diff --git a/phpgwapi/inc/class.validator.inc.php b/phpgwapi/inc/class.validator.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88debbb2e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpgwapi/inc/class.validator.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+ERROR = "";
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Checks a string for whitespace. True or false
+ function has_space ($text)
+ {
+ if( ereg("[ ]",$text) )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ function chconvert ($fragment)
+ {
+ if ($fragment == 7) { $result = "rwx"; }
+ elseif ($fragment == 6) { $result = "rw-"; }
+ elseif ($fragment == 5) { $result = "r-x"; }
+ elseif ($fragment == 4) { $result = "r--"; }
+ elseif ($fragment == 3) { $result = "-wx"; }
+ elseif ($fragment == 2) { $result = "-w-"; }
+ elseif ($fragment == 1) { $result = "--x"; }
+ elseif ($fragment == 0) { $result = "---"; }
+ else { $result = "unk"; }
+ return($result);
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ function get_perms ($fileName )
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ $atrib = array();
+ $perms = fileperms($fileName);
+ if(!$perms)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "get_perms: Unable to obtain file perms on [$fileName]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $octal = sprintf("%lo", ($perms & 07777) );
+ $one = substr($octal,0,1);
+ $two = substr($octal,1,1);
+ $three = substr($octal,2,1);
+ $user = $this->chconvert($one);
+ $group = $this->chconvert($two);
+ $other = $this->chconvert($three);
+ if(is_dir($fileName))
+ {
+ $user = "d$user";
+ }
+ $atrib = array(
+ "octal" => $octal,
+ "user" => $user,
+ "group" => $group,
+ "other" => $other
+ );
+ return $atrib;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ function is_sane ($filename)
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if (!file_exists($filename))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "File does not exist";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!is_readable($filename))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "File is not readable";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!is_writeable($filename))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "File is not writeable";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(is_dir($filename))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "File is a directory";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(is_link($filename))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "File is a symlink";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Strips whitespace (tab or space) from a string
+ function strip_space ($text)
+ {
+ $Return = ereg_replace("([ ]+)","",$text);
+ return ($Return);
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Returns true if string contains only numbers
+ function is_allnumbers ($text)
+ {
+ if( (gettype($text)) == "integer") { return true; }
+ $Bad = $this->strip_numbers($text);
+ if(empty($Bad))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Strip numbers from a string
+ function strip_numbers ($text)
+ {
+ $Stripped = eregi_replace("([0-9]+)","",$text);
+ return ($Stripped);
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Returns true if string contains only letters
+ function is_allletters ($text)
+ {
+ $Bad = $this->strip_letters($text);
+ if(empty($Bad))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Strips letters from a string
+ function strip_letters ($text)
+ {
+ $Stripped = eregi_replace("([A-Z]+)","",$text);
+ return $Stripped;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Checks for HTML entities in submitted text.
+ // If found returns true, otherwise false. HTML specials are:
+ //
+ // " => "
+ // < => <
+ // > => >
+ // & => &
+ //
+ // The presence of ",<,>,& will force this method to return true.
+ //
+ function has_html ($text = "")
+ {
+ if(empty($text))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $New = htmlspecialchars($text);
+ if($New == $text)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // strip_html()
+ //
+ // Strips all html entities, attributes, elements and tags from
+ // the submitted string data and returns the results.
+ //
+ // Can't use a regex here because there's no way to know
+ // how the data is laid out. We have to examine every character
+ // that's been submitted. Consequently, this is not a very
+ // efficient method. It works, it's very good at removing
+ // all html from the data, but don't send gobs of data
+ // at it or your program will slow to a crawl.
+ // If you're stripping HTML from a file, use PHP's fgetss()
+ // and NOT this method, as fgetss() does the same thing
+ // about 100x faster.
+ function strip_html ($text = "")
+ {
+ if( (!$text) or (empty($text)) )
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ $outside = true;
+ $rawText = "";
+ $length = strlen($text);
+ $count = 0;
+ for($count=0; $count < $length; $count++)
+ {
+ $digit = substr($text,$count,1);
+ if(!empty($digit))
+ {
+ if( ($outside) and ($digit != "<") and ($digit != ">") )
+ {
+ $rawText .= $digit;
+ }
+ if($digit == "<")
+ {
+ $outside = false;
+ }
+ if($digit == ">")
+ {
+ $outside = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $rawText;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Returns true of the submitted text has meta characters in it
+ // . \\ + * ? [ ^ ] ( $ )
+ //
+ //
+ function has_metas ($text = "")
+ {
+ if(empty($text))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $New = quotemeta($text);
+ if($New == $text)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Strips " . \\ + * ? [ ^ ] ( $ ) " from submitted string
+ //
+ // Metas are a virtual MINE FIELD for regular expressions,
+ // see custom_strip() for how they are removed
+ function strip_metas ($text = "")
+ {
+ if(empty($text))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $Metas = array( '.','+','*','?','[','^',']','(','$',')' );
+ $text = stripslashes($text);
+ $New = $this->custom_strip($Metas,$text);
+ return $New;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // $Chars must be an array of characters to remove.
+ // This method is meta-character safe.
+ function custom_strip ($Chars, $text = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($text))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( (gettype($Chars)) != "array")
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "custom_strip: [$Chars] is not an array";
+ return false;
+ }
+ while ( list ( $key,$val) = each ($Chars) )
+ {
+ if(!empty($val))
+ {
+ // str_replace is meta-safe, ereg_replace is not
+ $text = str_replace($val,"",$text);
+ }
+ }
+ return $text;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Array_Echo will walk through an array,
+ // continuously printing out key value pairs.
+ //
+ // Multi dimensional arrays are handled recursively.
+ function array_echo ($MyArray, $Name = "Array")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if( (gettype($MyArray)) != "array") { return; }
+ $count = 0;
+ while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($MyArray) )
+ {
+ if($count == 0)
+ {
+ echo "\n\n
$Name Contents: | KEY | VAL |
+ }
+ if( (gettype($val)) == "array")
+ {
+ $NewName = "$key [$Name $count]";
+ $NewArray = $MyArray[$key];
+ echo "
+ $this->array_echo($NewArray,$NewName);
+ echo "\n\n$Name Continued: | KEY | VAL |
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo "";
+ $Col1 = sprintf("[%s][%0d]",$Name,$count);
+ $Col2 = $key;
+ if(empty($val)) { $val = ' '; }
+ $Col3 = $val;
+ echo "$Col1 | ";
+ echo "$Col2 | ";
+ echo "$Col3 |
+ }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ echo "Array [$Name] complete. |
+ echo "
+ return;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Valid email format? true or false
+ // This checks the raw address, not RFC 822 addresses.
+ // Looks for [something]@[valid hostname with DNS record]
+ function is_email ($Address = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($Address))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_email: No email address submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!ereg("@",$Address))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_email: Invalid, no @ symbol in string";
+ return false;
+ }
+ list($User,$Host) = split("@",$Address);
+ if ( (empty($User)) or (empty($Address)) )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_email: missing data [$User]@[$Host]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( ($this->has_space($User)) or ($this->has_space($Host)) )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_email: Whitespace in [$User]@[$Host]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Can't look for an MX only record as that precludes
+ // CNAME only records. Thanks to everyone that slapped
+ // me upside the head for this glaring oversite. :)
+ if(!$this->is_host($Host,"ANY")) { return false; }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Valid URL format? true or false
+ // Checks format of a URL - does NOT handle query strings or
+ // urlencoded data.
+ function is_url ($Url = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if (empty($Url))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_url: No URL submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Wow, the magic of parse_url!
+ $UrlElements = parse_url($Url);
+ if( (empty($UrlElements)) or (!$UrlElements) )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_url: Parse error reading [$Url]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $scheme = $UrlElements[scheme];
+ $HostName = $UrlElements[host];
+ if(empty($scheme))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_url: Missing protocol declaration";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(empty($HostName))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_url: No hostname in URL";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!eregi("^(ht|f)tp",$scheme))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_url: No http:// or ftp://";
+ return false;
+ }
+ ## padraic renaghan change for bookmarker ver 1.4 bug 69
+ ## if hostname is an ip address, check the validity of
+ ## the ip address, otherwise check as if host name
+ ## is specified.
+ if (ereg("[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+",$HostName)) {
+ if(!$this->is_ipaddress($HostName)) { return false; }
+ } else {
+ if(!$this->is_hostname($HostName)) { return false; }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // URL responds to requests? true or false
+ // This will obviously fail if you're not connected to
+ // the internet, or if there are connection problems. (firewall etc)
+ function url_responds ($Url = "")
+ {
+ global $php_errormsg;
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($Url))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "url_responds: No URL submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$this->is_url($Url)) { return false; }
+ $fd = @fopen($Url,"r");
+ if(!$fd)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "url_responds: Failed : $php_errormsg";
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @fclose($fd);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Valid phone number? true or false
+ // Tries to validate a phone number
+ // Strips (,),-,+ from number prior to checking
+ // Less than 7 digits = fail
+ // More than 13 digits = fail
+ // Anything other than numbers after the stripping = fail
+ function is_phone ($Phone = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($Phone))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_phone: No Phone number submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $Num = $Phone;
+ $Num = $this->strip_space($Num);
+ $Num = eregi_replace("(\(|\)|\-|\+)","",$Num);
+ if(!$this->is_allnumbers($Num))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_phone: bad data in phone number";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( (strlen($Num)) < 7)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_phone: number is too short [$Num][$Phone]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 000 000 000 0000
+ // CC AC PRE SUFX = max 13 digits
+ if( (strlen($Num)) > 13)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_phone: number is too long [$Num][$Phone]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Valid, fully qualified hostname? true or false
+ // Checks the -syntax- of the hostname, not it's actual
+ // validity as a reachable internet host
+ function is_hostname ($hostname = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ $web = false;
+ if(empty($hostname))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: No hostname submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Only a-z, 0-9, and "-" or "." are permitted in a hostname
+ // Patch for POSIX regex lib by Sascha Schumann sas@schell.de
+ $Bad = eregi_replace("[-A-Z0-9\.]","",$hostname);
+ if(!empty($Bad))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: invalid chars [$Bad]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // See if we're doing www.hostname.tld or hostname.tld
+ if(eregi("^www\.",$hostname))
+ {
+ $web = true;
+ }
+ // double "." is a not permitted
+ if(ereg("\.\.",$hostname))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Double dot in [$hostname]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(ereg("^\.",$hostname))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: leading dot in [$hostname]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $chunks = explode(".",$hostname);
+ if( (gettype($chunks)) != "array")
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Invalid hostname, no dot seperator [$hostname]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $count = ( (count($chunks)) - 1);
+ if($count < 1)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Invalid hostname [$count] [$hostname]\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Bug that can't be killed without doing an is_host,
+ // something.something will return TRUE, even if it's something
+ // stupid like NS.SOMETHING (with no tld), because SOMETHING is
+ // construed to BE the tld. The is_bigfour and is_country
+ // checks should help eliminate this inconsistancy. To really
+ // be sure you've got a valid hostname, do an is_host() on it.
+ if( ($web) and ($count < 2) )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Invalid hostname [$count] [$hostname]\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $tld = $chunks[$count];
+ if(empty($tld))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: No TLD found in [$hostname]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$this->is_bigfour($tld))
+ {
+ if(!$this->is_country($tld))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_hostname: Unrecognized TLD [$tld]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ function is_bigfour ($tld)
+ {
+ if(empty($tld))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(eregi("^\.",$tld))
+ {
+ $tld = eregi_replace("^\.","",$tld);
+ }
+ $BigFour = array (com=>com,edu=>edu,net=>net,org=>org,gov=>gov,mil=>mil,int=>int);
+ $tld = strtolower($tld);
+ if(isset($BigFour[$tld]))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Hostname is a reachable internet host? true or false
+ function is_host ($hostname = "", $type = "ANY")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($hostname))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_host: No hostname submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$this->is_hostname($hostname)) { return false; }
+ if(!checkdnsrr($hostname,$type))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_host: no DNS records for [$hostname].";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Dotted quad IPAddress within valid range? true or false
+ // Checks format, leading zeros, and values > 255
+ // Does not check for reserved or unroutable IPs.
+ function is_ipaddress ($IP = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($IP))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: No IP address submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // 123456789012345
+ // xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
+ $len = strlen($IP);
+ if( $len > 15 )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: too long [$IP][$len]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $Bad = eregi_replace("([0-9\.]+)","",$IP);
+ if(!empty($Bad))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: Bad data in IP address [$Bad]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $chunks = explode(".",$IP);
+ $count = count($chunks);
+ if ($count != 4)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: not a dotted quad [$IP]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($chunks) )
+ {
+ if(ereg("^0",$val))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: Invalid IP segment [$val]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $Num = $val;
+ settype($Num,"integer");
+ if($Num > 255)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: Segment out of range [$Num]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } // end is_ipaddress
+ // ************************************************************
+ // IP address is valid, and resolves to a hostname? true or false
+ function ip_resolves ($IP = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($IP))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "ip_resolves: No IP address submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!$this->is_ipaddress($IP))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $Hostname = gethostbyaddr($IP);
+ if($Hostname == $IP)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "ip_resolves: IP does not resolve.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if($Hostname)
+ {
+ if(!checkdnsrr($Hostname))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: no DNS records for resolved hostname [$Hostname]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( (gethostbyname($Hostname)) != $IP )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_ipaddress: forward:reverse mismatch, possible forgery";
+ // Non-fatal, but it should be noted.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "ip_resolves: IP address does not resolve";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ function browser_gen ()
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ $generation = "UNKNOWN";
+ $client = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
+ if(empty($client))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "browser_gen: No User Agent for Client";
+ return $generation;
+ }
+ $client = $this->strip_metas($client);
+ $agents = array(
+ 'Anonymizer' => "ANONYMIZER",
+ 'Ahoy' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Altavista' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Anzwers' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Arachnoidea' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Arachnophilia' => "SPIDER",
+ 'ArchitextSpider' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Backrub' => "SPIDER",
+ 'CherryPicker' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'Crescent' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'Duppies' => "SPIDER",
+ 'EmailCollector' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'EmailSiphon' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'EmailWolf' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'Extractor' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'Fido' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Fish' => "SPIDER",
+ 'GAIS' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Googlebot' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Gulliver' => "SPIDER",
+ 'HipCrime' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'Hamahakki' => "SPIDER",
+ 'ia_archive' => "SPIDER",
+ 'IBrowse' => "THIRD",
+ 'Incy' => "SPIDER",
+ 'InfoSeek' => "SPIDER",
+ 'KIT-Fireball' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Konqueror' => "THIRD",
+ 'libwww' => "SECOND",
+ 'LocalEyes' => "SECOND",
+ 'Lycos' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Lynx' => "SECOND",
+ 'Microsoft.URL' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'MOMspider' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Mozilla/1' => "FIRST",
+ 'Mozilla/2' => "SECOND",
+ 'Mozilla/3' => "THIRD",
+ 'Mozilla/4' => "FOURTH",
+ 'Mozilla/5' => "FIFTH",
+ 'Namecrawler' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Scooter' => "SPIDER",
+ 'sexsearch' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Sidewinder' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Slurp' => "SPIDER",
+ 'SwissSearch' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Ultraseek' => "SPIDER",
+ 'WebBandit' => "SPAMMER",
+ 'WebCrawler' => "SPIDER",
+ 'WiseWire' => "SPIDER",
+ 'Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Opera/3' => "THIRD"
+ );
+ while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($agents) )
+ {
+ $key = $this->strip_metas($key);
+ if(eregi("^$key",$client))
+ {
+ unset($agents);
+ return $val;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($agents);
+ return $generation;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // United States valid state code? true or false
+ function is_state ($State = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($State))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_state: No state submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( (strlen($State)) != 2)
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_state: Too many digits in state code";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $State = strtoupper($State);
+ // 50 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
+ $SCodes = array (
+ "AK" => 1,
+ "AL" => 1,
+ "AR" => 1,
+ "AZ" => 1,
+ "CA" => 1,
+ "CO" => 1,
+ "CT" => 1,
+ "DC" => 1,
+ "DE" => 1,
+ "FL" => 1,
+ "GA" => 1,
+ "HI" => 1,
+ "IA" => 1,
+ "ID" => 1,
+ "IL" => 1,
+ "IN" => 1,
+ "KS" => 1,
+ "KY" => 1,
+ "LA" => 1,
+ "MA" => 1,
+ "MD" => 1,
+ "ME" => 1,
+ "MI" => 1,
+ "MN" => 1,
+ "MO" => 1,
+ "MS" => 1,
+ "MT" => 1,
+ "NC" => 1,
+ "ND" => 1,
+ "NE" => 1,
+ "NH" => 1,
+ "NJ" => 1,
+ "NM" => 1,
+ "NV" => 1,
+ "NY" => 1,
+ "OH" => 1,
+ "OK" => 1,
+ "OR" => 1,
+ "PA" => 1,
+ "PR" => 1,
+ "RI" => 1,
+ "SC" => 1,
+ "SD" => 1,
+ "TN" => 1,
+ "TX" => 1,
+ "UT" => 1,
+ "VA" => 1,
+ "VI" => 1,
+ "VT" => 1,
+ "WA" => 1,
+ "WI" => 1,
+ "WV" => 1,
+ "WY" => 1
+ );
+ if(!isset($SCodes[$State]))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_state: Unrecognized state code [$State]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Lets not have this big monster camping in memory eh?
+ unset($SCodes);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Valid postal zip code? true or false
+ function is_zip ($zipcode = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ if(empty($zipcode))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_zip: No zipcode submitted";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $Bad = eregi_replace("([-0-9]+)","",$zipcode);
+ if(!empty($Bad))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_zip: Bad data in zipcode [$Bad]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $Num = eregi_replace("\-","",$zipcode);
+ $len = strlen($Num);
+ if ( ($len > 10) or ($len < 5) )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_zipcode: Invalid length [$len] for zipcode";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ************************************************************
+ // Valid postal country code?
+ // Returns the name of the country, or null on failure
+ // Current array recognizes ~232 country codes.
+ // I don't know if all of these are 100% accurate.
+ // You don't wanna know how difficult it was just getting
+ // this listing in here. :)
+ function is_country ($countrycode = "")
+ {
+ if($this->CLEAR) { $this->clear_error(); }
+ $Return = "";
+ if(empty($countrycode))
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_country: No country code submitted";
+ return $Return;
+ }
+ $countrycode = strtolower($countrycode);
+ if( (strlen($countrycode)) != 2 )
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_country: 2 digit codes only [$countrycode]";
+ return $Return;
+ }
+ // Now for a really big array
+ // Dominican Republic, cc = "do" because it's a reserved
+ // word in PHP. That parse error took 10 minutes of
+ // head-scratching to figure out :)
+ // A (roughly) 3.1 Kbyte array
+ $CCodes = array (
+ "do" => "Dominican Republic",
+ ad => "Andorra",
+ ae => "United Arab Emirates",
+ af => "Afghanistan",
+ ag => "Antigua and Barbuda",
+ ai => "Anguilla",
+ al => "Albania",
+ am => "Armenia",
+ an => "Netherlands Antilles",
+ ao => "Angola",
+ aq => "Antarctica",
+ ar => "Argentina",
+ "as" => "American Samoa",
+ at => "Austria",
+ au => "Australia",
+ aw => "Aruba",
+ az => "Azerbaijan",
+ ba => "Bosnia Hercegovina",
+ bb => "Barbados",
+ bd => "Bangladesh",
+ be => "Belgium",
+ bf => "Burkina Faso",
+ bg => "Bulgaria",
+ bh => "Bahrain",
+ bi => "Burundi",
+ bj => "Benin",
+ bm => "Bermuda",
+ bn => "Brunei Darussalam",
+ bo => "Bolivia",
+ br => "Brazil",
+ bs => "Bahamas",
+ bt => "Bhutan",
+ bv => "Bouvet Island",
+ bw => "Botswana",
+ by => "Belarus (Byelorussia)",
+ bz => "Belize",
+ ca => "Canada",
+ cc => "Cocos Islands",
+ cd => 'Congo, The Democratic Republic of the',
+ cf => "Central African Republic",
+ cg => "Congo",
+ ch => "Switzerland",
+ ci => "Ivory Coast",
+ ck => "Cook Islands",
+ cl => "Chile",
+ cm => "Cameroon",
+ cn => "China",
+ co => "Colombia",
+ cr => "Costa Rica",
+ cs => "Czechoslovakia",
+ cu => "Cuba",
+ cv => "Cape Verde",
+ cx => "Christmas Island",
+ cy => "Cyprus",
+ cz => 'Czech Republic',
+ de => "Germany",
+ dj => "Djibouti",
+ dk => 'Denmark',
+ dm => "Dominica",
+ dz => "Algeria",
+ ec => "Ecuador",
+ ee => "Estonia",
+ eg => "Egypt",
+ eh => "Western Sahara",
+ er => 'Eritrea',
+ es => "Spain",
+ et => "Ethiopia",
+ fi => "Finland",
+ fj => "Fiji",
+ fk => "Falkland Islands",
+ fm => "Micronesia",
+ fo => "Faroe Islands",
+ fr => "France",
+ fx => 'France, Metropolitan FX',
+ ga => "Gabon",
+ gb => 'United Kingdom (Great Britain)',
+ gd => "Grenada",
+ ge => "Georgia",
+ gf => "French Guiana",
+ gh => "Ghana",
+ gi => "Gibraltar",
+ gl => "Greenland",
+ gm => "Gambia",
+ gn => "Guinea",
+ gp => "Guadeloupe",
+ gq => "Equatorial Guinea",
+ gr => "Greece",
+ gs => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
+ gt => "Guatemala",
+ gu => "Guam",
+ gw => "Guinea-bissau",
+ gy => "Guyana",
+ hk => "Hong Kong",
+ hm => "Heard and McDonald Islands",
+ hn => "Honduras",
+ hr => "Croatia",
+ ht => "Haiti",
+ hu => "Hungary",
+ id => "Indonesia",
+ ie => "Ireland",
+ il => "Israel",
+ in => "India",
+ io => "British Indian Ocean Territory",
+ iq => "Iraq",
+ ir => "Iran",
+ is => "Iceland",
+ it => "Italy",
+ jm => "Jamaica",
+ jo => "Jordan",
+ jp => "Japan",
+ ke => "Kenya",
+ kg => "Kyrgyzstan",
+ kh => "Cambodia",
+ ki => "Kiribati",
+ km => "Comoros",
+ kn => "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
+ kp => "North Korea",
+ kr => "South Korea",
+ kw => "Kuwait",
+ ky => "Cayman Islands",
+ kz => "Kazakhstan",
+ la => "Laos",
+ lb => "Lebanon",
+ lc => "Saint Lucia",
+ li => "Lichtenstein",
+ lk => "Sri Lanka",
+ lr => "Liberia",
+ ls => "Lesotho",
+ lt => "Lithuania",
+ lu => "Luxembourg",
+ lv => "Latvia",
+ ly => "Libya",
+ ma => "Morocco",
+ mc => "Monaco",
+ md => "Moldova Republic",
+ mg => "Madagascar",
+ mh => "Marshall Islands",
+ mk => 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of',
+ ml => "Mali",
+ mm => "Myanmar",
+ mn => "Mongolia",
+ mo => "Macau",
+ mp => "Northern Mariana Islands",
+ mq => "Martinique",
+ mr => "Mauritania",
+ ms => "Montserrat",
+ mt => "Malta",
+ mu => "Mauritius",
+ mv => "Maldives",
+ mw => "Malawi",
+ mx => "Mexico",
+ my => "Malaysia",
+ mz => "Mozambique",
+ na => "Namibia",
+ nc => "New Caledonia",
+ ne => "Niger",
+ nf => "Norfolk Island",
+ ng => "Nigeria",
+ ni => "Nicaragua",
+ nl => "Netherlands",
+ no => "Norway",
+ np => "Nepal",
+ nr => "Nauru",
+ nt => "Neutral Zone",
+ nu => "Niue",
+ nz => "New Zealand",
+ om => "Oman",
+ pa => "Panama",
+ pe => "Peru",
+ pf => "French Polynesia",
+ pg => "Papua New Guinea",
+ ph => "Philippines",
+ pk => "Pakistan",
+ pl => "Poland",
+ pm => "St. Pierre and Miquelon",
+ pn => "Pitcairn",
+ pr => "Puerto Rico",
+ pt => "Portugal",
+ pw => "Palau",
+ py => "Paraguay",
+ qa => 'Qatar',
+ re => "Reunion",
+ ro => "Romania",
+ ru => "Russia",
+ rw => "Rwanda",
+ sa => "Saudi Arabia",
+ sb => "Solomon Islands",
+ sc => "Seychelles",
+ sd => "Sudan",
+ se => "Sweden",
+ sg => "Singapore",
+ sh => "St. Helena",
+ si => "Slovenia",
+ sj => "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands",
+ sk => 'Slovakia (Slovak Republic)',
+ sl => "Sierra Leone",
+ sm => "San Marino",
+ sn => "Senegal",
+ so => "Somalia",
+ sr => "Suriname",
+ st => "Sao Tome and Principe",
+ sv => "El Salvador",
+ sy => "Syria",
+ sz => "Swaziland",
+ tc => "Turks and Caicos Islands",
+ td => "Chad",
+ tf => "French Southern Territories",
+ tg => "Togo",
+ th => "Thailand",
+ tj => "Tajikistan",
+ tk => "Tokelau",
+ tm => "Turkmenistan",
+ tn => "Tunisia",
+ to => "Tonga",
+ tp => "East Timor",
+ tr => "Turkey",
+ tt => "Trinidad, Tobago",
+ tv => "Tuvalu",
+ tw => "Taiwan",
+ tz => "Tanzania",
+ ua => "Ukraine",
+ ug => "Uganda",
+ uk => "United Kingdom",
+ um => "United States Minor Islands",
+ us => "United States of America",
+ uy => "Uruguay",
+ uz => "Uzbekistan",
+ va => "Vatican City",
+ vc => "Saint Vincent, Grenadines",
+ ve => "Venezuela",
+ vg => "Virgin Islands (British)",
+ vi => "Virgin Islands (USA)",
+ vn => "Viet Nam",
+ vu => "Vanuatu",
+ wf => 'Wallis and Futuna Islands',
+ ws => "Samoa",
+ ye => 'Yemen',
+ yt => 'Mayotte',
+ yu => "Yugoslavia",
+ za => "South Africa",
+ zm => "Zambia",
+ zr => "Zaire",
+ zw => "Zimbabwe"
+ );
+ if(isset($CCodes[$countrycode]))
+ {
+ $Return = $CCodes[$countrycode];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->ERROR = "is_country: Unrecognized country code [$countrycode]";
+ $Return = "";
+ }
+ // make sure this monster is removed from memory
+ unset($CCodes);
+ return ($Return);
+ } // end is_country
+ } // End class
\ No newline at end of file