena, zkontrolujte adresu serveru.
@ -30,6 +34,7 @@ egroupware-popup backend admin cs Backend Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications cs Nejprve překryvná okna v eGroupWaru, pokud se nezdaří, upozorni mě e-mailem
egroupware-popup only notifications cs Jen překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications cs Intenzita sdělení pro Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
email notifications only, if user is not logged in notifications cs Pouze oznámení e-mailem, pokud uživatel není přihlášen
emailadmin profile only (do not use user defined (active) mail profiles for notification) admin cs Jen emailadmin profil (Nepoužívat aktivní, uživatelem definovaný účet, pro zasílání upozornění)
enable egroupware-popup backend admin cs Povolit backend Překryvná okna v eGroupWaru
enable windows-popup backend admin cs Povolit backend Překryvná okna ve Windows
@ -46,15 +51,20 @@ if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications c
info on load config file: create config file. notifications cs Informace o načtení konfiguračního souboru: vytvoření konfiguračního souboru.
issuer dn: notifications cs Upozornění způsobeno:
java desktop notification app preferences cs Java aplikace pro upozornění na ploše
last month notifications cs Poslední měsíc
linked entries: common cs Odkazované záznamy:
login aborted, application exit? notifications cs Přihlášení přerušeno, ukončit aplikaci?
login in egroupware: notifications cs Přihlášení do EGroupware
mail backend admin cs Poštovní backend
mark all as read notifications cs označit vše jako přečtené
mark as read notifications cs označit jako přečtený
message from notifications cs Zpráva od
minutes notifications cs minut
more info notifications cs Více informací
notification common cs Upozornění
notifier notifications cs Oznamovatel:
notify me by notifications cs Upozorni mě pomocí
open notified entry notifications cs otevřít oznámený záznam
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications cs Optimalizovat e-maily pro externí poštovní klienty
page not found, please check serveraddress. notifications cs Stránka nebyla nalezena, zkontrolujte adresu serveru
password: notifications cs Heslo:
@ -68,6 +78,7 @@ please enter your password notifications cs Zadejte vaše heslo do EGroupware
poll interval notifications cs Interval dotazování (poll)
preferences for notification notifications cs Předvolby pro upozornění
received notifications cs Přijato
refresh notifications notifications cs Obnovení oznámení
repeat login? notifications cs Opakovat přihlášení?
run application notifications cs Spustit aplikaci
save password notifications cs Uložit heslo
@ -82,13 +93,16 @@ subject dn: notifications cs Předmět upozornění:
the server certificate is not a valid trust center certificate! notifications cs Certifikát serveru není platným zabezpečeným certifikátem!
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications cs Toto upozornění z EGroupware vám bylo zasláno e-mailem, protože váš
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications cs Toto upozornění z eGroupWaru Vám bylo zasláno e-mailem, protože Vámi zvolená posloupnost upozornění byla zakázána administrátorem. Vyberte si prosím v předvolbách jinou posloupnost upozornění.
this month notifications cs Tento měsíc
user: notifications cs Uživatel:
warning notifications cs Varování
windows-popup and e-mail notifications cs Překryvná okna ve Windows a e-mail
windows-popup backend admin cs Backend Překryvná okna ve Windows
windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications cs Nejprve překryvná okna ve Windows, pokud se nezdaří, upozorni mě e-mailem
windows-popup only notifications cs Jen překryvná okna ve Windows
yesterday notifications cs včera
you can also use admin cs Také můžete použít
you have %1 unread notifications notifications cs Máte %1 nepřečtených oznámení
you have been successfully logged out notifications cs Odhlášení proběhlo úspěšně
you've got new mail notifications cs Přišel Vám nový e-mail
your session could not be verified. notifications cs Vaše relace nemohla být ověřena.
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from notifications da Fra
message from notifications da Besked fra
minutes notifications da Minutter
permission notifications da Tilladelse
refresh notifications notifications da Opdatering af meddelelser
settings notifications da indstillinger
signature admin da Signatur
step notifications da Trin
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ please enter your password notifications de Bitte geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein.
poll interval notifications de Abfrageintervall
preferences for notification notifications de Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen
received notifications de Erhalten
refresh notifications notifications de Benachrichtigungen aktualisieren
repeat login? notifications de Anmeldung erneut versuchen?
run application notifications de Anwendung ausführen
save password notifications de Passwort speichern
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
folder notifications el Φάκελος
from notifications el Από
minutes notifications el Λεπτά
refresh notifications notifications el Ανανέωση ειδοποιήσεων
signature admin el Υπογραφή
your session could not be verified. notifications el Η περίοδος εργασίας δεν μπόρεσε να επαληθευθεί
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ disabled chains notifications en Disabled chains
do not notify me at all notifications en Do not notify me at all
domain not found, please check serveraddress. notifications en Domain not found, please check Serveraddress.
e-mail only notifications en Email only
email notifications only, if user is not logged in notifications en Email notifications only, if user is not logged in
egroupware has notifications for you notifications en EGroupware has notifications for you
egroupware login is starting, please wait. notifications en EGroupware login is starting, please wait.
egroupware logindomain: notifications en EGroupware Logindomain:
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ egroupware-popup backend admin en EGroupware popup back end
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications en EGroupware popup first, if that fails notify me by email
egroupware-popup only notifications en EGroupware popup only
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications en EGroupware popup verbosity
email notifications only, if user is not logged in notifications en Email notifications only, if user is not logged in
emailadmin profile only (do not use user defined (active) mail profiles for notification) admin en EmailAdmin profile only. Do NOT use user defined active mail profiles for notification.
enable egroupware-popup backend admin en Enable EGroupware popup back end
enable windows-popup backend admin en Enable Windows popup back end
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ please enter your password notifications en Please enter your password
poll interval notifications en Poll interval
preferences for notification notifications en Preferences for notification
received notifications en Received
refresh notifications notifications en Refresh Notifications
repeat login? notifications en Repeat Login?
run application notifications en run application
save password notifications en save password
@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ the server certificate is not a valid trust center certificate! notifications en
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications en This EGroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications en This EGroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification chain has been disabled by the administrator. Please choose another notification chain in your preferences!
this month notifications en This month
you have %1 unread notifications notifications en You have %1 unread notifications
user: notifications en User:
warning notifications en Warning
windows-popup and e-mail notifications en Windows popup and email
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications en Windows
windows-popup only notifications en Windows popup only
yesterday notifications en yesterday
you can also use admin en You can also use
you have %1 unread notifications notifications en You have %1 unread notifications
you have been successfully logged out notifications en You have been successfully logged out
you've got new mail notifications en You've got a new mail
your session could not be verified. notifications en Your session could not be verified.
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ permission notifications es-es permiso
poll interval notifications es-es Intervalo de muestreo
preferences for notification notifications es-es Preferencias para la notificación
received notifications es-es Recibido
refresh notifications notifications es-es Actualizar notificaciones
settings notifications es-es Configuración
signature admin es-es Firma
step notifications es-es Paso
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ please enter your password notifications fi Syötä salasana
poll interval notifications fi Äänestysten aikajakso
preferences for notification notifications fi Huomautuksen asetukset
received notifications fi Vastaanotettu
refresh notifications notifications fi Päivitä ilmoitukset
save password notifications fi Tallenna salasana
setting notifications fi Asetukset
settings notifications fi Asetukset
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ please enter your password notifications fr Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe
poll interval notifications fr Intervalle de sondage
preferences for notification notifications fr Préférences de notification
received notifications fr Reçu
refresh notifications notifications fr Rafraîchir les notifications
repeat login? notifications fr Répeter la connexion ?
run application notifications fr exécuter l'application
save password notifications fr enregistrer le mot de passe
@ -95,7 +96,6 @@ windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications fr Popup wi
windows-popup only notifications fr Popup windows seulement
yesterday notifications fr hier
you can also use admin fr Vous pouvez aussi utiliser
you can also use addressbook placeholders with user/ prefix notifications fr Vous pouvez aussi utiliser les balises du carnet d'adresses avec l'utilisateur/préfixe
you have %1 unread notifications notifications fr Vous avez %1 notification(s) non lue(s)
you have been successfully logged out notifications fr Vous avez été déconnecté avec succès
you've got new mail notifications fr Vous avez un nouveau message
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from notifications hu Tól:
message from notifications hu Üzenet innen:
minutes notifications hu perc
permission notifications hu Engedélyek
refresh notifications notifications hu Értesítések frissítése
signature admin hu Aláírás
step notifications hu Lépés
warning notifications hu Figyelmeztetés
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ please enter your password notifications it Per favore inserisci la tua password
poll interval notifications it Intervallo di controllo
preferences for notification notifications it Preferenze per Notifica
received notifications it Ricevuti
refresh notifications notifications it Aggiorna le notifiche
repeat login? notifications it Ripetere il login?
run application notifications it esegui applicazione
save password notifications it salva password
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ egroupware-popup backend admin ja EGroupware ポップアップ・バックエ
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications ja EGroupware ポップアップ(ポップアップ失敗時のみ電子メール)
egroupware-popup only notifications ja EGroupware ポップアップのみ
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications ja EGroupware ポップアップの冗長度
emailadmin profile only (do not use user defined (active) mail profiles for notification) admin ja EmailAdmin profile only. Do NOT use user defined active mail profiles for notification.
email notifications only, if user is not logged in notifications ja 電子メールのみ(ユーザがログインしていない場合)
emailadmin profile only (do not use user defined (active) mail profiles for notification) admin ja EmailAdmin profile only. Do NOT use user defined active mail profiles for notification.
enable egroupware-popup backend admin ja EGroupware ポップアップ・バックエンドを有効化
enable windows-popup backend admin ja Windows ポップアップ・バックエンドを有効化
enabled chains notifications ja 有効チェーン
@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications j
info on load config file: create config file. notifications ja Info on load config file: create config file.
issuer dn: notifications ja Issuer DN:
java desktop notification app preferences ja Java デスクトップ通知アプリ
java-windows-popup and egroupware-popup only preferences ja Java-Windows ポップアップとEGroupware ポップアップのみ
java-windows-popup, egroupware-popup and email preferences ja Java-Windows ポップアップとEGroupware ポップアップと電子メール
last month notifications ja 先月
linked entries: common ja リンク項目:
login aborted, application exit? notifications ja ログインを中断し、アプリケーションを終了しますか?
@ -80,6 +78,7 @@ please enter your password notifications ja パスワードを入力してくだ
poll interval notifications ja ポーリング間隔
preferences for notification notifications ja 通知設定
received notifications ja 受信済み
refresh notifications notifications ja お知らせを更新する
repeat login? notifications ja もういちどログインしますか?
run application notifications ja アプリケーションを起動
save password notifications ja パスワードを保存
@ -95,7 +94,6 @@ the server certificate is not a valid trust center certificate! notifications ja
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications ja This EGroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications ja This EGroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification chain has been disabled by the administrator. Please choose another notification chain in your preferences!
this month notifications ja 今月
you have %1 unread notifications notifications ja %1 個の未読通知があります。
user: notifications ja ユーザ:
warning notifications ja 警告
windows-popup and e-mail notifications ja Windows ポップアップと電子メール
@ -104,6 +102,7 @@ windows-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications ja Windows
windows-popup only notifications ja Windows ポップアップのみ
yesterday notifications ja 昨日
you can also use admin ja You can also use
you have %1 unread notifications notifications ja %1 個の未読通知があります。
you have been successfully logged out notifications ja ログアウトしました。
you've got new mail notifications ja 新着メールがあります!
your session could not be verified. notifications ja セッションが検証できません。
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
refresh notifications notifications lt Atnaujinti pranešimus
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ folder notifications lv Mape
from notifications lv No
message from notifications lv Ziņa no
minutes notifications lv minūtes
refresh notifications notifications lv Atjaunināt paziņojumus
settings notifications lv Uzstādījumi
signature admin lv Paraksts
step notifications lv Solis
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ notify me by notifications nl Meld mij via
optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications nl Optimaliseer E-mails voor externe mail client
permission notifications nl toestemming
preferences for notification notifications nl Voorkeuren voor meldingen
refresh notifications notifications nl Kennisgevingen verversen
settings notifications nl Instellingen
signature admin nl Ondertekening
step notifications nl Stap
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ optimize e-mails for external mail client notifications pl Optymalizuj emaile dl
poll interval notifications pl okres odpytywania
preferences for notification notifications pl Preferencje dla powiadomienia
received notifications pl odebrano
refresh notifications notifications pl Odśwież powiadomienia
settings notifications pl Ustawienia
signature admin pl Sygnaturka
step notifications pl Krok
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ please enter your password notifications pt-br Por favor, digite a sua senha
poll interval notifications pt-br Intervalo Poll
preferences for notification notifications pt-br Preferências para notificação
received notifications pt-br Recebido
refresh notifications notifications pt-br Notificações de Atualização
repeat login? notifications pt-br Repita o Login?
run application notifications pt-br executar o aplicativo
save password notifications pt-br salvar senha
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from notifications pt De
message from notifications pt Mensagem de
minutes notifications pt Minutos
permission notifications pt Permissão
refresh notifications notifications pt Actualizar Notificações
settings notifications pt Configurações
signature admin pt Assinatura
step notifications pt Passo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
refresh notifications notifications ro Osvežitev obvestil
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ please enter your password notifications ru Пароль
poll interval notifications ru Интервал опросов
preferences for notification notifications ru Настройки Извещений
received notifications ru Получено
refresh notifications notifications ru Обновить уведомления
repeat login? notifications ru Повторить имя пользователя?
run application notifications ru Запустить приложение
save password notifications ru Сохранить пароль
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ please enter your password notifications sk Prosím zadajte svoje heslo
poll interval notifications sk Interval delenia
preferences for notification notifications sk Predvoľby pre Pripomienky
received notifications sk Doručené
refresh notifications notifications sk Obnovenie oznámení
repeat login? notifications sk Opakovať prihlásnie?
run application notifications sk otvoriť aplikáciu
save password notifications sk uložiť heslo
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ cookies are required to login to this site. notifications sl Piškotki se morajo
delete all messages notifications sl izbrišite vsa sporočila
delete notifications notifications sl Izbriši obvestila
delete this message notifications sl izbriši to sporočilo
disabled notifications sl Onemogočeno
disabled chains notifications sl Onemogoči verige
do not notify me at all notifications sl Sploh me ne obvesti
domain not found, please check serveraddress. notifications sl Domene ni mogoče najti, preverite naslov strežnika.
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ egroupware-popup backend admin sl EGroupware popup nazaj
egroupware-popup first, if that fails notify me by e-mail notifications sl Najprej preskusno okno EGroupware, če me ne obvesti po e-pošti
egroupware-popup only notifications sl Samo pojavna skupina EGroupware
egroupware-popup verbosity notifications sl EGroupware popup verbosity
email notifications only, if user is not logged in notifications sl Samo e-poštna obvestila, če uporabnik ni prijavljen
emailadmin profile only (do not use user defined (active) mail profiles for notification) admin sl Samo profil EmailAdmin. NE uporabljajte uporabniško določenih profilov aktivne pošte za obveščanje.
enable egroupware-popup backend admin sl Omogoči povratni konec programa EGroupware
enable windows-popup backend admin sl Omogoči povratni konec programa Windows
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ error ssl notifications sl Napaka SSL
exit notifications sl Izhod
folder notifications sl Mapa
from notifications sl Od
high notifications sl visoko
host: notifications sl Gostitelj:
how verbose should the egroupware-popup behave if a notification is sent to the user:<br />low: just display the notification bell in the topmenu - topmenu must be enabled!<br />medium: bring notification window to front<br />high: bring notification window to front and let the browser do something to announce itself notifications sl Kako bi se obnašal program EGroupware-Popup, če bo uporabniku poslano obvestilo: <br /> nizko: samo v zgornjem meniju prikažite zvonjenje za obvestila - glavni meni mora biti omogočen! <br /> medij: prinesite obvestilno okno na sprednji strani <br /> visoko: prinesite obvestilno okno na sprednji strani in dovolite, da brskalnik naredi nekaj, da se napove
if set, embedded links get rendered special for external clients notifications sl Če je nastavljeno, vdelane povezave postanejo posebne za zunanje naročnike
@ -56,17 +55,13 @@ last month notifications sl Prejšnji mesec
linked entries: common sl Povezani vnosi:
login aborted, application exit? notifications sl Prijava prekinjena, izstop iz aplikacije?
login in egroupware: notifications sl prijava v EGroupware:
low notifications sl nizka
mail backend admin sl Pošta beckend
mark all as read notifications sl označi vse kot prebrano
mark as read notifications sl Označi kot prebrano
medium notifications sl srednje
message from notifications sl Sporočilo od
minutes notifications sl minut
more info notifications sl Več informacij
next notifications sl Naslednji
notification common sl Obvestilo
notifications notifications sl Obvestila
notifier notifications sl Obveščevalec
notify me by notifications sl Obvesti me
open notified entry notifications sl odprti vnešeno obvestilo
@ -82,8 +77,8 @@ please enter your egroupware username. notifications sl Vnesite svoje uporabniš
please enter your password notifications sl Prosimo vnesite svoje geslo
poll interval notifications sl Interval ankete
preferences for notification notifications sl Lastnosti za obvestila
previous notifications sl prejšnji
received notifications sl Prejeto
refresh notifications notifications sl Osvežitev obvestil
repeat login? notifications sl Ponovite prijavo?
run application notifications sl zagnati aplikacijo
save password notifications sl shranite geslo
@ -99,7 +94,6 @@ the server certificate is not a valid trust center certificate! notifications sl
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your notifications sl Ta e-poštna obvestila o e-pošti so vam poslana po pošti, ker je vaša
this egroupware notification has been sent to you by mail because your chosen notification-chain has been disabled by the administrator. please choose another notification-chain in your preferences! notifications sl Ta e-poštna obvestila o e-poštni storitvi vam pošljemo po pošti, ker je skrbnik izbral vašo izbrano verigo obveščanja. V vaših željah izberite drugo vrsto obvestil!
this month notifications sl Ta mesec
today notifications sl danes
user: notifications sl Uporabnik:
warning notifications sl Opozorilo
windows-popup and e-mail notifications sl Windows popup in e-pošta
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ message from notifications sv Meddelande från
minutes notifications sv Minuter
notification common sv Meddelande
permission notifications sv Behörighet
refresh notifications notifications sv Uppdatera meddelanden
settings notifications sv Alternativ
signature admin sv Signatur
step notifications sv Steg
Reference in New Issue
Block a user