mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 08:41:32 +01:00
reorganized tabs in addressbook edit
This commit is contained in:
@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ class uicontacts extends bocontacts
if (count($this->content_types) <= 1)
$content['nm']['col_filter']['tid'] = 'n';
$content['nm']['header_right'] = 'addressbook.index.right_add';
@ -880,6 +881,8 @@ class uicontacts extends bocontacts
function edit($content=null)
$tabs = 'general|cats|home|details|links|custom';
if (!is_object($this->link))
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['egw']->link))
@ -1081,7 +1084,10 @@ class uicontacts extends bocontacts
$readonlys[$field] = true;
// for editing the own account (by a non-admin), enable only the fields allowed via the "onw_account_acl"
// disable not needed tabs
$readonlys[$tabs]['cats'] = !($content['cat_tab'] = $this->config['cat_tab']);
$readonlys[$tabs]['custom'] = !$this->customfields;
// for editing the own account (by a non-admin), enable only the fields allowed via the "own_account_acl"
if (!$content['owner'] && !$this->is_admin($content))
foreach($this->get_fields('supported',$content['id'],$content['owner']) as $field)
@ -1448,7 +1454,7 @@ $readonlys['button[vcard]'] = true;
function setFileasOptions(input)
function setName(input)
var prefix = document.getElementById("exec[n_prefix]").value;
var given = document.getElementById("exec[n_given]").value;
@ -1457,6 +1463,15 @@ $readonlys['button[vcard]'] = true;
var suffix = document.getElementById("exec[n_suffix]").value;
var org = document.getElementById("exec[org_name]").value;
var name = document.getElementById("exec[n_fn]");
name.value = "";
if (prefix) name.value += prefix+" ";
if (given) name.value += given+" ";
if (middle) name.value += middle+" ";
if (family) name.value += family+" ";
if (suffix) name.value += suffix;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ business zip code addressbook de PLZ gesch
calendar uri addressbook de Kalender URI
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin de Kann über Setup >> Konfiguration geändert werden
car phone addressbook de Autotelefon
categories, notes, ... addressbook de Kategorien, Notizen, ...
cell phone addressbook de Mobiltelefon
change all organisation members addressbook de Alle Mitglieder der Organisation ändern
charset for the csv export addressbook de Zeichensatz für den CSV Export
@ -139,11 +140,13 @@ fieldseparator addressbook de Feldtrenner
for read only ldap admin de für nur lesendes LDAP
freebusy uri addressbook de Freebusy URI
full name addressbook de vollständiger Name
general addressbook de Allgemein
geo addressbook de GEO
global categories addressbook de Globale Kategorien
grant addressbook access common de Berechtigungen
group %1 addressbook de Gruppe %1
home address addressbook de Privatadresse
home address, birthday, ... addressbook de Privatadresse, Geburtstag, ...
home city addressbook de Stadt privat
home country addressbook de Land privat
home email addressbook de E-Mail privat
@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ modem phone addressbook de Modem
more ... addressbook de Mehr ...
moved addressbook de verschoben
multiple vcard addressbook de Mehrere VCards
name, address addressbook de Name, Adresse
no vcard addressbook de Keine VCard
number addressbook de Nummer
number of records to read (%1) addressbook de Anzahl der einzulesenden Datensätze (%1)
@ -265,6 +269,7 @@ type addressbook de Typ
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook de Aktualisiert einen einzelnen Eintrag durch Übergabe seiner Felder.
upload or delete the photo addressbook de Foto hochladen oder löschen
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 for the number) admin de URL mit denen Telefonnummern verlinkt werden sollen (%1 für die Nummber verwenden)
use an extra category tab? addressbook de Separaten Reiter für Kategorien verwenden?
use country list addressbook de Länderliste benutzen
use setup for a full account-migration admin de für eine komplette Benutzer Migration setup verwenden
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook de wird für Verküpfungen und die eigene Sortierung der Liste benützt
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ business zip code addressbook en Business Postal Code
calendar uri addressbook en Calendar URI
can be changed via setup >> configuration admin en Can be changed via Setup >> Configuration
car phone addressbook en Car Phone
categories, notes, ... addressbook en Categories, Notes, ...
cell phone addressbook en Mobile phone
change all organisation members addressbook en change all organisation members
charset for the csv export addressbook en Charset for the CSV export
@ -139,11 +140,13 @@ fieldseparator addressbook en Fieldseparator
for read only ldap admin en for read only LDAP
freebusy uri addressbook en Freebusy URI
full name addressbook en Full Name
general addressbook en General
geo addressbook en GEO
global categories addressbook en Global Categories
grant addressbook access common en Grant Addressbook Access
group %1 addressbook en Group %1
home address addressbook en Home address
home address, birthday, ... addressbook en Home address, Birthday, ...
home city addressbook en Home City
home country addressbook en Home Country
home email addressbook en Home EMail
@ -191,6 +194,7 @@ modem phone addressbook en Modem Phone
more ... addressbook en More ...
moved addressbook en moved
multiple vcard addressbook en Multiple VCard
name, address addressbook en Name, Address
no vcard addressbook en No VCard
number addressbook en Number
number of records to read (%1) addressbook en Number of records to read (%1)
@ -265,6 +269,7 @@ type addressbook en Type
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook en Update a single entry by passing the fields.
upload or delete the photo addressbook en Upload or delete the photo
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 for the number) admin en URL to link telephone numbers to (use %1 for the number)
use an extra category tab? addressbook en Use an extra category tab?
use country list addressbook en Use Country List
use setup for a full account-migration admin en use setup for a full account-migration
used for links and for the own sorting of the list addressbook en used for links and for the own sorting of the list
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
.cursorHand { cursor: hand; }
.countrySelect select { width: 150px; }
.emailCol div { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; }
.redItalic { color: red; font-style: italic; }
.fixedHeight,.telNumbers { height: 12px; }
@ -11,6 +13,7 @@
.photo img {
width: 60px;
min-height: 80px;
cursor: hand;
position: absolute;
@ -23,7 +26,7 @@
.checkAllArrow { padding-right: 5px; }
.typeIcon { height: 16px; width: 16px; }
position: absolute;
top: 10%;
left: 30%;
@ -32,6 +35,10 @@
background-color: #ffffff;
padding: 4px;
top: 97px;
left: 173px;
@ -32,6 +32,20 @@
<tr class="th">
<td colspan="2">
<tr class="row_on">
<td> {lang_Use_an_extra_category_tab?}</td>
<select name="newsettings[cat_tab]">
<option value="">{lang_No}</option>
<option value="True"{selected_cat_tab_True}>{lang_Yes}</option>
<tr class="th">
<td colspan="2"> <b>{lang_Contact_repository}</b></td>
@ -1,7 +1,59 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- $Id$ -->
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<grid class="uploadphoto">
<row disabled="!@jpegphoto">
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<button label="Ok" align="center" onclick="set_style_by_class('table','uploadphoto','display','none'); return false;"/>
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<description options=",,,n_prefix" value="prefix"/>
<textbox id="n_prefix" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setName(this);"/>
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<textbox id="n_given" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setName(this);"/>
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<textbox id="n_middle" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setName(this);"/>
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<textbox id="n_family" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setName(this);"/>
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<textbox id="n_suffix" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setName(this);"/>
<button label="Ok" onclick="set_style_by_class('table','editname','display','none'); document.getElementById(form::name('title')).focus(); return false;"/>
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@ -12,52 +64,78 @@
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<template id="addressbook.edit"/>
<image src="photo" class="photo" onclick="set_style_by_class('table','uploadphoto','display','inline'); return false;"/>
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<textbox id="n_given" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setFileasOptions(this);"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.name"/>
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<textbox id="n_middle" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setFileasOptions(this);"/>
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<textbox size="36" maxlength="64" id="title" span="2"/>
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<textbox id="n_family" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setFileasOptions(this);"/>
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<textbox id="n_suffix" size="35" maxlength="64" onchange="setFileasOptions(this);"/>
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<description value="department" options=",,,org_unit"/>
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<row valign="bottom" height="25">
<image src="private.png"/>
<description value="Addressbook" options=",,,owner"/>
<description value="Addressbook"/>
<menulist class="owner">
<menupopup id="owner" statustext="Addressbook the contact should be saved to" no_lang="1"/>
@ -65,78 +143,18 @@
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<image src="gohome"/>
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<textbox size="45" maxlength="64" id="adr_one_postalcode"/>
<description value="state" options=",,,adr_one_region"/>
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<menulist class="fullWidth">
<menupopup type="select-country" options="Select one,1" id="adr_one_countryname"/>
<row disabled="@disable_change_org">
<image src="check"/>
<checkbox label="change all organisation members" id="change_org" span="all" statustext="Apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content"/>
<row valign="top">
<image src="folder"/>
<description value="Categories"/>
<listbox type="select-cat" id="cat_id" rows="13" options=",width:99%"/>
@ -156,30 +174,26 @@
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<description options=",,,adr_two_street2"/>
<textbox size="45" maxlength="64" id="adr_two_street2" statustext="address line 2"/>
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<textbox size="5" maxlength="64" id="adr_two_postalcode" statustext="ZIP Code"/>
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<row height="30">
<image src="gear"/>
@ -191,31 +205,53 @@
<row valign="top">
<image src="private.png"/>
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<textbox multiline="true" rows="2" cols="40" id="pubkey"/>
<textbox multiline="true" rows="4" cols="40" id="pubkey"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.details" template="" lang="" group="0" version="1.3.001">
<template id="addressbook.edit.details" template="" lang="" group="0" version="1.3.004">
<grid width="100%" height="258" overflow="auto">
<description value="Notes" options=",,,note"/>
<row valign="top" disabled="@cat_tab">
<image src="folder"/>
<description value="Categories"/>
<listbox type="select-cat" id="cat_id" rows="3" options=",width:99%"/>
<row valign="top">
<textbox multiline="true" rows="4" cols="50" id="note"/>
<image src="edit"/>
<description value="Notes"/>
<textbox multiline="true" rows="6" cols="50" id="note"/>
<row class="th">
<description value="Custom fields"/>
<row valign="top">
<image src="gear"/>
<menupopup type="select-account" readonly="true" label="Created"/>
<hbox readonly="true" options="0,0">
<menupopup type="select-account" id="creator" readonly="true"/>
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<row valign="top" height="100%">
<customfields id="customfields"/>
<description value="Last modified"/>
<hbox readonly="true" options="0,0">
<menupopup type="select-account" id="modifier" readonly="true"/>
<date-time id="modified" class="leftPad5" readonly="true"/>
@ -226,7 +262,7 @@
<row disabled="@view">
<row class="th" disabled="@view">
<description value="Create new links"/>
@ -241,6 +277,21 @@
<template id="addressbook.edit.custom" template="" lang="" group="0" version="1.3.004">
<grid width="100%" height="258" class="row_on" spacing="0" padding="0" overflow="auto">
<row class="th" height="20">
<description value="Custom fields"/>
<row height="100%">
<customfields id="customfields"/>
<template id="addressbook.editphones" template="" lang="" group="0" version="1.3.002">
<grid class="editphones">
@ -328,7 +379,7 @@
<template id="addressbook.edit" template="" lang="" group="0" version="1.3.003">
<template id="addressbook.edit" template="" lang="" group="0" version="1.3.004">
<column width="450"/>
@ -341,7 +392,7 @@
<menulist class="fileas">
<menupopup data="" rows="1" cols="3" id="fileas_type" no_lang="1"/>
<menupopup rows="1" cols="3" id="fileas_type" no_lang="1" blur="Name" statustext="own sorting"/>
@ -361,18 +412,20 @@
<row valign="top">
<tab label="Personal" statustext=""/>
<tab label="Organisation" statustext=""/>
<tab label="Private" statustext=""/>
<tab label="Details" statustext=""/>
<tab label="Links" statustext=""/>
<tab label="General" statustext="Name, Address"/>
<tab label="Categories" statustext="Categories"/>
<tab label="Private" statustext="Home address, Birthday, ..."/>
<tab label="Details" statustext="Categories, Notes, ..."/>
<tab label="Links" statustext="Links"/>
<tab label="Extra" statustext="Custom fields"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.personal"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.organisation"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.general"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.cats"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.home"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.details"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.links"/>
<template id="addressbook.edit.custom"/>
@ -448,21 +501,6 @@
<hbox options="0,0">
<menulist class="leftPad5">
<menupopup type="select-account" id="creator" readonly="true" label="Created"/>
<date-time id="created" class="leftPad5" readonly="true"/>
<hbox align="right">
<description value="Last modified"/>
<menupopup type="select-account" id="modifier" readonly="true"/>
<date-time id="modified" readonly="true"/>
<row disabled="@hidebuttons">
<button label="Edit" id="button[edit]" onclick="window.open(egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=addressbook.uicontacts.edit&contact_id=$cont[id]'),'_blank','dependent=yes,width=850,height=440,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); return false;"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user