mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 16:30:22 +01:00
generate package changelog automatic from svn log messages since the last svn tag
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ $config = array(
'obs' => false,
'changelog' => false, // eg. '* 1. Zeile\n* 2. Zeile' for debian.changes
'changelog_packager' => 'Ralf Becker <rb@stylite.de>',
'svntag' => 'Stylite-EPL-$version.$packaging', // eg. '$version.$packaging'
'editsvnchangelog' => '* ',
'editor' => '/usr/bin/vi',
'svntag' => 'tags/Stylite-EPL-$version.$packaging', // eg. '$version.$packaging'
'skip' => array(),
'run' => array('svntag','checkout','copy','virusscan','create','sign')
@ -85,6 +87,14 @@ while(($arg = array_shift($argv)))
$config[$name] = $value;
case 'editsvnchangelog':
$config[$name] = $value ? $value : true;
if (!in_array('editsvnchangelog',$config['run']))
case 'obs':
if (!is_dir($value))
@ -112,8 +122,152 @@ $svn = $config['svn'];
foreach(array_diff($config['run'],$config['skip']) as $func)
$func = 'do_'.$func;
* Query changelog from svn and let user edit it
function do_editsvnchangelog()
global $config,$svn,$verbose;
echo "Querying changelog from SVN\n";
if (!isset($config['modules']))
// query changelog per repo
$changelog = '';
foreach($config['modules'] as $repo => $modules)
$branch_url = '';
$revision = null;
foreach($modules as $path => $url)
$module = basename($path);
$burl = substr($url,0,-strlen($module)-1);
if (empty($branch_url) || $burl != $branch_url)
if (empty($branch_url)) $url = $branch_url = $burl;
//if (count($config['modules']) > 1) $changelog .= $url."\n";
$changelog .= get_changelog_from_svn($url,$config['editsvnchangelog'],$revision);
$logfile = tempnam('/tmp','checkout-build-archives');
$cmd = $config['editor'].' '.escapeshellarg($logfile);
$config['changlog'] = file_get_contents($logfile);
// allow user to abort, by deleting the changelog
if (strlen($config['changlog']) <= 2)
die("\nChangelog must not be empty --> aborting\n\n");
* Read changelog for given branch from (last) tag or given revision from svn
* @param string $branch_url='svn+ssh://svn@svn.stylite.de/egroupware/branches/Stylite-EPL-10.1'
* @param string $log_pattern=null a preg regular expression or start of line a log message must match, to be returned
* if regular perl regular expression given only first expression in brackets \\1 is used,
* for a start of line match, only the first line is used, otherwise whole message is used
* @param string $revision=null from which to HEAD the log should be retrieved, default search revision of latest tag in ^/tags
* @param string $prefix='* ' prefix, which if not presend should be added to all log messages
function get_changelog_from_svn($branch_url,$log_pattern=null,&$revision,$prefix='* ')
//echo __FUNCTION__."('$branch_url','$log_pattern','$revision','$prefix')\n";
global $config,$verbose,$svn;
if (is_null($revision))
list($tags_url,$branch) = explode('/branches/',$branch_url);
$tags_url .= '/tags';
$revision = get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$pattern,$matches);
$tag = $matches[1];
$revision = get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$tag=$revision);
$cmd = $svn.' log --xml -r '.escapeshellarg($revision.':HEAD').' '.escapeshellarg($branch_url);
if (($v = $verbose))
echo "Querying SVN for log from r$revision".($tag ? " ($tag)" : '').":\n$cmd\n";
$verbose = false; // otherwise no $output!
$output = array();
$verbose = $v;
array_shift($output); // remove the command
$xml = simplexml_load_string($output=implode("\n",$output));
$message = '';
$pattern_len = strlen($log_pattern);
$prefix_len = strlen($prefix);
foreach($xml as $log)
$msg = $log->msg;
if ($log_pattern[0] == '/' && preg_match($log_pattern,$msg,$matches))
$msg = $matches[1];
elseif($log_pattern && $log_pattern[0] != '/' && substr($msg,0,$pattern_len) == $log_pattern)
list($msg) = explode("\n",$msg);
continue; // no match --> ignore
if ($prefix_len && substr($msg,0,$prefix_len) != $prefix) $msg = $prefix.$msg;
$message .= $msg."\n";
if ($verbose) echo $message;
return $message;
* Get revision of last svn tag matching a given pattern in the log message
* @param string $tags_url
* @param string $pattern which has to be contained in the log message (NOT the tag itself)
* or (perl) regular expression against which log message is matched
* @param array &$matches=null on return matches of preg_match
* @return int revision of last svn tag matching pattern
function get_last_svn_tag($tags_url,$pattern,&$matches=null)
global $config,$verbose,$svn;
$cmd = $svn.' log --xml --limit 10 '.escapeshellarg($tags_url);
if (($v = $verbose))
echo "Querying SVN for last tags\n$cmd\n";
$verbose = false; // otherwise no $output!
$output = array();
$verbose = $v;
array_shift($output); // remove the command
$xml = simplexml_load_string($output=implode("\n",$output));
foreach($xml as $log)
if ($pattern[0] != '/' && strpos($log->msg,$pattern) !== false ||
$pattern[0] == '/' && preg_match($pattern,$log->msg,$matches))
if ($verbose) echo "Revision {$log['revision']} matches".($matches?': '.$matches[1] : '')."\n";
return (int)$log['revision'];
return null;
@ -436,9 +590,11 @@ function do_checkout()
* Create svn tag or branch
* Get module name per svn repro
* @return array with $repro_url => array(module1, ..., moduleN) pairs
function do_svntag()
function get_modules_per_repro()
global $config,$svn,$verbose;
@ -449,7 +605,6 @@ function do_svntag()
$config['svntag'] = strtr($config['svntag'],$translate);
echo "Creating SVN tag $config[svntag]\n";
// process alias/externals
$svnbranch = $config['svnbase'].'/'.$config['svnbranch'];
@ -465,6 +620,7 @@ function do_svntag()
list($path,$url) = preg_split('/[ \t\r\n]+/',$line);
if (!preg_match('/([a-z+]+:\/\/[a-z@.]+\/[a-z]+)\/(branches|tags|trunk)/',$url,$matches)) die("Invalid SVN URL: $url\n");
$repo = $matches[1];
if ($repo == 'http://svn.egroupware.org/egroupware') $repo = 'svn+ssh://svn@dev.egroupware.org/egroupware';
$config['modules'][$repo][$path] = $url;
// process extra modules
@ -479,12 +635,27 @@ function do_svntag()
if (strpos($module,'://') !== false) $module = basename($module);
if (!preg_match('/([a-z+]+:\/\/[a-z@.]+\/[a-z]+)\/(branches|tags|trunk)/',$url,$matches)) die("Invalid SVN URL: $url\n");
$repo = $matches[1];
if ($repo == 'http://svn.egroupware.org/egroupware') $repo = 'svn+ssh://svn@dev.egroupware.org/egroupware';
$config['modules'][$repo][$config['aliasdir'].'/'.$module] = $url;
return $config['modules'];
* Create svn tag or branch
function do_svntag()
global $config,$svn,$verbose;
echo "Creating SVN tag $config[svntag]\n";
if (!isset($config['modules']))
// create tags (per repo)
foreach($config['modules'] as $repo => $modules)
if ($repo == 'http://svn.egroupware.org/egroupware') $repo = 'svn+ssh://svn@dev.egroupware.org/egroupware';
$cmd = $svn.' cp --parents -m '.escapeshellarg('Creating '.$config['svntag']).' '.implode(' ',$modules).' '.$repo.'/'.$config['svntag'].'/';
@ -494,7 +665,7 @@ function do_svntag()
* Runs given shell command, exists with error-code after echoing the output of the failed command (if not already running verbose)
* @param string $cmd
* @param array &$output=null $output of command
* @param array &$output=null $output of command, only if !$verbose !!!
* @param int|array $no_bailout=null exit code(s) to NOT bail out
* @return int exit code of $cmd
Reference in New Issue
Block a user